a|Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt); a|by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference); a|ante, abb. a.; [in calendar expression a. d. = ante diem => before the day]; A|Aulus (Roman praenomen); (abb. A./Au.); [Absolvo, Antiquo => free, reject]; a|year; abb. ann./a.; [regnavit a(nnis). XLIIII => he reigned for 44 years]; ab|by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin/time); after (reference); abactius|stolen/rustled (of cattle); abactor|cattle thief, rustler; one who drives off; abactus|driven away/off/back; forced to resign (office); restrained by; passed (night); abactus|cattle thieving, stealing of cattle, rustling; abaculus|tessera/small cube of colored glass for ornamental pavements/wall mosaics; abacus|small table for cruets, credence, shelf/niche near altar for Eucharist; buffet; abacus|counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column; abaestuo|wave down; hang down richly (poet.); abagmentum|means for obtaining abortion?; abalienatio|transfer of property (legal), sale; cession; alienation; abalienatus|unfriendly, estranged; dead/mortified (medical, of tissues); abalieno|make alien; separate, abstract; alienate, estrange, make disaffected; abalieno|transfer (sale/contract); remove, take away, dispose of; numb/deaden; abambulo|go away; abamita|great-great-great aunt; (sister of abavus/gt-gt-grandfather); female ancestor; abante|in front (of); before; abante|from before/in front of; abarceo|keep away; abascantus|unenvied?; abavia|ancestress; great-great grandmother; abavunculus|great-great-great-great uncle; remote ancestor; abavus|ancestor, forefather; great-great grandfather, grandfather's grandfather; abax|counting-board; side-board; slab table; panel; square stone on top of column; Abba|Father; (Aramaic); bishop of Syriac/Coptic church; (false read obba/decanter); abbas|abbot; head of an ecclesiastical community; father; any respected monk (early); abbatia|abbey, monastery; abbatialis|of/pertaining to an abbot/abbey; abbey derived; abbatissa|abbess; abbatizo|be abbot; abbibo|drink (in addition), take in by drinking; drink in, absorb, listen eagerly to; abbito|approach, come/draw near; abbreviatio|abbreviation; diminution; epitome (Souter); shortening; abbreviator|summarizer; one who makes abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls; abbreviatus|abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted, narrowed; abbreviated; abbrevio|shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken; abbrocamentum|abbrochment, forestalling market/fair (buying before fair then retailing OED); abdicatio|renunciation; disowning/disinheriting (son); resignation/abdication (office); abdicative|negatively; abdicativus|negative; abdicatrix|renouncer (female); she who renounces/disclaims something; abdicatus|disowned/disinherited son; abdico|resign, abdicate; abolish; disinherit; renounce, reject, expel, disapprove of; abdico|be against, reject; withhold (someone's right); forbid by unfavorable omen; abdite|secretly; abditivus|removed, separated (from); abditum|hidden/secret/out of the way place, lair, (in) secret; abditus|hidden, secret, out of the way, remote, secluded; obscure/abstruse (meaning); abdo|remove, put away, set aside; depart, go away; hide, keep secret, conceal; abdomen|abdomen, paunch, lower part of the belly; gluttony; as indicative of obesity; abdominalis|abdominal; abduco|lead away, carry off; detach, attract away, entice, seduce, charm; withdraw; abductio|abduction, forcible carrying off; robbing; retirement (Vulg. Eccli.); abecedaria|elementary introduction; the ABC of the matter; abecedarium|alphabet; abecedarius|alphabetical; belonging to the alphabet; abecedarius|one who learns the ABC's; abecetuorium|act of tracing Greek and Hebrew alphabets on church floor while consecrating; abellana|filbert, hazel nut; abellanus|filbert/hazel (w/nut); of Abella (town in Campania noted for fruit/filberts); abeo|depart, go away; go off, go forth; pass away, die, disappear; be changed; abequito|ride away; aberceo|keep away; forbid; aberratio|diversion, relief; aberro|stray, wander, deviate; go/be/do wrong; be unfaithful; escape; disagree (with); abfero|bear, take away, remove, obtain, carry off/away, steal; (error for aufero); abfluo|flow/stream/issue (from); flow away; be abundant, abound (in w/ABL); abfugio|flee (from), shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear/vanish (things); abhibeo|hold at a distance; abhinc|since, ago, in past; from this time, henceforth; from this place, hence; abhorreo|abhor, shrink back; be averse to, shudder at; differ from; be inconsistent; abhorresco|dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin to shake/tremble/shudder/shiver; abhorride|roughly, improperly; in an unfit manner; abhorridus|rough, unsightly; abicio|throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply; abico|humble; cast aside/away/off, reject; abiegneus|made of fir, deal; abiegnius|made of fir, deal; abiegnus|made of fir, deal; wooden; abies|fir tree/wood; white/silver fir, spruce; thing of fir, ship, spear; sea weed; abietarius|of/pertaining to/concerned with timber or fir/deal; abietarius|timber merchant; carpenter, joiner; abiga|plant which has the power of producing abortion; abigeator|cattle stealer/thief, rustler; abigeatus|cattle stealing, rustling; abigeus|cattle stealer/thief, rustler; abigo|drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder (cattle), rustle; seduce; abigo|remove/cure (disease); drive away (an evil); force birth; procure abortion; abigo|drive/send away/off; expel, repel; steal, plunder (cattle), rustle; seduce; abigo|remove/cure (disease); drive away (an evil); force birth; procure abortion; abinde|from that source, thence; abinvicem|mutually; (usually as two words); from one another; abitio|departure; going away, departing; abito|go away, depart; abitus|departure, removal; going away; way out, exit, outlet, passage out, egress; abjecte|in spiritless manner; in humble circumstances, lowly; negligently; cowardly; abjectio|dejection; a casting down/out; outcast; abjecto|throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply; abjectus|downcast, dejected; humble, low, common, mean; subservient; base, sordid, vile; abjicio|throw/cast away/down/aside; abandon; slight; humble; debase; sell too cheaply; abjudicativus|negative; abjudico|deprive by judicial verdict; give judgment against; reject; deny an oath; abjugo|separate (from), remove; loose from the yoke; abjungo|unyoke, remove, separate; unharness; remove part, split; cut off from, detach; abjuratio|abjuration, process where heretics/apostates/schismatics renounce their errors; abjuratio|forswearing, denial under oath; perjury; abjurgo|take away in settlement of a quarrel; deny/refuse reproachfully (L+S); abjuro|repudiate (obligation or duty); deny on oath (falsely); abjure; perjure; ablactatio|act/process of weaning a child; ablacto|wean; ablacuo|loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees); ablacuo|loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees); ablaqueatio|act/process of loosening/weeding soil at base/roots of a tree; ablaqueo|loosen/weed the soil at the roots (of trees); ablatio|removal, taking away; ablativus|ablative (gram.); ablativus|ablative case (with or without casus) (gram.); ablator|one who takes away/removes; ablegatio|dispatch, sending away/off; dispatch on a duty; ablego|send away/off (on a mission); banish, get rid of; remove/delete a word; ablepsia|blindness; abligurio|eat up (dainties); consume in dainty living; waste, squander; waste in feasting; abligurrio|eat up (dainties); consume in dainty living; waste, squander; waste in feasting; abloco|place a contract for (work), hire; let/lease/rent (house); abludo|differ from; fall short of; play out of tune; abluo|wash away/off/out, blot out, purify, wash, cleanse; dispel (infection); quench; ablutio|washing, ablution; pouring on (mixture of water and wine) in the liturgy; abluvio|erosion; abluvium|flooding of rivers, inundation; abmatertera|great-great-great aunt (mother's side); abnato|swim away from; swim off; abnegatio|denial; abnegativus|negative; abnegator|denier, one who denies; abnego|deny; decline (to), refuse, reject; refuse to give, withhold (what is due); abnepos|great-great grandson; indefinitely distant descendent; abneptis|great-great granddaughter; indefinitely distant female descendent; abnocto|spend the night out, stay away all night; spend the night away from Rome; abnodo|cut off knots; clear trees of knots; abnormalis|abnormal; abnormis|of/belonging to no school (of philosophy); deviating from the rule; irregular; abnueo|refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out; abnuitio|negation; abnumero|count up, reckon up; abnuo|refuse, decline; deny (guilt); refuse by a sign, shake head; reject; rule out; abnutivum|refusal, denying; abnutivus|negative; abnuto|deny/refuse/forbid (w/shake of head) repeatedly; forbid; abolefacio|destroy; abolefio|be destroyed; (abolefacio PASS); aboleo|destroy, efface, obliterate; kill; banish, dispel; put end to. abolish, rescind; abolesco|decay gradually, shrivel, wilt; vanish, disappear; die out; fall into disuse; abolitio|cancellation, annulment (law); withdrawal (charge), amnesty; obliteration; abolitor|one who takes away a thing; one who casts a thing into oblivion; abolla|cloak (thick wool, for soldiers/peasants), mantle; wearer of a cloak; abominabilis|detestable, hateful, abominable; worthy of destruction; abominamentum|abomination, detestable thing; abominandus|ill-omened, of evil omen; detestable, odious; execrable, abominable; abominanter|abominably, detestably; abominatio|aversion, detestation, loathing; abominatus|abominated/detested; accursed; abomino|avert; (seek to) avert (omen/eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor; abominor|avert; (seek to) avert (omen/eventuality) (by prayer); loathe, detest, abhor; abominosus|full of ill omens, portentous; aborigineus|aboriginal; (pertaining to) pre-Roman Italy/original founders of a city; aborior|pass away, disappear, be lost; miscarry, be aborted; set (sun/planet/star); aborisco|pass/fade away, disappear, be lost; aborsus|miscarriage; abortion; that which has been brought forth prematurely; abortio|abortion, miscarriage; premature delivery; procuring an abortion; abortio|miscarry; abortium|abortion; miscarriage; abortivum|abortifacient, that which caused abortion; contraceptive; premature birth; abortivum|abortion; miscarriage; means of procuring an abortion; abortivus|abortive; abortificient; contraceptive; addled; prematurely born; abortivus|one prematurely born; one addled; aborto|cast its young (beast) (give birth prematurely); abortum|miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; getting abortion; abortus|miscarriage; premature/untimely birth; abortion; dead fetus; getting abortion; abpatruus|great-great-great uncle (father's side); abra|maid; abrado|scratch/scrape/rub/wipe (off), shave; erase; wash/erode away; "knock off", rob; abrelictus|deserted, abandoned; abrenunciatio|repudiation, renunciation, renouncing; abrenuntio|renounce, repudiate (strongly); abripio|drag/snatch/carry/remove away by force; wash/blow away (storm); abduct, kidnap; abrodiaetus|living delicately, epithet of the painter Parrhasius; abrodo|gnaw off/away; abrogatio|repeal of a law; disregard, ignore, repudiate; cancel, rescind, revoke (honor); abrogo|abolish; repeal wholly, annul; remove, take away; abrotonites|wine prepared with the aromatic plant, southern-wood; abrotonum|aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine); abrotonus|aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine); abrumpo|break (bonds); break off; tear asunder; cut through, sever; remove, separate; abrupte|abruptly, suddenly; precipitously, steeply; hastily; rashly; here and there; abruptio|breaking, breaking off; separation, divorce; abruptum|steep ascent/decent; rough dangerous ways (pl.); abruptus|precipitous, steep; hasty; rash; uncompromising, haughty, aloof; abrupt, sudden; abruptus|broken, disconnected, abrupt; stubborn; abs|by (agent), from (departure, cause, remote origin (time); after (reference); abscedo|withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede (coasts); slough; abscessus|going away, departure, withdrawal, absence; remoteness; abscess; death; abscido|hew/cut off/away/out; fell/cut down; remove, separate/cut off/destroy, divide; abscido|take away violently; expel/banish; destroy (hope); amputate; prune; cut short; abscindo|tear (away/off) (clothing); cut off/away/short; part, break, divide, separate; abscise|abruptly, brusquely, curtly; shortly, concisely, distinctly; abscisio|loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption; abscissio|loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption; abscisus|steep, sheer, precipitous; abrupt, curt, brusque; restricted; cut off, severed; abscondeo|hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep; abscondite|abstrusely; profoundly; secretly; absconditum|hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret; absconditus|hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite; abscondo|hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep; abscondo|hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep; absconse|secretly; absconsio|shelter; absconsus|hidden, secret, concealed, unknown; absegmen|piece/slice/hunk of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump, mouthful, gobbet; absens|absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere (things), non-existent; absenthium|wormwood; absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey); absentia|absence; absence form Rome/duty; non-appearance in court; lack; absentio|holding back, restraining; absentivus|long absent; absento|send away, cause one to be absent; be absent; absida|arc, arc described by a planet; segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl; absida|apse, apsis; (arched/domed part of building, at end of choir/nave of church); absidatus|arched; vaulted; having arch/arches; absidiale|smaller apse (flanking larger one); (arched/domed part of church); absidiola|smaller apse (flanking larger one); (arched/domed part of church); absilio|rush/fly away (from); burst/fly apart; absimilis|unlike, dissimilar; absinthites|wine flavored with wormwood; absinthe; absinthium|wormwood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey); absinthium|wormwood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey); absinthius|containing wormwood (e.g., wine); (often mixed with honey to mask taste); absinthius|wormwood, absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey); absis|arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl; absisto|withdraw from; desist, cease; leave off; depart, go away from; stand back; absistus|distant, lying away; absit|"god forbid", "let it be far from the hearts of the faithful"; absocer|great-great grandfather of the husband or wife (in-law); absolute|completely, absolutely; perfectly; without qualification, simply, unreservedly; absolutio|finishing, completion; acquittal, release (obligat.); perfection; completeness; absolutismus|absolutism; absolutorium|means of deliverance from; absolutorius|favoring/securing acquittal; pertaining to acquittal/release; effecting a cure; absolutus|fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional; absolutus|absolute; absolvo|free (bonds), release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up; absone|harshly, discordantly; absonia|harshness; discordance; absono|have harsh/discordant/unpleasant sound; absonus|harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent; unsuitable, in bad taste; absorbeo|devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up; absorbeo|devour; overwhelm; swallow up/engulf, submerge; absorb, suck in; import; dry up; absorptio|drink, beverage; swallowing (Latham); absortio|victory, overwhelming; absortus|overwhelmed, swallowed up/engulfed/submerged/absorbed; (= absorptus); engulfing; absque|without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early); abstantia|distance; abstemia|distance; abstemius|abstemious, abstaining from drink; sober, temperate; moderate; fasting; saving; abstergeo|wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel; abstergo|wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel; absterreo|frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den; abstinax|abstemious, staying away from liquor; temperate/sparing in drink/food; abstinens|abstinent, temperate; showing restraint, self restrained; not covetous; chaste; abstinenter|abstinently, with self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously; abstinentia|abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint; integrity; parsimony; abstineo|withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of; absto|stand at a distance, stand off; keep at a distance; abstractio|separation; abstractus|abstract (as opposed to concrete); abstraho|drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split; abstrudo|thrust away, conceal, hide; suppress/prevent (emotion) becoming apparent; abstruse|secretly; remotely; abstrusely; abstrusio|removing, concealing; abstrusus|secret, reserved; concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite; abstulo|to take away, withdraw; absum|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; absum|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; absumedo|act of squandering/wasting/using up; consuming/devouring consumption; absumo|spend, waste, squander, use up; take up (time); consume; exhaust, wear out; absumptio|act of spending/using up; consumption; a consuming; absurde|as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately; absurditas|absurdity, incongruity, nonsense; absurdus|out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place; awkward, uncouth; absus|wad (of wool); absynthium|wormwood; absinthe, infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey); abundans|abundant; overflowing; abounding, copious, in large measure; overdone; rich; abundanter|abundantly; profusely, copiously; on a lavish scale; abundantia|abundance, plenty; riches; fullness; overflow, excess; discharge (of blood); abundatio|overflowing; abundance; overflow; abunde|abundantly; in profusion/abundance; more than enough; amply, exceedingly, very; abundo|abound (in), have in large measure; overdo, exceed; overflow; be rich/numerous; abundus|having plenty of water; copious (L+S, Late Latin); abusio|use of wrong synonym; catachresis, loose/improper use of a word/term/metaphor; abusive|loosely, catachresisly, by loose/improper use of language/term/metaphor; abusivus|misapplied; abusor|he who misuses; abusque|all the way from; from/since the time of; abusque|all the way from; from/since the time of; abusus|abusing, misuse, wasting; using up; abutor|waste, squander; abuse; misuse; use up; spend; exhaust; misapply (word); curse; abverto|turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate; abyssus|deep, sea; abyss; hell, infernal pit; bowels of the earth; primal chaos; ac|and, and also, and besides; acacia|acacia, gum arabic tree; gum of this or related trees. gum arabic; Academia|academy, university; gymnasium where Plato taught; school built by Cicero; academicus|academic; of the Academy/Academic philosophy/Cicero's Academics (views); acalanthis|small song-bird (of dark-green color); thistle-finch, goldfinch; acalephe|nettle (plant); acanos|thistle (plant); acanthicos|from pine-thistle; [only ~e mastiche => gum/mastich from pine-thistle/helxine]; acanthillis|wild asparagus; acanthinus|of/resembling bear's-foot/hellbore plant; (gum) arabic; of/made of cotton; acanthion|species of cotton plant or thistle; cotton thistle; acanthis|small song-bird (thistle/gold finch L+S); groundsel (plant Senecio vulgaris); acanthius|made from some species of cotton plant; acanthos|bear's-foot, (black) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/wood; acanthus|bear's-foot, (black) hellbore (plant); gum arabic tree/wood; acanthyllis|small song-bird; acanus|pine thistle; acapnos|obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless; acapnus|obtained without smoke (honey); burning without smoke (wood); smokeless; acarna|edible sea fish; acarne|edible sea fish; acarus|mite; acatalecticus|verse in which no syllable is wanting in the last foot (opp. catalecticus); acatalectus|verse in which no syllable is wanting in the last foot (opp. catalectus); acatalepsia|scepticism; acatholice|non-catholicly, in non-catholic manner; acatholicus|non-catholic; acation|kind of light Greek sailing boat; large sail; acatium|kind of light Greek sailing boat; large sail; acatus|light vessel/boat; acaunumarga|red marl (clayey limestone); (fertilizer used by Celts in Gaul/Britain); acaustos|incombustible; acaustus|incombustible; accano|sing to/with; accanto|sing to (person); sing at (place); accantus|accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast; accapito|admit subservience; acknowledge feudal liability; accedenter|nearly; accedentia|additional quality; accedo|come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute; acceleratio|speeding up, quickening, acceleration, hastening; acceleratrum|accelerator; accelero|speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate; accendium|kindling, setting on fire; accendo|kindle, set on fire, light; illuminate; inflame, stir up, arouse; make bright; accendo|inciter, instigator; accenseo|attach as an attendant to; add to; accensibilis|burnable, that may be burned; burning; accensus|reckoned among; attached, attending; accensus|attendant/orderly; supernumerary soldier (usu. pl.) [~ velatus => replacements]; accensus|lighting; kindling, setting on fire; accentiuncula|accent, intonation; accento|sing to (person); sing at (place); accentor|one who sings with another; accentus|accent, intonation, accentuation, intensity, tone; signal, blast; acceo|send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide; accepta|allotment, portion of land assigned to one person; acceptabilis|acceptable; acceptarius|allotment-holding; acceptator|one who accepts/approves; avenue/access/passage for admittance of the people; acceptatus|acceptable, welcome, pleasing; acceptilatio|formal release from an obligation; acceptio|taking (over), accepting, receiving; meaning; sense; accepto|receive regularly, take (payment/food); be given (name); submit to; grasp idea; acceptor|receiver; collector; believer, one who accepts as true; type of hawk; acceptorius|designed/fit/suitable for receiving; acceptrix|receiver (female); she who receives; believer, she who accepts as true; acceptum|receipts (vs. expenditures); favors; receipt side of account; written receipt; acceptus|welcome, pleasing; popular with, well liked; dear; received/credited (money); accersio|send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself accersitio|summons, sending for; [dies ~ => day of death]; accersitor|one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser; accersitus|brought from elsewhere, foreign; extraneous; self-inflicted (death); sent for; accersitus|summons, sending for; accerso|send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself accerso|send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself accessa|approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset; accessibilis|accessible; accessibilitas|accessibility; accessio|approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attack, onset (fever, rage); fit; accessito|approach repeatedly; keep on coming; accessorie|assessorily, in assessory/supplementary/adjunct manner; accessorius|assessory, adjunct; accessus|approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset; accidens|accidental happening, chance event, contingency; accident, circumstance; accidentalis|accidental; accidentia|chance, casual event, that which happens; accido|fall upon/down/to/at or near, descend, alight; happen, occur; happen to (DAT); accido|cut, cut into/down/up, hack, hew, fell; overthrow, destroy; cut short; weaken; accidt|happens, turns out, befalls; fall upon; come to pass, occur; accieo|send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide; accinctus|well girded; ready, prepared; strict (opp. negligens); accingo|gird on or about, surround; equip, provide (with); get ready, prepare (for); accino|sing to/with; accio|send for, summon (forth), fetch; invite; (w/mortum) commit suicide; accipio|take, grasp, receive, accept, undertake; admit, let in, hear, learn; obey; accipiter|hawk (any of several species); flying gurnard (fish); accipitrina|act of a hawk; rapacity; accipitro|tear, rend (like a hawk); accitio|calling, summoning; accitus|imported, brought from abroad; accitus|summons, call; acclamatio|acclamation, shout (of comment/approval/disapproval); crying against; brawling; acclamo|shout (at), cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud; acclaro|make clear, reveal, make manifest; acclinis|leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined (to); acclino|lay down, rest (on) (w/DAT), lean against/towards, incline (to); acclive|upward slope; acclivis|rising, sloping/inclining upward, ascending, up hill; steep; acclivitas|slope, ascent, upward inclination, steepness; acclivius|well-disposed; acclivus|rising, sloping/inclining upward, ascending, up hill; steep; accludo|close up, shut the door; accognosco|recognize (visually or by some other means); accola|neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant; accolens|neighbors, people of the neighborhood; accolo|dwell/live near; be a neighbor to; accommodate|fittingly, in a suitable manner; accommodatio|adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation; accommodatus|fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interest (of); favorably disposed (to); accommodo|adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to; accommodus|fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to; accomodate|fittingly, in a suitable manner; accomodatio|adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation; accomodatus|fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interests (of); favorably disposed (to); accomodo|adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to; accomodus|fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to; accongero|bear, bring forth; accordeon|accordion; accordo|agree with; harmonize; accordum|accord (musical); accorporo|incorporate, fit/join to; accredo|give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust; accresco|increase/swell, grow larger/up/progressively; be added/annexed to; arise; accretio|increase, an increasing, increment; accretus|overgrown with; encased in; accubitalia|covering spread over dining table couches; accubitatio|reclining (at meals), lying (at table); accubitio|reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch (L+S); accubitorius|pertaining to reclining (at table); accubitum|couch for large number of guests to recline at meals (triclinium/3 seats); accubitus|reclining (at meals), lying (at table); couch/seat; place for a couch (L+S); accubo|in a prone/recumbent position; accubo|lie near or by; recline at table; accudo|coin in addition; strike/stamp/mint (coin) (L+S); make more money, add wealth; accumbo|take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside; accumulate|copiously, abundantly; superabuntly; accumulatio|accumulation, heaping/piling up (earth); accumulator|heaper up; one who accumulates/amasses; accumulatrum|accumulator; accumulo|accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance; accurate|carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely; painstakingly, meticulous; accuratio|accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painstakingness; treatment (medical); accuratus|accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished; accuro|take care of, attend to (duties/guests), give attention to; perform with care; accurro|run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack; accurro|run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack; accursus|rushing up (to see or give help); attack; onset; accusabilis|blamable, reprehensible; accusatio|accusation, inditement; act/occasion of accusation; rebuke, reproof; accusativus|accusative/objective (applied to case); accusativus|accusative/objective case; accusator|accuser, prosecutor at trial; plaintiff; informer; accusatorie|accusingly; in the manner of a prosecutor/accuser; accusatorius|of/belonging to a public/professional prosecutor; accusatory, denunciatory; accusatrix|prosecutor at trial (female), accuser, plaintiff; accusito|accuse repeatedly; go on accusing; accuso|accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand; charge (w/crime/offense); accusso|accuse, blame, find fault, impugn; reprimand; charge (w/crime/offense); acedia|weariness (of body or soul); acedior|be morose/peevish; be weary (Souter); acediosus|wearied; listless; acentetus|flawless; without points or spots; (used in connection with crystals/gems L+S); aceo|be sour; acephalos|lacking the first syllable; acephalus|lacking the first syllable; beginning w/short syllable; lacking head/leader; acer|maple tree; wood of the maple tree; maple; acer|sharp, bitter, pointed, piercing, shrill; sagacious, keen; severe, vigorous; aceratus|mixed with chaff/husks (of clay for bricklaying); without horns (L+S); acerbe|stridently, with harsh sound; cruelly, harshly; with pain/severity; premature; acerbitas|harshness, severity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish, hardship; acerbitudo|harshness, severity; bitterness, sourness, ill feeling; anguish, hardship; acerbo|embitter; aggravate; make disagreeable; make worse; acerbum|calamity, misfortune; acerbus|harsh, strident, bitter, sour; unripe, green, unfinished; grievous; gloomy; acerneus|maple, of maple (wood); belonging to the maple tree; acernia|fish (unidentified); acernus|maple, of maple (wood); belonging to the maple tree; acerosus|having husks included (of flour/bread); acerra|box or casket for incense; acersecomes|long-haired/unshorn youth; one ever youthful; young favorite/"fair-haired boy"; acertas|sharpness, keenness; vehemence, force; severity; acerus|without wax; [mel ~ => honey flowing spontaneously from the comb]; acervalis|conclusion by accumulation; a piling up (of facts); acervalis|characterized by piling up; by accumulation; acervatim|in heaps/piles; in large quantities/scale; briefly; summarily, without order; acervatio|heaping/piling together; accumulation; amassing; acervo|heap/pile up; make into heaps/piles; massed/categorized together; cover with; acervus|mass/heap/pile/stack; treasure, stock; large quantity; cluster; funeral pile; acescentia|acidity, sourness; acesco|turn/become sour; acesis|form of malachite; sort of borax used in medicine; acetabulum|small cup (esp. for vinegar); (1/8 pint); cup-shaped part (plant); hip joint; acetarium|salad (seasoned); acetarum|salad prepared with vinegar; something that is prepared with vinegar; acetasco|become sour/vinegary; acetosus|vinegar; acetum|vinegar, sour wine; tang of vinegar; sourness of disposition; sharpness of wit; achaemenis|plant alleged to have magical properties; achantum|kind of frankincense; achanum|mute, stupid; disease of animals; acharis|unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful; acharistos|unpleasant, disagreeable; ungrateful; acharistum|eye salve; achariter|unpleasantly, disagreeably; acharna|edible sea fish; acharne|edible sea fish; achates|agate; acheta|male cicada, the "chirper"; achetas|male cicada, the "chirper"; Achillas|Achillas; (the Egyptian who murdered Pompey); achilleos|medicinal plant (said to be discovered by Achilles); milfoil, yarrow; Achilles|Achilles, Greek hero; (other Greeks); (typifying great warrior); Achilleus|Achilles, Greek hero; (other Greeks); (typifying great warrior); achlis|elk; moose; wild beast of the North; achor|scab/scald (on the head); achras|wild pear tree (Pirus amygdaliformis); achynops|plant (species of Plantago?); acia|thread, yarn; acicula|small pin (for a head-dress); acidatas|sourness/acidity (of the stomach); acide|unpleasantly; aciditas|acidity; acidulus|tart, slightly sour; acidum|acid substances (pl.) as solvents; acidus|acid/sour/bitter/tart; sour-smelling; soaked in vinegar; shrill; sharp-tongued; acies|sharpness, sharp edge, point; battle line/array; sight, glance; pupil of eye; acina|small berry; grape seed/pit; acinaces|short sword (Persian); short saber; scimitar; (contrary to gender rule OLD); acinarius|designed for holding grapes; acinaticius|prepared from dried grapes/raisins; acinos|kind of basil; acinosus|like/resembling grapes, of the vine; acinum|grape; ivyberry or other small berry; pip, (grape) pit/seed; acinus|grape; ivyberry or other small berry; pip, (grape) pit/seed; acipenser|fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish); acipensis|fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish); aciscularius|worker with an adze; stone-cutter?; acistarium|monastery; acisulus|little adze; aclassis|tunic (over the shoulders, unstitched); aclouthia|Divine Office (in Eastern Rite Churches), liturgical rite; aclys|small javelin with a strap; acna|measure/piece of land (120 feet square); acnua|square actus, a measure of land 120 yards square; acoenonetus|lacking in common feelings; without common sense; acoenonoetus|lacking in common feelings; without common sense; acoetis|wife; bed-fellow (L+S); acolitus|acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus); acoluthus|acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus); acolythus|acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus); acolytus|acolyte; cleric in minor orders; (ostiarius/exorcista/subdiaconus/diaconus); acona|pointed stones (pl.); aconiti|without labor, effortlessly; without dust (literally); aconiton|wolfbane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); aconite as a poison; aconitum|wolfbane, aconite (gnus Aconitum) (poisonous plant); aconite as a poison; acontias|meteor resembling a dart in flight; quick-darting snake (L+S); acontizo|shoot a dart; spout/gush forth (blood); acopos|stone used to treat fatigue; acopum|salve used to treat fatigue or pain; acor|bitter or tart flavor; sourness; tart/sour substance; acorion|sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root; acorna|kind of thistle; acoron|sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root; acoros|sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root; acorum|sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root; acorus|sweet/yellow flag/iris or its root; butchers's broom/reed/rush or its root; acosmos|unadorned, careless; acquiesco|lie with (w/cum), rest/relax; repose (death); acquiesce/assent/submit; subside; acquiesco|lie with (w/cum), rest/relax; repose (death); acquiesce/assent/submit; subside; acquiro|acquire (goods/money/adherents), obtain, gain, get; add to stock; accrue; acquisitio|acquisition; additional source of supply; acquisitrix|acquirer (female); acquisitus|strained, recherche; acra|promontory/headland; acratophorum|vessel for scented/unmixed wine; acredo|sharp/pungent taste; acredula|unknown bird/beast/animal; (thrush or owl? L+S); acriculus|shrewd, acute; irritable, sharp, testy; acridium|scammony (Convolvulus Scammonia); purgative resin from its tuber root; acrifolium|unknown tree of ill omen; acrimonia|acrimony; briskness; caustic/corrosive/pungent quality; indigestion; vigor; acritas|sharpness, keenness; vehemence, force; severity; acriter|sharply, vigilantly, fiercely; severely, steadfastly; keenly, accurately; acritudo|pungency, bitterness; keenness, energy, vigor; harshness, cruelty, fierceness; acro|extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant; acroama|entertainment at table/reading/music, act; reader, actor, singer, clown; acroamatarius|of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading entertainment; acroamaticus|of/belonging/pertaining to a musical/reading entertainment; acroasis|public lecture; acroaticus|of/for lectures only; esoteric; acrobates|acrobat; acrobaticus|acrobatic; acrochordon|type of wart; acrochordon|type of wart; acrocolefium|upper part of the foot of a swine; acrocorium|kind of onion; acrolithos|having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S); acrolithus|having extremities of marble (statues - the rest in wood L+S); acron|extremity; member of the body; stem of a plant; acropodium|base/pedestal of a statue; acror|pungency, bitterness; keenness, energy, vigor; harshness, cruelty, fierceness; acroterium|projection; ornament at angle of a pediment; projection acting as breakwater; acrozymus|slightly leavened; acrufolius|having prickly leaves; made of holly/holly-wood; acrum|promontory/headland (pl.); acsi|as if; (ac si); Act|Acts (abbreviation); [Acta Apostolorum => Acts, book of the Bible]; acta|sea-shore (as resort); beach; holiday (pl.), life of ease; party at seaside; actaea|baneberry (Actaea spicata) (poisonous) (also called Herb Christopher); actarius|short-hand writer, clerk, account/book-keeper, secretary; acte|dwarf-elder (Sambucus ebulus); actinophoros|ray-bearing kind of shellfish; actinosus|glorious; (full of rays); actio|act, action, activity, deed; incident;, plot (play); legal process, suit; plea; actionarius|shareholder; actito|act/plead frequently/repeatedly; take parts in play as actor, be actor in; actiuncula|short judicial harangue; unimportant speech; active|actively; (gram. like active verb); activitas|activity, movement, action; activus|active; practical; active (gram. mood); actor|actor, performer, doer; advocate; plaintiff; agent; player; actor|drover, herdsman; wielder; [actor habenae => slinger]; actorius|active; practical; active (mood) (gram.); actrix|stewardess; agent (female); plaintiff (female) (L+S); actu|actually; actualis|active, practical; actual; actualitas|actuality; reality (Ecc); existence; actualiter|actively; actuaria|fast passenger vessel with sails and oars; actuariola|small fast vessel (with sails and oars); row boat; barge; actuariolum|small fast vessel (impelled by oars); row boat; barge; actuarium|hunting; [~ limes=> 12 foot wide road between fields; ~ canes=> hounds]; actuarius|short-hand writer, clerk, account/book-keeper, secretary; actuarius|swift, nimble, light; of/serving to mark a cattle path/road between fields; actum|sharply, pointedly; acutely; actum|act, deed, transaction; acts (pl.), exploits; chronicles, (official) record; actuo|implement; actuate; actuose|actively, busily, energetically; passionately, eagerly; actuositas|activity, movement, action; actuosus|active, busy, energetic, full of life; acting with extravagant gesture; actus|act, performance (of play), delivery; action, deed; series/sequence; progress; actus|right of way/road for cattle; path, cart-track; land measure (120 ft.); actutum|immediately, instantly; forthwith, without delay; acuarius|maker/seller of needles/pins; acueo|accentuate; acuitas|insight; sharpness, perception; acula|small amount of water; small stream; little needle (L+S); aculeatus|prickly; stinging/sharp/barbed; subtle; inflicted by/having sting/spine/points; aculeolus|little needle/pin; aculeus|sting, spine, thorn, prickle, point, spike; barb; pang, prick; sarcasm; aculos|acorn/fruit of the ilex (holm oak or evergreen oak) (poss. holly); acumen|sharpened point, spur; sting; peak, promontory; sharpness/cunning/acumen; fraud; acuminarius|good for sharpening; [mola ~ => stone for sharpening weapons]; acuminatus|sharp, pointed, tapering; acumino|sharpen, make pointed, cut to a point; acuna|measure/piece of land (120 feet square), square actus; acuo|whet, sharpen, cut to a point; spur on, provoke, incite; come to a head (PASS); acupedius|swift of foot; acupenser|fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish); acupensis|fish (sturgeon?) (esteemed dainty dish); acupictura|embroidery; acupunctura|acupuncture; acus|husks of grain/beans, chaff; acus|needle, pin; hair-pin; pipefish, needlefish; detail; husks/chaff (pl.); acusticus|acoustic; acutale|somewhat sharply; pointedly; acutalis|pointed; acutarus|that sharpens instruments; acutatus|sharpened; acute|acutely, with intellectual penetration; shrilly; clearly (seeing), distinctly; acutor|whetter, sharpener, one that sharpens; acutule|somewhat sharply; acutulus|smart, clever; somewhat pointed; somewhat subtle (Cas); acutus|sharp, sharpened, pointed/tapering; severe; glaring; acute, wise; high-pitched; acutus|of small radius; acute (angle); acylos|acorn of the holm-oak; acyrologia|impropriety of speech; acysterium|monastery; ad|about (with numerals); ad|to, up to, towards; near, at; until, on, by; almost; according to; about w/NUM; adactio|action/process of administering an oath; forcing/bringing to (L+S); adactus|thrust; forcing/bringing together (L+S); bite, biting; adadunephros|precious stone; (Adad's - supreme god of Assyrians - kidney); adaequate|equally, to same extent; likewise; adequately; adaequatio|adjusting, adapting, making equal; adaequatus|equal; adequate; adaeque|equally, to same extent; so much; also, likewise, in a like manner; adaequo|equalize, make equal in height, come up to level; compare (to); be equal; raze; adaeratio|calculation of the area of a piece of land; valuing, appraising (L+S); adaero|calculate the area of a piece of land, appraise, value (in money), estimate; adaestuo|rush, roar, boil up; adaggero|heap (earth, etc.) up around/over; seethe, foam up; adagio|proverb; adage; adagium|proverb; adage; adagnitio|knowledge; adalgidus|chilly, very cold (climate); adalligo|bind/fasten to, attach; Adam|Adam; (Hebrew); (NOM S => Adam, not Ada, otherwise 1 DECL Ad...?); Adam|Adam; (from the Hebrew); [NOM S => Adam, not Ada (otherwise 1 DECL Ad...)]; adamanteus|steel; of adamant, adamantine; adamantinus|incorruptible, impregnable; inflexible; hard as adamant/diamond/steel; adamantis|plant (unidentified); adamas|steel, hardest iron (early); anything hard, adamant; white sapphire; diamond; adamator|lover; adambulo|walk beside/near; adamo|fall in love/lust with; love passionately/adulterously; admire greatly; covet; adamplio|enlarge, increase, widen; embellish; Adamus|Adam, first man; adamussim|exactly/precisely; accurately, with precision; according to a ruler/level (L+S); adapatio|adaption; adjustment; adaperio|throw open, open wide; unroll (scroll), open (book); uncover, reveal; open up; adaperio|throw open, open wide; unroll (scroll), open (book); uncover, reveal; open up; adapertilis|that may/can be opened; adapertio|uncovering, revealing, disclosure; opening (of eyes/mouth) (Souter); adapertivus|opening; adaptertus|open (doors, flowers), expanded; not sealed off (honey cells); adapto|adjust, modify; fit (to) (w/DAT); adaquo|water, supply with water, bring water to; obtain water; give to drink; adaquor|bring/procure water (for one's self); fetch water; adar|Adar, Jewish month; (twelfth in ecclesiastic year); adarca|salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy growth; adarce|salty deposit/effolescence on reeds; froth on sedge forming spongy growth; adaresco|become dry; dry up; adariarius|serving at the alter; adaro|plow carefully; adaucto|increase, add to the resources of; adauctor|augmenter; adauctus|increase, growth; adaugeo|increase, augment, intensify; supplement, make more; exaggerate, magnify; adaugesco|become greater/more numerous, increase; adaugmen|increase, additional quantity; augmentation; adbello|make war upon; adbibo|drink (in addition), take in by drinking; drink in, absorb, listen eagerly to; adbito|approach, come/draw near; adblatero|prattle, chatter; adbreviatio|abbreviation; diminution; epitome (Souter); shortening; adbreviator|summarizer; one who makes abstracts/epitomes from papal bulls; adbreviatus|abridged, shortened, cut off; straitened, contracted, narrowed; abbreviated; adbrevio|shorten, cut off; abbreviate, abstract; epitomize (Souter); break off; weaken; adcedenter|nearly; adcedentia|additional quality; adcedo|come near, approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute; adceleratio|speeding up, quickening, acceleration, hastening; adcelero|speed up, quicken, hurry; make haste, act quickly, hasten; accelerate; adcessibilis|accessible; adcessibilitas|accessibility; adcessio|approach; increase, bonus; accessory; attack, onset (fever, rage); fit; adcessitio|summons, sending for; [dies ~ => day of death]; adcessitor|one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser; adcessitus|summons, sending for; adcessus|approach, arrival; entry, admittance, audience; hostile approach/attack; onset; adclamatio|acclamation, shout (of comment/approval/disapproval); crying against; brawling; adclamo|shout (at), cry out against, protest; shout approval, applaud; adclaro|make clear, reveal, make manifest; adclinis|leaning/resting (on/against); sloping, inclined; disposed/inclined (to); adclino|lay down, rest (on) (w/DAT), lean against/towards, incline (to); adclive|upward slope; adclivis|rising, sloping upward; adclivitas|slope, ascent, upward inclination, steepness; adclivus|rising, sloping upward; adcludo|close up, shut the door; adcognosco|recognize (visually or by some other means); adcola|neighbor; one who lives nearby/beside; inhabitant; adcolens|neighbors, people of the neighborhood; adcolo|dwell/live near; be a neighbor to; adcommodate|fittingly, in a suitable manner; adcommodatio|adjustment, willingness to oblige, complaisance; fitting, adapting, adaptation; adcommodatus|fit/suitable/appropriate; suiting the interests (of); favorably disposed (to); adcommodo|adapt, adjust to, fit, suit; apply to, fasten on; apply/devote oneself to; adcommodus|fitting, convenient, suitable to, adapted to; adcredo|give credence to, believe; put faith in, trust; adcresco|increase/swell, grow larger/up/progressively; be added/annexed to; arise; adcretio|increase, an increasing, increment; adcretus|overgrown with; encased in; adcubitio|reclining (at meals), lying; adcubitorius|pertaining to reclining (at table); adcubitus|reclining (at meals), lying; adcubo|in a prone/recumbent position; adcudo|coin in addition; strike/stamp/mint (coin) (L+S); make more money, add wealth; adcumbo|take a place/recline at the table; lie on (bed), lie at/prone, lie beside; adcumulate|copiously, abundantly; superabundantly; adcumulatio|accumulation, heaping/piling up; adcumulator|heaper up; one who accumulates/amasses; adcumulo|accumulate, heap/pile up/soil; add by exaggeration; add, increase, enhance; adcurate|carefully, accurately, precisely, exactly; nicely; painstakingly, meticulous; adcuratio|accuracy, preciseness, care; carefulness, painstakingness; treatment (medical); adcuratus|accurate, exact, with care, meticulous; carefully performed/prepared; finished; adcuro|take care of, attend to (duties/guests), give attention to; perform with care; adcurro|run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack; adcurro|run/hasten to (help); come/rush up (inanim subj.); charge, rush to attack; adcursus|rushing up (to see or give help); attack; onset; addax|addax; (African antelope with twisted horns); addecet|it is fitting/proper, it behooves; addecimo|take the tenth part/a tenth; tithe; addendus|to be added/joined; addenseo|make more dense, close up (the ranks); addenso|thicken, make more dense; addico|be propitious; adjudge, sentence, doom; confiscate; award, assign; enslave; addicta|person (female) enslaved for debt or theft; addictio|adjudication (disputed property), assignment (of debtor to custody/creditor); addictus|devoted/addicted (to); (debt) slave (of); bound (to do something); bent upon; addictus|person enslaved for debt or theft; addisco|learn in addition/further/besides; learn; additamentum|addition; additional factor/amount/element; something added; additicius|additional, extra; additio|act of adding, addition; addititius|additional, extra; additivus|added, annexed; addivino|prognosticate, divine; addo|add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate; addoceo|teach new/additional accomplishments; addormio|fall asleep, go to sleep; begin to sleep; addormisco|fall asleep; addubito|doubt, be doubtful/uncertain; hesitate (to), hesitate over a situation; adduco|lead up/to/away; bring up/to; persuade, induce; lead, bring; contract, tighten; adducte|strictly, tightly; with close control; adductor|procurer; adductus|contracted, drawn together; frowning, grave; compressed, terse; strict, severe; adedo|eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode; adedo|eat up, eat into/away at, nibble, squander; wear down, exhaust; erode; adelphis|kind of date (hanging two together like brothers - Adelphi-The Brothers, play) ademptio|taking away, removal, deprivation; revocation (of legacy); withholding (right); ademptor|one who takes away; adeo|to such a degree/pass/point; precisely, exactly; thus far; indeed, truly, even; adeo|approach; attack; visit, address; undertake; take possession (inheritance); adeps|fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.); sapwood; adeptio|act of obtaining, attainment, achievement; adeptus|attainment, an obtaining; adequito|ride up to/towards/near, gallop up; aderator|worshiper, one who adores; aderro|stray towards/near; wander to/by; adesco|feed; fatten; adesdum|come hither; (ades dum); adessurio|be very hungry/starving; adesurio|be very hungry/starving; adesus|eaten, gnawed; worn away by water, eroded; [adesi lapides => smooth/polished]; adfaber|made/prepared ingeniously/skillfully/with art; ingenious, skilled in art; adfabilis|easy of access/to talk to, affable, friendly, courteous; sympathetic (words); adfabilitas|affability, friendliness, courtesy; adfabiliter|conversationally, in informal/friendly discourse; adfabre|skillfully, ingeniously, artistically; adfabricatus|fitted/added to by art; adfamen|greeting, salutation, address; adfania|trifling talk (pl.), chatter; idle jests; adfatim|sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction; adfatus|address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance (of); adfectatio|seeking/striving for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for; claiming; adfectato|studiously, zealously; adfectator|aspirant, zealous seeker (of), one who strives to obtain/produce; adfectatus|studied, artificial, affected; adfecte|deeply, with (strong) affection; adfectio|mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, love; purpose; adfectiose|affectionately; adfectiose|feelingly; with (kindly) feeling; adfectiosus|full of (kindly) feeling; adfectiosus|full of affection/attachment; adfecto|aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend; adfector|aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend; adfectrix|aspirant (female); she who seeks/strives for (thing); adfectualis|depending on a temporary condition; adfectuose|affectionately, kindly; adfectuose|feelingly; with (kindly) feeling; adfectuosus|full of (kindly) feeling; adfectuosus|affectionate, kind, full of inclination/affection/love; adfectus|endowed with, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired, weakened; emotional; adfectus|affection, passion, love; friendly feeling (Cas); goodwill; loved ones (pl.); adfectus|disposition; condition, state (of body/mind); feeling, mood, emotion; adfero|bring to, carry, convey; report, bring word, allege, announce; produce, cause; adficio|affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken; adficticius|attached (to); adfigo|fasten/fix/pin/attach to (w/DAT), annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine; adfiguro|form (word) by analogy; adfingo|add to, attach; aggravate; embellish, counterfeit, forge; claim wrongly; adfinis|relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice; adfinis|neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), akin, connected; adfinitas|relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man+wife), bond/union; neighborhood; adfirmanter|certainly, assuredly, with assurance; adfirmate|with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positively, certainly, assuredly; adfirmatio|affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion, dogmatic/positive statement; adfirmativus|affirming, affirmative; adfirmator|one who makes a definite assertion/affirmation; adfirmo|affirm/assert (dogmatically/positively); confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize; adfixio|joining/fastening to; an addition to; adfixum|fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent fittings/appendages/appurtenances; adfixus|fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated close to; adflagrans|flaming/blazing up; turbulent, unquiet; adflator|one who blows on/breathes into; adflatus|breath, snorting; breeze, wind, draught, (hot) blast; stench; inspiration; adflecto|affect, move, influence (to a course of action); adfleo|weep/cry at; weep as an accompaniment; adflictatio|grievous suffering, torment, affliction; adflictator|one who causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter; adflictio|pain, suffering, torment; adflicto|shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex; adflictor|one who strikes against/down/overthrows; adflictrix|that strikes against/down/overthrows or collides with; adflictrix|one (female) who strikes against/down/overthrows; adflictus|in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered; adflictus|collision, blow; a striking against/dashing together; adfligo|overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex; adflo|blow/breathe (on/towards); inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on; adfluens|flowing/overflowing/abounding with; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious; adfluente|richly, copiously, abundantly, extravagantly, opulently; adfluenter|abundantly, copiously; luxuriously, extravagantly; adfluentia|flow (of a liquid); abundance, profusion, extravagance, opulence, riotousness; adfluo|flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound; adfodio|add by digging; adfor|speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed (PASS), be decreed by fate; adformido|be afraid, fear; adfrango|cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces; adfremo|roar/rage/growl (at); assent noisily to (w/DAT); adfricatio|rubbing on/against (thing); friction; abrasion; adfrico|rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on; adfrico|rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on; adfrictus|friction; rubbing on; adfringo|cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces; adfrio|sprinkle (powder); crumble, grate; adfulgeo|shine forth, appear, dawn; shine/smile upon (w/favor), appear favorable; adfundo|pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill (blood); wash; adfundor|prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/over; flow alongside/past (streams); adfuo|flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound; adgaudeo|delight in; be delighted with; adgemo|groan in conjunction/sympathy (with); adgenero|beget in addition; adgeniculor|kneel before, bend the knee before; adger|rampart (or material for); causeway, pier; heap/pile/mound; dam/dike; mud wall; adgeratim|in heaps/piles; adgeratio|heaped/piled up material; adgero|heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase, add fuel; push/crowd/press together; adgero|heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate; adgestim|in heaps, abundantly; adgestio|heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand); adgestum|mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound; adgestus|mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound; adgestus|piling up; act of bringing; earthen bank, terrace; sprinkling earth over body; adglomero|gather into a body, mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate; adglutino|glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact; adgnascor|be born in addition/after father's will made; develop; grow later/on, arise; adgnata|female blood relation on father's side; adgnaticius|pertaining to agnati (born after will); [~ jus => right of agnati to inherit]; adgnatio|birth after father's will; blood relationship through father/male ancestor; adgnatum|offshoot, side-shoot; adgnatus|related, cognate; adgnatus|male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will; adgnitio|recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement; adgnitor|one who acknowledges or vouches for (seal); adgnitus|"recognition" (drama); adgnomen|nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic; adgnomentum|nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic; adgnosco|recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility; adgratulor|give thanks (to)(JFW); adgravesco|become heavy; become severe/dangerous (illness), grow worse; be aggravated; adgravo|aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further; adgredio|approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt; adgredior|approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt; adgrego|collect, include, group, implicate; (cause to) flock/join together, attach; adgressio|attack; action of setting about/undertaking (task); adgressor|attacker, assailant; adgressura|attack, assault; adgressus|attack, assault; adguberno|steer (one's course); adhaereo|adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved; adhaeresco|cling to, adhere, stick (in trouble); become lodged in (weapons); run aground; adhaese|stammeringly; in a tongued-tied manner; adhaesio|adhesion; linkage; adhaesiona|adhesion; linkage; adhaesivus|adhesive; adhaesus|adhesion; act/fact of adhering/combining; adhalo|breathe upon; adhamo|catch, secure; adhereo|adhere, stick, cling/cleave to; hang on; be attached/concerned/involved; adheresco|adhere tightly, stick fast; adhibeo|summon, invite, bring in; consult; put, add; use, employ, apply; hold out to; adhibitio|application, employing; admission (e.g., to a banquet); adhinnio|whinny to/at; express delight; strive after/long for with voluptuous desire; adhoc|thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides; adhorreo|shudder (in addition); adhortamen|encouragement, exhortation; incentive; adhortatio|exhortation, (words of) encouragement; persuasive speech/discourse/appeal; adhortativus|of/belonging to encouragement/exhortation; [~ modus => encouraging mood]; adhortator|encourager, one who encourages/exhorts; adhortatus|act of urging; encouragement, exhortation, persuasion; adhortor|encourage, urge on; rally; exhort; adhospito|entertain as guest; propitiate; adhuc|thus far, till now, to this point; hitherto; yet, as yet; still; besides; adhucine|still? yet? (interog.) (adhuc ne); adiantum|maidenhair (Capillus Veneris), type of fern; (also called callitrichos/on L+S); adiaphoros|indifferent; (-os, -os, -on, Greek); adibilis|accessible; adicio|add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at; adigo|drive in/to (cattle), force, impel; cast, hurl; consign (curse); bind (oath); adimo|withdraw, take away, carry off; castrate; deprive, steal, seize; annul; rescue; adimplementum|completion, completing, fulfillment, fulfilling; realization; adimpleo|fill up (with); fulfill, carry out (promise/obligation); adimpletio|completion, completing, fulfillment, fulfilling; realization; adimpletor|inspirer, he who fills (by inspiration); adincresco|increase; adindo|insert, put in/to; put in besides; adinflo|swell up; adingero|bring to/heap on in addition; adinquiro|investigate/inquire/look into further; adinspecto|watch; guard (person); adinstar|like, after the fashion of; according to the likeness of; about; (ad instar); adinvenio|devise/invent/find out (in addition/intensive); adinventio|invention; adinventor|inventor; adinventum|invention; adinvicem|in turn, by turns, on after the other, alternately; mutually, reciprocally; adipatum|rich dish; pastry prepared with fat (L+S); adipatus|rich; containing fat, fatty, greasy; coarse, gross (L+S); adipeus|of fat; adipiscor|gain, secure, win, obtain; arrive at, come up to/into; inherit; overtake; adips|fat, lard, grease; fatty tissue; bombast; corpulence, obesity (pl.); adipsatheon|thorny shrub which produces fragrant oil; adipsatheos|thorny shrub which produces fragrant oil; adipson|licorice; adipsos|kind of Egyptian date; licorice (?); aditialis|inaugural; (of a banquet) given by a magistrate upon entering office; aditio|act/right of approaching (person); taking possession of an inheritance; adito|approach often/frequently/habitually; aditus|approach, access; attack; entrance; chance, opportunity, means, way; beginning; adiumentum|help, assistance, support, means of aid; adjacens|adjacent, neighboring; adjacens|adjacent/neighboring areas/regions/parts (pl.); adjoining country; adjaceo|lie near to, lie beside; be adjacent/contiguous to, neighbor on; live near; adjaculatus|thrown/cast at; adjectamentum|appendage, appurtenance, attachment; addition, increase; adjecticius|added besides; adjectio|addition; act of adding, infliction in addition; repetition; price increase; adjectius|added besides; adjectivus|that is added (to the noun - gram.); adjective; adjectus|insertion/putting in/adding/applying to, addition; impact, contact; adjicio|add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at; adjicio|add, increase, raise; add to (DAT/ad+ACC); suggest; hurl (weapon); throw to/at; adjudicatio|act of assignment (by judge); vesting order; judicial judging of a matter; adjudico|adjudge, impute, attribute, ascribe (to); award (as a judge), assign (to); adjugo|join, attach (to); adjunctio|union, association; admixture, combination; (limiting) addition, qualification; adjunctivus|adjectival; joined/added; conjunctions that govern subjunctive mood (L+S); adjunctor|one who adds/joins/unites; proposer (that ... be added to ...); adjunctum|quality, characteristic, essential feature/attribute; collateral circumstance; adjunctus|bound/belonging to; composite, joined in compound (word); adjacent; relevant; adjungo|add, attach, join to, add to, support; apply to; harness, yoke; direct; confer; adjuramentum|conjuring, entreaty; adjuratio|act of appealing to/by adjuration; swearing to/by (something); adjurator|one who conjures, conjurer; adjuratorius|pertaining to swearing; adjuro|swear by/solemnly; affirm with oath; charge/entreat/urge (as under oath/curse); adjutabilis|helpful; adjuto|help (w/burden/activity); help realize a program/purpose; adjutor|help (w/burden/activity); help realize a program/purpose; adjutor|assistant, deputy; accomplice; supporter; secretary; assistant schoolmaster; adjutorium|help, assistance, support; argumentation; adjutrix|female assistant/helper/accomplice; feminine nouns; as title of a legion; adjutus|help, aid; adjuvans|contributory (cause); adjuvatorium|assistance, cooperation; adjuvo|help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable; adjuvo|help, aid, abet, encourage, favor; cherish, sustain; be of use, be profitable; adlabor|glide/move/flow towards (w/DAT/ACC); creep up; steal into; fly (missiles); adlaboro|make a special effort; take trouble to; adlacrimo|shed tears, cry, weep (at or as an accompaniment to something); adlambo|lick (of flames); adlapsus|gliding up; gliding/stealthy approach; flowing towards or near; adlatro|bark at; rail at; rage, roar (sea); adlaudabilis|praiseworthy, commendable; adlaudo|praise, commend; adlavo|flow up to (water), wash; adlectatio|coaxing, enticing, encouragement, invitation; adlectator|one who coaxes/entices/attracts/invites/encourages; adlecto|entice, allure, encourage, invite; adlector|official of a collegium (concerned with dues or admission); adlectura|office of collector of revenues (colligium allector); adlectus|canon-elect, one elected into collegium; adlegatio|allegation, charge; intercession; representation made on behalf of another; adlegatus|instigation, prompting; adlego|depute/send as agent, commission, put up; suborn; urge/plea, lay before; allege; adlego|choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint; adlenimentum|soothing remedy/relief; adlevamentum|mitigation; relief, alleviation; adlevatio|alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; adlevator|one who lifts/raises up; adlevio|lighten, make light; deal lightly/leniently with; raise up, relieve; adlevo|lift/raise/heap/pile up, exalt; alleviate/diminish/weaken; comfort/console/cheer adlevo|smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate; adlibentia|inclination (for); adlibesco|be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for); adlicefacio|entice, allure; attract, lure, seduce; adlicefio|be/become enticed/allured/lured; (allicefacio PASS); adlicio|draw gently to, entice, lure, induce (sleep), attract, win over, encourage; adlido|dash/crush against, bruise; ruin, damage; shipwreck; (PASS) suffer damage; adligamentum|band, binding, tie; adligatio|tying or binding to supports; a bond; band; adligator|one who ties or binds to a support; adligatura|band, binding; adligo|bind/fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in; adlino|smear/spread/dash over (W/DAT); spread out on; adhere to; adlisio|dashing against; striking upon; adlocutio|address (spoken/written), manner of address; consolation; harangue, exhortation; adloquium|address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words; adloquor|speak to (friendly); address, harangue, make a speech (to); call on; console; adlubentia|inclination (for); adlubesco|be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for); adluceo|shine upon; light (torch); show/give (opportunity/chance); give/supply light; adluctor|wrestle; wrestle with (w/DAT); adludio|play/frolic (with); adludo|frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to; adluo|wash/flow past/near/against, lap; beset; bathe (person) (tears); deposit silt; adluvies|silt, soil deposited by a river; flood land by a river; lapping of waves; adluvies|inundation, flood; overflow; superabundance; river deposited silt; floodland; adluvio|inundation, flood; overflow; land addition by silt deposition; superabundance; adluvius|alluvial, from river overflow/deposit; admaturo|hasten (an occurrence); bring to maturity, mature, ripen; admensuratio|admensuration; assignment of a measure; admeo|go to, approach; admetior|measure out (to); admigro|go and live with; go to a place; come to; be added to; adminiculabundus|self-supporting, supporting one's self; adminiculator|assistant, supporter; one who supports; adminiculatus|well stocked; supported; well furnished/provided; adminiculo|prop (up), support (with props); support with authority; applied to adverb; adminiculor|prop (up), support (with props) (vines); adminiculum|prop (vines), pole, stake; support, stay, bulwark; means, aid, tool; auxiliary; administer|assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister; administra|assistant (female), helper, supporter, servant; handmaiden, attendant; administratio|administration; administratio|administration; assistance; execution, operation, management, care of affairs; administrativus|practical; suitable for the administration of; administrative; administrator|director, administrator, manager; one in charge of operation; administratorius|performing the duties of an assistant/helper; serving, ministering; administro|administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver (ship); bestow; admirabilis|admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary; admirabilitas|wonderful character, remarkableness; admiration, wonder; admirabiliter|admirably, astonishingly, in a wonderful/wondrous manner; paradoxically; admiralis|admiral; admiralius|emir; admirandus|wonderful, admirable; astonishing, remarkable, extraordinary; admiranter|admiringly, with admiration; admiratio|wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel; admirator|admirer; one who venerates; admiror|admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished; admisceo|mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up; admisceo|mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up; admissarius|kept for breeding (male animals), on stud; admissarius|stallion/he-ass, stud; sodomite; admissio|admission/entrance/audience/interview; application (medical); mating (animals); admissionalis|one who introduces/announces at audience; privy chamber usher; seneschal; admissivus|permitting/favorable (birds of omen approving of action in question); admissor|perpetrator; one who allows himself to do a thing; admissum|crime, offense; admissura|admission/entrance/audience/interview; entrance upon inheritance; admissura|breeding, generation; copulation/mating of domestic animals, service; admissus|admission, letting in; admistio|mixture, admixture, mingling; admistus|mixture, admixture, mingling; admitto|urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go; admixtio|mixture, admixture, mingling; admixtus|mixed; contaminated; not simple; confused; admixtus|mixture, admixture, mingling; admoderate|comfortably; suitably; admoderor|control (w/DAT); keep within limits; moderate; admodulor|harmonize/accord with; admodum|very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely; admoenio|bring (siege engine) into operation, draw near the walls; besiege, invest; admolior|struggle, exert oneself (to); put one's hand on object/task; lay violent hands; admonefacio|admonish; warn; urge; call to duty; admonefio|be admonished/warned/urged; be called to duty; (admonefacio PASS); admoneo|admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution; admonitio|act of reminding; reminder, recurring symptom; warning, advice; rebuke; admonitor|admonisher; exhorter; one who reminds; admonitorium|admonition; admonitrix|monitor (female); she that admonishers/reminds; admonitum|warning; reminder; reminding; advice; admonition; admonitus|advice, recommendation; admonition, warning; command (animal); reminder; reproof admordeo|bite at/into, gnaw; extract money from; fleece; get possession of their property admorsus|bitten, gnawed; admorsus|bite, biting, gnawing; admotio|act of moving towards/on to; application; admoveo|move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add; admugio|low (to); bellow (to); (like a bull); admulco|stroke; admurmuratio|murmur of comment; murmuring; admurmuro|murmur in protest or approval; murmur at; admurmuror|murmur in protest or approval; murmur at; admutilo|cut/clip close; shave; fleece, cheat, defraud; adnarro|tell/relate (to); adnato|swim to/up to; swim beside/alongside; adnavigo|sail to/up to/towards; sail beside/alongside; adnecto|tie on/to, tie up (ship); bind to; fasten on; attach, connect, join, annex; adnego|refuse; withhold; adnepos|great-great-great grandson; adneptis|great-great-great granddaughter; adnexio|tying/binding to, connecting; annexation; adnexus|attached, linked, joined; contiguous (to); related by blood; concerned; adnexus|tying/binding/fastening/attaching (to), connecting; connection; annexation; adnicto|wink to/at; blink at; adnihilo|annihilate, destroy, demolish, ruin, bring to nothing; adnililo|annihilate, bring to nothing; adnitor|lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try; adnitor|lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try; adnius|striving; exertion; adnixus|vehement, strenuous; adno|swim to/towards, approach by swimming; sail to/towards; brought by sea (goods); adnodo|cut (shoot) right back, cut flush; cut off knots, cut away suckers; adnomentum|nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic; adnominatio|punning/pun; linking two words of different meaning but like sound, paronomasia; adnotamentum|note, comment, remark, annotation; adnotatio|note or comment; writing/making notes; notice; rescript of emperor by his hand; adnotatiuncula|short note/comment; brief annotation; adnotator|one who makes notes, note taker; observer; L:controller of the annual income; adnotatus|person officially announced as "wanted", wanted man; adnotatus|notice, noting, remark, mention; adnoto|note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate; adnubilo|bring up clouds (against); adnullo|annihilate, obliterate, destroy; annul (eccl.); adnumeratio|numbering, counting, enumeration; adnumero|count (in/out), pay; reckon (time); enumerate, run through; classify as; add; adnuntialis|proclamatory; adnuntiatio|annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching; adnuntiator|announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher; adnuntiatrix|announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (Souter); adnuntio|announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach; adnuntius|announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known; adnuo|designate by a nod; indicate, declare; nod assent; smile on; agree to, grant; adnuto|nod (to); order/assent to by a nod; bow to; adnutrio|train (on); adobruo|cover over with earth, bury; adolefactus|set on fire, kindled; adoleo|emit/give out a smell/odor; adoleo|worship, make/burn sacrifice/offerings; cremate; destroy/treat by fire/heat; adolescens|young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl; adolescens|young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name); adolescentia|youth, young manhood; characteristic of being young, youthfulness; the young; adolescentior|behave in a youthful manner; adolescentula|young woman; very young woman; "my child"; adolescentulus|very youthful, quite young; adolescentulus|young man; mere youth; adolescenturio|want to behave in a youthful manner; adolesco|burn, blaze up, flame, be kindled; (of a sacrifice); adolesco|grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase; adolesco|grow up, mature, reach manhood/peak; become established/strong; grow, increase; adolor|fawn upon (as dog); flatter (in servile manner), court; make obeisance (to); adominatio|good/favorable omen; Adonai|Lord, God; (Hebrew); adonium|species of southernwood (flower of golden color or blood-red); adoperio|cover, cover over; adoperte|covertly, in a dark/mysterious manner; adopertum|religious secrets (pl.), mysteries; adopertus|covered, overspread; clothed; veiled, disguised, hiding; shut, closed; adopinor|conjecture/surmise/opine/think/suppose (further); adoptata|adopted daughter; adoptaticia|adopted daughter; adoptaticius|adopted (into a family); (as a son/daughter); adoptaticius|adopted son; adoptatio|adoption of a child; adoption into family (Roman custom); adoptator|one who adopts child; adoptatus|adopted son; adoptio|adoption of child; adoption into family; grafting (plant); adoptionismus|heresy of adoptionism (that Christ is Son of God by adoption only); adoptivus|adoptive, obtained by adoption; formed by grafting; adopto|adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally; ador|coarse grain; emmer wheat; spelt; adorabilis|adorable, worthy of adoration/veneration; adorandus|adorable, worthy of adoration/veneration; adoratio|act of worship or prayer; adorator|worshipper, adorer, one who worships/prays/reverences; adordino|set in order, arrange; adorea|prize of value; (anciently, gift of grain); adoreum|emmer wheat, spelt; adoreus|pertaining to/consisting of emmer wheat/spelt; adoria|glory, distinction; adorio|assail/assault/attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost/address; adorio|improperly influence; undertake/try/attempt/come to grips; begin/set to work; adorior|assail/assault/attack, rise against (military/political/plague); accost/address; adorior|improperly influence; undertake/try/attempt/come to grips; begin/set to work; adoriosus|celebrated, that has often obtained the adorea - prize; adorium|emmer wheat, spelt; adornate|elegantly, in a polished manner; adorno|equip, get ready, prepare; set off; adorn, array, embellish; honor, endow; adoro|honor, adore, worship, pay homage, reverence; beg, plead with, appeal to; adosculor|give a kiss to; adpagineculus|kind of decorative attachment (archit.); adpalis|greasy, fatty; of/with fat/grease; adpango|fasten to; adparamentum|preparation, preparing; that which is prepared; adparate|sumptuously; adparatio|careful preparation; task/act of providing; provisions; designing, construction; adparator|official who sacrifices to the Magna Mater; adparatorium|place/room where preparations were made for sacrifice; adparatrix|she who prepares (sacrifices); adparatus|prepared, equipped, ready; splendid, elaborate, well-appointed; labored; adparatus|preparation; instruments, equipment, supplies, stock; splendor, pomp, trappings; adparens|exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent; adparentia|becoming visible, appearing, appearance; external appearance; adpareo|appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve (w/DAT); adparesco|begin to appear; adparet|it is apparent/evident/clear/certain/visible/noticeable/found; it appears; adpario|acquire, gain in addition; adparitio|service, attendance; servants, attendants; provision, supplying, preparation; adparitor|civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate; adparitorius|of/for an apparitor (civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate); adparitura|attendance on a magistrate, (civil) service; adparo|prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize (project); adpectoro|press/clasp to the breast; adpellatio|appeal (to higher authority); name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation; adpellativus|of the nature of a noun, nominal; appellative, belonging to a species (L+S); adpellator|appellant, one who appeals; adpellatorius|of/used in appeals; adpellito|call or name (frequently or habitually); adpello|call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name; adpello|drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land (ship); adpendeo|to be pending; adpendicula|small addition/appendix/annex; appendage; adpendicum|appendage; adpendix|appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit; adpendo|weigh out; pay/give out; hang, cause to be suspended; adpensor|weigher, he who weighs out; adpertineo|belong to, appertain to; (w/DAT or ad); adpetens|eager/greedy/having appetite for (w/GEN), desirous; avaricious/greedy/covetous; adpetenter|greedily, avidly; adpetentia|desire, longing after, appetite for; adpetibilis|be sought after, desirable; adpetisso|seek eagerly after; adpetitio|desire, appetite; action of trying to reach/grasp, stretching out for; grasping; adpetitor|one who has a desire/liking for (something); adpetitus|appetite, desire; esp. natural/instinctive desire; adpeto|seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near; adpeto|one who is covetous; adpiciscor|bargain?; adpingo|paint upon/beside; add in writing/painting; add something (to verbal picture); adpingo|fasten/join to; adplaudo|strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae); adplausor|one expressing agreement/approval/pleasure/satisfaction by clapping hands; adplausus|flapping/beating of wings; adplex|closely joined/attached to; adplicatio|application, inclination; joining, attaching; attachment of client to patron; adplicatus|situated close (to town w/DAT); clinging to (side of hill); devoted (to); adplico|connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to; adplico|connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to; adplodo|strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae); adploro|lament, weep at/on account of; deplore (thing); adpluda|chaff; adplumbator|solderer; adplumbo|solder, solder on, affix by soldering, close/seal by soldering/with solder; adpono|place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign; adporrectus|stretched out near/beside; adportatio|conveyance to, carrying to; adporto|carry/convey/bring (to); import; present (play); bring (news); make one's way; adposco|demand in addition; adposite|in a manner suited (to); suitably, appositely; adpositio|comparison, action of comparing; adpositum|adjective, epithet; adpositus|adjacent, near, accessible, akin; opposite; fit, appropriate, apt; based upon; adpositus|application (of medicine); adpostulo|beg/entreaty/solicit importunately/persistently/troublesomely/pressingly; adpotus|drunk, intoxicated; adprecor|address prayer to, pray to , invoke, beseech; adprehendo|seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake; adprehensibil|intelligible, understandable, that can be understood; adprehensio|seizing upon, laying hold of; apprehension, understanding; adprendo|seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake; adprenso|snatch at; adpretio|value, set/estimate a price, appraise; purchase, buy; appropriate to one's self; adprime|to the highest degree, to a high degree, extremely, especially, very; adprimo|press on/to; clench (the teeth); adprimus|very first, most excellent; adprobatio|approbation, giving approval; proof, confirmation; decision; adprobator|one who approves; adprobe|excellently; adprobo|approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good; adprobus|excellent, worthy; adpromissor|one who promises/gives security on behalf of another; adpromitto|promise in addition (to another), promise also; adprono|lean forwards; adpropero|hasten, hurry, come hastily, make haste; accelerate, speed up; adpropinquatio|approach, drawing near; adpropinquo|approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close; adpropio|approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close; adpropriatio|appropriation, making one's own; [~ ciborum => making flesh/blood of food]; adproprio|appropriate, make one's own; adproximo|be/draw/come close/near to, approach; adpugno|attack, assault; adpulsus|bringing/driving to (cattle) (/right to); landing; approach; influence, impact; adque|and, as well as, as soon as; together with; and even; and too/also/now; yet; adqui|but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still; adquiesco|lie with (w/cum), rest, relax; repose (in death); acquiesce, assent; subside; adquiesco|lie with (w/cum), rest, relax; repose (in death); acquiesce, assent; subside; adquietantia|safety; exemption; surrender; adquieto|discharge (a debt); adquin|but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still; adquiro|acquire besides/in addition, obtain, gain, win, get; add to stock; accrue; adquisitio|acquisition; additional source of supply; adquisitrix|acquirer (female); adquisitus|strained, recherche; adquo|how far, as far as, as much as; adrachne|wild strawberry tree; adrado|shave/scrape/pare close; trim; fleece; [~ cacumen => lop off]; adralis|of a pledge/security; adrectarium|vertical post, upright; adrectarius|erect, in an erect position, perpendicular; adrectus|erect, perpendicular, upright, standing; steep, precipitous; excited, eager; adremigo|row up to/towards; adrenalinum|adrenaline; adrepo|creep/move stealthily towards, steal up; feel one's way, worm one's way (trust); adrepticius|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; adreptitius|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; adreptius|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; adreptivus|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; (Bianchi); adrideo|smile at/upon; please, be pleasing/satisfactory (to); be/seem familiar (to); adrigo|water (plants), moisten the soil around; adrigo|set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused; adripio|take hold of; seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb; adrisio|smile of approval; action of smiling (at/on); adrisor|one who smiles (at a person), smiler; flatterer, fawner (L+S); adrodo|gnaw/nibble (away part); erode, eat away(disease/chemicals). wash away (water); adrogans|arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming; adroganter|insolently, arrogantly, haughtily; presumptuously; in a conceited manner; adrogantia|insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption; adrogatio|act of adopting a adult as son homo sui juris (vs. in potestate parentis); adrogator|one who adopts a adult as son by arrogatio (homo sui juris); adrogo|ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon); adrogo|adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance); adroro|moisten, bedew; adrosor|one who nibbles/gnaws at; adrotans|in a winding/circular motion, turning; wavering; Adrumetinus|Andrumetine, of/from Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria/Byzacene); Adrumetinus|Andrumetine, inhabitant of Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city in Africa/Byzacane); Adrumetum|Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene); Adrumetus|Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene); adruo|heap up (earth); cover (with earth), bury; adscendens|of/for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb; adscendibilis|climbable, that can be climbed; adscendo|climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward; adscensio|ascent; progress, advancement; rising series/flight of stairs; soaring; adscensor|one who ascends/rises; one who mounts a horse/chariot, rider, charioteer; adscensus|ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage/step in advancement; height; adscessio|removal; loss, separation, going away; diminution; adscio|take to/up; associate, admit; adopt as one's own; take upon (General's) staff; adscisco|adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim; adscitus|derived, assumed; foreign; adscitus|acceptance, reception; adscribo|add/state in writing, insert; appoint; enroll, enfranchise; reckon, number; adscripticius|enrolled in addition (as citizen/soldier); adscriptio|addendum, addition in writing; adscriptivus|enrolled in addition (as a soldier), supernumerary; adscriptor|seconder, supporter, countersigner, one adding name to document as approving; adsecla|follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature; adsectatio|waiting on, (respectful) attendance; support (in canvassing); study, research; adsectator|follower, companion, attendant; disciple; researcher, student, one who seeks; adsector|accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court (fame); adsecue|attentively, closely; adsecula|follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature; adsecutor|attendant; adsedo|assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice; adsellor|defecate, void; adsenesco|become old (to any thing); adsensio|assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause; adsensor|one who agrees or approves; adsensus|assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause; adsentatio|assent, agreement; flattery, toadyism, flattering agreement/compliance; adsentatiuncula|piece of flattery; petty/trivial flattery; (L+S); adsentator|yes-man, flatterer, toady; adsentatorie|like a flatterer; fawningly, in a flattering manner; adsentatrix|woman who flatters; adsentio|assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of (w/DAT), agree (with); adsentior|assent to, agree, approve, comply with; admit the truth of (w/PREP); adsentor|flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything; adsequela|succession, succeeding; adsequor|follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand; adser|pole (wooden), post, stake, beam; joist, rafter; pole of a litter; adsero|lay hands on, grasp; assert, allege; free, release; claim; protect, preserve; adsero|plant/set at/near; adsertio|act of claiming free or slave (for status); defense/vindication (of character); adsertor|one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion; adsertorius|of/pertaining to a restoration of freedom; adsertum|assertion; adservio|devote/apply oneself to (w/DAT); aid, help, assist; adservo|keep, guard, preserve; watch, observe; keep in custody; save life of, rescue; adsessio|sitting beside one (to console/give advice); adsessor|assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice; adsessorium|title of a legal textbook (sg/pl.); adsessorius|of/pertaining to an assessor; adsessura|assistance as a legal advisor; adsessus|sitting beside one (in court); adsestrix|assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice; adseveranter|earnestly, emphatically; adseverate|earnestly, emphatically; adseveratio|affirmation, (confident/earnest) assertion; seriousness/earnestness, gravity; adsevero|act earnestly; assert strongly/emphatically, declare; profess; be serious; adsibilo|hiss out (breath) upon (w/DAT); adsiccesco|dry out, become dry; adsicco|dry, dry out, dry up, make dry; adsideo|sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble (w/DAT); adsido|sit down, take a seat; perch, alight, settle; sit by/near (to) (w/DAT); adsidue|continually, constantly, regularly; adsiduitas|attendance, constant presence/attention/practice, care; recurrence, repetition; adsiduo|continually, constantly, regularly; adsiduo|apply constantly; make constant use of (Souter); use regularly/incessantly; adsiduus|constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class; adsiduus|tribute/tax payer, rich person; first-rate person/writer?; adsifornus|touring gladiatorial show; adsignatio|distribution/allotment of land; the plot of land granted; allocation (other); adsignator|allocator, one who assigns; adsignifico|show (w/ACC + INF), make evident; mean/denote (words); adsigno|assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow (rank/honors); impute; affix seal; adsilio|jump/leap (up/on/towards), rush/dash (at/against), assault; mount (male-female); adsimilanter|similarly, analogically; adsimilatio|likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending adsimilatus|similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled; adsimilis|similar, like; close; closely resembling, very like; adsimiliter|similarly, in much the same manner/fashion; adsimilo|make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part; adsimulanter|similarly, analogically; adsimulaticius|imitated, counterfeit, not real; nominal, titular; adsimulatio|likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense; adsimulatus|similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled; adsimuliter|similarly, in much the same manner/fashion; adsimulo|make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part; adsisto|take a position/stand (near/by), attend; appear before; set/place near; adsistrix|assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice; adsitus|planted/set at/near; adsociatio|association; accompaniment; escort; adsocio|join (to), associate (with); adsocius|associated with; adsoleo|be accustomed/in the habit of; be customary accompaniment, go with; be usual; adsolet|it is usual/wont; it is the custom/practice; it is the habit; adsolo|level to the ground, destroy; adsono|respond, reply; sound in accompaniment; sing as an accompaniment; adspargo|sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm); adspargo|spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining; adspectabilis|visible, able to be seen; worthy to be seen, pleasing to look at; adspectamen|look, sight; adspecto|look/gaze at/upon; observe, watch; pay heed; face/look towards (place/person); adspectus|appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon; adspergo|sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm); adspergo|spray, sprinkling; adspersorium|aspergillum, holy water sprinkler/brush; adspicio|look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate; adspiramen|breathing on, immission; insertion, introduction; adspiratio|exhalation; blowing on; aspiration; sounding "h"; adspirator|inciter; inspirer; adspiro|breathe/blow (upon); aspirate; instill, infuse; be fragrant; influence; aspire; adspuo|spit (at/on); adstator|aide, helper, assister; adstatus|armed with a spear/spears; adstatus|spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion; adsterno|prostrate oneself, lie prone (on); adstipulatio|confirmation, confirmatory statement; adstipulator|associate in a stipulation; one who supports an opinion, adherent; adstipulatus|assent, agreement in a command; adstipulo|join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument); adstipulor|join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument); adstituo|place near/before; make to stand before; adsto|stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet; adsto|stand at/on/by/near; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still/on one's feet; adstrangulo|strangle; adstrepo|make a noise at, shout in support, take up a cry; assail with noise; murmur; adstricte|tightly (bound), firmly; strictly, by strict rules; concisely, tersely, pithily; adstrictio|astringency, an astringent action; adstrictorius|astringent, binding, constrictive, styptic; (effect on organic tissue); adstrictus|bound (by rules), tied; terse, brief, restrained; constricted, dense, compact; adstrictus|busy/preoccupied (with), intent (on); parsimonious, tight; astringent (taste); adstrideo|hiss (at); adstrido|hiss (at); adstringo|tie up/down/back/on/together/tightly; bind, grasp, tighten, fix; form boundary; adstringo|oblige, commit; compress, narrow, restrict; knit (brows); freeze, solidify; adstructio|accumulation of proof, putting together, composition; adstructor|one who adduces/brings forward/cites/alleges proof; adstruo|build on/additional structure; heap/pile (on); add to/on, contribute, provide; adstupeo|be stunned/astounded/astonished/amazed (at); be enthralled (by) (w/DAT); adsubrigo|stretch up, raise; adsudesco|sweat, break out in a sweat; adsuefacio|accustom (to), habituate, inure; make accustomed/used (to), train; adsuefio|be/become accustomed (to), be habituated; be trained; (adsuefacio PASS); adsuesco|accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar; adsuetudo|custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse; adsuetus|accustomed, customary, usual, to which one is accustomed/used; adsugo|suck towards; adsultim|by leaps, by hops; by leaps and bounds; adsulto|jump/leap at/towards/upon; dash against; attack, assault, make an attack (on); adsultus|attack, assault, charge; adsum|be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT); adsum|be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT); adsumentum|that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched; adsumo|take (to/up/on/from), adopt/raise, use; assume/receive; insert/add; usurp/claim; adsumptio|adoption; acquisition, assumption, claim; minor premise; introduction (point); adsumptivus|based on extraneous arguments (rhet., of the treatment of a case); adsuo|sew or patch on; adsurgo|rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar; adsuscipo|undertake (vows); adsuspiro|sigh in response (to) (w/DAT); adtactus|touch , contact, action of touching; adtagen|bird resembling partridge, francolin?; adtagena|bird resembling partridge, francolin?; adtempero|fit, adjust; adtempto|attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try; adtendo|turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay (close) attention to, listen carefully; adtentatio|attempting, attempt, trying, try; adtente|diligently, carefully, with concentration, with close attention; adtentio|attention, application, attentiveness; adtento|attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try; adtentus|attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical; adtenuate|plainly, barely; adtenuatio|diminution, act of lessening, attenuation; plainness (of style); adtenuatus|plain (style), bare, subdued; thin, impoverished; lessened, diminished; adtenuo|thin (out); weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink, reduce in size; make plain; adtermino|set bounds to, measure, limit; adtero|rub, rub against; grind; chafe; wear out/down/away; diminish, impair; waste; adterraneus|coming to the earth; earth-borne; adtertiarius|whole and a third; adtertiatus|reduced/boiled down to a third; adtestatio|testimony, attestation; adtestatus|confirmatory, corroboratory; adtestor|confirm, attest, bear witness to; adtexo|add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving; adtigo|touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to; adtiguus|contiguous, adjoining, adjacent, neighboring; adtillo|tickle, please; adtina|heap of stones as a boundary marker; (pl.) (L+S); adtineo|hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep (in custody), retain; delay; adtingo|touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to; adtingo|wipe/smear on?; adtinguo|moisten, bedew, sprinkle with a liquid; adtitulo|name, entitle; adtolero|support, sustain, bear; adtollo|raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt; adtondeo|clip (hair close), shear; strip of money, fleece; thrash; prune, trim, crop; adtonite|frantically; bewilderedly, confoundedly; adtonitus|astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired; adtono|strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract; adtorqueo|whirl at; hurl upwards; adtractio|contraction, drawing together; adtracto|touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with; adtractorius|attractive, having the power of attraction; adtractus|drawn together (brows), knit; adtractus|attraction, drawing to; adtraho|attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow); adtrectatio|touching, handling; grammatical term for words denoting many things together; adtrectatus|touching, handling, feeling; adtrecto|touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with; adtremo|tremble (at) (w/DAT); adtrepido|bestir oneself; adtribulo|thresh, press hard; adtribuo|assign/allot/attribute/impute to; grant, pay; appoint, put under jurisdiction; adtributio|assignment of debt; one's destined lot; grant; attribution; predicate attribute; adtributum|grant of public money; adtributus|ascribed, attributed; assigned, allotted; adtritio|rubbing/grinding against/on (something); friction, abrasion; adtritus|worn, worn down by use; smoothed; hardened, brazen; thin (style), attenuated; adtritus|rubbed (off/away), wasted; bruised; shameless, impudent, brazen; adtritus|action/process of rubbing/grinding; friction; chafing, abrasion, bruising; adtubernalis|one who lives in an adjoining hut; adtulo|bring/carry/bear to; adtumulo|heap up against; bank up (with something); adtuor|observe, look at; adubi|and when, but when, when; adulans|flattering, adulatory; adulater|flatteringly, fawningly, ingratiatingly; adulatio|flattery, adulation; prostrating oneself; fawning (dogs), (pigeon) courtship; adulator|servile flatterer, sycophant; adulatorie|falteringly, fawningly, ingratiatingly; adulatorius|flattering, adulatory; of/connected with flattery/adulation; adulatrix|flatterer (female); adulescens|young man, youth; youthful person; young woman/girl; adulescens|young, youthful; "minor" (in reference to the younger of two having same name); adulescentia|youth, young manhood; characteristic of being young, youthfulness; the young; adulescentior|behave in a youthful manner; adulescentula|young woman; very young woman; "my child"; adulescentulus|very youthful, quite young; adulescentulus|young man; mere youth; adulescenturio|want to behave in a youthful manner; adulo|fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to); adulor|fawn upon (as a dog); flatter (in a servile manner), court; make obeisance (to); adulter|impure/adulterated; mixed/crossbred (plant); adulterous, unchaste; of adulterer; adulter|forged/counterfeit; debased (coinage); [~ clavis => skeleton/false key]; adulter|adulterer; illicit lover, paramour; offspring of unlawful love, bastard (eccl.); adultera|adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman; adulteratio|adulteration; corruption/debasement by spurious admixture/crossbreeding; adulterator|one who counterfeits or debases (the coinage); adulteratus|mixed, adulterated; produced by crossbreeding; of mixed decent/origin; adulterinus|counterfeit, forged, false; impure, mixed, crossbred; adulterous, illicit; adulteritas|adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination; adulterium|adultery; blending/mixing of different strains/ingredients; contamination; adultero|commit adultery, defile (w/adultery); falsify, counterfeit, debase, corrupt; adulterus|adulterous, unchaste; adultrix|adulteress; mistress; unchaste woman; adultus|grown (up/fully), mature, ripe; adult; at peak/height/full strength; adultus|adult; one who has reached legal maturity (e.g., age 18 or 21); adumbratim|in shadowy form; adumbratio|sketch, outline; sketching in light and shade; false show, pretense; adumbratus|sketchy, shadowy, unsubstantial, obscure; outline; pretended, feigned, spurious; adumbro|sketch out, silhouette, outline, represent; shade, screen, obscure; feign; adunatio|union, uniting, making into one; aduncitas|hookedness, hooked shape; inward curvature; aduncus|bent, curved, hooked, crooked; aduno|unite, make one; adurgeo|pursue; press hard, pursue closely; aduro|scorch, singe; burn; consume in fire; adusque|wholly, completely; adusque|all the way/right up to, as far as, to the point of (space/time/number/degree); adustio|kindling/burning; rubbing/galling (vines); inflammation; burn; sun/heatstroke; adustum|burn; frostbite (w/nivibus); deserts/parched areas (pl.) (w/sole); adustus|burned by the sun; torrid; browned/scorched/charred/burned; dusky/swarthy/dark; advecticius|imported, foreign (merchandise/goods); advectio|transportation (of merchandise/goods), carriage; advectius|imported, foreign (merchandise/goods); advecto|import, bring (merchandise/goods) from abroad; advector|carrier, one who conveys/carries a thing to a place; importer; advectus|imported, foreign, introduced from abroad; advectus|transportation, conveyance (to a place); adveho|carry, bring, convey (to); [advehor => arrive by travel, ride to]; advelitatio|skirmish of words (?); advelo|cover, veil; advena|foreigner, immigrant, visitor from abroad; newcomer, interloper; migrant (bird); adveneror|worship, adore; give honor to; advenientia|arrival, approach; advenio|come to, arrive; arrive at, reach, be brought; develop, set in, arise; advententia|knowledge; warning; adventicius|foreign, coming from abroad/without, external; unusual; accidental, casual; adventitius|foreign; arrived from afar; (=adventicius); advento|approach, come to, draw near; arrive, "turn up"; come in (tide); approximate; adventor|visitor, newcomer, stranger; customer, incoming tenant; adventoria|banquet given on one's arrival; adventorius|pertaining to an arrival/guest; adventus|arrival, approach; visit, appearance, advent; ripening; invasion, incursion; advenus|foreign, alien; migrant; recently arrived; unskilled, inexperienced, ignorant; adverbero|beat upon; strike against; adverbialis|adverbial, pertaining to an adverb; derived from adverb(s); adverbialiter|adverbially, in the manner of an adverb; adverbium|adverb; adverro|cause to sweep over; adversa|enemy/adversary/opponent (female); adversabilis|truculent, prone to opposition; adversaria|female enemy, adversary, opponent, antagonist; adversarium|temporary memorandum/account/day book (pl.); opponent's arguments/assertions; adversarius|enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party; adversarius|opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial; adversatio|opposition, opposing; adversativus|adversative; (conjunctions like although, even if, yet, nevertheless); adversator|antagonist, opponent; adversatrix|female antagonist/opponent/enemy; adverse|in a self contradictory manner, inconsistently; adversio|turning/directing (one thing towards another); adversipes|antipodes (pl.); adversitas|adversity; power of counteracting, efficacy as an antidote (Pliny); adversitor|one who goes to meet another; slave who went to meet/accompany master home; adverso|apply (the mind), direct (the attention); adversor|be against (w/DAT), oppose, withstand; adversum|opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet); adversum|facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of; adversum|direction/point opposite/facing; uphill slope/direction; obstacle, trouble; adversus|opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet); adversus|facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of; adversus|opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable; adversus|person/foe opposite/directly facing (w/hostile intent); political opponent; advertentia|knowledge; awareness, attending, noticing; adverto|turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot (ship); advesperasct|evening is coming on, it draws toward evening; it is growing dark; advigilo|watch by/over; take care; be on watch, be vigilant; advincula|chain (of St. Peter); advivo|live with (w/cum); survive, be alive; advocamentum|legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts; advocata|helper (female), supporter, counselor; advocatio|legal support/advisors; delay, adjournment, postponement; pleading in courts; advocator|advocate; advocatus|counselor, advocate, professional pleader; witness, supporter, mediator; advoco|call, summon, invite, convoke, call for; call in as counsel; invoke the Gods; advolatus|flying towards/against; advolitans|flying often to; fluttering about; advolo|fly to, dash to (w/DAT or ad + ACC), hasten towards; advolvo|roll to/towards; fall on knees (genibus advolvor), grovel, prostrate oneself; advorsa|enemy/adversary/opponent (female); advorsabilis|truculent, prone to opposition; advorsaria|female enemy, adversary, opponent; advorsarium|temporary memorandum book (pl.), the opponent's arguments; advorsarius|enemy, adversary, antagonist, opponent, rival, foe; of an opposing party; advorsarius|opposed (to), hostile, inimical, adverse; harmful, injurious, prejudicial; advorsator|antagonist, opponent; advorsatrix|female antagonist/opponent/enemy; advorse|in a self contradictory manner, inconsistently; advorsitas|power of counteracting, efficacy as an antidote; advorsitor|one who goes to meet another; slave who went to meet/accompany master home; advorso|apply (the mind), direct (the attention); advorsor|be against (w/DAT), oppose, withstand; advorsum|opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet); advorsum|facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of; advorsus|opposite, against, in opposite direction; in opposition; (w/ire go to meet); advorsus|facing, opposite, against, towards; contrary to; face to face, in presence of; advorsus|opposite, directly facing, ranged against; adverse, evil, hostile; unfavorable; advorsus|person/foe opposite/directly facing (w/hostile intent); political opponent; advorto|turn/face to/towards; direct/draw one's attention to; steer/pilot (ship); adynamos|weakened, diluted (like wine); adytum|innermost part of a temple, sanctuary, shrine; innermost recesses/chamber; adzelor|be zealous against one; be angry with; aecclesia|church; assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek); the (Universal) Church (Dif); aeclesia|church; assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek); the (Universal) Church (Dif); aeclesiasticus|ecclesiastical; spiritual; (=ecclesiasticus); aecor|level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean; aecoreus|of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea; aecum|level ground; equal footing/terms; what is right/fair/equitable, equity; aecus|level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented; aedes|temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode, dwelling; household; aedicula|small room/house/building/shrine; chapel, tomb, sepulcher; niche, closet; aedifacio|build, erect, construct, make; create; establish; aedifex|builder, contractor, one who has buildings erected; architect, maker, creator; aedificans|builder; aedificatio|house; building, edifice, group of buildings, built-up area; act of building; aedificatio|edification, explanation; building up (argument); aedificatiuncula|little building; construction; aedificator|builder, contractor, one who has buildings erected; architect, maker, creator; aedificatoria|architecture; aedificatorius|pertaining to building/construction; aedificatus|built, erected, constructed, made; created; established; improved; aedificialis|pertaining to a building; aedificiolum|building; structure; aedificium|building; edifice, structure; aedifico|build, erect, construct, make; create; establish; improve; edify; aedifio|be build/erected/constructed/made/created/established; (aedifacio PASS); aedilicius|of an aedile (magistrate - police, fire, market); of aedile rank/ex-aedile; aedilicius|ex-aedile (magistrate - police, fire, market); one who has been an aedile; aedilis|aedile - commissioner (magistrate) of police/fire/markets/games; sacristan; aedilitas|aedileship, the office of an aedile; the tenure of the aedileship; aedis|temple, shrine; tomb; apartment, room; house (pl.), abode/dwelling; household; aeditimor|act as sacristan, be in charge/take care of temple; aeditimus|sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; aeditua|female sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; aeditualis|pertaining to a temple-keeper/sacristan; aedituens|temple-keeper/sacristan; aeditumor|act as sacristan, be in charge/take care of temple; aeditumus|sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; aedituo|act as sacristan, be in charge/take care of temple; aedituus|sacristan, one who has charge of a temple; custodian of a temple; priest; aedo|nightingale; aedon|nightingale; aedonius|of the nightingale; aedus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; Aeduus|Aedui (pl.); (also Haedui); (tribe of Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War); aeer|air(one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor; aeger|sick/ill, infirm; unsound, injured; painful, grievous; corrupt; sad/sorrowful; aeger|sick person, invalid, patient; Aegides|son of Aegeus (i.e. Theseus); descendants of Aegeus (pl.); Aegidius|Giles; (St. Giles, patron of beggars/Edinburgh); (Giles of Rome, theologian); aegilopa|name of some plants (turkey oak, grass); ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula; aegilopium|ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula; aegilops|name of some plants (turkey oak, grass); ulcer of the eye, lachrymal fistula; aegis|aegis (Minerva's shield); shield, defense; wood nearest pith, heartwood; aegisonus|sounding with the aegis; aegithus|small bird, blue tit; species of hawk; aegocephalus|species of bird (horned owl?); aegoceras|fenugreek, Greek hay; (flour from seeds, herb medicine, pickled as a dainty); aegoceros|wild goat (poet. for sign of zodiac - Capricorn); aegolethron|plant supposed to be injurious to goats (Azalea pontica?); goat's bane; aegolios|species of owl; aegonychos|plant, lithospermon; (goat's hoof); aegophthalmos|precious stone; aegre|scarcely, with difficulty, painfully, hardly; reluctantly, uncomfortably; aegreo|be sick/ill; aegresco|become sick, grow worse; suffer mental/emotional distress, grieve; aegrimonia|sorrow, anxiety, melancholy, grief, mental distress/anguish; aegritiudo|illness, sickness; aegritudo|sickness, disease, grief, sorrow; affliction, anxiety; melancholy; aegror|sickness, disease; aegrotas|illness, sickness; aegrotaticius|that is often ill; sickly; aegrotatio|sickness, disease; morbid desire/passion, unhealthy moral condition; aegrotitas|illness, sickness; aegroto|be sick; be distressed/mentally/morally ill, be afflicted, languish, grieve; aegrotus|sick, diseased; love-sick, pining; aegrotus|sick/diseased person, invalid, patient; aegrum|diseased part of the body; diseased state; grief, feeling of distress; pain; Aegyptiacus|Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt; aegyptilla|precious stone found in Egypt; (saronyx and nicolo); Aegyptius|Egyptian; of/connected with Egypt; Aegyptius|Egyptian, inhabitant of Egypt; Egyptian sage/prophet; Aegyptus|Egypt; aelinon|exclamation of sorrow; "alas for Linus"; aelinos|dirge, song of lament; aelurus|cat; Aemilius|Aemilian; of Aemilius gens; aemula|rival (female); woman who strives to equal/exceed; rival in love; rival city; aemulanter|emulously; enviously, jealously; aemulatio|rivalry, ambition; unfriendly rivalry; (envious) emulation, imitation; aemulator|imitator, rival; aemulatrix|rival (female); woman who strives to equal/exceed; emulator (female); aemulatus|emulation, envy, rivalry; aemulo|ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book); aemulor|ape, imitate, emulate; be envious, jealous of, vie with a rival; copy (book); aemulus|envious, jealous, grudging, (things) comparable/equal (with/to); aemulus|rival, competitor, love rival; diligent imitator/follower; equal/peer; aena|card/comb used in treating of cloth/fibers; aenator|trumpeter; aeneator|trumpeter; aeneolus|bronze, made of bronze; aeneum|vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron; aeneus|copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen; aeniator|trumpeter; aenigma|puzzle, enigma, riddle, obscure expression/saying; aenigmaticus|enigmatic, like an enigma; obscure; puzzling; aenigmatista|enigmatist; one that proposes/speaks in riddles; aeniolus|bronze, made of bronze; aenipes|bronze-footed, that has feet of bronze; aenitologium|dactylic verse with an iambic penthemimeris; aenulum|small bronze vessel; aenum|vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron; aenus|copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen; aeolipila|instruments/vessels (pl.) for investigating the nature of the wind; aeon|age; eternity; the Thirty Aeons (gods); aequabilis|equal, alike, uniform, steady; unruffled; equal proportion, fair, just; aequabilitas|equality, fairness; evenness, uniformity; analogy (gram.), correspondence; aequabiliter|uniformly, equally; in equal proportions/a regular manner; smoothly; justly; aequaevus|of the same age; contemporary; aequalis|equal, similar; uniform, level, flat; of the same age/generation/duration; aequalis|comrade; person of one's age/rank/ability, contemporary; equivalent; aequalitarismus|egalitarianism; aequalitas|evenness; equality (of age/status/merit/distribution), uniformity, symmetry; aequaliter|evenly, alike, uniformly; equally, to an equal measure/extent; symmetrically; aequamen|instrument for leveling; aequamentum|equaling, requiting; aequanimis|kind, mild, calm; aequanimitas|calmness of mind, patience, tranquility, equanimity; goodwill, favor; aequanimiter|calmly; with equanimity; aequanimus|mentally calm, composed, tranquil; aequatio|equal division/distribution; equalizing, equality; aequationum|equation, (mathematical relation); equality; aequator|equator; aequator|one who equalizes; [aequator monetae => assayer]; aeque|equally, justly, fairly; in same/like manner/degree, just as; likewise, also; aequicrurius|of equal legs; isosceles (triangle); aequidiale|equinox; aequidianus|equinoctial, at the time of the equinox; aequidicus|verses (pl.) containing corresponding words or expressions; aequidistans|equidistant; parallel; aequidistanter|equidistantly; in the same way; aequidistantia|parallelism; aequidisto|be at equal distance; aequiformis|uniform (connected words); aequilanx|with equal scale; of equal weight; aequilatatio|area of uniform width, space between parallel lines; aequilateralis|equilateral, equal sides; aequilaterus|equilateral, equal sides; aequilatus|equilateral, equal sides; aequilatus|equilateral, with equal sides; aequilavium|half, a half of a whole; (wool when half the weight remains after washing); aequilibratus|level, on a level; horizontal; in perfect equilibrium (L+S); aequilibris|level, on a level; horizontal; in perfect equilibrium (L+S); aequilibritas|equal proportion, equilibrium; aequilibrium|state of equilibrium; reciprocity, equivalence; level/horizontal position (L+S); aequilibro|keep in a state of equilibrium/balance; aequiliter|equally, evenly, uniformly; aequimanus|ambidextrous, can use both hands equally; equal in two pursuits/departments; aequinoctiale|equinox; aequinoctialis|equinoctial, of/connected with the equinox; [~ circulus => celestial equator]; aequinoctium|equinox; aequipar|equal; exactly/perfectly alike; aequiparabilis|comparable, that may be compared/equated; aequiparantia|comparison; aequiparatio|comparable qualities/quantities; equality of status/strength; comparison; aequiparo|become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken; aequipedus|isosceles (triangle); having equal feet; aequiperabilis|comparable, that may be compared/equated; aequiperantia|comparison; aequiperatio|comparable qualities/quantities; equality of status/strength; comparison; aequipero|become/put on a equal/level with/to, rival, equal; equalize; compare, liken; aequipes|isosceles (triangle); having equal feet; aequipollens|equivalent, of equal value/significance; aequipondium|equal/counterbalancing weight; aequisonantius|equal-sounding; aequitas|justice, equity, fairness, impartiality; symmetry, conformity; evenness; aequiter|in equal proportions, evenly, fairly; aequiternus|equally eternal, coeternal; aequivalens|equivalent, of equal value or significance; aequivaleo|have equal power, be equivalent; aequivocus|equivocal, ambiguous; of like significations; aequo|level, make even/straight; equal; compare; reach as high or deep as; aequor|level/smooth surface, plain; surface of the sea; sea, ocean; aequoreus|of/connected with the sea, situated near/bordering on/surrounded by the sea; aequum|level ground; equal footing/terms; what is right/fair/equitable, equity; aequus|level, even, equal, like; just, kind, impartial, fair; patient, contented; aer|air (one of 4 elements); atmosphere, sky; cloud, mist, weather; breeze; odor; aera|darnel (grass/weed, grows among wheat, subject to ergot, thereby dangerous); aera|parameter from which a calculation is made; item of account; era/epoch; aeracius|of copper/bronze; aeramen|copper, bronze (late form for aes); aeramentum|prepared copper/bronze; a strip of copper/bronze; copper/bronze vessels (pl.); aeraria|copper mine; copper refinery/works; aerarium|treasury, its funds; part of Temple of Saturn in Rome holding public treasury; aerarius|lowest class citizen, pays poll tax but cannot vote/hold office; coppersmith; aerarius|of/concerned with copper/bronze/brass; of coinage/money/treasury; penny-ante; aeratus|covered/decorated with/made of brass/bronze; with bronze fittings (ship); aercus|copper-; of copper/bronze/brass; aereus|made of/bound with/armored with/of the color of copper/bronze/brass; aereus|of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering/airy; blue; aereus|copper coin; aericrepitans|clanging/sounding with bronze/brass; aerifer|carrying/bearing bronze (i.e., cymbals of the attendants of Bacchus); aerifice|with art/skill of the bronze worker; aerinavigatio|aviation; aerinavis|dirigible; aerinus|connected with/of darnel (weed found with wheat); of air, aerial; aeripes|brazen-footed; having/with feet of bronze; aeriportus|airport; aerisonus|sounding with bronze/brass (instruments); aerius|of/produced in/existing in/flying in air, airborne/aerial; towering, airy; blue; aerizusa|kind of jasper; aero|kind of basket made with plaited reeds; hamper; aerodromus|airfield; aerodynamicus|aerodynamic; aeroides|sky-blue; the color of air; (may only be ADJ); aeroides|cloudy; sky-blue (L+S); [beryllus aeroides => sapphire]; aerolithus|aerolithe; aeromantia|aeromancy, divination from the state of the air; aeronauticus|aeronautic; aeronauticus|aircrew; aeronavigans|airline personnel; aerophobus|one who fears the air; aeroplaniga|aviator, pilot of plane; aeroplanigera|aircraft carrier; aeroplanum|plane; aerosolum|spray; aerostatum|airship; hot-air balloon; aerosus|containing copper; full of copper; aeruca|verdigris, rust of copper; patina on copper/bronze; aerugineus|verdigris-colored; bluish-green/greenish-blue; aerugino|rust, become rusty; become cankered; aeruginosus|covered with verdigis; rusty; aerugo|rust of copper, verdigris; canker of the mind, envy, ill-will, avarice; aerumna|toil, task, labor; hardship, trouble, affliction, distress, calamity; aerumnabilis|causing misery/trouble/hardship; distressing; aerumnosus|full of/afflicted with trouble/suffering, wretched; causing distress; aerumnula|traveler's stick for carrying a bundle/bindle; aeruscator|beggar; itinerant juggler/entertainer (L+S); aerusco|beg; go begging; get money traveling and practicing juggling/legerdemain (L+S); aes|money, pay, fee, fare; copper/bronze/brass, base metal; (w/alienum) debt; gong; aesalon|species of hawk/falcon; aeschrologia|expression improper because of its ambiguity; aeschynomene|plant which shrinks when touched (Mimosa pudica); sensitive plant; aesculanus|pertaining to copper or money; aesculetum|forest of durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak; district of Rome; aesculeus|of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak; aesculinus|of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak; aesculnius|of a variety of oak tree/wood, perhaps durmast or Hungarian or Italian oak; aesculus|variety of oak tree, perhaps durmast or Hungarian oak, or Italian oak; aesnescia|seniority; Aesopus|Aesop (Greek author of fables); (Roman tragic actor contemporary with Cicero); aessomus|sleeveless; aestas|summer; summer heat/weather; a year; aesthetica|esthetics; aestifer|producing/causing/bringing heat; hot, sultry; aestimabilis|having worth or value; aestimatio|valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages; aestimator|appraiser, valuer; judge; aestimatorius|of/concerning the valuation of property; aestimatus|valuated (price/worth), assessed/estimated (the cost/situation); esteemed; aestimatus|valuation (of property), estimation of money value; value, price; aestimia|assessment; valuation, estimate; aestimium|assessment; valuation, estimate; aestimo|value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem; aestivalis|of summer, designed for summer use; aestive|in summer fashion; lightly (dress); aestivo|spend/pass the summer; aestivum|summer camp/quarters/pastures/apartments (pl.); campaigning season, campaigns; aestivus|summer-like, summer; pertaining to/occurring in/used for/appearing in summer; aestuabundus|foaming, fermenting; aestuarium|tidal marsh/inlet/opening, marsh; (river) estuary; air shaft, vent; aestuarius|agitated; aestumatio|valuation, estimation of money value; value, price; assessment of damages; aestumo|value, assess; estimate; reckon; consider, judge (situation); esteem; aestuo|boil, seethe, foam; billow roll in waves; be agitated/hot; burn; waver; aestuose|with fierce heat; fiery; aestuosus|burning hot, glowing, sweltering, sultry; fevered; seething (water), raging; aestus|agitation, passion, seething; raging, boiling; heat/fire; sea tide/spray/swell; aesum|live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum); aetas|lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era; aetatula|tender age of childhood; early time of life; youth; person of tender age; aeternabilis|eternal, everlasting; aeternalis|eternal, everlasting; aeternaliter|forever; aeternitas|eternity, infinite time; immortality; permanence, durability; aeterno|for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly; aeterno|immortalize; confer undying fame on; aeternum|eternally, for ever, always; perpetually; also; constantly; aeternus|eternal/everlasting/imperishable; perpetual, w/out start/end; [in ~=>forever]; aethalus|sort of grape in Egypt, soot grape; aethanolum|ethanol (drinkable alcohol); aether|upper air; ether; heaven, sky; sky (as a god); space surrounding a deity; aethereus|ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty; aetherius|ethereal, heavenly, divine, celestial; of the upper atmosphere; aloft; lofty; Aethiopia|Ethiopia; present day Sudan; inland central Africa; Aethiopicus|Ethiopian; aethiopis|species of sage (Salvia Aethiopis?); another plant; Aethiopissa|Ethiopian woman, female inhabitant of "Ethiopia"/Sudan; negro/black woman; Aethiops|Ethiopian, of/connected with "Ethiopia"/Sudan/central Africa; Aethiops|Ethiopian, inhabitant of "Ethiopia"/Sudan; negro/black man; black slave; aethon|red-brown; tawny; aethra|brightness, splendor (of heavenly bodies); clear/bright sky; heavens; pure air; aethylicus|ethyl; aetiologia|bringing of proofs, allegation of reasons; inquiry into/explanation of causes; aetites|aetites, eagle-stone (w/lapis) (stone, hollow with another substance within); aetitis|precious stone; aetites, eagle-stone (hollow with another substance within); aetoma|gable; aetoma|gable; aevitas|lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era; aevitas|time of existence; unending/endless time, forever; immortality; days of yore; aeviternus|eternal, everlasting, imperishable; perpetual; having no beginning/end; aevum|time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time; aevus|time, time of life, age, old age, generation; passage/lapse of time; all time; aex|craggy rocks (pl.); rock (sg.) situated between islands of Tenedos and Chios; afa|dust; afanna|shifty excuses (pl.), evasive talk; Afer|African; of/connected with Africa; Afer|African; inhabitant of north coast of Africa (except Egypt); Carthaginian; affaber|made/prepared ingeniously/skillfully/with art; ingenious, skilled in art; affabilis|easy of access/to talk to, affable, friendly, courteous; sympathetic (words); affabilitas|affability, friendliness, courtesy; affabiliter|conversationally, in informal/friendly discourse; affabre|skillfully, ingeniously, artistically; affabricatus|fitted/added to by art; affamen|greeting, salutation, address; accosting; affania|trifling talk (pl.), chatter; idle jests; affatim|sufficiently, amply, with complete satisfaction; affatus|address, speech, converse with; pronouncement, utterance (of); affectatio|seeking/striving for, aspiration to; affectation, straining for; claiming; affectato|studiously, zealously; affectator|aspirant, zealous seeker (of), one who strives to obtain/produce; affectatus|studied, artificial, affected; affecte|deeply, with (strong) affection; affectio|mental condition, mood, feeling, disposition; affection, love; purpose; affectiose|affectionately; affectiose|feelingly; with (kindly) feeling; affectiosus|full of (kindly) feeling; affectiosus|full of affection/attachment; affectivus|affective; of willing/desiring; affecto|aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend; affector|aim at, desire, aspire, try, lay claim to; try to control; feign, pretend; affectrix|aspirant (female); she who seeks/strives for (thing); affectualis|depending on a temporary condition; affectuose|affectionately, kindly; affectuose|feelingly; with (kindly) feeling; affectuosus|full of (kindly) feeling; affectuosus|affectionate, kind, full of inclination/affection/love; affectus|endowed with, possessed of; minded; affected; impaired, weakened; emotional; affectus|affection, passion, love; friendly feeling (Cas); goodwill; loved ones (pl.); affectus|disposition; condition, state (of body/mind); feeling, mood, emotion; affero|bring to (word/food), carry, convey; report, allege, announce; produce, cause; afficio|affect, make impression; move, influence; cause (hurt/death), afflict, weaken; afficticius|attached (to); affigo|fasten/fix/pin/attach to (w/DAT), annex; impress upon; pierce; chain, confine; affiguro|form (word) by analogy; affingo|add to, attach; aggravate; embellish, counterfeit, forge; claim wrongly; affinis|relation (by marriage); neighbor; accomplice; affinis|neighboring, adjacent, next, bordering; related (marriage), akin, connected; affinitas|relation(ship) by marriage; relationship (man+wife), bond/union; neighborhood; affirmanter|certainly, assuredly, with assurance; affirmate|with definite affirmation/solemn assertion, positively, certainly, assuredly; affirmatio|affirmation, strengthening of belief; assertion, dogmatic/positive statement; affirmativus|affirming, affirmative; affirmator|one who makes a definite assertion/affirmation; affirmo|affirm/assert (dogmatically/positively); confirm, ratify, restore; emphasize; affixio|joining/fastening to; an addition to; affixum|fixtures (pl.) pertaining thereto;, permanent fittings/appendages/appurtenances; affixus|fastened/joined to (person/thing); impressed on, fixed to; situated close to; afflagrans|flaming/blazing up; turbulent, unquiet; afflator|one who blows on/breathes into; afflatus|breath, snorting; breeze, wind, draught, (hot) blast; stench; inspiration, flash afflecto|affect, move, influence (to a course of action); affleo|weep/cry at; weep as an accompaniment; afflexus|bent/turned (towards); afflictatio|grievous suffering, torment, affliction; pain, torture; afflictator|one who causes pain/suffering/torment/torture; tormenter; afflictio|pain, suffering, torment; afflicto|shatter, damage, strike repeatedly, buffet, wreck; oppress, afflict; vex; afflictor|one who strikes against/down/overthrows; afflictrix|that strikes against/down/overthrows or collides with (female); afflictrix|one (female) who strikes against/down/overthrows; afflictus|in a state of ruin (persons/countries/affairs), shattered; afflictus|collision, blow; a striking against/dashing together; affligo|overthrow/throw down; afflict, damage, crush, break, ruin; humble, weaken, vex; afflo|blow/breathe (on/towards); inspire, infuse; waft; graze; breathe poison on; affluens|flowing/overflowing/abounding with; abundant, plentiful, sumptuous, copious; affluente|richly, copiously, abundantly, extravagantly, opulently; affluenter|abundantly, copiously; luxuriously, extravagantly; affluentia|flow (of a liquid); abundance, profusion, extravagance, opulence, riotousness; affluo|flow on/to/towards/by; glide/drift quietly; flock together, throng; abound; affodio|add by digging; affor|speak to, address; be spoked to/addressed (PASS), be decreed by fate; afforciamentum|strengthening; W:fortification; afformido|be afraid, fear; affrango|cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces; affremo|roar/rage/growl (at); assent noisily to (w/DAT); affricatio|rubbing on/against (thing); friction; abrasion; affrico|rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on; affrico|rub (one thing against another); apply/communicate/impart by rubbing, smear on; affrictus|friction; rubbing on; affringo|cause to be broken against, crush/strike/break against; break in pieces; affrio|sprinkle (powder); crumble, grate; affulgeo|shine forth, appear, dawn; shine/smile upon (w/favor), appear favorable; affundo|pour on/upon/into, heap up; shed/spill (blood); wash; affundor|prostrate oneself; cause to be spread on/over; flow alongside/past (streams); affuo|flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound; afluens|abundant, plentiful, copious; afluo|flow/stream/issue (from), flow away; abound in (w/ABL), be abundant, abound; afore|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; aforem|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; aforemus|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; aforent|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; afores|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; aforet|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; aforetis|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; Afranius|Afranius; (Roman gens name); (L. Afranius -> one of Pompey's generals); Afranius|Afranius; (Roman gens name); (L. Afranius -> one of Pompey's generals); Africa|Africa (North); (Roman province); Libya (Carthagenian); the continent; Africanus|African; from/of Africa; plants/animals from Africa; africanus|panthers (pl.); (African cats); (other wild beasts); Africus|African; from the southwest (e.g. sea between Africa and Sicily, wind); Africus|southwest wind; agaga|catamite (rude), a boy kept for unnatural purposes, pathic; agalma|statue; image; agalmate|effigy; depiction of ruler on seal; agamus|unmarried; agantur|let them be treated; let it be a matter or question of; agape|Christian love/charity; love feast of early Christians; agaricum|agaric, species of corky tree (larch) fungus used as styptic/tinder/in dyeing; agaso|driver, groom, stableboy; lackey, serving-man; agathodaemon|Egyptian serpent to which healing power was ascribed; agathum|notable/distinguished/characteristic thing; precious thing, one of great value; agatur|let it be treated; let it be a matter or question of; age|come!, go to!, well!, all right!; let come; agea|gangway between the rowers in a ship; agedum|come!, go to!, well!, all right!; agellulus|very small plot of land, very small field; agellus|little field, small plot of land, farm, small estate; agema|special division of the Macedonian army, royal bodyguard; agenda|ritual; what must be done; agenda; agens|efficient, effective, powerful; agens|advocate, pleader; secret police (pl.) (frumentarii/curiosi); land surveyors; ager|field, ground; farm, land, estate, park; territory, country; terrain; soil; ageraton|plant that does not easily wither (Achillea ageraton?); agerius|Agerius; fictional name in Law; agero|take away, remove; ageto|stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue; Aggaeus|Haggai/Aggeus; (minor prophet); (book of Old Testament); aggaudeo|delight in; be delighted with; aggemo|groan in conjunction/sympathy (with); aggenero|beget in addition; aggeniculor|kneel before, bend the knee before; agger|rampart (or material for); causeway, pier; heap/pile/mound; dam/dike; mud wall; aggeratim|in heaps/piles; aggeratio|heaped/piled up material; aggero|heap/fill up, bring, carry; increase, add fuel; push/crowd/press together; aggero|heap/cover up over, pile/build up, erect; accumulate; intensify, exaggerate; aggestim|in heaps, abundantly; aggestio|heap, heaping up; mass (of mud), heap (of sand); aggestum|mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound; aggestus|mound, dike, elevation formed like a dike/mound; aggestus|piling up; act of bringing; earthen bank, terrace; sprinkling earth over body; Aggeus|Haggai/Aggeus; (minor prophet); (book of Old Testament); agglomero|gather into a body, mass together, join forces; pile up in masses; agglomerate; agglutino|glue/stick/adhere/fasten to/together; fit/grip on closely; bring in contact; aggratulor|give thanks (to); (JFW); aggravesco|become heavy; become severe/dangerous (illness), grow worse; be aggravated; aggravo|aggravate, exaggerate; weigh down, oppress; make heavier; embarrass further; aggredio|approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt; aggredior|approach, advance; attack, assail; undertake, seize (opportunity), attempt; aggregatio|aggregation; gathering together; aggregatus|aggregate; aggrego|collect, include, group, implicate; (cause to) flock/join together, attach; aggressio|attack; action of setting about/undertaking (task); aggressivitas|aggressiveness; aggressor|attacker, assailant; aggressura|attack, assault; aggressus|attack, assault; agguberno|steer (one's course); agiaspis|soldiers with glittering/bright (brazen?) shields; agilis|agile, nimble, quick, swift; alert (mind), active; energetic, busy; rousing; agilitas|activity, quickness (mind/body), nimbleness, ease of movement; agiliter|nimbly, swiftly, with agility; agina|opening in upper part of a balance in which the tongue moves; aginator|one stirred by small gain; agino|move heaven and earth, do one's best by hook or crook; agios|holy (Greek); agipes|senator who silently passes over to him; senator for/with he intends to vote; agitabilis|easily moved, mobile; agitatio|brandishing/waving/shaking/moving violently; movement; exercise; working (land); agitator|driver, charioteer; one who drives (animals); agitatrix|that causes movement (of soul); agitatus|agile, animated, brisk; agitatus|movement, activity, state of motion; agite|come!, go to!, well!, all right!; agito|stir/drive/shake/move about; revolve; live; control, ride; consider, pursue; aglaophotis|magic herb of brilliant color; peony (Paeonia officinalis); aglaspis|soldiers with bright/brazen shields; agma|nasalized G; agmen|stream; herd, flock, troop, crowd; marching army, column, line; procession; agminalis|pertaining to a march/train; pack (horses); agminatim|in hosts/hordes/crowds; in troops/trains; agna|ear of grain; straw/blade (L+S); agna|ewe lamb; agnascor|be born in addition/after father's will made; develop; grow later/on, arise; agnata|female blood relation on father's side; agnaticius|pertaining to agnati (born after will); [~ jus => right of agnati to inherit]; agnatio|birth after father's will/death; consanguinity through father/male ancestor; agnatum|offshoot, side-shoot; agnatus|related, cognate; agnatus|male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will; agnellus|little lamb, lambkin; agnicellulus|little lamb, lambkin; agnicellus|little lamb, lambkin; agniculus|little lamb, lambkin; agnina|meat/flesh of lamb, "lamb"; agninus|of/connected with a lamb, lamb's; agnitio|recognition, knowledge; perception of nature/identity; avowal, acknowledgement; agnitionalis|that can be recognized/known, cognizable; agnitor|one who acknowledges or vouches for (seal); agnitus|"recognition" (drama); agnomen|nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic; agnomentum|nickname, an additional name denoting an achievement/characteristic; agnominatio|linking two words different in meaning but similar in sound, paronomasia; agnomino|give/honor with a nickname/additional name denoting achievement/characteristic; agnos|chaste-tree (vitex agnus castus), tall plant resembling the willow; agnoscibilis|that can be recognized/known, cognizable; agnosco|recognize, realize, discern; acknowledge, claim, admit to/responsibility; agnosticismus|agnosticism; agnua|square actus, a measure of land 120 yards square; agnus|lamb; ago|drive/urge/conduct/act; spend (time w/cum); thank (w/gratias); deliver (speech); Agobardus|Agobard; (Bishop of Lyons, 816-840); agoga|channel for drawing off water (mining); agoge|channel for drawing off water (mining); agolum|shepherd's staff/crook; agon|struggle, contest; public exhibition of games; agonal|festival of Janus (pl.); agonalium|festival of Janus (pl.); agonia|victim; beast for sacrifice; (at Agonalia/festival of Janus); agonio|struggle/fight (against); strive unto death (Vulgate Sirach 4:33); agonista|combatant for a prize; agonistarcha|superintendent of public games; agonistarchicus|of/connected with a superintendent of public games; agonium|victim; beast for sacrifice; festival honoring Janus (pl.); Liberalia festival; agonizo|dispute; struggle/fight (against); agonosticus|pertaining to a contest or struggle; agonotheta|superintendent of public games; agonothetes|superintendent of public games; agonotheticus|of/connected with a superintendent of public games; agoranomus|market inspector, Grecian magistrate who inspected provisions/regulated market; agralis|agrarian, of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate; agraphum|things (pl.) unwritten; agrarius|agrarian; of redistribution of public land; of/connected with land/estate; agrarius|those who advocated agrarian reform laws/sought possession of public lands; agraticum|land-tax; revenue from land; agravitas|zero gravity; agrestis|countryman, peasant; rube, rustic, bumpkin; agrestis|rustic, inhabiting countryside; rude, wild, savage; of/passing through fields; agricola|farmer, cultivator, gardener, agriculturist; plowman, countryman, peasant; agricolaris|farmer-; relating to farmers; agricolatio|agriculture, husbandry; agricolor|farm, cultivate land, pursue agriculture; agricultio|husbandry; agricultor|farmer, husbandman; agricultura|agriculture, husbandry; agrimensor|land surveyor; agriophyllon|herb (peucedanum), hog's foot, sulphurwort; agripeta|settler, one who searches for land; land-grabber, squatter, one who seizes it; Agrippa|Agrippa; (Roman cognomen); [Menenius A~ => fable of the belly and members]; Agrippina|Agrippina (Roman woman's name); (mother of Nero); [Colonia ~ => Cologne]; agrius|wild (of plants/other natural products); [staphis ~ => stavesacre]; agronomia|agronomy; agrosius|possessing land (?); agrostis|couch-grass, quitch grass; agrosus|rich in land; agrypnia|sleeplessness; aguna|square actus (120 feet square) (measure of land); ah|exclamation expressing surprise/irony; aha|exclamation expressing surprise/irony; aheneus|copper, of copper; bronze, made of bronze; ahenipes|bronze-footed, that has feet of bronze; ahenum|vessel made of copper/bronze; brazen vessel; kettle, pot, cauldron; ahenus|copper, of copper (alloy); bronze, made of bronze, bronze-colored; brazen; ai|alas; exclamation expressing grief; aiens|affirmative; affirming, saying aye; aientia|affirmation; aigilps|steep, sheer; ain|ayin; (16th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent); aio|say (defective), assert; say yes/so, affirm, assent; prescribe/lay down (law); aisne|indeed? really? is it possible? do you really mean it? (surprise/wonder); ait|he says (ait), it is said; they say (aiunt); aithales|plant (aizoon), houseleek; aizon|live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum); aizoon|live-forever, houseleek (Sempervivum tectorum); stone-crop (Sedum album); ajuga|plant which has the power of producing abortion (also called abiga); ala|wing; upper arm/foreleg/fin; armpit; squadron (cavalry), flank, army's wing; alabaster|conical box for perfume (made of alabaster); antimony; alabastrites|stalagmite (variegated alabaster, calcium carbonate); (for unguents); onyx; alabastritis|precious stone; alabastrum|conical box for perfume (made of alabaster); antimony; alabeta|fish common in the Nile; alabetes|fish common in the Nile; alacer|eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful; alacris|eager/keen/spirited; quick/brisk; active/lively; courageous/ready; cheerful; alacritas|eagerness, enthusiasm, ardor, alacrity; cheerfulness, liveliness; alacriter|eagerly, briskly; alapa|blow (with the flat of the hand), slap, smack; box on the ear; Alaricus|Alaric; (Gothic king who sacked Rome in 410 AD); alaris|auxiliary cavalry (pl.) or other troops; alaris|of/consisting of auxiliary cavalry or other troops; alarius|auxiliary troops (pl.), posted on the wings of the army; alarius|of the wing (of an army); pertaining to the auxiliary cavalry; alaternus|evergreen shrub, Buckthorn (used for pigments (e.g., sap-green)/cathartic); alatus|winged, having/furnished with wings; alauda|crested lark; legion raised by Caesar in Gaul; soldiers (pl.) of this legion; alausa|small fish in the Moselle, shad (Culpea alusa); alazon|braggart, boaster; alba|white precious stone; pearl; albamentum|white (of an egg); albaris|of stucco, stucco; pertaining to the whitening of walls (L+S); albarium|stucco, stucco-work; the whitening of walls; albarius|of stucco, stucco; pertaining to the whitening of walls (L+S); albatus|clothed in white; albatus|White team/faction in chariot racing; albedo|white color, whiteness; albens|white, light, bleached; made/covered in white; pale, pallid; bright, clear; albeo|be/appear white/pale/light-colored/white with age; albesco|become white/pale/light-colored/white with age; become bright, gleam, glow; albicantius|somewhat in the way of white; albicapillus|gray-haired; albicasco|grow bright; albiceratus|pale yellow, wax-white; [albicerata ficus => a variety of fig]; albiceris|pale yellow, wax-white; [olea albiceris => a variety of olive]; albicerus|pale yellow, wax-white; albico|be white; have a whitish tinge, verge on white; albicolor|of a white color, white colored; albicomus|white-haired; having white fibers (flowers/plants); albicor|be white; have a whitish tinge, verge on white; albidus|white, whitish, pale; albineus|white; albinus|plasterer, one who covers walls with stucco/plaster; Albion|Britain (ancient name); Albis|Elbe; (river in Germany); albitudo|whiteness; albo|make white; albogalerus|white cap of the priest/flamen Dialis; albogilvus|whitish yellow; albor|egg white; whiteness, white color (eccl.); albucum|variety of asphodel/its stalk/reeds; (immortal lily, covered Elysian fields); albucus|bulb of the asphodel; the plant itself; albuelis|variety of vine; albugo|white opaque spot on the eye; disorder of the scalp; albulus|white, pale, whitish; album|white (color); white (eye/egg); white tablet, official list, register; album|projection-screen; albumen|egg white, albumen; albumentum|egg white; alburnum|sapwood, soft white wood next to the bark of trees; alburnus|white fish; (bleak or blay?); albus|white, pale, fair, hoary, gray; bright, clear; favorable, auspicious, fortunate; alcalinus|alkali; alce|elk; alcea|species of mallow (mucilaginous flowering plant having hairy stems and leaves); alcedo|halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.); alcedonium|halcyon days (pl.); time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed; alcedonium|halcyon (breeding) days (pl.), winter calm; deep/profound calm/tranquility; alces|moose, elk; alchemia|alchemy; alchimia|alchemy; alchimista|alchemist; alcibium|plant use as antidote for snake-bite; alcima|water plantain; alcinus|of an elk; alcmanius|Alcmanian (type of verse); (like Greek poet Alcman); alcohol|alcohol; alcoholicus|alcoholic; alcoholismus|alcoholism; alcoranus|Koran; alcyon|halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.); alcyone|halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.); alcyoneum|kind of floating sponge, believed to be nest of halcyon; medicine from it; alcyoneus|halcyon (days w/dies), time around the winter solstice when the halcyon breed; alcyonidus|halcyon (days w/dies), time around the winter solstice when halcyon breed; alcyonis|halcyon (breeding) (days) (pl.), winter calm; alea|game of dice; die; dice-play; gambling, risking; chance, venture, risk, stake; alearis|of/pertaining to a game of chance; alearius|of/pertaining to a game of chance; (friendships) formed at the gaming table; aleator|dice-player, gambler; aleatorium|gaming house, place where games of chance are played; aleatorius|of dice/gambling; of gambler/gamester; [aleatoria damna => losses at gambling]; alebre|nourishing food (pl.); alebris|nutritious; alec|herrings; a fish sauce; pickle; alectoria|precious stone, said to be found in gizzards of cocks; alectorios|of/pertaining to a cock; [alectoros lophos => cock's comb., yellow rattle]; alectorius|of/pertaining to a cock; [alectoros lophos => cock's comb., yellow rattle]; alecula|fish sauce; alembicum|still; aleo|gambler; aleph|aleph; (1st letter of Hebrew alphabet); (silent, use as an A only in order); alerius|concerned with gambling; ales|winged, having wings; swift/quick; [ales deus => Mercury; ales puer => Cupid]; ales|bird; (esp. large); winged god/monster; omen/augury; [regia ales => eagle]; alesco|be nourished; grow up; increase (late Latin); aletudo|corpulence, fatness; alex|herrings; a fish sauce; pickle; Alexander|Alexander; (common Greek name); (Alexander the Great - Macedonian king/general); Alexandrea|Alexandria; (City in Egypt and others); Alexandria|Alexandria; (City in Egypt and others); Alexandrinus|Alexandrian, of/belonging to Alexandria (City in Egypt and others); Alexandrinus|Alexandrian, citizen/inhabitant of Alexandria (City in Egypt and others); alexipharmacon|antidote for poison; alga|sea-weed; rubbish, uncountable stuff; water plants; algebra|algebra; algens|cold (weather), chilly (insufficient clothing); cold (of things normally hot); algensis|living on seaweed (spec. of a variety of purple fish); algeo|be/feel/become cold/chilly/cool; endure cold; be neglected/left in the cold; algesco|catch cold; become cold (things); algidus|cold; algificus|chilling; algor|cold, coldness; chilliness; a fit of shivering; cold weather (pl.); algorithmus|algorithm; algosus|abounding in/covered with seaweed; algu|feeling of cold; coldness; algus|feeling of cold; coldness; alia|by another/different way/route; alias|at/in another time/place; previously, subsequently; elsewhere; otherwise; aliatum|food made with garlic; alibi|elsewhere, in another place; in other respects , otherwise; in another matter; alibilis|nourishing (food), nutritious; able to be fattened (animals); alica|emmer (wheat) (Triticum dicoccum) groats/grits; porridge/gruel made with these; alicacius|made of emmer (wheat) (Triticum dicoccum) groats/grits; spelt grits (L+S); alicaria|prostitute (who often were found near the mill grinding alica), "mill girl"; alicarius|connected with emmer (wheat) production; alicarius|miller who grinds emmer (wheat); (or spelt L+S); alicastrum|early-ripening variety of emmer (wheat); summer-spelt (L+S); alicubi|somewhere, anywhere; elsewhere; occasionally; alicula|light coat/cloak/hunting dress; child's coat; alicunde|from some place/somewhere, from some source or other; alienatio|transference of ownership, the right to; aversion, dislike; numbness, stupor; alienigena|stranger, foreigner, alien; something imported/exotic; foreign-born; alienigenus|different, foreign, alien; of/born in another country; imported, exotic; mixed; alieniloquium|talk of crazy persons; crazy talk; alienitas|external causes of disease; alieno|alienate, give up, lose possession, transfer by sale, estrange; become numb; alienor|avoid (with antipathy); cause to feel disgust; be insane/mad; be different; alienum|another's property/land/possessions; foreign soil; other's affairs/views (pl.); alienus|foreign; unconnected; another's; contrary; unworthy; averse, hostile; mad; alienus|foreigner; outsider; stranger to the family; person/slave of another house; alietum|osprey; alifer|winged; aliger|winged, having wings; moving with the speed of flight; alii|some ... others (alii ... alii); alimentarius|person whose maintenance is provided by (public/private) charity/alms/by a will; alimentarius|of maintenance by (public) charity, welfare; charity supported; alimentum|food/nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood; alms; fuel; alimonia|food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance; alimonium|food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance; alio|elsewhere, another direction; to another place/subject/purpose/course of action; alioqui|otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general; alioquin|otherwise, in other/some respects; besides, else; in any case; in general; aliorsum|to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense; aliorsus|to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense; aliovorsum|to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense; aliovorsus|to another place/direction/person, elsewhere; different context/manner/sense; alipes|wing-footed; swift, moving with speed of flight, "flying"; alipes|without grease/fat, greaseless, fatless; alipes|Mercury, the wing-footed god; alipilus|slave who plucked the hair from armpits of bathers; alipta|one who anoints; manager of school of wrestlers; master of wrestlers/the ring; aliptes|one who anoints; manager of school of wrestlers; master of wrestlers/the ring; aliqua|somehow, in some way or another, by some means or other; to some extent; aliquam|largely, to a large extent, a lot of; [~ multi/multum => fair number/amount]; aliquamdiu|for some time, for a considerable time/distance (travel), for a while; aliquandiu|for some time, for a considerable time/distance (travel), for a while; aliquando|sometime (or other), at any time, ever; finally; before too late; at length; aliquantillum|very small amount; very little indeed; a little bit; aliquantisper|for some time, for a while; aliquanto|somewhat, to/by some (considerable) extent/amount; considerably; aliquantorsum|somewhat toward (place); aliquantulo|to a little/small amount/bit/extent; slightly, somewhat; aliquantulum|to a little/small amount/bit/extent; slightly, somewhat; aliquantulum|little/small amount; a fair amount/good deal of; something; bit; aliquantulus|little, small; a little/small amount/quantity/number/part/bit of; aliquantum|to some extent, in some degree, somewhat, slightly, a little; aliquantum|certain/fair amount/number/degree; a considerable quantity; a part/bit; aliquantus|certain quantity/amount/number/size of; quite a quantity of; moderate; aliquatenus|for a certain/restricted distance/time/degree/extent; while, up to a point; aliqui|in some way/extent; aliqui|any; some; aliquid|to some degree/extent; somewhat; aliquis|anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another; aliquit|to some degree/extent; somewhat; aliquo|to some place/person (or other); in some/any direction/quarter; some/anywhere; aliquod|some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one; aliquod|some/several/a few people; more than one; a number; aliquodfariam|in several places; aliquomodo|in some manner, somehow; aliquot|some, several; a few; not many; a number (of); more than one; aliquot|some/several/a few people; more than one; a number; aliquotfariam|in several places; aliquotiens|number of times, several times; aliquoties|number of times, several times; aliquovorsum|in some direction/quarter; alisalius|one another; [alisalios/in alisalio => against one another - Vulgate 4 Ezra]; alisma|aquatic plant, water plantain (Alisma plantago); aliter|otherwise, differently; in any other way [aliter ac => otherwise than]; alitudo|nourishment; alitura|feeding, nourishing; nature, rearing; aliturgicus|without liturgy; alitus|nourishment, sustenance; support; aliubei|in (an)other place/places; in one place..in another; in some cases, sometimes; aliubi|elsewhere, in another place; in other respects , otherwise; in another matter; alium|garlic, garlic plant; aliunde|from another person/place, from elsewhere/a different source/cause/material; alius|the_one ... the_other (alius ... alius); alius|other, another; different, changed; [alii...alii => some...others]; (A+G); aliusmodi|of another kind; in another way/different fashion; somehow else; aliuta|in another way/manner, otherwise; allabor|glide/move/flow/fall towards (w/DAT/ACC); creep up; steal into; fly (missiles); allaboro|make a special effort; take trouble to; allacrimo|shed tears, cry, weep (at or as an accompaniment to something); allambo|lick (of flames); touch; allapsus|gliding up; gliding/stealthy approach; flowing towards or near; allatro|bark at; rail at; rage, roar (sea); allaudabilis|praiseworthy, commendable; allaudo|praise, commend; allavo|flow up to (water), wash; allec|herrings; a fish sauce; pickle; allectatio|coaxing, enticing, encouragement, invitation; allectator|one who coaxes/entices/attracts/invites/encourages; allecto|entice, allure, encourage, invite; allector|official of a collegium (concerned with dues or admission); allectura|office of collector of revenues (colligium allector); allegatio|allegation, charge; intercession; representation made on behalf of another; allegatum|account; something pledged allegatus|instigation, prompting; allego|depute/send as agent, commission; put up, suborn; urge/plea, lay before; allege; allego|choose, admit, elect, recruit, select, appoint; allegoria|allegory; allegorice|allegorically; allegoricus|allegorical; allegorizo|allegorize, speak in allegories; Alleluia|Halleluia, cry of joy and praise to God; (praise ye Jehovah); alleluiaticus|pertaining to the alleluia; (w/versus) verses containing "alleluia"; allenimentum|soothing remedy/relief; allergia|allergy; allergicus|allergic; allevamentum|mitigation; relief, alleviation; allevatio|alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; elevation; allevator|one who lifts/raises up; alleviatio|alleviation, easing; relief; lifting up, raising; elevation; allevio|lighten, make light; deal lightly/leniently with; raise up, relieve; allevo|lift/raise/heap/pile up, exalt; alleviate/diminish/weaken; comfort/console/cheer allevo|smooth, smooth off, make smooth; polish; depilate; allex|herrings; a fish sauce; pickle; alliatum|food composed of/seasoned with garlic; allibentia|inclination (for); allibesco|be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for); allicefacio|entice, allure; attract, lure, seduce; allicefio|be/become enticed/allured/lured; (allicefacio PASS); allicio|draw gently to, entice, lure, induce (sleep), attract, win over, encourage; allido|dash/crush against, bruise; ruin, damage; shipwreck; (PASS) suffer damage; alligamentum|band, binding, tie; alligatio|tying or binding to supports; a bond; band; alligator|one who ties or binds (to a support); alligatura|band, binding; fastening; alligatus|slaves (pl.) who are fettered; alligo|bind/fetter (to); bandage; hinder, impede, detain; accuse; implicate/involve in; allino|smear/spread/dash over (W/DAT); spread out on; adhere to; allisio|dashing against; striking upon; allium|garlic, garlic plant; allium|garlic; Allobrox|Allobroges (pl.); (tribe of Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War); alloco|stow; hire; let; allocutio|address (spoken/written), manner of address; consolation; harangue, exhortation; allocutio|satisfaction; comfort; (Vulgate); allodium|freehold; heritable estate; allod/alod/alloidium/aloidium;; allophylus|foreign; of another race/stock; alloquium|address, addressing, talk; talking to, encouragement, friendly/reassuring words; alloquor|speak to (friendly); address, harangue, make a speech (to); call on; console; allubentia|inclination (for); allubesco|be pleasing, gratify; be roused with desire (for); alluceo|shine upon; light (torch); show/give (opportunity/chance); give/supply light; allucinator|idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind; alluctor|wrestle; wrestle with (w/DAT); alludio|play/frolic (with); alludo|frolic/play/sport around/with, play against; jest, make mocking allusion to; alluo|wash/flow past/near/against, lap; beset; bathe (pers.) (tears); deposit silt; allus|big toe; allusio|playing/frolicking/sporting with; alluvies|silt, soil deposited by a river; floodland by a river; lapping of waves; alluvies|inundation, flood; overflow; superabundance; alluvio|flood, overflow; addition made to land by deposition of slit; superabundance; alluvius|alluvial, from river overflow/deposit; almarium|sacristy; almitas|nurture, kindness; bounty; title/epithet for a bishop; almities|kind behavior; almonium|nourishment, food; almucia|amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb); almus|nourishing, kind, propitious; of a nurse/breast, providing nurture, fostering; almutium|mozzetta; (short vestment with hood worn by Pope and others he designates); alneus|of alder-wood, alder; alnus|of alder-wood, alder-; alnus|alder; (something usually made of alder wood) plank, bridge, boat, ship; alo|feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop; alo|feed, nourish, rear, nurse, suckle; cherish; support, maintain, develop; aloe|aloe plant (Aloe vera); thickened aloe juice (as purgative); bitterness; alogia|folly, nonsense; irrational conduct/action; dumbness, muteness (L+S); alogus|irrational, nonsensical; that does not correspond (math); irregular (verse); alopecia|bald patch on head (from mange); fox mange (usu. pl.) (L+S); alopecis|variety of vine; alopecuros|beard-grass, similar grass; fox-tail (L+S); alopex|thresher shark (alopias vulpes); sea-fox (L+S); alpha|alpha, 1st letter of Greek alphabet; A; first/foremost (group/class); beginning; alphabeticus|alphabetic; alphabetum|alphabet; alphos|skin disease (psoriasis gutlata?); white spot on the skin (L+S); alphus|skin disease (psoriasis gutlata?); white spot on the skin (L+S); Alpinus|Alpine; of the Alps; Alpis|Alps (usually pl.), mountains to the north of Italy; alsidena|kind of onion; alsine|plant of the genus Partietaris, pellitory (used in medicine); alsiosus|liable to be injured by the cold; alsiosus|people (pl.) liable to catch cold; alsius|liable to injury from cold; chilly/cool/cold (L+S); alsulegia|hockey; alsus|cool, chilly (of a place); altanus|south-south-west wind; land breeze; altar|altar, fittings for burnt offerings; burnt offerings; high altar; altaragium|altarage, stole fees, perquisites for baptism/marriage/etc.; altare|altar (usu. pl.), fitting for burnt offerings; burnt offering; high altar; altarista|assistant priest; altarium|altar; high altar; alte|high, on high, from above, loftily; deep, deeply; far, remotely; profoundly; alter|the_one ... the_other (alter ... alter); otherwise; alter|one (of two); second/another; former/latter; [unus et ~=> one or two/other]; alter|second/further/next/other/latter/some person/thing (PRONominal ADJ); either; alteramentum|alteration, change; alteras|at another time; at one time ... at another; alteratio|alteration, change; altercabilis|quarrelsome, contentious; altercatio|contention, dispute, wrangle, altercation; debate, argument (law), repartee; altercator|disputant, one who conducts exchanges with opponent in law-court; alterco|argue/bicker/dispute/wrangle/quarrel; dispute in court; exchange conversation; altercor|argue/bicker/dispute/wrangle/quarrel; dispute in court; exchange conversation; alterculum|henbane, plant of genus Hyoscyamus; altercum|henbane, plant of genus Hyoscyamus; alterinsecus|on the other side; alterius|of one another; alternatim|by turns, alternately; alternatio|alternation, alternate movement; alternative; ambivalence; alternatus|alternate, succeeding each in turn; alternative; alterne|by turns, alternately; alternis|alternately; one after the other in turn, by turns; every other day/year; alterno|do by turns, vary; alternate, waver, ebb and flow; bear/crop in alternate years; alternus|alternate, one after the/every other, by turns, successive; mutual; reciprocal; alterorsus|in the other direction; on the other side; alterplex|twofold, double; divided; alteruter|one (of two), one or the other; either; both; (PRONominal ADJ) alterutraque|on both sides, in both cases; alterutrique|on both sides, in both cases; alterutrum|one to another; althaea|marshmallow (Athaea officinalis); alticinctus|high-girded; active, busy; alticomus|having foliage high up/at the top (trees); altifrons|having lofty forehead; altijugus|that has a lofty summit (mountain); altilaneus|having long/thick wool; altiliarius|keeper of fowls, poultry farmer/fattener; altilis|table bird, fattened bird/fowl; altilis|fattened, fat, raised/fed up for eating; rich (dowry); well-fed, pampered; altilium|fatlings (pl.); altipendulus|high-hanging, hanging high; altipotens|very mighty, of high/great power; altisonus|of lofty sound, that sounds high up/in the heavens; sublime; high-sounding; altispex|looking down from on high; altistria|alto; altithronus|one enthroned on high; seated in heaven; altitonans|thundering from on high; that which thunders high in the sky; altitonus|of the fiery zone; altitudo|height, altitude; depth; loftiness, profundity, noblemindedness, secrecy; altiuscule|at fairly high level, rather high; altiusculus|rather higher than normal; altivolans|high flying; soaring; flying high; altivolus|high flying; soaring; flying high; alto|raise, make high, elevate; altor|nourisher, sustainer; foster father, one who raises another's child; altrimsecus|on the other side; altrinsecus|on the other side; altrix|nourisher, sustainer; wet nurse, nurse; foster mother; motherland, homeland; altrovorsum|on the other hand; altruista|altruist; altum|deeply, deep; high, on high, from above; altum|the_deep, the_sea; deep water; a height/depth; remote/obscure period/source; altus|high; deep/profound; shrill; lofty/noble; deep rooted; far-fetched; grown great; altus|nourishing, support; alucinatio|wandering in mind, idle dream, delusion; idle/aimless behavior (w/mentis); alucinator|idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind; alucinogenus|hallucinogenic; alucinor|wander in mind, talk idly/unreasonably, ramble, dream; wander; alucita|gnat; alum|species of comfrey plant; garlic; alumen|alum; astringent substance (sulfates of aluminum), potash alum; alumentarius|person whose maintenance is provided by (public/private) charity/alms; alumentarius|of maintenance by (public) charity, welfare; charity supported; alumentum|food, fuel; nourishment, provisions; sustenance, maintenance, livelihood, alms; aluminatius|dealer in alum; aluminatus|containing alum; aluminium|aluminum; aluminosum|aluminous strata (pl.) (containing alum); aluminosus|containing alum; alumna|nursling, young animal/plant; foster-child, ward; native son; disciple, pupil; alumnaticum|annual tax for maintenance of a seminary; alumno|nurture, nourish; rear (children), educate; train (animals); alumnor|nurture, nourish; rear (children), educate; train (animals); alumnula|little foster-daughter; alumnulus|little foster-son; alumnus|nourished, brought up; reared/fostered by; native, brought up locally; alumnus|nursling, young animal/plant; ward, protegee; native daughter; nurse, mother; alumonia|food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; alumonium|food, nourishment; feeding, nurture, upbringing; cost of maintenance; alus|species of comfrey plant; garlic; aluta|piece/kind of soft leather (prepared with alum); purse/pouch; shoe; beauty patch alutacius|pertaining to soft leather; alutarius|made of soft leather; alvarium|beehive; apiary, bee-house; alveare|beehive; alvearium|beehive; apiary; alveatus|hollowed-out like a trough, trough-shaped; alveolatus|hollowed-out like a trough, trough-shaped; alveolus|basin, (serving) bowl, trough; tray (dim.); bath-tub; gameboard; channel, bed; alveum|bath, bath-tub; alveus|cavity, hollow; tub; trough, bowl, tray; gameboard; beehive; canoe; alveus|hold (ship), ship, boat; channel, bed (river), trench; alvus|belly/paunch/stomach; womb; bowel; bowel movement; hull (ship); beehive; cavity; alypon|turpeth (globularia alypum); (extract acts as active, gentle purgative); alysson|kind of madder; (plant used for red dye, also medicine); alytharcha|magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions; alytharches|magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions; alytharchia|office of magistrate who superintended religious exhibitions; ama|bucket; water bucket; (esp. fireman's bucket); amabilis|worthy to be loved, lovable; amiable, pleasant; lovely, attractive, delightful; amabilitas|attractiveness, lovableness; amabiliter|lovingly; pleasantly; in a loving/friendly manner; Amalechita|Amalechite, one from the tribe of Amalech; (David slaughtered them - 2 Samuel); amandatio|dismissal, banishment, sending away; regulation; amando|send away, dismiss, banish; regulate; amans|lover, sweetheart; mistress; one who is fond/affectionate; amans|loving/fond/affectionate; beloved/dear to; friendly/kind; having love/affection; amanter|lovingly, affectionately; with love/affection; amanuensis|secretary, clerk; amaracinum|perfume/ointment of marjoram; amaracinus|made with/of marjoram; amaracum|marjoram; feverfew (pyrethrum parthenium); amaracus|marjoram; feverfew (pyrethrum parthenium); amarantus|amaranth (imaginary flower said never to fade)/(ornamental w/colored leaves); amare|with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly; amaresco|become bitter; amarico|make bitter; excite, irritate; amaricor|grow bitter; amaritas|bitterness (of taste), harshness; amariter|with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly; amarities|bitterness (of experience), harshness; amaritudo|bitterness (taste/feelings/mind); sharpness, tang, pungency; harshness (sound); amaror|bitter taste; bitterness; amarulentia|bitterness; (Erasmus); amarulentus|having sour disposition; acrimonious; very bitter, full of bitterness (L+S); amarum|with bitterness, acidly, spitefully, bitterly; amarum|bitterness; unpleasantness; (often pl.); amarus|bitter, brackish, pungent; harsh, shrill; sad, calamitous; ill-natured, caustic; amasco|begin to love; amasia|female lover; (JFW guess from amasius = lover); amasio|lover; amasiuncula|loved one, darling, sweetheart; fond lover; amasiunculus|lover, paramour; fond lover; amasius|lover; amata|loved one, beloved (woman); amatio|love, caressing, fondling; (romantic) intrigue; amator|lover; friend, devotee; enthusiastic admirer/pursuer; one fond of women; amator|amateur, dilettante; amatorculus|little lover; sorry lover (L+S); amatorie|in a loving manner; amatorium|love potion/charm/philter; anything which stimulates sexual passion; amatorius|of love or lovers, amatory; inducing love (potions); amorous, procuring love; amatrix|amorous; (applied to things); amatrix|sweetheart, mistress; hussy; woman who loves (in sexual sense); amaturio|wish to love; amatus|loved, beloved; amaxites|waggoner, carter, teamster; Amazon|Amazon, member of race of legendary female warriors; woman as man's antagonist; amb|both; two of pair; two considered together, both parties; each of two; ambactus|vassal, dependent; retainer, servant; ambadedo|eat/gnaw around; eat up entirely; ambadedo|eat/gnaw around; eat up entirely; ambages|circuit; roundabout way; long story, details; riddle; ambiguity; lie; mystery; ambagiosus|circuitous, indirect, roundabout; ambago|confusion, uncertainty, obscurity; ambarvalis|concerned with circumambulation of fields (e.g., ceremony of Ambarvallia); ambecisus|incision on both sides; ambedo|eat/gnaw around the edge; erode (water); waste; eat, consume, devour; char; ambedo|eat/gnaw around the edge; erode (water); waste; eat, consume, devour; char; ambestrix|gluttonous woman; female consumer/waster (L+S); ambidens|sheep which has both upper and lower teeth; ambienter|eagerly, with zeal; ambifariam|in a way placing opponent in dilemma/proving his arguments self-contradictory; ambifarie|ambiguously; on two sides; in two ways; ambifarius|ambiguous, of double meaning, that has two meanings; that has two sides; ambiga|cap of a still; ambigo|hesitate, be in doubt; argue, dispute, contend; call in question; be at issue; ambigue|ambiguously, equivocally; with uncertain meaning/outcome; unreliably; ambiguitas|ambiguity of meaning; an equivocal expression, ambiguity; ambiguum|varying/doubtful/uncertain state/condition/expression; ambiguity; ambiguus|changeable, doubtful, ambiguous, wavering, fickle; treacherous, unethical; ambio|go round, visit in rotation, inspect; solicit, canvass; circle, embrace; Ambiorix|Ambiorix, a chief of the Eburones, a tribe of Gaul, central Normandy - Caesar; ambitio|ambition; desire for/currying favor/popularity, flattery; vote canvassing; pomp; ambitiose|ingratiatingly, earnestly; ambitiously, presumptuously; ostentatiously; ambitiosus|ambitious, eager to please/for advancement/favor; showy; winding, twisting; ambitor|candidate; ambitudo|period of revolution; ambitus|circuit, edge, extent; orbit, cycle; canvass, bribery; circumlocution; show; ambivalentia|ambivalence; ambivium|road junction, meeting of two roads; ambligonius|obtuse-angled; amblygonius|obtuse-angled; ambolagium|amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb); ambon|pulpit; ambro|glutton; spendthrift; ambroscus|immortal, divine, of things belonging to the gods; ambrosial; ambrosia|food of the gods, ambrosia; fabulous healing plant/juice; antidote (to poison); ambrosiacus|ambrosial; ambrosialis|ambrosial (?); connected with Ambrussum in Gallia Narbonensis (?); ambrosius|immortal, divine, of things belonging to the gods; ambrosial; ambubaia|Syrian singing-girl and courtesan; ambubaia|wild endive; chicory; ambubeia|wild endive; chicory; ambufariam|in a way placing opponent in dilemma/proving his arguments self-contradictory; ambulacrum|promenade, walk; place for walking; lounge; ambulatilis|moving, walking about; movable; ambulatio|walking about, stroll; place for promenading, covered/uncovered walk, portico; ambulatiuncula|short/little walk/stroll; small place for walking, little portico; ambulativum|procession (pl.); ambulator|one who walks about (idly/for pleasure); itinerant trader, peddler; ambulatorius|movable, which can be moved; transferable; liable to change; for/while walking; ambulatrix|movable, which can be moved; transferable; liable to change; ambulatura|walking, pace, step, amble (of horses); ambulo|walk, take a walk, go on foot; travel, march; go about, gad; parade, strut; ambultus|walking (act of); amburbale|annual expiatory procession around Rome (with sacrificial victims - hostiae); Amburbium|Amburbia festival, annual expiatory procession round Rome; amburbium|annual expiatory procession around Rome (with sacrificial victims - hostiae); amburo|burn around, scorch, char, scald; fire harden; burn up, cremate; frost-bite/nip; ambustio|burn; fire, conflagration; ambustulatus|scorched around, burned around the edges; half roasted; ambustum|burn; amellus|kind of aster; (purple) Italian starwort (Aster amellus); amen|amen; (from Hebrew); truly/verily/so be it; true/faithful; truth/faithfulness; amendator|one who suborns accusers; amens|insane, demented, out of one's mind; very excited, frantic, distracted; foolish; amentia|madness; extreme folly, infatuation, stupidity; frenzy, violent excitement; amentius|more madly/wildly; amento|fit with a throwing strap; give impetus with a throwing strap; speed on; amentum|throwing-strap, thong/loop attached to spear for throwing; (shoe) thong/strap; amercio|fine, penalize; America|America; Americanus|American; amerimnon|houseleek; ames|pole/fork for supporting/spreading birdnets; fence rail, cross bar; amethystinatus|wearing a dress the color of amethyst (violet-blue)/adorned with amethysts; amethystinus|of the color of amethyst (violet-blue); set/adorned with amethysts; amethystizon|resembling the color of the amethyst (violet-blue); amethystus|amethyst (color = violet-blue); ornamented/set with amethysts (gems); amethystus|amethyst, violet-blue precious stone; vine yielding non-intoxicating wine?; ametor|motherless; amfitapa|rug with pile on both sides; amflexus|curved around, bent double; amfractus|bend, curvature; circuit, (annual) round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution; ami|ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; amia|small tunny, bonito; amiantus|mineral having properties similar to asbestos, chysolite?; amias|small tunny, bonito; amica|female friend; girl friend, sweetheart; patron; mistress, concubine; courtesan; amicabilis|friendly, amicable; amicabiliter|in a friendly/amicable manner; amicalis|friendly; cult-title of Jupiter (of friendship); amicarius|procurer; one that procures a mistress/woman; amice|in a friendly manner/spirit; with goodwill; amicicia|friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations; amicimen|clothing, garment; amicinum|neck of a winesack; amicio|clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words; amicio|clothe, cover, dress; wrap about; surround; veil; clothe with words; amiciter|in a friendly manner; kindly, amicably; amicitia|friendship, bond between friends; alliance, association; friendly relations; amicities|friendship; amico|propitiate, make friendly to oneself; amicosus|rich/abounding in friends; amictorium|scarf, wrap; amictorius|suitable for throwing about one (wrap, scarf); amictus|cloak, mantle; outer garment; clothing, garb; fashion; manner of dress; drapery; amicula|mistress, lady friend, girl friend; amiculum|cloak; mantle, outer garment; coat; clothing (pl.), dress; amiculus|little friend (familiar or depreciatory), dear friend, humble friend; amicus|friendly, dear, fond of; supporting (political), loyal, devoted; loving; amicus|friend, ally, disciple; loved one; patron; counselor/courtier (to a prince); amigro|go away, remove; amilum|fine meal, starch, gruel; Aminaeus|Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy); Amineus|Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy); Aminneus|Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy); Aminnius|Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy); amissibilis|that may be lost (eccl.); amissio|loss (possessions/faculty/quality/persons/town/military force), deprivation; amissus|loss; fact of losing; amita|paternal aunt, father's sister; [~ magna/maior/maxima=>great/g-g/g-g-g-aunt]; amitina|female first cousin, daughter of father's sister or mother's brother; amitinus|descended from a father's sister (or mother's brother?); amitinus|male first cousin, son of father's sister or mother's brother; amitto|lose; lose by death; send away, dismiss; part with; let go/slip/fall, drop; amium|ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; Ammanites|Ammonite, inhabitant of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea); Ammanitis|Ammonite, of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea); Ammanitis|Ammonite woman, inhabitant of Ammon (land north-east of the Dead Sea); ammaturo|hasten (an occurrence); bring to maturity, mature, ripen; ammento|fit with a throwing strap; give impetus with a throwing strap; speed on; ammentum|throwing-strap, thong/loop attached to spear for throwing; (shoe) thong/strap; ammeo|go to, approach; ammetior|measure out (to); ammi|ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; ammigro|go and live with; go to a place; come to; be added to; Ammineus|Aminean; (applied to vines/grapes/wine, myrrh); (of a region in eastern Italy); amminiculabundus|self-supporting, supporting one's self; amminiculator|assistant, supporter; one who supports; amminiculatus|well stocked; supported; well furnished/provided; amminiculo|prop (up), support (with props); support with authority; applied to adverb; amminiculor|prop (up), support (with props) (vines); amminiculum|prop (vines), pole, stake; support, stay, bulwark; means, aid, tool; auxiliary; amminister|assistant, helper, supporter; one at hand to help, attendant; priest, minister; amministra|assistant (female), helper, supporter, servant; handmaiden, attendant; amministratio|administration; assistance; execution, operation, management, care of affairs; amministrativus|practical; suitable for the administration of; amministrator|director, manager; one who is in charge of an operation; amministratorius|performing the duties of an assistant/helper; serving, ministering; amministro|administer, manage, direct; assist; operate, conduct; maneuver (ship); bestow; ammirabilis|admirable, wonderful; strange, astonishing, remarkable; paradoxical, contrary; ammirabilitas|wonderful character, remarkableness; admiration, wonder; ammirabiliter|admirably, astonishingly, in a wonderful/wondrous manner; paradoxically; ammirandus|wonderful, admirable; astonishing, remarkable, extraordinary; ammiranter|admiringly, with admiration; ammiratio|wonder, surprise, astonishment; admiration, veneration, regard; marvel; ammirator|admirer; one who venerates; ammiror|admire, respect; regard with wonder, wonder at; be surprised at, be astonished; ammisceo|mix, mix together; involve; add an ingredient to; contaminate; confuse, mix up; ammissarius|kept for breeding (male animals), on stud; ammissarius|stallion/he-ass, stud; sodomite; ammissio|getting in, audience, interview; application (medical); mating (animals); ammissionalis|one who introduces/announces at audience; privy chamber usher; seneschal; ammissivus|permitting/favorable (birds of omen approving of action in question); ammissor|perpetrator; one who allows himself to do a thing; ammissum|crime, offense; ammissura|breeding, generation; copulation/mating of domestic animals, service; ammissus|admission, letting in; ammistio|mixture, admixture, mingling; ammistus|mixture, admixture, mingling; ammitto|urge on, put to a gallop; let in, admit, receive; grant, permit, let go; ammium|ammi, Bishop-weed; umbelliferous (flowers radiating from point) plant; ammixtio|mixture, admixture, mingling; ammixtus|mixed; contaminated; not simple; confused; ammixtus|mixture, admixture, mingling; ammochrysus|precious stone (golden mica?); ammoderate|comfortably; suitably; ammoderor|control (w/DAT); keep within limits; moderate; ammodo|henceforth, from this time forward; from now (on); in the future; ammodulor|harmonize/accord with; ammodum|very, exceedingly, greatly, quite; excessively; just so; certainly, completely; ammodytes|kind of serpent in Africa; ammoenio|bring (siege engine) into operation, draw near the walls; besiege, invest; ammolior|struggle, exert oneself (to); put one's hand on object/task; lay violent hands; ammonefacio|admonish; warn; urge; call to duty; ammonefio|be admonished/warned/urged; be called to duty; (admonefacio PASS); ammoneo|admonish, remind, prompt; suggest, advise, raise; persuade, urge; warn, caution; ammoniacum|ammonia-water; ammoniacus|ammoniac; (sal ammoniac is ammonium chloride); ammoniacus|of Ammon (Egyptian god) (Collins); ammonitio|act of reminding; reminder, recurring symptom; warning, advice; rebuke; ammonitor|admonisher; exhorter; one who reminds; ammonitorium|admonition; ammonitrix|monitor (female); she that admonishers/reminds; ammonitrum|natron (sesquicarbonate of soda) mingled with sand; ammonitum|warning; reminder; reminding; advice; admonition (L+S); ammonitus|advice, recommendation; admonition/warning; command (animal); reminder; reproof; ammordeo|bite at/into, gnaw; extract money from; fleece; get possession of his property; ammorsus|bitten, gnawed; ammorsus|bite, biting, gnawing; ammotio|act of moving towards/on to; application; ammoveo|move up, bring up/near; lean on, conduct; draw near, approach; apply, add; ammugio|low (to); bellow (to); (like a bull); ammulco|stroke; ammurmuratio|murmur of comment; murmuring; ammurmuro|murmur in protest or approval; murmur at; ammurmuror|murmur in protest or approval; murmur at; ammutilo|cut/clip close; shave; fleece, cheat, defraud; amnacum|herbaceous plant, pellitory; amnensis|river town; towns (pl.) situated near a river; amnesis|river town; towns (pl.) situated near a river; amnestia|amnesty, general pardon; amnicolus|growing beside a river (-a, -ae for M/F); dwelling beside a river (L+S); amniculus|small brook, rivulet; amnicus|of/connected with a river, situated in a river; amnigenus|that is the son/descendent of a river (-a, -ae for M/F); amnis|river (real/personified), stream; current; (running) water; the river Ocean; amo|love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to; amo|love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to; amodo|henceforth, from this time forward; from now (on); in the future; amoebaeus|alternate; [amoebaeum carmen => responsive song]; amoene|in a pleasant/attractive manner, agreeably; amoenitas|pleasantness, attractiveness, attraction, charm; delight, comfort, luxury; amoeniter|delightfully, in an agreeable manner; amoeno|make pleasant (places); please, delight; amoenum|pleasant places (pl.); amoenus|beautiful, attractive, pleasant, agreeable, enjoyable, charming, lovely; amoletum|amulet/charm (to avert evil); act which averts evil; power to avert evil; amolior|remove, clear away; get rid of, dispose of, remove, obliterate; avert, refute; amolitio|removal (physical); removal (by death); amomis|plant resembling amomum (eastern spice plant) but inferior in fragrance; amomon|amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from the plant; unguent/balm with this spice; amomum|amonum, eastern spice-plant; spice from the plant; unguent/balm with this spice; amor|love; affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion; amorabundus|loving, amorous; amorifer|producing/causing/awakening love; amorificus|producing/causing/awakening love; amortizatio|amortization; liquidation of a debt; amos|love, affection; the beloved; Cupid; affair; sexual/illicit/homosexual passion; amothystinatus|that wears a dress the color of amethyst; amotibilis|removable; amotio|removal; deprivation; process of removing; amoveo|move/take/put away, remove, steal; banish, cause to go away; withdraw, retire; amovibilis|removable; movable; amovibilitas|removability; ampelinus|vine-colored/covered; made of vines; ampelitis|vineyard, vineland; pitch/asphalt (used to preserve vines from insects); ampelodesmos|plant used to tie up vines, esparto/Spanish grass; ampeloeuce|bryony (white vine) (Bryonia alba); ampeloprason|species of wild leek, vine-leek? field-garlic?; ampelos|vine; ampendix|appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit; amperium|ampere; amphemerinos|recurring every day, daily, quotidian, pertaining to everyday; amphibalus|chasuble; (sleeveless mantle worn over alb and stole by priest at Mass); amphibius|amphibious; amphibolia|ambiguity; double meaning; amphibologia|ambiguity; double meaning; amphibolus|amphibious; amphibrachus|poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach; amphibrachysos|poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach; amphibrevis|poetical foot short-long-short, amphibrach; amphicomos|precious stone; amphidane|precious stone also called chrysocolla (magnetic pyrite? L+S); amphimacros|metrical foot, a short syllable between two long ones, amphimacer, cretic; amphimacrus|metrical foot, a short syllable between two long ones, amphimacer, cretic; amphimallium|cloak that is woolly inside and out; amphimallum|cloak that is woolly inside and out; amphiprostylos|temple having portico/pillars front and rear but not sides, amphiprostyle; amphisbaena|species of Libyan serpent supposed to have a head at both ends, amphisbaena; amphisporum|boundary land the right to sow which is in dispute between two peoples; amphistomus|having double mouth/entrance; amphitane|precious stone also called chrysocolla (magnetic pyrite? L+S); amphitapos|rug with pile on both sides; amphithalamos|bedroom on north of Greek house opposite the thalamus (inner/marriage chamber); amphitheatralis|of/in the amphitheater; worthy of the amphitheater; amphitheatricus|made near the amphitheater; cheap, of little value (L+S); amphitheatriticus|made near the amphitheater; cheap, of little value (L+S); amphitheatrum|amphitheater, double (oval/circular) theater having stage/arena in center; amphora|amphora, pitcher, two handled earthenware jar; a capacity of ~30 liters; amphoralis|that has a capacity of one amphora, six-gallon; amphorarius|contained/stored in amphora/jars; ampla|opportunity; ample|in liberal manner/complimentary terms/dignified style, handsomely, impressively; amplector|surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp; amplexo|take and hold in arms, embrace, clasp; welcome, accept gladly; cling/attach to; amplexor|take and hold in arms, embrace, clasp; welcome, accept gladly; cling/attach to; amplexus|clasp, embrace, surrounding; sexual embrace; coil (snake); circumference; ampliatio|enlargement, augmentation; deferral/reserve of judgment, trial postponement; ampliator|one who increases the number (of something), augmenter; amplificatio|enlargement, amplification, augmentation, increasing, making greater; amplificator|enlarger, amplifier, augmenter, increaser, extender, developer; amplificatrum|amplifier; amplifice|magnificently, splendidly; amplifico|enlarge, extend, increase; develop; magnify, amplify; praise loudly, exalt; amplificus|magnificent, splendid; amplio|enlarge, augment, intensify, widen; ennoble, glorify; postpone, adjourn; ampliter|in liberal manner, generously, handsomely; amply, fully, very; deeply, far; amplitudo|greatness; extent, breadth, width, bulk; importance; fullness (of expression); amplius|greater number (than); further, more, beyond, besides; more than (w/numerals); amplius|greater (w/indef. subject, eg., number than), further/more, longer; amplius|greater amount/number/distance, more, any more/further; "judgment reserved"; ampliuscule|rather more (freely/deeply); ampliusculus|fairly large, considerable; amplo|enlarge, extend, increase; develop; magnify, amplify; praise, exalt, glorify; amploctor|surround, encircle, embrace, clasp; esteem; cherish; surround, include, grasp; amplus|great, large, spacious, wide, ample; distinguished, important, honorable; ampola|cruet; ampollata|cruet; amptruo|execute a figure/movement (by leader of ceremonial dance); ampulla|bottle, jar, flask for holding liquids; inflated expressions, bombast; ampullaceus|of/used for an ampulla/jar/bottle; shaped like an ampulla, big-bellied; ampullarius|dealer/maker of flasks/bottles/jars/ampulla; ampullor|use bombast, make use of a bombastic form of discourse; amputatio|pruning, lopping off; amputation; twigs removed by pruning, cuttings; amputo|lop/cut off, prune, shorten; amputate; eradicate, exclude, take away; castrate; amtruo|dance around (at Salian religious festivals); amula|basin; small/shallow bucket/vessel; amuletum|amulet/charm (to avert evil); act which averts evil; power to avert evil; amulum|fine meal, starch, gruel; amurca|watery fluid contained in the olive in addition to oil (vs. solid residue); amurcarius|designed for holding amurca (watery fluid from olive); amurga|watery fluid contained in the olive in addition to oil (vs. solid residue); amusia|boorishness, lack of refinement; ignorance of music (L+S); amusium|leveled slab for testing flat surface; horizontal wheel to show wind direction; amusos|ignorant of music; amussis|ruler/straight edge (mason's/carpenter's); precision [ad ~ => with precision]; amussito|make according to ruler/accurately/exactly/nicely; amussium|leveled slab for testing flat surface; horizontal wheel to show wind direction; amycticus|scratching; sharp/biting (of medical remedies); amydalinus|almond-, of almonds; amygdala|almond tree; almond; [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond]; amygdalaceus|similar to the almond tree/almond; amygdale|almond tree; almond; [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond]; amygdaleus|of/pertaining to an almond tree; amygdalinus|of/made of almonds; grafted on an almond tree; amygdalites|kind of euphorbia, broad-leaved spurge; tree like the almond tree (L+S); amygdalum|almond (nut); [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond]; amygdalus|almond tree; almond; [~ amarum => bitter almond; ~ dulce => sweet almond]; amylo|mix with starch; amylum|fine meal; starch; gruel; amystis|drink taken in one draught; an|can it be that (introduces question expecting negative answer/further question); an|whether; (utrum ... an = whether ... or); or; either; anabaptismus|second baptism; anabaptista|Anabaptists (pl.); (Protestant sect); anabasis|plant name applied by Pliny to any equisetum (e.g., horsetail, mare's tail); anabathrum|raised/elevated seat (in a theater); elevator; anaboladium|kind of cloak; shawl; scarf; anabolagium|veil, head covering; amice (oblong white shawl on shoulders of priest); anabolarium|veil, head covering; amice (oblong white shawl on shoulders of priest); anabolium|surgical instrument; anacampserox|plant (unidentified); (said to bring back lost love by its touch); anachites|precious stone (unknown, diamond?) (as remedy for sadness); anachoresis|retirement, life of a ermite/hermit; anachoreta|hermit, anchorite; anachoreticus|eremitical, anchoritic, of a hermit anachorita|hermit, anchorite; anachronismus|anachronism; anaclinterium|cushion for leaning on; anactorium|sword grass; anadema|band for the hair, head-band; ornament for the head/hair, fillet; anadiplosis|repetition of the same word; anadiplosis|repetition of the same word; anaesthesia|anaesthesia; anagallis|pimpernel (Anagallis aruensis) (small flowering annual) ("scarlet pimpernel"); anaglyphum|sculpture in relief; anaglyphus|carved in low/bas relief; anaglyptarius|that works/carves in relief; anaglypticus|carved/embossed in low/bas relief; anaglyptum|vessels (pl.) carved in low relief; anaglyptus|carved in low/bas relief; anagnosis|lectionary; (book of lessons for divine service; list of appointed passages); anagnostes|reader, one who reads aloud, slave trained to read aloud; anagolaium|amice; (oblong white shawl draped over shoulders of priest, worn w/alb); anagyros|stinking bean-trefoil (Anagyris foetida); analecta|slave who collected crumbs/scraps/gleanings after a meal; analectris|pad worn under the shoulder blades; shoulder pad (to improve the figure); analemma|diagram showing length of sundial pin with time of year; (fig. 8 on globe); analemptris|shoulder pad (to improve the figure); suspensory bandage (L+S); analeptris|shoulder pad (to improve the figure); suspensory bandage (L+S); analogia|ratio, proportion; analogy/similarity (in inflections/derivations of words); analogicus|analogous; of grammatical analogy/similarity (word inflections/derivations); analogium|lectern; pulpit; reader's desk; analogus|proportional; analogous; analphabetismus|illiteracy; analphabetus|illiterate; analysis|analysis analyzo|analyze; anamnesis|commemoration; (Greek); ananasa|pineapple; anancaeum|large drinking vessel which had to be emptied in a single draught; anancites|hardest of substances (adamas); steel; diamond (as remedy for sadness L+S); anancitis|precious stone (diamond?) (used in hydromancy/divination from water signs); anapaesticum|anapaestic verse (pl.), (using metrical foot, two shorts followed by long); anapaesticus|anapaestic, referring to anapaest (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long); anapaestum|anapaestic line/passage (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long); anapaestus|anapaestic (consisting of two shorts followed by a long); anapaestus|anapaest (metrical foot, two shorts followed by long); anapauomene|woman resting (as title of painting); anapauomenos|man resting (as title of painting); anaphora|rising/ascension of star measured in degrees; rising/mounting up (of the stars); anaphora|repetition of word beginning successive clauses; improper preceding reference; anaphoricus|adjusted according to the rising/ascension of the stars; anaphysema|upward blast; anapleroticus|suitable for filling up; anarchia|anarchy; lawlessness; lack of a leader/commander; anarchista|anarchist; anarchos|without beginning; without a leader; anarrinon|snapdragon, antirrhinum; anas|duck; anas|senility in women; disease in old women (L+S); anas|duck; anas|duck; anasceue|refutation of arguments; anastasis|Resurrection; anastomoticus|relaxing (medicine, to open/widen vessels for blood flow); aperient, laxative; anataria|species of eagle; duck eagle? (Falco haliactus); anatarius|pertaining to a duck; [~a aquila => duck eagle (Falco haliactus)]; anathema|offering; sacrificial victim; curse; cursed thing; excommunication, anathema; anathematismus|anathema; curse/ban/denunciation; evil thing; curse of excommunication; anathematizo|anathemize, put under ban; curse; detest; anathemo|anathematize, anathemize, put under ban; curse; detest; anathymiasis|rising of "vapors" (to the head); anaticula|duckling; term of endearment, duckie; anatina|duck's flesh/meat, duck; anatinus|of/from/concerning a duck, duck's; anatocismus|compound interest; anatomia|anatomy; anatomica|anatomy; anatomicus|anatomical; anatomicus|anatomist; anatomie|anatomy; anatonus|longstrung (length of tight skein propelling catapult); extending upward (L+S); anatresis|boring through; anaudia|loss of speech, dumbness; anca|goose; ancaesum|embossed/engraved work (usu pl.) (esp. in gold/silver); ancala|knee; bend of the knee; ancale|knee; bend of the knee; ancele|ancele; (12 waisted shields fell from heaven, copies in Salii shrine of Mars); anceps|two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two/opposite directions/fronts; twofold; anceps|on two sides/fronts (war/attack); undecided/drawn/hanging in balance (battle); anceps|double; w/two meanings; uncertain; dangerous/perilous; ambiguous; unsettled; anceps|doubtful/undecided/wavering; untrustworthy/unreliable/unpredictable; anchora|anchor; grappling iron/hook; [in/ad ~is => at anchor]; anchusa|Dyer's bugloss (Anchusa tinctoria) (alkanet) or similar plant (ox-tongue); ancile|ancele; (12 waisted shields fell from heaven, copies in Salii shrine of Mars); ancilla|slave girl; maid servant; handmaid; (opprobrious of man); nun (selfdescribed); ancillariolus|pursuer of slave girls; lover of maid-servants (L+S); ancillaris|of/having status of female slave; appropriate/characteristic to that position; ancillatus|service of a (female) slave; ancillor|act as handmaid, wait on, serve hand and foot; be subservient/at beck and call; ancillula|little serving-maid, young female slave; slave girl; ancips|two headed/fold/edged/meanings; faces two directions/fronts; doubtful; double; ancisus|cut up, chopped up; cut around/away; anclabre|vessels on a sacrificial table (called an anclabris); anclabris|sacrificial table (vessels on it called anclabria); anclabris|sacrificial; anclo|serve (wine); bring as a servant; have the care of (L+S); ancon|projecting arm/crosspiece; clamp; bracket; piston rod; drinking vessel; armrest; ancora|anchor; grappling iron/hook; [in/ad ~is => at anchor]; ancorago|fish in the Rhine (unknown); ancorale|anchor cable; ancoralis|of/used for anchor; ancorarius|of/used for anchor; ancra|valley (pl.), gorge; ancter|surgical clip; ancula|maid servant; anculo|serve (wine); bring as a servant; have the care of (L+S); anculus|man servant; ancus|group of musical notes; ancyla|joint stiffened by an injury; ancyloblepharos|having eyelid adhering to eye; andabata|gladiator who fought blindfolded; andena|firedog; andrachle|tree resembling the arbutus (strawberry tree/shrub) (Arbustus enedo); andrachne|purslane (Portlaca oleracea); [~ agria => stonecrop?/Sedum stellatum]; andrachne|plant, purslane (Portulacca oleraca); Andreas|Andrew; andremas|plant, purslane (Portulacca oleraca); androdamas|variety of hematite (native sesquioxide of iron Fe2O3); silver marcasite; Androgeosos|Androgeos (son of Minos and Pasiphae, whose death was avenged on Athens); Androgyne|masculine heroic woman; (nickname given to a mannish woman/tomboy); androgynus|hermaphrodite, person of indeterminate sex; andron|corridor, hallway, aisle, passage; men's apartment in a house; andronitis|men's apartment in a house (Greek); androsaces|marine plant (zoophyte?) (OLD says N, not F); androsaemon|variety of St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum and perfoliatum); andruo|run back; (dance around at Salian religious festivals); aneclogistus|discretionary, not required to give an account of one's doings; anellus|little ring, esp. finger ring; anemometrum|wind gauge; anemone|one or other of species of anemone/wind-flower; the plant othonna; anesum|anise (Pimpinella anisum); anethum|dill (Anethum graveolens); anise (L+S); aneticula|duckling; term of endearment; aneticus|remitting, abating; anetina|duck's flesh/meat, duck; anetinus|of/from/concerning a duck, duck's; anetum|dill (Anethum graveolens); anfractum|winding passage; curved/crooked part; bend; anfractuosus|roundabout, convoluted; prolix, protracted, wordy; anfractus|curving, curved, bent; anfractus|bend, curvature; circuit, (annual) round, orbit; spiral, coil; circumlocution; angaria|service of the public courier; service to a lord, villeinage; angarialis|of/pertaining to service; angario|press, requisition, commandeer; exact villeinage; compel, constrain (eccl.); angarium|compulsory services (pl.) in connection with the imperial post; angarius|public courier, messenger; angarus|public courier, messenger; angelicus|angelic; of an angel; belonging to angels; [Doctor ~ => St. Thomas Aquinas]; angelicus|dactylic measure (L+S); angelificatus|changed into an angel; angellus|small/barely perceptible angle; angelus|angel; messenger; angina|acute throat infection w/choking, quinsy; [~ vinaria => suffocation from wine]; angina|angina; angiportum|narrow street, alley; lane; angiportus|narrow street, alley; lane; Anglia|England; Anglia, place of the Angles, area/kingdom in eastern England; Anglicanus|Anglican (follower of the Church of England); Anglicanus|Anglican (follower of the Church of England); Anglice|in/into English; anglicismus|Anglicism; Anglicus|Englishman; Anglus|Englishman; English (pl.); Angles (Low German invaders/colonizers of Britain); ango|choke, throttle, strangle; press tight; distress, cause pain, vex, trouble; angolarius|occurring or placed at a corner; angor|suffocation, choking, strangulation; mental distress, anxiety, anguish, vexation angorio|compel; force; angueus|of/pertaining to a serpent; anguicomus|with snakes for hair; anguiculus|little/small/young serpent/snake; anguifer|snake-bearing, snaky; snake-haunted (place); anguigena|offspring of a serpent/dragon; (pl. as epithet of Thebans); anguilla|eel; hard skin of an eel used as a whip in school; slippery fellow; anguimanus|with snaky hands/serpent-handed/tentacled; epithet of the elephant; anguimanus|one with snaky hands/serpent-handed/tentacled; elephant (L+S); anguineus|of a snake, snaky, snake; consisting of snakes; anguinum|snake's egg; anguinus|of a snake/snakes, snaky, snake; consisting of snakes; resembling a snake; anguipes|snake/serpent footed; epithet of giants; anguipes|giants (pl.) (serpent footed); anguis|snake, serpent; dragon; (constellations) Draco, Serpens, Hydra; anguitenens|serpent-bearing; anguitenens|serpent-bearer (constellation Ophiuchus); angularis|angular vessel; angularis|placed at corners, corner; having angles or corners, square; angulariter|at an angle; angularius|occurring or placed at a corner; angulatim|from corner to corner, in every nook and cranny; angulatus|made angular/cornered, with angles, angular; angulo|make angular/cornered; angulosus|having an angle or angles, angular; angulus|angle, apex; corner, nook, niche, recess, out-of-the-way spot; angusta|small/confined/narrow space/place/passage, strait, channel; crisis, extremities angustas|narrowness of space, confined position, closeness; anguste|closely, in close quarters/narrow limits, cramped, crowded; sparingly, scantily; angustia|narrow passage/place/space (pl.), defile; strait, pass; difficulties; meanness; angusticlavius|having/wearing a narrow purple band (sign of equestrian rank); angustio|narrow, reduce width/size/amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together/hamper angustior|be disturbed, be distressed; be crowded/pushed around; angustitas|narrowness of space, confined position, closeness; angusto|narrow, reduce width/size/amount, constrict, limit; choke, crowd together/hamper angustum|small/confined/narrow space/place/passage, strait, channel; crisis, extremities; angustus|narrow, steep, close, confined; scanty, poor; low, mean; narrowminded, petty; anhelitio|panting, gasping; shortness of breath; iridescence, play of colors on gem; anhelitor|one who suffers from shortness of breath; asthmatic; anhelitus|panting, puffing, gasping, shortness of breath; breath, exhalation; bad breath; anhelo|pant, gasp; breathe/gasp out, belch forth, exhale; utter breathlessly; anhelus|panting, puffing, gasping; breath-taking; that emits hot blast/vapor, steaming; anhydros|narcissus (plant thriving in dry regions); aniatrologetus|untrained in medicine; ignorant of medicine; anicetum|unsurpassable/sovereign remedy; (name for anise); anicetus|unconquered, unconquerable; anicilla|(little) old woman; anicla|(little) old woman; anicula|(little) old woman; anicularis|old-womanish; of an old woman; inflicted by an old woman; old wives tale; anilis|old-womanish; of an old woman; inflicted by an old woman; old wives tale; anilitas|old age (in women); the old age of a woman; aniliter|in the manner of an old woman; with superstitious credulity; anilito|to produce the feebleness of old age in (female); anilitor|become an old woman; anima|soul, spirit, vital principle; life; breathing; wind, breeze; air (element); animabilis|made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital; animadversio|paying attention; observation, attention, notice; censure, reproach, punishment; animadversor|observer, one who notices/pays attention/observes; animadverto|pay attention to, attend to; notice, observe; judge, estimate; punish (in+ACC); animaequitas|composure; animaequus|composed/patient/not easily moved; of good courage; of calm/confident mind; animal|animal, living thing/offspring; creature, beast, brute; insect; animalculum|lowly animal; animalis|animal, living creature; animalis|made of air; animal, of living creatures, living, live, animate; vital; animalitas|animal nature; animal form; animaliter|like an animal; animans|living, having life; animans|animate/living being/organism (not man), creature; animal/plant; (also N, OLD); animatio|form of life; animatrix|she who quickens/animates; animatus|endowed with spirit, animated, spirited; inclined, minded; live, growing, fresh; animatus|breathing; animax|showing signs of life, alive; animismus|animism; animo|animate, give/bring life; revive, refresh; rouse, animate; inspire; blow; animose|courageously, boldly, nobly, ardently, energetically; in high minded manner; animositas|boldness, courage, spirit; vehemence, impetuosity, ardor; wrath (eccl.); animosus|courageous, bold, strong, ardent, energetic, noble; stormy (wind/sea), furious; animula|little life; animulus|heart, soul (only VOC as term of endearment); animus|mind; intellect; soul; feelings; heart; spirit, courage, character, pride; air; anisatum|aniseed liqueur; anisocyclum|system of gears (pl.); screws/elastic springs (L+S); anisum|anise (Pimpinella anisum); aniseed; ann|year; abb. ann./a.; [regnavit ann(is). XLIIII => he reigned for 44 years]; annale|festival (pl.) held at the beginning of the year; annalis|book of annuals/chronicles; annals (pl.), chronicle, history, yearbooks; annarius|of age qualifications for public office [lex ~ => law defining age ...]; annata|annates (w/media), a tax on benefices in the 1917 Code annato|swim to/up to; swim beside/alongside; annavigo|sail to/up to/towards; sail beside/alongside; anne|can it be that (introducing a question expecting a negative answer); anne|whether (or not) (an-ne); annecto|tie on/to, tie up (ship); bind to; fasten on; attach, connect, join, annex; annego|refuse; withhold; annexio|tying/binding to, connecting; annexation; annexus|attached, linked, joined; contiguous (to); related by blood; concerned; annexus|fastening, attaching, connection; tying/binding to, connecting; annexation; annicto|wink to/at; blink at; anniculus|one year old, yearling; lasting only one year, limited to a year; annifer|bearing fruit all year round; producing new shoots every year; annihilo|annihilate, destroy, demolish, ruin, bring to nothing; annitor|lean/rest upon, support oneself, (w/genibus) kneel; strive, work, exert, try; annius|striving; exertion; anniversarie|annually; anniversarium|anniversary; birthday (Cal); anniversarius|annual; employed/engaged/renewed/occurring/arising/growing annually/every year; annixus|vehement, strenuous; anno|swim to/towards, approach by swimming; sail to/towards; brought by sea (goods); anno|pass/live through a year; annodo|cut (shoot) right back, cut flush; cut off knots, cut away suckers; annon|can it be that (introducing a question expecting a positive answer); annona|year's produce; provisions; allotment/rations; wheat/food; price of grain/food; annonarius|of/concerned with the grain supply; annonor|collect provisions; annositas|fullness of years; old age; annosus|aged, old, full of years; long-lived; immemorial; annotamentum|note, comment, remark, annotation; annotatio|note or comment; writing/making notes; notice; rescript of emperor by his hand; annotatiuncula|short note/comment; brief annotation; annotator|one who makes notes, note taker; observer; L:controller of the annual income; annotatus|person officially announced as "wanted", wanted man; annotatus|notice, noting, remark, mention; annotinus|of last year, of the preceding/previous year; annoto|note/jot down, notice, become aware; mark, annotate; record, state; designate; annualis|one year old; annubilo|bring up clouds (against); annuculus|one year old, yearling; lasting only one year, limited to a year; annularis|one year old; annularis|relating to a ring; (anularius variant); annularius|one year old; annulatus|one year old; annullo|annihilate, obliterate, destroy; annul (eccl.); annulus|one year old; annulus|ring; (anulus variant); [~ Piscatoris => Pope's ring w/St. Peter casting net]; annumerabilis|able to be added to; annumeratio|numbering, counting, enumeration; annumero|count (in/out), pay; reckon (time); enumerate, run through; classify as; add; annunciator|announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher; annuntialis|proclamatory; annuntiatio|annunciation/announcement, declaration; message; prediction/prophecy; preaching; annuntiator|announcer, herald, one who announces; prophet (Souter); preacher; annuntiatrix|announcer, preacher, one who announces; prophetess (Souter); annuntio|announce, say, make known; report, bring news; prophesy/announce before; preach; annuntius|announcer, that brings news/announces/makes known; annuo|designate w/nod, nod assent; indicate, declare; favor/smile on; agree to, grant; annus|year (astronomical/civil); age, time of life; year's produce; circuit, course; annuto|nod (to); order/assent to by a nod; bow to; annutrio|train (on); annuum|yearly payment (usu. pl.); annual stipend, pension, annuity (L+S); annuus|for a year, lasting/appointed for a year; paid/performed yearly, annual; anodynon|painkiller, anodyne, that which soothes; anodynos|that allays pain, anodyne; anodynum|painkiller, anodyne, that which soothes; anodynus|that allays pain, anodyne; anomalia|irregularity, anomaly; (gram.); anomalus|irregular, anomalous, deviating from the general rule; anonis|rest-hollow plant (Ononis antiquorum); anonomastos|designation of one of the aeons (unnamed); anonymia|anonymity; anonymos|Scythian plant; anonymus|anonymous, name unknown; without a name; anquina|halyard (rope/tackle used to raise/lower a sail/spar/flag); anquiro|seek, search diligently after, inquire into, examine judicially; indict; anquisitio|indictment; ansa|handle (cup/jar/door), tiller; opening, opportunity; (rope) end, loop, hook; ansarium|duty paid on food stuffs/comestibles brought to Rome for sale; ansatus|having/provided with handle/handles; equipped with a thong for throwing; anser|goose; [anser masculus => gander]; anserculus|gosling, young goose; anserinus|of/obtained from a goose, goose-; anstruo|support; ansula|handle of a cup; tie loop of sandal; hook, staple, small ring; little handle; anta|square pilasters/columns/pillars (pl.); antachates|variety of agate; antagonista|adversary, opponent, antagonist; antamoebaeus|composed of two short two long one short syllable; antapocha|document by which a debtor shows he paid; antapodosis|parallelism in comparisons, application of similitude; antarcticus|southern, antarctic; antarius|supporting in front (ropes), fore-; (rope) for raising (scaffold, mast); ante|before, previously, first, before this, earlier; in front/advance of; forwards; ante|in front/presence of, in view; before (space/time/degree); over against, facing; antea|before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past; anteactus|past, that passed or was spent previously; anteago|do before; anteambulo|forerunner; one who proceeds another to clear the way; antebasis|rear prop of a ballista, hindmost small pillar at pedestal of ballista; antecantamentum|prelude, overture; preliminary; antecantativus|pertaining to a prelude/overture; antecapio|take/seize beforehand, pre-occupy, forestall; anticipate; antecedens|foregoing, preceding; former; prior; previously existent, pre-existing; antecedente|what precedes; premises for reasoning; antecedent matters (pl.); antecedo|precede, go before/ahead/in front of, attain before; excel, surpass, outstrip; antecello|surpass, excel; be stronger than; prevail over; antecenium|meal taken earlier in the day than the main meal; antecessio|going forward/before, preceding; what leads to action/state; antecedents; antecessor|he that goes before, predecessor; scout/vanguard (army); law professors; antecessus|payments in advance; antecurro|run in front of/before; antecurro|run in front of/before; antecursor|scout, forerunner; vanguard (pl.), leading troops; predecessor in office; anteeo|go/walk before/ahead, precede, antedate; surpass; anticipate; prevent; antefero|carry before; place before/in front of; bring in advance, anticipate; prefer; antefixum|object/part fixed in front of something; ornamental tiles/figures at roof edge; antefixus|fixed/fastened in front of; antegenitalis|that existed before birth; antegerio|greatly, very; antegredior|move in front of; go before, precede; occur before; be an antecedent to; antehabeo|have previously; prefer; antehac|before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past; anteida|before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past; antelogium|introduction; preamble, prologue, preface; anteloquium|right to speak before another; preface; antelucanum|hours before dawn/daybreak; last hours of the night (also pl.); antelucanus|before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak; antelucio|before the dawn/daybreak; anteluclo|before the dawn/daybreak; anteludium|advance tableau or show; prelude; antemeridialis|before noon, morning; occurring/done before noon; antemeridianus|before noon, morning; occurring/done before noon; antemeridies|morning, forenoon; (OLD gives N); antemitto|send ahead. send in advance; place in front; antemna|yard of a ship; yardarm; sail (poet.); antenna (Cal); antemoenio|provide with a front/protecting wall, provide with a rampart; antemurale|protecting wall as outwork, breastwork; antemuranus|that is before the wall; antenatus|younger son; antenna|yard of a ship; yardarm; sail (poet.); antenna (Cal); antenuptialis|before marriage; anteo|go before, go ahead, precede; surpass; anticipate; prevent; (anteeo drop e); anteoccupatio|anticipation of an opponents arguments; anteoccupo|anticipation of an opponents arguments; antepaenultimus|pertaining to the third syllable from the end, antepenultimate; antepagmentum|facing of door/window frame; mantel; thing used to garnish house exterior (L+S); antepartum|property acquired in the past; antepassio|presentiment/expectation/anticipation of pain/suffering; antependium|frontal, a hanging in front of the altar; antependulus|hanging down in front (of the head); antepertum|property acquired in the past; antepes|forefoot, forepaw; antepilanus|men (pl.) who fought in the first or second line in a Roman battle formation; antepolleo|be stronger/more powerful than; surpass physically, excel; antepono|set before (w/DAT), place/station before, serve (food); prefer, value above; anteportanus|epithet of Hercules; antepotens|superior in power/fortune, strongest; exceeding; antepreparatorius|pre-preparatory, antepreparatory; antequam|before, sooner than; until; anteridion|little prop/support; anterior|earlier, previous, former; that is before, foremost; anterioritas|antecedence; anteris|prop, support, pillar; counterprops (pl.) supporting a wall, buttress; antescholanus|assistant master/teacher; antescholarius|attendant; antescolanus|assistant master/teacher; antesignanus|skirmisher; leader; troops (pl.) in front rank of legion/before the standard; antestes|(high) priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority (w/GEN); protector; antesto|surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before; antestor|call as a witness (before the opening of the cause); antetestatus|witness; anteurbanum|suburbs (pl.); anteurbanus|suburban; situated near the city; antevenio|come/go/arrive/act before, get in front of; anticipate, forestall; surpass; anteventulus|lying forward (of hair), projecting in front; anteversio|anticipating, preventing; anteverto|act first, get ahead; anticipate; forestall; give priority; take precedence; antevio|go before, precede; antevolo|fly in front of/before; anthalium|earth-almond (Cyperus esculentus), chufa (plant with small tubers, pig food); anthedon|thorn-tree; [(mespilus) anthedon => oriental thorn (Crataegus orientalis)]; anthedon|thorn-tree; [(mespilus) anthedon => oriental thorn (Crataegus orientalis)]; anthedon|species of medlar-tree, Greek medlar (Mespilus tanacet); anthemis|plant (chamomile?); anthemum|herb good for calculi (bladder/kidney stones); anthera|salve/medicament made with flower petals; anthericos|flowering stem of the asphodel; anthericus|flowering stem of the asphodel; anthias|sea fish (difficult to catch L+S); anthinus|made from flowers, flower-; anthologicon|writings (pl.) on flowers; anthology; collected thoughts/proverbs/poems (L+S); anthophoros|flowering; anthracias|kind of carbuncle, the coal-carbuncle; (garnet?); anthracinum|coal-black garments (pl.); anthracinus|coal-black; anthracites|precious stone (unknown); kind of bloodstone (L+S); anthracitis|kind of carbuncle, the coal-carbuncle; (garnet?); anthrax|natural cinnabar (HgS); a virulent ulcer; anthriscum|southern chervil (Scandix australis); anthriscus|southern chervil (Scandix australis); anthropocentricus|anthropocentric; anthropocentrismus|anthropocentrism; anthropographos|portrait painter; anthropolatra|man-worshiper; anthropologia|anthropology; anthropologicus|anthropological; anthropologus|anthropologist; anthropomorphismus|anthropomorphism; anthropomorphita|heretics (pl.) who attributed to God a human form; anthropomorphitus|professing the heresy of attributing to God a human form; anthropomorphus|anthropoid; anthropophagia|cannibalism; anthropophagos|cannibals (pl.), man-eaters; anthropophagus|cannibals (pl.), man-eaters; anthus|bird (heron?); small bird (yellow wagtail? Motacilla flava) (L+S); anthyllion|two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?); anthyllis|two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?); musk ivy (Teucrium iva) anthyllium|two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?); anthyllum|two plants (species of Afuga?; Cressa cretica?); anthypophora|reply to a supposed objection; anticipating and refuting opponents arguments; antia|locks (pl.) of hair that hang down in front, forelock; antiaerius|anti-aircraft; antias|tonsil covered with a pellicle as a result of tonsillitis; antibacchus|metrical foot short-long-long; verse composed of this meter; antibasis|rear prop of a ballista, hindmost small pillar at pedestal of ballista; antibioticum|antibiotic; antiboreum|type of sundial (turned toward the north); antiboreus|turned toward the north (sundial); antibrachium|forearm; anticategoria|counter-plea; recrimination (L+S); Anticato|title of books which Caesar wrote in reply to Cicero's panegyric Cato; anticessus|payments in advance; Antichristus|Antichrist; man of sin (Souter); antichthonis|people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S); anticipale|preliminaries (pl.); anticipatory actions; (preconceptions?); anticipalis|preliminary, anticipatory; anticipatio|preconception, previous notion; anticipation; idea before receiving instruction; anticipo|occupy beforehand; anticipate, get the lead, get ahead of; have preconception; anticoagulans|anticoagulant; anticonceptio|contraception; anticonceptivus|contraceptive; anticonvulsivum|antispasmodic; anticorpus|antibody; anticthonis|people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S); antictonis|people (pl.) of the southern hemisphere; antipodes (L+S); anticus|old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; senior; anticus|foremost, that is in front; anticus|men (pl.) of old, ancients, early authorities/writers; ancestors; anticuus|old, ancient; aged; time-honored; primeval; simple, classic, venerable; senior; antidactylus|reversed dactyl (short-short-long) (w/pes); antidea|before, before this; formerly, previously, in the past; antideo|go before, go ahead, precede; surpass; anticipate; prevent; (anteeo drop e); antidepressivum|antidepressant; antidhac|before this time, up til now; before now/then; previously, earlier; in the past; antidoron|blessed bread distributed after the liturgy in the Greek rite antidotos|antidote, remedy; antidotum|antidote, remedy; antidotus|antidote, remedy; antigelidum|antifreeze; antigerio|greatly, very; vigorously, strongly, energetically; antigradus|front steps; antihistaminicum|anti-histamine; antihypertensivum|anti-hypertensive; antiinfectiosus|anti-infectious; antilope|antelope; antilucanus|before daybreak, that precedes the dawn; of the hours before daybreak; antimensium|consecrated cloth used for an altar; antimetabole|reciprocal interchange; antineuralgicum|neuralgic; antinomia|contradiction between two laws; Antiochea|Antioch; (city in Roman Syria/modern Turkey); Antiochenesis|Antiochian, person from Antioch; high official from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1); Antiochensis|Antiochian, person from Antioch; high official from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1); Antiochensis|Antiochian, of/from/pertaining to Antioch (city) or King Antiochus; Antiochenus|Antiochian, of/from/pertaining to Antioch (city) or King Antiochus; Antiochenus|Antiochian, person from Antioch; high official from Antioch (2 Maccabee 6:1); Antiochia|Antioch; (city in Roman Syria/modern Turkey); Antiochinus|of/from/pertaining to King or philosopher Antiochus; antioxydativus|anti-oxidant; antipagmentum|facing of a door/window frame; anything used to garnish house exterior (L+S); antipascha|Low Sunday in the Greek rite; antipastus|antipast, foot in verse short-long-long-short; verse consisting of antipasts; antipathes|precious stone supposed to act as a charm against witchcraft (black coral L+S); antipathes|charm (for arousing mutual love?) (against pain L+S); antipathia|antipathy, aversion; counteraction; antipendium|frontal, a hanging in front of the altar; antiphernum|return-present (pl.) which the bridegroom brought to the bride (Cod. Just.); antiphona|antiphon, response; (verse/sentence sung by one choir in response to another); antiphonalis|antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir); antiphonarium|book of antiphons; the Gradual; antiphonarius|antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir); antiphonatim|antiphonally; (of verse sung in response by choir); antiphone|antiphonally; (of verse sung in response by choir); antiphonum|antiphon, response (pl.); (verse/sentence by one choir in response to another); antiphonus|antiphonal; (of verse sung in response by choir); antiphrasis|use of a word in a sense opposite to its proper meaning; antipodis|people (pl.) who live on the opposite side of the earth; (keeping late hours); antiptosis|putting of one case for another; (grammar); antiquarius|antiquarian, student of the past; antiquarius|reading/copying ancient manuscripts (w/ars); antiquarius|antiquarian; antiquatio|abrogating, annulling; antiquatus|old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated; antique|in the old way, in an old fashioned manner; antiquitas|antiquity, the good old days; the ancients; virtues of olden times; being old; antiquitus|formerly, in former/ancient/olden times, from antiquity; long ago/before; antiquitus|old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated; antiquo|reject (bill); vote for the rejection; antiquum|antiquity; things of olden times; old custom/habit; antiquus|old/ancient/aged; time-honored; simple/classic; venerable; archaic/outdated; antiquus|men (pl.) of old, ancients, early authorities/writers; ancestors; antirabicus|anti-rabies; antirrhinon|snapdragon, antirrhinum; antirrinum|snapdragon, antirrhinum; antis|rows (pl.) (vines/plants); ranks (soldiers); files (cavalry); antisagoge|figure of speech one thing adduced is opposed to another, counter-assertion; antiscius|people (pl.) on other side of equator with shadows in the opposite direction; antisemitismus|anti-Semitism; antisepticum|disinfectant; antisepticus|antiseptic; antisophista|one who seeks to refute another, opponent in argument; counter-sophist; antisophistes|one who seeks to refute another, opponent in argument; counter-sophist; antispasmodicum|antispasmodic; antispodon|vegetable/wood ash (as substitute for mineral ash); antista|mother superior, head of convent; superioress; antistatus|superiority in rank, rank; antistes|(high) priest/priestess; mouthpiece of god; master/authority (w/GEN); protector; antistes|bishop, abbot, prelate; master; occasionally applied to those of inferior rank; antistigma|character proposed for "ps"; critical mark before a verse to be transposed; antistita|(high) priestess (of a temple/deity, w/GEN); antistitium|office of antistes (high priest); antistitor|supervisor; antisto|stand before; surpass, excel, be superior to; antisto|surpass, excel, be superior to; stand before; antistoechum|substitution of one letter for another; antistrophe|antistrophe, answers to the strophe in Greek/Roman tragedy; antistrophe|rhetorical figure when several parts of a period end with the same word; antithesis|substitution of one letter for another; antitheton|antithesis, opposition; antitheus|one who pretends to be God; the devil; antizeugmenon|grammatical figure by which several clauses are referred to the same verb; antlia|pump, mechanism for raising water, foot pump; (prison activity) treadmill; antoecumene|opposite quarter of the earth, southern half of hemisphere; antomasivus|pertaining to forming an antonomasia/epithet; Antonius|Antony/Anthony; (Roman gens name); (M. Antonius -> Mark Antony, triumvir); Antonius|Antony/Anthony; (Roman gens name); (M. Antonius -> Mark Antony, triumvir); antonomasia|use of an epithet/appellative as substitute for proper name, antonomasia; antoo|requite; antrum|cave; cavern; hollow place with overarching foliage; cavity, hollow; tomb; antruo|dance around (at Salian religious festivals); Antuuerpia|Antwerp; Antverpia|Antwerp; anucella|(little) old woman; anulare|kind of white paint (prepared with chalk mixed with glass beads L+S); anularis|relating to (signet) ring; anularium|payment to veterans on discharge; anularius|ring-maker; anularius|connected with (signet) ring-makers; used in making rings; of rings; anulatus|provided with a ring, ringed; fitted with a fetter, fettered; anulus|ring, signet ring; circlet; ringlet/curl of hair; link of mail; fetters, irons; anulus|posterior, fundament; anus; anus|old (of female persons and things), aged; anus|ring, circle, link, circular form; anus; fundement; piles, hemorrhoids (L+S); anus|year (astronomical/civil); age, time of life; year's produce; anus|old woman; hag; matron; old maid; sibyl, sorceress; foolish/cringing person; anxie|anxiously, meticulously, over-carefully; with distress/chagrin; troublesomely; anxietas|anxiety, worry, solicitude; carefulness, extreme care; anxietudo|worry, anxiety, anguish, trouble; mental distress; anxifer|bringing/causing mental anguish/anxiety, harassing, worrying; anxio|make uneasy/anxious/nervous; worry; anxior|be in anguish; be troubled; worry; anxiosus|anxious, full of anxiety, uneasy; causing anxiety/pain/uneasiness; anxitudo|worry, anxiety, anguish, trouble; mental distress; anxius|anxious, uneasy, disturbed; concerned; careful; prepared with care; troublesome; Ap|Appius (Roman praenomen); (esp, gens Claudia); Ap.Cl. Caecus built Appian Way; apage|be off!; nonsense!, get away with you!; apalocrocodes|kind of eye salve; apalus|soft-boiled (egg). soft, tender; aparctias|north wind; aparine|plant, cleavers (Galium aparine); apathia|apathy; freedom from emotion/passion (as a Stoic value); apathicus|apathetic; apeliotes|east wind; apello|draw/push/drive aside/away (from); aper|boar, wild boar (as animal, food, or used as a Legion standard/symbol); a fish; aperantologia|interminable discussion; aperculum|can-opener; aperibilis|opening; aperio|uncover, open, disclose; explain, recount; reveal; found; excavate; spread out; aperitio|opening; aperture; aperito|opening; revelation/disclosure; apernor|scorn; aperte|openly, publicly; manifestly; w/o disguise/reserve; plainly, clearly, frankly; apertibilis|opening; apertio|opening; act of making (building, etc.) accessible; grand/solemn opening; aperto|bare, expose, lay bare; apertor|he who opens/begins, opener; apertum|area free from obstacles, open/exposed space, the open (air); known facts (pl.); apertura|act of opening; opening (will); an opening, aperture, hole; apertus|open/public/free; uncovered/exposed/opened; frank/clear/manifest; cloudless; apes|bee; swarm regarded as a portent; apex|point, top, summit; cap, crown; conical priest cap; highest honor; apex|long mark over vowel; outlines of letters, letter; least particle, speck; apexabo|kind of sausage; aphaca|kind of vetch/tare; pulse, field/chick peas (Lathyrus alphca) (L+S); dandelion; aphaerema|spelt bran, grits, sharps; aphaeresis|dropping a letter or syllable at the beginning of a word; apharce|evergreen tree (Arbutus hybrida); apheliotes|east wind; aphorisma|aphorism; pithy sentence; aphorismus|aphorism; aphractum|undecked boat; open ship; aphractus|undecked boat; open ship; aphrodes|foaming, like foam; [~ mecon => wild poppy]; aphrodisas|sweet flag/iris?; calamus?; aphrodisiaca|unknown precious stone (reddish-white L+S); aphrodisiace|unknown precious stone (reddish-white L+S); aphronitrum|sodium carbonate, washing soda; spuma nitri; efflorescence of saltpeter (L+S); aphtha|parasitic stomatitis, thrush, aphthous ulcers (pl.) (fungal disease); aphya|small fish (regarded by Pliny as a separate species); anchovy? (L+S); aphye|small fish (regarded by Pliny as a separate species); anchovy? (L+S); apiacius|of parsley or celery; apiacus|of parsley; similar to parsley (L+S); apiana|chamomile; apianus|of/belonging to bees; muscatel (grape loved by the bees); apiarium|apiary, bee-house, beehive; apiarius|relating to bees; apiarius|beekeeper; apiastellum|plant, batrachior or herba scelerata; bryonia; apiastra|bee-eater, bird that lies in wait for bees, (Merops apiaster); apiastrum|one or more varieties of balm (plant of which bees like); wild parsley (L+S); apiatus|resembling parsley (of tables with a certain grain pattern); boiled w/parsley; apica|sheep with no wool on its belly; apicatus|wearing he ceremonial pointed cap of a priest; apicius|name of a variety of grape and wine; ("sought/liked by bees"); apicula|little bee; apina|trifles (pl.), nonsense; apio|fasten, attach, join, connect, bind; apios|kind of spurge; apirocalus|one lacking in taste; apis|bee; swarm regarded as a portent; Apis, sacred bull worshiped in Egypt; apiscor|reach, obtain, win (lawsuit); grasp; catch (person); attack (infection); pursue; apium|wild celery; parsley; (garlands); (GEN apii OLD); like plants; (liked by bees); apium|celery; aplanes|standing firm, not moving about; aplestia|surfeit, excess; excessive amount/supply/indulgence/consumption/gluttony; apluda|chaff; bran (L+S); kind of drink?; aplustre|ornamented stern-post of a ship; (also plural for a single) ship (pl.); aplustrum|ornamented stern-post of a ship; (also plural for a single) ship (pl.); aplysia|sponge of inferior quality; apo|fasten, attach, join, connect, bind; apocalypsis|revelation, disclosing; (Book of Revelations, Apocalypse of St John); apocalypsis|revelation, disclosing; (Book of Revelations, Apocalypse of St John); apocalypticus|pertaining to the Apocalypse/Book of Revelations; apocarteresis|voluntary starvation; hunger strike; apocatastasis|restoration, re-establishment, return to former position; (stars to last year); apocatastaticus|restoring, returning; (stars/planets to position of previous year); apocatus|in respect of which a receipt for payment has been given; apocha|receipt for payment; apochatus|in respect of which a receipt for payment has been given; apocolocyntosis|transformation into a gourd or pumpkin; "Metamorphosis of a Pumpkin" by Seneca; apocope|dropping of a letter/syllable at the end of a word; apocrisiarius|delegate/deputy who performs a duty in place of another, envoy, nuncio; apocryphum|apocryphal/non canonical writings (pl.) (not included in the Bible); apocryphus|spurious, not genuine/canonical, apocryphal; apoculo|go away, remove oneself, leave; apocynon|dog's bane, a plant poisonous to dogs; magic bone in left side of venomous frog; apodicticus|demonstrative, convincing; proving clearly (L+S); apodixis|proof, demonstration; conclusive proof (L+S); apodosis|subsequent proposition; clause referring to one preceding; apodyterium|undressing-room in a bathing-house; apogeus|blowing/coming from the land, land (breeze); apographon|copy; transcript (L+S); apographum|copy; transcript (L+S); apolactizo|kick away, spurn; apolectus|choice, selected; apolectus|kind of tunny fish not a year old; pieces for salting cut from that tunny; apoliticus|apolitical; apollinaria|plant (commonly called strychnos); apollinaris|herb (commonly called hyoscyamus); species of solanum; Apollinaris|sacred to Apollo; of Apollo (games); Apollo|Apollo; (Roman god of prophecy, music, poetry, archery, medicine); apologatio|fable or apologue; narration in the manner of Aesop; apologeticus|apologetic; apologia|apology; defense; apologo|spurn, reject; apologus|narrative, story; fable, tale; apopempeus|averter of evil; aversion/carrying away (of evil); apophasis|denial, rhetorical device where one answers himself; apophegmatismos|remedy for expelling phlegm, expectorant; apophoretum|presents (pl.) for guests to take with them; apophoretus|designed (for guests) to take with them (of presents); apophysis|curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge; apoplecticus|apoplectic, stroke; apoplexia|apoplexy, stroke; apoplexis|apoplexy, stroke; apopompaeus|averter of evil; aversion/carrying away (of evil); apopompeus|averter of evil; aversion/carrying away (of evil); apoproegmenon|things (pl.) that have been rejected; apoproegmenum|things (pl.) that have been rejected; apopsis|belvedere? (summer house/gazebo, raised turret/lantern atop house with view); aporia|doubt, perplexity; embarrassment, disorder; aporiatio|vacillation of mind, uncertainty, doubt; aporio|be uncertain/in doubt, vacillate, waver, doubt, be perplexed/distressed/in need; aporior|be uncertain/in doubt, vacillate, waver, doubt, be perplexed/distressed/in need; aposcopeuon|looking into the distance; aposiopesis|breaking off in the middle of speech, aposiosesis; aposphragisma|device on a signet ring; aposplenos|rosemary; apostasia|apostasy, departure from one's religion, repudiation of one's faith; apostata|apostate; bad/wicked man; apostaticus|apostate, rebel; apostato|fall away (from), apostatize, forsake one's religion; apostatrix|apostate (female); apostema|abscess; ulcer; apostola|apostle (female); apostolatus|apostlate, office/position of an apostle, apostleship; apostolicitas|apostlate, office/position of an apostle, apostleship; apostolicus|apostolic; of/concerning/belonging to an Apostle; title applied to Pope; apostolicus|saying of an Apostle; book of Epistles; pupils/friends of the Apostles (pl.); apostolus|apostle; missionary (one sent); apostolus|notice/statement of the case sent to a higher tribunal on an appeal (Roman law); apostrapha|apostrophe; small mark or note (especially in music); apostropha|small mark/note (esp. in music); apostrophe; apostrophe|rhetorical figure when speaker turns away to address others; apostrophy; apostrophos|mark of elision, apostrophe; apostrophus|mark of elision, apostrophe; apotelesma|influence of the stars on human destiny; apotheca|store-house, store-room, repository; wine-cellar; apothecarius|warehouseman, shopkeeper; clerk, druggist; apotheco|store, lay up in a storehouse; apotheosis|deification, transformation into a god; (by extension) canonization (saint); apothesis|curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge; apothysis|curving outward (archit.), curve of column at top/bottom, apophyge; apoxyomenos|statue by Lysippus of an athlete using a strigil to clean himself in the bath; apozema|decoction, boiling away, concentration/extraction by boiling away liquid; apozima|decoction; (alt. form of apozema, atis); apozymo|make ferment; App|Appius (Roman praenomen); (abb. App.); appagineculus|kind of decorative attachment (archit.); appalis|greasy, fatty; of/with fat/grease; appango|fasten to; apparamentum|preparation, preparing; that which is prepared; apparate|sumptuously; apparatio|careful preparation; task/act of providing; provisions; designing, construction; apparator|one who prepares; official who sacrifices to the Magna Mater; apparatorium|place/room where preparations were made for sacrifice; apparatrix|she who prepares (sacrifices); apparatus|prepared, equipped, ready; splendid, elaborate, well-appointed; labored; apparatus|preparation; instruments, equipment, supplies, stock; splendor, pomp, trappings; apparens|exposed to the air; exposed to view, visible; perceptible, audible; apparent; apparentia|becoming visible, appearing, appearance; external appearance; appareo|appear; be evident/visible/noticed/found; show up, occur; serve (w/DAT); apparesco|begin to appear; apparet|it is apparent/evident/clear/certain/visible/noticeable/found; it appears; appario|acquire, gain in addition; apparitio|service, attendance; servants, attendants; provision, supplying, preparation; apparitor|civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate; apparitorius|of/for an apparitor (civil servant; lictor, clerk; attendant on a magistrate); apparitura|attendance on a magistrate, (civil) service; apparo|prepare, fit out, make ready, equip, provide; attempt; organize (project); appectoro|press/clasp to the breast; appellans|appellant; appellor; one who appeals; appellatio|appeal (to higher authority); name, term; noun; title, rank; pronunciation; appellativus|of the nature of a noun, nominal; appellative, belonging to a species (L+S); appellator|appellant, one who appeals; appellatorius|of/used in appeals; appellatus|appellee; one appealed against; appellito|call or name (frequently or habitually); appello|call (upon); address; dun; solicit; appeal (to); bring to court; accuse; name; appello|apply, to put in practice; appello|drive to, move up, bring along, force towards; put ashore at, land (ship); appellum|appeal; appendeo|to be pending; appendicula|small addition/appendix/annex; appendage; appendicum|appendage; appenditium|appurtenance; accessory; hanging cloth(eg curtain); pent-house; appendix|appendix, supplement, annex; appendage, adjunct; hanger on; barberry bush/fruit; appendo|weigh out; pay/give out; hang, cause to be suspended; appensor|weigher, he who weighs out; appensorius|with a handle; appertineo|belong to, appertain to; (w/DAT or ad); appetens|eager/greedy/having appetite for (w/GEN), desirous; avaricious/greedy/covetous; appetenter|greedily, avidly; appetentia|desire, longing after, appetite for; appetibilis|be sought after, desirable; appetisso|seek eagerly after; appetitio|desire, appetite; action of trying to reach/grasp, stretching out for; grasping; appetitor|one who has a desire/liking for (something); appetitus|appetite, desire; esp. natural/instinctive desire; appetivitus|having appetite/desire/liking for (something); appeto|seek/grasp after, desire; assail; strive eagerly/long for; approach, near; appeto|one who is covetous; appiciscor|bargain?; appingo|paint upon/beside; add in writing/painting; add something (to verbal picture) appingo|fasten/join to; applar|dish or spoon?; applaudo|strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae); applausor|one expressing agreement/approval/pleasure/satisfaction by clapping hands; applausus|flapping/beating of wings; applex|closely joined/attached to; applicabilis|applicable; applicatio|application, inclination; joining, attaching; attachment of client to patron; applicatus|situated close (to town w/DAT); clinging to (side of hill); devoted (to); applico|apply, put in practice; applico|connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to; applico|connect, place near, bring into contact; land (ship); adapt; apply/devote to; applodo|strike together; clap, applaud; strike, slap; dash to the ground (w/terrae); apploro|lament, weep at/on account of; deplore (thing); appluda|chaff; applumbator|solderer; applumbo|solder, solder on, affix by soldering, close/seal by soldering/with solder; appono|place near, set before/on table, serve up; put/apply/add to; appoint/assign; apporrectus|stretched out near/beside; apportatio|conveyance to, carrying to; apporto|carry/convey/bring (to); import; present (play); bring (news); make one's way; apposco|demand in addition; apposite|in a manner suited (to); suitably, appositely; appositio|comparison, action of comparing; appositum|adjective, epithet; appositus|adjacent, near, accessible, akin; opposite; fit, appropriate, apt; based upon; appositus|application (of medicine); appostulo|beg/entreaty/solicit importunately/persistently/troublesomely/pressingly; appotus|drunk, intoxicated; appreciatamentum|appraisal, valuing; appreciatio|appraisal, valuing; appreciatum|appraisal, valuing; apprecio|value/prize, set/estimate price, appraise; purchase/buy; appropriate to self; apprecor|address prayer to, pray to , invoke, beseech; apprehendo|seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake; apprehensibil|intelligible, understandable, that can be understood; apprehensio|seizing upon, laying hold of; (philosophical) apprehension, understanding; apprendo|seize (upon), grasp, cling to, lay hold of; apprehend; embrace; overtake; apprenso|snatch at; appretiatamentum|appraisal, valuing; appretiatio|appraisal, valuing; appretiatum|appraisal, valuing; appretio|value/prize, set/estimate price, appraise; purchase/buy; appropriate to self; apprime|to the highest degree, to a high degree, extremely, especially, very; apprimo|press on/to; clench (the teeth); apprimus|very first, most excellent; approbatio|approbation, giving approval; proof, confirmation; decision; approbator|one who approves; approbe|excellently; approbo|approve, commend, endorse; prove; confirm; justify; allow; make good; approbus|excellent, worthy; appromissor|one who promises/gives security on behalf of another; appromitto|promise in addition (to another), promise also; approno|lean forwards; appropero|hasten, hurry, come hastily, make haste; accelerate, speed up; appropinquatio|approach, drawing near; appropinquo|approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close; appropio|approach (w/DAT or ad+ACC); come near to, draw near/nigh (space/time); be close; appropriatio|appropriation, making one's own; [~ ciborum => making flesh/blood of food]; approprio|appropriate, make one's own; approximo|be/draw/come close/near to, approach; appugno|attack, assault; appulsus|landing; approach; influence, impact; bringing/driving to (cattle) (/right to); Apr|April (month/mensis understood); abb. Apr.; apra|wild sow (old feminine of aper - wild boar); aprarius|for hunting boar, boar-; apricatio|basking, sitting in the sun, sunning oneself; apricitas|sunniness, property of having much sunshine; warmth of the sun, sunshine; aprico|tan; aprico|warm in the sun; apricor|bask in the sun, sun oneself; apricula|unidentified fish; apriculus|unidentified fish; apricum|sunny place/region; sunlight, light of day; apricus|sunny, having lots of sunshine; warmed by/exposed to/open to the sun, basking; Aprilis|April; Aprilis|April (month/mensis understood); abb. Apr.; aprineus|of a wild boar, boar-; aprinus|of a wild boar, boar-; apronia|black byrony (plant Tamus communis); aproxis|plant whose root takes fire at a distance (ignites easily?); apruco|plant (commonly called saxifrage - dwarf herbs usually rooting in rocks); aprugineus|of wild boar, boar's; aprugna|flesh/meat of the wild boar; aprugnus|of wild boar, boar's; apruna|flesh/meat of the wild boar; aprunus|of wild boar, boar's; apscedo|withdraw, depart, retire; go/pass off/away; desist; recede (coasts); slough; apscessio|removal; loss, separation, going away; diminution; apscessus|going away, departure, withdrawal, absence; remoteness; abscess; apscido|hew/cut off/away; separate, divide; take away violently; expel, banish; prune; apscido|take away violently; expel/banish; destroy (hope); amputate; prune; cut short; apscindo|tear (away/off) (clothing); cut off/away/short; part, break, divide, separate; apscise|abruptly, brusquely, curtly; shortly, concisely, distinctly; apscisio|loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption; apscissio|loss of voice; aposiopesis (rhetoric, breaking off emotionally), interruption; apscisus|steep, sheer, precipitous; abrupt, curt, brusque; restricted; cut off, severed; apscondite|abstrusely; profoundly; secretly; apsconditum|hidden/secret/concealed place/thing; secret; apsconditus|hidden, secret, concealed; covert, disguised; abstruse, recondite; apscondo|hide, conceal, secrete, "shelter"; leave behind; bury, engulf, swallow up; keep; apsconse|secretly; apsconsio|shelter; apsconsus|hidden, secret, concealed, unknown; apsegmen|piece/slice/hunk of meat, collop; morsel, portion, lump, mouthful, gobbet; apsens|absent, missing, away, gone; physically elsewhere (things), non-existent; apsenthium|wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood; apsentia|absence; absence form Rome/duty; non-appearance in court; lack; apsentio|holding back, restraining; apsentivus|long absent; apsento|send away, cause one to be absent; be absent; apsida|arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl; apsidata|alcove, niche; apsilio|rush/fly away (from); burst/fly apart; apsimilis|unlike, dissimilar; apsinthites|wine flavored with wormwood; apsinthium|wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste); apsinthium|wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood; apsinthius|containing wormwood (e.g., wine); (often mixed with honey to mask taste); apsinthius|wormwood; infusion/tincture of wormwood (often mixed with honey to mask taste); apsis|arc described by a planet; arc, segment of a circle; kind of round vessel/bowl; apsisto|withdraw from; desist, cease; leave off; depart, go away from; stand back; apsistus|distant, lying away; apsit|"god forbid", "let it be far from the hearts of the faithful"; apsocer|great-great grandfather of the husband or wife (in-law); apsolute|completely, absolutely; perfectly; without qualification, simply, unreservedly; apsolutio|finishing, completion; acquittal, release (obligat.); perfection; completeness; apsolutorium|means of deliverance from; apsolutorius|favoring/securing acquittal; effecting a cure; apsolutus|fluent; fully developed, complete, finished; perfect, pure; unconditional; apsolvo|free (bonds), release; acquit; vote for/secure acquittal; pay off; sum up; apsone|harshly, discordantly; apsono|have harsh/discordant/unpleasant sound; apsonus|harsh/discordant/inharmonious; jarring; inconsistent; unsuitable, in bad taste; apsorbeo|devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up; apsorbeo|devour; swallow up; engulf, submerge; engross; absorb, suck in; import; dry up; apsorptio|drink, beverage; apsque|without, apart from, away from; but for; except for; were it not for; (early); apstantia|distance; apstemia|distance; apstemius|abstemious, abstaining from drink; sober, temperate; moderate; fasting; saving; apstergeo|wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel; apstergo|wipe off/clean/away, clean away, cleanse, strip off; banish, expel, dispel; apsterreo|frighten off/away; drive away; deter, discourage; keep away/withhold from, den; apstinax|abstemious, staying away from liquor; temperate/sparing in drink/food; apstinens|abstinent, temperate; showing restraint, self restrained; not covetous; chaste; apstinenter|abstinently, with self restraint (esp. financial dealings); scrupulously; apstinentia|abstinence; fasting; moderation, self control, restraint; integrity; parsimony; apstineo|withhold, keep away/clear; abstain, fast; refrain (from); avoid; keep hands of; apsto|stand at a distance, stand off; keep at a distance; apstractio|separation; apstraho|drag away from, remove forcibly, abort; carry off to execution; split; apstrudo|thrust away, conceal, hide; suppress/prevent (emotion) becoming apparent; apstruse|secretly; remotely; abstrusely; apstrusio|removing, concealing; apstrusus|secret, reserved; concealed, hidden; remote, secluded; abstruse, recondite; apstulo|to take away, withdraw; apsum|be away/absent/distant/missing; be free/removed from; be lacking; be distinct; apsumedo|act of squandering/wasting/using up; apsumo|spend, waste, squander, use up; take up (time); consume; exhaust, wear out; apsumptio|act of spending/using up; apsurde|as to be out of tune, discordantly; preposterously, absurdly, inappropriately; apsurdus|out of tune, discordant; absurd, nonsensical, out of place; awkward, uncouth; apsyctos|precious stone; aptatio|adaption; accommodation, adjustment; apte|closely, snugly, so to fit tightly/exactly; neatly, aptly; suitably; fittingly; apterus|aptly; aptha|parasitic stomatitis, thrush, aphthous ulcers (fungal disease); aptitudo|aptitude; apto|adapt, fit, apply, adjust, accommodate; put on, fasten; prepare, furnish; aptotum|substantives (pl.) that are not declined, aptotes; aptrum|vine leaves (pl.)?; aptus|suitable, adapted; ready; apt, proper; tied, attached to; dependent on (w/ex); apua|small/young fish; whitebait; apud|at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in the presence/writings/view of; apulsus|one drawn/pushed/driven aside/away (from); apus|bird (the swift?); kind of swallow (said to have no feet), black martin (L+S); aput|at, by, near, among; at the house of; before, in presence/writings/view/eyes of; apyrenum|pomegranate (kind with soft kernels); apyrenus|lacking a hard kernel (of fruit); with soft kernel/seeds; apyretus|without fever; apyrinum|pomegranate (kind with soft kernels); apyrinus|lacking a hard kernel (of fruit); with soft kernel/seeds; apyros|that has not been treated with fire; unsmelted (gold); native (sulfur); aqua|water; sea, lake; river, stream; rain, rainfall (pl.), rainwater; spa; urine; aquaductus|aqueduct; watercourse; conduit; aquaeductus|aqueduct; aquaelicium|rain-making; means/sacrifice to produce rain; aquagium|channel, artificial watercourse; aqueduct, conveyer of water; aqualiculus|paunch, pot-belly; small pot/vessel for water (L+S); aqualis|water/wash basin; ewer; aqualis|watery, rainy; for water (of vessels); aquamanile|basin (for use at Lavabo/ceremonial hand washing in liturgy); aquamanus|dish/basin for hand washing; aquariolus|servant who supplied washing water for prostitutes; aquarium|watering place. water hole (for cattle); source of water; aquarius|water-bearer; (Constellation); overseer/workman at the public water supply; aquarius|of/for water; requiring water (tools/instruments); [res ~ => water supply]; aquate|with water, by use of water; aquaticum|well-watered/marshy places/ground; aquaticus|aquatic, of/belonging to the water, growing/living in/by water; rainy; watery; aquatile|aquatic animals/plants (pl.); disease of cattle, watery vesicles (L+S); aquatilis|of/resembling water, watery; aquatic (animals/plants); aquatio|fetching/drawing water; place from which water is drawn, watering place; rains; aquator|water-carrier/bearer, one who fetches water; aquatum|aqueous solution, mixture with water; aquatus|diluted/mixed with water, watered down. watery; having a watery constitution; aqueus|aqueous; watery; aquicelus|pine kernels boiled in honey; aquiducus|drawing of water; aquifolia|tree with prickly/pointy leaves; holly; aquifolium|tree with prickly/pointy leaves; holly; aquifolius|having prickly/pointy leaves; made of holly-wood; aquifuga|one fearful of water; aquigenus|born in the water; aquila|eagle; gable/pediment; kind of fish (eagle-ray?); aquila|silver eagle on pole, standard of a legion; legion; post of standard-bearer; aquilegus|water-drawing; Aquileia|Aquileia; (town in NE Italy); aquilentus|watery, full of water; wet, humid; aquilex|water-diviner, man used to find water sources; conduit/water master/inspector; aquilicium|rain-making; means/sacrifice to produce rain; aquilifer|standard bearer of a legion, officer who carried the eagle standard; aquilifera|standard bearer of a legion, officer who carried the eagle standard; aquilinus|eagle's, like that of an eagle; Aquilius|Aquilius; (Roman gens name); of/named after Aquilius; Aquilius|Aquilius; (Roman gens); of/named after Aquilius; aquilo|north wind; NNE/NE wind (for Rome); north; Boreas (personified); aquilonalis|northerly, northern; aquilonaris|northerly, northern; aquilonium|northerly regions (pl.); the north; regions facing/exposed to the north; aquilonius|northern, northerly; facing north; subject to north winds; of Boreas; aquilus|dark colored/hued, swarthy; aquiminale|wash-basin/bowl, vessel for washing the hands; aquiminalis|of/pertaining to water for washing the hands; aquiminarium|wash-basin/bowl, vessel for washing the hands; aquimolina|watermill; Aquisgranenis|of Aachen; Aquisgranum|Aachen; Aquitania|Aquitania, one of the divisions of Gaul/France (southwest); Aquitanus|of Aquitania (southwest Gaul/France); aquivergium|place in which water is collected, catchment, basin; cistern; aquola|small amount of water; small stream; aquor|get/fetch/bring water; be watered; aquosus|abounding in water, well watered, wet; humid, rainy; clear as water, watery; aquula|small amount of water; small stream; ara|altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter; arabarches|Egyptian tax/customs collector; contemptuously of Pompey for raising taxes; arabarchia|kind of Egyptian customs duty/tax; Arabia|Arabia; Aden; [~ Felix => Yemen]; arabica|some precious stone; arabice|in Arabic fashion; arabilis|that can be plowed, fit for tillage, arable; [bos ~ => plow ox]; Arabs|Arab, people of Arabia; arachidna|leguminous plant (kind), (ground peas, Lathyrus amphicarpus?); checking vetch; arachidne|leguminous plant (kind), (ground peas, Lathyrus amphicarpus?); checking vetch; arachis|peanut; arachnoides|web-like; [tunica arachnoides => retina of the eye]; aracia|kind of white fig tree; island in the Persian Gulf now called Karek; aracos|kind of leguminous plant; aracostylos|with columns widely spaced (archit.); arale|structure/base/foundation on which an altar could be set up; aranciata|orange drink; arancium|orange (fruit); aranea|spider's web, cobweb; mass of threads resembling a spider web; spider; araneans|full of/covered with spider webs, cobwebby; araneola|(small) spider; araneolus|(small) spider; araneosus|full of/covered with spider webs, cobwebby; araneum|spider web, cobweb; mass of threads resembling a spider web; araneus|spider's, of spiders; [mus araneus => shrew-mouse]; araneus|spider; venomous fish, the weever; arangia|orange (fruit); (Du Cange); arantia|orange (fruit); arantium|orange (fruit); arantius|orange (color); orange-colored; tawny; Arar|Arar/Saone; (river in Gaul, tributary of the Rhone); Araris|Arar/Saone; (river in Gaul, tributary of the Rhone); arater|plow; aratio|plowing; tilled ground; an estate of arable land (esp. one farmed on shares); aratiuncula|small estate of arable land; aratius|variety of fig; arator|plowing, plow-; (of oxen); arator|plowman; farmer (esp. farming on shares); cultivators of public land on tenths; aratorius|of/for plowing, plow-; aratro|plow in (young grain to improve the yield), plow (after sowing); aratrum|plow; aratum|plowed field; Arbavalium|Arbarvalia festival (pl.); arbilla|fat; arbiter|eye-witness, on-looker; umpire, judge, arbiter; overseer, lord; executor; arbiterium|arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority; arbitra|witness (female); judge, umpire; mistress; arbitralis|of/pertaining to a judge/umpire; arbitrario|thoughtfully; arbitrarius|at discretion of arbiter; done by arbitration; arbitrary; voluntary/optional; arbitratio|arbitration; choice; judgment, capacity for decisions; jurisdiction, power; arbitrator|master, ruler, lord (Pentapylon Jovis arbitratoris - place in Rome 10th); arbitratrix|ruler (female); mistress; arbitratus|arbitration; choice; judgment, capacity for decisions; jurisdiction, power; arbitrium|arbitration; choice, judgment, decision; sentence; will, mastery, authority; arbitrix|female arbitrator; arbitro|think, judge; consider; be settled/decided on (PASS); arbitror|observe, witness; testify; decide, judge, sentence; believe, think, imagine; arbitum|abrutus (evergreen strawberry) tree/fruit; its leaves/branches (animal feed); arbor|tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?; arborarius|tree-, of/concerned w/trees; [falx ~ => pruning hook; picus ~ => woodpecker]; arborator|tree pruner; arboresco|grow into a tree, become a tree; arboretum|plantation of trees, place growing with trees; arboreus|tree-, of tree(s); resembling a tree, branching; wooden; arboria|black ivy (as growing on trees); arborius|of a tree(s), tree-; resembling a tree, branching; wooden; arbos|tree; tree trunk; mast; oar; ship; gallows; spearshaft; beam; squid?; arbuscula|small/young tree, sapling, bush, shrub; thing like a small tree; axe bearing; arbustivus|of/with trees/orchards; of vines trained on trees/wines produced from them; arbusto|plant (with trees), forest, reforest; arbustulum|small orchard/grove of trees; small shrub; arbustum|orchard, copse, plantation, grove of trees; shrub; trees/bushes/shrubs (pl.); arbustus|planted/set with trees; tree covered; trained on trees (vines); tree-; arbustus|of the arbutus (evergreen strawberry); of arbutus wood; arbuteus|of the evergreen strawberry tree (arbutus); of arbustus wood; arbutum|abrutus (evergreen strawberry) tree/fruit; its leaves/branches (animal feed); arbutus|arbutus, strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo); arca|box, chest; strong-box, coffer; wealth, money; coffin, bier; cell, cage; ark; arca|ark (Noah's); Ark of the Covenant; arca|quadrangular landmark for surveyors; arcano|secretly, in confidence; in one's inner thoughts, privately; arcanum|secret, mystery; secret/hidden place; arcanus|secret, private, hidden; intimate, personal; confidential; mysterious, esoteric; arcanus|confidant, trustworthy friend, keeper of secrets; arcarius|treasurer; controller of the public monies; arcarius|of/concerned with ready money, cash; arcatura|square landmark for surveyors; arcebion|plant (commonly called onochiles or amchusa); kind of ox-tongue; arcelacus|variety of vine (arcelacae vites); arcella|square landmark for surveyors; arcellacus|variety of vine (arcelacae vites); arcellula|little/small box; arceo|ward/keep off/away; keep close, confine; prevent, hinder; protect; separate; arcera|kind of covered carriage; the seven bright stars in Ursa Major; arcera|ambulance; arceracus|variety of vine (arceracae vites); arcersio|send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself arcerso|send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself arcessio|send for, summon; indict/accuse; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself arcessitio|summons, sending for; [dies propriae ~ => day of death]; arcessitor|one who comes to summon/call/fetch another; accuser; arcessitus|brought from elsewhere, foreign; extraneous; self-inflicted (death); sent for; arcessitus|summons, sending for; arcesso|send for, summon, indict; fetch, import; invite; invoke; bring on oneself; arceuthinus|of the juniper tree; archaeologia|archaeology; study of antiquities; archaeologicus|archaeological; pertaining to archaeology/study of antiquities; archaeologus|archaeologist; archaicus|archaic; archangelus|archangel; arche|one of Aeons; one of the four muses; archebion|plant (Echium creticum?); archeota|keeper of the archives; a recorder; archetypon|original, pattern, model; archetypum|original, pattern, model; archetypus|first made; genuine; original; in the author's hand/autograph; taken from life; archezostis|kind of bryony plant (Bryonia alba L+S); Archiacus|made by Archius (cabinet maker, maker of plain/cheap couches); Archias|Archius; (cabinet maker, maker of plain couches); Greek poet defended by Cicero archiater|official/court physician; archiatia|rank of chief physician; archiatrus|official/court physician; chief physician and personal doctor of the emperor; archibasilica|archbasilica, cathedral church; archibucolus|chief priest of Bacchus; archibuculus|chief priest of Bacchus; archibugius|ARCHIBUGI; arch-head (of Bugella community?); archicantor|archicantor, leader of choir of cantors; archicapellanus|almoner; chief chaplain; archidendrophorus|chief of the college of dendrophori (tree-bearers associated with Cybele); archidiaconatus|deanery; office of archdeacon; archidiaconus|archdeacon; archidictus|extremely eloquent; archidiocesis|archdiocese; archielectus|archbishop elect (but not confirmed); archiepiscopalis|archepiscopal, archbishopal; pertaining to an archbishop; archiepiscopatus|archbishopric; archiepiscopus|archbishop; archiereus|chief priest; archierosyna|office of chief priest; archigallus|chief of the Galli (priests of Cybele); archigeron|chief of the old men (title under the emperors); archigubernus|chief pilot/navigator/helmsman; archimagirus|chief cook; archimandrita|chief/principal monk; abbot (Russian or Oriental monastery); archimima|chief mimic actress; archimimus|chief mimic actor, chief of troop of mimics/actors; leading actor/player, lead; archiparaphonista|fourth in rank in scholar cantorum; archipater|chief priest; X:great ancestor; archipirata|pirate chief; archipresbyter|arch-priest, chief of presbytari; archipresbyteratus|archpresbyterate; domain of archpresbyter; archipresul|archbishop; archisacerdos|chief priest; archisodalitas|archconfraternity/archisodality; (confraternity empowered to aggregate others); archisodalitium|archconfraternity/archisodality; (confraternity empowered to aggregate others); archisterium|monastery; archisynagogus|head/ruler of synagogue; archisynagogue; architecta|architect (female), master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser; architecto|design (building), practice architecture; architecton|architect, master-builder; master in cunning, crafty man; architectonice|architecture, art of building; architectonicus|architectural, relating to architecture; architector|design/construct (building); design, plan; architectura|architecture, art of building; architectus|architect, master-builder; inventor, designer, maker, author, deviser; architriclinus|one who presides at table; master of a feast; archium|public records office; archives; archivium|public records office; archives; archivum|public records office; archives; archon|archon, one of the highest magistrates in Athens; archontium|office of archon (high Athenian magistrate); arcifinalis|of conquered land not yet surveyed/assigned but built on (irregular boundaries); arcifinius|of conquered land not yet surveyed/assigned but built on (irregular boundaries); arcion|plant (burdock?) (persolata/brown mullen L+S); arcipotens|mighty with the bow (Apollo); arcirma|kind of covered carriage; arcisellium|chair with rounded back; arcitectus|architect, master-builder; inventor, designer; arcitenens|carries/holding a bow (epithet of Apollo/Artimis), (constellation) the Archer; Arcitenens|Apollo (who carries a bow), (constellation) Sagittarius, the Archer; arco|keep away, protect; arcosolium|arcosolium, arched recess/niche/cell as burial place in Roman Catacombs; arcs|citadel, stronghold; height; the Capitoline hill Rome; defense, refuge; arcte|closely/tightly (bound/filled/holding); briefly, in a confined space, compactly; arcticos|initial, that constitutes the beginning (of a syllable, etc.); arcticus|arctic, northern; pertaining to the constellation of the Bear/Dipper (L+S); arcticus|initial, that constitutes the beginning (of a syllable, etc.); arction|plant; (also called arcturus); arcto|wedge in, fit/close firmly; tighten/compress/abridge/contract; pack/limit/cramp; arctophyllum|chervil; Arctos|Big/Little Dipper/Bear, region of celestial pole; North lands/people/direction; Arctous|northern, arctic, of the far north; occurring in/connected with the far north; arctous|pertaining to the Big/Little Dipper/Bear; northern; Arcturus|Acturus, brightest star in Bootes; the whole constellation; arction plant; arctus|close, thick, narrow; short; strict; scanty, brief; bow, rainbow (Ecc); Arctus|Big/Little Dipper/Bear, region of celestial pole; North lands/people/direction; arcuarius|maker of bows; arcuarius|of/pertaining to the bow; arcuatilis|bow-formed, bow shaped, bowed; arcuatim|in the form of a bow/arch; arcuatio|arch; structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade; arcuatura|arch; structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade; arcuatus|arched, bow-shaped; carried on/supported by arches; covered, hooded (carriage); arcuatus|rainbow colored, jaundiced; [morbus ~ => jaundice/rainbow colored disease]; arcuatus|one having jaundice/the rainbow colored disease; arcubalista|ballista furnished with a bow, spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism; arcubalistus|operator of an arcuballista - spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism; arcuballista|ballista furnished with a bow, spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism; arcuballistus|operator of an arcuballista - spear-throwing war machine with bow mechanism; arcula|small box/chest/casket; small jewel/perfume/money box; wind-box of an organ; arcularius|maker of small chests/boxes/jewel caskets; arculatum|sacrificial cakes (pl.) made of flour; arculum|roll/hoop placed on the head for carrying vessels at public sacrifice; arcuma|kind of covered carriage; arcuo|bend into the shape of a bow/arch; arcus|bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved; ardalio|busybody, fusser; ardea|heron; ardelio|busybody; ardens|burning, flaming, glowing, fiery; shining, brilliant; eager, ardent, passionate; ardenter|with burning/parching effect; passionately, ardently, eagerly, zealously; ardeo|be on fire; burn, blaze; flash; glow, sparkle; rage; be in a turmoil/love; ardeola|heron (small?); ardesco|catch/take fire, kindle; become ignited/inflamed/hot/eager; erupt (volcano); ardesiacus|slate-colored; ardifetus|pregnant with fire/flame (lamp/torch); ardiola|heron (small?); ardor|fire, flame, heat; brightness, flash, gleam or color; ardor, love, intensity; arduitas|steepness; ardus|dry, arid, parched; water/rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled; arduum|steep/high place, heights, elevation; arduous/difficult/hard task; challenge; arduus|steep, high, lofty, towering, tall; erect, rearing; uphill; arduous, difficult; arduvo|add, insert, bring/attach to, say in addition; increase; impart; associate; area|area; area|open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot; arealis|of/pertaining to (area) open space/threshing floor/courtyard; areal; arefacio|dry up, wither up, break down; make dry, dry; arena|sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest; arenaceus|sandy; arenaria|sand-pit; arenarium|sand-pit; arenarius|of/pertaining to sand; or to the arena/amphitheater; [~ lapis => sandstone]; arenarius|combatant in the arena, gladiator; teacher of mathematics (figures in sand); arenatio|sanding, plastering with sand; plastering, cementing; arenatum|sand mortar; arenatus|sanded, covered/mixed with sand; arenga|meeting; assembly; arenifodina|sand-pit; arenivagus|wandering over sands; arenosum|sandy place (as opposed to muddy); arenosus|sandy, containing sand (ground); full of sand; arens|dry parched, waterless; dried (herbs); parching (thirst); arenula|fine sand; a grain of sand; areo|be dry/parched; be thirsty; be withered (plants/animals, from lack of water); areola|open courtyard; garden plot, seed bed; arepennis|arpent/land measure (Gallic; half jugerum (=5/16 acre); (5/6 to 1 1/4 acre OED); aresco|become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (stream/tears); languish (L=S); aresco|become dry; dry up; wither (plants); run dry (stream/tears); languish (L+S); aretalogus|reciter/teller of fairy-tales/stories of the gods; prattler on virtue; boaster; arfacio|be/become dried up/withered/dry; (arefacio PASS); arferia|water which was poured in offering to the dead?; argema|small ulcer in the eye; argemon|plant (Lappa canaria); small white spots (pl.) on the cornea of the eye; argemone|wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); (inguinalis L+S); argemonia|wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); (inguinalis L+S); argemonion|plant (prob. Aster amellus); argennon|brilliant white silver; argentaria|bank; banking-house, banking business; silver-mine; argentarium|silver-chest; store/box/vault for silver; argentarius|banker, financial agent; money changer; argentarius|pertaining to silver or money, silver-; monetary, financial; banker's, banking-; argentarius|banker; argentatus|silvered, adorned with silver; concerned with money; argenteolus|of silver, silver-; argenteus|silver, silvery, of silver; made/ornamented with silver; of money; with money; argenteus|silver coin; argentifodina|silver mine (pl.), silver workings; argentiolus|of silver, silver-; argentofodina|silver mine (pl.), silver workings; Argentoratus|Strasbourg; argentosus|containing silver; abounding in silver, full of silver (L+S); argentum|silver; money, cash; silver-plate; [argentum vivum => quicksilver/mercury]; Argestes|west-southwest wind (acc. to Vitruvius); west-northwest wind (Plinius); argilla|white clay, potter's earth/clay; clay; argillaceus|containing clay, argillaceous; argillosus|full of/abounding in clay, clayey; argimonia|wind-rose plant (Papaver argemone); argitis|kind of white grapes; argitis|kind of vine with clusters of white grapes; argumentabilis|that may be proved; argumentalis|containing proof; argumentaliter|as proof; by way of proof; argumentatio|arguing, presentation of arguments; line of argument, particular proof; argumentativus|argumentative; worthy of argument/discussion, sets out to prove something; argumentator|he who brings forward/cites arguments/reasons/proofs, arguer, disputant; argumentatrix|she who brings forward/cites arguments/reasons/proofs, arguer, disputant; argumentor|support/prove by argument, reason, discuss; draw a conclusion; proven (PASS); argumentosus|abounding in subject matter/material; rich in proof; argumentum|proof; evidence, fact; argument; conclusion; reason, basis; subject/plot (play); argumentum|trick; token (Vulgate); riddle; dark speech; arguo|prove, argue, allege; disclose; accuse, complain of, charge, blame, convict; argutatio|creaking, creak; rustling; argutator|one who uses over-smart arguments, wiseguy; sophist; argutatrix|garrulous, talkative (feminine adjective); argutatrix|garrulous/talkative woman; argute|shrewdly, cleverly, artfully; argutia|clever use of words (pl.), verbal trickery, sophistry; wit, jesting; refinement; argutiola|sophistry, verbal quibble; arguto|babble, say childishly/foolishly; argutor|chatter; prattle, babble; stamp (with feet) (L+S); argutulus|clever/shrewd/acute, (somewhat) subtle; little noisy/talkative/loquacious (L+S); argutus|melodious, clear (sounds), ringing; eloquent; wise, witty, cunning; talkative; argyranche|inability to speak due to bribery; "silver quinsy" (L+S); argyraspis|having silver shields (corps in army of Alexander/successors, Silver Shields); argyraspis|corps (pl.) in army of Alexander and successors, Silver Shields; argyritis|kind of litharge; (lead oxide/PbO, formed when air hits melted lead refining); argyrocorinthus|of the silver colored, Corinthian bronze; argyrodamas|silver-colored stone (similar to diamond L+S); argyros|plant (mercurialis); arhythmatus|of unequal measure; inharmonious; arhythmus|of unequal measure; inharmonious; aria|open space; park, playground; plot; threshing floor; courtyard; site; bald spot; arianis|plant growing wild in Ariana (western Persia); Arianismus|Arianism, heresy of Arius of Alexandria (Christ not same essence as God); Arianus|Arian, one holding to Arian heresy (Christ not same essence as God); aricolor|speak by divine inspiration/with second sight, prophesy, divine; (facetious?); arida|dry land; dry place; dry surface; dryness; aride|dryly, austerely, without embellishment; ariditas|dryness; drought; scanty food; anything (pl.) dry/withered/parched; aridulus|dry, parched (somewhat); aridum|dry land; dry place; dry surface; dryness; aridus|dry, arid, parched; water/rain-less; used dry, dried; thirsty; poor; shriveled; ariel|altar, fire-altar, fire-hearth of God; (Ezekiel 43:15); name = lion of God; ariera|banana; fruit of the Indian tree; aries|ram (sheep); battering ram; the Ram (zodiac); large unidentified marine animal; arietarius|of/for a battering ram; arietatio|collision; butting like a ram; arietillus|like a ram, shameless; a variety of chick-pea; arietinus|of/from a ram, ram's; a variety of chick-pea; arieto|butt like a ram, batter/buffet, harass; strike violently; collide; stumble/trip; arificus|drying, making dry; arilator|broker, dealer; huckster, haggler, bargainer; arillator|broker, dealer; huckster, haggler, bargainer; arinca|kind of grain (olyra - which resembles spelt L+S); ariola|open courtyard; garden plot, seed bed; ariolo|divine; foretell, prophesy; use divination; ariolus|diviner; seer; Ariovistus|Ariovistus; (king of a German tribe - in Caesar's Gallic War); aris|plant resembling arum; dragon-root, green dragon (L+S); arista|awn, beard of an ear of grain; ear of grain; grain crop; harvest; aristatus|having awn or beard (of ear of grain); ariste|precious stone (encardia/unknown stone with figure of a heart); aristereon|variety of vervain; aristifer|bearing ears of grain, ear-bearing; epithet of Ceres as goddess of grain; aristiger|bearing ears of grain, ear-bearing; epithet of Ceres as goddess of grain; aristis|vegetable; green vegetable; vegetables (usu. pl.), pot-herbs; aristolochia|genus of medicinal plant useful in childbirth; aristolchia, birthwort; aristolocia|genus of medicinal plant useful in childbirth; aristolchia, birthwort; aristosus|covered with beards/awns; Aristotoles|Aristotle; famous learned Greek; arithmetica|arithmetic, the science of arithmetic; arithmetice|arithmetic, the science of arithmetic; arithmeticum|arithmetic/the science of arithmetic (pl.); arithmeticus|arithmetical; Arithmus|another name for the fourth book of the Bible, Numbers; aritudo|drought; dryness; armamaxa|kind of covered wagon used by the Persians; armamentarium|arsenal, armory; dockyard; storehouse for military equipment; armamentarius|of/concerned with armaments or military equipment; armamentum|equipment (pl.), rigging/sailing gear (of a ship); implements, utensils; armariolum|little chest/casket, small cabinet; bookcase; armarium|cabinet, closet, cupboard; chest, safe; book-case; sepulchral monument; armarium|cupboard; armatura|equipment, armor; troop (of gladiators); [levis ~ pedites => light infantry]; armatus|armed, equipped; defensively armed, armor clad; fortified; of the use of arms; armatus|armed man (usu. pl.), soldier; armatus|type of arms/equipment, armor; [gravis armatus => heavy-armed troops]; armellinum|ermine; Armenia|Armenia; (country lying north of Persia); armeniacum|apricot; armeniacus|apricot-colored; Armenius|Armenian; [~ prunum => apricot]; armenta|herd (of cattle); a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses (pl.); armentalis|of cattle, connected with herd/herds; rustic, bucolic; armentarius|herdsman, cowboy; armentarius|that has charge of a herd; armenticius|consisting of cattle, bovine; armentivus|kept in herds; pertaining to a herd; armentosus|abounding in cattle; armentum|herd (of cattle); a head of cattle, individual bull/horse; cattle/horses (pl.); armiclausa|military upper garment; armicustos|armorer, keeper of arms; armidoctor|teacher of the use of arms; armifer|bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men; armiger|bearing arms, armed; warlike, martial, of war/fighting; producing armed men; armiger|armor bearer; squire; [Iovis armiger => Jupiter's armor-bearer = the eagle]; armigera|armor bearer (F); squire; [Iovis armigera => Jove's armor-bearer = the eagle]; armilausa|military upper garment; armilla|bracelet, armlet, arm-band; metal hoop, ring, washer, socket; armillatus|wearing bracelets; wearing collars (dogs); armillum|wine jar; [ad ~ redire => fall back into bad habits, get up to old tricks]; Armilustrium|ceremony of purifying arms; place on Aventine Hill where performed; armipotens|powerful/strong in arms/war, valiant, warlike; armipotentia|power in arms/war; armisonus|resounding with the clash of arms, with ringing/rattling armor; armita|virgin sacrificing w/ the lappet/flap of her toga thrown back over her shoulder; armo|equip, fit with armor; arm; strengthen; rouse, stir; incite war; rig (ship); armonia|harmony/concord; (between parts of body); melody, order of notes; coupling; armoniacus|ammoniac; (sal ammoniac is ammonium chloride); armonica|theory of music/harmony; armonice|theory of music/harmony; armonicus|relating/according to harmony/natural proportion; in unison (Souter); armoracea|wild radish; armoracia|wild radish; armoracium|wild radish; armum|arms (pl.), weapons, armor, shield; close fighting weapons; equipment; force; armus|forequarter (of an animal), shoulder; upper arm; side, flank; shoulder cut meat; arna|lamb; arnacis|garment for maidens; coat of sheepskin; arnoglossa|plant, sheep's-tongue/plantain (Plantago major); arnus|lamb; aro|plow, till, cultivate; produce by plowing, grow; furrow, wrinkle; aroma|spice, aromatic substance; sweet odors (Bee); aromatarius|dealer in spices; aromaticum|aromatic ointment; aromaticus|composed of spice(s); aromatic, fragrant; aromatites|spiced/aromatic wine; aromatic stone/amber (smell + color of myrrh) (L+S); aromatitis|aromatic stone, amber; aromatizans|fragrant, aromatic; sweet smelling, smelling of spice; aromatizo|smell of spice; make aromatic/fragrant/sweet smelling (Ecc); aromatopola|hardware; aromatopolium|hardware store; aron|plants of genus arum; aros|plants of genus arum; arpaston|kind of eye-salve; arquatura|structure consisting of arches (pl.), arcade; arquatus|arched, bow-shaped; carried on/supported by arches; covered, hooded (carriage); arquatus|rainbow colored, jaundiced; [morbus ~ => jaundice/rainbow colored disease]; arquatus|one having jaundice/the rainbow colored disease; arquipotens|mighty with the bow (Apollo); arquitenens|carries/holding a bow (epithet of Apollo/Artimis), (constellation) the Archer; Arquitenens|Apollo (who carries a bow), (constellation) Sagittarius, the Archer; arquitis|bowmen (pl.), archers; arquus|bow, arc, coil, arch; rainbow; anything arched or curved; arra|token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love); arrabo|token payment on account, earnest money, deposit, pledge; (also of love); arralis|of a pledge/security; arramio|arraign; indict, accuse; arrectarium|vertical post, upright; arrectarius|erect, in an erect position, perpendicular; arrectus|erect, perpendicular, upright, standing; steep, precipitous; excited, eager; arremigo|row up to/towards; arrenicum|yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide); arrepo|creep/move stealthily towards, steal up; feel one's way, worm one's way (trust); arrepticius|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; raving mad; arreptitius|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; raving mad; arreptius|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; arreptivus|seized/possessed (in mind), inspired; raving, delirious; (Bianchi); arresto|arrest; seize; arrha|deposit, down payment, earnest money; pledge; (of love); wedding gift (Ecc); arrhabo|deposit, down payment, earnest money; pledge; (of love); wedding gift (Ecc); arrhalis|of a pledge/security; arrhenicum|yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide); arrhenogonos|of species of plant (crataegis) that when taken promotes male children; arrhetos|one of Aeons of Valentinus; arrideo|smile at/upon; please, be pleasing/satisfactory (to); be/seem familiar (to); arrigo|water (plants), moisten the soil around; arrigo|set upright, tilt upwards, stand on end, raise; become sexually excited/aroused; arripio|take hold of; seize (hand/tooth/claw), snatch; arrest; assail; pick up, absorb; arrisio|smile of approval; action of smiling (at/on); arrisor|one who smiles (at a person), smiler; flatterer, fawner (L+S); arrodo|gnaw/nibble (away part); erode, eat away(disease/chemicals). wash away (water); arrogans|arrogant, insolent, overbearing; conceited; presumptuous, assuming; arroganter|insolently, arrogantly, haughtily; presumptuously; in a conceited manner; arrogantia|insolence, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness; presumption; arrogatio|act of adopting a adult as son homo sui juris (vs. in potestate parentis); arrogator|one who adopts a adult as son by arrogatio (homo sui juris); arrogo|ask, question; arrogate to one's self, claim, make undue claim; confer (upon); arrogo|adopt (an adult) as one's son (esp. at his instance); arroro|moisten, bedew; arrosor|one who nibbles/gnaws at; arrotans|in a winding/circular motion, turning; wavering; arrugia|kind of galleried mine; arruo|heap up (earth); cover (with earth), bury; ars|skill/craft/art; trick, wile; science, knowledge; method, way; character (pl.); arsella|plant; (also called argemonia); arsen|male (plant); arsenicon|yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide); arsenicum|yellow arsenic, orpiment (arsenic trisulphide); arsenogonon|plant (genus Mercurialis?); arsineum|kind of head-dress; (woman's L+S); arsis|metrical term indicating the raising of voice on an emphatic syllable; artaba|Egyptian dry measure (= 3.5 Roman modii); artaena|ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S); artatus|contracted into a small space; narrow, close; short (time); arte|closely/tightly (bound/filled/holding); briefly, in a confined space, compactly; artemisia|species of Artemisia, wormwood, mugwort; similar plants, ambrosia, botrys; artemon|main block of a tackle; jib/foresail; top-sail (L+S); arteria|windpipe, trachea, breathing tubes/passages; artery; ureter/other ducts; arteriace|medicine for the air passages/windpipe/trachea/bronchi; arteriacos|of/affecting the air passages/windpipe; arteriacus|of/affecting the air passages/windpipe/trachea/bronchi; arteriotomia|opening/incision in an artery/windpipe; tracheotomy (Whitaker); arteriotonia|arterial tension; arterium|windpipe, trachea, breathing tubes/passages; artery; ureter/other ducts; arthriticus|gouty; arthritic; affected with rheumatism; arthritis|arthritis; gout; lameness in the joints; arthrosis|osteoarthritis; articlus|joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis; articulamentum|joint of the body; articularis|of/affecting the joints; arthritis, rheumatism; articularius|of/affecting the joints; arthritis, rheumatism; articulate|distinctly; articulatim|limb-by-limb, limb-from-limb; syllable-by-syllable; point-by-point, in detail; articulatio|jointed structure, division into joints; disease of the joints of vines; articulatus|distinct; (furnished with joints); articulo|divide into distinct parts, articulate; articulosus|full of joints, jointed; subdivided; articulus|joint; portion of limb/finger between joints; part; (critical) moment; crisis; articulus|point of time; (Vulgate); artifex|skilled, artistic; expert, practiced; cunning, artful; creative, productive; artifex|artist, actor; craftsman; master of an art; author, maker; mastermind, schemer; artificiale|technicalities (pl.); things conformable to the rules of the art; artificialis|artificial; furnished/contrived by art; devised by speaker (based on deduction); artificialiter|with trained skill, scientifically; artificiatus|crafted; artificial; artificiose|skillfully; artistically; systematically, technically, by rules; artificially; artificiositas|art, manner of that made with art; artificiosus|skillfully; technical, by the rules, prescribed by art; artificial, unnatural; artificium|art/craft/trade; skill/talent/craftsmanship; art work; method/trick; technology; artilleria|artillery; artio|insert tightly, wedge; be a tight fit, crowd; artius|sound in mind and body; complete, perfect; skilled in arts; artful, cunning; arto|wedge in, fit/close firmly, tighten; compress, abridge; pack, limit, cramp; artocopus|baker; artocreas|bread and meat distributed free; meat pie (L+S); artocrias|bread and meat distributed free; artolaganus|kind of fatty cake; (made of meal, wine, milk, oil, lard, pepper L+S); artophorion|vessel for Blessed Sacrament in Greek churches; artopta|bread pan; cake mold; artopta|baker; artopticius|baked in a pan/tin (bread); artro|plow (in young grain to improve the yield), plow (after sowing); artro|plow in young grain to improve the yield; artuatim|limb-by-limb; limb-from-limb; artuatus|torn in/to pieces; artufex|artist, actor; craftsman; master of an art; author, maker; mastermind, schemer; artum|narrow/limited space/limits/scope/sphere; dangerous situation, short supply; artus|close, firm, tight; thrifty; dense, narrow; strict; scarce, critical; brief; artus|arm/leg/limb, joint, part of the body; frame (pl.), body; sexual members/organs; artutus|hefty, large-limbed (?); arula|small altar; base of an altar; turf laid like an altar round base of a tree; arum|plants of genus arum; aruncus|goat's beard; arundinetum|reed-bed; thicket/jungle/growth of reeds/rushes (L+S); stubble (Vulgate); arundineus|of reeds; reedy; made of a reed; consisting of reeds; arundo|reed; fishing rod; arrowshaft; arrow; pen; shepherd's pipe; arura|field, grain-field; aruspex|soothsayer, diviner, inspector of entrails of victims; prophet; arutaena|ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S); arva|arable land, plowed field; soil, region; countryside; dry land; lowlands, plain; arvalis|of cultivated land; [frater ~ => priest who made offering to Lares for harvest]; arveho|carry, bring, convey (to); [advehor => arrive by travel, ride to]; Arvernus|Arverni (pl.); (tribe of SE Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War); arviga|ram for offering/sacrifice; arvina|fat, lard, suet, grease; small fat/suet; (on kidneys of sacrificial victim); arvix|ram for offering/sacrifice; arvum|arable land/field, soil, region; country; dry land; stretch of plain; arvum|female external genitalia (rude); arvus|arable (land); cultivated, plowed; arx|citadel, stronghold, city; height, hilltop; Capitoline hill; defense, refuge; arytaena|ladle; vessel for taking up liquids (L+S); as|penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole, unit; circular flap/valve; round slice; asa|altar, structure for sacrifice, pyre; sanctuary; home; refuge, shelter; asarotos|unswept; paved in mosaic to imitate refuse from the table (of a room); asarotum|floor laid/paved in mosaic; (imitating refuse from the table OLD); asarotus|of/pertaining to mosaic; asarum|asarabacca or hazelwort (Asarum europeaum); wild-spikenard (L+S); asbestinon|noncombustible material/cloth; (asbestos?); asbestos|mineral or gem; iron-gray stoner from Arcadia (not common asbestos) (L+S); ascalabotes|lizard (stellio in pure Latin) (Lacerta gecko); ascalia|edible base of the artichoke; ascalpo|scratch; scratch at; ascaules|bagpiper (utricularius in pure Latin L+S); ascea|carpenter's axe; mason's trowel;[sub ~ => under the trowel/construction]; ascella|wing; pinion; armpit; upper arm/foreleg/fin; ascendens|of/for climbing (machine); enabling one to climb; ascendibilis|climbable, that can be climbed; ascendo|climb; go/climb up; mount, scale; mount up, embark; rise, ascend, move upward; ascensio|ascent; progress, advancement; rising series/flight of stairs; soaring; ascensor|one who ascends/rises; one who mounts a horse/chariot, rider, charioteer; ascensus|ascent; act of scaling (walls); approach; a stage/step in advancement; height; ascesis|discipline; training; ascesis|ascetic (female); ascesis|discipline; training; asceta|ascetic, hermit; penitent; one who has taken vows; asceterium|place for the abode of ascetics (pl.); hermitage; monastery (Ecc); asceticus|ascetical; of spiritual exercises to attain virtue/perfection; ascetria|nun; ascetic (female); women (pl.) who have taken vows (L+S); ascia|carpenter's axe; mason's trowel; [sub ~ => under the trowel/construction]; ascio|chop/slice with a trowel; ascio|take to/up; associate, admit; adopt as one's own; take upon (General's) staff; ascisco|adopt, assume; receive, admit, approve of, associate; take over, claim; ascites|kind of dropsy; ascitus|derived, assumed; foreign; ascitus|acceptance, reception; ascius|shadowless; (said of countries near the equator L+S); asclepias|swallow-wort?; (Vincetoxicum officinale); asclepion|medicinal herb (named after Aesculapius); ascopa|leather bag, wallet; ascopera|leather bag/sack; ascribo|add/state in writing, insert; appoint; enroll, enfranchise; reckon, number; ascripticius|enrolled in addition (as citizen/soldier); ascriptio|addendum, addition in writing; ascriptivus|enrolled in addition (as a soldier), supernumerary; ascriptor|seconder, supporter, countersigner, one adding name to document as approving; ascyroides|variety of St John's wort; (declension uncertain, even in the Greek); ascyron|St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum); asella|small/little she-ass; asellulus|small/little young ass; asellus|(small/young) ass, donkey; fish of the cod family, hake?; Asses/stars in Cancer; asepticus|aseptic; asexualis|sexless; Asia|Asia (Roman province formed from Pergamene); Asia Minor; the East; Asianus|Asian, of/from/belonging to Asia (Roman province)/Asia Minor/the East; florid; Asianus|Asian, inhabitant of Asia (Roman province)/Asia Minor/the East; Easterner; Asiaticus|Asiatic, of/connected with Asia/the East/Asia Minor; w/Asiatic/florid style; asilus|gadfly; horse-fly; asina|she-ass; asinalis|of/pertaining to an ass; such as an ass is capable of; asinine, doltish, stupid; asinarius|ass-driver, donkey-man/boy; keeper of asses; asinarius|of/connected w/asses; millstone (ass-driven); [via ~ => road SE of Rome]; asinastrus|variety of fig (feminine adjective); asininus|ass's, of/produced by/foaled of an ass; ass-like; stupid; asinine; asinus|of/connected with an ass/donkey, ass's; stupid, asinine; asinus|ass, donkey; blockhead, fool, dolt; asinusca|inferior type of grape; asio|little horned owl; asomatus|incorporeal; asotia|dissipation, profligacy. dissolution; sensuality; asotus|debauched, dissipated, profligate; asotus|debaucher, dissolute man; aspalathos|thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate); aspalathus|thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate); aspalatus|thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate); aspalax|herb (unknown); aspaltus|thorny shrub from which fragrant oil was obtained; camel thorn (Vulgate); asparagus|asparagus; shoot/sprout like asparagus; [~ Gallicus => samphire/garden fennel]; aspargo|sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm); aspargo|spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining; aspectabilis|visible, able to be seen; worthy to be seen, pleasing to look at; aspectamen|look, sight; aspectio|right of watching for/observing auguries; aspecto|look/gaze at/upon; observe, watch; pay heed; face/look towards (place/person); aspectus|appearance, aspect, mien; act of looking; sight, vision; glance, view; horizon; aspello|drive away; banish; aspendios|kind of vine; asper|rude/unrefined; cruel/violent/savage/raging/drastic; stern/severe/bitter; hard; asper|rough/uneven/shaggy, coarse, harsh; embossed/encrusted; (mint condition coins); asper|sharp/pointed, jagged/irregular, rugged/severe; sour, pungent, grating, keen; asper|rough/uneven, coarse/harsh; sharp/pointed; rude; savage; pungent; keen; bitter; aspere|roughly, harshly, severely, vehemently; with rough materials; coarsely; aspergillum|aspergillum, holy water sprinkler/brush; aspergo|sprinkle/strew on, splatter, splash; defile, stain; cast (slur); inflict (harm); aspergo|spray, sprinkling/scattering; moisture in form of drops; water damage; staining; asperitas|roughness; severity; difficulty; harshness; shrillness, sharpness; fierceness; asperiter|by rough materials/harsh sound; coarsely/roughly; harshly/severely; drastically; aspernabilis|contemptible, negligible; worthy to be disdained, such as might be disdained; aspernamentum|despising, loathing, hatred; aspernanter|with contempt, contemptuously; aspernatio|contempt; spurning; rejection of; aversion to; aspernator|despiser, hater; scorner; aspernor|despise, scorn, disdain; spurn, push away, repel, reject; refuse, decline; aspero|roughen; sharpen, point, tip; enrage, make fierce/violent; grate on; aggravate; aspersio|sprinkling on/upon; sprinkle; aspersus|sprinkling on/upon; sprinkle; asperugo|plant (with prickly leaves); kind of bur; asperum|uneven/rough/harsh place/land; adversity, difficulties (esp. pl.); asphaltion|treacle clover (Psoralea bituminosa); aspharagus|asparagus; shoot/sprout like asparagus; [~ Gallicus => samphire/garden fennel]; asphodelum|asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus); asphodelus|asphodel (Asphodelus ramosus); aspicio|look/gaze on/at, see, observe, behold, regard; face; consider, contemplate; aspilates|precious stone of Arabia; aspiramen|breathing on, immission; insertion, introduction; aspiratio|aspiration, desire; aspiratio|exhalation; blowing on; aspiration; sounding "h"; aspirator|inciter; inspirer; aspiratrum|vacuum cleaner; aspirinum|aspirin; aspiro|breathe/blow (upon); aspirate; instill, infuse; be fragrant; influence; aspire; aspis|asp, venomous snake of North Africa; aspis|asp, venomous snake of North Africa; aspisatis|unknown precious stone; asplenon|fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S); asplenos|fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S); asplenum|fern (Ceterach officinarum?); miltwort, spleenwort (L+S); asportatio|removal, carrying away; asporto|carry/take away, remove; aspratilis|rough (of a stone), with rough scales; aspredo|roughness; aspretum|rough/broken/uneven ground; aspriter|by rough materials/harsh sound; coarsely/roughly; harshly/severely; drastically; aspritudo|roughness to touch, grittiness; unevenness (ground); (w/ocularum) trachoma; aspuo|spit (at/on); assa|dry-nurse, nurse, nanny; assarius|as (penny, copper) as a monetary unit; assarius|roasted, browned (?); having the value/weight of an as (?); assatura|roasted meat; assecla|follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature; assectatio|waiting on, (respectful) attendance; support (in canvassing); study, research; assectator|follower, companion, attendant; disciple; researcher, student, one who seeks; assector|accompany, attend, escort; support, be an adherent, follow; court (fame); assecue|attentively, closely; assecula|follower; attendant, servant; hanger-on, sycophant, creature; assecuratio|insurance; assecutio|perception, comprehension, understanding; knowledge; assecutor|attendant; assedo|assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice; assefolium|plant; (also called agrostis); assellor|defecate, void; assenesco|become old (to any thing); assensio|assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause; assensor|one who agrees or approves; assensus|assent, agreement, belief; approval, approbation, applause; assentatio|assent, agreement; flattery, toadyism, flattering agreement/compliance; assentatiuncula|piece of flattery; petty/trivial flattery; (L+S); assentator|yes-man, flatterer, toady; assentatorie|like a flatterer; fawningly, in a flattering manner; assentatrix|woman who flatters; assentio|assent, approve, agree in opinion; admit the truth of (w/DAT), agree (with); assentior|assent to, agree, approve, comply with; admit the truth of (w/PREP); assentor|flatter, humor; agree, assent, confirm; agree to everything; assequela|succession, succeeding; assequor|follow on, pursue, go after; overtake; gain, achieve; equal, rival; understand; asser|pole (wooden), post, stake, beam; joist, rafter; pole of a litter; asserculum|small beam/pole/post; asserculus|small beam/pole/post; assero|lay hands on/grasp; assert/state/allege; free/release; claim; protect/preserve; assero|plant/set at/near; assertio|act of claiming free or slave (status); defense/vindication (of character); assertio|assertion; statement; assertor|one asserting status of another; restorer of liberty, protector, champion; assertorius|of/pertaining to a restoration of freedom; assertum|assertion; asservatio|keeping, preservation; reservation; asservio|devote/apply oneself to (w/DAT); aid, help, assist; asservo|keep/guard/preserve; watch/observe; keep in custody; rescue/save life; reserve; assesio|siting as assessor; act of assessing; sitting beside one (console/give advice); assessio|sitting beside one (to console/give advice); assessor|assessor, counselor, one who sits by to give advice; assessorium|title of a legal textbook (sg/pl.); assessorius|of/pertaining to an assessor; assessura|assistance as a legal advisor; office of assessor, assessorship (L+S); assessus|sitting beside one (in court); assestrix|assessor (female), counselor, one who sits by to give advice; asseveranter|earnestly, emphatically; asseverate|earnestly, emphatically; asseveratio|affirmation, (confident/earnest) assertion; seriousness/earnestness, gravity; assevero|act earnestly; assert strongly/emphatically, declare; profess; be serious; assibilo|hiss out (breath) upon (w/DAT); murmur/whisper to/at (L+S); assiccesco|dry out/up, become dry; assicco|dry, dry out, dry up, make dry; assiculus|small axle; small plank, slat; small beam/pole, pin (L+S); assideo|sit by/in council/as assessor; watch over; camp near, besiege; resemble (w/DAT); assido|sit down, take a seat; perch, alight, settle; sit by/near (to) (w/DAT); assidue|continually, constantly, regularly; assiduitas|attendance, constant presence/attention/practice, care; recurrence, repetition; assiduo|continually, constantly, regularly; assiduo|apply constantly; make constant use of (Souter); use regularly/incessantly; assiduus|constant, regular; unremitting, incessant; ordinary; landowning, first-class; assiduus|tribute/tax payer, rich person; first-rate person/writer?; assifornus|touring gladiatorial show; assignatio|distribution/allotment of land; the plot of land granted; allocation (other); assignator|allocator, one who assigns; assignifico|show (w/ACC + INF), make evident; mean/denote (words); assigno|assign, distribute, allot; award, bestow (rank/honors); impute; affix seal; assilio|jump/leap (up/on/towards), rush/dash (at/against), assault; mount (male-female); assimilanter|similarly, analogically; assimilatio|likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending assimilatus|similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled; assimilis|similar, like; close; closely resembling, very like; assimiliter|similarly, in much the same manner/fashion; assimilo|make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part; assimilor|become like; be compared to; assimulanter|similarly, analogically; assimulaticius|imitated, counterfeit, not real; nominal, titular; assimulatio|likeness, similarity in form; comparison; deceit, pretense, feigning, pretending assimulatus|similar, like, made similar; imitated, feigned, pretended. dissembled; assimuliter|similarly, in much the same manner/fashion; assimulo|make like; compare; counterfeit, simulate, imitate, pretend, feign, act a part; assipondium|sum or weight of one as (penny), a pound (as was originally a pound of copper); assiratum|drink composed of wine and blood; assis|penny, copper coin; a pound; one, whole; circular flap/valve; round slice; assis|plank, board; assisa|Assise; county court room; Assisinas|of Assisi; (St Francis of Assisi); Assisium|Assisi; (home of St Francis); assistentia|help, assistance; attendance; assisto|take position/stand (near/by), attend; appear before; set/place near; defend; assistrix|assessor (female), counselor, who sits by to give advice; attendant/assistant; assitus|planted/set/situated at/near; asso|roast, bake, broil; dry; associatio|association; accompaniment; escort; associo|join/attach (to), associate/work (with); unite with; attend upon; escort (Ecc); associus|associated with; assoleo|be accustomed/in the habit of; be customary accompaniment, go with; be usual; assolet|it is usual/wont; it is the custom/practice; it is the habit; assolo|level to the ground, destroy; assono|respond, reply; sound in accompaniment; sing as an accompaniment; asspersorium|aspergillum, holy water sprinkler/brush; assubrigo|stretch up, raise; assudesco|sweat, break out in a sweat; assuefacio|accustom (to), habituate, inure; make accustomed/used (to), train; assuefio|be/become accustomed (to), be habituated; be trained; (assuefacio PASS); assuesco|accustom, become/grow accustomed to/used to/intimate with; make familiar; assuetudo|custom, habit; repeated practice/experience/association; intimacy, intercourse; assuetus|accustomed, customary, usual, to which one is accustomed/used; assugo|suck towards; assula|splinter, chip of wood/stone; assulatim|into splinters; assulose|into splinters, splinter-wise; assultim|by leaps, by hops; by leaps and bounds; assulto|jump/leap at/towards/upon; dash against; attack, assault, make an attack (on); assultus|attack, assault, charge; leap/leaping to/at/against; assum|be near, be present, be in attendance, arrive, appear; aid (w/DAT); assum|roast, roast/baked meat; sunning, basking/baking in sun; assum|sudatorium (pl.), sweating-bath, sauna; assumentum|that which is to be sewed upon, that which is to be patched; patch (Ecc); assumptio|adoption; acquisition, assumption, claim; minor premise; introduction (point); assumptivus|based on extraneous arguments (rhet., of the treatment of a case); assuo|sew or patch on; assurgo|rise/stand up, rise to one's feet/from bed; climb, lift oneself; grow; soar; assus|roasted, baked; dry (from sunbathing); dry (w/o mortar); w/unaccompanied voice; assuscipio|undertake (vows); assuspiro|sigh in response (to) (w/DAT); Assyrius|Assyrian; inhabitant of Assur/Assyria; ast|but, on the other hand/contrary; but yet; at least; in that event; if further; asta|spear, javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court; astacus|lobster/crayfish; kind of crab (L+S); astaphis|raisin; astaphis|stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria); astator|aide, helper, assister; astatus|armed with a spear/spears; astatus|spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion; asteismos|more refined style of speaking, urbanity; aster|plant (Aster amellus?); kind of Samian clay; star (= astrum), destiny (?); astercum|plant pellitory-of-the-wall; (in pure Latin urceolaris L+S); asteria|precious stone, either asteriated (star) sapphire or cymophane (cats-eye)?; asteriace|simple medicine; asterias|bird like heron; kind of heron (L+S); astericum|plant pellitory-of-the-wall; (in pure Latin urceolaris L+S); asterion|venomous spider; asteriscus|small star; asterisk (as a typographical mark); asterites|kind of basilisk/cockatrice; asterno|prostrate oneself, lie prone (on); asthenia|anesthesia/anaesthesia; asthma|asthma, attack of asthma; shortness of breath; asthmaticus|suffering from shortness of breath, asthmatic; asticus|of/located in a city, city, urban; astipulatio|confirmation, confirmatory statement; astipulator|associate in a stipulation; one who supports an opinion, adherent; astipulatus|assent, agreement in a command; astipulo|join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument); astipulor|join in stipulation/covenant; join in demanding; support (in an argument); astituo|place near/before; make to stand before; asto|stand at/on/by; assist; stand up/upright/waiting/still, stand on one's feet; astolos|precious stone; astragalus|convex molding (usu. round top/bottom of a column), astragal; astralis|relating to the stars; revealed by the stars; astrangulo|strangle; astrapaea|precious stone; astrapias|precious stone (black in color with gleams of light crossing the middle); astrapoplectus|struck by lightening; astreans|gleaming like a star; astrepo|make a noise at, shout in support, take up a cry; assail with noise; murmur; astricte|tightly (bound), firmly; strictly, by strict rules; concisely, tersely, pithily; astrictio|astringency, an astringent action; astrictorius|astringent, binding, constrictive, styptic; (effect on organic tissue); astrictus|bound (by rules), tied; terse, brief, restrained; constricted, dense, compact; astrictus|busy/preoccupied (with), intent (on); parsimonious, tight; astringent (taste); astricus|starry, of the stars; astrideo|hiss (at); astrido|hiss (at); astrifer|starry, star-laden; astrifico|make/produce stars; astrificus|star producing/making; astriger|star-bearing; starry; astriloquus|talking of the stars; astrilucus|shining/gleaming like stars; astringo|tie up/down/back/on/together/tightly; bind, grasp, tighten, fix; form boundary; astringo|oblige, commit; compress, narrow, restrict; knit (brows); freeze, solidify; astrion|precious stone; (crystalline, found in India, sapphire? L+S); astriotes|precious stone (w/magical properties); (OLD says neuter); astrobolos|precious stone (onyx?, chalcedon?); astrolabium|astrolabe; astrologia|astronomy, astrology, science/study of the heavenly bodies; book on astronomy; astrologus|astronomer, one who studies the heavens/predicts from the stars; astrologer; astronauta|astronaut; astronauticus|astronautic; astronomia|astronomy, science of heavenly bodies; astronomicus|astronomical; astronomus|astronomer; astrologer (Bee); astrophysica|astrophysics; astrosus|born under evil star, ill-starred; astructio|accumulation of proof, putting together, composition; astructor|one who adduces/brings forward/cites/alleges proof; astrum|star, heavenly body, planet/sun/moon; the stars, constellation; sky, heaven; astruo|build on/additional structure; heap/pile (on); add to/on, contribute, provide; astu|city (esp. Athens), town (as opp. to rest of Attica/city-state); astula|splinter/chip; shavings; [astula regia => the plant asphodel]; astupeo|be stunned/astounded/astonished/amazed (at); be enthralled (by) (w/DAT); astur|species of hawk; inhabitant of Asturia in Hispania Tarraconensis; asturco|Nero's favorite horse; a horse from Asturia in Hispania Tarraconensis; astus|craft, cunning, guile; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem; astute|cunningly, craftily, cleverly, astutely; astutia|cunning, cleverness, astuteness; cunning procedure/method, trick, stratagem; astutulus|cunning (person/action), crafty, clever, astute; astutus|clever, astute, sly, cunning; expert; asty|city (esp. Athens), town (as opp. to rest of Attica/city-state); astytis|kind of lettuce; asureus|azure; blue; of lapis lazuli; asyla|unidentified plant; asylum|place of refuge, asylum, sanctuary; place for relaxation/recuperation, retreat; asymbolus|without paying a contribution, contributing nothing to entertainment, scot-free; asymptota|asymptote (math.); asyndeton|rhetorical omission of connecting particle; (pure Latin dissolutio); asyndetus|standing without any connection with/reference to constellations (stars); at|but, but on the other hand; on the contrary; while, whereas; but yet; at least; atamussim|according to a ruler/level, exactly, accurately; atat|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); atatae|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); atatatae|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); atate|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); atattae|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); atavia|great-great-great grandmother; (mother of abavus/abavia); female ancestor; atavus|great-great-great grandfather; (father of abavus/abavia); ancestor, forefather; atechnos|inartistic; ategro|pour out wine in sacrifices; atenim|but/yet in spite of what has been said; but/yet nevertheless/all the same; ater|black, dark; dark-colored (hair/skin); gloomy/murky; unlucky; sordid/squalid; ater|deadly, terrible, grisly (esp. connected with underworld); poisonous; spiteful; atermum|plant (tough, stubborn pest?); atheismus|atheism; atheista|atheistic; Athena|Athens (pl.); inhabitants of Athens, Athenians; athenaeum|school, atheneum; place of study; (athenaeum maius => university); Atheneus|Athenian, of Athens; of inhabitants of Athens/Athenians; Atheniensis|Athenian, inhabitant of Athens; Atheniensis|Athenian, of Athens; of inhabitants of Athens/Athenians; atheos|atheist, one who does not believe in God; (as nickname); athera|variety of gruel used in medicine; prepared from arinca/spelt (L+S); atheroma|tumor occurring on the head containing gruel-like matter; atheus|atheist, one who does not believe in God; (as nickname); athla|labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle; athleta|wrestler, boxer, athlete, one who is in public games; expert, old-hand; contest; athletica|athletics; sport; athletice|athletically, like an athlete; athleticus|athletic, sporty; of/proper for an athlete; [ars athletica => athletics]; athletismus|athletics; athlon|labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle; athlum|labor/task/struggle, pains; athletic contest; the 12 points of celestial circle; atizoe|precious stone; (of silver luster L+S); atlas|atlas (of geography); atmosphaera|atmosphere; atmosphaericus|atmospheric; atnatus|male blood relation (father's side); one born after father made his will; atocium|contraceptive; atocium|contraceptive; atomicus|atomic; atomismus|atomism; atomos|atom, ultimate component of matter, particle incapable of being divided; atomus|indivisible, atomic, that cannot be cut; atomus|atom, ultimate component of matter, particle incapable of being divided; atopto|adopt, select, secure, pick out; wish/name for oneself; adopt legally; atque|and, as well/soon as; together with; and moreover/even; and too/also/now; yet; atqui|but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still; atquin|but, yet, notwithstanding, however, rather, well/but now; and yet, still; atractylis|plant of the genus Carthamus, spindle-thistle (used as antidote to poisons); atramentarium|inkstand; inkpot, inkwell; atramentum|writing-ink; blacking, black pigment/ink; [~ sepiae => cuttle-fish ink]; atratus|darkened, blackened, dingy; clothed in black, in/wearing mourning; atriarius|house-servant, house-slave; porter, door-keeper (L+S); atricapilla|bird of black plumage (black-cap?); atricapillus|black-haired; atricolor|black, dark colored; letters written in (black) ink (L+S); atriensis|steward; servant in charge of household administration, major-domo; house-slave; atriolum|small hall/ante-room; atriplex|orach-vegetable; atriplex|kitchen herb, orach; atriplexum|kitchen herb, orach; atritas|blackness; atritus|blackened; atrium|atrium, reception hall in a Roman house; auction room; palace (pl.), house; atrocitas|fury; barbarity, cruelty; wickedness; severity, harshness; horror, dreadfulness; atrociter|violently; bitterly, acrimoniously; cruelly, savagely; severely, harshly; atrophia|atrophy; wasting consumption; (pure Latin tabes); atrophus|affected by lack of nutrition; state of atrophy; consumptive; atropinum|atropine; atrotus|invulnerable; atrox|fierce, savage, bloody; heinous, cruel; severe; terrible, frightening, dreadful; atrusca|kind of grape; atta|father (term of respect used when addressing old men); attachiamentum|attachment; attachio|attach; fasten; attactus|touch , contact, action of touching; attacus|kind of locust; attagen|bird resembling partridge, francolin? hazel-hen/heath-cock (L+S); attagena|bird resembling partridge, francolin?; attagus|he-goat; attamen|but yet, but however, nevertheless; attamino|touch, attack, rob; dishonor, defile, contaminate; attat|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); attatae|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); attate|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); attattatae|ah! oh! alas! (expression of sudden enlightenment/surprise/fear/warning); attegia|hut (Gallic?) (Arab? L+S); attegro|pour out wine in sacrifices; attelebus|kind of wingless locust; attemperate|opportunely, at a convenient moment; attemperatio|accommodation; adjusting, adjustment, fitting; attempero|fit, adjust, accommodate; attempto|attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try; attendo|turn/stretch towards; apply; attend/pay (close) attention to, listen carefully; attentatio|attempting, attempt, trying, try, effort; attentatum|prohibited innovation during process; attempt, try; attente|diligently, carefully, with concentration, with close attention; attentio|attention, application, attentiveness; attento|attack, assail; call into question; try to seduce/use; make an attempt on, try; attentus|attentive, heedful; careful, conscientious, intent; frugal, economical; attenuate|plainly, barely, simply; attenuatio|diminution, act of lessening, attenuation; plainness (of style); attenuatus|plain (style), bare, subdued; thin, impoverished; lessened, diminished; attenuo|thin (out); weaken, lessen, diminish, shrink, reduce in size; make plain; attermino|set bounds to, measure, limit; attero|rub, rub against; grind; chafe; wear out/down/away; diminish, impair; waste; atterraneus|coming to/from the earth; earth-borne; attertiarius|whole and a third; attertiatus|reduced/boiled down to a third; attestatio|testimony, attestation; attestatus|confirmatory, corroboratory; attestor|confirm, attest, bear witness to; attexo|add, join on, link to; weave/plait on, attach by weaving; Attice|Attic, in Attic/Athenian manner; elegantly; atticisso|imitate the Attic/Athenian (elegant) manner of speaking; Atticus|Attic, Athenian; classic, elegant; attigo|touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to; attiguus|contiguous, adjoining, adjacent, neighboring; attillo|tickle, please; attilus|large fish, great sturgeon/beluga; attina|heap of stones as a boundary marker; (pl.) (L+S); attineo|hold on/to/near/back/together/fast; restrain, keep (in custody), retain; delay; attingo|touch, touch/border on; reach, arrive at, achieve; mention briefly; belong to; attingo|wipe/smear on?; attinguo|moisten, bedew, sprinkle with a liquid; attitulo|name, entitle; attolero|support, sustain, bear; attollo|raise/lift up/towards/to a higher position; erect, build; exalt; extol, exalt; attondeo|clip (hair close), shear; strip of money, fleece; thrash; prune, trim, crop; attonite|frantically; bewilderedly, confoundedly; attonitus|astonished, fascinated; lightning/thunder-struck, stupefied, dazed; inspired; attono|strike with lightning, blast; drive crazy, distract; attornatus|attorney; one appointed to act in law/business; attorno|attorn; attribute; ordain, decree; turn to; attorqueo|whirl at; hurl upwards; attorreo|bake, roast; attractio|contraction, drawing together; attractivus|interesting; attracto|touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with; attractorius|attractive, having the power of attraction; attractus|drawn together (brows), knit; attractus|attraction, drawing to; attraho|attract, draw/drag together/in/before/along; inhale; gather saliva; bend (bow); attrectatio|touching, handling; grammatical term for words denoting many things together; attrectatus|touching, handling, feeling; attrecto|touch; lay hands on; handle (roughly), assault (sexually), violate; deal with; attremo|tremble (at) (w/DAT); attrepido|bestir oneself; hobble along; attribulo|thresh, press hard; attribuo|assign/allot/attribute/impute to; grant, pay; appoint, put under jurisdiction; attributio|assignment of debt; one's destined lot; grant; attribution; predicate attribute; attributum|grant of public money; predicate, attribute (gram.) (L+S); attributus|ascribed, attributed; assigned, allotted; attritio|rubbing/grinding against/on (something); friction, abrasion; attritus|worn, worn down by use; smoothed; hardened, brazen; thin (style), attenuated; attritus|rubbed (off/away), wasted; bruised; shameless, impudent, brazen; attritus|action/process of rubbing/grinding; friction; chafing, abrasion, bruising; attubernalis|one who lives in an adjoining hut; attulo|bring/carry/bear to; attumulo|heap up against; bank up (with something); attuor|observe, look at; Atuatucus|Atuatuci, tribe of north (Belgic) Gaul - Caesar; atvero|however; atypus|that does not form the letters properly in speaking; atypus|one who does not form the letters properly in speaking; who stammers, stammering au|oh! ow! oh dear! goodness gracious! (used by women to express consternation); Au|Aulus (Roman praenomen); (abb. A./Au.); aucella|little bird; auceo|observe attentively; auceps|bird-catcher, fowler; bird seller, poulterer; spy, eavesdropper; auceps|bird-catcher, fowler; bird seller, poulterer; spy, eavesdropper; aucilla|little bird; auctarium|something in addition to the proper measure, lagniappe; addition, augmentation; aucthorizatio|authorization; auctifer|productive, fruitful, fertile; fruit-bearing (L+S); auctifico|enlarge, increase; honor by offerings/sacrifices; auctificus|giving/causing increase/growth; increasing, enlarging; auctio|auction; public sale; property put up for sale at auction/the catalog/proceeds; auctionale|catalogs/lists (pl.) of auction sales; auctionalis|of/pertaining to an auction, auction-; auctionarius|of/pertaining to an auction, auction-; auctiono|buy goods at an auction/public sale; buy at auction; auctionor|put up goods to auction/public sale; hold an auction; auctito|keep increasing/augmenting; honor by offerings (L+S); aucto|increase/enlarge (much), grow; prosper/bless (with) (w/ABL); auctor|seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder; auctorabilis|authoritative; auctoralis|authoritative; auctoramentum|wages, pay, fee; reward; terms of employment (esp. gladiators), contract; auctoratus|hired gladiator; auctorita|authority, power; one in charge; auctoritas|title (legal), ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order; auctoritas|authority, influence; responsibility; prestige, reputation; opinion, judgment; auctoritativus|authoritative; auctorizabilis|authoritative; auctorizatio|authorization; auctorizo|authorize, authenticate; approve, confirm; bind one's self; auctoro|bind/pledge/oblige/engage oneself, hire oneself out; purchase (w/sibi), secure; auctoror|hire out, sell; give authorization (guardian on behalf of ward); authorize; auctrix|seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder; auctumnalis|autumnal. of autumn, for use in autumn; auctumnasct|autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on; auctumnesct|autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on; auctumnitas|autumn, the autumn season; autumn fruits (poet.); auctumno|bring autumnal conditions; auctumnum|autumn; autumn fruits, harvest; auctumnus|of autumn, autumnal; auctumnus|autumn; autumn fruits, harvest; auctus|enlarged, large, abundant, ample; richer/increased in power/wealth/importance; auctus|growth, increase, enlargement, act of increasing; accession; prosperity; bulk; aucupabundus|watching, lurking for; aucupalis|of/pertaining to bird-watching/fowling; aucupatio|hunting after, searching for; bird catching, fowling; aucupatorius|suitable for bird catching/fowling/hunting; aucupatus|bird-catching, fowling; aucupium|bird-catching, fowling; taking (bee swarm); game/wild fowl; sly angling for; aucupo|catch, take (swarm of bees); hunt after, seek, be on the lookout for; aucupor|go fowling; lie in wait/lay a trap for, keep a watch on; seek to deal with; audacia|boldness, daring, courage, confidence; recklessness, effrontery, audacity; audaciter|boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly; audacter|boldly, audaciously, confidently, proudly, fearlessly; impudently, rashly; audaculus|bold (little/bit), courageous; audacious, impudent, impertinent; audax|bold, daring; courageous; reckless, rash; audacious, presumptuous; desperate; audem|but (postpositive), on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also; audens|daring, bold, courageous; characterized by boldness/license of expression; audenter|boldly, fearlessly; audaciously, presumptuously, rashly; audentia|boldness, courage, enterprise; boldness/license of expression; audeo|intend, be prepared; dare/have courage (to go/do), act boldly, venture, risk; audiens|auditor, one who hears; hearer of, obedient to (your command); public penitent; audiens|catechumen (eccl.), convert under instruction before baptism; new initiate; audientia|hearing, act of listening, attention; audience, body of listeners; audio|hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear; auditio|hearing, act/sense of hearing; report, hearsay, rumor; lecture, recital; auditiuncula|scrap of hearsay information; brief discourse (L+S); audito|hear frequently; auditor|listener, hearer; disciple (w/GEN), pupil, student; auditorialis|of/pertaining to a school; auditorium|auditorium, lecture room, hall; body of listeners, audience; hearing a law case; auditorium|auditorium; auditorius|relating to a hearer or hearing; auditus|hearing; listening; act/sense of hearing; hearsay; audivisificus|audiovisual; audo|intend, be prepared; dare/have courage (to go/do), act boldly, venture, risk; aufero|bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain; aufero|bear/carry/take/fetch/sweep/snatch away/off, remove, withdraw; steal, obtain; aufugio|flee, flee from, shun; run/fly away, escape; disappear (things), vanish; Aug|August (month/mensis understood); abb. Aug.; renamed from Sextilis in 8 BC; augeo|increase, enlarge, augment; spread; honor, promote, raise; exalt; make a lot of; auger|augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer; augesco|grow, increase in size/amount/number; develop; prosper; rise/be swollen (river); augifico|increase, enlarge, make larger; auginos|plant; (also called hyoscyamos); augitis|precious stone; augmen|addition, increase, increment; bulk, total mass, the result of increase; augmentatio|increase, waxing (moon); increment; sustenance; advancement (Ecc); augmento|increase; augmentum|increase, waxing (moon); increment; sustenance; advancement (Ecc); augur|augur, one who interprets behavior of birds; diviner, seer, prophet, soothsayer; auguraculum|place where auguries are observed, hence the citadel of Rome; augurale|general's HQ/tent in Roman camp where he took auguries; augur's staff/wand; auguralis|of/pertaining to augurs, augural; relating to soothsaying; auguratio|prediction by means of augury; augurato|after due taking of the auguries; auguratorium|place/building where auguries were observed; auguratrix|soothsayer/diviner (female); auguratus|instituted after due observance of auguries; auguratus|office of augur; augury; augurialis|of/pertaining to augurs, augural; relating to soothsaying; augurium|augury (act/profession); divination, prediction; omen, portent/sign; foreboding; augurius|of the augurs/augury, augural; auguro|prophesy, predict, foretell; practice augury; make known intention to (w/INF); auguror|conjecture, surmise, judge; Augusta|Augusta; (title of Emperor's wife/occasionally other close female relatives); Augustalis|member of imperial military/religious group; title of Prefect of Egypt (OED); augustalis|Augustan; Augustalis|of/pertaining to Augustus; imperial; augustatus|made venerable; consecrated; auguste|reverently, solemnly; with dignity; majestically; sacredly; Augustianismus|Augustinism, teaching of St Augustine (Bishop of Hippo, 354-430, City of God); Augustinus|Augustine; (St./Bishop of Hippo, 354-430, author of Confessions, City of God); augusto|glorify; render venerable; augustus|sacred, venerable; majestic, august, solemn; dignified; worthy of honor (Ecc); Augustus|August (month) (mensis understood); abb. Aug.; renamed from Sextilis in 8 BC; Augustus|Augustus; (title of Octavius Caesar, Emperor, 27 BC-14 AD); of all emperors; aula|hall; church/temple; palace/castle; inner/royal court; courtiers; royal power; aulaea|canopy/covering; theater curtain; hangings/folds (pl.), tapestries/drapery; aulaeum|canopy/covering; theater curtain; hangings/folds (pl.), tapestries/drapery; aulax|furrow; auleticos|used for making reed pipes/flutes; auleticus|used for making reed pipes/flutes; aulicocius|boiled, cooked in a pot; aulicoctus|boiled, cooked in a pot; aulicoquius|boiled, cooked in a pot; aulicus|of/belonging to the imperial/prince's household; princely; aulicus|of/pertaining to the pipe/flute; aulicus|courtier (of the imperial/a prince's household); aulix|furrow; auloedus|person who sings to a reed pipe; aulon|waterspout; aulopoios|maker of reed pipes; aulos|kind of bivalve; razorshell clam; flute-shaped scallop (L+S); aulula|small pipkin/pot; Aulus|Aulus (Roman praenomen); (abb. A.); aumatium|latrine in a theater/circus; private place in the theater (L+S); aunculus|maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle; aura|breeze, breath (of air), wind; gleam; odor, stench; vapor; air (pl.), heaven; auraculum|oracle (place/agency/mouthpiece); prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim; aurantiacus|orange-colored; aurantium|orange tree; aurantius|orange-colored; tawny; auraria|gold mine; worker/dearer (female) in gold (L+S); aurarius|concerned with/used for gold; golden, gold; aurarius|worker in gold, goldsmith; patron (L+S); aurata|kind of fish, gilthead, dorado; auratilis|gold-colored; aurator|gilder, one who gilds (covers with gold leaf) metal/wood/plaster; auratura|gilding, gilt, thin coating of gold; auratus|gilded, overlaid/adorned with gold, golden, gold mounted/embroidered/bearing; aurea|bridle of a horse; aureatus|adorned/decorated with gold; aureax|charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (constellation); aureficina|goldsmith's workshop; aureola|halo; nimbus, aura; aureole; aureolus|golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid; aureolus|gold coin, gold piece; auresco|become golden in color; aureus|of gold, golden; gilded; gold bearing; gleaming like gold; beautiful, splendid; aureus|gold coin (equivalent to 25 silver denarii at Rome) (120 grains/0.25 oz.); auricalcinus|made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal; auricalcum|brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, "mountain copper"; brass objects (pl.); aurichalcinus|made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal; aurichalcum|brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, "mountain copper"; brass objects (pl.); auricoctor|smelter/melter/refiner of gold; auricolor|golden, of the color of gold; auricomans|golden-haired, with golden hair; flaxen-haired; with golden foliage/leaves; auricomus|golden-haired, with golden hair; flaxen-haired; with golden foliage/leaves; auricula|ear (part of body/organ of hearing); sense of hearing; auricularis|of/for/pertaining to the ear/ears; auricular; auricularius|of/for the ear/ears; [medicus auricularius => ear specialist]; auricularius|ear doctor/specialist, aurist; counselor; listener, secret advisor (Ecc); aurifer|gold-bearing, producing/yielding gold (mine/country); bearing golden fruit; aurifex|goldsmith; aurificina|goldsmith's workshop; aurifluus|flowing with gold; aurifodina|gold mine; aurifrisiatus|gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold; aurifrisius|gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold; auriga|charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (constellation); aurigalis|of/pertaining to a charioteer/driver; aurigans|glittering with gold; aurigarius|owner of a racing chariot; charioteer in the races in the circus (L+S); aurigatio|chariot driving; aurigator|chariot racer/race driver; aurigena|one born of gold, the gold-begotten (i.e., Perseus); aurigenus|born of gold, gold-begotten (i.e., Perseus); auriger|bearing gold (e.g., with gilded horns; bearing the Golden Fleece); aurigineus|golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced; auriginosus|golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced; aurigo|drive/race a chariot; aurigor|drive/race a chariot; aurilegulus|gold picker, gold collector; auriolus|golden, made of gold, gold colored; beautiful, brilliant, excellent, splendid; auriphrygiatus|gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold; auriphrygius|gold-embroidered, embroidered with gold; auripigmentum|yellow/trisulphide of arsenic, bright yellow dye mineral, yellow orpiment; auris|ear; hearing; a discriminating sense of hearing, "ear" (for); pin on plow; auriscalpium|ear-pick (medical instrument), probe; auritulus|long-eared animal, ass; auritus|with/having ears; longeared, w/large ears; hearing well, listening, attentive; auro|gild, overlay with gold; aurochalcinus|made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal; aurora|dawn, daybreak, sunrise; goddess of the dawn; Orient/East, peoples of the East; auroro|shine like the sunrise; aurosus|containing gold, gold-bearing; of the color of gold, like gold (L+S); aurufex|goldsmith; aurugineus|golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced; aurugino|have jaundice, be affected with jaundice; auruginosus|golden/yellow (of color); jaundiced; aurugo|jaundice; pale/sickly look; mildew (plants) (L+S); aurula|gentle breeze; whiff (of); aurulentus|of the color of gold, golden; aurum|gold (metal/color), gold money, riches; ausculatio|kissing; action of kissing; ausculator|listener; ausculor|kiss; exchange kisses; auscultabulum|earphone, telephone receiver; auscultatio|eavesdropping, secret listening; paying heed, obeying; auscultator|listener; one who heeds/obeys; auscultatus|act of listening/hearing; ausculto|listen (to); overhear, listen secretly; heed, obey; ausculum|kiss; mouth; lips; orifice; mouthpiece (of a pipe); auspex|diviner by birds, augur; soothsayer; patron, supporter; wedding functionary; auspicabilis|auspicious, of favorable omen; auspicalis|giving omens; pertaining to/suitable for divination/auguries; auspicaliter|after taking the auspices; with the appropriate taking of auguries; auspicato|after taking the auspices/auguries; with good omens; auspiciously; auspicatus|consecrated/approved by auguries, hollowed; auspicious/fortunate/lucky/happy; auspicatus|augury, taking of auspices; auspicium|divination (by birds); omen; beginning; auspices (pl.); right of doing auspices; auspico|take auspices; seek omens; begin with auspices, make ceremonial start; portend; auspicor|take auspices; seek omens; begin with auspices, make ceremonial start; portend; austellus|south (diminutive/contemptuous); southern parts (pl.); gentle south wind (L+S); auster|austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry (wine); sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose; auster|south; south wind; southern parts (pl.); Austeralia|Australia; austeralis|plant (usually called sisymbrium); austere|rigidly, austerely, severely; austeritas|harshness, sourness, bitterness; gloominess, somberness; severity, rigor; austerulus|somewhat dry/astringent/harsh; austerus|austere, plain; bitter, sour; dry (wine); sharp, pungent; dark, somber, morose; austium|door (w/frame); front door; starting gate; entrance to underworld; river mouth; australis|southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation); austrifer|bringing the south wind; austrinalis|southern; antarctic; austrinum|southern regions (pl.); austrinus|southern; of/brought by the south wind; of southern hemisphere (constellation); austrum|purple dye; purple color; material dyed purple (garment, coverlet); ausum|intend, be prepared; dare (to go/do), act boldly, risk; (SUB for audeo-kludge); ausum|daring/bold deed, exploit, venture; attempt; presumptuous act, outrage; crime; ausus|daring, initiative; ventures (pl.); aut|or, or rather/else; either...or (aut...aut) (emphasizing one); autem|but (postpositive), on the other hand/contrary; while, however; moreover, also; autenta|chief prince, head; autenticus|original (document), genuine, authentic; that comes from the author; autentus|chief prince, head; authemerum|kind of eye salve (presumably giving same day relief); authemerus|acting/operating on the same day; providing/with same day service; authenta|chief prince, head; authentice|authentically; authenticitas|genuineness, authenticity; authentico|verify, authenticate; authenticum|original/authentic document, the original; document certifying relic genuine; authenticus|original (document), genuine, authentic; that comes from the author; authentus|chief prince, head; authepsa|cooker with its own heating compartment; author|seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder; authoramentum|wages, pay, fee; reward; terms of employment (esp. gladiators), contract; authoratus|hired gladiator; authorita|authority, power; one in charge; authoritas|title (legal), ownership; right to authorize/sanction, power; decree, order; authoritas|authority, influence; responsibility; prestige, reputation; opinion, judgment; authorizo|authorize, authenticate; approve, confirm; bind one's self; authoro|bind/pledge/oblige/engage oneself, hire oneself out; purchase (w/sibi), secure; authoror|hire out, sell; give authorization (guardian on behalf of ward); authorize; authrix|seller, vendor; originator; historian; authority; proposer, supporter; founder; autobiographia|autobiography; autobirota|motorcycle; autobirotarius|motorcyclist; autocarrum|truck; autochthon|original inhabitant, native; autochthonus|indigenous, native; innate; autocineticus|car-; of a car; autocinetista|driver; autocinetum|car; autocratus|self-blended (wine) (i.e., of medium sweetness); autocthon|original inhabitant, native; autocthonus|indigenous, native; innate; autographum|holograph, document written in one's own hand; autographus|written with one's own hand, holograph; automatarium|automata (pl.), automatic mechanism; automatarius|automatic, of automata/automatic mechanisms; automatarius|maker of automata/automatic mechanisms; automaticus|automatic; automatio|automation; automatismus|automatic device; automatizatio|automation; automatizo|automate; automaton|automaton, automatic/self-moving mechanism; automatic/puppet-like movements; automatopoetus|automatic; automatum|automaton, automatic/self-moving mechanism; automatic/puppet-like movements; automatum|ATM, automatic teller; automatus|voluntary, spontaneous, self-moving; autonomatia|autonomy; autonomia|autonomy; autonomus|autonomous; autopsia|autopsy; autopyros|coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat bread; autopyros|made of unbolted/unsifted wheat meal, whole-wheat; autopyrus|made of unbolted/unsifted wheat meal, whole-wheat; autopyrus|coarse bread made of unbolted/unsifted wheaten meal, whole-wheat bread; autoraeda|car; autoraedarius|driver; autumnal|autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn; autumnalis|autumnal, of autumn, for use in autumn; autumnasct|autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on; autumnesct|autumn is approaching, autumn is coming on; autumnitas|autumn, the autumn season; autumn fruits (poet.); autumno|bring autumnal conditions; autumnus|of autumn, autumnal; autumnus|autumn; autumn fruits, harvest; autumo|say, assert; say yes; affirm; mention, speak of; name, call; reckon, judge; auturgus|handyman; autus|increase, enlargement; growth; auxiliabundus|bringing aid, helping; auxiliaris|auxiliary troops (pl.); allies; auxiliaris|assisting, succoring, help-bringing; auxiliary (troops); auxiliarius|auxiliary troops (pl.); assistants; allies; auxiliarus|assisting, succoring, help-bringing; auxiliary (troops); auxiliatio|help, aid; auxiliator|helper, one who gives aid; aide, assistant (L+S); auxiliatrix|helper (female), assistant, aide; auxiliatus|help, aid; auxilio|help (w/DAT); give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal; auxilior|help (w/DAT); give help/aid; assist; be helpful, be of use/avail; remedy, heal; auxilium|help, assistance; remedy/antidote; supporting resource/force; auxiliaries (pl.); auxilla|small pot for cooking/preserving); ava|grandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale; avarca|leather sandal worn by Pyrenean peasants; avare|greedily, avariciously, rapaciously; thriftily, economically, stingily, miserly; avariter|greedily, avariciously, rapaciously; thriftily, economically, stingily, miserly; avaritia|greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness; avarities|greed, avarice; rapacity; miserliness, stinginess, meanness; avarus|avaricious, greedy; stingy, miserly, mean; covetous, hungry for; avarus|miser; stingy/mean/greedy person; ave|hail!, formal expression of greetings; aveho|carry away, carry; (passive) ride away/off, sail away, go away, depart; avellanus|Abellian; avello|tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest; avello|tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest; avello|tear/pluck/wrench away/out/off; separate by force, part; take away, wrest; avena|reed, straw; shepherd's pipe, pan pipe; oats, wild oats, other allied grasses; avenaceus|made from oats, oaten, oat-; avenarius|of/connected with oats, oat-; avens|willing, cheerful, glad, with pleasure; eager, anxious; covetous; aventer|eagerly, earnestly, anxiously; aveo|hail; fare/be well; (IMP/INF; greeting/leaving);[ ~ jubeo => I send greetings]; aveo|be eager or anxious; desire, wish for, long after, crave; averium|beast; avernus|hell; the infernal regions; the lower world; averro|sweep/brush away, take away, clear away (table); averrunco|avert (something bad), ward off; aversabilis|repulsive, loathsome, abominable; (from which one would turn away); aversatio|aversion, feeling of dislike (for); aversator|apostate, he who abominates/turns away from; rebel, he who rebels/oppresses; aversatrix|apostate, she who abominates/turns away from; rebel, she who rebels/oppresses; aversim|sidewise, sideways; avertedly; aversio|loathing, abhorrence; distraction (of attention/from the point); (for) lump sum; aversor|turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject; aversor|embezzler; pilferer, thief; aversum|back, back/hinder part; other side, obverse; aversus|turned/facing away, w/back turned; behind, in rear; distant; averse; hostile; averta|saddle-bags, traveling bag, luggage for horseback, portmanteau; (mantica); avertarius|horse that bears the averta (saddle/traveling bag), pack-horse, sumpter; averto|turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate; avia|grandmother; rooted prejudice, old wives tale; avia|unidentified plant; groundsel (L+S); (also called senecio, erigeron); aviarium|aviary, enclosure for birds; haunt of wild birds (poet.); aviarius|bird keeper, one who has charge of poultry; aviarius|used for birds, bird-; avicella|little bird; avicula|small bird; avicularius|bird keeper, one who has charge of poultry; avide|greedily, hungrily, avariciously; eagerly, impatiently; aviditas|greed, covetousness; keen desire, lust/passion; appetite (food/drink), gluttony; aviditer|greedily; eagerly; avidus|greedy, eager, ardent, desirous of; avaricious, insatiable; lustful, passionate; avipes|bird-footed; fleet-footed; avis|bird; sign, omen, portent; avite|from ancient times, of old; avitium|birds collectively, the bird family; avitus|ancestral, of one's ancestors, family; of/belonging to a grandfather; avium|pathless region (pl.), wild waste, wilderness, desert; lonely/solitary places; avius|out of the way, unfrequented, remote; pathless, trackless, untrodden; straying; avocamentum|distraction, diversion, recreation, relaxation; avocatio|process of diverting the attention; distraction, diversion; avocator|one who calls off/away, one who diverts; avocatrix|she who calls off/away, she who diverts; avoco|call/summon away; dissuade, divert, distract; remove, take away (property); avolo|fly/rush away/off; hasten away, flee, vanish; fly away (missile); avolsio|process of tearing away/pulling off; avolsor|one who plucks/tears off/away; avonculus|maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle; avorro|sweep/brush away, take away, clear away (table); avorsor|turn oneself away in disgust/horror, recoil; avoid, shun; refuse, reject; avorsus|turned/facing away, w/back turned; behind, in rear; distant; averse; hostile; avorto|turn away from/aside, divert, rout; disturb; withdraw; steal, misappropriate; avos|grandfather; forefather, ancestor; avulsio|process of tearing away/pulling off; avulsor|one who plucks/tears off/away; avunculus|maternal uncle, mother's brother, mother's sister's husband; great uncle; avus|grandfather; forefather, ancestor; axamentum|religious hymns (pl.) in Saturnian measure annually sung by the Salii; axedo|board, plank; axicia|pair of shears; axiculus|small axle; small plank, slat; small beam/pole, pin (L+S); axilla|side; armpit; axinomantia|divination by means of axes; axio|little horned owl; axioma|axiom, fundamental preposition; principle (L+S); axis|axle, axis, pole; chariot; the sky, heaven; north pole; region, clime; axis|Indian quadruped; (spotted deer?); axis|plank, board; axitia|unidentified toilet article; axitiosus|acting together, in combination; of a party; (?); axitiosus|extravagant in use of axitia (unidentified toilet article); axon|axis of a sundial; axis/roller of a ballista; line on a sundial (L+S); axulus|small plank/board; axungia|axle grease (hog/animal fat) (also used as medicament); azanius|kind of pine cone; pine cones which open while yet on the tree (L+S); azimuthum|azimuth; azonus|gods (pl.) who have no definite place in heaven; Azotice|Azotian, in the language/manner of Azotus/Ahdod (Esdud); (city of Palestine); Azoticus|Azotian, of/from Azotus/Ahdod (Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast); Azotius|Azotian, of/from Azotus/Ahdod (now Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast); Azotus|Ahdod (now Esdud); (city of Palestine near the coast); Azrael|Azrael (Aramaic), angel of death; azura|azure; blue; azureus|azure; blue; of lapis lazuli; azurium|azure; blue; azurum|azure; blue; azymita|one who used unleavened bread for Eucharist; azymum|unleavened bread (pl.); azymus|unleavened; pure, morally uncorrupted (L+S); Baal|Baal (Syrian deity); babae|wow!; exclamation of surprise or amazement; babaecalus|rich man (slang); babbius|designation of a large variety of olive; babulus|babbler, fool; baburrus|foolish, silly; Babylon|Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); people of Babylon; Babylonia|Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); Babylonia; Babylonius|Babylonian, of Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); Babylonius|Babylonian, inhabitant of Babylon (city on Euphrates, capital of Babylonia); baca|berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral; bacalarius|baccalaureate, bachelor's (degree); lowest academic degree/step; bachelor; bacalia|berry-bearer; female laurel regarded as a variety; bacalis|berry-bearing (designation of the female laurel); bacalusia|stupid guesses? (pl.); kind of sweetmeat? (L+S); bacar|vessel with a long handle (like bacrio); wine glass (L+S); bacatus|set with pearls; bacca|berry, fruit of tree/shrub; olive; pearl; piece/bead of coral; baccalarius|bachelor; baccalaureatus|final exam; baccalaureus|baccalaureate, bachelor's (degree); lowest academic degree/step; bachelor; baccalaureus|bachelor; baccalia|berry-bearer; female laurel regarded as a variety; baccalis|berry-bearing (designation of the female laurel); baccar|unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil; baccaris|unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil; bacchabundus|reveling in the manner of Bacchantes, raving; Bacchanal|festival/rites (pl.) of Bacchus; Bacchanalian orgy; Bacchanal|shrine/site where the rites of Bacchus were celebrated; Bacchanalis|relating to Bacchus; Bacchanalian; Bacchanalium|festival/rites (pl.) of Bacchus; Bacchanalian orgy; bacchans|votaries (pl.) of Bacchus, Bacchantes; bacchar|unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil; baccharis|unidentified plant (cyclamen?, sowbread); another plant; w/fragrant root w/oil; bacchatim|in the manner of Bacchantes, riotously, wildly; bacchatio|celebration of rites of Bacchus; orgy, debauch; reveling Bacchanalian fashion; bacchia|kind of drinking goblet/bowl; bacchiacus|name for the choriambic meter; bacchius|metrical foot of three syllables, either long-long-short or short-long-long; bacchor|celebrate rites of Bacchus; revel/rave/riot; run wild; be frenzied/raving mad; Bacchus|Bacchus, god of wine/vine; the vine, wine; bacchus|kind of sea-fish (myxon L+S); bacciballum|piece; woman (slang), bit of stuff/fluff; baccifer|berry-bearing; baccillum|stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff; baccina|plant; (also called apollinaris); baccor|run riot/wild/crazy, dash in a frenzy; be frenzied; baceolus|stupid, slow-witted, unintelligent, inept; foolish, silly; (used by Augustus); bacifer|berry-bearing; bacile|basin; bacilis|low, base; bacillum|bacillus; bacillum|stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff; bacillus|bacillus; bacillus|stick (small), walking stick, staff; shaft/handle (weapon/tool); lictor's staff; bacrio|vessel with long handle, ladle; bacterialis|bacterial; bactericidus|bactericidal; bacteriologus|bacteriologist; bacterium|bacterium; bactroperita|one carrying/with staff and pouch; nickname of a Cynic philosopher; bacula|small berry; baculum|stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff (not fascas); scepter; crozier; baculus|stick, walking stick, staff; lictor's rod/staff (not fascas); scepter; crozier; badisso|go, proceed; walk; baditis|plant (nymphaea); badius|bay, reddish-brown, chestnut; (color, esp. applied to horses); badizo|go, proceed; walk; bae|palm branch; Baiae (pl.) posh Bay of Naples resort w/hot springs, the Palms; Baetica|Baectia (province in southern Spain, Andalusia/Granada); baeticatus|clothed in wool from Baectia (province in southern Spain, Andalusia/Granada); baeto|go; baetulus|species of meteoric stone; baia|palm branch; Baiae (pl.) posh Bay of Naples resort w/hot springs, the Palms; baijulo|carry, bear (load); baijulus|porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S); baillium|castle-bailey; L:bail, security; bajolus|porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S); bajulatio|carrying/bearing of burdens/loads; bajulator|carrier, porter, one carrying/bearing burdens/loads; bajulatorius|of/belonging to carrier/porter (e.g., a sedan chair); bajulo|carry, bear (load); bajulus|porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden; steward; letter-carrier (L+S); balaena|whale; balaenaceus|made of whalebone; balanatus|perfumed with oil of Ben (winged Horse-radish tree seeds Moringa pterygosperms); balaninus|of ben-nut (winged seeds of the Horse-radish tree, Moringa pterygosperms); balanites|precious stone; balanitis|species of chestnut; (shaped like an acorn L+S); balans|bleating as proper epithet of sheep; balans|bleater; sheep (pl.); balantus|anointed/perfumed with balsam; embalmed; balanus|acorn; other nuts, chestnut, ben-nut; date; balsam; shell-fish; suppository; balatro|buffoon, fool; jester, joker; bleater, babbler; balatus|bleating (of sheep/goats); balaustium|flower of the pomegranate; balbe|inarticulately; obscurely; balbus|stammering, stuttering, lisping, suffering from a speech defect; fumbling; balbuties|stammering; (balbuties); balbutio|stammer, stutter; lisp; speak obscurely/indistinctly; babble; balbuttio|stammer, stutter; lisp; speak obscurely/indistinctly; babble; baldachinum|canopy; baldachinus|canopy; balena|whale; balenaceus|made of whalebone; balinea|baths (pl.); balineare|bath utensils (pl.); balinearis|pertaining/belonging to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse; balinearium|baths (pl.), bathhouses, places for bathing; balinearius|pertaining/relating to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse; balineaticum|bath money, piece of money to be paid for bath; balineator|bath-attendant; keeper of a bathhouse; balineatorius|of/pertaining/related to a bath; balineatrix|bath attendant (female); balineolum|small bath; balineum|bath; bathroom, (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.); bathtub; act of bathing; baliolus|dark, swarthy, chestnut-colored?; balis|unidentified plant; (vine?); baliscus|kind of vine?; baliscus|bath?; balista|ballista, large military engine for throwing stones and missiles; balistarium|artillery emplacement; balistarius|maker of ballistas; balistium|music/songs accompanying dancing; balito|bleat; ballaena|whale; ballaenaceus|made of whalebone; ballatio|dance; ballator|dancer?; ballematicus|accompanying the dance; ballena|whale; ballista|ballista, large military engine for throwing stones and missiles; ballistarium|artillery emplacement; ballistarius|maker of ballistas; ballistium|music/songs accompanying dancing; ballium|bail; security; ballivus|bailiff; ballo|dance; ballote|plant, black horehound?; balluca|gold-dust, gold-sand; ballux|gold-dust, gold-sand; balnea|baths (pl.); balneare|bath utensils (pl.); balnearis|pertaining/belonging to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse; balnearium|baths (pl.), bathhouses, places for bathing; balnearius|pertaining/relating to baths/bathhouse; bathhouse; balneaticum|bath money, piece of money to be paid for bath; balneator|bath-attendant; keeper of a bathhouse; balneatorius|of/pertaining/related to a bath; balneatrix|bath attendant (female); balneolum|small bathroom; balneum|bath; bathtub; act of bathing; bathroom, (public) bath place/rooms (esp. pl.); balo|bleat, baa (like a sheep); talk foolishly; balsameus|of balsam (aromatic resin used as unguent/salve); balsamic; balsaminus|of balsam (aromatic resin used as unguent/salve); balsamic; balsamum|balsam; balsam tree/gum (aromatic resin used as unguent/salve); balsam; balm; baltearius|maker of sword belts/baldrics; balteolus|small girdle; balteum|belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse; balteus|belt; shoulder-band/baldric; woman's girdle; band around neck/breast of horse; baluca|gold-dust, gold-sand; balux|gold-dust, gold-sand; bambusa|bamboo; banana|banana; bananicus|variety of vine (w/vitis); banca|bank/mound; bench/shelf, tradesman's stall/counter; money-changer's table; bancale|cushion; bancarius|banker; banchus|species of fish; bancus|bank/mound; bench/shelf, tradesman's stall/counter; money-changer's table; bancus|species of fish; bannita|syllable; bannium|proclamation, edict; ban; penalty; marriage banns (pl.); bannum|proclamation, edict; ban; penalty; marriage banns (pl.); bannus|proclamation, edict; ban; penalty; marriage banns (pl.); bapheum|dye-house; bapheus|dyer; baphium|dye-house; baptes|precious stone; baptisma|baptism; dipping in/under, washing, ablution; baptismalis|baptismal; baptismum|baptism; washing, sprinkling; baptismus|baptism; washing, sprinkling; baptista|baptizer; baptist; baptisterium|plunge-bath, place for bathing/swimming; baptistery; baptismal font; baptizatio|baptizing, baptism; baptizator|baptizer, baptist; minister of baptism; baptizo|baptize; immerse; barathrum|abyss, chasm, pit; the infernal region, the underworld; baratrum|infernal region, hell; barba|beard/ whiskers; large unkempt beard (pl.); [Jovis ~ => shrub Anthyllis barba]; barbara|foreign/barbarian woman; kind of plaster; plaster applied to raw wounds (L+S); barbare|in a foreign language; rudely, uncouthly, inelegantly; roughly, savagely; barbaria|strange/foreign land; uncivilized races, barbarity; brutality; barbarism; barbaricarius|gold-weaver, embroiderer in gold; gilder; barbarice|barbarously, uncouthly, rudely; like a foreigner, in a foreign language; barbaricum|barbarously, uncouthly, rudely; like a foreigner, in a foreign language; barbaricum|foreign land/country; barbaricus|outlandish; foreign, strange; barbarous, savage; of uncivilized world/people; barbaries|strange/foreign land; uncivilized races, barbarity; brutality; barbarism; barbarismus|barbarism, impropriety of speech; barbarolexis|perversion of form of a word, change/inflection of Greek to Latin usage; barbarum|barbarism; impropriety of speech; kind of plaster (applied to raw wounds L+S); barbarus|foreign, of/used by/typical of foreigners; cruel, savage; uncivilized, uncouth; barbarus|barbarian, uncivilized person; foreigner (not Greek/Roman); barbasculus|whipper-snapper?; barbatoria|ceremony of the first shaving of the beard; shaving of the beard; barbatulus|having small/foppish beard; barbatus|bearded, having a beard; (like the men of antiquity); (as sign of) adult; barbesco|get a beard, begin to grow/sprout a beard; barbiger|bearded (like a goat); barbio|raise/grow a beard; barbitium|growth of beard; beard; barbiton|lyre (properly of a lower pitch); lute (Ecc); barbitonsor|barber; barbitos|lyre (properly of a lower pitch); lute (Ecc); barbo|supply with a beard (or perhaps a nonsense word); barbula|little beard (as worn by young Romans L+S); barbus|barbel, river barbel (Cyprinus barbus); barca|small boat; bark, barge; barcala|fool, simpleton; barditus|trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans); bardocucullus|cloak/overcoat (Gallic); (with hood/cowl, of woolen stuff L+S); bardus|stupid, slow, dull; Bardus|bard (Gallic), poet-singer, minstrel; barile|cask; baripe|precious stone; baris|flat-bottomed boat used on the Nile; baritus|trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans); baro|baron; magnate; tenant-in-chief (of crown/earl); burgess; official; husband; baro|block-head, lout, dunce, simpleton; slave (Latham); barocus|baroque; odd; barometrum|barometer; baronia|barony; baroptenus|precious stone; barosus|foolish, stupid, weak, effeminate; barrinus|of/pertaining to/belonging to an elephant; barrio|trumpet (of an elephant); barritus|trumpeting (of an elephant); war-cry, battle-cry (of the Germans); barrus|elephant; Baruch|Baruch; (book of Old Testament); barycephalus|top-heavy; with low walls and broad roofs (L+S); barycus|top-heavy; with low walls and broad roofs (L+S); barypicron|Greek epithet for wormwood (very bitter); barython|plant; (also called Sabina); barythonos|not accented on the last syllable; barytonista|baritone; bas|pedestal; base, point of attachment; foundation, support; chord (of an arc); basaltes|dark and very hard species of marble in Ethiopia; (M, contrary to rule L+S); basanites|kind of quartz used in touchstones/whetstones/mortars (basanite?); teststone; bascauda|basin (kind of British origin); mat or dish holder of fine basket-work (L+S); basella|small pedestal/base; basiatio|kiss; basiator|kisser, one who kisses; basicula|small pedestal/base; basileum|crown (on statue of Isis); royal/princely ornament; an eye salve; basileus|king; basilica|basilica; oblong hall with colonnade as law court/exchange; church (medieval); basilicanus|haunter of basilicas; one doing/soliciting business in cathedral/public place; basilice|royally, in a princely fashion/a magnificent manner; wholly, completely (L+S); basilice|black plaster; an eye salve; basilicola|small/little church/chapel; basilicon|black plaster; an eye salve; basilicum|basil; basilicum|best throw in dice; (royal/king's throw); princely robe; best kind of nuts; basilicus|royal, princely, magnificent, splendid; kind of vine; basilicus|best throw in dice; (royal/king's throw); (also called Venereus); basilisca|plant; (also called regula); (antidote for bite of basilisk/cockatrice); basiliscus|basilisk, cockatrice; kind of snake/lizard; basilium|crown (on statue of Isis); royal/princely ornament; an eye salve; basio|kiss, give a kiss; basioballum|woman (slang), piece, bit of fluff, crumpet; basiolum|little kiss, peck; basis|pedestal; base, point of attachment; foundation, support; chord (of an arc); basium|kiss; kiss of the hand; bassilica|basilica; oblong hall with colonnade used as law court or exchange; bassista|bass-singer; bassus|low, base; base (Cal); [follis bassus => baseball]; bastaga|carriage of baggage, carrying of freight on wagons, cartage, transport; bastagarius|baggage-master; bastagia|carriage of baggage, carrying of freight on wagons, cartage, transport; bastarda|female bastard; bastard daughter; bastardia|bastardy; bastardus|bastard; spurious; impure; bastardus|bastard; bastard son; basterna|sedan chair/litter (enclosed on all sides, carried by mules); basternarius|bearer of a sedan chair/litter; bat|but, while, however; (contemptuous parity of "at" - b-b-but); batalaria|kind of warship; batallum|clapper (of bell); batenim|but, yet, nevertheless, however; (contemptuous parity of "atenim" - b-b-but); bathrum|base, pedestal; batia|fish; (perh. skate or ray); batiaca|drinking vessel, cup, goblet; batillum|shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan; batillus|shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan; batioca|drinking vessel, cup, goblet; batiola|drinking vessel, cup, goblet; batis|plant (prob. samphire, Crithmum maritimum and sim. species); batrachion|plant of genus Ranunculus; batrachites|precious stone (frog-green L+S); batrachium|plant of genus Ranunculus; batrachus|fish (prob. angler, Lophius piscatorius); battalia|fighting/fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators; battis|plant (prob. samphire, Crithmum maritimum and sim. species); batto|pound, beat, hit, strike; fence (with swords); battualia|fighting/fencing exercises of soldiers and gladiators; battuarium|mortar; battuens|fencer; battuo|pound, beat hit, strike; fence (with swords); battutus|whipped (as in whipped cream); batuo|pound, beat hit, strike; fence (with swords); batus|bramble; blackberry bush, raspberry bush; batus|bath, Hebrew liquid measure (about 9 gallons); baubatus|barking; baubo|bark; baubor|bark (of dogs), bay, howl; baxa|kind of sandal; (woven, worn on comic stage and by philosophers L+S); baxea|kind of sandal; (woven, worn on comic stage and by philosophers L+S); baxearius|sandal maker; maker of woven shoes (L+S); baxiarius|sandal maker; maker of woven shoes (L+S); bdella|aromatic gum; tree (prob. of genus Balsamodendron); bdellium|aromatic gum; tree (prob. of genus Balsamodendron); be|baa (sound made by sheep); beate|happily; excellently, felicitously; lavishly, abundantly; beatificatio|beatification, act of beatifying; (first step to sainthood); beatifico|bless; make happy; beatificus|making happy or blessed, blessing; beatitas|supreme happiness, blessedness, a blessed condition, beatitude; beatitudo|supreme happiness, blessedness, a blessed condition, beatitude; beatulus|blessed (said of a deceased person); beatulus|sainted/happy fellow; (ironic/of the dead); beatum|happiness, blessedness; good fortune; good circumstances; beatus|happy, fortunate, bringing happiness; rich, wealthy, copious, sumptuous; beatus|blessed, blissful; "Saint" (in early Church, less formal); beatus|happy/fortunate men/persons (pl.); "the_rich"; The Blessed, Saints; beber|beaver; bebo|bleat; bebra|weapon of barbarous nations; bebrinus|of/pertaining to beaver, beaver-; beccus|bill, beak; (esp. of cock); bechicus|of/for a cough; bechion|plant (perh. coltsfoot, Tussiago farfara); (good for cough L+S); Beda|Bede; (Venerable Bede, 673-735, English historian/theologian); Beduinus|Bedouin; bee|baa; sound made by a sheep; behemoth|behemoth (Hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (Job 40:10); behmoth|behemoth (Hebrew), great/monstrous beast; (hippopotamus?); (Job 40:10); beia|see!; (comic word as contemptuous echo of "heia"); bekah|half shekel (Hebrew); belbus|hyena; Belga|Belgae (pl.); (people of N Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War); Belgicus|of/connected with the Belgae; (tribe of N Gaul); Belgium|Belgium, country of Belgae; (tribe of N Gaul); belion|strong smelling plant (poley-germander, Teucrium polium?); belivus|bleating; baaing; talking foolishly; bellarium|dessert; sweetmeats (pl.), dainties, sweets; bellator|warlike, martial; of war [~ equus => war horse]; bellator|warrior, fighter; soldier; bellatorius|warlike, pugnacious; useful in war; martial; bellatorus|war-like, martial, ready to fight, valorous; spirited/war/battle (horse); bellatrix|warlike, martial; skilled/useful in war; of animals/things used in war; bellatrix|female warrior; bellatulus|pretty, neat; bellax|warlike; martial; belle|well, nicely; satisfactorily/agreeably, suitably/neatly; fortunately/favorably; belle|well; [w/esse => have a nice time; w/habere => be well; w/est => all is well]; belliatulus|pretty little (term of endearment); belliatus|pretty, beautiful; bellicosus|warlike, fierce; fond of war; bellicrepus|marked by sound of arms; [~a saltio => armed dance, dance in arms]; bellicum|signal (on trumpet) for march/attack/etc. (w/canere); military trumpet call; bellicus|of war, military; warlike; [~um canere => sound attack horn/begin hostilities]; bellifer|waging war, warring; warlike, martial; war-, battle-; belliger|waging war, warring; warlike, martial; war-, battle-; belligerator|warrior, combatant; belligero|wage or carry on war; be at war; belligeror|wage or carry on war; be at war; bellio|meadow flower (unidentified); (yellow ox-eye daisy - L+S); bellipotens|powerful/mighty/valiant in war; (often of gods); bellis|flower (perh. daisy); (white daisy, ox-eye - L+S); bellisonus|sounding of/like war/battle; bellitudo|elegance; beauty, loveliness; bello|fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight (also animals/games); bellonaria|plant (solanum) used by priests at festival of Bellona (goddess of war); bellor|fight, wage war, struggle; take part in war/battle/fight (also animals/games); bellosus|warlike; Bellovacus|Bellovaci, tribe of Gallia Belgica (near Rouen in Normandy) - Caesar; bellua|beast, wild animal (incl. sea creature); monster, brute (great size/ferocity); bellualis|bestial, brutish; brutal; belluatus|provided with beasts (real or on embroidery); belluilis|bestial, brutish; brutal; belluinus|proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial; bellule|prettily, nicely, finely; bellulus|pretty/nice (little), fine, lovely, beautiful; bellum|war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; (at/in) (the) war(s); military force, arms; bellus|pretty, handsome, charming, pleasant, agreeable, polite; nice, fine, excellent; belo|bleat, baa (like a sheep); talk foolishly; beloacos|plant; (also called dictamnus); belone|fish (same as acus); pipefish, needlefish, hornpike, gar; belotocos|plant; (also called dictamnus); belua|beast, wild animal (incl. sea creature); monster, brute (great size/ferocity); belualis|bestial, brutish; brutal; beluatus|provided with beasts (real or on embroidery); beluilis|bestial, brutish; brutal; beluinus|proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial; beluosus|that abounds/abounding in beasts/monsters; beluus|proper/pertaining to beasts, bestial; bema|sanctuary; bishop's chair; pulpit; bene|well, very, quite, rightly, agreeably, cheaply, in good style; better; best; benedice|with friendly words, kindly; benedico|bless; praise; speak well of; speak kindly of (classically 2 words); benedictio|blessing; benediction; extolling, praising; consecrated/sacred object; benedictionale|book of benedictions/formulas of blessings; benedictorium|stoup; holy-water basin; benedictus|blessed; blest; approved/praised/spoken well of (person); benedictus|blessed/blest one; an approved/praised person, spoken well of; benedicus|friendly, kind; speaking friendly words; beneficent; benefacio|do service/good to; make well/ably; benefit; bless; (usu. 2 words); benefactio|performing an act of kindness; doing a favor/kindness/boon; benefactor|benefactor; he who does/confers a favor/kindness; benefactum|benefit, service (also as 2 words); good deed (usu. pl.); benefice|beneficently; beneficentia|beneficence, kindness; honorable treatment; beneficiarius|privileged soldiers (pl.) (exempt from certain duties) (ex., bodyguards); beneficiarius|that is given as a favor; pertaining to a favor; beneficiarius|prebendary, holder of benefice; beneficiatus|prebendary, holder of benefice; beneficiatus|status of beneficiarius, privileged soldier (exempt from certain duties); beneficientia|beneficence, kindness; beneficium|kindness, favor, benefit, service, help; privilege, right; beneficus|beneficent, kind, generous, liberal, serviceable; benefio|be blessed; receive a benefit; (benefacio PASS); benemerens|well deserving; benemeritus|well deserved/due/deserving; benemorius|having good moral qualities; beneolentia|agreeable smell; beneplacens|pleasing, acceptable; beneplaceo|please; be pleasing to; beneplacitum|pleasure; approval, favor; good will, gracious purpose; beneplacitus|pleasing, acceptable; agreeable; benesonans|melodious, sweet-sounding; loud; benesuadus|advising well; benevole|in a spirit of good will, in a friendly manner; benevolens|friend, well-wisher, kind-heart; benevolens|kind, friendly, benevolent, well-wishing, kind-hearted; benevolentia|benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments; benevolus|well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted; benevolus|well-wisher, friend; benificium|kindness/favor/benefit/service/help; privilege/right; sacred office+revenues; benigne|kindly, benevolently, obligingly; courteously, cheerfully; freely, generously; benignitas|kindness, courtesy; friendliness, benevolence; liberality, favor; bounty; mercy; benigniter|kindly, in a friendly manner; benignly; benignor|rejoice, take delight (in); benignus|kind, favorable, obliging; kindly, mild, affable; liberal, bounteous; benivole|in a spirit of good will, in a friendly manner; benivolens|friend, well-wisher, kind-heart; benivolens|kind, friendly, benevolent, well-wishing, kind-hearted; benivolentia|benevolence, kindness, goodwill; favor; endearments; benivolus|well-wishing, kind, benevolent, friendly, devoted; benivolus|well-wisher, friend; benna|kind of carriage (wickerwork?); (Gallic); benzinarium|petrol tank; benzinarius|pump-attendant; benzinum|petrol; beo|bless, make happy, gladden, delight; enrich (with); berbex|wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person; bergomagister|bergomeister; mayor; berillus|beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)]; berna|slave; servant; bernus|serf; berula|herb (also called cardamine); berullus|beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)]; bervex|wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person; beryllos|beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)]; beryllus|beryl; [berylius aeroides => sapphire (L+S)]; bes|two thirds; [bes alter => one and two thirds]; bes|two thirds of any whole; [ex bese => in ratio of 2:3; or 8, 2/3 of 12]; bes|two thirds of any whole; [ex bese => in ratio of 2:3; or 8, 2/3 of 12]; besalis|two thirds; of small value; (often means eight, as 2/3 of 12 mos. L+S); bessalis|two thirds; of small value; (often means eight, as 2/3 of 12 mos. L+S); bestia|beast, animal, creature; wild beast/animal, beast of prey in arena; bestialis|bestial, like a beast; fierce; bestialitas|bestiality; bestiarius|fighter with wild beasts at public shows; bestiarius|of/with/pertaining to beasts; bestiola|little creature, insect; beta|beet, beetroot; beta|beta (second letter of Greek alphabet); second of anything, second item; betaceus|of/from/pertaining to a beet; betaceus|beetroot; beth|bet; (2nd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as B and V); Bethleemites|inhabitant/citizen of Bethlehem; (town where Christ was born); Bethsames|Bethsamite, of/from Bethsames (town in Palistine); Bethsames|Bethsames; (town in Palistine); betis|beet, beetroot; betisso|be languid (soft as a beet); betizo|be languid (soft as a beet); beto|go; betula|birch tree; betulla|birch tree; biaeothanatus|dying by violence; that dies a violent death; biarchia|office of biarchus, commissaryship; biarchus|commissary, superintendent of provisions; bibale|gratuity; bibax|that is given to drinking, given to drink; biberarius|drink seller; bibilis|drinkable, potable; bibio|small insect generated in wine; bibitor|drinker; tippler; Biblia|Bible (later and more common usage); biblicus|biblical; biblinus|made of Egyptian papyrus; bibliographia|bibliography; bibliographicus|bibliographic; bibliographus|copyist; bibliopegus|bookbinder; bibliopola|bookseller; bibliopolium|bookstore; bibliotheca|library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge); bibliothecalis|of/belonging to a library (either collection of books or the building); bibliothecarius|librarian; bibliothece|library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge); bibliothecula|small library/collection of books; Biblium|Bible (pl.) (early usage); biblus|Egyptian papyrus; bibo|drink; toast; visit, frequent (w/river name); drain, draw off; thirst for; suck; bibo|hard drinker, tippler, drunkard; kind of worm bread in wine; bibonius|hard drinker, tippler, drunkard; bibosus|addicted/given to drink, fond of drink; Bibrax|Bibrax, a town of the Remi in central Gaul; bibrevis|having meter consisting of two short syllables; bibulus|fond of drinking, ever thirsty; soaking, sodden; spongy, absorbent, porous; bicallis|foot-path, path; bicameratum|receptacle with two compartments; bicameratus|double vaulted/arched; bicaps|two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold; biceps|two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold; bicepsos|two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold; bicessis|twenty asses (money); bicinium|duet; bicips|two-headed; with two summits; having two parts, two-fold; biclinium|dining couch for two persons; bicodulus|having two tails; bicolor|of two colors; bicolorus|of two colors; bicomis|with hair/bristles down on both sides of neck, with double mane (horses); Bicorniger|two-horned (god), epithet of Bacchus; bicornis|horned animals (pl.) sacrifice; bicornis|two-horned; two-pronged; having two points; having two peaks (mountain); bicorpor|double-bodied, having two bodies; bicors|having two hearts; dissembling, false, treacherous; bicoxus|having two thighs/hips; having two haunches; bicrotum|light galley, perhaps propelled by two banks of oars; bicubitalis|of two cubits length; bicubitalus|of two cubits length; bidens|two-pronged; with two teeth; two bladed; having two permanent teeth; bidens|animal for sacrifice (esp. sheep); bidens|heavy hoe, mattock with two iron teeth; bidental|place struck by lightning where forbidden to tread; sacrifice offered there; bidentalis|of sacred place (place struck by lightning) or of sacrifice offered there; bidentatio|harrowing; (working ground with bidens, heavy mattock); breaking/tearing up; biduanus|continuing for two days, for a period of two days; of/for two days; biduum|two days (period of ...); biduus|continuing for two days, of/for two days; biennalis|continuing for two years, over two years; of two years; biennis|two years old; lasting two years; biennium|two years (period of ...); bifaciatus|two-faced; two-sided, having two sides; bifariam|in two parts/places/ways, on two sides; bifarius|twofold, double; bifax|two-faced; bifer|bearing twice, bearing fruit or flowers twice a year; biferus|compounded of two animals, two-fold form; heterogeneous; bifestus|doubly festive; [~ dies => twofold festival]; bifidatus|cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts; bifidus|cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts; bifilum|double thread; bifissus|cloven, cleft, forked; divided in two parts; biforis|having two leaves/casements (door/window)/openings, folding; from a double pipe; biformatus|of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms; biformis|of double form, two formed; consisting of two parts/forms; two-faced (Janus); biformitas|double-fullness; biforus|having two leaves/casements (door/window)/openings, folding; from a double pipe; bifrons|two-faced, with/having two faces; having two foreheads; having two sides; bifurcum|fork; point at which anything forks; fork of thighs, crotch; bifurcus|two-forked, two pronged, bifurcated; biga|two-horsed chariot (pl.); span/pair of horses; pair harnessed to an open car; bigamia|bigamy; bigamus|twice married; bigamus|bigamist; bigarius|driver of a two-horse chariot (bigae); bigatus|stamped (coin) with a representation of bigae (two-horsed chariot); bigatus|silver coin with a representation of bigae (two-horsed chariot); bigeminus|doubled; bigemmis|having two buds; set with two precious stones; bigener|from two different races, hybrid, mongrel; bigenus|hybrid; bigna|twins (pl.) (female); bigus|yoked two together; (contraction of biiugus); bijugis|horses (pl.) yoked two abreast; two brothers; consuls from same family (L+S); bijugis|two horsed; yoked two abreast; from a chariot; bijugus|two horsed; yoked two abreast; double, a pair of; for two horse chariots; bijugus|horses (pl.) yoked two abreast; two brothers; consuls from same family (L+S); bikinianus|bikini-like; bilanx|having two scales (balance); bilateralis|bilateral; mutual; bilbo|make a noise like a liquid agitated in a vessel; (slosh?); bilibra|two pounds; (two Roman pounds equals about one and a half US pounds); bilibralis|two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds; (2 Roman pounds = one and a half US); bilibris|two-pound, weighing/containing two pounds; (2 Roman pounds = one and a half US); bilinguis|two-tongued, speaking two/jumbled languages; treacherous, false, hypocritical; biliosus|full of bile, bilious; bilis|gall, bile; wrath, anger, indignation; madness, melancholy, folly; bilix|having two threads; with a double thread, double/two threaded; bilocatio|bilocation, fact/power of being in two places at once; bilongus|doubly long; [~ pes => consisting of two long syllables]; bilustris|lasting two lustres, lasting 10 years; bilychnis|having two lights/wicks; bimammiis|having two breasts; double bosomed; (said of grapes growing in pairs); bimaris|situated between two seas; of/connected with two seas; (of Corinth); bimaritus|bigamist, a husband having two wives; bimater|having two mothers; twice born (of Bacchus); bimatris|having two mothers; twice born (of Bacchus); bimatus|two years old; bimatus|two years of age; (of animals); bimembris|Centaurs (pl.); part man part beast; bimembris|having limbs of two kinds, part man part beast; bimenstris|two months old; of/for/lasting two months; bimenstruus|two months old; of/for/lasting two months; bimestre|bimestrially, every two months; bimestris|two months old; of/lasting two months; occurring every two months; bimeter|consisting of two meters (poem, literary work); bimotorius|twin-motor; bimulus|two years old (only/a mere); bimus|two years old; for/lasting two years; binarius|consisting of/containing two; [~ formae => coins of value 2 gold pieces]; binatio|duplication; binio|number two; a deuce; bino|duplicate; binate (offer two masses in one day); binoctium|period of two nights; binoculum|binoculars; binominis|having two names; binubus|doubly married man; (remarried or bigamist?); binus|two by two; 2 each; in pairs; 2 at time; on 2 occasions; double, twofold; biographia|biography; biographicus|biographic; biologia|biology; biologicus|biological; biologus|biologist; biometria|biometry; biometricus|biometric; biopsia|biopsy; bios|wine (celebrated and wholesome Greek wine L+S); biosphaera|biosphere; biotechnicus|biotechnician; biothanatus|dying by violence; that dies a violent death; bioticus|of/belonging to/associated with/used in common life, common; practical; biotopium|biotope; smallest subdivision of a habitat (having high uniformity); bipalium|bimattock, double mattock, implement for double-digging/trenching; bipalmis|two palms/spans (long/broad - 6 inches, Roman foot being 4 palmi); bipalmus|two palms/spans (long/broad - 6 inches, Roman foot being 4 palmi); bipartio|divide in two parts; bisect; divide; bipartitio|twofold division; dividing in two, split; bipartito|in two parts/divisions/ways/directions; [esse ~ => to be divided]; bipartitus|bipartite, that is divided in two parts; double (Ecc); bipatens|opening two ways; open in two directions; having both leaves open, wide open; bipeda|tile/flagstone two feet long (for pavements); bipedale|tile/flagstone two feet long (for pavements); bipedalis|two feet long, wide or thick, measuring two feet; bipedalium|distance/depth of two feet, two feet; bipedaneus|two feet long, wide or thick, measuring two feet; bipennifer|bearing a two edged axe; bipennis|two edged ax; battle ax; bipennis|two-edged; having two wings; bipensilis|that may be suspended on two sides; bipertio|divide in two parts; bisect; divide; bipertitio|twofold division; dividing in two, split; bipertito|in two parts/divisions/ways; [esse ~ => to be divided]; bipertitus|bipartite, that is divided in two parts; double (Ecc); bipes|two-footed; bipedal; on two feet (of quadrupeds); bipinnis|two edged ax; battle ax; bipinnis|two-edged; having two wings; biplex|twofold, double; divided; two-faced; biprorus|having two prows (ship), double-ended; biprosopum|kind of salve or plaster; biprosopus|kind of salve or plaster; bipunctum|colon; biremis|bireme, vessel having 2 oars to each bench/2 banks of oars; 2-oared boat (L+S); biremis|two-oared; having two oars to each bench/banks of oars; having two oars (L+S); biretum|biretta/square Catholic clergy hat; (priest=black; bishop=purple; cardinal=red); birota|two-wheeled vehicle, cabriolet; bicycle (Cal); birotarius|bicyclist; birotus|two-wheeled, with/having two wheels; birretum|biretta/square Catholic clergy hat; (priest/black; bishop/purple; cardinal/red); birrum|cloak (wool/silk) to keep off rain; birrus|cloak (wool/silk) to keep off rain; bisaccium|double bag; pair of saddle bags; bisacutus|two-edged; twibill; bisacutus|two-edged axe; bisaetus|with hair/bristles down on both sides of neck, with double mane (horses); bisbellio|man with two skins; cunning man; biscentum|two hundred; biscoctus|toast; biselliarius|one entitled to sit on bisellium seat (honor awarded for services in provinces); biselliatus|right/honor to sit on bisellium seat (honor awarded for services in provinces); bisellium|seat for two persons; seat of honor awarded for municipal services in provinces; bisen|twelve each/apiece/times/at a time; by twelves; (twice six); bisetus|with hair/bristles down on both sides of neck, with double mane (horses); bisextialis|containing an intercalary day (bisextum) (Julian calendar); leap (year); bisextialis|of two sextarii (about two pints); 1/3 congius (liquid); 1/8 modius (dry); bisextilis|leap (year); intercalary; (two "sixth" days before first/calends of March); bisextum|two day period of 24 Feb. and leap year intercalary day (Julian calendar); bisextus|intercalary day; bismuthum|bismuth; bisolis|having two soles (foot); bisomum|sarcophagus for two persons; bisomus|for/having two bodies; (of sarcophagus for two persons); bison|bison; wild ox; bisonus|sounding twice; bispellio|man with two skins; cunning man; bissa|female deer; bisse|forty minutes (pl.); bissextilis|leap (year); (two "sixth" days before first/calends of March); bissextum|two day period of 24 Feb. and leap year intercalary day (Julian calendar); bissextus|leap (year); (two "sixth" days before first/calends of March); bistropha|two musical notes of same pitch; bisulcilinguus|with forked tongue; hypocritical/deceitful/lying (person); (snake-like); bisulcis|forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed, cloven; bisulcum|cloven-footed animal; bisulcus|forked, divided into two parts; cloven-footed; bisyllabus|disyllabic; bithalassus|w/two seas touching/bounding; where two seas meet (Rheims); between two seas; bito|go; bitumen|bitumen, pitch, asphalt (generic name for various hydrocarbons); bituminatus|tinctured/impregnated with bitumen (generic for hydrocarbons); bituminous; bitumineus|of/connected with bitumen (generic name for various hydrocarbons); bitumino|cover/impregnate with bitumen/tar; tar; bituminosus|abounding in bitumen (generic name for various hydrocarbons); Biturig|Bituriges (pl.), a people of SW Gaul, Aquitania - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; biurus|rodent found in Campania (central Italy); bivertex|having two summits/peaks; bivia|goddesses worshiped at crossroads; bivira|woman who has two husbands; woman married to a second husband (L+S); bivirga|two square and tailed musical notes; bivium|meet of 2 roads, crossroad; fork in road; 2 alternatives; [~ portae=> gateway]; bivius|traversable both ways; having two approaches; blachnon|male fern; blactero|bleat (of a ram/sheep); bladium|grain; (esp. wheat); bladum|grain; (esp. wheat); bladus|grain; (esp. wheat); blaesus|lisping, stammering; indistinct; mispronouncing from speech defect/drunkenness; blaesus|one who stammers/lisps; (said of intoxicated persons); blande|in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively; blandicellum|flattering words (pl.); blandicule|charmingly; blandidicus|using fair/flattering words, smooth spoken/talking; blandiens|flatterer; sweet talker; blandificus|flattering; soothing; blandifluus|flowing/diffusing sweetly/pleasantly (odor); blandiloquens|charming/persuasive (of speech), smooth talking; blandiloquentia|charming/persuasive speech, smooth talking; blandiloquentulus|charming/persuasive in speech, smooth talking; blandiloquium|soft words; flattering speech; blandiloquus|charming/persuasive in speech, smooth talking; blandimentum|blandishment, coaxing/wheedling behavior, cajolery; favors; charm, delight; blandio|flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please; blandior|flatter, delude; fawn; coax, urge, behave/speak ingratiatingly; allure; please; blanditer|in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively; blanditia|flattery, caress, compliment; charm (pl.), flatteries, enticement, courtship; blandities|flattery, caress, compliment; charm (pl.), flatteries, enticement, courtship; blanditim|in a flattering/caressing manner; blanditor|flatterer; blanditus|pleasant, agreeable, charming; blando|in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively; blandulus|charming; pleasant; blandum|in coaxing/winning manner, charmingly, persuasively, seductively; blandus|flattering, coaxing; charming, pleasant; smooth, gentle; alluring, attractive; blapsigonia|disease which prevents bees from breeding (foul brood?); blasphemabilis|that deserves reproach; censurable; blasphematio|censure, reproach, reviling; blasphemia|blasphemy (against God); slander; reviling; blasphemo|blaspheme (against God); revile; reproach; blasphemus|reviling, defaming; blasphemus|blasphemer; blateratio|babbling, prattle; blateratus|babbling, prattle; blatero|prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals); blatero|prater, babbler; blatio|prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals); blatium|sheaf; measure of grain; blatta|blood clot; blatta|cockroach, moth, book-worm; (applied to various insects); blattaria|species of Verbasceum (moth mullein?); blattarius|connected with/suitable for moths; blattea|purple, (color of a blood); blattero|prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals); blattero|prater, blabber; blatteus|purple, purple colored; blattiarius|dyer in purple; blattifer|wearing purple, clothed in purple; blatto|prate, babble; utter in a babbling way; (applied to sounds of certain animals); blatum|crop; standing grain; blavetum|bluet, blue cloth/garment; blavius|blue; blavus|blue; blechnon|wild pennyroyal; blechon|wild pennyroyal; bleium|grain; (esp. wheat); blendea|small sea-fish, blenny; blendium|small sea-fish, blenny; blendius|small sea-fish, blenny; blennius|small sea-fish, blenny; blennus|driveling, slavering, dribbling; silly, childish, idiotic; blennus|blockhead, dolt, simpleton, imbecile; driveling idiot; blepharon|eyelid (? Greek); [Chariton blepharon => kind of coral?]; blevetum|bluet, blue cloth/garment; bliteum|tasteless/worthless/useless stuff, trash; bliteus|tasteless, insipid; worthless, useless; blitum|kind of spinach, blite (Amaranthus blitum) (tasteless, used for salad L+S); blodius|blue; blovetum|bluet, blue cloth/garment; blovius|blue; boa|large Italian snake; water serpent; disease with pustules (measles/smallpox); boarius|of oxen/cattle; [forum boarium => cattle market at Rome]; boatus|shouting, roaring, bellowing, loud crying; bobsequa|herdsman, cow-herd; bobus|ox; bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form of bos or bus); bobus|ox; bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form of bos or bus); boca|fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris); bocas|fish (bogue or boce) (Box vulgaris); boethus|aid/assistant of a scribe; boia|collar/yoke word by criminals (usu. pl. L+S); boicotizo|boycott; Boius|Boli (pl.), a people of Cisalpine Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; bolarium|little lump (e.g., in paint); bolbine|kind of bulbous plant; bolbiton|cow dung; boletar|vessel for holding mushrooms (usu. pl.); vessel for cooking/eating (L+S); boletatio|surfeit of mushrooms; boletus|mushroom (best kind); bolet; bolis|kind of meteor (large, fiery); bolites|root of lychnis plant; boloe|precious stone; bolona|draught/catch/netful of fish set for sale; bolona|fishmonger, dealer in fish; bolos|precious stone; bolus|precious stone; bolus|throw of dice; hard piece of luck; choice bit; catch (fish net), haul, profit; bomba|bomb; bombacinum|cotton; bombarda|bombardment; bombardarius|rifleman; bombardo|bombard; bombax|Splendid! Marvelous!; bombilo|buzz, hum; bombinator|buzzer, hummer; (of bee); bombio|buzz, hum; bombito|buzz, hum; bombizatio|buzzing (of bees); bombulum|break wind; fart; bombus|buzzing (esp. bees); booming, deep sound, rumble; bombycias|reed suitable for making flutes; bombycinum|silk texture/web; silk garments (pl.), silks; bombycinus|silken, of silk, silky; bombycium|silky garments (pl.); silks; bombycius|silky; (of reeds/harundines) suitable for making flutes; bombylis|cocoon-enshrouded silkworm larva; bumble (Cal); bombylius|cocoon-enshrouded silkworm larva; bumble bee (Cal); bombyx|silkworm, silk-moth; silk; silk garment; any silk-like fine fiber (cotton); bona|good/moral/honest/brave woman; [Bona Dea => Roman goddess worshiped by women]; bonasus|European bison (Bos bonasus), a species of wild ox (now almost extinct); bonatus|good natured; bonifatus|lucky, fortunate; bonitas|goodness, integrity, moral excellence; kindness, benevolence, tenderness; Bononia|Bologna; bonum|good, good thing, profit, advantage; goods (pl.), possessions, wealth, estate; bonus|good, honest, brave, noble, kind, pleasant, right, useful; valid; healthy; bonus|good/moral/honest/brave man; man of honor, gentleman; better/rich people (pl.); bonusculum|small possessions (pl.); a little/small estate; boo|cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon; boo|cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon; boopes|plant (caerefolium); chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium) (OLD); (L+S says neuter); boopis|having large eyes (feminine); borborygmus|borborygm; boreale|northern parts (pl.); borealis|northern; pertaining to north wind; Boreas|north wind; the_North; Boreas (god of the north wind); boreotis|northern; boreus|northern; pertaining to north wind; boria|kind of jasper; borith|soapwort, plant purifying like soap; (Hebrew); borius|northern; pertaining to north wind; Borras|north wind; the North; Boreas (god of the north wind); borrio|swarm; bos|ox; bull; cow; ox-ray; cattle (pl.); (ox-like animals); [luca ~ => elephant]; boscas|kind of water fowl (teal?); boscis|kind of water fowl (teal?); boscus|wood; lumber; timber; firewood; woodland, wooded area; bossellus|bushel; bostrychitis|precious stone; bostrychus|curled, in ringlets; botane|plant; [hiera botane => vervain, herbaceous/medicinal/sacred plant]; botanica|botany; botanicus|botanical; botanismos|weeding, pulling up weeds; botanismus|weeding, pulling up weeds; botellus|small sausage; bothynus|trench, pit; (as name of fiery meteor); boto|button; botono|button; botrio|bunch/cluster of grapes; botronatus|woman's hair ornament in form of a cluster of grapes; botruosus|full of clusters; botrus|grape; botrus|cluster of grapes; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 9:21); botryitis|kind of precious stone/calamine; [cadmia ~ => grape/cluster-shaped zinc oxide]; botryo|bunch/cluster of grapes; botryodes|in form of a cluster of grapes; botryon|kind of medicine; (prepared from excrements L+S); botryon|bunch/cluster of grapes; botrysos|plant similar to wormwood/mugwort; (also called artemisia); botularius|sausage seller/maker; botulismus|botulism; botulus|sausage; black pudding; stomach filled with delicacies (haggis?); rude word; boum|ox; bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form of bos or bus); boustrophedon|right to left and back alternately, forwards and backwards (of ancient script); bova|disease with pustules? (measles/smallpox); swelling of legs (L+S); bova|large Italian snake; water serpent; bovarius|of oxen/cattle; [forum boarium => cattle market at Rome]; bovatim|in manner of cattle/oxen/cows; bovicidium|slaughtering of cattle; bovida|bovidé; bovile|cattle-shed, stall for cattle/oxen; bovilis|of/connected with cattle; bovillus|of/consisting of cattle/oxen/cows; bovinator|one who rails/reviles?; brawler (L+S), blusterer; one who seeks evasion; bovinor|bellow at, revile; brawl; bovinus|of/pertaining to cattle/oxen/cows; bovista|mushroom puffball; bovo|cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon; bovo|cry aloud, roar, bellow; call loudly upon; box|fish; (bogue or boce); (Box vulgaris); boxum|box-wood; top; flute; brabeum|prize in games; brabeuta|umpire (presided at public games and assigned prizes); brabilla|sloe, fruit of blackthorn/hawthorn; brabium|prize in games; brabreum|prize; reward; brabyla|plant (otherwise unknown); braca|trousers (usu. pl.), breeches, britches, pants; bracarius|maker of trousers/breeches/pants; bracatus|wearing trousers, breeched; (of Gauls of Narbonne); bracatus|persons wearing trousers/breeched, Gauls of Nabronne; bracchiale|bracelet, armlet; bracchialis|of/connected with arm(s); bracchiatus|having branches (tree), branched; wearing bracelets; bracchiolaris|pertaining to a leg muscle of a horse; bracchiolum|little arm, small/delicate arm; muscle of a horse's leg (L+S); arm of a chair; bracchionarium|bracelet; bracchium|arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts; braces|Gallic name of a particularly white grain (ble blanc de Dauphine); (sandala); braceus|pertaining to trousers/breeches; brachiale|bracelet, armlet; brachialis|of/connected with arm(s); brachiatus|having branches (tree), branched; wearing bracelets; brachiolaris|pertaining to a leg muscle of a horse; brachiolum|little arm, small/delicate arm; muscle of a horse's leg (L+S); arm of a chair; brachionarium|bracelet; brachium|arm; lower arm, forearm; claw; branch, shoot; earthwork connecting forts; brachycatalecticum|verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter; brachycatalectum|verse that is short by a whole foot or half a meter; brachypota|small drinker; brachysyllabus|tribrachys, (in meter) short-short-short; braciator|brewer; bracile|girdle (as worn with trousers); band; bracilis|designed to be worn with trousers (e.g., girdle/belt); bracina|restaurant; bracio|brew beer; bracis|trousers; breeches; (= bracae, -arum); bractea|gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal (esp. gold)/other material; veneer; show; bractealis|of thin plates of metal/gold-leaf/veneers; showy, glittering; bracteamentum|glitter, show, splendor; bracteator|gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf; bracteatus|gilded/gilt, covered with a (mere) veneer of gold, delusive; shining like gold; bracteola|gold leaf; bractiaria|gold-beater, worker in gold leaf; bractiarius|gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf; bradium|prize; reward; brances|Gallic name of a particularly white grain (ble blanc de Dauphine), (sandala); brancha|gills (usu. pl.) (of a fish); (Vulgate Tobit 6:4); branchia|gills (usu. pl.) (of a fish); branchos|hoarseness; brandeum|holy covering/shroud; linen/silk covering for body; brasmatia|heaving (pl.), a heaver, earthquake, shaking of earth; brassica|cabbage; cabbages (pl.), varieties of cabbage (L+S); brastes|heaving, a heaver, earthquake, shaking of earth; brattea|gold leaf/foil, thin sheet of metal (esp. gold)/other material; veneer; show; bratteator|gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf; bratteatus|gilded/gilt, covered with a (mere) veneer of gold, delusive; shining like gold; bratteola|gold leaf; brattiaria|gold-beater (female), worker in gold leaf; brattiarius|gold-beater, worker in gold-leaf; bratus|tree (similar to cypress); bravialis|earning a prize/reward; bravio|gamble; bravium|prize; reward; bregma|defect/disease of pepper tree; brenthos|sea bird (unidentified); brephotropheum|foundling hospital; orphanage; brephotrophium|foundling hospital; orphanage; brephotrophus|one who brings up foundlings; foster carer; Breve|Papal letter, Brief; breve|shallow water, shallows; a short/brief space of time; short speech, a few words; breve|short catalog, summary document; brief reply (Cal); brevi|in a short time; shortly, briefly; in a few words; [in brevi => in brief]; breviale|breviary; breviarium|brief account, summary statement, epitome; Breviary; [~ rationum=>statistics]; breviarium|breviary; breviarius|in brief form, summary; abridged; breviatio|shortening; breviator|epitomiser, abridger; author of a breviarium (summary statement); breviculus|very/rather short/small; quite brief (time); breviculus|short writing; summary; breviloquens|concise, brief in expression, brief; breviloquentia|brevity of speech, conciseness; breviloquis|short in speech, brief; concise; speaking briefly; breviloquium|brevity of speech, conciseness; breviloquus|short in speech, brief; concise; speaking briefly; brevio|shorten, abridge; abbreviate (speech/writing); pronounce short; brevis|short, little, small, stunted; brief, concise, quick; narrow, shallow; humble; brevis|short catalog, summary document; brevitas|shortness, smallness, narrowness; brevity, conciseness, terseness; breviter|shortly, briefly, in a nut shell; quickly; for/within a short distance/time; brevium|brief, abstract, epitome; summary document; Papal documents on minor matters; brevium|narrow places (pl.); shallows, shoals; difficulties; bria|wine vessel; brisa|refuse of grapes after pressing; Britannia|Britain; Britannicus|British; Britannus|Britons (usu, pl.); Brito|Briton, inhabitant of Britain; (usu. pl.); Britto|Briton, inhabitant of Britain; (usu. pl.); brocchitas|projecting/prominence of teeth; brocchus|projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth; broccus|projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth; brochon|aromatic gum-resin flowing from bdellium tree (used in medicine/perfume); brochus|projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth; bromaticus|those (pl.) who loathe food; bromos|oats; (Greek word for oats); bromosus|stinking, fetid; bronchitis|bronchitis; bronchium|bronchial tubes; bronchocele|kind of tumor; bronchoscopia|bronchoscopy; broncus|projecting/prominent (teeth); of persons having projecting/prominent teeth; Bronte|thunder; name of picture of Apeiles; name of one of horses of Sun; brontea|kind of meteoric stone, thunder-stone; Brontes|Thunderer, title of Jupiter; bruchus|locust; kind of wingless locust; brucus|locust; kind of wingless locust; caterpillar (OED); (agricultural pest); bruma|winter, winter cold/weather; winter solstice; shortest day; sun position then; brumalis|wintry; during winter; connected with winter solstice/winter; brumaria|plant; (also called leontopodium); brunetus|brown; (cloth); brunius|brown; brunneus|brown; brunus|brown; bruscum|knot/excrescence on maple tree; brutalis|beastly, animal; brutal; brutalitas|brutishness; insensitivity; brutaliter|brutally; brutishly; in manner of a beast; brutes|bride; brutesco|become brutish/rough/unreasonable; bruteus|brutal, brutish; brutum|beast, animal; brute; brutus|heavy, unwieldy, inert; dull, stupid, brute; irrational, insensitive, brutish; Brutus|Brutus; (Roman cognomen); [L. Junius Brutus => first consul; M. J. ~ assassin]; brya|tamarisk (local Greek name), shrub (also called myrice); bryon|kind of fragrant lichen; moss; sea plant (oyster-green?); white poplar catkins; bryonia|bryony; [alba ~ => white b. Bryonia dioica; nigra ~ => black b. Tamus communis]; bryonias|bryony; [alba ~ => white b. Bryonia dioica; nigra ~ => black b. Tamus communis]; bua|"bubbub"; (natural sound made by infants asking for drink); bubalinus|of/pertaining to African gazelle; bubalion|wild cucumber; bubalus|of/pertaining to African gazelle; bubalus|antelope, gazelle; wild ox, buffalo; bubile|cattle-shed, stall for cattle/oxen; bubino|menstruate, have monthly period (woman); bubleum|kind of wine; bublus|of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle; bubo|cry like a bittern (bird that booms/roars like an ox during mating); bubo|horned or eagle owl (esp. as bird of ill omen); bubonion|plant (Aster amellus?); (useful for swelling in groin L+S); bubonium|plant (Aster amellus?); (useful for swelling in groin L+S); bubonocele|inguinal/groin hernia; bubsequa|herdsman, cow-herd; bubula|beef, meat from cattle; plant (also called buglossa), ox-tongue (L+S); bubulcarius|plowman; bubulcito|drive/tend cattle; be a plowman/farm laborer; be a rustic in general; bubulcitor|drive/tend cattle; be a plowman/farm laborer; be a rustic in general; bubulcus|one who drives/tends cattle; teamster; plowman, farm laborer; rustic; bubulinus|of/pertaining to cattle; bubulo|screech (like an owl); bubulus|of/connected with cattle; bull's/cow's/ox-; consisting of cattle; of ox-hide; bucaeda|ox-slaughterer; one who is whipped with ox-hide thongs (L+S); bucale|pitcher; water jug; bucardia|precious stone; bucca|jaw, mouth; mouthful; cheek (with blowing a trumpet); cavity (knee joint) (L+S); buccea|morsel, mouthful; buccella|morsel, small mouthful of food; buccellare|cooking utensil; buccellaris|ground from biscuit; buccellatum|soldier's biscuit; hardtack; buccina|horn; bugle, watch-horn; (curved) trumpet, war trumpet; shell Triton blew; buccinator|trumpeter; proclaimer; buccino|give signal with/sound trumpet/horn; blow trumpet (bucina); honk horn (Cal); buccinum|blast on trumpet, trumpet call; kind of shellfish (used for purple dye); buccinus|trumpeter; epithet for cock/rooster; bucco|fathead, dolt, blockhead, fool; bucconiatis|species of vine in Thurium; (fruit of which is picked only after first frost); buccula|little cheek; mouth/cheek-piece of a helmet; part of a machine/catapult channel; buccularius|maker of beavers for helmets (mouth/cheek piece); bucculentus|having fat/full cheeks; having a big mouth (L+S); bucella|small mouthful of food, morsel; small bread divided among poor (L+S); buceras|plant, fenugreek (faenum Graecum); bucerius|ox-horned; horned; bucerus|ox-horned; horned; bucetum|pasture for cattle, cow pasture, pasture; bucina|bugle, watch-horn; (curved) trumpet, war trumpet; shell Triton blew; bucinator|trumpeter; proclaimer; bucino|give signal with/sound trumpet/horn; blow trumpet (bucina); honk (Cal); bucinum|blast on trumpet, trumpet call; kind of shellfish (used for purple dye); bucinus|trumpeter; epithet for cock/rooster; bucitum|pasture for cattle; bucolicos|pastoral (poetry), bucolic; pertaining to shepherds; pastoral; bucolicum|plant (all-heal/mistletoe); Bucolic poems (pl.) of Virgil or Theocritus; bucolicus|pastoral (poetry), bucolic; pertaining to shepherds; pastoral; buconiates|species of vine; bucranium|ox-head, representation of one on alter; plant so shaped; place of sacrifice; bucula|heifer, young cow; bucula|little cheek; mouth/cheek-piece of a helmet; part of a machine/catapult channel; buculus|young bull/ox; steer; buda|sedge; bufalus|antelope, gazelle; wild ox, buffalo; bufo|toad; Bugella|Bugella; (medieval town famous for its records); (now Biella, 40 mi. NE Turino); bugenes|born of/produced from an ox/bull; (as insects from a dead carcass); bugia|hand candlestick; bugillo|plant; (also called ajuga reptans)]; buglossa|bugloss (herb) (prickly ox-tongue, Helminthia echioides?); buglossos|bugloss (herb) (prickly ox-tongue, Helminthia echioides?); bugonia|generation of bees from putrid cattle carcasses (title of work by Archelaus); bul|Bul (rain), Heshvan, Jewish month; (8th in ecclesiastic year); (1 Kings 6:38); bulapathum|large species of plant Lapathum of genus Ramex (sorrel); herb (patience) (L+S); bulbaceus|bulbous, having bulbs; bulbatio|bulb-like formation (in a kind of stone); bulbine|kind of bulbous plant; bulbos|bulb; onion, edible bulb; bulbosus|bulbous, having bulbs; bulbulus|small bulb; bulbus|bulb; onion, edible bulb; bule|Greek council or senate; buleuta|member of a Greek council or senate; buleuterion|council/senate house/chamber (Greek); buleuterium|council/senate house/chamber (Greek); bulga|bag, wallet, purse; Gallic leather knapsack; womb (slang); bulima|great/insatiable hunger; weakness of stomach/fainting (L+S); bulimia|bulimia; bulimo|have great/insatiable hunger; bulimos|great/insatiable hunger; weakness of stomach/fainting (L+S); bulimosus|bulimic; afflicted with insatiable hunger; bulimus|great/insatiable hunger; weakness of stomach/fainting (L+S); bulla|bubble; boss/knob/stud; locket/amulet (usu. gold) hung round necks of boys; bulla|Papal bull; Papal document; stamped lead seal of Papal document; bullarium|collection of Papal bulls; bullatio|bulb-like formation (in a kind of stone); bubbling; bullatus|bombastic; with bosses/knobs; wearing/decorated with bulla/childhood locket; bullesco|bubble; form bubbles; bulligo|soup; bubbling/boiling liquid; broth; bouillon; bullio|bubble, boil; make bubbles; boil (with indignation); bullitus|bubble (of water); bubbling (L+S); bullo|bubble, boil, effervesce; bullula|small bubble; watery vesicle/sac; small amulet/locket (bulla) for a boy; bumammus|having large clusters; with large breasts; bumasta|large swelling grapes; vine having such grapes; bumastus|large swelling (like grapes); (two term ADJ, F like M, F form is noun); bumastus|large swelling grapes; vine having such grapes; bumbulum|break wind; fart; bumelia|large (common) ash-tree (Fraxinus excelsior); bundon|farmer; bunias|kind of turnip (French turnip, Brassica napus?); bunion|kind of turnip; bunitus|of/made of turnips (bunion); bupaeda|big/huge boy/youth; bupaes|big/huge boy/youth; buphthalmos|flower of chrysanthemum family (Chrysanthemum coronarium?); kind of houseleek; buphthalmus|flower of chrysanthemum family (Chrysanthemum coronarium?); kind of houseleek; bupleuron|plant (unidentified); (hare's-ear L+S); buprestis|beetle (poisonous, sting cattle to swelling L+S); plant (unidentified); bura|plow beam, curved hinder part of plow; burdo|mule; hinny; (general term for horse/ass hybrids); pilgrim's "mule"/staff; burdonarius|muleteer, mule skinner, mule driver; burdubasta|pug; (word of doubtful meaning applied as abuse to decrepit gladiator); burdunculus|plant (barage?); burgagium|burgage; land in town held by lord for rent; burgaria|burglary; burgarius|inhabitant of a castle/fort; defenders of borders/marches (pl.); burgarius|bourgeois; burgator|burglar; burgensis|citizen/burgess/burger; inhabitants/residents (pl.) of a (walled) town/borough; burgeria|burglary; burgimagister|burgomaster; mayor; burgus|castle, fort, fortress; fortified town (medieval), borough; burichus|small horse; buricus|small horse; buris|plow beam, curved hinder part of plow; burius|species of animal (unknown); burra|small cow with a red mouth/muzzle; shaggy garment; trifles (pl.), nonsense; burranicum|vessel; (perhaps for a burranicus drink - composed of milk and must/new wine); burranicus|composed of milk and must/new wine (of a drink); burrhinon|plant (oxnose); burrichus|small horse; burricus|small horse; burrio|swarm; burrus|red; bursa|purse; supply of money, funds; stock market (Cal); bursarius|stock; bursula|small purse/case; bus|ox, bull; cow; cattle (pl.); (odd form mostly in Varro); buselinum|large variety of parsley; busequa|cow-herd, herdsman, man who looks after cattle, cowboy; bustar|place where dead bodies were burned; busticetum|place where dead bodies were burned; bustirapus|grave robber; tomb robber; (term of reproach L+S); bustualis|of/pertaining to place where dead bodies were burned; bustuarius|connected with/frequenting tombs; (~us gladiator fights at tomb to honor dead); bustum|tomb, grave-mound; corpse; funeral pyre, ashes; heap of ashes (remains of city); busycon|large fig; buteo|species of hawk (buzzard?); (as a cognomen); buthysia|sacrifice of oxen; buthytes|sacrificer of oxen; butio|bittern (bird that booms/roars like an ox during mating); buttubattum|trifles (pl.), worthless things (L+S) (decl. uncertain); buttuti|Buttuti!; (exclamation used by Hernici of Latinum at religious festivals); buttutti|Buttuti!; (exclamation used by Hernici of Latinum at religious festivals); butubattum|trifles (pl.), worthless things (decl. uncertain); buturum|butter; butyron|butter; buvino|menstruate, have monthly period (woman); buxans|characteristic of boxwood (color); buxeirostris|having beak of color of boxwood; buxetum|plantation/wood/grove of boxwood; buxeus|of/connected with box-tree; of boxwood; characteristic of boxwood (color); buxiarius|of/connected with box-tree; of boxwood; buxifer|producing box-trees; buxosus|resembling/like boxwood; buxum|boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute (usually made of boxwood); buxus|boxwood; a box tree; instrument, pipe, flute (usually made of boxwood); bybliotheca|library (either collection of books or the building, also person in charge); byrrus|red; byrrus|short woolen cloak with a hood; byssinum|garment made of fine flax (byssus); byssinus|made of fine linen/flax, fine flaxen; [~ linum => fine linen/flaxen cloth]; byssum|kind of fine flax; linen made of it (L+S); cotton; byssus|kind of fine flax; linen made of it (L+S); cotton; Byzantium|Byzantium (city on Bosphorus, later Constantinople, now Istanbul); C|Gaius (Roman praenomen); (abb. C.); (abb. for) centum/100; caballa|mare; caballarius|horseman, rider; hostler; caballatio|fodder/feed for a horse; caballinus|of a horse, horse-; caballio|small horse, pony; (perhaps hippocampi); caballion|plant also called cynoglossa, hartsongue, spleenwort; caballus|horse, riding horse, packhorse; (classical usu. an inferior horse, nag); cabus|grain measure (Hebrew); cacabaceus|of/pertaining to a cooking/kitchen pot; cacabatus|black/sooty like a cooking/kitchen pot; (opposite of immaculata); cacabo|cackle; natural cry of partridge; cacabulus|bell; small cooking pot (L+S), vessel; cacabus|cooking/kitchen pot; cacalia|plant (Mercurialis tomentosa); colt's foot; (also called leontice L+S); cacao|cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), chocolate tree; its seeds; cacaturio|have urge to defecate; (rude); cacatus|defecation, voiding of excrement; (rude); caccabaceus|of/pertaining to cooking/kitchen pot/pan; caccabatus|black/sooty like cooking/kitchen pot; (opposite of immaculata); caccabulus|bell; small cooking pot (L+S), vessel; caccabus|pot (cooking/kitchen); pan (Cal); caccitus|Sweetie; (used in reference to a beautiful boy); (rude?); cacemphaton|illsounding, low or improper expression; cachecta|sickly/ailing person; consumptive; cachecticus|sickly/ailing; consumptive; cachexia|consumption, wasting; cachinnabilis|of immoderate/excessive laughter; boisterous; capable of laughing; laughing; cachinnatio|immoderate/excessive or boisterous laughter, guffawing; jeering; cachinno|laugh aloud or boisterously, guffaw; laugh loudly at; cachinno|loud laughter; guffawing; jeering; one who laughs (violently) (L+S), derider; cachinnosus|given to loud/immoderate/excessive or boisterous laughter; cachinnus|loud/excessive/boisterous/derisive laugh, guffaw; jeer; (applied to waves); cachla|plant, oxeye (also called buphthalmos); caco|defecate; defecate upon; defile with excrement; (rude); cacoethes|malignant/obstinate tumor/disease; flaw/disease of character, passion; cacometer|unmetrical, faulty in meter; cacometrus|unmetrical, faulty in meter; cacophaton|cacophony; union of ugly/disagreeable sounds forming equivocal word/expression; cacophonia|ugly/disagreeable sound formed by meeting of syllables/words; cacophony; cacosyntheton|ugly-sounding group of letters/words; incorrect connection of words (L+S); cacozelia|bad taste; affection of style; bad/faulty/awkward imitation (L+S); cacozelos|with stylistically affection; in bad taste; cacozelos|stylistically affected; in bad taste; cacozelus|stylistically affected; bad imitator/imitation of; in bad taste; cactos|cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), Spanish artichoke; (prickly plant w/edible stalk); cactus|cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), Spanish artichoke; anything thorny/unpleasant; cacula|soldier's servant/slave, batman, orderly; servant; caculatum|servitude; (esp. of a soldier's servant); caculatus|servitude; (esp. of a soldier's servant); cacumen|top, peak, summit; shoot, blade of grass, tip of tree/branch; zenith; limit; cacumino|make pointed or tapered; sharpen; Cacus|Cacus, giant son of Vulcan; (lived on Mt Aventius); servant (L+S); cadaver|corpse, cadaver, dead body; ruined city; cadaverina|carrion, flesh of a carcass; cadaverinus|of/pertaining to carrion, carrion-; cadaverosus|like that of a corpse/dead body; cadaverous; ghastly; cadialis|of/pertaining to a jar; cadium|small jar; cadivus|fallen (fruit), windfall; having falling sickness/epilepsy (L+S), epileptic; cadmea|zinc oxide, calamine; dross/slag formed in a furnace (L+S); citadel of Thebes; cadmia|zinc oxide, calamine; dross/slag formed in a furnace (L+S); cadmitis|precious stone; cado|fall, sink, drop, plummet, topple; be slain, die; end, cease, abate; decay; caducarius|epileptic; relating to property without a master; caduceator|herald bearing a staff (caduceus) sent by non-Roman generals; priest's servant; caduceatus|having/bearing heralds wand/staff (caduceus); caduceum|herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury; caduceus|herald's staff carried as token of peace/truce; wand of Mercury; caducifer|staff-bearer, i.e. Mercury; caducitas|weakness; frailty; perishableness; caduciter|precipitately, headlong; caducum|property without/that cannot be taken by an heir; unowned/escheated estate; caducus|escheatable, (property) that heir/legatee does/can not take (goes to state); caducus|ready to fall; tottering/unsteady; falling, fallen; doomed; perishable; futile; cadurcum|coverlet (of Cadurcian/French linen); marriage bed; cadus|jar, large jar for wine/oil/liquids; urn, funeral urn; money jar (L+S); cadytas|parasitic plant (Syrian) (Cassyta filiformis), dodder; caecator|one who obstructs/stops a fountain; (one who makes blind); caecatus|blinded; caecias|east-north-east wind; caecigenus|born blind; caecilia|blind-worm; kind of lizard/lettuce (L+S); caecitas|blindness, darkness; mental/moral blindness, lack of discernment; caecitudo|blindness; [caecitudo nocturna => night blindness]; caeco|blind; obscure, confuse, hide; morally blind; [stu ~ => throw dust, deceive]; caeculto|be dim-sighted, see badly, be almost blind; be like one blind/unseeing; caecus|blind; unseeing; dark, gloomy, hidden, secret; aimless, confused, random; rash; caecus|blind person; caecutientia|blindness; (Erasmus); caecutio|be blind, see poorly/faultily; caecuttio|be blind, see poorly/faultily; caedes|murder/slaughter/massacre; assassination; feuding; slain/victims; blood/gore; caedis|murder/slaughter/massacre; assassination; feuding; slain/victims; blood/gore; caedo|chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize; caedo|chop, hew, cut out/down/to pieces; strike, smite, murder; slaughter; sodomize; caeduus|ready/suitable for felling (tree); cael|heaven, sky; universe, world; space; air, weather; Jehovah; (shortened form); caela|kind of beer (made in Spain); caelamen|bas-relief, low relief carving; raised ornamentation; caelator|engraver, carver, worker in bas-relief; caelatum|embossed/engraved work (esp. in gold/silver); caelatura|engraving/carving (art/process); engraved work, engraving/carving (product); caelebs|unmarried (usu. men), single, widowed, divorced; celibate; not supporting vines; caelebs|unmarried man, bachelor, widower; celibate (eccl.); caeleps|unmarried (usu. men), single, widowed, divorced; not supporting vines (trees); caeleps|unmarried man, bachelor, widower; caeles|heavenly; celestial (not found in NOM S); caeles|the_Gods (usu. pl.); divinity, dweller in heaven; saint (Ecc); caeleste|supernatural/heavenly matters/things/bodies (pl.); high places; astronomy; caelestis|heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the_Gods; caelestis|divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the_Gods (pl.); caelia|kind of beer; (Spanish L+S); caelibalis|[~ hasta => small spear/pin with which bride's hair was divided into 6 locks]; caelibaris|[~ hasta => small spear/pin with which bride's hair was divided into 6 locks]; caelibatus|celibacy; bachelorhood; state of not being married; single life; caelicola|heaven dweller; deity, god/goddess; worshiper of heavens (L+S); caelicus|heavenly; celestial; caelifer|supporting sky/heavens; caelifluus|flowing from heaven; caeligenus|of heavenly birth/origin, heaven born; caeliger|heaven supporting; caelipotens|powerful in heaven; caelitus|from heaven; heavenly; from Emperor (L+S); divinely; by divine inspiration; caelo|carve, make raised work/relief; engrave, emboss; chase, finish; embroider; caelum|chisel; engraving tool; burin; caelum|heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah; caelus|heaven, sky, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah; caelus|heaven (eccl.); the_heavens (pl.); [regnum caelorum => kingdom of heaven]; caementa|small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips; caementarius|worker in concrete; mason, stone cutter; builder of walls (L+S); caementatio|cementing; caementicium|concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S); caementicius|of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S); caementitium|concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S); caementitius|of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S); caemento|cement, fasten with mortar; caementum|small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips; caementum|cement; mortar; caemeterium|cemetery; caena|dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner; caenacularius|of/pertaining to a garret/attic; caenaculum|attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story; caenaticus|of/pertaining to (a) dinner; caenatio|dining-room; dining hall; caenatiuncula|small dining-room; caenator|diner; dinner guest; caenatorium|dining room, hall; evening dress, dinner wear (pl.); caenatorius|of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table; caenaturio|desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner; caenatus|having dined/eaten; supplied with dinner; caencenatio|dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S); caenito|dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often); caeno|dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of; caenositas|dirty/foul/muddy place; caenosus|muddy; filthy, foul; slimy, marshy; impure; caenula|little dinner/supper; caenulentus|covered in mud/filth; muddy, filthy, slimy; caenum|mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth; caepa|onion (Allium capa); (used as term of abuse); caeparia|disease in private parts; caeparius|grower of onions; trader in onions (L+S); caepaticus|resembling an onion; caepe|onion (Allium capa); caepetum|onion bed; caepina|onion bed/field; caeposus|abounding in onions; full of onions; caepulla|onion bed/field; caerefolium|chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium); caereiale|book of ceremonies; caeremonia|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; caeremonial|ceremonial; system of rules observed on certain occasions/at times of worship; caeremonialis|ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; caeremoniarius|master of ceremonies; caerimonia|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; caerimonialis|ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; caerimonior|treat with due ceremony; worship; caerimoniosus|pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; caerimonium|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; caernophorus|bearer of cernus (vessel for holding offerings); caerulans|colored blue; dark colored; sky blue; caeruleatus|colored with blue; dark blue, dark colored (L+S); sky blue; caeruleum|blue color (dark); steel color; sky/sea (pl.); deep blue sea; blue sky; caeruleum|azurite; kind of blue glass; caeruleus|blue, cerulean, dark; greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea; caeruleus|epithet for river/sea deities; caerulum|blue color (dark); steel color; sky/sea (pl.); deep blue sea; blue sky; caerulum|azurite; kind of blue glass; caerulus|blue, cerulean; deep/sky/greenish-blue, azure; of river/sea deities; of sky/sea; caerulus|epithet for river/sea deities; caesa|cut; (of a sword/knife/spear); Caesar|Caesar; (Julian gens cognomen); (adopted by emperors); [C. Julius ~ => Emperor]; Caesaraugusta|Saragossa (Spain); caesareus|imperial; of Caesar; caesarianum|eye salve; caesariatus|having long/flowing/luxuriant hair/plume; having lush vegetation/foliage; caesaries|hair; long/flowing/luxuriant hair; dark/beautiful hair; plume (of a helmet); caesicius|bluish; dark blue; caesim|by chopping/cutting; by hewing/slashing; with sword edge; in short clauses; caesio|chopping/cutting/hewing down (trees); caesitas|blue; blueness; caesitius|bluish; dark blue; caesius|gray, gray-blue, steel-colored; having gray/gray-blue/steel-colored eyes; caesna|dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course, dish; company at dinner; Caeso|Kaeso/Caeso (Roman praenomen); (abb. K.); caesor|hewer, one who hews; hewer (of wood); (stone) breaker; caespes|grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth; caespitator|stumbler; shying horse; caespiticius|made of turf; caespito|stumble; caesposus|abounding in grass/turf; caestar|support; means of girdle; caesticillus|small ring/hoop placed on head to support a burden; caestos|band supporting breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap; caestus|band supporting breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap; caestus|boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands; caesullus|gray-eyed, having gray eyes; caesum|comma; pause, stop; caesura|cutting (down/off), felling (of trees); that which was cut off; pause in verse; caesuratim|with pauses in short clauses; caesus|cutting, cutting off; caeterus|the_other; the_others (pl.). the_remaining/rest, all the rest; caetra|caetra (small light shield); (Spanish); elephant's hide; caetratus|armed with caetra (small light shield); caetratus|soldier armed with caetra (small light shield); Greek peltest; caetus|meeting, encounter, (political or illegal) assembly; union; band, gang, crowd; caetus|social intercourse (w/hominium), society, company; sexual intercourse; caf|kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH); cafea|coffee; cafearius|of coffee; cafeum|cafe; caia|cudgel; caiatio|striking/cudgeling/beating of children; caio|beat, thrash, cudgel; cala|firewood; piece of firewood; calabrix|kind of thorn tree; (perh. hawthorn); (perh. buckthorn L+S); calamarius|for holding pens; pertaining to a writing reed; calamellus|small/little (writing) reed/pen; calamentum|dead wood, withered/dry wood/vine; calaminthe|plant, kind of mint; calamister|curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse; calamistratus|curled with curling-iron; having hair curled, effeminately adorned; calamistrum|curling-tongs/iron; excessive flourish in discourse; calamitas|loss, damage, harm; misfortune/disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure; calamites|small green frog; (rain frog); (also called diopetes rana); calamitose|disastrously; unfortunately, miserably; destructively; calamitosus|calamitous; ruinous, destructive; liable to damage/disaster; damaged/miserable; calamochnus|deposit/efforescence of salt on reeds; sea foam (L+S); (in pure Latin adarca); calamus|reed, cane; reed pen; reed/pan pipe; arrow; fishing pole; stalk; sweet flag; calamus|branch; arm; branch of a candelabrum; calasis|kind of (woman's) tunic; calathiscus|small wicker basket; calathus|wicker basket, flower basket; wine-cup; milk pail; cheese/curdled milk bowl; calatina|plant (gentian); calatio|convoking, calling, summoning; calator|personal attendant, servant, footman; servant of a priest; calatorius|pertaining to a servant of a priest; calautica|kind of woman's headdress; (fell down to shoulders); (kind of veil?); calbeus|arm-band/filet worn for ornamental/medical purposes; calcabilis|able to be trod upon; calcaneum|heel; (rare form for calx); calcaneus|heel; (rare form for calx); calcar|spur (for horse); spur, incitement, stimulus; spur of a cock; calcarensis|lime burner; worker at lime kiln/works; calcarensis|of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works; calcaria|lime quarry; lime kiln; lime works; calcariarius|of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works; connected with burning for lime; calcariensis|of/connected with a lime quarry/kiln/works; calcarius|designed for burning lime; pertaining to lime; lime-; calcarius|lime burner; worker at lime kiln/works; calcata|filling for ditches, fsacines; ramparts? crates?; calcator|one who treads (in a treadmill); one who treads grapes; calcatori|wine press; calcatrix|she who treads; she who despises/condemns (something); calcatura|treading (in a treadmill/wine); calcatus|trite, hackneyed; calcatus|treading (in a treadmill); calceamen|shoe; footwear; calceamentarius|shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes; calceamentum|shoe; instrument for stretching hides; calcearia|shoe shop/store; calcearium|shoe money/allowance; calcearius|shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes; calceator|shoemaker; calceatus|shoe; footwear; sandal; calcedonius|chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19); calcendix|murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained); calceo|put shoes on, furnish with shoes; shoe (horses); put feet in something; calceolarius|shoemaker; calceolus|shoe; slipper; small shoe (L+S); half-boot; calcestrum|concrete; calcetum|plant (unidentified); calceus|shoe; soft shoe, slipper; [~ mullei/patricii => red shoe of ex-curule senator]; calciamen|shoe; footwear; calciamentarius|shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes; calciamentum|shoe; instrument for stretching hides; calciaria|shoe shop/store; calciarium|shoe money/allowance; calciarius|shoemaker; dealer/merchant in shoes; calciator|shoemaker; calciatus|shoe; footwear; sandal; calcifraga|rock-plant (empetros); unknown plant (removes bladder stones); (haristongue?); calcinatio|calcination; calcio|put shoes on, furnish with shoes, shoe (horses); put feet in something; calciolarius|shoemaker; calcis|lead vial/bottle/jar; calcitratus|kicking with heels; calcitro|kick with heels, kick; be refractory; resist; kick convulsively (dying); calcitro|one that kicks/is inclined to kick with heels, kicker; calcitrosus|inclined/apt to kick with heels, kicking; calcitrosus|one inclined/apt to kick with heels, kicker; calcium|calcium; calco|tread/trample upon/under foot, crush; tamp/ram down; spurn; copulate (cock); calcularius|of/pertaining to calculations; [~ error => error in reckoning/calculation]; calculatio|computation, calculation, reckoning; stone (kidney/bladder), calculus; calculator|one versed in/teacher of arithmetic; calculator, bookkeeper, accountant; calculatorius|used in making (arithmetic) calculations; pertaining to an accountant; calculatura|calculating, arithmetic; calculensis|found in pebbly places; pertaining to stones; calculo|calculate, compute, reckon; consider as; esteem; calculo|calculator, computer, accountant; calculosus|full of pebbles, pebbly; knobby; suffering from stones (kidney/bladder); calculosus|one suffering from/afflicted with kidney/bladder stones; calculum|calculation, computation; calculus|pebble; (bladder) stone; piece for reckoning/voting/game; calculation; calculus|counter; small weight; live coal (Def); calcus|small weight; calda|hot water; warm water; caldamentum|fermentation; caldaria|warm bath; cauldron (Ecc); caldariola|small vessel for heating fluids; caldarium|caldarium, hot bathing room; hot bath; caldarius|used/suitable for warming/hot water; warm; for plastering bath walls; by heat; caldicerebrius|hot-headed; caldicus|hot (?); (descriptive of a kind of fig); caldor|heat, warmth; caldum|drink of wine and hot water (w/spices); (usu. Roman winter drink); heat; caldus|warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place; caleco|coat with lime/whitewash, whitewash; Caledonia|Caledonia, Scotland, northern part of Britain; calefacio|make warm/hot (exert/ferment); heat; excite/rouse; vex/trouble; pursue eagerly; calefactabilis|that can be warmed/made hot; calefactio|heating, warming, making (bath) warm; calefacto|heat, warm; make a person warm by beating; calefactorius|that has a warming/heating power; warming; calefactus|heated, warmed; excited, roused; [calefacta ora => flushed]; calefactus|action of heating/warming; calefio|be made/be warm/hot/heated/excited/roused/vexed/troubled; (calefacio PASS); Calenda|Kalends (pl.), 1st of month; abb. Kal./Kl.; day of proclamation, interest due; calendarium|calendar; ledger/account book (for monthly interest payments); calenter|skillfully, cunningly; caleo|be/feel/be kept warm; be hot with passion/inflamed/active/driven hotly/urged; calesco|grow/become warm/hot; be heated; become inflamed (w/love/lust); be inspired; calfacio|make warm/hot (exert/ferment); heat; excite/rouse; vex/trouble; pursue eagerly; calficio|make warm/hot (exertion/fermentation); heat; excite, rouse; vex, trouble; calfio|be made/be warm/hot/heated/excited/roused/vexed/troubled; (calefacio PASS); caliandrum|woman's wig, head-dress of false hair; calicatus|plastered with lime; whitewashed; calicellus|little/small cup; calicia|plant (unidentified); (according to Pythagoras made water freeze); caliclarium|cupboard, sideboard, place where cups stand; calico|coat with lime/whitewash, whitewash; caliculus|small cup/goblet; polyp sucker; artificial hollow (obstacle to horse); pothole; caliculus|calyx/cup of a flower; shell (sea urchin); (maybe confused with calyculus); calida|hot water; warm water; calidaria|warm bath; calidarium|caldarium, hot bathing room; hot bath; calidarius|used/suitable for warming/hot water; warm; for plastering bath walls; by heat; calide|in hot haste. in heat of the moment; rashly; calidum|drink of wine and hot water (w/spices); (usu. Roman winter drink); heat; calidus|warm, hot; fiery, lusty; eager, rash, on the spot; having a warm climate/place; caliendrum|woman's wig, head-dress of false hair; caliga|soldier's boot; boot; military service; caligaris|of/for a soldier's boot; boot-; caligarius|of/for a soldier's boot; boot-; wearing army boots; caligarius|maker of soldier's boots, bootmaker; caligatio|darkness, mistiness (of eyes); caligatus|wearing army boots; of common soldier; booted, wearing heavy boots/brogans; caligatus|common soldier; private; caligineus|dark, obscuring, murky, gloomy; caliginosus|foggy, misty; covered with mist; obscure, dark, gloomy; uncertain; caligo|be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy; caligo|mist/fog; darkness/gloom/murkiness; moral/intellectual/mental dark; dizziness; caligosus|foggy, misty; covered with mist; obscure, dark, gloomy; uncertain; Caligula|Caligula (Gaius Claudius Caesar Germanicus, 37-41 AD); little soldier('s boot); calipha|caliph; calipha|caliph; caliptra|kind of head covering; calix|cup, goblet, a vessel for drinking; chalice; cup of wine; pot; water regulator; callaica|precious stone; (turquoise?); callaina|pale green precious stone; turquoise; callainus|pale green, greenish-blue, turquoise-colored; callais|greenish-blue/sea-green precious stone; turquoise; callarias|kind of codfish; callens|skilled/practiced/versed/expert in (w/GEN); calleo|be calloused/hardened; grow hard; be experienced/skilled, understand; know how; calliblepharatus|having beautiful (made-up) eyes/eyelids; calliblepharum|cosmetic for eyelids and lashes; dye for coloring eyebrows (L+S); calliblepharus|having beautiful (made-up) eyes/eyelids; callicia|plant (unidentified); (according to Pythagoras made water freeze); callide|expertly, skillfully, cleverly; well, thoroughly; cunningly, artfully; calliditas|shrewdness, skillfulness, skill; craftiness, cunning; subtle tricks (pl.); callidulus|little cunning/sly/crafty; callidus|crafty, sly, cunning; wise, expert, skillful, clever, experienced, ingenious; calligo|be dark/gloomy/misty/cloudy; have bad vision; cloud; be blinded; be/make dizzy; calligonon|plant; (also called polygonon mas); callim|secretly, in secret, unknown to; privately; covertly; by fraud; callim|without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL); callimus|stone said to be found inside a type of eagle-stone; kind of eagle-stone (L+S); callion|winter-cherry (Physalis alkekengi); (pure Latin vesicaria); callionymus|fish (Uranoscopus scaber?); callipetalon|plant; (pure Latin quinquefolium); calliplocamos|having/with beautiful tresses; callis|rough/stony track, path; moorland/mountain pasture; mountain pass/defile (L+S); callisco|grow insensitive; become dull/insensible (L+S); callisphyros|having/with beautiful ankles; callistruthia|very delicate fig sparrows were fond of (L+S); (pure Latin ficus passerariae); callistruthis|very delicate fig sparrows were fond of (L+S); (pure Latin ficus passerariae); callithrix|waterwort (Asplenium trichomanes) (for hair coloring); an Ethiopian monkey; callithrix|waterwort (Asplenium trichomanes) (for hair coloring); an Ethiopian monkey; callitrichon|maidenhair (Capillus Veneris), type of fern; commonly called adiantum (L+S); callitrichos|maidenhair (Capillus Veneris), type of fern; commonly called adiantum (L+S); callositas|hardening/thickening of skin, callus; callousness; hardness; hardening; callosus|tough, hard/thick-skinned; made hard/tough by use; callused, indurated; callum|hard/tough skin/hide, callus; callousness, lack of feeling; firm flesh/fruit; callus|hard/tough skin/hide, callus; callousness, lack of feeling; firm flesh/fruit; calo|announce, proclaim; summon, convoke, call forth/together; calo|let down, allow to hang free; loosen; slacken; calo|camp/soldier's servant; type of awkwardness/stupidity; low servant/drudge (L+S); calo|wooden shoe; calor|heat; warmth, glow; warm/hot/summer heat/weather; fever; passion, zeal; love; caloratus|passionate, vehement, furious; hot, heated; caloria|calorie; calorificus|promoting/causing heat/warmth; warming, heating; calos|well; hurrah for !; calota|skullcap; calpar|wine jar/pitcher; wine from a calpar; wine cask (L+S); vessel for liquids; Calpurnia|Calpurnia, wife of Caesar; a daughter of plebeian gens Calpurnius; calta|marigold (Calendula officinalis); caltha|marigold (Calendula officinalis); calthula|yellow garment worn by women; yellow robe; caltula|short undergarment worn by women; calumma|covering; calumnia|sophistry, sham; false accusation/claim/statement/pretenses/objection; quibble; calumnia|charge; accusation; calumniator|false accuser; pettifogger, chicaner; perverter of law; carping critic; calumniatrix|false accuser/claimant (female); calumnior|accuse falsely; misrepresent, interpret wrongly; depreciate, find fault with; calumniose|by false pretenses; calumniosus|that makes false/groundless accusations; marked by misinterpretations, false; calumniosus|person convicted of making false/groundless accusations/information; calumpnia|charge; accusation; opprobrium; false charge; calva|bald head, scalp; skull; smooth nuts (hazel nuts?); calvar|skulls (pl.); kind of fish; calvaria|skull; calvariola|small cup; calvarium|round sea-fish without scales (bald); calvatus|made bald, bare; bare (vines); calventinus|variety of vine; calveo|be bald/hairless; calvesco|lose one's hair, become bald; molt (birds); become bare/empty of vegetation; Calvinianus|Calvinist; Calvinismus|Calvinism; Calvinista|Calvinist; calvio|deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; be tricked/deceived (PASS); calvities|baldness, hairlessness; calvitium|baldness, absence/loss of hair; bareness/scantiness of vegetation; calvo|make/leave bare; calvo|deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; be tricked/deceived (PASS); calvor|deceive, intrigue/use subterfuge/tricks against; calvus|bald, bald-headed; having head shaved; smooth (nuts); bare/stripped (things) calvus|bald person; calx|heel; spur; pad (dog); forefeet; kick (Roman toe was unprotected); butt (beam); calx|limestone, lime; chalk, goal, goal-line (chalk mark), end of life; game piece; calx|lead vial/bottle/jar; calybita|hermit; cabin dweller; Calybite (one of class of early Saints living in huts); calyculus|calyx/cup of a flower; shell (sea urchin); calymma|covering; calyx|calyx/cup (flower/nut); bud?; fruit/animal skin, husk; shell (egg/sea urchin); calyx|two plants; one like arum; other anchusa (Dyer's bugloss); (monk's-hood? L+S); cama|small low bed (near ground); camacum|aromatic plant (nutmeg?); (substitute for cinnamon); kind of cinnamon (L+S); camaeus|cameo; camara|vault, vaulted/arched room/roof/ceiling; small boat roofed over with timber; camararius|that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd); climbing; camaratio|vault, arch; camaro|roof/vault over; camaura|close fitting cap; cambialis|of change; exchanging; cambio|exchange, barter; cambio|change (of money); cambio|exchange, barter; cambitas|exchange, barter; cambium|change; transformable matter; Cambria|Wales; cambuta|croiser; camela|camel/dromedary (female); camela|marriage festival/festivities (pl.); (ADJ?); camelarius|camel driver; camelaucium|red velvet hood (sometimes worn by Pope); camelelasia|camel-driving; care of camels (belonging to the State); cameleon|chameleon; (M/F OLD); camelinus|of/pertaining to a camel, camel-; camella|cup, bowl, goblet; camelopardalis|giraffe; camelopardalus|giraffe; camelopardus|giraffe; camelopodium|plant, camel's-foot, horehound?; camelottum|cloth (kind of); camelet (costly eastern fabric, maybe of silk and angora W); camelus|camel, dromedary; Camena|Muse; poetry; poem (L+S); song; (pl.) Latin goddesses of poetry (Cas); camena|poetry, poem; song; (see also Camena); camera|room, vault, vaulted/arched room/roof/ceiling; small boat roofed w/timber; camera|camera (Cal); cameralis|of/pertaining to small room or chamber; camerarius|that grows over arches (of a kind of gourd); climbing; camerarius|chamberlain; cameratio|vault, arch; camero|roof/vault over; camescopium|cinematic camera; camilla|handmaiden/female of unblemished character attendant in religious ceremonies; camillus|boy/noble youth attendant of a flamen/priest; camino|form into an oven; shape like an oven; caminus|smelting/foundry furnace, forge; home stove/furnace; vent (underground fires); camisia|shirt/nightgown (linen); alb (Ecc); shirt (Cal); camisium|alb; shirt; cammaron|plant; (aconitum); cammaros|lobster; plant (aconitum); sea crab (L+S); cammarus|lobster; plant (aconitum); sea crab (L+S); campagus|kind of boot worn by military officers; sandal, slipper (Ecc); campana|bell; campanarium|belfry; bell tower; campanarius|bell ringer; campaneus|pertaining to fields; Campania|Campania; (province of Italy south of Latinium noted for its fertility); campanicum|champagne (wine); campanile|belfry; bell tower; campanile; campanius|pertaining to fields; campanula|little boy; campanus|flat; level; campe|caterpillar; (pure Latin eruca); turning/writhing, evasion; campeador|champion of the field; victor; campester|level, even, flat, of level field; on open plain/field; plain-dwelling; campestratus|one wearing loin-cloth/leather apron of athletes; campestre|flat/level country/ground (pl.); plains; campestre|loin-cloth worn by athletes; leather apron worn around loins by wrestlers; campestris|country deity; goddess of fields; campestris|deities who presided over contests/games (pl.); country deities; campestris|level, even, flat, of level field; on open plain/field; plain-dwelling; campicursio|military exercise in Campus Martius; campidoctor|one who exercises/drills soldiers in Campus Martius; drill sergeant; campigenus|well drilled soldiers (pl.); campio|champion; campionatus|championship; campismus|camping; campitor|charger, battle-horse, war horse; campsanema|plant (ros marinus); campso|go around; double; turn around in place; campsor|changer, banker; camptaules|musician (unknown kind); campter|bending; turning; angle; campter|turning point at end of a race course; campus|plain; level field/surface; open space for battle/games; sea; scope; campus; camter|turning point at end of a race course; camum|kind of beer; camur|curved, bent, hooked, crocked; turned/arched inward, having such horns; camurus|curved, bent, hooked, crocked; turned/arched inward, having such horns; camus|necklace; collar for neck (L+S); muzzle/bit/curb for horses (late); canaba|hut; hovel; canaba|settlement of traders/discharged soldiers (pl.) near Roman military camp/fort; canabarius|inhabitant of a canabae (settlement of veterans near a Roman camp); canabensis|inhabitant of a canabae (settlement of veterans near a Roman camp); canabula|small hut/hovel; canachenus|class of thieves; canale|channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout; canalicius|derived/mined/dug from shafts(/pits L+S); canalicola|poor/lazy person standing about in gutters near Forum/in place called Canalis; canalicula|small channel/duct/pipe/gutter, groove; feeding trough; splint/cast (medical); canaliculatim|into/by channels; canaliculatus|channeled, grooved; like a channel/pipe; canaliculus|small channel/duct/pipe/gutter, groove; feeding trough; splint/cast (medical); canaliensis|derived/mined/dug from shafts(/pits L+S); canalis|channel/canal/conduit; ditch, gutter; trough, groove; funnel; pipe, spout; canarius|of/connected with dogs, dog-; kind of grass; [lappa canaria => kind of bur]; canaster|half-gray; grizzled; canatim|in manner of a dog; like a dog; cancamum|Arabian gum (Balsamodendron katuf?); (used for incense L+S); cancellaria|chancery; chancellery; cancellarius|porter, doorkeeper; secretary; chancellor (ecclesiastical); diocesan official; cancellarius|living/kept behind bars; cancellarius|chancellor; cancellatim|in a lattice arrangement; cancellatio|land measuring my means of a grid; fixing boundaries; cancellatus|reticulated, having a lattice/grid pattern; lattice/trellis-like; cancello|arrange in criss-cross pattern; enclose in lattice/grid; cancel, cross out; cancellosus|with bars; with a railing; cancellus|lattice/grate/grid; bars, barrier, enclosure; boundaries/limits (pl.); railings; cancer|crab; Cancer (zodiac); the_South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker; cancer|crab; Cancer (zodiac); the_South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker; cancer|crab; Cancer (zodiac); the_South; summer heat; cancer, disease, tumor, canker; cancer|lattice, grid; barrier; cancerasco|become cancerous; be afflicted with cancer; suppurate like a cancer; canceraticus|cancerous; like a cancer; canceratus|cancerous; canceroma|cancer; canchrema|cancer; cancrigenus|carcinogenic; cancroma|cancer; candefacio|make dazzling white; make glowing; heat, make hot; candefio|become dazzling white; be/become glowing/heated/hot; (candefacio PASS); candela|tallow candle/taper; waxen cord; fire (L+S); small taper/candle (Ecc); candelaber|candelabra; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand; candelabrarius|maker of candelabra/candlesticks; candelabrum|candelabra; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand; candelabrus|candelabra; stand for holding burning candles or lamps; lamp stand; candens|shining/bright/clear (light); (approaching) white; boiling/red-hot, glowing; candentia|luminous area; whiteness (L+S); white clear luster; candeo|be of brilliant whiteness, shine, gleam (white); become/be hot; glow, sparkle; candesco|grow/become light/bright white; begin to glisten/radiate; become (red) hot; candetum|area of 100 or 150 square feet; (10 or 15 square meters); candicens|white; approaching white; candico|have white appearance; be white/whitish; candida|games/play presented by a candidate for office; candidans|brilliantly white; candidarius|that bakes/makes white bread; candidarius|baker of white bread; candidata|candidate (for office) (female); aspirant; office seeker; candidatio|whiteness; candidatorius|of/pertaining to/belonging to a candidate (for office); white-robed (Ecc); candidatus|dressed in white/whitened clothes; candidatus|candidate (office) (white toga); aspirant/office seeker; one who strives for; candidatus|candidacy (for office); candide|in white clothes; brightly/clearly/spotlessly; candidly/openly, good naturedly; candido|make glittering/bright; make white; candidule|candidly, sincerely; candidulus|shining white; white, gleaming; candidum|white (of an egg); candidus|bright, clear, transparent; clean/spotless; lucid; candid; kind; innocent, pure; candidus|radiant, unclouded; (dressed in) white; of light color; fair skinned, pale; candifico|make dazzlingly white; candificus|that cleans/makes white; canditatio|whiteness; candor|whiteness; snow; radiance, bright light; heat, glow; beauty; purity; kindness; candosoccus|layer (of a plant); canens|gray, grayish; white, hoary; canentas|head ornament; caneo|be/become covered in white; be hoary, be white/gray (with age); canes|dog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp; canesco|become covered in white, whiten; grow old/hoary; be/grow white/gray with age; cania|kind of wild nettle; canica|bran (pl.); canicula|bitch (also people); dog-star; dog-fish, shark; dog-days; lowest throw at dice; canicularis|of/pertaining to dog-star; [caniculares dies => dog days]; canifera|woman carrying basket; caniformis|dog-shaped, in dog form/shape; (Anubis); canina|dog flesh/meat; [canis caninam non est => dog does not eat dog/is not dog meat]; caninus|of/pertaining/suitable to/resembling a dog, canine; abusive, mean, snarling; canipa|fruit basket for religious uses; canis|dog; hound; subordinate; "jackal"; dog-star/fish; lowest dice throw; clamp; canistellum|basket (bread/fruit); canistraria|basket bearer (in religious festivals); canistrum|wicker basket (used for food/flowers and in sacrifices); canitia|white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age; canities|white/gray coloring/deposit; gray/white hair, grayness of hair; old age; canitudo|grayness of hair; canna|small reed/cane; panpipe/flute; small vessel/gondola; windpipe; cane-sugar; cannaba|hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval); cannaba|hut; hovel; cannabinus|made of hemp, hempen, hemp-; cannabis|hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval); cannabius|made of hemp, hempen, hemp-; cannabum|hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval); cannabus|hemp; hemp rope; canvas/linen (medieval); cannetum|thicket of reeds; canneus|made of reeds, reed-; cannibalismus|cannibalism; canno|cannon (artillery piece); cannophorus|reed-bearer in rites of Magna Mater; cannula|reed; small/little/low reed; windpipe (L+S); cannulono|cannelloni; cano|sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music)/sound (horn); foretell; cano|sing, celebrate, chant; crow; recite; play (music)/sound (horn); foretell; canon|canon, ecclesiastical title; member of canonry/cathedral chapter, Augustinian; canon|canon/norm/rule; part of Mass; catalog/list; model; [~ Santorum => Saints list]; canon|catalog of sacred writings admitted by rule, the_Canon; cannon/guns (pl.); canon|sounding-board/channel of water organ; model/standard; measuring line, rule; canon|sounding-board/channel of water organ; model/standard; measuring line, rule; canonia|canon's prebend/stipend; canonicalis|canonical/by canons/legal/lawful/right; of a canon; canonicarius|collector of annual tribute; canonicatus|office of canon; canonice|canonically, according to Church discipline; regularly; canonicum|theory (pl.); canon; canonicus|regular (monastery); secular (cathedral); by math divisions of monochord (OLD); canonicus|canonical/by canons/legal/lawful/right; of a canon; canonicus|canon; member of cathedral canonry; clergyman; prebendary; Augustinian; canonicus|mathematician/theorist; one who constructs mathematical/astronomical tables; canonisatio|canonization; elevation to sainthood; canonissa|canoness; canonista|canonist, one learned in Canon Law; canonizatio|canonization; elevation to sainthood; canonizo|canonize, elevate to sainthood; include in canon of Scripture; reduce to rules; canor|song, vocal music; tune, melody; birdsong; music of instruments; poetic strain; canore|melodiously; harmoniously; tunefully; canorum|melody, charm (in speaking); canorus|melodious, harmonious; resonant, ringing, sonorous; tuneful; songful, vocal; cantabilis|worthy to be sung; cantabrarius|standard-bearer on festive occasions; Cantabrigia|Cambridge; cantabrum|kind of banner/standard under emperors; kind of bran; cantabundus|singing; chanting; cantamen|spell that is sung/chanted; magic sentence; spell, charm, incantation; cantatio|singing; song, music; spell, charm, incantation (L+S); cantator|singer; musician; minstrel; cantatorium|Gradual Book (old name); cantatrix|that uses incantations/enchantments (feminine adjective); singing, musical; cantatrix|singer, musician (female); cantenatus|chained, fettered; canteriatus|supported on a canterius (light pi-shaped prop/"horse" for vines); propped; canterinus|of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley (winter L+S); canteriolus|small vine-supporting prop/"horse"; canterius|poor-quality horse, hack, nag, gelding; rafter; pi-shaped vine prop/"horse"; cantharella|chanterelle; cantharias|precious stone; (having in it a figure of a Spanish fly L+S); cantharis|blister-beetle (Cantharis vesicatoria); Spanish fly (medicine/poison); a worm; cantharites|wine from vine cantharites; kind of vine (L+S); cantharulus|small drinking vessel with handles; cantharus|large drinking vessel with handles; bowl/basin of fountain; Black Sea bream; cantharus|vessel of holy water; water pipe; cantheriatus|supported on a canterius (light pi-shaped prop/"horse" for vines); propped; cantherinus|of/belonging to a horse, horse-; like a horse; variety of barley (winter L+S); cantheriolus|small vine-supporting prop/"horse"; cantherius|poor-quality horse, hack, nag, gelding; rafter; pi-shaped vine prop/"horse"; canthus|tire, iron ring around a carriage wheel; wheel; canticulum|song; little/brief/short song; sonnet (L+S); short incantation; canticum|song; passage in a comedy chanted or sung; sing-song voice; canticus|musical; cantilena|oft repeated saying; refrain; ditty/little song; silly prattle (L+S); lampoon; cantilenosus|pertaining to song; poetic; cantillo|sing low; hum; warble, chirp (Ecc); cantilo|sing; cantio|song; singing (birds); playing, music (instrumental); incantation, spell; cantito|sing; sing repeatedly, sing over and over; sing/play often (L+S); cantiuncula|(mere) song; flattering/alluring strain (L+S); canto|sing; play (roles/music); recite; praise, celebrate; forewarn; enchant, bewitch; canto|canton; cantor|singer, poet; actor (of musical parts in play); precentor; cantor; eulogist; cantreda|cantred; land division; district containing a hundred townships (OED); cantrix|singer (female), songstress; Cantuaria|Canterbury; cantulus|little song; canturio|recite with musical intonation; sing continuously (birds); chirp; cantus|tire, iron ring around a carriage wheel; wheel; cantus|song, chant; singing; cry (bird); blast (trumpet); poem, poetry; incantation; canua|basket; canum|wicker basket (used for food/flowers and in sacrifices); canus|white, gray; aged, old, wise; hoary; foamy, white-capped; white w/snow/frost; canus|gray hairs (pl.); old age; canusina|garment of made of Canusian wool; (Canusium/Canosa town in Apulia); canusinatus|dressed in garments of Canusian wool; canutus|gray; capa|cape, cloak; cassock, cope, mantle; capabilis|comprehensible; intelligent; capacitas|capacity, largeness; ability (mental/legal/to inherit); power of comprehension; capaciter|rightfully to inherit; capax|large, spacious, roomy, big; capable, fit, competent; has right to inherit; capedo|bowl used in sacrifices; capedulum|kind of covering for head; capeduncula|small pot/vessel/bowl/dish; (used for sacrifices L+S); capella|chapel; choir; [a capella => unaccompanied (song); ~ magister => choirmaster]; capella|she-goat; meteor type; star in constellation Auriga (rising in rainy season); capella|dirty fellow, old goat; man with a goat-like beard; body odor; capellania|chaplaincy; capellanus|chaplain; capellianus|of/pertaining to goats; eaten by goats; capellus|hat; capellus|small goat; kid; caper|he-goat, billy-goat; goatish/armpit smell; star in Auriga (L+S); grunting fish; caperatus|wrinkled; capero|hood; caperratus|wrinkled; furled (sails); caperro|be/become wrinkled; wrinkle (L+S); furl (sails); capesco|grasp, take; undertake, manage; pursue with zeal; carry out orders; (=capesso); capesso|grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders; capetum|fodder for cattle; caph|kaf; (11th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K and CH); caphisterium|vessel used for cleaning/separating seed-grain from the rest; capidulum|kind of covering for head; capillaceus|resembling/similar to hair; like hair; made of hair (L+S); capillamentum|head of hair; toupee/wig; hair-like fiber; thread of metal; streak/flaw in gem; capillare|ointment/unguent for hair; pomade; capillaris|of/pertaining to hair; capillary (Cal); [~ herba => plant Capillus Veneris]; capillatio|hair; disease of urinary organs; capillatura|hair-like flawing in a gem; hair (L+S); false hair; capillatus|having long hair (older generation/foreign peoples/boys); hairy; hair-like; capillatus|long hairs (pl.); young aristocrats; capillitium|head of hair; capillosus|full of hair; very hairy; capillulus|fine/soft hair; capillus|hair; hair of head; single hair; hair/fur/wool of animals; hair-like fiber; capio|take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate; capio|take hold, seize; grasp; take bribe; arrest/capture; put on; occupy; captivate; capio|taking/seizing; [usus ~ => getting ownership by continued possession]; capis|cup/bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes; capis|cup/bowl with handle used mainly for ritual purposes; capisso|grasp, take, seize eagerly; undertake, manage; pursue w/zeal; carry out orders; capisterium|vessel used for cleaning/separating seed-grain from the rest; capistrarius|halter-maker; capistro|provide with a halter, put a halter on a horse; fasten with a headstall; bind; capistrum|halter/headstall/harness, muzzle; matrimonial halter (L+S); band for vines; capitagium|poll tax; head-penny; capital|capital crime/punishment (loss of life or civil rights); priestess headband; capitale|capital (economics); capitale|capital crime/punishment (loss of life or civil rights); priestess headband; capitalis|of/belonging to head/life; deadly, mortal; dangerous; excellent, first-rate; capitalismus|capitalism; capitalista|capitalist; capitalisticus|capitalist; capitaliter|with bitter/lethal hostility; capitaneatus|captaincy; capitaneus|large, chief in size; capital (letters); capitaneus|captain; capitarius|levied per head, per capita; poll-; capitatio|poll tax, tax levied per head/capita; outlay for beasts used in public service; capitatus|having or forming a head; capitellum|small head; capital/chapiter of a column; capitilavium|washing of head; [Dominica ~ => Palm Sunday]; capitium|kind of tunic worn by women; capitium|covering for head; opening in tunic for head; undervest; priest's vestment; capito|big-headed, having a large head (masculine adj.); (cognommen); kind of mullet; Capitolinus|Capitoline; (one of 7 hills of Rome); of the Capitol; (temple of ~ Jupiter); Capitolium|Capitol; Capitoline Hill in Rome; capitolium|religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house; right of cofraternity; capitulare|head/poll-tax or levy; capitularis|relating to head/poll-tax or levy; capitularium|head/poll-tax or levy; capitularius|relating to recruiting of soldiers; capitularius|tax gathers (pl.), revenue officers; recruiting officers; capitulatim|by headings; summarily; capitulatus|having (small) head or terminal knob; capitulum|chapter/article (in book); religious/cathedral chapter, chapter meeting/house; capitulum|little head; piles/hemorrhoids; flower-head/seed-capsule; head of a structure; capitum|fodder for cattle; capnias|smoky specimen/variety of some precious stone; smoky topaz (L+S); kind of wine; capnion|plant, funitory, pes gallinaceus; (Fumaria officinalis/Corydaltis digitalia); capnios|kind of wine from grapes of smoky appearance; capnios|(vine) with grapes of smoky appearance; capnites|smoky specimen/variety of some precious stone; smoky topaz (L+S); kind of wine; capnitis|substance deposited by copper furnace smoke, ZnO/tutty; smoky precious stone; capnos|plant, funitory, pes gallinaceus; (Fumaria officinalis/Corydaltis digitalia); capo|capon; young cockerel?; cappa|cape, cloak, cassock, cope. cappara|plant; (also called portulacca); cappari|caper plant (Capparis spinosa); fruit of caper plant, caper; capparis|caper; capparis|caper plant (Capparis spinosa); fruit of caper plant, caper; cappas|sea horse; cappella|chapel; choir; [a capella => unaccompanied (song); ~ magister => choirmaster]; cappellania|chaplaincy; cappellanus|chaplain; capra|she-goat, nanny-goat; [Caprae palus => on Campus Martius/Circus Flaminus site]; capragenus|of flesh of wild goats; caprago|plant; (also called cicer columbinum); caprale|field/marsh/swamp fit only for goats; caprarius|goatherd; caprarius|of/pertaining to goat; caprea|roe deer; wild she-goat (L+S); capreaginus|resembling a roe-deer (mottled); capreida|diuretic? plant; capreola|young roe doe; capreolatim|like twisted tendrils; in a winding/twisting manner; capreolus|young roe-deer; wild goat/chamois; rafter, support; vine tendril; weeding fork; capricornus|Capricorn, a sign of Zodiac; caprificatio|caprification, by which gall insects emerge to fertilize/puncture wild fig; caprifico|caprificate, fertilize by caprification (insects/hand puncturing wild fig); caprificus|wild fig tree; fruit of wild fig tree, wild fig; caprificus|wild fig tree; fruit of wild fig tree, wild fig; caprigena|goats (pl.); caprigenus|of/consisting of/sprung from goats, goat-; caprigenus|goats (pl.); caprile|goat pen/stall; caprilis|of/belonging to goats; caprimulgus|country bumpkin, goat-milker; nightjar/goatsucker (bird Caprimulgus europaeus); caprina|goat flesh/meat; caprinarius|devotee of Pan; caprinus|of/belonging to/consisting of/resembling goats; [lactuca ~a => kind of spurge]; capriolus|young roe-deer; wild goat/chamois; rafter, support; vine tendril; weeding fork; capripes|goat-footed; (epithet for rural deities); caprona|forelocks (pl.); (hair hanging down on forehead of men/animals); capronea|forelocks (pl.); (hair hanging down on forehead of men/animals); caprugenus|of flesh of wild goats; capruginus|of roe-deer; caprunculum|earthenware vessel; capsa|cylindrical case (for books), bookcase; receptacle for things, box, satchel; capsarius|slave toting boy's bookcase/satchel; who minded clothes at bath; satchelmaker; capsella|small box/casket; coffer; capsicum|paprika, pepper; capso|seize (only PRES form which is FUT); take bribe; capture; occupy; captivate; capsula|small box for books; chest, casket; capsum|church nave; capsus|coach/carriage/wagon body; cage/pen for animals; captatio|action of straining after; legacy-hunting; feint to attract stroke (fencing); captator|legacy hunter; one who strives to obtain/eagerly reaches for/grasps at/courts; captatorius|of/concerning legacy-hunting/hunters; [~as institutiones => mutual heirs]; captatrix|straining after, striving to obtain; (feminine adjective); captatrix|she who strives to obtain/eagerly reaches for/grasps at/courts; captensula|fallacious argument; sophism; captibilis|that can take; captio|deception/trick/fraud; disadvantage, loss; a sophistry/quibble; right to take; captiose|in a manner to score over a person/take him in/deceive him; insidiously; captiosum|sophisms (pl.); captiosus|harmful, disadvantageous; captious, intended to ensnare (arguments), deceptive; captito|snatch at; strive eagerly after; captiuncula|quirk; sophism, fallacy; captiva|prisoner (female), captive; captivatio|subjugation; enslavement; captivator|captor, one who takes captive; captivitas|captivity/bondage; capture/act of being captured; blindness; captives (Plater); captivncula|legal quirk or snare; captivo|take captive; captivus|caught, taken captive; captured (in war), imprisoned; conquered; of captives; captivus|prisoner of war (likely male, but maybe female), captive; capto|try/long/aim for, desire; entice; hunt legacy; try to catch/grasp/seize/reach; captor|hunter, huntsman, he who catches animals/game; captrix|huntress; she who takes/catches; she who despoils; captum|catch; (e.g. fish); captura|taking/catching wild game; bag, total game caught; gain, take; making profits; captus|captured, captive; captus|capacity/ability/potentiality; comprehension; action/result of taking/grasping; Capua|Capua; chief city of Campania; Capuccinus|Capuchin; (of order of St Francis new rule of 1528, from capuche/pointed hood); capucium|hood; headland of field; capudo|primitive sacrificial vessel; capula|small sacrificial bowl/cup; (with handles L+S); capularis|ready for bier, having one foot in grave; of/near grave/bier; capulatio|mutilation; decapitation; capulator|man who draws from oil press; decanter, who pours from vessel to other (L+S); capulatus|hooded; capulo|draw off oil from oil press; attach/halter (cattle); catch (animals); capulum|sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin; capulum|sepulcher, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching/fastening cattle, lasso; capulus|sword-hilt/handle; handle of other implements; bier, coffin; capulus|sepulcher, tomb, scacophagus; halter for catching/fastening cattle, lasso; capus|capon; young cockerel?; caput|head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth (river); capital (punishment); caput|heading; chapter, principal division; [~ super pedibus => head over heels]; caputalis|of/belonging to head/life; deadly, mortal; dangerous; excellent, first-rate; caputium|hood; carabus|crustacean, crayfish; sea crab (L+S); small wicker boat covered in rawhide; carabus|scarabe; coleopteron, beetle; (Cal); caracalla|long tunic/great-coat worn by Gauls; (name for Emperor Antonius Caracalla); caracallis|long tunic/great-coat worn by Gauls; caracter|branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style; caragogos|medicinal plant; caravanna|caravan (group of travelers); carbas|easterly wind; east-northeast wind (L+S); carbaseus|made of linen/flax; carbasineus|made of linen/flax; carbasinum|clothes (pl.) made of linen/flax; carbasinus|made of linen/flax; green (Ecc); carbasum|plant with narcotic juice; carbasus|made of linen/flax; carbasus|linen (cloth); fine linen, cambric; canvas; sail; linen garment/clothes; awning; carbatina|kind of rustic leather shoe; carbatinus|made of hide; carbo|charcoal; glowing coal; pencil/marker; worthless thing; charred remains; coal; carboarius|collier, supplier of coal/charcoal; charcoal burner/supplier; carbonaria|furnace/chimney/oven for making charcoal (by burning wood/etc.); carbonarius|charcoal-burner, collier; carbonarius|of/relating to charcoal; carbonesco|become charcoal; carboneum|carbon (element); carbonicus|carbonic; carbunculatio|affliction with a form of vine blight; disease of trees (L+S); carbunculo|be afflicted with a form of vine blight; carbunculor|be afflicted with a form of vine blight; carbunculosus|containing tophus (variety of sandstone); containing red toph-stone (L+S); carbunculus|live coal; red tophus; precious stone; vine blight; carbuncle/tumor/anthrax; carbunica|variety of vine; carcedonius|chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19); carcer|prison, jail; jailbird; starting barriers at race-course, traps; beginning; carceralis|of/pertaining to/connected with prison/jail; carcerarius|of/pertaining to/connected with prison/jail; carcerarius|prison keeper, jailer; carcereus|of/pertaining to/connected with prison; carcharus|fish (kind of); kind of dog fish (L+S); Carchedonius|Carthaginian; carchesium|type of drinking-cup/beaker; mast-head of ship; kind of derrick, crane; carcinethron|plant, knotgrass; (pure Latin geniculata; also called polygonon); carcinias|crab-colored precious stone; carcinodes|cancerous, polypous; carcinodes|cancerous disease; cancer; carcinogenesis|carcinogenesis; carcinoma|ulcer or tumor (malignant?); (term of reproach by Augustus for Julia/Agrippa); carcinothron|plant, knotgrass; (pure Latin geniculata; also called polygonon); cardamina|cress-like plant; cardamomum|cardamom (Elettaris cardamomum); its seeds (used in medicine/spice); cardamum|cress-like plant; (pure Latin nasturtium); cardelis|goldfinch (Fringilla carduelis); thistle-finch (L+S); cardiacus|of heart or stomach; suffering in stomach; cardiacus|person suffering from heartburn or stomach distress; cardimoma|pain in stomach, stomach ache; cardinalas|cardinalate, office/position/dignity/rank of Cardinal in Catholic Church; cardinalatus|cardinalate, office/position/dignity/rank of Cardinal in Catholic Church; cardinalicius|cardinal's; of a cardinal; cardinalis|cardinal, prince of Catholic Church; (elector of Popes); chief, principle; cardinalis|cardinal/principle/chief; that serves as pivot/on which something turns/depends; cardinaliter|chiefly, principally; especially; cardinalitius|of/pertaining to cardinalate/cardinalship/position of Catholic Cardinal; cardinatus|mortised; hinged to; cardineus|of/by hinges; of/pertaining to door-hinge; E:of a cardinal (Latham); cardiogramma|cardiogram; electrocardiogram; cardiographia|cardiography; electrocardiography; cardiographium|cardiograph; electrocardiograph; cardiologia|cardiology; cardiologus|cardiologist; cardo|hinge; pole, axis; chief point/circumstance; crisis; tenon/mortise; area; limit; carduelis|goldfinch (Fringilla carduelis); thistle-finch (L+S); carduetus|thicket of thistle; sedgebrush, rushes (Ecc); carduus|thistle; prickly bur/seed-vessel; cardoon (artichoke-like vegetable); care|dearly; at a high price; care|dear, at high price; of high value; at great cost/sacrifice; carectum|bed/plot of sedges/rushes; carena|fast of forty days; carenaria|vessel for making carenum (sweet wine boiled down one third); carentia|lack; shortage; penury (Cal); carenum|sweet wine boiled down one third; careo|be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose; careor|be without/absent from/devoid of/free from; miss; abstain from, lack, lose; careota|date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia); caresco|want, be without; careum|caraway; carex|reed-grass; sedges; rushes; carfiathum|(superior) kind of incense; excellent kind of white frankincense; carians|decayed, rotten; defective; carica|kind of fig; (Caria a country in south-west Asia Minor); caries|rot, rottenness, corruption, decay; caries; shriveling up; dry rot; ship worm; carina|keel, bottom of ship, hull; boat, ship, vessel; voyage; half walnut shell; carinarius|one who dyes? brown; carinatus|shell-formed/shaped; like a keel/hull; carino|curse, abuse, revile, blame; use abusive language; carino|turn into/shape like a ship/hull; supply with/get/grow a shell; carinor|curse, abuse, revile, blame; use abusive language; carinus|nut-brown (fashionable color in women's dress); cariosus|rotten, decayed (wood/teeth); crumbly; friable, loose, porous; decayed (old); cariota|date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia); caris|kind of crustacean; shrimp/prawn?; sea-crab (L+S); carisa|artful woman; carissus|artful, sly, cunning, crafty; caristium|annual family banquet 3 days after Parentalia (20 Feb.) where feuds settled; carisus|artful, sly, cunning, crafty; caritas|charity; love, affection, esteem, favor; dearness; high price; caritativus|charitable; caritores|wool-carders; Carmelitus|Carmelite, White Friar; Carmelus|Carmel; (area/mountain range in north-west Palestine); beautiful hill (Isaiah); carmen|card for wool/flax; carmen|song/music; poem/play; charm; prayer, incantation, ritual/magic formula; oracle; carminabundus|versifying; making/composing verse/poetry; carminatio|combing/carding (wool/flax/etc.); carminator|carder (of wool/flax/etc.); carmino|card (wool, etc.); produce by carding; carmino|make verses; carnale|carnal/sensual/worldly things; things of the_flesh; carnalis|carnal, fleshy, bodily, sensual; of the_flesh; not spiritual, worldly; carnalitas|carnality, sensuality, fleshiness; carnaliter|carnally, sensually; not spiritually; carnarium|meat rack (for smoking/drying); larder/pantry (L+S); carnarius|dealer in meat; butcher; carnarius|of/pertaining to/belonging to flesh; carnatio|fleshiness, bulk, corpulence, heaviness; carnatus|fleshy, fat, corpulent; carnelevarium|carnival; carnero|steer, cow; carneus|of the_flesh, carnal; not spiritual; carnicis|fodder plant, tree-medick (Medicago arborea); its wood; scrubby snail-clover; carnicula|flesh; carnifex|tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly; carnifex|executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain; carnificina|work/act/office of executioner/torturer; torture/execution; capital punishment; carnificius|of/pertaining to an executioner/hangman/torturer; carnifico|execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle; carnificor|execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle; carnificus|butchering; carniger|bearing flesh; carnis|meat/flesh; the_body; pulp/flesh of plants, sapwood; soft part; low passions; carnivorus|carnivorous, flesh-eating; carnosus|fleshy; characterized by flesh; consisting of meat; fleshy in color/appearance; carnufex|tormenting, torturing; murderous, killing; deadly; carnufex|executioner, hangman; murderer, butcher, torturer; scoundrel, villain; carnuficina|work/act/office of executioner/torturer; torture/execution; capital punishment; carnuficius|of/pertaining to an executioner/hangman/torturer; carnufico|execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle; carnuficor|execute; behead; butcher; cut in pieces, mangle; carnuficus|butchering; carnulentus|like flesh; Carnutes|Carnutes, tribe of central Gaul, around Loire - Caesar; caro|dearly; dear, at a high price; caro|card/comb (wool/flax/etc.); caro|meat, flesh; the_body; pulpy/fleshy/soft parts (plant), sapwood; low passions; caroenum|sweet wine boiled down one third; Carolus|Charles; (Charlemagne, 742-814, King of Franks, first Holy Roman Emperor); caros|variety/seed of plant hypericum; heavy sleep, stupor, sleep of death (L+S); carota|carrot; carotis|carotid arteries (pl.); carpa|carp; (Erasmus); carpasinus|green; (Vulgate Ester 1:6); carpasum|plant with narcotic juice; (white hellebore? OLD); carpathium|plant with narcotic juice; (white hellebore? OLD); carpathum|white hellebore plant (Veratrum album); carpatinus|made of hide; carpentarius|of wagons/carriages/chariots; of/pertaining to carriage building; carpentarius|carriage/wagon/chariot builder, cartwright; carriage-driver, coachman (L+S); carpentarius|carriage/wagon/chariot builder/cartwright's workshop; carpentum|carriage (2-wheeled, covered for women); chariot (L+S); wagon/cart; barouche; carpentura|framework; carpheothum|(superior) kind of incense; excellent kind of white frankincense; carphologia|picking of pieces of straw from mud/adobe walls; carphos|fenugreek; goat's thorn; carpineus|of/made of/pertaining to hornbeam (tree of genus Carpinus); carpineus|hornbeam (tree Carpinus betulus); carpisculus|kind of shoe; groundwork/basement; carpistes|one of Aeons of Valentinus; carpo|seize/pick/pluck/gather/browse/tear off; graze/crop; tease/pull out/card (wool); carpo|separate/divide, tear down; carve; despoil/fleece; pursue/harry; consume/erode; carpophyllon|shrub; (Ruscus hypophyllum?); carptim|in separate/detached/disconnected parts/units; selectively; intermittently; carptor|carver (of game/poultry/etc.); carptura|gathering of honey; sucking of nectar from flowers (by bees) (L+S); carpusculus|kind of shoe; groundwork/basement; carracutium|kind of two-wheeled carriage; carrago|fortification/barricade made of wagons; circled wagons; carrarius|one who makes/repairs wagons/carts/carriages; army cartwright; carrico|charge (a weapon, a battery); carro|card/comb (wool/flax/etc.); carrobalista|ballista/catapult mounted on a carriage; (equivalent of "field gun"); carroballista|ballista/catapult mounted on a carriage; (equivalent of "field gun"); carroco|sturgeon (Acipenser sturio); carruca|coach, traveling-carriage; (four-wheeled L+S); state coach; carrucarius|used for/pertaining to carriages/carruca; carrucarius|coachman; carrucha|traveling-carriage; (four-wheeled L+S); state coach; carrulus|small/little cart/wagon; carrum|wagon; (Gallic type); carrus|wagon; (Gallic type); carta|papyrus (sheet/page); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf; Cartago|Carthage; cartallus|basket; Carthaginiensis|Carthaginian, inhabitant of Carthage; (also of New Carthage in Spain?); Carthaginiensis|of/belonging to Carthage, Carthaginian; (also of New Carthage in Spain); Carthago|Carthage; Carthusianus|Carthusian; Charterhouse monk; (order founded by St Bruno 1086); cartibulum|kind of oblong table standing on a pedestal; cartilagineus|cartilaginous, gristly; cartilaginosus|characterized by/full of cartilage/other tough fibrous tissue, very gristly; cartilago|cartilage, gristle; substance harder than pulp but softer than woody fiber; cartula|scrap/piece of papyrus; small note, bill (L+S); cartus|papyrus (sheet/page); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf; carucata|carucate of land; 120-180 acres (as much land as can be plowed in a year); caruncula|little piece of flesh; piece of tissue (medical), fleshy growth; carus|dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive; Carus|Carus; (Emperor Marcus Aurelius Numerius Carus 282-283); caryinos|made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S); caryinus|made of walnuts, walnut-; made of nuts (L+S); caryites|variety of spurge; species of tithymalus (L+S); caryon|walnut; nut (L+S); caryophyllon|dried flower-buds of clove; cloves; caryophyllum|clove; caryota|date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia); caryotis|date; nut-shaped date (L+S); (as gift on Saturnalia); casa|cottage/small humble dwelling, hut/hovel; home; house; shop, booth; farm (late); casabundus|stumbling, tottering; ready to fall; casamus|old man; attendant; casaria|one (god/spirit?) who guards over a cottage; casarius|of/pertaining to a cottage; casarius|dweller in a cottage; cottager; casce|in an archaic/out-of-date/old-fashion manner; cascus|ancient, old; archaic; primitive; casearius|of/pertaining to cheese, cheese-; caseatus|mixed with cheese; casellula|little hut; caseolus|small cheese; caseta|cassette; casetophonum|cassette-recording; caseum|cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment (L+S); caseus|cheese; pressed curd; comic term of endearment (L+S); casia|cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree/bark/spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?); casiarius|of/connected with cheese; casignete|plant (unidentified); (also called dionysonymphadas); casila|helmet (metal) (Sabine form); wearer of a helmet; war, active service; casito|fall/drop down repeatedly/frequently; casleu|Chislev/Kislev, Jewish month; (ninth in ecclesiastic year); casmila|handmaiden/female of unblemished character attendant in religious ceremonies; casmilus|boy/noble youth attendant of a flamen/priest; casnar|old man; attendant; cassabundus|stumbling, tottering; ready to fall; cassia|cinnamon (Cinnamomum tree/bark/spice); aromatic shrub (mezereon or marjoram?); cassiculus|small net; cobweb; cassida|helmet (metal); wearer of a helmet; war, active service; cassidarius|helmet maker; cassidile|small bag, wallet; satchel, bag (Souter); cassis|helmet (metal); wearer of a helmet; war, active service; cassis|hunting net (often pl.); spider's web; snare, trap; cassita|crested/tufted lark (Alauda cristata); cassiterinus|made of tin; cassiterum|tin; (originally a mixture of lead/silver and other metals L+S); cassito|drip; Cassius|Cassius; (Roman gens name); (L. ~ Longinus defeated by Helvetii; Caesar killer); Cassius|Cassius, Roman gens; (L. C~ Longinus defeated by Helvetii; C. C~ L~ assassin); Cassivellaunus|Cassiveellaunus, Commander of forces of Britons - Caesar; casso|totter, begin to fall; shake, waver (L+S); casso|bring to naught, destroy; annul, make null and void; cassum|empty/vain/futile things (pl.); cassus|hollow/empty/devoid of, lacking; useless/fruitless/vain; [in cassum => in vain]; cassus|fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate; castanea|chestnut-tree, chestnut; castanetum|chestnut plantation; castanietum|chestnut plantation/grove; caste|uprightly, w/integrity; chastely, w/sexual/ceremonial purity; spotlessly; castella|Castile (Spain); (place of castles/castella); castellanus|of/connected with/pertaining to/associated with a fort/fortress/castle; castellanus|garrison/occupants (pl.) of a fort/fortress/castle; castellarius|keeper of a reservoir; castellatim|at intervals (in manner of strongpoints), in separate detachments; castle-wise; castellum|redoubt, fortress, stronghold, fortified settlement, refuge; castle, citadel; castellum|castle/reservoir (where water from aqueduct is collected for distribution); castellum|town, village; (medieval); casteria|part of a ship?; (where rowers were accustomed to rest, rower's room L+S); castifico|punish, correct; make pure; castificus|acting chastely, pure; purifying; [~ lavacrum => baptism] (L+S); castigabilis|that deserves punishment; deserving of punishment/reprimand/chastising; castigate|chastely; strictly; briefly (L+S); restrainedly, within bounds; castigatio|punishment; reprimand, reproof; pruning (trees/etc.); tempering (speech) (L+S); castigator|corrector, reprover, chastiser; castigatorius|of nature of reproof; reproving, censuring (L+S); castigatus|tightly drawn, restrained, confined, compressed; small/slender; strict, severe; castigo|chastise/chasten, punish; correct, reprimand/dress down, castigate; neutralize; castimonia|chastity, abstinence, ceremonial purity/purification; morality, moral purity; castimonialis|pertaining to abstinence or continence/self-restraint; castimonium|abstinent practice; abstinence (sexual/from meat) for ritual; purity of morals; castitas|chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality; castitudo|chastity, fidelity; virginity; sexual/moral/ritual purity; integrity, morality; castor|beaver (Castor fiber); Castor|Castor; (twin to Pollux, brother to Helen); St Elmo's fire (pl.), corposant; castor|beaver (Castor fiber); castoreum|castor, aromatic secretion obtained from beaver used medicinally; castorinatus|clothed in beaver fur; castorinus|of/pertaining to beaver, beaver-; castra|camp, military camp/field; army; fort, fortress; war service; day's march; castramentor|pitch a camp; encamp; castrametor|pitch a camp; encamp; castratio|castration; emasculation; gelding; castrator|one who castrates/gelds, castrator; castratorius|of/for castration; castratura|castration, emasculation; pruning of plants; castratus|castrated; (applied to seeds of apple); bolted/sifted/selected (grain); castratus|eunuch, castrated man; castrens|high imperial court officer (Constantinople); soldier in camp; castrensianus|attendants (pl.) to Castrensis (Constantinople high imperial court officer); castrensiarius|purveyor for camp, suttler; castrensis|of/connected with camp or active military service; characteristic of soldiers; castrmetor|pitch a camp; set up/pitch camp; castro|castrate, emasculate/unman; spay (animal); dock (tail); diminish/impair/weaken; castrum|fort/fortress; camp (pl.), military camp/field; army; war service; day's march; castrum|castle, fortress; (fortified) town; [~ doloris => catafalque/coffin platform]; castula|kind of petticoat, garment worn by women; castum|festival/period of ceremonial/required abstinence/continence dedicated to a god; castus|pure, moral; chaste, virtuous, pious; sacred; spotless; free from/untouched by; castus|ceremonial state of abstinence; sexual abstinence on religious grounds; casu|by chance/accident; accidentally; casually; (ablative of casus); casualis|influenced by/dependent on chance, fortuitous; casual; casualis|relating to/depending on grammatical case; casualiter|relating to/declined with cases; accidentally, fortuitously; casula|little/small/humble cottage, hut; casula|vestment; (Cal); casurus|fall, overthrow; (Vulgate Acts 28:6); (calamity, plight; fate;) casus|fall, overthrow; chance/fortune; accident, emergency, calamity, plight; fate; casus|grammatical case; termination/ending (of words); cata|by; (in distributed sense); [cata mane mane => morning by morning]; catabasis|going down/decent; (name of a ceremonial at festival of Magna Mater); catabolensis|class of carriers who transport burdens by draft animals, kind of mule-skinners; catabulum|stable; menagerie; catacecaumenites|wine produced in Catacecaumene district in eastern Lydia; catachana|tree on which several different fruits have been grafted; catachanna|tree on which several different fruits have been grafted; catachresis|improper use of a word; (pure Latin abusio); cataclisticus|of/pertaining to state/special occasion/formal dress; cataclistus|kept for special occasions (clothes), Sunday best; [~ vestis => state dress]; cataclysmos|deluge, flood, inundation; (medical) washing diseased member, shower, douche; cataclysmus|deluge, flood, inundation; (medical) washing diseased member, shower, douche; catacumba|catacombs; catadromarius|one who rides down a catadromus (catwalk suspended on ropes), rope-dancer; catadromus|kind of catwalk suspended on ropes; (for a rope_dancer); catadupum|cataracts (pl.); (specifically Nile cataracts); cataegis|hurricane; violent wind storm; whirlwind; catafracta|coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier; catafractarius|wearing mail, armored; catafractarius|mail-clad/armored soldier; catafractatus|wearing/equipped with mail armor, armored; catafractes|coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier; catafractus|clad in mail armor; equiped with mail; armored; catafractus|soldier clad in mail armor; catagraphum|three-quarter face portrait; profile portraits (pl.), side views (L+S); catagraphus|painted, colored, depicted; figured (material); catagusa|name of a statue; (Ceres bring Prosperine to Pluto L+S); catalecticos|having incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable); catalecticus|having incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable); catalectus|having incomplete final foot (of meter); forming such a foot (of syllable); catalepsis|catalepsy, seizure, sudden attack of sickness; catalepticus|cataleptic; subject to seizures/sudden attacks of sickness; catalexis|loss of a syllable in a final metrical foot; catallum|chattel; catalogus|enumeration, list of names; catalog; catamenia|menstruation; catampo|kind of play/sport/game; catanance|kind of vetch used for love charms; cataphagas|glutton; gourmand; cataphasis|affirmation; cataphracta|coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier; cataphractarius|armored; wearing mail; cataphractarius|armored soldier, soldier clad in mail; cataphractes|coat of mail; chain mail clad soldier; cataphractus|armored; clad in mail; B:blinded; catapirateria|sounding-line/lead; catapirates|sounding-line; (gender contrary to rule OLD); cataplasma|poultice; plaster; cataplasmo|apply a poultice/plaster (to); cataplasmus|poultice; plaster; cataplectatio|consternation; terror (Vulgate Sirach 21:4); cataplexis|object of admiration; cataplus|action of putting/getting into port; ship/fleet that comes to land; catapotium|pill (medicine); (that which is swallowed); catapulta|catapult, an engine which shot large arrow/bolt/missile; missile itself (L+S); catapultarius|of/connected with/thrown by a catapult (engine which shot large arrows/bolts); cataracta|cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; cataractes|cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; cataractria|fictitious condiment/spice; (coined by Plautus L+S); catarhactes|cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; catarracta|cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; catarractes|cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; catarrhactes|cataract/rapid; waterfall; sluice, watergate; portcullis, drawbridge; sea bird; catarrhus|cold, catarrh, rheum, flu; flowing down, runny nose, flow of mucus with a cold; catasceua|constructive argument; confirmation of an assumption (L+S); catasceue|constructive argument; confirmation of an assumption (L+S); catascopiscus|light vessel for reconnoitering/spying/lookout; (navigium speculatorium); catascopium|light vessel for reconnoitering; catascopus|light vessel for reconnoitering; catasta|platform where slaves were exhibited for sale; (late) stage, scaffold; catasta|scaffold for burning martyrs/heretics/criminals; stage for delivering lectures; catastalticus|restraining, checking (medical); catastatice|plant; (pure Latin scelerata); catastema|position/situation/condition (of a star); catastropha|sensational act, coup de theatre; turning point of an action/catastrophe (L+S); catatexitechnus|that wastes his art; catatonus|low strung (referring to length of tightened skeins of a catapult); depressed; catax|lame; limping; cate|well, sagaciously, wisely, intelligently; clearly; slyly, craftily, artfully; catechesis|religious instruction; catechetical instruction/interrogation; catecheta|catechism teacher, catechist; catechisatio|questioning; catechizing; catechismus|catechism, book of elementary Christian instruction; catechisso|instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize; catechista|catechism teacher, catechist; catechista|catechist, religious teacher; catechisticus|of catechism; pertaining to elementary Christian instruction; catechiticus|catechetical, of catechism; pertaining to elementary Christian instruction; catechizo|instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize; catechumatus|catechumenate, time of instruction before baptism; catechumena|catechumen, one receiving elementary religious instruction before baptism; catechumenatus|catechumenate, time of instruction before baptism; catechumenus|catechumen, one receiving elementary religious instruction before baptism; catecizo|instruct in religion, teach by question and answer, catechize; categoria|accusation; predicament; category/class of predicables (logic); categoricus|relating to a category, categorical; cateia|kind of spear; (probably barbed); catela|curved missile weapon; boomerang?; catella|puppy (female), young/little bitch; lap dog; little/light/ornamental chain; catellus|little/small/young dog, puppy; (term of endearment); little/light chain; catena|chain; series; fetter, bond, restraint; imprisonment, captivity; (chain mail); catenarius|chained, on a chain, fastened on a chain (e.g., dog); of/pertaining to a chain; catenatio|connection, joining; band, clamp, clincher, pin (L+S); catenatus|chained, fettered; fixed/secured/attached by chain; arranged in a chain/series; cateno|chain/bind/tie/shackle together; secure with bonds/chains/fetters; catenula|little/small/light/ornamental chain; caterva|crowd/cluster; troop, company, band of men/followers/actors; flock/herd/swarm; catervarius|of/pertaining to/belonging to troop/company/band; in bands; catervatim|in troops/bands/large numbers; in (disordered) masses; in herds/flocks/swarms; catharmos|purification rites (pl.); title of poem by Empedocles; Cathartarium|Purgatory; catharticum|cathartic, purgative; means for purifying; purification; cathecuminus|catechumen, one receiving religious instruction; cathedra|armchair, easy chair (for women); cushioned seat/stool; sedan; cathedra|bishop's chair/throne/office; professor/teacher's chair/office, professorship; cathedralicius|of/pertaining to an arm/easy/cushioned/(woman's) chair; effeminate; cathedralis|of/pertaining to an bishop's see or cathedral; [~ Ecclesia => cathedral]; cathedrarius|fitted as/carrying a cathedra (arm/easy/sedan chair); having professor's chair; cathedraticum|bishop's tax, cathedraticum, annual tax paid to bishop; cathedratus|fitted with cushioned seats (as a cathedra - arm/easy/cushioned chair); catheter|catheter, instrument for drawing urine; catheterismus|application of a catheter, drawing urine, relieving pressure on bladder; cathetos|perpendicular; cathetus|perpendicular; cathetus|perpendicular line; catholice|universally; in Catholic way, according to Catholic rite (Def); catholicitas|catholicity, Catholic quality/character catholicum|general principle; universal truth; universe (pl.); general properties; catholicus|catholic; universal; (Roman) Catholic, orthodox; catholicus|Catholic, one baptized and fully in communion with Catholic Church; cathurnus|pride; haughtiness; majesty; catillamen|junket, curds and cream, cream pudding; sweet dish, sweetmeat; catillatio|licking the plate; greed; extortion; plundering of friendly provinces (L+S); catillo|lick plates; catillo|licker of plates, one who cleans his plate, glutton; edible fish (lupus?); catillum|bowl, dish; ornament on sword sheath (L+S); upper millstone; catillus|bowl, dish; ornament on sword sheath (L+S); upper millstone; catinulus|small bowl/dish/plate; catinum|large bowl/plate; main chamber in forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock; catinus|large bowl/plate; main chamber in forepump; smelting crucible; hollow in rock; catlaster|young man; boy, lad, stripling; catlitio|being in heat; desire to mate; catlutio|being in heat; desire to mate; Cato|Cato; (Roman cognomen); [M. Porcius Cato => Censor]; catoblepas|wild animal in Ethiopia; species of buffalo?/gnu? (L+S); catocha|complete stupor; catalepsy; catochitis|unknown precious stone (said to have an adhesive surface) (from Corsica L+S); catoecicus|assigned to military colonists; catomidio|lay one over shoulders of another and flog him; strike on shoulders; catomun|over shoulders (for flogging); catomus|shoulders; (for flogging); catonium|Lower World; catoptritis|unknown precious stone; (found in Cappadocia L+S); catorchites|fig (wine); [catorchites vinum => wine made of figs]; catta|edible species of bird; unknown species of animal (L+S); cattus|cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine; catula|young/small bitch; catularius|of dogs; [~ Porta => Roman gate where dogs were sacrificed]; catulaster|young man; boy, lad, stripling; catulina|dog meat/flesh; catulinus|of/belonging to (young) dogs; catulio|be in heat, desire to mate; (e.g., a bitch); catuloticus|good for heating over; catulus|young dog, puppy, whelp; dog (any age); young of any animal, pup/cub; fetter; catus|knowing, clever, shrewd, wise, prudent, circumspect; shrill/clear (sound); catus|cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine; male cat (L+S); caucalis|umbelliferous plant; caucula|small dish; cauculator|calculator, reckoner; cauculus|pebble; (bladder) stone; piece for reckoning/voting/game; calculation; caucus|drinking vessel; cruet (Ecc); cauda|tail (animal); extreme part/tail of anything; penis; train/edge/trail (garment); caudatarius|trainbearer; attendant who carries train (of sovereign/other); caudecus|wooden, made of wood; caudeus|wooden, made of wood; caudex|trunk of tree; piece/hunk of wood; blockhead; (bound) book; note/account book; caudica|kind of barge/lighter; dugout canoe (Cal); caudicalis|pertaining to/dealing with tree-trunks/logs; employment of log-splitting (L+S); caudicarius|kind of barge/lighter (w/navis); caudicarius|bargeman, lighterman; (esp. those who brought grain from Ostia to Rome (L+S)); cauitio|bail/pledge/security, undertaking, guarantee; caution/wariness; circumspection; caula|railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures; fold, sheepfold (Ecc); caulator|jester, banterer; quibbler, caviler, sophist, captious critic; cauletum|cabbage-garden; (Erasmus); caulias|thing taken/derived form stalk; (as opposed to rhizias - from root); cauliculatus|having/furnished with a stalk; cauliculus|stalk/stem (small); small cabbage, cabbage sprout; pillar like a stalk/shoot; cauliflorus|cauliflower-like; caulis|stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis; caulla|railing (pl.), lattice barrier; holes, pores, apertures; caulodes|stalk-like; [~ brassica => kind of cabbage with large leaves]; cauma|heat; caupo|shopkeeper, salesman, huckster; innkeeper, keeper of a tavern; caupona|landlady; (female) shopkeeper, innkeeper; inn, tavern, lodging-house; caupona|restaurant; cauponaria|female shopkeeper; female innkeeper (Erasmus); cauponarius|shopkeeper; cauponium|tavern; tavern/inn/shop furniture/fixtures (L+S); cauponius|of/belonging to shopkeeper/innkeeper/inn; [~ puer => shop/tavern boy, waiter]; cauponor|traffic/trade in, sell; cauponula|small/mean tavern/inn; caupulus|kind of light boat?; cauricrepus|blown through by north-west wind (Caurus); caurinus|of/belonging to north-west wind (Caurus); caurio|gurr; (natural sound of rutting panther); caurus|north-west wind; causa|for sake/purpose of (preceded by GEN.), on account/behalf of, with a view to; causa|cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom; causa|occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso/stipulation; causa|thing(s); [sine causa => in vain (Vulgate)]; causabundus|blaming, censuring, accusing, reproaching, condemning; finding fault with; causalis|pertaining to a cause, causal; causalitas|causality; causaliter|causally; causarie|on account of sickness; [causarie missus est => invalided out of army]; causarius|sick, ill, diseased, unhealthy; [misso ~ => army discharge on health grounds]; causarius|soldier discharged from army on health/other grounds, invalid; the_sick (pl.); causate|with good reason; with better reason; with best reasons?; causatio|plea, excuse; disease (L+S); pretext; apology; causativus|causative; pertaining to matter in dispute, gist of matter/action/suit; causativus|accusative (case) (w/causus); first (person) (w/persona); causea|Macedonian type of hat; (white sun hat worn by Roman poor L+S); shelter; causidica|office of an advocate/lawyer; causidicalis|suggestive of/resembling that of law-courts; of/pertaining to an advocate; causidicatio|pleading of a case; speech of an advocate/lawyer/barrister; causidicatus|forensic oratory, pleading/speech of a lawyer; causidicus|advocate, barrister; pleader of causes; causificor|allege/offer a reason, put forward a pretext; pretend; causimus|used for burning; causo|cause; causodes|characterized by high temperature; burning; causor|allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action; caussa|for the sake/purpose of (preceded by GEN), on account/behalf of, with view to; caussa|cause/reason/motive; origin, source, derivation; responsibility/blame; symptom; caussa|occasion, subject; plea, position; lawsuit, case, trial; proviso/stipulation; caussidicus|advocate, barrister; pleader of causes; caussor|allege an excuse/reason, object; excuse oneself; plead a cause, bring action; caustice|caustic plant; (pure Latin scelerata); causticum|caustic/blistering preparation/medicament; causticus|caustic, corrosive, burning; [~ spuma => lye with which Germans colored hair]; causula|speech/case of a party in a petty lawsuit; petty ground/occasion for action; caute|cautiously; with security/precautions, without risk; circumspectly, carefully; cautela|caution, precaution, care, carefulness; security, surety; cauter|branding iron; wound produced by burning, brand; cauterio|burn/mark with a branding iron, brand; cauterium|cauterizing/branding iron, cautery; (used in encaustic/burning-in painting); cauterizo|cauterize, burn with a hot iron; mark with a branding iron, brand; cauteroma|brand, mark produced by a hot iron; cautes|rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef; cautim|cautiously, warily; prudently, with security; cautio|bail/pledge/security, undertaking, guarantee; caution/wariness; circumspection; cautio|taking of precautions/care; precaution; stipulation, proviso, exception; cautionalis|relation to a legal cautio (security, bond, guarantee, pledge); cautione|cautiously, warily; prudently, with caution/security; cautis|rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef; cauto|cautiously; with security/precautions, without risk; circumspectly, carefully; cautor|one who takes precautions/who is wary/on guard; one who stands bail/surety; cautroma|brand, mark produced by a hot iron; cautulus|rather safe; cautum|provisions (pl.) (of a law); concern (Ecc); cautus|cautious/careful; circumspect, prudent; wary, on guard; safe/secure; made safe; cava|hollow; cage (Ecc); cavaedium|inner court of a Roman house; (avus aedium); cavamen|cavern, hollow; hollowing out; cavannus|nightowl; cavaticus|of/belonging to/born in/living in caves; cavatio|hollow shape, cavity; cavern, hollow; cavator|excavator, one who hollows/digs out; cavatura|cavity, hollow; cavatus|hollow, hollow in form; hollowed out, excavated; forming a cave; cavea|hollow/cavity; roof (mouth); (eye) socket; auditorium/theater; seats/audience; cavea|cage/coop/stall/beehive/bird-cage; fence, enclosure; basket/crate; cavealis|kept in a cave/cellar; caveatus|shut in, caged. cooped up; arranged like seats in a theater; cavefacio|take precautions/defensive action, beware, avoid; give/get surety; stipulate; cavefio|be avoided; be stipulated; (cavefacio PASS); caveo|beware, avoid, take precautions/defensive action; give/get surety; stipulate; caverna|hollow/grotto/cavern/cave/crevice/hole; burrow/den; cavity (tooth); hold (ship); caverna|aperture; orifice (body); interior (Trojan horse); celestial sphere; "depths"; cavernatim|through caverns; caverno|make hollow; cavernosus|having hollows or depressions; full of cavities/holes; cavernula|small hollow/cavity; cavia|excrementary canal of animals; intestines; caviaris|of/using intestines; [caviares hostiae => sacrifice victims]; caviarum|caviar; cavilla|jesting, banter, raillery, scoffing; cavillabundus|seeking for jesting/raillery/scoffing; cavillatio|raillery/banter/badinage, jeering/scoffing; sophistry, quibbling, captiousness; cavillator|jester, banterer; quibbler, caviler, sophist, captious critic; cavillatrix|quibbler (female), captious critic, sophist; sophistry; cavillatus|raillery; banter, good-natured ridicule; cavillor|jest, banter; make fun of, satirize, mock; use sophistry, quibble, cavil (at); cavillosus|full of raillery/irony; cavillum|jesting, banter, raillery, scoffing; cavillus|jesting, banter; cavo|hollow out, make concave/hollow; excavate; cut/pierce through; carve in relief; cavositas|hollow, cavity, hole; cavum|hole, cavity, depression, pit, opening; cave, burrow; enclosed space; aperture; cavus|hollow, excavated, hollowed out; concave; (of waning moon); enveloping; porous; cavus|sunken; deep, having deep channel; tubular; having cavity inside (concealing); cavus|hole, cavity, depression, pit, opening; cave, burrow; enclosed space; aperture; cedens|unresisting/deferring/conceding/surrendering/withdrawing; yielding to touch; cedenter|by yielding; cedo|give/bring here!/hand over, come (now/here); tell/show us, out with it! behold! cedo|go/pass (from/away); withdraw/retire/leave; step aside/make way; take place of; cedo|grant, concede, yield, submit; fall back/to; happen/result; start (period); cedrelate|Syrian cedar (Juniperus excelia); cedreus|of cedar, cedar-; obtained from cedar; cedria|gum/resin of Syrian cedar (Juniperus excelia), cedar resin/pitch/tar; cedrinus|of cedar/cedar-wood, cedar-; obtained from cedar; cedris|cone of cedar tree; kind of juniper?; fruit/berry of cedar/juniper (L+S); cedris|cone of cedar tree; kind of juniper?; fruit/berry of cedar/juniper (L+S); cedrium|oil/wood-tar/pitch/resin obtained from cedar tree; oil of cedar; cedrostis|Bryony (plant); white vine (L+S); cedrus|cedar/juniper; cedar wood; cedar-oil/tar (used as preservative/medicine); celamentum|secret; concealment; celandum|privy parts (pl.), privates; celate|secretly; privately; celatim|secretly; privately; celator|one who conceals/keeps secrets; concealer/hider; celatum|secret; celatura|canopy over altar; celeber|famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious; celeber|oft repeated, frequent; busy, crowded, much used/frequented, populous; festive; celeberrime|most/very frequently; celebrabilis|commendable; celebrans|celebrant, officiating minister; celebratio|celebrating a festival/mass; throng/crowd, audience/gathering; common use/vogue; celebrator|one who celebrates/extols; celebratus|crowded, much frequented, festive; current, popular; celebrated/distinguished; celebresco|become famous/renowned/celebrated; celebris|famous, celebrated, renowned; honored, distinguished; famed; notorious; celebris|oft repeated, frequent; busy, crowded, much used/frequented, populous; festive; celebritas|crowded conditions, crowding, multitude; fame, renown, reputation; frequency; celebritas|celebration; feast; celebriter|solemnly; ceremonially; celebro|celebrate/perform; frequent; honor/glorify; publicize/advertise; discuss/bandy; Celer|knights (pl.) (old name/precursor of equestrian order); Roman kings' bodyguard; celer|swift, quick, agile, rapid, speedy, fast; rash, hasty, hurried; lively; early; celeranter|quickly, rapidly, speedily; with speed; in haste; celeratim|quickly, rapidly, speedily; celere|quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at an early moment; in a short period; celeripes|swift-footed; swift of foot; celeritas|speed, quickness, rapidity; speed of action, dispatch; haste; early date; celeriter|quickly/rapidly/speedily; hastily; soon/at once/early moment; in short period; celeritudo|speed; swiftness; celeriuscule|rather rapidly; somewhat quickly; celero|quicken/accelerate; make haste, act quickly/be quick; hasten, hurry, do quickly; celes|small/fast boat, yacht; (statue of) a race horse; celeste|supernatural matter; the heavenly bodies; astronomy; celestis|heavenly, of the heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the Gods; celestis|divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the Gods; celetizon|riders on horse-back; (statue by that name); celeuma|call of bosun giving time to rowers; song. shout (Ecc); celeuma|call of bosun giving time to rowers; song, shout (Ecc); celeusma|call of bosun giving time to rowers; song. shout (Ecc); celeusma|call of bosun giving time to rowers; song, shout (Ecc); celia|kind of beer (made in Spain); cella|storeroom, (wine) cellar, larder; temple chamber, sanctuary; room, garret; pen; cella|cell; monastery; cellararia|female cellar-keeper?; (feminine of cellerarius); cellariarius|relating to/connected with a store-room; cellariarius|steward, butler, cellarer; keeper of a larder/cellar; storekeeper; cellariensis|relating to/connected with a store-room; cellariolum|little room; cellaris|relating to/connected with a store-room; kept in cage/cote/pen; (pigeons/etc.); cellarium|store-room; larder; cellar; cellarius|relating to/connected with a store-room; cellarius|steward, butler, cellarer; keeper of a larder/cellar/storeroom; storekeeper; cellatio|series of store-rooms; celleraria|female cellarer/store-keeper; (monastic); celleraria|office of cellarer/store(s)-keeper; cellerarissa|female cellarer/store-keeper; (monastic); cellerarius|steward, butler, cellarer; keeper of a larder/cellar/storeroom; storekeeper; cellerissa|female cellarer/store-keeper; (monastic); cellerius|keeper of a larder/cellar; steward, butler, cellarer; storekeeper; cellola|small/slave's room; humble apartment/dwelling; porter's lodge; whore's cubicle; cellula|small/slave's room; lowly apartment/dwelling/hut; porter's lodge; whore's crib; cellula|cell (monk); monastery/daughter house (monastic); case for banner; chapel; cellula|cell (biological); chamber of brain; ovary; cellulanus|hermit; recluse; cellularis|cellular; cellulosa|cellulose; celo|conceal, hide, keep secret; disguise; keep in dark/in ignorance; shield; celo|stallion; celocla|small boat; celocula|small boat; celox|fast, rapid, swift, fleet; (classical mostly applied to boats); celox|cutter, yacht, light/fast boat; packet boat; celse|high; higher, to a greater height; most proudly/prominently/lofty; celsitudo|height, tallness; lofty carriage of body (L+S); (late Latin) Your Highness; celsus|high, lofty, tall; haughty; arrogant/proud; prominent, elevated; erect; noble; celthis|African species of lotus; celtis|African species of lotus; celtis|chisel; tool; Celtus|Celts; (inhabitants of central Gaul); celula|cell; monastery; celum|chisel; engraving tool; burin; celuma|call of bo'sun giving time to rowers; song, shout (Ecc); cementarius|worker in concrete; stone cutter, mason, builder of walls (L+S); cementerium|cemetery; cementicium|concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); unhewn/quarried stone (L+S); cementicius|of concrete (undressed stones/rubble, lime and sand); of unhewn stones (L+S); cementum|small stones, rubble (for concrete); quarry stones (for walls) (L+S); chips; cemos|unidentified plant; cena|dinner/supper, principal Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner; Cenabum|Cenabum; town in Gaul; Orleans; cenacularia|business of renting attic lodgings; leasing of attic; cenacularius|of/pertaining to a garret/attic; cenacularius|lodging-house keeper; tenant of an attic/garret (L+S); cenaculatus|with garrets (house); cenaculum|attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story; cenalis|of/pertaining to (a) dinner; cenaticum|money given to soldiers instead of food, subsistence allowance; cenaticus|of/pertaining to (a) dinner; cenatio|dining-room; dining hall; cenatiuncula|small dining-room; cenator|diner; dinner guest; cenatorium|dining room, hall; evening dress, dinner wear (pl.); cenatorius|of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or the table; cenaturio|desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner; cenatus|having dined/eaten; supplied with dinner; cenchris|species of hawk; (probably kestrel); cenchris|kind of snake; cenchritis|precious stone; cenchros|small diamond; cenito|dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often); ceno|dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of; cenobium|monastery; cenodoxia|vainglory; cenotaphium|cenotaph, empty tomb/monument to one whose body is elsewhere; (tumulus inanis); censeo|think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess; censeo|think/suppose, judge; recommend; decree, vote, determine; count/reckon; assess; censio|assessing/rating of a census; punishment by a censor; recommendation/decision; censitio|declaration of will, command; tax, taxing, taxation, tribute; censitor|registrar/taxation official in a Roman province/presiding over rating citizens; censitus|registered; assessed. rated, estimated; judged; taxed; (VPAR censeo); censor|censor, magistrate for registration/census; censurer, critic (behavior/books); censoreus|censorious; critical (JFW); censorius|of/belonging to/dealt with by/having been a censor, censorial; austere, moral; censualis|those who make out censor's lists/rolls; censor's lists/rolls; censualis|of/connected with census of citizens; censum|estimate of property value by census/censor; ones property/wealth/fortune; censura|office/conduct/power of censor, censorship; appraisal, oversight, control; censura|blame, censure; ecclesiastical punishment; censuratus|censured, under censure; census|registered; assessed. rated, estimated; judged; taxed; (VPAR censeo); census|census/registration/roll (5 yr.); wealth/property; estate valuation/appraisal; centaureum|centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron); centauria|centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron); centaurion|centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron); centauris|species of centaury (herb); (properties discovered by centaur Chiron); centaurium|centaury (herb); (of medicinal properties discovered by centaur Chiron); centaurus|centaur, a mythical creature, half man and half horse; name of constellation; centena|dignity in imperial court; centenarium|hundred (Roman) pounds weight, hundredweight; centenarius|containing/consisting of/numbering/having/costing hundred; hundred; hundredfold; centenionalis|small coin; (with nummus); centensim|one hundredth; (part/in series); centensimo|take out every hundredth (for punishment), centesimate; centensum|one hundredth; (part/in series); centenum|species of very productive wheat (of a hundred grains); centenus|hundred; centesima|hundredth part; one percent; (of interest, usu. 1% per month); cent; centesimalis|of a cent; centiceps|hundred-headed, having a hundred heads; centifidus|divided into a hundred parts; divided into a great many parts; centifolius|having hundred petals/leaves; (rose); centigrammum|centigram; centigranius|species of very productive wheat (of a hundred grains); centimalis|surgical instrument (w/fistula), trocar (perforator for drawing fluid/abscess); centimanus|hundred-handed; centimeter|one who employs a hundred/very many meters (poetic); centimetrum|centimeter; centinodius|with a hundred knots; [~ herba => unknown plant]; centipeda|centipede; centipellio|third stomach of a ruminant, psalterium, iomasum, manyplies; centipes|hundred-footed; (e.g., like a centipede); centipes|centipede; centiplex|hundredfold; centiplicato|at one hundred times the price; cento|patchwork quilt, blanket or curtain made of old garments sewn together; rags; centoculus|hundred-eyed; (e.g., Argus); with a multitude of eyes; centonarius|of/pertaining to patchwork/rags; centonarius|fireman using mats to extinguish fires; (late) maker of patchwork, rag dealer; centralis|central; centrally located; in middle/center; centralizatio|centralization; centralizatorius|centralizing; centralizo|centralize; centratus|central; in middle/center; centricus|central; centrifugatrum|centrifuge; centrifugus|centrifugal; centrina|kind of wasp or beetle (usu. pl.); centripetus|centripetal; centrosus|characterized by knots/like flaws; at central point, inward, internal (L+S); centrum|center (circle/sphere/earth); vanishing point; axis, pivot; knot; spur (fowl); centum|one hundred; centumgeminus|hundredfold; hundred-handed (Briareus); hundred-gated (Thebes); centumpeda|hundred-footed; (e.g., a centipede); centumplex|hundredfold; centumpondium|weight of one hundred pounds; centumvir|panel of (about 100) judges chosen annually to decide civil suits (pl.); centumviralis|of/belonging to/pertaining to centumviri (civil court of 100)/its jurisdiction; centunculus|plant of doubtful identity; (knotweed L+S); centunculus|patchwork blanket/cloth/drape; multicolored saddle cloth (L+S); small patch; centupeda|centipede; centuplex|hundredfold; centuplicato|at one hundred times the price; centuplicatum|hundredfold (pl.); centuple; centuplicatus|increased a hundredfold; centupled; centuplico|increase a hundredfold; centuplum|hundredfold; centuple; centuplus|hundredfold; centuple; centupondium|weight of one hundred pounds; centuria|century, company of 60-100 men in legion; voting unit; land unit (200 jugera); centurialis|of/belonging to given centuria for voting; boundary marker of land centuria; centuriatim|by centuries; (citizens for voting/soldiers in companies); centuriatio|division of land into centuriae (about 100 acre plots); centuriato|by centuries; (citizens for voting/soldiers in companies); centuriatus|voting in centuriae; divided into centuriae; [comitia ~ => Roman assembly]; centuriatus|office of centurion; division into centuriae (land/voting); centurio|arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae; centurio|centurion, captain/commander of a century/company; centurionatus|office of centurion; revision of list of centurions; election of centurion; centurionatus|division into centuriae (land/voting); centurionicus|in capacity of a centurion; centurionus|centurion, captain of a century; centussis|sum of 100 asses, a hundred; cenula|little dinner, supper; cenum|mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth; cepa|onion (Allium capa); (used as term of abuse); cepaea|herb (unidentified); plant like portulacca, portulacca-leaved sedum (L+S); ceparius|grower of onions; trader in onions (L+S); cepaticus|resembling an onion; cepe|onion (Allium capa); cepetum|onion bed; cephalaea|persistent/lasting headache; cephalaeota|collector of capitation/poll tax; cephalaeum|head-portions/parts; cephalalgia|headache; cephalalgicus|sick with a headache; cephalargia|headache; cephalargicus|sick with a headache; cephalicus|for the head, of/relating to head, head-; cephalicus|musical note in Gregorian chant; cephalo|palm tree; cephalotos|having a head; Cephas|rock (Aramaic), surname of Simon Peter; cephen|drones (pl.) (in a swarm/hive of bees); cephus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; cepina|onion bed/field; cepitis|kind of veined gem; cepolartitis|kind of veined gem; cepolendrum|imaginary condiment; ceponis|precious stone (unknown); ceposus|abounding in onions; full of onions; cepotafiolum|small garden tomb; cepotafium|garden tomb; cepotafius|garden tomb; cepotaphiolum|small garden tomb; cepotaphium|garden tomb; cepotaphius|garden tomb; ceps|-headed; -fold; -part (only w/NUM/PREP prefix); occupying X place in series; cepulla|onion bed/field; cepuricus|pertaining to gardening; cera|wax, beeswax; honeycomb; wax-covered writing tablet, letter; wax image/seal; cerachates|beeswax-colored agate, wax-agate; cerais|wild radish; ceramitis|kind of gem; ceraria|woman who makes wax lights?; cerarium|charge/tax for sealing/affixing wax seal to documents, wax-money/('stamp tax'); cerarius|of/concerned with (wax-covered) writing tablets; of a worker in wax; cerarius|dealer in wax; writer on tablets (wax-covered); ceras|kind of wild parsnip; [Hesperion ~ => mountain on west coast of Lybia]; cerasinus|cherry-colored; cerasium|cherry; cherry tree; cerastes|horned snake (Cerastes cornulus); insect parasitic on figs; horned men of Crete; cerasum|cherry-tree/bark/wood; cherry; cerasus|cherry-tree/bark/wood; cherry; ceratia|plant (unidentified); plant with a single leaf (L+S); ceratias|horn-shaped comet; ceratina|horn fallacy; (you have not lost your horns, therefore you have horns); ceratitis|horned poppy (Glaucium flavum); ceratium|carob tree; ceratium|Greek weight corresponding to Latin siliqua/2 calculi; ceratoides|horn-like; (of outer coat of eye/sclerotic/white); ceratorium|ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate; ceratum|ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate; ceratura|coating with wax; smearing over/covering with wax; ceratus|waxed, wax, of wax, wax colored; coated/fastened/caulked with wax; pliant, soft; ceraules|horn-blower; ceraunium|precious stone; onyx?; meteoric stone?; ceraunius|connected with thunderbolts/thunder/lightning; (varieties of plant/minerals); ceraunus|precious stone; onyx?; (meteoric stone?); Cerbereus|of/connected with Cerberus; (three-headed dog guarding entrance to underworld); Cerberos|Cerberus; (three-headed dog guarding entrance to underworld); Cerberus|Cerberus; (three-headed dog guarding entrance to underworld); cerceris|aquatic bird (unidentified); cercholopis|monkey having a tuft of hair at end of its tail; cercis|radius (arm bone); cercitis|variety of olive; species of olive tree; cercius|wind between north and west; WNW wind (L+S); (in Gallia Narbonensis); cercolopis|monkey having a tuft of hair at end of its tail; cercopithecon|long-tailed monkey; (sacred to Egyptians L+S); cercopithecus|long-tailed monkey; (sacred to Egyptians L+S); cercops|long-tailed monkey; money-grubber; inhabitants of Pithecusae changed to monkeys; cercurus|fast light vessel; sea fish found among rocks; cercyrus|fast light vessel; sea fish found among rocks; cerdo|artisan; craftsman; cobbler (L+S); proper name especially of slaves; cerea|beverage made from grain; (beer?); Spanish drink from grain (L+S); Cereale|festival of Ceres (pl.); Cerealis|of/associated with Ceres, suitable for festival of Ceres; of wheat; cerebellare|brain-covering; head-covering; cerebellum|brain; seat of senses/intellect; little brain (L+S); cerebralis|cerebral; cerebrosus|liable to be affected with passion; enraged/hot-headed/passionate; hare-brained; cerebrum|brain; top of the head, skull; bud; seat of senses/intelligence; anger/wrath; ceremonia|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; ceremonial|ceremonial, directory/set/series of ceremonies/rituals/rites; ceremonialis|ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; ceremonior|treat with due ceremony; worship; ceremoniosus|pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; ceremonium|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; cereolus|wax-colored; Ceres|Ceres (goddess of grain/fruits); wheat; bread; food; cereus|waxed, waxen, of/like wax; wax colored/pale yellow; pliant/soft; easily moved; cereus|wax light, taper, candle; cerevisia|kind of beer; ceria|beverage made from grain; (beer?); Spanish drink from grain (L+S); ceriaria|female worker (of unknown function); cerifico|make wax; spawn (of purple-fish) (make wax/prepare slimy nest for eggs); cerimonia|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; cerimonial|ceremonial, directory/set/series of ceremonies/rituals/rites; cerimonialis|ceremonial; pertaining to a religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; cerimonior|treat with due ceremony; worship; cerimoniosus|pertaining/devoted to religious/sacred rite/ritual/usage; cerimonium|ceremony; sacred rite/ritual/usage; holy dread, reverence, worship; sanctity; cerineus|made of wax; cerintha|honeywort plant; (genus Cerinthe); wax-flower, plant bees are fond of (L+S); cerinthe|honeywort plant; (genus Cerinthe); wax-flower, plant bees are fond of (L+S); cerinthus|bee-bread, pollen; (also called erithace or sandaraca); cerinum|wax-colored/pale yellow garment (pl.); cerinus|wax-colored; ceriolare|taper-holder; ceriolarium|taper-holder; ceriolarius|maker/seller of tapers; ceritis|precious stone; wax-stone (L+S); cerium|cyst/growth characterized by honeycomb pattern; bad swelling/ulcer (L+S); cernentia|sight, seeing; cerno|sift, separate, distinguish, discern, resolve, determine; see; examine; decide; cernophorus|bearer of cernus (vessel for holding offerings); cernulo|throw headlong; throw down (L+S); cernulus|head foremost; turning a somersault (L+S); cernuo|fall headfirst; dive; turn a somersault; cernuus|head foremost; falling headlong; face down, inclined/stooping/bowing forwards; cernuus|kind of shoe; tumbler (L+S); mountebank; cero|smear/coat with wax; ceroferarium|candlestick; ceroferarius|torchbearer; waxlight/taper/candle bearer/attendant at Christian worship; ceroma|layer of mud put down for wrestling; the_ring; wrestler; wax ointment (L+S); ceromaticus|smeared with ceroma (mud put down for wrestling-ring); (wax ointment L+S); ceromatita|wax-anointer; one who anoints with wax salve; ceronia|St John's bread (carob-tree pods), husks eaten by prodigal and John the Baptist; cerosus|containing wax; full of wax; cerotum|ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate; ceroturium|ointment made with oil and wax, wax-salve, wax-plaster, cerate; cerreus|of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris); cerrinus|of Turkey oak (Quercus cerris); cerritulus|somewhat mad/demented; cerritus|possessed by Ceres; frantic, frenzied; mad, demented; cerro|term of opprobrium/disgrace/reproach; buffoon?; cerrus|Turkey oak (Quercus cerris), mossy-cup oak of southern Europe (OED); certabundus|disputing, contending; certamen|contest, competition; battle, combat, struggle; rivalry; (matter in) dispute; certatim|with rivalry, in competition; earnestly, eagerly (L+S); certatio|striving; contest; struggling for superiority/mastery; (fight/sports/legal); certative|combatively; in order to stir up strife; certator|disputant, one who argues; competitor; certatus|struggle, contention; fight; certe|surely, certainly, without doubt, really; at least/any rate, in all events; certificatio|certification; certificatus|certificated, certified; registered; certifico|certify; register certim|surely, certainly, without doubt, really; certioro|inform, show, apprise; certisco|become more certain/sure/determined?; certitudo|certainty, certitude; assurance (Bee); truth; certo|vie (with), contest, contend/struggle (at law/politics), dispute; fight, strive; certo|certainly, definitely, really, for certain/a fact, truly; surely, firmly; certor|compete (in a contest), contend/struggle (at law/politics), strive; certum|that which is fixed/regular/definite/specified/certain/fact/reliable/settled; certus|fixed, settled, firm; certain; trusty/reliable; sure; resolved, determined; ceruchus|braces (pl.) (supporting yard-arms), ropes fastened to sail-yards; cerula|small piece of wax; red crayon (w/miniata); candlestick, stand for wax tapers; cerussa|carbonate of lead; white lead, ceruse; (for paint/cosmetics/medicine/poison); cerussatus|painted/colored white/with white lead; made white with lead; cerva|doe, hind; deer; cervarius|of/pertaining to/connected with deer; [lupus ~ => lynx, wolverine?]; cervesa|beer; kind of beer; cervesarius|brewer (of beer); cervesia|beer; kind of beer; cervical|pillow, cushion; cervicale|pillow, cushion; cervicatas|obstinacy, stubbornness; cervicatus|stiff-necked, obstinate, stubborn; cervicosus|stiff-necked, obstinate, stubborn; cervicula|neck (men/animals); neck of object (e.g., of air container in water organ); cervina|deer meat, venison; cervinus|of/pertaining to deer/stag; [~ senectus => longevity/great age]; cerviscus|name of a variety of pear; cervisia|kind of beer; cervisiaria|brasserie; restaurant; cervisiarius|beer-; made from/of beer; (Erasmus); cervisiola|light beer; cervix|neck (sg/pl.), nape; severed neck/head; cervix, neck (bladder/uterus/jar/land); cervos|stag/deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry); cervula|little hind/doe; cervulus|little chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry); cervus|stag/deer; forked branches; chevaux-de-frise (spiked barricade against cavalry); ceryceum|herald's staff, caduceus; cerycium|herald's staff, caduceus; ceryx|herald; cespes|grassy ground, grass; earth; sod, turf; altar/rampart/mound of sod/turf/earth; cespito|stumble; cessatio|relaxation/rest/respite; period of disuse, inactivity; idleness, neglect; delay; cessator|idler, sluggard; dilatory person (L+S); cessatrix|idler (female), loiterer; cessicius|made/appointed by cessio (surrendering/conceding in law); of giving up/ceding; cessim|as to give way/lose ground; bending/turning in; (turned) backwards; obliquely; cessio|surrendering/conceding (in law); running (of period of time); cessitius|made/appointed by cessio (surrendering/conceding in law); of giving up/ceding; cesso|be remiss/inactive; hold back, leave off, delay, cease from; rest; be free of; cessum|advance, part of payment that has been made; cessus|backward or yielding movement; cesticillus|small ring/hoop placed on head to support burden; cestos|band supporting breasts (esp. girdle of Venus); girdle/belt/girth/strap; cestros|plant identified with vettonica; (betony?); cestros|pointed tool used in encaustic (wax) painting; graving tool (L+S); cestrosphendone|catapult for discharging bolts; cestrotus|engraved; cestus|boxing-glove, strip of leather weighted with lead/iron tied to boxer's hands; cetaria|fish-pond; cetarium|fish-pond; cetarius|of/pertaining to fish; cetarius|fisherman; fishmonger; cetera|for the rest, otherwise; in other respects; cetero|for the rest(new details/theme), otherwise; in other respects; at other times; ceteroqui|in other respects, otherwise; ceteroquin|in other respects, otherwise; ceterum|moreover; but yet; still, for the rest, but, besides; in other respects; ceterus|the_other; the_others (pl.). the_remaining/rest, all the_rest; cetionis|precious stone; cetos|whale; porpoise; dolphin; its flesh; sea monster (offered Andromeda); cetosus|of/pertaining to sea-fishes; cetra|caetra (small light shield); cette|give/bring here!/hand over, come (now/here); tell/show us, out with it! behold! cetus|whale; porpoise; dolphin; its flesh; sea monster (offered Andromeda); ceu|as, in the same way/just as; for example, like; (just) as if; as (if) it were; ceua|small breed of cow; ceva|small breed of cow; ceveo|move haunches in a lewd or effeminate manner, practice such behavior; fawn; ceyx|sea bird (tern?); son of Lucifer/husband of Alcyone; male kingfisher (L+S); chaere|welcome; hail (L+S); chaerephyllum|chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium); chaerepolum|chervil (Anthiscus cerefolium); chalasticamen|alleviating remedy; chalasticus|of/pertaining to alleviating/soothing; chalatorius|of/pertaining to loosing/letting down; chalazias|precious stone (unidentified); (of form and color of hail); chalazion|wart/tubercle on eyelid; sty; chalazius|resembling a hailstone (name of a precious stone); of/pertaining to hail (L+S); chalazophylax|hail-guard (official at Cleonae whose duty it was to avert hail by sacrifice); chalazosis|attack of warts or pimples; (acne?); chalbanum|resinous sap of an umbelliferous plant in Syria, galbanum; chalcanthon|copperas-water, cobbler's blackening (for shoe leather); (Atramentum sutorium); chalcanthum|copperas-water, cobbler's blackening (for shoe leather); (Atramentum sutorium); chalcas|plant (chrysanthemum family?); (buphthalmus?); chalcaspis|having/with a brazen shield; chalcaspis|soldier with a brazen shield; chalcedonius|chalcedony; (stone of third foundation of New Jerusalem in Revelations 21:19); chalceos|prickly plant resembling thistle; chalcetum|plant (unidentified); (medicinal); chalceum|brazen/brass things (pl.); chalceus|brazen, of brass; chalcidice|kind of lizard or snake; chalcidicum|kind of portico or porch; (from Chalcis); chalcis|kind of fish (sardine?/herring-like?); kind of lizard/snake; (w/copper spots); Chalcis|Chalcis; (several towns in Greece/elsewhere, esp. chief city of Euboea); chalcites|copper pyrites; precious stone (of copper color L+S); copper stone/ore (L+S); chalcitis|copper pyrites; precious stone (of copper color L+S); copper stone/ore (L+S); chalcographia|engraving on copper; chalcographus|engraver (on copper); printer (Erasmus); chalcophonos|precious stone; (ringing like brass L+S); chalcophthongos|precious stone; (ringing like brass L+S); chalcosmaragdus|precious stone; emerald with veins of brass (malachite?) (L+S); chalcus|copper coin (of small value, one tenth obol, one 60th or 40th of a drachma); Chaldaeus|Chaldaen, of/concerning Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers; Chaldaeus|Chaldaen, people of south Assyria; their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers; Chaldaicus|Chaldaen, of/concerning Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers; Chaldeus|Chaldaen, of/concerning Chaldaens; of their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers; Chaldeus|Chaldaen, people of south Assyria; their soothsayers/astrologers/astronomers; chalo|let down, allow to hang free; loosen; chalybeius|of/consisting of iron(/steel); chalybs|iron/steel; iron weapons/implements; sword (L+S); horse bit; arrow point; rail; chama|bivalve shellfish, clam; cockle (L+S); chama|lynx; (undeclined OLD); chamaeacte|dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus); danewort (L+S); chamaecerasus|dwarf cheery tree (Prunus prostrata); chamaecissos|ground ivy (Glecoma hederacea); kind of cyclamen; chamaecyparissos|plant, lavender cotton? (Santolina chamaecyparissus); chamaedaphne|periwinkle? (Vinca herbacea); butcher's broom? (Ruscus racemosus); dwarf laurel; chamaedracon|kind of African serpent; ground serpent; chamaedrops|dwarf palm? (Chamaerops humilis); germander? (Teucrium chamaedrys) (medicine); chamaedrys|germander; (plant Teucrium chamaedrys); (medical); (pure Latin trixago L+S); chamaeleon|thistles; carline (Cardopatium corymbosum)/pine-thistle (Atractylis gummifera); chamaeleon|chameleon; (M/F OLD); lizard (Ecc); chamaeleon|thistles; carline (Cardopatium corymbosum)/pine-thistle (Atractylis gummifera); chamaeleon|chameleon; (M/F OLD); lizard (Ecc); chamaeleuce|coltsfoot; (Tussilago farfara); chamaemelinus|of/pertaining to chamomile; chamaemelon|plant (chamomile?); chamaemelygos|plant; (also called verbenaca); chamaemilla|chamomile; chamaemyrsine|butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus); dwarf myrtle (L+S); chamaepeuce|plant (unidentified); ground larch (L+S); chamaepitys|plant (genus Ajuga); hypericum/St John's wort; groundpine (abortifacient) (L+S); chamaeplatanus|plane tree kept small by pruning, pollard plane; dwarf platane (L+S); chamaerops|dwarf palm? (Chamaerops humilis); germander? (Teucrium chamaedrys) (medicine); chamaesyce|kind of spurge (Euphorbia chamaesyce?); plant, wolf's-milk, ground fig (L+S); chamaetortus|twisted to ground; that creeps on ground (L+S); chamaezelon|plant, cinquefoil; gnaphalium, an unidentified plant; chamedyosmos|rosemary; (pure Latin ros marinus); chamelaea|dwarf olive (Daphne oleoides); shrub (thymelaea, Daphne gnidium?); chamelea|dwarf olive (Daphne oleoides); shrub (thymelaea, Daphne gnidium?); chameunia|couch on earth; chamomilla|camomile; chamulcus|kind of machine; Chanaan|Canaan/Palestine; Chanan|Canaan/Palestine; Chananea|Canaan, Palestine; Chananeus|of/from Canaan/Palestine; chancellarius|porter, doorkeeper; secretary; chancellor (ecclesiastical); diocesan official; chane|sea-perch (Serranus cabrilla?); (Perca cabrilla L+S); chanius|name of a foot of three long syllables (_ _ _) (w/pes); channe|sea-perch (Serranus cabrilla?); (Perca cabrilla L+S); Chaos|Chaos, pit of Hell, underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter; chara|edible root, mixed with milk/forms loaf to stave off hunger (Caesar CW III); characatus|staked, propped up; provided with stakes; characias|reed for props/stakes; kind of spurge (wood spurge?); plant, wolf's-milk; characites|plant, wolf's-milk; character|branded/impressed letter/mark/etc; marking instrument; stamp, character, style; characterismos|characterization; making prominent of characteristic marks (L+S); characterismus|characterization; making prominent of characteristic marks (L+S); charadrion|yellowish bird; charadrion; charadrius|yellowish bird; chadadrion; charazo|scratch, engrave; charisma|gift, present; spiritual/God-given gift, grace, talent, charisma (Ecc); charismaticus|charismatic, pertaining to spiritual/God-given gift/talent/charisma; charisticum|money/allowance for buying papyrus/paper; charistio|kind of weighing machine; charistium|annual family banquet 3 days after Parentalia (20 Feb.) where feuds settled; charitas|charity; love of God; charitative|charitably; in a charitable manner; charitativus|charitable, loving, of a charitable nature; pertaining to charity; charitonblepharon|magical plant producing love; charmidatus|become Charmides (comic character in Platuus' play Trinummus); Charmides|Charmides (comic character in Plautus' play Trinummus); (Son of Joy); charmido|Charmidize, turn into Charmides (comic character in Plautus' play Trinummus); charta|paper/papyrus (sheet); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf; chartaceus|paper-/papyrus-; (made) of papyrus/paper; chartarius|connected with making of papyrus/paper; used for papyrus/paper; chartarius|maker of/dealer in papyrus/paper; chartellum|cartel; charteus|of/pertaining to papyrus/paper; [~ statium => literary arena/occupation]; chartiaticum|money/allowance for buying papyrus/paper; chartographia|cartography; chartophylax|archivist, keeper of archives; chartopola|merchant/dealer in papyrus/paper; chartula|scrap/piece of papyrus; small note, bill (L+S); small piece of paper (Ecc); chartularius|court archivist, keeper of archives (of court); chartus|paper/papyrus (sheet); record/letter, book/writing(s); thin metal sheet/leaf; charus|dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive; Charybdis|Charybdis (whirlpool Sicily/Italy); cruel person; whirlpool; tortuous cavity; charybdis|whirlpool; (see also Charybdis); chasma|chasm/fissure/opening in earth, abyss; supposed meteoric phenomenon; chasmatias|earthquake that leaves chasms/fissures/openings in earth; Chaus|Chaos, pit of Hell, underworld; formless/shapeless primordial matter; chele|claw-shaped mechanism; trigger; Scorpio' claws (pl.) that extend to Libra, Libra chelidon|female pudenda/genitalia; (Juvenalis?); (rude); chelidonia|greater celandine (Chelidonium maius)/swallowwort; kind of fig; precious stone; chelidoniacus|pointed like a swallow's tail; chelidonias|west wind; (blowing after 22 Feb. when swallows arrive); chelidonium|lesser celandine (Ranunculus ficaria); eye-salve containing celandine juice; chelidonius|of/belonging to swallow; resembling swallow in color, reddish (fig); chelium|shell of a horned tortoise; chelonia|precious stone; tortoise-stone (L+S); chelonitis|precious stone; (like a tortoise L+S); chelonium|socket-piece of a windlass/crane; one of the cheeks; plant, cyclaminos (L+S); chelonium|staple; chely|lyre, harp; tortoise shell (from which lyres were made); tortoise; chelydrus|venomous water-snake; chelyn|lyre, harp; tortoise shell (from which lyres were made); tortoise; chelyon|shell of horned tortoise; chelysos|tortoise; lyre/harp (made originally from a tortoise shell); constellation Lyra; chema|bi-valve shellfish, clam; cockle (L+S); chema|liquid measure; (one third of a mystrum, one 48th of a sextarius/pint); chemia|chemistry; chemicus|chemical; chemicus|chemist; chemiotherapia|chemotherapy; chemista|chemist; chenalopex|Egyptian goose (Chenalopex aegyptiaca); chenamyche|thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night); cheneros|small kind of goose; (Anas clipeata? L+S); cheniscus|figure on stern of a ship resembling a goose; gosling; chenoboscion|goose pen; place for feeding geese; chenomyche|thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night); chenturio|arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae; cheragra|pain in hands, arthritis/gout in hands; cheragricus|suffering from cheragra/pain/arthritis/gout in hands; cheragricus|person suffering from cheragra/pains/arthritis/gout in hands; chere|welcome; hail (L+S); cheregra|gout in hands; chernites|white marble; marble resembling ivory (L+S); chernitis|precious stone; cherolaba|handle; handspike; chersinus|living on dry land, land-; chersos|land tortoise; kind of toad (L+S); chersydros|amphibious serpent, water snake; Cherub|cherub; Cherubim|Cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); Cherubin|Cherubim, rank of angels; heavenly choir; cherubs (pl.); chia|Chian fig; (Chios/Chius island in Aegean off Ionia); chianter|choirboy; chiliarches|officer commanding a thousand men in a Greek army; (battalion commander, LTC); chiliarchus|officer commanding a thousand men in a Greek army; (battalion commander, LTC); chilias|number 1000, a chiliad, a group of a thousand (things/years); chiliasta|believers (pl.) in millennial kingdom; chiliodynama|unidentified plant; (medicinal, of a thousand virtues L+S); chiliodynamia|unidentified plant; (medicinal, of a thousand virtues L+S); chiliogrammum|kilogram; chiliometrum|kilometer; chiliophylion|unidentified plant; (thousand leaves); chiliovattium|kilowatt; Chilo|Chilo; Big Lips (Roman cognomen); fellator, one who practices fellatio; chiloma|box, coffer; chimaerifer|producing the Chimaera; chimerinus|of winter; chininum|quinine; chiragra|pain in hands, arthritis/gout in hands; chiragricus|suffering from cheragra/pain/arthritis/gout in hands; chiragricus|person suffering from cheragra/pain//arthritis/gout in hands; chiramaxium|hand-cart; small carriage drawn by slaves (L+S); chiregra|gout in hands; chiridota|sleeved shirt; (with or without tunica); chiridotus|sleeved, with sleeves; [w/tunica => sleeved shirt]; chirocma|manufactures (pl.); (name of a book by Democritus); made by hand (L+S); chirodytos|unidentified garment; (chiridota is a sleeved shirt); chirographarius|holding a written bond; in/pertaining to handwriting/manuscript; chirographon|own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise; chirographum|own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise; chirographus|own handwriting; handwritten document, manuscript; written bond/charter/promise; chiromantis|palmist; chironomia|rules of gesticulation; art of gesturing (L+S); gesticulation; pantomine; chironomon|gesticulating; pantomime (L+S); chironomon|pantomime; one who gestures according to the rules of art; chironomon|pantomime; one who gestures according to the rules of art; chironomos|pantomime; one who gestures according to the rules of art; chironomos|pantomimic, of/like a pantomime, with gestures; chirotheca|glove, mitten; gauntlet (Erasmus); chirurgia|surgery; violent remedy (L+S); chirurgicus|surgical; chirurgius|surgical; chirurgus|of/pertaining to a surgeon; chirurgus|surgeon; (pure Latin medicus vulnerarius L+S); chium|small single seed of Alpine Raetic grape; Chian wine; Chius|Chian, of Chios; of Chian wine; characteristic/suggestive of Chios, luxurious; chlamis|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; chlamyda|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; chlamydatus|dressed in a (military) cloak/cape; chlamys|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; chlamys|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; chlora|medicament, (kind of) medicine; chlora|variety of emerald; chloreus|unidentified bird; (greenish bird L+S); chlorion|golden oriole (Oriolus galbula); yellow bird, yellow thrush (L+S); chloritis|green precious stone; smaragdoprasus? (L+S); chloroformium|chloroform; chloron|kind of eye-salve; chlorophyllum|chlorophyll; chlorum|chlorine; choaspites|precious stone; (found in the Choaspes L+S); choaspitis|precious stone; (found in the Choaspes L+S); chodchod|whatever; everything/anything (which); valuable merchandise (Souter); choenica|dry measure (equal to 2 sextarii) (about a quart); choenix|dry measure (equal to 2 sextarii) (about a quart); choeras|scrofula, king's evil; (chronic lymph gland enlargement); (pure Latin struma); choerogrillus|kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); choerogryllus|kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); choerogyllius|kind of hare; coney (King James); small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); choeros|pig; female pudenda/external genitalia (Greek for porcus/women's nursery term); choicus|of/made of earth/clay; cholera|European/summer cholera (cholera nostras); an attack of cholera; cholericus|person suffering from European cholera; choliambus|limping iambus; (iambic verse whose last foot not iambus but spondee/trochee); cholras|variety of emerald; choma|bank, mound; dike, dam; chondrille|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); chondrillon|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); chondris|plant; (bastard dittany?); chondris|plant, kind of horehound resembling marjoram (Marrubium pseudodictamnus); chondrylla|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); chondrylle|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); chora|site for a monument; choragiarius|supplier of stage equipment/properties/gear/trappings; choragium|stage equipment/properties; gear/trappings (other); piece of water organ; choragium|place where chorus practiced; preparing chorus; splendid preparation; a spring; choragius|theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company; choragus|he who has care of chorus and supplies; he who pays cost of banquet; choragus|theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company; choralis|choral; choraula|player on reed pipes; flute player (L+S); choraule|player (female) on reed pipes; flute player (L+S); choraules|player on reed pipes; flute player (L+S); choraulicus|of/belonging to player on reed pipes; of/belonging to flute player (L+S); choraulis|young chorister, choirboy; chorda|tripe; catgut, musical instrument (string); rope/cord (binding slave) (L+S); chordacista|player on a stringed instrument; chordapsus|disease of intestines; chordula|tape, ribbon; cord; chordus|late-born/produced out of/late in season; second (crop of hay), aftermath; chorea|round/ring dance; dancers; planet movement; magistrate court; multitude; choir; chorepiscopus|deputy bishop for village; auxiliary/suffragan bishop; choreus|choree/trochee, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U); choreutes|choral dancer; choriambicus|choriambic; having metrical foot consisting of a chorius and an iambus (_UU_); choriambus|metrical foot consisting of a chorius and an iambus (_UU_); choricum|choral part of a play; choricus|of chorus/choir, choral; (w/metrum) anapaestic verse (hypercatalectic dipody); chorioides|choriod coat of eye; chorion|membrane enclosing the fetus, afterbirth; chorios|choree/trochee, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U); chorista|chorister, choir member; chorius|choree/trochee, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U); chorobates|level, instrument consisting of a long pole with a groove for water; chorocitharistes|one who accompanied a chorus on lyre/chithara; chorographia|work of geography, geography book; chorographus|geographer?, one who describes countries?; chorona|crown, garland, wreath; circle/cordon of men/troops; chors|court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd; chors|cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard chortalinus|of/pertaining to an imperial/praetorian bodyguard (cohort); chortalis|pertaining to a farm/cattle yard, farmyard-; of/concerned with poultry keeping; chortalis|of/connected with a military/praetorian cohort/company/guard; chortinus|made from grass or fodder; chorus|chorus; choral passage in a play; dancing/singing performance/ers; school; chorus|round/ring dance; dancers; movement of planets; magistrate's court; multitude; chorus|choir; singing; sanctuary; those in sanctuary; chrematista|agent of change; chreston|chicory (Cichorium intybus); chria|topic of general application set for study/exercise in grammar/rhetoric school; chrisma|anointing, unction; sacred oils; chrismale|linen cloth; winding-sheet/cerecloth; corporal (over mass remnants), pyx; pall; chrismalis|pertaining to chrisma/sacred oils; chrismarium|vessel for chrisma/sacred oils; chrismatio|anointing with chrisma/sacred oils; chrismatorium|linen cloth; winding-sheet/cerecloth; corporal (over mass remnants), pyx; pall; Christiadum|Christendom; Christiane|Christian, in Christian manner; Christianismus|Christianity; Christianitas|Christianity; Christian religion; Christian clergy; Christianizo|profess Christianity; Christianus|Christian; Christianus|Christian/follower of Christ; Christian clergyman; Christianity (pl.) (Beesom); Christias|Christians (pl.), followers of Christ; Christicola|Christian, worshiper of Christ; (often used in pl.); Christifer|Christ-bearing; Christifidelis|one of Christian faithful; follower of Christ; Christifidelis|faithful to Christ/Christianity; following Christ; Christigenus|of lineage of Christ; (i.e. posterity of Ruth/Jesse); Christipotens|strong in Christ; Christus|Christ; chroma|chromatic scale (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3); chromatice|note in chromatic scale; science of chromatic harmony (L+S); chromaticos|chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3); chromaticus|chromatic; (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3); chromis|sea fish; (Umbrina cirrosa?); chromium|chromium; chromosoma|chromosome; chromosomaticus|chromosomal; chronica|book of annuals, chronicles (pl.); chronicon|book of annuals, chronicle; chronicum|book of annuals, chronicle; chronicus|written as annual/chronicle; pertaining to time; chronic/lingering (L+S); chronista|chronicler; person who chants narrative parts in the_Passion; chronius|chronic, lingering; chronographus|chronographer, annalist, chronicler; chronologia|chronology; chronologicus|chronological; chrysallis|chrysalis; gold-colored chrysalis, aurelia/pupa of a butterfly (L+S); chrysanthemon|several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S); chrysanthemum|several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S); chrysanthes|name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S); chrysanthus|name of several plants of order Compositae; marigold (L+S); chrysatticum|golden-attic wine; chryselectros|amber-colored gem; (classed by Pliny with hyacinthus); chryselectrum|gold-colored amber; chryselectrus|dark-yellow precious stone; amber-colored jacinth/hyacinth-stone?; chrysendetum|things (e.g. dishes) inlaid with gold; chrysendetus|inlaid with gold; set in/with gold; chryseum|gold/gold-colored/golden vessels/dishes; chryseus|gold-colored, golden; chrysites|kind of precious stone; phloginos (flame-colored gem); another gold-colored gem; chrysitis|gold-colored, golden; of golden color; chrysitis|plant (Chrysocoma linosyris?); unidentified precious stone; a native lead oxide; chrysizon|gold-colored, golden; of golden color; chrysoaspides|bearing golden shields (kind of soldier serving under Alexander Severus); chrysoberullus|gold-colored beryl; chrysoberyl (L+S); chrysoberyllus|gold-colored beryl; chrysoberyl (L+S); chrysocalis|plant; (also called parthenium); chrysocanthos|kind of ivy having golden berries; chrysocarpos|having golden berries; chrysocarpus|having golden berries; chrysocephalos|golden basilisk; chrysococcus|having golden grains; chrysocolla|green copper carbonate/malachite (pigment/medicine); stone (magnetic pyrite?); chrysocome|plant (Chrysocoma linosyris?); chrysographatus|inlaid with gold; chrysolachanum|plant (orach?); garden orachn; (also called atriplex L+S); chrysolampis|unidentified precious stone; chrysolithos|topaz; chrysolite (L+S); chrysolithus|topaz; chrysolite (L+S); chrysolitus|topaz; chrysolite; (Vulgate); chrysomallus|having a golden fleece; chrysomelinus|variety of quince (w/mala); chrysomelum|variety of quince; chrysopastus|species of topaz; chrysophrysos|fish; (gilt-head? Sparus aurata); chrysopis|unidentified precious stone; precious topaz (L+S); chrysoprasius|variety of precious stone (chrysoprase/golden-green beryl and like); chrysoprasos|precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like); chrysoprassos|precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like); chrysoprassus|precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like); chrysoprasum|precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like); chrysoprasus|precious stone, chrysoprase; (golden-green beryl and like); chrysopteros|golden-winged; (of a kind of jasper); chrysos|gold; [chrysos melas => black ivy]; chrysothales|kind of aizoon/houseleek, wall-pepper; chrysus|gold; chus|liquid measure; (equal to congius/3 quarts); Chuthenus|Chuthite, inhabitant of Chutha; (ancient tribe in Near East); chydaeus|common, ordinary; kind of palms (L+S); chylisma|extracted/expressed juice (of plants); chylus|extracted/expressed juice (of plants); chymus|stomach juices/fluid, chyle; chyrogrillius|coney (of King James Bible, small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); hare; chyrogryllius|coney (of King James Bible, small gregarious quadruped (Hydrax Syriacus); hare; chytropus|chafing dish/pot with feet (for cooking directly over coals on ground); chytropus|chafing dish/pot with feet (for cooking directly over coals on ground); cibalis|of/pertaining to food; [w/fistula => esophagus/gullet]; cibarium|ration/allowance of food (pl.); food, provisions; food for animals, feed/fodder; cibarium|shorts, coarser meal remaining after fine flour; ordinary musician; cibarius|of/concerning food/rations, ration-; plain/common/servant (food), black (bread); cibatio|meal, repast; feeding; cibatus|food, nutriment, victuals; fodder; cibdelus|spurious, base; [w/fontes => impure/unhealthy spring/source]; cibicida|eater, consumer of food; (food killer); waste of bread/food (lazy slave) (L+S); cibisis|satchel; cibo|feed, give food/fodder to animals/men; (also passive sense) eat, take food; ciboria|Egyptian bean (Nelumbo nucifera); (Arum colocasia L+S); ciborium|drinking cup; (made of/shaped like flower of Egyptian bean Nelumbo nucifera); cibus|food; fare, rations; nutriment, sustenance, fuel; eating, a meal; bait; cicada|cicada, tree-cricket; Athenian hair ornament in shape of cicada; summer season; cicaro|little boy, darling; cicatrico|form a scar over; cicatricor|be scarred over/cicatrized; cicatricosus|scarred, covered by scars; marked by pruning (plant); edited/polished (writing); cicatricula|small scar; cicatrix|scar/cicatrice; wound/bruise; emotional scar; prune mark on plant/tool on work; ciccum|proverbially worthless object, trifle, bagatelle; seed membrane of pomegranate; cicer|chick pea (Cicer aristinum); (as a common food); (rude) testicles, penis?; cicera|chickling vetch; (Latyrus?); cicercula|small variety of chick-pea; cicerculum|kind of ocher; reddish earth pigment; African species of pigment sinopia; Cicero|Cicero; (gens Tullia cognomen; M. Tullius Cicero, Roman orator and statesman); cichoreum|chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive; cichorion|chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive; cichorium|chicory (Cichorium intybus), succory, endive; cici|castor (oil) tree (Ricinus communis); (Egyptian tree also called croton L+S); cicilendrum|comic name for an imaginary condiment; cicilinus|made of hair-cloth, hair-; cicimalindrum|comic name for an imaginary condiment; cicimandrum|comic name for an imaginary condiment; cicindela|firefly (Luciola italica); candle; glow-worm (L+S); cicindelid/beetle (Cal); cicindele|lamp (made of glass); cicinus|castor; [oleum cicinum => castor oil]; ciconia|stork; derisive gesture made with fingers; T-shaped tool for measuring depth; ciconius|of/pertaining to stork; cicuma|owl; cicur|tame (animal), domesticated; mild/gentle (person); cicur|tame animal, domesticated animal; cicuro|tame; pacify; cicuta|hemlock (Conium maculatum); hemlock juice (poison); shepherd's pipe (hemlock); cicuticen|player of reed/shepherd's pipe; (often made of cicuta/hemlock stalks); cidaris|head-dress of a Persian king; tiara; diadem (L+S), of high priest of Jews; cieo|move, set in motion; excite/rouse/stir up; urge on; summon/muster/call up; cieo|disturb, shake; provoke (war); invoke, call on by name; cite; raise/produce; cignus|measure; (equal to 8 scrupuli/srcipuli); (1/2 or 3/3 of an ounce); cilibantum|round cupboard; cilicarius|maker of coverings/rugs/blankets of hair (e.g. goat); cilicinus|hair-, made of (goat's) hair; (garment originating in Cilicia); of haircloth; ciliciolum|small garment/coverlet/blanket of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia); cilicium|rug/blanket/small garment of goat's hair; (originating in Cilicia); cilio|chisel/graver (vulgar); cilium|upper eyelid; edge of upper eyelid; eyelid, lower eyelid (L+S); cilliba|round dining-table; cillo|move, put in motion; cillo|one who practices unnatural lust, sodomite; catamite, pathic; cilo|Cilo; Big Lips (Roman cognomen); fellator; prominent forehead (L+S); cilotrum|nose-bag; Cimber|Cimberi (pl.), a German tribe, invaded Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; Cimbricus|Cimbrian; of the Cimbri; cimeliarcha|treasurer, keeper of treasure/deposits; cimeliarchium|treasury, place where treasure is deposited; cimelium|treasure; cimenterium|cemetery; cimex|bed-bug (Cimex lectularius); bug (L+S); cimico|purify from bugs; exterminate; debug; ciminterium|cemetery; cimintorium|cemetery; cimiterium|cemetery; cinaedia|precious stone; (from brain of a fish); cinaedias|precious stone; (from brain of a fish); cinaedicus|lewd; wanton; immodest; pertaining to one who is unchaste; cinaedicus|lewd/wanton/immodest/unchaste/shameless person; catamite; cinaedium|precious stone; (from brain of a fish); cinaedius|lewd/wanton/immodest/unchaste/shameless person; catamite; cinaedologos|teller of lewd stories; cinaedulus|catamite, pathic; a male wanton; cinaedus|resembling/like/typical of a cinaedus/sodomite; unchaste; impudent, shameless; cinaedus|sea-fish; cinaedus|sodomite; catamite; effeminate man; man who performs a lewd dance; pervert; cinara|artichoke; similar plant; cinaris|unidentified plant; cincinnalis|curled, curly; [~ herba => plant also called polytrichon]; cincinnatus|with curled/curly hair; with hair in ringlets; (artificially); (of comets); cincinnus|ringlet, curl/lock; curled hair; rhetorical flourish, artificial embellishment; cincticulus|belt, (small/little) girdle; apron (Ecc); cinctor|warrior's belt; cinctorium|sword belt; (late) girdle (L+S); cinctum|girdle, method of girding clothes; crown/garland; belt; cinctura|belt; girdle; means of girding; cinctus|surrounded/encircled; surrounded (by friends/people/enemy); bordered, enclosed; cinctus|having one's dress girt in special way; fastened round; [w/alte => for action]; cinctus|girdle, method of girding clothes; crown/garland; belt; cinctutus|wearing girdle or loin-cloth; girded/girt; (as ancients whose toga was girded); cindecoe|elegantly; cinefactus|reduced/turned to ashes; cinemateum|cinema (building); cinematicus|cinematic; cinematographeum|movies, cinema; cinematographicus|cinematic; of film; cinematographic; cinematographicus|movie scriptwriter; cinematographo|film; cinematographus|film-maker; ciner|ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation; cineraceus|ashen, ashy, resembling ash in color, ash-colored; cineracius|ashen, ashy, resembling ash in color, ash-colored; cinerarium|receptacle/niche for ashes of the dead; cinerarius|hair-curler, hair-dresser; cinerarius|of/pertaining to ashes; boundaries of land bordering on graves; cineresco|turn into ash/ashes; cinereum|ash-colored ointment/salve; cinereus|resembling ashes, similar to ashes, ash-colored; (kinds of plants/animals); cinericius|resembling ashes, similar to ashes, ash-colored; (kinds of plants/animals); cinerosus|covered with ashes; consisting largely of ashes; full of ashes (L+S); Cingetorix|Cingetorix; a Gaul of Treveri; a Briton king; cingillum|woman's girdle; (esp. that worn by a bride); cingo|surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring (tree); cingula|belt; sword belt; sash, girdle; band; saddle-girth; collar (dog); cingulum|belt; sword belt; sash, girdle; band; saddle-girth; collar (dog); cingulus|belt; band; geographical zone; cinifes|kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; lice/flies/others (OLD); ciniflo|heater of curling-irons, hair-dresser; ciniphs|kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; lice/flies/others (OLD); cinis|ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation; cinisculus|little ashes; cinnabar|red pigment/dragon's blood; resin of tree Pterocarpus draco; (NOT HgS/cinnabar); cinnabaris|red pigment/dragon's blood; resin of tree Pterocarpus draco; (NOT HgS/cinnabar); cinnameus|scented with/smelling of cinnamon; of/from cinnamon (L+S); cinnaminum|eye-salve made from cinnamon; cinnamolgos|bird; (of Arabia); cinnamominus|made from cinnamon; of/from cinnamon (L+S); cinnamomum|cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil); cinnamomum|superior kind of cassis; cinnamon-like bark (Cinnamonum cassia); cinnamon|cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil); cinnamum|cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil); cinnamus|cinnamon; cinnamon (shrub/twigs); (applied to another aromatic oil); cinnus|drink of mixed spelt-grain and wine; cinnus|kind of facial distortion or grimace; cinus|ashes; embers, spent love/hate; ruin, destruction; the grave/dead, cremation; cinyphes|kind of stinging insect; very small flies, gnats; cinyra|lyre, ten-stringed instrument; cio|move, set in motion; excite/rouse/stir up; urge on; summon/muster/call up; cio|disturb, shake; provoke (war); invoke, call on by name; cite; raise/produce; ciphus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; cippus|boundary stone/post/pillar; tombstone (usu. indicating extent of cemetery); cippus|stocks/fetter/prison; tree stump; bulwark of sharpened stakes (pl.) (L+S); ciprus|good; (Sabine for bonus); cipus|boundary stone/post/pillar; tombstone (usu. indicating extent of cemetery); circa|around, all around; round about; near, in vicinity/company; on either side; circa|around, on bounds of; about/near (space/time/numeral); concerning; with; circaea|plant; (Vincetoxicum nigrum?); (used as a charm L+S); circaeon|plant, mandrake; (alternative name for mandragoras); circaeum|plant, mandrake; (alternative name for mandragoras); circamoerium|open space round town; (Livy coined for pomoerium/open space round town wall); circanea|bird; (named from its circular flight); circellus|small ring; circen|circle; circular course; [w/solis => a year (poetic)]; circensis|games in the Circus (pl.); games/exercises of wrestling, running, fighting; circensis|of the Circus; associated with games in circus; used at circus; circes|circle, ring; circuit, circumference of the circus; circiensis|games in the Circus (pl.); games/exercises of wrestling, running, fighting; circiensis|of the Circus; associated with games in circus; used at circus; circinatio|circular line/form; circular motion, revolution; circle, circumference (L+S); circinatus|rounded, circular; circino|bend/make circular/round; traverse circular course, wheel through; take round; circinus|pair of compasses; circular line/arc; [ad ~um => in a circle/arc, circularly]; circiter|nearly, not far from, almost, approximately, around, about; circiter|about, around, near (space/time/numeral); towards; circito|go round as a hawker/peddler/solicitor; frequent, be busy (L+S); circitor|person who goes round; patrol/watchman, overseer/inspector; hawker, peddler; circitorium|curtain; veil; circitorius|of/pertaining to patrols; circius|wind between north and west; WNW wind (L+S); (in Gallia Narbonensis); circlus|circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference; circo|traverse; go about (L+S); wander through; circos|precious stone; circuago|drive/lead around; turn (around); wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway; circueo|encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round; circuitio|rotation, revolution; rate of revolution; orbit; circumference; circumlocution; circuitio|going round; patrol/rounds/visiting posts; passage/structure round (building); circuitor|person who goes round; patrol/watchman, overseer/inspector; hawker, peddler; circuitus|going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge; circuitus|revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution; circularis|circular, round; circulatim|in circles, in groups/companies; in a circle; circulatio|circular course, revolution; circulator|itinerant performer/vendor; (who gathers impromptu groups round him); circulatorius|of/characteristic of circulator (itinerate performer/peddler, mountebank/quack); circulatrix|female itinerant performer/peddler/stroller; (gather impromptu group round her); circulo|make circular/round/curved; encircle, encompass (L+S); circulor|form groups/circles round oneself; (for impromptu speech/giving performance); circulus|circle; orbit, zone; ring, hoop; belt, collar; company; cycle; circumference; circum|about, around; round about, near; in a circle; in attendance; on both sides; circum|around, about, among, near (space/time), in neighborhood of; in circle around; circumactio|driving round in a circle, rotation; rounding off, act of making symmetrical; circumactus|bent around/in a curve; curved; circumactus|rotation, revolution; encircling, encirclement; turning around/in circle/back; circumaedifico|build round about; (Vulgate Lamentations 3:7); circumaggero|pile (earth) round about; surround (with heaped earth); circumago|drive/lead around; turn (around); wheel, revolve; upset; change opinions, sway; circumambulo|walk around/over; circumamictus|enveloped, invested, surrounded, besieged; circumaro|plow around, surround with a furrow; circumaspicio|look around; consider; circumcaedo|cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish; circumcaesura|surface outline, external contour; circumcalco|tread/trample earth (down around); circumcidaneus|must from second pressing of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back; circumcido|cut/make incision around, ring; clip; circumcise; cut out; remove; diminish; circumcingo|surround, enclose; lie around, be round; surround/encircle (with); gird about; circumcirca|round about, on all sides; round about the body; (strengthened circum); circumcirco|encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round; circumcise|concisely; briefly; circumcisicius|must/juice of second press of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back; circumcisio|circumcision; cutting around (physical/moral); circumcisitius|must/juice of second press of grapes after projecting mass is cut and put back; circumcisorium|instrument for cutting around; (ringing bark on a tree?); (for circumcision?); circumcisura|cutting round/ringing (bark of trees); circumcisus|sheer on all sides, cut off; limited; short, brief, pruned of excess, abridged; circumclamo|roar around (waves/surf); circumclaudo|surround; encircle/enclose/build round (w/structure); hedge/shut in, circumvent; circumcludo|surround; encircle/enclose/build round (w/structure); hedge/shut in, circumvent; circumcola|people/tribe dwelling around/nearby/in vicinity; locals; circumcolo|dwell round about/around/nearby/in vicinity of; circumcordialis|around the heart, heart-; (e.g.blood); circumctipo|surround, accompany, attend; circumculco|tread/trample earth (down around); circumcumulo|heap/pile up around; circumcurrens|that encircles/bounds (figure), surrounding/bounding/bordering, running around; circumcurro|run/extend round/about the periphery (of structures); circumcurro|run/extend round/about the periphery (of structures); circumcursatio|attention; circumcursio|running about/round; circumcurso|run about; run round (of person); run about (of things), revolve; circumdatio|putting/placing around; circumdatus|surrounding soldiers/men (pl.); those around; circumdo|surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around; circumdoleo|suffer on every side; circumdolo|chop around with an ax; hew off around (L+S); circumduco|lead out of the way/round about; cheat, mislead, trick out of; take/go around; circumduco|lead/wheel/draw a line/ring around/in a circle; prolong (sound); build around; circumductio|circuit, perimeter; indirect course; cheating/trick; complete sentence, period; circumductor|one who leads about/converts (another); circumductum|period (rhetoric), complete sentence/thought, expansion of a thought; circumductus|long-drawn-out, extended; circumductus|perimeter, circumference, measurement around; motion in a circle, revolution; circumeo|encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round; circumequito|ride around; circumerro|wander/prowl/meander/stroll/hover around; orbit, go around in orbit (planet); circumfarcio|pack/stuff/cram round (with); circumferentia|circumference; circumfero|carry/hand/pass/spread/move/take/cast around (in circle); publicize; divulge; circumfigo|fix/fasten/secure all around; circumfingo|form around; circumfinio|complete a circle; bring to an end; circumfirmo|fasten round; circumflagro|blaze/scorch all around; circumflecto|bend/turn (course) around (pivot/turning point); prolong/circumflex (vowel); circumflexe|with circumflex/prolonged sound; circumflexibilis|provided with a circumflex/prolonged accent; circumflexio|bending/winding/coiling around; circumflexus|action of bending around; rounded form, vault; winding (L+S) circuit; circumflo|blow around; blow on/assail from all sides; veer around (wind); circumfluentia|superabundance; circumfluo|flow/crowd/flock around; overflow; have/be in abundance, be rich/well supplied; circumfluus|flowing/flowed around; encircled/surrounded/skirted by (water); immersed; circumfodio|dig around, ease earth around (plants); surround (trees) with a trench; circumforaneus|itinerant, that travels to market; of/connected with business of/around forum; circumforanus|itinerant, that travels to market; connected with business of forum; circumforatus|bored/pierced round; circumforo|pierce with holes round about; circumfossor|one who digs around (plants/something); circumfossura|digging around; (plants/trees); circumfractus|broken (off) around; precipitous; circumfremo|roar/growl/utter cries of anger/protest/make a noise round; circumfrico|rub/brush round about; scour; circumfrico|rub/brush round about; scour; circumfulcio|support/hold up around; circumfulgeo|shine/glow round about; circumfundo|pour around; circumfundo|pour/drape/crowd around; cause (water) to go round/part; surround; distribute; circumfusio|pouring around; circumfusus|surrounded; draped around; distributed; extra, superfluous; circumgarriens|babbling, babbling about; circumgelo|freeze/harden round/all around; circumgemo|roar/moan/groan around; circumgestator|one who bears/carries round; circumgesto|carry/bear about/around; circumglobatus|rolled together; formed in a ball; clustered; circumglobo|form a ball/cluster/sphere (around something); circumgredior|go round behind by a flanking movement; walk/travel about (in hostile manner); circumgressus|going about; compass/circuit/scope (of a thing); circumhisco|stare at with open/gaping mouth; circumhumatus|buried around; circumicio|cast/throw or place/put/build around; put on flank of; encompass/envelop; circumiectalis|environmental; circumiectum|environment; circuminicio|throw up all around; circuminjicio|throw up all around; circuminsessio|coexistence; (shared existence of 3 Divine Persons in same Being); circuminvolvo|involve/cover all around, enclose, envelop; circumio|encircle, surround; border; skirt; circulate/wander through; go/measure round; circumitio|going round; patrol, rounds; passage/structure around (building); circumitio|rotation, revolution; rate of revolution; orbit; circumference; circumlocution; circumitor|watchman, patrol; one making rounds/circuit; circumitus|going round; patrol/circuit; way/path round; circumference; outer surface/edge; circumitus|revolution, spinning, rotation; (recurring) cycle; period; circumlocution; circumjacens|situated in neighborhood, lying round about; situated round (in a sentence); circumjacens|neighboring/nearby things/words (pl.), words situated around/near (in sentence); circumjacentium|context (pl.), things/material around; circumjaceo|lie near/around; (places/persons/objects); border upon (L+S); circumjaceo|lie near/round about, border on; (of persons, places, objects); circumjectio|throwing around, casting about; putting on/donning (clothing), dressing; circumjectum|neighborhood (pl.), surroundings; circumjectus|surrounding, lying/situated around; enveloping, surrounding; circumjectus|encircling/surrounding/encompassing/embrace; lying/casting around; wrap, cloak; circumjicio|cast/throw or place/put/build around; put on flank of; encompass/envelop; circumlabens|gliding/sliding around; circumlambo|lick around; circumlaqueo|wind around; (like a noose); circumlaticius|portable, that may be carried around; circumlatio|revolution, circuit; a carrying around (L+S); circumlatitius|portable, that may be carried around; circumlator|one who carries around/about; circumlatro|bark round about; roar around (L+S); circumlavo|wash round about/around, wash side of; flow all around (waters) (L+S); circumlavo|wash round about/around, wash side of; flow all around (waters) (L+S); circumlego|sail round; compassing by the shore (Vulgate Acts 28:13); circumlevo|raise up all around; circumligo|bind around/to; encircle, surround; attach, fasten; pass/wrap around, bandage; circumlinio|smear/anoint all over (with); decorate, daub/paint around, paint background; circumlino|smear/anoint all over (with); decorate, daub/paint around, paint background; circumlitio|anointing round about/over; coating/smearing/covering/painting (w/paint/like); circumlitio|overlaying of color (painting); tint/hue given to marble by rubbing w/oil/wax; circumlocutio|circumlocution, periphrasis; circumloquor|make use of circumlocution/periphrasis; circumlucens|shining/glittering around; circumluceo|shine round, illuminate; circumluo|wash or flow around; skirt; surround; wash upon (L+S); circumlustro|traverse (in circular course), pace around; go around (in purifying ceremony); circumluvio|formation of alluvial land (in middle of river); land so formed; right to it; circumluvium|formation of alluvial land (in middle of river); land so formed; right to it; circummeo|go/travel/pass around; circummetio|measure round about; circummingo|urinate/make water round/over (something); circummitto|send around/to different parts (embassies/missions); send round, flank; circummoenio|invest with walls/siege works; wall/hem in, secure; fence around; fortify; circummugio|moo/low/bellow round; circummulcens|licking gently around; circummulceo|lick round, caress (with tongue); circummunio|invest with walls/siege works; wall/hem in, secure; fence around; fortify; circummunitio|surrounding with walls or siege works; investing a town; circummuranus|around the walls; with neighboring nations; circumnascens|growing up/being raised/springing forth around; circumnavigo|sail around; circumnavigate; circumnecto|wrap/bind around; surround, envelop; circumno|swim around; circumnoto|draw/paint around; circumobruo|heap up earth around; cover/wrap around (L+S); circumornatus|ornamented/decorated/adorned round about/all around; circumpadanus|lying/found/situated beside Po river; circumpavio|beat down hard all around; circumpavitus|beaten/trodden close around; circumpendeo|hang around, be suspended all around; circumpes|footgear; sandal; that is around foot; parasite (of foot); covering for foot; circumplaudo|surround with applause, applaud/greet/clap all around; circumplecto|encompass; embrace/clasp; surround/encircle; enclose (w/wall); cover roundabout; circumplector|encompass; embrace; surround, encircle; enclose (w/wall); cover round about; circumplexus|coiling around, encircling, embracing; latitudinal zone/band (of sky); circumplico|coil round (like a snake); wind (strip) around; twine/bend around; circumplumbo|coat (all over) with lead; pour lead all around (L+S); circumpono|put/set/place (all) around/on either side of; confer (Souter); circumpositio|setting/placing around; circumpositus|situated around, surrounding; circumpotatio|passing round, practice of drinking around by passing a cup round company; circumpulso|assail/beat/pulsate from every side; (with noise, etc); circumpungo|prick/puncture all round; circumpurgo|clear/clean/purify/free from adhesions all around/round about; circumputo|measure around; circumquaque|on every side; all around; circumrado|scrape/shave/pare around; circumrasio|action of scraping round surface (of); scraping/paring around; circumrefero|bring/tell round again; circumretio|encircle with a net; ensnare; circumrodo|nibble/gnaw/talk all round, eat off outer part of; speak about; slander; circumroro|sprinkle (water) over/round; circumroto|cause to revolve/rotate; turn/whirl around; turn around in a circle; circumsaepio|fence/hedge round/in, enclose, surround; circumsaeptus|fenced/hedged in, enclosed, walled in; surrounded, encircled; circumsalto|dance around (chorus); jump around; circumscalpo|scrape/scratch around/about; circumscariphico|scrape/scratch around/about; scarify around (L+S); circumscaripho|scrape/scratch around/about; scarify around (L+S); circumscindo|tear/rip/strip (all around) (the clothes of); circumscribo|abridge, write concise form/well-turned phrase; cheat, impose on; circumvent; circumscribo|draw a line/circle around; circumscribe; hem in, confine, restrict; rule out; circumscripte|concisely, succinctly; summarily; in periods/periodic style; circumscriptio|circle, circumference; boundary; outline; cheating, fraud; periodic sentence; circumscriptor|cheat; defrauder, deceiver; he who makes void/annuls; circumscriptorie|by fraud/deceit; circumscriptus|concisely expressed, succinct; compressed; rounded-off into periods, periodic; circumseco|cut/clip/pare round; circumcise; circumsecus|round about, around, round; in parts/region around; on every side; circumsedeo|besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round; circumseparo|separate around; circumsepio|fence/hedge round/in, enclose, surround; circumseptus|fenced/hedged in, enclosed, walled in; surrounded, encircled; circumsero|plant/sow/set round (something); circumsessio|surrounding, mobbing; besieging; hostile encompassing (L+S); circumsideo|besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round; circumsido|besiege/invest/blockade; surround, mob (person), beset; sit/live/settle round; circumsigno|mark/sign/seal round about; circumsilio|leap/spring/hop round; circumsisto|stand/gather/crowd/take a stand around; surround, beset; be on either side; circumsitus|lying/situated around; neighboring; circumsocius|neighborly, in friendly neighborhood; circumsono|resound on every side; echo round; surround/be filled (with noise/sound); circumsonus|sounding/making a loud noise round about; filling/filled with sounds/noise; circumspargo|sprinkle/spray round about/around; circumspectatrix|female spy, she who goes around/spies; she who goes round making eyes (at); circumspecte|warily/cautiously/circumspectly; carefully/meticulously; w/mature deliberation; circumspectio|careful consideration; looking on all sides (L+S); foresight, caution; circumspecto|look about (searchingly), search about; examine, watch (suspiciously), be alert; circumspector|watcher; watchman; spy; all seeing; circumspectus|well considered, weighed with care, prudent; guarded/circumspect; cautious/wary; circumspectus|worthy of consideration, respected; distinguished; circumspectus|survey/looking round/spying; visual examination; commanding view; contemplation; circumspergo|sprinkle/spray round about/around; strew/scatter round about/around (L+S); circumspicientia|caution, watchfulness; consideration, deliberation (L+S); circumspicio|look around/over/for, survey; inspect; search for/seek; examine/review; ponder; circumstagno|be poured forth all around; circumstans|by-stander (usu. pl.); circumstantia|encircling position/troop; closing of fluid round passing object; circumstance; circumstatio|circle/circular group (of people); a standing around (L+S); circumsto|stand/gather/crowd around, surround, beset; be on either side; circumstrepo|make a noise around; surround with noise; shout/cry clamorously around (person); circumstridens|shrieking/yelling//jabbering around; circumstringo|bind about, put on; tie around, surround, clothe with; circumstruo|build round, surround with a structure (externally/internally); circumstupeo|hang sluggishly round; look around with amazement, stand around amazed (L+S); circumsudo|sweat/be moist all around/on all sides; circumsurgo|rise/project all around; circumsutus|surrounded/enclosed in by means of sewing/stitching; sewed together all round; circumtectus|covered, clothed; circumtego|cover round about; circumtendo|cover/surround by stretching; circumteneo|posses; keep/hold around; circumtentus|covered/bound with (something); that is stretched/drawn around; begirt; circumtergeo|wipe/rub round about/all around; circumtermino|bound/limit round about/all around; circumtero|rub/press/stand close/crowd on all sides; wear/rub away all around; circumtextum|garment inwoven with purple; circumtextus|embroidered all around/round about; woven all around (L+S); circumtinnio|clash/ring/tinkle round about/all around; circumtollo|remove from every side; take/lift away all around; circumtondeo|cut/shear/clip all around (hair); circumtono|make a loud noise/clamor round; thunder round; circumtonsus|having hair cut/trimmed/shorn all around; elaborate, artificial (L+S); circumtorqueo|pull/twist/turn/wind/bend/spin round; circumtremo|shake/tremble all around; circumtueor|look around; circumtumulatus|piled up around; circumundique|round about on all sides; from everywhere around; circumustus|burnt round/around/on all sides; circumvado|form a ring round, surround, encompass, beset, attack/assail on every side; circumvagor|travel/wander/roam around/about; (person, sound, etc); encircle; circumvagus|moving/wandering round; encircling, flowing around; circumvallo|surround with wall/siegeworks; blockade; beset, surround with troops/barriers; circumvectio|circular course, revolution; transport/carrying round (from place to place); circumvectitor|travel about; visit in succession; circumvecto|carry/transport round/from place to place; describe; sail/travel round; circumvector|sail round; travel round; circumvehor|make rounds of; travel/ride round/in succession/past; flow round (sea); circumvelo|cover around, envelop; circumvenio|encircle, surround; assail, beset; enclose; circumvent; defraud/trick; surpass; circumventio|trickery, fraud, circumvention; circumventor|defrauder, deceiver, cheat; circumventorius|fraudulent, deceitful; circumverro|sweep/clean/skim around/over; circumversio|action of turning around/revolving, revolution; circumversor|turn about repeatedly; spin/whirl about/around; circumversus|rushed/swept around; circumverto|free (slave) by manumission; (PASS) turn (oneself) round, revolve (round); circumvestio|clothe, cover over, surround with a covering; wrap up (in words); cloak; circumvincio|bind/fasten round; circumviso|look round at; glare round upon; circumvolitabilis|flying around; circumvolito|fly around/round about/over; (of horsemen/horses' hooves); frequent; flit; circumvolo|fly/hover/flutter around; run/hasten/rush around; circumvolutor|roll over; circumvolvo|roll/revolve round, twine/coil around; wind around (w/something); circumvorsor|turn about repeatedly; spin/whirl about/around; circumvorto|free (slave) by manumission; (PASS) turn (oneself) round, revolve (round); circundo|surround; envelop, post/put/place/build around; enclose; beset; pass around; circus|race course; circus in Rome, celebration of games; circle; orbit; ciris|mythical bird into which Scylla daughter of Nisus was changed; bird; fish; cirratus|curly-haired; having curled hair/ringlets; fringed (L+S); cirratus|curly-haired boy; schoolboys (pl.); cirrhosis|cirrhosis; cirritus|tufted, bearded; (epithet of a variety of pear?); having filaments (L+S); cirrus|curl/ringlet, curly lock; tuft (on bird head), oyster's beard/tentacles; fringe; cirsion|kind of thistle; cirsocele|vericocele, varicose condition/dilatation of veins of spermatic chord; cis|on/to this/near side of, short of; before, within (time); Cisalpinus|lying on south side of Alps; [Cisalpine Gaul => Northern Italy]; cisanus|driver of a cissium (light two-wheeled carriage); cisarius|driver of a cissium (light two-wheeled carriage); cisium|light two-wheeled carriage; light wheeled vehicle; cabriolet; cismontanus|that dwells/situated on this/near side of mountains; cisorium|cutting instrument; (for bone); cissanthemos|honeysuckle; plant similar to ivy (L+S); cissanthemus|honeysuckle; plant similar to ivy (L+S); cissaron|plant; (also called chrysanthemon); cissaros|plant; (also called chrysanthemon); cission|small ivy; cissitis|precious stone; (of color of ivy leaves L+S); cissos|ivy; cissybium|cup of ivy-wood; cista|chest/box (usu. made of wicker); box for sacred ceremonial objects; ballot box; cistarius|guardian of chest or wardrobe; cistella|small box/casket/chest; cistellatrix|woman/slave in charge of clothes chests or wardrobe; (or money-box L+S); cistellula|little/small box/casket/chest; (diminutive of diminutive of cista/box); Cisterciensis|Cistercian; of Citeaux; (order of monks founded 1098, stricter Benedictines); cisterna|cistern; underground/sunken tank/reservoir for water; (or wine L+S); ditch/pit; cisterninus|of/obtained from cisterns, cistern-; [aqua cisternina => stored rain water]; cisthos|rock rose (Cistus villosus and salvifolius); shrub plant w/red blossoms (L+S); cistifer|bearer of a casket in religious ceremonies; casket-bearer; cistophorus|ceremonial casket-bearer; an Asiatic coin w/Dionysus as a ~ (worth 4 drachma); cistula|little/small box/chest; small basket (L+S); cit|cited, named (reference); abb. for citus (VPAR ceio); citara|harp; citate|hurriedly; speedily, quickly, rapidly; nimbly (L+S); citatim|hurriedly, quickly; speedily, hastily; citatio|calling, proclaiming (legal); command (military); citation, legal summons (Ecc); citatorium|summoning before a tribunal; citatorius|relating to a citation/summons; citatus|quick, swift; early; loose (bowels); speeded up, hurried, urged on; full gallop; citatus|summons, citation (legal); citatus|impulse; cite|quickly; rapidly; citer|near/on this side; (COMP) nearer; sooner/earlier, urgent; (SUPER) next; least; citeria|clown; effigy/caricature carried in procession at the games (L+S); citerius|short of; to a lesser degree than; cithara|cithara, lyre; lute, guitar (L+S); citharicen|cithara/lyre player; citharista|cithara/lyre player; citharistria|cithara/lyre player (female); citharizo|play on/strike cithara/lyre; citharoeda|female singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on cithara/lyre); citharoedicus|of/belonging to singer-musician; (on cithara/lyre); for singing w/lyre; citharoedus|singer-musician; (with self accompaniment on cithara/lyre); harpist (Ecc); citharus|kind of flat-fish; citimus|nearest, that is or is situated nearest; citipes|fleet-footed, swift-footed; swift, fleet; citiremis|swift (of a galley), having swift oars; rowing swiftly (L+S); citivolus|swiftly flying, swift-flying; cito|urge on, encourage; promote, excite; summon; set in motion; move (bowels); cite; cito|quickly/fast/speedily, with speed; soon, before long; readily; easily; citocacium|plant; (also called chamelaea); citra|on this/near side of, towards; nearer; short of the mark/amount/degree; citra|on this/near side of, short of; before; below, less than; without regard to; citrago|citrus plant; lemon balm; citrarius|dealer/maker of articles of citron-wood; dealer in lemons (L+S); citratus|situated on near side; citratus|treated with citron (tree) oil; steeped in citrus oil (L+S); citrea|citrus tree; citreago|citrus plant; lemon balm; citretum|orchard of citrus trees; citreum|fruit of citrus tree; citron; citron tree; citreus|citrus, of/on/made of citrus tree/wood; of citron tree (L+S); citreus|fruit of citrus tree; citriarius|dealer/maker of articles of citron-wood; citrinus|citrus; citric; citrium|kind of gourd; citro|to this side; on/by both sides/parties; [w/ultro/et => here + there, to + fro]; citrosus|smelling of citron tree/wood; citrulus|pumpkin; citrum|wood of citron tree; furniture/table made of citron/citrus-wood; (expensive); citrum|lemon; citrus|lemon tree; citrus|African citrus tree; (Callitris quadrivalvis?); citron (Citrus medica) (L+S); citus|quick, swift, rapid; moving/acting/passing/occurring quickly, speedy; early; cituvolus|swiftly flying, swift-flying; civica|civic crown/garland of oak-leaves; (Roman cognomen); civicus|of one's town/city/fellow-citizens; civil, civic; legal, civil (not military); civile|courtesy; civility; civilis|of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; legal; public; political; unassuming; civilitas|science of politics/government; behavior of ordinary person; citizenship (Ecc); civiliter|in civil sphere, between citizens; as becomes a citizen; civilly, unassumingly; civilizatio|civilization; civilizatio|civilization; civilizo|civilize; civis|fellow citizen; countryman/woman; citizen, free person; a Roman citizen; civitas|community/city/town/state; citizens; citizen rights/citizenship; naturalization; civitatula|(small) city/town; citizenship (in small/petty state); clabula|graft or cutting; scion; clabulare|large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (with wicker-work sides?); clabularis|of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?); clabularius|of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?); clacendix|murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained); clades|defeat, reverse; casualties, slaughter/carnage/devastation; ruins; dissolution; clades|disaster, ruin, calamity; plague; pest, bane, scourge (cause of disaster); clagalopes|species of eagle; clam|secretly, in secret, unknown to; privately; covertly; by fraud; clam|without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL); clam|without knowledge of, unknown to; concealed/secret from; (rarely w/ABL); clamator|shouter, bawler, noisy disclaimer; clamatorius|screeching, clamorous; shouting; (epithet of an unknown bird - of bad omen); clamatus|crying aloud, shouting; clamis|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; clamitatio|shouting, bawling; violent crying, clamor, noise (L+S); clamito|cry out, yell; shout repeatedly, clamor; proclaim; name/call repeatedly/loudly; clamium|claim; clamo|proclaim, declare; cry/shout out; shout/call name of; accompany with shouts; clamor|shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting (approval/joy), applause; clamor/noise/din; clamor|war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder/surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing; clamorosus|loud; clamorous; clamos|shout, outcry/protest; loud shouting (approval/joy), applause; clamor/noise/din; clamos|war-cry, battle-cry; roar (thunder/surf); cry of fear/pain/mourning; wailing; clamose|in a loud voice with shouting; clamorously; clamosus|given to/marked by/filled with shouting/bawling/yelling; barking (dog), noisy; clamys|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; clamys|Greek cloak/cape frequently for military use; state mantle; cloak, mantle; clancularius|anonymous; writing in secret; secret, concealed, unknown (L+S); clanculo|secretly; privately (L+S); clanculum|secretly, by stealth; sub rosa; privately (L+S); clanculum|without knowledge of, secret from; clandestinitas|secrecy; clandestino|secretly, clandestinely; clandestinus|secret, hidden, concealed, clandestine; acting/done/made secretly/silently; clango|clang, make ringing noise; sound (horn); scream (eagle); speak w/ringing tone; clangor|clang, noise; blare/blast (trumpet); crying/clamor (bird); barking/baying (dog); clare|aloud; brightly, clearly; lucidly; with distinction/honor, illustriously; clareo|shine bright/clearly; be clear/plain/understandable/obvious; be famous/renowned; claresco|be illuminated; become bright/evident/clear; become loud or famous/notorious; claretus|claret (wine); claricito|recall, recollect, remember; clarico|shine, gleam, glow; clarificatio|glorification; clarifico|make illustrious/famous; clarigatio|satisfaction; reparation, fine; solemn demand for redress (or war in 33 days); clarigito|recall, recollect, remember; clarigo|demand satisfaction formally (from another state in formal declaration of war); clarisonus|loud; clear-sounding, distinct; clarissimatus|dignity of a Clarissimus (imperial official); claritas|clarity/vividness; brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, renown, fame; claritudo|clearness, brightness; distinctness; loudness; celebrity, distinction, renown; claritus|clearly, distinctly; clarividus|seeing clearly; clear sighted; claro|make visible; brighten, light up; make clear, explain; make illustrious/famous; claror|clarity, brightness; claros|beetle infesting beehives; (regarded by Pliny as a disease); clarus|clear, bright, gleaming; loud, distinct; evident, plain; illustrious, famous; clasis|division/class of Romans; levy/draft, land army; fleet; group/band; classiarius|mariner; sailor, seaman; naval forces/personnel (pl.), marines; classiarius|of navy/fleet/marines; classicula|small fleet/flotilla; classicum|military trumpet call; war-trumpet (L+S); classicus|of/connected with fleet/sailors; belonging to a/highest citizen class; classicus|trumpeter (who summoned comitia centuriata); sailors (pl.), marines; classis|class/division of Romans; grade (pupils); levy/draft; fleet/navy; group/band; clathrum|lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings; clathrus|latticed or barred; clathrus|lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings; clatratus|latticed or barred; clatro|fit with bars or railings; clatrum|lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings; clatrus|lattices or bars (pl.); grate; railings; claudaster|little lame; claudeo|limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble; claudicatio|limping; lameness; claudico|limp, be lame; waver, incline to one side; be defective/deficient/fall short; claudigo|lameness; limping, limp; clauditas|lameness; Claudius|Claudius; (Roman gens name); (Ti. C. Nero Germanicus, Emperor, 41-54 AD); Lame; Claudius|Claudius; Roman gens; (Ti. C. Nero Germanicus, Emperor, 41-54 AD); the_Lame; claudo|limp, stumble/falter/hesitate; be weak/imperfect, fall short; be lame, hobble; claudo|close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine; claudus|limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain; clausa|cell; claustellum|keyhole; claustralis|fortress-, of/pertaining to fortress; cloister-, of cloister/convent (Ecc); claustrarius|of/pertaining to locks; [~ artifex => locksmith]; claustrarius|maker of door-bolts; locksmith; claustritumus|warden of locks; claustrum|bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam; claustrum|monastery, cloister (often pl.); clausula|end/conclusion (letter/verse/transaction); close (periodic sentence); clause; clausum|enclosed space; clausura|lock/clasp (necklace); lock, bar, bolt (L+S); castle, fort (late); cloister; clausus|closed, inaccessible (places); impervious to feeling; shut/locked in, enclosed; clava|club, cudgel; staff; knotty/rough/wooden stick; exercise sword; Spartan scytale; clava|golf-club; (Cal); clavarium|nail-money, allowance to soldiers for shoe-nails; clavator|one who fights with a club; one who carries clubs/foils/exercise swords (L+S); clavatus|furnished/decorated with nails/studs; striped (animal); claves|door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop; clavicarius|locksmith; clavicen|pianist; clavicina|pianist; claviclarius|turnkey; keeper of keys, jailer (L+S); clavicula|(small) key; vine-tendril; pivot; rod, bar, bolt (for door); clavicularius|turnkey; keeper of keys, jailer (L+S); clavicymbalum|harpsichord; claviger|carrying/armed with a club; (epithet of Hercules); key-bearing (Janus); claviger|mace/club-bearer, one armed with a club; (Hercules); key-bearer (Janus); clavile|piano; clavis|door-key; bar/key for turning a press, lever; hook for bowling a hoop; clavo|nail, furnish/fasten with nails; furnish with points/prickles or purple stripe; clavola|graft or cutting; scion; clavula|graft or cutting; scion; clavulare|large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (with wicker-work sides?); clavularis|of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?); clavularius|of/pertaining to large open wagon (used for transporting soldiers); (wicker?); clavulus|small nail; tack; small swelling; clavus|callus, wart, tumor, excrescence; foul brood in bees; fungus disease in olives; clavus|nail, spike, rivet; purple stripe on tunic; tiller/helm, helm of ship of state; claxendix|murex, purple-fish; a shellfish from which (royal) purple dye was obtained); clema|knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare); clematis|plant; (various kinds of clematis/convolvulus/etc); (climbing plants L+S); clematis|plant; (various kinds of clematis/convolvulus/etc); clematitis|plant; species of aristolochia; clemens|merciful/loving; lenient/mild/gentle; quiet/peaceful, easy, moderate; compliant; clementer|leniently, mercifully; mildly/softly; slowly/at an easy rate/gradually, gently; clementia|mercy/clemency; compassion; indulgence/forbearance; gentleness, mildness, calm; clementinum|clementine; (small orange, hybrid of tangerine and sour orange OED); cleonia|plant; (also called helenium); cleonicion|plant; (also called clinopodion); Cleopatra|Cleopatra; (Queen of Egypt); cleopiceton|wild basil (Calamintha clinopodium); clepo|steal; take away secretly; overhear, listen secretly; steal/hide oneself away; clepsydra|water-clock; (used for timing speakers); time of one clock (20 minutes); clepsydrarius|maker of water-clocks; clepta|thief; cleptes|thief; clericalis|clerical, priestly; clericatus|clerical office; clerical/priestly state; clericus|clergyman, priest, cleric, clerk; scholar, student, scribe, secretary (Bee); clerus|allotment of land; assignment by lots (L+S); clerus|clergy, clerical order; clibanarius|soldier clad in mail, cuirassier; clibanicius|baked in a clibanus (bread oven); [w/panis => bread baked in a clibanus]; clibanus|oven; earthen/iron vessel w/small holes/broad bottom for baking/serving bread; clidion|(parts round the) shoulder-bone of a fish; (tunny L+S); clidium|(parts round the) shoulder-bone of a fish; (tunny L+S); cliduchus|key-bearer; cliens|client, dependent (of a patron), vassal; client state/its citizens, allies; cliens|customer (modern sense); clienta|female dependent/client, protegee; female votary; clientela|clientship; vassalage; patronage; protection; clients; vassals; allies (pl.); clientulus|mere/small/insignificant client; petty vassal; (term of contempt); clima|climate; (Cal); clima|measure of land; (60 feet square); inclination from latitude; clime; direction; climacis|inclined channel/barrel of a ballista; small staircase/ladder (L+S); climacter|rung (astrological), critical point in life (every 7 years); climactericus|critical, climacteric (astrology); of critical point in life (every 7 years); climacus|three musical notes in defending scale; climatias|kind of earthquake; climaticus|climatic; climatologia|climatology; climax|rhetorical figure (gradual increase in force of expression); (also gradatio); clinamen|swerving, turning aside; clinatus|inclining, slanting; inclined, bent, sunk (L+S); clingo|surround/encircle/ring; enclose; beleaguer; accompany; gird, equip; ring (tree); clinice|clinical medicine; practice at sick-bed (L+S); clinicos|clinical, sick-bed; clinicum|clinic; clinicus|physician attending patient in bed; bedridden patient; one baptized when sick; clino|incline, slope; bend; sink; clinodium|jewel; clinopale|intercourse, wrestling in bed, active sexual exercise; clinopodium|wild basil (Calamintha clinopodium); clinopus|foot of a bed; clinsa|small handbell; clipeatus|armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus); shield-bearing; clipeatus|soldier armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus) (usu. pl.); clipeo|provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection; clipeolum|small shield; clipeum|round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; clipeus|round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; clitella|pack-saddle (pl.), sumpter-saddle; like things; instrument of torture (L+S); clitellarius|used for carrying a pack-saddle; of/pertaining to/bearing a pack-saddle (L+S); cliticos|statue of person reclining/sitting; person reclining/sitting; clive|slope, incline; clivia|bird (unidentified); (of ill omen); clivis|two musical notes second lower than first; clivis|sloping, inclined; steep; clivius|which forbid anything to be done; (having bad omens?); clivolus|short slope; clivos|slope (sg.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name); clivosus|hilly, full of hills; steep, characterized by slopes; difficult (L+S); clivulus|short slope; little hill (L+S); clivum|slope (pl.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name); clivus|which forbid anything to be done (pl.); (having bad omens?); clivus|slope (sg.), incline; sloping ground; inclined passage/surface; (street name); cloaca|sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval); cloacalis|of/pertaining to sewage/sewers; cloacarium|tax/levy/contribution towards upkeep/maintenance of sewers/drains; cloacarius|of/derived from sewage/dung/sewers; [mons cloacarius => dung hill]; cloacarius|sewer/drain worker/cleaner; cloaco|daub; stain, pollute; soil; "smear"; cloacula|small sewer/drain; clocca|bell; cloccarium|belfry; bell/clock tower; clodico|limp, be lame; be defective; (facetious plebeian of claudico); clodigo|lameness; limping, limp; Clodius|Claudian; of Claudius gens (= Claudius); clodo|close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine; Clodoveus|Clovis; clodus|limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain; clon|clone; clonizatio|cloning; clonizo|clone; clonos|plant; (also called batrachion or scelerata); clostellum|keyhole; small lock (L+S); clostrarius|maker of door-bolts; clostrum|bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam; clouaca|sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval); cluaca|sewer, underground drain; maw of voracious person; privy (medieval); cludo|limp, halt; be weak, be imperfect; cludo|close, shut, block up; conclude, finish; blockade, besiege; enclose; confine; cludo|dagger; cludus|limping, lame; defective/crippled/imperfect; uneven/halting/wavering/uncertain; cluens|client, dependent (of a patron), vassal; client state/its citizens, allies; clueo|purify; cleanse, make clean; clueo|be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing; clueor|be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing; cluma|husks of grain; barley husks (pl.) (L+S); cluna|apes (pl.); (may be misread for clura); clunaclum|sacrificial knife; clunaculum|sacrificial knife; clunalis|of/pertaining to hind parts, hind-; [clunales pedes => hindfeet]; Cluniacensis|of/pertaining to Cluny; Cluniacum|Cluny; clunicula|upper leg or thigh; small hind parts (L+S); cluniculus|upper leg or thigh; small hind parts (L+S); clunis|buttock, haunch, hindquarters (vertebrate animals); (also insects/arachnids); cluo|be called, be named, be reputed/spoken of/said to be; be reckoned as existing; cluo|purify; cleanse, make clean; clupea|small river fish; clupeatus|armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus); shield-bearing; clupeatus|soldier armed/furnished with a shield (clipeus) (usu. pl.); clupeo|provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection; clupeolum|small shield; clupeum|round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; clupeus|round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; clura|kind of ape; (Barbary ape?); clurinus|of/pertaining to apes; clusa|sluice; clusaris|that encloses/marks an area; (water) that is in a covered channel; clusaris|easily shutting/closing; clusarius|easily shutting/closing; clusilis|capable of closing; bivalve; easily closing (L+S); clusor|one who encloses/encompasses; cluster|clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe; clustrum|bolt (gate/door); key; bars (pl.), enclosure; barrier; door, gate, bulwark; dam; clusum|enclosed space; clusura|lock/clasp of a necklace; lock, bar, bolt (L+S); castle, fort (late); clusus|closed, inaccessible (places); impervious to feeling; shut/locked in, enclosed; clutus|famous, renowned; celebrated, glorious; refined; clybatis|plant (Parietaria officinalis); (also called helxine); clymenos|plant, scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus vermiculata); clymenus|plant, scorpion's tail (Scorpiurus vermiculata); clypeo|provide/arm with a shield (clipeus) or protection; clypeolum|small shield; clypeum|round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; clypeus|round/embossed shield (usu. bronze); disk of sun; vault of sky; meteorite; clysmus|clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe; clyster|clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe; clyster|clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe; clystera|clyster, drench, injection; enema; syringe, clyster pipe; clysterium|small syringe; clyster (L+S); clysterizo|apply a syringe/clyster; give an injection/enema; purge; Cn|Gnaeus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Cn.); cnason|hair-pin (with which women scratch head); cnatus|son; child; children (pl.); cnecos|safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle; cnedinus|of/pertaining to nettles, nettle-; cnemis|greave; end of verse; cneoron|plant name; (various kinds of Daphne?); cneorum|plant name; (various kinds of Daphne?); cnephosus|gloomy, dark; cnestor|shrub; (Daphne gnidium?); cnicus|safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle; cnide|nettle; sea nettle; cnidinus|of/pertaining to nettles, nettle-; cnisa|steam/odor from a sacrifice; cnissa|steam/odor from a sacrifice; cnodax|pin, pivot; gudgeon, pivot on end of beam/axle for wheel/bell/etc; cnodax|pin, pivot; gudgeon, pivot on end of beam/axle for wheel/bell/etc; coa|lustful woman; (wearing fine Coan silk?); fictitious nickname of Clodia (L+S); coaccedo|come to or be added besides; coacervatim|in/by heaps; coacervatio|heaping/piling together/up; adding together, aggregate; (of arguments); coacervo|heap/pile up, gather/crowd together; amass, collect; make by heaping; add/total; coacesco|become sour/acid; deteriorate; become corrupt; coactarius|maker of felt; coacte|briefly/concisely/shortly; exactly/accurately; in forced manner; by compulsion; coactile|thick fulled cloth, felt; coactiliarius|maker of felt; maker of thick fulled cloth (L+S); coactiliarius|fulling; [~ taberna => fulling mill]; coactilis|made of felt; made thick (L+S); coactim|briefly, concisely, shortly; coactio|collection (of money), collecting/calling in; compression; abridgement/epitome; coactio|disease of animals; constraint; (Cal); coactivus|forced; coacto|compel; constrain; force; coactor|collector (of money/taxes/etc); [agminis ~ => troops bringing up rear]; coactor|fuller; (felter?); (cloth worker); one who forces to something; coactum|thick/fulled covering; mattress; coactura|amount (of oil) extracted/pressed (in a given period); collection (L+S); coactus|coercive; coactus|compulsion, constraint, force, coercion; coaddo|add; (ingredient); add with, add also (L+S); coadjuto|urge; help, assist; coadjutor|helper, assistant; coadjutoria|assistantship; office of assistant; coadjutus|assisted, helped;, aided; coadjutus|assistant, helper; coadoro|worship/adore together/along with; coadulesco|grow up along with; coadunatio|uniting into one; summing up; coaduno|unite; add/join together; collect into one; coaedifico|build (town/etc); occupy (site) with buildings; build up/upon; coaegresco|become sick at same time as; get sick together with; coaegroto|be sick at same time as; coaequalis|one of same age, contemporary; comrade/companion of same age (L+S); coaequalis|having same age as; be of equal/same age; coaequo|make level/equal, equalize; regard/treat as equal, equate; adjust by weighing; coaestimo|estimate together/in conjunction (with); coaetaneo|be of same age/contemporary; coaetaneus|one of same age, contemporary; coaeternus|co-eternal; equally eternal; existing with another eternally; coaevus|of same age, coeval, of equal antiquity, going back to same date; coaggero|heap/cover over (with); heap together (L+S); coagito|shake together; coagmentarius|joining together; union; coagmentatio|union, state/act of being joined/fitted together; connection, joint; coagmento|join/fasten together, connect; make by joining/construct; fit (words) together; coagmentum|joint; (vertical between stones); overlapping side of tile; joining (letters); coagulare|colon; (intestine); coagulatio|coagulation; curdling; congealing; coagulatus|curdled; coagulo|curdle (milk); make (liquids) thick/solid, congeal, coagulate; collect together; coagulum|tie/bond, binding agent; rennet; curds; thickening/congealing; plant (~ terrae); coalesco|join/grow together; coalesce; close (wound); become unified/strong/established; coalitio|coalition; coalitus|communion; fellowship; coalo|sustain/nourish together; coalo|sustain/nourish together; coambulo|walk/go/travel with/together; coangusto|confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application; coapostolus|fellow apostle; coaptatio|accurate joining together; coapto|fit/join/adjust together; make by joining; coarctatio|tightening; fitting closely together; crowding/drawing together; coarcto|narrow; hem in, pack/crowd/bring/fit close together, restrict; shorten/abridge; coaresco|dry up/wither together; become/run dry together; coarguo|refute; show, demonstrate; overwhelm w/proof; silence; convict; prove guilty; coargutio|conviction; refutation; coarmius|comrade-in-arms; coarmo|arm/equip together; coartatio|tightening; fitting closely together; crowding/drawing together; coarticulo|cause to speak/articulate; coarto|narrow; hem in, pack/crowd/bring/fit close together, restrict; shorten/abridge; coassamentum|framework of planks; floor; coassatio|floor-boards, floor-planking; floor of planks/boards (L+S); joining of boards; coassistens|coassistant, fellow assistant; coasso|fit with floor planking; join boards/planks together (L+S); coassumo|assume together; coauctio|joint increase; coaudio|confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application; coaudito|confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow scope/application; coaxatio|floor-boards, floor-planking; floor of planks/boards (L+S); joining of boards; coaxo|croak; (of frogs); coaxo|fit with floor planking; join boards/planks together (L+S); cobaia|guinea pig, pig of India; cobaltum|cobalt; cobio|small fish; (of gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio); cobios|plant (spurge); tithymalus/wolf's-milk (L+S); dendroides, leptophyllon; cobius|small fish; (of gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio); cocainum|cocaine; coccinatus|dressed/clothed in scarlet; coccinella|ladybird; coccineus|dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color; coccinum|scarlet-dyed/scarlet clothes/garments/coverings (pl.); coccinum|berry (w/Cnidium) of spurge-flax/nettle (Daphne gnidium); berry of scarlet oak; coccinum|insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool; coccinus|dyed scarlet, scarlet-dyed; scarlet, of scarlet color; coccio|dealer; broker; coccum|berry (w/Cnidium) of spurge-flax/nettle (Daphne gnidium); berry of scarlet oak; coccum|insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool; coccus|insect (Coccus ilicis) used for dye; scarlet dye/color; scarlet cloth/wool; coccygia|wig-tree (Rhus cotinus); kind of sumac used in coloring (L+S); coccymelum|plum; coccyx|cuckoo; cocetum|kind of food prepared from honey and poppies; cochlea|snail; (form) snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water/wood); winding entrance; cochlear|spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; cochleare|spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; cochlearis|cochlear, pertaining to the (snail-like) inner ear; of/like snail; cochlearium|spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; pertaining to snails; cochlearium|snailery, snail pen, enclosure for edible snails; cochleatim|spirally; like a snail shell; cochleatus|spiral/screw formed; cochleola|small snail; cochlia|snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance; cochlis|spiral shell, conch; snail-shaped precious stone found in Arabia; cochlos|kind of marine gastropod; (with spiral shell); cocibilis|easy to cook; easily cooked (L+S); cocilendrum|imaginary magic condiment; cocina|cooking; art of cookery; kitchen (L+S); cocinaris|of/belonging in kitchen; used in cooking; [w/culter => kitchen knife]; cocinarius|of/belonging in kitchen; used in cooking; pertaining to kitchen, culinary (L+S); cocinatorium|kitchen, place for cooking; cocinatorius|culinary, used in cooking; pertaining to kitchen (L+S); cocino|cook, prepare food; cocinus|of/pertaining to cooks/cooking; [forum ~ => market where cooks were hired]; cocio|dealer; broker; cocionatura|bakery; cocionor|trade, traffic (in a petty way); be a dealer/broker; cocitatio|long and thorough process of cooking; continuous cooking (L+S); cocitatorius|culinary; used in cooking; cocito|cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest; coclaca|round river stones resembling snails; coclea|snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance; coclear|spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; cocleare|spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; coclearium|spoon; (originally for extracting snails); spoonful; coclearium|snailery, snail pen, enclosure for edible snails; cocleatim|spirally; cocleatus|spiral/screw formed; cocleola|small snail; Cocles|one-eyed person; Horatius (who kept Etruscans from Subician bridge); coclia|snail; (form of) a snail shell; spiral; screw (press/water); winding entrance; coco|crow of cock; cock-a-doodle-doo; hen-clucking (L+S); coco|cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest; cocoa|cocoa (drink); cocodrillus|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; cocodrilus|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; cocolobis|Spanish name for a type of grape; cocolubis|Spanish name for a type of grape; cocos|cook; cocos|coconut tree; cocta|boiled water; (water boiled then iced); coctanum|kind of small fig; (grown in Syria); coctilicius|of/pertaining to dried wood; [~ taberna => place where dried wood was sold]; coctilis|baked/burned (of bricks); made/built of/of baked/burned bricks; cooked (Ecc); coctilum|very dried wood (pl.); (that burns without smoke); coctio|cooking; digestion (of food); burning (L+S); coctio|dealer; broker; coctivus|suitable for cooking, cooking- (of food); that easily cooks/ripens early (L+S); coctonum|kind of small fig; (grown in Syria); coctor|cook; coctoria|kiln; coctorium|casserole; pan; coctum|cooked food; smelted ore; coctura|cooking (method) (food); heating/roasting/smelting (ore); thing heated/boiled; cocturarius|cook; coctus|cooked; roasted, burnt; smelted; baked (bricks); ripened, ripe; softened, mild; cocula|cook (female); coculeatus|spiral; coculum|cooking vessel/pot/pan; (bronze); cocus|cook; coda|tail (animal); extreme part/tail of anything; penis (Horace); codex|trunk of tree; piece/block of wood; blockhead; (bound) book; note/account book; codicarius|kind of barge/lighter (w/navis); codicarius|bargeman, lighterman; (esp. those who brought grain from Ostia to Rome (L+S)); codicellus|notepad, small log; writing tablets; patent; petition to Emperor; will/codicil; codicillaris|named/appointed by written order of Emperor/in Emperor's handwriting; codicillarius|named/appointed by written order of Emperor/in Emperor's handwriting; codicillus|notepad, small log; writing tablets; patent; petition to Emperor; will/codicil; codicula|little tail; codificatus|codified; arranged; coec|kind of date; (doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica Liddle and Scott); coecas|kind of date; (doum palm, Hyphaene thebaica Liddle and Scott); coel|sky, heaven; universe, world; space; air, weather; Jehovah; (shortened form); coelectus|elected together; coelementatus|composed of the elements; coeles|heavenly; celestial; (not found classical in NOM S); coeles|the_Gods (usu. pl.); divinity, dweller in heaven; saint (Ecc); coeleste|supernatural/heavenly matters (pl.); heavenly bodies; astronomy; coelestis|heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the_Gods; coelestis|divinity, god/goddess; god-like person; the_Gods (pl.); heavenly bodies; coelestis|heavenly, of heavens/sky, from heaven/sky; celestial; divine; of the_Gods; coeliaca|remedy/medicine for bowel/stomach/abdomen pains/disease; coeliacus|in bowels/stomach (pain); having disease of bowels; for bowels (remedy); coeliacus|person having disease/pain/suffering in bowels; (or stomach/abdomen L+S); coelibatus|celibacy; bachelorhood; state of not being married; single life; coelicola|heaven dweller; deity, god/goddess; worshiper of heavens (L+S); coelicus|heavenly; celestial; coelifer|supporting sky/heavens; coelifluus|flowing from heaven; coeligenus|of heavenly birth/origin, heaven born; coeligerus|heaven supporting; coelioticus|cleansing of bowels/stomach; (purgative?); coelipotens|powerful in heaven; coelitus|from heaven; heavenly; from the Emperor (L+S); divine; coelum|sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah; coelus|sky, heaven, heavens; space; air, climate, weather; universe, world; Jehovah; coemendatus|amended at same time; coemesis|somniferous song; coemeterium|cemetery; coemo|buy; buy up; coemptio|fictitious marriage to free heiress; mock sale of estate to free it of burdens; coemptionalis|of a mock/sham sale/marriage; poor, worthless; [~ senex => one used in sham]; coemptionator|man acting as fictitious purchaser in coemptio (sham marriage/sale); coemptor|one who buys up; (one who bribes); one who purchases many things (L+S); coena|dinner/supper, principle Roman meal (evening); course; meal; company at dinner; coenacularius|of/pertaining to a garret/attic; coenaculum|attic, garret (often let as lodging); upstairs dining room; top/upper story; coenaticus|of/pertaining to (a) dinner; coenatio|dining-room; dining hall; coenatiuncula|small dining-room; coenator|diner; dinner guest; coenatorius|of/used for dining; pertaining to dinner or table; coenaturio|desire to dine; have an appetite for dinner; coenautocinetum|bus; coencenatio|dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S); coenito|dine/eat habitually (in a particular place/manner); have dinner, dine (often); coeno|dine, eat dinner/supper; have dinner with; dine on, make a meal of; coenobiarcha|abbot; coenobita|monk; cloister-brother; coenobiticus|monastic; of monastic life/works/ritual/property; coenobium|monastery; convent; cloister; coenomyia|common fly; coenon|kind of eye-salve; coenositas|dirty/foul/muddy place; coenosus|muddy; filthy, foul; slimy, marshy; impure; coenula|little dinner/supper; coenulentus|covered in mud/filth; muddy, filthy, slimy; coenum|mud, mire, filth, slime, dirt, uncleanness; (of persons) scum/filth; coeo|fit together; have sexual intercourse; collect/gather (fluid); meet; rally; coeo|enter agreement; unite/assemble/conspire; come/go together; mend/knit (wound); coepio|begin, commence, initiate; (rare early form, usu. shows only PERFDEF); coepio|begin, commence, initiate; set foot on; (usu. PERF PASS w/PASS INF; PRES early); coepiscopatus|co-episcopate/bishopric/see; coepiscopus|associate bishop; fellow bishop (Ecc); coepto|begin/commence (w/INF); set to work, undertake/attempt/try; venture/begin (ACC); coeptum|undertaking (usu.pl.), enterprise, scheme; work begun/started/taken in hand; coeptus|begun, started, commenced; undertaken; coeptus|beginning, undertaking; coepulonus|table-companion; (mock-tragic for parasitus); fellow banqueter/companion (L+S); coepulor|feast/dine together; coerceo|enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish; coercio|coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment; coercitio|coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment; coercitivus|compelling; coercing; coercitor|enforcer; one who restrains; coerctio|coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment; coerro|go/wander around together; coertio|coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment; coetus|meeting, encounter, (political or illegal) assembly; union; band, gang, crowd; coetus|social intercourse (w/hominium), society, company; sexual intercourse; coexercitatus|that is practiced together/at same time; coextendo|have same extension/expansion; cof|qof; (19th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K); cofanus|pelican; coffeinum|caffeine; cofinus|basket, hamper; cofraternitas|association, brotherhood, society/confraternity/confederation/sodality/guild; cofrus|payment; some kind of coin?; cogitabilis|conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, cogitable; cogitabundus|wrapped in thought; thoughtful, thinking; cogitamen|thinking; cogitamentum|thought; cogitate|carefully, with thought/reflection; cogitatim|carefully, with thought/reflection; cogitatio|thinking, meditation, reflection; thought; intention; plan; opinion, reasoning; cogitatorium|receptacle of thought; cogitatum|result of deliberation, thoughts/ideas/reflections; intentions/plans; (pl. L+S); cogitatus|deliberate; cogitatus|act of thinking; thought (L+S); cogito|think; consider, reflect on, ponder; imagine, picture; intend, look forward to; cognata|relation by birth (female), kinswoman; cognatio|blood relation/relationship; kinsmen/relatives, family; consanguinity; affinity; cognatus|related, related by birth/position, kindred; similar/akin; having affinity with; cognatus|relation (male), kinsman; [~i regis => contingent of Persian king's bodyguard]; cognitio|examination, inquiry/investigation (judicial); acquiring knowledge; recognition; cognitio|getting to know (fact/subject/person); acquaintance; idea/notion; knowledge; cognitionalis|of/pertaining to judicial inquiry/investigation; cognitionaliter|by judicial inquiry/investigation; cognitor|guarantor of identity; he who knows/is acquainted with (person/thing); attorney; cognitorius|of/concerning an attorney/advocate; cognitura|duty of an attorney; office of state attorney/fiscal agent (debts) (L+S); cognitus|known (from experience/carnally)), tried/proved; noted, acknowledged/recognized; cognitus|act of getting to know/becoming acquainted with; cognobilis|understandable, intelligible; cognomen|surname, family/3rd name; name (additional/derived from a characteristic); cognomentum|surname, family/3rd/allusive name; sobriquet; name; cult name of a god; cognominatio|surname, family/3rd name; name (additional/derived from a characteristic); cognominatus|derived from (other words) (of words); given (name); named; called; cognominis|having same name; synonymous; like-named; cognomino|give surname/epithet/sobriquet to person; name, give specific name, call; cognominor|be named/surnamed/called; cognoscens|acquainted with; aware of; cognoscens|judge; inquisitor; one taking part/conducting a judicial investigation; cognoscenter|with knowledge; distinctly; cognoscibilitas|ability to be know/understood/recognized; cognoscibiliter|recognizably; discernibly; cognoscitivus|knowing, having power of knowing, intellectually aware cognosco|become acquainted with/aware of; recognize; learn, find to be; inquire/examine; cogo|collect/gather, round up, restrict/confine; force/compel; convene; congeal; cogulo|curdle (milk); make (liquids) thick/solid, congeal, coagulate; collect together; cohabitatio|cohabitation, living/dwelling together; cohabitator|he who lives/dwells with another; cohabito|dwell/live together; cohaerens|touching, adjacent; holding together, coherent (literary work); being in accord; cohaerente|things (pl.) touching/adjacent; coherent/systematic/connected whole/argument; cohaerenter|systematically; consistently, compatibly; continuously, uninterruptedly; cohaerentia|cohesion, sticking/combining together; organic structure; being time contiguous; cohaereo|stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact; cohaereo|be consistent/coherent; be connected/bound/joined/tied together; be in harmony; cohaeres|co-heir; joint heir; cohaeresco|cohere; stick, adhere; grow together, unite; cohaesio|cohesion, sticking/combining together; organic structure; being time contiguous; cohaesus|pressed together; coherceo|enclose, confine; restrain, check, curb, repress; limit; preserve; punish; cohercitio|coercion, restraint, repression; (affliction of summary/right to) punishment; cohereo|stick/cling/hold/grow together, adhere; embrace; touch, adjoin, be in contact; cohereo|be consistent/coherent; be connected/bound/joined/tied together; be in harmony; coheres|co-heir; joint heir; coheresco|cohere; stick, adhere; grow together, unite; cohibeo|hold together, contain; hold back, restrain, curb, hinder; confine; repress; cohibilis|concise; terse; abridged, short (L+S); cohibiliter|concisely; tersely; cohibitio|restriction; compression; restriction, restraining, governing (L+S); cohibitus|restrained; confined, limited (L+S); moderate; cohonesto|honor, grace; do honor/pay respect to; make respectable; prevent baldness (L+S); cohorresco|shudder; shiver/shake (from emotion/fear/cold/illness); cohors|court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd; cohors|cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard cohortalinus|of/pertaining to an imperial/praetorian bodyguard (cohort); cohortalis|pertaining to a farm/cattle yard, farmyard-; of/concerned with poultry keeping; cohortalis|of/connected with a military/praetorian cohort/company/guard; cohortatio|encouragement, exhortation, inciting; cohortatiuncula|short exhortation; cohorticula|little/small cohort; (used with contempt); cohorto|encourage, exhort; cohortor|encourage, cheer up; exhort, rouse, incite; admonish; cohospes|fellow-guest; cohospitans|fellow-guest; cohum|hole in middle of yoke in which pole fits; thong used to attach pole to yoke; cohum|vault/shapelessness/emptiness (of sky/heavens); cohumido|wet all over; moisten; cohurnus|high boot/buskin (worn by Greek tragic actors to increase their height); cohurnus|elevated/tragic/solemn style; tragic poetry; tragic stage; coicio|throw/put/pile together; conclude, infer, guess; assign, make go; classify, put; coicio|throw/cast/fling (into area); devote/pour (money); thrust, involve; insert; coillum|innermost part of house where the_Lares were worshiped; coimbibo|drink/imbibe together/along with/at same time; coincidentia|coincidence; coincideo|coincide; coincido|coincide; coinquinatio|polluting, defiling; pollution; coinquinatus|polluted, contaminated, tainted; coinquino|befoul/pollute/defile wholly (immorality); contaminate/taint/infect (w/disease); coinquio|cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S); coinquo|cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S); cointelligo|understand; presume; coitio|meeting, encounter; assemblage; conspiracy, plot, coalition; partnership; coitio|combination; physical/chemical union of elements; (late) sexual intercourse; coitus|meeting/encounter, gathering; conjunction (planets); meeting place; coalescence; coitus|union, sexual intercourse; fertilization; gathering/collection (fluid/pus); coix|kind of Ethiopian palm; cojecto|conjecture, think, imagine, infer, guess, conclude; judge, draw a conclusion; cojecto|throw together; assemble; throw (person in prison); interpret (portent); cojectura|conjecture/guess/inference/reasoning/interpretation/comparison/prophecy/forecast cojux|spouse/mate/consort; husband (M); wife (F)/bride/fiancee/concubine; yokemate; cola|strainer; colafus|blow with fist; buffet, cuff; box on ear (L+S); colaphizo|box one's ears; cuff; colaphus|blow with fist; buffet, cuff; box on ear (L+S); colatura|flirtation; that which has been strained; colatus|cleansed, cleaned, purified; coleatus|provided with/having/pertaining to testicles; colegium|college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/fraternity/guild/colleagueship colens|honoring, treating respectfully; colens|reverer, worshiper; coleopteron|coleopteron, beetle; carob; carob tree; coleopterum|beetle; colephium|unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S); colepium|unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S); colepium|knuckle of beef/pork; coles|stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis; colesco|join/grow together; coalesce; close (wound); become unified/strong/established; coleus|leather sack (wine/liquid); liquid measure (20 amphorae/120 gallons); coleus|testicles (usu.pl.) or scrotum; (rude); colias|coly-mackerel (Scomber colias); kind of tunny (L+S); colices|remedy for colic; colicon|remedy for colic; coliculus|stalk/stem (small); small cabbage, cabbage sprout; pillar like a stalk/shoot; colicus|of/pertaining to colic; coligo|bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite, unify; fetter, bind, put in bonds; colimbus|swimming pool; colina|kitchen; portable kitchen; food/fare/board; cooking; place for burnt offerings; coliphium|unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S); colis|stalk/stem; stem of a cabbage/lettuce/etc; cabbage/lettuce; quill; penis; colisatum|kind of vehicle; collabasco|waver/totter/become unsteady at same time; waver/totter with; collabefacto|cause to topple over; make to reel/totter (L+S); overpower/subdue; melt (metal); collabefio|collapse/break up; sink together; be overthrown politically/brought to ruin; collabello|make/form by putting lips together; collabor|collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet); collabor|collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet); collaboratio|collaboration, working together; collaboro|labor/work with/together; collaceratus|torn to pieces; lacerated; collacero|lacerate severely; tear to pieces (L+S); collacrimatio|accompanying tears; weeping/lamenting (together/greatly); collacrimo|weep together, weep in company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail; collacrumo|weep together, weep in company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail; collactanea|foster-sister; one nourished at same breast; collactaneus|foster-brother; one nourished at same breast; collactea|foster-sister; one nourished at same breast; collacteus|foster-brother; one nourished at same breast; collactia|foster-sister; one nourished at same breast; collacticia|foster-sister; one nourished at same breast; collacticius|foster-brother; one nourished at same breast; collactius|foster-brother; one nourished at same breast; collaetor|rejoice together; collambo|lick thoroughly; lap/lick up; suck (up), absorb; collapsio|precipitation, falling together; collare|collar, neckband; chain for neck (L+S); collaris|collar, neckband; chain for neck (L+S); collaris|of/pertaining to/belonging to neck; collarium|collar, neckband; chain for neck (L+S); collatatus|extended; diffuse; collateralis|collateral; collatero|admit on both sides; collaticius|contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled; collatio|placing/putting together, combination; data collation; (payment of) tribute/tax; collatio|comparison; [grammatical secunda ~/tertia ~ => comparative/superlative]; collatitius|contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled; collativum|contribution in money; collativus|supplied/produced by contributions from many quarters; collected/combined (L+S); collator|joint contributor, subscriber; he who brings/places together (L+S); comparer; collatro|bark in chorus at; bark/yelp fiercely at (L+S); inveigh against; collatus|joining of battle; affray, attack (L+S); contributing (to knowledge, teaching); collaudabilis|worthy of praise in every respect; collaudatio|high/warm praise; commendation; eulogy; collaudator|one who praises highly/warmly; collaudo|praise/extol highly; commend; eulogize; collaxo|loosen; make loose/porous (L+S); collecta|contribution; collection; meeting/assemblage (L+S); Collect at Mass (eccl.); collectaculum|place of assembling; receptacle, reservoir; collectaneum|book of Collects; collectaneus|collected, assembled/gathered together from various sources; collectarium|book of Collects; collectarius|money-changer; banker, cashier; collecte|summarily; briefly; collecticius|obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection; collectim|summarily; briefly; collectio|collection/accumulation; gathering, abscess; recapitulation, summary; inference; collectitius|obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection; collective|collectively; collectivisticus|proceeding by inference; deductive; gathered together (L+S); collective; collectivus|proceeding by inference; deductive; gathered together (L+S); collective; collector|collector, one who collects; fellow student (L+S); collectorium|folder; collectum|that which is collected; (food); collected sayings/writings (pl.); collectus|compact (of style), concise; restricted; contracted, narrow; shut (Ecc); collectus|heap/pile; accumulation (of liquid); collection; collega|colleague (in official/priestly office); associate, fellow (not official); collegatarius|joint legatee; person bequeathed a legacy in common with others; collegialis|of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial; acting together (Ecc); collegialiter|collegially; collegiarius|of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial; acting together (Ecc); collegiarius|member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board); collegiata|collegiate church; institution, cooporation; collegiatus|collegiate, corporate, of a group; collegiatus|member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board); collegium|college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/guild/company/society/school; collegium|college, school; collema|that which is glued/cemented together; colleprosus|fellow-leper; collesco|lighten up, become illuminated; become clear/intelligible; colleticus|suitable for gluing/sticking together; colletis|plant; collevo|make (entirely) smooth; smooth; colliberta|fellow freedwoman; (having same patronus); collibertus|fellow freedman; (having same patronus); collibro|measure; measure off (L+S); collibuit|it pleases/is very agreeable; (IMPERS PERFDEF perfect form has present sense); collicellus|very small hill; collicia|gutter/drain(pl.) between two inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel colliciaris|designed for making gullies; pertaining to water-channels (L+S); colliculus|hillock, small hill; collido|strike/dash together; crush, batter, deform; set into conflict with each other; colliga|place/cave for gathering natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda from dripping); colligate|connectedly, jointly; colligatio|binding together; bond/connection; thing that binds/connects, band; conjunction; colligo|bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite/unify; fetter/bind; immobilize, stop; colligo|collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; colligo|obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up; colligo|collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; colligo|obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up; collimitaneus|bordering upon; (w/DAT); collimito|border upon; (w/DAT); collimitor|border upon; (w/DAT); collimitum|boundary between two countries; collimo|direct (eyes) sideways; glance sidelong; collina|hilly land; goddess of hills; collineate|skillfully, artistically; in a straight/direct line; collineo|align, direct, aim; direct in a straight line (L+S); collinio|align, direct, aim; direct in a straight line (L+S); collino|besmear, smear over; soil, pollute, defile; collinus|of/belonging to/pertaining to hills; found/growing on hill (L+S); hilly, hill-; colliphium|unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S); colliquefacio|melt, liquefy; dissolve; colliquefactus|made fluid, liquefied, melted; dissolved; colliquefio|be/become melted/liquefied/dissolved; (colliquefacio PASS); colliquesco|melt, liquefy (w/in+ACC); turn into by liquefying; melt along with; dissolve; colliquia|gutter/drain (pl.) between two inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel colliquiarium|contrivance (pl.) for reliving air-pressure in water pipes; collis|hill, hillock, eminence, hill-top; mound; high ground; mountains (pl.) (poetic); collisio|clash, collision; dashing/striking together (L+S); collisus|crushed, flattened; collisus|striking/clashing together; collision; collocatio|placing/siting (together); position; arrangement, ordering (things); marrying; colloco|place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply; colloco|put together, assemble; settle/establish in a place/marriage; billet; lie down; collocupleto|enrich, make wealthy/very rich; embellish, adorn; collocutio|conversation (private), discussion, debate; conference, parley; talking together collocutor|he who talks with another; collocutorium|parlor, visiting room; collocutorius|of conversation; colloquium|talk, conversation; colloquy/discussion; interview; meeting/conference; parley; colloquor|talk/speak to/with; talk together/over; converse; discuss; confer, parley; collubuit|it pleases/is very agreeable; (IMPERS PERFDEF perfect form has present sense); collubus|cost of exchange, agio; discount/fee to change money/make change; coin; colluceo|shine brightly, light up (with fire); reflect light, shine, be lit up; glitter; colluco|prune; thin out (trees); clear/thin (forest) (L+S); colluctatio|struggling (physical), wrestling; struggle, conflict; death struggle/agony; colluctor|struggle physically; wrestle/contend (with); struggle/fight against (adversity); colluctor|wrestler; antagonist, adversary; colludium|sporting, playing together; secret, deceptive understanding, collusion; colludo|play/sport together/with; (also) make sport; act in collusion (with); collugeo|lament; grieve together; collum|neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge; collumino|illuminate; collumnela|small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone; colluo|wash/rinse out; wash/rinse away (impurities); wash together; use as a wash(?); collurchinatio|gormandizing, gross gluttony; guzzling; collus|neck; throat; head and neck; severed head; upper stem (flower); mountain ridge; collusim|in collusion; collusio|secret/deceptive understanding, collusion; collusor|playmate, companion in play; fellow gambler; one in collusion to hurt another; collusorie|in/by collusion; in a concerted manner (L+S); collustrium|ceremonial purification (of fields); corporation that procured purification; collustro|illuminate, make bright, light up fully; look over, survey; traverse, explore; collutio|rinsing; washing (L+S); collutito|soil/defile greatly/thoroughly; collutlento|cover over with mud; colluviaris|swilled/slopped, fed on refuse/filth (pigs); colluvies|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire; colluvio|jumble/heterogeneous mass; fact/state of contamination, impure mixture; turmoil; colluvio|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire; colluvium|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire; collybista|money-changer; collybus|(cost of) exchange; agio, discount/fee to change money/make change; coin; collyra|pasta (kind of); macaroni/vermicelli (L+S); dough (Cal); collyricus|made with collyra (kind of pasta); of vermicelli (L+S); (vermicelli soup); collyrida|roll/cake; head-dress of women; plant (also called malva erratica); collyriolum|small suppository; packing; pessary/tent; collyris|roll/cake; head-dress of women; plant (also called malva erratica); collyrium|eye-salve; suppository; packing; pessary/tent (contraceptive); shaft/pillar; colo|strain/filter (liquid), clarify; purify; remove solids by filter; wash (gold); colo|live in (place), inhabit; till, cultivate, promote growth; foster, maintain; colo|honor, cherish, worship; tend, take care of; adorn, dress, decorate, embellish; colobathrarius|stilt-walker, one who walks on stilts; colobicus|mutilated; colobium|undershirt, undergarment with short sleeves; vest (British); colobos|mutilated, curtailed, cut off; in which one syllable is missing (verse); colobum|undergarment with short sleeves; colocasia|Egyptian bean (lily); (plant/fruit); colocasium|Egyptian bean (lily) (pl.); (plant/fruit); colocyntha|kind of gourd; (rude of os cunnilingi); (purgative); colocynthis|gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative); colocynthis|gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative); colocyntis|gourd plant/fruit, bitter apple, colocynth (Citrullus colocynthis); (purgative); coloephium|unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S); colon|large intestine; colon; pain in large intestine, colic; colon|part of a line of verse, metrical entity; clause of a period; line, fragment; colona|female farmer/tenant/cultivator of land; farmer's wife; countrywoman (L+S); colonarius|of/pertaining to farmer/colonist; rustic; colonatus|condition of a rustic; colonellus|colonel; colonia|colony/settlement or people thereof; colony of bees; land attached to farm; colonia|land possession; landed estate, farm; abode/dwelling; [~ Agrippina => Colonge]; colonialismus|colonialism; colonialista|colonialist; coloniaria|native of a colony (female); colonial; coloniarius|of/belonging to/prescribed for a colony, colonial; coloniarius|native of a colony; colonial; colonicus|of/belonging to/prescribed for colony, colonial; (troops); common/farm (sheep); Coloniensus|of Cologne; colonus|farmer, cultivator, tiller; tenant-farmer; settler, colonist; inhabitant; colophon|summit; finishing/crowning touch/stroke; colophon|summit; finishing/crowning touch/stroke; color|color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretext colorabilis|chromatic; (?) (divided tetrachord into 2 intervals of 1 semitone and 1 of 3); colorate|in a specious or plausible manner; coloratilis|sunburnt, brown, tanned; colorator|colorer; house-painter(?); polisher (L+S); coloratus|colored; sunburnt/tanned/not pallid; dark complected/swarthy, colored; specious; coloreus|multi-colored, variegated; colorius|multi-colored, variegated; coloro|color; paint; dye; tan; make darker; give deceptive color/gloss/appearance to; colos|color; pigment; shade/tinge; complexion; outward appearance/show; excuse/pretext colosiaeus|colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue); colossaeus|colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue); colosseus|colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue); colossicon|colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue); colossicus|colossal, huge, gigantic; much larger than life (statue); Colossos|Colossus of Rhodes (colossal statue in harbor); any large statue (Emperor); Colossus|Colossus of Rhodes (colossal statue in harbor); any large statue (Emperor); colostra|colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment); colostratio|disease of new-born mammals; (falsely attributed to first milk/beestings); colostratus|afflicted with disease from first milk/beestings; colostratus|one/those afflicted with disease (colostration) from first milk/beestings; colostrum|colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment); colotes|gecko/spotted lizard (Platdactylus mauretanicus); colpa|fault/blame/responsibility (w/GEN); crime (esp. against chastity); negligence; colpa|offense; error; (sense of) guilt; fault/defect (moral/other); sickness/injury; coluber|snake; serpent; (forming hair of mythical monsters); colubra|serpent, snake; (forming hair of mythical monsters); Furies; (head of) Hydra; colubrifer|snaky; snake-haired; (of Gorgon/Medusa); colubrimodus|snake-like, having qualities of a snake; colubrina|plant; (also called bryonia and dracontea); colubrinus|snake-like, having qualities of a snake, cunning; colubrosus|serpentine, winding; colum|large intestine; colon; pain in large intestine, colic; colum|strainer, filter, sieve; vessel for straining, colander (L+S); wicker fish net; columba|pigeon; dove; (term of endearment); (bird of Venus/symbol of love/gentleness); columbar|pigeon compartment/cot/hole; collar for constraint, pillory; niche in sepulcher; columbare|pigeon compartment/cot/hole; collar for constraint, pillory; niche in sepulcher; columbarium|box for pair of pigeons; niche in sepulcher for ashes; hole for oars, oarlock; columbarium|hole for beam; exit of water-wheel near axle; dove-cot, pigeon house (L+S); columbarius|pigeon-keeper; oarsman (term of reproach) (L+S); columbatim|in manner of doves, like doves, dovey; columbinaceus|of/pertaining to pigeons/doves, dove/pigeon-; [~ pullus => young dove]; columbinus|of pigeons, pigeon-; variety of plants (dove-colored?) (chick-pea/vine/marl); columbinus|little dove; columbor|bill and coo; (like doves); columbula|little dove; columbulatim|in manner of (little) doves, like (little) doves, dovey; columbulus|little dove; columbus|male/cock pigeon; (of male persons) (L+S); dove; columella|small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone; columellaris|canine teeth (pl.) of horses; grinding teeth of horses (L+S); (pillar-formed); columellaris|pillar-formed; (of grinding teeth of horses); columen|height, peak, summit, zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; "keystone"; columis|safe; unhurt, unimpaired; (?); columna|column/pillar (building/monument/pedestal/waterclock), post/prop; portico (pl.); columna|stanchion (press/ballista); water-spout; pillar of fire; penis (rude); columnar|marble quarry; stone quarry (L+S); columnaris|rising in form of a pillar, pillar-like, columnar; [~ lux => pillar of fire]; columnarium|pillar-tax, tax on pillars/columns; (applied to fancy houses); columnarius|frequenter of porticos, idler; builder of columns (?); columnarius|one who was condemned at Columna Maenia; criminal; debtor; columnatio|supporting with/on pillars; support by pillars/columns; columnatus|supported on/by pillars/columns; provided with/having pillars; columnella|small column/pillar; pivot of oil-mill; stanchion of catapult; column tombstone; columnifer|column-bearing; [~ radius => pillar of fire]; columpna|column/pillar, post/prop; portico; (columna); colurnus|made of hazel, of hazel, hazel-; colurus|(two circles) through equinoctial and solstitial points perpendicular at poles; colurus|syllable too short (w/metrum); colus|distaff; woman's concern; spinning; Fate's distaff w/threads of life; destiny; colus|large intestine; colon; pain in large intestine, colic; colus|distaff; woman's concern; spinning; Fate's distaff w/threads of life; destiny; colustra|colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment); colustrum|colustrum/beestings (first milk from a cow after calving); (term of endearment); coluteum|pods (pl.) of an unidentified tree (?); pod-like fruit (L+S); coluthium|kind of gastropod mollusk; kind of snail of dark color (L+S); colymbas|pickled olive; (swimming in brine L+S); colymbus|swimming pool/bath; colyphium|unidentified preparation of meat; choice/nourishing meat for athletes (L+S); colyx|cavern where natron (native sesquicarbonate of soda/alkali) is distilling/drips; com|together; com|with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached; com|under command/at the head of; having/containing/including; using/by means of; coma|hair, hair of head, mane of animal; wool, fleece; foliage, leaves; rays; coma|coma; comacum|aromatic plant (nutmeg?); (substitute for cinnamon); kind of cinnamon (L+S); comans|hairy; long-haired; flowing (beard); plumed; leafy; w/foliage; w/radiant train; comarchus|headman/chief/governor of a village; burgomeister, mayor; comaros|(fruit of) strawberry-tree (arbitus unedonis); plant (called fragum) (L+S); comatorius|for hair; [~ acus => hair-pin]; comatus|long-haired, having (long) hair; leafy; [Gallia Comata => Transalpine Gaul]; comatus|county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance); comatus|one having long hair; (esp. as applied to Frankish royals); comaudio|confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow/limit scope/application; combardus|thoroughly stupid; combenno|those riding together in a benna (kind of (wickerwork?) carriage) (Gallic); combibo|drink completely/together/up; hold back (tears); absorb, soak in; swallow up; combibo|drinking companion/buddy; combinatio|joining two by two; combino|unite, combine; combretum|plant (unidentified); kind of rush (L+S); combullio|boil fully/thoroughly; comburo|burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; comburo|burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; combustibilis|combustible; combustibilitas|combustibility; combustio|burning, consuming; combustum|burn, injury from burning/scalding; combustura|burning; come|one or more plants of genus Tragopogon, goat's beard or salsify; comedium|meal; feast; feasting; comedo|eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander comedo|eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander comedo|eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander comedo|glutton; gourmet; one who spends/squanders his money on feasting/revelling; comedo|eat up/away, chew up; finish eating; fret, chafe; consume/devour; waste/squander comedus|glutton; gourmet; one who spends/squanders his money on feasting/revelling; comes|comrade, companion, associate, partner; soldier/devotee/follower of another; comes|Count, Earl (England); official, magnate; occupant of any state office; comesaliter|wantonly; jovially; comesatio|carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S); comesator|reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S); (Vulgate one s); comesor|glutton, gourmand; member of a dancing-club; comessaliter|wantonly; jovially; comessatio|carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S); comessator|reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S); comestabilia|victuals; comestabilis|eatable; comestibilis|eatable; comestio|consuming; comestor|glutton, gourmand; member of a dining-club; comesus|eating, consuming; cometa|comet; meteor; luminous body in sky w/trail/tail; (portent of disaster); cometerium|churchyard; cemetery, burying ground; cometes|comet; meteor; luminous body in sky w/trail/tail; (portent of disaster); cometessa|Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter); cometissa|Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter); comice|in a style suited to comedy; in manner of comedy; comicotragicus|tragi-comic; comicotragoedia|tragicomedy; comicus|comic, belonging/suited/appropriate to comedy; typical/characteristic of comedy; comicus|comic actor, comedian; writer of comedy; comic poet; comincommodus|agreeable/disagreeable; (facetious combination of commodus and incommodus); cominus|hand to hand (fight), in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of; comis|courteous/kind/obliging/affable/gracious; elegant, cultured, having good taste; comisabundus|carousing, revelling, banqueting; holding a riotous procession (L+S); comisatio|carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S); comisator|reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S); comisor|carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S); comissabundus|carousing, revelling, banqueting; holding a riotous procession (L+S); comissaliter|wantonly; jovially; comissatio|carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S); comissator|reveller, carouser; one who joins a festive procession (L+S); comissor|carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S); comitabilis|attending, accompanying; comitas|politeness, courtesy; kindness, generosity, friendliness; good taste, elegance; comitatensis|of/pertaining to dignity/office of courtiers; court-; comitatus|accompanied (by/in time); (COMP) better attended, having a larger retinue; comitatus|company of soldiers/mercenaries; war band; company/throng/crowd; rank and file; comitatus|escort/retinue (of slaves/clients); court of a king; combination, association; comitatus|county (Cal); comiter|courteously, affably, obligingly, graciously, kindly; comiter|courteously/kindly/civilly, readily; in friendly/sociable manner; w/good will; comitessa|Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter); comitialis|epileptic, one who has epilepsy; attacks of epilepsy (pl.); comitialis|electoral; pertaining to/proper for comitia (assembly of Roman people); comitialis|epileptic, suffering from epilepsy; [morbus/vitium ~ => major epilepsy]; comitialiter|by/as a result of epilepsy; epileptically; comitianus|of/pertaining to Comes Orientis (Byzantine court official); comitiatus|military tribune elected at assembly of people in comitia; comitiatus|assembly of people in comitia; comitio|offer sacrifice after which comitia could be held; go to comitia (L+S); comitissa|Countess, Lady; wife of a Count/Comes; (or widow or daughter); comitium|place in Forum where comitia were held; comitia (pl.), assembly; elections; comitiva|escort; retinue; comitivus|pertaining to a chief officer; comitivus|chief; comito|accompany, go along with; attend (funeral); follow (camp); grow alongside; comitor|join as an attendant, guard/escort; accompany, follow; attend (funeral); comitor|go/be carried with; be retained/stay/grow/join with; be connected with; occur; comium|county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance); comiva|county, earldom (England); county court (attendance/fine for non-attendance); comma|phrase, part of a line; division of a period (L+S); comma, punctuation mark; commaceratio|dissolution, maceration, steeping to soften; commacero|macerate, soften by steeping in liquid; commacesco|grow lean; commaculo|stain deeply, pollute, defile; contaminate, defile morally; sully (reputation); commadeo|become tender or sodden; become very soft (L+S); commagister|joint-master (of a collegium); commalaxo|soften/subdue completely; make entirely mild (L+S); commalleo|weld on, attach; commalliolo|weld on, attach; commandaticius|containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S); commando|chew; (chew thoroughly/completely); commanducatio|chewing, mastication; commanduco|chew up, chew/masticate thoroughly; chew to pieces (L+S); commanducor|chew up, chew/masticate thoroughly; chew to pieces (L+S); commaneo|remain somewhere constantly; commanifesto|manifest together; commaniplaris|soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier; commaniplus|soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier; commanipularis|soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier; commanipulatio|companionship in a maniple; commanipulo|soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier; commanipulus|soldier/comrade of same maniple; fellow soldier; commarceo|wither; become wholly faint/inactive; commargino|furnish with a parapet or railing; commaritus|fellow/associate husband; (facetious); commartyr|fellow-martyr, companion in martyrdom; commasculo|screw up (one's courage); make manly/firm/courageous (L+S); invigorate/embolden; commastico|chew; commaterr|godmother; female sponsor; commaticus|cut up, divided. short; commaturesco|mature; ripen thoroughly/completely; commatus|divided(?); commeabilis|permeable, that is easily passed through; that easily passes through; commeatalis|of/pertaining to provisions/supplies; with/accompanying provisions; commeator|go-between, messenger; one who goes to and fro (L+S); epithet of Mercury; commeatus|supplies/provisions; goods; voyage; passage; convoy/caravan; furlough/leave; commeditor|study, practice; imitate (poetic); impress carefully on one's mind (L+S); commeio|defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams); commeio|defile with urine, wet; soil, defile; have sexual intercourse (Adams); commeleto|exercise, practice assiduously; commembratus|grown up together; united; commemini|remember, recollect; remember (to do something w/INF); mention, cite, recall; commemorabilis|memorable, remarkable, worth mentioning; commemoramentum|reminder; mention; mentioning; commemoratio|remembrance/commemoration; observance (law); memory; mention/citation/reference; commemorator|commemorator, one who mentions/recalls a thing; commemoratorium|means of remembrance; commemoro|recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record; commenda|commendam, temporal income without spiritual obligation, layman's benefice; commendabilis|praiseworthy, notable; be commended, commendable; commendatarius|containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S); commendatarius|holding benefice in commendam; (by clerk/layman til proper priest provided); commendaticius|containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S); commendatio|entrusting, committal; recommendation, praise; excellence; approval, esteem; commendatitius|containing a recommendation/introduction (letters); commendatory (L+S); commendatitius|commendatory; commending (letter/prayer); holding benefice in commendam; commendativus|commendatory; serving for/as commendation/recommendation/introduction; commendator|reference, one who recommends; recommended, commender; commendatorius|commendatory; serving for/as commendation/recommendation; commendatrix|reference, one who recommends (female); commendatus|recommended (for attention/favor); entrusted; acceptable, agreeable, suitable; commendo|entrust, give in trust; commit; recommend, commend to; point out, designate; commensalis|table companion; commensurabilis|commensurable, having a common measure; commensurabilitas|commensurability; commensuratio|symmetry, uniformity; commensuratus|equal; commensurate; equally-measured; commensuro|measure/make equal; correspond; commensus|proportion, relative measurements; in due proportion (L+S); symmetry; commentariensis|secretary, accountant; official in charge of commentarii/public records/"books"; commentariensis|court clerk, registrar of public documents; prison keeper/recorder; commentariolum|notebook; textbook; short treatise; brief commentary (L+S); commentariolus|notebook; textbook; short treatise; brief commentary (L+S); commentarium|notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise; commentarius|notebook, private/historical journal; register; memo/note; commentary/treatise; commentatio|thinking out, mental preparation; study; piece of reasoning/argument; textbook; commentator|inventor, deviser; contriver (L+S); author; interpreter (of law); commenticius|invented, devised, improvised; imaginary; fabricated/fictitious; forged, false; commentior|state falsely; invent/devise a falsehood/lie (L+S); commentitius|invented, devised, improvised; imaginary; fabricated/fictitious; forged, false; commento|delineate, sketch; (humorously) demonstrate on face (cudgel/beat); commentor|think about; study beforehand, practice, prepare; discuss, argue over; imagine; commentor|inventor, deviser; machinist (L+S); commentum|invention; intention, design, scheme, device; fiction, fabrication; argument; commentus|feigned, pretended, fabricated, devised, fictitious, invented; commeo|go to, visit, travel; pass; resort to; go to and fro, come and go; communicate; commercari|fellow-purchaser; commercator|fellow-trader; commercior|trade; commercium|trade/traffic/commerce (right/privilege); commercial/sex intercourse/relations; commercium|exchange, trafficking; goods, military supplies; trade routes; use in common; commercor|buy, purchase; buy up (L+S); trade/traffic together; commereo|merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate; commereor|merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate; commers|friendly intercourse; commetaculum|rods (pl.) carried by flamens/priests; commetior|measure; pace out/off; compare (in measurement); commeto|go constantly/frequently; come and go; survey thoroughly (facetious); commi|gum, vicid secretion from trees; commictilis|filthy, foul; (term of abuse); despicable, vile, deserves to be defiled (L+S); commictus|filthy, foul; (term of abuse); commigratio|removal (to a new place); wandering (L+S); migration; commigro|migrate, go and live (elsewhere); move one's home with all effects; enter; commiles|fellow soldier; commilitium|comradeship/association in war/military service; fellowship in other activities; commilito|fight on same side/in company; be a comrade/companion in arms/battle/war; commilito|fellow soldier; (used by J Caesar and others to troops); comrade, mate; comminabundus|threatening, menacing; comminatio|threat, menace; comminativus|threatening, menacing; comminator|menace, intimidator, threatener; comminatus|threatened, menaced; commingo|pollute, defile; comminisco|devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend; comminiscor|devise, think up, invent; fabricate; state/contrive falsely, allege, pretend; comminister|fellow minister; commino|drive (cattle) together, round up; comminor|threaten, make a threat; comminuo|break/crumble into pieces, shatter; break up; crush, smash, pulverize; lessen; comminus|hand to hand (fight), in close combat/quarters; close at hand; in presence of; comminutus|broken, shattered; smashed; commis|gum, vicid secretion from trees; commisariatus|commissioner; office of commissioner; commisarius|commissioner; trustee; agent (Erasmus); commisatio|carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S); commisceo|intermingle, mix together/up, combine (ingredients); unite/join sexually; commisceo|mingle (with another race); transact business (w/cum), discuss; confuse; commiscibilis|that can be mingled/mixed/combined; commiscuus|common; commiseratio|pathos, rousing of pity (esp. in a speech); part of oration exciting compassion; commisereor|pity; excite compassion; show pity at; commiseresco|have/show pity/sympathy, commiserate; commiseresct|one pities/sympathizes/feels sorry for (w/ACC or GEN); thou have pity upon; commiseret|one pities/feels sorry for (w/ACC or GEN); commisero|companion in misfortune; commiseror|feel pity/compassion for; sympathize with; seek/arouse pity/sympathy for; bewail commisio|commission; committee; commisor|carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S); commissarius|commissioner; trustee; agent (Erasmus); commissatio|carousing, merry-making, feasting, revelry; Bacchanal procession/rioting (L+S); commissio|commencement/holding (of games/other contests); event; speech opening games; commissio|commission; committee; commissor|carouse, revel, make merry; hold a festive procession (L+S); commissor|perpetrator; commissoria|sale contract clause by which creditor gets property/goods on non-payment; commissorius|foreclosure (contract clause by which creditor gets property on non-payment); commissum|undertaking, enterprise; trust, secret; thing entrusted/confiscated; crime; commissura|joint, juncture, seam, gap; intersection, common point; boundary/dividing line; commissuralis|of/pertaining to a juncture/joining/intersection; commistim|jointly, in a mixed manner; commistio|mixture; mixing, mingling; sexual intercourse; commistura|mixture; mixing, mingling (L+S); commitigo|soften; make soft (L+S); mellow; committo|bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust; committo|engage (battle), set against; begin/start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit; commixtim|jointly, in a mixed manner; commixtio|mixture; mixing, mingling; sexual intercourse; commixtura|mixture; mixing, mingling (L+S); commobilis|easily moving; easily moved/swayed; commodate|fittingly; in a suitable manner; commodatio|accommodation, rendering of service; commodator|lender; commodatum|loan; thing lent, borrowed object; commode|conveniently/neatly/tidily; aptly/well; suitably/properly/fittingly; tastefully; commode|agreeably, helpfully; comfortably/pleasantly; at a good time/right moment; commoderatus|exact; brought into right measure; (standardized?); commoditas|timeliness; fitness, aptness; convenience; advantage, utility; complaisance; commoditas|due measure, just proportion; suitable (oratorical expression); symmetry; commodo|suitably; seasonably; just, this very minute (L+S); even now, at this moment; commodo|lend, hire; give, bestow, provide; put at disposal of, oblige; make fit, adapt; commodulatio|common adaptation to standard measure; regularity/proportion/symmetry (L+S); commodule|fairly suitably, aptly; conveniently, at one's convenience (L+S); commodulum|fairly suitably, aptly; commodulum|small advantage/profit; commodum|just, a very short time before; that/this very minute; even now, at this moment; commodum|convenience, advantage, benefit; interest, profit, yield; wages, reward; gift; commodus|suitable, convenient, obliging; opportune/timely; favorable/lucky; advantageous; commodus|standard, full weight/size/measure; desirable, agreeable; good (health/news); Commodus|Commodus; (Emperor Lucius Aurelius Commodus 180-192); commoenio|strongly fortify, entrench; strengthen, secure, reinforce; commoetaculum|small rod carried by flamines/priests and used in sacrifices; commolior|set in motion; move with an effort; put together, construct; commollio|soften; commolo|pound, grind down/thoroughly; commonefacio|recall, remember; call to mind; remind (forcibly), warn, admonish; impress upon; commonefio|be recalled/remembered/reminded; be warned/admonished; (commonefacio PASS); commoneo|remind (forcibly), warn; bring to recollection (L+S); impress upon one; commonitio|reminder; earnest reminding (L+S); admonition; commonitor|one who earnestly reminds; commonitorium|aide-memoire, writing for reminding; letter of instructions; means of reminding; commonitorius|suitable for reminding; commonstro|point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal; commoratio|stay (at a place), tarrying, abiding; delay; dwelling on a point; residence; commordeo|bite/snap at; (literally/figuratively); (sharply/eagerly L+S); commorior|die together/with; work oneself to death (with); perish/be destroyed together; commoro|stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on; commoror|stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on; commorsico|bite all over; devour (with eyes); bite to pieces (L+S); commorsito|bite all over; devour (with eyes); bite to pieces (L+S); commortalis|mortal, common to mortals; "our mortal"; commosis|"gumming"; (said to be first layer in construction of honeycombs); commostro|point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal; commotio|excitement, commotion, agitation; arousing of emotion; commotiuncula|mild agitation/upset/commotion; slight case of disease, indisposition (L+S); commoto|move very violently; agitate; commotor|mover, one who sets in motion; commotus|excited, nervous; frenzied/deranged; angry/annoyed; temperamental; tempestuous; commotus|movement; moving, agitation (L+S); commovens|striking; rousing; that causes an impression; commoveo|shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite; commoveo|waken; provoke; move (money/camp); produce; cause, start (war); raise (point); commuate|in an altered/changed manner; commulceo|caress, coax; soothe, please (much); cajole; commulco|beat violently/thoroughly; communa|common usage; communalis|common, communal, belonging to the community; local (Cal); commundo|clean/cleanse thoroughly; purify wholly (L+S); commune|joint/common/public property/rights; public; public places/interests (pl.); commune|common feature, characteristic, general rule/terms; general; common lot/remedy; communicabilis|communicable, capable of being communicated; communicabilitas|communicability; communicabiliter|in a way capable of being communicated; communicarius|days on which all gods were sacrificed to together? (w/dies); communicatio|sharing, imparting; partaking; fellowship; communication; consult (w/audience); communicator|he who makes on a participant in a thing; he who has a part in a thing; communicatus|intercommunication; participation (L+S); communiceps|fellow citizen (of a municipium/municipality/town); born in same town (L+S); communico|share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with; communico|communicate, discuss, impart; make common cause; take common counsel, consult; communicor|share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with; communio|community, mutual participation; association; sharing; fellowship; communion; communio|fortify strongly, entrench, barricade; strengthen, secure, reinforce; communis|common/joint/public; general/universal; [Doctor Communis => St.Thomas Aquinas]: communis|ordinary; sociable, courteous obliging; related, having something in common; communis|neutral; impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases; communis|shared/possessed/used by two/all parties; affecting whole state/community; communismus|Communism; communista|Communist; communisticus|Communist (adj.); communitarius|communal, with others; community; communitas|partnership, joint possession/use/participation; fellowship; community, kinship; communiter|in common, commonly; in joint action; indiscriminately; generally, ordinarily; communitio|fortification; building up (of a road); making/preparing (of a way) (L+S); communitus|jointly, as a group; commurmuratio|buzz, hum, murmur, confused noise of talking; general murmuring (L+S); commurmuro|mutter, murmur; rumble; chatter/twitter (birds); commurmuror|mutter, murmur; rumble; chatter/twitter (birds); commuro|burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; commutabilis|changeable/variable; liable to reversal; plastic; adaptable (to adversary); commutatio|change, reversal; upheaval; alteration; exchange, substitution; interchange; commutatus|change; alteration; commuto|change; alter wholly, rearrange, replace; transform; exchange, barter, sell; como|be furnished/covered with hair; clothe/deck with hair/something hair-like; como|arrange/do (hair); adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out; como|arrange/do (hair); adorn, make beautiful; embellish; arrange in order, set out; comoedia|comedy (as form of drama/literature; comedy (work/play); comoedice|in a manner appropriate to comedy; as in comedy (L+S); comoedicus|comic, of comedy, pertaining to a comedy; comoedus|that performs in comedy; given to acting (L+S); of/pertaining to comedy, comic; comoedus|comedian; comic actor; comoinis|common/joint/public; general/universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related; comoinis|neutral, impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases; comosus|having long or abundant hair; having many leaves (plant), leafy; compaciscor|make an agreement/arrangement/compact; compaco|bring to peace; compacticius|agreed upon; compactilis|joined, fastened/fitted/pressed/joined together; thick-set, compact; compactio|framework, structure; act/action of fitting/joining together; compactitius|agreed upon; compactivus|suitable for joining; compactum|agreement/compact; [ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement]; compactura|act/action of fitting/joining together; compactus|joined/fastened together, united; close-packed, firm, thick; well-set, compact; compaedagogita|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S); compaedagogius|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); compaganus|fellow villager, inhabitant of same village; compages|action of binding together, fastening; bond, tie; joint; structure, framework; compagina|joining together, combination; (peculiar to agrimensores/land surveyors); compaginatio|joining; joint; compagino|join together; border upon; (fields); compago|fact/action of binding together, fastening; structure, framework; compagus|fellow member of a pagus (country district/community); (as a cult-title); compalpo|stroke, caress; compar|equal, equal to; like, similar, resembling; suitable, matching, corresponding; compar|fellow, partner, equal; comrade; husband/wife; pair (of animals also), mate; compar|sentence containing clauses of roughly same number of syllables; comparabilis|similar, comparable; comparate|comparatively; in/by comparison (L+S); comparatio|construction; material/constituent; combination/conjunction; relationship; comparatio|comparison, weighing of merits; plea from greater good; comparative degree; comparatio|preparation, making ready; procuring, provision; arrangement, settlement; comparative|in a comparative sense; comparativus|based on/involving consideration of relative merits; comparative; comparator|buyer/purchaser, dealer; comparer (L+S); comparatus|proportion; relation (L+S); comparco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); comparco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); comparco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); compareo|appear/come in sight; be visible/present/in evidence/clearly stated/forthcoming; comparilis|equal, like; comparo|prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise (force); unite; comparo|place together, match, couple, pair; set/pit against; treat as equal; compare; comparo|set up/establish/institute; arrange, dispose, settle; buy, acquire, secure; compars|partner; comparticeps|partaking/participating together; sharing jointly (Ecc); compartimentum|compartment (in a train); compartior|share; divide something with one (L+S); (PASS) be made partaker of; comparturio|be associated in childbirth with any one; compasco|pasture (cattle) on common land; feed up/together; use as cattle food; eat; compascua|common pasture/land; pasture possessed/used in common; compascuum|common pasture/land (pl.); pasture possessed/used in common; compascuus|common pasture (land); right of common pasturage; grazed on/sharing a pasture; compassibilis|suffering with one; compassio|fellow-feeling, fellow-suffering; sympathy; compastor|fellow herdsman; compater|fellow priest; child's godfather (Nelson); sponsor (Ecc); compaternitas|co-paternity; compatiens|compassionate, having compassion; compatior|suffer with one; pity, have compassion, feel pity; compatriota|compatriot, fellow countryman; compatronus|co-patron (one who has joined in manumitting a slave); compauper|fellow-pauper; compavesco|become very afraid/full of fear/thoroughly terrified; compavio|trample on; beat (L+S); compavitus|trampled upon; beaten (L+S); compeccator|fellow-sinner; compecco|err/sin/commit a fault together; compeciscor|make an agreement/arrangement/compact; compectum|agreement/compact; [ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement]; compedagogita|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S); compedagogius|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); compedio|shackle, fetter; put fetters on; compeditus|that wears fetters/shackles; compeditus|fettered slave; compedus|that fetters or restrains; fettering, shackling (L+S); compellatio|action of addressing/apostrophizing (aside to person)/reproaching, reproof; compello|address/accost, speak to, call upon; appeal to; challenge; chide/rebuke; accuse; compello|drive together (cattle), round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash; compendiaria|short/quick route, short cut; quick/easy method, short cut; compendiarium|short/quick route, short cut; fitment in a granary; compendiarius|short/quick (of routes); compendio|shorten, abridge (sermon); shorten/cut short (life), kill; compendiose|briefly, shortly, compendiously; compendiosus|profitable, advantageous; short/quick (route); compendious, succinct, short; compendium|gain, profit; sparing/saving; abridgement, compendium; shorthand; a short cut; compendium|summarized, abstract; compendo|weigh/balance together; compenetratio|merging, compenetration, mutual penetration, co-mixing; uniting equally; compensatio|balancing of items in account, offsetting; weighing/balancing (of factors); compensativus|serving for compensation; compensato|with compensation/reward; compenso|balance/weigh/offset; get rid of; make good, compensate; save/secure; short cut; comperco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); comperco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); comperegrinus|fellow-stranger; comperendinatio|adjournment of a trial for two days; (to third day following or later L+S); comperendinatus|adjournment of a trial for two days; (to third day following or later L+S); comperendino|adjourn trial of a person; adjourn trial; (for two days or later); comperendinus|on which an adjourned trial is resumed (of a day); compereo|perish together; comperio|learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty; comperior|learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty; compernis|having thighs close together; knock-kneed (L+S); comperpetuus|co-eternal; comperte|on good authority, on reliable information/intelligence; informedly; compertum|ascertained/proved/verified fact, certainty; [pro ~o => as certain/for a fact]; compertus|ascertained, proved, verified; [res ~ => fact; male ~ => bad character]; compertus|experience, personal knowledge; compertusio|joint tunneling operation; compes|shackles (for feet) (usu. pl.), fetters; things impeding movement; chains; compesco|restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close; compestror|clothe in apron; Competalis|priest of the_Lares Compitales/rural gods (worshiped at crossroads); competalis|associated with/worshiped at cross-roads; competens|agreeing with, corresponding to, proper/appropriate/suitable; competent (legal); competenter|suitably, appositely; properly, becomingly; competentia|correspondence; proportion; symmetry (L+S); meeting, agreement; conjunction; competentia|expertise; (Cal); competitio|agreement; judicial demand; rivalry, competition; competitivitas|competitiveness; competitor|rival, competitor; other candidate for office; rival claimant (to throne); competitrix|rival, competitor (female); other candidate for office; rival claimant; competo|meet; happen at same time, coincide; agree; be candidate/face (death) together; competo|be sound/capable/applicable/relevant/sufficient/adequate/competent/admissible; competum|cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice; compilatio|burglary; raking together, pillaging/plundering (L+S); compilation (document); compilator|plunderer; imitator (literary); plagiarizer; (compiler/anthologist?); compilo|rob/pillage, snatch; steal from (another author)/plagiarize; beat up thoroughly; compingo|join/fix/attach; bind together; build/construct/compose; put/shut away, confine; compingo|disguise, cover, paint over; compinguesco|thicken to a solid substance; compitalicius|associated with cross-roads; of Compitalia festival of the_Lares; Compitalis|priest of the_Lares Compitales/rural gods (worshiped at crossroads); compitalis|associated with/worshiped at cross-roads; compitalitius|associated with cross-roads; of Compitalia festival of the_Lares; Compitalium|festival celebrated at cross-roads in honor of the_Lares/rural gods (pl.); compitensis|adjoining/sharing same crossroads/road junction; compitum|cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice; compitus|cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice; complaceo|please, take fancy of, capture affections of, be acceptable/agreed to; complacitus|pleased; favorable; complaco|conciliate (greatly), placate; win sympathy of; complanator|thing/one that makes smooth/level; (toothpaste); complano|make (ground) level/flat; smooth out (trouble); pull down, raze to ground; complantatio|planting; complanto|plant together; complatonicus|fellow-Platonist; complaudo|applaud together/enthusiastically; complecto|embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve; complecto|lay hold of, grip; seize; grasp, take in/up; sum up; include in scope, cover; complector|embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve; complector|lay hold of, grip; seize; grasp, take in/up; sum up; include in scope, cover; complectus|embrace, grasp. complementarius|complementary; complementum|complement, something that fills out/up or completes; complenda|Post-Communion; compleo|fill (up/in); be big enough to fill; occupy space, crowd; furnish/supply/man; compleo|finish, complete, perfect; make pregnant; fulfill, make up, complete, satisfy; completio|filling, filling up; fulfillment; completivus|serving for filling up, completive; completor|one who fills up; fulfiller; (Jesus); completorium|Compline, service of prayers at close of day; completus|complete, round off; filled full, full (L+S); perfect; complex|closely connected with one, confederate, participant; complex|accomplice; confederate, participant; complexio|encircling; combination, association, connection; summary, resume; dilemma; complexionatus|constituted; tempered; complexitas|combination, association, connection; summary, resume; dilemma; complexity; complexivus|connective, conjunctive; (grammar); serving for connecting (L+S); complexo|embrace closely; join, combine (Ecc); complexor|embrace closely; join, combine (Ecc); complexus|surrounding, encompassing, encircling; clasp, grasp, hold, embrace; inclusion; complexus|sexual intercourse (w/Venerius/femineus); hand-to-hand fighting; stranglehold; complicabilis|bending, pliant, that may be folded together; complicatio|folding together, enveloping; multiplication; complicitas|complicity; complico|fold/tie up/together; roll/curl/double up, wind (round); involve; bend at joint; complico|fold/tie up/together; roll/curl/double up, wind (round); involve; bend at joint; complodo|clap/strike (hands) together, applaud (enthusiastically/with emotion); comploratio|lamentation, (vocal) mourning; loud/violent complaint/bemoaning/bewailing (L+S); comploratus|lamentation, (vocal) mourning; loud/violent complaint/bemoaning/bewailing (L+S); comploro|bewail, bemoan; lament loudly/together/violently; despair of; morn for; compluor|be rained upon; compluriens|several/many times, a good number of times; more than once; complurimus|great many (pl.), very many; complus|many (pl.), several, a fair/good number; more than one (L+S); complus|many/several people/men(pl.), a fair/good number of people; complus|many/several things/items(pl.), a fair/good number of things; complusculus|several (pl.), more than one; a good many (L+S); complusicule|fairly/pretty often, not infrequently; complut|rain-water runs/flows together/collects; it rains upon (L+S); complutor|he who gives rain/who waters; compluviatus|shaped/square like a compluvium/inward-sloping roof; of vines on such frame; compluvium|inward-sloping central roof (guides rainwater to cistern); like frame for vines; componderans|weighing; compono|compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match (up); store/hoard; calm; compono|construct, build; arrange, compile, compose, make up; organize, order; settle; comportatio|transportation; bringing/carrying together (L+S); comportionalis|between boundaries of possessions/property (w/termmi/limits); comporto|carry, transport, bring in, convey (to market); bring together; amass, collect; compos|in possession/control/mastery of; sharing, guilty of, afflicted with; granted; composcens|demanding at same time; composite|in orderly/skillful/well arranged/composed way; deliberately/regularly/properly; compositicius|compound (words); compositio|arrangement, combination; pairing/matching; order, sequence, structure; union; compositio|agreement, pact; mixture (medicine); composition (music/prose); storing; composititius|compound (words); compositivus|suitable for uniting, compositive; composito|by prearrangement; concertedly; compositor|writer, composer; orderer, arranger, disposer, maker (L+S); compositum|made-up/compound medicine; agreement/compact; [ex/de ~o => by pre-arrangement]; compositum|settled/peaceful situation (pl.), security, law and order; compositura|assembling/fitting together; structure/assemblage; combination (words), syntax; compositus|well-arranged/ordered, regular, matching; made up of several parts, compound; compositus|prepared/ready/fit, suitable/trained/qualified; calm, peaceful; mature, sedate; compossessor|joint-possessor; compostio|arrangement, composition; compostura|assembling/fitting together; structure/assemblage; combination (words), syntax; compostus|well-arranged/ordered, regular, matching; made up of several parts, compound; compostus|prepared/ready/fit, suitable/trained/qualified; calm, peaceful; mature, sedate; compotatio|drinking party; (translation of Greek); a drink/drinking together (L+S); compotator|drinking companion; compotens|that is able (to grant a prayer); having power with one (epithet of Diana L+S); compotio|put in possession of, make partaker of; (PASS) attain; obtain, come into (L+S); compoto|drink together; compotor|drinking-companion/buddy; compotrix|drinking-companion (female); (bar girl?); compraecido|cut each other off; cut off at same time (?) (L+S); compraes|joint-surety; compransor|table-companion; companion at a banquet; boon companion (L+S); comprecatio|public supplication or prayers; common imploring of a deity (L+S); comprecor|implore, invoke (gods); supplicate, pray that; pray for; pray to; comprehendibilis|comprehensible, able to be grasped by senses/intellect; that can be seized; comprehendo|catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive (baby); comprehendo|embrace; include/cover/deal with (in speech/law); express (by term/symbol); comprehensibilis|comprehensible, able to be grasped by senses/intellect; that can be seized; comprehensibilitas|comprehensibility; comprehensio|arrest, grasping; comprehension, understanding; classifying; idea, perception; comprehensio|comprehensive argument; dilemma; region, zone; scope, range; grouping (words); comprehensivus|comprehensive, conceivable; comprehenso|seize in an embrace; embrace, hug; comprendo|catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive (baby); comprendo|embrace; include/cover/deal with (in speech/law); express (by term/symbol); comprensio|arrest, grasping; comprehension, understanding; classifying; idea, perception; comprensio|comprehensive argument; dilemma; region, zone; scope, range; grouping (words); compresbyter|fellow-presbyter; compresse|briefly, succinctly, in a compressed manner; urgently, pressingly, insistently; compressio|squeezing, compression; sexual embrace, copulation; abridging, compression; compresso|press; oppress; compressor|ravisher, rapist; one who presses/compresses (L+S); compressus|constricted/narrow/pressed together; bound/tight (bowels), constipated, binding; compressus|compression, pressure; closing, pressing together; embracing/copulation; comprimens|astringent; comprimo|press/squeeze together, fold, crush; hem/shut/keep/hold in; copulate (male); comprimo|suppress/control/stifle/frustrate/subdue/cow, put down; hold breath; silence; comprobatio|approval; comprobator|approver; comprobo|approve, accept, sanction, ratify; prove, justify, confirm, attest, bear out; compromissarius|accepted as arbitrator by both parties (judge w/iudex); of arbitration; compromissio|compromise; submission to arbitration; compromissum|joint undertaking guaranteed by deposit of money to abide by arbitration; compromitto|enter into agreement to submit to arbitration/arbiter; agree to pay award; comprovincialis|born in same province; compte|neatly, elegantly, in a well arrange manner; with ornament (L+S); comptionalis|of a mock/sham sale/marriage; poor, worthless; [~ senex => one used in sham]; comptor|one who adorns; (hairdresser?); comptulus|elegantly dressed; luxuriously decked (L+S); comptus|adorned/decorated, dressed/arranged/brushed (hair), smart; ornate/embellished; comptus|elegant (writing/writers), neat, in order, polished, smoothed; comptus|adorned/ornamented/decked (hair); embellished, elegant/neat/pointed (discourse); comptus|union, conjunction; head-dress, hairband; adornment; well dressed hair (pl.); compugnantia|fighting together/with; compugno|fight together/with; struggle together (in argument); compulsamentum|impelling; exhortation; compulsatio|contest, contention, (hostile) pressing together; compulsio|compulsion; (legal); urging (L+S); dunning; constraint; compulso|batter, pound; compulsor|driver (of cattle); one who asks/forces a payment, exactor of money; (goon?); compulsus|striking together (hostile); compunctio|puncture, prick; remorse, sting/prick of conscience; compunctorius|admonitory; hortatory; compunctus|aroused, pricked; inspired; feeling remorse, remorseful; compungo|cause repentance; feel remorse/contrition; inspire w/devotion; (PASS) repent; compungo|prick, puncture (thoroughly); goad, stimulate; mark with points, tattoo; compurgatio|complete purification; compurgo|purify completely/thoroughly; computabilis|calculable, computable; computatio|calculation, reckoning, computation; form/result of a particular calculation; computator|calculator, reckoner, accountant; computatrum|calculator; computesco|decay, rot, putrefy; (completely); computo|reckon/compute/calculate, sum/count (up); take/include in reckoning; work out; computresco|decay, rot, putrefy; (completely); computus|computation, calculation; bank account (Cal); comte|neatly, elegantly, in a well arrange manner; with ornament (L+S); comtus|adorned/decorated/ornate, dressed/arranged/brushed/decked (hair), smart; comtus|elegant (writing), embellished/elegant/neat/pointed; in order/polished/smooth; comtus|union, conjunction; head-dress, hairband; adornment; well dressed hair (pl.); comula|dainty/pretty hair; comunis|common/joint/public; general/universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related; comunis|neutral, impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases; conabilis|laborious, difficult; conamen|effort, exertion; power to move; attempt, endeavor, enterprise; prop, support; conamentum|implement used in gathering esparto grass; tool for uprooting plants (L+S); conangusto|confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow scope/application; conarache|type of sundial; conatio|attempt; endeavor, effort (L+S); conatum|effort; attempt/design/attempted action (in pejorative sense); (usu. pl.) (L+S); conatus|attempt, effort; exertion, struggle; impulse, tendency; endeavor, design; conaudito|confine to narrow space, cramp; make narrower; narrow scope/application; conbenno|those riding together in a benna (kind of (wickerwork?) carriage) (Gallic); conbibo|drink completely/together/up; hold back (tears); absorb, soak in; swallow up; conbibo|drinking companion/buddy; conbullio|boil fully/thoroughly; conburo|burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; conburo|burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; conbustio|burning, consuming; conbustum|burn, injury from burning/scalding; conbustura|burning; conca|mollusk/murex/oyster/scallop; pearl/mollusk-shell; Triton horn; female genitalia concaco|soil, pollute, defile, make foul (with excrement/ordure/dung); concado|fall together/at same time; concaedes|barricade (of felled trees), abatis; (also pl.); concalefacio|heat; make warm, warm thoroughly (L+S); concalefactio|warning; concalefio|be/become heated/made warm/warmed thoroughly (L+S); (concalefacio PASS); concaleo|be/become warm; (thoroughly); concalesco|become/grow warm; warm up (with enthusiasm); glow with love (L+S); concalfacio|heat; make warm, warm thoroughly (L+S); concalfactorius|causing warmth, thermogenic; (medical); warming, suitable for warming (L+S); concalfio|be/become heated/made warm/warmed thoroughly (L+S); (concalfacio PASS); concallesco|grow/become hard/hardened/callous/insensitive/shrewd/insensible/dull/obtuse; concalo|summon; concamaratio|vaulting; vaulted roof; vault; concamaratus|vaulted, arched; concamaro|cover with an arch/vault, vault over; concameratio|vaulting; vaulted roof; concameratus|vaulted, arched; concamero|cover with an arch/vault, vault over; concandefacio|heat thoroughly; concandefio|be/become heated thoroughly; (concandefacio PASS); concandesco|glow, become inflamed; concaptivus|fellow-captive/prisoner; concarnatio|incarnation, uniting with flesh; concarno|incarnate, unite/clothe with flesh; concastigo|chastise severely/thoroughly, punish; censure, dress down; concatenatio|connecting/joining; concatenation, sequence; fettering, binding; concateno|link/bind together; connect; concatervatus|heaped/crowed together; concatus|fouled w/excrement; [catillus ~ => mince/hash => SOS/chipped beef on toast]; concavatus|hollowed out; concavitas|cavity, hollow; concavo|hollow out; round, curve; give hollow/curved form; hollows (pl.), a glen (Ecc); concavum|void, gap, hollow space; concavus|hollow/hollowed out; concave/curving inward; arched; bent/curved; sunken (eyes); concedo|relinquish/give up/concede; depart; pardon; submit, allow/grant/permit/condone; concelebratio|celebration; concelebration; concelebro|celebrate, make known; go often/in large numbers/together, frequent, haunt; concellita|cell-mate, one who dwells with one in a cell; concelo|keep secret, conceal altogether; conceal carefully (L+S); concenatio|dinner party; (Cicero from Greek); supping together, table companionship (L+S); concentio|unison singing/utterance; harmony (L+S); concentor|one who sings (with others in a chorus); concentricus|concentric; concenturio|assemble by centuries, gather by hundreds; marshal, bring together, prepare; concentus|singing (esp. birds)/playing/shouting together; harmony; concord; tune; choir; conceptaculum|containing vessel/place/space/receptacle; reservoir; place emotion is conceived; conceptio|conception, action/fact of conceiving, pregnancy; idea/notion/formula/system; conceptionalis|pertaining to conception; conceptivus|proclaimed/directed/movable (of holidays not held on same day every year); concepto|conceive, become pregnant; conceive in mind; conceptum|fetus, that which is conceived; concept/ideas; measurement of volume/capacity; conceptus|conceived, imagined; understood, adopted; [verba ~ => solemn/formal utterance]; conceptus|conception; embryo/fetus; catching fire; storing water; cistern/basin/reservoir; concerno|mix/mingle together (as in sieve in order to separate by sifting); sift/examine; concero|connect, join, twine; join in conflict; concerpo|tear/pull in/to pieces; pluck off; tear up, rend; censure, abuse, revile; concerra|playfellow; crony; concerro|fellow idler; boon/jolly companion; (one who contributes to a common feast); concertatio|strife, conflict (esp. of words); wrangling, dispute, controversy; concertativus|counter (charge/accusation); [accusatio ~ => charge brought against accuser]; concertator|rival; one who vies/contends with another (L+S); concertatorius|controversial, concerned with disputes; of controversy/disputation (L+S); concerto|fight, engage in a contest, vie with; dispute, debate (zealously); argue over; concertor|fight, engage in a contest, vie with, dispute, debate (zealously); argue over; concessatio|action of stopping/resting (on a journey); stopping, delaying (L+S); concessio|permission; grant/concession; admission, plea of excuse/for pardon; yielding; concessivus|pertaining to concession, concessive; (tending to concession); concesso|cease/desist temporarily, leave off; rest; concessus|permitted/allowable/allowed/granted; lawful; relinquished; permitting/conceding; concessus|concession; agreement; permission, leave; movement?; concha|mollusk/murex/oyster/scallop; pearl/mollusk-shell; Triton horn; female genitalia concha|holy-water font; conchatus|shell-formed, shell-like, shaped like a sea-shell; concheus|produced by an oyster; of/pertaining to a mollusk; [~ baca => pearl]; conchicla|boiled bean; (boiled with shell/pod?); conchiclatus|prepared with beans; conchis|leguminous vegetable, kind of bean; (boiled with shell/pod); conchita|one who harvests/gathers mollusks/murex/oysters; conchortalis|of/belonging to same cohort (battalion); conchuela|holy-water font; small shell; conchula|small mollusk/mussel/oyster; conchyliarius|purple dyer; (one who dyes with murex/purple-fish dye); conchyliatus|purple-dyed (dye from murex/mussel); of a purple color; clothed in purple; conchyliatus|person dressed in clothes of a purple color; (nobility); conchylilegulus|collector of mussels; he who goes in quest for murex/purple-fish (Leverett); conchylium|mollusk, murex/purple-fish; purple, purple dye/garments (pl.); plant iasine; conchylium|shellfish; oyster; purple color; conchyta|one who harvests/gathers mollusks/murex/oysters; concido|fall down/faint/dead/victim/to earth/short, collapse; drop, subside; decline; concido|perish, be slain/sacrificed; lose one's case, fail, give out/lose heart, decay; concido|cut/chop up/down/to pieces; crop; ruin, kill, destroy; divide minutely; beat; conciens|pregnant, teeming, full; concieo|move, set in violent motion, stir up; muster; rouse, excite, incite, provoke; conciliabulum|meeting/assembly/public place; district administrative center; meeting/assembly; conciliaris|concillary, of council; conciliarismus|theory of conciliarism; (theory/system of governing by Church councils); conciliatio|connection/union; winning over/favor; attraction; acceptance; desire; procuring; conciliator|mediator; intermediary, procurer; who provides/prepares/causes; promoter/agent; conciliatricula|one that commends; recommender; that which conciliates/unites (L+S); conciliatrix|go-between (marriage/liaison), match-maker; who commends/endears/procures; bawd; conciliatura|practice of arranging liaisons; trade of procurer, pimping, pandering (L+S); conciliatus|favorably inclined/disposed; devoted; favorable to, amenable; friendly; beloved; conciliatus|conjunction, joining, union (of atoms), connection (of bodies); conciliciatus|clothed in a garment of hair/hair-shirt; (of a penitent); concilio|unite, bring together/about; cause; win over, attract; acquire, procure, buy; concilio|attract favor of, render favorably disposed; commend, endear; acquire; gain; concilio|bring a woman to man as wife, match; procure as a mistress; obtain improperly; concilium|public gathering/meeting; popular assembly, council; hearing; debate/discussion; concilium|association, society, company; union/connection (of objects); league of states; concilium|sexual union/coition; close conjunction; bond of union; plant iasione blossom; concinens|harmonious, fitting; harmonious (L+S); concinentia|musical harmony; concord; symmetry; concineratus|sprinkled with ashes; concingo|gird; surround completely; concinnaticius|exquisite, elegant; skillfully prepared (L+S); concinnatio|adjusting, preparing (economics); making, composing (letters/verses); concinnator|one who dresses up something; arranger (L+S); (hair) dresser; maker/inventor; concinnatus|elaborated, dressed up; concinne|neatly, prettily, daintily, beautifully; concinnis|ready for use, trimmed; concinnitas|neatness/elegance; excessive ingenuity/refinement; grace/charm (of appearance); concinniter|cleverly, ingeniously; concinnitudo|neatness/elegance/beauty (of style); concinno|prepare/make ready; repair, put/set right/in order, touch up; arrange suitably; concinno|make up, construct, concoct, put together; bring about, cause; render, make; concinnus|set in order, neatly arranged/made; neat/elegant/clever (style); pretty/pleasing concino|sing/chant/shout/sound together; celebrate in song; say same thing, agree; concio|meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general; concio|sermon; concio|move, set in violent motion, stir up; muster; rouse, excite, incite, provoke; concionabundus|delivering public speech/harangue; proposing something at public assembly (L+S); concionalis|of/proper to public assembly/meeting; (disparaging) devoted to meetings; concionarius|of/proper to public assembly/meeting; (disparaging) devoted to meetings; concionator|preacher; demagogue/agitator; haranguer; one who addresses public meetings; concionatorius|of sermon; of/proper to public assembly/meeting/gathering of people; concionor|address assembly, deliver public speech; preach/harangue; attend public meeting; concipilo|seize, take, catch; lay violent hands on; concipio|take in/up, receive, catch; derive/draw (from); contain/hold; grasp; adopt; wed; concipio|form, devise; understand, imagine; conceive, be mother of; utter (oath/prayer); concise|in detail; concisely, briefly (L+S); concisio|dividing up (into clauses); cutting to pieces/destruction/mutilation (L+S); concisor|one who cuts down/fells; concisorius|suitable for cutting/felling; concisura|cut, incision; distribution, dividing up, split; hollow/chink/cleft (L+S); concisus|cut up/off; broken, abrupt; short, brief, concise; minute/detailed, very small; concitamentum|incentive, thing which rouses/agitates the mind; concitate|rapidly/quickly/hurriedly; vehemently/animatedly/heatedly (speaking); ardently; concitatio|action of arousing passion/sexual desire, stimulation; passion; excitement; concitatio|rapid/quick/violent motion; impetuosity/animatedness (speaking); disturbance; concitator|instigator, provoker, inciter, agitator, mover; concitatrix|which excites/stimulates; (sexually); exciting, stimulating; concitatrix|that which excites/stimulates/stirs; (sexually); concitatus|fast/rapid; roused/vehement/violent (emotions); passionate, energetic; excited; concitatus|impulse; concito|rapidly; concito|stir up, disturb; discharge/hurl (missile); flow rapidly/strong current; rush; concito|rush; urge/rouse/agitate; enrage/inflame; spur/impel; summon/assemble; cause; concitor|instigator, provoker; inciter, agitator; one who stirs up; concitus|moving rapidly; headlong; agitated, disturbed; inflamed, roused; impelled; concitus|inciting, spurring on; impetuosity; haste; conciucula|short sermon; brief address; concivis|fellow-citizen; conclamans|noisy; conclamatio|shouting/crying together (usu. grief); acclamation; loud shouting, shout (L+S); conclamatus|published abroad by crying out; known, celebrated; lamentable, unfortunate; conclamito|keep shouting loudly; cry; call/cry out loudly (L+S); conclamo|cry/shout aloud/out; make resound w/shouts; give a signal; summon; bewail/mourn; conclave|room, chamber; lockable enclosed space; coop/cage; public lavatory; dining hall; conclavista|cardinal in conclave; conclavo|nail together; conclericus|fellow-clergyman/cleric; concludenter|consequently, by/in consequence; concludo|shut up, confine; contain, limit; close; include (limit); conceal, keep secret; concludo|conclude/finish; define; construct/compose (sentence); infer, deduce, imply; concluse|in a rounded manner; in form of a period/complete sentence; harmonious (L+S) conclusio|rounded arrangement of sentence; peroration, logical conclusion; deduction; conclusio|state of siege; enclosing (area); fastening in position; conclusion, finish; conclusiuncula|quibbling syllogism/argument; trifling/captious conclusion (L+S); sophism; conclusive|conclusively; in form of a conclusion; conclusum|confined space; conclusion in a syllogism (L+S); conclusura|joint/fastening/joining (of an arch); conclusus|restricted, closed, confined; conclusus|shutting up; confining; concoctio|digestion, process of digestion; concohortalis|of/belonging to same cohort (battalion); concolona|fellow-citizen/inhabitant (female); she who inhabits the same town/house; concolor|of the same color/faction, matching; of uniform color throughout; agreeing with; concolorans|of the same color/faction, matching; like, similar; agreeing with; concolorus|of the same color/faction, matching; like, similar; agreeing with; concomitantia|association; concomitatus|accompanied, escorted; concomitor|attend, accompany, escort; concopulo|join, unite; concoquo|cook down; heat/burn thoroughly; concoct from various ingredients; ripen/mature; concoquo|digest/promote digestion; put up with/tolerate/stomach; ponder; devise/concoct; concordabilis|harmonizing, easily according; concordantia|agreement; concordatio|concord, unanimity; reconciliation (Ecc); agreement; concordatum|concordat, agreement (between church and civil authority); things (pl.) agreed; concorde|harmoniously; in harmony; concordia|concurrence/mutual agreement/harmony/peace; rapport/amity/concord/union; friend; concordialis|of/pertaining to concord/union; concordis|agreeing, concurring; like-minded; united, joint, shared; peaceful, harmonious; concorditas|concurrence, mutual agreement, harmony; rapport, amity, concord; union; concorditer|harmoniously, amicably, in a concordant manner; concordo|harmonize; be in harmony/agreement/on good terms/friendly; agree; go by pattern; concorporalis|comrade, one belonging to the same body/company; concorporalis|of/belonging to the same body/company; concorporatio|union, harmony; concorporatus|incorporated, united in one body; concorporeus|of one body with; concorporificatus|incorporated, united in one body; concorporo|unite into a single body, make one; incorporate (L+S); concors|agreeing, concurring; like-minded; united, joint, shared; peaceful, harmonious; concrasso|thicken, make thick; concreatus|created together; concrebresco|become frequent; (thoroughly, very); increase, gather strength (L+S); concredo|entrust for safe keeping; confide (secret or similar); consign/commit (L+S); concreduo|entrust for safe keeping; confide (secret or similar); consign/commit (L+S); concrematio|burning up; conflagration, great fire; concrementum|concretion; mixture (L+S); concremo|consume by fire; burn up/down entirely/completely/thoroughly; burn together; concreo|create together; concrepatio|rattle/sound much/thoroughly/loudly; concrepatio|noise; rattling/clatter; (of castanets); concrepo|make noise (door), grate/creak; sound, crash/clash, rattle; snap (fingers); concrescentia|coagulation, solidification; condensing (L+S); concresco|thicken; condense/collect; set/curdle/congeal; clot/coagulate; solidify/freeze; concretio|formation into solid matter, compacting/condensing; materiality; matter/solid; concretum|concrete; firm/solid matter; concretus|composed/formed; composite; concrete; solid/hard/stiff/frozen; matted; dense; concretus|condensed; curdled/clotted; cohering/closed up; constipated; ingrained (sin); concretus|coagulation; solidifying; condensation (L+S); concriminor|bring a charge; make an accusation; make bitter accusations, complain (L+S); concrispo|curl (hair); move in curls, curl/swirl (vapors/fog); brandish (weapon) (L+S); concrispus|curled; concrucifigo|crucify together; concrucifigo|crucify together; concrusio|cause violent pain; torment, rack, torture severely; concrustatus|incrusted, entirely covered with a crust; conctabundus|lingering, loitering; slow to action, delaying, hesitating, hesitant; tardy; conctanter|hesitantly, slowly, with delay/hesitation; tardily; stubbornly; conctio|meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general; concubatio|lying/reclining upon; concubeo|lie with (sexual and not); have sexual intercourse with; concubina|concubine; kept mistress, one living in concubinage; (milder than paelex L+S); concubinalis|lascivious, lewd, wanton; voluptuous; concubinarius|of/related to concubines; concubinarius|keeper of concubines; concubinatus|concubinage; cohabiting when not married; illicit intercourse; concubinus|catamite; male paramour; kept man, one who lives in concubinage; concubitalis|relating to sexual intercourse; concubitio|sexual intercourse, coitus; concubitor|fellow sleeper; sleeping partner; bed fellow/mate; cohabitor; concubine; concubitus|lying together (sleeping/dining/sex); sexual intercourse, coitus; sexual act; concubium|early night/first sleep/bedtime; sexual intercourse; concubius|of lying in sleep [nox ~ => the early night/first sleep/bedtime]; concubo|lie with (sexual and not); have sexual intercourse with; conculcatio|treading under foot, stamping on; conculco|tread/trample upon/underfoot/down; crush, oppress; despise, disregard; conculium|mollusk, murex/purple-fish; purple, purple dye/garments (pl.); plant iasine; concumbo|lie with/together (w/DAT); (for sexual intercourse); cohabit; concumulatus|heaped up; accumulated; concupiens|very desirous, warmly desiring; concupio|desire/wish greatly/eagerly/ardently; covet, long for, be desirous of; concupiscentia|longing, eager desire for; concupiscence; desire for carnal/worldly things; concupiscentialis|full of desire; (lustful); concupiscentivus|passionately desiring; concupiscibilis|worthy to be longed for, very desirable; valuable (Ecc); concupiscitivus|passionately desiring; concupisco|desire eagerly/ardently; covet, long for; aim at; conceive a strong desire for; concupitor|coveter, one who longs eagerly for/covets something; concurator|joint guardian; co-trustee; concurialis|one belonging to the same curia/division of the Roman people; concurialis|of/belonging to same curia/division of the Roman people; concuro|attend to thoroughly/completely; care for suitably (L+S); concurrentia|concurrence; mutual participation; competition (Cal); concurro|run/assemble/knock/snap together; agree, fit, concur; coincide; make same claim; concurro|charge, fight/engage in battle; come running up/in large numbers; rally; concurro|run/assemble/knock/snap together; agree, fit, concur; coincide; make same claim; concurro|charge, fight/engage in battle; come running up/in large numbers; rally; concursatio|running/pushing together; journeying to and fro; skirmish; disorderly meeting; concursator|skirmishing; that runs hither and thither/to and fro/about; concursator|skirmisher; one who runs hither and thither/to and fro/about; concursatorius|pertaining to skirmishing; [~ pugna => skirmish]; concursio|running together, conjunction, meeting; coincidence; juxtaposition; repetition; concurso|rush/run to and fro/about/together/to visit; clash; visit in turn; run through; concursus|running to and fro/together, collision, charge/attack; assembly/crowd; tumult; concursus|encounter; combination, coincidence; conjunction, juxtaposition; joint right; concurvo|bend down; bend, curve (L+S); concussibilis|that can be shaken; concussio|shaking/disturbance; earthquake; extortion by violence/intimidation, shake down; concussor|extortionist; one who extorts money by threats; concussura|extortion, extorting money by threats; concussus|stirred/shaken up; restless; concussus|action of striking together; shock; shaking (L+S); concussion; concustodio|watch over/carefully, guard, protect; concutio|shake/vibrate/agitate violently; wave, brandish; (sound) strike (the ear); concutio|strike together/to damage; weaken/shake/shatter; harass/intimidate; rouse; condalium|ring (worn on the finger); condama|farmer's land; land held by colonus; condator|joint contributor/giver/donor; condecens|becoming, seemly; condeceo|be fitting/proper for, suit; condecerno|decide, judge, determine together; jointly settle/resolve; condecet|it is fitting/becoming/seemly/meet; (w/ACC + INF); condecoro|adorn, embellish with ornament/excessively/carefully; decorate, grace; condecuralis|he who has been a decurion with one; fellow decurion; condecurio|fellow decurion; he who is/has been a decurion with one; condelecto|delight in; (PASSIVE) be delighted with something; condeliquesco|melt wholly/completely (away); dissolve (completely), dissipate; condemnabilis|worthy of condemnation; condemnatio|condemnation; verdict; damages awarded in a civil case; sentence (Ecc); condemnator|accuser, one who procures a condemnation; condemner, one who passes sentence; condemnatorius|condemnatory, expressing condemnation; condemno|condemn, doom, convict; find guilty; (pass) sentence; blame, censure, impugn; condensatio|condensation; condensing, compressing; condensatrum|capacitor; condensatus|concentrated (in kitchen); condenseo|compress; pack/press closely together; condense/make firm; (PASS) grow thickly; condenso|compress; pack/press closely together; condense/make firm; (PASS) grow thickly; condensum|thicket; woods (pl.); leafy boughs; condensus|dense, thick; wedged together, closely/tightly packed; close; coherent; condepso|knead together; condescendo|condescend, stoop; let oneself down; condescensio|condescension; condesertor|fellow-deserter; condicio|agreement/contract; terms, proposal/option/alternative; situation; stipulation; condicio|marriage (contract); spouse, bride; relation of lover/mistress; paramour; condicionabilis|conditional; condicionalis|conditional, contingent upon certain conditions, with a condition attached; condicionaliter|conditionally, in a conditional manner; condico|agree (on), declare/promise; undertake; give notice; obligate, engage (to dine); condico|claim redress/restitution; make actions for damages; fix/appoint (date/price); condicticius|relating to reclaiming property/restitution/repossession; condictio|claim of restitution of property or for damages; giving notice of legal action; condictio|proclamation of a religious festival; condictitius|(legal action) for the purpose of reclaiming property/restitution/repossession; condictor|fixer, arranger, one who fixes/arranges; condictum|agreement; appointment; condigne|in an appropriate manner, fittingly, worthily; very worthily (L+S); condignus|appropriate, worthy, befitting; wholly deserving, very worthy (L+S); condimentarius|used for seasoning; of/pertaining to spices/seasoning; condimentarius|one who prepares/sells spices/seasoning; condimentum|spice, seasoning; that which renders acceptable; condiment; tempering quality; condio|preserve/pickle; embalm/mummify; spice; season/flavor/render pleasant/give zest; condiscipula|fellow pupil (female); schoolmate; condiscipulatus|time/fact of being a fellow pupil; companionship in school (L+S); condiscipulus|fellow pupil/student (male); schoolfellow, schoolmate; fellow disciple (Ecc); condisco|learn thoroughly/well; learn about; learn in company with (another) (w/DAT); conditaneus|suitable for pickling/preserving; pickled/preserved (L+S); conditarius|dealer in preserved foods; conditicius|preserved; laid up; conditio|agreement/contract; terms, proposal/option; situation; (misread condicio); conditio|marriage (contract); spouse; relation of lover; paramour; (misread condicio); conditio|seasoning/flavoring/spicing (of food/wine); method of preserving (food); conditio|creating, making; thing made, work; creation (Vulgate); conditionabilis|conditional; conditionalis|conditional, contingent upon certain conditions, with a condition attached; conditionaliter|conditionally, in a conditional manner; conditionate|conditionally; conditionatus|conditional; conditioned; conditione|conditionally; condititius|preserved; laid up; conditivum|tomb, sepulcher; conditivus|suitable for preserving/storing; preserved/stored/laid up (food); conditor|original builder, founder; originator/creator; author; preserver; organizer; conditor|seasoner, one who seasons; one who prepares a thing in a savory manner (L+S); conditorium|tomb/sepulcher; coffin (L+S); place for ashes; repository, place to store; conditorius|of savings; conditrix|foundress, female founder; she who lays to rest (L+S late); conditum|aromatic/spiced wine; seasoned food (pl.) (OLD); conditum|secret, something hidden/concealed; conditura|method of flavoring/seasoning/pickling/preserving (fruit)/tempering (glass); conditura|preparing; preserving (fruits); preserving material; condiment, spice; jam; conditus|seasoned, spiced up, flavored, savory; polished, ornamented (discourse/style); conditus|preserved, kept in store; hidden, concealed, secret; sunken (eyes); conditus|founding (of a city); establishment; preparing (L+S); preserving fruit; hiding; condo|put/insert (into); store up/put away, preserve, bottle (wine); bury/inter; sink; condo|build/found, make; shut (eyes); conceal/hide/keep safe; put together, compose; condo|restore; sheathe (sword); plunge/bury (weapon in enemy); put out of sight; condocefacio|train; discipline; teach, instruct (L+S); condocefio|be/become trained/disciplined/taught/instructed (L+S); (condocefacio PASS); condoceo|teach, instruct; train, exercise (L+S); condoctor|fellow-teacher; condoctus|taught; well learnt, well instructed; condoleo|feel severe pain; suffer greatly/with another; feel another's pain; empathize; condolesco|be painful, ache; feel grief/sorrow; grieve; condoma|farmer's land; land held by colonus; condominus|co-owner, one who shares domain; condomo|check, curb; tame completely; condomum|condom; condonatio|giving away; donation, gift (Ecc); condonatus|lay brother; oblate; condono|give (away/up); present; make present of; forgive/pardon/absolve; sacrifice to; condormio|sleep soundly; be fast asleep; condormisco|fall asleep, go to sleep; condrilla|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); condrille|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); condrion|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); condrylla|plant, gum succory? (Chondrilla funcea); Spanish savory, endive/chicory (L+S); conducenter|profitably, wisely; becomingly; properly, suitably, appropriately (L+S); conducibilis|expedient, advantageous; wise, advisable; profitable (L+S); conduco|be of advantage/profitable/expedient; be proper/fitting/concerned with; tend to conduco|draw/bring together, collect, assemble; unite/join; cause to curdle/coagulate; conduco|employ, hire; rent; borrow; contract for, undertake; farm the taxes; conducticius|hired, mercenary; rented (house); of/pertaining to hire (L+S); conductio|renting, taking a lease; hiring; bringing together (premises of an argument); conductio|spasm; convulsion; conductitius|hired, mercenary; rented (house); of/pertaining to hire (L+S); conductor|employer/hirer; contractor; lessee/renter; entrepreneur (Cal); conductrix|hirer (female), who hires or rents a thing; lessee/renter; conductrum|conductor (of electricity); conductum|anything hired/leased; rented house/dwelling; lease/contract; conductus|hired; composed of hired men/mercenaries; taken under contract, leased; conductus|mercenary soldiers (pl.), hirelings; [bella conducta => war by mercenaries]; conductus|contraction; (of eye/other); convulsion/spasm(?); [~ Paschae => Low Sunday]; condulco|sweeten; condulus|knob/knuckle of a joint; joint of a reed, reed; fist (pl.); ring (OLD); condumno|condemn, doom, convict; find guilty; (pass) sentence; blame, censure, impugn; conduplicatio|doubling; (facetiously an embrace); reiteration/repetition (word/phrase); conduplico|double, make twofold/twice as much/great; make two kinds; embrace (w/corpora); condurdum|plant (unidentified); conduro|harden, make hard; condus|one who stores (provisions); condyloma|callous anal protuberance; swelling in the parts around the anus (L+S); condylus|knob/knuckle of a joint; joint of a reed, reed; fist (pl.); ring (OLD); conea|stork; (Praenestine form of circonia); conective|connectively, conjunctively; conecto|join/fasten/link together, connect/associate; lead to; tie; implicate/involve; conesto|honor, grace; do honor/pay respect to; make respectable; prevent baldness (L+S); conexe|in connection; connectively; conexio|junction/meeting; causal sequence; conclusion/deduction; association/connection; conexio|binding together; close union; organic union; syllable; conexivus|serving to unite/join (words/clauses), copulative, conjunctive, connective; conexo|in connection; connectively; conexum|hypothetical proposition; necessary consequence, inevitable inference (L+S); conexus|joined/linked; bound by ties; contiguous; related/associated/interdependent; conexus|connection; joining together; combination (L+S); confabricor|construct, build up; compose, make (L+S); confabulatio|conversation; discoursing together; confabulator|one who converses; (with God); confabulatus|conversation; confabulo|companion; (Erasmus); confabulor|converse, talk together; talk about; discuss something (L+S); confacio|make together; confamulans|serving together; (in the same household); confamulus|fellow-servant; confarreatio|marriage ceremony, in which meal/grain (far) was given as an offering; confarreo|marry by confarreatio (ceremony with meal/grain offering); contract marriage; confatalis|fated by implication; jointly dependent on fate (L+S); decided by fate; confectio|making ready/preparation; compiling (book/account), composition; conclusion/end; confectio|destroying/diminishing/weakening/impairing; reduction (food chewing/digestion); confector|maker/preparer; who conducts (business); finisher; consumer; destroyer, slayer; confectorarius|slaughter; butcher; confectorium|slaughterhouse, place where swine/hogs are slaughtered/butchered; confectrix|destroyer, that which destroys; confectura|preparation, making, manufacture; confectus|with her litter (w/sus of a sow); (offered with all her young for sacrifice); confederatio|confederation; league; confederatorus|conspirator; confedero|confederate; join in league; confercio|stuff/cram/pack/press (close) together; fill densely; raise a shout in unison; conferentia|conference, meeting, gathering; confermento|leaven, ferment through and through; confero|bring together, carry/convey; collect/gather, compare; unite, add; direct/aim; confero|discuss/debate/confer; oppose; pit/match against another; blame; bestow/assign; confero|bring together, carry/convey; collect/gather, compare; unite, add; direct/aim; confero|discuss/debate/confer; oppose; pit/match against another; blame; bestow/assign; conferrumino|cause to join; knit together (fractures); cement (L+S); solder together; confersus|crowded/pressed together/thronging; in close order (troops); dense/compact; confersus|full (of), crammed (with), abounding (in) (w/ABL); as a whole, summarized; conferte|in a compact body/bunch/formation; closely; confertim|in a compact body/bunch/formation; closely; confertus|crowded/pressed together/thronging; in close order (troops); dense/compact; confertus|full (of), crammed (with), abounding (in) (w/ABL); as a whole, summarized; conferumino|cause to join; knit together (fractures); cement (L+S); solder together; conferva|aquatic plant; (kind of conferva/fresh water Green Algae?); (w/medicinal power); confervefacio|boil, make thoroughly hot; make glowing/melting hot (L+S); confervefio|be boiled/made very hot/glowing/melting hot (L+S); (confervefacio PASS); confervesco|become heated; grow hot; begin to boil (L+S); heal, grow together (bones); confervesco|become heated; grow hot; begin to boil (L+S); heal, grow together (bones); confervo|knit (broken bones), grow together, heal; seethe/boil together (L+S); confervo|knit (broken bones), grow together, heal; seethe/boil together (L+S); confessarius|confessor; confessio|confession, creed, avowal of belief/faith; acknowledgement of Christ; suffering; confessio|confession, acknowledgement; (act implying) admission (of guilt); proof, token; confessio|praise, thanksgiving; (Vulgate); confessionale|confessional; confessionalis|confessional; confessionalis|confessional; confessor|confessor of Christianity; martyr; lower clergy; pious monk; confessor (modern); confessorius|based on admission/claiming a right (w/actio); of a confession/acknowledgement; confessum|acknowledged/generally admitted fact; substance of a confession; confessus|admitted, acknowledged; generally admitted, manifest, obvious; confessed; confessus|one who admits/confesses liability/crime; confestim|immediately, suddenly; at once, without delay, forthwith; rapidly, speedily; confibula|wooden double clamp/cramp, clincher; conficiens|productive of; [~ litterarum => diligent in keeping accounts]; conficio|make, construct; prepare, complete, accomplish; cause; perform; do thoroughly; conficio|compose; amass, collect; raise (troops); traverse; eat up, consume; expend; conficio|finish off; kill, dispatch; defeat finally, subdue/reduce/pacify; chop/cut up; conficio|make, construct; prepare, complete, accomplish; cause; perform; do thoroughly; conficio|compose; amass, collect; raise (troops); traverse; eat up, consume; expend; conficio|finish off; kill, dispatch; defeat finally, subdue/reduce/pacify; chop/cut up; confictio|fabrication; invention (of an accusation/falsehood); conficto|fabricate/invent/concoct an accusation/falsehood together; counterfeit/feign; confictor|fabricator, he who fabricates/concocts a thing; confictus|forged; counterfeit; confidejussor|joint surety/bond; confidelis|fellow-believer; confidens|assured/confident; bold/daring/undaunted; overconfident, presumptuous; trusting; confidenter|boldly, daringly, with assurance; audaciously, impudently, with effrontery; confidentia|assurance/confidence; boldness, impudence, audacity; firm belief/expectation; confidentiloquus|speaking audaciously; speaking confidently (L+S); confideo|rely on, trust (to); believe, be confident/assured/sure; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 7:98); confido|have confidence in, rely on, trust (to); believe, be confident/assured; be sure; configo|fasten/nail together, construct; set/cover with studs/points; drive in (nails); configo|pierce through, transfix; strike down, pierce with a weapon; configuratio|configuration; similar formation; configuratus|made like; fashioned; conformable; configuro|mold, shape; form from/after something, fashion accordingly (L+S); confindo|split, cleave; divide, cleave asunder (L+S); confine|boundary, border, border-line; confine, neighborhood (L+S); confingo|fashion/fabricate, construct by shaping/molding; invent/feign/devise; pretend; confinis|adjoining, contiguous/having a common boundary; closely connected, allied, akin; confinis|pertaining to boundaries; boundary-, border-; confinium|common boundary (area); border, limit; proximity/nearness/neighborhood; confinius|adjoining, contiguous/having a common boundary; closely connected, allied, akin; confinus|one whose property is adjacent/adjoining, neighbor; confio|be made/constructed/prepared/completed/accomplished/caused/performed/done; confio|be composed/amassed/collected/raised (troops); be consumed/expended/spent; confio|be finished off/killed/dispatched/subdued/reduced/pacified/defeated finally; confio|be chopped/cut up; be recorded/written; come about/happen; (conficio PASS); confirmanda|candidate for confirmation (female); confirmandus|candidate for confirmation; confirmate|confidently, with assurance; firmly (L+S); confirmate|firmly; confirmatio|making firm, quieting fears; encouragement/making confident/consolation; confirmatio|confirmation/verification/establishing; proof; corroboration; adducing proofs; confirmative|confirmatively, corroboratively; confirmativum|affirmation; affirmative; confirmativus|serving for confirmation, confirmative, corroborative; confirmator|guarantor; that/who confirms/establishes a thing (L+S); surety, security; confirmatrix|she who confirms/establishes a thing; confirmatus|confident/assured; well established/firmly based; well attested/certain/proven; confirmatus|encouraged; courageous, resolute; asserted/affirmed; certain, credible; proved; confirmitas|self-assurance; firmness of will (L+S); obstinacy; confirmo|strengthen, develop, build up (w/troops); make secure/firm; reassure; secure; confirmo|assert positively; declare, prove, confirm, support; sanction; encourage; confiscatio|confiscation/seizure of a person's property; forfeiting; confiscator|treasurer; master of the exchequer; confisco|confiscate/seize (for the public treasury); lay-up in a treasury, store; confisio|assurance; trust, confidence; confiteor|confess (w/ACC), admit, acknowledge, reveal, disclose; concede, allow; denote; confixilis|fixed together, constructed; that can be joined together (L+S); confixio|firm joining together; conflabello|fan violently; kindle; conflaccesco|grow weak; grow quite languid (L+S); conflagratio|conflagration, burning; (applied to the eruption of a volcano); conflagratus|burnt up; completely consumed by fire; conflagro|be on fire/burn; be burnt down/consumed/utterly destroyed; be/become inflamed; conflammo|inflame; conflans|refining, purifying; conflatile|cast idol/image; conflatilis|cast; molten (Ecc); conflatio|fanning, kindling, stirring up; casting, molding (in metal); conflator|metal-caster; conflatorium|melting/casting furnace; (for metal); crucible (Ecc); conflatura|melting (of metals by fire); conflax|places (pl.) exposed on all sides to the winds; (L+S); conflexus|bent; curved round; conflictatio|struggle, contest, contention; convulsion; dispute; punishing (L+S); collision; conflictatrix|she who afflicts; conflictatus|struck together; collided; contended, battled; argued, disagreed; conflictio|collision/striking together; clash, disagreement/inconsistency; act of fighting; conflicto|harm, assail, harass, distress, torment, vex; bring to ruin; conflicto|strike frequently/forcibly/violently; buffet; ruin; conflictor|contend, struggle; enter into a contest; conflictus|clash, collision; impact; fight, contest (L+S); impulse; impression; necessity; confligatus|struck together; collided; contended, battled; argued, disagreed; confligium|striking/dashing together; (waves); confligo|clash, collide; contend/fight/combat; be in conflict/at war; argue/disagree; conflo|kindle/ignite, blow on; arouse/stir up; melt (down); cast/weld; run up debt; conflo|start, cause, bring about; bring/rake together, compose; invent/concoct (lie); conflo|forge; refine, purify; inflame; conflorens|blooming/blossoming/flourishing together/strongly; confloreo|bloom/flourish together; conflox|places (pl.) exposed on all sides to the winds; (L+S); confluctuo|wave, swell, undulate, fluctuate; surge/rise in waves on all sides (L+S); confluens|confluence, meeting place/junction of rivers; name of town (pl.) (now Coblenz); confluentia|conflux, flowing together; confluence; [Confluentia => Coblenz]; confluo|flow/flock/come together/abundantly, meet/assemble; gather/collect; be brought; confluus|flowing together; confluvium|confluence, place where streams of water/air meet; sink, drain; conflux|places (pl.) with rivers on all sides; junction/meeting of several rivers; confodio|stab/run through, wound fatally; pierce, harm; dig up/turn over (land); trench; confoederatio|agreement, covenant; league, union, confederation (Ecc); confoedero|unite, join in a league; confoedo|befoul, make filthy; confoedustus|allied, joined in alliance; confoedustus|allies (pl.); conforane|working/selling at the same market place; conforio|defile/pollute with ordure/diarrhea; (rude); conformalis|similar, like, conformable; conformatio|shape, form; character/constitution; idea, notion; figure of speech; inflection; conformator|framer, former; conformis|similar, like; conformitas|likeness; conformity (Ecc); agreement; conformo|shape/mold skillfully; outline, describe; train/educate/teach; make to agree; confornicatio|arching/vaulting over (of a space); confornico|vault over, over-arch, cover with an arched roof; confortatio|comfort, consolation, solace; conforto|strengthen very much; (reinforce, fortify); console, comfort (Bee); encourage; confortor|wax strong; take courage; confossus|punctured, pierced; pierced through; full of holes; confoveo|care for, tend; warm (L+S); foster; cherish assiduously; confracesco|putrefy, rot; confractio|breach; rupture; fracture; confractorium|prayer at end of Cannon in Ambrosian rite; confractura|breach; rupture; fracture; confractus|broken; irregular; uneven; confragose|roughly, unevenly; confragosum|rough/uneven/broken ground; rough place; thicket; difficulty; confragosus|rough, uneven, broken; difficult, hard, difficult to accomplish; confragum|rough place; thicket (L+S); confragus|rough, uneven, broken; difficult, hard, difficult to accomplish; confraria|brotherhood, association, fraternity; confrater|brother; colleague, confrere, fellow; guild brother; confraternitas|association, brotherhood, society/confraternity/confederation/sodality/guild; confratria|sodality, society; confrax|places (pl.) exposed on all sides to the winds; (L+S); confremo|resound, ring, echo; make a noise; murmur loudly; confrequento|visit frequently/in large numbers, frequent; increase in numbers; confrequento|celebrate/keep (festival); keep in mind; maintain (memory of the dead); confricamentum|something/compound for rubbing; dentifrice; confricatio|vigorous rubbing; friction; confrico|rub vigorously; rub (with unguents, massage, rub down (body); rub/make smooth; confrigo|burn up; confringo|break up/down/in pieces/in two; shatter/destroy/crush/ruin/wreck; subvert/undo; confrio|cover with power (or the like); rub in (L+S); confrixo|roast/fry (with something); confronto|confront; confuga|refugee, one who takes refuge; confugela|place of refuge; confugio|flee (for refuge/safety/protection); take refuge; have recourse/appeal to; confugium|sanctuary, refuge, place of refuge; shelter (L+S); confulcio|press together; confulgeo|shine, gleam; be resplendent; shine brightly, glitter, glisten (L+S); confultus|pressed together; confundo|pour/mix/mass/bring together; combine/unite/blend/merge; spread over, diffuse; confundo|upset/confuse; blur/jumble; bring disorder/ruin; disfigure; bewilder, dismay; confunero|bury, inter; ruin, destroy; confusaneus|composite, derived from several sources; mingled (L+S); miscellaneous; confuse|in a confused/disorderly/perplexed way, fumblingly; indiscriminately; vaguely; confusicius|mixed; hodge-podge; confusim|confusedly, in a disorderly manner/fashion; confusio|mingling/mixture/union; confusion/confounding/disorder; trouble; blushing/shame; confusionismus|confusion; shame; confusus|mixed together/jumbled/disordered; in disorder; indistinct; inarticulate; confusus|confused/perplexed, troubled; vague/indefinite, obscure; embarrassed/blushing; confutatio|refutation; action of proving false; confutation (L+S); confuto|restrain, check, repress, dampen, suppress, diminish; keep from boiling over; confuto|abash, silence (accuser); shock; disprove, refute; convict of error; put down; confutor|refuter; opponent; confutuo|have sexual intercourse with (woman); (rude); lie with conjugally (L+S); cong|liquid measure (about 3 quarts); (6 sextarri, 1/4 urna); abb. cong.; congarrio|prattle; congaudeo|rejoice with one/together; congelasco|freeze; congeal owing to cold; congelatio|frost; action of freezing; freezing, congealing (L+S); congelatus|frozen; congelo|cause to freeze/congeal/grow hard; (PASS) become frozen, congeal/curdle/freeze; congelo|harden; make/become hard; strike fear into, chill; render/become inactive; congeminatio|doubling; (of an embrace, embracing); congemino|double; increase; combine to double size; redouble; employ in repeated action; congemisco|sigh deeply; congemo|groan/moan (loudly), utter a cry of grief/pain; bewail, lament; sigh deeply; congenatus|akin; linguistically related (languages); innate; congener|joint son-in-law?; congener|of/belonging to same family (plant); of the same race/kind (L+S); congenero|bind by ties of kinship, unite; give birth/beget/produce at the same time; congeniclatus|forced to one's knees; fallen upon the knees (L+S); congeniclo|fall on one's knees; congenitus|congenital, existing from time of birth; coeval; born/produced together with; congentilis|persons (pl.) belonging to the same gens; relatives, kindred; congenuclatus|forced to one's knees; congenuclo|fall on one's knees; conger|conger eel; sea eel (L+S); congeria|heap, pile, mass; collection/accumulation (events/words); the ruins; chaos; congeries|heap, pile, mass; collection/accumulation (events/words); the ruins; chaos; congermanatus|related, associated; congermanesco|become allied/united (to); grow up/together with one (L+S); congermanus|grown together/up with; united with; congerminalis|from the same stalk/stock; congermino|sprout, put forth shoots; shoot forth at the same time (L+S); congero|collect, bring/get together, amass; heap/pile up/on; build, construct; compile; congero|consign (to one's stomach); assemble/crowd together; give repeatedly, shower; congero|thief; congerra|playfellow; crony; congerro|fellow idler; boon/jolly companion; (one who contributes to a common feast); congeste|briefly; summarily; congesticius|raised, heaped/piled up; of material brought to the spot; brought together; congestim|in heaps; heaped together (L+S); congestio|action of filling (holes/ditches); heap/mass/pile; combination/accumulation; congestitius|raised, heaped/piled up; of material brought to the spot; brought together; congesto|bring/carry together; congestus|piled up, crowded together; congestus|brought together; pressed/crowded together; thick; congestus|action of bringing together/assembling/heaping; heap/pile/mass; big collection; congialis|holding a congius (3 quarts); (liquid measure); congiarium|largess for soldiers/poor; gift in grain/oil/wine/salt/money; 1 congius vessel; congiarius|of/pertaining to/holding the (liquid) measure of one congius (about 3 quarts); congius|liquid measure (about 3 quarts); (6 sextarri, 1/4 urna); abb. cong.; conglacio|freeze, turn (entirely) to ice; cause to freeze up; be inactive; conglacior|freeze, turn to ice; conglisco|grow, increase; blaze up, be kindled; become illustrious; conglobatim|in heaps, in a mass; conglobatio|accumulation; massing together (things); crowding/gathering together (people); conglobo|form/make into a ball; roll up; accumulate; crowd/press/mass together; clot; conglomeratio|assembly; crowding together; conglomero|concentrate, gather into a compact mass; heap (evils upon a person) (w/in+ACC); conglorifico|glorify together with (others); (PASSIVE) be glorified with; conglutinatio|joint; joining by cohesion; gluing/cementing/joining together (L+S); conglutino|bind (books); conglutino|glue/stick/bind/cohere together; cement; cleave to; bring to agreement; devise; conglutinor|glue/stick/bind/cohere together; cement; cleave to; bring to agreement; devise; conglutinosus|glutinous; viscous; congluvialis|additional/tacked on (days) for proceedings after a break?; congradus|keeping pace with; apace; congraeco|squander like a Greek; lavish on banquets, squander on luxury (L+S); congratulatio|congratulations; wishing of joy, congratulating; congratulor|congratulate; wish joy; rejoice with (ECC); congredior|meet, approach, near; join in battle, come to grips; contend/engage (at law); congredior|meet, approach, near; join in battle, come to grips; contend/engage (at law); congregabilis|that group(s) together; social, easily brought together (L+S); congregalis|uniting together; joining; congregatim|together; in crowds; congregatio|act of forming social group; association, community; brotherhood; congregation; congregativus|suitable for uniting/congregating, copulative; congregator|assembler, one who brings together; convener?; congregatus|union, association; congrego|collect/bring together/assemble/convene; flock, congregate; group; concentrate; congregus|united/collected in flocks/herds; congressio|meeting, visit, interview; encounter; conflict, attack; sexual intercourse; congressor|one who meets/assembles with; congressus|meeting, interview; assembly/conference; encounter; engagement, clash; contest; congressus|union, combination, coming together; sexual/social intercourse; companionship; congrex|herded together; of same herd/flock (L+S); collected in flocks; intimate/close; congrua|salary of pastor; congrue|suitably, aptly; agreeably, harmoniously; congruens|agreeing, according, consistent; harmonious, in unison/keeping; at same time; congruens|congruent, corresponding to, similar, matching; appropriate, fitting; proper; congruenter|agreeably; in a corresponding manner; appropriately, aptly; suitably; congruentia|consistency/accordance; proper way; similarity/likeness; symmetry/proportion; congruo|agree, coincide, correspond, be consistent; be suited, be adapted; fit in; congruo|unite, combine, come together; blend, harmonize, act together; be congenial; congrus|conger eel; sea eel (L+S); congruus|agreeing, according; fit, suitable (L+S); harmonious; congyro|circle, make a circle around a person; conia|stork; coniacum|cognac; conibentia|connivance, tacit permission/sanction; (coniventia); conicio|throw/put/pile together; conclude, infer/guess; assign, make go; classify, put; conicio|throw/cast/fling (into area); devote/pour (money); thrust, involve; insert; conicus|conical; conifer|coniferous, cone-bearing (tree); bearing fruit of a conical form (L+S); coniger|coniferous, cone-bearing (tree); bearing fruit of a conical form (L+S); conila|plant (genus Satureia, savory); (also called cunila and origanum L+S); coniludium|game of ninepins; coninquino|befoul/pollute/defile wholly (immorality); contaminate/taint/infect (w/disease); coninquo|cut back, prune; cut off, cut down (L+S); coniptum|oblation/offering/rite made by sprinkling flour; conisco|brandish/shake/quiver; flash/glitter, emit/reflect intermittent/quivering light; conisterium|room in a palaestra for wrestlers to sprinkle themselves with dust; conitor|strain, strive (physically); put forth; endeavor eagerly; struggle (to reach); conitor|strain, strive (physically); put forth; endeavor eagerly; struggle (to reach); conitum|oblation/offering/rite made by sprinkling flour; conium|hemlock; (pure Latin cicuta); coniunctivus|subjunctive; coniventia|connivance, tacit permission/sanction, overlooking/winking at an offense; coniveo|close/screw up the eyes, blink; wink at, overlook, turn a blind eye, connive; coniveo|be tightly closed (eyes); (other things); be inactive/eclipsed; lie dormant; conivolus|closed (eyes); hidden, covered; conjaceo|lie together; conjectaneum|miscellany (pl.); (title of several books); note/commonplace book (L+S); conjectarius|conjectural, based on inferences; of/pertaining to conjecture (L+S); conjectatio|inference, conjecture, guess, surmise; act of guessing/surmising; conjectator|soothsayer, seer; conjecturer; conjectatorius|conjectural, based on inferences; of/pertaining to conjecture (L+S); conjectio|summary; comparison; interpretation/exposition; inference/conjecture; throwing; conjecto|conjecture, think, imagine, infer, guess, conclude; judge, draw a conclusion; conjecto|throw together; assemble; throw (person in prison); interpret (portent); conjector|soothsayer; interpreter of dreams; diviner, seer; conjectrix|interpreter of dreams (female); soothsayer (female); diviner, seer; conjectura|conjecture/guess/inference/reasoning/interpretation/comparison/prophecy/forecast conjecturale|conjectures/inferences/guesses (pl.); conjecturalis|conjectural, of/based on conjecture/guess/inference; conjecturaliter|by way of conjecture, conjecturally; conjectus|throwing/crowding (together/into area), collection; joining battle (w/pugnae); conjectus|throw/shot (distance); act of throwing (missile); glance/directing one's gaze; conjicio|throw/put/pile together; conclude, infer/guess; assign, make go; classify, put; conjicio|throw/cast/fling (into area); devote/pour (money); thrust, involve; insert; conjubeo|command together; conjucundor|rejoice together/with one; conjuga|wife; spouse; consort (L+S); conjugalis|marital, conjugal, of/proper to marriage; faithful; belonging to husband/wife; conjugalis|species of myrtle?; conjugalus|name of a species of myrtle; conjugatio|etymological connection; mixing together/combining, mixture; conjugation (late); conjugatiter|as married persons; conjugator|one who unites (in a pair); one who joins (L+S); conjugatum|etymologically connected words; conjugatus|etymologically connected/related (words); depending on etymological connection; conjugialis|of/belonging to marriage, conjugal, connubial, marital; of a husband; conjugicidium|murder of one's spouse; conjugium|marriage/wedlock; husband/wife; couple; mating (animal), pair; close connection; conjugo|join in marriage; form a friendship; join together, unite in (L+S); conjugulus|name of a species of myrtle; pertaining to uniting/connecting (L+S); conjuncte|like compound proposition; hypothetically? (L+S); conjuncte|jointly, at same time; together, in a friendly/confidential fashion; conjunctim|jointly, in common; together; in combination; conjunctio|union; mutual love/familiarity, match, fellowship; joint occurrence/conjunction; conjunctio|conjunction (word); combination; compound proposition; association/affinity; conjunctivus|connective; of connection, serving to connect (L+S); subjunctive (mood); conjunctivus|conjunctive/subjunctive mood; conjunctrix|that which joins/unites together; conjunctum|connected word/proposition; compound proposition; connection (L+S); conjunctus|adjoining/contiguous/linked; connected/contemporary (time), continuous; complex; conjunctus|closely connected/related/attached/associated (friendship/kinship/wed); conjunctus|process/state of being joined together; connection, conjunction (L+S); (ABL S); conjungo|connect, join/yoke together; marry; connect/compound (words) (w/conjunctions); conjungo|unite (sexually); place/bring side-by-side; juxtapose; share; add; associate; conjunx|yoked together; paired; linked as a pair; conjunx|spouse/mate/consort; husband/wife/bride/fiancee/intended; concubine; yokemate; conjuratio|conspiracy, plot, intrigue; alliance; band of conspirators; taking joint oath; conjuratus|conspiring; leagued; conjuratus|conspirator; (usu. pl.); conjuro|swear/act together, join in an oath/plot; conspire, plot; form alliance/league; conjux|spouse/mate/consort; husband/wife/bride/fiancee/intended; concubine; yokemate; conlabasco|waver/totter/become unsteady at the same time; waver/totter with; conlabefacto|cause to topple over; make to reel/totter (L+S); overpower/subdue; melt (metal); conlabefio|collapse/break up; sink together; be overthrown politically/brought to ruin; conlabello|make/form by putting the lips together; conlabo|labor/work with/together; conlabor|collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet); conlabor|collapse, fall down/in ruin; fall in swoon/exhaustion/death; slip/slink (meet); conlaceratus|torn to pieces; lacerated; conlacero|lacerate severely; tear to pieces (L+S); conlacrimatio|accompanying tears; weeping/lamenting (together/greatly); conlacrimo|weep together, weep in the company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail; conlacrumo|weep together, weep in the company of someone; weep over/for (w/ACC); bewail; conlactanea|foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast; conlactaneus|foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast; conlactea|foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast; conlacteus|foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast; conlactia|foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast; conlacticia|foster-sister; one nourished at the same breast; conlacticius|foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast; conlactius|foster-brother; one nourished at the same breast; conlaetor|rejoice together; conlapsio|precipitation, falling together; conlatero|admit on both sides; conlaticius|contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled; conlatio|placing/putting together, combination; data collation; (payment of) tribute/tax; conlatio|comparison; [grammatical secunda ~/tertia ~ => comparative/superlative]; conlatitius|contributed, raised/produced by contributions; brought together (L+S); mingled; conlativum|contribution in money; conlativus|supplied/produced by contributions from many quarters; collected/combined (L+S); conlator|joint contributor, subscriber; he who brings/places together (L+S); comparer; conlatro|bark in chorus at; bark/yelp fiercely at (L+S); inveigh against; conlatus|joining of battle; affray, attack (L+S); contributing (to knowledge, teaching); conlaudabilis|worthy of praise in every respect; conlaudatio|high/warm praise; commendation; eulogy; conlaudator|one who praises highly/warmly; conlaudo|praise/extol highly; commend; eulogize; conlaxo|loosen; make loose/porous (L+S); conlecta|contribution; collection; meeting/assemblage (L+S); Collect at Mass (eccl.); conlectaculum|place of assembling; receptacle, reservoir; conlectaneus|collected, assembled/gathered together from various sources; conlectarius|money-changer; banker, cashier; conlecte|summarily; briefly; conlecticius|obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection; conlectim|summarily; briefly; conlectio|collection/accumulation; gathering, abscess; recapitulation, summary; inference; conlectitius|obtained/collected from various quarters; gathered hastily without selection; conlectivus|proceeding by inference; deductive; gathered together (L+S); collective (noun); conlector|collector, one who collects; fellow student (L+S); conlectum|that which is collected; (food); collected sayings/writings (pl.); conlectus|compact (of style), concise; restricted; contracted, narrow; conlectus|heap/pile; accumulation (of liquid); collection; conlega|colleague (in official/priestly office); associate, fellow (not official); conlegatarius|joint legatee; person bequeathed a legacy in common with others; conlegialis|of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial; conlegiarius|of a collegium (guild/fraternity/board); collegial; conlegiarius|member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board); conlegiatus|member of a collegium (guild/fraternity/society/corporation/board); conlegium|college/board (priests); corporation; brotherhood/fraternity/guild/colleagueship conleprosus|fellow-leper; conlesco|lighten up, become illuminated; become clear/intelligible; conlevo|make (entirely) smooth; smooth; conliberta|fellow freedwoman; (having the same patronus); conlibertus|fellow freedman; (having the same patronus); conlibro|measure; measure off (L+S); conlibuit|it pleases/is very agreeable; (IMPERS PERFDEF perfect form has present sense); conlicia|gutter/drain (pl.) between inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel; conliciaris|designed for making gullies; pertaining to water-channels (L+S); conliculus|hillock, small hill; conlido|strike/dash together; crush, batter, deform; set into conflict with each other; conligate|connectedly, jointly; conligatio|binding together; bond/connection; thing that binds/connects band; conjunction; conligo|bind/tie/pack together/up, connect, unite/unify; fetter/bind; immobilize, stop; conligo|collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; conligo|obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up; conligo|collect, assemble, bring/gather/hold/keep together; combine; harvest; pick up; conligo|obtain/acquire, amass; rally; recover; sum up; deduce, infer; compute, add up; conlimitaneus|bordering upon; (w/DAT); conlimito|border upon; (w/DAT); conlimitor|border upon; (w/DAT); conlimitum|boundary between two countries; conlimo|direct (the eyes) sideways; glance sidelong; conlineate|in a straight/direct line; skillfully, artistically; conlineo|align, direct, aim; conlinio|align, direct, aim; conlino|besmear, smear over; soil, pollute, defile; conliquefacio|melt, liquefy; dissolve; conliquefactus|made fluid, liquefied, melted; dissolved; conliquefio|be/become melted/liquefied/dissolved; (conliquefacio PASS); conliquesco|melt, liquefy (w/in+ACC); turn into by liquefying; melt along with; dissolve; conliquia|gutter/drain (pl.) between inwardly-sloping roofs; gully; field-drain/runnel; conliquiarium|contrivance (pl.) for reliving air-pressure in water pipes; conlisio|clash, collision; dashing/striking together (L+S); conlisus|crushed, flattened; conlisus|striking/clashing together; collision; conlocatio|placing/siting (together); position; arrangement, ordering (things); marrying; conloco|place/put/set in order/proper position, arrange; station, post, position; apply; conloco|put together, assemble; settle/establish in a place/marriage; billet; lie down; conlocupleto|enrich, make wealthy/very rich; embellish, adorn; conlocutio|conversation (private), discussion, debate; conference, parley; talking together conlocutor|he who talks with another; conloquium|talk, conversation; colloquy/discussion; interview; meeting/conference; parley; conloquor|talk/speak to/with; talk together/over; converse; discuss; confer, parley; conlubuit|it pleases/is very agreeable; (IMPERS PERFDEF perfect form has present sense); conluceo|shine brightly, light up (with fire); reflect light, shine, be lit up; glitter; conluco|prune; thin out (trees); clear/thin (forest) (L+S); conluctatio|struggling (physical), wrestling; struggle, conflict; death struggle/agony; conluctor|struggle physically; wrestle/contend (with); struggle/fight against (adversity); conluctor|wrestler; antagonist, adversary; conludium|sporting, playing together; secret, deceptive understanding, collusion; conludo|play/sport together/with; (also) make sport; act in collusion (with); conlugeo|lament; grieve together; conlumino|illuminate (on all sides/fully); conluo|wash/rinse out; wash/rinse away (impurities); wash together; use as a wash(?); conlurchinatio|gormandizing, gross gluttony; guzzling; conlusim|in collusion(?); conlusio|secret/deceptive understanding, collusion; conlusor|playmate, companion in play; fellow gambler; one in collusion to hurt another; conlusorie|in/by collusion; in a concerted manner (L+S); conlustrium|ceremonial purification (of fields); corporation that procured the purification; conlustro|illuminate, make bright, light up fully; look over, survey; traverse, explore; conlutio|rinsing; washing (L+S); conlutito|soil/defile greatly/thoroughly; conlutlento|cover over with mud; conluviaris|swilled/slopped, fed on refuse/filth (pigs); conluvies|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire; conluvio|jumble/heterogeneous mass; fact/state of contamination, impure mixture; turmoil; conluvio|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire; conluvium|muck, decayed matter; refuse/sewage; pig-swill; filth; dregs; cesspool/mire; conmemini|remember, recollect; remember (to do something w/INF); mention, cite, recall; conmemorabilis|memorable, remarkable, worth mentioning; conmemoramentum|reminder; mention; mentioning; conmemoratio|remembrance/commemoration; observance (law); memory; mention/citation/reference; conmemorator|commemorator, one who mentions/recalls a thing; conmemoratorium|means of remembrance; conmemoro|recall (to self/other); keep in mind, remember; mention/relate; place on record; conmensalis|table commpanion; conmercium|trade/traffic/commerce (right/privilege); commercial/sex intercourse/relations; conmercium|exchange, trafficking; goods, military supplies; trade routes; use in common; conmercor|buy, purchase; buy up (L+S); trade/traffic together; conmereo|merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate; conmereor|merit fully, deserve, incur, earn (punishment/reward); be guilty of, perpetuate; conmers|friendly intercourse; conmetior|measure; pace out/off; compare (in measurement); conmitigo|soften; make soft (L+S); mellow; conmitto|bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust; conmitto|engage (battle), set against; begin/start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit; conmolior|set in motion; move with an effort; put together, construct; conmonefacio|recall, remember; call to mind; remind (forcibly), warn, admonish; impress upon; conmonefio|be recalled/remembered/reminded; be warned/admonished; (conmonefacio PASS); conmoneo|remind (forcibly), warn; bring to recollection (L+S); impress upon one; conmonstro|point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal; conmorior|die together/with; work oneself to death (with); perish/be destroyed together; conmoro|stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on; conmoror|stop/stay/remain, abide; linger, delay; detain, be delayed (menses); dwell on; conmostro|point out (fully/distinctly), show where; make known, declare, reveal; conmotus|excited, nervous; frenzied/deranged; angry/annoyed; temperamental; tempestuous; conmoveo|shake/stir up, agitate; displace, disturb, trouble/worry, upset; jolt; excite; conmoveo|waken; provoke; move (money/camp); produce; cause, start (war); raise (point); conmunicabilis|communicable, capable of being communicated; conmunicabilitas|communicability; conmunicabiliter|in a way capable of being communicated; conmunico|share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with; conmunico|communicate, discuss, impart; make common cause; take common counsel, consult; conmunicor|share; share/divide with/out; receive/take a share of; receive; join with; conmunis|common/joint/public; general/universal; ordinary; sociable, courteous; related; conmunis|neutral, impartial (Mars); applicable on either side; same form for two cases; conmunitus|jointly, as a group; conmuro|burn up/away; (w/love); consume/destroy w/fire; reduce to ash, cremate; scald; connascor|born with/at same time; arise together with; connaturaliter|in a natural way; connatus|innate; connatus|twin; double; one similar/alike; connecto|join/fasten/link together, connect/associate; lead to; tie; implicate/involve; connexe|in connection; connectively; connexio|junction/meeting; causal sequence; conclusion/deduction; association/connection; connexio|binding together; close union; organic union; syllable; connexivus|serving to unite/join (words/clauses), copulative, conjunctive, connective; connexo|in connection; connectively; connexum|hypothetical proposition; necessary consequence, inevitable inference (L+S); connexus|joined/linked; bound by ties; contiguous; related/associated/interdependent; connexus|connection; joining together; combination (L+S); connitor|endeavor eagerly; struggle; strain, strive; connitor|strain, strive (physically); put forth; endeavor eagerly; struggle (to reach); conniveo|close/screw up the eyes, blink; wink at, overlook, turn a blind eye, connive; conniveo|be tightly closed (eyes); (other things); be inactive/eclipsed; lie dormant; connotatio|connotation; connubialis|of/belonging to marriage/wedlock (or a specific marriage), conjugal/connubial; connubialiter|in a conjugal manner, connubially; connubium|marriage/wedlock; right to marry; act/ceremony of marriage (usu. pl.); connudatus|completely/wholly naked/bare; stark naked; connumeratio|reckoning together; connumero|reckon in, include in counting/the count; number with, reckon among (L+S); conopaeum|canopy; mosquito-net, gauze net; bed provided with a mosquito-net; conopeum|canopy; mosquito-net, gauze net; bed provided with a mosquito-net; conopium|canopy; mosquito-net, gauze net; bed provided with a mosquito-net; conor|attempt/try/endeavor, make an effort; exert oneself; try to go/rise/speak; conpaciscor|make an agreement/arrangement/compact; conpactum|agreement/compact; [ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement]; conpactus|joined/fastened together, united; close-packed, firm, thick; well-set, compact; conpaedagogita|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S); conpaedagogius|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); conpaganus|fellow villager, inhabitant of the same village; conpages|action of binding together, fastening; bond, tie; joint; structure, framework; conpago|fact/action of binding together, fastening; structure, framework; conpar|equal, equal to; like, similar, resembling; suitable, matching, corresponding; conpar|fellow, partner, equal; comrade; husband/wife; pair (of animals also), mate; conpar|sentence containing clauses of roughly the same number of syllables; conparabilis|similar, comparable; conparate|comparatively; in/by comparison (L+S); conparaticius|similar, comparable; furnished by contribution; conparatio|construction; material/constituent; combination/conjunction; relationship; conparatio|comparison, weighing of merits; plea from the greater good; comparative degree; conparatio|preparation, making ready; procuring, provision; arrangement, settlement; conparative|in a comparative sense; conparativus|based on/involving consideration of relative merits; comparative; conparator|buyer/purchaser, dealer; comparer (L+S); conparatus|proportion; relation (L+S); conparco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); conparco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); conparco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); conpareo|appear/come in sight; be visible/present/in evidence/clearly stated/forthcoming; conparo|prepare; provide; compose; collect, get together/hold of; raise (force); unite; conparo|place together, match, couple, pair; set/pit against; treat as equal; compare; conparo|set up/establish/institute; arrange, dispose, settle; buy, acquire, secure; conpartior|share; divide something with one (L+S); (PASS) be made partaker of; conpasco|pasture (cattle) on common land; feed up/together; use as cattle food; eat; conpascua|common pasture/land; pasture possessed/used in common; conpascuum|common pasture/land (pl.); pasture possessed/used in common; conpascuus|common pasture (land); right of common pasturage; grazed on/sharing a pasture; conpastor|fellow herdsman; conpatriota|compatriot, fellow countryman; conpatronus|co-patron (one who has joined in manumitting a slave); conpavesco|become very afraid/full of fear/thoroughly terrified; conpavio|trample on; beat (L+S); conpavitus|trampled upon; beaten (L+S); conpeciscor|make an agreement/arrangement/compact; conpectum|agreement/compact; [ABL compacto => according to/in accordance with agreement]; conpedagogita|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); (M L+S); conpedagogius|fellow member of a paedagogium (training establishment for slave boys); conpedio|shackle, fetter; put fetters on; conpeditus|that wears fetters/shackles; conpeditus|fettered slave; conpedus|that fetters or restrains; fettering, shackling (L+S); conpellatio|action of addressing/apostrophizing (aside to person)/reproaching, reproof; conpello|address, accost, speak to, call upon; appeal to; challenge; chide/rebuke; accuse conpello|drive together (cattle), round up; force, compel, impel, drive; squeeze; gnash; conpendiaria|short/quick route, short cut; quick/easy method, short cut; conpendiarium|short/quick route, short cut; fitment in a granary; conpendiarius|short/quick (of routes); conpendiose|briefly, shortly, compendiously; conpendiosus|profitable, advantageous; short/quick (route); compendious, succinct, short; conpendium|gain, profit; sparing/saving; abridgement, compendium; shorthand; a short cut; conpendo|weigh/balance together; conpensatio|balancing of items in account, offsetting; weighing/balancing (of factors); conpenso|balance/weigh, offset; get rid of; make good, compensate; save/secure; short cut conperco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); conperco|save, husband well, lay up; forbear/abstain/refrain from (w/INF), spare (w/DAT); conperendinatio|adjournment of a trial for two days; (to third day following or later L+S); conperendinatus|adjournment of a trial for two days; (to third day following or later L+S); conperendino|adjourn the trial of a person; adjourn a trial; (for two days or later); conperendinus|on which an adjourned trial is resumed (of a day); conperio|learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty; conperior|learn/discover/find (by investigation); verify/know for certain; find guilty; conpertusio|joint tunneling operation; conpes|shackles (for feet) (usu. pl.), fetters; things impeding movement; chains; conpesco|restrain, check; quench; curb, confine, imprison; hold in check; block, close; Conpetalis|priest of the Lares Compitales/rural gods (worshiped at crossroads); conpetalis|associated with/worshiped at the cross-roads; conpetens|agreeing with, corresponding to, apposite, suitable; competent (legal); conpetenter|suitably, appositely; properly, becomingly; conpetentia|correspondence; proportion; symmetry (L+S); meeting, agreement; conjunction; conpetitio|agreement; judicial demand; rivalry; conpetitor|rival, competitor; other candidate for office; rival claimant (to throne); conpetitrix|rival, competitor (female); other candidate for office; rival claimant; conpeto|meet; happen at same time, coincide; agree; be candidate/face (death) together; conpeto|be sound/capable/applicable/relevant/sufficient/adequate/competent/admissible; conpetum|cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice; conphretor|fellow member of a phretria (division in a Greek community); conpilatio|burglary; raking together, pillaging/plundering (L+S); compilation (document); conpilator|plunderer; imitator (literary); plagiarizer; (compiler/anthologist?); conpilo|rob, pillage, steal from (another writer), plagiarize; beat up thoroughly; conpingo|join/fix/attach; bind together; build/construct/compose; put/shut away, confine; conpingo|disguise, cover, paint over; conpitalicius|associated with the cross-roads; of the Compitalia festival of the Lares; Conpitalis|priest of the Lares Compitales/rural gods (worshiped at crossroads); conpitalis|associated with/worshiped at the cross-roads; conpitalitius|associated with the cross-roads; of the Compitalia festival of the Lares; Conpitalium|festival celebrated at the cross-roads in honor of the Lares/rural gods (pl.); conpitensis|adjoining/sharing the same crossroads/road junction; conpitum|cross-roads (usu. pl.), junction; people/shrine at crossroads; point of choice; conplaceo|please, take the fancy of, capture the affections of, be acceptable/agreed to; conplaco|conciliate (greatly), placate; win the sympathy of; conplanator|thing/one that makes smooth/level; (toothpaste); conplano|make (ground) level/flat; smooth out (trouble); pull down, raze to the ground; conplecto|embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve; conplecto|lay hold of, grip; seize; grasp, take in/up; sum up; include in scope, cover; conplector|embrace, hug; welcome; encircle, encompass; attain; include, bring in, involve; conplector|lay hold of, grip; seize; grasp, take in/up; sum up; include in scope, cover; conplementum|complement, something that fills out/up or completes; conpleo|fill (up/in); be big enough to fill; occupy space, crowd; furnish/supply/man; conpleo|finish, complete, perfect; make pregnant; fulfill, make up, complete, satisfy; conpletus|complete, round off; filled full, full (L+S); perfect; conplexio|encircling; combination, association, connection; summary, resume; dilemma; conplexivus|connective, conjunctive; (grammar); serving for connecting (L+S); conplexus|surrounding, encompassing, encircling; clasp, grasp, hold, embrace; inclusion; conplexus|sexual intercourse (w/Venerius/femineus); hand-to-hand fighting; stranglehold; conplico|fold/tie up/together; roll/curl/double up, wind (round); involve; bend at joint; conplico|fold/tie up/together; roll/curl/double up, wind (round); involve; bend at joint; conplodo|clap/strike (the hands) together, applaud (enthusiastically/with emotion); conploratio|lamentation, (vocal) mourning; loud/violent complaint/bemoaning/bewailing (L+S); conploratus|lamentation, (vocal) mourning; loud/violent complaint/bemoaning/bewailing (L+S); conploro|bewail, bemoan; lament loudly/together/violently; despair of; morn for; conpluor|be rained upon; conpluriens|several/many times, a good number of times; more than once; conplurimus|great many (pl.), very many; conplus|many (pl.), several, a fair/good number; conplus|many/several people/men(pl.), a fair/good number of people; conplus|many/several things/items(pl.), a fair/good number of things; conplusculus|several (pl.), more than one; a good many (L+S); conplusicule|fairly/pretty often, not infrequently; conplut|rain-water runs/flows together/collects; it rains upon (L+S); conpluviatus|shaped/square like a compluvium/inward-sloping roof; of vines on such frame; conpluvium|inward-sloping central roof (guides rainwater to cistern); like frame for vines; conpono|compare; place/put/add/collect together, collate; match (up); store/hoard; calm; conpono|construct, build; arrange, compile, compose, make up; organize, order; settle; conportatio|transportation; bringing/carrying together (L+S); conporto|carry, transport, bring in, convey (to market); bring together; amass, collect; conpos|in possession/control/mastery of; sharing, guilty of, afflicted with; granted; conposite|in orderly/skillful/well arranged/composed way; deliberately/regularly/properly; conpositicius|compound (words); conpositio|arrangement, combination; pairing/matching; order, sequence, structure; union; conpositio|agreement, pact; mixture (medicine); composition (music/prose); storing; conposititius|compound (words); conposito|by prearrangement; concertedly; conpositor|writer, composer; orderer, arranger, disposer, maker (L+S); conpositum|made-up/compound medicine; agreement/compact; [ex/de ~o => by pre-arrangement]; conpositum|settled/peaceful situation (pl.), security, law and order; conpositura|assembling/fitting together; structure/assemblage; combination (words), syntax; conpositus|well-arranged/ordered, regular, matching; made up of several parts, compound; conpositus|prepared/ready/fit, suitable/trained/qualified; calm, peaceful; mature, sedate; conpostura|assembling/fitting together; structure/assemblage; combination (words), syntax; conpostus|well-arranged/ordered, regular, matching; made up of several parts, compound; conpostus|prepared/ready/fit, suitable/trained/qualified; calm, peaceful; mature, sedate; conpotatio|drinking party; (translation of the Greek); a drink/drinking together (L+S); conpotens|that is able (to grant a prayer); having power with one (epithet of Diana L+S); conpotio|put in possession of, make partaker of; (PASS) attain; obtain, come into (L+S); conpoto|drink together; conpotor|drinking-companion/buddy; conpotrix|drinking-companion (female); (bar girl?); conpraecido|cut each other off; cut off at the same time (?) (L+S); conpraes|joint-surety; conpransor|table-companion; companion at a banquet; boon companion (L+S); conprecatio|public supplication or prayers; common imploring of a deity (L+S); conprecor|implore, invoke (gods); supplicate, pray that; pray for; pray to; conprehendibilis|comprehensible, able to be grasped by the senses/intellect; that can be seized; conprehendo|catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive (baby); conprehendo|embrace; include/cover/deal with (in speech/law); express (by term/symbol); conprehensibilis|comprehensible, able to be grasped by the senses/intellect; that can be seized; conprehensio|arrest, grasping; comprehension, understanding; classifying; idea, perception; conprehensio|comprehensive argument; dilemma; region, zone; scope, range; grouping (words); conprehenso|seize in an embrace; embrace, hug; conprendo|catch/seize/grasp firmly; arrest; take hold/root/fire, ignite; conceive (baby); conprendo|embrace; include/cover/deal with (in speech/law); express (by term/symbol); conprensio|arrest, grasping; comprehension, understanding; classifying; idea, perception; conprensio|comprehensive argument; dilemma; region, zone; scope, range; grouping (words); conpresse|briefly, succinctly, in a compressed manner; urgently, pressingly; conpresse|brief, succinctly; urgently, insistently; conpressio|squeezing, compression; sexual embrace, copulation; abridging, compression; conpressor|ravisher, rapist; one who presses/compresses (L+S); conpressus|constricted/narrow/pressed together; bound/tight (bowels), constipated, binding; conpressus|compression, pressure; closing, pressing together; embracing/copulation; conprimens|astringent; conprimo|press, squeeze together, close; conprimo|press/squeeze together, fold, crush; hem/shut/keep/hold in; copulate (male); conprimo|suppress/control/stifle/frustrate/subdue/cow, put down; hold breath; silence; conprobatio|approval; conprobator|approver; conprobo|approve, accept, sanction, ratify; prove, justify, confirm, attest, bear out; conpromissarius|accepted as arbitrator by both parties (judge w/iudex); of arbitration; conpromissum|joint undertaking guaranteed by deposit of money to abide by arbitration; conpromitto|enter a promissum, agree to submit to an arbiter; agree to pay the award; conpulsio|compulsion; (legal); urging (L+S); dunning; constraint; conpulso|batter, pound; conpungo|prick, puncture (thoroughly); goad, stimulate; mark with points, tattoo; conpungo|cause repentance; feel remorse/contrition; inspire w/devotion; (PASS) repent; conpurgo|purify completely/thoroughly; conputabilis|calculable, computable; conputatio|calculation, reckoning, computation; form/result of a particular calculation; conputator|calculator, reckoner, accountant; conputesco|decay, rot, putrefy; (completely); conputo|reckon/compute/calculate, sum/count (up); take/include in reckoning; work out; conputresco|decay, rot, putrefy; (completely); conquadro|agree with, be proportioned to; square to; conquadro|make square, square; conquaero|seek out; hunt/rake up; investigate; collect; search out/down/for diligently; conquaestor|inspector, one who searches; recruiting officer; conquassatio|shaking up; severe shaking (L+S); shattering; conquasso|shake violently; break, shatter; unsettle, disturb, throw into confusion; conquaterno|by fours (yoked oxen); in a team of four; conqueror|bewail, lament, utter a complaint; complain of, deplore; conquestio|lament, action of complaining/bewailing; part of a speech to excite pity; conquestio|questioning; conquestus|complaint (violent), (strenuous) complaining; conquiesco|rest, take repose/be quiet, nap/go to sleep; have respite/pause from (w/ab/ex); conquiesco|be inactive; pause (speaking); relax; settle/quiet down; come to an end/cease; conquietus|dead; still in death; conquiliarius|dyer; purple-fisher; conquinisco|cower down, crouch down; stoop; squat; conquino|befoul/pollute/defile wholly (immorality); contaminate/taint/infect (w/disease); conquiro|seek out; hunt/rake up; investigate; collect; search out/down/for diligently; conquisite|carefully, painstakingly; with great pains (L+S); conquisitio|levy/levying (troops)/conscription; raising/requisition; collecting/search; conquisitio|questioning; (Acts 15:7); conquisitor|inspector, one who searches; recruiting officer; conquisitus|select, chosen; sought out with great pains; costly (L+S); conquistor|inspector, one who searches; recruiting officer; claqueur (theater) (L+S); conrado|rake/sweep/draw together; amass with difficulty, scrape together; scrape off; conrationalitas|analogy; conrectio|amendment, rectification; improvement, correction; word substitution; reproof; conrector|corrector/improver, reformer; one who sets things right; financial commissioner; conrectura|office of a corrector (financial commissioner/land bailiff); conrectus|reformed (person); improved, amended, corrected (L+S); conrecumbens|lying down with (anyone); conregio|drawing of boundary lines (within which auspices may be taken); conregionalis|adjoining/neighboring people; conregno|reign together with one; conrepo|creep, crawl; slink, move stealthily; take to the bush; creep (of the flesh); conrepte|shortly; with a short vowel or syllable; conreptio|seizure/attack, onset (disease); rebuking/censure; shorting/decrease (in vowel); conrepto|creep; conreptor|reprover, censurer, corrector; conreptus|short; (of a syllable); conresupinatus|bent backwards at the same time; conresuscito|raise up/from the dead together; conreus|joint defendant; co-respondent; conrideo|laugh together; laugh out loud (L+S); conrigia|shoe-lace, thong for securing shoes to feet; thong of any kind; conrigo|correct, set right; straighten; improve, edit, reform; restore, cure; chastise; conripio|seize/grasp/snatch up, lay hold of; sweep off; carry away; appropriate/arrogate; conripio|censure/reproach/rebuke/chastise; shorten/abridge; hasten (upon); catch (fire); conrivalis|joint rival; conrivatio|leading/channeling (water) into the same channel/basin, collection; conrivium|confluence of brooks/streams; conrivo|lead/channel (water) into the same channel/basin, collect; conroboramentum|means of strengthening; conroboro|strengthen, harden, reinforce; corroborate; mature; make powerful, fortify; conrodo|gnaw, gnaw away; chew up; gnaw to pieces (L+S); conrogatio|bringing together; gathering, assembly (Ecc); collection; conrogo|collect money by begging/entreaty; summon/invite (persons) to a gathering; conrotundo|make round; round off; amass/make up a round sum of money; conruda|wild asparagus; conrugis|wrinkled, having wrinkles/folds; corrugated; conrugo|make wrinkled; (make one turn up one's nose); corrugate; conrugus|channel/canal/conduit/sluice constructed to bring wash water for ore (mining); conrumpo|spoil/rot; taint/contaminate; damage/ruin, undo; destroy/deface; digest; infect; conrumpo|pervert, corrupt, deprave; bribe, suborn; seduce, tempt, beguile; falsify; conrumptela|corruption/bribery/suborning; corrupting/perverting influence; seducer/misleader conrumptela|seduction/seducing; enticement to sexual misconduct; brothel/place of seduction conruo|fall/break down, fall to ground/from height, collapse; be ruined, come to grief; conruo|topple (houses); subside (ground); rush/sweep together; overthrow; conrupte|incorrectly; perversely; in bad style/depraved manner; licentiously, corruptly; conruptela|corruption/bribery/suborning; corrupting/perverting influence; seducer/misleader conruptela|seduction/seducing; enticement to sexual misconduct; brothel/place of seduction conruptibilis|corruptible, liable to decay, perishable; conruptibilitas|corruptibility, perishability; conruptio|corruption; bribery, seduction from loyalty; diseased/corrupt condition; conruptive|corruptibly; perishably; conruptivus|corruptible; perishable; conruptor|corruptor, briber; seducer, ravisher; one who ruins/spoils/spreads infection; conruptorius|destructible; corruptible, perishable; conruptrix|tending to deprave/corrupt, corruptive; conruptrix|she who corrupts/seduces; conruptum|corrupted parts (pl.) (of the body); conruptus|rotten/decayed; infected (wounds), corrupt; degenerate/decadent; depraved/venal; conruptus|incorrect/improper/disorderly; impure/adulterated/changed for worse; seditious; conruspor|search for, seek out; search carefully after (L+S); conrutundo|make round; round off; amass/make up a round sum of money; cons|consul (the highest elected Roman official); abb. cons./cos.; consacerdos|fellow-priest/priestess; consacraneus|bound by the same (military) oath; consacraneus|one united/bound by the same (military) oath; consacratio|consecration, dedication; making sacred; deification; devoting person to a god; consacrator|one who consecrates/dedicates/makes sacred; consacratrix|she who consecrates/dedicates/makes sacred; consacratus|consecrated, holy, sacred; consacro|consecrate/dedicate, set apart; hallow, sanctify; deify; curse; vow to a god; consaepio|surround with a wall/fence/hedge; enclose, fence; fence/hedge in; consaepto|surround with a wall/fence/hedge; enclose, fence; fence/hedge in; consaeptum|enclosure; precinct; fenced/hedged off area; fence/hedge (L+S); consaeptus|hedging in; fencing around; constraining; consalutatio|greeting; exchange of greetings; several mutual salutations (L+S); consaluto|hail/greet/salute (as); exchange greetings; greet/salute cordially (L+S); consanesco|heal up (wounds/plants); be healed (persons); become whole/sound/well (L+S); consanguinea|sister; kin, blood relation; kindred/relations (pl.); consanguineus|of the same blood; related by blood; kindred; fraternal; brotherly/sisterly; consanguineus|kinsman, blood relation; brother (M); a sister (F); kindred/relations (pl.); consanguinitas|blood-relationship/kinship/consanguinity; (esp. between brothers/sisters L+S); consano|heal; make whole; make wholly sound (L+S); consarcino|stitch/sew/patch together; consario|hoe thoroughly/to pieces; hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); rake (L+S); consario|hoe thoroughly/to pieces; hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); rake (L+S); consario|hoe thoroughly/to pieces; rake (L+S); consarrio|hoe thoroughly/to pieces; hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); rake (L+S); consarrio|hoe thoroughly/to pieces; hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); rake (L+S); consatio|procreation; consaucio|injure, wound severely; consavio|cover with kisses; kiss affectionately (L+S); consavior|cover with kisses; kiss affectionately (L+S); consceleratus|wicked, depraved; criminal; (person/actions); consceleratus|wicked/depraved person; criminal; villain (L+S); conscelero|stain with crime, pollute with guilt, dishonor, disgrace by wicked conduct; conscendo|climb up, ascend, scale; rise to; mount (horse); board (ship)/embark/set out; conscensio|embarkation; setting out; ascending into (L+S); mounting up; conscensus|ascending, mounting; conscia|accomplice, accessory; partner; confidante; one privy to (crime/plot); witness; conscientia|(joint) knowledge, complicity (of crime); conscience; sense of guilt, remorse; conscindo|rend/tear to pieces, destroy by tearing; slaughter, cut to pieces; conscio|feel guilty; be conscious of (wrong); have on conscience; know well (late); conscisco|ordain/decree/determine/resolve; decide/inflict on; bring on oneself (w/sibi); conscissio|tearing to pieces, rending asunder; conscius|accomplice, accessory; partner; confidante; one privy to (crime/plot); witness; conscius|conscious, aware of, knowing, privy (to); sharing (secret) knowledge; guilty; conscreor|clear the throat/voice; hawk (much); conscribillo|scrawl/scribble over/upon, cover with scribbling; mark by beating (L+S); conscribo|enroll/enlist/raise (army); write on/down, commit to/cover with writing; compose conscribtor|author; framer; conscriptio|account/written record/writing; treatise/composition; conscription/troop levy; conscriptor|author; framer; composer; writer; conscriptus|senator/counselor; enrolling of the people for the purpose of bribery (L+S); conseco|dismember, chop/cut up/short/off/in pieces/deep; prune/top; lacerate; intersect; consecor|follow, go after; attend on; pursue; catch up with, overtake; follow up; consecraneus|bound by the same (military) oath; consecraneus|one united/bound by the same (military) oath; consecratio|consecration, dedication; making sacred; deification; devoting person to a god; consecrator|one who consecrates/dedicates/makes sacred; consecratorius|consecratory; has attribute of consecrating or making sacred/holy; consecratrix|she who consecrates/dedicates/makes sacred; consecratus|consecrated, holy, sacred; consecro|consecrate/dedicate, set apart; hallow, sanctify; deify; curse; vow to a god; consectandus|cropped, cut short; consectaneus|following eagerly after; hanging upon; consectaneus|adherent, follower; one following eagerly after/hanging upon; consectarium|conclusions (pl.); inferences; consectarius|conclusive; effecting proof (syllogism); following logically, consequent (L+S); consectatio|striving, striving after, (eager) pursuit; consectator|one who pursues/strives after; adherent, friend; consectatrix|one who pursues/strives after; adherent, friend; consectio|cutting/cleaving up/to pieces; consector|seek, pursue, make for (eagerly); research into; imitate, follow example of; consector|hunt down, overtake, seek out (to destroy); attack/inveigh against; persecute; consecue|consequently; consecutively?; consecutio|order; orderly/logical/proper sequence/consequence/connection; result, effect; consecutio|investigation of consequences/effects; acquiring/obtaining (L+S); attainment; consedo|stop, check, allay; still, quiet (L+S); consedo|assessor?; one who sits by (to advise?); conseminalis|planted/sown with several varieties (of vines/trees/seeds); consemineus|planted/sown with several varieties (of vines/trees/seeds); conseminia|kind of vine; consenesco|grow old; grow old together; spend one's whole life/grow old in; decay, spoil; consenesco|decline, go gray, grow feeble; fade/waste away, sink; lose respect; consenesco|lose force, become invalid, fall into disuse; become of no account; consenior|fellow-elder; fellow-presbyter; Consens|consensus; [Dei ~ => the twelve major deities; (rites) connected with them]; consensio|agreement (opinion), consent, accordance, harmony; unanimity; plot, conspiracy; consensualis|consensual; consensus|agreed upon; consensus|agreement (opinion), consent, harmony; unanimity; conclusion, plot, conspiracy; consensus|general consensus; custom; combined action; [concensu => by general consent]; consentaneum|concurrent circumstances (pl.); [~ est => it is fitting/reasonable/consistent]; consentaneus|agreeable; consistent/appropriate/fitting; in harmony with (L+S); consentiens|unanimous; harmonious, agreeing closely; consistent; favorable; consentio|join/share in sensation/feeling; be in agreement/harmony; be of the same mind; consentio|act together; plot, conspire, combine; coincide; be in conjunction (planets); consentio|agree, consent; fit/be consistent/in sympathy/unison with; favor; assent to; consentium|council/body of Dei Consentes; [Dei Consentes => the twelve major deities]; consentium|(sacred) rites (pl.) established by common agreement (w/sacra); consepelio|bury with; consepio|surround with a wall/fence/hedge; enclose, fence; fence/hedge in; consepto|surround with a wall/fence/hedge; enclose, fence; fence/hedge in; conseptum|enclosure; precinct; fenced/hedged off area; fence/hedge (L+S); conseptus|hedging in; fencing around; constraining; conseque|consequently; consecutively?; consequens|(logical) consequence; analogy?; (strange form, Cicero uses as neuter); consequens|subsequent/later; as a logical consequence; reasonable/consistent; analogous; consequenter|consequently/as a result; appropriate/aptly; in accordance with/agreeable to; consequentia|logical consequence; succession/sequence/progression (of events); analogy; consequia|consequence; retinue; rear guard; consequius|which follows or is in attendance; consequius|who(/that which) follows or is in attendance; consequor|follow, go/come after; attend on; pursue; catch up with, overtake; follow up; consequor|happen subsequently, ensue/follow in order/time; act accordingly, follow plan; consequor|seek after, aim at; achieve, reach; obtain; acquire, gain; grasp/comprehend; consequtio|order; orderly/logical/proper sequence/consequence/connection; result, effect; consequtio|investigation of consequences/effects; acquiring/obtaining (L+S); attainment; consequus|following; conserba|fellow-slave (female); (sometimes informal wife); consermonor|talk, converse; consero|connect/link, fasten/press/put together; construct/compose; join, engage (in); consero|connect/link, fasten/press/put together; construct/compose; join, engage (in); consero|sow, plant (field/crops/seeds/tree), set; breed; sow/strew plentifully/thickly; consero|sow, plant (field/crops/seeds/tree), set; breed; sow/strew plentifully/thickly; conserte|in a connected manner; as if bound/fastened together (L+S); consertio|joining together; conserva|fellow-slave (female); (sometimes informal wife); conservabilis|that can be preserved; conservans|preservative (w/GEN); conservatio|preservation, conservation, keeping (intact); observance/maintenance (duty); conservativismus|conservatism; conservativus|conservative (politics); conservator|keeper, one who preserves; defender; savior; worshiper (late) (L+S); conservatorium|greenhouse; conservatrix|keeper (female), one who preserves/defends; protectress; conservitium|fellowship in slavery; conservitium|joint servitude/slavery; the fellow-slaves (late); conservo|keep safe/intact, save (from danger); preserve, maintain; spare; keep/observe; conservula|small fellow-slave (female); conservus|fellow-slave; companion in servitude (L+S); consessor|companion, one who sits near (at assembly/gathering); fellow juror; assessor; consessus|assembly/gathering/meeting; audience; court; the right to a place, seat; consideranter|carefully, with consideration; in a deliberate considerate manner (L+S); considerantia|consideration, reflection, due thought; considerate|carefully, cautiously, considerately; upon consideration; consideratio|gaze/inspection/act of looking; mental examination/contemplation/consideration; considerator|one who examines/considers/reflects on a problem; consideratus|thought out, careful, considered (thing); cautious/deliberate/careful (person); considero|examine/look at/inspect; consider closely, reflect on/contemplate; investigate; considium|court of justice; consido|sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside/sink (in); consido|encamp/bivouac; take up a position; stop/stay, make one's home, settle; lodge; consido|sit down/be seated; hold sessions, sit (judge), try; alight; subside/sink (in); consido|encamp/bivouac; take up a position; stop/stay, make one's home, settle; lodge; consignate|aptly; expressively; in a distinct manner, plainly, distinctly (L+S); consignatio|affixing a seal/sealing/authentication; sealed/attested document; written proof; consignatorium|room in which confirmation was administered; consignifico|be significant; convey extra meaning; consigno|(fix a) seal; put on record; indicate precisely/establish; attest/authenticate; consilatio|consulting, consult; counseling, advice; consilesco|fall silent; become still; be hushed (L+S); keep silent; grow dumb; consiliaris|counsel, advice; counseling; consiliarius|counselor/adviser; sharer of counsels; assessor; consilium princips member; consiliarius|counseling, advising; suitable for counsel (L+S); consiliator|counselor, adviser; sharer in the counsels (of); epithet of Jupiter (L+S); consiliatrix|adviser (female); she who counsels (L+S); consiligo|medicinal herb (Pulmonaria officinalis), lugwort (or green hellebore); consilior|take counsel, consult; deliberate; advise, give advice; consiliosus|instructive; giving good advice; full of prudence/wisdom, considerate (L+S); consilium|debate/discussion/deliberation/consultation; advice/counsel/suggestion; adviser; consilium|decision/resolution; intention/purpose/policy/plan/action; diplomacy/strategy; consilium|deliberative/advisory body; state council, senate; jury; board of assessors; consilium|intelligence, sense, capacity for judgment/invention; mental ability; choice; consimile|similar things (pl.); and the like (L+S); consimilis|like, very similar; similar in all respects (L+S); consimiliter|(very) similarly; in a like manner (L+S); consimilo|compare; consipio|be sane, be in one's right mind; be of sound mind (L+S); consipio|surround with a wall/fence/hedge; enclose, fence; fence/hedge in; consiptum|enclosure; precinct; fenced/hedged off area; Consistens|class (pl.) of penitents in early Church; consistentia|consistence; consistio|act of planting/sowing; consistio|action of standing in place; a standing still (L+S); [~ loci => in a place]; consisto|stop/stand/halt/cease; pause, linger; stop spreading/flowing; take a position; consisto|stand together/fast; consist of/be reckoned in; rest/depend upon; be unaltered; consisto|make a stand; stay, remain (fixed), stand still/erect/upright; correspond to; consisto|come about, exist; fall due (tax); be established; remain valid/applicable; consistorialis|consistorial, by/pertaining to a consistory/(ecclesiastical) assembly/court; consistorianus|of/pertaining to the emperor's cabinet; of (ecclesiastical) assembly/court; consistorianus|assessor, aid in council; (in emperor's council); consistorium|(place of) the emperor's council; place of assembly/where servants wait; earth; consistorium|consistory, (ecclesiastical) assembly/court; Cardinals presided over by Pope; consitor|sower, planter; consitura|planting/sowing of land; consitus|laid to rest (in a tomb), "planted"; consobrina|first cousin (female); (on mother's side); children of sisters (L+S); relation; consobrinus|first cousin (male); (on mother's side); children of sisters (L+S); relation; consocer|one's child's father-in-law; one of two joint fathers-in-law (L+S); consocia|companion (female); consort; consociabilis|compatible, suitable; consociatim|together, unitedly, jointly; consociatio|association, union; associating, uniting; consociatus|closely linked/associated; united (L+S); agreeing, harmonious; consocio|associate/join/unite (in), share; bring in close relation/alliance/partnership; consocius|united; connected; consocius|partaker; aid; companion; associate, ally (Bee); consocrus|one's child's mother-in-law; one of two joint mothers-in-law (L+S); consol|consul (highest elected Roman official - 2/year); supreme magistrate elsewhere; consolabilis|consolable, admitting of consolation; consolatory, bringing consolation; consolamen|consolation; consolatio|consolation; comfort/encouragement (act/instance); consoling fact/circumstance; consolatio|confirming; establishing of ownership; consolativus|comforting; consolatory; consolator|comforter, consoler; one who comforts/consoles; consolatorie|in a consolatory/comforting manner; consolatorius|consolatory, consoling; [~ literae => letters of consolation]; consolida|plant; black briony, comfrey; (also called conferva); consolidatio|merging of usufruct (temporary use/possession) in property, consolidation; consolidator|confirmer; fortifier; consolido|solidify, make solid/thick; merge (usufruct) attached property, consolidate; consolo|console, cheer, comfort; (PASS) console oneself, take comfort; consolor|console, (be source of) comfort/solace; soothe; alleviate/allay/assuage (grief); consoltum|decision/resolution/plan; decree (of senate/other authority); oracular response; consolutus|dissolved together; consomnio|dream of; consona|consonant; (letter not a vowel); consonans|agreeing; sounding in accord; fitting, suitable, appropriate; consonans|consonant; (letter not a vowel); consonanter|concordantly; in concord/agreement; agreeably (L+S); consonantly, harmoniously; consonantia|concord, consonance (music); harmony (of spoken sounds); agreement (L+S); consonatio|resemblance of sound; consone|in unison, (sounding) together; harmoniously (L+S); consono|sound/utter/make noise together, harmonize; resound/re-echo; agree; consonus|sounding together; harmonious; having common sound; agreeing; unanimous; fit; consopio|lull/put to sleep, make unconscious; stupefy, benumb; make obsolete; consors|sharing inheritance/property; shared, in common; kindred, brotherly, sisterly; consors|sharer; partner/associate/collogue/fellow; consort/wife; brother/sister; co-heir consortalis|joint, held in association/common/partnership; pertaining to common property; consortio|partnership/association; fellowship, community; conjunction (things); sympathy; consortium|sharing, partnership, fellowship, participation; close connection; partner; consortium|possession in common, sharing property; community life; conjunction (stars); conspargo|sprinkle/strew/spatter, cover with small drops/particles; diversify/intersperse; consparsio|scattering, strewing, sprinkling, sprinkle; paste, dough; conspatians|walking together; conspectio|look, sight, view; conspector|inspector; overseer; he who sees/beholds (L+S); conspectus|visible, open to view; remarkable/striking/eminent/distinguished; conspicuous; conspectus|view, (range of) sight; aspect/appearance/look; perception/contemplation/survey; conspelio|bury with; conspergo|sprinkle/strew/spatter, cover with small drops/particles; diversify/intersperse; conspersio|scattering, strewing, sprinkling, sprinkle; paste, dough; conspicabilis|visible; remarkable, notable; conspicabundus|considering attentively; conspiciendus|conspicuous, attracting attention; worth seeing/attention (L+S); distinguished; conspiciens|intelligent, having understanding; conspicientia|faculty of considering; conspicillium|lookout post, place for spying out; watching (L+S); eyeglass (Ecc); binoculars; conspicillum|lookout post, place for spying out; watching (L+S); eyeglass (Ecc); binoculars; conspicio|observe/see/witness; notice; watch; gaze/stare on; catch/be in sight of; face; conspicio|have appearance; attract attention; discern; (PASS) be conspicuous/visible; conspicio|looking/observing/discerning, action of looking; (augury); conspicor|catch sight of, see; observe, notice; perceive; be conspicuous; be regarded; conspicuus|visible, clearly seen, in sight/full view; illustrious/notable/famous/striking; conspirate|unanimously, with one accord, all together; conspiratio|illegal/hostile combination/conspiracy/plot; blowing/breathing together; conspiratio|concord/harmony/unanimity/agreement in feeling/opinion; conspirator; conspiratus|having conspired/agreed, having entered into a conspiracy; acting in concert; conspiratus|sounding together (of musical instruments); agreement (L+S); harmony; conspiro|plot/conspire/unite; sound/act in unison/harmony/accord; blow together (horns); conspiro|coil up; conspissatio|thickening, condensing; pressing together; accumulation; conspissatus|thickened, condensed; pressed together; dense; conspisso|thicken; condense; consplendesco|shine very much/brightly/splendidly; conspolio|rob; conspolium|kind of sacrificial fruit cake; conspondeo|exchange pledges; engage/promise mutually (L+S); consponsata|bride; betrothed, fiance, intended; consponsor|joint surety; one who takes a joint/mutual oath; who obligates himself (L+S); consponsus|bound by mutual pledges; conspultus|buried with; conspuo|spit; spit out much; spit it out; conspuo|spit on, sputter over; besplatter with saliva; (contempt); spit; spit it out; conspurcatus|polluted; (Erasmus); conspurco|befoul, pollute; defile sexually; consputo|spit on/over; (in contempt); conss|consuls (pl.) (highest elected official); abb. conss./coss.; (two of a year); constabilarius|constable; commander, high constable; warden (of castle/manor/parish); constabilio|establish; put on a firm basis; strengthen; confirm, make firm (L+S); constabularius|constable; commander, high constable; warden (of castle/manor/parish); constagno|cause to stand; congeal; Constans|Constans; (Emperor Flavius Julius Constans I 337-350); constans|constant, unchanging; steadfast, resolute; steady, stable; immovable; secure; constans|consistent; standing firm; firm; persistent; mentally/morally settled/certain; constanter|firmly, immovably; steadily, constantly, without change; resolutely; loyally; constanter|evenly, uniformly, regularly; calmly; continually, persistently; consistently; constantia|perseverance; harmony; steadfastness, persistence; firmness; courage; loyalty; constantia|steadiness, regularity, consistency; constancy; resistance to change; Constantinopolis|Constantinople (elsewhen Byzantium or Istanbul); Constantinus|Constantine; (Emperor Constantine I 306-337; II 337-340; III 407-411); Constantius|Constantius; (Emperor Constantius I 305-306; II 337-361; III 421); constat|it is agreed/evident/understood/correct/well known (everyone knows/agrees); constellatio|constellation; group of stars supposed to influence human affairs; constellatus|starry; studded with stars; consternatio|confusion/dismay/shock/alarm; excitement; disturbance/disorder; mutiny/sedition; consternatus|dismayed, confused, confounded, in consternation; consterno|confound/shock/confuse/perplex/dismay; terrify/alarm/frighten, drive frantic; consterno|overcome; stretch/lay out upon the ground; excite to sedition/revolt/mutiny; consterno|strew/cover/spread (rugs); cover/lay/pave/line; bring down, lay low; calm (sea); constibilis|strong; stout; constipatio|crowding together; a dense crowd; constipo|crowd together; press/crowd closely together (L+S); constitio|act of standing in place; abiding (L+S); abode; stay; [w/loci => in same place]; constituo|set up/in position, erect; place/dispose/locate; (call a) halt; plant (trees); constituo|decide/resolve; decree/ordain; appoint, post/station (troops); settle (colony); constituo|establish/create/institute; draw up, arrange/set in order; make up, form; fix; constitutio|constitution/disposition/structure/character; arrangement/organization/system; constitutio|ordinance, decree, decision; position/ordering; destiny; definition of a term; constitutionarius|he who presides over the copying of the imperial constitutions; constitutivus|determining; constituent, component; confirmatory (Souter); defining; constitutor|founder, one who establishes; orderer, arranger (L+S); constitutorius|relating to a constitutum (agreement to pay/agreed price); constitutum|agreed arrangement, appointment; agreement to pay a sum on a date, note, IOU; constitutum|agreed price; decree, ordinance, law; order/conventional rule (architecture); constitutus|constituted/disposed, endowed with a nature; ordered/arranged/appointed; being; constitutus|meeting; consto|agree/correspond/fit, be correct; be dependent/based upon; exist/continue/last; consto|be certain/decided/consistent/sure/fixed/established/well-known/apparent/plain; consto|stand firm/still/erect/together; remain motionless/constant; consist of/in; constratum|platform; deck; covering (L+S); constratus|flat, plane; [navis ~ => decked ship]; constrepo|make a loud noise; resound; sound loudly/boisterously (L+S); (of vivid speech); constricte|closely; constrictio|compression, constriction; binding/drawing together (L+S); constipation; constrictive|astringently; constrictivus|contracting; drawing together; astringent; constricto|draw together; (medical term associated with cauterization and amputation); constrictura|drawing together; constrictus|small/limited in size; marked by contraction/tightening; compressed/contracted; constringo|bind fast/tight, tie up/together; confine, restrain; hinder, inhibit, control; constringo|compress/squeeze; make smaller/lessen/contract; hold together; congeal/freeze; constructio|erection, putting/joining together; building, construction; arrangement (words); construo|heap/pile/load (up); make/build/construct; arrange (in group); amass, collect; constupeo|be very much astonished; constuprator|ravisher, debaucher, defiler; one perpetrating illicit (adultery/forcible) sex; constupro|ravish, rape; debauch, defile, corrupt; have illicit (adultery/forcible) sex; consuadeo|advocate, recommend/advise strongly; try to persuade (w/DAT); Consualium|festival of Consus (ancient god); (21 August, buried altar at Circus uncovered); consuasor|advisor, counselor; one who recommends/advocates/counsels; consuavio|cover with kisses; kiss affectionately (L+S); consuavior|cover with kisses; kiss affectionately (L+S); consubigo|knead/work/mix/force together; consubstantialis|of like nature/essence/quality; consubstantialitas|like quality/nature/essence; consubstantivus|of like nature/essence/quality; consucidus|fresh; juicy; (applied to a girl); consudasco|sweat profusely/thoroughly/much; exude moisture (of packed olives L+S); consudesco|sweat profusely/thoroughly/a lot; exude moisture (of packed olives L+S); consudo|sweat profusely/well/a lot; (also applied to packed olives/fruit); consuefacio|accustom, acclimate, make used to, habituate, inure; consuefio|be/become accustomed/acclimated/habituated/hardened (to); (consuefacio PASS); consueo|accustom; become accustomed; be accustomed, inure, habituate. familiarize; consuesco|accustom oneself; become/be accustomed/used; inure, habituate; familiarize; consuesco|be intimate/have sexual intercourse with; form a habit; be in the habit of; consuete|in the usual/accustomed manner, as usual; according to custom; consuetio|intimacy; sexual intimacy/intercourse; consuetudinarie|in the usual/accustomed manner, as usual; according to custom; consuetudinarius|usual, ordinary, customary; consuetudo|habit/custom/usage/way; normal/general/customary practice, tradition/convention; consuetudo|experience; empirical knowledge; sexual/illicit intercourse, intimacy, affair; consuetus|accustomed. used (to); customary, habitual, usual; ordinary, commonly employed; consul|consul (highest elected Roman official - 2/year); supreme magistrate elsewhere; consulans|those (pl.) who seek advice (from lawyer/oracle); consularis|consular, of/proper to a consul; of consular rank; proposed/governed by consul; consularitas|office/dignity of consul or imperial governor; consulariter|in a manner befitting/worthy of a consul; consularius|consular, of/proper to a consul; of consular rank; proposed/governed by consul; consulatus|consulship/consulate; (term of) office of consul; actions/acts as consul; consulo|ask information/advice of; consult, take counsel; deliberate/consider; advise; consulo|decide upon, adopt; look after/out for (DAT), pay attention to; refer to; consultatio|full/mature deliberation/consideration/discussion; consultation; inquiry; consultatio|meeting/opportunity for debate; subject for consideration, problem, question; consultator|inquirer; one who consults; one who asks advice (L+S); consultatorius|of/pertaining to consultation; consultatum|resolution, decision; deliberations (pl.) (OLD); consulte|prudently, with due deliberation; advisedly; deliberately, on purpose; consultivus|consultive, consultative; consulto|purposely, deliberately, on purpose, by design; of set purpose; consulto|consult, take counsel; form plans, provide; consult oracle/astrologer; consulto|deliberate, debate, discuss; consider carefully, weigh, ponder; consultor|consult, go for/ask/take counsel; consult oracle/astrologer; consultor|adviser, counselor, one who gives counsel; client/one who asks (lawyer/oracle); consultrix|one who takes thought for; she who has a care for/provides (L+S); consultum|decision/resolution/plan; decree (of senate/other authority); oracular response; consultus|skilled/practiced/learned/experienced; planned/prudent, well-considered/advised; consultus|lawyer, jurist; (also jurisconsultus, one or two words); expert; consultus|decision/resolution/plan; decree (of senate/other authority); oracular response; consum|be together/with, coexist; be, happen; [confore => to be about to happen]; consummabilis|perfectible, capable of being perfected/completed; consummatio|accumulation, process/result of addition; total/sum; purpose; acme/zenith; consummatio|final result, conclusion, completion, achievement; consummation; perfection; consummator|completer, finisher; consummatus|complete, perfect, nothing lacking; perfect/consummate (people); consummo|add/reckon/total/sum/make up; finish off, end; bring about, achieve/accomplish; consummo|bring to perfection; put finishing/crowning touch; serve one's time; be grown; consumo|burn up, destroy/kill; put end to; reduce/wear away; annul; extinguish (right); consumo|devour/swallow up/consume/eat/use up/exhaust/expend; spend; squander/waste; consumptibilis|transient; consumable; that can be consumed/destroyed; consumptio|consumption, process of consuming or wearing away; wasting; employing, use; consumptivus|of consumption (economy); consumptor|consumer, one who consumes; spendthrift, waster; destroyer; consumptrix|she who consumes/wastes, consumer; spendthrift; consuo|sew together/up, stitch/join; make by sewing together; patch up; devise, plan; consupplicatrix|fellow suppliant; she who supplicates with (L+S); consurgo|rise/stand up (body of people); rise (jury/from meal/to speak/from bed); ambush; consurgo|aspire to, rouse, prepare; break out, come from hiding; grow/spring up, rise; consurrectio|rising, action of standing up; (as sign of assent in public meeting L+S); Consus|Consus, ancient Italian god (earth/fertility/agriculture/counsels/secret plans); consusrro|whisper together; consutilis|sewed together; consutum|garment stitched together; contabefacio|make to waste away; wear away; consume; contabesco|melt/waste slowly/completely away, decline in health; be consumed, pine away; contabulatio|floor/roof made of boards; flooring, boarding; (folds/tucks of a garment); contabulo|board over, cover with boards; furnish with roof/floor/bridge; build; bridge; contactrum|electric plug; contactus|touch, contact; contagion, infection, pollution; (personal/logical) association; contages|contact, touch; infection, contagion; contagio|contact/touch (to contagion/infection); social contact/intercourse; influence; contagiosus|contagious; infectious; contagium|action/fact of touching, contact; contact communicating infection, contagion; contamen|action/fact of touching, contact; contact communicating infection, contagion; contaminabilus|that may be polluted/defiled; contaminatio|defilement; pollution, contamination; contaminator|defiler; polluter; contaminatum|adulterated/contaminated things (pl.); contaminatus|contaminated, polluted, adulterated; used, second-hand, soiled by use; profane; contaminatus|impure, vile, defiled, degraded; morally foul, guilt stained; ritually unclean; contaminatus|abandoned youths (pl.); (juvenile delinquents?); contamino|corrupt, defile (w/filth/intercourse), stain, befoul spoil; ruin, dishonor; contamino|debase w/mixture of inferior material; contaminate, infect; pollute (morally); contans|hesitant/delaying/slow to act, tardy; clinging; stubborn, resistant to movement; contarius|soldier armed with a contus (lance/pike/long spear); pike-bearer; contatio|delay, hesitation; tardiness, inactivity; hesitating about/delaying of (w/GEN); contator|delayer/procrastinator; one prone to delay; considerate/cautious person (L+S); contatus|soldier armed with a contus (lance/pike/long spear); pike-bearer; contechnor|plot, devise/contrive a trick; contego|cover up, conceal, hide; protect; clothe; roof over; bury/entomb; strew thickly; contemero|violate; defile, pollute; stain; contemnendus|be despised/neglected; [w/negative => considerable, not negligible]; contemnenter|in a contemptuous manner; contemnificus|scornful, contemptuous; despising; contemno|think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight; contemno|treat with/hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid; contemno|think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight; contemno|treat with/hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid; contemperatio|proper/suitable mixture; contempero|temper (by mixing) (drink); moderate (L+S); contemplabilis|aiming, taking aim; contemplabiliter|taking aim; contemplabundus|considering/contemplating attentively; contemplatio|view, survey; taking aim; contemplation, consideration, study; meditation; contemplatio|taking into consideration (ABL w/GEN); in consideration of, for the sake of; contemplativus|theoretical, speculative; contemplative; contemplator|observer, surveyor; one who observes/studies/examines/ponders/contemplates; contemplatrix|she who observes/studies/ponders/contemplates; contemplatus|contemplation, pondering; consideration (L+S); observance; regard, respect; contemplo|observe/note/notice, gaze/look hard at, regard; contemplate/consider carefully; contemplor|observe/note/notice, gaze/look hard at, regard; contemplate/consider carefully; contemplum|place for observation in augury; contempno|think little of; look down on, take poor view of; pay no heed/disregard/slight; contempno|treat with/hold in contempt, scorn, disdain; despise; keep away from, avoid; contemporalis|contemporary; contemporalis|contemporary; contemporaneus|contemporary; contemporaneus|contemporary; contemporo|be contemporary, be at the same time; contempte|with great/greater/greatest contempt; contemptibly, despicably; contemptibilis|contemptible, worthless; contemptibilitas|contemptibleness; contemptim|contemptuously, with contempt, scornfully; fearlessly, without regard to danger; contemptio|contempt/scorn/destain (act/state); (act) disregard/paying no attention to; contemptor|despiser; one who looks down on/scorns; who disregards/pays no heed (to life); contemptrix|despiser; she who looks down on/scorns; who disregards/pays no heed (to life); contemptus|despised, despicable, paltry, mean; contemptible, vile; contemptus|contempt/scorn/despising (act/state); ignominy; disregard; object of contempt; contemte|with great/greater/greatest contempt; contemptibly, despicably; contemtibilis|contemptible, worthless; contemtibilitas|contemptibleness; contemtim|contemptuously, with contempt, scornfully; fearlessly, without regard to danger; contemtio|contempt/scorn/destain (act/state); (act) disregard/paying no attention to; contemtor|despiser; one who looks down on/scorns; who disregards/pays no heed (to life); contemtrix|despiser; she who looks down on/scorns; who disregards/pays no heed (to life); contemtus|despised, despicable, paltry, mean; contemptible, vile; contemtus|contempt/scorn/despising (act/state); ignominy; disregard; object of contempt; contendo|stretch, draw tight, make taut; draw/bend (bow/catapult); tune; stretch out; contendo|compete/contend (fight/law), dispute; compare/match/contrast; demand/press for; contendo|strain/tense; make effort, strive for; speak seriously/passionately; assert; contendo|hurl, shoot; direct; travel; extend; rush to, be in a hurry, hasten; contenebrasco|become/grow completely/very dark; [used IMPERS => it grew very/completely dark]; contenebro|grow dark; contente|closely, in a restrictive/restrained manner; contente|with great exertion, vehemently, vigorously; eagerly, earnestly; contentio|stretching, tension; strenuous exercise (physical/mental); comparison (of ADJ); contentio|competition, struggle, effort, exertion; controversy, contention, contrast; contentio|raising voice, speaking passionately/vigorously/formally; intensification; contentiose|emphatically; persistently/obstinately; vigorously/passionately/argumentatively; contentiosus|persistent, obstinate, headstrong; argumentative, quarrelsome, contentious; contentor|satisfy; pay; contentus|content, satisfied (w/ABL); content with, pleased; [se ~ => self contained]; contentus|tense, tight, strained, exerted; energetic, vigorous, intent, eager, serious; conterebro|pierce/bore through; contereo|frighten thoroughly; fill with terror; suppress/intimidate by terrorizing; conterito|frighten much/greatly/thoroughly, terrorize; contermino|border on; be a borderer, have a common boundary; conterminum|region bordering on; neighboring/adjacent region/area; conterminus|close by, neighboring, adjacent, close; bordering on, having a common boundary; conterminus|neighbor; conternans|three years old; conternatio|group of three; grouping (persons/things) in threes; placing of three together; conterno|divide into groups of three; (persons); contero|grind, crush, pound to pieces; bruise, crumble; rub/wipe away/out/off, expunge; contero|spend, exhaust, waste (time), use up; wear out/down; make weary; conterraneus|fellow countryman; conterreo|frighten thoroughly; fill with terror; suppress/intimidate by terrorizing; conterrito|frighten much/greatly/thoroughly, terrorize; conterritus|frightened; terrorized; contesseratio|contract of friendship with tesserae (token divided between friends as sign); contessero|contract friendship with tesserae (token divided between friends as sign); contestatio|affirmation of declaration; joinder of issue (w/litis)/formal entering of suit; contestatio|attesting, proving by witnesses, testimony; conclusive proof; earnest entreaty; contestatiuncula|short speech; contestato|in the presence of witnesses; by aid of witnesses (L+S); contestatus|attested; proved; contestificans|attesting at the same time; contestis|co-witness; contestor|call to witness; appeal to the gods that (w/ut); join issue (w/litis); contexo|weave/entwine/braid/twist together; compose/connect/link/combine; make/join/form contexte|in close combination; in a connected/coherent manner; connected together (L+S); contextim|in a continuous/uninterrupted/connected manner; contextio|joining, putting together; preparing, composing; contextor|composer, author, one who puts writing together; contextus|interwoven; closely joined; connected, coherent (literary composition); contextus|continuous, uninterrupted, unbroken; covered with a network (of rivers); contextus|weaving (action), joining/putting together; connection, coherence; continuity; contextus|ordered scheme, plan/course; structure/fabric; series, complex/whole of parts; contextus|context; contheroleta|fellow destroyer of wild beasts; conticeo|be silent; keep quiet/still; conticesco|cease to talk, fall silent, lapse into silence; cease to function, become idle; conticinium|quiet/still of night; (immediately following nightfall and preceding dawn); conticinnum|quiet/still of night; (immediately following nightfall and preceding dawn); conticisco|cease to talk, fall silent, lapse into silence; cease to function, become idle; conticium|quiet/still of night; (immediately following nightfall and preceding dawn); contificis|spearmen (pl.), lancers; contiger|lancer, spear-bearer; contignatio|raftering; story, floor; joists and boards erected for roof/upper floor; contigno|join/furnish with joists/beams; rafter, floor; contignum|structure of beams; roast/meat with seven ribs; contigue|closely; [w/sequor => follow at/on his heels]; contiguus|near, adjoining/adjacent/neighboring; bordering upon; within reach; contiguus|touching, contiguous; side by side; closely connected; allied; continator|demagogue/agitator; haranguer; one who addresses public meetings; preacher; continens|mainland; continent; forming part of a continuous mass; continens|essential point, central argument, hinge, basis; suburbs (pl.), (outside walls); continens|bordering, adjacent, contiguous, next; immediately, without delay (w/in/ex); continens|temperate, moderate, not indulging in excess; restrained, exhibiting restraint; continens|close (in time); linked; continuous, unbroken, uninterrupted; homogeneous; continenter|unbroken/continuously/without pause, uninterruptedly; repeatedly/successively; continenter|in unbroken succession, in a row; w/self-restraint; temperately, moderately; continentia|restraint/self-control/abstinence/holding back/repression (passion/appetite); continentia|contents of a work; contiguity; proximity; contineo|secure, maintain, sustain; fasten/hold in position; retain, keep safe, preserve; contineo|hinder, contain/shut in/confine; stay; restrain/hold back; comprise/form basis; contineo|keep/hold/hang together/fast; surround, enclose, contain, limit; concentrate; contingenter|contingently; conditionally; not of necessity (Def); contingo|happen, befall, turn out, come to pass, be granted to one; be produced; contingo|touch; reach (to); border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize; contingo|color/stain; lay hands on, appropriate; smite; affect emotionally, move/touch; contingt|it happens, it turns out; (PERF) it came to pass; continnatus|continual; continor|encounter, meet with; continuanter|continuously, uninterruptedly; in uninterrupted succession; continuate|continuously, uninterruptedly; continuatim|continuously, uninterruptedly; continuatio|continuation/succession/prolongation; continuity/interconnection; concatenation; continuatio|unbroken extent, continuous stretch; uninterrupted practice; period/sentence; continuatio|adjournment; continuation; continuativus|copulative, conjunctive, serving to connect the discourse; continuator|continuer; continuatus|uninterrupted/unbroken; consecutive; contiguous/adjacent to; permanent (Latham); continue|continuously; without interruption; continuitas|prolongation/continuation/extension; being uninterrupted; series; L:continuance; continuo|immediately, forthwith, at once, without delay/intermission; continuously; continuo|without further evidence/ado; (w/negative) necessarily, in consequence; continuo|make continuous (space/time); put in line, join (in succession), connect, unite; continuo|bridge (gap); extend/prolong/draw out/last/renew; keep on; do without pause; continuo|adjourn; continuor|encounter, meet with; join, unite oneself to/with (L+S); continuum|continuum; continuus|incessant/unremitting, constantly repeated/recurring; successive, next in line; continuus|continuous, connected/hanging together; uninterrupted; indivisible; lasting; continuus|attendant, one who is always around; contio|meeting/assembly; audience/speech; public opinion; parade addressed by general; contio|sermon; contionabundus|delivering public speech/harangue; proposing something at public assembly (L+S); contionalis|of/proper to public assembly/meeting; (disparaging) devoted to meetings; contionarius|of/proper to public assembly/meeting; (disparaging) devoted to meetings; contionator|demagogue/agitator; haranguer; one who addresses public meetings; preacher; contionatorius|of sermon; of/proper to public assembly/meeting/gathering of people; contionor|address assembly, deliver public speech; preach/harangue; attend public meeting; contiro|fellow recruit; contitularis|titular; contiuncula|small or negligible meeting; short harangue, trifling speech (L+S); contogatus|law-colleague; contollo|step up/go (to meet a person) (w/gradum); bring together (L+S); contonat|it thunders violently/loudly/heavily; contor|inquire; contor|delay, impede, hold up; hesitate, tarry, linger; be slow to act; dawdle; doubt; contoral|spouse; contorqueo|stir up/agitate, make rough (sea); utter with vigor; turn about/sway (emotions); contorqueo|twist, make twisted/crooked; twirl/whirl, rotate/move in arc; brandish; fling; contorreo|dry up entirely; parch, scorch; contorte|in an involved/contorted fashion; intricately; perplexedly (L+S); contortio|action of twisting/whirling/flinging around, twirling/swinging; intertwining; contortio|involving; intricacy/complication; (w/orationis) involved expression; contortiplicatus|compounded in an involved fashion; entangled, complicated (L+S); contortor|twister, one who perverts; contortulus|somewhat complicated/intricate; contortus|involved, intricate, obscure (discourse); tangled/complicated; contortus|brandished/hurled; vehement, energetic, strong, full of motion; contra|facing, face-to-face, in the eyes; towards/up to; across; in opposite direction; contra|against, opposite, opposed/hostile/contrary/in reply to; directly over/level; contra|otherwise, differently; conversely; on the contrary; vice versa; contra|against, facing, opposite; weighed against; as against; in resistance/reply to; contra|contrary to, not in conformance with; the reverse of; otherwise than; contra|towards/up to, in direction of; directly over/level with; to detriment of; contrabassum|bass; contrabium|framework of beams, flooring; contraceptio|contraception; contractabilis|that may be felt/handled; contractabiliter|caressingly; so as just to be felt; contracte|sparingly, economically, on a restricted/contracted scale; contractio|contraction; abridgement; clamp; compression/condensation (of speech/syllable); contractiuncula|slight (mental) depression (w/animi); dejection, sadness (L+S); contracto|handle, finger, touch repeatedly; feel; handle unlawfully (theft/embezzlement); contracto|caress/fondle, handle amorously; have sex with; deal with/handle/apply oneself; contractor|contractor, one who makes a contract; contractorium|lace; string; contractura|contracture, narrowing of columns towards the top, tapering; contractus|close/narrow/restricted/pinched; short (time); abridged, terse; restrained; contractus|violated; dishonored; touched carnally; stolen, purloined, taken by stealth; contractus|shrinking/narrowing; undertaking; legal/commercial agreement/contract; contradicibilis|that may be contracted or spoken against; contradico|gainsay/contradict; speak against/speak for adversary, oppose/object to/contest; contradictio|objection; contradiction; opposition; argument against, counter-argument; reply; contradictor|opponent, one who replies/objects; contradictorium|defense, speaking against; contradictorius|containing an objection/contradiction; contrado|deliver together/wholly; contraeo|go against, oppose; make resistance; (w/DAT); contrafacio|act against; contrafaco|counterfeit, forge, fake; contrafactio|setting in opposition, contrast; contraho|enter into/upon relationship/agreement/business/marriage/loan/battle, deal with; contraho|bring/draw together/in, assemble, collect/gather; unite in friendship/alliance; contraho|sadden/depress/diminish/contract/tighten; cause/provoke (disease/war); commit; contrajuris|unlawful, illegal, contrary to law; contrapondus|counterweight; contrapono|put/place/set/station against/opposite; place in opposition; contrapositum|antithesis; contrapunctum|counterpoint (music); contraretus|gladiator matched against the retiarius (net); contrarie|in opposite directions; in opposition (to what was said/written); contrariwise; contrarietas|contrast, opposite; opposition, contrariety; misfortune, evil; contrarior|oppose; contrarium|opposite (quantity), reverse/contrary (fact/argument); argument from contraries; contrarium|opposite direction; antithesis; contrast; [ex ~ => on the contrary/other hand]; contrarius|opposite, contrary, in contradiction; antithetical; opposed/hostile/adverse; contrarius|incompatible; reversed, inverted; reciprocal, mutual; counterbalancing; contrarius|opponent, adversary; antagonist; contrascriba|checking-clerk; counter-signer (L+S); comptroller; contrascribo|counter-sign; contrascriptor|checking-clerk; counter-signer (L+S); comptroller; contravenio|oppose; contraversia|controversy/dispute; debate; moot case debated in school, forensic exercise; contraversim|in reverse (as in a mirror); contraversum|on the contrary, on the other hand; contraversus|turned opposite; lying over against; contrectabilis|that may be felt/handled; contrectabiliter|caressingly; so as just to be felt; contrectatio|touching/handling (action); fondling/caressing; handling with felonious intent; contrectator|thief; (who touches/handles with felonious intent, theft/embezzlement); contrecto|touch repeatedly, handle, finger; feel; handle unlawfully (theft/embezzlement); contrecto|handle amorously, caress/fondle; have sex with; deal with/handle/apply oneself; contrectus|violated; dishonored; touched carnally; stolen, purloined, taken by stealth; contremesco|tremble all over; shake (violently), quake; tremble at/with fear, be afraid of; contremisco|tremble all over; shake (violently), quake; tremble at/with fear, be afraid of; contremo|tremble/shake violently; quake; contremulus|tremulous, shimmering; trembling/shaking violently (L+S); contreo|destroy, crush; go against; contribulatio|anguish; contribulis|fellow tribesman, member of the same tribe; one from the same region; contribulis|from the same tribe/region; contribulo|crush, bruise; afflict much, crush; contribuo|unite/incorporate, join/attach (to state); assign/allot; contribute/give, share; contributio|payment, contribution; dividing/distributing, distribution (L+S); contributum|contribution; contrico|fritter away, waste; contrio|wear down; contristatio|grief; affliction, afflicting; contristo|sadden, make gloomy, depress, discourage; afflict, sap, damage (crops); darken; contritio|grief, dismay, despondency; grinding (L+S); contritus|contrite; penitent; contritus|trite, hackneyed, worn out; common (L+S); controversia|controversy/dispute; debate; moot case debated in school, forensic exercise; controversia|turning against; (turning of water against (w/aqua) (undermining land)); controversialis|controversial; pertaining to controversy; controversiola|little/minor controversy; controversiosus|much disputed, debatable; very much controverted/contested (L+S); controversor|dispute; (used by Cicero as translation of Greek); be at variance (L+S); controversum|controversial/debatable/disputed/questionable/doubtful points (pl.); controversus|in opposite directions; controversus|controversial/debatable/disputed; turned against, in opposite direction (L+S); controverto|deny; oppose, voice opposition; contrpuncticus|pertaining to a counterpoint; contrpunctum|counterpoint; contrucido|slaughter/butcher; cut/hew down/about; cut to/in pieces; contrucido|inflict many wounds on, kill large numbers; slay (L+S); put to the sword; contrudo|thrust/crowd (together), impel; thrust/press/push in (to receptacle), cram/stow; contrunco|hack/cut down/to pieces; gobble up, dispatch (food); contubernalis|tent mate, comrade-in-arms; staff trainee; companion; colleague; slave's mate; contubernium|companionship in a tent; band/brotherhood; shared war tent; apartment/lodging; contubernium|cohabitation, concubinage (with/between slaves); attendance on a general; contubernius|tent mate, comrade-in-arms; staff trainee; companion; colleague; slave's mate; contueor|look at/gaze on/behold; see to; be in sight of, have view of; contemplate/weigh; contuitus|contemplation; gaze; attentive look at (L+S); view/sight; [~u => in view of]; contumacia|stubbornness/obstinacy; proud/defiant behavior; disobedience to judicial order; contumaciter|stubbornly, obstinately; defiantly; contumax|proud/unyielding/stubborn/defiant; (usu. bad); insolent/stiff-necked/obstinate; contumax|willfully disobedient to decree/summons; not yielding, immovable (things); contumelia|indignity, affront, abuse/insult; insulting language/behavior; rough treatment; contumelio|insult; treat outrageously; contumeliose|in an insulting manner; abusively, insolently (L+S); contumeliosus|insulting, outrageous, humiliating; rude, insolent, abusive; reproachful (L+S); contumesco|swell greatly; contumia|indignity, affront, abuse/insult; insulting language/behavior; rough treatment; contumulo|bury, inter; heap together; heap up like a mound (L+S); furnish with a mound; contundo|quell/crush/outdo/subdue utterly; bruise/beat; pound to pieces/powder/pulp; contuo|look at/gaze on/behold; see to; be in sight of, have view of; contemplate/weigh; contuolus|surrounded by a partial closing of the eyelid (eyes w/oculi); contuor|look at/gaze on/behold; see to; be in sight of, have view of; contemplate/weigh; conturbatio|disorder (physical/mental/emotional); perturbation, dismay, confusion, panic; conturbator|leading to bankruptcy, ruinous, expensive, costly; conturbator|disturber; who/that which brings/spreads disorder/ruin; bankrupt; conturbatus|disturbed, perplexed, disquieted, confused; disordered, diseased (L+S); conturbo|confuse, disquiet/confound/derange/dismay, upset/mix up; go bankrupt, default; conturmalis|fellow soldier from the same turma/squadron (small unit of cavalry); conturmo|arrange in turmae/squadrons (cavalry); contus|long pole esp. used on ship); lance, pike; contusio|bruising; bruise, contusion; crushing, battering (L+S); contusum|bruise, contusion; contutor|place in safety; contutor|joint guardian; contutus|contemplation; gaze; attentive look at (L+S); view/sight; [~u => in view of]; conubialis|of/belonging to marriage/wedlock (or a specific marriage), conjugal/connubial; conubium|marriage/wedlock; right to marry; act/ceremony of marriage (usu. pl.); conubium|intermarriage between two groups of people/instance of it; right to intermarry; conubium|married partner/spouse, husband/wife; sexual union; ingrafting (plants); conula|plant (genus Satureia, savory); (also called conila and origanum L+S); conus|cone, conical figure/shape; apex of helmet; form of sundial; pine cone; tenpin; convador|make a person give surety/bail to appear in court; convalescens|convalescents (pl.), those convalescing/regaining health; convalescentia|convalescence, regaining of health; convalesco|grow strong/thrive/gain power; regain health/strength, recover, get well/better; convalesco|become valid; (legal term); convalidatio|convalidation; (renewal of/consent to marriage previously canonically invalid); convalido|validate, make valid; convallaria|lily of the valley; convallis|valley (much shut in), ravine, deep/narrow/enclosed valley, glen; (also pl.); convallo|surround with a rampart/entrenchment; hedge in; encircle, surround (L+S); convalo|grow strong/thrive/gain power; regain health/strength, recover, get well/better; convario|vary, be different; convario|spot, variegate; convaso|pack up (baggage); pack vessels/implements together (L+S); pile up; convectio|carrying/bringing together; convecto|carry/bring together (in abundance); gather, collect; convector|gatherer; collector; one who brings together; (title of grain harvest god); convector|passenger; fellow traveler; he who goes with one (L+S); conveho|bring/carry/bear together/to one place; collect, gather; get in (harvest) (L+S); convello|shatter, batter, convulse, shake violently; heave up, set in motion; overthrow; convello|pull/pluck/tug/tear up/at dislodge, uproot; wrench, strain, dislocate (limbs); convelo|cover (over), veil; wrap around; convena|refugees (pl.), immigrants; those together for some purpose (asylum); tramps; conveniens|fitting; appropriate; comfortable; internally consistent, harmonious; conveniens|agreed, conventional, based on agreement; agreeable, compliant; convenienter|suitably, consistently; comfortably; conformably (L+S); convenientia|agreement (things), consistency; harmony (music); arrangement; convention; convenio|be appropriate to, fit, be correctly shaped/consistent; harmonize, agree, tally; convenio|meet/assemble; go to meet; come together; (have sex); converge; visit/approach; convenio|resort to; sue, prosecute, take legal action; be agreed upon/arranged (PASS); convenit|it agrees/came together/is agreed/asserted; [bene ~ nobis=>we're on good terms]; conventicium|fee paid to attend an assembly; (paid to poor Greek citizens as inducement L+S); conventicius|pertaining to coming together or intercourse; coming from various quarters; conventicius|met by chance; conventiculum|small assembly; place of assembly/resort; assembly, meeting, association (L+S); conventio|assembly of the people; [in manum ~o => wife passing into control of husband]; conventio|assembly/meeting; suing/prosecuting a defendant; agreement, compact, covenant; conventionalis|based on an agreement; of/pertaining to agreement/compact (L+S); conventional; conventitium|fee paid to attend an assembly; (paid to poor Greek citizens as inducement L+S); conventitius|pertaining to coming together or intercourse; coming from various quarters; conventiuncula|small assembly; Conventualis|Conventual Franciscan; conventum|agreement, compact, covenant; convention, accord (L+S); conventus|agreement, covenant; coming together; conjunction (astrology); Roman district; conventus|gathering, meeting; assembly, people in assembly; provincial court, "assize"; conventus|convent, monastery; religious community; convention (Ecc); convenus|coming together for some purpose; (strangers); meeting; convenusto|ornament, adorn; converbero|beat, batter; bruise; strike severely (L+S); chastise; convergentia|convergence; convergo|incline together; converritor|sweeper; one who sweeps up/together; (janitor?); converro|sweep/brush/scrape together/thoroughly/up; sweep/beat clean; clear away (L+S); conversa|convert; she who has changed; conversatio|way/manner of life, conduct/behavior; monastic life; frequent resorting (place); conversatio|familiar intercourse/intimacy (w/person); acquaintance; (habitual) association; conversatio|turning around; moving in place; constant practical experience; frequent use; conversator|companion; conversibilis|changeable; conversibiliter|changeably; conversio|rotation/revolution/turning in complete circle; cycle (time); partial turn; conversio|change/alteration; political change/upheaval; countering w/opposite conclusion; conversio|turning upside down, inversion, transposition; prolapse; paraphrase/rewrite; conversiuncula|slight change/alteration; converso|turn, turn over in the mind, ponder; turn around (L+S); conversom|conversely; conversor|consort/associate (with); be constant visitor (to); conduct oneself, behave/act; conversor|abide, live, dwell (somewhere); keep company with; live with; pass one's life; conversus|upside down; inverted; turned backward; recurved; facing in specified direction; conversus|convert; one who has changed; conversus|turning, twisting around; convertibilis|changeable; convertibiliter|changeably; converto|turn upside down/side-to-side; invert/transpose/convulse; turn over (soil)/dig; converto|turn backwards, recoil; retort; drive back, repulse; direct (course/attention); converto|translate; modify, adapt; change/alter/transform; convert (to cash), pay over; converto|cause to turn/revolve, rotate; turn/wheel about; reverse; shift/transfer; convertor|convert; change, alter; refresh; turn; convescor|eat with one; (eccl.); convestio|clothe, dress; cover; cover with clothing (L+S); surround; conveteranus|fellow veteran; convexio|convexity; curvature; vaulting (L+S); concavity; convexitas|arched formation, vaulting, curvature; concavity, hollowness; convexity (L+S); convexo|jostle, push against; press/squeeze together (L+S); convexum|arch, vault; dome; dome of the sky; concavity (L+S); (usu. pl.); convexus|arching/arched, vaulted, convex; well-rounded; [~ in => set in a curve round]; convexus|inclined, sloping downwards; concave; convibro|move rapidly, flash; set in rapid motion; move something quickly/rapidly; convicanus|fellow villager; conviciator|one who utters abuse, reviler; convicinus|neighboring; conviciolum|slight reproach; taunt; convicior|scold/jeer/revile/insult, utter abuse against; reproach, taunt, rail at (L+S); convicium|noise (angry), chatter/outcry/clamor/bawling; noise source; noisy importuning; convicium|reprimand/reproach/reproof; abuse/jeers/mockery/insults; object of shame; convictio|companionship, intimacy; living with a person; social intercourse; companion; convictio|demonstration, proof; convictor|messmate, friend, companion; one who lives with a person on intimate terms; convictus|intimacy; association; living together; close friends; banquet, dinner party; convicus|inhabitant of the same vicus (village/street/row of houses); fellow villager; convinco|conquer, establish; convince; overcome, demonstrate, prove clearly; grant; convinco|find guilty/against, convict; prove wrong, refute (person/statement); expose; convinctio|conjunction, connective particle; conviolo|violate, desecrate (tomb/etc.); conviresco|grow green, become verdant; convisero|incorporate, unite; convisio|joint vision; conviso|watch/look at/scan; visit, go to see; consider attentively, examine thoroughly; convitiator|one who utters abuse, reviler; convitio|attack/injure at some later time; convitior|revile, reproach; insult; convitium|noise (angry), chatter/outcry/clamor/bawling; noise source; noisy importuning; convitium|reprimand/reproach/reproof; abuse/jeers/mockery/insults; object of shame; conviva|guest, table companion; (literally one who lives with another); convivalis|convivial, festal, party; of/proper to a feast/dinner party; convivans|banqueters (pl.); convivator|host; one who gives a dinner party/entertainment; master of feast (L+S); conviventia|cooperation; living and working together; convivifico|quicken together; revive, give/restore life together (physical/spiritual); convivium|banquet/feast/dinner party; guests/people at party; dining-club; living together convivo|give/attend dinner party/banquet; carouse; eat/feast together (L+S); live with; convivo|live at same time, be contemporary; spend time in company; live/dine together; convivor|give/attend a dinner party/feast; carouse/feast/banquet together (L+S); eat; convocatio|assembling, convoking, action of calling together; convoco|call/bring together; assemble; convoke/convene; summon/muster; collect (thing); convolnero|wound/inflict severe wounds (person/body part); cut; bore, perforate (pipe); convolo|fly/flock together; run together; assemble rapidly; have recourse to (w/ad); convolsio|dislocation, violent displacement of body part; cramp, convulsion (L+S); convolsum|dislocations (pl.); wrenches; convolsus|suffering from wrenching/dislocation of a limb; convoluto|revolve; whirl around; wallow in vice; convoluto|whirl/roll around rapidly?; convolvo|roll/whirl together/round; carry/sweep away; roll up/coil/twist; enfold; writhe; convolvo|fasten together, interweave, interlace; unroll and roll up (scroll), look up; convolvolus|caterpillar which rolls up leaves; plant bindweed (Calystegia sepium); convomo|vomit over/on; bespew upon (L+S); convoro|eat up, devour; convorro|sweep/brush/scrape together/thoroughly/up; sweep/beat clean; clear away (L+S); convotus|binding vow; legal oath; convoveo|join in taking a vow/oath; devour together (L+S)?; convulnero|inflict severe wounds (on person/part of body); cut; bore, perforate (pipe); convulsio|dislocation, violent displacement of body part; cramp, convulsion (L+S); convulsum|dislocations (pl.); wrenches; convulsus|suffering from wrenching/dislocation of a limb; conyza|strong-smelling composite plant (Inula viscosa and related species); fleabane; coodibilis|exceedingly/extremely hateful, detestable; cooperatio|co-operation; joint operation; cooperativus|cooperative; cooperator|joint-laborer, co-operator; coworker, fellow helper (Ecc); assistant; cooperatrix|joint-laborer (female), co-operator; coworker, fellow helper (Ecc); assistant; cooperculum|lid/cover (of a jar/coffin/etc.); cooperimentum|covering; cooperio|cover wholly/completely, cover up; overwhelm, bury deep; [lapidibus ~ => stone]; cooperior|clothe; cover wholly/completely, cover up; overwhelm, bury deep; coopero|work with/together, cooperate (with); combine, unite; cooperor|work with/together, cooperate (with); combine, unite; coopertorium|covering, garment; cover (L+S); coopertus|overwhelmed, buried deep (in crime/misfortune/etc.); cooptatio|co-option (into office or body); adoption; election, choice (L+S); confirmation; coopto|choose (colleague in office), elect; co-opt, admit; coordinatio|coordination, arranging together; coordinatus|coordinate; coordino|coordinate, arrange together; set in order; correlate; coorior|appear, originate; arise, break out (bad); be born; spring forth/to attack; coortus|coming into being, birth; breaking out (storm); rising, originating (L+S); copa|dancing-girl; female tavern-keeper and castanet-dancer (L+S); copadium|delicacy, tidbit; (usu. pl.) delicacies; dainty dishes, tidbits (L+S); coperculum|lid/cover (of a jar/coffin/etc.); coperimentum|covering; coperio|cover wholly/completely, cover up; overwhelm, bury deep; [lapidibus ~ => stone]; coperor|work with/together, cooperate (with); combine, unite; copertorium|covering, garment; cover (L+S); copertus|overwhelmed, buried deep (in crime/misfortune/etc.); coph|qof; (19th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as K); cophinus|basket, hamper; copia|plenty, abundance, supply; troops (pl.), supplies; forces; resources; wealth; copia|number/amount/quantity; sum/whole amount; means, opportunity; access/admission; copia|copy; copiarius|purveyor; copiata|sexton; grave-digger; copiates|sexton; grave-digger; copiola|small military forces (pl.); small number of troops (L+S); copior|furnish oneself (with supplies); (military); provide oneself abundantly (L+S); copiose|eloquently/fully/at length; w/abundant provisions, sumptuously/copiously/richly; copiositas|abundance; copiosus|plentiful/copious/abundant; well supplied/equipped, w/ample resources; prolific; copiosus|eloquent, w/plentiful command of the language; verbose; rich/wealthy; fruitful; copis|short curved sword; copo|shopkeeper, salesman, huckster; innkeeper, keeper of a tavern; copona|landlady; (female) shopkeeper, hostess; inn, tavern, lodging-house; shop; coppa|archaic Greek letter koppa; coppadium|delicacy, tidbit; (usu. pl.) delicacies; dainty dishes, tidbits (L+S); coprea|buffoon, jester; cops|well/abundantly equipped/supplied; rich; swelling (of chest with pride); copta|kind of hard-baked cake; cake made with pounded materials (L+S); Copta|Copt, Egyptian Christian; coptatio|co-option (into office or body); adoption; election, choice (L+S); confirmation; copto|choose (colleague in office), elect; co-opt, admit; coptoplancenta|kind of hard-baked cake; cake made with pounded materials (L+S); copula|string/rope; tie/bond, fastening/clasp; leash/harness; mooring cable; ligament; copula|friendly/close relationship, bond, intimate connection; (used in grammar); copulabilis|that can be connected; copulate|as compound word, connectedly; copulatim|in union; copulatio|connecting, combining, joining, uniting; union, synthesis, association; copulative|connectedly; copulativus|of/pertaining to connecting, copulative; copulator|connector, binder; copulatrix|connector, she who connects/couples; copulatum|joint sentence; (also called conjunctum); copulatus|closely connected/associated/joined (blood/marriage); intimate; compound/complex copulatus|connecting/joining together; copulo|connect, join physically, couple; bind/tie together, associate, unite, ally; copulor|connect, join physically, couple; bind/tie together, associate, unite, ally; coqua|cook (female); coque|likewise; no less; besides, as well, also/too; not only; even/indeed, actually; coquibilis|easy to cook; easily cooked (L+S); coquina|cooking; art of cookery; kitchen (L+S); coquinaris|of/belonging in kitchen; used in cooking; coquinarius|of/belonging in kitchen; used in cooking; pertaining to kitchen, culinary (L+S); coquinatorium|kitchen, place for cooking; coquinatorius|culinary, used in cooking; pertaining to the kitchen (L+S); coquino|befoul/pollute/defile wholly; (coinquino); contaminate/taint/infect (w/disease); coquino|cook, prepare food; coquinus|of/pertaining to cooks/cooking; [forum ~ => market where cooks were hired]; coquitatio|long and thorough process of cooking; continuous cooking (L+S); coquitatorius|culinary; used in cooking; coquito|cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest; coquo|cook; boil, fry, bake; burn, parch (sun); stir up; ripen, mature (plot); digest; coquos|cook; coquula|cook (female); coquulum|cooking vessel/pot/pan; (bronze); coquus|cook; cor|heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons (pl.); cora|pupil of the eye; coracesia|magical herb; (said to make water freeze L+S); coracicum|mysteries of Mithras; coracicus|of/belonging to/resembling a raven; coracino|caw (like a crow); croak (like a frog); coracinus|raven-black; coracinus|fish; one of several dark-colored fish; (usu. Egyptian bolti Tilapia nilotica); coragus|theatrical supplier, one supplying equipment/properties to dramatic company; coragus|he who has care of chorus and supplies; he who pays the cost of a banquet; coralium|coral; (esp. red coral); corallachates|precious stone (coral agate); corallinus|coral-red; coral-colored; corallis|precious stone (unidentified); coralliticus|name given to a white marble; made of this stone (of statues); corallium|coral; corallius|coral; coralloachates|precious stone (coral agate); corallum|coral; (esp. red coral); coram|in person, face-to-face; in one's presence, before one's eyes; publicly/openly; coram|in the presence of, before; (may precede or follow object); personally (L+S); corambe|cultivated plant (unidentified); kind of cabbage injurious to the eyes (L+S); coranus|Koran; corarius|of/related to the tanning of hides; [frutex coriarius => sumac, Rhus coriaria]; corax|kind of siege engine; raven (L+S); hooked war engine; battering ram (corvus); corban|gift/corban (Hebrew); offering given to God usually associated w/vow; corbicula|little basket; corbis|basket; (esp. one used for gathering grain/fruit; basketful (quantity); corbita|slow-sailing merchant/cargo vessel; shipload (quantity); corbitus|with a scuttle; [w/navis => slow sailing cargo ship]; corbona|corban, treasure chamber of Jerusalem Temple where money offerings are placed; corbonas|corban, treasure chamber of Jerusalem Temple where money offerings are placed; corbula|basket (small); contents of a small basket; corcholopis|ape having tuft of hair at the end of its tail; corchoros|edible plant; (prob. jute, Corchorus olitorius); poor wild legume (L+S); corchorum|edible plant; (prob. jute, Corchorus olitorius); poor wild legume (L+S); corchorus|edible plant; (prob. jute, Corchorus olitorius); poor wild legume (L+S); corcillum|heart (as the seat of intelligence); brains; savoir-faire; little heart (L+S); corcodillus|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; corcodilus|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; corcota|saffron-colored dress; (worn by women and effeminate men); corcotarius|concerned with saffron-colored robes; (worn by women and effeminate men); corcotta|wild animal of Ethiopia; (unidentified); (perh. hyena); corculum|little heart; (seat of feelings); sweetheart (endearment); wise/shrewd person; corcus|disease of the chest; corda|tripe; catgut, musical instrument string; rope/cord (binding a slave) (L+S); cordate|sensibly, shrewdly; with intelligence; wisely, with prudence (L+S); cordatus|prudent, wise; sensible, judicious; endowed with intelligence; cordax|lively, tripping; cordax|trochaic meter; cordax (indecent/extravagant dance of Greek comedy L+S); cordetenus|as far as the heart?; with wisdom?; (JFW guess, medieval, not in L+S or Latham); cordicitus|from the heart; deep in the heart; cordiger|wearing a cord; cordipugus|heart-piercing; cordolium|heartfelt grief; sorrow of the heart, grief (L+S); Corduba|Cordova (town in Hispania Baetica on the river Baetis); cordus|late-born/produced out of/late in the season; second (crop of hay), aftermath; cordyla|young tunny; fry of the tunny (L+S); corgo|surely, certainly; coriaceus|of leather, made of leather; coriaginosus|afflicted with the coriago (skin disease of cattle); coriago|hide-bound condition in cattle; disease of the skin of animals (L+S); coriandratum|coriander-water; coriandron|coriander (aromatic herb); coriandrum|coriander (aromatic herb); coriandrus|coriander (aromatic herb); coriarius|of/related to leather/the tanning of hides; [frutex ~ => sumac, Rhus coriaria]; coriarius|leather worker; tanner; currier (processes/dyes leather after the tanning); coricus|heavy punching bag; sand-bag; Corintheus|of/from/pertaining to Corinth, Corinthian; of Corinthian bronze/order; Corinthiacus|of/from/pertaining to Corinth, Corinthian; of Corinthian bronze/order; Corinthienis|of/from/pertaining to Corinth, Corinthian; of Roman settlers at Corinth; Corinthium|Corinthian bronze vessels (pl.); buildings of the Corinthian order/style; Corinthius|of/from/pertaining to Corinth, Corinthian; of Corinthian bronze/order; corinthius|Corinthian; worker/dealer in Corinthian bronze vessels; Corinthos|Corinth; Corinthus|Corinth; coriolum|small piece of leather; corion|plant; (also called chamaepitys or hypericon); corior|appear, originate; arise, break out (bad); be born; spring forth/to attack; coris|plant; (species of hypericon); its seed; coris|plant; (species of hypericon); its seed; corissum|plant (St. John's wort); chamaepitys (L+S); corium|skin/leather/hide; peel/rind/shell/outer cover; layer/coating; thong/strap/whip; corius|skin/leather/hide; peel/rind/shell/outer cover; layer/coating; thong/strap/whip; cornatus|horn-like; horn-shaped; corneolus|made of cornel-wood; cornesco|become horny; (sexually stimulated); become like horn, turn to horn (L+S); cornetum|plantation/orchard/grove of cornelian cherry trees; corneus|made of/belonging to cornel-tree/wood; (of genus Cornus); (for arrow/javelin); corneus|of horn, made of horn, horn-; resembling horn (hardness/appearance); horny; cornicen|trumpeter, bugler; horn blower; cornicor|say in a croaking voice, croak out; caw like a crow (L+S); cornicula|crow; little crow (L+S); corniculans|horn-shaped; horned; crescent-shaped; (like the new moon); cornicularius|adjutant/aide (officer's); (given the corniculum/promoted); assistant/secretary; cornicularius|trumpeter; corniculatus|crescent-shaped; (like a horn); in the form of a horn, horned (L+S); corniculum|little/small horn; (used as funnel); a horn-shaped decoration for soldiers; corniculus|civil office of a cornicularius (aide/secretary); cornifer|horn-bearing, horned; having horns/antlers; cornifrons|horned; having horns on the forehead; corniger|horn-bearing, horned; having horns/antlers; [Jupiter Coniger => Ammon]; corniger|horn-bearing/horned animal; corniger|horn-bearing/horned animals/cattle (pl.); cornigera|hind; doe, female deer (esp. after third year); cornipes|hoofed, horn-footed; cornipes|hoofed animal; (horse); (centaur); cornipetus|pushing/goring with horns; cornix|crow; (or related bird); (example of longevity); (insulting for old woman); cornu|horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top; cornualis|of/with/pertaining to horns; cornuarius|maker of bugles/horns/trumpets; cornucopia|cornucopia, symbol/emblem of abundance; (horn-shaped); cornucopium|sconce, bracket for holding candles; (horn-shaped?); cornucularius|adjutant/aide (officer's); (given the corniculum/promoted); assistant/secretary; cornuculum|little/small horn; (used as funnel); a horn-shaped decoration for soldiers; cornulum|little horn; cornum|cornel berry/cherry, fruit of cornelian cherry tree; javelin/spear (of cornel); cornum|horn; hoof; beak/tusk/claw; bow; horn/trumpet; end, wing of army; mountain top; cornupeta|act of pushing/goring with horns; cornupetus|pushing/goring with horns; cornus|cornel-cherry-tree (Cornus mas); cornel wood; javelin (of cornel wood); cornus|cornel-cherry-tree (Cornus mas); cornel wood; javelin (of cornel wood); cornuta|any horned animal; name of a fish/sea-animal (unidentified); horned syllogism; cornutus|horned; having horns/horn-like appendages; tusked; cornutus|ox, bullock; oxen (pl.), bullocks; corocottas|animal (unidentified); coroliticus|name given to a white marble; made of this stone (of statues); corolla|small garland, small wreath/crown of flowers; corollaria|flower girl; (comedy by Naevius); female flower-garlands merchant (L+S); corollarium|corollary; deduction; corollarium|flower garland; (reward/prize); (money for); present/gift; tip/gratuity; corolliticus|name given to a white marble; made of this stone (of statues); corona|crown; garland, wreath; halo/ring; circle of men/troops; [sub ~ => as slaves]; coronalis|of/associated with a wreath/garland/crown; coronamen|wreaths collectively, garlandry; wreathing/crowning (L+S); coronamentum|flowers (pl.) for making garlands; garland/crown itself (L+S); coronaria|woman who makes/sells garlands/wreaths; coronarius|connected with/used for crowns/garlands/wreaths or the manufacture; of cornice; coronarius|maker/seller of garlands/wreaths/crowns; coronatio|coronation; coronator|crowner; coronatus|garlanded, adorned with wreaths; (of persons/animals/buildings); coroneola|kind of autumn rose; coroniola|kind of autumn rose; coronis|colophon, device for marking the end of a book; curved line/flourish at end; corono|wreathe, crown, deck with garlands; award prize; surround/encircle, ring round; coronopus|plant w/toothed leaves, buckthorn plantain (Plantago coronopus); swine's cress; coronopus|plant w/toothed leaves, buckthorn plantain (Plantago coronopus); swine's cress; coronula|ornament on mitre; rim/border on base of basin/laver; hair crown at horse hoof; corporale|corporal, linen for consecrated elements of mass; ancient eucharistic vestment; corporalis|of/belonging/related to body, physical; having tangible body/material/corporeal; corporalitas|materiality, corporality; (as opposed to spirituality); corporaliter|in respect of material things; carnally; corporally, bodily (L+S); corporasco|assume a body; become incarnate; corporatio|build, physical make-up; assuming a body, incarnation (L+S); corporativus|of/pertaining to the forming of a body; corporatura|build, frame; physical/corporeal structure/nature; corporatus|endowed with a tangible body; formed into a corporate society; corporatus|corporate-, corporation-, of a corporation; (Cal); corporatus|member of a corporate society/corporation; corporeus|corporeal/material/physical, endowed w/body; fleshy, composed of animal tissue; corporicida|butcher; corporo|kill, strike dead; form into a body, furnish w/a body; form (corporate society); corporosus|corpulent, gross, large, fat, obese; corpulentia|obesity, corpulence, fleshiness of body; putting on of flesh/fat; corpulentus|corpulent, fat, stout, of a heavy build of body; large; great (L+S); physical; corpus|body; person, self; virility; flesh; corpse; trunk; frame(work); collection/sum; corpus|substantial/material/concrete object/body; particle/atom; corporation, guild; corpuscularis|corpuscular; corpusculum|small/little body/object, atom/minute particle; human body (contempt/pity/love); corrado|rake/sweep/draw together; amass with difficulty, scrape together; scrape off; corrationalitas|analogy; correctio|amendment, rectification; improvement, correction; word substitution; reproof; corrector|corrector/improver, reformer; one who sets things right; financial commissioner; correctura|office of a corrector (financial commissioner/land bailiff); correctus|reformed (person); correctus|reformed person; one who has/is reformed; correcumbens|lying down with (anyone); corregio|drawing of boundary lines (within which auspices may be taken); corregionalis|adjoining/neighboring people; corregno|reign together with one; correlativus|correlative; correpo|creep, crawl; slink, move stealthily; take to the bush; creep (of the flesh); correpte|shortly; with a short vowel or syllable; correptio|seizure/attack, onset (disease); reproof/rebuke/censure; shorting (in vowel); correpto|creep; correptor|reprover, censurer, corrector; correptus|short; (of a syllable); correspondens|correspondent; correspondentia|correspondence; mutual agreement; correspondeo|correspond; harmonize; repay; reciprocate; respond to; answer strongly; corresupinatus|bent backwards at the same time; corresuscito|raise up/from the dead together; correus|joint defendant; co-respondent; joint/co-criminal (Ecc); corrideo|laugh together; laugh out loud (L+S); corrigia|shoe-lace/tie, thong for securing shoes to feet; thong of any kind; corrigo|correct, set right; straighten; improve, edit, reform; restore, cure; chastise; corripio|seize/grasp/snatch up, lay hold of; sweep off; carry away; appropriate/arrogate; corripio|censure/reproach/rebuke/chastise; shorten/abridge; hasten (upon); catch (fire); corrivalis|joint rival; corrivatio|leading/channeling (water) into the same channel/basin, collection; corrivium|confluence of brooks/streams; corrivo|lead/channel (water) into the same channel/basin, collect; corrixatio|violent quarrel/brawl/dispute/altercation/conflict/clash/struggle; corroboramentum|means of strengthening; corroboro|strengthen, harden, reinforce; corroborate; mature; make powerful, fortify; corroco|kind of fish (unidentified); corrodo|gnaw, gnaw away; chew up; gnaw to pieces (L+S); corrogatio|bringing together; gathering, assembly (Ecc); collection; corrogo|collect money by begging/entreaty; summon/invite (persons) to a gathering; corrosio|gnawing; corrotundo|make round; round off; amass/make up a round sum of money; corruda|wild asparagus; corrugis|wrinkled, having wrinkles/folds; corrugated; corrugo|make wrinkled; (make one turn up one's nose); corrugate; corrugus|channel/canal/conduit/sluice constructed to bring wash water for ore (mining); corrumpo|spoil/rot; taint/contaminate; damage/ruin, undo; destroy/deface; digest; infect; corrumpo|pervert, corrupt, deprave; bribe, suborn; seduce, tempt, beguile; falsify; corrumptela|corruption/bribery/suborning; corrupting/perverting influence; seducer/misleader corrumptela|seduction/seducing; enticement to sexual misconduct; brothel/place of seduction corrumptella|corruption/bribery/suborning; corrupting/perverting influence; seducer/misleader corrumptella|seduction/seducing; enticement to sexual misconduct; brothel/place of seduction corruo|fall/break down, fall to ground/from height, collapse; be ruined, come to grief; corruo|topple (house/wall), totter; subside (ground); rush/sweep together; overthrow; corrupte|incorrectly; perversely; in bad style/depraved manner; licentiously, corruptly; corruptela|corruption/bribery/suborning; corrupting/perverting influence; seducer/misleader corruptela|seduction/seducing; enticement to sexual misconduct; brothel/place of seduction corruptibilis|corruptible, liable to decay, perishable; corruptibilitas|corruptibility, perishability; corruptio|corruption; bribery, seduction from loyalty; diseased/corrupt condition; corruptive|corruptibly; perishably; corruptivus|corruptible; perishable; corruptor|corruptor, briber; seducer, ravisher; one who ruins/spoils/spreads infection; corruptorius|destructible; corruptible, perishable; corruptrix|tending to deprave/corrupt, corruptive; corruptrix|she who corrupts/seduces; corruptum|corrupted parts (pl.) (of the body); corruptus|rotten/decayed; infected (wounds), corrupt; degenerate/decadent; depraved/venal; corruptus|incorrect/improper/disorderly; impure/adulterated/changed for worse; seditious; corruspor|search for, seek out; search carefully after (L+S); corrutundo|make round; round off; amass/make up a round sum of money; cors|court; enclosure/yard/pen, farmyard; attendants, retinue, staff; circle; crowd; cors|cohort, tenth part of legion (360 men); armed force; band; ship crew; bodyguard corsa|facia; (architectural flat surface/tablet/plate on column/door jamb/lintel); Corsica|Corsica; (island); corsoides|precious stone (unidentified); (gender does not follow rule OLD); corsum|in what direction; to what place/condition/action/point/end; with what view? corsus|in what direction; to what place/condition/action/point/end; with what view? cortex|bark; cork; skin, rind, husk, hull; outer covering, shell, carapace, chrysalis; corticatus|derived from bark; covered with bark (L+S); corticeus|made from bark; of bark/cork (L+S); corticius|made from bark; corticosus|covered in bark/rind; containing pieces of bark/rind/shell; abounding in bark; corticulus|thin rind (of the olive); small/thin rind/bark/shell (L+S); cortina|cauldron, (of Delphi oracle), kettle; water-organ; vault/arch; curtain (L+S); cortinale|cauldron-room; (where new wine was boiled down); cortinipotens|master of the (oracular) cauldron (Apollo); cortinula|small kettle; cortumio|augural word (uncertain meaning); cortus|coming into being, birth; breaking out (storm); rising, originating (L+S); corulus|hazel-tree; hazel wood; filbert shrub (L+S); corus|north-west wind; coruscamen|flash, gleam; glittering (L+S); coruscatio|flash, gleam; glittering; coruscifer|lightening-bearing; corusco|brandish/shake/quiver; flash/glitter, emit/reflect intermittent/quivering light; coruscum|lightening; coruscus|vibrating/waving/tremulous/shaking; flashing, twinkling; brilliant (L+S); coruscus|lightening; (2 Ezra 6:2); corvinus|raven-, of/belonging/pertaining to a raven; corvus|raven; cormorant (w/aquaticus); kind of sea fish; constellation Corvus/Raven; corvus|military engine; grappling iron; surgical instrument; fellator (rude) (L+S); coryceum|room in a palaestra for exercise with the heavy punching-bag; corycomachia|exercise of athlete with the corycus (heavy punching-bag); corycus|heavy punching bag; sand-bag; corydalus|crested lark; coryletum|copse of hazel-trees, hazel-thicket; corylus|hazel-tree; hazel wood; filbert shrub (L+S); corymbias|species of giant fennel (Ferula); corymbiatus|set round with clusters of ivy-berries; corymbifer|wearing garlands of clusters of ivy-berries; (epithet of Bacchus); corymbion|curled wig/hair; (curled in the form of clusters of ivy-berries L+S); corymbites|kind of spurge; species of the plant tithymalus (L+S); corymbus|cluster of ivy-berries/flowers/fruit; stern of a ship (pl.); nipple (L+S); coryphaeus|leader, chief, head; coryphion|small shell-fish; winkle; whelk; kind of murex/snail yielding purple dye (L+S); corytos|quiver, case holding arrows; corytus|quiver, case holding arrows; coryza|catarrh; cold, runny nose; cos|flint-stone; whetstone, hone, grinding stone; rocks (pl.); any hard stone (L+S); cos|consul (the highest elected Roman official); abb. cons./cos.; coscinomantia|divination by the sieve; cosentio|join/share in sensation/feeling; be in agreement/harmony; be of the same mind; cosentio|act together; plot, conspire, combine; coincide; be in conjunction (planets); cosentio|agree, consent; fit/be consistent/in sympathy/unison with; favor; assent to; cosidero|examine/look at/inspect; consider closely, reflect on/contemplate; investigate; cosigno|(fix a) seal; put on record; indicate precisely/establish; attest/authenticate; cosmeta|woman's valet; slave responsible for the adornment of his mistress; cosmetes|woman's valet; slave responsible for the adornment of his mistress; cosmetica|cosmetic; cosmeticus|cosmetic; cosmicos|of the world; fashionable; cosmopolitan; cosmicos|citizen of the world; cosmicum|worldly things (pl.); cosmicus|of the world; fashionable; cosmopolitan; cosmitto|bring together, unite/join, connect/attach; put together, construct; entrust; cosmitto|engage (battle), set against; begin/start; bring about; commit; incur; forfeit; cosmogonia|cosmogony; (subject of) generation/creation of existing universe; cosmographia|description/mapping of the universe; cosmographicus|cosmographic; cosmographus|cosmography; describing/mapping general features of the universe; cosmographus|cosmologist, one who describes the universe; cosmologia|cosmology; cosmologicus|cosmological; cosmonauta|cosmonaut; cosmopoliticus|cosmopolitan; cosmopolitismus|cosmopolitanism; cosmos|universe; one of the chief magistrates of Crete; coss|consuls (pl.) (highest elected official); abb. conss./coss.; (two of a year); cossim|squatting on the haunches in a crouching posture; doubled up (with old age); cossim|as to give way/lose ground; bending/turning in; (turned) backwards; obliquely; cossis|worm or grub found in wood; cossus|worm or grub found in wood; costa|rib; side/flank/back; rib with meat; ribs/frame of ship; sides (pl.) of pot; costabilis|rib-like; costamomum|aromatic plant (similar to costum and amomum); costatus|ribbed, having ribs; costos|aromatic plant/its powdered root; (Saussurea lappa); costum|aromatic plant/its powdered root; (Saussurea lappa); costus|aromatic plant/its powdered root; (Saussurea lappa); cotangens|cotangent (math); cotaria|quarry for whetstones; cotenea|plant; (perh. comfrey); wallwort (L+S); black briony; cotes|rough pointed/detached rock, loose stone; rocks (pl.), cliff, crag; reef; cotho|basin, artificial harbor; (artificial inner harbor at Carthage L+S); cothurnate|loftily, tragically; cothurnatio|tragic representation; cothurnatus|wearing the buskin (Greek actor's boot); in lofty style, of tragic themes; cothurnus|high boot/buskin (worn by Greek tragic actors to increase their height); cothurnus|elevated/tragic/solemn style; tragic poetry; the tragic stage; coticula|touchstone (used to test gold); small mortar (medical); test (L+S); cotidiano|every day, daily; cotidianus|daily, everyday; usual/habitual, normal/regular; ordinary/common/unremarkable; cotidie|daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; cotidio|daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; cotila|small cup; liquid measure (= 6 cyathi/1 hemina/half sextarius/about 1/2 pint); cotinus|shrub producing purple dye; sumac-tree (Rhus cotinus); cotio|dealer; broker; cotoneum|quince; quince tree; cotoneus|quince-; (of Cydonia/city in Crete/now Canea); [malum ~ => quince fruit/tree]; cotonum|kind of small fig; (grown in Syria); cotoria|quarry for whetstones; Cotta|Cotta; (Roman cognomen); cottabus|game in which wine is thrown so as to fall noisily on a mark; blows (humorous); cottanum|kind of small fig; (grown in Syria); cottatium|some sort of gold ornament; cottidiano|every day, daily; cottidianus|daily, everyday; usual/habitual, normal/regular; ordinary/common/unremarkable; cottidie|daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; cottidio|daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; cottonum|kind of small fig; (grown in Syria); cotula|small cup; liquid measure (= 6 cyathi/1 hemina/half sextarius/about 1/2 pint); coturnatus|wearing the buskin (Greek actor's boot); in lofty style, of tragic themes; coturnix|quail; (also term of endearment); coturnus|lofty-style-actor; tragic actor declaiming in lofty style; buskin-clad actor; cotyla|small cup; liquid measure (= 6 cyathi/1 hemina/half sextarius/about 1/2 pint); cotyledon|plant, navelwort; Coum|Coan wine (from Cos); garments (pl.) of Coan/fine silk; coum|hole in middle of yoke in which pole fits; thong used to attach pole to yoke; Cous|of/from/belonging to Cos (island in Aegean, now Stanchio); (its wine/fine silk); coutor|associate with, have dealings with; covinnarius|soldier who fought from a war chariot; covinnus|war-chariot (w/scythes on axle) (Celtic); a traveling-chariot/carriage; coxa|hip (of human); haunch (of animal); hip bone (L+S); bend inwards; coxendix|hip; hip bone; coxim|on hips; (at the hip?); coxo|hobbling; coxus|lame; crabattus|cot, camp bed, pallet; low couch or bed; (usu.) mean/wretched bed/couch; crabatus|cot, camp bed, pallet; low couch or bed; (usu.) mean/wretched bed/couch; crabro|hornet; wasp; [irritare crabones => to disturb a hornets'/wasp's nest]; cracca|kind of wild vetch; cracens|slender; neat, graceful (L+S); cramaculus|trammel (of chimney); crambe|cabbage; [~ repetita => of stale repetition]; cramum|cream; crapula|drunkenness, intoxication; hangover; resin residue used to flavor wine; crapulanus|resinous, containing resin; (wine); crapularius|good for curing hangovers; pertaining to intoxication (L+S); crapulatio|intoxication; crapulatus|inebriated, intoxicated, drunk; drunken with wine; crapulentus|very drunk, very much intoxicated; crapulosus|inclined to drunkenness; cras|tomorrow; after today, on the morrow; hereafter, in the future; crassamen|sediment; dregs (L+S); crassamentum|thickness (of an object); thick sediment of a liquid, dregs, grounds (L+S); crassator|vagabond; footpad, highway robber; crasse|dimly/indistinctly, w/out detail; coarsely/inartistically; w/thick layer/thickly crassendo|thickness; stupidity; crassesco|thicken, fatten, become thick/hard/large/fat/dense/solid; condense; set; crassicula|bold print; crassificatio|thickness; making thick or fat; crassitas|density; thickness; crassities|density; thickness; plumpness, fleshiness; crassitudo|thickness (measure); density/consistency (liquid); richness (soil); sediment; crassivenius|having thick veins; (name of type of maple tree); crasso|thicken, condense, make thick; crassundium|fat pork? (pl.); thick intestines (L+S); crassus|thick/deep; thick coated (w/ABL); turbid/muddy (river); dense/concentrated/solid crassus|fat/stout; rude, coarse, rough, harsh, heavy, gross; stupid, crass/insensitive; Crassus|Crassus; (Roman cognomen); [M. Licinius Crassus Dives => triumvir]; crastino|tomorrow; crastinum|tomorrow; crastinus|of tomorrow/next day/future; [in ~um => for/til tomorrow/following day]; crataegis|plant (unidentified); (another name for the plant satyrion L+S); crataegon|holly; (the Greek name for holly); plant called aquifolia in pure Latin (L+S); crataegonon|plant; (perh. Polygonum hydropiper); common fleawort (L+S); crataegonos|plant; (perh. Polygonum persicaria); common fleawort (L+S); crataegos|holly; (Greek name for holly); plant (called aquifolia in pure Latin L+S); crataegum|kind of gall which grows on holm-oaks; kernel of fruit of the box-tree (L+S); crater|mixing bowl; depression, volcano crater, basin of fountain; Cup (constellation); cratera|mixing bowl; depression, volcano crater, basin of fountain; Cup (constellation); crateraa|mixing bowl; depression, volcano crater, basin of fountain; Cup (constellation); craterite|precious stone (unidentified); crateritis|precious stone (unidentified); craticius|made of wattle; (interlaced twigs/wickerwork, may be plastered with mud/clay); craticula|gridiron; grating, grill; griddle; small gridiron (L+S); fine hurdle-work; craticulus|composed of lattice-work; wattled; cratio|bush-harrow; cratis|wickerwork; bundle of brush, fascine; framework, network, lattice; bush-harrow; cratitio|action of bush-harrowing; cratitius|made of wattle; (interlaced twigs/wickerwork, may be plastered with mud/clay); creabilis|creatable, that can be made/created; creagra|flesh-hook; creamen|elements of which created things consist; creatio|begetting of children; creating/producing; election/appointment (of official); creatio|creation; creating/producing/bringing forth something from nothing/something; creativus|creative; creator|creator (of world); maker, author; founder (city); father; one who appoints; creatrix|mother, she who brings forth; creator (of the world); authoress, creatress; creatum|things made (pl.); creatura|creation; creature, thing created; servant (late Latin); creatus|sprung from, begotten by, born of; creatus|child, offspring; creber|thick/crowded/packed/close set; frequent/repeated, constant; numerous/abundant; crebesco|become frequent/widespread, increase, strengthen; spread/be noised abroad (L+S); crebo|repeatedly, often, frequently, many times; closely, close one after another; crebra|repeatedly; crebratus|closely woven; thick, close (L+S); crebre|thickly, densely; frequently; closely; compactly (L+S); crebresco|become frequent/widespread, increase, strengthen; spread/be noised abroad (L+S); crebrinodosus|having frequent knots; crebrinodus|having frequent knots; crebrisurus|fortified by closely packed stakes; crebritas|frequency; closeness in succession/space/of parts/density; thickness (L+S); crebriter|repeatedly; frequently; crebritudo|frequency; closeness in succession/space; crowding; closeness of parts/density; crebro|frequently/repeatedly/often, one after another, time after time; thickly/densely credencia|credence; state of trusting (medieval spelling); credens|believer; the_faithful (pl.); credentarius|server; credentia|promise; credence; recognition of debt; credit; secret/confidential info; credentia|credence, small table in sanctuary for vessels; credibilis|credible/trustworthy/believable/plausible/convincing/likely/probable; credibiliter|credibly; plausibly; so as to be believed (OED); on trustworthy authority; credito|believe strongly; creditor|lender, creditor; one to whom money is due; (w/GEN of debtor/debt); creditrix|female lender/creditor; creditum|loan, debt, what is lent; [in ~ accipere => to receive a loan]; creditus|loan; credo|trust, entrust; commit/consign; believe, trust in, rely on, confide; suppose; credo|lend (money) to, make loans/give credit; believe/think/accept as true/be sure; credra|citrus fruit; credulitas|credulity, trustfulness; easiness of belief (L+S); credulus|credulous, trusting, gullible; prone to believe/trust; full of confidence (L+S); creduo|believe, confide; commit/consign; suppose; lend; (archaic form of credo); cremabilis|combustible; cremaster|cremaster muscle; (muscle of the spermatic cord by which testicle is suspended); crematio|burning; consumption by fire (L+S); cremation; cremator|burner, consumer by fire; (God); crementum|increase, growth; cremialis|suitable for firewood; (trees); cremito|burn; cremate; cremium|firewood; (singular or collective); dry fire-wood (pl.), brush-wood (L+S); cremnos|plant (unidentified); cremo|burn (to ash)/cremate; consume/destroy (fire); burn alive; make burnt offering; cremor|gruel, pap, decoction; thick juice made by boiling grain or animal/vegetables); cremum|gruel, pap, decoction; thick juice made by boiling grain or animal/vegetables); crena|notch; serration; slash (Cal); crenum|gap; creo|create/bring into being/make; procreate; beget/sire; give birth to; creo|produce/bear fruit; bring about; cause to grow; elect, appoint, invest; creo|institute; conjure up; (PASS) be born/spring from; be home/native of; crepa|she-goat, nanny-goat; [Caprae palus => on Campus Martius/Circus Flaminus site]; crepatura|fissure, crack; crepax|noisy; creaking; creper|obscure, doubtful, uncertain; dark, dusky (L+S); wavering; creperum|darkness; crepiculum|rattling ornament for the head; crepida|slipper, sandal; (thick sole attached by straps, Greek, affectation by Romans); crepidarius|used in/concerned with making of crepidae (thick soled Greek sandals); crepidarius|maker of crepidae/sandals; crepidatus|wearing crepidae (thick soled Greek sandals); crepido|pedestal/base/foundation; dam, retaining wall, bank; pier/quay, sidewalk; rim; crepidula|small boot/sandal; crepidulum|rattling ornament for the head; crepis|small boot/sandal; some sort of prickly plant; crepitacillum|rattle; (child's); small rattle (L+S); crepitaculum|rattle; instrument for making a loud percussion; the sisteum of Isis; crepito|rattle/clatter; rustle/crackle; produce rapid succession of sharp/shrill noises; crepitulum|rattling ornament for the head; crepitus|rattling, rustling, crash (thunder); chattering (teeth); snap (fingers); fart; crepo|rattle/rustle/clatter; jingle/tinkle; snap (fingers); harp on, grumble at; fart; crepo|crack; burst asunder; resound; creptio|taking by force; seizure; crepulus|rattling; resounding; crashing; crepundium|child's rattle/toy (pl.) (for ID); childhood; amulet, religious emblem; cymbals; crepusculascens|growing dusk; dusky; crepusculum|twilight, dusk; darkness (L+S); crescentia|increase, lengthening; augmentation (L+S); cresco|come forth/to be; arise/spring (from); be born; become visible/great; grow (up); cresco|thrive, increase (size/number/honor), multiply; ascend; attain, be promoted; cresso|increase (size/number/honor), multiply; thrive; creta|clay/clayey soil; chalk; white/fuller's earth; paint/whitening; white goal line; Creta|Crete, island of Crete; cretaceus|resembling chalk or pipe-clay; chalk-like, creataceous (L+S); cretaria|shop for chalk/Cretan earth; cretarius|dealing in chalk or pipe-clay; of/pertaining to chalk/Cretan earth (L+S); cretatus|chalked, marked with chalk; in white; whitened with pipe-clay; powdered (woman); Crete|Crete, island of Crete; creterra|large bowl for water or wine; creteus|made of clay/chalk; crethmos|plant (sampire) Crethmum maritimum; sea fennel (L+S); cretifodina|clay or chalk pit; cretio|declaration of acceptance of an inheritance; (terms of/clause on); heritage; cretosus|abounding in chalk or clay; clayey; cretula|white clay for sealing; cretulentum|right of fulling garments; cretura|chaff, siftings of bran; cretus|born of; arisen/sprung/descended from; cribarius|sifted; cribello|sift, pass through a sieve; cribellum|small sieve; cribrarius|sifted; cribrarius|sieve maker; cribro|sift, pass through a sieve; cribrum|sieve; riddle (L+S); [in ~ gerere => carry in a sieve/perform useless task]; cricetus|hamster; crimen|indictment/charge/accusation; blame/reproach/slander; verdict/judgment (L+S); crimen|sin/guilt; crime/offense/fault; cause of a crime, criminal (L+S); adultery; criminalis|criminal (vs. civil); of/pertaining to crime (L+S); crime-/police- (novel); criminalitas|criminality; criminaliter|according to criminal procedure; (legal term); criminally (L+S); criminatio|accusation, complaint, charge, indictment; making of an accusation; criminator|accuser; slanderer; criminatrix|accuser (female); slanderer; crimino|accuse, denounce; charge (with); allege with accusation; make accusations; criminologia|criminology; criminologus|criminologist; criminor|accuse, denounce; charge (with); allege with accusation; make accusations; criminose|reproachfully, abusively, slanderously; manner which invites accusation; criminosus|accusatory/reproachful; slanderous/vituperative; shameful/dishonoring/criminal; criminosus|guilty man; crinale|ornament for the hair; hair-comb (L+S); crinalis|worn in the hair; covered with hair-like filaments; of/pertaining to hair (L+S); criniger|long-haired; having long hair; crininus|lily-, made of lilies; crinio|deck/cover/provide with hair; crinis|hair; lock of hair, tress, plait; plume (helmet); tail of a comet; crinitus|hairy; having long locks, long haired; hair-like; [stella crinita => comet]; crinomenon|point at issue in a dispute; crinon|variety of lily; kind of ointment/unguent (pl.); crinum|variety of lily; kind of ointment/unguent (pl.); criobolium|ram (as an offering); cripa|plant (unidentified); crisimus|critical, decisive; [~ dies => day of a crisis in disease]; crisis|judgment (literary); crisis, critical stage in one's life; decision (L+S); criso|move the haunches as in copulation (women); (rude); crispans|curled; uneven, wrinkled; trembling (of an earthquake); crispatorium|roller; crispcans|curling, ruffling; (sea); crispicapillus|having curled hair; crispico|curl (hair); make/appear wavy; ripple; shake/brandish; tremble/quiver; wiggle; crispiculcans|wavy, undulating, serpentine; crispitudo|trembling/vibratory motion; crispo|curl (hair); make/appear wavy; ripple; shake/brandish; tremble/quiver; wiggle; crispulus|having short curly hair; crisped/crimped; artificial/affected/elaborate (style); crispum|crepe (cloth); crispus|curled/curly; trembling/vibrating; uneven/wrinkled/twisted; elegant (style); crisso|move the haunches as in copulation (women); (rude); crista|crest/comb (bird/beast); plume (helmet); plant yellow-rattle; clitoris (L+S); cristatus|tufted, crested; having a comb/tuft on head; plumed; [~ ales => cock]; cristatus|one who wares a plumed helmet; head of penis (rude) (Sex); cristula|small comb; (on head of a hen); small tuft (L+S); crita|judges among the Hebrews; criterion|criterion/criteria, standard; rule; criterium|criterion/criteria, standard; rule; crithe|sty, swelling on the eyelid; crithologia|gathering of barley; critica|critique (of texts); criticum|literary criticism (pl.); criticus|critical; decisive; criticus|literary critic; crobylos|topknot, roll of hair knotted on the crown of the head; croca|filament of crocus/saffron stamen; crocallis|precious stone (unidentified); (cherry-shaped L+S); crocatio|croaking; (of ravens L+S); crocatus|saffron-colored; (yellow); croccio|croak/caw (like a raven); crocea|crozier/crosier, bishop's crook/pastoral staff; long mantle w/cape and sleeves; croceus|yellow, golden; saffron-colored; of saffron/its oil, saffron-; scarlet (Ecc); crocia|crozier/crosier, bishop's crook/pastoral staff; long mantle w/cape and sleeves; crocias|precious stone (unidentified); (yellow/saffron-colored L+S); crocidismus|picking off of flocks (of wool); crocino|anoint with saffron-ointment; crocinum|saffron oil used as a perfume; color of saffron, saffron-yellow (L+S); crocinus|of/made from saffron; saffron colored, yellow; crocio|croak/caw (like a raven); crocis|plant; (perh. one of the catchflies Silene); crocito|croak/caw (like a raven); (loudly L+S); crocitus|croaking of the raven; croco|dye saffron-yellow; crocodes|eye-slave made from saffron; (OLD says neuter); crocodilea|eye-salve (extracted from intestines of crocodile); crocodile excrement (L+S); crocodileon|prickly sea-shore plant; (so called because of the rough skin of its stalk); crocodilion|plant; (so called because of rough skin of its stalk); crocodillina|dialectical puzzle about a crocodile; crocodile-conclusion; crocodillos|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; crocodillus|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; crocodilos|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; crocodilus|crocodile; land reptile, Nile monitor; crocofantia|saffron-colored dress; (worn by women and effeminate men); crocomagma|residue left after refining saffron oil; crocophantia|saffron-colored dress; (worn by women and effeminate men); crocota|saffron-colored dress; (worn by women and effeminate men); crocotarius|of/concerned with saffron-colored robes/dresses; (worn by women/effeminate men); crocotas|African animal; (prob. some sort of hyena); crocotillus|very thin; crocotta|wild animal of Ethiopia; (unidentified); (perh. hyena); crocotula|saffron-colored woman's dress/robe; (saffron-colored court robe L+S); crocufantia|saffron-colored dress; (worn by women and effeminate men); crocum|saffron color/dye/oil/perfume (theater); crocus/saffron (Crocus sativus); crocum|filament of stamen; yellow anther (stamen part containing pollen/medicinal); crocus|crocus/saffron (Crocus sativus); its oil; saffron-color (L+S); yellow stamens; crocus|filament of stamen; yellow anther (stamen part containing pollen/medicinal); crocus|saffron; crocuta|wild animal of Ethiopia; (unidentified); (perh. hyena); crocyfantium|kind of woven ornament for the head (pl.); croma|instrument for taking bearings to fix lines of orientation; (surveying); crosmis|kind of sage; crotale|ear-rings (pl.); ear pendants of several loosely hanging/rattling pearls; crotalisso|clack/sound/rattle with castanets; crotalistria|castanet-dancer (female); (applied to stork from the rattling sound it makes); crotalum|castanet, kind used to accompany (wanton) dance; rattle/clapper/bell; crotalus|clapper; (used instead of bell); crotaphos|pain in the temples; croto|castor-oil tree (Ricinus communis); crotolo|clack, make the characteristic sound of the stork; croton|castor-oil tree (Ricinus communis); croysidia|another name for plant Minyas; crucesignatus|crusader; cruciabilis|agonizing/painful/tormenting/excruciating, characterized by extreme pain/anguish cruciabilitas|torment, torture; agony; cruciabiliter|with torture; (excruciatingly?); cruciabundus|tormenting, torturing; painful; agonizing; cruciamen|torture, torment, pain; cruciamentum|torture, torment; pain; cruciarius|crucified person; one deserving crucifixion/fit for the gallows, gallows-bird; cruciarius|of/pertaining to the cross/torture; full of torture (L+S); cruciata|crusade; cruciatio|torturing; torture; cruciator|tormenter, torturer; cruciatorius|full of torture; cruciatus|torture/cruelty; torture form/apparatus; suffering, severe physical/mental pain; crucifer|cross-bearer; (Christ); crucifigo|crucify; attach to a cross; crucifixio|crucifixion; (act of putting to death by nailing to a cross); crucifixor|crucifer (attendant who carries a cross in procession), cross-bearer; (Christ); crucifixum|crucifix; crucifixus|crucified; crucifixus|crucifix; crucigramma|crossword puzzle; crucio|torment, torture; cause grief/anguish; crucify; suffer torture/agony; grieve; crucisignatio|signing with sign of cross; cruciverbium|crossword puzzle; crudarius|outcropping; (of a vein of silver); vein of silver that lies on surface (L+S); crudele|cruelly, harshly, severely, unmercifully, savagely, fiercely; crudelis|cruel/hardhearted/unmerciful/severe, bloodthirsty/savage/inhuman; harsh/bitter; crudelitas|cruelty/barbarity, harshness/severity, savagery/inhumanity; instance of cruelty; crudeliter|cruelly, savagely, relentlessly; with cruel effect; crudesco|become fierce/violent/savage/hard (persons/battle/disease); grow worse (L+S); cruditas|indigestion; inability to digest; too full stomach; undigested food; bitterness; cruditatio|indigestion, overloading of the stomach; crudito|suffer from indigestion; crudus|raw; bloody/bleeding; crude, cruel, rough, merciless; fierce/savage; grievous; crudus|youthful/hardy/vigorous; fresh/green/immature; undigested; w/undigested food; cruentatio|staining with blood; cruentatus|bloodstained, besplattered; bloody, bleeding (Ecc); cruente|savagely, bloodthirstily; cruelly, severely (L+S); cruenter|savagely, bloodthirstily; cruelly, severely (L+S); cruentifer|bloody; cruento|stain/spot/mark with blood; cause to bleed, wound; pollute with blood-guilt; cruento|make/dye blood-red; soak/besplatter with any liquid; tinge with red (L+S); cruentus|bloody/bleeding/discharging blood; gory; blood red; polluted w/blood-guilt; cruentus|bloodthirsty, insatiably cruel, savage; accompanied by/involving bloodshed; crumena|pouch, purse; small money-bag; store/supply of money/cash, funds, resources; crumilla|small/little purse; crumina|pouch, purse; small money-bag; store/supply of money/cash, funds, resources; crumino|fill like a purse; cruor|blood; (fresh/clotted from wound); (spilt in battle); vegetable/other juice; cruor|gore; murder/bloodshed/slaughter; blood (general); stream/flow of blood (L+S); cruppellarius|fighter encased in armor from head to foot; harnessed Gallic combatants (L+S); crupta|crypt/underground room for rites; vault, grotto, covered gallery/passage/arcade; cruralis|of the shin; belonging to the legs (L+S); [fasciae ~ => puttees/leggings]; cruricrepida|one who has chains clanking about his legs, rattle-shin; slave fighting name; crurifragium|breaking legs of crucified felons; crurifragius|one whose legs/shins are broken; crus|leg; shank; shin; main stem of shrub, stock; upright support of a bridge; crusma|tune, musical air; tune played on a stringed instrument (L+S); crusmaticus|suitable for playing on a musical instrument; crusta|rind/shell/peel/bark/crust, hard surface; scab; leaf/flake/thin slab (mineral); crusta|cup holder, embossed work; inlay; plaster/stucco/mosaic work (L+S); crustallinum|vessel made of crystal; crustallinus|made of crystal; resembling crystal in appearance/quality; crustallos|ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); crustallum|ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); crystal-like thing; crustallus|ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); crustarius|of/pertaining to/selling encrusted/embossed ware (shops); crustarius|one who makes embossed/chased figures; crustatum|crustacean; animal with a hard shell; shellfish (L+S); crusto|encrust/cover w/layer/coating/plaster; emboss/carve/decorate w/relief/embossing; crustosus|encrusted, covered with a hard crust/rind; crustula|little rind/shell/crust; crustularius|confectioner, seller/maker of cakes; crustularius|confectioner; crustulum|small cake/pastry, cookie; confectionery (L+S); crustum|pastry, cake; anything baked (L+S); crusulum|small leg/shank; crux|cross; hanging tree; impaling stake; crucifixion; torture/torment/trouble/misery crypta|crypt/underground room for rites; vault, grotto, covered gallery/passage/arcade; cryptarius|crypt-keeper, caretaker of covered gallery where gladiators practiced; crypticus|covered, concealed; cryptoporticus|cloister, covered gallery/passage; vault, hall (L+S); crysisceptrum|small plant from Rhodes; (also called) diacheton; crystallinum|vessel made of crystal; crystallinus|made of crystal; resembling crystal in appearance/quality; crystallion|plant; (prob. Plantago psyllium); (also called psyllion L+S); crystallisatio|crystallization; crystallizo|crystallize; crystalloides|crystalline; crystal-like (L+S); crystallos|ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); crystallum|ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); crystal-like thing; crystallus|ice; rock crystal; crystal drinking cup; crystal-ware (pl.); cubans|lying, resting on the ground; low lying; sagging, sloping, liable to subside; cubatio|action of lying down; cubator|one who lies down; cubi|at any place; on any occasion; [w/ne necubi => lest at any place/occasion]; cubicularis|of a bedroom, pertaining to a bedroom; cubicularius|valet-de-chambre, bed-chamber servant; chamberlain, head of chamber servants; cubicularius|of a bedroom, pertaining to a bedroom; cubiculata|ship equipped with sleeping apartments/staterooms; cubiculatus|equipped with sleeping apartments/staterooms (ship); cubiculum|bedroom; sleeping chamber/apartment/suite; (as scene of marital/other sex); cubiculum|bed (any sort); any room; Emperor's box; inner shrine of temple; tomb/sepulcher cubicus|cubic, cubical; of cubes; cubile|bed, couch, seat; marriage bed; lair, den, nest, pen, hive of bees; base, bed; cubital|elbow cushion; cushion for leaning on (L+S); cubitalis|cubit long/broad/high; (elbow to finger tip, Roman cubit = 17.4 inches); elbow-; cubitio|reclining/lying down; cubitissim|lying down?; cubito|recline, lie down, take rest, sleep; lie down often; lie/sleep (sexual); cubitor|one who lies down; (on the job); (of an ox refusing to work); cubitorius|suitable for reclining in at dinner; of a reclining posture (L+S); cubitum|elbow; forearm; ulna; cubit (length - 17.4 inches); elbow bend/pipe; cubitura|state/action of reclining/lying down/taking rest; bed, couch; cubitus|elbow; forearm; ulna; cubit (length - 17.4 inches); elbow bend/pipe; cubitus|state/action of reclining/lying down/taking rest; bed, couch; cubo|lie (down/asleep); recline, incline; lie/be in bed, rest/sleep; be sick/dead; cubus|cube (geometric figure), die/dice; lump; cubic number; cuccubio|hoot; (of owls); cuccuru|cock-a-doodle-doo! cuci|doum-palm (Hyphanae thebaica); cucubalus|plant; strychnon; (of the nightshade family); (also called strumus L+S); cucubo|hoot; (of the screech owl); cuculio|hood, kind of headgear; cuculla|hood, cowl; covering for the head; cap (L+S); conical wrapper/case (goods); cucullatus|hooded, having a hood; cucullio|hood, kind of headgear; cuculliunculum|small hood; cucullus|hood, cowl; covering for the head; cap (L+S); conical wrapper/case (goods); cucullus|plant; strychnon; (of the nightshade family); cuculo|utter the cry of the cuckoo; cuculus|cuckoo (bird); fool, ninny; cuckold; bastard; cucuma|large cooking vessel/kettle; (humorously a small bath); cucumella|small vessel/kettle; cucumeraceus|cucumber-like; of a cucumber; cucumerarium|cucumber field; (translation of the Hebrew); cucumis|cucumber (plant/fruit); kind of marine animal (sea cucumber?); cucumis|cucumber (plant/fruit); kind of marine animal (sea cucumber?); cucumis|cucumber; cucumula|cooking vessel (small); cucurbita|gourd (plant/fruit) (Cucurbitaceae); dolt/pumpkin-head; cup, cupping-glass; cucurbitarius|gourd planter; cucurbitatio|cupping; (medical); cucurbitinus|variety of pear or fig, (gourd-pear); gourd-like, gourd-; cucurbitivus|variety of pear or fig, gourd-; cucurbitula|bitter gourd (Cucurbitaceae); courgette; dolt/pumpkinhead; cupping-glass+use; cucurbitularis|field cypress; (chamaepitys); cucurrio|crow; (of cocks); cucurru|cock-a-doodle-doo! cucus|daw, jackdaw (Corvus monedula?); (might be used of a fool/sluggard/slut); cucutium|kind of hood; cudo|beat/pound/thresh; forge/stamp/hammer (metal); make by beating/striking, coin; cudo|helmet; (made of raw skin L+S); cuferion|nose bleed; (disease of horses); cuicuimodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; cuimodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; cujas|of what country/town/locality?; whence? (L+S); cujatis|of what country/town/locality?; whence? (L+S); cujus|of whom?, whose?; (interrogative); of/to whom, whose (relative); cujuscemodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; cujuscujusmodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; cujusdammodi|of some sort; cujusmodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; cujusmodicumque|of whatever kind/sort/nature; cujusquemodi|of whatever kind/sort/nature; culcita|mattress, stuffed (feathers/wool/hair) pillow/cushion for bed/couch; eye patch; culcitarius|cushion maker; culcitelia|small/little stuffed mattress/cushion (for a bed/couch); culcitra|stuffed (feathers/wool/hair) mattress/pillow/cushion for a bed/couch; eye patch; culcitula|small/little stuffed mattress/cushion (for a bed/couch); culculare|fly-net, mosquito net; screen; culearis|holding a culleus; (20 amphorae); (120 gallons); culeus|leather sack (wine/liquid); liquid measure (20 amphorae/120 gallons); culeus|leather sack in which parricides were sewn up and drowned; this punishment; culex|gnat, midge, similar insect; (poem by Virgil); moving spots before eyes (pl.); culex|plant (unidentified); culibonia|prostitute offering anal intercourse; (rude); culicare|screen; culicellus|tiny gnat; (or insignificant person); culiculus|tiny gnat; (or insignificant person); culigna|small vessel/cup; cupful; culilla|drinking vessel/beaker/goblet or its contents; (originally sacrificial vessel); culillus|drinking vessel/beaker/goblet or its contents; (originally sacrificial vessel); culina|kitchen; portable kitchen; food/fare/board; cooking; place for burnt offerings; culinarius|kitchen servant; culinarius|of/pertaining to the kitchen, culinary, kitchen-; culiola|prostitute offering anal intercourse; (rude); culix|plant (unidentified); cullearis|holding a culleus; (20 amphorae); (120 gallons); cullearius|maker/seller of leather sacks (cullei); culleum|leather sack (wine/liquid); liquid measure (20 amphorae/120 gallons); culleum|leather sack in which parricides were sewn up and drowned; this punishment; culleus|leather sack (wine/liquid); liquid measure (20 amphorae/120 gallons); culleus|leather sack in which parricides were sewn up and drowned; this punishment; culliolum|small leather sack?; skin of a green nut/walnut?; cullus|type of windlass using leather; culmen|height/peak/top/summit/zenith; roof, gable, ridge-pole; head, chief; "keystone"; culmeus|of straw; culminalis|of the heights; (perh. of Jupiter); culminatio|culmination (astronomy); culmosus|stalk-like; [~ fratres => stalk-like brothers => sprung from the dragon teeth]; culmus|stalk, stem (of cereal grass/others); hay; straw; thatch; culo|drive, thrust, shove; (perh. slang); push (one) by/in the culus (Sex rude); culpa|fault/blame/responsibility (w/GEN); crime (esp. against chastity); negligence; culpa|offense; error; (sense of) guilt; fault/defect (moral/other); sickness/injury; culpabilis|reprehensible, deserving/worthy of censure/blame; guilty/culpable/criminal; culpabilitas|guilt, culpability; guiltiness; culpabiliter|culpably; criminally; culpandum|things (pl.) deserving censure; culpatio|censure, rebuke; reproach, blame (L+S); culpatus|reprehensible, deserving of censure; corrupted (L+S); culpito|censure, find fault with; blame/reproach severely/harshly (L+S); culpo|blame, find fault with, censure, reproach, reprove, disapprove; accuse, condemn; culposus|reprehensible, deserving/worthy of censure/blame; guilty/culpable/criminal; culte|elegantly, smartly, stylishly; (of oratorical style); with polish/refinement; cultellatus|shaped like a small knife; cultello|measure horizontal distances over rough ground with vertical rods; cultello|make in shape of a knife; level ground by the coulter (vertical blade on plow); cultellulus|little/small knife; cultellus|little/small knife; peg/pin; dagger (Bee); culter|knife; (weapon/sacrificial/hunt); pruner edge; spear point; plowshare (L+S); cultio|cultivation/tillage; ground preparation (L+S); agriculture; cultio|veneration/reverence cultor|inhabitant; husbandman/planter/grower; supporter; worshiper; who has interest; cultrarius|official at sacrifice who wields the knife; slayer of the victim (L+S); cultratus|knife-shaped, shaped like a knife; cultrix|female inhabitant/planter; worshiper/adherent/devotee; she who follows/promotes; cultualis|liturgical, of worship/cult; cultum|cultivated/tilled/farmed lands (pl.); gardens; plantations; standing crops; cultura|agriculture/cultivation/tilling, care of plants; field; care/upkeep; training; culturalis|liturigal, of worship/cult; cultual; cultus|cultivated/tilled/farmed (well); ornamented, neat/well groomed; polished/elegant cultus|habitation; cultivation (land); civilization, refinement; polish, elegance; cultus|care, worship, devotion/observance; form of worship, cult; training/education; cultus|personal care/maintenance/grooming; style; finery, splendor; neatness/order; cululla|drinking vessel/beaker/goblet or its contents; (originally sacrificial vessel); culullus|drinking vessel/beaker/goblet or its contents; (originally sacrificial vessel); culus|buttocks; posterior; anus; (rude); cum|when, at the time/on each occasion/in the situation that; after; since/although; cum|as soon; while, as (well as); whereas, in that, seeing that; on/during which; cum|with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached; cum|under command/at the head of; having/containing/including; using/by means of; cuma|spring shoots of cabbage/similar; hollow sphere (L+S); spherical layer, stratum; cuma|spring shoots of cabbage/similar; hollow sphere (L+S); spherical layer, stratum; cumatile|bluish garment; cumatilis|wave/sea colored; water-colored, blue (L+S); of the waves; [deus ~ => Neptune]; cumation|molding; (esp. echinus of Ionic capital); channel, waved molding on ogee (L+S) cumatium|molding; (esp. echinus of Ionic capital); channel, waved molding on ogee (L+S) cumba|skiff, small boat; (esp. that in which Charon ferried the dead across the Styx); cumbula|small boat; cumera|box/basket to hold grain; (ritual object in a bridal procession); cumerum|box/basket to hold grain; (ritual object in a bridal procession); cumi|arise; (Aramaic); (Mark 5:41); cuminatus|seasoned/mixed with cumin; cumininus|of cumin; (oil); cuminum|cumin (plant/seed); (spice/drug); cummagis|more particularly; cummaxime|at the/this/that very moment; most particularly; cummi|gum, vicid secretion from trees; cumminosus|gummy, full of gum; cummis|gum, vicid secretion from trees; cummitio|application of gum; cumprime|especially, particularly; cumprimis|chiefly, pre-eminently, in the highest degree; first of all; (cum primis); cumquam|ever; [in combination sicumquam => if ever]; cumque|at any time; -ever, -soever; appended to give generalized/indefinite force; cumulate|abundantly, copiously, liberally; in rich abundance; cumulatim|abundantly, in abundance, copiously, liberally; in heaps (L+S); cumulatio|accumulation; cumulativus|cumulative; accruing; cumulatus|heaped (up), abounding in; great/abundant/vast; increased/augmented (L+S); full; cumulo|heap/pile up/high, gather into a pile/heap; accumulate, amass; load/fill full; cumulo|increase/augment/enhance; perfect/finish up; (PASS) be made/composed of; cumulus|heap/pile/mound/aggregate/mass/accumulation; wave (water); surplus, increase; cumulus|finishing touch, consummation, pinnacle, summit, peak, crown; ending of speech; cuna|cradle (usu. pl.); nest for young birds; one's earliest years; cunabulum|cradle (pl.); earliest home/years/childhood; hereditary station; nest/hive; cunaria|baby-sitter, nanny; attendant for infants; cunarius|baby-sitter, nanny (male); attendant for infants; cuncta|all (pl.) (F); all with a stated/implied exception; cunctabundus|lingering, loitering; slow to action, delaying, hesitating, hesitant; tardy; cunctalis|general; cunctamen|delay, delaying, hesitating, hesitation; cunctans|hesitant/delaying/slow to act, tardy; clinging; stubborn, resistant to movement; cunctanter|hesitantly, slowly, with delay/hesitation; tardily; stubbornly; cunctatio|delay, hesitation; tardiness, inactivity; hesitating about/delaying of (w/GEN); cunctator|delayer/procrastinator; one prone to delay; considerate/cautious person (L+S); cunctatrix|procrastinator, she who hesitates; she who acts deliberately/cautiously; cunctatus|hesitant; tardy; cuncticinus|concordant, harmonious; sounding all together; cunctim|collectively, taken all together; in a body (L+S); cunctiparens|parent of all; cunctipotens|omnipotent, all-powerful; cuncto|delay, impede, hold up; hesitate, tarry, linger; be slow to act; dawdle; doubt; cunctor|delay, impede, hold up; hesitate, tarry, linger; be slow to act; dawdle; doubt; cunctum|all (pl.) (N); all with a stated/implied exception; cunctus|altogether (usu. pl.), in a body; every, all, entire; total/complete; whole of; cunctus|all (pl.) (M); all with a stated/implied exception; cuncumque|whenever; cuneatim|in a closely packed/wedge formation; in the form of a wedge, wedge-shaped; cuneatio|action of making wedge-shaped/tapering; wedge-shaped point (nose) (L+S); cuneatus|wedge-shaped, cuneiform; tapering; pointed like a wedge (L+S); cuneiformis|cuneiformed; cunela|plant (genus Cetera, savory); (also called canal and origanum L+S); cuneo|wedge in, secure by wedging; force in like a wedge; form a wedge, taper; mass; cuneolus|small wedge; pin; small gore/triangular piece (L+S); cuneus|wedge; wedge-shaped stone/area/rack/block of seats; battalion/etc in a wedge; cunica|bushing; (fitted round the axle on which millstones revolve); cunicularis|of/pertaining to the rabbit, rabbit-; (of an herb); cunicularius|miner; (military slang); (burrows like a rabbit); cuniculatim|in channels; cuniculator|miner; (burrows like a rabbit); cuniculatus|in the form of a channel or tube; cuniculosus|abounding in rabbits, full of rabbits; full of/abounding in caves/burrows (L+S); cuniculum|excrement, filth; (fluxus ventris); (menstrual discharge?); cuniculus|rabbit; underground tunnel/burrow/hole; mine/excavation; channel; secret device; cunila|plant (genus Satureia, savory); (also called conila and origanum L+S); cunilago|plant (variety of genus Satureia, savory); cunio|defecate; cunnilingus|type of sexual perversion, practicing cunnilingus; cunnio|type of sexual pervert, one practicing cunnilingus; cunnuliggeter|type of sexual pervert, one practicing cunnilingus; cunnus|female pudenda/external genitalia; a female; unchaste woman; (rude); cunula|little cradle (usu. pl.); cunula|plant (genus Satureia, savory); (also called conila and origanum L+S); cupa|bar of an oil press (axle for millstones); axle; crooked handle (L+S); cupa|barrel, cask, vat, tun; (esp. for wine); niche in a columbarium (for ashes); cupa|dancing-girl; female tavern-keeper and castanet-dancer (L+S); female vintner; cuparius|maker of casks, cooper; cupedia|gourmandism; fondness for dainties (L+S); daintiness; delicacies (pl.); cupedinarius|of/pertaining to dainty dishes/delicacies; [forem ~ => delicacy market in Rome]; cupedium|delicacy, tidbit; (usu. pl.) delicacies; dainty dishes, tidbits (L+S); cupedo|delicacy; desire; [forem ~ => delicacy market in Rome]; cupella|small vat/cask; cupes|gluttonous; fond of delicacies (L+S); dainty; cupide|eagerly/zealously/passionately; w/alacrity; hastily/rashly; partially/unfairly; cupiditas|enthusiasm/eagerness/passion; (carnal) desire; lust; greed/usury/fraud; ambition cupidium|delicacy, tidbit; (usu. pl.) delicacies; dainty dishes, tidbits (L+S); cupido|desire/love/wish/longing (passionate); lust; greed, appetite; desire for gain; Cupido|Cupid, son of Venus; personification of carnal desire; cupidus|eager/passionate; longing for/desirous of (with gen.); greedy; wanton/lecherous; cupiens|desirous, eager for, longing; anxious; cupienter|eagerly, avidly; earnestly (L+S); cupio|wish/long/be eager for; desire/want, covet; desire as a lover; favor, wish well; cupisco|wish, desire; cupita|beloved, loved one; cupitor|one who desires/wishes; seeker after; cupitum|one's desire, that which one desires; cupitus|much desired/longed for; cupitus|beloved, loved one; cupla|small barrel/cask/tub; niche in a columbarium (for ashes); small burying vault; cupla|string, rope; tie, bond, fastening; leash, harness; mooring cable; ligament; cupla|friendly/close relationship, bond, intimate connection; (used in grammar); cupo|shopkeeper, salesman, huckster; innkeeper, keeper of a tavern; cupona|landlady; (female) shopkeeper, innkeeper; inn, tavern, lodging-house; cuppa|bar of an oil press (on which millstones were mounted); axle; cuppa|barrel, cask, tun; niche in a columbarium (for ashes); cuppedenarius|confectioner; maker/seller of delicacies; cuppedia|gourmandism; fondness for dainties (L+S); daintiness; delicacies (pl.); cuppedinarius|confectioner; maker/seller of delicacies; cuppedinarius|of/pertaining to dainty dishes/delicacies; [forem ~ => delicacy market in Rome]; cuppedium|delicacy, tidbit; (usu. pl.) delicacies; dainty dishes, tidbits (L+S); cuppedo|desire/longing/love (passionate); lust; greed, appetite; desire for gain; cuppedo|delicacy; desire; [forem ~ => delicacy market in Rome]; cuppes|gluttonous; fond of delicacies (L+S); dainty; cuppula|small barrel/cask/tub; niche in a columbarium (for ashes); small burying vault; cupressetum|cypress wood/grove/plantation; cupresseus|of cypress; of/belonging to cypress trees; made of cypress wood; cypress-; cupressifer|cypress-bearing; cupressinus|of cypress; of/belonging to cypress trees; made of cypress wood; cypress-; cupressus|cypress-tree; cypress oil/wood, cypress-wood casket, spear of cypress-wood; cupressus|cypress-tree; cypress oil/wood, cypress-wood casket, spear of cypress-wood; cupreus|copper-. of copper; cuprinus|copper-. of copper; cupula|small barrel/cask/tub; niche in a columbarium (for ashes); small burial vault; cupula|small crooked handle; cur|why, wherefore; for what reason/purpose?; on account of which?; because; cura|concern, worry, anxiety, trouble; attention, care, pains, zeal; cure, treatment; cura|office/task/responsibility/post; administration, supervision; command (army); curabilis|requiring medical treatment; that is to be apprehended/feared (L+S); curable; curagendarius|manager, overseer; curago|manage, take charge; curalium|coral; (esp. red coral); curandus|patient; (medical); curans|one who treats a patient; physician (L+S); curara|curare; curate|carefully, with care; diligently; elaborately; curatela|guardianship; curatio|treatment, surgical operation, medical care; healing/curing; object of care; curatio|administration, management, taking charge; office charged with duties; curator|manager, superintendent, supervisor, overseer; keeper; guardian (of minor/ward); curatoria|guardian; (of minor/woman/imbecile); trustee; (for absent person); curatoricius|of/belonging to an overseer; [equi ~ => horses of the provincial commissary]; curatoritius|of/belonging to an overseer; [equi ~ => horses of the provincial commissary]; curatorius|of/belonging to a curator/guardian; pertaining to guardianship (L+S); curatrix|guardian (female); curatura|treatment/care/attention; office of curator/guardian; management/superintendence curatus|well looked after; carefully prepared; anxious, solicitous, earnest; curculio|grain-worm/weevil; weevil; curculiunculus|small/little weevil; something trifling/worthless (L+S); curcuma|curcuma; (spice); Curena|Cyrenae (pl.), town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete; Curene|Cyrenae (pl.), town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete; cures|spear; (Sabine word); curia|senate; meeting house; curia/division of Roman people; court (Papal/royal); curialis|member of the same curia (district/division of the Roman people); curialis|of/belonging/pertaining to a curia (district/division of the Roman people); curialitas|courtesy; courtliness; curiatim|by curia (the 30 divisions of the Roman people); curiatius|of curiae; (w/Comitia) (pl.) assembly in which people voted according to curia; curiatus|of curiae; (w/Comitia) (pl.) assembly in which people voted according to curia; curilis|of/belonging/pertaining to chariots/chariot race; curio|lean, emaciated; wasted by sorrow; (pun on curiosus); curio|priest presiding over a curia; crier/herald; [~ maximus => chief of this sect]; curionatus|office of curio (priest presiding over a curia); curionius|of/pertaining to the priest of a curia; curionus|priest presiding over a curia; crier/herald; [~ maximus => chief of this sect]; curiose|carefully/attentively, w/care; elaborately; curiously/inquisitively, w/curiosity curiositas|curiosity, inquisitiveness; excessive eagerness for knowledge; nosiness; curiosulus|somewhat inquisitive/curious/nosy; curiosus|careful, diligent, painstaking; attentive; fussy; meddlesome, interfering; curiosus|labored/elaborate/complicated; eager to know, curious, inquisitive; careworn; curiosus|spy, one who is prying; scout; informer; class of secret spys; secret police; curis|spear; (Sabine word); curito|give frequent/abundant attention to; take care of, cherish (L+S); curius|grievous; full of sorrow; curo|arrange/see/attend to; take care of; provide for; worry/care about; heal/cure; curo|undertake; procure; regard w/anxiety/interest; take trouble/interest; desire; curotrophoe|nourishing children; currax|agile, quick, swift, lively; running fast (L+S); [laqueus ~ => running noose]; currens|current; curriculo|on the double, at the run; quickly; curriculum|act of running; race; lap, track; chariot; course of action/heavenly bodies; currilis|of/belonging/pertaining to chariots/chariot race; curro|run/trot/gallop, hurry/hasten/speed, move/travel/proceed/flow swiftly/quickly; currulis|of/belonging/pertaining to chariots/chariot race; currus|chariot, light horse vehicle; triumphal chariot; triumph; wheels on plow; cart; cursatio|action of running; a running; cursilitas|running about (act/action of); cursim|swiftly/rapidly; hastily, without great pain, cursorily; in passing; at the run; cursio|action of running; cursitatio|running about to-and-fro/hither-and-thither (act/action of); cursito|run about/to-and-fro/habitually; race/run races; resort frequently; be in motion cursivus|cursive print, italic print; curso|run/rush/hurry to-and-fro/hither-and-thither; run constantly about; run over; cursor|runner; chariot-racer; courier/carrier/messenger; footman (run before carriage); cursor|cursor (of an instrument); cursoria|yacht, cutter; cursorium|mail, public post; cursorius|of/pertaining to running/race course; cursualis|hasty/speedy; of running/course; post-; postal; [equi ~ => post-horses]; cursura|running; (esp. in a race); cursus|running; speed/zeal; charge, onrush; forward movement/march; revolution (wheel); cursus|course/direction, line of advance, orbit; voyage/passage; race; career; series; cursus|lesson; curtisanus|courtier; curto|shorten, cut short, abbreviate; diminish; circumcise; geld; dock (dog's tail); curtus|mutilated; incomplete, missing a part; circumcised; castrated, gelded; docked; curulis|curule magistrate; (perh. aedile); curulis|curule (rank); (consul/praetor/curule aedile); [sella ~ => chair of state]; curulis|of/belonging/pertaining to chariots/chariot race; of ceremonial chariot; curvabilis|flexible; that may be bent; curvamen|curvature, curve/bend, bending; curved form/outline; arc (of the sky); vaulting; curvatio|curvature; bend; curvatura|curve/bend, curved shape/outline/part; rounding (L+S); vault/arched ceiling; curvatus|curved, bent; crooked; swelling; curvesco|be crooked/curved; make a curve; curvilineus|curvilinear; in a curved line; curvitas|crookedness; curvature; curvo|bend/arch, make curved/bent; form a curve; make stoop/bow/yield; influence; curvor|curvature; crookedness (L+S); curvum|curve; curved object or line; that which is crooked/wrong (L+S); (morally); curvus|curved/bent/arched; crooked; morally wrong; stooped/bowed; winding; w/many bends cuscolium|excrescence on kind of holm oak used for scarlet dye; berry of the oak (L+S); cusculium|excrescence on kind of holm oak used for scarlet dye; berry of the oak (L+S); cuscussum|couscous; (Moroccan food); cusio|stamping of money; (coining?); cuso|coin/stamp money; cuspidatim|like a spear-point; to a point; with a point (L+S); cuspido|tip, provide with a point; make pointed (L+S); cuspis|point/tip (spear), pointed end; spit/stake; blade; javelin/spear/lance; sting; cussiliris|lazy/idle/sluggish; spiritless; cowardly, faint-hearted; ignoble, mean; useless; cussinus|cushion; custodela|custody (of person/thing), charge, keeping; watch. guard, care (L+S); custodia|protection, safe-keeping, defense, preservation; custody, charge; prisoner; custodia|watch/guard/picket; guard post/house; prison; confinement; protective space; custodiarium|watch/guard house; custodiarius|jailer, warder; custodio|guard/protect/preserve, watch over, keep safe; take heed/care, observe; restrain custodiola|place of confinement; (tomb); custodite|cautiously, guardedly; carefully (L+S); custoditio|protection, guarding; guardianship (L+S); keeping, observance; custos|guard; sentry/watch; guardian/protector/keeper; doorkeeper/watchman/janitor; custos|jailer, warden; poll watcher; spy; garrison; container; replacement vine shoot; cusuc|shanty, small hut; cuticula|skin; cuticle; cutio|small insect; millipede; cutis|skin; external appearance, surface; person, body; leather/hide; rind; membrane; cutitus|skinned, skinable; (used in sense of having sexual intercourse); cyamias|precious stone (unidentified); beanstone (L+S); cyamos|Egyptian bean (Nelumbium speciosum); (also called colocasia L+S); cyamus|Egyptian bean (Nelumbium speciosum); (also called colocasia L+S); cyanea|Cyanea; two rocky islands at Pontus Euxinus; cyaneus|dark blue; sea blue (L+S); cyanos|precious stone (like lapis-lazuli); blue cornflower/blue-bottle Centaurea cyanus cyanus|precious stone (like lapis-lazuli); blue cornflower/blue-bottle Centaurea cyanus cyathiscus|kind of forceps; cyathisso|ladle out wine; fill a cyathus/ladle (L+S); cyathus|1/12 sextarius/pint; shot (liquid measure); 10 drachmae (dry measure); cyatus|1/12 sextarius/pint; shot (liquid measure); 10 drachmae (dry measure); cyatus|wine-ladle; wine-measure, shot; office of wine-mixer/cup-bearer; cybaea|merchantman, transport/merchant/cargo ship; (with or without navis); cybaeus|transport/merchant/cargo (of a ship); cyberneticus|cybernetic; cybiarius|dealer in salt fish; (dubious); cybicus|cubic, cubical; of cubes; cybindis|nocturnal bird of prey; night hawk (L+S); cybion|young tunny; chopped and salted pieces of young tunnyfish; cybium|young tunny; chopped and salted pieces of young tunnyfish; cybus|cube (geometric figure), die/dice; lump; cubic number; cyceon|drink made with barley-grits and grated goat-cheese and wine; cychramus|bird accompanying quail on migration; (perh. corncrake/landrail); (ortolan L+S); cycladatus|dressing/dressed in a cyclas (light female outer garment with decorated border); cyclaminon|plant cycamen, sowbread; (Cyclamen Europaeum L+S); cyclaminos|plant cycamen, sowbread; (Cyclamen Europaeum L+S); cyclaminum|plant cycamen, sowbread; (Cyclamen Europaeum L+S); cyclas|female's light outer garment with decorative border; state robe of women (L+S); cyclicus|cyclic; of Epic cycle (poet); (perh.) conventional, commonplace; encyclopedic; cyclophoreticus|circular, moving in a circle; Cyclops|Cyclops; one of the Cyclopes (one-eyed giants of Sicily); (esp. Polyphemus); cyclus|cycle; circle; cycnarium|kind of eye-salve; cycneus|of/pertaining to a swan, swan-like; [vox ~ => swan-song, last utterance]; cycnion|kind of eye-salve; cycnium|kind of eye-salve; cycnon|kind of eye-salve; cycnus|swan; (favorable omen); (drawing chariot of Venus); cydarum|kind of small ship; Cydonea|Cydonia, city in Crete; (now Canea L+S)) Cydonia|Cydonia, city in Crete; (now Canea L+S)) cydonium|quince wine/juice; quince (pl.); cydonius|quince tree; cygnus|swan; (favorable omen); (drawing chariot of Venus); cyitis|precious stone (unidentified); cyix|bulbous plant; cylindratus|cylindrical, shaped like a cylinder; cylindricus|cylindrical; cylindrus|cylinder; stone roller (for leveling the ground); gem cut in cylindrical form; cylisterium|kind of exercise room in a bathing establishment; cylix|cup; cylon|hollowness of the eyes; cylon|kind of azurite; (blue carbonate of copper, valuable ore); cyma|spring shoots of cabbage/similar; hollow sphere (L+S); spherical layer, stratum; cyma|spring shoots of cabbage/similar; hollow sphere (L+S); spherical layer, stratum; cymatile|bluish garment; cymatilis|wave/sea colored; water-colored, blue (L+S); of the waves; [deus ~ => Neptune]; cymation|molding; (esp. echinus of Ionic capital); channel, waved molding on ogee (L+S) cymatium|molding; (esp. echinus of Ionic capital); channel, waved molding on ogee (L+S) cymba|skiff, small boat; (esp. that in which Charon ferried the dead across the Styx); cymbalaris|plant; (also called cotyedon); cymbalicus|of/pertaining to a cymbal; cymbalisso|play/strike the cymbals; cymbalista|cymbal-player; cymbalistes|cymbal-player; cymbalistria|cymbal-player (female); cymbalon|cymbal; (term for tedious/stupid speaker); cymbals (usu. pl.); valve; cymbalum|cymbal; (term for tedious/stupid speaker); cymbals (usu. pl.); valve; cymbium|small cup/bowl/drinking vessel; (especially for wine); lamp in same form (L+S); cymbula|small boat; cyminatum|cummin/cumin spice; cyminatus|seasoned/mixed with cummin/cumin; cymindis|nocturnal bird of prey; night hawk (L+S); cymininus|of cummin/cumin; (oil); cyminum|cummin/cumin (plant/seed); (spice/drug); cymosus|full of/abounding in young sprouts; cymula|small molding; tender sprout (L+S); cyna|tree in Arabia that produced cotton; cynacantha|kind of thorn; (perh. dog-rose); cynanche|inflammation of the throat (which caused the tongue to be thrust out); cynapanxis|kind of rose; cynarium|remedy for eye trouble; cynas|Arabian tree; cynegiolum|group of hunters; cynice|after the manner of the Cynics; cynicus|of/pertaining to Cynic philosophy; [spasticus ~ => who has facial paralysis]; cynifes|kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; lice/flies/others (OLD); cyniola|kind of lettuce; cyniphs|kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; lice/flies/others (OLD); cynismus|Cynical philosophy or conduct; cynocardamon|kind of nasturtium; cynocauma|heat of the dog-days; cynocephalea|plant; (kind of snapdragon Misopates orontium); dog's-head, magic plant (L+S); cynocephalia|plant; (kind of snapdragon Misopates orontium); dog's-head, magic plant (L+S); cynocephalion|plant; (kind of snapdragon Misopates orontium); dog's-head, magic plant (L+S); cynocephalus|dog-faced baboon; (prob. Simia hamadryas); Anubis (L+S); kind of wild man; cynodon|having pairs of projecting teeth; cynoglossos|plant, hound's-tongue; another plant producing small burs (L+S); cynoides|plant; (prob. Plantago psyllium); cynomazon|plant, dog-bread; cynomia|bitting fly (Vulgate); dog-fly (Souter); cynomorium|parasitic plant, dodder; broom-rape (also called orobanche) (L+S); cynomyia|plant; (prob. Plantago psyllium); herb fleabane (L+S); dog-fly (Souter); cynon|kind of eye-salve; cynophanis|men (pl.) with dog's heads; cynops|marine animal (unidentified); plant dog's eye (L+S); cynorrhoda|dog-rose; kind of lily; blossom of the red lily (L+S); cynorrhodon|dog-rose; kind of lily; blossom of the red lily (L+S); cynorrhodum|dog-rose; kind of lily; blossom of the red lily (L+S); cynorroda|dog-rose; kind of lily; blossom of the red lily (L+S); cynorrodon|dog-rose; kind of lily; blossom of the red lily (L+S); cynorrodum|dog-rose; kind of lily; blossom of the red lily (L+S); cynosbatos|kind of rose; caper (plant/fruit); dog-rose (L+S); wild-briar; black current; cynosdexia|marine animal (unidentified); sea-polypus (L+S); cynosorchis|kind of orchid; plant, hound's-cod (L+S); cynospastos|kind of rose; caper (plant/fruit); dog-rose (L+S); wild-briar; black current; Cynosura|Little Dipper/Bear (constellation); mythical person, nurse of Zeus; cynosurus|addled; (of eggs); cynozolon|plant; thistle; (also called chamaeleon/ulophonon, prob. Chamaeleon niger L+S); cyparissias|kind of comet/meteor; kind of fiery meteors (pl.) (L+S); cyparissias|species of tithymatus/spurge; cyparissifer|cypress-bearing; cyparissos|plant (unidentified); cyparissus|cypress-tree; cypress oil/wood, cypress-wood casket, spear of cypress-wood; cyparittias|species of spurge; cyperis|root of the plant cyperos (kind of rush); cyperon|plant, galingale; preparation of its aromatic root; cyperos|plant, galingale; preparation of its aromatic root; cyperum|plant, galingale; preparation of its aromatic root; cyperus|plant, galingale; preparation of its aromatic root; cyphi|Egyptian perfuming powder; cyphus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; cypira|Indian plant; (prob. turmeris Curcuma longa); cypiros|one/several sorts of gladiolus; (confused with cyperos); cypirus|one/several sorts of gladiolus; (confused with cyperos); cypressinus|of cypress; of/belonging to cypress trees; made of cypress wood; cypress-; cypressus|cypress-tree; cypress oil/wood, cypress-wood casket, spear of cypress-wood; cypreus|henna; copper-. of copper (L+S); [oleum ~ => henna oil]; Cyprianus|Cyprian; (St./Bishop of Carthage, ?-258, first great Church organizer); cyprinum|henna oil; fragrant oil from blossoms of cyprus, cyprus oil/ointment (L+S); cyprinum|precious stone (unidentified); cyprinus|of the henna tree Lawsonia inermis; henna oil; copper-. of copper (L+S); cyprinus|carp; henna oil; cyprus oil/ointment; Cypris|Cyprus; (island); Cyprius|Cyprian, of/belonging to Cyprus; (island); (plants/metals); of Cyprian copper; Cyprius|Cypiran, inhabitant of Cyprus; (island); cypros|henna-tree, Egyptian privet Lawsonia inermis; tree which yielded cyprium (L+S); Cypros|Cyprus; (island); cyprum|Cyprian copper; cyprum|henna oil; cyprus|good; (Sabine for bonus); cyprus|henna-tree, Egyptian privet Lawsonia inermis; tree which yielded cyprium (L+S); Cyprus|Cyprus; (island); cypselus|bird; (perh. swift); Cyrena|Cyrenae (pl.), town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete; Cyrenaeus|Cyrenean (of town in north-west Libia and associated district including Crete); Cyrenaeus|Cyrenean, inhabitant of Cyrenae (town in north-west Libia/district w/Crete); Cyrene|Cyrenae (pl.), town in north-west Libia, associated district including Crete; Cyreneus|Cyrenean (of town in north-west Libia and associated district including Crete); Cyreneus|Cyrenean, inhabitant of Cyrenae (town in north-west Libia/district w/Crete); Cyrillus|Cyril; cysthos|female pudenda/exterior genitalia; cytinus|undeveloped flower/calyx of the pomegranate; cytis|precious stone (unidentified); cytisum|fodder plant, tree-medick Medicago arborea; wood of this; scrubby snail-clover; cytisus|fodder plant, tree-medick Medicago arborea; wood of this; scrubby snail-clover; cytoplasma|cytoplasm; cytropus|chafing dish/pot with feet (for cooking directly over coals on the ground); d|obliged; bound (to pay), condemned to pay; sentenced; (abb. d. in inscription); d|diem, abb. d; in calendar expression a. d. = ante diem = before the day; D|Decimus (Roman praenomen); (abb. D.); D|Dominus, Lord; abb. D; [calendar AD/Anno Domini => in the year of our Lord]; dablas|kind of Arabian palm; (bears delicious fruit L+S); dacrima|tear (usu. pl.), weeping, shedding of tears; (old form of lacrima); dacrima|juice; exuded gum/sap from plant; quicksilver from ore; dirge; dactylicus|dactylic; of/characterized by dactyls (metric foot long-short-short); dactyliotheca|box/case/casket for rings; (and its contents); dactylis|kind of grape; (long like a finger); dactylogramma|digital print; dactylus|dactyl (metrical foot long-short-short); long (finger-like) grape/date/mollusk; daduchus|priest carrying torch (who guided initiates to-be at the Eleusinian mysteries); daedale|artistically, skillfully; daedalus|skillful, dexterous; skillfully made/worked; [Daedalus => built Labyrinth]; daedalus|artificial, artificially contrived; variously adorned, ornamented; variegated; daemon|spirit, supernatural being, intermediary between man and god; evil demon/devil; daemoniacus|demonic, devilish; pertaining to an evil spirit; daemoniacus|demonic, one possessed by evil spirits; daemonicola|heathen; worshipper of devils; daemonicus|demonic, devilish; belonging to an evil spirit; daemonion|spirit; Socrates' indwelling genius; familiar; little spirit (L+S); demon/devil; daemonium|spirit; Socrates' indwelling genius; familiar; little spirit (L+S); demon/devil; dagnades|kind of bird in Egypt; daleth|dalet/daleth; (4th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as D); dalia|dahlia; dalmatia|Dalmatia; dalmatica|dalmitic, vestment of deacon; dama|fallow/red-deer; small member of deer family; gazelle/antelope; doe; slave name; damalio|calf; Damascenus|Damascus-, of/from Damascus; (city in Syria); made of damask (fabric); Damascenus|inhabitant of Damascus; (city in Syria); [~ pruna => Damascus/damson plums]; Damascos|Damascus; (city in Syria); Damascus|Damascus; (city in Syria); damasonion|water plantain; damasonium|water plantain; damium|sacrifice made in secret in honor of the Bonae Deae; damiurgus|magistrate in various Greek states; play by Turpilus; damma|fallow/red-deer; small member of deer family; gazelle/antelope; doe; dammula|little deer (as a small and harmless animal); little fallow deer (L+S); damnabilis|damnable, worthy of condemnation/damnation; damnabiliter|culpably; damnas|obliged; bound (to pay), condemned to pay; sentenced; (abb. d. in inscription); damnaticius|condemned; sentenced; damnatio|condemnation (in a court of law); obligation under a will; adverse judgment; damnatio|damnation; [~ memoriae => erasing all record/images of defeated rivals]; damnatitius|condemned; sentenced; damnator|one who condemns; damnatorius|condemnatory; that involves/indicates condemnation; damnatus|condemned; found guilty; reprobate (L+S); criminal; hateful, wretched; damned; damnaustra|Damnaustra!; (word of charm to cure dislocated joint); damnifico|injure; fine; damnificus|injurious, hurtful, pernicious; that causes loss; damnigerulus|injurious, hurtful, pernicious; damno|pass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom; damno|discredit; seek/secure condemnation of; find fault; bind/oblige under a will; damnose|ruinously, so as to cause loss; to the injury of (L+S); excessively; damnosus|harmful/detrimental/ruinous; prodigal/spendthrift; that causes financial loss; damnula|little deer (as a small and harmless animal); little fallow deer (L+S); damnum|financial/property/physical loss/damage/injury; forfeiture/fine; lost possession dampnaticius|condemned; sentenced; dampnatio|condemnation (in a court of law); obligation under a will; adverse judgment; dampnatitius|condemned; sentenced; dampnatus|condemned; found guilty; reprobate (L+S); criminal; hateful, wretched; dampno|pass/pronounce judgment, find guilty; deliver/condemn/sentence; harm/damn/doom; dampno|discredit; seek/secure condemnation of; find fault; bind/oblige under a will; dampnum|financial/property/physical loss/damage/injury; forfeiture/fine; lost possession damula|doe; gazelle; Danicus|Danish; Daniel|Daniel; prophet Daniel; book of Old Testament; danista|money-lender; usurer; danisticus|of/pertaining to money-lenders or usury; money-lending, usurious (L+S); dannaustra|Damnaustra!; (word of charm to cure dislocated joint); Danus|Dane; dapalis|sacrificial; of/pertaining to a sacrificial feast; dapatice|splendidly, in fine/lordly manner/language; superbly; proudly/boastfully; dapaticus|splendid/excellent; sumptuous/magnificent/stately; noble/eminent; proud/boastful daphine|laurel-tree; bay-tree; daughter of river-god Peneus changed into laurel-tree; daphne|laurel-tree; bay-tree; daughter of river-god Peneus changed into laurel-tree; daphneas|precious stone (unidentified); daphnias|precious stone (unidentified); daphnitis|kind of casia/cinnamon resembling bay; daphnoides|epithet of spurge laurel Daphne laureola; kind of clematis (or cassia L+S); daphnon|grove of laurels; dapifer|servant who waited at tables; dapifex|servant who prepared food; dapino|provide for; meet the cost of; serve up (as food) (L+S); dapis|sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals; daps|sacrificial feast/meal; feast, banquet; food composing it; food/meal of animals; dapsile|plentifully, copiously, abundantly; sumptuously, bountifully (L+S); dapsilis|sumptuous, plentiful, abundant; richly provided with everything (L+S); dapsiliter|plentifully, copiously, abundantly; sumptuously, bountifully (L+S); dardanarius|speculator; (in grain); forestaller (buys up goods before they reach market); dartos|name of membrane enclosing the testicles; dasea|rough-breathing; dasia|rough-breathing; dasypus|kind of hare; sort of rabbit (L+S); dataim|by giving in turn/reciprocally/hand-to-hand/from one to another; (sex metaphor); Dataria|Dataria Apostolica, office of Roman Curia issuing dispensations/appointments; datarius|concerned with giving away; that is given away; be given away (L+S); Datarius|Cardinal-President of Dataria Apostolica; (office of Curia for dispensations); dathiathum|kind of incense; (reddish L+S); datio|giving/assigning/allotting/handing over (act), transfer; donation/gift; payment; dativus|assigned (guardian); pertaining to giving; given, appointed (L+S); dativus|dative; (grammatical case); dato|be in habit of giving; make a practice of giving; give away, administer (L+S); dator|giver, donor, patron; slave who hands the ball to the player (L+S); datum|present/gift; that which is given; debit; [~ dandis => w/all supplied]; datus|act of giving; daucon|name of various plants; (prob. Athamanta cretensis); like parsnip/carrot (L+S); daucos|name of various plants; (prob. Athamanta cretensis); like parsnip/carrot (L+S); daucum|name of various plants; (prob. Athamanta cretensis); like parsnip/carrot (L+S); dautium|entertainment provided for foreign guests of the state of Rome; state banquet; David|David; David|David; de|down/away from, from, off; about, of, concerning; according to; with regard to; dea|goddess; deacinatus|cleared from the grapes; (skins OLD); deacino|cleanse of grape-skins/etc.; deaconus|deacon; cleric of minor orders (first/highest level); deactio|conclusion?; finishing (L+S); deaduoco|dis-avow; deago|remove, take off; dealbamentum|whitewash; dealbatio|whitewashing; dealbator|whitewasher; plasterer (L+S); pargeter; one who whitens over; dealbatus|whitewashed; plastered; dealbo|whitewash; whiten (over); plaster, parget (L+S); purify, cleanse (eccl.); deambulacrum|promenade, walk, place to walk in; deambulatio|walk; action of walking; place for walking; walking abroad, promenading (L+S); deambulatorium|gallery for walking; deambulo|take a walk, go for a walk; walk abroad (L+S); walk much; promenade; deamo|love dearly; be passionately/desperately in love with; be delighted with/obliged deargento|take/deprive/strip of silver/money; (late) silver/plate over (L+S); deargumentor|decide finally; dearmo|disarm; deprive of power; blunt; deartuo|dismember; rend limb from limb (L+S); ruin; deasceo|cut/shape smoothly; efface by cutting, rub out; get the better of; hew/cut w/ax; deascio|cut/shape smoothly; efface by cutting, rub out; get the better of; hew/cut w/ax; deaurator|gilder; (one who covers with gold leaf of plate); deauratus|gilded; (covered with gold leaf/plate); deauro|gild, gild over; (cover with gold leaf or plate); debacchatio|fury; passionate raving; debacchor|rage; rave; (like Bacchantes); revel wildly (L+S); rage without control; debattuo|belabor/batter/beat, thump hard; bang; (of sexual intercourse, usu. adulterous); debatuo|belabor/batter/beat, thump hard; bang; (of sexual intercourse, usu. adulterous); debellator|conqueror; subduer; debellatrix|conqueress; she who conquers; debello|fight out/to a finish; bring a battle/war to an end; vanquish, subdue; debeo|owe; be indebted/responsible for/obliged/bound/destined; ought, must, should; debibo|drink of; debilis|weak/feeble/frail; crippled/disabled; wanting/deprived (competence); ineffective debilitas|weakness, infirmity, debility, lameness; feebleness (intellectual/moral); debilitatio|mutilation; act/process of disabling/maiming/laming; enfeeblement (of the mind); debiliter|impotently; with weakness, feebly; lamely, infirmly (L+S); debilito|weaken/disable/incapacitate/impair/maim/lame/cripple; deprive of power (to act); debitio|indebtedness; state/fact of owing; the debt (L+S); debitor|debtor, one who owes; one under obligation to pay; one indebted (for service); debitrix|debtor (female); one under obligation to pay; one indebted (for service); debitum|debt/what is owed; (his) due; duty; that due/ought to occur; [w/voli => by vow]; debitus|due, owed; owing; appropriate, becoming; doomed, destined, fated; deblatero|babble, utter in a foolish manner; blab out (L+S); debrio|intoxicate; debuccino|trumpet forth; debucino|trumpet forth; Dec|December (month/mensis understood); abb. Dec.; decachinno|deride, laugh to scorn; decachordum|musical instrument of ten strings; decachordus|ten-stringed; decacordum|musical instrument of ten strings; decacordus|ten-stringed; decacro|consecrate, dedicate; assign/devote (to purpose/function); deify (person) (L+S); decacuminatio|topping of tree; removal by lopping of the crown of a tree; decacumino|top a tree; remove the crown of a tree by lopping; decalautico|remove/relieve/deprive of a calautica (shoulder-length woman's headdress/hood); decalcificatio|decalcification; decalco|plaster with lime; coat thoroughly with whitewash; decalesco|become warm; decalicator|hard drinker; (who is plastered/stiff?); decalicatum|thing plastered/coated thoroughly with whitewash/lime; decalicatus|coated thoroughly with whitewash; plastered with lime; decalifacio|warm thoroughly; warm through-and-through; decalifio|be/become warmed thoroughly/through-and-through; (decalifacio PASS); Decalogus|Decalogue; Ten Commandments as body of law; decalvatio|making bald; shaving/cutting/removing the hair; decalvatus|shorn; (of hair); (Sampson); decalvo|make bald, remove the hair; cut/shear off the hair; decametrum|decameter/decametre; linear measure of ten meters; decanatus|function of dean; decanicum|branch of astrology based on division of signs of Zodiac into thirds (pl.); decanicum|building belonging to the church; decanium|divisions/thirds (pl.) of the Zodiac; (for astrology); decano|celebrate by singing; decantatio|talkativeness; decanto|decant; decanto|chant, recite singing; reel off, repeat often/harp on; prattle; bewitch/enchant; decantus|deanery; deanship, office of dean; decanus|dean; chief of ten, one set over ten persons/soldiers/monks; imperial officer; decapito|decapitate; behead; decaprotia|office/dignity of the decaproti; (ten chief men/magistrates in municipia); decaprotus|municipal finance committee (pl.); ten chief men/magistrates in municipia; decargyrum|large silver coin; decarmino|make prose of verse; disarrange the order of words (in a verse); decarno|take off the flesh; decarpo|pluck, pull/tear/snip off, pick; cull; reap/procure/gather; catch/snatch; remove decas|decade; decastylos|decastyle, having ten columns; decatressis|members (pl.) of collegium at Puteoli which held reunions on 13th of the month; decaulesco|form a stem; run to stalk; dececro|consecrate, dedicate; assign/devote (to purpose/function); deify (person) (L+S); decedo|withdraw/retire, go off/away, depart, leave; relinquish/cease; desert/abandon; decedo|quit office and return home; make/get out of the way; yield; wane; fall short; decedo|stray/digress; pass away/depart life, die; subside/cease (feelings); disappear; decello|deviate, turn aside; decem|ten; (ten men); December|December; (the 10th month of the old calender, 12th/last month after Caesar); December|December (month/mensis understood); abb. Dec.; of/pertaining to December; decemjugis|ten-horse (chariot/wagon); ten-yoked; equipped for yoking ten draught animals; decemmestris|of ten months; decemmodia|basket holding ten modii; (total 2.5 bushels); decemmodius|containing ten modii; (total 2.5 bushels); decempeda|ten-foot measuring rod; a ten foot pole; length of ten feet; decempedalis|ten feet long; decempedator|land-surveyor/measurer; (uses a decempeda/ten-foot measuring pole); decemplex|ten-fold; decemplicatus|ten times over; multiplied by ten; decemplico|multiply by ten; Decemprimatus|office/dignity of the decemprimi/decaproti; (ten chief men in municipia); Decemprimus|municipal finance committee (pl.); ten chief men/magistrates in municipia; decemprimus|one of 10 seniors of the senate/priesthood in municipium/colonia; abb. xprimus; decemremis|large warship; (precise arrangement of oars not determined); ten-oared (L+S); decemremis|ten-oared; having ten banks of oars?; decemscalmus|ten-oared; having ten rows/banks of oars; decemvir|decemvir, one of ten men; (commission of ten, board with consular powers); decemviralis|of/belonging to a decemvirate (office of decemvir); abb. xviralis; decemviraliter|in the manner of the decemviri; decemviratus|office of decemvir; abb. xviratus; decendium|period of ten days; decennal|festival (pl.); (originally every 10th anniversary of an emperor's accession); decennalis|recurring every tenth year; decennis|of ten years; lasting ten years; ten years old; decennium|period of ten years; festival (pl.) (every 10th anniversary of emperor); decennius|of ten years (pl.); decennovalis|of nineteen years; decens|appropriate, decent/seemly/becoming, in approved standard; pleasing/graceful; decenter|appropriately/decently, with good taste; becomingly, pleasingly, gracefully; decentia|propriety, decency; comeliness, becomingness; deceptio|deception, deceit; deceitfulness; deceptor|deceiver, betrayer (of); one who plays false (to); deceptorius|deceptive; deceitful; deceptrix|that betrays or deceives; (feminine adjective); deceptrix|she who betrays or deceives; (female); deceptus|deception; deceris|ship having ten banks of oars or with oars/rowers grouped in tens in some way; deceris|having ten banks of oars or with oars/rowers grouped in tens in some way; decerminum|trimmings (pl.), prunings; leaves and boughs plucked off (L+S); beggars, refuse; decerno|decide/settle/determine/resolve; decree/declare/ordain; judge; vote for/contend; decerpo|pluck, pull/tear/snip off, pick; cull; reap/procure/gather; catch/snatch; remove decerptor|one who plucks/excerpts/extracts/quotes; decertatio|action of fighting out an issue; decision of a dispute (L+S); decisive conflict; decertator|champion; he who goes through a decisive contest; decerto|fight (issue out/to the finish); contend/dispute/argue; struggle/compete over; decervicatus|beheaded, decapitated, decollated; decessio|departure (provincial magistrate)/retirement; diminution/decrease/disappearance; decessio|transition/transferring (of words from primary to derivative meaning); decessor|magistrate retiring from his post (in the Roman provincial administration); decessus|departure; retirement (provincial magistrate); passing/death; decline/fall/ebb; decet|it is fitting/right/seemly/suitable/proper; it ought; become/adorn/grace; decetero|henceforth; decharmido|de-Charmidize, destroy identity as Charmides (character in Plautus' Trinummus); decidens|fading; falling; decidiculum|parachute; decido|fall/drop/hang/flow down/off/over; sink/drop; fail, fall in ruin; end up; die; decido|detach, cut off/out/down; fell; cut/notch/carve to delineate; flog thoroughly; decido|make explicit; put an end to, bring to conclusion, settle/decide/agree (on); deciduus|falling (down/off); hanging down; tending to be dropped, cast; deciduous (L+S); decima|tithe; tenth part; (offering/tax/largesse); tax/right to collect 10%; 10th hour; decimalis|decimal; decimana|female/wife of tax-farmer/who buys right to tithe; decimanus|of the tenth (legion); huge/outsize; of tithe; [w/porta => rear gate of camp]; decimanus|man of tenth legion; tax-farmer/who buys right to tithe; line bounding 10 actus; decimarius|pertaining to tithes; paying tithes; subject to tithes; decimatio|decimation, taking every tenth man for punishment; taking a tenth; tithing; decimatrus|holiday of the Falisci (of Etruscan culture) ten days after the ides; decimetrum|decimeter/decimetre; tenth of a meter; decimo|choose by lot every tenth man (for punishment); make tithe offering (to a god); decimum|for the tenth time; Decimus|Decimus (Roman praenomen); (abb. D.); decineratus|wholly/completely reduced/turned to ashes; decineresco|be wholly/completely reduced to ashes; decipio|cheat/deceive/mislead/dupe/trap; elude/escape notice; disappoint/frustrate/foil; decipula|trap, snare; device serving to deceive; decipulum|trap, snare; device serving to deceive; decircino|round off, make rounded/circular; decisio|settlement, agreement, decision; curtailment, diminishment; decisivus|decisive; deciding; decisorius|decisive; deciding; decitans|causing to glide down; declamatio|delivering set speech; declamation; school exercise speech; using rhetoric; declamatiuncula|short argument as oratorical exercise; subject for declamation(L+S); bawling; declamator|one who composes/delivers speeches as oratorical exercise; rhetorical declaimer; declamatorie|in a rhetorical manner; declamatorius|rhetorical, of declamation/exercise of speaking; of/belonging to a rhetorician; declamito|declaim (oratoric exercise) continually/habitually; practice rhetoric; bluster; declamo|declaim, make speeches (usu. as an oratorical exercise); bluster/bawl (L+S); declaratio|revelation, disclosure, announcement; act of making known/clear/evident; declarative|by way of explanation; declarativus|explanatory, serving for explanation; declarator|announcer; one who declares/makes known (L+S); declaratorius|declaratory; declaro|declare/announce/make known; indicate, reveal, testify, show/prove; mean (word); declinabilis|declinable, that can be (grammatically) inflected; declinatio|declination/relative sky angle; latitude; compass point; inclination; bend/slope declinatio|turning aside, swerve; avoidance; divergence/variation/digression; inflection; declinatus|inflection, manner of inflecting/declining/modifying words; inflected form; declinis|moving/bending/drooping down; declining/ebbing; turning/bending; skewed/averted; declino|deflect/divert/turnaside/swerve/change direction/deviate/dodge; digress/diverge; declino|avoid/stray; vary/be different; bend/sink down, subside/decline; lower/descend; declino|decline/conjugate/inflect (in the same manner/like); change word form, modify; declive|slope, declivity; surface sloping downwards; [per decline => downwards]; declivis|sloping, descending, sloping downwards; shelving; tending down; falling (stars); declivitas|declivity, slope, descent; tendency to slope down; falling gradient; decliviter|in a sloping manner; decludo|unclose; decoco|boil/melt (down/away); stew; (hot bath); heat to boiling; smelt, fuse; consume; decoco|ruin; (cause to) waste away; shrivel; squander; suffer loss, become bankrupt; decocta|drink made by raising water to boiling then plunging into snow to cool; decoctio|decoction; boiling down; mixture; decoctor|insolvent person, defaulting debtor; ruined spendthrift (L+S); decoctum|decoction, potion made by boiling; (usu. medicine); medicinal drink (L+S); decoctus|over-ripe (fruit); luscious (literary/rhetoric style); mature/ripe (good sense); decoctus|process of boiling (in); seething (L+S); decollatio|beheading, decapitation, decollation; decollo|trickle/drain away/from/through; drain (of); come to naught, fail (L+S); decollo|behead, cause to be beheaded; remove from the neck (according to Nonius); rob; decolo|trickle/drain away/from/through; drain (of); come to naught, fail (L+S); decolor|discolored; not normal color; (dark people); stained/faded; degenerate/depraved; decolorate|degenerately; decoloratio|discoloration; discoloring; change of color; decoloro|discolor/stain/deface, alter normal color of; disgrace, bring shame on; corrupt; decompositus|formed/derived from a compound word; deconcilio|extricate from trouble; deprive of, take away (L+S); deconctor|hesitate, delay (over), take one's time; decondo|stow away; hide deep down; secrete (by burying) (L+S); decontor|hesitate; be at a loss; decontra|facing; from a position opposite; decoquo|boil/melt (down/away); stew; (hot bath); heat to boiling; smelt, fuse; consume; decoquo|ruin; (cause to) waste away; shrivel; squander; suffer loss, become bankrupt; decor|beautiful; pleasing to the senses; decor|beauty/good looks, decent appearance; ornament; grace/elegance/charm; propriety; decoramen|adornment; ornament, decoration (L+S); decoratio|decoration; adornment; decorativus|decorative; decore|beautifully, in a pleasing manner; properly/suitably, in correct/seemly manner; decorio|skin, peel; deprive of skin or outer coating; decoris|beautiful; pleasing to the senses; decoriter|gracefully, in a pleasing manner; decoro|adorn/grace, embellish/add beauty to; glorify, honor/add honor to; do credit to; decorticatio|act/process of stripping off bark; peeling (L+S); decortico|strip away the bark/rind; peel; scrape off (outer skin); decorum|decorum, that which is suitable/seemly, propriety; decorus|beautiful/good looking/handsome/comely; adorned; graceful/elegant (non-visual); decorus|honorable, noble; glorious, decorated; decorous, proper, decent, fitting; decotes|worn/threadbare toga; decrementum|shrinkage; diminution; decrease; decremo|burn up; consume by fire; decrepitus|worn out (with age), feeble, decrepit; infirm; very old (L+S); (noiseless); decrescentia|decrease; waning (L+S); decresco|decrease; abate; diminish, dwindle, shrink; (in number/amount); be subtracted; decresco|lose vigor/intensity, decline/weaken/fade influence/reputation; grow shorter; decretale|decretals (pl.); (letter w/papal ruling/decision/response); decretalis|of decree; depending for validity on ruling of magistrate/judge's decision; decretalista|decretalist, scholar of decretals (letter w/papal ruling/decision/response); decretarius|appointed by a resolution of the civic authority; decretio|decision, decree; decretista|decretist, scholar of legal tradition of Decretum of Gratian; decretorius|decisive, critical; leading/belonging to a decision/definitive sentence (L+S); decretum|dogma, principle, doctrine; idea held w/conviction; course of action, resolve; decretum|decree, ordinance; legal decision, verdict, order (judge), sentence; vote; decrimino|defame; decrusto|peel/split off; disintegrate; decubo|get down; (from a bed); lie away from/out of (one's bed) (L+S); deculco|tread down, crush with the feet; trample upon (L+S); deculpatus|faulty, blameworthy; censurable (L+S); deculto|hide deeply, conceal vigorously; decum|tenth; (~ unda/fluctus => 10th wave, of great size); [cum decumo => tenfold]; decuma|tenth part/tithe; (offering/tax/largesse); tax/right to collect 10%; 10th hour; decumana|female/wife of tax-farmer/who buys right to tithe; decumanus|of the tenth (legion); huge/outsize; of tithe; [w/porta => rear gate of camp]; decumanus|man of tenth legion; tax-farmer/who buys right to tithe; line bounding 10 actus; decumas|land divided into groups (pl.) of ten districts or the like; relating to tithes; decumbo|to lie down, recline; take to bed; lie ill, die; fall (in a fight), fall down; decumo|choose by lot every tenth man (for punishment); make tithe offering (to a god); decuncis|measure/weight of ten unciae (ten ounces); (ten-twelfths of a unit); decunctor|hesitate, delay (over), take one's time; decunx|measure/weight of ten unciae (ten ounces); (ten-twelfths of a unit); decuplatus|tenfold; decuplus|tenfold; decuria|group/division of ten; class, social club; gang; cavalry squad; ten judges/feet; decurialis|member of a decuria (club of ten); decurialis|enrolled in a decuria (club of ten); appropriate to a decuria; decuriat|dividing into decuriae; (groups of ten); decuriatim|by decuria (club of ten); decuriatio|dividing into decuriae; [~ tribulium => voters - for corruption/intimidation]; decurio|make (cavalry) squads of ten; organize in military fashion; enroll in decuria; decurio|decurion, officer commanding a decuria (calavry squad); (also naval); foreman; decurio|member of municipal senate/governing committee of decuria; councillor; decurionalis|of/belonging to a (municipal) decurion (member of municipal senate/councillor); decurionatis|office/rank of military/municipal decurio; (squad commander/municipal senator); decurionatus|of a decurion; decurionus|decurion, officer commanding a decuria (calavry squad); (also naval); foreman; decurionus|member of municipal senate/governing committee of decuria; councillor; decuris|member of municipal senate/governing committee of decuria; councillor; decurro|run/hurry/rush/flow/slope down; hasten; travel downstream; come to land/end; decurro|run a race (over course); make for; turn (to); exercise/drill/maneuver (army); decurro|run/hurry/rush/flow/slope down; hasten; travel downstream; come to land/end; decurro|run a race (over course); make for; turn (to); exercise/drill/maneuver (army); decursio|attack from high ground, decent; raid, inroad; military pageant; flowing down; decursus|descent; downward course/slope/rush/fall/flow; attack/charge downhill; maneuver; decursus|running race/course; finish; flow (verse); coming to land; watercourse/channel; decurtatio|mutilation; decurtatus|mutilated, deprived of limbs/extremities; cut short; (also of style); decurto|cut off/short, curtail; mutilate; decurvatus|bent/curved back; decus|glory/splendor; honor/distinction; deeds; dignity/virtue; decorum; grace/beauty; decusatim|so as to make an X/produce shape of an X (for ten); crosswise; in form of X; decusatio|intersection/crossing (of lines); decusis|coin (10 asses); number ten; decade; intersection/cross of two lines, X-mark; decussatim|so as to make an X/produce shape of an X (for ten); crosswise; in form of X; decussatio|intersection/crossing (of lines); decussio|rejection; shaking off; decussis|coin (10 asses); number ten; decade; intersection/cross of two lines, X-mark; decussissexis|number sixteen; decusso|arrange crosswise; mark with a cross; divide crosswise (in form of X) (L+S); decutio|shake/strike/knock/force down/off/aside (from upright); dislodge; overturn; decutio|flay, skin; deprive of skin; dedecens|unbecoming; unsuitable; dedecor|dishonorable, shameful; unseemly, unbecoming (L+S); dedecoramentum|source of disgrace; disgrace, dishonor (L+S); dedecoratio|disgrace, dishonor; dedecorator|reviler; blasphemer; one who dishonors; dedecoro|disgrace, dishonor; bring discredit/shame on; disfigure; dedecorose|disgracefully; shamefully, dishonorably; dedecorosus|dishonorable, disgraceful, discreditable; dedecorus|dishonorable/disgraceful/discreditable/shameful; dishonoring; causing disgrace; dedect|be unsuitable/unbecoming to; bring disgrace/dishonor upon; (also TRANS); dedecus|disgrace/dishonor/discredit/shame/infamy; misbehavior; vice, turpitude (L+S); dedecus|shameful/repulsive appearance; blot, blemish (L+S); vicious act, shameful deed; dedicatio|dedication, consecration, ceremonial opening; act/rite conferring sanctity; dedicative|affirmatively; dedicativus|affirmative; dedicator|dedicator, one who dedicates; founder, author (L+S); dedicatorius|dedicatory; dedicatus|devoted; dedicated; dedico|declare/proclaim; census return; dedicate/consecrate; devote/apply/commit (to); dedico|deny, refuse; contradict; dedignatio|contempt; feeling of disdain; disdaining, refusal (L+S); dedigno|disdain; refuse (scornfully), reject with scorn, spurn; feel contempt for; dedignor|disdain; refuse (scornfully), reject with scorn, spurn; feel contempt for; dediscalus|teacher; dedisco|unlearn, forget, put out of one's mind; lose the habit of, forget (how to); dediticius|prisoners of war, captives (the surrendered); dediticius|surrendered; having surrendered; (later civil status); of surrender/capitulation deditio|surrender (of combatants/town/possessions); cession of right/title; dedititius|prisoners of war, captives (the surrendered); dedititius|surrendered; having surrendered; (later civil status); of surrender/capitulation deditus|devoted/attached to, fond of; devoted/directed/given over (to) (activity); dedo|give up/in, surrender; abandon/consign/devote (to); yield, hand/deliver over; dedoceo|cause (person) to unlearn/discard previous teaching; reeducate; teach opposite; dedolentia|abandonment of grief, ceasing to lament; dedoleo|cease to grieve; put an end to one's sorrows; dedolo|cut down; hew smooth/away/to shape; beat/cudgel badly; (of sexual intercourse); dedomo|tame; (of horses); deducibilis|deductible; deduco|lead/draw//pull/bring/stretch down/away/out/off; escort; eject/evict (claimant); deduco|divert/draw (water); draw (sword); spin; deduct/reduce/lessen; describe; deduce deduco|launch/bring downstream (ship); remove (force); entice; found/settle (colony); deducticius|colonial, having the status of a settler in a colony; deductio|drawing/draining/leading off/forth; expulsion/ejection; deduction/subtraction; deductio|colonizing/settling; billeting (army); escorting; transportation, delivery; deductivus|derivative; deductor|escort, one who acts as an escort; guide, teacher (late Latin L+S); attendant; deductorium|drain; deductorius|of/for drawing/draining off; purgative; laxative/aperient; deductus|drawn down; bent in; attenuated/slender, weak, soft (voice); fine-spun (style); deductus|downward pull; drawing/dragging down (L+S); dedux|derived; descended; deebriatus|inebriated, drunk; made drunk; deerro|go astray, wander off; miss, stray from target/goal; err/make a mistake/go wrong defaecabilis|that may be easily cleaned; defaecatio|cleansing, purifying; defaecatus|refined; defaeco|strain/clear; cleanse, remove dregs/impurities from; defecate (L+S); set at ease defaenero|exhaust, bring ruin; (by the extortion of usury); defalta|default; defamatus|infamous, having a bad reputation; defamis|disgraceful, shameful; defanatus|profaned, desecrated, unholy; defarinatus|pulverized, reduced to flour; defatigatio|weariness, fatigue; physical/mental exhaustion; state of being worn out; defatigo|tire (out), exhaust; break force of; (PASS) lose heart, weary, be discouraged; defatiscor|become exhausted/suffer exhaustion, grow weary/faint/weak, flag; lose heart; defecabilis|that may be easily cleaned; defecatio|cleansing, purifying; defeco|strain/clear; cleanse, remove dregs/impurities; defecate (L+S); set at ease; defectibilis|failing easily; defectibilitas|imperfection; defectio|desertion/revolt/defection; failure/deficiency; ellipsis (grammar); eclipse; defectio|weakness/faintness/despondency; swoon/faint, exhaustion (L+S); disappearance; defectivus|defective/imperfect; intermittent (fever); defective/lacking forms (grammar); defector|rebel, renegade; one who revolts (from); defectrix|defective, imperfect; (feminine); defectus|tired, enfeebled, worn out; faulty, defective; reduced in size, smaller; defectus|the_weak (pl.); defectus|failure/lack; absence/disappearance; weakness/failing; defection/revolt; defectus|diminution, growing less, becoming ineffective, cessation; eclipse; fading; defendito|make practice of defending (legal cases); defend often/habitually (contentions); defendo|defend/guard/protect, look after; act/speak/plead/write for defense; prosecute; defendo|repel, fend/ward off, avert/prevent; support/preserve/maintain; defend (right); defeneratus|overwhelmed by debt; exhausted by usury; defenero|exhaust, bring ruin; (by extortion of usury); involve in debt; defensa|defense; defensabilis|defensible; defensator|defender; defensatrix|defender (female), she who defends; defensibilis|easily defended; defensibiliter|defensibly; defensio|defense/protection; act of defending; argument/justification in defense, excuse; defensio|legal maintenance of a right; legal prosecution, punishment; defenso|defend/guard/protect against; act in defense against; ward off; avert constantly defensor|defender/protector; supporter/champion/apologist; defendant; defense advocate; defensorius|defense, pertaining to defense; defenstrix|defender/protector (female); supporter/apologist; defendant; defense advocate; defensum|defense; enclosure; defero|carry/bring/sink/fall down/off; convey/deliver/transfer; reduce/slope (down to); defero|flow/carry/run down (to sea); pay/remit; deposit/record/register; bear/produce; defero|bring/lodge information (about), report; indict, accuse, denounce; defer (to); defero|offer; bestow upon, confer/award/grant, entrust; submit, refer for decision; defero|honor; export (medieval usage); defervefacio|boil thoroughly (liquids/solids); seethe, cause to boil (L+S); defervefactus|heated; defervefio|be boiled thoroughly (liquids/solids); (defervefacio PASS); deferveo|go through or cease a process of heating/fermentation; rage furiously; deferveo|boil thoroughly; ferment completely (wine); effervesce (lime); subside; defervesco|come to full boil; cease boiling, cool off (fermentation); calm down, subside; defervesco|come to full boil; cease boiling, cool off (fermentation); calm down, subside; defervesco|come to full boil; cease boiling, cool off (fermentation); calm down, subside; defessus|worn out, weary, exhausted, tired; weakened (L+S); defetigatio|weariness, fatigue; physical/mental exhaustion; state of being worn out; defetigo|tire (out), exhaust; break force of; (PASS) lose heart, weary, be discouraged; defetiscentia|weariness; defetiscor|become exhausted/suffer exhaustion, grow weary/faint/tired/weak; lose heart; deficientia|want, wanting; deficio|fail/falter; run short/out; grow weak/faint; come to end; revolt/rebel, defect; deficio|pass away; become extinct, die/fade out; subside/sink; suffer eclipse, wane; deficio|fail, disappoint, let down; leave without a sufficiency; cease to be available; deficio|(PASS) be left without/wanting, lack; have shortcomings; L:come to nothing; defico|deify, make one a god; defico|strain/clear/cleanse, remove dregs/impurities from; defecate (L+S); set at ease; defigo|sink/bury/stick/thrust (weapon); fasten, fix, plant, embed; attach/affix; defigo|declare firmly/unalterably; bewitch/enchant/curse (stick pin in wax); defigo|focus (thoughts/eyes); dumbfound, astonish/stupefy, fix w/glance; censure; defigurstus|declined; derived; defindo|split down the whole length; defingo|mold into shape; fashion, form (L+S); definienter|distinctly; definio|define/bound/fix/limit/mark; restrict/confine; assign, ordain; lay down (rule); definio|finish off/put an end/end the life; determine, settle; specify, sum up; assert; definite|precisely, definitely, distinctly, clearly; expressly, in particular instances; definitio|definition, precise description; specification; fixing/marking a boundary; definitio|classification; pronouncement, ruling; argument based on definition of term; definitio|ending/boundary/limit (L+S); limiting; explanation; which is decreed/decided; definitive|definitively, plainly, distinctly; definitivus|definitive, explanatory; involving definition; definite, distinct, plain (L+S); definitor|he who makes grammatical pronouncement/ruling; who determines/settles/appoints; definitus|definite/precise/limited/finite; limited in number; concerned with particulars; defio|lack, be lacking; be in short supply; run short; grow less, subside; defioculus|one-eye, he who lacks an eye; (used humorously); defixio|enchantment; defixus|motionless, still; deflaglo|be burnt down/destroyed by fire; perish; be (emotionally/physically) burnt out; deflaglo|burn down/up/destroy by fire/utterly; parch (sun); die down/abate, burn out; deflagratio|destruction by fire; conflagration (L+S); consuming by fire; destruction; deflagro|be burnt down/destroyed by fire; perish; be (emotionally/physically) burnt out; deflagro|burn down/up/destroy by fire/utterly; parch (sun); die down/abate, burn out; deflammo|extinguish, put out (the flame of); deprive of flame (L+S); deflecto|bend/turn aside/off; deviate/change one's course; digress (speech); alter pitch; deflecto|bend downwards; bend (bow); turn (aside), change course/direction of; deflect; deflecto|divert, distract; turn one's eyes; modify/twist (words/ideas); round (point); defleo|cry bitterly; give oneself up to tears; weep much/violently/to exhaustion (L+S); defleo|weep (abundantly) for; mourn loss of; express/feel sorrow about; lament/bewail; defletio|violent weeping; deflexio|turning/bending aside, deflection; deflexus|bend (in a line); deviation (behavior); transition; bending/turning aside (L+S); deflo|blow away, blow on (for purpose of cleansing); brush/blow aside/off; defloccatus|bald; shorn of locks; deflocco|rub the nap of (cloth); strip of possessions, fleece; defloratio|plucking of flowers; deflowering/dishonoring (of a virgin); defloreo|drop/shed blossoms/petals (before bearing fruit); defloresco|drop/shed blossoms/petals (before bearing fruit); fade, wither, decay, decline; deflorio|cease to flourish; drop/shed blossoms/petals (before bearing fruit)?; defloro|pluck flowers; deflower/dishonor/ravish/seduce (virgin); cull/excerpt; defluo|flow/glide/run down; descend/fall; flow/stream away; float/swim/row downstream; defluo|flow/drain/die/melt/slip away, fade/disappear; originate/stem, be derived from; defluus|flowing/moving down; traveling downstream; emitting a flow (of a container); defluvium|loss by flowing or falling away; flowing down/off (L+S); falling off/out; defluxio|flowing off; discharge; diarrhea; defluxus|downward flow or falling (of liquids); flowing/running off (L+S); defodio|bury; put/send/cause to go underground; dig down/deep/into soil; plant/insert; defodio|make fast/set up in ground (part burying); embed; hide; dig up; excavate; dig; defoedo|defile; deforcians|deforciant; one who wrongfully keeps another from possession of an estate; deforcio|deforce; keep by force/violence; withhold wrongfully; deforis|outside, from outside; out of doors; abroad; deformatio|design; configuration; figure, representation; disfigurement; deformatio|representation; delineation; deforming, disfiguring, defacing; deforme|disgrace; shameful thing/deed; deformis|deformed/illformed/misshapen/disfigured; shameful/degrading/base; ugly/loathsome deformis|inappropriate/unseemly/offending good taste; shapeless/lacking definite shape; deformitas|ugliness, deformity, blemish, disfigurement; disrepair; disgrace, degradation; deformitas|inelegance, impropriety, lack of good taste (speech/writing); shapelessness; deformiter|hideously; shamefully; unbecomingly; in an ugly/disgraceful/inelegant manner; deformo|design/shape/fashion/model; outline; describe, sketch in words, delineate; deformo|disfigure, spoil, impair; (appearance); discredit, disgrace, bring shame on; deformo|transform (into something less beautiful); lay out, arrange (plan of action); deformus|deformed/illformed/misshapen/disfigured; shameful/degrading/base; ugly/loathsome deformus|inappropriate/unseemly/offending good taste; shapeless/lacking definite shape; defossum|underground chamber, place dug out; defossus|digging deeply; defraudatio|deficiency; defrauding; defraudator|defrauder, one who defrauds; defraudatrix|defrauder (female), she who defrauds; defraudo|cheat, defraud, deceive; rob (of); [w/se => deny oneself, self-sacrifice]; defremo|quiet down, finish/end making noise; (public indignation); cease raging/roaring; defrenatus|unbridled, unrestrained; defretum|grape juice (new wine) boiled down into a syrup; defricate|sharply, keenly; (of speech); with biting sarcasm (L+S); defricatio|rubbing; defrico|rub hard/thoroughly; (ointment); rub down (person/beast); scour/rub off; defrico|rub hard/thoroughly; (ointment); rub down (person/beast); scour/rub off; defrigesco|cool off; grow cold (L+S); defringo|break off; remove by breaking; break to pieces (L+S); destroy; defrudo|cheat, defraud, deceive; rob (of); [w/se => deny oneself, self-sacrifice]; defrugo|rob of grain; sow too little grain; defruor|use up; consume by enjoying; defrusto|divide into pieces, dismember; defrustror|foil/thwart completely/thoroughly; defrutarium|cauldron used for making defrutum (boiled down grape juice); defrutarius|used for making defrutum (boiled down grape juice); of defrutum (L+S); defruto|boil down (grape juice) into defrutum/syrup; defrutum|grape juice (must/new wine) boiled down into a syrup; defuga|runaway; deserter; defugio|escape from/make one's escape/flee; keep clear of (responsibility/liability); defugio|flee, escape, run/move away (from), make one's escape from; avoid (strongly); defugo|drive away; remove; defulguro|flash away; defuncta|dead person (female); defunctio|execution, performance; death; defunctorie|perfunctorily, cursorily; in a spirit which acts for form's sake only; defunctorius|perfunctory; routine; quickly dispatched (L+S); slight, cursory; defunctum|things (pl.) which are dead and gone; defunctus|dead, deceased; defunct; defunctus|dead person; (usu. male); the dead (pl.) (L+S); defunctus|death; defundo|pour out/away/off/down; discharge; shed; empty/pour out; wet by pouring; defungor|have done with (ABL), finish, bring/come to end, be quit/done/rid of; discharge; defungor|settle a case (for so much); make do; discharge; die; (PERF) to have died; defusio|pouring out (of a liquid); (into vessels L+S); defutuo|indulge in promiscuous sexual intercourse with (woman); copulate freely (rude); defututus|worn out by excessive sexual intercourse; exhausted by sensuality (L+S); degener|degenerate/base; inferior to ancestors; ignoble, unworthy, untrue, contemptible; degener|low-born, of/belonging to inferior stock/breed/variety; soft/weak; softened; degeneratio|degeneration; degenero|be inferior to ancestors/unworthy; deteriorate/decline; lower oneself; degenero|sink (to); fall away from/below the level; degenerate/revert (breeding); degenero|be unworthy (of), fall short of the standard set by; cause deterioration in; degero|remove; carry off/away (to a destination); deglabro|make smooth; (remove bark from trees/logs); smooth off (L+S); deglubo|skin, flay; strip (w/ABL) (of a coating); peel/skin/husk (L+S); deglutino|unglue; separate by moistening (L+S); deglutio|swallow down; overwhelm, abolish (L+S); degluttio|swallow down; overwhelm, abolish (L+S); dego|spend/bide one's time in; wait; remain alive, live on, endure; continue; dego|spend/pass (time); spend/bide one's time in; carry on, wage; conduct away?; degradatio|degradation; deprivation; rank reduction; penalty for cleric/reduction to lay; degrado|reduce in rank; deprive of office; degrade; degrandinat|it goes on hailing; it hails violently, or (perhaps) it ceases to hail (Cas); degrassor|sink (w/ACC); descend upon; rush down (L+S); attack fiercely; revile; degravo|weigh/press/drag down; rest heavily on; overpower, overwhelm; burden; degredior|march/go/come/flow down, descend; dismount; move off/depart; turn aside/deviate; degrumo|lay out with a surveying instrument, survey; degrumor|straighten; level off; degrunnio|give a performance of grunting; grunt hard (L+S); degulator|glutton; one who devours; degulo|devour, swallow down; consume (L+S); deguno|taste; taste/try/eat/drink a little of; glance at; graze; sip; test; judge; deguno|taste; degustatio|act of tasting; a tasting (L+S); degusto|taste; taste/try/eat/drink a little of; glance at; graze; sip; test; judge; dehabeo|lack, not to have; dehaurio|drain off; skim off (L+S); (late) swallow, swallow down; dehibeo|owe; be indebted/responsible for/obliged/bound/destined; ought, must, should; dehinc|hereafter, henceforth, from here/now on; afterwards; for/in the future, next; dehinc|then, after that, thereupon; at a later stage; for the rest; next (in order); dehisco|gape/yawn/split open; part/divide, develop/leave a gap/leak; be/become apart; dehonestamentum|source/act inflicting disgrace/dishonor; degradation; disfigurement, blemish; dehonestatio|disgrace, dishonor; dehonesto|dishonor, discredit, disgrace; disparage (L+S); dehonestus|vulgar, low-class; unbecoming, improper (L+S); dehonoro|dishonor; dehorio|drain off; skim off (L+S); (late) swallow, swallow down; dehortatio|dissuading; dehortativus|fit for dissuading, likely to dissuade; dehortator|dissuader; dehortatorius|dissuasive, dehortatory; dehortor|dissuade; advise (person) against an action; deter, have restraining influence; deicida|killer/slayer of God; (Judas); deicio|throw/pour/jump/send/put/push/force/knock/bring down; cause to fall/drop; hang; deicio|overthrow, bring down, depose; kill, destroy; shoot/strike down; fell (victim); deicio|unhorse; let fall; shed; purge/evacuate bowel; dislodge/rout; drive/throw out; deifer|God-bearing, bearing a god in one's self; deiferus|God-bearing, bearing a god in one's self; deifico|deify; make one a god deificus|rendering god-like, making divine, deific; deiformis|God-like; dein|then/next/afterward; thereon/henceforth/from there/then; in next position/place; deinceps|in order/succession/turn; one after/beside another, successively; etc; very next deinceps|hereafter; thereafter; deinceps|following, next in succession; deinceps|following, next in succession; deinde|then/next/afterward; thereon/henceforth/from there/then; in next position/place; deinsuper|from above; deintegro|impair; deprive of integrity; destroy (L+S); deintus|from within; Deipara|Mother of God, God-bearer, she who gives birth to God; (Mary); deisatus|having divine ancestor, of divine lineage; descended from a god; deitas|deity; divine nature; dejecte|low; dejectio|ejection (from land); purging bowels; diarrhea; degradation; casting out/down; dejectiuncula|slight attack of diarrhea; slight purging (L+S); dejecto|hurl down violently; (intensive verb); dejector|one who throws/casts (things) down; dejectus|downcast/dismayed/subdued/dejected; drooping/hanging/sunk/cast down; low lying; dejectus|slope, sloping surface, declivity; act of throwing/causing to fall/felling; dejeratio|oath; dejero|swear, take an oath; dejicio|throw/pour/jump/send/put/push/force/knock/bring down; cause to fall/drop; hang; dejicio|overthrow, bring down, depose; kill, destroy; shoot/strike down; fell (victim); dejicio|unhorse; let fall; shed; purge/evacuate (bowel); dislodge/rout; drive/throw out dejudico|give final judgment on (question); dejugis|sloping; dejugo|disconnect; disunite; separate (L+S); sever; dejunctus|disconnected, lacking a common term; (grammar); dejungo|separate, unyoke; release (from activity); dejuratio|oath; dejurium|oath; dejuro|swear, take an oath; dejuvo|withhold assistance; leave off helping; delabor|slip/fall/glide/fly/flow down; fall freely/out of control/prostrate; slip into; delabor|drop, descend; sink; fall/fail/lose strength; flow down; be carried downstream; delaboro|work hard; overwork (L+S); delacero|tear to shreds/pieces; destroy, frustrate (L+S); delachrimatorius|producing watering/running of the eyes; for/belonging to weeping (L+S); delacrimatio|watering/tearing/weeping/running of the eyes; (as symptom of disease L+S); delacrimatorius|producing watering/running of the eyes; for/belonging to weeping (L+S); delacrimo|shed tears; leek sap (trees); weep (L+S); delacrumo|shed tears; leek sap (trees); weep (L+S); delaevo|smooth down/off; make smooth (L+S); delambo|lick all over; lick off (L+S); lick; delamentor|give oneself up to mourning for; lament, bewail (L+S); delapido|pave over/lay with stones; remove stones from; clear from stones (L+S); delapsus|outfall (for drainage); flowing off, discharge (L+S); falling off, decent; delargior|lavish; give away freely; give/bestow liberally/profusely/recklessly; delassabilis|capable of fatigue; that can be worn/wearied out (L+S); delasso|tire out, weary, exhaust; exhaust by experiencing; delatio|accusation/denunciation; laying charge; indicting; informing; offering an oath; delator|informer, who gives information/reports; accuser/denouncer/who accuses of crime; delatorius|of/belonging to an informer; tell-tale; denunciatory (L+S); delatura|accusation, denunciation; information (about someone); delavo|wash off; wash clean; delebilis|capable of/susceptible to being obliterated/blotted out/destroyed; effaceable; delectabilis|enjoyable, delectable, delightful, agreeable; delicious (taste) (OLD); delectabiliter|delightfully; delectamentum|delight, amusement; instrument/cause of delight/amusement/enjoyment; delectatio|conferring/gaining delight; (source of) delight/pleasure/enjoyment/amusement; delectatio|straining/effort/tenesmus; inclination/futile straining to void bowels/bladder; delectatiuncula|little/trifling pleasure; petty delight (L+S); delectio|choice; choosing; delecto|delight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight; delecto|(PASS) be delighted/glad, take pleasure; (w/INF) enjoy (being/doing); delector|delight, please, amuse, fascinate; charm, lure, entice; be a source of delight; delector|(PASS) be delighted/glad, take pleasure; (w/INF) enjoy (being/doing); delector|one who draws out/selects/levies/recruits; delectus|picked, chosen, select; (for attaining high standard); delectus|picked men (pl.), advisory staff; the pick (of w/GEN); the elite; delectus|levy/draft/conscription; enlistment, recruiting, mustering; levy/men enrolled; delectus|selection/choosing; choice (between possibilities), discrimination/distinction; delegatio|assignment/delegation to third party of creditor's interest/debtor's liability; delegator|assignor, one who makes an assignment/delegation (of obligation to another); delegatus|delegate; delegatus|assignment/delegation to third party of creditor's interest/debtor's liability; delego|assign/appoint; delegate/entrust (to); consign; transfer/pass; refer/attribute; delenificus|ingratiating; cajoling; soothing/mollifying; flattering, enchanting (L+S); delenimentum|blandishment/enticement/charm; ingratiating/soothing action/quality; consolation delenio|mitigate, mollify, smooth down, soothe; soften, cajole; bewitch, charm, entice; delenitor|appeaser; soother, one who mollifies/wins over; delenitorius|pertaining to/serving for softening/smoothing; deleo|erase, wipe/scratch/remove (letters/marks), wipe/blot out, expunge, delete; deleo|annihilate/exterminate, kill every member of a group; put end to, end/abolish; deleo|destroy completely, demolish/obliterate/crush; ruin; overthrow; nullify/annul; deleramentum|delusion, nonsense; product of a deranged mind; absurdity (L+S); deleritas|insanity; delero|be mad/deranged/silly; dote; speak deliriously, rave; deviate from balks (plow); deleth|dalet/daleth; (4th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as D); deleticius|palimpsest, from which (anything/writing) has been erased/effaced/blotted out; deletilis|that expunges/erases; that wipes/blots out (L+S); deletio|destruction, annihilation; deletitius|palimpsest, from which (anything/writing) has been erased/effaced/blotted out; deletrix|causing the destruction (of); (feminine adjective); deletrix|she who annihilates/destroys; deletus|annihilation; delevo|smooth down/off; make smooth (L+S); delibamentum|libation; wine poured out to the gods (L+S); delibatio|diminishing, taking away from; first fruit, sample, representative portion; deliberabundus|pondering/reflecting; deep in thought/deliberating; weighing carefully (L+S); deliberamentum|deliberation; deliberatio|deliberation/consultation (w/others), consideration; deliberative style speech; deliberativus|concerned with/relating to discussion/deliberation (future acts); deliberative; deliberator|one who deliberates; deliberatus|determined; worked out; resolved upon; certain (L+S); delibero|weigh/consider/deliberate/consult (oracle); ponder/think over; resolve/decide on delibo|skim/flake/scrape off; channel off (water); pick out a choice specimen; perform; delibo|diminish/detract (from); take away a little as to render imperfect; infringe; delibo|take a little, wear away, nibble at; taste (of), touch on (subject) lightly; delibro|peel, remove/strip the bark (from); strip/take off (bark); (rind L+S); delibuo|besmear; anoint with a liquid; delibutus|thickly smeared/stained; steeped (in a condition), deeply imbued (with feeling); delicata|paramour, favorite; voluptuary (L+S); one addicted to pleasure; delicate|delicately/tenderly/gently; luxuriously; frivolously; fastidiously; effeminately delicatus|luxurious/sumptuous, addicted to pleasure; self-indulgent/comfortable; pampered; delicatus|foppish, effeminate; polite, elegant; charming; tender; voluptuous; wanton; delicatus|skittish/frisky/frivolous; fastidious/squeamish; delicate/dainty/pretty/fine; delicatus|paramour, favorite; voluptuary (L+S); one addicted to pleasure; delicia|pleasure/delight/fun (usu. pl.), activity affording enjoyment, luxuries; toys; delicia|ornaments/decorations; erotic verse; charms; elegant/affected manner/mannerism; delicia|luxurious habits/selfindulgence; airs, manners of superiority; caprices/whims; delicia|favorite/pet/darling/beloved; man w/fine taste/gourmet; voluptuary; delicia|corner beam supporting a section of an outward-sloping roof; gutter (L+S); deliciaris|fitting an outward-sloping roof; pertaining to a gutter (L+S); deliciatus|outward-sloping (roof); with a gutter (L+S); delicio|entice/lure (from one's preoccupations); allure (from the right way L+S); deliciola|darling, little sweetheart (pl.); deliciolum|darling, little sweetheart; deliciosus|delicious; delicate; delicium|darling, person one is fond of; pet (animal); delight, source/thing of joy; delicius|pleasure/delight/fun, activity affording enjoyment; curiosities of art; delico|reveal, disclose; make clear, clarify, explain; delictor|delinquent; offender; delictum|fault/offense/misdeed/crime/transgression; sin; act short of standard; defect; deliculus|blemished; having a (small) defect; defective (L+S); delicus|weaned; put away (from the breast); delicuus|lacking, wanting; missing; deligo|bind fast, tie (up), fasten; make fast by tying; bandage; tie (bandage); deligo|pick/pluck off, cull; choose, select, levy (soldiers), enroll; conduct a levy; delimator|filer, one who files; (rasp); delimitatio|marking out, limiting; delimito|delimit, mark out the boundaries of; delimitus|filed off; delimo|file down; produce by filing; delineatio|sketch; delineation; delineo|delineate; trace the outline of; (sketch out L+S); delingo|lick; lick up; lick off; delinguo|lick; lick up; lick off; delinificus|ingratiating; cajoling; soothing/mollifying; flattering, enchanting (L+S); delinimentum|blandishment/enticement/charm; ingratiating/soothing action/quality; consolation delinio|delineate; trace the outline of; sketch out (L+S); delinio|mitigate, mollify, smooth down, soothe; soften, cajole; bewitch, charm, entice; delinitor|appeaser; soother, one who mollifies/wins over; delinitorius|pertaining to/serving for softening/smoothing; delino|smear/daub/anoint (with); obliterate, smudge/blot out; daub w/owner mark (pig); delinquentia|fault; crime; delinquency; delinquio|failure, lack, want; eclipse (of a heavenly body); delinquo|fail (duty), be wanting/lacking, fall short; offend/do wrong/err/commit offense; deliquatitudo|melting; dropping; deliquesco|melt away, dissolve, melt; dissipate one's energy; vanish, disappear (L+S); deliquia|corner beam supporting a section of an outward-sloping roof; gutter (L+S); deliquio|failure, lack, want; eclipse (of a heavenly body); deliquium|eclipse (of a heavenly body); want, defect (L+S); flowing/dropping down; deliquo|strain (liquid to clear); strain off (solid matter); make clear; clarify/explain deliquus|lacking, wanting; missing; deliramentum|delusion, nonsense; product of a deranged mind; absurdity (L+S); deliratio|going off the balks (harrowing); delirium/madness; folly/silliness/dotage; deliritas|insanity; delirium|delirium, frenzy; derangement of the mental facilities; madness (L+S); deliro|be mad/crazy/deranged/silly; speak deliriously, rave; deviate from balks (plow); delirus|crazy, insane, mad; senseless, silly; delitesco|hide, go in hiding/seclusion; withdraw; vanish/be concealed; take refuge/shelter delitigo|dispute wholeheartedly; have it out; scold, rail angrily (L+S); delitisco|hide, go in hiding/seclusion; withdraw; vanish/be concealed; take refuge/shelter delito|hide; hide oneself, go into hiding; seek safety; take refuge/shelter; delitor|avenger, one who wipes out/extracts vengeance for; (w/GEN); obliterator (L+S); delocatio|dislocation; (of a joint); delonge|from afar; (de longe); delotus|washed; delphin|dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; (part of water organ); constellation; delphinus|dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; (part of water organ); constellation; delphis|dolphin; ornament shaped like a dolphin; (part of water organ); constellation; delta|Greek letter delta; delta of the Nile; delubrum|shrine; temple; sanctuary (L+S); deluctio|struggle, combat; wrestling; delucto|wrestle; fight it out (with); struggle (L+S); deluctor|wrestle; fight it out (with); struggle (L+S); deludifico|dupe, make a complete fool of; mock (L+S); make sport of; banter; deludificor|dupe, make a complete fool of; deludo|deceive/dupe; play false/mock/make sport; play through, complete a performance; delumbis|lame; suffering from injury/lameness in the lumbar region; (in the loins L+S); delumbo|injure (by dislocating hip); bring down on haunches; lame, weaken; bend/curve; deluo|wash away; wash out/off, cleanse (L+S); delusio|deceiving, deluding; delusor|deceiver; delustro|disenchant, free from an evil charm/spell/enchantment; deluto|plaster/daub with (preparation of) clay; dem|community, a people; administrative district (in Attica); tract of land (L+S); demadesco|become thoroughly wet; become humid/moist (L+S); demagis|furthermore, moreover; very much (L+S); demagogicus|demagogic; demagogus|demagogue; demandatio|delivering with commendation; commending; demando|entrust, hand over (to), commit; lay (duty on a person), charge (that); demano|run/flow down; percolate; flow different ways (L+S); descend; descend from; demarcesco|wither, fade away; demarchia|office and dignity of a demarch (magistrate of a Greek deme/township); demarchisas|having served as demarch (magistrate of a Greek deme/township); demarchus|demarch (magistrate of a Greek deme/township); president of a demos (L+S); dematricatus|bled from the vena matricalis in the neck; demeaculum|decent underground; passage underground (L+S); demelior|consume, destroy, demolish, lay waste; demens|out of one's mind/senses; demented, mad, wild, raving; reckless, foolish; demensio|measuring; (measurement?); demensum|measured allowance; ration; (of slaves); demensus|regular; measured; dementer|madly, crazily; foolishly (L+S); dementia|madness, insanity; derangement of the mind; distraction, folly; dementio|become deranged; lose one's reason; be mad, rave; demento|drive mad/crazy; bewitch; delude; rave, be out of one's mind; demeo|descend, go down; demereo|oblige, please, win the favor of; earn, merit, deserve (well of); demereor|oblige/please, win favor of; earn/merit, deserve (well of); lay under obligation demergo|submerge/sink; plunge/dip/immerse; set; retract; conceal; bury; overwhelm/engulf demeritum|defect; demerit; demersio|sinking, being sunk down; demersus|depressed; demersus|action of sinking/submerging; a sinking (L+S); demetior|weigh out, measure by weight; measure out/off; (space/time/words); lay out; demeto|measure out; mark out; fix the limits; demeto|reap, cut, mow; cut off/down (body); pick (fruit); gather; take (honey); shear; demetor|measure out; mark out; fix the limits; demetor|measure, mark out; demigratio|emigration, action of going out as colonists; demigro|emigrate; migrate; depart/remove/withdraw/go away (from situation/local/thing); deminoratio|degradation; injury; deminoro|lessen, diminish; (in honor/rank); deminuo|make smaller; cut up small; lessen/diminish/reduce (size/number/amount/scope); deminuo|weaken; curtail; impair; understate; make diminutive; take away/deduct/deprive; deminutio|diminution/making smaller; decrease/depletion/attenuation; deduction/subtraction deminutio|understatement; formation of diminutive; [capitis ~ => loss of civil rights]; deminutive|as diminutive (noun); (grammar); deminutivus|diminutive; (grammar); [w/nomen => diminutive noun]; deminutus|diminished; small, diminutive; demiror|wonder (I wonder how/why); be amazed/utterly astonished at, at loss to imagine; demisse|dejectedly, in a despondent manner; low/humbly/meekly/modestly; at low altitude; demissicius|reaching to the ground; (of clothes); hanging down, flowing, long (L+S); demissio|letting/lowering down; extension downward; sinking; dejection/lowering of spirit demissitius|reaching to the ground; (of clothes); hanging down, flowing, long (L+S); demissus|low/low-lying; of low altitude; keeping low (people); slanting/hanging/let down; demissus|lowly/degraded/abject; downhearted/low/downcast/dejected/discouraged/despondent demitigo|calm (person) down; (PASS) become milder/more lenient (L+S); demitto|drop, let fall; sink; send/cast/go/flow/float/slope down; flow/shed/let (blood); demitto|bend/stoop/bow/sag; lower (eyes); let (clothes/hair/beard) hang down; demitto|bring/strike down; plunge/insert/thrust/plant; dismiss/demote; depose; absorb; demitto|descend by race/birth; leave (will); let issue rest (on evidence); fell (tree); demiurgus|magistrate in various Greek states; play by Turpilus; demo|take/cut away/off, remove, withdraw; subtract; take away from; democrata|democrat; democratia|democracy; democraticus|democratic; democratizatio|democratization; demogrammateus|public scribe; demographia|demography; demographicus|demographic; demographus|demographer; demolio|throw/cast off, remove; pull/tear down, demolish/destroy/lay waste; abolish; demolior|throw/cast off, remove; pull/tear down, demolish/destroy/lay waste; abolish; demolitio|demolition; act of demolishing, pulling/tearing down; undermining (L+S); demolitor|demolisher, agent/instrument of demolition; that which breaks down (L+S); demonstrabilis|demonstrable; demonstratio|demonstration, clear proof; description, definition by features; such oratory; demonstratio|indication; identification; act of pointing out/showing; (boundary of estate); demonstrativa|demonstrative oratory (esp. vituperation); display/showing off; demonstrative|demonstratively; demonstrativus|demonstrative; (oratory esp. vituperation); for display/show off; designating; demonstrator|indicator, one who points out/indicates; exhibitor (L+S); demonstratorius|concerned with definition or specification; pointing out, indicating (L+S); demonstro|point out/at/to, draw attention to; explain/describe/show, give an account of; demonstro|reveal, mention, refer to; allege; prove, demonstrate; represent; recommend; demoratio|lingering, abiding, remaining; demordeo|bite off; demorior|die; die off/out (group/class), become extinct; be gone; long for much (w/ACC); demoror|detain, cause delay, keep waiting/back, hold up; keep (from); delay/linger/stay; demorsico|bite pieces off; nibble at; bite off; demorsito|bite pieces off; nibble at; bite off; demortuus|obsolete; demoscopia|opinion-poll; demoscopicus|poll-, of poll/polls; Demosthenes|Demosthenes; (Greek orator of 4th century BC); demoveo|move away, put away; turn away (eyes); divert (from idea/mood); force to yield; demoveo|dislodge; turn aside; remove/get rid of; depose/oust; banish; dissociate; demptio|removal, action of taking away; demugio|fill with the sound of lowing/bellowing; demugitus|filled with the sound of lowing/bellowing; demulcatus|beaten/cudgeled soundly; demulceo|stroke, stroke down, rub/stroke caressingly/soothingly; soothe/entrance/charm; demum|finally, at last; at length, in the end, eventually; [tum demum => only then]; demum|other possibilities being dismissed; only/alone, and no other/nowhere else; demuneror|reward; remunerate, pay the fee (to/for); demurmuro|mutter (set of words) through; mutter over (L+S); demus|at last, finally; at length, in the end, eventually; [tum demum => only then]; demus|other possibilities being dismissed; only/alone, and no other/nowhere else; demussatus|borne silently; demusso|swallow/bear/endure in silence; demutabilis|changeable; demutatio|transformation; change, alteration (esp. for the worse Cas); demutator|changer, transmuter; demutilo|lop off; demuto|change/alter/transform; deviate from way/goal, fail; depart/be different from; demuttio|speak very softly; denariarius|related to the denarius (Roman silver coin); denarismus|kind of tax; denarium|denarius (silver coin=10/16/18 asses); (~ aureus=25 silver ~); drachma weight; denarius|containing/related to the number ten; worth a denarius (Roman silver coin); denarius|denarius (silver coin=10/16/18 asses); (~ aureus=25 silver ~); drachma weight; denarro|tell/relate fully/in full; give a full account of; recount, narrate (L+S); denascor|dwindle, go back in growth; lose vigor; perish, die (L+S); denaso|remove the nose (from a person's face); deprive of the nose (L+S); denato|swim downstream; swim down (L+S); denavigo|sail down; denditio|teething (of young); dendrachates|kind of agate; dendritis|precious stone (unidentified); dendroforus|tree-bearer; (timber workers associated with Cybele/Attis); Silvanus; carpenter; dendroides|spurge (tithymalus); sea-spurge (tithymalis); dendroides|tree-like; (defining a botanical species); dendrophorus|tree-bearer; (timber workers associated with Cybele/Attis); Silvanus; carpenter; denecalis|releasing from death; (days set aside for purification of family of deceased); denegatio|denial; rejection; refusal; denego|deny (fact/allegation); say that ... not; deny/refuse (favor/request); denicalis|releasing from death; (days set aside for purification of family of deceased); denigratio|blackening; denigro|blacken, make black; color very black, blacken utterly (L+S); asperse, defame; denique|finally, in the end; and then; at worst; in short, to sum up; in fact, indeed; denixe|earnestly, assiduously, with strenuous efforts; denominatio|metonymy; derivation; substitution of name of object for another related; denominative|by derivation; denominativus|derived, formed by derivation; pertaining to derivation; denominator|denominator (math.); denomino|denominate, designate; give a name to (usu. from source expressed/implied); denormo|put out of shape; make crooked/irregular; disfigure (L+S); denotatio|censure; disparagement; marking, pointing out (L+S); denotatus|conspicuous, marked; marked out; denotatus|marking, pointing out; denoto|mark (down); lay on (color); observe; indicate/point out; imply; brand; censure; dens|tooth; tusk; ivory; tooth-like thing, spike; destructive power, envy, ill will; densabilis|astringent, binding; densatio|thickening; condensation; densativus|astringent, binding; dense|thickly/closely/close together (space); frequently/rapidly/one after the other; dense|closely, thickly, close together; compactly; concisely; often, frequently; denseo|thicken/condense, press/crowd together; multiply; cause to come thick and fast; densitas|thickness; density; multitude, abundance; crowding together; (of style); denso|thicken/condense/concentrate/compress/coagulate; press/pack/crowd together; densus|thick/dense/solid; (cloud/shadow); crowded/thick_planted/packed/covered (with); densus|frequent, recurring; terse/concise (style); harsh/horse/thick (sound/voice); dentale|sharebeam/sole of a plowshare; plowshare (L+S); (pl. classical); dentaneus|threatening; dentarius|pertaining to the teeth; that cures toothache (w/herba); dentarpaga|instrument for pulling/extraction of teeth; dentatus|toothed; w/(prominent/displayed) teeth; w/spikes/teeth/gears; polished w/tooth; dentefaber|toothed; spiked; dentex|kind of bream; dentharpaga|instrument for pulling/extraction of teeth; denticulatum|lace; denticulatus|finely toothed, serrated/denticulated, furnished with small teeth/projections; denticulus|little/small tooth/fang/cog; farm tool w/teeth; modillion; dental ornament; dentiducum|instrument for pulling/extraction of teeth; dentifrangibulum|fist (which knocks out teeth); tooth breaker; dentifrangibulus|that/who breaks teeth; dentifrangibulus|tough, goon, one who knocks out teeth; tooth breaker; dentifricium|dentifrice, tooth powder, toothpaste; dentilegus|one who collects teeth (that were knocked out); (factious); tooth-gatherer; dentio|teethe, cut teeth; (of teeth) grow longer (for lack of food to eat); dentiscalpium|toothpick; dentista|dentist; dentitio|teething, dentation; dentix|kind of sea fish; dentrix|kind of sea fish; denubo|marry; marry off; (from paternal home) (of a woman); marry beneath station; denubo|marry; marry off; (from paternal home) (of a woman); marry beneath station; denudatio|uncovering, laying bare; denudator|stripper; (gymnasium attendant/valet); denudo|strip, denude, lay bare, uncover; reveal/disclose; expose; rob/plunder/despoil; denumeratio|action/process of counting/reckoning, calculation; enumeration of points; denumero|pay (money) in full; pay down (loan); denunciatio|announcement/notification/indication; warning/threat; denunciation/allegation; denunciatio|declaration (war); injunction; admonition; summons, formal legal notice; denuntiatio|announcement/notification/indication; warning/threat; denunciation/allegation; denuntiatio|declaration (war); injunction; admonition; summons, formal legal notice; denuntiativus|admonitory, conveying a warning, serving to admonish; indicatory; denuntiator|announcer (theater); attendant hired by authorities to announce coming events; denuntiator|police officer; police inspector; denuntio|give notice, warn/foretell; threaten/enjoin/declare intent to injure; intimate; denuntio|announce, give official information; declare; summon (witness)/deliver summons; denuo|anew, over again, from a fresh beginning; for a second time, once more; in turn; deocco|harrow, run the harrows over (crop to remove weeds and ventilate the soil); deonero|unload, unburden, remove (burden); deontologia|dentistry; deoperio|uncover, lay bare; open up; disclose (L+S); deopto|choose, select; deoratus|pleaded; pleading; deordinatio|disorder; deorio|drain off; skim off (L+S); (late) swallow, swallow down; deorsom|down, downwards, beneath, below; (motion/direction/order); in lower situation; deorsum|down, downwards, beneath, below; (motion/direction/order); in lower situation; deorsus|down, downwards, beneath, below; (motion/direction/order); in lower situation; deosculor|kiss warmly/affectionately; praise/laud highly (L+S); deosum|down, downwards, beneath, below; (motion/direction/order); in lower situation; depaciscor|bargain for; make a bargain for or about, agree (upon); come to terms; depalator|one who marks out the bounds; founder; depalmo|slap, strike with the open hand; box on the ear (L+S); depalo|bound/mark off with stakes/palings; found, establish (L+S); (long a); depalo|disclose, reveal; depango|drive down (into); fix into the ground (L+S); depansum|payment; expenditure; [actio ~ => action for double expense incurred]; deparcus|miserly, thoroughly mean/stingy; niggardly, excessively sparing (L+S); depasco|graze/feed/pasture (cattle); devour/eat up; waste/consume (w/fire); lay waste; depascor|graze down; feed/pasture (cattle); devour/eat up; consume (by fire); depascor|cull, select; prune away, remove; destroy, waste; lay waste; depastio|action of grazing down or stripping the food from; feeding (L+S); depauperatio|impoverishment; depauperatus|impoverished; depaupero|impoverish; depavitus|beaten/trampled down; depeciscor|bargain for; make a bargain for or about, agree (upon); come to terms; depectio|contract, bargain, agreement; depecto|comb out; comb thoroughly; comb off/away; depector|one who settles/arranges discreditably; embezzler; fraud; depectulatus|fraud, act of defrauding/plundering depeculator|fraud; plunderer, embezzler (Cas); depeculo|defraud/embezzle, deprive by fraud; steal/rob/plunder/despoil/rifle; diminish; depeculor|defraud/embezzle, deprive by fraud; steal/rob/plunder/despoil/rifle; diminish; depello|drive/push out//off/away/aside, repel; expel; remove, wean; banish utterly; depello|dislodge; avert; rebut; veer away; force to withdraw/desist; turn out/dismiss; dependentia|dependence; dependeo|hang on/from/down (from); depend; depend upon/on; proceed/be derived from; dependo|pay over/down; pay (penalty); expend (time/labor); spend, lay out; bestow; dependulus|hanging down (from); depennatus|winged; depensio|expenditure; outlay; deperditio|loss; deperditum|that which is permanently lost; deperditus|corrupt, abandoned; deperdo|lose permanently/utterly (destruction); be deprived/desperate; destroy, ruin; depereo|perish/die; be lost/totally destroyed; be much in love with/love to distraction; depetigo|kind of skin eruption; leprosy, scab (L+S); depictio|description, delineation; characterization; depilatio|depilation; depilatorium|depilatorium; place where hair is removed; depilatus|having one's hair/plumage plucked; swindled, plucked, fleeced; depilis|hairless; without hair; plucked; depilo|strip hair/feathers; pull out hair; pluck feathers; peel skin; plunder, cheat; depingo|paint, depict, portray; describe; decorate/color w/paint; embroider; depinnatus|winged; deplaco|appease, propitiate; deplango|mourn by beating the breast; bewail, lament (L+S); deplano|level off, make level/even; deplanto|sever/break off (twig/branch/shoot); plant/set in the ground (L+S); deplatio|marking off with stakes/palings; marking time by shadows of stakes (L+S); deplector|claw down, pull down in one's grasp; depleo|drain/draw off, empty out; bleed/let (blood); relieve (of); exhaust; subtract; depletura|bleeding, blood-letting; deplexus|clasping; grasping; deplois|robe; cloak; double robe wrapped around body; double wrapping; layer (Souter); deplorabundus|complaining/weeping bitterly; deploratio|lamenting, bewailing, action of lamenting/complaining; deploratus|miserable; mournful; hopeless, incurable (disease/patient); deploro|weep/lament/mourn for/cry over; deplore, complain of; lose; despair/give up on; deplumis|moulted; denuded of feathers; without feathers (L+S); featherless; depluo|rain down; [depluta terra => drenched (L+S)]; depoclo|ruin by expenditure on cups/drinking; depoculo|ruin by expenditure on cups/drinking; depolio|polish thoroughly; smooth, polish off (L+S); depolitio|careful/thorough cultivation/polish; perfection, finished/perfect thing (L+S); depompatio|dishonoring; depriving of ornament; depompo|dishonor; deprive of ornament; depondero|weigh down, press down by its weight; deponefacio|deposit, put down; deponefio|be deposited/put down; (deponefacio PASS); deponens|deponent; of a verb which in passive has active meaning; deponens|deponent; a verb which in passive has active meaning; depono|put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit; depono|lift off; take off (clothes); have (hair/beard/nails) cut; shed (tusks); depono|pull down, demolish; plant (seedlings); set up, place; lay to rest; fire; depono|put/lay down/aside/away; let drop/fall; give up; resign; deposit/entrust/commit; depono|lift off; take off (clothes); have (hair/beard/nails) cut; shed (tusks); depono|pull down, demolish; plant (seedlings); set up, place; lay to rest; fire; depontanus|thrown off bridge; (old men, 60, who were thrown off bridge?); deponto|throw from a bridge; depopulatio|plundering/pillaging/sacking/marauding/ravaging/laying waste; depopulator|plunderer, pillager, ravager; one who sacks; marauder; depopulatrix|she who spoils/destroys; plunderer/pillager/ravager (female); depopulo|sack/plunder/pillage/rob/despoil; ravage/devastate/destroy/lay waste; overgraze; depopulor|sack/plunder/pillage/rob/despoil; ravage/devastate/destroy/lay waste; overgraze; deportatio|deportation, conveyance to exile; taking/carrying home/away; transportation; deportatorius|transportation-, belonging to removal/transportation; deportio|carrying, conveying; conveyance; transportation; deporto|bring, convey (to); carry along/down (current); transport; take/bring home; deposco|demand peremptorily; ask for earnestly; require; request earnestly; challenge; depositarius|person in whose care property is deposited; depositor; trustee; depositary; depositio|putting on deposit; abandonment, giving up; cessation; demolition; depositio|deposition/testimony; lowering/degradation; close of period; lowering of voice; depositio|laying down/aside, putting off; burying/depositing in earth; parting from; depositivus|deposit-, of/belonging to a deposit; depositor|depositor, one who deposits (money); who gives up (position)/disowns/disclaims; depositum|deposit, trust; money placed on deposit/safe keeping; contract on trust money; depositus|despaired of/given up; deposited (L+S); of money placed on deposit/safe keeping; depostulator|one who demands; (person for punishment/torture); depostulo|demand, press for; require earnestly (L+S); depraedatio|plundering, pillaging; depraedator|plunderer/pillager; depraedico|preach against; depraedo|exhaust by plundering/pillaging; plunder, pillage (L+S); depraedor|exhaust by plundering/pillaging; plunder, pillage (L+S); depraesentiarum|here and now; now, at the present (L+S); deprandis|fasting; deprans|fasting; depravate|perversely, wrongly; depravatio|abnormality/deformity, deviation in appearance/behavior; perversity/perversion; depravo|distort/deform/twist, make crooked; mislead/pervert; deprave, corrupt; deprecabilis|exorable; that may be entreated; accessible to entreaty/begging/prayer; deprecabundus|entreating earnestly; deprecaneus|exorable; that may be entreated; accessible to entreaty/begging/prayer; deprecatio|prayer to avert/ward off; invocation; supplication/entreaty/plea; extenuation; deprecatiuncula|little deprecation/plea for mercy; trifling plea for pardon; deprecativus|deprecative; praying for deliverance from evil; deprecator|intercessor, one pleading for mercy; go-between; champion/advocate; mediator; deprecatorius|deprecatory; that prays for deliverance; expressing hope something be averted; deprecatrix|intercessor (female), one pleading for mercy; go-between; advocate; mediator; depreciator|depreciator, one who depreciates/lowers value/undervalues; deprecio|depreciate, lower the value of; depreco|avert by prayer; entreat/pray/beg; intercede/beg pardon/mercy/relief/exemption; deprecor|avert by prayer; entreat/pray/beg; intercede/beg pardon/mercy/relief/exemption; deprehendo|seize/catch; catch napping/redhanded; surprise/pounce on; arrest; intercept; deprehendo|discover, discern, recognize; detect; indicate, reveal; embarrass; deprehensio|detection, act of coming upon and catching; surprising (L+S); seizing; deprendo|seize/catch; catch napping/redhanded; surprise/pounce on; arrest; intercept; deprendo|discover, discern, recognize; detect; indicate, reveal; embarrass; deprensa|species of military punishment; (more than castigatio, less than ignominia); depresse|deeply; deep/way down; depressio|lowering, sinking down (action of); depression (L+S); nervous breakdown (Cal); depressivus|depressive; depressus|low/low-lying, deep down; at/having low elevation; low-pitched/subdued (sound); depressus|reaching/sloping down; base/mean, pedestrian, lacking moral/style; depressed; depretiator|depreciator, one who depreciates/lowers value/undervalues; depretio|depreciate, lower the value of; deprimo|suppress/repress/depress/silence, force//weigh/keep down, disparage; sink; deprimo|humble, reduce position/fortune/value; lower pitch (sound)/brightness (color); deproelians|struggling violently; deproelior|fight/struggle/war fiercely/violently, battle; depromo|bring/draw out, fetch, produce (from container/store); bring/utter (info); depropero|hurry/hasten/make haste to complete/finish (w/INF); prepare hastily (L+S); deproperus|hastening/hurrying, making great haste; depso|knead; work up into a paste; soften/dress (leather) by rubbing/squeezing; depso|dishonor; have improper sex; (rude); depsticius|kneaded, made by kneading; depstitius|kneaded, made by kneading; depubes|immature, not a full age; depudesco|put off all shame; become shameless (L+S); depudico|violate, dishonor; deflower, deprive of virginity (Sex); depudt|make/be utterly/greatly ashamed (W/INF); not to be ashamed. be shameless (L+S); depugis|having meager/skinny/thin buttocks; depugnatio|method of fighting a battle; violent fighting (L+S); eager contest; depugno|fight hard/it out, do battle; fight against and kill (in arena); stop fighting; depuio|beat thoroughly; strike, beat; depulpo|grow lean/thin; lose flesh; depulsio|thrusting down; averting/lowering/repelling/warding off; rebuttal/rejoinder; depulso|push/thrust away; push aside (L+S); depulsor|one who repels/averts/removes/drives away; (of Jupiter as averter of evil); depulsorium|spells (pl.) to avert evil; depulsorius|that averts evil; serving to avert (L+S); depungo|indicate by pricking (in accounts); mark off (L+S); designate; depuratio|refinement; depuratus|purified, made/become free of impurities; depurgatio|cleaning by purgatives; purging; depurgo|clean out/away (impurities), remove dirt/offal from; rid (things of); purge; depuro|purify; refine; clear, discharge (of debt); deputatio|deputation; assignment, appointment; deputatus|deputy; deputo|prune/cut away/back; regard/esteem; define as/assign to/classify; post/second; depuvio|beat thoroughly; strike, beat; depygis|having meager/skinny/thin buttocks; deque|downwards; dequeror|bewail; complain of; dequestus|having deeply deplored. bitterly complained of; derado|scrape/rub/smooth off/away (surface of); graze; shave/cut off (hair/head); deraino|deraign; establish title; vindicate; deratio|deraignment; disarrangement; E:discharge (from monastic order); derationo|prove; establish; deraign; disarrange; E:be discharged (from monastic order); derbiosus|scabby; dercea|plant; species of solanum; (also called herba Apollinaris); derecta|perpendicularly; straight down; derectarius|burglar; sneak-thief; one who secretly enters a home to steal; derecte|in straight line; in straightforward order (of words); directly (L+S); straight; derectiangulus|rectangular, right-angled; derectilineus|rectilinear; in a straight line; derectim|in a regular manner; directly, straightaway (L+S); derectio|direction/act of directing; arranging in line/leveling/straightening; aiming; derectio|sending (to place); right living; righteousness; fairness/justice; correction; derectitudo|rightness, correctness; fairness; derectivum|directive; guideline; derectivus|directive; helpful, positive; directing (Cal); guiding; derecto|straight, in straight line; directly, immediately, without intervening action; derector|director; derectorium|directory; the Ordo (guide for celebrating Mass and liturgy of daily hours); derectorius|that directs or sends in any direction; derectum|straight line; derectura|level, uniform horizontal surface; leveling of a surface; derectus|straight/not curved; moving straight forward/in straight line; direct/absolute; derectus|vertical, upright, perpendicular; simple; forthright/undisguised; strict legal; derectus|sheer/steep (L+S); level; open/straightforward (Ecc); proper, helpful/guiding; derectus|person given rights by direct procedure; derelictio|neglect, disregard; abandoning; derelictor|one who abandons; derelictum|that which has been given up/abandoned; (legal); derelictus|abandoned, derelict (places/sites); derelictus|neglect; derelinquo|leave behind/abandon/discard; forsake/desert; neglect; leave derelict; bequeath; derepente|suddenly; derepo|crawl/creep/sneak down; derideo|mock/deride/laugh at/make fun of; be able to laugh, escape, get off scot free; deridiculum|laughing-stock; absurdity, ridiculous thing; ridiculousness; ridicule (L+S); deridiculus|very/utterly laughable; ridiculous, absurd, ludicrous; derigeo|soften, remove hardness; derigesco|freeze, become/grow stiff/rigid (through fear); grow quite/very still; derigo|direct, steer, guide, align, point; set in order, form up; straighten, level; derigo|arrange/set in line/direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in (army); derigo|mark/fix (boundary); demarcate; straighten (out); level; square (up); derigo|point; direct (word/attention); bring proceedings; end word w/inflection; derigo|direct (course/steps), turn/steer/guide; propel/direct (missiles/blows); deripio|seize/grab/snatch/take away; tear/pull off/down; remove (violently); derisio|mockery, scorn, derision; derisor|scoffer, mocker; cynic; satirical person; derisorius|derisory, characterized by mockery; ridiculous, serving for laughter (L+S); derisus|absurd, laughable; scorned (L+S); derisus|mockery; scorn, derision; derivatio|heading/turning off/away, diversion (into another channel); derivation (words); derivativum|derivative, word formed from another word; derivation (L+S); derivativus|derivative; (grammar); derivo|draw/lead off (river/fluid), divert/turn aside; derive/draw on; form derivative; derodo|gnaw/nibble away; derogatio|derogation, partial abrogation of a law; derogator|detractor, depreciator; derogatorius|modifying; belonging to a derogation/partial repeal of a law (L+S); derogito|ask urgently; derogo|subtract/remove/diminish/detract; disparage; repeal/set aside/modify (law); derosus|gnawed away; nibbled (L+S); deruncino|plane off, shave; cheat, fleece; deceive; deruo|fall down/off; cause to fall/collapse; throw/cast down (L+S); detract/take away; derupio|seize/grab/snatch/take away; tear/pull off/down; remove (violently); deruptum|precipices (pl.); deruptus|steep, precipitous; craggy; broken; des|two thirds; [bes alter => one and two thirds]; desacrifico|dedicate as a sacrificial victim; desaevio|rage, rave furiously; work off/vent one's rage; desaevio|rage, rave furiously; work off/vent one's rage; desalto|dance through; perform w/dance; represent in dance (L+S); dance the part of; descendens|descendant; (pl.) posterity, descendants; descendo|descend, climb/march/come/go/flow/run/hang down; dismount; penetrate/sink; descendo|stoop; demean; drop/become lower (pitch); be reduced; trace descent/come down; descensio|descent, action of going down; sailing down; (sunken) bath; descensorius|descent, descending, coming down; descensus|decent, climbing/getting down; action/means/way of descent; lying down (rude); descindo|cut/slit down; divide (L+S), divide into two parties; descisco|desert/defect/revolt; deviate/abandon standard/principle; degenerate; fall away; descobino|scrape, graze; scrape/rasp/file off/away; describo|describe/draw, mark/trace out; copy/transcribe/write; establish (law/right) descripte|exactly; in a clearly defined manner; distinctly, precisely (L+S); descriptio|description/descriptive story; drawing of diagram/plan; indictment; transcript; descriptiuncula|delineation, short description; short passage of description (in speech/etc.); descriptivus|descriptive, containing an exact description; descriptor|describer, delineator; descriptum|diary, journal; things (pl.) recorded, writings; descriptus|organized, arranged; precisely ordered (L+S); descrobo|set (jewel in setting); enchase, deeply engrave; ornament; desculpo|carve out, sculpt; copy by carving/graving; desecatio|cutting off; deseco|sever; cut off (limb/boundary); cut/carve from/out/away; cut/reap/mow (crop); desectio|mowing, action of mowing; cutting off (L+S); desenesco|die away; lose force with the passage of time; diminish by age (L+S); deseps|insane; out of one's mind; desero|leave/depart/quit/desert; forsake/abandon/give up; withdraw support, let down; desero|cease to be concerned with; fail/fall short; (PASS w/ABL) be without/deprived; desero|plant, sow; deserpo|creep over; spread over; creep down (L+S); desersum|from above; deserta|abandoned/deserted wife; desertio|desertion; deserting (from army); forsaking (L+S); desolation (4 Ezra 3:2); desertor|deserter; one who abandons/forsakes (duty); fugitive; turncoat (L+S); runaway; desertrix|deserter (female); she who abandons/forsakes/neglects; desertum|desert; wilderness (pl.); unfrequented places; desert places, wastes (L+S); desertus|deserted, uninhabited, without people; solitary/lonely; forsaken; desert/waste; deservio|serve; devote oneself to (interest/job); be subject to; be of service/use to; deses|idle, lazy, indolent; inactive, sluggish; slacking off (from); desicco|dry (up), drain dry; desiccate (L+S); desico|sever; cut off (limb/boundary); cut/carve from/out/away; cut/reap/mow (crop); desicut|since; desideo|sit; settle down; remain seated/sitting; loiter/hang about, be idle/slothful; desideo|settle (sediment); defecate; deteriorate, degenerate; remain inactive (L+S); desiderabilis|wanted, desirable, that is to be wished for; missed (dead people); regretted; desiderans|greatly desired or missed; (SUPER of absent/dead persons); desideranter|longingly, with yearning; eagerly, with ardent desire (L+S); desideratio|desire, longing; want, requirement; question to be examined (L+S); desiderativus|desiderative; (of verbs constructed from other indicating desire for that act); desideratus|desired, longed for, sought after; missed (the dead), regretted; desiderium|desire/longing/want/requirement; desire/grief/regret for dead/absent/loss; desiderium|favorite, object of desire; pleasure, that desired/needed; petition, request; desidero|desire/want, long/wish for, request, require/need; miss, lack; lose; desidero|want to know; investigate/examine/discuss (L+S); raise the question; desidia|idleness, slackness; inactivity; remaining in place; leisure; indolence, sloth; desidia|ebbing; subsiding; (process of); retiring (L+S); desidiabulum|place for lounging/wasting time in; desidies|idleness; desidiose|idly; indolently; slothfully; desidiosus|idle, indolent, lazy; slothful; causing idleness, making lazy (L+S); desido|sink/settle down, subside; sit down; defecate; be depressed; deteriorate; desido|sink/settle down, subside; sit down; defecate; be depressed; deteriorate; desiduo|for a long time; a long time (L+S); designate|distinctly; designatio|arrangement, disposition, layout; appointment, election, designation; designatio|demarcation, marking out; figure, diagram; specification; describing (L+S); designator|arranger; assigner of theater seats; undertaker/master of ceremonies (funeral); designatus|designate/elect; appointed (but not yet installed magistrate); expected (baby); designo|mark; point/mark/trace out, outline/describe; indicate/designate/denote; designo|earmark/choose; appoint, elect (magistrate); order/plan; scheme. perpetrate; desilio|leap/jump down, dismount, alight; (chariot); jump headlong, venture heedlessly; desilio|leap/jump down, dismount, alight; (chariot); jump headlong, venture heedlessly; desilio|leap/jump down, dismount, alight; (chariot); jump headlong, venture heedlessly; desinentia|inflection; desino|stop/end/finish, abandon/leave/break off, desist/cease; come to/at end/close; desino|stop/end/finish, abandon/leave/break off, desist/cease; come to/at end/close; desioculus|one who has lost an eye; desipiens|stupid, witless, lacking intelligence; foolish, silly (L+S); desipientia|loss of reason; want of understanding (L+S); foolishness; desipio|act/be foolish; be out of one's mind/lose one's reason/lack rational thought; desisto|stop/cease/desist (from); give up, leave/stand off; dissociate oneself; desitus|sown/planted deep; desitus|ceasing, stopping; desolatio|desolation; desert; abandonment (Souter); solitude; desolator|that makes lonely/desolate; waster (L+S); that/who abandons (Souter); desolatorius|that makes lonely/desolate; desolatus|desolate; empty; desolo|forsake/abandon/desert; leave alone/without; empty of people; deprive/rob; desolvo|disperse, pay out (sum of money); desommis|deprived of sleep; sleepless (L+S); desonans|echoing downwards; desorbeo|swallow down; desparatus|given up on; desperate; despectatio|view/looking downwards; prospect (L+S); despectator|despiser; one who looks down on; despectio|disdain (for); act of looking down on; (w/GEN); despising, contempt (L+S); despecto|look over/down at, survey; overlook; rise above, overtop; despise/look down on; despector|despiser; one who despises/looks down on; despectrix|despiser (female); she who despises/looks down on; despectus|despicable; suffering contempt; insignificant; contemptible (L+S); despectus|view down/from above; prospect/panorama; spectacle; (object of) contempt/scorn; despeculo|steal/rob of a mirror; desperabilis|desperate; incurable; desperanter|despairingly; in a despairing manner; desperate|desperately, hopelessly; tremendously, very; desperatio|desperation; desperate action/conduct/health; despair/hopelessness (of w/GEN); desperatus|desperate/hopeless; despairing/lacking hope; desperately ill/situated; reckless; desperno|despise utterly/greatly/completely; disdain (L+S); despero|despair (of); have no/give up hope (of/that); give up as hopeless (of cure); despicabilis|despicable, contemptible; despicans|contemptuous, scornful (of); despicatio|scorn; contempt; despicatus|despicable, contemptible; that is an object of contempt; despised (L+S); despicatus|scorn; contempt; (only DAT L+S); despicientia|contempt (for); indifference (to); despising (L+S); despicio|look down on/over; relax attention; disdain, despise; express contempt for; despicor|despise; scorn, disdain; despicus|looking down; despised, disdained (L+S); desplendesco|dim; go out; cease to shine; lose its brightness; despolator|robber; plunderer; despoiler; despoliatio|robbery; despoiling; despoliator|robber; plunderer; despoiler; (Bianchi); despolio|rob/plunder; despoil (of); strip, deprive of clothing/covering; (for flogging); despolior|rob/plunder; despoil (of); strip, deprive of clothing/covering; (for flogging); despondeo|betroth, promise (woman) in marriage; pledge, promise; despair/yield/give up; despondeo|betroth, promise (woman) in marriage; pledge, promise; despair/yield/give up; despondeo|betroth, promise (woman) in marriage; pledge, promise; despair/yield/give up; desponsatio|betrothal; betrothing; engagement; desponsatus|betrothed; engaged; desponsio|despairing, desponding; desponso|betroth, promise in marriage; desponsor|pledger, one who betroths/pledges; desposco|demand; despotice|despotically; despumatio|skimming off; despumo|skim, remove/draw froth/foam/scum (from); stop foaming, settle; deposit foam; despuo|spit (out/down/upon), spurn/reject, abhor; spit on ground (avert evil/disease); desputamentum|spit, spittle; desputum|spit, spittle; desquamatum|excoriated parts; parts of the body from which the skin has been rubbed off; desquamo|scale, remove scales/skin/surface from; peel/rub/scour/clean/scrape/shake off; dessico|divide; penetrate through; open by force; dismember, dissect; dessidens|dissenting; inimical; discordant, at variance; dessignatio|arrangement, disposition, layout; appointment, election, designation; dessignatio|demarcation, marking out; figure, diagram; specification; describing (L+S); dessignator|arranger; assigner of theater seats; undertaker/master of ceremonies (funeral); dessignatus|designate/elect; appointed (but not yet installed magistrate); expected (baby); desterno|unsaddle; ungird; free from its covering; desterto|snore off; (finish dreaming that one is); cease snoring (L+S); destico|squeak; (of the noise made by the shrew-mouse); destillatio|cold/rheum/catarrh; runny nose/eyes; bodily fluid; abscess; distillation (Cal); destillo|drip/trickle down; wet/sprinkle; distill; have dripping off; fall bit by bit; destimulo|goad hard/on; stimulate (L+S); destina|prop, support, stay; destinata|betrothed female; bride; destinatarius|recipient; destinate|resolutely; obstinately; destinatio|designation (of end), specification/design; resolution/determination/obstinacy; destinato|according to a previously determined plan; destinator|designer, he who determines/designs; destinatum|mark/target/goal, object aimed at; purpose/intention/design; [ex ~ => by plan]; destinatus|stubborn/obstinate; determined/resolved/resolute/firm; destined (L+S); fixed; destino|fix/bind/fasten down; fix (in mind), make up mind; aim/fix on target, mark out; destino|determine/intend; settle on, arrange; design; send, address, dedicate (Bee); destitor|he who withdraws from a thing; destituo|fix/set (in position), set up, make fast; leave destitute/without; render void; destituo|desert/leave/abandon/forsake/leave in lurch; disappoint/let down; fail/give up; destitutio|desertion; letting down; betrayal; forsaking (L+S); failure; letting down; destitutor|one who disappoints/deceives/forsakes/fails; destitutus|destitute, devoid of; childless; destrangulo|choke, strangle; destroy; destrictarium|place in the baths for rubbing the body down after exercise; destricte|severely, strictly; unreservedly; destrictivus|dissolving; loosening up; destrictus|strict, severe; uncompromising; unreserved; rigid (L+S); censorious; destringo|strip off, remove by cutting; strip (clothes); scrape/rub down (w/strigil); destringo|scour (bowels); draw (sword); graze; touch lightly; censure/criticize/satirize; destructibilis|destructible; destructilis|destructible; destructio|destruction, demolishing, pulling down; refutation; destructivus|destructive; destructor|destroyer, one who pulls down; destruo|demolish, pull/tear down; destroy, ruin; demolish/refute (arguments/evidence); desub|below, under; beneath; desubito|suddenly; desubulo|make by piercing; bore in deeply (L+S); desudasco|sweat away; perspire freely/greatly; desudatio|free/thorough perspiration/sweating; exertion, painstaking (L+S); desudo|exert oneself; desudo|sweat/perspire/exude (freely); sweat, exert oneself (physical/mental effort); desuefacio|be disaccustomed; bring out of use (L+S); desuefio|be disaccustomed; bring out of use (L+S); desuesco|forget/unlearn; become/be unaccustomed to; disaccustom; lay aside custom/habit; desuetudo|disuse, discontinuance, desuetude; discontinuance of practice/habit (L+S); desuetus|disaccustomed; that has fallen out of use or become unfamiliar; desugo|suck away from; suck in; desulco|plow up; furrow through (L+S); desulto|leap down (into/onto); desultor|vaulter/leaper (between horses), circus trick rider; fickle person/lover (L+S); desultorium|trampoline; desultorius|of/belonging to a desultor (circus trick rider); desultory (L+S); superficial; desultrix|inconstant; (of a lover); desultura|jumping/leaping down, dismounting; action of jumping down; (from a horse); desum|be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing; desum|be wanting/lacking; fail/miss; abandon/desert, neglect; be away/absent/missing; desumo|choose, pick out, select, take; pick (fight); take for/upon one's self (L+S); desuo|fasten; desuper|from above, from overhead; up above; desuper|over, above; desuperne|from above, from overhead; desurgo|rise, get up (from table); go to stool, defecate (euphemism); desurgo|rise; rise from; desurrectio|defecation (euphemism), going to stool; desursum|from above, from overhead; up above; detectio|disclosure; uncovering, revealing (L+S); detector|revealer; uncoverer; discloser; detego|uncover/disclose/reveal; expose, lay bare; fleece; unsheathe; remove; unroof; detendo|unstretch, loosen, relax; strike (tent); let down; detenso|shear off; detentatio|detention; detaining, keeping back; (temporary) control/possession; detentator|detainer; one who holds/keeps back; detentio|detention; detaining, keeping back; (temporary) control/possession; detento|hold/keep back; detentus|holding/keeping back; retention; detention; detepesco|grow cool, cease to be lukewarm; detergeo|wipe/clean off/away; strip/trim/sheer/break/sweep off, rub/wipe clean; cancel; detergeo|remove, take away; break to pieces; have swept off; deterior|low/bad/inferior; poor/mean; unfavorable; weak; degenerate/wicked; deterioro|make worse; deteriorate; deterioro|deteriorate, make worse; deterius|bad, worse, less; unfavorably; in less desirable manner; less/least favorably; determinabilis|finite, that has an end; bounded, limited; determinatio|boundary; marking off boundary; time limitation; end/conclusion; determination determinator|determinator, one who determines/prescribes; determinismus|determinism; theory of determinism; determinista|determinist; determino|delimit/bound, set bounds to; fix temporal limits of; confine within limits; determino|define; designate, mark out; determine linear extent of; conclude/end/settle; detero|rub/wear/file away/down; remove, rub off/out; wear down to smooth surface; detero|thresh (grain); pound; grind; chafe; impair/lessen/weaken; detract from; prune; deterreo|deter; frighten away; discourage (from), put/keep off, avert; frighten/terrify; detersio|cleansing; detestabilis|detestable, execrable, abominable; subject to detestatio/curse; detestabiliter|abominably, detestably, execrably; detestatio|castration; removal of testes; detestatio|solemn curse/execration; expression of hate; averting w/sacrifice; renunciation; detestator|curser; one who detests/execrates/curses; detesto|call down solemn curse on, execrate; detest/loathe; avert, ward off by entreaty; detestor|call down solemn curse on, execrate; detest/loathe; avert, ward off by entreaty; detestor|curser; one who detests; detexo|weave, finish weaving, weave completely; complete/finish; plait (L+S); explain; detineo|detain, hold; hold off, keep away (from); hold prisoner; retain; occupy; detineo|hold/keep back (from use); keep, cause to remain; reserve; delay end, protract; detondeo|clip/shear, crop/prune; shear (wool)/strip (leaf); cut off/short; lay waste; detondeo|clip/shear, crop/prune; shear (wool)/strip (leaf); cut off/short; lay waste; detono|thunder, thunder down/forth; roar out; expend one's thunder, exhaust one's rage; detono|cease thundering/raging; detonsio|shearing off; detonso|clip, shear, crop/prune; shear off (wool), strip off (foliage), cut off/short; detorno|turn, make by turning on lathe; detorqueo|turn/twist/bend/pull away/aside; deflect; deviate (path); divert; sway; detorqueo|distort, bend out of shape; pervert, misrepresent, twist sense of, alter form; detorreo|scorch, burn; detorso|shear off; detractatio|refusal (of a task), evasion, declining; renunciation; disparagement/detraction; detractator|refuser, evader, shirker; one who disparages/belittles; detractatus|treatise; detractio|removal, withdrawal; omission (words); blood-letting; purge; slander (Plater); detracto|refuse (to undertake/undergo), decline, reject, evade, recoil from; detracto|disparage/belittle, speak/write slightingly of; reduce/depreciate/detract from; detractor|detractor, defamer; disparager/belittler/diminisher; decliner/refuser (L+S); detractorium|slander (pl.); detractorius|slanderous; disparaging; detractus|omission, taking away; rejection (L+S); detraho|drag/pull/strip/take down/away/off; remove; exclude, omit, cut out; subtract; detraho|detract (from in speech), disparage; lessen, cause diminishment/detriment; detraho|detach, dislodge (troops); draw (into action); demolish; abstract, derive; detraho|draw off (blood); promote discharge of; force down, induce to come down; detrectatio|refusal (of a task), evasion, declining; renunciation; disparagement/detraction; detrectator|refuser, evader, shirker; one who disparages/belittles; detrectio|removal, withdrawal; omission (words); blood-letting; purge; slander (Plater); detrecto|refuse (to undertake/undergo), decline, reject, evade, recoil from; detrecto|disparage/belittle, speak/write slightingly of; reduce/depreciate/detract from; detrector|detractor, defamer; who disparages/belittles/diminisher; decliner/refuser (L+S); detrimentosus|harmful, detrimental, hurtful; detrimentum|diminishment, material reduction; detriment; harm/loss/damage; reverse/defeat; detrimentum|defeat, loss of battle; overthrow; detritus|worn out; trite, hackneyed; detritus|process of rubbing away; detriumpho|conquer; triumph over; detrudo|push/thrust/drive/force off/away/aside/from/down; expel; dispossess; postpone; detruncatio|lopping (branches off tree); detrunco|mutilate, cut pieces from; lop off, cut off; remove branches from; maim; behead; detrusio|thrusting down; detumesco|subside, become less swollen; (of passions); settle down (L+S); cease swelling; detundo|bruise severely; beat (L+S); deturbator|dispossessor; disturber of property; deturbo|upset/topple, bring tumbling down; dislodge; strike/beat to ground; deturbo|drive/pull/knock/cast/thrust/strike down/off; deprive of; deturpo|disfigure, ruin appearance of; discredit; disparage; defile; deunx|eleven-twelfths (of a unit/as); eleven parts; eleven percent (interest); deuro|burn down/up/thoroughly, consume; destroy/wither/blast (of cold/serpent breath); deurode|come hither!; (deuro de); (applied to a catamite); deus|god; God!: Oh God; Deus|God (Christian text); god; divine essence/being, supreme being; statue of god; deuterius|secondary; derived from second pressing Deuteronomium|Deuteronomy, fifth book of the Bible; copy of the law; deuteros|second note; deuterus|second note; deutor|misuse; use wrongly/wrongfully; (w/ABL); pervert; abuse (L+S); ill-treat (Cas); devagor|wander; stray from; digress; devastatio|devastation; devastator|devastator, he who devastates; devasto|devastate, lay waste (territory/people); ravage; slaughter; devecto|carry away; deveho|carry/convey/transport/take/remove; carry away/downstream/by sea; sail (off w/); deveho|descend, go down (PASS); go away; devello|pull hair from; pluck feathers; pick flowers; pluck bare, depilate; tear off; develo|uncover; unveil (L+S); deveneror|exorcise; ward off by religious rite, avert by prayers; reverence/worship (L+S); devenio|come to, arrive/turn up (at); go (to see/stay); reach; land; turn to; extend to; devenusto|disfigure; mar the beauty of; deform (L+S); deverbero|thrash; flog/whip soundly; cudgel/beat soundly (L+S); deverbium|spoken part of play (unaccompanied by music); devergo|incline/tend downwards; sink; deverro|sweep away; sweep out (L+S); deversito|turn aside and linger (over); put up at an inn (L+S); dwell upon; deversitor|lodger, guest, inhabitant of a rooming house; inn/lodging-house keeper; deversor|lodge, stay, have lodgings; put up at an inn; deversor|lodger, guest; inmate (L+S); deversoriolum|small lodging place; rooming house; small place to stay; deversorium|inn, lodging house, stopping place; public/private accommodation; quarters; deversorium|hotel; deversorius|of an inn/lodging house; fit to lodge/stay in (L+S); [taberna ~=> inn]; deversus|downward; deverticulum|by-way/side-road, turn off main road; branch (river); refuge/retreat/resort; deverticulum|circumlocution/evasion; loophole; deviation/diversion/digression; port of call; deverto|divert, turn away/aside/in/off; detour/digress/branch off; lodge/put up; devescor|devour, eat up; devestio|undress (w/ABL); change/take off clothes; strip (off); devestivus|undressed; devexitas|declivity; downward slope/incline; sloping; devexo|drag about; pull this way and that; harass/harry/vex/trouble; devexo|ravage/plunder; tear/rend/pull/rip apart/asunder, destroy (L+S); devexum|slope; inclined surface (L+S); downhill, easy; devexus|sloping/inclining downwards/downhill/away; steep; shelving; declining/sinking; deviatio|evasion, avoidance; deviation (Latham); straying; deviator|forsaker, one who leaves the way; deserter, defector; devictio|conquering; devigeo|lose the power (to); devigesco|lose one's vigor; slow down; weaken/age; become enfeebled/exhausted/drained; devincio|tie/bind up, hold/fix fast; subjugate; obligate/oblige/constrain; unite closely; devinco|subdue; defeat decisively, conquer/overcome entirely; devinctio|ensnaring, trapping; binding; [magicae ~ => enchantments]: devinctus|attached; tied (to a person); devoted, greatly attached to (L+S); devio|detour; stray; depart; devirginatio|deflowering, loss of virginity; ravishing, debauching; seduction; devirginator|deflowerer; ravisher, despoiler, violator; seducer; devirgino|deflower, deprive of virginity; violate, ravish; grow up, quit youth (PASS L+S); devito|avoid; get/keep clear of; shun (L+S); go out of the way of; dodge/duck/evade; devium|remote/secluded/lonely/unfrequented/out-of-way parts/places (pl.); devius|remote/secluded; out-of-way, off road; sequestered, in seclusion; retired; shy; devius|erratic/inconsistent, devious; deviating/straying/wandering; foolish (L+S); devocator|challenger; devoco|call down (from above); call away/off, summon/divert (from activity/situation); devoco|call; sue; impede; disavow, deny; devolo|fly/swoop/drop down (on to); hurry/rush/hasten/fly down/away (to); devolutivus|devolving to; devolvo|roll/fall/tumble down; roll off; fall/sink back; fall into; devolvor|roll/fall down; roll off; sink back; fall into; hand over, transfer; deprive; devomo|vomit out/forth; vomit up; devorabilis|devourable, which can be devoured, capable of being devoured; consumable; devoratio|devouring; gobbling up; (w/GEN); devorator|devourer; glutton; one who eats greedily/voraciously; who gobbles/swallows up; devoratorium|devouring maw; devoratorius|devouring; destructive to; devoratrix|devouress; glutton; she who eats greedily/voraciously; who gobbles/swallows up; devoro|devour, consume; swallow, gulp down; engulf/ingulf, absorb, drink in; devoro|use up; waste; swallow, endure, put up with; repress/suppress, check (emotion); devorsor|lodger, guest; inmate (L+S); devorsorium|inn, lodging house; devorticulum|by-way/side-road, turn off main road; branch (river); refuge/retreat/resort; devorticulum|circumlocution/evasion; loophole; deviation/diversion/digression; port of call; devortium|by-way, by-path; devorto|divert, turn away/aside/in/off; detour/digress/branch off; lodge/put up; devorto|divert, turn away/aside/in; digress; separate, oppose; resort to; lodge; devotamentum|cursing; anathema; devotatio|consecration, making of vows; curse (Douay); devote|devotedly, faithfully; devoutly; devotio|devotion by general/army to infernal gods for country; curse; spell/sorcery; devotio|devoting/consecrating; fealty/allegiance; piety; prayer; zeal; consideration; devoto|bewitch; put a spell on; curse; devotor|devotee, votary, one faithful; one who prays or calls down curses; devotrix|devotee (female), votary, one faithful; she who prays or calls down curses; devotus|devoted, zealously attached, faithful; devout; pious; accursed, execrable; devoveo|devote, consecrate; vow, promise solemnly; mark out, appoint; curse, execrate; devoveo|dedicate to infernal gods (general/army); destine, doom; bewitch, enchant; devus|god; dextans|ten-twelfths (of a unit); measure/weight of ten unciae (ten ounces); dextella|little right hand; dexter|right, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handy; dexter|favorable/fortunate/portentous; opportune (L+S); proper/fitting/suitable; dexter|right, on/to the right hand/side; skillful/dexterous/handy; dexter|favorable/fortunate/pretentious; opportune (L+S); proper/fitting/suitable; dextera|on the right; on the right-hand side (of); dextera|right hand; weapon/greeting/shaking hand; right side; soldier; dextera|pledge/contract; metal model of hand as token of agreement; dexteratio|movement towards the right (in religious ceremonial); dexteratus|lying to the right; dextere|skillfully; dexterously; dexteritas|readiness to help/oblige; dexterity (L+S); aptness/skill; prosperity; dexterum|right hand; right-hand side; dextra|on the right; on the right-hand side (of); dextra|on the right of; on the right-hand side of; dextra|right hand; weapon/greeting/shaking hand; right side; soldier; dextra|pledge/contract; metal model of hand as token of agreement; dextrale|bracelet; armlet (Ecc); dextraliolum|little/small bracelet; dextralis|hatchet; dextrator|soldier (of a particular unknown kind); dextratus|lying to right of survey line; honorific title (position in unknown rite?); dextre|skillfully; dexterously; dextrinum|dextrin, British gum, leiocome; (starch modified by high temperature OED); dextrocherium|bracelet; (may be medical); dextrorsum|towards the right; on/to the right-hand side; dextrorsus|towards the right; on/to the right-hand side; dextroversum|towards the right; on/to the right-hand side; dextroversus|towards the right; on/to the right-hand side; dextrovorsum|towards the right; on/to the right-hand side; dextrovorsus|towards the right; on/to the right-hand side; dextrum|right hand; right-hand side; di|god; di|god; dia|goddess; diabatharius|slipper-maker; maker of diabathri (particular kind of slipper); shoemaker; diabathrum|slipper (of a particular kind); diabetes|diabetes; (medical condition); diabetes|siphon; tube for sucking/blowing liquid, straw; fire-engine device; liquid jet; diabeticus|diabetic; having diabetes; (medical condition); diabeticus|diabetic; one having diabetes; (medical condition); diabole|slander; false accusation; diabolicus|devilish/diabolic; characteristic of/proceeding/derived from the devil; diabolus|devil; The Devil, Satan, Prince of Evil/Darkness; evil one; diabulus|devil; The Devil, Satan, Prince of Evil/Darkness; evil one; diacatochia|possession; diacatochus|possessor; diacecaumeme|torrid zone; diacheton|small plant from Rhodes; (also called) crysisceptrum; diachylon|medicine (composed of juices OED); diachyton|wine (particular kind); sweet wine (variety of, L+S); diacisson|ointment (kind of); diacodion|medicine (prepared from poppy juice); opiate; diacodione/diacode (OED); diacon|deacon; cleric of minor orders (first/highest level); diaconalis|deaconal/diaconal, of/pertaining to a deacon/deconate/deaconship; diaconandus|deacon-elect, one who is to be made a deacon; diaconatus|deaconate, office/position of deacon, deaconship; deaconry (Latham); diaconia|deaconate, office/position of deaconship; service, ministry; hospice; Diaconicon|Diaconicon, book for use of deacons in Greek rite; diaconicum|sacristy; place for sorting vessels of the alter (L+S); diaconicus|of/pertaining to a deacon/deconate/deaconship; diaconissa|deaconess; diaconissatus|order of deaconesses; diaconium|deaconate, office/position of deacon, deaconship; diaconus|deacon; cleric of minor orders (first/highest level); diacope|tmesis; (separation of a compound word by interposition of another word OED); diacopus|breach in an embankment; spillway/sluice/opening/channel in dam to drain water; diadata|distribution; diadema|diadem/crown; ornamental headband; (sign of sovereignty); dominion; preeminence; diadema|diadem/crown; ornamental headband; (sign of sovereignty); dominion; preeminence; diademalis|wearing a diadem; pertaining to diadem; diadematus|crowned; wearing a diadem; adorned w/diadem (L+S); diadiapason|double octave; (music); (indecl.?); diadoche|succession (in office); diadochos|precious stone (kind of); jewel resembling beryl (L+S); diadochos|successor, one who holds office by right of succession; diadochus|precious stone (kind of); jewel resembling beryl (L+S); diadochus|successor, one who holds office by right of succession; diadumenos|engaged in tying one's hair in a band; diadumenus|engaged in tying one's hair in a band; wearing a diadem (L+S); diaeresis|distribution, separating diphthong/syllable in two pronounced connectively; diaeta|room (house); cabin (ship); compartment (train); out building, annex; out house; diaeta|diet, regimen; course of treatment, way/mode of living prescribed by physician; diaetarcha|servant (female) in charge of the rooms in a house; maid; diaetarchus|servant in charge of the rooms in a house; valet de chambre; diaetarius|servant in charge of the rooms; cabin steward (on ship); valet de chambre (L+S); diaeteta|umpire; judge, arbiter; diaetetica|art of medicine; diaetetice|dietetics; nutritional medicine; treating with diet; diaeteticus|of diet; treating through diet; diaeteticus|physician (as opposed to surgeon); doctor who treats with diet (L+S); diaglaucion|salve made of herbs; diaglaucium|salve made of herbs; diagnosis|diagnosis; diagon|diagonal line, line from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); diagonalis|diagonal, from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); diagonios|diagonal, from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); diagonium|diagonal line, line from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); diagonus|diagonal line, line from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); diagramma|diagram, figure; D:scale, gamut, range (music L+S); diagrydium|juice of the plant scammones (Convolvulus Scammonia); (used as purgative); diaiteon|salve made of juice of willow; dialectica|dialectics, logic; art of logic/reasoning; dialectice|dialectically; logically; according to the dialectical method; dialectice|dialectics, logic; art of logic/reasoning; dialecticos|dialectical, logical; reasoning (creatures); (dialectical method of Academy); dialecticum|dialectics (pl.), logic; art of logic/reasoning; logic questions (L+S); dialecticus|dialectical, logical; reasoning (creatures); (dialectical method of Academy); dialecticus|dialectician, logician; Academic philosopher; one who studies logic; dialectos|dialect; form of speech; dialectus|dialect; form of speech; dialepidos|unguent made with scales that fly from metal in hammering; dialeucos|partially white; intermixed with white (L+S); whitish; dialibanum|salve made with frankincense; dialion|heliotrope (plant); Dialis|of Jupiter; of flamen Dialis; heavenly/aerial; [flamen ~ => Roman chief priest]; dialogismos|consideration; (in logical argument); dialogista|able disputant; good arguer/reasoner; dialogus|discussion, philosophical conversation; dispute; composition in dialog form; dialutensis|that lives partly in mud; (like a mussel); dialysis|resolution/dialysis (of diphthong); making two short syllables from long one; dialyton|resolution/dialysis (of diphthong); making two short syllables from long one; diamastigosis|severe scourging; diameliloton|salve made of meliloton (kind of clover); diameliton|salve made of honey; diameter|diameter; (geometry); diametralis|diametrical, diametric; (geometry); diametricalis|diametrical, diametric; (geometry); diametros|diameter; diametros|diametral, of/related to diameter; diametric, diametrical (Whitaker); diametrum|loss; want of; that is wanting to the measure; diamisyos|salve made of misy (copper ore/pyrite); diamoron|medicine made of juice of black mulberries and honey; Diana|Diana (virgin goddess of light/moon/hunt); (identified w/Artimis); moon; Dianarius|of Diana (virgin goddess of light/moon/hunt); [radix ~ => plant mugwort]; Dianium|temple/place sacred to Diana (virgin goddess of light/moon/hunt); Dianius|of Diana (virgin goddess of light/moon/hunt); dianoea|dianoetic, display of fact (instead of conception); dianome|distribution of money (in canvassing for office); buying votes; diapanton|pre-eminently; out of all the number; universally (L+S); diapasma|scented (body) powder; diapason|whole octave; (music); (indecl.?); diapente|medicine made of five ingredients;; diapente|interval of a fifth; (music); diaphonia|disharmony; discord; diaphora|distinction, repetition of word w/different meanings; uncertainty; diaphoresis|sweat; exhaustion; diaphoreticus|inducing/promoting/producing perspiration/sweat, diaphoretic, sudorfic; diaphragma|diaphragm; septum, partition; midriff; diaphragm (optics/audio/cervical); diaporesis|perplexity, doubting; sweating it out?; (not pure sweat in classical); diapsalma|pause in music; diapsoricum|eye-salve; diarium|diary, daily record, journal; daily allowance/ration; newspaper (Cal); diarius|daily; diarrhoea|diarrhea/diarrhoea; the flux; diartymaton|salve (of a particular kind); diasostes|policeman (sort of); diaspermaton|drug made from seeds; diastema|space; distance; interval (L+S); space between; D:interval (in music); diastematicus|having pauses/spaces/intervals; diastole|distole, mark indicating separation or words; comma; diastoleus|auditor of accounts; diastylos|diastyle, having columns at wide intervals; (intervals of 3-4 diameters OED); diasyrmos|mocking; reviling; disparagement, ridicule (as rhetorical ploy); diasyrtice|mockingly; disparagingly; diasyrticus|mocking; reviling; disparaging, ridiculing; diataxis|instrument of disposition; diatessaron|interval of a fourth (music); (indecl.?); harmony of the four Gospels (Ecc); diatessaron|medicine made of four ingredients; diathesis|disease; morbid condition; diathyrum|foyer (pl.); enclosure before door of Greek house; (Roman) prothyrum; diatoichum|brick-work (sort of); diatonicon|masonry filled in with rubble; (band-stone wall binding); diatonicus|banding/stretching through; (w/lateres, band-stone wall binding); diatonicus|diatonic; (music); diatonon|diatonic scale; natural/diatonic series of notes without break (L+S); diatonos|diatonic; (music scale); diatonum|diatonic scale; natural/diatonic series of notes without break (L+S); diatonus|band-stones (w/lateres, stones/bricks which run through to bind wall); diatretarius|carver; turner; one doing open-work/filigree decoration or chasing/embossing; diatretum|vessels (pl.) w/pierced/open-work/filigree decoration or chasing/embossing; diatretus|carved; having open-work/filigree decoration or embossing; pierced w/holes; diatriba|school for rhetoric/philosophy; learned discussion (L+S); diatritaeus|three-day, of the space of three days; diatritus|return of fever on third day; diatyposis|description; representation; diaulos|double course; course/race of two laps; (racing); race out and back (L+S); diaxylon|plant, aspalathus or camel thorn; plant from Rhodes, crysisceptrum (L+S); diazeugmenon|separation; disjunction; diazeuxis|separation; diazoma|semi-circular gangway/ramp in theater; space between seats in theater (L+S); dibalo|blab; bleat out; dibapha|twice-dyed robe; scarlet striped w/purple robe (of high magistrate L+S); dibaphus|twice-dyed; (like robe of magistrater); scarlet striped w/purple (L+S); dibrachysos|dibrach, pyrrhic, metrical foot consisting of two short syllables; dibucino|trumpet forth; trumpet in different direction; dica|lawsuit; legal action; judicial process (L+S); dicabulum|chatter (pl.); idle talk; dicacitas|biting/mordant/caustic/incisive wit/raillery/banter/ridicule; dicacule|banteringly; caustically; facetiously (L+S); keenly; satirically; dicaculus|talkative/loquacious; glib; spirited/lively (speech); witty (L+S); facetious; dicaeologia|plea; defense; dicanicium|mace; dicasterium|office; bureau; dicatio|attachment as citizen to another state; declaring intent to become citizen; dicator|dedicator; dicatus|dedicated; hallowed; dicax|witty; sarcastic; w/ready tongue; given to mocking another; satirical (L+S); dicentetum|eyesalve, (name of) salve for eyes; dichalcum|coin; (1/4 or 1/5 obolus); dichomenion|plant (of some kind); dichoneutus|adulterated; recast; dichoreus|double trochee/choree, metrical foot of two chorees/trochees (_U_U); dichotomia|dichotomy; dichotomos|halved; cut in two; dichronus|common in quantity; common (of two quantities L+S); dicibulum|chatter (pl.); idle talk; dicimonium|oratory; speaking; dicio|authority, power, control; rule, domain, sway; dicis|form; [~ causa/gratia (only) => for the sake of appearance or judicial form]; dico|dedicate/consecrate; deify; devote; attach to another state; assign; show; dico|say, declare, state; allege, declare positively; assert; plead (case); dico|talk/speak; make speech; play (instrument); pronounce, articulate; utter; mean; dico|name/call; appoint, fix/set (date); designate, declare intention of giving; dicrota|light galley; (perhaps propelled by two banks of oars); bireme; dicrotum|light galley; (perhaps propelled by two banks of oars); bireme; dictabolarium|joke (pl.); (nonce-word indicating verbal joke); satirical saying (L+S); dictamen|saying/maxim; (late of dictum.); order (Ecc); prescription; command; precept; dictamnos|dittany (an herb); (also) pennyroyal; (another unidentified); dictamnum|dittany (an herb); (also) pennyroyal; (another unidentified); dictamnus|dittany (an herb); (also) pennyroyal; (another unidentified); dictatio|dictated draft; dictation; dictatiuncula|short dictation; dictator|dictator; (Roman magistrate having plenary power, appointed in emergency); dictatorius|dictatorial; of a dictator; dictatorius|dictator; (Italian municipal officer); Carthaginian military commander; dictatrix|dictatress, dictatrix, female dictator; (facetious); mistress (Cas); dictatum|things dictated (pl.); dictated lessons or exercises; lessons; precepts/rules; dictatura|dictatorship, office of dictator; dicterium|joke, witticism; witty saying (L+S); bon mot; dicticos|pointing; demonstrative; dictio|speaking/saying/uttering (action); declaration of judgment/penalty; prediction; dictio|public speaking; method/style/form of speaking; inflection; delivery/speech; dictionarium|dictionary; dictiosus|witty; facetious (L+S); satirical; dictito|repeat; persist in saying, keep on saying/speaking of; say/plead/call often; dicto|dictate (for writing/speaking); compose; draw up; order/prescribe; fix (survey); dicto|say/declare/assert repeatedly/habitually/often/frequently; reiterate; recite; dictophonum|Dictaphone; dictor|speaker; orator; dictum|words/utterance/remark; one's word/promise; saying/maxim; bon mot, witticism; dicturio|long/want/wish to say/tell; dictus|speech; speaking, saying (action); word (Ecc); command; didacticus|teaching; didactic; intellectual; didascalicus|of instruction/teaching; teaching, giving instruction; didactic; instructive; didascalus|teacher; didascolus|teacher; didasculatus|office of teacher; didasculo|teach, instruct didasculus|teacher; dido|distribute, deal out, disseminate; spread, diffuse; spread abroad (L+S); Dido|Dido; (queen and founder of Carthage); (lover of Aeneas); didrachm|double drachma; Greek silver coin; half shekel; (1/3000 talent); (half dollar); didrachma|double drachma; Greek silver coin; half shekel; (1/3000 talent); (half dollar); didrachmon|double drachma; Greek silver coin; half shekel; (1/3000 talent); (half dollar); didragma|double drachma; Greek silver coin; half shekel; (1/3000 talent); (half dollar); didragmon|double drachma; Greek silver coin; half shekel; (1/3000 talent); (half dollar); diduco|divide, split, separate, sever; cause to come apart, break up; loosen (knot); diduco|draw/lead/pull apart/aside; spread/open/space out; deploy/disperse (forces); diductio|distribution; separation/dividing into parts; expansion, (act of) spreading out; Didymus|"twin", apostle Thomas; diecula|brief day, short time; (of respite); short space of a day (L+S); little while; dierectus|crucified; hanged; (go and be hanged! w/hinc); (sense of peremptory dismissal) dies|day; daylight; (sunlit hours); (24 hours from midnight); open sky; weather; dies|specific day; day in question; date of letter; festival; lifetime, age; time; diesis|quarter tone; first audible note of instrument (L+S); dieteris|period of two years; dietim|daily; day-by-day; diezeugmenon|separation of equals/equal circumstances; two tetrachords (pl.) forming a scale; diezeugmenos|disjunct; separate; diezeuxis|diezeuxis note; note equal to nete-diezeugmenon; diffamatio|promulgation, publication; defamation (Ecc); diffamatus|notorious; widely known; defamed/maligned (Bee), given a bad name; spread about; diffamia|defamation; diffamo|defame, slander; spread news of, publish abroad/widely, publish/divulge (L+S); diffarreatio|ceremony of divorce; ancient form of Roman divorce (L+S); diffensus|deferred; protracted; differens|difference/distinction; differentiating/distinguishing characteristic; differens|different; superior; excellent; differenter|differently; differentia|difference/diversity/distinction; distinguishing characteristic; different kind; differentialis|differential; differitas|difference; differo|postpone/delay/differ; put off, keep waiting; give respite to; differ, disagree; differo|spread abroad; scatter/disperse; separate; defame; confound/bewilder, distract; differtus|full, filled/stuffed; stuffed full; filled/stretched out with stuffing; crowded; diffibulo|unfasten; unbuckle (L+S); unclasp; difficile|with difficulty; difficilis|difficult, troublesome; hard; hard to please/manage/deal with/carry out; difficilis|obstinate (person), intractable; inflexible; morose/surly; labored; difficiliter|with difficulty; reluctantly; difficultas|difficulty; trouble; hardship/want/distress/poverty (L+S); obstinacy; difficulter|with difficulty; reluctantly; diffidens|distrustful; lacking in confidence; without self-confidence (L+S); anxious; diffidenter|diffidently; without self-confidence (L+S); anxious; diffidentia|distrust, mistrust; unbelief; want of faith (Ecc); suspicion; disobedience; diffido|distrust; despair; (w/DAT) lack confidence (in), despair (of); expect not; diffindo|divide (usu. on length); split/cut/break off/open; defer/put off; refute/deny; diffingo|reshape/remold, mold/forge into different shape; remodel, transform, make anew; diffinio|define/bound/fix/limit/mark; restrict/confine; assign, ordain; lay down (rule); diffinitio|definition, precise description; specification; fixing/marking a boundary; diffinitio|classification; pronouncement, ruling; argument based on definition of term; diffinitio|ending/boundary/limit (L+S); limiting; explanation; which is decreed/decided; diffissio|postponement (of a trial); continuance; delay, deferral; putting off; diffiteor|disavow, deny; difflagito|importune, pester; dun, press, beset; difflatus|blowing in an opposite direction; diffleo|cry/weep away (one's eyes); diffletus|wept/cried out, drained with weeping/crying; difflo|blow away, scatter/disperse by blowing; blow apart (L+S); diffluo|flow away; waste/wear/melt away; dissolve/disappear; pass out; ramble (speaker); diffluus|exuding liquid freely; seeping; overflowing (L+S); flowing asunder; diffluvio|divide and spread out; split (L+S); divide/branch (into two streams); diffluxio|discharge; flowing off; difformatas|disagreement; lack of conformity; diffors|justified, mitigating; defense that admits act but justifies; diffringo|shatter; break up/apart/in pieces; diffugio|scatter, disperse, dispel; flee/run away in different/several directions; diffugium|scattering, flight in all directions; running away; dispersion (L+S); diffugo|scatter, disperse, dispel; put to flight; rout; diffulguro|scatter lightning/thunderbolts around/abroad; diffulmino|scatter (as) with a thunderbolt/lightning; diffumigo|fumigate; diffundito|dissipate; squander, waste, throw away; diffundo|diffuse; spread/pour out/widely; bottle/draw off; squander, distribute lavishly; diffundo|expand/enlarge; spread/extend over area/time; relax/cheer up/free of restraint; diffuse|amply/liberally; expansively; widely/everywhere; copiously (L+S); scattered way; diffusilis|diffusive; capable of spreading, elastic (Cas); diffusio|expansiveness, gentility; spread (Ecc); diffusion, spreading out; cheerfulness; diffusio|pouring out (liquids); watering of the eyes; wide stretch, extent; abundance; diffusor|bottler, one who draws off into smaller vessels; drawer-off of liquids (L+S); diffusus|spread out; wide; extending/covering widely; extensive/expansive (writing); diffutuo|indulge in promiscuous sexual intercourse with (woman); copulate freely (rude); diffututus|existed by (sexual) indulgence; difringo|shatter; break up/apart/in pieces; digamia|remarriage, second marriage (after death/divorce); digamy; (usu. not bigamy); digamma|digamma; (archaic Greek letter); Aeolic double gamma; (in Latin use F or V); digammon|digamma; (archaic Greek letter); Aeolic double gamma; (in Latin use F or V); digammos|digamma; (archaic Greek letter); Aeolic double gamma; (in Latin use F or V); digammus|digamma; (archaic Greek letter); Aeolic double gamma; (in Latin use F or V); digamus|twice-married, remarried, that has been married twice; (usu. not) bigamist; digeries|disposition, arrangement; L:digestion; digero|scatter/disperse; carry/move away; distribute/disseminate; divide off, separate; digero|lay/set out; plant/spread/branch out; arrange, organize, classify; enumerate; digero|dissolve, dissipate morbid matter; exercise (for health); consider maturely; digestibilis|of digestion; digestible, easy to digest; promoting digestion; digestilis|promoting digestion; digestim|in order; digestio|arrangement; laying/setting out/in order; division (speech); enumeration; digestio|digestion; dissolving of food; distribution of assimilated food in body (OLD); digestivus|digestive; of digestion; digestorius|promoting digestion; digestum|digest of laws (pl.); abstract of body of law arranged systematically; digestus|arranged, set in order; digestus|that has good digestion; digestus|administration; arrangement and disposal; distribution (L+S); management; digitabulum|finger-stall/protector/guard; glove worn picking olives (L+S); glove (Cal); digitalis|measuring a finger's breadth; of/belonging to a finger (L+S); digital (Cal); digitatus|having toes; having fingers or toes (L+S); digitellum|houseleek; (plant Sempervivum tectorum); digitellus|houseleek; (plant Sempervivum tectorum); digitillum|houseleek; (plant Sempervivum tectorum); digitillus|houseleek; (plant Sempervivum tectorum); digitulus|little finger; little toe; the touch of a finger; claw (crab/bird L+S); digitus|finger; toe; finger's breadth, inch; (1/16 of a pes); twig; digladiabilis|fierce; contentious; digladior|fight (gladiatorial); fight/struggle fiercely; contend; flourish sword (Cas); diglossos|plant (sedum alum); (diglossia, using two forms of language is modern 1960); digma|specimen; dignabilis|worthy, deserving, meriting; dignans|dignified?; dignanter|courteously; with complaisance; worthily (Ecc); properly; dignatio|esteem/regard/respect (for); repute/reputation, honor/dignity; rank/status; digne|worthily; appropriately/suitably; in a fitting manner; becomingly (L+S); dignitas|worth, excellence; fitness/suitability (for task),; honor, esteem, standing; dignitas|rank/status; merit; dignity; position/authority/office; dignitaries (pl.); dignitos|dignified, having dignified status/position; respectable (L+S); dignitoss|dignified, having dignified status/position; respectable (L+S); digno|worthily; appropriately/suitably; in a fitting manner; becomingly (L+S); digno|deem/consider/think worthy/becoming/deserving/fit (to); deign, condescend; dignor|deem/consider/think worthy/becoming/deserving/fit (to); deign, condescend; dignoro|distinguish; know apart, make distinction, separate; dignoscentia|knowledge; power of distinguishing; dignosco|discern/distinguish/separate, recognize as distinct; make distinction; dignum|appropriate/suitable thing; worthy act; worth; dignus|appropriate/suitable; worthy, deserving, meriting; worth (w/ABL/GEN); digrassor|rove around/about; digredior|depart; come/go away; part/separate/deviate; divorce; G:digress/leave (topic); digressio|separation, parting, departure, going away; G:digression; digressio|place of retirement/holiday; digressivus|digressive, of/pertaining to a digression; contained in digression (Souter); digressus|departure, parting; separation; G:digression; deviation (L+S); (going) aside; digressus|place of retirement; death; digrunnio|grunt hard; give a performance of grunting; dihesis|quarter tone; first audible note of instrument (L+S); dii|god; dii|god; diiambus|diiamb, double iamb, metrical foot of two iambs (U_U_); diis|god; diis|god; Dijovis|Jupiter (old name); (Italian sky god); (supreme being); heavens/sky (poetic); dijudicatio|judication, action/faculty of deciding/judging/determining (between things); dijudicatrix|arbitress; adjudicator/judicator/umpire/decider/judge (female); dijudico|decide, settle (conflict); adjudicate/judge; distinguish (between), discern; dijugatio|separation; dijugo|separate; dijuncte|separately; disjunctively, in form of disjunctive proposition; dijunctim|separately; dijunctio|separation (from person); rupture (relationship); disjunctive proposition; dijunctivus|disjunctive, separative; disconnecting, making discontinuous (surveying); dijunctus|separated/distant/disconnected/set apart; different/distinct/individual; dijungo|unyoke; disunite, sever, divide, separate, part, estrange; put asunder (Ecc); dikerion|double candlestick used by Greek bishops; dikerium|double candlestick used by Greek bishops; dilabidus|that disintegrates, that falls/goes to pieces; dilabor|run/flow/slip away, spread (liquids); dissolve/melt away, disperse (clouds); dilabor|fall apart/to pieces; disintegrate; break down (body), collapse/decay/perish; dilabor|flee/escape; scatter, fall into confusion; be lost; go to ruin; pass (time); dilaceratio|tearing to pieces, tearing in pieces; tearing apart; shredding; dilacero|tear to pieces, tear in pieces; tear apart; dilamino|split in two (?); dilancinatus|torn apart; torn to pieces; shredded; rent asunder; dilanio|tear to pieces; shred; rend/pull asunder; dilapidatio|squandering; wasting; dilapidator|squanderer; dilapido|bring (edifice) to partial ruin; pelt/shower w/stones; dilapido|squander; throw away; scatter like stones; consume; destroy; dilapsio|decay; destruction; dilargio|lavish; give away freely; give/bestow liberally/profusely/recklessly; dilargior|lavish; give away freely; give/bestow liberally/profusely/recklessly; dilargitor|lavish giver; generous donor; dilargus|extravagant; lavish; dilatatio|increase/enlargement; expansion/extension; dilation; diffusion/propagation; dilatator|propagator, he who propagates (the Latin language, for instance); dilatatus|dilated; widened out; dilatio|adjournment; postponement, delay; deferral; interval (of space); dilato|widen/broaden, expand/enlarge/extend/spread/dilate; prolong; flatten/roll out; dilato|exaggerate, magnify; fill out; express more fully; pronounce more broadly; dilator|procrastinator; delayer; dilatory person (L+S); dilatorius|dilatory, delaying; concerned with deferment; dilatura|postponement, delay; deferral; dilaudo|praise expansively/widly/highly/much/in all respects; be grateful to (Ecc); dilaxo|stretch apart; dilectator|recruiter; recruiting officer; dilectio|love; delight, pleasure (Bee); goodwill; dilector|lover; one who loves or has affection (for); dilectus|beloved, dear; loved (L+S); dilectus|favorite; pet; dilectus|levy/draft/conscription; enlistment, recruiting, mustering; levy/men enrolled; dilectus|selection/choosing; choice (between possibilities), discrimination/distinction; dilemma|dilemma, double proposition; argument putting foe between two difficulties; dilexio|beloved, love; amiability (address or title); favor; dilibuo|besmear; anoint with a liquid; dilibutus|thickly smeared/stained; steeped (in a condition), deeply imbued (with feeling); diliculum|dawn, daybreak; dilido|batter to pieces; diligens|careful; diligent, scrupulous; accurate; industrious; assiduous; diligens|thrifty, economical, frugal; attentive, fond (of), devoted (to); diligenter|carefully; attentively; diligently; scrupulously; thoroughly/completely/well; diligentia|diligence/care/attentiveness; economy/frugality/thrift; industry; love (Souter); diligibilis|amiable; estimable; lovable (Souter); diligo|bind fast, tie (up), fasten; make fast by tying; bandage; tie (bandage); diligo|love, hold dear; value/esteem/favor; have special regard for; (milder than amo); dilinio|disturb, harass; torment mentally; dilitatio|delay; enlargement (Nelson); dilogia|ambiguity; dilorico|tear/pull apart/open; (of garment covering breast); diloris|two-striped; (garment); diluceo|be clear; be evident; be light enough to distinguish objects (L+S); dilucesco|dawn, become/grow light; begin to shine (L+S); shine (PERF); dilucidatio|explaining; distinctness; capability of being clearly perceived/understood; dilucide|plainly, clearly, distinctly, evidently, lucidly; brightly, clearly; dilucidus|plain, clear, distinct, evident; lucid; clear, bright; transparent; diluculat|it dawns, it becomes/grows light; diluculo|at dawn/daybreak/first light; early; diluculum|dawn, daybreak, first light; break of day; diludium|interval; intermission in games/plays; half-time; breathing-space; resting time; diluo|wash (away/off); dissolve and carry away; purge/clear/empty (bowels); drench; diluo|bathe/wet/moisten; temper/dilute/dissolve/weaken/thin out (w/water); dissipate; diluo|rebut/refute, explain away, make clear, explain, clear up (charge); diminish; dilute|slightly; weakly; faintly; dilutum|dilute solution; solution, liquid in which something has been dissolved (L+S); dilutus|diluted, mixed w/water; thin, watery; pale; faint; feeble, lacking force; soft; diluvialis|of a deluge/flood; diluvies|flood, inundation; deluge (L+S); destruction (by water); diluvio|flood, inundate; deluge (L+S); diluvio|flood, inundation; deluge (L+S); destruction (by water); diluvium|flood, inundation; deluge (L+S); destruction (by water); dimacha|soldiers (pl.) who fight on foot or horseback; dismounted cavalry; dragoons; dimachaerus|fighting with two swords; dimachaerus|gladiator who fights with two swords; dimadesco|melt away; dimano|run/flow down; percolate; flow different ways (L+S); descend; descend from; dimensio|measuring (action/process); measurement; dimension; measuring out words/lines; dimensio|reasoning; judgment; extent (L+S); dimensus|regular; measured; dimeter|of two measures or two/four metric feet; dimeterus|dimeter; verse of two measures or two/four metric feet; dimetiens|diameter; dimetior|measure out/off; (space/time/words); weigh out, measure by weight; lay out; dimeto|measure out; mark out; fix the limits; dimetor|measure out; mark out; fix the limits; dimetr|of two measures or two/four metric feet; dimetria|poem consisting of iambic dimeters (two measures or metric feet); dimetros|dimeter; verse of two measures or two/four metric feet; dimicatio|fight; instance of a battle/engagement; combat; struggle, conflict; contest; dimico|fight, battle; struggle/contend/strive; brandish weapons; be in conflict/peril; dimico|fight, battle; struggle/contend/strive; brandish weapons; be in conflict/peril; dimidia|half; dimidiatio|halving; dividing into halves; dimidiatus|halved, divided in half; incomplete, imperfect, half; dimidietas|half; dimidio|halve, divide in half/two; divide into two equal parts (L+S); dimidium|half; [dimidio w/COMP ADJ ~ => twice as ~]; dimidius|half; incomplete, mutilated; [parte ~a auctus => twice as large, doubled]; diminuo|shatter; break; dash to pieces (L+S); violate/outrage; lessen/diminish (Ecc); diminutio|understatement; formation of diminutive; [capitis ~ => loss of civil rights]; diminutivum|form of the diminutive; diminutive (noun L+S); (grammar); dimissio|dismissal/firing/discharge (from job); [sanguinis ~ => blood-letting/bleeding]; dimissio|sending out/forth/ in different directions; remission (of pain/fever); dimissor|forgiver; pardoner; dimissorialis|of/pertaining to dismissal/discharge/release/firing, dimissorial; dimissorius|of/pertaining to dismissal/discharge/release/firing; B:relaxing/improving; dimissus|surrender; handing over; demise; dimitto|send away/off; allow to go, let go/off; disband, discharge, dismiss (soldiers); dimitto|dissolve (assembly); part with; put away; divorce; pay off, settle (debt); dimitto|release, set free; allow to escape/slip away; shake off/scatter/shed; dimitto|discontinue, renounce, abandon/forsake, forgo, give up (activity); dispatch; dimminuo|shatter; break; dash to pieces (L+S); violate/outrage; lessen/diminish (Ecc); dimolio|throw/cast off, remove; pull/tear down, demolish/destroy/lay waste; abolish; dimolior|throw/cast off, remove; pull/tear down, demolish/destroy/lay waste; abolish; dimoveo|put/set aside, dismiss, divert; displace/remove; exercise, move about; dimoveo|separate/divide; cleave; make a parting in/between;, part; disperse; dine|whirlwind; vortex; dinosaurus|dinosaur; dinosco|discern/distinguish/separate, recognize as distinct; make distinction; dinoto|mark with a distinctive label; dinumerabilis|calculable; that may be numbered; enumerable, countable; dinumeratio|counting/reckoning (action/process); calculation; enumeration of points; dinumerator|counter, reckoner; enumerator; dinumero|count, calculate (number of); enumerate; reckon; count/pay out (money); dinummium|tax of two nummi; dinuptila|plant, bryony; dinus|divine; godlike; (divinus in inscription); diobolaris|two obol-; priced at/costs/is worth two obols, very cheap; (a dime); dioces|diocese, province; Roman provincial district; (later) bishop's jurisdiction; diocesanus|diocesan; of bishop's jurisdiction; diocesis|diocese, province; Roman provincial district; (later) bishop's jurisdiction; Diocletianus|Diocletian; (Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian 284-305); dioeces|diocese, province; Roman provincial district; (later) bishop's jurisdiction; dioecesanus|diocesan; of bishop's jurisdiction; dioecesis|diocese, province; Roman provincial district; (later) bishop's jurisdiction; dioecetes|officer controlling expenditure; revenue official/overseer, Royal treasurer; diogmita|border guards (pl.); light-armed frontier troops for the pursuit of robbers; dionymus|with/having a double name; Dionysius|Dionysius (long y); (of Syracuse); Dennis (Ecc); St Dennis of Paris; dionysonymphas|plant (unknown); (first y long); (also called casignete); Dionysus|Dionysus (Greek long y); Bacchus (Roman); god of wine; diopetes|fallen from the sky/heaven; [~ rana => rain-frog]; diopetes|something fallen from the sky/heaven; dioptra|surveying/optical instrument (used for measuring levels/heights); dioptrica|dioptric; diopter; (lens) focal length one meter; (2 ~ -> half meter); dioryx|channel; trench; canal; dioryz|channel; trench; canal; dioryz|channel; trench; canal; diota|two-handled (wine) jar/vessel; wine-jar (L+S); Diovis|Jupiter/Jove; (Italian sky god); (supreme being); heavens/sky (poetic); diox|fish; (from Black Sea); diphryges|designation of a slag formed in copper smelting; diphryges|copper-smelting furnace slag; diphthongus|diphthong; diphyes|precious stone (unknown); diplangium|double vessel; (duplex vas); diplasius|duplicate; twofold; diplinthius|two bricks thick, having thickness of two bricks, as thick as two bricks; diplois|cloak, robe; double robe wrapped around body; double wrapping; layer (Souter); diploma|letter of recommendation/passage/privileges; travel permit for Imperial post; diploma|certificate; letter folded double (L+S); diploma (Ecc); charter; diplomarius|having permit to travel by Imperial post; diplomarius|Imperial officer employed to issue diplomata (Imperial post travel permits); diplomatibus|Imperial officer employed to issue diplomata (Imperial post travel permits); diplomatice|diplomatically; diplomaticus|diplomatic; dipondiarius|worth two asses (money, two cents); worthless; weighing two pounds; dipondiarius|two as piece/coin (money); (two cents); dipondius|two asses (weight/money); (two pounds); two feet (linear measure); need/want; dipsacos|plant of teasel family; (of genus Dipsacus); dipsas|snake (whose bite provokes thirst); (as name "thirsty woman"); dipteros|having double row of columns all around; with two wings (L+S); dipteros|having double row of columns all around; with two wings (L+S); diptherias|tough skin, goatskin; old man; dipthongus|diphthong; diptotum|nouns (usu. pl.) having only two cases; diptychon|diptych; list of commemorations, register of those commemorated by Church;. diptychum|writing tablet of two leaves (pl.); double shell of oyster; dipyrus|twice burnt; twice fired; (applied to encaustic painting); dira|curses, imprecations (pl.); bad omens, presages of evil; The Furies; Harpies; dirado|scratch slightly; diraro|thin out (vegetation); chop, hoe;; diratio|deraignment, proof; establishment of title; dirationo|deraign; establish title; vindicate; decide/adjudge; [~ me => clear oneself]; dircium|plant; (also known as Apollinaris herba); kind of solanum (nightshade family); directa|perpendicularly; straight down; directarius|burglar; sneak-thief; one who secretly enters a home to steal; directe|in straight line; in straightforward order (of words); directly (L+S); straight; directiangulus|rectangular, right-angled; directilineus|rectilinear; in a straight line; directim|in a regular manner; directly, straightaway (L+S); directio|direction/act of directing; arranging in line/leveling/straightening; aiming; directio|sending (to place); right living; righteousness; fairness/justice; correction; directitudo|rightness, correctness; fairness; directivum|directive; guideline; directivus|directive; helpful, positive; directing (Cal); guiding; directo|straight, in straight line; directly, immediately, without intervening action; director|director; directorium|directory; the Ordo (guide for celebrating Mass and liturgy of daily hours); directorius|that directs or sends in any direction; directum|straight line; directura|level, uniform horizontal surface; leveling of a surface; directus|straight/not curved; moving straight forward/in straight line; direct/absolute; directus|vertical, upright, perpendicular; simple; forthright/undisguised; strict legal; directus|steep (L+S); level; open/straightforward (Ecc); proper, helpful/guiding; directus|person given rights by direct procedure; diremptio|estrangement: break up/off (relations w/person); separation (L+S); diremptus|separation; process of taking apart; break up; direptio|plundering/pillage/sacking; struggle for share; scramble; stealing (L+S); rape; direptor|plunderer; pillager; robber; diribeo|sort/separate voting tablets/ballots from ballot-box; distribute, dispense; diribitio|sorting/dividing of votes/voting tablets from ballot-box; diribitor|officer who sorts voting tablets; election official; distributor (food); waiter; diribitorium|building in Campus Martius where votes were sorted/soldier's pay distributed; diribitorium|ticket booth at public baths (perh.), place for issuing tickets in baths; dirigismus|interventionism; dirigo|arrange/set in line/direction; align; set in order; form up, fall in (army); dirigo|mark/fix (boundary); demarcate; straighten (out); level; square (up); dirigo|point; direct (word/attention); bring proceedings; end word w/inflection; dirigo|direct (course/steps), turn/steer/guide; propel/direct (missiles/blows); dirimens|invalidating, nullifying; E:diriment (diriment impediment annuls marriage); dirimo|pull/break/take apart; cleave; sort (votes); break up/dissolve (joint activity); dirimo|divide; separate/cut off/remove; delay/interrupt temporally/put off/frustrate; dirimo|cause to diverge;; draw a line/boundary; settle, impose decision on (dispute); diripio|pull/tear apart/to pieces/away; tear asunder/to shreds; pull out/off; divert; diripio|grab; scramble for; snatch a share of; strive; run after, compete for (favor); diripio|plunder, pillage, spoil, lay waste; seize and divide; steal/rob; distress; diritas|frightfulness, quality inspiring fear; dire event; misfortune (L+S); cruelty; dirivatio|heading off/away (into another channel); derivation; dirivo|draw/lead off (river/fluid), divert/turn aside; derive/draw on; form derivative; dirrumpo|cause to break apart/shatter/burst/split/rupture/disrupt; (PASS) burst/break; dirum|fearful things; ill-boding events; dirumpo|cause to break apart/shatter/burst/split/rupture/disrupt; (PASS) burst/break; diruo|demolish/wreck/destroy, pull down, raze to ground; overthrow; bankrupt (L+S); diruo|have one's pay stopped/docked (of soldier); scatter, drive asunder (L+S); diruptio|explosion; process of bursting; tearing asunder/to pieces (L+S); dirus|awful/dire/dreadful (omen); ominous/frightful/terrible/horrible; skillful (L+S); dirutio|process of falling into ruin; destruction (L+S); dis|god; dis|god; Dis|Dis (Roman ruler of the underworld); (originally) deity/godhead (L+S); Jupiter; dis|rich/wealthy; richly adorned; fertile/productive (land); profitable; sumptuous; disamo|love dearly; discalceatus|barefoot, unshod, discalced; shoeless (Ecc); (of Friars); discantus|descant, upper voice in part singing; discapedino|separate (the hands so as to use independently); hold hands apart (L+S); discaveo|beware of; be on one's guard against; keep away from; discedo|go/march off, depart, withdraw; scatter, dissipate; abandon; lay down (arms); disceptatio|debate; dispute; discussion; judgment, judicial award; disceptator|arbitrator; disceptio|debate; dispute; discussion; judgment, judicial award; discepto|dispute; debate; arbitrate; discerno|see, discern; distinguish, separate; discerpo|pluck or tear in pieces; rend, mutilate, mangle; discessio|withdrawal, dispersal; discessus|going apart; separation departure, marching off; discidium|separation, divorce, discord; disagreement, quarrel; tearing apart; discido|cut in pieces; discinctus|wearing loose clothes; easy-going; discindo|cut in two, divide; disciplina|teaching, instruction, education; training; discipline; method, science, study; disciplinabilis|learned by teaching; disciplinaris|disciplinary; disciplinatus|disciplined; instructed/trained/learned/skillful; ordered; of good character; discipula|female pupil; discipulatus|discipleship; discipulus|student, pupil, trainee; follower, disciple; discissus|torn, rent; discludo|divide, separate, keep apart; shut off; disco|learn; hear, get to know, become acquainted with; acquire knowledge/skill of/in; discographia|discography; discolor|another color, not of the same color; of different/party colors; variegated; discolus|deformed; discomputus|discount; disconvenio|be inconsistent, be different; discooperio|expose, bare, lay bare, uncover; disclose; put/take off, remove; discoperio|expose, bare, lay bare, uncover; disclose; put/take off, remove; discophonum|CD/compact disk reader; discoquo|cook thoroughly; discordia|disagreement, discord; discordiosus|full of discord, mutinous; discorditer|disproportionally; discordium|discord, dissension; discordo|be at variance, quarrel; be different; discors|warring, disagreeing, inharmonious; discordant, at variance; inconsistent; discotheca|disco; discrepantia|discrepancy; discordance; dissimilarity; discrepat|it is undecided/disputed/a matter of dispute; there is a difference of opinion; discrepat|it is undecided/disputed/a matter of dispute; there is a difference of opinion; discrepo|disagree/differ/vary; have differences/discrepancies/difference of opinion; discrepo|be out of tune; differ in sound; be out of harmony/inconsistent with; discrepo|disagree/differ/vary; have differences/discrepancies/difference of opinion; discrepo|be out of tune; differ in sound; be out of harmony/inconsistent with; discretio|separation; discretion, discrimination, power of distinguishing, discernment; discretor|judge; discerner; discretus|separate, situated/put apart; distinguished/differentiated; discreet/wise (Bee); discribo|divide, assign, distribute; discrimen|crisis, separating line, division; distinction, difference; discriminale|hair-pin/ornament used to preserve part; bodkin/hair pin (Douay); headdress; discriminalis|divider, which serves to divide/separate; discriminatio|discrimination; wise judgment; discrimino|divide up, separate; discriptio|assignment, division; discrucio|torture; discubitus|seat; dining couch; place at the table (Ecc); disculcio|unshoe; remove the shoe from; discumbens|guest; discumbo|sit (to eat), recline at table; lie down; go to bed; discurro|run off in different directions; run/dash around/about; wander; roam; discurro|run off in different directions; run/dash around/about; wander; roam; discursus|running about; separate lion, dispersal; discus|disk/disc; discus; disk-shaped object; dish; gong; form of sundial; dial; CD; discus|paten (Greek rite); high table (Latham); measure (grain/salt/ale/ore); tray; discutio|strike down; shatter, shake violently; dissipate, bring to naught; plead case; discuto|examine, inquire into; discuss; disdiapason|double octave; disdo|distribute, deal out, disseminate; spread, diffuse; spread abroad (L+S); diselianus|diesel-; diserte|eloquently; expressly; distinctly, clearly; disertitudo|eloquence; skillfully expression; disertus|eloquent; skillfully expressed; disgratia|disgrace; disgregatio|dispersal; separation, putting apart, disunion; disgregation, disintegration; disgregativus|dispersing; separating, putting apart; disgrego|separate; divide; disperse, scatter, divide; rend asunder; break up; disicio|break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide; disicio|ruin; destroy; rout; disperse; squander; frustrate; dispel, end; disidium|separation, divorce, discord; disagreement, quarrel; tearing apart; disilio|leap from one place to another; disjicio|break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide; disjicio|ruin; destroy; rout; disperse; squander; frustrate; dispel, end; disjugata|unmarried woman; disjugo|separate; disjuncte|separately; disjunctively, in form of disjunctive proposition; disjunctim|separately; disjunctio|separation (from person); rupture (relationship); disjunctive proposition; disjunctivus|disjunctive, separative; disconnecting, making discontinuous (surveying); disjunctus|separated/distant/disconnected/set apart; different/distinct/individual; disjungo|unyoke; disunite, sever, divide, separate, part, estrange; put asunder (Ecc); dismembratio|dismemberment; separation; dismembratus|dismembered; dismembro|dismember; separate, break up; distribute; dispando|open/spread out; expatiate, walk/roam at large/will, roam freely; dispar|unequal, disparate, unlike; dispareo|disappear, vanish, vanish out of sight; disparitas|difference; discrepancy; inequality; [~ cultus => in marriage w/non=Catholic]; disparitio|disappearance; disparo|separate, divide; dispartio|divide (up); distribute; assign; separate into lots/groups; dispartior|divide (up); distribute; assign; separate into lots/groups; dispector|examiner; searcher; dispello|drive apart or away; disperse; dispendiose|big-expensed; dispendium|expense, cost; loss; dispendo|open/spread out; expatiate, walk/roam at large/will, roam freely; dispendo|dispense, weigh out; pay out; dispensatio|management; stewardship; dispensation, relaxation of law (Ecc); dispensator|steward; attendant; treasurer; dispenser; dispensatorius|dispensing; administering; dispenso|manage; dispense, distribute; pay out; arrange; disperdo|destroy/ruin utterly; ruin (property/fortunes/persons); disperdo|destroy/ruin utterly; ruin (property/fortunes/persons); dispereo|perish/die; be destroyed; be ruined/lost/undone (completely) (L+S); disappear; dispergo|scatter (about), disperse; disperse|sporadically; here and there; dispersim|sporadically; here and there; dispersio|dispersion/scattering; destruction; confusion; those scattered/dispersed (pl.); dispertio|divide (up); distribute; assign; separate into lots/groups; dispertior|divide (up); distribute; assign; separate into lots/groups; dispertitivus|distributive; dispesco|separate; take from pasture; dispicio|look about (for), discover espy, consider; displiceo|displease; displodeo|explode; displodo|burst apart; displosio|explosion; dispolio|rob/plunder; despoil (of); strip, deprive of clothing/covering; (for flogging); dispono|dispose, place here and there, distribute; set/lay out; administer/manage/order; dispono|appoint, post, station; allot, assign; arrange, ordain, prescribe; regulate; disponsatio|marriage; espousal (in the sense of marriage) (Douay/KJames); disponso|give in marriage; (desponso); dispositio|layout; orderly arrangement/disposition of arguments/words/time/activities; dispositivus|arranging, disposing; dispositor|disposer; who arranges/manages/dispenses; disproportio|disproportion; dispunctio|setting-up; investigation; dispungo|check-off (accounts); examine; balance (accounts); disputatio|discussion, debate, dispute, argument; disputo|discuss, debate, argue; disquiro|inquire into, investigate; disquisitio|inquiry; disraro|thin out (vegetation); chop, hoe;; disratio|deraignment; disarrangement; discharge from monastic order; disrationo|deraign; put into disorder; disarrange; be discharged from order (eccles.); disrumpo|cause to break apart/off, shatter/burst/split, disrupt/sever; (PASS) get broken; dissaepio|separate, divide; disseco|dissect; disseco|cut apart; cut in pieces; dismember, dissect; disseco|divide; penetrate through; open by force; dismember, dissect; dissectio|dissection; disseisina|disseisin; dispossession of freehold; disseisio|disseise; dispossess; put out of seisin/possession (usu. wrongfully); oust; disseisitor|disseisor; dispossessor of freehold; dissemino|broadcast, disseminate; dissensio|disagreement, quarrel; dissension, conflict; dissensus|different; differing; dissensus|disagreement, quarrel; dissension, conflict; dissentaneus|disagreeing, different; dissentio|dissent, disagree; differ; disserenat|it is clearing up all round; (of the weather); dissero|unfasten, unbar; unlock; dissero|plant/sow at intervals; scatter/distribute, plant here/there; separate/part; dissero|arrange, dispose, set in order; discuss; examine; explain, set out in words; dissero|plant/sow at intervals; scatter/distribute, plant here/there; separate/part; disserto|discuss; dissicio|break up; scatter; drive apart; separate into two halves, halve, divide; dissicio|ruin; destroy; rout; disperse; squander; frustrate; dispel, end; dissico|cut apart; cut in pieces; dismember, dissect; dissideo|disagree, be at variance; be separated; dissidium|separation, divorce, discord; disagreement, quarrel; tearing apart; dissignatio|arrangement; dissignator|one that arranges, a supervisor; dissigno|mark; point/mark/trace out, outline/describe; indicate/designate/denote; dissigno|earmark/choose; appoint, elect (magistrate); order/plan; scheme. perpetrate; dissilio|fly/leap/burst apart; break up; be broken up; burst; split; dissilo|be torn apart; dissimilis|unlike, different, dissimilar; dissimilitudo|unlikeness, difference; dissimulanter|dissemblingly; dissimulatio|dissimulation dissembling; dissimulator|dissembler; dissimulo|conceal, dissemble, disguise, hide; ignore; dissipatio|squandering; scattering; dissipo|scatter, disperse, dissipate, squander; destroy completely; circulate; dissitus|widely scattered; dissociabilis|incompatible; discordant; separating, dividing; dissociatus|disjoined, separated, split into factions, at variance with; dissocio|be/set at variance with, split into factions, separate, part; dissolutio|disintegration, dissolution; destruction; disconnection; refutation; dissolutus|loose; lax; negligent, dissolute; dissolvo|unloose; dissolve, destroy; melt; pay; refute; annul; dissonanter|inharmoniously; inconsistently; dissonantia|dissonance; discrepancy; dissonantium|discord, differences; dissonus|dissonant, discordant, different; dissors|having different lot or fate; dissuadeo|dissuade, advise against; dissuasio|dissuasion; advising to the contrary; dissuasor|discourager, one who advises against; dissuasorius|dissuasive; dissuesco|forget, unlearn, become disaccustomed to; disaccustom (person); dissulto|fly or burst apart; bounce off; dissuo|unstitch, undo the stitches of; rip apart, sever; dissupo|scatter, squander; destroy completely; circulate; (alt. form of dissipo); distabesco|waste away; distans|distant; separate; distantia|distance; difference; distendo|stretch (apart); spread out; distend; extend; rack; detract, perplex; distenno|stretch (apart); spread out; distend; extend; rack; detract, perplex; distentio|spasm; distortion; distentus|full, filled up; distended; occupied, busy; distermino|divide from, serve as boundary; divide up; mark off w/boundary; separate from; distichon|couplet, two line poem/verse; distichos|consisting of two lines (verse); having two longitudinal rows of grain; distichus|consisting of two lines (verse); having two longitudinal rows of grain; distillatio|cold/rheum/catarrh; runny nose/eyes; bodily fluid; abcess; distillation (Cal); distillo|drip/trickle down; wet/sprinkle; distill; have dripping off; fall bit by bit; distimulo|goad hard/on; stimulate (L+S); distinctio|distinction; difference; distinctus|separate, distinct; definite, lucid; distineo|keep apart, separate; prevent, hold up; distract; distinguo|distinguish, separate, divide, part; adorn, decorate; disto|stand apart, be distant; be different; distorqueo|twist this way and that; distortus|misshapen; distractio|distraction; distractus|absent-minded; distraho|draw/pull/tear apart, wrench, separate, (sub)divide; sell in parcels; distract; distribuo|divide, distribute, assign; distributio|division, distribution; distributivus|distributive; distributor|distributor; districte|strictly; severely; districtim|strictly; severely; districtio|distraction; condition of having one's attention elsewhere; districtio|severity, strictness; districtus|busy; having many claims on one's attention; pulled in different directions; distrinctio|distraction; condition of having one's attention elsewhere; distringo|stretch out/apart; detain; distract; pull in different directions; disturbium|disturbance; disturbo|disturb, demolish, upset; disyllaba|di-syllable; disyllabum|di-syllable; disyllabus|di-syllabic; ditator|enricher; ditesco|grow rich; dithalassus|open to two seas; dithyrambicus|dithyrambic; of/like dithyramb (Greek choric hymn), vehement/wild/Bacchanalian; dithyrambus|form of verse used especially choral singing; ditio|power; sovereignty, dominion, authority; ditius|richly; in a sumptuous manner; dito|enrich; ditonica|diatonic melody; ditonicus|diatonic; double toned; ditonum|ditone, interval containing two whole tones; major third; ditonus|major third; ditone, interval containing two whole notes/tones; ditrochaeus|ditrochee; long-short-long-short; ditto|repeat; declare; diu|by day; (usu. used w/noctu); diu|(for) a long/considerable time/while; long since; [quam diu => as long as]; diu|still further/longer (COMP); any longer/further/more (w/negative); dium|open sky; [sub dio => in the open air]]: diurnale|Book of Hours; book containing Lauds to Compline; diurnalismus|journalism; diurnarius|journalistic; of a journalist; diurnarius|journalist; journal/diary keeper; slave who copies acta diurna (daily records); diurnitas|lapse of time; long duration; diurnum|Book of Hors; diurnus|by day, of the day; daily; dius|by day; (usu. used w/noctu); dius|divine; w/supernatural radiance; divinely inspired; blessed, saint (Latham); dius|daylit; charged with brightness of day/daylight; dius|god; diutinus|long lasting, long; diutule|for a short while; diuturnitas|long duration; diuturnus|lasting, lasting long; diva|goddess; divaliis|imperial(legal); divine; divarico|stretch apart, spread out; divello|alienate/estrange; compel (persons) to part company, force away; separate from; divello|tear away/open/apart, tear to pieces/in two; break up, sunder/disrupt; divide; divello|alienate/estrange; compel (persons) to part company, force away; separate from; divello|tear away/open/apart, tear to pieces/in two; break up, sunder/disrupt; divide; divello|alienate/estrange; compel (persons) to part company, force away; separate from; divello|tear away/open/apart, tear to pieces/in two; break up, sunder/disrupt; divide; divendo|sell in small lots/retail; sell out; diverbero|split; strike violently; diverbium|spoken part of play (unaccompanied by music); dialogue on the stage; divergentia|declivity; downward slope; downwards incline (L+S); divergeo|diverge; diverro|sweep away; sweep out (L+S); diversifico|vary, be different; diversify; diversimodus|diverse-mode; diversitas|difference; diverso|turn around; diversify; diversorium|inn, lodging house, stopping place; public/private accommodation; quarters; diversorius|of an inn/lodging house; fit to lodge/stay in (L+S); [taberna ~ => inn]; diversus|opposite; separate, apart; diverse, unlike, different; hostile; diverto|separate; divert, turn away/in; digress; oppose; divorce/leave marriage; dives|rich man; dives|rich/wealthy; costly; fertile/productive (land); talented, well endowed; divexo|drag about; pull this way and that; harass/harry/vex/trouble; divexo|ravage/plunder; tear/rend/pull/rip apart/asunder, destroy (L+S); Diviciacus|Diviciacus; an Aeduan Gaul chief in Caesar; a Suessiones king; dividendus|dividing (math.); divido|divide; separate, break up; share, distribute; distinguish; dividuus|divisible; divided, separated; half; parted; divinatio|predicting; divination; prophecy; prognostication; divinitas|divinity, quality/nature of God; divine excellence/power/being; divining; divinitus|from heaven, by a god, by divine influence/inspiration; divinely, admirable; divino|divine; prophesy; guess; divinus|divine, of a deity/god, godlike; sacred; divinely inspired, prophetic; natural; divinus|prophet; divise|separately, distinctly; divisibilis|divisible; divisim|separately, apart; divisio|division; distribution; divisor|distributor; a candidate's agent hired to distribute bribes; divisor|divider (math.); divisus|division; divitia|riches (pl.), wealth; divortium|separation; divorce; point of separation; watershed; divorto|separate; divert, turn away/in; digress; oppose; divorce/leave marriage; divulgamen|fame; divulgatio|publishing; spreading around; divulgo|publish, disseminate news of; divum|sky, open air; [sub divo => in the open air]; divus|divine; blessed, saint (Latham); divus|god; do|give; dedicate; sell; pay; grant/bestow/impart/offer/lend; devote; allow; make; do|surrender/give over; send to die; ascribe/attribute; give birth/produce; utter; doceo|teach, show, point out; dochmius|metrical foot, the dochmiac; pentasyllabic foot (typically U_U-); docibilis|teachable; docilis|easily taught, teachable, responsive; docile; docilitas|aptitude; docility; dociliter|attentively; docilely; doctiloquus|learnedly-speaking; doctor|teacher; instructor; trainer; doctor; (academic title); doctoralis|doctoral, pertaining to degree of doctor; doctoratus|doctorate; doctrina|education; learning; science; teaching; instruction; principle; doctrine; doctrinalis|doctrinal; theoretical; doctrix|teacher (female); instructor; trainer; doctor; doctus|learned, wise; skilled, experienced, expert; trained; clever, cunning, shrewd; documen|example, pattern, warning, proof; documentalis|documentary; documentarius|documentary; documentatio|documentation, proof; reminder; documentum|lesson, instruction; warning, example; document; proof; dodecaedrum|dodecahedron; dodrans|three-fourths; doga|vat; vessel; dogma|doctrine, defined doctrine; philosophic tenet; dogma, teaching; decision; edit; dogmatice|dogmatically; doctrinally; dogmaticus|dogmatic; doctrinal, relating to doctrine or dogma; dogmatizo|propound a dogma; dogmatize(Latham); Dolabella|Dolabella; (cognomen of gens Cornelia); (P. Cornelius ~ -> Cicero's son-in-law); dolabra|pick-axe; dolenter|with sorrow; with pain, painfully (L+S); doleo|hurt; feel/suffer pain; grieve; be afflicted/pained/sorry; cause pain/grief; doliolum|calyx; small cask/keg; dolium|large earthenware vessel (~60 gal. wine/grain); hogshead (Cas); tun/cask; dollarium|dollar; dolo|hew/chop into shape, fashion/devise; inflict blows, batter/cudgel soundly, drub; dolor|pain, anguish, grief, sorrow, suffering; resentment, indignation; dolorosus|sorrowful; dolose|craftily, cunningly; deceitfully; dolositas|guile; deceit; deceitfulness; dolosus|crafty, cunning; deceitful; dolus|trick, device, deceit, treachery, trickery, cunning, fraud; doma|roof; dwelling, house; domabilis|able to be tamed; domesticatus|office of princeps; domesticus|domestic, of the house; familiar, native; civil, private, personal; domesticus|domestics (pl.), those of the household; domesticus|household member; domicellaris|candidate for prebend; domicilium|residence, home, dwelling, abode; domigena|resident of a household; household retinue (pl.); domina|mistress of a family, wife; lady, lady-love; owner; dominatio|mastery, power; domination; domain; despotism; dominativus|ruling, governing; dominating; dominator|ruler; lord; dominatrix|mistress; female ruler; dominatus|rule, mastery, domain; tyranny; Dominica|Sunday, the Lord's day; dominicale|small linen closet in which the faithful received Holy Communion; dominicalis|of Sunday (Lord's day); of the Lord; divine (Latham); Dominicanus|Dominican; of Dominican order/Black Friars/nuns; Dominicanus|Dominican, Black Friar; dominicum|church with all its possessions; dominicus|of/belonging to master/owner; belonging to the Roman Emperor; the Lord's; Dominicus|Sunday, the Lord's day (assumed dies); Dominicus|Dominic; (St Dominic, Domingo de Guzman 1170-1221, founder of Dominicans); dominium|rule, dominion; ownership; banquet, feast; domino|be master/despot/in control, rule over, exercise sovereignty; rule/dominate; dominor|be master/despot/in control, rule over, exercise sovereignty; rule/dominate; dominus|owner, lord, master; the Lord; title for ecclesiastics/gentlemen; domiporta|one with her house on her back, the snail; Domitianus|Domitian (Emperor 81-96); (son of Vespasian, brother of Titus, last Flavian); Domitius|Domitius; (Roman gens name); Domitius|Domitius; (Roman gens name); domito|tame, break in; domitor|tamer, breaker; subduer, vanquisher, conqueror; domna|lady, mistress; (shortened form of domina); domne|sir; lord, master; (vocative of domnus); domnus|lord, master; the Lord; ecclesiastic/gentleman; (shortened form of dominus); domo|subdue, master, tame; conquer; domuncula|small house, cottage, lodge; domus|house, building; home, household; (N 4 1, older N 2 1); [domi => at home]; domus|house, building; home, household; (N 4 1, older N 2 1); [domu => at home]; donarium|part of temple where votive offerings were received/stored; treasure chamber; donatarius|donee, recipient of gift; donatio|donation, gift; Donatista|Donatists (pl.), followers of Donat; (forgive not renouncers); Latin beginner; donativum|gratuity; donator|giver, donor; donatrix|female donor; donatus|oblate; one devoted/dedicated to a monastery; (often as a child); donatus|gift, present; donec|while, as long as, until; dono|present, grant; forgive; give (gifts), bestow; donum|gift, present; offering; dorcas|gazelle, antelope; dorcus|gazelle; antelope; Dorius|Dorian; (esp. designating Dorian mode); dormeo|sleep, rest; go to sleep, be/fall asleep; be idle, do nothing; (form for FUT); dormio|sleep, rest; be/fall asleep; behave as if asleep; be idle, do nothing; dormitatio|slumber, sleep; dormitio|sleep, act of sleeping; dormito|feel sleepy, drowsy; do nothing; dormitorius|for sleeping; dorsuale|back of chair; curtain around back of altar; dorsualis|back-; at the back; situated on (animal's) back; dorsum|down, downwards, beneath, below; (motion/direction/order); in lower situation; dorsum|back, range, ridge; slope of a hill; dorycnion|poisonous plant (Pliny); dos|dowry, dower; talent, quality; dosis|dose; dotalicium|widower's dower; dotalis|forming part of a dowry; relating to a dowry; dotatio|endowment; dotatus|richly endowed; doto|provide with a dowry, endow; doxa|glory; adornment; doxologia|doxology; (hymn of praise to God); drachma|drachma; Greek silver coin; (1/6000 talent); (quarter?); weight (4.5-6 grams); drachuma|drachma; Greek silver coin; (1/6000 talent); (quarter?); weight (4.5-6 grams); draco|dragon; snake; draconarius|flag bearer; draconigena|dragon-born; dracontia|precious stone; dracontium|dragon wort; dracunculus|tarragon; dragagantum|gum-tragacinth; (alt. form of tragacanthum); dragma|Greek silver coin; (1/6000 talent) (quarter); Greek weight (4.5-6 grams); drama|drama; play; dramaticus|dramatic; drapeta|runaway slave; drappus|cloth; dromadarius|camel soldier, soldier serving in unit mounted on dromedaries; dromas|dromedary; dromedaria|dromedary; dromedarius|dromedary; dromo|dromond; galley; L:Dromo (Roman name); very large medieval long ship; Druida|druids (pl.), priests of the Gauls; Druis|druids (pl.), priests of the Gauls; Dryas|Dryad; wood-nymph; dubietas|doubt, irresolution, uncertainty; wavering, hesitation; questioning; dubitanter|doubtingly; hesitatingly; with doubt/hesitation; dubitatio|doubt, irresolution, uncertainty; wavering, hesitation; questioning; dubito|doubt; deliberate; hesitate (over); be uncertain/irresolute; dubium|doubt; question; dubius|doubtful, dubious, uncertain; variable, dangerous; critical; ducamen|guidance; duchy; ducal dignity (Nelson); molding; ducatus|leadership; position/function of a leader; generalship; ducenarius|of/concerning two hundred; weighing 200 pounds; paid/owing 200,000 sesterces; ducentensim|two hundredth; ducentensum|two hundredth; ducenti|two hundred; ducianus|leader-; of a leader; ducianus|commander's servant; duciloquus|sweetly speaking; sweet talking; ducissa|duchess; duco|lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong; duco|lead, command; think, consider, regard; prolong; ductilis|ductile/malleable (metals); that is led along a course; ductilitas|malleability; ductim|by drawing; in a stream; ductio|leading-away; ducto|lead; ductor|leader, commander; ductus|conducting; generalship; dudum|little while ago; formerly; [tam dudum => long ago]; duellator|warrior, fighter; (old form and poetic replacement for bellator); duellatorus|war-like, martial; (old form and poetic replacement for bellatorus); duellicosus|warlike, fierce; fond of war; (old form and poetic replacement for bellicosus); duellicus|of war, military; warlike; (old form and poetic replacement for bellator); duellio|war; strife; L:judicial combat; (also duellum); duello|duel; duellum|war, warfare; battle, combat, fight; duel; military force, arms; duis|twice, at 2 times/occasions; doubly, twofold, in 2 ways; [~ mille => 2000]; dulce|sweet drink; sweets (pl.); dulcedo|sweetness, agreeableness; charm; dulcesco|become sweet; dulciarius|confectioner; dulcicanus|sweetly; dulciculus|somewhat sweet; dulcidine|sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly; dulciolum|confection; sweet; dulcis|pleasant, charming; sweet; kind, dear; soft, flattering, delightful; dulcisonus|harmonious; sweet sounding; dulciter|sweetly; dulcitudo|sweetness (perceived by senses); desirability; affectionateness; dulco|sweeten; dulcor|sweetness; dulcoratus|sweetened; dulcoro|sweeten; dulia|religious veneration given to a creature; dum|while, as long as, until; provided that; dumetum|thicket; dummodo|provided (that) (+ subj); Dumnorix|Dumnorix, name of a Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War; dumosus|overgrown with thorn, briar or the like; dumtaxat|to this extent, no more than; as long as; only, precisely; merely; at any rate; dumus|thorn or briar bush; duntaxat|to this extent, no more than; as long as; only, precisely; merely; at any rate; duo|two (pl.); duodecim|twelve; duodecum|twelve; duodenarius|containing/consisting of 12; of order of 12; (water pipe w/diameter 12 digits); duodetriginta|twenty eight; duodevicensim|eighteen; duodevicensum|eighteen; duodevigensim|eighteenth; duodevigensum|eighteenth; duodeviginti|eighteen; duoetvicesimanus|soldiers of the 22nd legion; duonus|good; (archaic form of bonus); duovir|two man board/court (usu. pl.); (equip fleet/build temple); member thereof; duovir|special criminal court; keepers of Sibylline books; colony chief magistrates; duplaris|containing double; two-fold; duplatio|doubling (in number/amount); plea by defendant in reply to replication; dupleitas|doubleness; being double; duplicity; ambiguity; duplex|twofold, double; divided; two-faced; duplicarius|double-paid soldier; soldier who receives double pay as reward; duplicatio|doubling; duplication(?); duplicatum|duplicate; duplicatus|double; duplicitas|doubleness; being double; duplicity, deceit; ambiguity; dupliciter|doubly, twice over, in two ways/a twofold manner, into two parts/categories; duplico|double, bend double; duplicate; enlarge; duplo|doubly; in a double sense; duplum|double; (esp. double penalty); duplus|twice as much, double; dupondiarius|worth two asses (money, two cents); worthless; weighing two pounds; dupondiarius|two as piece/coin (money); (two cents); dupondius|two asses (weight/money); (two pounds); two feet (linear measure); need/want; dupundius|two asses (weight/money); (two pounds); two feet (linear measure); need/want; duramen|hardness; duratio|duration; duricordia|hard-heartedness; duritia|hardness, insensibility; hardship, oppressiveness; strictness, rigor; durities|hardness, insensibility; hardship, oppressiveness; strictness, rigor; duriusculus|harsher; somewhat harsh; duro|harden, make hard; become hard/stern; bear, last, remain, continue; endure; durum|hardships (pl.); durus|hard, stern; harsh, rough, vigorous; cruel, unfeeling, inflexible; durable; duumvir|two man board/court (usu. pl.); (equip fleet/build temple); member thereof; duumvir|special criminal court; keepers of Sibylline books; colony chief magistrates; duumviralis|ex-duumvir; (member of commission of two men); duumviralis|duumviral; of a duumvir (commission of two men); duumviralitas|duumvir's rank; (of commission of two men); duumviratus|duumvir's rank; (of commission of two men); dux|leader, guide; commander, general; Duke (medieval, Bee); dynamica|dynamic; dynamicus|dynamic, forceful; aggressive; dynamismus|dynamism; strong force/power; dynastes|ruler, prince (esp. oriental); dynastia|dynasty; dyscolus|impudent; harsh, severe; peevish, irritable; dysenteria|dysentery; (other similar conditions?); dysentericus|sufferer/patient with dysentery/(similar conditions?); dysfunctio|dysfunction; dysinteria|dysentery; (other similar conditions?); dysintericus|sufferer/patient with dysentery/(similar conditions?); dyspepsia|indigestion, dyspepsia; dyspnoea|difficulty in breathing; dyspnoicus|asthmatic; person suffering from difficulty in breathing; e|out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of; eadem|same, the same, the very same; also; (idem, eadem, idem); eadem|same, the same, the very same; also; (idem, eadem, idem); eadem|same, the same, the very same; also; (idem, eadem, idem); eadem|by the same route; at the same time; likewise; same (NOM S F/ABL S F/NOM P N); eatenus|so far; ebenum|ebony (wood or tree of genus Diospyrus); ebenus|ebony (wood or tree of genus Diospyrus); ebibo|drink up, drain; absorb; squander; ebiscum|marsh mallow; (Althea officinalis); (shrubby herb, grows near salt marshes); eblandior|obtain by flattery; Eboracum|York; eborarius|working/dealing in ivory; eborarius|worker/dealer in ivory; eboratus|adorned with ivory; inlaid with ivory; eboreus|ivory-, made of ivory; pertaining to/derived from ivory; ebriacus|drunk, drunken, intoxicated; ebrietas|drunkenness, intoxication; ebriolus|tipsy; ebriosus|addicted to drink; ebrius|drunk, intoxicated; riotous; like a drunk, exhilarated, distraught; soaked in; ebullio|spout out; chatter about; burst/break/send out; [animam ~ => expire]; ebullio|bubble; boil-up; produce in abundance; ebullo|spout out; chatter about; burst/break/send out; [animam ~ => expire]; ebullo|bubble; boil-up; produce in abundance; ebulum|danewort, dwarf elder; ebulus|danewort, dwarf elder; ebur|ivory; object/statue of ivory; curule chair (of magistrate); elephant/tusk; eburarius|working/dealing in ivory; eburarius|worker/dealer in ivory; eburatus|adorned with ivory; inlaid with ivory; ebureus|ivory-, made of ivory; pertaining to/derived from ivory; eburneolus|made of ivory; eburneus|ivory, of ivory; white as ivory, ivory-colored; [dens ~ => elephant tusk]; eburnus|made of ivory; decorated with/made partially out of ivory; white as ivory; Eburones|Eburones, tribe of north Gaul - Caesar; ec|these (pl.); persons/things/conditions present/here/just mentioned; +DEMONS; ec|these (pl.); persons/things/conditions present/here/just mentioned; +DEMONS; ec|this; person/thing present/just mentioned/in this place; ((h)(a)ec); +DEMONS; ecastor|by Castor (interjection used by women); ecbasis|digression; ecca|Here they (neuter) are!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; eccam|Here she/it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; eccas|Here they (feminine) are!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; ecce|behold! see! look! there! here! [ecce eum => here he is]; eccere|Here she/it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; There you are!; eccillam|There she/it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; eccille|that over there; eccillud|There it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; eccillum|There he/it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; eccistam|There she is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; ecclesia|church; assembly, meeting of the assembly (Greek); (Universal) Church (Dif); ecclesialis|ecclesial, ecclesiastical; of/pertaining to church/clergyman; Ecclesiastes|Ecclesiastes, Book of Bible/OT; The Preacher; ecclesiasticum|Church rites (pl.); ecclesiasticus|ecclesiastic, canonical, of/belonging to the Church; of book of Sirach; ecclesiasticus|churchman, ecclesiastic; church member; one of the Aeons; book of Sirach; ecclesiola|chapel, small church; Eccli|Ecclisiasties (abb.), Book of Bible/OT; eccum|Here he/it is!; Behold!, Observe!, Lo!; ecdicus|solicitor for a community; ecfatum|pronouncement (by seer), prediction; announcement; assertion/proposition/axiom; ecfatus|pronounced, designated; determined; established; proclaimed; ecfatus|utterance; ecfio|be accomplished/completed/made/executed/done; come to pass; (efficio PASS); ecflictim|passionately, desperately, to distraction; ecfloresco|blossom forth; burst into flower; bloom (Ecc); flourish; ecfloro|blossom forth; burst into flower; bloom (Ecc); flourish; ecfo|demarcate in words areas/boundaries for augury signs might be observed (PASS); ecfor|utter, say (solemn words); declare, announce, make known; speak, express; ecfugio|flee/escape; run/slip/keep away (from), eschew/avoid; baffle, escape notice; ecfundo|pour out/away/off; allow to drain; shower; volley (missiles); send/stream forth; ecfundo|shed (blood/tears); discharge (vomit/urine), debouch, emit; flow out, overflow; ecfundo|break out; bear/yield/bring forth; expend/use up; unseat, eject/drop/discard; ecfundo|stretch/spread out, extend; spread (sail); loosen/slacken/fling, give rein; echeneis|sucking fish, the remora; echidna|serpent, viper; echinus|edible sea-urchin; copper dish; echographia|scan; echoos|echo; (nymph); repeating words/phrases; same phrase at start and end of speech; eclecticismus|eclecticism; eclectismus|eclecticism; ecligma|melt-in-mouth medicine, electuary, paste of powder+honey held in mouth; eclipsis|eclipse; ecliptica|ecliptic; eclipticus|ecliptic; in which moon is eclipsed (astrological signs); of eclipse; ecloga|short poem (esp. pastoral); short passage selected from longer work, excerpt; eclogarius|select passages (pl.) or extracts; ecnephias|hurricane; (Pliny-allegedly formed by blasts from two clouds); econtra|the_contrary; the_reverse; ecquid|at all? (interog.); ecstasia|rapture; ecstasy; trance; ecstasis|rapture; ecstasy; trance; ecstaticus|ecstatic; exalted; [Doctor Ecstaticus => Denis the Carthusian]; ectenia|ectene; (prayer in Greek liturgy); ectheta|balcony; gallery (Douay); ectypus|in relief; eculeus|little horse, colt; rack, instrument of torture; edax|greedy, rapacious, voracious, gluttonous; devouring, consuming, destructive; edentulus|toothless; matured; edepol|by Pollux!; edibilis|edible; edico|proclaim, declare; appoint; edictalis|by/according to (praetorian) edict; edictum|proclamation; edict; edisco|learn by heart; commit to memory; study; get to know; edissero|set forth in full, relate at length, dwell upon; unfold, explain, tell; edisserto|relate, expound; explain; editicius|announced, proposed; [w/iudices => jurors chosen by a plaintiff]; editio|publishing; edition; statement; editor|exhibitor (puts on public entertainments); emitter (of exhalation); editor|editor; producer, publisher; editus|high, elevated; rising; edius|high, lofty; edo|eject/emit; put/give forth (buds); beget; bear (fruit); display/evince/exhibit; edo|utter solemnly; pronounce/decree (oracle); deliver (message); issue (command); edo|publish; disclose, tell, relate, make known; declare, make formal statement; edo|cause; see birth of; be birthplace/breeding ground of; debouch (river PASS); edo|bring forth, produce/yield (crops), give birth to (often PASS PERF VPAR); edo|notify of suit; nominate for jury; appoint/set (a time); bring witnesses; edo|present (documents for inspection; put on (play); hold (banquet); uplift; edo|eat/consume/devour; eat away (fire/water/disease); destroy; spend money on food; edo|eat/consume/devour; eat away (fire/water/disease); destroy; spend money on food; edo|eat/consume/devour; eat away (fire/water/disease); destroy; spend money on food; edoceo|teach or inform thoroughly; edolo|hack, hew, hew out; form by hacking; plane (Ecc); edomo|subdue/tame thoroughly/completely, subjugate/conquer/vanquish; edomo|master (vices); overcome (difficulties); bring (land /plants)under cultivation; edormio|sleep, sleep off; edormisco|sleep away/through/off; sleep one's fill; educatio|bringing up; rearing; educativus|educational; educator|bringer up, tutor; foster-father; educatrix|nurse; foster-mother; she who nurtures/brings up; tutor/teacher (Ecc); educo|bring up; train; educate; rear; educo|lead out; draw up; bring up; rear; edulcoro|sweeten; edulis|edible, eatable; edulium|edibles (pl.), eatables; foodstuffs; food (L+S); edurus|very hard; edus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; effarcio|stuff full; effascinatio|bewitching; effatha|be thou opened; (Mark 7:34); (Aramaic); effatum|pronouncement (by seer), prediction; announcement; assertion/proposition/axiom; effatus|pronounced, designated; determined; established; proclaimed; effatus|utterance; effecte|consummately, in accomplished style; in practical way; productively; effectio|achievement, accomplishment (of aim); efficient cause; doing/performing (Ecc); effective|effectively; productively; effectivus|creative, involving product; of practical implementation; effective/productive; effector|author, originator, one who creates/causes; maker (Ecc); doer; effectrix|author/originator (feminine), she who creates/causes/effects; maker/doer (Ecc); effectus|execution, performance; effect; effeminatus|womanish, effeminate; effemino|weaken, enervate, make effeminate, emasculate, unman; efferatus|wild, savage, bestial, fierce, raging; resembling/typical of wild animal; effercio|stuff full; effero|make wild/savage/barbaric; brutalize; exasperate; effero|carry out; bring out; carry out for burial; raise; effertus|stuffed; efferus|savage, cruel, barbarous; effervescentia|effervescence; effervesco|boil up, seethe; effervesce; become greatly excited; effervo|boil up or over; swarm forth; effetha|be thou opened; (Mark 7:34); (Aramaic); effetus|exhausted, worn out; efficacia|effectiveness; efficiency; accomplishment (Ecc); power, influence; efficacy; efficacitas|effectiveness; efficiency; accomplishment (Ecc); power, influence; efficacy; efficaciter|effectually; to good effect; so as to take effect in law; efficax|effective, capable of filling some function; (person/medicine); legally valid; efficiens|efficient, effective; that gives rise to something; capable of acting/active; efficienter|effectively; so as to produce an effect; efficiently (L+S); efficientia|efficient power, influence; efficio|bring about; effect, execute, cause; accomplish; make, produce; prove; effigia|image, likeness, effigy; a shade, ghost; an ideal; effigies|copy, image, likeness, portrait; effigy, statue; ghost; effigio|form; fashion; portray; effingo|fashion, form, mold; represent, portray, depict; copy; wipe away; effio|be accomplished/completed/made/executed/done; come to pass; (efficio PASS); efflagitatio|urgent demand; efflagito|request, demand, insist, ask urgently; efflictim|passionately, desperately, to distraction; effligo|destroy; efflo|blow or breathe out; breathe one's last; effloresco|blossom forth; burst into flower; bloom (Ecc); flourish; effloro|blossom forth; burst into flower; bloom (Ecc); flourish; effluo|flow out, flow forth; disappear, vanish, escape; be forgotten; effluvium|flowing out, outlet; effluxus|lapsed; past (time); effo|demarcate in words areas/boundaries for augury signs might be observed (PASS); effodio|dig out, excavate; gouge out; effor|utter, say (solemn words); declare, announce, make known; speak, express; efformatio|formation; shape; efformo|form, shape, fashion; effractura|break-in; effrenatus|unbridled; unrestrained, unruly, headstrong, violent; freed from/not subject t; effreno|unbridle, let loose; remove or slacken the reins of a horse; effrenus|unbridled; unrestrained, unruly, headstrong, violent; freed from/not subject t; effringo|break open; smash; break in; effrons|shameless, brazen; bold; insulting; effugatio|driving away; putting to flight; driving into exile; effugio|flee/escape; run/slip/keep away (from), eschew/avoid; baffle, escape notice; effugium|flight; way of escape; effugo|drive away (from); frighten off, deter; drive/send into exile; effulgeo|shine forth, glitter; be or become conspicuous; effultus|propped up, supported (by); effundo|pour out/away/off; allow to drain; shower; volley (missiles); send/stream forth; effundo|shed (blood/tears); discharge (vomit/urine), debouch, emit; flow out, overflow; effundo|break out; bear/yield/bring forth; expend/use up; unseat, eject/drop/discard; effundo|stretch/spread out, extend; spread (sail); loosen/slacken/fling, give rein; effuse|over a wide area, extensively; freely, in a disorderly manner; lavishly; effusio|outpouring, shedding; profusion, lavishness, extravagance, excess; effusus|vast, wide, sprawling; disheveled, loose (hair/reins); disorderly; extravagant; effutio|blurt out; blab, babble, prate, chatter; utter foolishly/irresponsibly; effuttio|blurt out; blab, babble, prate, chatter; utter foolishly/irresponsibly; effutuo|wear out with sexual intercourse; squander on debauchery; egelidus|lukewarm, tepid; egens|needy, poor, in want of; very poor, destitute (of); egenus|in want of, destitute of; egeo|need (w/GEN/ABL), lack, want; require, be without; egero|carry or bear out, discharge, utter; egestas|need, poverty, extreme poverty; lack, want; egloga|short poem (esp. pastoral); short passage selected from longer work, excerpt; ego|I, me; egoismus|selfishness; egoista|egoist; egoisticus|egotistical; selfish; egredior|go/march/come out; set sail; land, disembark; surpass, go beyond; egregie|excellently, admirably well; signally/remarkably, to outstanding degree; egregius|singular; distinguished; exceptional; extraordinary; eminent; excellent; egressio|digression (rhetoric); action of going out; egressus|landing place; egress; departure; flight; landing; mouth (of a river); egritudo|sickness; disease; mental illness; [~ regis => king's evil/scrofula]; ehem|oho! well well!; eheu|alas! (exclamation of grief/pain/fear); ehoi|hurrah! (exclamation of happiness); ei|Ah! Woe!, oh dear, alas; (of grief or fear); eia|how now!, Ha, Good, see! (of joy); see!, Quick! (of urgency/astonishment); eicio|accomplish, perform, bring about, cause; eicio|cast/throw/fling/drive out/up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out (tongue); eiero|refuse upon/reject by oath; abjure, resign, abdicate, renounce; eileton|corporal (in Greek rite); einlatus|wailing, shrieking; ejaculor|shoot forth, spout forth, discharge; ejectamentum|ejecta, that which is thrown/cast up/out; ejectio|banishment/exile, expulsion from one's country; spitting (of blood); ejection; ejecto|cast out; ejectus|expulsion, driving out; banishment/exile (Ecc); ejicio|cast/throw/fling/drive out/up, extract, expel, discharge, vomit; out (tongue); ejulabundus|abandoned to wailing/lamentation; ejulatio|wailing, lamentation; ejulatus|wailing, lamentation; ejulo|wail, lament; ejuro|abjure; resign; reject on oath (of a judge); forswear, disown; ejusmodi|of this sort; of such kind; [et ~ => and the like]; ektheta|balcony; gallery (Douay); elabor|slip away; escape; elapse; elaboratio|painstaking/persevering effort; elaboration (Ecc); elaboro|take pains, exert oneself; bestow care on; elamentabilis|very lamentable; elanguens|growing weak; drooping, flagging; slackening, relaxing; elanguesco|begin to lose one's vigor, droop, flag; slacken, relax; elapsus|lapse; elargio|bestow freely upon; give out, distribute (Ecc); elasticitas|elasticity; springiness; elasticus|elastic; elata|spray; elate|haughtily, proudly; insolently; in a grand/lofty style of speech/writing; elater|spring; elaterium|cucumber juice; medicine from wild cucumber; elatio|glorification/extolling/lifting; (ceremonial) carrying out; ecstasy; exaltation; elatus|raised, reaching high level; head high, proudly erect; sublime/exalted/grand; electa|candidate, one chosen; electarium|melt-in-mouth medicine, electuary, paste of powder+honey held in mouth (OED); electio|choice, selection; election; E:election to salvation (Ecc); electissimus|elite; electivus|elective; elector|elector; electricitas|electricity; electricus|electric; electrificatio|electrification; electrificina|powerhouse; electrifico|electrify; electrinus|amber-colored; electrisatio|electrification; electriso|charge; electrochemia|electrochemistry; electrochemicus|electro-chemical; electroconvulsio|electroshock; electroda|electrode; electrodus|electrode; electrolysis|electrolysis; electrolyticus|electrolytic; electrolytum|electrolyte; electromagneticus|electromagnetic; electromagnetismus|electromagnetism; electrometrum|electricity meter; electronica|electronic; electronicus|electronic; electroscopium|electroscope; electrostaticus|electrostatic; electrotechnica|electrotechnique; electrotechnicus|electrician; electrotherapia|electrotherapy; electrum|electrum (alloy of gold and silver); amber; electron (Cal); electuarium|melt-in-mouth medicine, electuary, paste of powder+honey held in mouth (OED); electum|dainties (pl.), choice bits; electus|chosen, select, picked; choice; eleemosyna|alms, almshouse; gift to a church, religious foundation; pity; (act of) mercy; elefantus|elephant; ivory; large variety of lobster, large sea creature; elephantiasis; elegans|elegant, fine, handsome; tasteful; fastidious, critical; discriminating, polite; eleganter|elegantly, attractively; properly/rightly, w/correct taste/conduct; neatly; elegantia|elegance; niceness; taste; politeness; elegeia|elegy; elegia|elegy; elegus|elegiac verses (pl.), elegy; eleison|have mercy (upon us); (Greek imperative); elelisphacos|sage (Pliny); elementaris|elementary, rudimentary; engaged in learning rudiments; elementarius|elementary, rudimentary; engaged in learning rudiments; elementum|elements (pl.); rudiments, beginnings; kinds of matter (earth/air/fire/water); elementum|element, origin; first principle; elemosina|alms, almshouse; gift to a church, religious foundation; pity; (act of) mercy; elemosyna|alms, almshouse; gift to a church, religious foundation; pity; (act of) mercy; elenchus|pearl pendant worn as an earring; elephans|elephant; ivory; large variety of lobster, large sea creature; elephantiasis; elephantus|elephant; ivory; large variety of lobster, large sea creature; elephantiasis; elephas|elephant; ivory; large variety of lobster, large sea creature; elephantiasis; elevatio|raising, lifting up; elevo|lift up, raise; alleviate; lessen; make light of; eleyson|have mercy (upon us); (Greek imperative); Eli|My God; [Eli Eli lama sabacthani => My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me]; elicio|draw/pull out/forth, entice, elicit, coax; elido|strike or dash out; expel; shatter; crush out; strangle; destroy; eligibilis|desirable; eligible; eligo|pick out, choose; elimate|clearly, exactly; eliminator|purifier, cleanser; elimino|carry out of doors; [w/dicta => to blab]; elimo|make/remove by filing; polish w/file; file off; produce/write w/care/polish; elingo|lick clean; lick up (Ecc); elinguis|speechless or without eloquence; eliquatorius|elegant; refined; eliquo|refine (an industrial product); elitismus|elitism; elix|furrow in grainfield for draining off water (usu. pl.), trench, drain, ditch; elixus|boiled; (of meat); elleborum|hellebore (plant); (considered a remedy for madness); elleborus|hellebore (plant); (considered a remedy for madness); ellipsois|ellipsoid; ellipticus|elliptic; elluor|spend immoderately (eating/luxuries); be a glutton/gormandize; squander; elocutio|oratorical delivery, elocution; elocutus|declared, uttered; out spoken; elogium|clause added to will/codicil; written particulars on prisoner; inscription; Eloi|My God; (Aramaic); elonginquo|remove; elongo|withdraw, depart; remove; keep aloof; elopsellops|fish (perhaps sturgeon); eloquens|eloquent, expressing thoughts fluently/forcefully; articulate, able in speech;; eloquenter|eloquently; eloquentia|eloquence; eloquium|eloquence; speech, utterance/word; manner of speaking, diction; pronouncement; eloquor|speak out, utter; eluceo|shine forth; show itself; be manifest; elucesco|begin to be light; shine forth (Erasmus); elucido|light; enlighten; eluctor|force a way through; surmount a difficulty; elucubro|compose at night; burn the midnight oil over, spend the night working; elucubror|compose at night; burn the midnight oil over, spend the night working; eludo|elude, escape from; parry; baffle; cheat; frustrate; mock, make fun of; elul|Elul; sixth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; elumbis|weak, feeble; eluo|wash clean; wash away, clear oneself (of); elutorius|washing; eluvies|flowing out, discharge; a flowing over, flood; eluvio|inundation; elytrum|elytron; outer wing; em|there! (of wonder); here!; emaculo|cleanse of stains/spots, make clean; heal; correct/clear from faults (Erasmus); emanatio|emanation; emancipatio|emancipation; release from patria potestas; conveyance/transfer of property; emancipatus|emancipated, freed; emancipo|emancipate (son from his father's authority); alienate; make subservient; emaneo|stay away (from); stay out/beyond; absent oneself; emano|flow out; arise, emanate from, become known; emarceo|decay, wither; emarcesco|shrink/decay/wither/dwindle/pine away; disappear (L+S); [~ cor meum => fainted]; emax|fond/overfond of buying; embamma|sauce; emblem|inlaid or mosaic work; emblema|mosaic, inlayed pavement; inlaid relief in bowl; tile/pane; emblem/device (Ecc); emblema|marquetry; emblematicus|of emblems; checky, with checks (heraldry) (Latham); emboliaria|interlude actress; embolismus|insertion; (in literary work); embolium|dramatic interlude, entr'acte; insertion (in literary work); episode (Ecc); embolum|beak of ship; ram; embolus|piston; embryo|embryo; embryotomia|cutting up fetus (in womb); embryulcia|extraction of fetus; (abortion); embryulcus|forceps, instrument for extracting fetus; emendatio|correction, removal of errors; amendment; criticism; improvement; amends; emendico|beg, solicit, obtain by begging; emendo|correct, emend, repair; improve, free from errors; ementior|lie, feign, falsify, invent; emercor|bribe; win (over) by bribing; win/buy up/procure favors by bribes; emereo|earn, obtain by service, merit, deserve; emerge; complete/serve out one's time; emereor|earn, obtain by service, merit, deserve; emerge; complete/serve out one's time; emergo|rise up out of the water, emerge; escape; appear; arrive; emerita|retired woman; emeritum|pension; pension given to discharged soldiers; veteran's reward; emeritus|past service, worn/burnt out, unfit; veteran; that has finished work; deserving; emeritus|discharged veteran, soldier who has completed his service, exempt; retired man; emetior|measure out; pass through; emico|leap/dash/bolt/jump/spurt/burst/break/shine out; spring/dart/shoot forth/up; emico|appear suddenly/quickly; make sudden movement up/out; give a jump; stand out; emigro|move out; depart; eminens|eminent/distinguished/notable; lofty/towering; prominent/projecting; foreground; eminenter|highly; eminently; of higher/noble birth; eminentia|pre-eminence, superiority; prominence/projection; protuberance; foreground; eminentia|eminence, excellence, standing out; title of a cardinal; eminentissimus|most eminent; [~ vir, abb. E.V. => honorific title of praetorian perfects]; emineo|stand out; be prominent/preeminent, excel; project; eminulus|slightly projecting (eg. teeth); eminus|at/from a distance/long range/afar; beyond sword reach, a spear's throw off; emiror|wonder greatly at; emissarium|channel for surplus water, drain; outlet for morbid matter (medical); emissarium|exhaust pipe; emissarius|emissary. agent, person sent on particular mission; side-shoot left (vine); emissicius|sent out as emissary or spy; emissio|emission (rays); discharging (missiles); releasing (captives); emitting; emissio|making religious profession; sending out; letting go; [in ~ => in exile]; emissorium|emitter; emissorius|emitting; emistrum|emitter; emitto|hurl; let go; utter; send out; drive; force; cast; discharge; expel; publish; Emmanuel|Emmanuel, God with us; emo|buy; gain, acquire, obtain; emo|buy; gain, acquire, obtain; emoderor|soothe, restrain; (passion); emodulor|set (poetry) to a certain rhythm; emolior|achieve, carry through (hard task); remove w/effort; force/heave out/up; emollio|soften; enervate, mellow; emolumentum|advantage, benefit; emoneo|exhort; admonish earnestly; warn (Ecc); emorior|die, die off, perish; die out; decease, pass away; emortualis|pertaining to death; [dies ~ => day of one's death; campana ~ => death knell]; emoveo|move away, remove, dislodge; empathia|empathy; emphasis|emphasis; stress; emphatice|emphatically; bombastically; emphaticus|emphatic; grandiloquent; emphyteusis|emphyteusis (permanent land tenure for farming/rent); E:lease on church goods; emphyteuta|lessee; (of church goods); emphyteuta|permanent land tenant; lessee in tenure of emphytensis; emphyteuticus|pertaining to emphyteusis (tenure for farming/rent or lease on church goods); emphyteutis|permanent land tenure; empiricus|empirical; empiricus|unscientific physician, empiric; empirismus|empiricism; emplastra|plaster/bandage; piece of bark used in budding, "shield"/"scutcheon"; emplastro|bud (trees); emplastrum|plaster/bandage; piece of bark used in budding, "shield"/"scutcheon"; emporeticus|wrapping; enclosing; emporium|center/place of trade, market town; market, mart; empticius|purchased, bought, obtained by purchase; emptio|purchase/acquisition, thing bought; deed of purchase; act of buying/purchasing; emptor|buyer, purchaser; empyreus|fiery; empyrius|fiery; emulsio|emulsion; emuncte|subtly; finely; emunctio|wiping of the nose; emunctorium|snuffer (for trimming candles and lamps); emundatio|cleansing, cleaning; emundo|clean thoroughly, free of dirt/impurity; make quite clean (L+S); cleanse/purify; emungo|wipe the nose; trick, swindle; emunio|fortify; make roads through; en|behold! see! lo! here! hey! look at this!; enarmonicon|enharmonic; (kind of melody in Greek music); enarmonicus|enharmonic; (of kind of melody in Greek music); enarmonion|enharmonic; (kind of melody in Greek music); enarmonius|enharmonic; (of kind of melody in Greek music); enarrabilis|that may be described or explained; enarratio|recounting; exposition/setting forth; detailed interpretation; conversation; enarratio|detailed-exposition; reckoning; G:scanning; enarro|describe; explain/relate in detail; enascor|sprout/spring forth, arise/be born out of something by natural growth; (day); enato|escape by swimming; enavigo|sail forth/away, put out to sea; sail clear (of obstacles) sail across; swim; encaenio|consecrate; put on something new; encaenium|by mistake; encaenium|consecration; dedication; festival; Encaenium|Feast of the Dedication of the Temple (pl.); (Jewish); Encenium|Feast of the Dedication of the Temple (pl.); (Jewish); encephalitis|encephalitis; encephalopathia|encephalopathy; disease of the brain in general; enchiridion|manual; handbook; encolpismus|vaginal douche; clyster, enema; encolpium|medal (worn on neck); encomboma|apron; encyclicus|general/universal; circular; [~ epistula => encyclical letter/Papal doctrine]; encyclopaedia|encyclopedia; endivia|endive; endromis|rough cloak worn after exercise; eneco|kill/slay; deprive of life; kill off; exhaust/wear out, plague/torture to death; eneco|kill/slay; deprive of life; kill off; exhaust/wear out, plague/torture to death; enema|enema, clyster; injection; energia|energy; efficiency; energumenus|possessed by a devil; enervis|powerless, weak; nerveless, feeble, languid; limp/slack/not taut (objects); enerviter|weakly, feebly; limply, languidly; enervo|weaken, enervate; make effeminate; deprive of vigor; cut/remove sinews from; enervus|powerless, weak; nerveless, feeble, languid; limp/slack/not taut (objects); enharmonicon|enharmonic; (kind of melody in Greek music); enharmonicos|enharmonic; (of kind of melody in Greek music); enharmonicus|enharmonic; (of kind of melody in Greek music); enharmonios|enharmonic; (of kind of melody in Greek music); enharmonius|enharmonic; (of kind of melody in Greek music); enhydris|water-snake (Pliny); enico|kill/slay; deprive of life; kill off; exhaust/wear out, plague/torture to death; enico|kill/slay; deprive of life; kill off; exhaust/wear out, plague/torture to death; enigma|puzzle, enigma, riddle, obscure expression/saying; enim|namely (postpos.); indeed; in fact; for; I mean, for instance, that is to say; enimvero|to be sure, certainly; well, upon by word; but, on the other hand; what is more; eniteo|shine forth/out; be outstanding/conspicuous; enitesco|become bright, gleam; stand out; enitor|bring forth, bear, give birth to; struggle upwards, mount, climb, strive; enitor|bring forth, bear, give birth to; struggle upwards, mount, climb, strive; enixe|earnestly, assiduously, with strenuous efforts; eno|swim out; enodate|clearly; plainly; enodatio|untying; explanation; enodis|without knots; smooth; enodo|make clear; enormis|irregular; ill-fitting, shapeless; immense, huge, enormous; unusually large; enormiter|irregularly; unsymmetrically; enormously (Ecc); immoderately; unusually; ens|being; something having esse/existence; (basic concept of St. Thomas Aquinas); ensicula|opener; [ensiculus chartorum => letter opener); ensifer|sword-bearing; ensiger|sword-bearing; ensis|sword; entheca|hoard; store; magazine; enthusiasmus|enthusiasm; enthusiasticus|enthusiastic; enthymema|thought, line of thought, argument; kind of syllogism; entitas|character/nature of being; (relation establishing that thing exists); entitas|entity; existence; entitativus|of nature/character of a being; entomologia|entomology; entomologus|entomologist; enubilo|make clear; enubo|marry out of ones rank/outside one's community (women); marry and leave home; enucleatio|elucidation; enucleatus|straightforward, simple, clear, plain; enucleo|take out the kernel/nut, shell; explain in detail; enumeratio|enumeration, act of listing; recapitulation/summing up; argument by elimination; enumero|count up, pay out; specify, enumerate; enuntiabilis|utterable; enuntiatio|assertion/declaration; phrase/expression; specification; pronunciation; enuntiatio|proposition (Collins); enuntio|reveal; say; disclose; report; speak out, express, declare; enuntio|reveal/divulge/make known/disclose; speak out, express/state/assert; articulate; enutrio|nurture, rear (offspring); enzymum|enzyme; eo|therefore, for that reason, consequently; by that degree; so much the more/less; eo|there, to/toward that place; in that direction; to that object/point/stage; eo|go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass (time); ride; be in the middle; eo|go, walk; march, advance; pass; flow; pass (time); ride; sail; eodem|same, the same, the very same; also; (idem, eadem, idem); eodem|to the same place/purpose; Eosos|dawn; Dawn (personified); the_Orient; Eous|eastern; of the dawn; belonging to/of/set in the morning; Eous|morning star; Oriental, dweller in the east; one of the horses of the Sun; eparchia|eparchy, diocese (in Eastern Church); epastus|eaten up; ephebeum|hall in gymnasium for the use of adolescents/teens; school (Ecc); college; ephebia|school for youth; ephebiceus|suitable for adolescent/teen boy(s); ephebus|boy (Greek) at age of puberty; youth; adolescent (age 18-20 by Athenian law); ephemeris|journal, diary; newspaper (Cal); Ephesius|of/from/belonging to Ephesus (city in Asia Minor), Ephesian; Ephesos|Ephesus, city in Asia Minor (w/temple of Artemis/a 7 wonder); Ephesus|Ephesus, city in Asia Minor (w/temple of Artemis/a 7 wonder); ephi|ephah, Jewish dry measure; (ten gomor, over twenty bushels); ephippiatus|riding with a saddle; ephippium|pad saddle, horse blanket (to ride on); ephod|part of clothing of a Jewish priest; ephoebias|body of youth; group of adolescent boys; ephoebus|boy (Greek) at age of puberty; youth; adolescent (age 18-20 by Athenian law); ephorus|ephor, a Spartan magistrate; ephphatha|be thou opened; (Mark 7:34); (Aramaic); ephpheta|be thou opened; (Mark 7:34); (Aramaic); Ephratheus|Ephramite, member of the Israel tribe of Ephraim; epibaticus|of travelers; epichirema|type of argument; epicinium|aftermath, afterwards; (victory); epiclesis|invocation; calling down; summoning; epicopus|provided with oars; epicrocus|transparent, fine; Epicureus|Epicurean, belonging to the Epicureans, following philosopher Epicurus; Epicureus|Epicurean, one belonging to the Epicureans, follower philosopher Epicurus; Epicurius|Epicurean, belonging to the Epicureans, following philosopher Epicurus; Epicurius|Epicurean, one belonging to the Epicureans, follower philosopher Epicurus; epicus|epic; epicyclus|epicycle; small circle centered on perimeter of larger circle; epidemia|epidemic; epidicticus|for display; epidipnis|dessert; epigonation|ornament on bishop's cincture in Greek rite; epigramma|inscription/epitaph; short poem/epigram; mark tattooed on criminal; epigramma|inscription/epitaph; short poem/epigram; mark tattooed on criminal; epigrammatum|inscription/epitaph; short poem/epigram; mark tattooed on criminal; (DAT/ABL P); epigraphia|epigraphy; epigraphicus|epigraphic; epigraphista|epigraphist; epilempsia|epilepsy; epilempsis|epilepsy; epilempticus|epileptic, suffering from epilepsy; of/pertaining to epilepsy; epilepsia|epilepsy; epilepticus|epileptic, suffering from epilepsy; of/pertaining to epilepsy; epilogus|conclusion, peroration, epilogue; epimanikon|maniple in Greek rite; a Eucharistic vestment; epimedion|staircase-rail; epimenium|month's rations (pl.); epinicion|song of victory; epinicium|song of victory; epinikion|song of victory; Epiphania|Epiphany, 12th Night, feast of three Kings/Magi; manifestation; plane surface; epiphonus|second of two musical notes and smaller than first; epiphora|flowing, afflux; running down/defluxion of humors; repetition; epiredium|strap by which a horse was fastened to a vehicle; a trace; episcopalis|episcopal, of a bishop; episcopaliter|in episcopal fashion; episcopatus|bishopric; episcopate; bishop's office/dignity/see; overseer; post of authority; episcopium|bishop's see; bishop's residence; episcopus|bishop; patriarch; [~ castrensis => military bishop; ~ chori => choir director]; episema|tail on note in music to show prolongation; epistola|letter/dispatch/written communication; imperial rescript; epistle; preface; epistolaris|of/concerned with letter/letters; epistulary; Epistolarium|book of Epistles; epistolella|short epistle; epistolium|note, short letter; epistula|letter/dispatch/written communication; imperial rescript; epistle; preface; epistularis|of/concerned with letter/letters; epistulary; epistylium|architrave, crossbeam on/between columns; architrave+frieze+cornice; capital; epitaphium|funeral oration; epithalamium|nuptial song; epitheca|addition; epitheton|epithet; adjective; epitoma|epitome, abridgement; epitome|epitome, abridgement; epitomo|abridge, epitomize; epitonium|faucet; epitrachelion|stole; epitritos|epitrite, metrical foot with one short and three longs; epitritos|four-thirds, having ratio 4:3; epitritus|four-thirds, having ratio 4:3; epitropous|factor; steward; epizootia|epizootic disease, one temporarily prevalent among animals; (cattle plague); epogdoos|nine-eighths; (music); whole and eighth; epogdous|nine-eighths; (music); whole and eighth; epops|hoopoe, bird of family Upupidae; Eporedorix|Eporedorix; (Aedui Gaul); epos|epic poem (only in NOM and ACC S); epoto|drink down/up, quaff, drain; absorb; swallow/suck up; empty (vessel); engulf; epoto|drink down/up, quaff, drain; absorb; swallow/suck up; empty (vessel); engulf; epotus|drunk up/down, drained; exhausted; absorbed, swallowed up; eppheta|be thou opened (Mark 7:34); (Aramaic); eptheca|addition; epula|courses (pl.), food, dishes of food; dinner; banquet; feast for the eyes; epulor|dine sumptuously, feast; epulum|feast; solemn or public banquet; entertainment; eq|knight (eques); abb. eq.; member of the equestrian order; equa|mare; eques|horseman/cavalryman/rider; horsemen (pl.), cavalry; equestrian order; eques|knight (abb. eq.); (wealthy enough to own his own horse); horse (Bee); equester|knight; one of equestrian order/class (in Rome > 67 BC w/400_000 sesterces); equester|equestrian, mounted on horse; of/belonging to/consisting of horseman/cavalry; equestr|equestrian, mounted on horse; of/belonging to/consisting of horseman/cavalry; equestre|seats (pl.) in theater reserved for members of equestrian order/class; equidem|truly, indeed; for my part; equile|horse-stable; equinus|concerning horses; equipollenter|equivalently; equiso|groom, stable-boy; person in charge of horses; equitatio|horsemanship, equitation, riding; equitatus|cavalry, horse-soldiers; equestrian order; bodies of cavalry (pl.); equitatus|horsemanship, equitation, riding; creature in heat (mare) (L+S); equito|ride (horseback); equivalenter|equivalently; equuleus|little horse, colt; rack, instrument of torture; equus|horse; steed; era|mistress; lady of the house; woman in relation to her servants; Lady; eradico|root out,eradicate; erado|scrape away/clean/smooth, pare; erase/delete; erase/strike (name in disgrace); ercisco|divide an inheritance; erectio|erection, lifting p; act of placing in upright position; permit to travel; erectus|upright, erect; perpendicular; confident/bold/assured; noble; attentive/alert; eremita|hermit, eremite; anchorite; recluse; eremiticus|hermit-like, pertaining to/living like hermit; solitary, secluded, reclusive; eremitis|solitary, secluded, recluse; pertaining to/living like hermit; eremus|waste, desert; eremus|wilderness, wasteland, desert; ereptio|seizure; forcible taking; erga|towards, opposite (friendly); ergastilus|jailer in a ergastulum/workhouse/penitentiary; ergastulum|convicts (pl.); chain gang; inmates of a workhouse/penitentiary; ergastulum|prison; prison on estate where refractory slaves worked in chains; workhouse; ergo|therefore; well, then, now; erica|heather; ericius|hedgehog; beam thickly studded with iron spikes as a military barrier; erigo|raise, erect, build; rouse, excite, stimulate; erilis|of a master or mistress; erinaceus|hedgehog; erinacius|hedgehog (of genus Erinaceus); porcupine (of genus Hystrix) (Ecc); eripio|snatch away, take by force; rescue; eris|hedgehog; erithacus|robin; ermellineus|of ermine; ero|kind of basket made with plaited reeds; hamper; (aero); erodio|heron; (pure Latin - ardea); hamper; (aero); erogatio|paying out, distribution; erogo|pay out, expend; eroticus|erotic; amatory, concerned with love; errabundus|wandering; erraticus|roving, erratic; wild; erratum|error, mistake (in thought/action); moral error, lapse; erraum|error, mistake; lapse; erro|wander, go astray; make a mistake, err; vacillate; erro|truant; vagabond, wanderer; erronee|erroneously; erroneus|wandering (planets); straying; vagrant; wrong, erroneous (Ecc); error|wandering; error; winding, maze; uncertainty; deception; erubesco|redden, blush, blush at; blush for shame, be ashamed of; eruca|rocket (rocquette), cruciformous herb (Eruca sativa); (salad/aphrodisiac); eructo|bring up noisily; discharge violently; eructuo|gush forth; erudero|clear from rubbish; erudio|educate, teach, instruct; eruditio|instruction/teaching/education; learning/erudition; taught knowledge; culture; eruditus|learned, skilled; erugo|take wrinkles/creases from; erugo|disgorge noisily (food/drink); erumpnus|distressful; erumpo|burst/pop (abscess/boil); cause (swelling) to burst; become dislocated (limb); erumpo|break out (of); burst/sally/spring/issue forth/out/on; sprout; erupt; erungion|sea holly; genus of prickly plants; (Eryngium maritimum and allies); erungium|sea holly; genus of prickly plants; (Eryngium maritimum and allies); eruo|pluck/dig/root up, overthrow, destroy; elicit; eruptio|sortie, rush, sally, sudden rush of troops from a position; erus|master, owner; erutor|rescuer; ervilia|kind of vetch; (Lathyrus sativus/cicera); bitter-vetch (L+S); kind of pulse; ervum|kind of cultivated vetch; (Vicia/Ervum ervilia); its seeds; erynge|sea holly; genus of prickly plants; (Eryngium maritimum and allies); eryngion|sea holly; genus of prickly plants; (Eryngium maritimum and allies); eryngium|sea holly; genus of prickly plants; (Eryngium maritimum and allies); erysimon|plant; (prob.) species of hedge-mustard; (also irio); a grain (L+S); erysimum|plant; (prob.) species of hedge-mustard; (also irio); a grain (L+S); erysisceptrum|low thorny scrub; erythinus|red sea-mullet (Pliny); esca|food, meat; a dish prepared for the table; victuals; bait (for fish/animals); escarius|relating to food or bait; escendo|ascend, go up, mount; eschaeta|escheat; property lapsed to lord(if owner dies without heir); eschatologia|eschatology, study of final things; study of end of world; eschatologicus|eschatological, pertaining to end (of world); esculentus|edible, eatable, esculent; fit for food, fit to be eaten; Esdras|Esdras; (name sometimes given to Bible book Ezra and author); esecutio|performance, carrying out; enforcement (law), act to right wrong; discussion; esicia|salmon; a fish; esotericismus|theory of esotericism/esoterism; holding esoteric doctrines; esotericus|esoteric; designed for/appropriate to an inner circle of privileged disciples; esperantista|Esperantist, one versed in Esperanto (European-based artificial language); essedarius|gladiator, soldier fighting from a chariot; essedarius|of or belonging to a war chariot; essedum|war chariot (two wheeled); light traveling carriage; essendio|make real; endow with essence; essendum|being; (gerund of esse); [essendi/essendo => of/in being]; essentia|essence, substance, being, actuality, essential thing; existing entity, whole; essential|essential qualities (pl.); essentialis|essential; essentialiter|essentially; essentificatio|realization, making real; essentifico|make real; endow with essence; essentio|make real; endow with essence; essoniator|one who essoins, one who excuses court absence; essonio|essoin, excuse court absence; essonium|essoin, excuse for court absence; essuriens|hungry; ravenous, starving; essuriens|hungry person; essurienter|hungrily, ravenously; Esther|Esther; (book/heroine of Bible, Jewess born Edessa, Queen of Persia); estimatio|valuation; estimo|value; estimate; estoverium|estovers, necessities allowed (to tenant) by law (espec. of wood); estuans|passionate?; estuanter|passionately; esuriens|hungry; ravenous, starving; esuriens|hungry person; esurienter|hungrily, ravenously; esuries|hunger; esurio|hungry man/person; esurio|be hungry, hunger; want to eat, desire food; desire eagerly; esuritio|hunger; state of hunger; hungering (L+S); esuritor|hungry man/person; one suffering from hunger; esus|eating, taking of food; et|and, and even; also, even; (et ... et = both ... and); etas|lifetime, age, generation; period; stage, period of life, time, era; etc|etcetra, and so forth; abb. etc.; (in use in modern Latin texts if not before); etenim|and indeed, because, since, as a matter of fact (independent reason, emphasis); eternus|eternal, everlasting, imperishable; perpetual; having no beginning/end; etesia|etesian winds (pl.), NW winds blowing during dog days in Eastern Mediterranean; etheca|portico (pl.); gallery; ethica|ethics; moral philosophy; science of right and wrong; ethice|ethics; moral philosophy; science of right and wrong; ethicum|ethics (pl.); moral philosophy; science of right and wrong; ethicus|ethical, of/belonging to ethics/morals; of character; psychological; ethnicus|heathen; pagan; ethnicus|heathen; pagan; ethnographia|ethnography; ethnographicus|ethnographic; ethnologia|ethnology; ethnologicus|ethnological; ethnologus|ethnologist; ethologia|characterization, delineation of character; character sketch; ethnology (Ecc); ethologicus|ethnological, of ethnology; ethologus|mimic, one who portrays character with gestures; etiam|and also, besides/furthermore, in addition/as well; even, actually; yes/indeed; etiam|now too, as yet, still, even now; yet again; likewise; (particle); (et-iam); etiamnum|even now, still, yet; etiamnunc|even now, still, yet; etiamsi|even if, although; etiamtum|even then; yet; etsi|although, though, even if; albeit; I know that but; etymologia|etymology; eu|well done! bravo!; splendid! (sometimes ironic); eucharis|gracious; eucharistia|Eucharist/Communion; (elements of); any consecrated offering; thanksgiving; eucharistial|vessel for preserving the Holy Eucharist; eucharistialus|Eucharistic, pertaining to Holy Eucharist; eucharisticon|thanksgiving; Eucharist/Communion; eucharisticus|Eucharistic/pertaining to Holy Eucharist; [Doctor ~ => St. John of Chrystostom]; eucharistium|consecrated elements (pl.) of the Eucharist/Communion; euchelaion|holy oil; sacrament of anointing in Greek rite; euchologion|euchologion, book of liturgies/prayers for administration of Orthodox sacraments eugae|oh, good! fine! well done! (delight/pleasure/surprise, sometimes ironic); euge|oh, good! fine! well done! (delight/pleasure/surprise, sometimes ironic); eugeneus|well-born; noble; generous; eugenicus|eugenic; eugepae|well done!; (sometimes ironic); euhans|uttering the name/cry Euhan (Bacchus); Euhios|Bacchus, title given to Bacchus; Euhius|Bacchus; title given to Bacchus; euhoe|cry of joy used by the votaries of Bacchus; eukaristia|Eucharist/Communion; (elements thereof); consecrated offering; eulogia|present/gift/blessing; name for Holy Eucharist/consecrated bread; fine language; Euminis|Fury/Eumenide; (usu. pl.); (euphemistically) the gracious/benevolent ones; eundem|same, the same, the very same; also; (idem, eadem, idem); eunuchus|eunuch; euoeeuhoe|shout of the Bacchantes; euphonia|euphony; quality of having pleasant sound; euphonus|sonorous, resonant; (applied to virile man vs. eunuch); pleasant (sound); euphoria|euphoria; Euphrates|Euphrates; (river); euresilogus|sophist, sophistical person; euripus|channel, canal; eurisilogus|sophist, sophistical person; euro|euro (currency); euroaquilo|north-east wind; eurocrata|Eurocrat; euronotus|south-east wind; euronummus|Euro (currency); euronus|Euro (currency); Europa|Europe; eurous|eastern; eurus|east (or south east) wind; the east; Eusebius|Eusebius; (Bishop of Caesarea, 260-341, "Historia Ecclesiatica"); (Pope 310); euthanasia|euthanasia; eutyches|fortunate; euus|eating; taking of food; Eva|Eve; evacuo|empty (vessel); purge, evacuate (bowels); evado|evade, escape; avoid; evagino|unsheathe; evagor|wander off/out/forth/to and fro, stray; maneuver; spread, overstep; evalesco|increase in strength; prevail, have sufficient strength (to); evanesco|vanish/disappear; pass/fade/die (away/out); lapse; become weak/void/forgotten; evangeliarum|book of Gospels; evangelicus|evangelical; of/pertaining to the Gospel; evangelista|preacher (of the Gospel); evangelist; evangelistarium|book of Gospels; Evangelium|Gospel, Good News; evangelium|Good news; Gospel; evangelizatio|evangelization, preaching the Gospel evangelizator|preacher (of the Gospel); evangelist; evangelizo|preach/declare/proclaim (the Gospel); evangelize, win to Gospel by preaching; evanidus|vanishing, passing away; evanno|winnow out; cast out (the chaff from fan leaving the grain); evans|crying Euhan!; (surname of Bacchus); evanuo|become vain/empty/foolish; evaporatio|evaporation; evasio|escape; deliverance; going out; evasion; evasto|devastate; evectio|ascension, flight, soaring aloft; permit to travel by public post; eveho|carry away, convey out; carry up; exalt; jut out, project; evello|pull/pluck/tear/root out; evenio|come out/about/forth; happen; turn out; evenit|it happens, it turns out; come out, come forth; eventilatus|scattered; dissipated; eventilo|winnow thoroughly; fan away; fan (L+S); set in motion (air); eventum|occurrence, event; issue, outcome; eventus|outcome, result, success; event, occurrence; chance, fate, accident; everbero|beat violently; everriculum|fishing-net, drag-net; clean sweep; brush (Cal); everro|sweep/clean out (room/litter); sweep (sea) with dragnet; net (by dragging); eversio|destruction; overturning/upsetting; expulsion/turning out; revolution (Cal); eversor|one who destroys or overthrows; everto|overturn, turn upside down; overthrow, destroy, ruin; evestigatus|tracked out, discovered; evictio|eviction; recovery at law in virtue of superior title; evidens|apparent, evident; evidenter|clearly, obviously/manifestly/evidently; vividly, giving realistic impression; evidentia|evidence; obviousness; vividness; quality of being manifest/evident; evigilatio|awakening; evigilo|be wakeful; watch throughout the night; devise or study with careful attention; evilesco|become vile/worthless/despicable; cheapen; evincio|bind, bind up/around; wind around; wreathe round; evinco|overcome, conquer, subdue, overwhelm, defeat utterly; prevail, bring to pass; eviratus|effeminate; eviro|deprive of virility; weaken; eviscero|disembowel; eviscerate; evitabilis|avoidable; evitandus|that which must be avoided; evito|shun, avoid; evocatio|summoning/evocation; calling/ordering out the troops; calling up dead spirits; evocator|one who orders out troops; evocatus|veteran; volunteer; veterans again called to service (pl.); evoco|call forth; lure/entice out; summon, evoke; evolo|fly away, fly up/out/forth; rush out/forth; evolutio|development, unfolding; action of reading through; evolution (Ecc); evolutivus|evolutionary; evolvo|roll out, unroll; disclose, unfold; extricate; pursue; explain; evomo|vomit out; evovae|evovae; (meaningless word used in choral books to show some vowel sounds); evulgatio|publication, making known, divulging; evulgo|make public, divulge; evulsio|pulling out; eradication, utter destruction; extinction (Souter); ex|out of, from; by reason of; according to; because of, as a result of; exacerbatio|provocation; exasperation; exacerbesco|become irritated/exasperated/angry; exacerbo|irritate/exasperate, enrage/provoke; aggravate/make worse; grieve, afflict; exactio|exaction (tax/debt), enforcement (labor); expulsion, driving out; supervision; exactio|expulsion; supervision, enforcement; precise execution; extraction (tax/debt); exactitudo|accuracy; exactor|expeller; exactor; collector of taxes; exactus|exact, accurate; exacuo|make sharp or pointed; stimulate; exacutio|action of sharpening to a point; exacutus|sharpened; stimulated; exadversum|opposite; exadversus|opposite; exaedifico|complete the building of, construct; exaequo|equalize, make equal; regard as equal; be equal (to); exaestuo|boil up; seethe, rage; exaggero|heap up, accumulate; magnify; exagito|drive out; stir up, disturb continually, harass; attack, scold, discuss; exaltatio|exaltation, elevation; pride, haughtiness; exalto|exalt, elevate, raise; praise; deepen; examen|exam/test; apparatus/process of weighing, balance; examen|swarm (bees); crowd; agony; examinator|examiner; arbitrator; examinatus|careful, scrupulous; exact; examino|weigh, examine, consider; examussim|according to rule, exactly, quite; exanimalis|dead, lifeless; deadly, destructive of life; exanimis|dead; lifeless; breathless, terrified, dismayed; exanimo|kill, deprive of life; scare, alarm greatly; tire, exhaust; be out of breath; exanimus|dead; lifeless; exanthema|pustule; pimple, zit; eruption on the skin; exantlo|exhaust; endure; bar; suffer much from toil; exaperio|disclose; explain; disentangle; exarchia|exarchy; (Eastern Church people not in eparchy, committed to exarch bishop); exarchus|exarch; (Eastern Church bishop governing exarchy); exardesco|flare/blaze up; break out; glow; rage; be provoked, enraged; be exasperated; exardo|kindle; inflame; break out; exaresco|dry up; exarmo|disarm, deprive of weapons/arms; weaken, deprive of military strength; exarmo|dismantle/remove ship's tackle; deprive beasts of their natural weapons; exaro|plow or dig up; plow; note down (by scratching the wax on the tablets); exasperatio|irritation; exasperation (Ecc); bitterness; exasperator|provoker, one who provokes/irritates; exasperatrix|provoker (female), she who provokes/irritates; exaspero|roughen; irritate; exatio|satisfy, satiate; glut; exauctoro|release or dismiss from military service; exaudibilis|worthy of being heard; exaudiens|that listens to or heeds (prayers/supplication); understanding, listening; exaudio|hear clearly; comply with, heed; hear from afar; understand; exauditio|favorable answer to prayer; exauditor|one who listens (favorably/graciously) to prayer; exauguratio|profanation, desecration; excaeco|blind (completely), confuse/hide/obscure; dull/dim; block channel; de-eye plant; excalceatus|barefoot; unshod; excalceo|remove the shoes from; excalceor|remove the shoes from; excalcio|remove the shoes from; excalfactorius|warming; heating (Pliny); excambium|excambion; exchange/barter (espec. of land); excandescentia|heat, irascibility; excandesco|catch fire, burst into flame; blaze (w/light); flare up, burn w/rage/anger; excardinatio|excardination; (transfer of cleric to another diocese/consecrated life); excardino|excardinate; (transfer of cleric to another diocese/consecrated life); excarnifico|torture, punish; torment/torture mentally; hack/cut/tear to pieces (L+S); excarpus|abstract; excavo|hollow/scoop out, make hollow; produce/make/form by excavation/hollowing out; excedo|pass, withdraw, exceed; go away/out/beyond; die; excellens|distinguished, excellent; excellenter|excellently; excellentia|excellence, superiority; merit; excello|be eminent/preeminent; excel; excelsa|citadel; excelse|preeminently, outstandingly; in elevated/sublime manner; at/to high elevation; excelsitas|loftiness; height; preeminence; sublimity; excelsum|height, high place/ground/altitude; eminence; high position/rank/station; excelsum|altar, temple (pl.); citadel; [in ~is/in ~o => in the highest/on high]; excelsus|lofty/high; tall; exalted; elevated; noble; of high position/rank/reputation; excelsus|high pitched (sound/note); excentricitas|eccentricity (geometry); excentricus|eccentric orbit; exceptio|exception, qualification; exceptionalis|exceptional; excepto|take out, take up; inhale, take (to oneself); exceptorium|receptacle (for water), tank, cistern; reservoir (Ecc); exceptus|only; excepted; excerebro|brain, bash the head in; deprive of brains; make senseless; stupefy; excerpo|pick out; select; excerptio|extract, excerpt; excerptum|extract, excerpt; excessivus|excessive; excessus|departure; death; digression; departure from standard; B:protuberance; excess; excetra|snake, viper; excidium|military destruction (of towns/armies); ruin/demolition; subversion/overthrow; excido|perish; disappear; escape, fall out; be deprived of; lose control of senses; excido|cut out/off/down; raze, destroy; excieo|rouse; call out send for; summon; evoke; excindo|demolish/destroy, raze to ground (town/building); exterminate/destroy (people); excio|rouse; call out send for; summon; evoke; excipio|take out; remove; follow; receive; ward off, relieve; excipulum|bin; excisus|cut, cutting, slip, piece; excito|wake up, stir up; cause; raise, erect; incite; excite, arouse; excitor|awakener; [Excitor mentium => Christ, awakener of souls]; exclamatio|exclamation, saying; exclamo|exclaim, shout; cry out, call out; exclaustratio|exclaustration; (permission to remain outside cloister for definite period); exclaustratus|exclaustrated; (being outside cloister with permission); excludo|shut out, shut off; remove; exclude; hinder, prevent; exclusa|sluice; exclusio|exclusion, keeping out; shutting out; debarring; exclusive|exclusively; exclusivus|exclusive; excogitatio|thinking out, conniving, devising; invention (Ecc); excogito|think out; devise, invent, contrive; excolo|improve; develop, honor; excommunicatio|excommunication; censure excluding from Church/community/communion w/faithful); excommunico|excommunicate; (exclude Catholic from communion w/faithful); excoquo|boil; temper (by heat); boil away; dry up, parch; excorio|strip of skin/covering; flay, skin, strip; excors|silly, stupid; excrementum|excrement; spittle, mucus; excresco|grow out or up; grow up; grow; excrucio|torture; torment; excubia|watching (pl.); keeping of a watch/guard/vigil; the watch, soldiers on guard; excubitor|sentinel; watchman; excubo|sleep/lie in the open/out of doors; keep watch; be attentive; excudo|strike out; forge; fashion; print (Erasmus); exculco|trample down; exculpo|carve out; erase; (see exsculpo; source Latham, but pre-dates medieval times); excuratus|carefully seen to; excurro|run out; make an excursion; sally; extend; project; excurro|run out; make an excursion; sally; extend; project; excursatio|sally; onset; attack, charge (Sax); incursion; excursio|running forth; sally; excursus|running forth, onset, charge, excursion, sally, sudden raid; excusabilis|excusable; excusamentum|excuse; excusatio|excuse; excuso|excuse/justify/explain; make excuse for/plead as excuse; allege; absolve/exempt; excussio|interrogation, examination; act of shaking (down); excusso|excuse/justify/explain; make excuse for/plead as excuse; allege; absolve/exempt; excussus|cast out; thrown down/out; excutio|shake out or off; cast out; search, examine; execo|cut out/off; remove/make (hole) by cutting; cut, make cut in; castrate; execrabilis|detestable; accursed; execramentum|accursed thing; increase, excess (Latham); excrement; [~ auri => gold fillings]; execratio|imprecation, curse; execribilis|accursed, detestable; of/belonging to cursing; execror|curse; detest; executio|performance, carrying out; enforcement (law), act to right wrong; discussion; executo|follow, go after/along; strive after; go on with/persist in; attain/arrive at; executo|execute, carry out (duty); go through, rehearse; pursue; develop (topic); executor|executor, one who carries out task; performer; avenger; executorius|executive; executrix|executor (female), one who carries out task; performer; avenger; exedo|eat up, consume; hollow; exedo|eat up, consume; hollow; exedra|hall for conversation or debate; exeges|exposition; exegesis (16th C); exegeta|exegete, interpreter/expounder of Scripture/difficult passages; exemplabilis|pattern-formed; exemplar|model, pattern, example, original, ideal; copy/reproduction; typical instance; exemplare|model, pattern, example, original, ideal; copy/reproduction; typical instance; exemplaris|copy; transcript; exemplaris|exemplary, serving as example/pattern; exemplaritas|model, exemplar; archetypical quality; exemplator|copyist; exemplo|adduce/serve as example/model/pattern; form after a pattern; exemplum|example, sample, specimen; instance; precedent, case; warning, deterrent; exemplum|pattern, model; parallel, analogy; archetype; copy/reproduction, transcription; exempoator|model, example; exemptio|removal, taking out; preventing person's court appearance; exemption (Ecc); exemptus|exempt; exemptus|removal, action of removing/taking out; exenium|by mistake; exentero|disembowel; exeo|come/go/sail/march/move out/forth/away, leave; pass (away), expire/perish/die; exeo|discharge (fluid); rise (river); become visible; issue/emerge/escape; sprout; exequia|funeral procession/rites/services (pl.), obsequies; [~ ire => attend funeral]; exequiale|funeral rites (pl.); exequialis|funeral-, of/related to funeral, of/belonging to funeral rites; exequior|follow in funeral procession to the grave; attend at the grave; exequor|follow, go along/on with; pursue for vengeance/punishment; strive/search after; exequor|persist in; execute, carry out; rehearse; attain, arrive at, accomplish; exercens|operator; worker; doer, performer; exerceo|exercise, train, drill, practice; enforce, administer; cultivate; exercitatio|exercise, training, practice; discipline; exercitatus|trained, practiced, skilled; disciplined; troubled; exercitium|exercise; training; practice; proficiency/skill; written exercises (pl.); exercito|practice, exercise, train hard, keep at work; exercitor|trainer; exerciser; sports trainer (Cal); exercitorius|concerning operator of business; exercitrix|exercise-, that exercises (body); exercitualis|belonging to an army; army-derived; exercitus|army, infantry; swarm, flock; exero|stretch forth; thrust out (of land); put out (plant); lay bare, uncover (body); exerro|wander off (from one's course); exerto|stretch out; uncover; exfornicatus|given to fornication; exfugio|flee/escape; run/slip/keep away (from), eschew/avoid; baffle, escape notice; exhalo|breathe out; evaporate; die; exhaurio|draw out; drain, drink up, empty; exhaust, impoverish; remove; end; exhaustus|exhausted; exhedra|conversation-hall; hall with seats; (exedra); exheredatio|disinheritance; act of disinheriting; exheredito|disinherit; exheredo|disinherit; exheres|disinherited; exhibeo|present; furnish; exhibit; produce; exhibitio|display, exhibition; example; exhibitorius|exibitory, of/connected with production in curt; of handing over/giving up; exhilaro|gladden, cheer; brighten, spruce up, enhance appearance; exhonoratio|shame; exhonoro|dishonor; despise; exhorreo|shudder; be terrified; exhorresco|shudder; be terrified, tremble at; exhortatio|exhortation, action of admonishing/encouraging; inducement; exhortativus|of exhortation; exhorto|encourage; exhortor|exhort, encourage, incite; exicco|dry up; empty (vessel); exico|cut out/off; remove/make (hole) by cutting; cut, make cut in; castrate; exide|from then on; exigentia|urgency, exigency; emergency; exigo|drive out, expel; finish; examine, weigh; exiguitas|smallness, paucity; shortness; scarcity; exiguus|small; meager; dreary; a little, a bit of; scanty, petty, short, poor; exilio|spring/leap/burst forth/out, leap up, start up, bound; emerge into existence; exilio|spring/leap/burst forth/out, leap up, start up, bound; emerge into existence; exilis|small, thin; poor; exilitas|thinness/leanness/narrowness; meager/poorness; small/shortness; dryness (style); exiliter|feebly (Collins); exilium|exile, banishment; place of exile/retreat (L+S); exiles (pl.), those exiled; exim|thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause; eximietas|excellence(title); uncommonness (Nelson); eximius|select; extraordinary/special; excellent; [Doctor Eximius => Francis Suarez]; eximius|outstanding/exceptional/remarkable; distinct; selected/choice (best victim); eximo|remove/extract, take/lift out/off/away; banish, get rid of; free/save/release; exin|thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause; exinanio|empty, remove contents of; strip; despoil; drain, dry, pour out; weaken/exhaust; exinanitio|purging, emptying out; weakening process; emptiness (Ecc); exinde|thence; after that, next in order, thereafter, then; furthermore; by that cause; existentia|existence; that by which essence becomes actual; existentialis|existential; existentialismus|existentialism (doctrine of); existimatio|opinion (good); reputation/name; esteem; judgment/view/estimation; credit; existimator|judge; critic, one who forms an opinion; existimo|value/esteem; form/hold opinion/view; think/suppose; estimate; judge/consider; existo|step forth, appear; arise; become; prove to be; be (Bee); existumatio|opinion (good/public); reputation/name; (forming of) judgment/view; credit; existumator|judge; critic, one who forms an opinion; existumo|value/esteem; form/hold opinion/view; think/suppose; estimate; judge/consider; exitabiliter|ruinously; perniciously; exitiabilis|destructive, deadly; exitialis|destructive, deadly; exitiosus|destructive, pernicious, deadly; exitium|destruction, ruin; death; mischief; exitus|exit, departure; end, solution; death; outlet, mouth (of river); exlex|bound by no law, lawless, reckless; exoculo|blind, put out/deprive of eyes/sight; Exodus|Exodus; (book of Bible); exolesco|grow up, become adult; grow stale, deteriorate; die out/fade away; be forgotten; exoletus|male prostitute; exolvo|unfasten/undo/loose; open (vein); thaw (ice); let flow (body discharge); solve; exolvo|set free, release; end, do away with; pay; award; release; perform/discharge; exomologesis|confession of sin; exonero|unload, disburden, discharge; exopto|long for; exorabilis|capable of being moved by entreaty; exoratio|prayer; petition; mercy; exorbito|derail; exorcismus|exorcism; exorcista|exorcist; cleric of minor orders (second level from top/deacon); exorcistatus|exorcist, third of four lesser orders of Catholic Church; (no longer exists); exorcistus|exorcist; cleric of minor orders (second level from top/deacon); exorcizo|exorcise; exordior|begin, commence; exordium|beginning; introduction, preface; exorior|come out, come forth; bring; appear; rise, begin, spring up; cheer up; exornatio|embellishment (Collins); exornatulus|prettily dressed; exornatus|ornamented; embellished; exorno|furnish with, adorn, embellish; exoro|persuade, obtain/win over by entreaty, prevail upon; beg, plead, entreat; exors|without share in; exempt from lottery; exos|boneless, without bones; exosculo|kiss; exosculor|kiss fondly; express fondness for; admire greatly; exosso|bone/de-bone, take out the bones, filet; exostra|theatrical machine (revealing the inside of house to spectators); exosus|hating; exotericus|external; exoteric; exoticus|foreign, outlandish, exotic; expallesco|turn pale, turn very pale; go white as a ghost; expallidus|very/exceedingly pale/wan; expalpo|coax out; expando|spread out, expand; expound; expando|spread out, expand; expound; expansio|expansion; spreading out; expatior|wander from the course; spread out; expavesco|become frightened; expectatio|expectation; suspense; expecto|await, expect; anticipate; hope for; expectoro|banish from mind; expedio|disengage, loose, set free; be expedient; procure, obtain, make ready; expeditio|expedition, campaign; rapid march; account; proof by elimination; expeditus|unencumbered; without baggage; light armed; expeditus|light armed soldier; expedius|free, easy; ready; ready for action; without baggage; unencumbered; expello|drive out, expel, banish; disown, reject; expendiendus|settled; disentangled; expendo|pay; pay out; weigh, judge; pay a penalty; expensa|expenditure, money paid out; (assume pecunia); expenses (Bee); expensio|expense; expenditure; expensum|expenditure, money paid out; expenses (Bee); expensus|paid out (money); entered into one's account as paid; expergefacio|awaken/wake up (from sleep); rouse/arouse (from inactivity); excite/stir up; expergefio|be awakened/aroused/excited; (expergefacio PASS); expergiscor|awake; bestir oneself; experiens|active, enterprising (w/GEN); experientia|trial, experiment; experience; experimentalis|experimental; experimentum|trial, experiment, experience; experior|test, put to the test; find out; attempt, try; prove, experience; expers|free from (w/GEN); without; lacking experience; immune from; experta|expert, she who has experience; expertus|well-proved, tested; shown to be true; expertus|expert, one who has experience; expes|hopeless (only NOM S); without hope; expetesso|desire, wish for; expeto|ask for; desire; aspire to; demand; happen; fall on (person); expeto|ask for; desire; aspire to; demand; happen; fall on (person); expiatio|atonement, expiation, purification; expiatorius|satisfactory; expiatory, expiating; expilo|plunder, rob, despoil; expio|expiate, atone for; avert by expiatory rites; expiro|breathe out; exhale; expire; die; cease; expiscor|angle/fish for (information); search/fish/find out; inquire; (slang?); explanatio|explanation (Collins); explanatio|exposition, setting out/enunciating clearly in words; explanation (Ecc); explano|explain; explanto|uproot, pull up/out/off (plant/shoot); cast out (Ecc); explaudo|drive (actor) off stage by clapping; scare off; reject (claim); eject/cast out; explementum|filling, stuffing; expleo|fill out; fill, fill up, complete, finish; satisfy, satiate; expletio|fulfillment; process of perfecting; completion; satisfaction; obedience (to); expletium|issue; expletivus|expletive, serving to fill out, introduced to occupy space or make up number; explicatio|solution/explanation (obscurity/problem); description, pictorial representation; explicatio|planning (buildings, etc.), laying out; uncoiling; method/style of exposition; explicativus|explanatory; explicite|clearly, without ambiguity; plainly, explicitly (Ecc); explicitus|clear, straightforward, explicit, plain; explico|unfold, extend; set forth, display, exhibit, explain, disentangle; explico|unfold, extend; set forth, explain; explodeo|explode; explodo|drive (actor) off stage by clapping; scare off; reject (claim); eject/cast out; exploratio|investigation, searching out; examination, exploration; reconnaissance unit; exploratior|explored; explorator|investigator, one who searches out; scout, spy; exploro|search out, explore; test, try out; reconnoiter, investigate; explosio|explosion; explosivus|exploding; expolio|plunder; expolio|polish; refine; expolitor|polisher; exponens|exponent (math.); exponentialis|exponential; expono|set/put forth/out; abandon, expose; publish; explain, relate; disembark; exporrigo|stretch/spread out; smooth (brow); extend; expand, widen scope of (idea); exportaticius|of export; exportator|exporter; exporto|export, carry out; exposco|request, ask for, demand; demand the surrender of; expositio|statement, description, explanation; narration; exposing (of a child); expositio|exhibition (of art, of objects); expostulatio|complaint, protest; expostulo|demand, call for, remonstrate, complain about; expresse|expressly, for express purpose; clearly, distinctly; pointedly; w/precision; expressim|explicitly; clearly; expressly; expressio|expulsion/forcing out; elevating section (watermain); molding; expression (Ecc) expressus|distinct/clear/plain/visible/prominent, clearly defined; closely modeled on; exprimo|squeeze, squeeze/press out; imitate, copy; portray; pronounce, express; exprobrabilis|worthy of reproach; exprobratio|reproaching, reproach; exprobro|reproach, upbraid, reprove; bring up as reproach (against person DAT); expromo|bring/take out (from store), put out; put to use, put in play; disclose, reveal; expropriatio|renunciation; deprivation (of property); expugnabilis|open to assault; expugnatio|storming, taking by storm; assault; expugnator|conqueror; expugnax|effectual in overcoming resistance; expugno|assault, storm; conquer, plunder; accomplish; persuade; expulsio|driving-out; expulsion; expultrix|one who drives out; expuo|spit out; eject; rid oneself of; expurgatio|justification, vindication; excuse; action of cleaning; expurgatus|expurgated; purified, cleaned up; expurgo|cleanse, purify; exculpate; expurigatio|justification, vindication; excuse; action of cleaning; exquaesitio|research, inquiry, investigation; seeking for; desiring; exquaesitor|searcher; investigator, researcher; exquiro|seek out, search for, hunt up; inquire into; exquisitio|research, inquiry, investigation; exquisitor|searcher; investigator, researcher; exsanguis|bloodless, pale, wan, feeble; frightened; exsatio|satisfy, satiate; glut; exsaturabilis|capable of being satiated; exsaturatus|filled, satisfied, sated, having enough; exsaturo|satisfy, sate, glut; exscidium|military destruction (of towns/armies); ruin/demolition; subversion/overthrow; exscindo|demolish/destroy, raze to ground (town/building); exterminate/destroy (people); exscreo|cough out/up; exscribo|copy, write out; exsculpo|carve out; erase; exseco|cut out/off; remove/make (hole) by cutting; cut, make cut in; castrate; exsecrabilis|detestable; accursed; exsecramentum|accursed thing; increase, excess (Latham); excrement; [~ auri => gold fillings]; exsecrandus|detestable; exsecratio|imprecation, curse; exsecribilis|accursed, detestable; of/belonging to cursing; exsecror|curse; detest; exsectio|cutting out; exsecutio|performance, carrying out; enforcement (law), act to right wrong; discussion; exsecutivus|executive; ministerial (Cal); exsecuto|follow, go after/along; strive after; go on with/persist in; attain/arrive at; exsecuto|execute, carry out (duty); go through, rehearse; pursue; develop (topic); exsecutor|executor, one who carries out task; performer; avenger; exsecutrix|executor (female), one who carries out task; performer; avenger; exsequia|funeral procession/rites (pl.), obsequies; [~as ire => attend funeral]; exsequiale|funeral rites (pl.); exsequialis|funeral-, of/related to a funeral or funeral rites; exsequior|follow in funeral procession to the grave; attend at the grave; exsequor|follow, go along/on with; pursue for vengeance/punishment; strive/search after; exsequor|persist in; execute, carry out; rehearse; attain, arrive at, accomplish; exsero|stretch forth; thrust out (of land); put out (plants); lay bare, uncover (body); exserto|stretch out; uncover; exsicco|dry up; empty (vessel); exsico|cut out/off; remove/make (hole) by cutting; cut, make cut in; castrate; exsilio|spring/leap/burst forth/out, leap up, start up, bound; emerge into existence; exsilio|spring/leap/burst forth/out, leap up, start up, bound; emerge into existence; exsilium|exile, banishment; place of exile/retreat (L+S); exiles (pl.), those exiled; exsistentia|existence; that by which essence becomes actual; exsistimatio|opinion (good); reputation/name; esteem; judgment/view/estimation; credit; exsisto|step out, come forth, emerge, appear, stand out, project; arise; come to light; exsolvo|unfasten/undo/loose; open (vein); thaw (ice); let flow (body discharge); solve; exsolvo|set free, release; end, do away with; pay; award; release; perform/discharge; exsomnis|sleepless, wakeful; exsors|without share in exempt from lottery; exspatior|digress, go from the course, wander from the way, spread, extend; exspectatio|expectation; suspense; exspecto|lookout for, await; expect, anticipate, hope for; exspergo|sprinkle, scatter; exspes|hopeless; (only NOM S); exspes|hopeless (only NOM S); exspiro|breathe out, exhale; expire; cease, die; exsplendesco|glitter; shine; become conspicuous; exspolio|pillage, rob, plunder; exspuo|spit out; eject; rid oneself of; exstasia|rapture; ecstasy; trance; exstasis|rapture; ecstasy; trance; exstasis|terror; amazement; ecstasy; exstaticus|ecstatic; exsterno|terrify greatly, frighten; madden; exstimulo|goad; stimulate; exstinctio|annihilation, slaughter; extinction; dissolution; exstinctivus|extinguishing, annihilating; exstinctor|destroyer, annihilator; exstinguo|put out, extinguish, quench; kill, destroy; exstirpo|root out, extirpate; pull/pluck out/up by roots; eradicate root and branch; exsto|stand forth/out; exist; be extant/visible; be on record; exstructio|building-up; erection; adorning; exstruo|pile/build up, raise, build, construct; exsudo|exude; sweat out; exsuffatio|act of blowing; exsufflator|one who blows at/upon; mocker; despiser; exsufflo|blow at/upon; blow away; exsuflatora|one who blows at/upon; mocker; despiser; (exsufflator with 1 f - Whitaker); exsuflo|blow at/upon; blow away; (exsufflo with 1 f - Whitaker); exsul|exile (M/F), banished person; wanderer; exsulo|be exile, live in exile; be banished; be a stranger; exsultabilis|joyful; exsultatio|exultation, joy; exsultim|friskily; exsulto|rejoice; boast; exalt; jump about, let oneself go; exsuperabilis|able to be overcome; exsupero|excel; overtop; surpass; overpower; exsurdo|deafen; make dull or blunt (taste); exsurgo|bestir oneself/take action; swell/rise/move/extend up/out/to higher moral level; exsurgo|rise (to one's feet/from bed/moon/in revolt); stand/rear/get up; come to being; exsurrectio|arising; exsuscito|awaken; kindle; stir up, excite; extasia|rapture; ecstasy; trance; extasis|rapture; ecstasy; trance; extasis|terror; amazement; ecstasy; extaticus|ecstatic; extemplo|immediately, forthwith; extemporalis|unpremeditated, extempore, ad-lib; of a person speaking off the cuff; extemporalitas|ability to speak/compose extemporaneously; extemporaliter|unpremeditatedly, extemporaneously; off the cuff; at the moment; extendo|stretch/thrust out; make taut; extend/prolong/continue; enlarge/increase; extendo|make even/straight/smooth; stretch out in death, (PASS) lie full length; extendo|stretch/thrust out; make taut; extend/prolong/continue; enlarge/increase; extendo|make even/straight/smooth; stretch out in death, (PASS) lie full length; extensio|span, hand-elbow; extension/stretching/spreading (L+S); swelling/tumor; strain; extensor|stretcher; one who stretches/extends; torturer (using rack); extensus|lengthened (vowel); wide, extended, extensive (L+S); prolonged, drawn out; extensus|extent; stretch; (of eagle's wings); extentero|cut open; extenuo|make thin; diminish; exter|outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange; extera|foreigner (female); extergeo|wipe; wipe dry; wipe away; extergo|wipe; wipe dry; wipe away; exteritio|corruption; destruction (Vulgate 4 Ezra 15:39); exterius|outwardly; externally; exterminator|destroyer; exterminator; exterminium|extermination, utter destruction; extermino|banish, expel; dismiss; externo|terrify greatly, frighten; madden; externus|outward, external; foreign, strange; exterreo|strike with terror, scare; exterus|outer/external; outward; on outside, far; of another country, foreign; strange; exterus|foreigner (male); extimesco|take fright, be alarmed, dread; extimulo|goad; stimulate; extimum|outside; end; extimus|outermost; farthest; end/utmost edge of; extinctio|extinction; annihilation, slaughter; dissolution; extinctio|quenching (esp. of lime, Latham); L:debt-discharge; extinctorium|candlesnuffer; extinguisher; extinguo|quench, extinguish; kill; destroy; extispex|soothsayer who practices divination by observation of entrails of victim; extispicio|examination of entrails or sacrificial victims as means of divination; extispicum|examination of entrails or sacrificial victims as means of divination; extispicus|one who practices divination by observation of entrails; exto|stand out or forth, project be visible, exist, be on record; extollentia|insolence; haughtiness; pride; extollo|raise; lift up; extol, advance; erect (building); extorqueo|extort; tear away, twist away; twist/wrench out; extorris|exiled; extra|outside; extra|outside of, beyond, without, beside; except; extractio|extraction; extractum|extract (chemistry); extraculum|corkscrew; extradiocesanus|extradiocesan, outside diocese; extraho|drag out; prolong; rescue, extract; remove; extrajudicialis|extrajudicial; outside court; outside course of law; not legally authorized; extrajudicialiter|extrajudicially; outside court/law; extramuranus|beyond (city) walls; without walls; extranea|foreigner (female); extraneus|external, extraneous, foreign; not belonging to one's family or household; extraneus|foreigner (male); extraordinarius|supplementary; special; immoderate; extrapolatio|extrapolation; extrarius|external; strange, not of one's household; not directly connected; extraneous; extrasacramentalis|extrasacramental; extremismus|extremism; extremista|extremist; extremitas|border/outline/perimeter; end/extremity; ending/suffix; extreme condition/case; extremum|limit, outside; end; extremus|rear (pl.); extrico|disentangle, extricate, free; extrinsecus|from without/outside; externally; from extraneous source; w/no inside knowledge; extrinsecus|outer; outside, external; extrinsic; unessential; extraneous; extritio|destruction; exhausting wear; misery (Vulgate); extructio|building-up; erection; adorning; extrudo|thrust out; draw out; extruo|pile up; build up, raise; extum|bowels (pl.); entrails of animals (esp. heart, lungs, liver) for divination; extumum|outside; the end; extumus|outermost; farthest; end/utmost edge of; extundo|beat or strike out produce with effort; exturbo|drive away, put away a wife; exubero|surge or gush up; be abundant, be fruitful; exudo|exude; sweat out; exul|exile (M/F), banished person; wanderer; exulceratio|ulceration, condition of being raw/unhealed; irritation, that which exasperates; exulo|be exile, live in exile; be banished; be a stranger; exultatio|exultation, joy; exulto|jump about; let oneself go; exult; exululo|invoke with howls; exundo|gush forth; overflow with; exuo|pull off; undress, take off; strip, deprive of; lay aside, cast off; exuperabilis|able to be overcome; exupero|excel; overtop; surpass; overpower; exurgeo|squeeze out; exurgo|bestir oneself/take action; swell/rise/move/extend up/out/to higher moral level; exurgo|rise (to one's feet/from bed/moon/in revolt); stand/rear/get up; come to being; exuro|burn (up/out/completely); destroy/devastate by fire; dry up, parch; scald; exuvia|things stripped off (pl.); spoils, booty; memento, something of another's; Ezechiel|Ezechiel; (Old Testament prophet); (book of Bible); Ezra|Ezra; (Old Testament priest); (book of Bible); f|son/daughter; filius/filia, abb. f.; faba|bean (plant/seed); bead, pellet (resembling bean); fabella|story, fable; play; faber|skillful; ingenious; of craftsman/workman/artisan or his work; faber|workman, artisan; smith; carpenter; Fabius|Fabius; (Roman gens name); Q. Fabius Maximus Cunctator, hero second Punic War; Fabius|Fabius, Roman gens; Q. Fabius Maximus Cunctator, hero of second Punic War; fabre|skillfully; ingeniously; in workmanlike manner; fabrefacio|make or fashion skillfully; fabrefio|be made or fashioned skillfully; (fabrefacio PASS); fabrica|craft, art; craft of metalwork/building; construction/building/making; fabrica|workshop, factory; workmanship; plan, device; trick; fabricatio|structure; something made; act of making; factory-mark (Cal); fabricator|builder, maker, fashioner; fabricensis|armorer; fabrico|build/construct/fashion/forge/shape; train; get ready (meal); invent/devise; fabricor|build/construct/fashion/forge/shape; train; get ready (meal); invent/devise; fabrile|carpenter's tools (pl.); work done by carpenter; fabrilis|of/belonging to a workman; of a metal-worker/carpenter/builder; fabriliter|skillfully; in workmanlike manner; fabula|story, tale, fable; play, drama; [fabulae! => rubbish!, nonsense!]; fabulatio|fable; idle talk; lie; gossip; fabulator|storyteller, story-teller; fabulo|talk (familiarly), chat, converse; invent a story, make up a fable; fabulor|talk (familiarly), chat, converse; invent a story, make up a fable; fabulositas|fabulous invention (Pliny); fabulosus|storied, fabulous; celebrated in story; facesso|do; perpetrate; go away; facetia|wit (pl.), joke; facetus|witty, humorous; clever, adept; fachirus|fakir; facialis|facial; facies|shape, face, look; presence, appearance; beauty; achievement; facile|easily, readily, without difficulty; generally, often; willingly; heedlessly; facilis|easy, easy to do, without difficulty, ready, quick, good natured, courteous; facilitas|facility; readiness; good nature; levity; courteousness; faciliter|easily; (cited as example of pedantry by Quintilianus); facilumed|easily, readily, without difficulty; generally, often; willingly; heedlessly; facinarose|viciously; scandalously; facinarosus|wicked, criminal; villainous; vicious; facinerosus|wicked, criminal; villainous; vicious; (facinosus); facinorose|viciously; scandalously; (from facinosus); facinorosus|wicked, criminal; vicious; facinus|deed; crime; outrage; facio|do, make; create; acquire; cause, bring about, fashion; compose; accomplish; facio|make/build/construct/create/cause/do; have built/made; fashion; work (metal); facio|act/take action/be active; (bowels); act/work (things), function, be effective; facio|produce; produce by growth; bring forth (young); create, bring into existence; facio|compose/write; classify; provide; do/perform; commit crime; suppose/imagine; facticius|artificial; skillfully-made; factio|party, faction; partisanship; factiosus|factious, seditious, turbulent; factispecies|specific details; facts of case; factitator|maker; doer; perpetrator; factitius|artificial; factito|do frequently, practice; factor|maker; perpetrator (of a crime); player (in a ballgame); factum|fact, deed, act; achievement; factura|creation; work; deed; performance; handiwork; facula|little torch; facultas|means; ability, skill; opportunity, chance; resources (pl.), supplies; facultativus|optional; facunde|eloquently; fluently; facundia|eloquence; facunditas|fertility; G:readiness of speech; (=f(a)(e)cunditas); facundus|eloquent; fluent; able to express eloquently/fluently (speech/written); faecatus|made-from-dregs; faecula|lees/dregs of wine (used as a condiment or medicine); faeculentia|dregs; filth; faeculentus|full of dregs/sediment; worthless; thick; impure, filthy; faedus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; faeles|cat; marten/ferret/polecat/wild cat; mouser; inveigler, seducer, tom-cat; thief; faenebris|pertaining to usury; lent at interest; faeneratio|usury, money-lending; faenerator|usurer, money-lender; faenero|lend money at interest; make interest/profit; invest/finance/supply; borrow; faeneror|lend money at interest; make interest/profit; invest/finance/supply; borrow; faeneus|of hay; [w/homines => men of straw]; faeniculum|fennel; faenile|hayloft (pl.), place for storing hay; barn; faeniseca|mower; a country-man; faenisecium|mowing, cutting of hay; mown grass, hay; faenisicia|mowing, cutting of hay; mown grass, hay; faenisicium|mowing, cutting of hay; mown grass, hay; faenum|hay; [~ Graecum => fenugreek]; faenus|interest (on capital), usury; profit, gain; advantage; faeteo|stink; have a bad/offensive smell/odor; faetidus|stinking; foul-smelling; having a bad smell/odor; faetor|stench; bad/foul smell, stink; foulness, noisomeness (L+S); faetulentus|stinking; foul-smelling; fetulent (L+S); faetutina|stinking/noisome place, cesspool, midden; faex|dregs, grounds; sediment, lees; deposits; dregs of society; fagineus|of the beech tree; of beech-wood, beechen; faginus|of the beech tree; of beech-wood, beechen; fagottum|bassoon; fagus|beech tree; fala|wooden tower or pillar; falarica|heavy missile (orig. by siege tower catapult w/tow+pitch+fire); like hand spear; falcanus|sickle-maker, scythe-maker; falcarius|sickle-maker, scythe-maker; falcatus|armed with scythes; sickle-shaped, curved, hooked; Falcidia|portion (1/4) of estate secured to legal heir by Falcidian law of 40 BC; falcifer|carrying a scythe; scythed; falcitas|falseness; falda|falda; (garment of white silk worn by Pope on solemn occasions); faldistorium|faldstool; (chair with armrest but no back); (used by bishop not in his church); falere|platform (in a pen for birds); Falerius|Falisci (pl.); (Latin people/Etruscan culture); (altered by Romans to Falerii); Falernum|Falernian wine; falisca|rack in a manger; Faliscus|of/belonging to Falisci (people of Etruria); [~ venter => a sausage/haggis]; Faliscus|Falisci (pl.); (Latin people of Etruscan culture); (sometimes called Aequi); fallacia|deceit, trick, stratagem; deceptive behavior or an instance of this; fallacies|deceit, trick, stratagem; deceptive behavior or an instance of this; fallaciloquus|of deceptive/deceitful speech; speaking deceitfully/falsely (L+S); fallaciosus|full of deception/deceit; deceitful, deceptive, fallacious (L+S); fallacitas|deceptiveness; untrustworthiness; deceit, artifice (L+S); fallaciter|deceptively/deceitfully, with intent to deceive; falsely, in misleading manner; fallax|deceitful, treacherous; misleading, deceptive; false, fallacious; spurious; fallo|deceive; slip by; disappoint; be mistaken, beguile, drive away; fail; cheat; falsarius|forger; falsidicus|lying; falsificatio|falsification; falsifico|falsify; falsiloquus|lying; falsitas|falsehood, untruth, fraud, deceit; (sometimes pl.); falso|falsely; deceptively; spuriously; falso|falsify; falsum|falsehood, untruth, fraud, deceit; falsus|wrong, lying, fictitious, spurious, false, deceiving, feigned, deceptive; falx|sickle. scythe; pruning knife; curved blade; hook for tearing down walls; fama|rumor; reputation; tradition; fame, public opinion, ill repute; report, news; famelicus|famished, starved; hungry; famen|utterance, articulation; word (Nelson); fames|hunger; famine; want; craving; famigerabilis|famous, celebrated; famigerator|rumor-monger; familia|household; household of slaves; family; clan; religious community (Ecc); familialis|of/relating to family; familiaris|member of household (family/servant/esp. slave); familiar acquaintance/friend; familiaris|domestic; of family; intimate; [familiaris res => one's property or fortune]; familiaritas|intimacy; close friendship; familiarity; familiariter|on friendly terms; familicus|famished, starved; hungry; famosus|famous, noted, renowned; talked of; infamous, notorious; slanderous, libelous; famula|slave (female), maid, handmaiden, maid-servant; temple attendant; famulamen|servanthood; famularis|of slaves, servile; famulatus|service; obedience; slavery; famulitium|servitude, slavery; the servants of a house; famulor|be a servant, attend; famulus|serving; serviceable; servile; subject; famulus|slave (male), servant; attendant; fanale|torch; candle; fanaticus|fanatic, frantic; belonging to a temple; fanatismus|fanaticism; fandus|that may be spoken; proper, lawful; fano|dedicate; consecrate; fano|maniple, striped amice worn by Pope; fantasia|fancy, imagined situation; mental image (Latham); imagination; phenomenon (Def); fantasia|phase; (of the moon); fanulum|small temple; shrine; fanum|sanctuary, temple; fanus|that which is produced; interest on money/capital, usury, profit, gain; far|husked wheat; grain, spelt; coarse meal, grits; sacrificial meal; dog's bread; farciatura|insertion; farcimen|sausage; farcio|stuff, fill up/completely; gorge oneself; insert as stuffing, cram (into); FARES|PHARES; (MENE TEKEL PHARES writing on the wall - Vulgate Daniel 5:25); farina|flour/meal (for dough/pastry); stuff persons made of; dust/powder (grinding); farinatus|powdery; flour-like; farinula|fine flour; small amount of flour; farrago|mixed fodder, mash; mixture, medley; a hodgepodge; trifle; farratus|provided with grain; made of grain; farreus|made of spelt or wheat ("corn") or meal; fars|stuffing; minced meat; farsia|insertion into parts of Mass; fas|divine/heaven's law/will/command; that which is right/lawful/moral/allowed; fascea|band/strip; ribbon; B:bandage; streak/band of cloud; headband/filet; sash (Ecc); fascia|band/strip; ribbon; B:bandage; streak/band of cloud; headband/filet; sash (Ecc); fasciculus|little bundle/packet; bunch (of flowers); fascinatio|fascination; bewitching; fascinator|charmer; enchanter; fascino|cast a spell on, bewitch; fasciola|little bandage; fascis|bundles of rods (w/ax) (pl.); (carried by lictors before high Roman magistrate); fascis|bundle (esp. sticks/books sg.); faggot; packet, parcel; burden, load; fascis|power/office of magistrate; bundle (esp. sticks/books); faggot; burden/load; fascismus|fascism; fascista|fascist; fascisticus|fascist; faseolus|kidney-bean; (see also phaseolus); fasianus|pheasant; (phasianus); fastidio|disdain; be scornful; feel aversion to, be squeamish; fastidiosus|squeamish; exacting; disdainful; nauseating; fastidium|loathing, disgust; squeamishness; scornful contempt, pride; fastidiousness; fastigatus|pointed, sharp; wedge shaped; sloping, descending; fastigium|peak, summit, top; slope, declivity, descent; gable, roof; sharp point, tip; fastigo|make pointed; slope to point; exalt to high; fastigo|exhaust; intoxicate; fastosus|haughty, disdainful; proud, full of pride (L+S); fastuosus|haughty, disdainful; proud, full of pride (L+S); fastus|not forbidden; [~ dies => day on which praetor's court was open, judicial day]; fastus|calendar (pl.), almanac, annals; register of judicial days, register; fastus|list of festivals (pl.); list of consuls who gave names to years; fastus|scornful contempt, destain, haughtiness, arrogance, pride; fatale|deadline (pl.); time limit; [fatalia legis=> time limit of law; legal deadline]; fatalis|fated, destined; fatal, deadly; fatalismus|fatalism; fataliter|by destiny; by decree of fate; fateor|admit, confess (w/ACC); disclose; acknowledge; praise (w/DAT); faticanus|prophetic; faticinus|prophetic; fatidicus|prophetic; fatifer|deadly, fatal; fatigatio|fatigue, weariness; exhaustion; (also of land); fatigatus|weary; fatigo|weary, tire, fatigue; harass; importune; overcome; fatiloqua|prophetess; fatisco|gape, crack; crack open, part asunder; grow weak or exhausted, droop; fatiscor|gape, crack; crack open, part asunder; grow weak or exhausted, droop; fatua|fool (female); fatue|foolishly; fatuitas|foolishness; folly; fatum|utterance, oracle; fate, destiny; natural term of life; doom, death, calamity; fatuus|foolish, silly; idiotic; fatuus|fool; faucitas|prosperity; fauna|fauna; Faunus|rustic god; deity of forest, herdsman; sometimes identified with Pan; faustus|favorable; auspicious; lucky, prosperous; fautor|patron, protector; admirer; supporter, partisan; who promotes/fosters interests; fautrix|patroness/protector; admirer/supporter/partisan; she promotes/fosters interests; faux|pharynx (usu pl.), gullet/throat/neck/jaws/maw; narrow pass/shaft/strait; chasm; faveo|favor (w/DAT), befriend, support, back up; favilla|glowing ashes, embers; spark; ashes; favillesco|be reduced to ashes; favisor|patron, protector; admirer; supporter, partisan; favitor|patron, protector; admirer; supporter, partisan; favonius|hair dryer; Favonius|west wind; favor|favor, goodwill; bias; applause; favorabilis|popular, treated/regarded with favor, favored; win favor, conciliatory; favorabiliter|so as to win favor; stretching a point to favor one side, indulgently; favus|honeycomb; fax|torch, firebrand, fire; flame of love; torment; fe|pe; (17th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as P or F); Feb|February (month/mensis understood); abb. Feb.; febricito|have fever, be feverish, be ill of a fever; febricula|slight fever, feverishness; febris|fever, attack of fever; Februarius|February (month/mensis understood); abb. Feb.; februum|religious purification; Roman feast (pl.) of purification; feclinditas|fertility fecundity; feculentia|dregs, lees; impurities, filth; fecundatio|fertilization; act of making fertile/fruitful/productive; fecunditas|fruitfulness; fecundo|make fertile/fruitful; fecundus|fertile, fruitful; productive (of offspring), prolific; abundant; imaginative; feditas|filthy object; nuisance; fedus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; fefello|be failed(by); be disappointed(with); feficius|deifies, who makes one a god; consecrated, sacred; [lues ~ => epilepsy]; fel|gall, bile; poison; bitterness, venom; gall bladder; fel|happy; [fel. (felis) mem. (memoriae)/rec. (recordationis) => of happy memory]; feles|cat; marten/ferret/polecat/wild cat; mouser; inveigler, seducer, tom-cat; thief; felicitas|luck, good fortune; happiness; feliciter|happily; felio|roar/cry (expressing the cry of a leopard); felis|cat; marten/ferret/polecat/wild cat; mouser; inveigler, seducer, tom-cat; thief; felix|happy; blessed; fertile; favorable; lucky; successful, fruitful; fellato|suck (milk) (from); fellate, practice fellatio; (active participant); fellator|fellator, one who practices fellatio; fellatrix|fellatrix, she who practices fellatio; fellico|suck (milk) (from); fellate, practice fellatio; (active participant); fellito|suck (milk) (from); fellate, practice fellatio; (active participant); fello|suck (milk) (from); fellate, practice fellatio; (active participant); felo|suck (milk) (from); fellate, practice fellatio; (active participant); felo|felon; felonia|felony; femella|young woman, girl; femen|thigh (human/animal); flat vertical band on triglyph; [~ bubulum => plant]; femina|woman; female; feminal|female external genitalia/private parts; thigh coverings (pl.); breeches (Ecc); feminalum|female external genitalia/private parts; thigh coverings (pl.), breech-cloth; femineus|woman's; female, feminine; proper to/typical of a woman; effeminate, cowardly; femininus|woman's; female, feminine; proper to/typical of a woman; feminismus|feminism; feministria|feminist; feminus|female; femoralum|female external genitalia/private parts; breeches (pl.), breech-cloth; femur|thigh (human/animal); flat vertical band on triglyph; [~ bubulum => plant]; femur|thigh (human/animal); flat vertical band on triglyph; [~ bubulum => plant]; fenero|lend money at interest; make interest/profit; invest/finance/supply; borrow; feneror|lend money at interest; make interest/profit; invest/finance/supply; borrow; fenestella|little window; small window, opening for light; niche (Ecc); fenestra|window, opening for light; loophole, breach; orifice; inlet; opportunity; feniculum|dill; fenisecium|mowing, cutting of hay; mown grass, hay; fenisicia|mowing, cutting of hay; mown grass, hay; fenisicium|mowing, cutting of hay; mown grass, hay; fenum|hay; [~ Graecum => fenugreek]; fenus|interest, usury, profit on capital; investments; advantage, profit, gain; feodalis|vassal; feoffamentum|enfoeffment, infeftment (Scot.); investment of person with fief or fee; feoffator|enfeoffor; one who settles land under feudal system; feoffatus|enfeofee; land recipient by fief under feudal system; feoffo|enfeoff, infeft (Scot.); invest with fief; put in legal possession; fer|weekday; abb. of feria; [(w/ordinals) quintus feria => fifth day/Thursday]; fera|wild beast/animal; Ferale|festival of the dead (pl.); feralis|funereal; deadly, fatal; feraliter|in savage manner; feramentus|fermented; ferax|fruitful, fertile. prolific; ferctum|sacrificial cake; fercuium|frame or stretcher for carrying things; dish; course (at dinner); ferculum|food tray; dish, course; food; bread; bier (Ecc); litter; fere|almost; about, nearly; generally, in general; (w/negatives) hardly ever; ferentarius|light-armed soldier skirmisher; feretrum|bier; feria|festival/holy day; day of rest/holiday/leisure; holidays (pl.); fair; feria|weekday; abb. fer.; [(w/ordinals) quintus feria => fifth day/Thursday]; ferialis|ferial, of/pertaining to feria/weekday; feriatio|feast; celebration of feast; feriatus|keeping holiday, at leisure; feriatus|vacationer; fericulum|food tray; dish, course; food; bread; bier (Ecc); litter; ferina|game, flesh of wild animals; ferinus|of wild beasts; ferio|rest from work/labor; keep/celebrate holiday; be idle; abstain from; ferio|hit, strike; strike a bargain; kill, slay; ferior|rest from work/labor; keep/celebrate holiday; feritas|wildness, barbaric/savage/uncultivated state; savagery, ferocity; brutality; ferito|strike, deal blows; fight; ferme|nearly, almost, about; (with negatives) hardly ever; fermentaceus|person who uses unleavened bread; fermentatus|fermented; loose; soft, spoiled, corrupted; fermento|leaven; cause fermentation in; aerate (soil); fermentum|fermentation, leavening (process/cause); yeast; ferment/passion; sour/spoil; fero|bring, bear; tell/speak of; consider; carry off, win, receive, produce; get; ferocia|fierceness, ferocity; insolence; ferocio|rampage, act in a fierce/violent/savage manner; ferocitas|fierceness, savageness, excessive spirits; aggressiveness; ferociter|fiercely/ferociously/aggressively; arrogantly/insolently/defiantly; boldly; ferox|wild, bold; warlike; cruel; defiant, arrogant; ferraiola|short cape reaching halfway to elbow); ferramentum|iron tool; ferraria|iron mine; ferrarius|of/concerned with iron, iron-; [officina/taberna ~ => smithy/blacksmith shop]; ferrarius|blacksmith; ferratilis|in chains/irons (slaves and prisoners); fettered; furnished with iron; ferratus|furnished or covered with iron; [w/servi => in irons]; ferratus|soldiers (pl.) in armor; ferraus|bound or covered with iron; with iron points or studs; ferreus|iron, made of iron; cruel, unyielding; (blue); ferrivia|railroad; ferriviarius|of railroad; ferrogriseus|steel-gray-colored; ferrous|of iron, iron; hard, cruel firm; ferrugineus|of the color of iron-rust, somber; ferruginus|rust-colored, dun; ferrugo|iron-rust; color of iron rust, dusky color; ferrum|iron; any tool of iron; weapon, sword; ferrumen|cement; solder; glue; iron-rust (Pliny); ferrumino|cement, solder; glue; bind; fertilis|fertile, fruitful; abundant; fertilisatio|fertilization; fertilitas|fruitfulness, fertility; fertum|sacrificial cake; ferula|stick, rod; ferumino|cement, solder; glue; bind; ferus|wild, savage; uncivilized; untamed; fierce; ferus|wild beast/animal; wild/untamed horse/boar; fervefacio|heat; melt; boil; make (intensely) hot; fervens|red hot, boiling hot; burning; inflamed, impetuous; fervent/zealous (Bee); ferveo|be (very) hot; boil/burn; seethe/surge; swarm; be turbulent/run strongly; froth; ferveo|be warm/aroused/inflamed/feverish, reek (w/blood); be active/busy/agitated; fervesco|grow hot; fervidus|glowing; boiling hot; fiery, torrid, roused, fervid; hot blooded; fervo|be (very) hot; boil/burn; seethe/surge; swarm; be turbulent/run strongly; froth; fervo|be warm/aroused/inflamed/feverish, reek (w/blood); be active/busy/agitated; fervor|heat, boiling heat; boiling, fermenting; ardor, passion, fury; intoxication; fessus|tired, wearied, fatigued, exhausted; worn out, weak, feeble, infirm, sick; festinanter|promptly, speedily, quickly; with (excessive/undue) haste; hurriedly; festinantia|haste; speed; festinatim|promptly, speedily, quickly; with (excessive/undue) haste; hurriedly; festinatio|haste, speed, hurry; festinato|promptly, speedily, quickly; with (excessive/undue) haste; hurriedly; festino|hasten, hurry; festinus|swift/quick/rapid; fast moving (troops); impatient, in a hurry; early/premature; festive|festively, with feasting; delightfully, neatly; amusingly, humorously, wittily; festivitas|festivity, feast; conviviality, charm; heart's delight; humor (speaker), wit; festiviter|gaily, festively; wittily; festivus|feast/festive (day); excellent/fine; jovial, genial; lively (speech), witty; festuca|straw; stalk (used in manumission); ram for beating down earth, piledriver; festucula|chaff; festum|holiday; festival; feast day; day in memory of saint/event (usu. pl.) (Bee); festus|festive, joyous; holiday; feast day; merry; solemn; feteo|stink; have a bad/offensive smell/odor; fetialis|Roman priest/college of priests (pl.) representing Rome in diplomatic dealings; fetialis|of college/functions of fetiales (priests representing Rome diplomatically); fetidus|stinking; foul-smelling; having a bad smell/odor; fetifer|fertilizing; causing fruitfulness; making fruitful; enriching the soil (W); fetifico|breed/spawn; hatch/bring forth offspring/young; fetificus|reproductive; genital; fructifying (L+S); feto|breed/spawn; hatch/bring forth offspring/young; impregnate, make fruitful (L+S); fetor|stench; bad/foul smell, stink; foulness, noisomeness (L+S); fetosus|prolific; fetulentus|stinking; foul-smelling; fetulent (L+S); fetuosus|prolific; fetura|breeding (animals); gestation, carrying young; bearing/forth young, parturition; fetura|laying/hatching eggs; brood, litter, young offspring; young shoots (of vine); feturatus|made into a fetus (of semen); fetus|pregnant/breeding (animal); fertile/fruitful; growing/teeming/abounding/full of; fetus|having newly brought forth/given birth/whelped/calved; bearing/reproducing; fetus|offspring/young (animals); children (of a parent); brood/litter; fetus|fetus/fetus, young while still in the womb; embryo (Cal); fetus|birth/bringing forth young; laying (egg); bearing young, breeding; conception; fetus|fruit of plant; produce/crop; offshoot/branch/sucker/sapling; bearing fruit; fetutina|stinking/noisome place, cesspool, midden; feudum|fief; fiala|drinking plate; (Greek); fiber|beaver; fibiculaa|paper-staple; fibra|fiber, filament; entrails; leaf, blade (of grasses, etc); fibroma|fibroma, fibrous tumor; fibula|clasp, buckle, brooch; fibulo|join; bond; knit together; fasten; buckle up/together;unfasten; unbuckle; ficatum|foie gras (liver); ficedula|small bird, fig-pecker, a treat in autumn when it feeds on figs/grapes; ficetum|fig-orchard, plantation of fig trees; ficte|falsely; fictice|in fictitious/pretended manner; in pretense; falsely; by way of pretense/sham; ficticius|fictitious; artificial; counterfeit, not genuine; feigned, pretended, sham; fictile|earthenware vessel or statue; fictilis|of clay; made of earthenware, earthen; fictio|fashioning, action of shaping; coining (word); pretense/feigning; legal fiction; fictitius|fictitious; artificial; counterfeit, not genuine; feigned, pretended; fictor|one who devises or makes; fictus|feigned, false; counterfeit; ficulneus|of the fig or fig tree, fig-; ficulnus|of the fig or fig tree, fig-; ficus|fig; fig tree; hemorrhoids/piles (sg./pl.); [primus ficus => early autumn]; ficus|fig; fig tree; hemorrhoids/piles (sg./pl.); [primus ficus => early autumn]; fideicommissarius|of fideicommissa/conferring by will requesting executor to deliver to 3rd party; fideicommissarius|of fideicommissa/conferring by will requesting executor to deliver to 3rd party; fideicommissum|bequest in form of request rather than command to heir (to act/pass on); trust; fideicommissus|entrusted; conferred by will requesting executor to deliver to third party; fideicommitto|leave by will; bequeath; fideiubeo|become surety; go bail; guarantee; fideiussor|guarantor, one who gives surety or goes bail; fidejussorius|of surety; fidelia|earthen pot (esp. for whitewash); fidelis|faithful/loyal/devoted; true/trustworthy/dependable/reliable; constant/lasting; fidelitas|faithfulness, fidelity; fideliter|faithfully/constantly/loyally; earnestly; reliably/accurately; securely/firmly; fideliter|with reliance on God; fidens|confident; bold; fides|faith, loyalty; honesty; credit; confidence, trust, belief; good faith; fides|chord, instrument string; constellation Lyra; stringed instrument (pl.); lyre; fidicen|lyre-player; writer of lyric poetry; lyricist; fidicina|lyre-player (female); fidicinus|of lute playing; fidicula|little lyre or lute (usu. pl.); an instrument for torture; fidis|chord, instrument string; constellation Lyra; stringed instrument (pl.); lyre; fido|trust (in), have confidence (in) (w/DAT or ABL); fiducia|trust, confidence; faith, reliance; courage; fiducialiter|confidently, with confidence; boldly (Souter); faithfully; fiduciarius|holding on trust; held on trust; fidus|faithful, loyal; trusting, confident; figilina|pottery-work; pottery (pl.), potter's workshop; figlina|pottery-work; pottery (pl.), potter's workshop; figmentum|figment, fiction, invention, unreality; thing formed/devised; image; figo|fasten, fix; pierce, transfix; establish; figulina|pottery-work; pottery (pl.), potter's workshop; figulus|potter; maker of earthenware vessels; figura|shape, form, figure, image; beauty; style; figure of speech; figuraliter|figuratively; figuratio|forming; shaping; imagination; G:form of word; figuro|form, fashion, shape; filetum|filet (cut of meat or of fish); filia|daughter; filiatio|descent-from-father; (father has paternitas, son has filiatio); filicatus|adorned with ferns; embossed with fern leaves; filiformis|threadlike; filiola|little daughter; filiolus|little son; filius|son; filix|fern, bracken; filtrum|filter; filum|thread, string, filament, fiber; texture, style, nature; fimbria|fringe (pl.), border, edge; fimbriatus|fringed; fimum|dung, excrement; fimus|dung, excrement; finalis|of/concerned w/boundaries; limited/bounded (Souter); of ultimate goal; finalitas|limitation; finality, end (Red); finaliter|finally; purposefully; finalus|of/concerned w/boundaries; limited/bounded (Souter); of ultimate goal; finctus|produced, formed, created; [primus/prior finctus => first-formed/original]; findo|split, cleave, divide; fine|up to; fingo|mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive; fingo|adapt, transform into; modify (appearance/character/behavior); groom; fingo|make up (story/excuse); pretend, pose; forge, counterfeit; act insincerely; fingo|mold, form, shape; create, invent; produce; imagine; compose; devise, contrive; fingo|adapt, transform into; modify (appearance/character/behavior); groom; fingo|make up (story/excuse); pretend, pose; forge, counterfeit; act insincerely; fini|up to; finio|limit, end; finish; determine, define; mark out the boundaries; finis|boundary, end, limit, goal; (pl.) country, territory, land; finitimus|neighboring, bordering, adjoining; finitimus|neighbors (pl.); finitio|boundary, border, frontier; circuit of walls; endmost point/extremity; rule/law; finitio|end/conclusion/death; limit/restriction; definition, exact description; finitumus|adjoining; neighboring; fio|happen, come about; result (from); take place, be held, occur, arise (event); fio|be made/created/instituted/elected/appointed/given; be prepared/done; develop; fio|be made/become; (facio PASS); [fiat => so be it, very well; it is being done]; firmaculum|brooch; clasp; buckle; fastener; firmale|brooch (for a cope); clasp (Latham); buckle; fastener; firmamen|support, prop, mainstay; strengthening; firmamentum|support, prop, mainstay; support group; firmarius|termor; term-holder of lands, who holds land/tenement for term of years or life; firmitas|firmness, strength; firmiter|really, strongly, firmly; steadfastly; firmitudo|stability; strength; firmo|strengthen, harden; support; declare; prove, confirm, establish; firmus|firm/steady; substantial/solid/secure/safe; strong/robust/sturdy/stout/durable; firmus|loyal/staunch/true/constant; stable/mature; valid/convincing/well founded; fiscale|revenues/monies (pl.) due to imperial treasury; fiscalis|of/connected with imperial treasury/revenues; fiscal, of money; fiscella|small wicker-basket; fiscina|small basket of wicker work; fiscus|money-bag, purse; imperial exchequer; fissilis|easily split; split; fistuca|rammer, mallet; fistula|shepherd's pipe; tube; waterpipe; fistulator|one who plays the reed-pipe; fixatorium|hair-lacquer; fixtura|fixing, fastening; print of nails; print/imprint (Ecc); opening, perforation; fixum|fixtures (pl.), fittings; fixura|fixing, fastening; print of nails; print/imprint (Ecc); opening, perforation; fixus|fixed; firmly established (decision/ordinance), unhangable, irrevocable; fixus|unwavering (person); immovable; constant; fitted/set with; flabellum|small fan; flabrum|gusts/blasts of wind (pl.); breezes; flacceo|be flabby; fail. flag; flaccesco|begin to flag, become flabby; flaccidus|flaccid, flabby; Flaccus|Flaccus; (Roman cognomen); [Q. Horatius Flaccus => the poet Horace]; flagello|flog, whip, lash, scourge; strike repeatedly; thresh/flail (grain); "whip up"; flagellum|whip, lash, scourge; thong (javelin); vine shoot; arm/tentacle (of polyp); flagitatio|importunate request, demand; flagitator|importuner, dun; flagitiosus|disgraceful, shameful; infamous, scandalous; profligate, dissolute; flagitium|shame, disgrace; scandal, shameful act, outrage, disgraceful thing; scoundrel; flagito|demand urgently; require; entreat, solicit, press, dun, importune; flagrans|flaming, fiery, blazing; hot, scorching; in the ascendant (person/popularity); flagrans|burning (w/desire), ardent/passionate; outrageous (crime), monstrous, flagrant; flagranter|ardently, passionately; vehemently, heatedly; eagerly; flagrantia|blaze, burning; scorching heat; passionate glow (eyes); passionate love/ardor; flagritriba|one that wears out whips, whipping boy; flagro|be on fire; blaze, flame, burn; be inflamed/excited; flagrum|scourge, whip; flamen|priest, flamen; priest of specific deity; [~ Dialis => high priest of Jupiter]; flamen|gust/blast (of wind); gale; breath/exhalation; wind/breeze; note on woodwind; flamina|wife of a flamen/priest; priestess; flaminia|priest-assistantess; female assistant to flamen; flamen's dwelling; flaminica|wife of a flamen/priest; priestess; flaminium|priest's office; office of flamen; flaminius|priestly; of flamen (priest of deity); flamma|flame, blaze; ardor, fire of love; object of love; flammeolum|small bridal veil; flammeum|flame colored (bridal) veil; flammeus|flaming, fiery; fiery red; flammidus|burning; fiery; flammifer|flaming, fiery; flammiger|flame-bearing; flammiger|flame-bearing; fiery; flammigero|flame; blaze; flammigero|flame; blaze; flammo|inflame, set on fire; excite; flammula|little flame; flandrensis|Flemish; from Flanders; flatilis|blown, of/produced by blowing; flatus|blowing; snorting; breath; breeze; flavedo|yellowness; yellow-color; flaveo|be yellow or gold-colored; flavesco|become/turn yellow/gold; flavitas|yellowness; glitter; flavor|yellowness; (Erasmus); flavus|yellow, golden, gold colored; flaxen, blond; golden-haired (Latham); flebile|lamentably, dolefully, tearfully; flebilis|lamentable, causing/worthy of/accompanied by tears; doleful, tearful, weeping; flecto|bend, curve, bow; turn, curl; persuade, prevail on, soften; fleo|cry for; cry, weep; fletus|weeping, crying, tears; wailing; lamenting; flexanimus|head-swaying; moving; touched; moved; flexibilis|flexible, pliant; flexibilitas|flexibility, pliability; flexilis|pliant, pliable, supple; flexiloquus|equivocal, ambiguous; flexipes|crooked-footed, twining; flexuosus|curved; with many curves in it, full of bends/turns; winding/sinuous/tortuous; flexus|turning, winding; swerve; bend; turning point; flictus|striking together, dashing against; fligo|beat or dash down; flo|breathe; blow; floccifacio|consider unimportant; floccipendo|take (little) account of, consider of no/any importance); (usu. negative); floccus|tuft/wisp of wool; [(non) ~i facere/pendere => to consider of no importance]; Flora|Flora; goddess of flowers; florens|blooming/in bloom, flowering; flowery, bright/shining; flourishing, prosperous; floreo|flourish, blossom, be prosperous; be in one's prime; floresco|(begin to) blossom; increase in physical vigor or renown; floreus|flowery; floridus|blooming; flowery; florid; florifer|flowery; flower bearing, producing flowers; carrying flowers; floriger|flowery; flower bearing, producing flowers; carrying flowers; flos|flower, blossom; youthful prime; flosculus|little flower, floweret; the best of anything, the "flower"; fluctifragus|wave-breaking; fluctio|flowing; flow; fluctivagus|wave-tossed; wave-driven; fluctuatio|swaying/shaking, restless movement (wave); vacillation/uncertainty/fluctuation; fluctuo|rise in waves, surge, swell, undulate, fluctuate; float; be agitated/restless; fluctuor|waver, be in doubt, hesitate; fluctuosus|full of waves, stormy; fluctus|wave; disorder; flood, flow, tide, billow, surge; turbulence, commotion; fluenter|in a stream or flood; fluentisonus|resounding with the sound of waves; fluentum|stream/river; flood; (waters of) lake; flow (L+S); current/draft/draught of air; fluentus|flowing; fluidus|liquid; soft, feeble; fluito|float; flow; waver; flumen|river, stream; any flowing fluid; flood; onrush; [adverso ~ => against current]; fluo|flow, stream; emanate, proceed from; fall gradually; fluorescens|fluorescent; fluorescentia|fluorescence; flustrum|stream; ford; swell (pl.), rough sea; calm, quiet state of sea (OLD); fluus|flowing (septemfluus = seven-flowing mouth of the Nile); fluvialis|river; fluviaticus|river-; of a river; fluviatilis|river-; of a river (Collins); fluvidus|flowing, fluid; fluvius|river, stream; running water; fluxilis|fluid; fluxus|flowing; fluid; loose; transient, frail, dissolute; focal|wrapper for the neck; focale|tie; focaria|kitchen-maid; cook; soldier's concubine; housekeeper (L+S); focarius|kitchen-boy/servant; focillo|warm up, refresh by warmth; focilo|revive, restore to health/consciousness; keep alive; cherish, tend, foster; foculus|brazier; focus|hearth, fireplace; altar; home, household, family; cook stove (Cal); fodico|dig, jog; [w/latus => dig in the ribs]; fodina|mine; pit; fodio|dig, dig out/up; stab; fodorus|sheath; fodrum|lead fother, load/cartload/ton of lead; fodder, forage, straw; fodrus|sheath; foede|foully, repulsively; horribly, hideously; in way that offends senses/feelings; foede|shamefully, basely, ignominiously; so as to bring dishonor on oneself; cruelly; foederalis|federal; foederalismus|federalism; foederalista|federalist; foederatus|allied; treaty bound to Rome); federated; leagued together, confederated (L+S); foedero|seal; ratify (an agreement); establish by treaty/league (L+S); foedifragus|treacherous, perfidious; league-breaking; that breaks treaties/agreements; foeditas|foulness/filthiness/vileness; horridness/beastliness/repulsiveness; foeditas|deformity; ugliness/unsightliness; disgrace/shame/infamy; foedo|defile; pollute; soil, stain, make filthy/unclean; contaminate; corrupt; foedo|disgrace/dishonor; bring shame, discredit; sully/besmirch (person/reputation); foedo|disfigure, mar, spoil appearance/brightness/clearness/purity of; darken, dim; foedo|make (punishment) horrible/barbarous; mangle/hack/mutilate, ravage (land); foedus|foul; filthy, unclean; disgusting, loathsome, ghastly, beastly; hideous, ugly; foedus|shameful/disgraceful; vile/infamous; coarse/low/base; indecent/obscene (words); foedus|fearful/frightful/severe (storm); grievous; monstrous, horrible; abominable; foedus|atrocious, beastly, shocking; repugnant to refined/civilized taste/feelings; foedus|treaty, league, formal agreement (between states), alliance; P:peace, amity; foedus|contract, compact; promise, undertaking; marriage bond; other sexual unions; foedus|bond/tie (friendship/kinship/hospitality); law/limit (imposed by nature/fate); foenum|hay; foenus|interest (on capital), usury; profit, gain; advantage; foeteo|stink; have a bad/offensive smell/odor; foetidus|stinking; foul-smelling; having a bad smell/odor; foetifer|fertilizing; causing fruitfulness; making fruitful; enriching the soil (W); foetifico|breed/spawn; hatch/bring forth offspring/young; foetificus|reproductive; genital; fructifying (L+S); foeto|breed/spawn; hatch/bring forth offspring/young; impregnate, make fruitful (L+S); foetor|stench; bad/foul smell, stink; foulness, noisomeness (L+S); foetosus|prolific; foetulentus|stinking; foul-smelling; fetulent (L+S); foetuosus|prolific; foetura|breeding (animals); gestation, carrying young; bearing/forth young, parturition; foetura|laying/hatching eggs; brood, litter, young offspring; young shoots (of vine); foeturatus|made into a fetus (of semen); foetus|pregnant/breeding (animal); fertile/fruitful; growing/teeming/abounding/full of; foetus|having newly brought forth/given birth/whelped/calved; bearing/reproducing; foetus|offspring/young (animals); children (of a parent); brood/litter; foetus|fetus/fetus, young while still in the womb; embryo (Cal); foetus|birth/bringing forth young; laying (egg); bearing young, breeding; conception; foetus|fruit of plant; produce/crop; offshoot/branch/sucker/sapling; bearing fruit; foetutina|stinking/noisome place, cesspool, midden; foliatum|salve or oil of spikenard leaves; foliatus|leafy; laminated (Cal); foliothecula|wallet; folium|leaf; folliculus|bag or sack; pod; shell; follicle (Cal); follis|bag, purse; handball; pair of bellows; scrotum; fomentum|poultice/dressing; hot/cold compress; solace, alleviation; kindling; wick; fomes|chips of wood, etc for kindling/feeding a fire; fons|spring, fountain, well; source/fount; principal cause; font; baptistry; fontalis|fountain-, of a fountain; fountain-like; fontanus|of a spring; fonticulus|little fountain or spring; for|speak, talk; say; forabilis|penetrable; can be pierced; vulnerable; foramen|hole, aperture; fissure; foraneus|fairground-; foras|out of doors, abroad, forth, out; forceps|pair of tongs, pincers; forcia|accessory of crime; forda|one who is pregnant/with young; cow in/with calf; fordeaceus|barley-, of/connected to barley; (used as term of contempt); fordearius|barley-, of/connected to barley; [~ pira => pears ripening w/barley]; fordeum|barley (the plant or the grain from it); barley-corn; fordiaceus|barley-, of/connected to barley; (used as term of contempt); fordiarius|barley-, of/connected to barley; [~ pira => pears ripening w/barley]; fordus|pregnant; with young; forensis|public; pertaining to the courts; foresta|forest; land under forest law; forfex|pair of shears or scissors; foricula|shutter; forinsecum|foreign service; forinsecus|on the outside; foris|out of doors, abroad; foris|door, gate; (the two leaves of) a folding door (pl.); double door; entrance; forisfacio|forfeit; forma|form, figure, appearance; beauty; mold, pattern; formabilis|shapeable, formable; that can be formed/fashioned; able to be formed; formalis|theoretical; titular; serving as model/pattern; bronze alloy used for molds; formalis|formal; formalismus|formalism; formaliter|formally; positively; formamentum|conformation; formatrix|founder; she who forms; formica|ant; formidabilis|terrifying; formidilose|terribly, dreadfully; alarming; in a frightening manner; fearfully/timorously; formidilosus|terrible, scary; dangerous, alarming; formidable; fearful/timorous/frightened; formido|dread, fear, be afraid of; be afraid for (the safety of) (w/DAT); formido|fear/terror/alarm; religious dread/awe; thing/reason which scares, bogy/horror; formido|rope strung with feathers used by hunters to scare game; formidolose|terribly, dreadfully; alarming; in a frightening manner; fearfully/timorously; formidolosus|terrible, scary; dangerous, alarming; formidable; fearful/timorous/frightened; formidulose|terribly, dreadfully; alarming; in a frightening manner; fearfully/timorously; formidulosus|terrible, scary; dangerous, alarming; formidable; fearful/timorous/frightened; formo|form, shape, fashion, model; formonse|beautifully, in a beautiful manner; formonsulus|pretty; formonsus|beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form; formose|beautifully, in a beautiful manner; formosulus|pretty; formosus|beautiful, finely formed, handsome, fair; having fine appearance/form; formula|shape/outline; pretty appearance; register/list/roll, jurisdiction; charter; formula|formula, set form of words; standard/rule of procedure; paradigm; type/pattern; formula|system (of teaching); legal position, status; terms/provisions (law/compact); fornacula|little oven; fornax|furnace/oven/kiln; (baths/smelting/limestone/brick); (goddess of ovens?); fornicaria|fornicatress; woman (unmarried) who has voluntary sex; prostitute/whore; fornicarius|fornicator; man (usu. unmarried) who has voluntary sex with (unmarried) woman; fornicatim|archwise, in an arched manner; in the form of an arch (L+S); fornicatio|vaulting; arch; vaulting/arching over (L+S); fornicatio|fornication, (unmarried) sex; prostitution/whoredom; fornicator|fornicator; man (usu. unmarried) who has voluntary sex with (unmarried) woman; fornicatrix|fornicatress; woman (unmarried) who has sex; prostitute/whore; fornicatus|arched, vaulted; (Via Fornicata, a street in Rome); fornico|fornicate; commit fornication/whoredom; prostitute/devote to unworthy use (Def); fornicor|fornicate; commit fornication/whoredom; prostitute/devote to unworthy use (Def); fornix|arch, vault, vaulted opening; monument arch; brothel, cellar for prostitution; forpex|tongs, pincers; shears; fors|chance; luck, fortune; accident; forsan|perhaps; forsit|perhaps; forsitam|perhaps; (= forsitan); forsitan|perhaps; fortasse|perhaps, possibly; it may be; fortassis|perhaps, possibly; it may be; forte|by chance; perhaps, perchance; as luck would have it; forticulus|fairly bold; fortificatio|strengthening, fortifying; fortification; [~ missa => celebration of mass]; fortifico|strengthen, fortify, make strong; fortis|strong, powerful, mighty, vigorous, firm, steadfast, courageous, brave, bold; fortiter|strongly; bravely; boldly; fortitudo|strength, courage, valor; firmness; fortuito|accidentally, by chance, fortuitously; casually; fortuitu|accidentally, by chance, fortuitously; casually; fortuitum|accidents (pl.), casualties; fortuitus|casual, accidental, fortuitous, happening by chance; fortuna|chance, luck, fate; prosperity; condition, wealth, property; fortunate|fortunately; fortunatus|lucky, fortunate; rich, wealthy; happy; blessed; fortunium|fortune; blessing; fortuno|make happy, bless, prosper; foruitus|casual; accidental; forum|market; forum (in Rome); court of justice; forus|gangway in a ship; row of benches erected for games/circus; cell of bees; fossa|ditch, trench, canal; moat; dike, fosse; fossatum|ditch, trench, canal; moat; dike, fosse; fossatus|ditch-provided; fossatus|boundary; (defined by a ditch?); fossicius|dug up; dug out; fossile|fossil; fossilis|dug up/out; fossil-; fossio|digging; ditch; fossor|one who digs the ground; fovea|pit, pitfall; foveo|keep warm; favor, cherish, maintain, foster; fracesco|become soft/mushy; become mellow/tractable (L+S); spoil, rot, become rancid; fractio|fraction (math.); fragilis|brittle, frail; impermanent; fragilitas|brittleness; frailty; fraglans|flaming, fiery, blazing; hot, scorching; in the ascendant (person/popularity); fraglans|burning (w/desire), ardent/passionate; outrageous/monstrous/flagrant (crime); fraglanter|ardently, passionately; vehemently, heatedly; eagerly; fraglantia|blaze, burning; scorching heat; passionate glow (eyes); passionate love/ardor; fragmen|fragment, piece broken off; fragments (pl.), chips, ruins; chips of wood (pl.); fragmentum|fragment; fragor|noise, crash; fragosus|brittle; ragged; fragrantia|perfume; fragro|smell strongly; fragum|wild strawberries (pl.); framea|spear used by the Germani; francomurarius|freemason; francus|franc (currency); frango|break, shatter, crush; dishearten, subdue, weaken; move, discourage; frater|brother; cousin; fraterculus|little brother; fraternitas|brotherhood, fraternity; the relationship of brothers; fraternus|brotherly/brother's; of/belonging to a brother; fraternal; friendly; of cousin; fratricida|one who kills a brother, a fratricide; fraudo|cheat/defraud/swindle; deprive deceitfully; baffle, make ineffectual; dishonor; fraudo|embezzle, take (money) dishonestly, steal; violate; evade/trick intent of law; fraudulenter|fraudulently, deceitfully; dishonestly; falsely; fraudulentia|fraud, deceit; dishonesty; knavery; deceitfulness; disposition to defraud; fraudulentus|fraudulent, deceitful; dishonest; false; fraudulosus|fraudulent, deceitful; dishonest; false; fraus|fraud; trickery, deceit; imposition, offense, crime; delusion; fraxineus|of ash; ashen; fraxinus|of ash; ashen; fraxinus|ash-tree; spear or javelin of ash; fremebundus|roaring, murmuring; fremitus|roaring, noisy; shouting, raging, growling, snorting, howling; fremitus|roar, loud noise; shouting; resounding; rushing, murmuring, humming; growl; fremo|roar; growl; rage; murmur, clamor for; fremor|low/confused noise/roaring, murmur; frendeo|gnash the teeth, grind up small; frendo|gnash the teeth, grind up small; freno|brake, curb, restrain, check; frenum|bridle/harness/rein/bit; harnessed horses/team; check/restraint/brake; mastery; frenus|bridle/harness/rein/bit; harnessed horses/team; check/restraint/brake; mastery; frequens|crowded; numerous, full, frequented, populous; repeated, frequent, constant; frequenter|often, frequently; in great numbers; in crowds; frequentia|crowd; large attendance; abundance of persons/things; frequency; frequento|frequent; repeat often; haunt; throng; crowd; celebrate; fretum|sea; narrow sea, straits; fretus|relying on, trusting to, supported by (w/ABL); fribusculum|slight cold; coolness/disagreement between man and wife; (frigus-culus); fricatio|rubbing; friction; fricatus|rubbing-down (Pliny); frico|rub, chafe; frictio|friction; massage; frigdor|cold; chill (esp. of feverish person) (Souter); frigeo|be cold; lack vigor; get cold reception; fail to win favor; fall flat (words); frigesco|become cold, cool, lose heat; slaken, abate, fall off/flat; frigidarium|cold room (of baths); larder; refrigerator (Cal); frigidarius|cooling; of cooling; frigidulus|somewhat cold or faint; frigidus|cold, cool, chilly, frigid; lifeless, indifferent, dull; frigo|roast, parch; fry (L+S); frigor|cold; chill (esp. of feverish person) (Souter); frigus|cold; cold weather, winter; frost; frigusculum|slight cold; coolness/disagreement between man and wife; (frigus-culus); friguttio|utter broken sounds; stutter, stammer; fringulio|utter broken sounds; twitter/chirp (birds); stutter, stammer; fringultio|utter broken sounds; twitter/chirp (birds); stutter, stammer; frio|rub; crumble; frisiatus|embroidered; w/frieze (Whitaker) fritillus|dice-box; frivolus|frivolous, trifling; silly, worthless; trashy; frixeolum|crepe (food); frixo|thoroughly roast; frixorium|frying pan; frixura|frying pan; frixus|roasted; fried; fromo|throw up; frondator|pruner; frondeo|have/put forth leaves, be in leaf; be leafy/full of trees (place); (in spirit); frondesco|become leafy, shoot; put forth leaves; frondeus|leafy; frondifer|leaf-bearing, leafy; frondosus|leafy, abounding in foliage; frons|foliage, leaves, leafy branch, green bough, frond; frons|forehead, brow; face; look; front; fore part of anything; frontal|frontlet (pl.) of a horse; fronto|man with broad/bulging forehead; fructifer|fruitful; fruit-bearing, bearing fruit; fructifero|bear fruit; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 16:25/26); fructifico|sprout, produce new growth (plants); bear (new) fruit (L+S); increase (Douay); fructuarius|fruit-bearing, fruitful; fructuosus|fruitful, productive, abounding in fruit; profitable, advantageous; fructus|produce, crops; fruit; profit; enjoyment; reward; frucuosus|fruitful; profitable; frugalis|worthy/honest/deserving; thrifty/frugal/simple; temperate/sober; of vegetables; frugalitas|frugality; economy; honesty; frugaliter|simply, frugally, economically; soberly; in a restrained manner; frugi|worthy/honest/deserving; virtuous; thrifty/frugal; temperate/sober; useful/fit; frugifer|fruit-bearing, fertile; frugiferens|fruitful, fertile; frugilegus|collecting grain; frugiparus|fruitful, prolific; fruitio|enjoyment; frumentarius|grain producing; of/concerning grain; [res frumentaria => grain supply]; frumentatio|foraging; collecting of grain; frumentator|forager; frumentor|get grain, forage; frumentum|grain; crops; frunesco|enjoy; have the pleasure of; fruniscor|enjoy; have the pleasure of; fruor|enjoy, profit by, delight in (w/ABL); fruor|enjoy (proceeds/socially/sexually), profit by, delight in (w/ABL); frustatim|into pieces; frustillatim|bit by bit; frustra|in vain; for nothing, to no purpose; frustramen|deception; frustratio|deceiving, disappointment; frustro|disappoint, frustrate, deceive (w/false hope); escape/elude; baffle/evade; fail; frustro|reject; delay; rob/defraud/cheat; pretend; refute (argument); corrupt/falsify; frustror|disappoint, frustrate, deceive (w/false hope); escape/elude; baffle/evade; fail; frustror|reject; delay; rob/defraud/cheat; pretend; refute (argument); corrupt/falsify; frustum|crumb, morsel, scrap of food; frutectosus|shrubby, abounding in thickets; bushy, resembling a bush/shrub; frutectum|thicket of shrubs/bushes, covert; shrubs/bushes (pl.); frutetum|thicket, covert; place full of shrubs/bushes; frutex|shrub, bush; shoot, stem, stalk, growth; "blockhead"; fruticetum|thicket, covert; place full of shrubs/bushes; frutico|put forth shoots, bush/branch out; (antlers); become bushy, grow thickly (hair); fruticor|put forth shoots, bush/branch out; (antlers); become bushy, grow thickly (hair); fruticosus|bushy; frux|crops (pl.), fruits, produce, legumes; honest men; Frygia|Phrygia, country comprising center and west of Asia Minor; Troy (poetical); Frygius|Phrygian, of Phyrigia (center and west of Asia Minor); Trojan; fuco|color; paint; dye; fucosus|sham, bogus; fucus|dye; (as cosmetic) rouge; bee-glue, propolis; presence/disguise/sham; seaweed; fuga|flight, fleeing, escape; avoidance; exile; fuga|fugue (music); fugax|flying swiftly; swift; avoiding, transitory; fugio|flee, fly, run away; avoid, shun; go into exile; fugitivus|fugitive; fugitivus|fugitive; deserter; runaway slave; fugo|put to flight, rout; chase away; drive into exile; fulcimen|prop, support, pillar; fulcimentum|book-rest; fulcio|prop up, support; fulcrum|fulcrum; point of support for lever; fulcrum|head or back-support of a couch; bed post; foot of a couch; sole of the foot; fulgens|flashing, gleaming/glittering, resplendent; brilliant (white); bright, splendid; fulgenter|resplendently; brilliantly; splendidly; glitteringly (L+S); fulgeo|flash, shine; glow, gleam, glitter, shine forth, be bright; fulgesco|flash; glitter; fulgidus|shining, gleaming, glittering; fulgor|brightness/brilliance/radiance; splendor/glory; flame/flash; lightening/meteor; fulgueo|glitter/flash/shine brightly, gleam; be brilliant/bright/resplendent; light up; fulguo|glitter/flash/shine brightly, gleam; be brilliant/bright/resplendent; light up; fulgur|lightning, flashing, brightness; [pubica ~ => things blasted by lightning]; fulgurator|priest who interpreted omens from lightning; fulguratus|struck by lightening; (also of eloquence); fulguritus|struck by lightning; fulguro|glitter/flash/shine brightly, gleam; light up; (IMPERS) it lightens; fulica|water-fowl; (probably coot); fuligo|soot; lamp-black; fullo|cloth-fuller; fullonia|fuller's trade; fullonica|art of fulling; fullonium|fuller's shop; fulmen|lightning, flash; thunderbolt; crushing blow; fulmenta|prop; support; shoe-heel; fulmentum|bedpost; prop; support; fulmineus|of lightning; destructive; fulmino|lighten; cause lightning to strike; strike like lightning; fultus|propped up; supported; fulvus|tawny, reddish yellow; yellow; fumaculum|pipe; fumator|smoker; fumeus|smoky; fumidus|full of smoke, smoky; fumifer|smoky; fumifico|smoke (a cigar); fumificus|causing smoke; fumigabundus|smoking; causing smoke; fumigans|almost extinguished; fumigium|fumigation; fumigating; fumigo|smoke (kitchen); fumigo|smoke, fumigate; treat with/subject to smoke; produce smoke (L+S); steam; fumisugium|pipe; fumo|smoke, steam, fume, reek; fumosus|full of smoke, smoky, smoked; gray-smoke-colored (Cal); fumus|smoke, steam, vapor, fume; funale|torch of wax or tallow soaked rope; chandelier; funambulus|rope-dancer; functio|execution, performance, carrying out (of a task); functio|function (math.); functionalis|functional; functionaliter|functionally; funda|sling; casting net; pocket (Cal); fundaitor|founder; fundamen|foundation; fundamentum|foundation; beginning; basis; fundatio|foundation; E:endowment; G:basis; fundatrix|foundress; she who founded/founds; fundibalarius|slinger; (classical funditor); fundibalum|catapult, slinging/hurling machine; fundibalus|catapult, slinging/hurling machine; fundibulum|catapult, slinging/hurling machine; fundimentum|foundation, ground work, basis; funditor|slinger; funditus|utterly/completely/without exception; from the bottom/to the ground/by the root; fundius|from the very bottom; utterly, totally; fundo|establish, found, begin; lay the bottom, lay a foundation; confirm; fundo|pour, cast (metals); scatter, shed, rout; fundus|farm; piece of land, estate; bottom, lowest part; foundation; an authority; funebre|funeral rites (pl.); funebris|funeral, deadly, fatal; funereal; funereus|funereal; deadly; fatal; funero|bury solemnly, inter with the funeral rites; funesto|pollute by murder; funestus|deadly, fatal; sad; calamitous; destructive; funginus|of a mushroom; fungor|perform, execute, discharge (duty); be engaged in (w/ABL of function); fungosus|spongy; fungous; fungus|fungus; mushroom; funiculus|thin rope, cord, string; funis|rope; line, cord, sheet, cable; measuring-line/rope, lot (Plater); funivia|cablecar; funus|burial, funeral; funeral rites; ruin; corpse; death; fur|thief, robber; robber bee; the Devil (personified) (Souter); furax|thieving (Collins); inclined to steal (Nelson); furca|(two-pronged) fork; prop; furcifer|yoke-bearer; rascal, scoundrel, rogue; gallows-bird; jailbird; furcilla|little fork; furcillo|support; furcula|forked prop; forks (pl.), narrow pass (esp. the Caudine Forks); furfur|husks of grain, bran; scaly infection of the skin; furia|frenzy, fury; rage (pl.); mad craving; Furies, avenging spirits; furialis|frenzied, mad; avenging; furibundus|raging, mad, furious; inspired; furio|madden, enrage; furiosus|furious, mad, frantic, wild; furnax|furnace/oven/kiln; (baths/smelting/limestone/brick); (goddess of ovens?); furnus|oven, bakery; furo|rave, rage; be mad/furious; be wild; furor|steal; plunder; furor|madness, rage, fury, frenzy; passionate love; furs|thief, robber; robber bee; the Devil (personified); furtificus|thievish; furtim|stealthily, secretly; imperceptibly; furtivus|stolen; secret, furtive; furtum|theft; trick, deception; stolen article; furunculus|sneak thief, pilferer; furvus|dark-colored, black; fuscina|trident, three-pronged fishing spear; harpoon; weapon of retiarius gladiator; fuscinula|small three-pronged spear; fish-hook (Souter); fork; fleshhook (Vulgate); fusco|darken, blacken, make dark; (INTRANS) become dark; fuscus|dark, swarthy, dusky; husky; hoarse; fusiformis|spindle-shaped; fusilis|molded; molten, fluid, liquid; fustibalus|sling-staff; fustis|staff club; stick; fustuarium|death by beating (punishment meted out to soldiers); fusus|spread out, broad, flowing; fusus|spindle; (e.g., of the Fates); futatim|abundantly; futilis|vain; worthless; futtilis|vain; worthless; futuo|have sexual relations with (woman); (rude); futurismus|futurism; futurologus|futurologist; futurus|about to be; future; fylacterium|amulet; phylactery, scripture text in box on forehead of Jews; gladiator medal; Gabalus|Gabali, tribe of Gaul; gabalus|gallows, gibbet; Gabinius|Gabinus; (Roman gens name); (A. Gabinius, consul 58 BC, supporter of Caesar); Gabinius|Gabinus, Roman gens; (A. Gabinius, consul 58 BC, supporter of Caesar); gadus|cod; gaesum|Gallic javelin; gafrum|waffle; Gaius|Gaius (Roman praenomen); (abb. C.); galactinus|the Milky Way; galanthus|snowdrop; Galatea|Galatia, region of Asia Minor; Galatia|Galatia, region of Asia Minor; Galaticus|Galatian, of/from/belonging to Galatia (region of Asia Minor); galaxia|the Milky Way; galaxicus|galactic; galba|small worm, ash borer/larva of ash spinner; fat paunch, big belly; Galba|Galba (Servinus Supicius Galba, Emperor, 69 AD, year of the 4 Emperors); galbanen|gum resin of umbelliferous plant in Persia/Syria (species of Ferula), galbanum; galbanum|gum resin of umbelliferous plant in Persia/Syria (species of Ferula), galbanum; galbanus|galbaneous, characteristic of galbanum/gum resin from species of Ferula; galbeolus|bee-eater; galbeus|arm-band/filet worn for ornamental/medical purposes; galbinum|greenish-yellow/pale green clothes (pl.) (considered effeminate); galbinus|greenish-yellow; yellowish; effeminate; galea|helmet; galeatus|helmeted; galeo|cover with a helmet; galeola|cap; galericulum|skull-cap; wig; galeritus|wearing a hood or skull-cap; galerum|cap or hat made of skin; ceremonial hat (worn by pontifices/flamines); wig; galerus|cap or hat made of skin; ceremonial hat (worn by pontifices/flamines); wig; galetta|pancake; Galilaea|Galilee; Galilaeus|Galilean; Gallia|Gaul; (early Northern Italy, then South-East France, then France and Belgium); galliambus|song of the priests of Cybele; galliarium|hen-house; galliarius|of/for poultry; [in proper names, situa ~ => forest in Campania]; galliarius|one who looks after poultry; gallicinium|cock-crow; daybreak, dawn; last watch of the night; gallicula|small Gallic shoe, galosh; sandal; (wooden shoe/sandal w/leather thongs); Gallicus|Gallic, of Gaul, of the Gauls; Gallienus|Gallienus; (Emperor Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus 253-268); gallina|hen; gallinaceus|of/belonging to domestic poultry, poultry-; [cunila ~ => wild marjoram]; gallinacius|of/belonging to domestic poultry, poultry-; [cunila ~ => wild marjoram]; gallinarius|of poultry; gallinarius|poultry farmer; Gallus|Gallic, of Gaul/the Gauls; class of gladiator w/Gallic armor; (also Galatian?); gallus|cock, rooster; Gallus|Gaul; the Gauls (pl.); gammarus|lobster, sea crab; ganea|common eating house (resort of undesirable characters); gluttonous eating; ganeo|glutton, debauchee; ganeum|common eating house (resort of undesirable characters); gluttonous eating; gannio|whimper, snarl (of dogs); snarl (people), speak in ill natured/hostile manner; gannitus|yelping/snarling/barking; ill-tempered utterance; whimpering/whining/moaning; gannitus|grumbling/muttering; murmuring; amorous utterance; chattering (L+S); chirping; gaola|jail/gaol; garba|sheaf (of grain, of arrows); garda|wardship; guardianship; town-division; gardinum|garden; gargarisso|gargle; gargarizatio|gargling, action of gargling; gargarizo|gargle; garrio|chatter/prattle/jabber; talk rapidly; talk/write nonsense; (birds/instruments); garritus|chattering (of birds); garrulitas|talkativeness, loquacity; chattering (Collins); garrulus|talkative, loquacious; chattering, garrulous; blabbing; that betrays secrets; garum|fish-sauce; Garunna|Garonne, river in SW Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; garyophyllon|dried flower-buds of the clove; cloves; gasalis|of gas, to gas; gasificatrum|carburetor; gasometrum|gasometer; gasosus|sparkling; gastritis|gastritis, inflammation of the stomach; gasum|gas; gata|bowl, trough; jar; gateleia|toll, payment for passage; gatta|cat; (female?); gateway, gap (Latham); gattus|cat; gaudeo|be glad, rejoice; gaudimonium|joy; time of joy/jollity, festal day (Souter); gaudy feast (Latham); gaudium|joy, delight, gladness; source/cause of joy; physical/sensual delight; gaudium|everlasting blessedness; gaud/gaudy, bead of rosary (Latham); gaunaca|oriental cloak; gaunacum|oriental cloak; gaunacuma|oriental cloak; gausapa|cloth of woolen frieze (coarse wool cloth w/nap); cloak of this material; gausapatus|wearing cloak/cloth of woolen frieze (coarse wool cloth w/nap); gausape|cloth of woolen frieze (coarse wool cloth w/nap); cloak of this material; gausapes|cloth of woolen frieze (coarse wool cloth w/nap); cloak of this material; gausapina|bath-towel; gausapinus|made of cloth of woolen frieze (coarse wool cloth w/nap); gausapum|cloth of woolen frieze (coarse wool cloth w/nap); cloak of this material; gaza|treasure (royal); gazela|gazelle; gazofilacium|treasury (royal); offertory box; gazophylachium|treasury (royal); offertory box; gehenna|hell; (from valley near Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Moloch); gehennalis|hellish, of hell; (from valley where children were sacrificed to Moloch); gelamen|assembly, gathering; gelasinus|dimple; Gelasius|Gelasius; (I - St./Pope 492-496, said Primacy of Pope derived from Christ); gelatina|gelatin; gelatorius|freezing; gelda|tax, gelt; guild; association; guild meeting; guild-house; geldonia|guild; geldum|tax, gelt; [~ vaccarum => horngeld, cornage]; gelicidium|frost; gelida|ice cold water; gelide|sluggishly, without enthusiasm; coldly, weakly, feebly; gelidus|ice cold, icy; gelo|cause to freeze; (pass.) be frozen, be chilled; gelu|frost, ice, snow; frosty weather; cold, chilliness (of old age/death/fear); gelum|frost, ice, snow; frosty weather; cold, chilliness (of old age/death/fear); gelus|frost, ice, snow; frosty weather; cold, chilliness (of old age/death/fear); gemebundus|groaning, sighing; gemellio|small cruet; gemellipara|twin-bearing; gemellus|twin-born; gemellus|twin; geminatio|doubling; gemino|double; repeat; double the force of; pair (with); geminus|twin, double; twin-born; both; geminus|twins (pl.); gemitus|groan, sigh; roaring; gemma|bud; jewel, gem, precious stone; amber; cup (material); seal, signet; game piece gemmarius|jeweler; gemmatus|jeweled; gemmeus|set with precious stones; gemmifer|bearing or producing seeds; gemmo|bud, come into bud, put out buds; gemo|moan, groan; lament (over); grieve that; give out a hollow sound (music, hit); gena|cheeks (pl.); eyes; Genava|Geneva, city in Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; genealogia|genealogy; genealogicus|genealogical; genealogus|genealogist; gener|son-in-law; generalis|general (military rank); generalis|general, generic; shared by/common to a class/kind; of the nature of a thing; generalitas|generality; generaliter|generally, in general; generasco|come to birth; be generated/produced (L+S); generatim|by tribes/kinds; generally; generatio|generation, action/process of procreating, begetting; generation of men/family; generativus|generative; generator|begetter, father, sire; generatrum|generator; generilitas|generality; genero|beget, father, produce, procreate; spring/descend from (PASSIVE); generose|nobly; with dignity; generositas|breeding, excellence/nobility (of stock/men/animals/plants); generosity; generosus|noble, of noble birth; of good family/stock; genes|birth, nativity, beginning; one's birth (astrologically), horoscope, destiny; genesta|Spanish broom, greenweed and similar shrubs; genetica|genetic; geneticus|genetic; genetivus|acquired at birth; genetrix|mother, ancestress; genialis|nuptial, connected with marriage; festive, merry, genial; geniculatus|knotty, full of knots; genimen|product, fruit; progeny; brood (pl.); [~ viperarum => brood of vipers]; genista|Spanish broom, greenweed and similar shrubs; genital|reproductive/genital organs (male or female); seminal fluid; genitalis|of creation/procreation, reproductive; fruitful; connected with birth, inborn; genitor|father; creator; originator; genitus|begotten; engendered; genius|genius; genius|guardian spirit; taste, inclination; appetite; talent; prophetic skill; geno|give birth to, bring forth, bear; beget; be born (PASSIVE); genocidium|genocide; genoma|genome; gens|tribe, clan; nation, people; Gentiles; gentiana|gentian herb (Pliny); genticus|of a nation, national; gentil|member of the same Roman gens; fellow countryman; gentilicius|of/proper or belonging to a particular Roman gens; tribal, national; gentilis|gentiles (pl.); non-Jews (to Jew); heathens (to Christian), not of one's faith; gentilis|pagan; gentilis|gentile; non-Jew (to Jew); heathen/pagan (to Christian), not of one's faith; gentilis|of same gens (Roman); of the same house or family/tribe or race; native; gentilismus|heathenism; gentilitas|kinship; relatives with same name; clan relationship; paganism; heathens/pagans; gentilitius|of or belonging to a particular Roman gens; tribal, national; genu|knee; genual|leggings (pl.); genuale|ornament on bishop's cincture in Greek rite; genuflecto|kneel (down); genuflect; bend the knee; genuine|truly; genuinus|natural, inborn, innate; native; genuine, authentic; genuinus|back-tooth, molar; wisdom tooth; genum|gene; genus|birth/descent/origin; race/family/house/stock/ancestry; offspring/descent; genus|noble birth; kind/sort/variety; class/rank; mode/method/style/fashion/way; geocentricus|geocentric; geocentrismus|geocentrism; geochemia|geochemistry; geochemista|geochemist; geodaeticus|geodesic; geographia|geography; geographical work/book; geographicus|geographic; geographical; geologia|geology; geologicus|geological; geologus|geologist; geometres|geometer; geometria|geometry; geometricus|geometrical; geometricus|geometer; georgicus|agricultural; Gergovia|Gergovia; (town of the Arverni in central Gaul); geriatria|geriatrics; germana|sister, own sister; full sister; Germania|Germany; Germanicus|German; Germanicus|Germanicus; germanitas|brotherhood, sisterhood; affinity between things deriving from the same source; germanus|own/full (of brother/sister); genuine, real, actual, true; Germanus|Germans (pl.); germanus|own brother; full brother; germen|sprout, bud; shoot; germinalis|germinal; germinatio|sprouting forth; germination; a shoot; germino|sprout forth; gero|bear, carry, wear; carry on; manage, govern; (se gerere = to conduct oneself); gerontocomium|old men's asylum; gerontotrophium|old men's hospice; gerra|war; retaliation, feud; gerra|wicker-work screen/hurdle; wattled twigs (pl.); [gerrae => trifles, nonsense!]; gerro|term of opprobrium/disgrace/reproach; buffoon?; gerula|bearer (female), porter, carrier; she who bears/carries (L+S); worker bee; gerulum|bearer, carrier; gerulus|bearer, porter, carrier; doer, one who does something; gerundium|gerund; gerundivum|gerundive; verbal adjective; gestamen|something worn or carried on the body; gestatio|bearing, wearing; be carried; place to take air; gesticulor|gesticulate; make mimic or pantomimic movements; gestio|be eager, wish passionately; gesticulate, express strong feeling, exult; gestito|carry often; wear often; gesto|bear, carry; wear; gestum|what has been carried out, a business; deeds (pl.), exploits; gestus|movement of the limbs, bodily action, carriage, gesture; performance (duty); gibber|humpbacked; gibber|hump; gibberosus|humpbacked; gibbus|bulging, protuberant; gibbus|protuberance/lump on the body; Gigans|giant; Giant; the Giants (pl.); (race defeated by the Olympians); Giganteus|of/connected with the Giants; like that of the Giants; Gigas|giant; Giant; the Giants (pl.); (race defeated by the Olympians); gigno|give birth to, bring forth, bear; beget; be born (PASSIVE); gilbus|pale yellow; dun-colored (OLD); gilda|guild; association; guild meeting; guild-house; gildo|camp-follower; gilvus|pale yellow; dun-colored (OLD); gimel|gimel; (3rd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as G); gingiber|ginger; gingiva|gum (in which the teeth are set); git|black cumin (Nigella sativa); Roman coriander (L+S); melanthion/melanspermon; gith|black cumin (Nigella sativa); Roman coriander (L+S); melanthion/melanspermon; gitti|black cumin (Nigella sativa); Roman coriander (L+S); melanthion/melanspermon; glaba|clod; cultivated soil; lump, mass; glaber|hairless, smooth; glabrio|hairless-person; ringworm; L:Glabrio (Roman surname); glacialis|icy, frozen; glaciarium|glacier; glacies|ice; ice fields (pl.); glacio|freeze; gladiator|gladiator; gladiatorius|gladiatorial; gladiatura|profession of gladiator; gladiolus|gladiolus; gladius|sword; gladius|swordfish; glaeba|clod/lump of earth/turf; land, soil; hard soil; piece, lump, mass; glaesum|amber; glandifer|acorn-bearing; glans|mast/acorn/beechnut/chestnut; missile/bullet thrown/discharged from sling; glarea|gravel; glareosus|gravelly; glaria|gravel; earth; glas|mast/acorn/beachnut/chestnut; missile/bullet thrown/discharged from sling; glaucom|disease of the eye, cataract; glaucoma|disease of the eye, cataract; "mist before the eyes" (Erasmus); glaucus|bluish gray; gleba|clod/lump of earth/turf; land, soil; hard soil; piece, lump, mass; glebula|little clod or lump; a little farm or estate; glesum|amber; gleucinus|made-from-must; glis|dormouse; glisco|swell; increase in power or violence; globalis|global; globosus|round, spherical; globulus|globule; button (Cal); globus|ball, sphere; dense mass, close packed throng, crowd; clique, band; globe; glomeramen|round mass, globe; glomero|collect, amass, assemble; form into a ball; glomus|ball-shaped mass; ball made by winding, ball of thread, skein; gloria|glory, fame; ambition; renown; vainglory, boasting; gloriabundus|triumphant; glorianter|boastingly; exultingly; gloriatio|exalting, boasting, vaunting, glorying; glorificatio|glorification; glorifico|glorify; magnify, honor, worship (Def); exalt in thought/speech; uplift; glorificus|glorious, full of glory; gloriola|little glory; glorior|boast, brag; glory, pride oneself; gloriose|gloriously, magnificently; pompously, boastfully; gloriosus|glorious, full of glory; famous, renowned; boastful, conceited; ostentatious; glosa|glossary, collection/list of unfamiliar/unusual words (needing interpretation); glosarium|unusual word requiring explanation (contemptuous diminutive); glosema|unusual word requiring interpretation; collection/list (pl.) of such words; glossa|glossary, collection/list of unfamiliar/unusual words (needing interpretation); glossema|unusual word requiring interpretation; collection/list (pl.) of such words; glottologia|linguistics; glottologicus|linguistic; glubeo|shed its bark; (of a tree); glubo|peel; strip the bark from; rob; gluma|husks of grain; barley husks (pl.) (L+S); gluten|glue, paste; gum; adhesive; solder (Douay); connecting tie/band/bond (L+S); glutinator|one who glues books, a bookbinder; glutino|glue; B:join (espec. wounds); glutinosus|viscous, sticky, glutinous; full of/smeared with glue; rich in gelatin (food); glutinum|glue, paste; gum; adhesive; solder (Douay); connecting tie/band/bond (L+S); glutio|swallow, gulp down; gluto|glutton; gluttio|swallow, gulp down; glutto|glutton; glyconius|Glyconic; type of poetic meter; glycyrrhiza|licorice root (Pliny); glycyrrhizon|licorice root (Pliny); Gnaeus|Gnaeus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Cn.); gnaritas|knowledge; gnarus|having knowledge or experience of; known; gnascor|be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live; gnascor|be born/begotten/formed/destined; rise (stars), dawn; start, originate; arise; gnata|daughter; gnatus|son; child; children (pl.); gnecos|safflower (Carthamus tinctorius); similar thistle; gnosco|get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with; gnosco|examine, study, inspect; try (case); recognize, accept as valid/true; recall; gnovi|know, know of; know how, be able (to); experience; (PERF form, PRES force); gnovi|know; be familiar/acquainted/conversant with/aware of; accept, recognize; gobio|small fish; (of the gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio); gobius|small fish; (of the gudgeon kind); (used for bait); (Gobio); gomor|gomor/gomer/omer, Jewish dry measure; (over two bushels); gonger|conger eel; sea eel (L+S); Gordianus|Gordianus; emperor Gordianus; gorilla|gorilla; gorytos|quiver, case holding arrows; gorytus|quiver, case holding arrows; gossypium|cotton wool, cotton; Gothicus|Gothic; of/belonging to the Goths; Gothus|Goth; (tribe of Northern Germany); grabattus|cot, camp bed, pallet; low couch or bed; (usu.) mean/wretched bed/couch; grabatus|cot, camp bed, pallet; low couch or bed; (usu.) mean/wretched bed/couch; gracia|popularity/esteem/credit (w/bona); unpopularity (w/mala); partiality/favoritism; gracia|favor/goodwill/kindness/friendship; influence; gratitude; thanks (pl.); Graces; gracilis|slender, thin, slim, slight; fine, narrow; modest, unambitious, simple, plain; gracilitas|slimness, leanness (Collins); graculus|jackdaw; gradalis|step-by-step; gradarius|going step by step; gradatim|step by step, by degrees; gradatio|climax; (rhetoric); gradior|walk, step, take steps, go, advance; gradual|gradual (hymn); gradualis|of degree; gradualitas|grade, degree; gradualiter|by degrees; gradus|step; position; Graecanicus|Greek, of Greek origin; (Erasmus); Graecatus|Greek, written in Greek; Graecia|Greece; graecisso|imitate the Greeks; Graecitas|Greek language; (Erasmus); graecor|imitate the Greeks; Graeculus|Grecian, Greek (mostly in a contemptuous sense); Graeculus|little Greek; contemptible Greek; graecus|Greek; Graecus|Greek; the Greeks (pl.); grallator|one that walks on stilts; gramen|grass, turf; herb; plant; gramineus|of grass, grassy; made of grass or turf; graminus|grassy; full of grass; gramma|-gram; record of instrument measurements; (usu. w/specifying prefix); gramma|scruple-weight; gram (Cal); grammatica|grammar; philology; grammatice|with strict observance of grammatical rules, grammatically; grammatice|grammar; philology; grammaticus|grammatical, of grammar; grammaticus|grammarian; philologist; scholar, expert on linguistics/literature; grammatista|one who teaches letters; elementary schoolmaster; granarium|granary; granata|grenade; granatum|pomegranate (fruit); granatus|containing many seeds; [only malum/pomum granatum => pomegranate fruit/tree]; granatus|production of a crop; grandaevus|of great age, old; grandesco|grow, increase in size or quantity; grandiculus|rather large; grandifer|producing great profits; grandiloquus|speaking grandly; boastful; grandinat|it hails; grandio|increase; grandis|full-grown, grown up; large, great, grand, tall, lofty; powerful; aged, old; grandisculus|somewhat grownup, a little older; granditas|grandeur; elevation (of style); advanced condition/greatness (of person's age); granditer|strongly; mightily; grandiusculus|fair-sized; grando|hail, hail-storm; granifer|grain-carrying; granitum|granite; granulum|granule; granum|grain; seed; grapheocrates|bureaucrat; grapheocratia|bureaucracy; grapheocraticus|bureaucratic; grapheum|office; graphia|-graphy; recording of instrument measurements; (usu. w/specifying prefix); graphice|art of painting; graphicus|worthy of painting (people), perfect of kind; exquisite; picturesque, artistic; graphis|instrument for drawing/painting; graphis|instrument for drawing/painting; graphium|stylus, pen used for writing on wax tablets; modern pen (Cal); graphium|-graph; recording/measuring instrument; (usu. w/specifying prefix); grassator|vagabond; footpad, highway robber; grassor|march on, advance; roam in search of victims, prowl; proceed; run riot; gratanter|with joy; with rejoicing; grate|with pleasure/delight; agreeably, pleasantly; with gratitude, thankfully; grates|thanks (pl.); (esp. to gods); thanksgivings; [~es agere => give thanks]; gratia|popularity/esteem/credit (w/bona); partiality/favoritism; unpopularity (w/mala); gratia|favor/goodwill/kindness/friendship; influence; gratitude; thanks (pl.); Graces; gratia|agreeableness, charm; grace; [Doctor Gratiae => St. Augustine of Hippo]; gratificatio|showing kindness; complaisance; gratifico|oblige, gratify, humor, show kindness to; bestow, make a present of; gratificor|oblige, gratify, humor, show kindness to; bestow, make a present of; gratiosus|agreeable, enjoying favor; kind; gratis|gratis, without payment, for nothing; freely; for no reward but thanks; gratitudo|gratitude; grator|congratulate (w/DAT); rejoice with; gratuitas|favor; gift; gratuito|gratis, without pay, for naught, gratuitously; for no special reason; wantonly; gratuitus|free, gratuitous; without pay; unremunerative; gratulabundus|congratulating; gratulanter|with grateful/thankful heart/soul; gratulatio|congratulation; rejoicing; gratulatorie|congratulatory, in congratulatory manner; gratulor|congratulate; rejoice, be glad; thank, give/render thanks; gratus|pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, welcome; dear, beloved; grateful, thankful; graulatio|congratulation; rejoicing, joy; gravamen|trouble, annoyance; physical inconvenience; burden; gravanter|with difficulty; gravate|grudgingly; reluctantly, unwillingly; with difficulty; gravatim|grudgingly, reluctantly; gravatus|heavy; loaded down; gravedinosus|subject to colds; gravedo|cold in the head, catarrh; graveolens|strong-smelling, rank; graveolentia|foul smell (Pliny); gravida|pregnant woman; gravido|impregnate, make pregnant; load/weigh down, burden (Ecc); oppress, incommode; gravidor|become pregnant; grow heavy; gravidus|pregnant, heavy with child; laden/swollen/teeming; weighed down; rich/abundant; gravis|heavy; painful; important; serious; pregnant; grave, oppressive, burdensome; gravitas|weight; dignity; gravity; importances, oppressiveness; pregnancy; sickness; graviter|violently; deeply; severely; reluctantly; [ferre ~ => to be vexed/upset]; gravito|revolve; gravo|load/weigh down; burden, oppress; pollute (air); accuse, incriminate; aggravate; gravor|show/bear with reluctance/annoyance; be burdened/vexed; take amiss; hesitate; grecus|Greek; (medieval form for Graecus, ae -> e); gregalis|comrade (usu. pl.); one of same party/company/gang/herd/flock; associate/crony; gregalis|of the herd/flock; gregarius|of/belonging to rank and file; [miles gregarius => common soldier]; gregatim|in flocks; grego|gather, assemble; Gregorianus|Gregorian; gremiale|gremial, apron/lap cloth for bishop at Mass/pontifical functions; gremialis|suitable for firewood; (trees); gremium|lap, bosom; womb, interior; female genital parts; gremium|firewood; (singular or collective); gressus|going; step; the feet (pl.); grex|flock, herd; crowd; company, crew; people/animals assembled; set/faction/class; griffo|griffin; grillus|cricket; grasshopper; cartoon, comic illustration; caricature (Cal); griphus|riddle; enigma; grippa|flu; griseus|gray; groccio|croak/caw (like a raven); groma|instrument for taking bearings to fix lines of orientation; (surveying); grossitudo|thickness; grossus|great/large, thick; coarse, gross; grossus|young/green/immature/abortive fig; gruis|crane; large bird; siege engine; gruma|surveyor's rod; (also groma); grumus|little heap (of soil); grundio|grunt like a pig; grunnio|grunt like a pig; grunnitus|grunting of a pig; grus|crane; large bird; siege engine; grus|crane (machine); gry|scrap, crumb; gryllographus|caricaturist; cartoonist; gryllus|cricket; grasshopper; cartoon, comic illustration; caricature (Cal); grypho|griffin; gryps|griffin; grypus|griffin; guarra|war; retaliation, feud; gubernaculum|helm, rudder, steering oar of ship; helm of "ship of state"; government; gubernatio|steering, pilotage; direction, control; management; gubernator|helmsman, pilot; one who directs/controls; gubernatrix|helmsman, pilot (female); she who directs/controls; gubernium|helm, rudder, steering oar of ship; government; management; gubernius|helmsman, pilot; one who directs/controls; manager; guberno|steer, drive, pilot, direct, manage, conduct, guide, control, govern; guerra|war; retaliation, feud; guilda|guild; association; guild meeting; guild-house; gula|throat, neck, gullet, maw; palate, appetite; gulda|guild; association; guild meeting; guild-house; Gulielmus|William; (French based); gulosus|gluttonous; gumia|glutton; gourmand; gummi|gum, vicid secretion from trees; gumminosus|gummy, full of gum; gummis|gum, vicid secretion from trees; gummitio|application of gum; gunna|skirt; guoma|instrument for taking bearings to fix lines of orientation; (surveying); gurculio|grain-worm/weevil; weevil; gurges|whirlpool; raging abyss; gulf, the sea; "flood", "stream"; gurgulio|windpipe; gurgustium|hut, hovel; gustatus|taste, sense of taste; tasting; gusto|taste, sip; have some experience of; enjoy; gustus|tasting, appetite; draught of water; gutta|drop, spot, speck; guttatim|drop-by-drop; gutter|throat, neck; gullet; (reference to gluttony/appetite); swollen throat, goiter; guttula|little drop; guttur|throat, neck; gullet; (reference to gluttony/appetite); swollen throat, goiter; guttur|throat, neck; gullet; (reference to gluttony/appetite); swollen throat, goiter; gutturalis|guttural; guttus|jug; gwerra|war; retaliation, feud; gymnasiarchus|master of a gymnasium; gymnasium|sports center; gymnasium|secondary school; gymnastica|gymnast (female); gymnasticus|gymnastic; gymnicus|gymnastic; gynaecearium|women's apartment/quarters; seraglio/harem; gynaecearius|overseer of seraglio/harem; gynaeceum|women's apartment/quarters in Greek house; gynaeciarium|women's apartment/quarters; seraglio/harem; gynaecium|women's apartment/quarters in Greek house; gynaecius|overseer of seraglio/harem; gynaecologia|gynecology; gynaecologus|gynecologist; gynaeconitis|women's apartment/quarters in Greek house; gypsatus|plastered; covered with gypsum; (slave) chalked for sale; gypso|cover with gypsum; gypsum|gypsum; plaster figure; gyratus|rounded; made in form of a circle; gyro|go around/about (thing); turn/wheel around/in a circle; gyrus|circle, ring; circuit; course; circular course for training/racing horses; ha|Ah!; (distress/regret/pity, appeal/entreaty, surprise/joy, objection/contempt); Habacuc|Habakkuk; (minor prophet); (book of Old Testament); habena|thong, strap; whip; halter; reins (pl.); direction, management, government; habeo|have, hold, consider, think, reason; manage, keep; spend/pass (time); habetudo|dullness; habilis|handy, manageable; apt, fit; habilitas|ability; aptitude; habilito|enable; make suitable; habitabilis|habitable; habitaculum|dwelling place; home, residence; habitation (Bee); habitans|inhabitant; dweller; habitatio|lodging, residence; habitator|dweller, inhabitant; habitatrix|inhabiters; she who inhabits; habito|inhabit, dwell; live, stay; habitualis|habitual; customary; habitualiter|habitual; habitudinalis|habitual; customary; habitudo|condition; habituo|habituate, bring into condition/habit (body); (PASS) be conditioned/in habit; habitus|condition, state; garment/dress/"get-up"; expression, demeanor; character; Habraeus|Hebrew, Jewish; habrodiaetus|living delicately, epithet of the painter Parrhasius; habrotonum|aromatic plant, southern-wood (medicine); hac|here, by this side, this way; Haceldama|Akeldama; field of blood (Aramaic); potter's field; hactenus|as far as this, to this place/point/time/extent, thus far, til now, hitherto; Hadrianus|Adriatic, of the Adriatic Sea; of the Emperor Hadrian; Hadrianus|Hadrian (P. Aelius Hadrianus, Emperor, 117-138 AD); Adriatic; Hadrumetinus|Andrumetine, of/from Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria/Byzacene); Hadrumetinus|Andrumetine, inhabitant of Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city in Africa/Byzacane); Hadrumetum|Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene); Hadrumetus|Andrumetum/Hadrumetum (city of Africa propria, capital of province Byzacene); haedilia|little kid/goat (female); haedilla|little kid/goat (female); haedillus|little kid/goat; haedinus|kid's, of a kid; haedulea|kid, young goat; haedulus|little kid, little young goat; haedus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; Haeduus|Haedui (pl.), also Aedui, a people of Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; haemorrhagia|hemorrhage; haemorrhois|poisonous snake (Pliny); haemorrhoissus|hemorrhaging; having flow of blood; (menstrual?); haemorroida|hemorrhoid, pile; (also haemorrhoida); haereditas|inheritance, possession; hereditary succession; generation; heirship; haereo|stick, adhere, cling to; hesitate; be in difficulties (sticky situation?); haeresiarcha|heresiarch, archheretic; founder/leader of a heresy; haeresis|philosophical/religious school of thought/sect; heresy/heretical doctrine (L+S); haeresis|philosophical/religious school of thought/sect; heresy/heretical doctrine (L+S); haereticus|heretical, of/belonging to heretical religious doctrines; haereticus|heretic; teacher of false doctrine (Dif); haesitatio|hesitation, hesitating; stammering; resolution; haesito|stick hesitate, be undecided; be stuck; hagiographia|hagiography, lives of saints; sacred/holy writing; hagiographicus|hagiographic; hagiographus|of/concerning sacred/holy writings; hagiographus|sacred/holy writer; hagiographer (Cal); author of lives of Saints; hagios|holy (Greek); hahahae|Ha ha!; (laughter, derision); hahahe|Ha ha!; (laughter, derision); haicu|haiku, formal short verse (popular in Japan); halatio|breath; breathing; halcycon|halcyon; kingfisher; sea birds (pl.); haliaeetos|sea-eagle, osprey; halica|emmer (wheat) grots; porridge/gruel made with these; halicacius|made of emmer (wheat), grots; connected with emmer (wheat) production; halicastrum|early -ripening variety of emmer (wheat); halito|breathe; halitus|breath, steam, vapor; hallec|herrings; a fish sauce; pickle; Hallelujah|Halleluia, cry of joy and praise to God; (praise ye Jehovah); hallucinator|idle dreamer, silly fellow; one who is wandering in mind; hallus|big toe; halmaturus|kangaroo; halo|emit (vapor, etc); be fragrant; halucinatio|wandering in mind, idle dream, delusion; idle/aimless behavior (w/mentis); halucinor|wander in mind, talk idly/unreasonably, ramble, dream; wander; hama|bucket; water bucket; (esp. fireman's bucket); hamadryas|wood-nymph, hamadryad, dryad; hamatus|hooked; hamiota|angler; hammonitrum|natron (sesquicarbonate of soda) mingled with sand; hamula|small hook; hamus|hook; barb of an arrow; spike; hannapus|incense boat; Hannibal|Hannibal; (Carthaginian general in 2nd Punic War); hapalus|soft-boiled; hara|pen, coop, pigsty; harena|sand, grains of sand; sandy land or desert; seashore; arena, place of contest; harenaceus|sandy; harenaria|sand pit; harenaria|sand-pit; harenarium|sand-pit; harenarius|of/pertaining to sand; or to the arena/amphitheater; [~ lapis => sandstone]; harenarius|combatant in the arena, gladiator; teacher of mathematics (figures in sand); harenatio|sanding, plastering with sand; plastering, cementing; harenatum|sand mortar; harenatus|sanded, covered/mixed with sand; harenifodina|sand-pit; harenivagus|wandering over sands; harenosum|sandy place; harenosus|sandy, containing sand (ground); harenula|fine sand; a grain of sand; haricolor|speak by divine inspiration or with second sight, prophesy, divine; (facetious?) hariola|soothsayer, prophet; (female); hariolor|utter prophecies; talk nonsense; hariolus|soothsayer, prophet; harmonia|harmony/concord; (between parts of body); melody, order of notes; coupling; harmonica|theory of music/harmony; harmonics; science of sound; harmonice|harmoniously; harmonice|theory of music/harmony; harmonics; science of sound; harmonicus|harmonious; of harmony/natural proportion; in unison; harmonic (Ecc); harmonium|harmonium; harpagatus|hooked; harpago|hook; grappling iron; harpastum|rugby; harpax|drawing to itself; rapacious; harpe|curved sword, scimitar; sickle; marine bird of prey (unidentified); harpyria|Harpy; rapacious person; harum|plants of genus arum; harundifer|reed-bearing; harundinetum|reed-bed; thicket/jungle/growth of reeds/rushes (L+S); stubble (Vulgate); harundineus|reed-, of reeds; like a reed; harundinosus|full of reeds; harundo|reed, cane, fishing rod, limed twigs for catching birds; arrow shaft; pipe; haruspex|soothsayer, diviner; inspector of entrails of victims; haruspicina|divination; haruspicinus|concerned with divination; harviga|ram for offering/sacrifice; harvix|ram for offering/sacrifice; Hasdrubal|Hasdrubal; (Carthaginian name, general brother of Hanninbal); hasisum|hashish; hasta|spear/lance/javelin; spear stuck in ground for public auction/centumviral court; hastatus|armed with spear/spears; first line of a Roman army (pl.); hastatus|spearman; soldier in unit in front of Roman battle-formation; its centurion; hastile|spear shaft; spear; cane; hastilis|on a (spear) shaft; supported by a shaft/staff; hau|not, not at all, by no means; not (as a particle); hau|oh! ow! oh dear! goodness gracious! (used by women to express consternation); haud|not, not at all, by no means; not (as a particle); hauddum|not yet; not at all as yet; haudquaquam|by no means, in no way; not at all; hauquaquam|by no means, in no way; not at all; haurio|draw up/out; drink, swallow, drain, exhaust; haustrum|pump; haustus|drink; draught; drawing (of water); haut|not, not at all, by no means; not (as a particle); have|hail!, formal expression of greetings; havens|willing, eager, anxious; covetous; haveo|hail!; (only IMP/INF); greeting/leaving; [have/ave => hail, farewell]; haveo|be eager/anxious (w/INF); desire, wish for, long after, crave; he|he; (5th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as H); hebdomada|7; group of seven; end of 7 day period; fever with 7 day period; each 7th day; hebdomada|week, seven days; Jewish week, one Sabbath to next; weekly gathering/duty rota; hebdomadarius|lasting a week; hebdomadarius|choir official serving for a week; hebdomas|7; group of seven; end of 7 day period; fever with 7 day period; each 7th day; hebdomas|week, seven days; Jewish week, one Sabbath to next; weekly gathering/duty rota; hebdomas|7; group of seven; end of 7 day period; fever with 7 day period; each 7th day; hebdomas|week, seven days; Jewish week, one Sabbath to next; weekly gathering/duty rota; hebenius|ebony-, of ebony; hebenum|ebony (wood or tree of genus Diospyrus); hebenus|ebony (wood or tree of genus Diospyrus); hebeo|be blunt; be sluggish/inactive; grow dim/faint, die down; (of feelings); hebes|blunt, dun; languid; stupid; hebesco|grow blunt or feeble; hebeto|blunt, deaden, make dull/faint/dim/torpid/inactive (light/plant/senses), weaken; hebetudo|sluggishness, sloth, inertness; dullness; dimness (color/light); feebleness; Hebraea|Hebrew/Jewish woman; Hebraeus|Hebrew, Jewish; Hebraeus|Hebrew, Jew; the Hebrews (pl.); Hebraice|Hebrew, in Hebrew, in Hebrew language; Hebraicis|Hebrew, Jewish; Hebraicus|Hebrew, Jewish; hebria|wine vessel; hecatolitrum|hectoliter; 100 hundred liters; hecatombe|hecatomb; large public sacrifice; (100 oxen/animals); sacrifice w/many victims; hecatometrum|hectometer; 100 meters; hectarea|hectare; 100 meters square; Hector|Hector; (chief Trojan hero); hedera|ivy; hederacius|ivy-; of ivy; ivy-coloured; hedonismus|hedonism; hedonisticus|hedonist; hedus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; hedychrum|fragrant ointment; Hegumen|Hegumen, Basilian monastery superior; abbot (of second class abbey); prior; hei|Ah! Woe!, oh dear, alas; (exclamation expressing anguish, grief or fear); heia|how now!, Ha, Good, see! (of joy); see!, Quick! (of urgency/astonishment); heiros|sacred/supernatural; (Greek); hejulor|wail; lament; Heli|My God; [~ ~ lemma sabacthani => My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me]; helica|winding; helicopterum|helicopter; helleborum|hellebore (plant); (considered a remedy for madness); helleborus|hellebore (plant); (considered a remedy for madness); hellenismus|Hellenism; hellenisticus|Hellenistic; helluatio|debauch; revel; gluttony, gormandizing; helluo|glutton, gourmand; squanderer; one who spends immoderately on eating; helluor|spend immoderately (eating/luxuries); be a glutton/gormandize; squander; helops|fish; (perhaps sturgeon); heluo|glutton, gourmand; squanderer; one who spends immoderately on eating; heluor|spend immoderately (eating/luxuries); be a glutton, gormandize; squander; helvella|small pot-herb; Helvetia|Switzerland; Helvetius|of/connected with the Helvetii (pl.), a people of Cen. Gaul (Switzerland); Helvetius|Helvetii (pl.), tribe in Central Gaul (Switzerland); (Caesar's "Gallic War"); helxine|prickly plant (Pliny); hem|what's that? (surprise/concern); Ah!/alas! (unhappiness); there/here! (wonder); hemera|day; hemerodromus|special courier, express; hemicillus|mule; hemicrania|migraine; hemicyclium|semicircle (of seats); hemiditonus|hemiditone, half ditone; minor third; hemina|measure of capacity; (about half a pint); heminarium|quarter pint, half hemina, quarter sextarius; vessel/present of that measure; hemiolios|one-and-a-half; consisting of three halves as much; hemisphaerion|hemisphere; half globe; hemispherical sundial; hemisphaerium|hemisphere; half globe; hemispherical sundial; hemitonion|semi-tone; interval of halftone; [foramina ~iorum => holes for catapult ropes]; hemitonium|semi-tone; interval of halftone; [foramina ~iorum => holes for catapult ropes]; hemorrhoissa|one hemorrhaging; hemorrhoissus|hemorrhaging; having flow of blood; (menstruating?); hendecasyllabus|verses consisting of eleven syllables; hendecasyllabus|verses consisting of eleven syllables (pl.); heortologia|science of feasts; hepatitis|hepatitis; heptas|seven (Greek); hepteris|galley with seven banks of oars; hera|mistress; lady of the house; woman in relation to her servants; Lady; herba|herb, grass; herbaceus|grassy; grass-colored(Pliny); herbagium|right of pasturage; herbesco|grow into blades or stalks; herbicidum|herbicide; herbidus|grassy; herbifer|full of grass or herbs; bearing magical or medicinal plants; herbipotens|skilled in herbs; herbisectrum|lawn mower; herbosus|grassy; herbula|little herb; hercisco|divide an inheritance; hercle|By Hercules!; assuredly, indeed; herctum|inheritance; [herctum ciere => to divide an inheritance]; hercule|by Hercules!; assuredly, indeed; Hercules|Hercules (Greek hero of great strength); here|yesterday; hereditarius|of inheritance; inherited, hereditary; hereditas|inheritance, possession; hereditary succession; generation; heirship; heredito|inherit; heremita|hermit, eremite; anchorite; recluse; heremiticus|solitary, secluded, recluse; living like a hermit; heremus|waste, desert; heremus|wilderness, wasteland, desert; hereo|stick, adhere, cling to; hesitate; be in difficulties (sticky situation?); heres|heir/heiress; hereticus|heretical, of heretical religious doctrines; hereticus|heretic; teacher of false doctrine (Dif); heri|yesterday; herinacius|hedgehog (of genus Erinaceus); porcupine (of genus Hystrix) (Ecc); herma|metallic bust serving as reliquary; (head of Hermes on quadrangular pillar); hermaphroditus|hermaphrodite; hermeneutica|hermeneutics; art/science of interpretation (esp. of Scripture); hermeneuticus|hermeneutic, hermeneutical; concerned w/interpretation (esp. of Scripture); Hermes|Hermes; (Greek god Hermes = Roman Mercury); herm (pillar with bust of Hermes); hermetice|hermetically; tightly; hermeticus|hermetic; air-tight; hermitonium|semi-tone; interval of halftone; [foramina ~iorum => holes for catapult ropes]; herniosus|ruptured; Herodes|Herod; (Greek name, used by ruling family of Judea); herodio|bird (unidentified); perh. stork; little owl; heron (Douay); herodius|bird (unidentified); perh. stork; little owl; heron (Douay); heroicitas|heroism; heroicus|heroic, epic; heroina|demigoddess, heroine; heroina|heroine (mythical); heroine|heroine (mythical); herois|heroine (mythical); heros|hero; demigod; heros|hero; demigod; (only sing.); herous|heroic; herus|master, lord; owner, proprietor; hesitatio|hesitation, hesitating; stammering; resolution; Hesperia|Italy, the western land; hesperius|western; Hesperus|evening-star; hesternus|of yesterday; hetaeria|society, guild, fraternity; brotherhood; hetaeriarcha|official of cofraternity; hetairia|secret society; heterogeneus|heterogeneous; heterogenia|heterogeneity; heterosexualis|heterosexual; heth|het; (8th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as CH); hethanim|Ethanim; ancient Hebrew seventh month; (meaning flowing rivers); heu|oh! ah! alas! (an expression of dismay or pain); heuristicus|heuristic; heus|hey!, ho!, ho there!, listen!; Heva|Eve; hexagonon|hexagon, six-sided figure; hexagonum|hexagon, six-sided figure; hexameter|hexameter; with six metrical feet; (of verse); hexameter|hexameter line; verse in hexameter; hexametrus|hexameter; with six metrical feet; (of verse); hexametrus|hexameter line; verse in hexameter; hexapeda|height (measure of length); hexaphorum|six-man litter; hexas|six (Greek); hexeris|galley with six banks of oars; hiacinthina|amethyst; dark-colored precious stone; hiacinthinus|of/belonging to hyacinth; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purple; hiatus|opening/cleft/fissure/split/crevice; (maybe rude); chasm; wideopen jaw/expanse; hiatus|hiatus; action of gaping/yawning/splitting open; greedy desire (for w/GEN); hibernaculum|winter quarters; hibernalis|wintry; stormy, of/for winter time/rainy season; Hibernia|Ireland; hiberno|spend the winter; be in winter quarters; hibernum|winter camp (pl.); winter quarters; hibernus|wintry; stormy, of/for winter time/rainy season; [hiberno => in winter]; Hibernus|Irishman; the Irish (pl.); hibiscum|marsh mallow; (Althea officinalis); (shrubby herb, grows near salt marshes); hibiscus|marsh mallow; (Althea officinalis); (shrubby herb, grows near salt marshes); hibix|ibex; wild goat (Douay/KJames); hibrida|hybrid; hic|here, in this place; in the present circumstances; hic|this; these (pl.); (also DEMONST); hiemalis|wintry; stormy; of/for winter time/rainy season; hiemans|stormy, raging; wintry; frozen, cold; hiemo|winter, pass the winter, keep winter quarters; be wintry/frozen/stormy; hiemps|winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather; hiems|winter, winter time; rainy season; cold, frost; storm, stormy weather; hiera|drawn contest; (the prize being awarded to a god); hierarcha|bishop; hierarch, member of hierarchy; hierarchia|hierarchy; governing body of Church; hierarchicus|hierarchal; concerning/belonging to/coming from holy authority/hierarchy; hieraticus|hieratic, pertaining to sacred uses; Hieremias|Jeremiah; (Hebrew prophet); book of Bible); Hiericuntinus|of/from/pertaining to Jericho; (city in Palestine); (Hebrew); Hiericus|Jericho; (city in Palestine); (Hebrew); hieroglyphum|hieroglyph; hieronica|winner in (religious festival) games; Hieronymus|Jerome; (St., 340-420, Doctor of the Church, produced Vulgate Bible); Hierosolimitanus|of Jerusalem; Hierosolyma|Jerusalem (Hebrew); Hierosolymum|Jerusalem (pl.) (Hebrew); hierotheca|reliquary; Hierurgia|Mess, liturgy, sacred rite; hierus|sacred/supernatural; [hiera botane => vervain, medicinal/sacred plant]; Hierusalem|Jerusalem (Hebrew); hilaresco|be/become cheerful/joyful; hilaris|cheerful, lively, light-hearted; hilarisco|be/become cheeerful/joyful; hilaritas|cheerfulness, lightheartedness; Hilarium|Hilarian feast (pl.), Feast of the Hilaria (Joy/Cybele/Great Mother) 25 March; Hilarius|Hilary; (St./Bishop of Poitiers, ~300-368, "De Trinitate", "De Synodis"); hilaro|cheer, gladden; give cheerful appearance to; hilarulus|gay, cheerful; hilarus|cheerful, lively, light-hearted; hilum|trifle; (with negative) not a whit, not in the least; hin|hin (Hebrew liquid measure, little less than 5 liters); (Vulgate Exodus 29:40); hinc|from here, from this source/cause; hence, henceforth; Hinduismus|Hinduism; hinnio|neigh; hinnitus|neighing; hinnuleus|fawn; young of the deer; hinnulus|hinny (offspring of she-ass and stallion OLD); fawn; roe deer (KJames); hinnus|mule; hinulus|hinny (offspring of she-ass and stallion OLD); fawn; roe deer (KJames); hio|be wide open, gape; be greedy for; be open-mouthed (with astonishment, etc); hippagogus|transports (pl.) for cavalry; Hippo|Hippo (town in north Africa); hippocampus|sea-horse; hippocentaurus|centaur; hippodromos|hippodrome racecourse; hippomanes|discharge of mares in heat; (used for love potion); plant to put mares in heat; hippomanes|small black membrane on forehead of foal; (for love potion/to arouse passion); Hipponensis|of/from Hippo (town in north Africa); hippotoxota|mounted archers (pl.); hippurus|fish, perhaps goldfish; hippurus|gilt-head fish; hircinus|of a goat; goat-like; hircus|he-goat; hirnea|jug; hernia/rupture; (esp. enlarged scrotum as result of scrotal hernia); hirneacus|having hernia/rupture/enlarged scrotum; hirneosus|having hernia/rupture/enlarged scrotum; hirniacus|having hernia/rupture/enlarged scrotum; hirniosus|having hernia/rupture/enlarged scrotum; hirsutus|rough, shaggy, hairy, bristly, prickly; rude; hirtus|hairy/shaggy, covered with hair/wool; thick growth (plants); rough/unpolished; hirudo|leech; hirundininus|swallow-; of swallows; hirundo|swallow; martin; small bird; flying fish; hisco|(begin to) open, gape; open the mouth to speak; hisopum|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); hisopus|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); Hispane|in Spanish manner; Hispania|Spain; Spanish peninsula; Hispanus|Spanish, of Spain; hispidus|rough, shaggy, hairy; bristly; dirty; hissopum|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); hissopus|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); historia|history; account; story; historialis|historical; historialiter|historically; historicus|historical; historiographus|history-writer; histriatus|chamfered/fluted/grooved (Douay); w/knobs/bosses/studs/protuberances (K.James); histricus|of actors; histrio|actor; performer in pantomime; histronia|dramatic art; assume character of actor; hiulcus|gaping, having the mouth wide open, insatiable, greedy; cracked; disconnected; hocceus|hockey; hocusque|to this degree/pitch; hodie|today, nowadays; at the present time; hodiernus|today's, of/belonging to today; present, existing now; [~ die => on this day]; hoedilla|little kid/goat (female); hoedillus|little kid/goat; (term of endearment); hoedinus|kid's, of a kid; hoedulus|little kid, little young goat; hoedus|kid, young goat; two stars in constellation Auriga (Charioteer), "The Kid"; holisatrum|HOLISATR; (some kind of foodstuff, eg herb); holitorius|of herbs; [w/forum => vegetable market]; holocaustoma|whole burnt offering, sacrifice wholly consumed by fire; holocaust; (Hebrew); holocaustosis|whole burnt offering, sacrifice wholly consumed by fire; holocaust; (Hebrew); holocaustosis|whole burnt offering, sacrifice wholly consumed by fire; holocaust; (Hebrew); holocaustum|whole burnt offering, sacrifice wholly consumed by fire; holocaust; (Hebrew); holocautom|whole burnt offering, sacrifice wholly consumed by fire; holocaust; (Hebrew); holosericum|silk; velvet; holosericus|all silk, made entirely of silk; (Erasmus); holoverus|quite real; wholly of purple; holus|vegetables; cabbage, turnips, greens; kitchen/pot herbs; edible grass (Cal); holusculum|vegetables (in depreciatory sense); homagium|homage; homicida|murderer, homicide; killer of men (applied to epic heroes); homicidium|homicide, murder; homileticum|homiletics (pl.); art of preaching; homileticus|of homilies; of preaching; homilia|homily; homiliarium|collection of homilies; homo|man, human being, person, fellow; [novus homo => nouveau riche]; homoeoteleuton|like-ending; rhyme; homogeneitas|homogeneity; homogeneus|homogeneous; homogium|homage; homographus|autograph; entirely autograph, wholly written by one's own hand; homoiousius|similar, resembling, of like substance; homologus|counterpart; homologue; homoousius|consubstantial, of same subtance; homosexualis|homosexual (person); homosexualis|homosexual; homosexualitas|homosexuality; homullus|little man, manikin; homuncio|little man, manikin; Homuncionita|Homuncionite (pl.); (Christian sect considering Jesus as man only); homunculus|little man, manikin; honestas|honor, integrity, honesty; wealth (Plater); honeste|honorably; decently; honesto|honor (with); adorn, grace; honestor|be earnest/serious/grave; honestus|distinguished, reputable, respected, honorable, upright, honest; worthy; honor|honor; respect/regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity/grace; public office; honorabilis|honorific, conferring honor; honored; honorable, that procures honor/esteem; honorabiliter|honorably; honorarium|stipend; honorarium; reimbursement; honorarius|complimentary, supplied voluntarily; honorate|honorably, with honor; in honorable fashion; decently (Ecc); nobly; honoratus|honored/respected/esteemed/distinguished; honorable; conferring honor; honorificatus|honorable; that does honor; conferring honor; honorifice|honorably; respectfully; with honor/respect; honorificentia|honoring; doing of honor; honorifico|honor; do honor to; confer honor; honorificus|honorific; that does honor; conferring/showing honor; Honorius|Honorius; (Emperor Flavius Honorius 395-423); honoro|respect, honor; honorus|conferring honor; honos|honor; respect/regard; mark of esteem, reward; dignity/grace; public office; hoplomachus|gladiator; hora|hour; time; season; [Horae => Seasons]; horalis|hourly; horarium|daily schedule; horarius|pertaining to hours; timely )Cal); horarius|timetable; hordeaceus|barley-, of/connected to barley; hordeacius|barley-, of/connected to barley; hordearius|barley-, of/connected to barley; [~ pira => pears ripening w/barley]; hordeum|barley (the plant or the grain from it); barley-corn; hordiaceus|barley-, of/connected to barley; (used as term of contempt); hordiacius|barley-, of/connected to barley; (used as term of contempt); hordiarius|barley-, of/connected to barley; [~ pira => pears ripening w/barley]; Horeb|Sinai, Horeb; (mountain of Moses and burning bush); horia|small fishing boat; horizon|horizon; line on celestial sphere corresponding to horizon; horizontalis|horizontal; horizontaliter|horizontally; horminum|clary-herb; sage (Pliny); hormonum|hormone; hornotinus|of this year, this year's; hornus|this year's; born/produced in the current year; horologiarius|watchmaker; horologion|horologion (in Eastern Church, book of prayers/hymns for daily hours); horologium|clock, sundial; horoma|vision; horrendus|horrible, dreadful, terrible; horreo|dread, shrink from, shudder at; stand on end, bristle; have rough appearance; horresco|dread, become terrified; bristle up; begin to shake/tremble/shudder/shiver; horreum|storehouse; barn; horribilis|awful, horrible, terrible; monstrous; rough; horridulus|somewhat rough, unadorned; horridus|wild, frightful, rough, bristly, standing on end, unkempt; grim; horrible; horrifer|awful, horrible, dreadful; frightening, chilling, exciting terror; horrificus|awful, horrible, dreadful; frightening, chilling, exciting terror; horripilatio|bristling (of hair); horripilo|become bristly/hairy; be shaggy (L+S); shudder/shake (Sou); pierce (Douay); horrisonus|sounding dreadfully; horror|shivering, dread, awe rigidity (from cold, etc); hortalitium|garden; hortamen|encouragement; hortamentum|exhortation, encouragement, incitement; hortatio|encouragement; exhortation; hortativus|of encouragement; hortator|inciter; encourager, exhorter; urger (sight/sound) of horses in chariot races; hortatorius|cheering, comforting; encouraging; hortatus|encouragement, urging; hortensis|grown in gardens; belonging to/in a garden; hortensium|garden herb; hortensius|grown in gardens; belonging to/in a garden; Hortius|Horace/Horatio; (Roman gens name); (H. Cocles held bridge; Q. H~ Flaccus, poet); Hortius|Horace/Horatio; Roman gens; (H. Cocles held bridge) (Q. H~ Flaccus, poet); hortor|encourage; cheer; incite; urge; exhort; hortulanus|gardener; hortulus|small/little garden; park (pl.); pleasure grounds; hortus|garden, fruit/kitchen garden; pleasure garden; park (pl.); Hosanna|Hosanna, "God save", a cry of praise (Hebrew); Hosianna|Hosanna, "God save", a cry of praise (Hebrew); hospes|of relation between host and guest; that hosts; that guests; foreign, alien; hospes|host; guest, visitor, stranger; soldier in billets; one who billets soldiers; hospita|female guest; hostess, wife of host; landlady; stranger, alien; hospitale|hospital; guesthouse, guestroom; hospitalis|of or for a guest; hospitable; hospitalitas|hospitality, entertainment of guests; hospitaliter|in a hospitable manner; hospitium|hospitality, entertainment; lodging; guest room/lodging; inn; hospito|play/act as host; offer hospitality; put up guests/lodgers; hospitor|be a guest; lodge; stay; put up as a guest/lodger; hospitus|hospitable/harboring, affording hospitality; received as guest; foreign/alien; hostia|victim, sacrifice; sacrificial offering/animal; hostiaria|vessel for hosts (consecrated bread/wafers); hosticus|of or belonging to an enemy, hostile; hostilis|hostile, enemy; of/belonging to an enemy; involving/performed by an enemy; hostilitas|hostility, enmity; hostiliter|in an unfriendly/hostile way, in the manner of an enemy; hostimentum|compensation, requital; hostio|requite, recompense; hostis|enemy (of the state); stranger, foreigner; the enemy (pl.); HS|sesterce (abb.), 2 1/2 asses; (IIS/HS = one+one+semi); hu|what (Hebrew); (food from God for wandering Jews); [man hu => what is this]; huc|here, to this place; to this point; huccine|so far; to this point; hucusque|thus far, to this point, up to this time; hitherto; to this extent; hue|hither, to the person speaking/indicated; so far, to this point/place/degree; hui|whee!, wow!; sound of surprise or approbation not unlike "whee"; humanismus|humanism; humanista|humanist; humanisticus|humanist; humanistic; humanitarius|humanitarian; humanitas|human nature/character/feeling; kindness/courtesy; culture/civilization; humaniter|reasonably, moderately; in manner becoming a man; in kindly/friendly manner; humanitus|kindly, reasonably; moderately; in manner becoming man; in the way of humans; humano|make human; (in PASSIVE of the incarnation of Christ); humanum|human affairs (pl.), concerns of men; events of life; humanus|human; kind; humane, civilized, refined; [~ hostiae => human sacrifice]; humecto|moisten; humectus|moist; humens|moist, wet; humerale|cape, protective shoulder cover; outer robe; ecclesiastic humeral; amice; humerulus|side; humerus|upper arm, shoulder; humi|on/to the ground; humicubatio|humicubation, lying on ground as penance; humiditas|lowness (status/position/rank); shortness; insignificance, unimportance; humiditas|degradation, debasement; humiliation; submissiveness, subservience; humility; humidum|swamp; humidus|damp, moist, dank, wet, humid; humiliatio|humiliation, humbling; humilio|humble; abase; humiliate (Def); humilis|low, lowly, small, slight, base, mean, humble, obscure, poor, insignificant; humilitas|insignificance/unimportance/degradation/debasement/humiliation; commonplaceness; humilitas|lowness (position/rank); shortness; humbleness; submissiveness; humility (Bee); humiliter|abjectly, in a submissive manner; low, at low elevation; humbly, meanly (Cas); humo|inter, bury; humor|fluid, liquid, moisture, humor; [Bacchi ~ => wine]; humus|ground, soil, earth, land, country; hundredum|hundred (name of land area or court); hutesium|pursuit; hue and cry; hyacinthina|amethyst; dark-colored precious stone; hyacinthinus|of/belonging to hyacinth; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purple; hyacinthos|iris; (prob. not hyacinth); sapphire; blue-dyed cloth (Souter); hyacinthus|iris; (prob. not hyacinth); sapphire; blue-dyed cloth (Souter); hyaena|hyena; hyalus|glass; Hyas|five stars (pl.) in Taurus associated with rainy weather; hybernalis|wintry; stormy, of/for winter time/rainy season; hybrida|hybrid; hydolatria|idolatry; (JFW guess); hydolum|idol; (JFW guess); hydoneus|innocent; unchallengeable; court-worthy; authentic; hydoneus|suitable, fit, proper; sufficient for, able; (JFW guess); hydra|water-serpent, snake; hydrargyrus|mercury; hydraulicus|hydraulic; hydraulus|water organ; hydria|water-pot; (esp. ornamental and used for temple offerings); hydrocarboneum|hydrocarbon; hydrogenium|hydrogen; hydrographia|hydrography; hydrographicus|hydrographic; hydrologicus|hydrologic; hydromel|mead; honey-water; (beverage of fermented honey and water); hydromel; hydromel|mead; honey-water; (beverage of fermented honey and water); hydromel; hydromeli|mead; honey-water; (beverage of fermented honey and water); hydromel; hydromellum|mead; honey-water; (beverage of fermented honey and water); hydromel; wort; hydropicus|dropsical, suffering from dropsy; hydropisis|dropsy; hydroplanum|seaplane; hydrops|dropsy; hydrops|dropsy; hydrosphaera|hydrosphere; hydrostatica|hydrostatic; hydrostaticus|hydrostatic; hydrus|water-snake; snake; the constellation Hydra; hygiena|hygiene; hygienicus|hygienic; hygrologia|hydrology; hygrometrum|hygrometer; hylomorphismus|theory of matter and form in Scholastic philosophy; Hymen|Greek wedding chant/refrain; (personified as a god); marriage, wedding, match; Hymenaeos|Greek wedding chant/refrain; (personified as a god); marriage, wedding, match; Hymenaeus|Greek wedding chant/refrain; (personified as a god); marriage, wedding, match; hymera|day; hymnarium|hymnal, collection of hymns, hymn-book; hymnicus|of hymns; hymnizo|sing hymns; worship in song; hymnodia|singing of hymns; hymnologion|hymnal, hymn-book (in Greek rite); hymnus|hymn; hyoscyamus|henbane; (annual herb Hyoscyamus niger); hypaethros|open temple; hypaethrum|open building; hypaethrus|uncovered; hypallage|rhetorical figure; interchanged relations between things; hypate|bass string (instrument); lowest note of tetrachord; notes of lowest tetrachord; hypaton|deepest/lowest string/note; (of tetrachord); hyperbaton|transposition of words; hyperbola|hyperbole (math.); hyperbolaeos|notes/strings in highest pitch tetrachord; highest tetrachord in 2-octave scale; hyperbolaeus|extreme; hyperbole|exaggeration, hyperbole, overstatement; hyperboleus|notes/strings in highest pitch tetrachord; highest tetrachord in 2-octave scale; hyperbolice|excessively; hyperbolically; with exaggeration; hyperbolicus|excessive, overstrained, hyperbolical/hyperbolic; insolent (Latham); hypercatalectus|faulty verse; verse ending in syllable; verse with one extra foot; hyperdulia|superior veneration; veneration due Blessed Virgin Mary; hypermetricus|over/exceeding a meter; hypertrophia|hypertrophy; enlargement of part/organ, excessive growth/development; hypnosis|hypnosis; hypnotismus|hypnotism; hypnotista|hypnotist; hypnotizo|hypnotize; hypocauston|system of hot-air channels for heating baths; hypocaustum|system of hot-air channels for heating baths; room heated from below; (Erasmus); hypochondria|hypochondria; hypochondriacus|hypochondriac; hypocrisis|hypocrisy, pretended sanctity; mimicry, imitation of speech/gestures; hypocrita|actor; mime accompanying actor's delivery w/gestures (L+S); hypocrite; hypocrites|actor; mime accompanying actor's delivery w/gestures (L+S); hypocrite; hypodiaconus|subdeacon; hypodiaconxus|subdeacon; (Erasmus); hypodidascalus|under-teacher, under-master; hypodorius|hypodorian (scale in music); type of music; hypogaeum|crypt; vault; underground chamber/room; hypogeum|crypt; vault; underground chamber/room; hypogeus|underground; hypolydius|hypolydian (scale in music); type of music; hypomnema|memorandum, note; hypophrygius|hypophrygian (scale in music); type of music; hypostasis|basis, foundation; single substance; rational single substance, person; Hypostasis|Substance; Person of the Trinity; hypostaticus|hypostatic, pertaining to the person; hypotenusa|hypotenuse; hypotheca|security for a loan or debt; hypothecarius|concerning security for loan/debt; [actio ~=>suit on claim to property pledged]; hypotheco|mortgage; hypothesis|hypothesis; hypotheticus|hypothetical; hypotheticus|hypothetician; mathematician who proceeds hypothetically; hypozonium|underskirt; hyrax|hyrax, rock badger, rock rabbit; (previously classified as Rodentia); hysginum|dark-red dye (Pliny); hysopum|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); hysopus|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); hyssopum|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); hyssopus|aromatic herb; (perh. various species of origanum); Hyssopus officinalis (L+S); hysteria|hysteria; hystericus|hysterical; hysterologia|hysteron proteron, preposterous rhetorical figure, last phrase comes first; iacinthina|amethyst; dark-colored precious stone; iacinthinus|of/belonging to hyacinth; hyacinth-colored/violet/blue/sapphire/purple; iambeus|iambic, composed of iambi; iambicus|iambic, composed of iambi; iambicus|writer of iambic (satiric) verse; iambus|iambus, metrical foot (one short-one long); iambic trimeter (as invective); ianus|arcade, covered passage; ibex|ibex; (species of wild mountain goat w/large ridged recurved diverging horns); ibi|there, in that place; thereupon; ibidem|in that very place; at that very instant; ibis|ibis; (sacred Egyptian bird); ibis|ibis; (sacred Egyptian bird); ibis|ibis; (sacred Egyptian bird); ibiscum|marsh mallow; (Althea officinalis); (shrubby herb, grows near salt marshes); ibix|ibex; (species of wild mountain goat w/large ridged recurved diverging horns); ichneumon|ichneumon; parasitic fly; [Herpestes ichneumon => weasel-like Egyptian animal]; ichnographia|plan (drawing); ichnographice|planned; with aid of plan; icio|hit, strike; smite, stab, sting; [foedus ~ => conclude/make a treaty, league]; ico|hit, strike; smite, stab, sting; [foedus ~ => conclude/make a treaty, league]); icon|giving an exact image (of work of art); life-size (L+S); of an image; iconastasis|iconostasis, partition separating sanctuary from body of Greek church; iconismus|specification of identifying marks on person; representation by image; imagery; Iconoclasta|Iconoclast; image-breaker; one who opposes veneration of images; Iconomachus|Iconoclasts (pl.); those who oppose veneration of images; icosaedron|icosahedron; (solid figure with 20 sides); ictericus|jaundiced; ictus|blow, stroke; musical/metrical beat; measure (music); Id|Ides (pl.), abb. Id.; 15th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 13th elsewhen; idcirco|on that account; therefore; idea|idea; eternal prototype (Platonic philosophy); idealismus|idealism; idealista|idealist; idealisticus|idealistic; ideirco|therefore, for that reason; idem|(w/-dem ONLY, idem, eadem, idem) same, the same, the very same, also; identicus|identical; identidem|repeatedly; again and again, continually; identificatio|identification; identifico|identify; identitas|identity?; IDENTITAT; ideo|therefore, for the reason that, for that reason; ideologia|ideology; ideologicus|ideological; idioma|idiom; idiota|ignorant/uneducated man; idipsum|together; forthwith; completely; that very thing; [~ sapere => be of one mind]; Idithum|Idithun (Hebrew); choir leader idolatra|idolater, idol worshipper; idolatres|idolater, idol worshipper; idolatria|idolater, idol worshipper; idolatria|idolatry, idol worship; idoleum|idol-temple; idolatry, paganism (Souter); idolicus|of/belonging to idols/image of pagan god, idol-; idolatrous; heretical; pagan; idolium|idol-temple, temple for an idol/pagan god; idolatry, paganism (Souter); idololatres|idolater, idol worshipper; idololatria|idolatry, idol worship; idololatricus|sacrificed to idols; idololatrio|worship an idol; idololatris|idolatress, idol worshipper (female); idololatrix|sacrificed to idols; idolon|specter, apparition; image, form; idol (eccl.), image of pagan god; idolothyton|food offered to idols; something sacrificed to idols/images of false/pagan gods; idolothytum|food offered to idols; something sacrificed to idols/images of false/pagan gods; idolothytus|of/pertaining to sacrifices to idols; concerning idolatry (Souter); idolotitum|something that has been sacrificed to idols/images of false/pagan gods; idolum|specter, apparition; image, form; E:idol, image of pagan god; idolum|idol-temple; idolatry, paganism (Souter); fetish (Cal); idonee|suitably; satisfactorily, in a satisfactory manner; appropriately; adequately; idoneus|suitable, appropriate, adequate, having right qualities; qualified, able; apt; idoneus|substantial, solvent; having money to meet obligations, backed by resources; idos|form; visible aspect of object; Idus|Ides (pl.), abb. Id.; 15th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 13th elsewhen; iens|going; (PRES PPL of eo); igitur|therefore (postpositive), so/then; consequently; accordingly; well/in that case; ignarus|ignorant; unaware, having no experience of; senseless; strange; Ignatius|Ignatius; ignavia|idleness, laziness; faintheartedness; ignavus|lazy/idle/sluggish; spiritless; cowardly, faint-hearted; ignoble, mean; useless; ignesco|take fire, kindle; become inflamed (with passion); igneus|fiery, hot; ardent; igniculus|little fire, flame, spark; ignifer|bearing or containing fire; ignigena|born of fire; ignio|ignite; make red-hot; ignipes|fiery-footed; ignipotens|god/ruler of fire, potent in fire; applied to Vulcan; ignis|fire, brightness; passion, glow of passion; ignistitium|cease-fire; ignitabulum|lighter; ignitus|containing fire; ignobilis|ignoble; unknown, obscure; of low birth; ignobilitas|obscurity, want of fame; low birth; ignominia|disgrace, ignominy, dishonor; ignominiosus|disgraced; disgraceful; ignorans|ignorant (of), unaware, not knowing; ignorant of Christian truth (Souter); ignoranter|ignorantly; unintentionally/not knowingly, unconsciously (Souter); unexpectedly; ignorantia|ignorance; lack of knowledge; absence of data on which to make judgment; ignorantio|ignorance; lack of knowledge; absence of data on which to make judgment; ignoratio|ignorance; lack of knowledge; absence of data on which to make judgment; ignoro|not know; be unfamiliar with; disregard; ignore; be ignorant of; ignosco|pardon, forgive (with DAT); ignotus|unknown, strange; unacquainted with, ignorant of; IIvir|two man board/court (usu. pl.); (equip fleet/build temple); member thereof; IIvir|special criminal court; keepers of Sibylline books; colony chief magistrates; ile|groin, private parts; side of body from hips to groin (pl.), loin; guts; ilex|holm-oak, great scarlet oak, tree or wood; its acorn; iliacus|colicky; iliacus|colic-sufferer; ilicet|you may go/off with you; it's over; at once; [~ malam crucem => to Hell with]; ilico|on the spot; immediately; ilict|you may go, off with you (dismissal); it's all over/up (dismay); at once; iligneus|oaken; of helm oak; ilignus|of the holm-oak, great scarlet oak, or its wood; Ilion|Ilium, Troy; illabor|slide/glide/flow (into), move smoothly; fall/sink (on to); illaboro|work (at); (w/DAT); illac|that way; illacrimabilis|unlamented; inexorable; illacrimo|weep over/at (with DAT); shed tears; water (eyes); illacrimor|weep over/at (with DAT); shed tears; water (eyes); illaesus|uninjured; inviolate; illaetabilis|joyless; illaqueo|take in a snare; ensnare, entangle; illatebro|hide in a corner; illatinismus|bad Latin; illatinus|bad Latin-writing; illatio|bring in; burial; stuffing (w/food); conclusion; assumption; payment (fine); illatio|contribution/pension; tribute/tax; offering/sacrifice; petition; offer (oath); illatro|bark; ille|that; those (pl.); also DEMONST; that person/thing; the well known; the former; illecebra|allurement, enticement, means of attraction; incitement; enticement by magic; illecebrosus|very enticing; seductive; illecto|entice, attract, allure; illegalis|illegal; illegitima|female bastard; illegitimus|bastard; illepidus|lacking grace or refinement; illex|lawless, obeying no laws; illex|false, fraudulent; illex|one who entices/allures; decoy; illibatus|intact, undiminished, kept/left whole/entire; unimpaired; illiberalis|ill-bred, ignoble, unworthy/unsuited to free man; niggardly/mean/ungenerous; illiberalitas|stinginess, meanness, lack of generosity; illiberaliter|stingily, meanly, ungenerously; in manner unworthy of free man; illic|in that place, there, over there; illicio|allure, entice; illicitus|forbidden, unlawful, illicit; illico|immediately; on the spot, in that very place; illido|strike/beat/dash/push against/on; injure by crushing; drive (teeth into); illigo|bind, fasten, tie up; illim|thence, from there; from that place/source/quarter; illinc|there, in that place, on that side; from there; illinio|smear on; spread on; besmear; illino|smear over; anoint; illiteratus|unlettered; illiterate; (illitteratus); illitteratissimus|unlettered; illiterate; unwritten; illo|there, thither, to that place/point; illoc|there, thither, to that place/point/topic; [hoc ..~ => this way and that]; illotus|unwashed; dirty; illuc|there, thither, to that place/point; illuceo|illuminate, shine on; illucesco|begin to dawn; illudo|mock, ridicule, speak mockingly of; fool, dupe; use for sexual pleasure; illuminatio|glory, illustriousness; enlightening (Ecc); lighting/illumination; illuminator|illuminator; illumino|illuminate; color; illumino|illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal/throw light on; brighten (w/color); illunius|moonless; illusio|irony; mocking, jeering; illusion; deceit; illusor|scoffer; mocker; illusorius|ironical; of a scoffer/mocking character; illustre|with clarity; clearly, distinctly, perspicuously (L+S); illustris|bright, shining, brilliant; clear, lucid; illustrious, distinguished, famous; Illustris|Illustrious, title of highest officers of late empire; (above Spectabiles); illustro|illuminate, light up; give glory; embellish; make clear, elucidate; enlighten; illutus|unwashed; dirty; illuvies|dirt, filth; filthy condition; illyricianus|Illyrian; from Illyricum/NE Adriatic/Dalmatia/Croatia/Albania; Illyricum|Illyricum; territory NE of Adriatic; Slovenia/Croatia region, Dalmatia/Albania; ilum|groin, private parts; area from hips to groin (pl.), loin; guts/entrails; imaginarius|imaginary; imaginatio|imagination, fancy; imaginativus|imaginative; imaginor|imagine, conceive, picture to oneself; imago|likeness, image, appearance; statue; idea; echo; ghost, phantom; imaguncula|small image; statuette; imbecillis|weak/feeble; delicate (plant); fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources; imbecillitas|weakness, feebleness; moral/intellectual weakness; imbecillus|weak/feeble; delicate (plant); fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources; imbellis|unwarlike; not suited or ready for war; imber|rain, shower, storm; shower of liquid/snow/hail/missiles; water (in general); imberbis|beardless; imberbus|beardless; imbibo|drink in, imbibe; assimilate; absorb into one's mind, conceive; imbito|enter;; go into; imbrex|tile; imbrifer|rain-bringing, rainy; imbuo|wet, soak, dip; give initial instruction (in); imitabilis|that may be imitated; imitamen|imitation; copy; imitamentum|imitating, imitation; imitatio|imitation, copy, mimicking; imitator|one who imitates or copies; imitatrix|female imitator; imito|imitate/copy/mimic; follow; make an imitation/reproduction; resemble; simulate; imitor|imitate/copy/mimic; follow; make an imitation/reproduction; resemble; simulate; immaculabilis|that cannot be stained; unable to be stained/blemished/defiled; immaculatus|immaculate/unstained/spotless/without blemish; undefiled/pure/chaste; blameless; immadesco|become wet or moist; immanis|huge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightful; immanitas|brutality, savage character, frightfulness; huge/vast size; barbarity; monster; immansuetus|savage; immarcescibilis|unfading; unwithering; immaterialis|immaterial; immaturus|unripe, immature, untimely; immediatus|absolute (contraries), non-mediated; next; immedicabilis|incurable; immemor|forgetful (by nature); lacking memory; heedless (of obligations/consequences); immemorabilis|unmentionable; indescribable; immemoratio|forgetfulness, unmindfulness; immemoratum|things (pl.) not told/related; things not mentioned; immemoratus|unmentioned; hitherto untold; not yet related, new (L+S); immensum|to an enormous extent/degree; immensurabilis|immeasurable; immensus|immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable; immerens|undeserving (of ill treatment), blameless; immergo|dip; plunge; (se immergere (with in + acc.) = to plunge into, to insinuate; immerito|unjustly; without cause; immeritus|undeserving; undeserved, unmerited; immersabilis|unsinkable, that cannot be sunk; immetatus|unmeasured; immigratio|immigration; immigro|move (into); immineo|threaten, be a threat (to); overhang, be imminent; with DAT; imminuo|diminish; impair; abbreviate (Col); immisceo|mix in, mingle; confuse; immiserabilis|unpitied; immisericorditer|unmercifully; immisericors|unmerciful; immissarium|reservoir; immissio|insertion/engrafting, action of putting/sending in, of allowing to enter; immistrum|unit (of electricity); immistus|mixed; unmixed; (= immixtus); immitis|cruel, rough, harsh, sour; rude, rough; severe, stern; inexorable; savage; immitto|send in/to/into/against; cause to go; insert; hurl/throw in; let go/in; allow; immixtus|mixed; unmixed; (vpar of immisceo = mixed; late ADJ form = unmixed); immo|no indeed (contradiction); on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more; immobilis|immovable; immobile; fixed/unalterable; unmoving/motionless/unchanging; immobilis|unwieldy/cumbersome; imperturbable/emotionally unmoved; steadfast; slow to act; immobilitas|insensibility (is/can not be moved); firmness/constancy/steadfastness; inertia; immobiliter|immovably, without movement; changelessly, unalterably, constantly, fixedly; immoderatio|excess; immoderatus|unlimited, immoderate, disorderly; immodeste|extravagantly; immodestia|want of restraint; immodestus|unrestrained, extravagant; immodicus|beyond measure, immoderate, excessive; immodulatus|inharmonious; immolaticius|of/for a sacrifice; immolatitius|of/for a sacrifice; immolitus|built up, erected; immolo|sacrifice, offer (victim) in sacrifice; sprinkle with sacred meal; immolate; immorior|die (in a particular place, position, etc) (w/DAT); immorsus|bitten, stimulated; immortalifico|immortalize; immortalis|immortal, god; immortalis|immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable; immortalitas|immortality; divinity, being a god; indestructibility; permanence; remembrance; immotus|unmoved, unchanged; immovable; inflexible; immugio|bellow; resound inwardly; roar in/on; immulatio|offering; immunditia|dirtiness/untidiness; foulness (moral); lust/wantonness; dirty conditions (pl.); immundus|dirty, filthy, foul; (morally); unclean, impure; untidy/slovenly/squalid; evil; immunio|strengthen (garrison); immunis|free from taxes/tribute, exempt; immune; immunitas|immunity, freedom from taxes; immunitus|unfortified; unpaved; immunius|unfortified; immurmuro|murmur, mutter (at or to); immusulus|immusul; vulture or falcon or sea-eagle; disputed in ancient times; immutabilis|unchangeable/unalterable; (rarely) liable to be changed; immutatio|change, alteration, process of changing; substitution/replacement; immutilatus|maimed; mutilated; L:unmutilated; immuto|change, alter, transform; imo|no indeed (contradiction); on the contrary, more correctly; indeed, nay more; imp|emperor (abb.); general; ruler; commander (-in-chief); impacatus|not pacified; impaciencia|impatience; inability/unwillingness to endure/bear; impassivity/lack of emotion; impacificus|not peaceful, not inclined to peace; impages|crosspiece; batten (on door, etc.); framework/border around panel of door; impar|unequal (size/number/rank/esteem); uneven, odd; inferior; not a match (for); imparatus|not prepared; unready; imparilitas|inequality; difference; impartio|bestow, impart, give a share (of); communicate (w/DAT); (=impertio); impassibilis|passionless; incapable of passion/suffering; insensible; impassibilitas|incapacity for suffering, impassibility; apathy, insensibility (Def); impassibiliter|without passion; impastus|unfed, hungry; impatiencia|impatience; inability/unwillingness to endure/bear; impassivity/lack of emotion; impatiens|impatient/intolerant (of); not moved to action by feeling; unbearable; impatientia|impatience; inability/unwillingness to endure/bear; impassivity/lack of emotion; impavidus|fearless, intrepid; impedimentum|hindrance, impediment; heavy baggage (of an army) (pl.); impedio|hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, prevent from (w/ne, quin, or quominus); impeditus|hindered/obstructed/encumbered/hampered; difficult/impeded; inaccessible; impello|drive/persuade/impel; urge on/action; push/thrust/strike against; overthrow; impendeo|overhang, hang over; threaten; be imminent, impend; (w/DAT); impendium|expense, expenditure, payment; cost, outlay; impendo|expend, spend; devote (to); impenetrabilis|impenetrable; impensa|expense, outlay, cost; impense|without stint; lavishly, exceedingly, greatly, very much; eagerly, zealously; impensus|immoderate, excessive; imperator|emperor; general; ruler; commander (-in-chief); imperatorius|of/belonging to a general/commanding officer; imperial; imperatum|command, order; imperceptibilis|imperceptible; imperceptus|unperceived; impercussus|not struck; imperditus|not slain; undestroyed; imperfectio|imperfection; imperfectus|unfinished, incomplete; imperfect; not complete in every respect; undigested; imperfossus|unpierced; unstabbed; imperialis|imperial; of the (Roman) emperor; imperialismus|imperialism; imperialista|imperialistic; imperialisticus|imperialistic; imperiosus|powerful, domineering, masterful; dictatorial, imperious; imperitia|inexperience, ignorance; imperito|command, govern; imperitus|unskilled, inexperienced (in); unfamiliar, ignorant (of) (w/GEN); imperium|command; authority; rule, supreme power; the state, the empire; imperiuratus|by which no one swears falsely; impermissus|forbidden; impermutabilis|unchangeable; impero|order, command, levy; rule (over) (w/DAT); imperscrutabilis|impenetrable; inscrutable; impersonalis|impersonal; imperterritus|fearless; impertio|bestow, impart, give a share (of); communicate (w/DAT); imperturbabilis|undisturbable; cannot be disturbed; imperturbatus|undisturbed, calm; impervius|impassable, not to be traversed; impetibilis|insufferable; impetiginosus|suffering from impetigo; (pustular skin disease, scaly skin eruption); impetigo|impetigo; (pustular skin disease, scaly skin eruption); (also on bark of fig); impetitio|action of attacking/assaulting/assailing; (also as legal term); impeto|attack, assail; rush upon (L+S); accuse; impetrabilis|easy to achieve or obtain; impetrio|seek by auspices; impetro|obtain/procure (by asking/request/entreaty); succeed/achieve/be granted; obtain; impetus|attack, assault, charge; attempt; impetus, vigor; violent mental urge, fury; impexus|uncombed; impietas|failure in duty or respect, etc; impiger|active, energetic; impigre|actively, energetically,smartly; impilium|sock; impingo|thrust, strike or dash against; impinguo|fatten, make fat/sleek; become fat/thick; anoint (with oil) (Douay); impio|render impervious; stain with sin; impirius|fiery; impius|wicked, impious, irreverent; showing no regard for divinely imposed moral duty; implacabilis|relentless, irreconcilable; implacatus|not appeased, in satiable; implacidus|restless, unquiet; implacito|implead; be pleaded against; implano|deceive, delude; lead astray; implantatio|implementation; implanting; putting in; implanto|implant; put in; add; plant; establish; implastratio|wall-plastering; impleo|fill up; satisfy, fulfill; fill, finish, complete; spend (time); implexus|involved, entwined; implicatio|entanglement; interweaving; involvement; implicatus|entangled, confused, obscure; implicated, involved; implicite|intricately; implicitus|entangled, confused, obscure; implicated, involved; implico|implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself; implico|entwine/enfold/envelop/encircle; wrap up inside; embrace; enclose; hem in; implico|interweave/interlace/intertwine; clasp/grasp (L+S); unite/join/mix; implico|perplex/confuse/confound/complicate; take hold (disease); implico|(PASS) be intimately associated/connected/related/bound; be a tangle/maze; implico|implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself; implico|entwine/enfold/envelop/encircle; wrap up inside; embrace; enclose; hem in; implico|interweave/interlace/intertwine; clasp/grasp (L+S); unite/join/mix; implico|perplex/confuse/confound/complicate; take hold (disease); implico|(PASS) be intimately associated/connected/related/bound; be a tangle/maze; imploro|appeal to, invoke; beg, beseech, implore; ask for help/favor/protection; implumis|unfledged; impluo|rain; rain upon; impluvium|basin in atrium floor to receive rain-water from roof; impoene|without punishment; safely; (= impune); impolite|roughly, crudely; impolitus|rough, unpolished; impollutus|undefiled; impono|impose, put upon; establish; inflict; assign/place in command; set; importo|bring in, convey; import; bring about, cause; importunitas|persistent lack of consideration for others; relentlessness; importunus|inconvenient; annoying; rude; monstrous, unnatural; ruthless, cruel, hard; importuosus|having no harbors; impos|not in control/possession (of mind w/animi/mentis, demented); not responsible; impositio|application (of name to thing); E:of hands; impossibilis|impossible; impostor|deceiver; impostor; impostus|placed; set upon; (alt vpar of impono); impotens|powerless, impotent, wild, headstrong; having no control (over), incapable (of); impotentia|weakness; immoderate behavior, violence; impraegno|impregnate; make pregnant; impraesentiarum|in present circumstances, for the present; impransus|without breakfast, fasting; imprecatio|calling down of curses; imprecation, invoking evil/divine intervention; imprecor|call down/upon, invoke; pray for; utter curses; impressio|push, thrust, assault, onslaught; emphatic pronunciation; squashing/squeezing; impressio|impression, impressed mark; mark by pressure/stamping; edition of book (Cal); impressionismus|impressionism; impressionista|impressionist; impressorium|printing company; impressorius|of printing; imprimeo|print (a book); imprimis|in the first place, first, chiefly; especially, above all, more than any other; imprimo|impress, imprint; press upon; stamp; imprisonamentum|imprisonment; imprisono|imprison; improbitas|wickedness unscrupulousness, dishonesty; shamelessness; want of principle; improbo|disapprove of, express disapproval of, condemn; reject; improbulus|somewhat audacious/impudent; somewhat wicked (Cas); improbus|wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless; improcerus|small, low of stature; improdictus|not postponed; improfessus|unprofessed; undeclared; impromptus|not ready; improperatus|somewhat hurried, slow; improperium|taunt; insulting reproach (Def); bitterly sarcastic remark; impropero|blame (person); reproach (with), taunt, upbraid (L+S); impropero|hasten into, enter hastily; improportionabilis|unproportionate, not proportionate, out of proportion, disproportionate; improportionabilit|not proportionally, out of proportion; improportionaliter|not proportionally, out of proportion; improportionatus|unproportionate, not proportionate, out of proportion, disproportionate; improprius|unsuitable; inappropriate; impropugnatus|undefended; improsper|unfortunate; improspere|unfortunately; improtectus|undefended; unprotected; improvidentia|improvidence; lack of foresight; improvidus|improvident; thoughtless; unwary; improvisatio|improvisation; improvisus|unforeseen/unexpected; [de improviso => unexpectedly/suddenly, without warning]; imprudens|ignorant; unaware; unintentional, unsuspecting; foolish/incautious/unthinking; imprudenter|rashly, unwisely; carelessly, unmindfully; unintentionally, without design; imprudentia|ignorance; lack of knowledge/thought/awareness/judgment/foresight/intention; impubes|below age of puberty, under age, youthful; beardless; chaste/virgin/celibate; impubis|below age of puberty, under age, youthful; beardless; chaste/virgin/celibate; impudens|shameless, impudent; impudenter|shamelessly, impudently; impudentia|shamelessness; effrontery; impudicitia|sexual impurity (often of homosexuality); impudicus|shameless; unchaste; flaunting accepted sexual code; impugno|fight against, attack, assail; impulsio|external pressure; influence; incitement; impulsivus|impulsive; impulsor|instigator; impulsus|shock, impact; incitement; impune|with impunity; without punishment/retribution/restraint/consequences/harm; impunis|unpunished; impunitas|impunity; freedom from punishment; safety; impunite|with impunity; without punishment/restraint; safely, unharmed; freely; impunitus|unpunished, unrestrained, unbridled; safe, secure, free from danger; impuratus|vile, infamous; impure|basely, shamefully, vilely, infamously; impurely; impuritas|impurity; foulness; impuritia|impurity; foulness; impurus|unclean, filthy, foul; impure; morally foul; imputabilis|imputable; attributable, ascribable; blameworthy, reprehensible, culpable; imputabilitas|imputability; responsibility; culpability; imputatio|entry in account; charge, accusation (Ecc); imputatus|untrimmed; unpruned; imputo|charge, enter as debt/credit; take into account; impute, ascribe; lay to charge; imputo|claim credit/recompense for; make a favor a cause for obligation; imputribilis|incorruptible, not liable to decay; imputribiliter|incorruptibly; imus|inmost, deepest, bottommost, last; (inferus); [~ vox => highest treble]; in|in, on, at (space); in accordance with/regard to/the case of; within (time); in|into; about, in the mist of; according to, after (manner); for; to, among; ina|fiber; sinew, tendon; strip; papyrus/paper fiber; inabruptus|unbroken; not broken off (L+S); inabsolutus|unfinished; incomplete; imperfect; inaccedendus|inaccessible; inaccensus|unkindled, spontaneous, not kindled; P:not inflamed (L+S); inaccessibilis|inaccessible; unapproachable; not approached by any rival; inaccessus|inaccessible; unapproachable; not approached by any rival; inadfectatus|natural, unaffected; inadsuetus|unaccustomed; inadunatus|disunited; disjointed (from medieval aduno, to unite); inadustus|unsinged; not scorched; inaedifico|build (in a place); wall up; inaequabilis|uneven/broken (ground); unequal/varying in amount/rate/etc; inaequabilitas|lack of uniformity; irregularity; inaequabiliter|unevenly; without regularity or uniformity; inaequalis|uneven; unequal; not smooth/level (surface); irregular (shape); patchy/variable; inaequalitas|irregularity of shape/distribution; patchiness/unevenness; inequality; inequity; inaequaliter|unevenly, w/irregular outline/distribution; unequally; w/disparity of treatment; inaequo|make equal; make level; make even (L_S); inaestimabilis|priceless, beyond all price; inestimable; not to be reckoned in money; inaestimabilis|undeserving of valuation (phil.); not to be judged, unaccountable; valueless; inaestimatus|not rated; untaxed; inaestuo|rage; inalbesco|become pale; inalbo|whiten; brighten; inamabilis|disagreeable, unattractive; inamaresco|become bitter/distasteful;; inamarico|embitter; inambitiosus|unpretentious; inambulo|walk up and down; inamoenus|cheerless; disagreeable; unlovely; inane|empty space/expanse/part of structure, hollow, void; space devoid of matter; inanilogista|blabberer, one that talks nonsense; inaniloquum|vain-talking, that talks in vain; that blabbers/talks nonsense; inaniloquus|vain-talking; inanimale|lifeless/inanimate things (pl.); inanimans|lifeless, inanimate; without/deprived of/not endowed with breath; inanimans|lifeless/inanimate things (pl.); inanimatus|lifeless, inanimate; without/deprived of/not endowed with breath; inanimentum|emptiness; inanimis|lifeless, inanimate; without/deprived of/not endowed with breath; inanimis|filled with life; (from Greek); inanimus|lifeless, inanimate; without/deprived of/not endowed with breath; inanio|empty; inanis|void, empty, hollow; vain; inane, foolish; inanloquium|vain talk; inaquosum|arid/desert/dry places (pl.); inaquosus|arid, dry, lacking water; inaratus|unplowed, untilled; inardesco|kindle, take fire; become glowing; inargento|overlay with silver; inaro|plow in; cultivate; inartificiale|inartificially; not by rule; inartificialis|inartificial; not according to rule/principles of art; made without skill; inaspectus|unseen; inassuetus|unaccustomed; inattenuatus|undiminished, unimpaired; inaudio|hear of; learn; inauditus|unheard (of ), novel, new; inauguralis|inaugural; inauguro|take omens by the flight of birds; consecrate by augury; inauris|ear rings (pl.); ornaments worn in ears; ear drops (L+S); nose ring (Souter); inauro|gild, make rich; inauspicatus|without auspices; inausus|not ventured, unattempted, undared; inbecillis|weak/feeble; delicate (plant); fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources; inbecillitas|weakness, feebleness; moral/intellectual weakness; inbecillus|weak/feeble; delicate (plant); fragile; ineffective; lacking in power/resources; inbellis|unwarlike, peaceful, unfit for war; inbibo|drink in, imbibe; assimilate; absorb into one's mind, conceive; inbito|enter;; go into; incaeduus|not felled, not cut down (of woods); incalesco|grow hot; become heated; incallidus|not shrewd, simple; incandesco|grow warm, be heated, glow, become red-hot; incanesco|turn gray or hoary; incantamen|charm; incantamentum|charm; spell; incantatio|enchantment; spell; incantation (Def); (false) statement (Souter); incantator|enchanter, wizard; magician, soothsayer (Souter); incantatrix|enchantress; witch; incanto|sing; say over; consecrate with spells; incanus|quite gray, hoary; incapabilis|incomprehensible; that cannot be taken in (Latham); incapabilitas|incomprehensibility; inconceivability; incapacitas|incapacity; disqualification; incapacito|bridle; put a halter on; halter, muzzle (L+S); fetter, entangle; make ass of; incapax|incapable; indestructible; indissoluble; incapiabilis|impregnable; incarceratious|incarceration; imprisonment; shutting up in prison, jailing; incarceratus|imprisoned, incarcerated, confined, shut up in prison, jailed; incarceratus|prisoner; incarcero|imprison, incarcerate, confine, shut up in prison, jail; incardinatio|incardination; incorporating clergyman into diocese/church; raise to cardinal; incardinatus|incardinatus, one (clergy) who has right to succeed to a church; incardino|incardinate; become member of diocese (clergy); raise to cardinal; incarnatio|incarnation, embodiment; union of divine and human in Christ; incarnatus|incarnate; flesh-like/flesh-colored (Cal); incarno|make incarnate, make into flesh; (PASS) be made flesh, become incarnate; incaro|make incarnate, make into flesh; (PASS) be made flesh, become incarnate; incassum|in vain; uselessly; without aim/purpose/effect; to no purpose; incastigatus|unchastised; incautus|incautious, off one's guard, unprotected; incautus|incautious; unexpected; incedo|advance, march; approach; step, walk, march along; inceleber|not celebrated; not famous; incelebratus|unrecorded; incenatus|without dinner, dinerless; not having dined; without having supped (Erasmus); incendiarius|fire-, fire-raising, incendiary; [~ avis => firebird]; incendiarius|arsonist; fire-raiser; incendiary; incendium|fire, conflagration; fiery heat; fiery passion/love/hostility; arson (Latham); incendium|incendiary missile; meteor; P:flames (pl.); [annonae ~ => high price of grain]; incendo|set on fire; set fire to, kindle, burn; cause to flame/burn; keep fire burning; incendo|scorch; make fiery hot (fever/thirst); light up; cause to glow; intensify; incendo|inspire, fire, rouse, excite, inflame; provoke, incense, aggravate; incensarium|censer, vessel in which incense is burnt; thurible; incensatio|instrument playing; X:enchantment; E:incensing, perfuming with incense (Ecc); incensio|firing, burning, igniting, act of setting on fire; incensitus|unassessed, not assessed; unregistered, not registered/enrolled in census; incenso|burn incense; incensor|one who kindles/sets fire to/lights beacons (L+S); inciter, instigator; incensorium|censer, vessel in which incense is burnt; thurible; incensum|incense; sacrifice (w/incense/burning victims); lighting (L+S); setting fire; incensus|ardent, impassioned; radiant, glowing; inflamed, fiery, burning, hot (L+S); incensus|unassessed, not assessed; unregistered, not registered/enrolled in census; incensus|incense; fire; incentio|instrument playing; X:enchantment; incentivus|playing the tune; (of the right-hand tube in pair of pipes - other modulates); incentor|precentor/choir director; leads congregation singing; starts/sets tune; inciter; inceps|subsequently; thereafter; inceptio|start, beginning; undertaking, enterprise; incepto|begin; undertake; attempt; inceptum|beginning, undertaking; incerno|sift; scatter with sieve; incero|smear over; E:attach wax tablet to; incerto|render uncertain; incertus|uncertain; unsure, inconstant, variable; doubtful; incessabilis|incessant, unceasing; incessanter|incessantly, unceasingly; incesso|assault, attack; reproach, abuse; incessus|walking; advance; procession; incesto|pollute, defile; incestuose|incestuously; lewdly; incestuosus|incestuous; lewd; incestus|unchaste; unholy, unclean, religiously impure, polluted, defiled, sinful, lewd; inchoamentum|starting place; first principles (pl.); rudiments; elements; inchoo|begin/start (work); set going, establish; draft/sketch/outline; enter upon; incidens|incidental; incidentalis|incidental, secondary; incidentaliter|incidental; incidenter|incidentally; incidentia|incident/occurrence/happening; incidence (light ray); appurtenance; incidentium|incidents/occurrences (pl.); remarks/observations; matters involved; incido|happen; fall into, fall in with, meet; fall upon, assail; incido|cut into, cut open; inscribe, engrave inscription; break off; inciens|pregnant; with young; incilis|ditch, trench; incilo|blame, scold; incineratio|incineration; incinero|burn to ashes; incingo|gird (with); wrap (tightly) round (with); incino|sing; incipio|begin; start, undertake; incipisso|begin; (archaic form of incipio); incircum|round about; (L+S calls it PREP); incircumcisio|absence of circumcision; incircumcisus|uncircumcised; w/foreskin intact (Souter); uncorrected/uncleansed; sinning; incircumcisus|uncircumcised male, one w/foreskin intact; (still) a sinner; incircumscripte|without limitation; infinitely; incomprehensibly; incircumscriptibilis|boundless/infinite; incapable of being limited/circumscribed/measured/deceived; incircumscriptus|infinite, boundless; uncircumscribed; incomprehensible, unfathomable; incisim|in short clauses; incisio|clause (Collins); incitamentum|incentive, stimulus; incitatio|ardor, enthusiasm; incitatrum|starter; incitatus|fast-moving, aroused, passionate; [equo incitato => at full gallop]; incito|enrage; urge on; inspire; arouse; incitus|rushing, headlong; incivilis|impolite; uncivil; inciviliter|discourteously; inclamito|abuse; scold; inclamo|cry out (to), call upon; abuse, revile; inclemens|harsh; inclementer|harshly, severely; inclementia|harshness; inclinatio|act of leaning, tendency, inclination; inclino|bend; lower; incline; decay; grow worse; set (of the sun); deject; inclinus|leaning; (Douay); inclitus|celebrated, renowned, famous, illustrious, glorious; includo|shut up/in, imprison, enclose; include; inclutus|celebrated, renowned, famous, illustrious, glorious; inclytus|celebrated, renowned, famous, illustrious, glorious; incogitabilis|inconsiderate; inconceivable; incogitans|inconsiderate, thoughtless; incogitantia|thoughtlessness; incogitatus|unstudied (passive); inconsiderate (active); incognitus|unknown; not known; untried, untested; incohamentum|starting place; first principles (pl.); rudiments; elements; incoho|begin/start (work); set going, establish; draft/sketch/outline; enter upon; incola|inhabitant; resident, dweller; resident alien; foreigner (Plater); incolatus|unfiltered, unstrained; unpurified; incolatus|residence (in a town) without citizenship; status of resident alien; (exile?); incolo|live, dwell/reside (in); inhabit; sojourn; incolo|live, dwell/reside (in); inhabit; sojourn; incolomis|unharmed, uninjured; alive, safe; unimpaired; (= incolumis); incolumis|unharmed, uninjured; alive, safe; unimpaired; incolumitas|safety; incomitatus|unaccompanied; incommatio|imperfect state; incommendatus|not entrusted; without protector; incommensurabilis|immeasurable; incommode|disastrously, unfortunately; incommoditas|disadvantage, inconvenience, importunity; importunity; misfortune; incommodo|inconvenience, obstruct, hinder; be inconvenient/troublesome, cause difficulty; incommodum|disadvantage, inconvenience, setback, harm, detriment; defeat/disaster; ailment; incommodus|inconvenient, troublesome, annoying; disadvantageous; disagreeable; disobliging; incommutabilis|unchangeable; immutable; incommutabilitas|unchangeableness; incommutabiliter|without change; incomparabilis|incomparable; cannot be equaled; incomparabiliter|incomparably; incompatibilis|incompatible; incompatibilitas|incompatibility; incompertus|not known; incompetens|insufficient; incomposite|in a clumsy/disorganized manner; awkwardly; irregularly; incompositus|clumsy, disorganized, not in formation (troops); (good) unaffected, neutral; incomprehensibilis|incomprehensible, inconceivable; endless; that cannot be overtaken; incomptus|disheveled; untidy; unpolished; incomtaminatus|unpolluted; inconcessus|forbidden; inconcilio|win over by trickery; embarrass; inconcinnus|awkward; clumsy; inconcussus|unshaken, firm; inconditus|rough, crude; uncivilized; disordered, not disciplined; inconfusibilis|that cannot be embarrassed/abashed/confused; that cannot be mingled (Souter); inconfusibliter|without confusion/embarrassment; inconfusus|undismayed; not disconcerted; not embarrassed (L+S); unconfused; incongrue|unsuitably; inconsistently; incongruens|inconsistent, not in accord, not agreeing; incongruus|inconsistent; incongruous; unsuitable; inconrupte|honestly, uprightly, without being influenced by bribes; correctly/faultlessly; inconruptela|incorruptibility, imperishability; inconruptibilis|incorruptible, imperishable; inconruptibilitas|incorruptibility, imperishability; inconruptibiliter|incorruptibly, imperishably; inconruptio|incorruptibility, imperishability; inconruptivus|incorruptible, imperishable; inconruptorius|incorruptible, imperishable; inconruptus|intact, uncorrupted, unspoiled/untainted; genuine; pure; chaste; imperishable; inconsequens|inconsequent; not logically connected; inconsequenter|inconsequentially; illogically; inconsequentia|inconsequence; lack of logical connection; inconsiderantia|inconsideration; inconsideratus|thoughtless, inconsiderate; unadvised, reckless (passive); inconstabilis|unreliable; inconstabilitas|helplessness; inconstabilitio|not standing firmly; trembling (Souter); indecision (Vulgate); inconstabilitus|unstable; inconstans|changeable, fickle; inconstanter|irregularly, inconsistently, capriciously, irresolutely; not evenly/steadily; inconstantia|changeableness fickleness; inconsulte|rashly, ill-advisedly, incautiously; without due care and consideration; inconsultus|rash, ill-advised, thoughtless, injudicious; unconsulted, not asked; inconsummabilis|incompleteable, impossible of completion; inconsummatio|nonconsumation; incompleteness; inconsummatus|incomplete; inconsumptus|unconsumed, undiminished; incontaminabilis|undefileable; incontanter|without hesitation/hesitating; (Erasmus); incontentus|not stretched; untuned; incontinens|intemperate; inconveniens|not suiting, dissimilar; inconvenienter|unsuitably; ill-matchedly; inconveniently; inconvenientia|inconsistency; incoquo|boil in or down; boil; incorporalis|incorporeal; intangible; immaterial; not having body/substance; unearthly; incorporatio|incorporating, embodying; incorporation (w/public funds); paying into treasury; incorporeus|incorporeal; intangible; immaterial; not having body/substance; unearthly; incorrectus|unamended, unimproved; incorrigibilis|incorrigible; incorrigibilitas|incorrigibility; incorrupte|honestly, uprightly, without being influenced by bribes; correctly/faultlessly; incorruptela|incorruptibility, imperishability; incorruptibilis|incorruptible, imperishable; incorruptibilitas|incorruptibility, imperishability; incorruptibiliter|incorruptibly, imperishably; incorruptio|incorruptibility, imperishability; incorruptivus|incorruptible, imperishable; incorruptorius|incorruptible, imperishable; incorruptus|intact, uncorrupted, unspoiled/untainted; genuine; pure; chaste; imperishable; incrassatus|fattened; incrasso|fatten; make thick/stout; increbresco|become stronger or more intense; spread; incredibilis|incredible; extraordinary; incredulitas|disbelief, incredulity; unbelief (Christian sense) (Souter); incredulus|unbelieving, disbelieving, incredulous; disobedient; incrementabiliter|increasingly; incrementum|growth, development, increase; germ (of idea); offshoot; advancement (rank); increpatio|rebuke; chiding; reproof; increpito|chide, utter (noisy) reproaches at; increpo|rattle, snap, clash, roar, twang, make noise; (alarm/danger); strike noisily; increpo|rebuke, chide, reprove; protest at/indignantly, complain loudly/scornfully; increpo|rattle, snap, clash, roar, twang, make noise; (alarm/danger); strike noisily; increpo|rebuke, chide, reprove; protest at/indignantly, complain loudly/scornfully; incresco|grow (in or upon); grow, swell, increase, be augmented; be swollen; incruentatus|not stained with blood; bloodless, without shedding of blood; w/no casualties; incruentus|not stained with blood; bloodless, without shedding of blood; w/no casualties; incrusto|cover (with a layer), coat, line, daub; give an ornamental layer to, encrust; incubatio|brooding; incubation; lying on eggs; L:unlawful possession; incubito|lie upon; brood; incubo|brood; (rare alt. perf/vpar for incubo); incubo|lie in or on (w/DAT); sit upon; brood over; keep a jealous watch (over); incudo|hammer out; inculco|force upon, impress, drive home; inculpatus|unblamed, blameless; inculte|roughly, uncouthly, coarsely; without refinement/manners/style; incultus|uncultivated (land), overgrown; unkempt; rough, uncouth; uncourted; incultus|want of cultivation or refinement, uncouthness, disregard; incumberamentum|encumberment; misfortune, annoyance, mishap, trouble; Satanic temptation; incumbero|encumber; incumbo|lean forward/over/on, press on; attack, apply force; fall on (one's sword); incumbramentum|incumberment; misfortune, annoyance, mishap, trouble; Satanic temptation; incumbro|obstruct; block; incunabulum|apparatus of the cradle (pl.); one's earliest years; birthplace; incunabulum|early (<1500) printed books (pl.); (Cal); incunctabilis|that admits of no delay; incunctabiliter|without delay/hesitation; unhesitatingly; unwaveringly; incunctanter|without hesitation; incunctatus|not delaying/hesitating; incuratus|uncared for, unhealed; incuria|carelessness, neglect; incuriose|carelessly, negligently, indifferently; incuriosus|careless/negligent; indifferent; paying no attention, off guard, unsuspecting; incurro|run into or towards, attack, invade; meet (with); befall; incurro|run into or towards, attack, invade; meet (with); befall; incursio|onrush, attack, raid; incursion; incursito|rush upon; attack; incurso|strike/run/dash against, attack; make raids upon; incursus|assault, attack; raid; incurvesco|bend down; incurvicervicus|with crooked neck; incurvo|make crooked or bent; cause to bend down; incurvus|crooked, curved; incus|anvil; (also medical for the inner ear bone); incuso|accuse, blame, criticize, condemn; incustoditus|not watched over; unsupervised; incutio|strike on or against; instill; indagatio|act of tracking down/searching out; investigation; indagator|tracker, searcher, one who tracks down; investigator, explorer (Cas); indagatrix|tracker, searcher (female); investigator, explorer; indagatus|act of hunting/tracking down/searching out; investigation; indago|track down, hunt out; search out, try to find/procure by seeking; investigate; indago|ring of huntsmen/nets/troops/forts; encircling with snares; tracking down; indamnatus|uncondemned; (= indemnatus); indaudio|hear of; learn; (archaic form of inaudio); inde|thence, thenceforth; from that place/time/cause; thereupon; indebitus|that is not owed, not due; indecens|unbecoming, unseemly, unsightly; indecenter|unbecomingly; indeclinatus|unchanged, firm; indecor|inglorious, shameful; unbecoming, unseemly; ugly; indecoris|inglorious, shameful; unbecoming, unseemly; ugly; indecoro|disgrace; indecorus|unbecoming; disgraceful; indefectibiliter|inexhaustibly; unfailingly; indefectus|inexhaustible; undiminished; unfailing; unexhausted, unweakened (Ecc); indefensus|undefended; defenseless; indefessus|unwearied; indefatigable; indeficiens|unfailing; indefletus|unwept; indeflexus|unchanged; unbent; indejectus|not thrown down; indelebilis|imperishable; indelibatus|uninjured, undiminished; indemnatas|security from financial loss; indemnatus|uncondemned; indemnis|uninjured; suffering no damage/loss; suffering no loss of wealth/property; indemutabilis|unchangeable; indentitas|identity; independens|independent; independenter|independently; independentia|independence; indeploratus|unwept, unlamented; indeprensus|undiscovered; indesertus|not forsaken; indesinenter|incessantly, ceaselessly; indestrictus|untouched, unhurt; indetonsus|unshorn; indevitatus|unavoided; indevotio|lack of religion; irreligion; hostility to/disregard of religion; index|sign, token, proof; informer, tale bearer; index|hand/needle of a watch; India|India; (ill-defined region of Asia); indicativus|indicative; indicatorius|indicating; indicium|evidence (before a court); information, proof; indication; indico|point out, show, indicate, expose, betray, reveal; inform against, accuse; indico|declare publicly; proclaim, announce; appoint; summon; indictio|imposition (of duties); duty/tax imposed, impost; declaration of war; indictio|men forming a levy; indictio|valuation/value/price; indicating/setting/rating value; indictus|not said/mentioned; (~ cause, without the case's being pleaded); unheard; Indicus|Indian; indidem|from the same place, source or origin; indies|from day to day; (= in dies); indifferens|indifferent; neither good nor bad; unconcerned; indifferenter|indifferently; indigena|native; indigens|indigent, needy; not self-sufficient; poor; destitute; indigenus|native, indigenous; sprung from the land; indigenus|native; son of the soil; indigeo|need, lack, require (w/GEN or ABL); indiges|indigent, needy; in want of, needing; poor; destitute; Indiges|hero elevated to god after death as patron deity of country; Aeneas; indigestus|disordered, confused, chaotic; jumbled; Indigis|deified heroes (pl.), tutelary/protective deities (local not foreign gods); indignabundus|indignant, furious; indignanter|indignantly; indignatio|indignation; anger; angry outburst; indigne|undeservedly; unjustly; unworthily; unbecomingly; shamefully; outrageously; indigne|dishonorably (L+S); indignantly; [~ fero => be indignant at; resent/take ill]; indignitas|vileness, baseness, shamelessness; outrageousness; indignity, humiliation; indigniter|undeservedly; unjustly; unworthily; indignor|deem unworthy, scorn, regard with indignation, resent, be indignant; indignus|unworthy, undeserving, undeserved; unbecoming; shameful; intolerable; cruel; indigus|having need (to); lacking; needy; indiguus|needing; in want; indiligens|careless, negligent; inattentive; neglected, not cared for; indiligenter|carelessly, negligently; inattentively; indiligentia|negligence, want of care; want of concern (for); indipiscor|overtake; acquire; indirectus|not direct; (L+S - false reading of inde recte); indireptus|unpillaged; indisciplinate|disorderly, in an undisciplined manner; indisciplinatio|want of discipline; indisciplinatus|undisciplined, without discipline; indisciplinosus|undisciplined, without discipline; indiscrete|indiscriminately, unwisely, indiscreetly; alike (L+S); indiscretim|indiscriminately; without distinction; alike (L+S); indiscretus|indistinguishable; used indiscriminately; alike/equal; not divided/separable; indiscriminatim|indiscriminately; without distinction; alike (L+S); indiserte|not eloquently; indisertus|not eloquent; indispositus|disorderly, confused; indissimilis|not unlike; indissolubilis|indestructible/imperishable; that cannot be dissolved/loosened/untied (knot); indissolubilitas|indestructibility; indissolubility; indissolubiliter|indestructibly; imperishably; indissolutus|indestructible/imperishable; that cannot be dissolved/loosened/untied (knot); indistinctus|not separated; indistinct, obscure; unpretentious; indistinguibilis|indistinguishable; individualis|individual; individualismus|individualism; individualista|individualist; individualisticus|individualist; individualitas|individuality; individuum|atom; individuus|indivisible, inseparable; indivisibilis|indivisible, inseparable; indivisibilitas|indivisibility; indivisibiliter|in indivisible condition; indivisio|indivisible item; that cannot be divided; indivisus|undivided, not split/cloven; indivisible; held in common/jointly/in equal parts; indo|put in or on; introduce; indocilis|unteachable, ignorant; indoctus|untaught; unlearned, ignorant, untrained; indolentia|freedom from pain; indoles|innate character; inborn quality; indolesco|feel pain of mind; grieve; indomabilis|untamable; indomitus|untamed; untamable, fierce; indormio|sleep (in or over); indotatus|not provided with a dowry; indotia|truce (pl.), armistice, cessation of hostilities; respite, period of grace; indubitabilis|indisputable, indubitable, not admitting to doubt; indubitanter|indubitably, indisputably, beyond all doubt; indubitate|indisputably, beyond all doubt; indubitatus|unquestionable, certain, indisputable; undoubted; not hesitated over, confident; indubito|have misgivings (about); indubius|not doubtful, certain; induco|lead in, bring in (performers); induce, influence; introduce; inductio|leading or bringing in; application; indulgens|indulgent; kind, mild; gracious; bestowing favor; partial/addicted to (doing); indulgenter|indulgently; leniently; graciously; kindly; so as to show favor; indulgentia|leniency, concession, pardon; kindness, gentleness; favor bounty; indulging; indulgentia|indulgence, remission before God of temporal punishment for sin; indulgeo|indulge; be indulgent/lenient/kind; grant/bestow; gratify oneself; give in to; indulgitas|leniency, concession, pardon; kindness, gentleness; favor bounty; indulging; indultarius|person having an indult (leave/permission from Church superior); indultivus|indult; grant; leave; permission; indultum|indulgence; permission, grace, favor; indult (Ecc); release from obligation; indultum|dispensation; privilege granted for something not permitted by Church law; indultus|leave; permission; indumentum|garment, robe; something put on; (mask, sauce); induo|put on, clothe, cover; dress oneself in; [se induere => to impale oneself]; induoia|truce (pl.), armistice, cessation of hostilities; respite, period of grace; indupeditus|hindered/hampered; difficult/impeded; inaccessible; (= impeditus); induresco|harden, set, become hard/tough/robust; become firmly established/inflexible; induro|make hard; Indus|Indian, from/of/belonging to India; of Indian ivory; [dens ~ => Indian ivory]; Indus|Indian, inhabitant of India; (applied to mahout/elephant driver); Indus|Indus (river); indusiatus|undergarment-wearing; indusium|outer tunic; shirt (Ecc); woman's undergarment (L+S); shift; industria|industry; purpose/diligence; purposeful/diligent activity; purposefulness (pl.); industrialis|industrial; industrializatio|industrialization; industrie|industriously; diligently; assiduously; vigorously; industriose|industriously; diligently; assiduously; vigorously; industriosus|very active; industrious; industrius|industrious, diligent; active; zealous; assiduous; industrius|industrious, diligent; active; zealous; assiduous; indutia|truce (pl.), armistice, cessation of hostilities; respite, period of grace; indutio|grant stay; E:clothe in monk's habit; Indutiomarus|Inductiomarus; (Gaul of Treveri, opponent of Caesar); indutrix|model; induvia|clothing, garb, clothes; (induvie ferree = armor); inebrio|intoxicate, make drunk; saturate/drench (with any liquid); inedia|fasting, starvation; inedicabilis|unexplainable; inexplicable; inedicibilis|unspeakable; inexpressible (Nelson); ineditus|not published, unknown; ineffabilis|indescribable, ineffable, cannot be described/expressed w/words; unpronouncable; inefficax|useless, ineffectual, unavailing, achieving nothing; inefficax|invalid (legal), inoperative; not potent/efficacious (remedies), ineffective; inelegans|lacking in taste; clumsy, infelicitous; ineluctabilis|from which there is no escape; inemendabilis|unamendable; incorrigible; inemorior|die amid/in/at; die in contemplation of; (w/DAT); inemptus|not bought; inenarrabilis|indescribable; ineo|enter; undertake; begin; go in; enter upon; [consilium ~ => form a plan]; ineptio|play the fool, trifle; ineptus|silly, foolish; having no sense of what is fitting; inequito|ride upon; ride over; inergia|energy; efficiency; (med. form of energia); inermis|unarmed, without weapons; defenseless; toothless, without a sting; inermus|unarmed, without weapons; defenseless; toothless, without a sting; inerrans|not wandering, fixed; inerro|wander; ramble; iners|helpless, weak, inactive, inert, sluggish, stagnant; unskillful, incompetent; inertia|ignorance; inactivity; laziness, idleness, sloth; inerudite|ignorantly; crudely; without learning; ineruditio|want/lack of learning/education; ignorance (Vulgate Sirach 4:25/30); ineruditus|uninformed, uneducated; illiterate; ignorant; inesco|entice; fill with food; inestimabiliter|inestimably; incalculably; inevitabilis|unavoidable; inevolutus|unopened, not rolled out (papyrus scroll); unread; inevulsibilis|inseparable; that cannot be torn away; inexcitus|unmoved, quiet; inexcusabilis|inexcusable; inexercitatus|untrained, unpracticed; inexhaustus|unexhausted; inexorabilis|inexorable, relentless; inexpectatus|unforseen; (= inexspectatus); inexperrectus|not awakened; inexpertus|inexperienced (in), untried; inexpiabilis|implacable; inexpiable, unatoneable; that cannot be evaded by expiatory rites; inexplebilis|insatiable; that cannot be sated/filled; impossible to satify; inexpletus|unfilled, insatiate; inexplicabilis|inextricable, that cannot be unraveled; inescapable; impassable (roads); inexplicabilis|baffling, unsolvable; incurable; involved/complex; inexplicable; unexplainable; inexploratus|unexplored; not investigated; inexpugnabilis|impregnable, unconquerable, invincible; inexpugnabiliter|irrefutably; inexpugnalis|impregnable (town/fort); unassailable (position); invincible; industructible; inexspectatus|invincible; unconquerable; inexstinctus|that is never extinguished; inexstinguibilis|unquenchable, inextinguishable; inexsuperabilis|insurmountable, invincible, unsurpassable; inextinguibilis|unquenchable, inextinguishable; inextricabilis|impossible to disentangle or sort out; inexuperabilis|insurmountable, invincible, unsurpassable; infabre|without art, crudely, unskillfully, rudely; infabricatus|unwrought, unfashioned; infacetia|crudity (pl.); infacetus|coarse, boorish; infacundus|unable to express oneself fluently, not eloquent; slow of speech (COMP); infallibilis|infallible, not liable to err or lead into error; infallibilitas|infallibility (in knowledge); infallibiliter|infallibly; in an unfailing manner; inevitably; infamia|disgrace, dishonor; infamy; infamis|notorious, disreputable, infamous; infamo|bring into disrepute; defame; infandus|unspeakable, unutterable; abominable, monstrous; infans|speechless, inarticulate; new born; childish, foolish; infans|infant; child (Bee); infantaria|woman who looks after babies; woman fond of infants (L+S); murderess of infants; infantarius|man who looks after babies; sacrificers (pl.) of infants; infantia|infancy; inability to speak; infanticidium|infanticide; child-murder; baby-killing; infantilis|infantile; infantiliter|childishly; infantula|baby girl; infantulus|baby boy; little babe; little infant; infarctus|heart attack; infatigabilis|indefatigable; infatigabiliter|indefatigably; infatuo|make a fool of; infaustus|unlucky, unfortunate; inauspicious; infectus|unfinished, undone, incomplete; infecta re = without having accomplished it; infecunditas|barrenness; infecundus|unfruitful, infertile; infelicitas|misfortune; infeliciter|unfortunately; without good luck; without success; infelicito|make unhappy; infelico|make unhappy; infelix|unfortunate, unhappy, wretched; unlucky, inauspicious; unproductive (plant); infenso|treat in a hostile manner; infensus|hostile, bitterly hostile, enraged; infer|below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last; infercio|stuff; stuff with; inferia|offerings to the dead (pl.); infernale|infernal regions (pl.), Hell; infernalis|infernal, of/like Hell, Hellish; belonging to the lower regions; nether, lower; inferne|underneath, below, on the lower side; infernally; infernum|lower regions (pl.), infernal regions, hell; infernus|lower, under; underground, of the lower regions, infernal; of hell; infernus|inhabitants of the lower world (pl.), the shades; the damned; Hell (Bee); infero|bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge; infero|inflict/cause/inflict/impose/inspire (w/DAT); [bellum inferre => make war on]; infero|put/throw/thrust in/on, insert; bury/inter; pay; charge as expense; append; infero|bring/carry in, import; advance, bring/march/step/move foward; impel, urge; infero|inflict/cause/inflict/impose/inspire (w/DAT); [bellum inferre => make war on]; infero|put/throw/thrust in/on, insert; bury/inter; pay; charge as expense; append; inferus|below, beneath, underneath; of hell; vile; lower, further down; lowest, last; inferus|those below (pl.), the dead; infervefacio|cause to boil; infervesco|grow hot; infeste|dangerously, savagely; in a hostile manner; belligerently; infesto|vex (w/attacks), harass, molest; make unsafe, disturb; infest; damage, impair; infestus|unsafe, dangerous; hostile; disturbed, molested, infested, unquiet; inficetia|crudity (pl.); inficio|corrupt, infect, imbue; poison; dye, stain, color, spoil; inficior|deny; refuse to acknowledge as true; withhold; disown; repudiate (claims); infidelis|treacherous, disloyal; infidelitas|faithlessness; inconstancy; infidibulum|funnel (for pouring liquids); hopper (in mill); infidigraphus|faithless, treacherous; infidus|writing without faith; writing faithlessly; infigo|fasten (on), fix, implant, affix; impose; drive/thrust in; infimo|bring down to the lowest level; weaken, enfeeble; refute, invalidate, annul; infimus|lowest, deepest, furtherest down/from the surface; humblest; vilest, meanest; infindo|cleave; plow a path into; infinitarius|having unlimited powers (of a magistrate); infinitas|limitless extent; infinity; the Infinite; infinitesimalis|infinitesimal; infinitio|infinity; infinitus|boundless, unlimited, endless; infinite; infio|begin (to do something); begin to speak; (infit is only classical example); infirme|weakly, faintly; cravenly; not powerfully/effectively/dependably/soundly; infirmis|weak/fragile/frail/feeble; unwell/sick/infirm; infirmitas|weakness; sickness; infirmiter|weakly/feebly; without energy/support/power; not firmly/effectively; not very; infirmo|weaken; diminish; annul; (PASS) be ill (Bee); infirmum|weak parts (pl.); infirmus|fragile/frail/feeble; unwell/sick/infirm; infirmus|weak (military); mild/irresolute; powerless/ineffectual; unsound/untrustworthy; infirmus|patient, one who is sick/infirm; infitia|denial; L:defend action; infitialis|negative, negatory; containing a denial; infitiatio|denial; infitior|deny; not confess/acknowledge; withhold; disown; repudiate (claim); contradict; inflammabilis|flammable; inflammatio|inflammation; action of setting ablaze, kindling; inflammatus|excited; inflamed; set on fire; inflammo|set on fire, inflame, kindle; excite; inflatio|inflation, swelling/blowing/puffing (up); flatulence; inflammation; insolence; inflatus|inflated, puffed up; bombastic; turgid; inflecto|bend; curve; change; inflectus|unmourned; not wept for; infletus|unmourned, not wept for; inflexibilis|unbendable; inflexible; inflexio|modification, adaption; bending/curving (action); infligo|knock or dash (against); inflict, impose; inflo|blow into/upon; puff out; influentia|influence; influo|flow into; flow; infodio|bury, inter; informaticus|data processing; informatio|information; informis|formless, shapeless; deformed; ugly, hideous; informitas|unshapeliness; ugliness; informo|shape, form; fashion; form an idea of; infortunatus|unfortunate; infortunium|misfortune, punishment; infra|below, on the under side, underneath; further along; on the south; infra|below, lower than; later than; infractus|broken; humble in tone; infrascriptus|below-written; infremo|bellow, roar; infrenatus|not using a bridle; infrendo|gnash the teeth (usually in anger); infrenis|not bridled; unrestrained; infreno|bridle; infrenus|not bridled; unrestrained; infrequens|not crowded; below strength; present only in small numbers; infrequentia|insufficient numbers; depopulated condition (of a place); infricatus|rubbed-in; (alt. vpar of infrico); infrico|rub in; infrigido|chill; cool; infringo|break, break off; lessen, weaken, diminish, dishearten; overcome, crush; infrio|rub into; strew upon; infrons|leafless; having no trees/foliage; infructuosus|unfruitful, unproductive; infrunite|senselessly; in profusion (Souter); infrunitus|unfit for enjoyment, tasteless, senseless; infucatus|colored; infula|band; fillet; woolen headband knotted with ribbons; infulcio|cram; cram in; infulgeo|shine in; lighten; infulo|invest/vest with mitre/episcopal insignia; put on vestments; adorn w/halo; infumus|lowest, deepest, furtherest down/from the surface; humblest; vilest, meanest; infundabiliter|unwarrantably; unjustly, for no good reason; infundibulum|funnel (for pouring liquids); hopper (in mill); infundo|pour in, pour on, pour out; infusco|darken; corrupt; infusio|pouring-in; flowing; ingemesco|groan/moan (begin to) at/over; cry w/pain/anguish/sorrow; creak/groan (object); ingemino|redouble; increase in intensity; ingemisco|groan/moan (begin to) at/over; cry w/pain/anguish/sorrow; creak/groan (object); ingemo|groan/moan/sigh (at/over); utter cry of pain/anguish; creak/groan (objects); ingenero|implant; ingeniarius|engineer; ingeniatus|naturally inclined; adapted by nature; ingeniculo|kneel; ingeniose|cleverly, ingeniously; ingeniosus|clever, ingenious; naturally suited (to); having natural abilities/talents; ingenium|nature, innate quality; natural disposition/capacity; character; talent; ingenium|trick, clever device; ingeno|engender; instill by birth; ingens|not natural, immoderate; huge, vast, enormous; mighty; remarkable, momentous; ingenuitas|status/quality of free-born person; nobility of character, modesty, candor; ingenuus|natural, indigenous; free-born; noble, generous, frank; ingerentia|interference; ingero|carry in, throw in; heap; force/thrust/throw upon; ingigno|engender; instill by birth; inglorius|obscure, undistinguished; ingluvies|gullet, jaws; gluttony; ingrate|unpleasantly, without pleasure/delight/gratitude; ungratefully; thanklessly; ingratiis|against wishes (of); unwillingly; ingratis|against the wishes (of ); unwillingly; ingratus|unpleasant; ungrateful; thankless; ingravesco|grow heavy; increase in force or intensity; ingravo|aggravate, make worse, weigh down, oppress, molest; ingredientium|ingredient; ingredior|advance, walk; enter, step/go into; undertake, begin; ingressus|entry; going in/embarking on (topic/speech); point of entry, approach; steps; ingruo|advance threateningly; make an onslaught on; break in, come violently, force; inguen|groin; the sexual organs, privy parts; ingurgito|pour in liquid in a flood; engulf/plunge in; immerse in (activity); glut/gorge; ingustatus|untasted; inhabilis|difficult to handle; not fitted, awkward; inhabilito|disqualify; incapacitate; inhabitabilis|uninhabitable; inhabitantis|inhabitant, dweller, occupant; inhabito|dwell in, inhabit, occupy; wear (garments) (L+S); inhaeredito|appoint an heir; inhaeredo|appoint an heir; inhaereo|stick/hold fast/to, cling, adhere, fasten on; haunt, dwell in; get teeth in; inhaeresco|begin to adhere, become attached/embedded/glued together; become stuck/fixed; inhaesitanter|unhesitatingly; inhalatio|inhalation; inhalo|breathe; breathe on; inheredito|appoint an heir; inheredo|appoint an heir; inhianter|greedily; eagerly; with open mouth; inhibeo|restrain, curb; prevent; inhio|gape, be open mouthed with astonishment; covet, desire; inhonestas|dishonor; inhoneste|shamefully; dishonorably; inhonesto|disgrace; inhonestus|shameful, not regarded with honor/respect; degrading (appearance); inhonorabilis|unhonored; not conferring honor on a person; without honor (Souter); inhonorate|dishonorably(?); inhonoratio|dishonoring; dishonor (Vulgate); inhonoratus|not honored; inhonoris|unhonored, without honor; inhonoro|dishonor; inhonorus|dishonored; inhorreo|stand on end; bristle up; shiver all over; inhorresco|bristle up; quiver, tremble, shudder at; inhospitalis|inhospitable; inhospitalitas|fear/hatred of strangers; inhospitus|not welcoming strangers, not providing shelter/subsistence; inhospitable; inhumanatio|being-made-man; incarnation; inhumanatus|made man; incarnate; inhumane|rudely, discourteously; heartlessly, unfeelingly; inhumanly; inhumanitas|churlishness; inhumanus|rude, discourteous, churlish; unfeeling, inhuman; uncultured; superhuman; inhumatus|unburied; inibi|in that place/number/activity/connection/respect; at that point in time; inicio|hurl/throw/strike in/into; inject; put on; inspire, instill (feeling, etc); inidoneitas|unfitness; inidoneus|unfit; unsuitable; inimicitia|unfriendliness, enmity, hostility; inimico|make enemies; inimicus|unfriendly, hostile, harmful; inimicus|enemy (personal), foe; inimitabilis|inimitable; ininnascor|be born in; iniquitas|unfairness, inequality, unevenness (of terrain); iniquus|unjust, unfair; disadvantageous, uneven; unkind, hostile; initiale|original/founding members (of society); initialis|initial, original, relating to beginning; primary; initio|initiate (into); admit (to) with introductory rites; initium|beginning, commencement; entrance; [ab initio => from the beginning]; initus|entry, start; injecto|apply; lay on; injicio|hurl/throw/strike in/into; inject; put on; inspire, instill (feeling, etc); injucundus|unpleasant; injudicatus|undecided; injungo|enjoin, charge, bring/impose upon; unite; join/fasten/attach (to); injuratus|unsworn; injuria|injury; injustice, wrong, offense; insult, abuse; sexual assault; injurio|injure; do injury; wrong, do wrong; injurior|injure; do injury; wrong, do wrong; injuriosus|wrongful, insulting; injurius|unjust, harsh; injuro|not to swear; injurose|wrongfully(Collins); injurus|unjust; lawless; injussu|without (the) orders (of ) (w/GEN); injussus|unbidden, voluntary, of one's own accord; without orders/command; forbidden; injussus|without orders, unbidden, voluntary, of one's own accord; injustitia|injustice; severity; injustus|unjust, wrongful; severe, excessive; unsuitable; inlabefactus|unshaken, firm; inlabor|slide/glide/flow (into), move smoothly; fall/sink (on to); inlaboro|work (at); (w/DAT); inlacessitus|unattacked, unprovoked; inlacrimo|weep over/at (with DAT); shed tears; water (eyes); inlacrimor|weep over/at (with DAT); shed tears; water (eyes); inlaesus|unhurt, uninjured; inlagatio|inlawry; return from outlawry; inlagatus|inlaw; one accepted back from outlawry; inlago|inlaw; return to law from outlawry; reverse outlawry of person; inlatio|bring in; burial; stuffing (w/food); conclusion; assumption; payment (fine); inlatio|contribution/pension; tribute/tax; offering/sacrifice; petition; offer (oath); inlaudatus|unpraised, obscure; not to be praised, bad; inlautus|unwashed, unclean; inlecebra|allurement, attraction, charm; a decoy bird; inlecebrose|attractively, enticingly; inlecebrosus|attractive, enticing; inlectus|unread; inlectus|enticement; inlepide|inelegantly, rudely; inlepidus|inelegant, rude, unmannerly; inlex|lawless, obeying no laws; inlex|one who entices/allures; decoy; inlibatus|intact, undiminished, kept/left whole/entire; unimpaired; inliberalis|ill-bred, ignoble, unworthy/unsuited to free man; niggardly/mean/ungenerous; inliberalitas|stinginess, meanness, lack of generosity; inliberaliter|stingily, meanly, ungenerously; in manner unworthy of free man; inlicitator|sham bidder at an auction, a puffer, shill; inlicitus|not allowed, illegal; inlido|strike/beat/dash/push against/on; injure by crushing; drive (teeth into); inlimis|free from mud, clean; inlino|smear over; anoint; inliquefactus|molten, liquefied; inlitteratus|ignorant, illiterate; inlocabilis|unable to be placed (for marriage); inlotus|unwashed, unclean; inluceo|illuminate, shine on; inluminatio|glory, illustriousness; enlightening (Ecc); lighting/illumination; inlumino|illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal/throw light on; brighten (w/color); inlusio|irony; mocking, jeering; illusion; deceit; inlusor|scoffer; mocker; inlusorius|ironical; of a scoffer/mocking character; inlustre|with clarity; clearly, distinctly, perspicuously (L+S); inlustris|bright, shining, brilliant; clear, lucid; illustrious, distinguished, famous; inlustro|illuminate, light up; give glory; embellish; make clear, elucidate; enlighten; inlutus|unwashed, unclean; inmaculatus|immaculate/unstained/spotless/without blemish; undefiled/pure/chaste; blameless; inmanis|huge/vast/immense/tremendous/extreme/monstrous; inhuman/savage/brutal/frightful; inmanitas|brutality, savage character, frightfulness; huge/vast size; barbarity; monster; inmediatus|absolute (contraries), non-mediated; next; inmemor|forgetful (by nature); lacking memory; heedless (of obligations/consequences); inmemoratio|forgetfulness, unmindfulness; inmemoratum|things (pl.) not told/related; things not mentioned; inmemoratus|unmentioned; hitherto untold; not yet related, new (L+S); inmensum|to an enormous extent/degree; inmensurabilis|immeasurable; inmensus|immeasurable, immense/vast/boundless/unending; infinitely great; innumerable; inmeritus|undeserving; undeserved, unmerited; inmissio|insertion/engrafting, action of putting/sending in, of allowing to enter; inmitto|send in/to/into/against; cause to go; insert; hurl/throw in; let go/in; allow; inmobilis|immovable; immobile; fixed/unalterable; unmoving/motionless/unchanging; inmobilis|unwieldy/cumbersome; imperturbable/emotionally unmoved; steadfast; slow to act; inmodicus|beyond measure, immoderate, excessive; inmolaticius|of/for a sacrifice; inmolatitius|of/for a sacrifice; inmortalis|immortal, god; inmortalis|immortal, not subject to death; eternal, everlasting, perpetual; imperishable; inmortalitas|immortality; divinity, being a god; indestructibility; permanence; remembrance; inmunditia|dirtiness/untidiness; foulness (moral); lust/wantonness; dirty conditions (pl.); inmundus|dirty, filthy, foul; unclean. impure; inmunis|free from taxes/tribute, exempt; immune; inmutabilis|unchangeable/unalterable; (rarely) liable to be changed; inmutatio|change, alteration, process of changing; substitution/replacement; innabilis|that cannot be swum; innascibilitas|state of being unable to be born; innascor|be born (in or on); innato|swim (in or on); swim (into); float upon; innatus|natural, inborn; innavigabilis|unnavigable; innecessitas|non-necessity (JFW); innecto|tie, fasten (to); devise, weave (plots); innitor|lean on, be supported by (with ABL); innitor|lean/rest on (w/DAT), be supported by (w/ABL); inno|swim or float (in or on); sail (on); innocens|harmless, innocent; virtuous, upright; innocentia|harmlessness; innocence, integrity; innoco|harrow in; innocuus|innocent; harmless; innotesco|become known, be made conspicuous; innovatio|renewal; alteration; innovation; innovatus|renewed; altered; innovo|alter, make a innovation in; renew, restore; return to a thing (L+S); innoxius|harmless, innocuous; unhurt, unharmed; innubilus|unclouded, clear; innubo|marry (into a family); innubus|unmarried; innuleus|fawn; young of the deer; innumerabilis|innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense; innumeralis|countless, innumerable; innumerus|innumerable, countless, numberless; without number; immense; innuo|nod or beckon (to); innuptus|unmarried; innutrio|nourish; innutritus|nourished; unnourished; inobaudientia|disobedience; inobaudio|disobey; not listen/pay attention; (in+obaudio); inobauditio|disobedience; inobedibilis|disobedient; inobediens|disobedient; inobediens|disobedience; inobedienter|disobediently; inobedientia|disobedience; inobedientiarius|disobedient person; inobedio|disobey; not listen/pay attention; inobedus|disobedient; inoblitus|mindful; inoboedibilis|disobedient; inoboediens|disobedient; inoboediens|disobedience; inoboedienter|disobediently; inoboedientia|disobedience; inoboedientiarius|disobedient person; inoboedio|disobey; not listen/pay attention; inoboedus|disobedient; inobrutus|not overwhelmed; inobservabilis|difficult to trace; inobservantia|negligence, carelessness; inobservatus|unobserved; inocciduus|never setting; inoffensus|free from hindrance; uninterrupted; inofficiosus|undutiful, disobliging; inolens|odorless, without smell; inolesco|grow in or on; inominatus|inauspicious, unlucky; inopia|lack, need; poverty, destitution, dearth, want, scarcity; inopinabilis|inconceivable; G:surprising; paradoxical; inopinabiliter|unexpectedly; inopinans|unaware, off guard; unexpected, not expecting; inopinatus|unexpected, unforeseen, surprising; inopiniabilis|not to be supposed; inconceivable; inopinus|unexpected; inops|weak, poor, needy, helpless; lacking, destitute (of), meager; inoratus|not brought forward and heard; inordinaliter|irregularly; at irregular intervals; without regard for rules; inordinate|irregularly; at irregular intervals; without regard for rules; inordinatim|irregularly; at irregular intervals; without regard for rules; inordinatio|disorder; inordinatum|disorder; inordinatus|disordered, not arranged; irregular; disorderly, not legal; inordinatus|occurring irregularly; in confusion; W:not in formation (troops); inormis|immoderate; enormous; inornate|plainly; with lack of (stylistic) ornament; inornatus|unadorned; uncelebrated; inpaciencia|impatience; inability/unwillingness to endure/bear; impassivity/lack of emotion; inpages|crosspiece; batten (on door, etc.); framework/border around panel of door; inpar|unequal (size/number/rank/esteem); uneven, odd; inferior; not a match (for); inpassibilis|passionless; incapable of passion/suffering; insensible; inpassibilitas|incapacity for suffering, impassibility; apathy, insensibility (Def); inpassibiliter|without passion; inpatiencia|impatience; inability/unwillingness to endure/bear; impassivity/lack of emotion; inpatientia|impatience; inability/unwillingness to endure/bear; impassivity/lack of emotion; inpedimentum|hindrance, impediment; heavy baggage (of an army) (pl.); inpedio|hinder, impede, hamper, obstruct, prevent from (w/ne, quin, or quominus); inpeditus|hindered/obstructed/encumbered/hampered; difficult/impeded; inaccessible; inpello|drive/persuade/impel; urge on/action; push/thrust/strike against; overthrow; inpendium|expense, expenditure, payment; cost, outlay; inpensa|expense, outlay, cost; inpensus|immoderate, excessive; inperfectio|imperfection; inperfectus|unfinished, incomplete; imperfect; not complete in every respect; undigested; inperialis|imperial; of the (Roman) emperor; inpetiginosus|suffering from impetigo; (pustular skin disease, scaly skin eruption); inpetigo|impetigo; (pustular skin disease, scaly skin eruption); (also on bark of fig); inpeto|attack, assail; rush upon (L+S); accuse; inpetro|obtain/procure (by asking/request/entreaty); succeed/achieve/be granted; obtain; inpinguo|fatten, make fat/sleek; become fat/thick; anoint (with oil) (Douay); inpius|wicked, impious, irreverent; showing no regard for divinely imposed moral duty; inplano|deceive, delude; lead astray; inplico|implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself; inplico|entwine/enfold/envelop/encircle; wrap up inside; embrace; enclose; hem in; inplico|interweave/interlace/intertwine; clasp/grasp (L+S); unite/join/mix; inplico|perplex/confuse/confound/complicate; take hold (disease); inplico|(PASS) be intimately associated/connected/related/bound; be a tangle/maze; inplico|implicate; involve/engage/entangle/embroil; interweave/fold/twine w/itself; inplico|entwine/enfold/envelop/encircle; wrap up inside; embrace; enclose; hem in; inplico|interweave/interlace/intertwine; clasp/grasp (L+S); unite/join/mix; inplico|perplex/confuse/confound/complicate; take hold (disease); inplico|(PASS) be intimately associated/connected/related/bound; be a tangle/maze; inpono|impose, put upon; establish; inflict; assign/place in command; set; inpos|not in control/possession (of mind w/animi/mentis, demented); not responsible; inpotens|powerless, impotent, wild, headstrong; having no control (over), incapable (of); inpotentia|weakness; immoderate behavior, violence; inprecatio|calling down of curses; imprecation, invoking evil/divine intervention; inpressio|push, thrust, assault, onslaught; emphatic pronunciation; squashing/squeezing; inpressio|impression, impressed mark; mark by pressure/stamping; edition of book (Cal); inprimis|in the first place, first, chiefly; especially, above all, more than any other; inprimo|impress, imprint; press upon; stamp; inprobitas|wickedness unscrupulousness, dishonesty; shamelessness; want of principle; inprobo|disapprove of, express disapproval of, condemn; reject; inprobulus|somewhat audacious/impudent; somewhat wicked (Cas); inprobus|wicked/flagrant; morally unsound; greedy/rude; immoderate; disloyal; shameless; inpropero|blame (person); reproach (with), taunt, upbraid (L+S); inpropero|hasten into, enter hastily; inproportionabilis|unproportionate, not proportionate, out of proportion, disproportionate; inproportionabilit|not proportionally, out of proportion; inproportionaliter|not proportionally, out of proportion; inproportionatus|unproportionate, not proportionate, out of proportion, disproportionate; inprovisus|unforeseen/unexpected; [de improviso => unexpectedly/suddenly, without warning]; inprudens|ignorant; unaware; unintentional, unsuspecting; foolish/incautious/unthinking; inprudens|ignorant; unaware; unintentional, unsuspecting; foolish/incautious/unthinking; inprudenter|rashly, unwisely; carelessly, unmindfully; unintentionally, without design; inprudentia|ignorance; lack of knowledge/thought/awareness/judgment/foresight/intention; inpubes|below age of puberty, under age, youthful; beardless; chaste/virgin/celibate; inpubis|below age of puberty, under age, youthful; beardless; chaste/virgin/celibate; inpudens|shameless, impudent; inpudenter|shamelessly, impudently; inpudentia|shamelessness; effrontery; inpulsio|external pressure; influence; incitement; inpune|with impunity; without punishment/retribution/restraint/consequences/harm; inpunis|unpunished; inpuritas|impurity; foulness; inpuritia|impurity; foulness; inputribilis|incorruptible, not liable to decay; inputribiliter|incorruptibly; inquantum|in as much (JFW - widespread medieval); inquiam|say (defective); (postpositive - for direct quote); [inquiens => saying]; inquies|restless, impatient; full of tumult; inquieto|disturb, trouble, molest, harass; press legal claim against; fidget, twiddle; inquietudo|disturbance, troubles; outbreak of disorder; inquietus|rest/sleep-less, finding/taking no rest; constantly active/in motion; unquiet; inquilina|inhabitant (female) of same house, tenant, lodger; inhabitant, denizen; inquilinatus|sojourn; inhabit place not of one's own; inquilinus|inhabitant of same house, tenant, lodger; inhabitant, denizen; type of serf; inquinamentum|impurity, filth, that which makes foul/impure; defilement (Erasmus); inquinatio|pollution; inquino|daub; stain, pollute; soil; "smear"; inquiro|examine, investigate, scrutinize; seek grounds for accusation; search, seek; inquisicio|thoughtlessness; inconsiderateness; carelessness; inquisitio|search, hunting out; inquiry, investigation; spying; collecting evidence; inquisitor|investigator, researcher; who inquires/collects evidence; inspector (goods); inquit|it is said, one says; inradiatio|illumination; inrasus|unshaved; inrationabile|unreasoning creatures; dumb animals; inrationabilis|irrational, unreasoning; inrationabiliter|irrationally, unreasoningly; inrational|unreasoning creature; inrationalis|irrational, unreasoning; inraucesco|become hoarse; inrecogitatio|thoughtlessness; inconsiderateness; inrecordabilis|not to be remembered; inrecuperabilis|irreparable; unalterable; irrecoverable; inrecusabilis|not to be refused; that cannot be refused; inrecusabiliter|without possibility of refusal; inreductibilis|irreducible; unable to be reduced; inreformabilis|unchangeable; unalterable; inrefragabilis|unavoidable; irresistible; incontrovertible/incontestable/indisputable; inrefragabiliter|unavoidably; irresistibly; incontestably; undeniably; inrefrenabilis|uncontrollable; unquenchable; inregressibilis|from which there is no return; inregularis|irregular; inregularitas|irregularity; impediment (to reception/exercise of sacred orders); inreligatus|unfastened, unbound, unmoored; not fastened/bound/moored; inreligiose|impiously; blasphemously; irreligiously; inreligiosus|irreligious; impious; inremeabilis|along or across which one cannot return; inremediabilis|fatal; irredeemable; beyond cure; for which there is no remedy; inremissibilis|unpardonable, irremissible; unremitting; of which there is no remission/pardon; inremunerabilis|that cannot be repaid/compensated/remunerated; inremuneratus|unrewarded; unremunerated; unpaid; inreparabilis|irreparable, irrecoverable (loss/damage); irretrievable;; inrepertus|not discovered; inreprehensibilis|irreprehensible, not blameworthy; irreproachable; not liable to reproof/blame; inreprehensus|unblamed, blameless; inrepticius|surreptitious; inreptio|creeping in; inrequietus|restless, troubled; inresectus|not cut, uncut; inresolutus|not loosed, not slackened; inretortus|not turned or twisted back; inreverens|irreverent; disrespectful; inreverenter|disrespectfully; inreverentia|want of respect, irreverence; inrevocabilis|irrevocable/unalterable; that can't be summoned/held/drawn back/undone/reversed; inrevocabilus|irrevocable/unalterable; that can't be summoned/held/drawn back/undone/reversed; inrevocatus|not called back; INRI|I.N.R.I. (Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum); Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews; inrideo|laugh at, ridicule; inridicule|without wit; unwittingly; unamusingly; inrigatio|watering, irrigation; inrigo|water/irrigate; inundate/flood; refresh; wet/moisten; diffuse, shed (sensation); inriguus|watering, irrigating; refreshing; watered, soaked; inrisio|derision; mockery; inritamentum|incitement, incentive; inritator|instigator, prompter; provoker, inciter; inritatrix|inciter, she who incites; inritus|ineffective, useless, invalid; in vain; inrogatio|imposing of a fine or penalty; inrogo|impose/inflict (penalty/burden); demand/propose/call for (penalties/fines); inrumator|one who submits to fellatio; who practices beastly obscenity (L+S); vile person; inrumo|force receptive male oral sex; treat in a shameful manner; abuse; defile; inrumpo|invade; break/burst/force/rush in/upon/into, penetrate; intrude on; interrupt; inruo|rush/dash/run in/upon/headlong, attack/charge; throw self on; enter eagerly in; inruo|intrude/encroach/invade, force way in; demolish (Souter); cause to collapse; inruptus|unbroken, unsevered; insalubris|unhealthy; insalutatus|ungreeted; insanabilis|incurable; irremediable; insane|madly, insanely, wildly; extravagantly; insania|insanity, madness; folly, mad extravagance; insanio|be mad, act crazily; insaniter|madly, insanely, wildly; extravagantly; insanum|immensely, enormously, exceedingly; insanus|mad, raging, insane, demented; frenzied, wild; possessed, inspired; maddening; insatiabilis|insatiable; insatiatus|unsatisfied; inscendo|climb on, ascend, mount; insciens|unknowing, unaware; inscientia|ignorance; inscitia|ignorance; inscitus|ignorant; uninformed; inscius|not knowing, ignorant; unskilled; inscribo|write on/in; inscribe, brand; record as; entitle; inscriptio|inscription; inscrutabilis|inscrutable, entirely mysterious, unfathomable; unknowable; insculpo|carve (in or on), engrave; engrave on the mind; inseco|cut/incise; make incision in; make by cutting; cut into/up (L+S); dissect; inseco|tell; tell of; relate (L+S); declare; pursue the narration; insectatio|hostile pursuit; criticism; insecticidium|insecticide; insecto|pursue with hostile intent; pursue with hostile speech, etc; insector|pursue with hostile intent; pursue with hostile speech, etc; insedabiliter|incessantly; insemel|at once; insenesco|grow old in; wane; insensatus|irrational; insensibilis|insensible; unfeelable; inseparabilis|inseparable, that cannot be separated/divided; inseparabiliter|inseparably; constant, always (Sax); inseparatus|not separate; unseparated; insepultus|unburied; insequo|tell; tell of; relate (L+S); declare; pursue the narration; tell me about it; insequor|follow/come after; attack; overtake; pursue (hostile); come after (time); insero|plant, sow; graft on; put in, insert; inserto|thrust in, introduce; inservio|be serviceable (L+S); be attached/submissive to; treat with deference; inservio|serve the interests of; take care of, look after, pay attention/be devoted to; inservo|attend to; observe attentively; insibilo|hiss; whistle; insicium|stuffing; minced meat; insideo|sit (at/on); sit (on) a horse; be seated; (things) rest/lie upon; lie heavy; insideo|be situated in/on; inhabit (area); lie in ambush (in); be troublesome (to); insideo|be fixed/stamped in; adhere to; grip; take possession of; hold/occupy; insidia|ambush/ambuscade (pl.); plot; treachery, treacherous attack/device; trap/snare; insidiator|one lying in ambush/wait (attack/rob); lurker; who plots/sets traps; deceiver; insidio|lie in wait (to rob/assault; lie in ambush; make treacherous attack (on); plot; insidio|lay traps; act to catch person out; wait and watch; be on lookout (for); lurk; insidior|lie in wait (to rob/assault; lie in ambush; make treacherous attack (on); plot; insidior|lay traps; act to catch person out; wait and watch; be on lookout (for); lurk; insidiose|treacherous/deceitful; stealthy/insidious; hazardous; full of hidden dangers; insidiosus|treacherously; deceitfully; cunningly; stealthily; insidiously; insido|sit/settle on; occupy/seize, hold (position); penetrate, sink in; merge into; insido|sit/settle on; occupy/seize, hold (position); penetrate, sink in; merge into; insigne|mark, emblem, badge; ensign, honor, badge of honor; insignio|mark with a characteristic feature; distinguish; insignio|mark; distinguish; insignis|conspicuous, manifest, eminent, notable, famous, distinguished, outstanding; insile|treadle (pl.) of a loom; (or perhaps leash-rods); insilio|come/leap upon/in; leap/spring up/at; attack/throw oneself upon; bound; mount; insilio|come/leap upon/in; leap/spring up/at; attack/throw oneself upon; bound; mount; insillo|leap into or on; insimul|together; in company; at the same time (L+S); at once (Ecc); insimulo|accuse, charge; allege; insincerus|corrupt; not genuine; insinuatio|ingratiating; beginning speech currying favor with judge; insinuo|push in, work in, creep in, insinuate; insipidus|tasteless; insipid; insipiens|foolish; insipienter|foolishly; insipientia|foolishness; insipio|act foolishly; insipio|throw in; insipo|throw in; insisto|stand/tread upon, stand, stop; press on, persevere (with); pursue, set about; insiticius|inserted into; engrafted; insitio|grafting (of trees); place of graft; grafting time; graft, engrafted plant; insitivus|grafted; spurious; insito|graft; insitor|grafter; insitus|inserted, incorporated, attached; grafting (plant); innate; insociabilis|intractable, implacable; insolabiliter|inconsolably; insolens|haughty, arrogant, insolent; immoderate, extravagant; insolens|unaccustomed; unusual; against custom; insolenter|haughtily, arrogantly, insolently; immoderately; unusually, contrary to custom; insolentia|unfamiliarity; strangeness; haughtiness; extravagance; insolesco|become overbearing; grow proud/haughty/insolent; change, become manly (L+S); insolidus|soft, tender; insolitus|unaccustomed; insolo|place in the sun; insolubilis|incontestable (evidence); that cannot be repaid/loosed/refuted/destroyed; insomnis|sleepless; insomnium|wakefulness; vision, dream; insono|make a loud noise; sound; resound; insons|guiltless, innocent; harmless; insopitus|unsleeping, wakeful; insordesco|become gloomy; inspargo|sprinkle upon; (= inspergo); inspectio|inspection, visual examination; investigation, inquiry; action of looking into; inspecto|look at, observe; look on, watch; insperans|not expecting; insperatus|unhoped for, unexpected, unforeseen; inspergo|sprinkle upon; inspicio|examine, inspect; consider, look into/at, observe; inspico|sharpen to a point; inspiratio|inspiration; act of breathing in (Souter); breath of life; soul (without body); inspiro|inspire; excite, inflame; instill, implant; breathe into; blow upon/into; inspoliatus|not plundered; inspuo|spit upon; insquequo|until; instabilis|unsteady, shaky; unstable; inconstant; instans|eager; urgent; present; instanter|vehemently; violently; urgently, insistently; instantia|earnestness; insistence/urgency; concentration; being present/impending; instar|image, likeness, resemblance; counterpart; the equal/form of (w/GEN); instauratio|renewal, repetition; instaurativus|renewed, repeated; instauro|renew, repeat, restore; insterno|spread or strew on; cover (with); lay over; instigo|urge on; incite, rouse; instillo|pour in drop by drop, drop in; instimulo|goad on; instinctor|instigator; instinctus|roused, fired; infuriated; instinctus|inspiration; instigation; instita|band on a dress; institio|standing still; institor|shopkeeper, peddler; who displays (thing) as if for sale; institoria|shopkeeper, peddler; (female); institorium|shopkeeping, business of shopkeeper; institorius|suit by manager against owner for incurred loss; commercial, of agent/broker; instituo|set up, establish, found, make, institute; build; prepare; decide; institutio|institution; arrangement; instruction, education; institutionalis|institutional; institutor|founder; creator; institutum|custom, principle; decree; intention; arrangement; institution; habit, plan; insto|pursue, threaten; approach, press hard; be close to (w/DAT); stand in/on; instrenuus|inactive, lazy; instrepo|make a loud noise; instructivus|instructive; instructor|one who equips/arranges; preparer/arranger; instructus|equipped, fitted out, prepared; learned, trained, skilled; drawn up/arranged; instructus|equipment, apparatus; instrumentalis|instrumental; instrumentum|tool, tools; equipment, apparatus; instrument; means; document (leg.), deed; instruo|construct, build; prepare, draw up; fit out; instruct, teach; insuadibilis|unpersuadable; adamant, immovable; insuavis|harsh, disagreeable, unpleasing; sour, not sweet; unpleasant in taste/smell; insubidus|stupid; foolish; insudo|sweat/perspire; sweat on (w/DAT); sweat at (task); insuefactus|well trained; insuesco|become accustomed (to); accustom; insuetus|unused/unaccustomed to (w/GEN/DAT), unusual; insufficiens|insufficient; insufficientia|insufficiency; insufflo|blow/breathe in, insufflate; (w/breath of life); insuflo|blow/breathe in, insufflate; (w/breath of life); insula|island; apartment house; insulanus|islander; insulinum|insulin; insulio|come/leap upon/in; leap/spring up/at; attack/throw oneself upon; bound; mount; insulsitas|unattractiveness; dullness, stupidity; insulsus|boring, stupid; insulta|assault, attack; insultatio|insult; insulting remark/action; mockery; assault, attack (Latham); insulto|leap/jump/spring (in/on); dance/trample (on); enter with a leap; insulto|insult; behave insultingly, mock/scoff/jeer (at); assault/attack (Latham); insultuosus|insulting; insultus|assault, attack; insum|be in/on/there; belong to; be involved in; insumo|spend, expend/employ (money/time/effort), devote; consume, take in/up; assume; insuo|sew up (in), sew (on or in); insuper|above, on top; in addition (to); over; insuper|above, on top; in addition (to); over; insuperabilis|insurmountable; unconquerable; insupo|throw in; insurgo|rise up; rise up against; insusurro|insinuate; suggest; whisper; intabesco|pine away; melt away; intactus|untouched, intact; untried; virgin; intaminabilis|undefilable; that cannot be defiled/sullied/contaminated/tainted; intaminatus|undefiled; untainted; unstained; unsullied; intantum|in so much (JFW - widespread medieval); intectus|uncovered; naked; open; integellus|unharmed; integer|untouched, entire, whole, complete; uninjured, sound, fresh (troops), vigorous; integer|fresh troops (pl.); intego|cover; cover over; integrale|integral (math.); integralis|integral; complete; integrasco|break out afresh; integratio|integration; integre|honestly, irreproachably; free from moral shortcomings; faultlessly; wholly; integrismus|fundamentalism; integrista|fundamentalist; integritas|soundness; chastity; integrity; integro|renew; refresh; integrate (Cal); integumentum|covering, shield, guard; intellectibilis|intelligible; intellectualis|intellectual, of the mind or understanding; intellectualiter|intellectually, according to the intellect; intellectus|comprehension/understanding; recognition/discerning; intellect; meaning/sense; intellegens|intelligent; discerning; intellegentia|intelligence; intellect; understanding; intellegibilis|intellectual; capable of appreciation by mind; intellego|understand; realize; intellego|understand; realize; intelligentia|intelligence; intelligo|understand; realize; intemeratus|undefiled/unstained/unsullied/pure; chaste, pure from sexual intercourse; intemperans|headstrong, lacking self-control; licentious, lewd; extreme, bad-tempered; intemperanter|without self-control/restraint; immoderately, excessively, violently; intemperantia|extravagance, excess, lack of self-control/restraint; violence; incontinence; intemperantia|immoderation, unrestrained use (of)/indulgence (in); licentiousness; arrogance; intemperate|immoderately, intemperately; intemperatus|intemperate, untempered, immoderate; inclement (L+S); unmixed (w/vinum); intemperia|intemperateness (weather, pl.); folly; intemperies|lack of temperateness (of weather, etc); outrageous behavior; intempestivus|untimely, ill timed; unreasonable; intempestus|unseasonable stormy, unhealthy; nox intempesta the dead of night; intemptatus|untried; intendo|hold out; stretch, strain, exert; intensio|stretch, extension; spasm; tautness, tension; straining, concentration; aim; intensitas|intensity; intensivus|intensive; intensus|eager/intent, closely attentive; strict; intense, strenuous; serious/earnest; intente|attentively, with concentrated attention, intently; intentio|stretch, extension; spasm; tautness, tension; straining, concentration; aim; intentio|thought; purpose, intention; intentionalis|intentional; intentionaliter|intentionally; intento|point (at); point (weapons, etc) in a threatening manner, threaten; intentus|eager/intent, closely attentive; strict; intense, strenuous; serious/earnest; intepeo|be lukewarm; intepesco|become warm; inter|between, among; during; [inter se => to each other, mutually]; interactio|interaction; interamentum|woodwork (pl.) of a ship; interaneum|gut; intestine; interaneus|interior; intercalarius|intercalary (inserted month in calendar); of insertion, to be inserted; intercalo|insert (day or month) in the calendar, intercalate; postpone; intercapedo|intermission; interruption, continuity break; interval/pause/delay/respite; gap; intercedo|intervene; intercede, interrupt; hinder; veto; exist/come between; interceptor|usurper, embezzler; intercessio|intervention; veto (of a magistrate); intercessor|mediator; one who vetoes; intercido|happen; perish; fall from memory, cease to exist; intercido|cut through, sever; intercino|sing between; intercipio|cut off; intercept, interrupt; steal; intercludo|cut off; blockade; hinder, block up; intercolumnium|space between two columns; intercurso|run in between; intercursus|interposition; intercus|under the skin; [w/aqua => dropsy]; interdico|forbid, interdict, prohibit; debar (from); interdictum|prohibition; provisional decree of a praetor; interdie|in the daytime; by day; interdiu|in the daytime, by day; interdius|in the daytime; by day; (archaic form of interdiu); interductus|interpunctuation; point inserted in writing; hyphen (Cal); interdum|sometimes, now and then; interea|meanwhile; interemo|do away with; kill, cut off from life; extinguish; put an end to, destroy; intereo|perish, die; be ruined; cease; interequito|ride among or between; interest|it concerns, it interests; interfectio|slaughter; act of killing; fatal end of an illness (Souter); interfector|killer, murderer; assassin; destroyer (Souter); interfectrix|murdereress; assassin (female); interficio|kill; destroy; interfio|begin (to do something); begin to speak; (infit only classical example); interfluo|flow between or through; interfor|interrupt, interpose; break in conversation; speak between/while other speaking; interfulgens|shining or gleaming among; interfusus|poured/flowing/spread out between, suffused here and there; intergerivus|common; interibi|meanwhile, in the meantime; intericio|put/throw between; interpose; insert; introduce; interim|meanwhile, in the meantime; at the same time; however, nevertheless; interimisticus|interim; interimo|do away with; kill, cut off from life; extinguish; put an end to, destroy; interior|inner, interior, middle; more remote; more intimate; interior|those (pl.) within; those nearer racecourse goal; inland/further from sea; interitus|ruin; violent/untimely death, extinction; destruction, dissolution; interjaceo|lie between; interjacio|put/throw between; interpose; insert; introduce; interjectio|insertion; placing between; G:interjection; interjectus|lying between; interjicio|put/throw between; interpose; insert; introduce; interlabor|glide/flow between; slip/give way at intervals; interlaqueatus|interlaced; combined; interlino|smear between; erase fully; interloquor|interrupt, speak between, intersperse remarks; issue interlocutory decree; interluceo|shine forth; interludium|interlude, play, episode; game between them, game of cat and mouse (Z); interludo|play between/together; interlunium|change of moon, time of new moon; interluo|flow between; intermedius|intermediate; intermenstruum|period between two lunar months; time of the new moon; the new moon (L+S); intermenstruus|interlunar, occurring between two lunar months; at time of the new moon (L+S); intermeo|go between; flow through; intermico|glitter among; glitter forth; interminabilis|unending; interminabiliter|unendingly; interminatus|forbidden w/threats; menaced/threatened; endless, infinite, unbound (Ecc); interminor|utter threats (to check/alter action); forbid w/threats; threaten, menace (L+S); intermisceo|intermingle, mix, mix among, mingle; intermissio|intermission; pause; intermitto|interrupt; omit; stop; leave off (temporarily); leave a gap; intermorior|perish, die; pass out; die off/out; intermuralis|between walls; internascor|grow between or among; internationalis|international; internatus|residency; internecinus|murderous, deadly; internecio|slaughter, massacre; extermination, total destruction of life; cause of such; internecivus|murderous, deadly (quarrels); devastating (disease); fought to the death (war); internicio|slaughter, massacre; extermination, total destruction of life; cause of such; internicivus|murderous, deadly (quarrels); devastating (disease); fought to the death (war); internista|internist; specialist in internal medicine; interniteo|shine forth; shine among; internodium|space between two joints in the body; internosco|distinguish between; pick out; internuntius|intermediary, go between; internuntius|intermediary; internus|inward, internal; domestic; interordinium|two-row space; space between two rows; interpellatio|interruption in speaking; interpello|interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct; interpolo|furbish, vamp up; falsify; interpono|insert, introduce; admit; allege; interpose; (interponere se = to intervene); interpositio|insertion, inclusion, introduction, placing between; insertion, parenthesis; interpres|interpreter, translator; interpretamentum|explanation; interpretation; interpretatio|interpretation; meaning; interpreto|explain/expound; interpret/prophesy from (dream/omen); understand/comprehend; interpretor|explain/expound; interpret/prophesy from (dream/omen); understand/comprehend; interpretor|decide; translate; regard/construe; take view (that); interpret to suit self; interpunctio|punctuation; interpunctum|interpunctuation; interquiesco|rest awhile; interrado|decorate with intaglio/incised carvings/engraving; embossed (L+S); scraped; interrasilis|decorated/carved in intaglio/incised carvings/engraving; rake/break up ground; interregnum|interregnum (time between kings/reigns); interrete|Internet; interretialis|Internet-derived; interretiarius|Internet user; interrex|one who holds office between the death of a supreme magistrate and the appoint; interritus|unafraid, fearless; interrivatio|drawing off of water between two places; interrogatio|interrogation, inquiry, questioning; interrogatiuncula|short argument; interrogo|ask, question, interrogate, examine; indict; go to law with, sue; interrumpo|drive a gap in, break up; cut short, interrupt; interruptio|interruption; discontinuity, break; aposiopesis (rhetoric); intersaepio|separate; block; interscindo|cut down; cut through, sever; interseco|cut apart; divide; intersero|sow; plant; intersitus|interposed; interspersus|strewn; sprinkled; interspiratio|between breath-fetching; interspiro|fetch breath; admit air; interstinctus|spotted, speckled; interstinguo|separate; extinguish; kill; interstitio|pause, respite; distinction, difference; interstitium|gap; partition; intersum|be/lie between, be in the midst; be present; take part in; be different; intertextus|interwoven; intertributio|contribution; intertrigo|chafing (of skin); intertrimentum|loss, damage; interula|underwear worn by both sexes; inner garment (Erasmus); interulus|underwear; [w/tunica => undergarment worn by both sexes]; interusurium|accumulating interest; interest in the meantime; intervallatus|having intervals; intervallo|take at intervals; intervallum|interval, space, distance; respite; intervenio|come between, intervene; occur, crop up; intervenium|inter-venal space; space between veins of minerals; interventus|intervention; occurrence of an event; interverto|embezzle, cheat; turn upside down/inside out; reverse, invert, overturn, upset; interviso|look at, visit; intervolo|fly between; fly among; intestabilis|detestable, infamous; intestatus|having made no will, intestate; intestina|intestines; intestinus|internal; domestic, civil; intexo|weave (into), embroider (on); cover by twining; insert (into a book, etc); inthronizatio|enthronement; inthronizo|enthrone; intibum|endive or chicory; intibus|endive or chicory; intime|intimately, cordially, deeply, profoundly; intimo|tell, tell about, relate, narrate, recount, describe; intimus|inmost; most secret; most intimate; intingo|dip/plunge in; saturate, steep; cause to soak in; color (w/cosmetics); intinguo|dip/plunge in; saturate, steep; cause to soak in; color (w/cosmetics); intitubabilis|firm, unwavering; intitulo|entitle, give a name to; intolerabilis|unable to endure, impatient (of ); insufferable; intolerandus|insupportable, insufferable; unbearable, intolerable; physically unendurable; intolerans|insufferable, unbearable; unable to endure; impatient (of); intolerant (later); intoleranter|impatiently; insufferably, unbearably; intolerably; intolerantia|impatience; intolerance, lack of tolerance; intono|thunder; intono|thunder; intonsus|uncut; unshaven, unshorn; not stripped of foliage; intorqueo|twist or turn round, sprain; hurl or launch a missile at; intra|within, inside; during; under; intra|within, inside, on the inside; during; under; fewer than; intractabilis|unmanageable, intractable; intractatus|not handled, unattempted; intramuranus|within the walls; intransmeabilis|impassable; intransmutabil|immutability; unchangeability; intransmutabilis|immutable; unchangeable; intremisco|begin to tremble; intremo|tremble, quake; intrepidus|undaunted, fearless, untroubled; intributio|contribution; intricatus|complex; intrico|entangle; embarrass; intrinsecus|internally, on/in the inside; from within; inwards, to the inside; intrinsecus|inward; internal (Souter); intritus|not worn away, unexhausted; intro|within, in; to the inside, indoors; intro|enter; go into, penetrate; reach; introcedo|enter; introduco|introduce, bring/lead in; introductio|innovation; introduction, preface, presentation (Red); introeo|enter, go in or into; invade; introgredior|enter; go in; step in (L+S); introitus|entrance; going in, invasion; intromitto|admit, let into, allow to come in; send/put in; introduce; introrsum|to within, inwards internally; introrsus|within, inside, to within, inwards, inwardly, internally; introrumpo|break in; introspicio|examine; inspect; look upon; introsum|to within, inwards, internally; (archaic form of introrsum); introsus|within, inside, to within, inwards, internally; (archaic form of introrsus); introversio|introversion, turning (thoughts) inward; contemplation of spiritual things; intrusio|intrusion; intrusor|intruder; intubum|endive or chicory; intubus|endive or chicory; intueor|look at; consider, regard; admire; stare; intuitive|intuitively; intuitivus|intuitive; intumesco|swell up, become swollen; rise; intumulatus|unburied; intumus|inmost; intimate; secret; (also intimus); intuor|look at; consider, regard; admire; stare; (alt. form of intueor); inturbidus|undisturbed, quiet; intus|within, on the inside, inside; at home; intutus|defenseless; unsafe; inula|plant elecampane; inultus|unpunished, scot-free; acting with impunity; having no recompense, unavenged; inumbro|cast a shadow; inundatio|flood; inundo|overflow, inundate, flood; swarm; inungo|anoint (with); cover (food w/dressing); rub in (medicaments); inunguo|anoint (with); cover (food w/dressing); rub in (medicaments); inurbanus|rustic, boorish, dull; inuro|burn, scorch; burn (off/away/hole); cauterize; curl (hair w/hot tongs); tinge; inuro|burn in (w/hot iron), make imprint by burning; brand/impress (on/with); stamp; inuro|impress indelibly; impose unalterably; paint by encaustic method; inusitate|in an unusual manner; strangely; inusitatus|unusual, uncommon; strange, unfamiliar; unwonted; inustum|burned parts (pl.); burns;; inustus|burned; inutilis|useless, unprofitable, inexpedient, disadvantageous; harmful, helpless; inutiliter|uselessly, unprofitably; invalidly (legal); badly, harmfully; inexpediently; invado|enter, attempt; invade; take possession of; attack (with in +acc.); invalesco|strengthen, grow strong; increase in power/effectiveness/intensity/frequency; invaletudo|infirmity; invalidus|infirm, weak feeble ineffectual; invasio|attack; invasion; inveho|carry/bring in, import; ride (PASS), drive, sail, attack; invenditus|unsold; invenio|come upon; discover, find; invent, contrive; reach, manage to get; inventarium|list; catalog; inventory; inventio|invention/discovery (action/thing); action of devising/planning; plan/stratagem; inventor|inventor; author; discoverer; inventrix|inventress; inventum|invention, discovery; invenustus|unlovely, unattractive; inverecundia|immodesty; inverecundus|shameless, impudent; invergo|tip/pour (liquids) upon; incline; invertibilitas|unchangeableness; immutability; unalterableness; inverto|turn upside down; pervert; change; invest|unclothed; investigabilis|searchable, investigatable, that may be investigated/looked into; (+ opposite); investigabilis|unsearchable/untraceable, not to be investigated/looked into; investigatio|search; inquiry, investigation; research; investigo|investigate; search out/after/for; track down; find (by following game trail); investio|clothe; cover; inveterasco|grow old; become established/customary; inveteratio|inveterateness, permanence; persistentness; obstinateness; inveteratus|old, inveterate, of long standing; hardened by age; invetero|make old, give age to; grow old; become rooted; invicem|in turn; by turns; reciprocally/mutually; [ab invicem => from one another]; invicto|excite, exasperate, irritate; invictus|unconquered; unconquerable, invincible; invidendus|enviable, arousing envy/jealousy; be envied; invidens|jealous; invidentia|jealousy, envy; invideo|envy, regard with envy/ill will; be jealous of; begrudge, refuse; invidia|hate/hatred/dislike; envy/jealousy/spite/ill will; use of words/acts to arouse; invidiose|so as to arouse hatred/odium/envy/hostility; jealously; with ill will; invidiosus|arousing hatred/odium/envy; odious, invidious; enviable; envious, jealous; invidus|hateful, ill disposed, hostile, malevolent; envious, jealous, grudging; invigilo|stay awake (over); watch (over) diligently; invincibilis|invincible; invincibiliter|invincibly; inviolabilis|sacrosanct, imperishable; inviolate|inviolately inviolatus|uninjured, unhurt; inviolable; inviolaus|unhurt, unviolated, inviolable; invisibil|invisible; spiritual; invisitatus|unvisited, unseen; inviso|go to see, visit; watch over; invisus|hated, detested; hateful, hostile; invitabulum|place that invites; (Erasmus); invitamentum|inducement; invitatio|invitation; invitatorius|inviting; invitatory; of/pertaining to invitation; invito|invite, summon; challenge, incite; encourage; attract, allure, entice; invituperabilis|unblamable; invitus|reluctant; unwilling; against one's will; invius|impassable; inaccessible; invoco|call upon, invoke; pray for; involgo|make known; publish abroad; involo|fly into or at, rush upon; seize on; involucrum|wrap, cover; envelope (Cal); involuntarie|involuntarily; involuntarius|involuntary; involuntas|unwillingness; reluctance; disinclination; involvo|wrap (in), cover, envelop; roll along; invorto|turn upside down; pervert; change; invulgo|make known; publish abroad; invulnerabilis|invulnerable; invulneratus|unwounded; Io|Yo!; Hurrah! (ritual exclamation of strong emotion/joy); Ho!; Look!; Quick!; iodium|iodine; iogurtum|yogurt; Ion|Isis; daughter of Inachus; Ion|Isis; daughter of Inachus; Ionicus|Ionic/Ionian; (architectural order, dialect/style, meter, lascivious dance); iota|iota; tenth letter of Greek alphabet; (transliterate as I); iotacismus|iotacism; doubling of letters; excessive repetition of iota/other Greek vowels; ioth|yod; (10th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as Y); ipse|himself/herself/itself; the very/real/actual one; in person; themselves (pl.); ipsimus|master; ipsissimus|own very self; ira|anger; ire, wrath; resentment; indignation; rage/fury/violence; bad blood; iracunde|angrily, irately; irritably; passionately; w/anger; w/proneness to anger; iracundia|irascibility, hot temper; passion; resentment; anger; wrath (Ecc); iracunditer|angrily, irately; irritably; passionately; in a quick-tempered manner; iracundus|angry; hot-tempered; enraged; furious; irascibilis|irascible, choleric; irascor|get/be/become angry; fly into a rage; be angry at (with DAT); feel resentment; irate|angrily; indignantly; furiously; iratus|angry; enraged; furious; violent (L+S); raging; angered; irenacentia|proneness/readiness/inclination/disposition//propensity to anger; anger/choler; irenaceus|hedgehog; irenarcha|provincial judge; irenismus|pacifism; irinum|extract of iris root; irinus|of/derived from the iris plant/root; Iris|Iris (messenger of the gods, goddess of the rainbow); rainbow; iris|iris (plant)i; preparation of iris root; iridescent stone; Iris|Iris (messenger of the gods, goddess of the rainbow); rainbow; iris|iris (plant)i; preparation of iris root; iridescent stone; iris|hedgehog; irnea|jug; kind of jug; irneacus|having hernia/rupture/enlarged scrotum; irneosus|having hernia/rupture/enlarged scrotum; iro|get/be/become angry; fly into a rage; be angry at (with DAT); feel resentment; ironia|irony; ironice|ironically; irradiatio|illumination; irradiation (Cal); irradio|beam forth; irrationabile|unreasoning creatures; dumb animals; irrationabilis|irrational, unreasoning; irrationabiliter|irrationally, unreasoningly; irrational|unreasoning creature; irrationalis|irrational, unreasoning; irrecogitatio|search, hunting out; inquiry, investigation; spying; collecting evidence; irrecogitatio|thoughtlessness; inconsiderateness; irrecordabilis|not to be remembered; irrecuperabilis|irreparable; unalterable; irrecoverable; irrecusabilis|not to be refused; that cannot be refused; irrecusabiliter|without possibility of refusal; irreductibilis|irreducible; unable to be reduced; irreformabilis|unchangeable; unalterable; irrefragabilis|unavoidable; irresistible; incontrovertible/incontestable/indisputable; irrefragabiliter|unavoidably; irresistibly; incontestably; undeniably; irrefrenabilis|uncontrollable; unquenchable; irregressibilis|from which there is no return; irregularis|irregular; irregularitas|irregularity; impediment (to reception/exercise of sacred orders); irreligatus|unfastened, unbound, unmoored; not fastened/bound/moored; irreligiose|impiously; blasphemously; irreligiosus|irreligious; impious; irremeabilis|along or across which one cannot return; irremediabilis|fatal; irredeemable; beyond cure; for which there is no remedy; irremissibilis|unpardonable, irremissible; unremitting; of which there is no remission/pardon; irremunerabilis|that cannot be repaid/compensated/remunerated; irremuneratus|unrewarded; unremunerated; unpaid; irreparabilis|irreparable, irrecoverable (loss/damage); irretrievable;; irrepertus|not found, undiscovered; irrepo|creep in or into; steal into; insinuate oneself (into); irreprehensibilis|irresprehensible, not blameworthy; irreproachable; not liable to reproof/blame; irreprehensus|blameless, not blamed; not censured; irrepticius|surreptitious; irreptio|creeping in; irrequietus|unquiet; restless; disquieting; irretio|entangle; catch in a net; irreverens|irreverent; disrespectful; irreverentia|disrespect; irrevocabilis|irrevocable/unalterable; that can't be summoned/held/drawn back/undone/reversed; irrevocabilus|irrevocable/unalterable; that can't be summoned/held/drawn back/undone/reversed; irrideo|ridicule, mock, make fun of; laugh at; irridicule|without wit; unwittingly; unamusingly; irrigo|water/irrigate; inundate/flood; refresh; wet/moisten; diffuse, shed (sensation); irriguus|watering; well watered; irrimator|one who submits to fellatio; vile person (L+S); (term of abuse); (rude); irrimo|force receptive male oral sex; treat in shameful manner; abuse; defile; (rude); irrisio|derision; mockery; irrisor|mocker, scoffer; irrisus|mockery; laughingstock; irritabilis|easily provoked, sensitive; irritamen|incentive, stimulus; irritamentum|incentive, stimulus; irritatio|incitement, provocation; irritator|instigator, prompter; provoker, inciter; irritatrix|inciter, she who incites; irrito|excite; exasperate, provoke, aggravate, annoy, irritate; irritus|ineffective, useless; invalid, void, of no effect; in vain; irrogo|impose/inflict (penalty/burden); demand/propose/call for (penalties/fines); irroro|wet with dew; besprinkle, water; rain on; irrotulatio|enrollment; irrotulo|enroll; irrugio|cry loudly; irrumator|one who submits to fellatio; vile person (L+S); (term of abuse); (rude); irrumo|force receptive male oral sex; treat in shameful manner; abuse; defile; (rude); irrumpo|invade; break/burst/force/rush in/upon/into, penetrate; intrude on; interrupt; irruo|rush into; invade; irruo|rush/dash/run in/upon/headlong, attack/charge; throw self on; intrude/encroach; irruo|intrude/encroach/invade, force way in; demolish (Souter); cause to collapse; irruptio|attack, sally, assault; violent/forcible entry; is|he/she/it/they (by GENDER/NUMBER); DEMONST: that, he/she/it, they/them; Isai|Isaiah (abb.), Book of the Bible; ischiacus|that has hip pains; ischiadicus|of hip-gout; of pains in hip; ischium|hip joint; isicium|stuffing; minced meat; Islamicus|Islamic; Islamismus|Islam; isocheles|isosceles (triangle); having two equal sides; isochronismus|isochronism; taking place in equal time; P:w/equal time between stresses; isochronus|isochronous; of equal duration; taking place at the same time; isosceles|isosceles (triangle); having two equal sides; isoscelles|isosceles (triangle); having two equal sides; Israel|Israel/Jacob; Israelites, decedents of Israel; people of God; Israelita|Israelite; Israelitis|Israelite woman; Israhel|Israel/Jacob; Israelites, decedents of Israel; people of God; Israheles|Israel/Jacob; Israelites, decedents of Israel; people of God; Israhelita|Israelite; Israhelitis|Israelite woman; isse|himself/herself/itself; the very/actual one; (endearment/colloquial of ipse); istac|there, that way; in that way, in such a way; iste|that, that of yours, that which you refer to; such; isthmus|isthmus; strait; isti|there, in that place; where you are; herein, in this affair; istic|there, over there, in that place; where you are; herein, in this affair; istic|that of yours/mentioned by you/at hand; istimodi|such, of that kind/type/manner; istinc|from (over) there, thence; from where you are; on the other side; from here; istiusmodi|such, of that kind/type/manner; isto|thither, to you, to where you are; in that matter; to the point you reached; istoc|thither, that way, yonder; istuc|thither, to you, to where you are; in that direction; to that subject/point; ita|thus, so; therefore; Italia|Italy; Italica|italic print; italicus|of Italy, Italian; Italicus|Italians (pl.); italus|of Italy, Italian; Italus|Italian; itaque|and so, accordingly; thus, therefore, consequently; itaque|and so, therefore; item|likewise; besides, also, similarly; iter|journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]; iteratio|repetition (Collins); itero|do a second time; repeat; renew, revise; iterum|again; a second time; for the second time; ithyphallicus|ithyphallic; special-metric; itidem|in the same manner/way, just so; likewise, similarly, also; itiner|journey; road; passage, path; march [route magnum => forced march]; itinerans|itinerant; itinero|travel; go on eyre/judge's circuit; itus|going, gait; departure; iureiurando|an oath (ius iurandum); iurisiurandi|an oath (ius iurandum); iusiurandum|an oath (ius iurandum); iusiurandum|an oath (ius iurandum); ixon|ringtail; (bird); (female hen-harrier, formerly thought distinct species OED); jacca|jacket; jaceo|lie; lie down; lie ill/in ruins/prostrate/dead; sleep; be situated; jacio|throw, hurl, cast; throw away; utter; Jacob|Jacob; jactans|arrogant; boastful; proud; exaltant; jactanter|arrogantly; jactantia|boasting, ostentation; jactatio|shaking; boasting; showing off; jactio|throwing; (Erasmus); jactito|mention; bandy; (Col); jacto|throw away, throw out, throw, jerk about; disturb; boast, discuss; jactura|loss; sacrifice; expense, cost; throwing away/overboard; jactus|throwing, hurling, cast, throw; jaculator|javelin thrower; jaculor|throw a javelin; hurl, cast; shoot at; jaculum|javelin; dart; jaculus|thrown, darting; jam|now, already, by/even now; besides; [non ~ => no longer; ~ pridem => long ago]; jamdudum|long ago/before/since; a long time ago; this long time; immediately, at once; jamjam|already; now; jamjamque|just now, at this very moment; already, now, just; jampridem|long ago/since; well before now/then; for a long time now/past; Jan|January (month/mensis understood); abb. Jan.; janitor|doorkeeper, porter; janitor; janitrix|poetress; janthinus|violet-colored; janua|door, entrance; Januarius|January (month/mensis understood); abb. Jan.; Janus|Janus, Roman god of gates and doorways (with two faces); gate (Ecc); jasminum|jasmine; jaspis|jasper; jecur|liver; (food, medicine, drug, for divination, as seat of feelings); jecur|liver; (food, medicine, drug, for divination, as seat of feelings); jecusculum|little liver; jejunitas|hunger, emptiness; meagerness, poverty; jejunium|fasting/fast (day); Lent; hunger; leanness; [caput jejunius => Ash Wednesday]; jejuno|fast; abstain form; jejunus|fasting, abstinent, hungry; dry, barren, unproductive; scanty, meager; Jemineus|Benjamite, of the tribe of Benjamin; descendant of Benjamin; jentaculum|breakfast; jento|breakfast; Jerusalem|Jerusalem (Hebrew); Jesuita|Jesuit; Jesuiticus|Jesuit-, of the Jesuits; Jesus|Jesus; Joannes|John; jobeleus|year of the jubilee among Jews; (slaves freed and property reverts); 50th year; jobileus|year of the jubilee among Jews; (slaves freed and property reverts); 50th year; jocabundus|jesting, joking; making jokes; jocatio|joke, jest; jocinerosus|liverish, with bad/ailing liver; joco|joke, jest; say in jest; make merry; jocor|joke, jest; say in jest; make merry; jocose|jokingly, jocosely; jocosus|humorous, funny, droll; sportive; factious; full of jesting/jokes/fun; jocularis|laughable; joculor|jest; joke; jocunde|pleasantly; delightfully; pleasingly, gratifyingly, agreeably; jocundiatas|charm, agreeableness, pleasing quality; pleasantness/amiability; favors (pl.); jocunditas|charm, agreeableness, pleasing quality; pleasantness/amiability; favors (pl.); jocundo|please, delight; feel delighted; take delight; jocundus|pleasant/agreeable/delightful/pleasing (experience/person/senses); congenial; jocur|liver; (food/medicine/divination/seat of feelings); jocur|liver; (food/medicine/divination/seat of feelings); jocus|joke, jest; sport; jocusculum|little liver; jod|jod; (tenth letter of Hebrew alphabet); Jovis|Jupiter; (Roman chief/sky god); (supreme being); heavens/sky (poetic); juba|mane of a horse; crest (of a helmet); jubar|radiance of the heavenly bodies, brightness; first light of day; light source; jubatus|having mane, crest; jubelaeus|year of the jubilee among Jews; (slaves freed and property reverts); 50th year; jubeo|order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray; jubilaeus|year of the jubilee among Jews; (slaves freed and property reverts); 50th year; jubilarius|jubilee-, of a jubilee; jubilatio|wild/loud shouting; whooping; jubilation/rejoicing (Ecc); gladness; retirement; jubilatus|wild/loud shouting; whooping; jubilation/rejoicing (Ecc); gladness; retirement; jubilo|shout/sing out/joyfully, rejoice; invoke with/let out shouts/whoops, halloo; jubilum|wild/joyful shout/cry; whoop of joy; halloo; shepherd's song (L+S); jubilus|joyful melody; jubo|order/tell/command/direct; enjoin/command; decree/enact; request/ask/bid; pray; juctim|together, side-by-side; in succession, consecutively; jucunde|pleasantly; delightfully; pleasingly, gratifyingly, agreeably; jucunditas|charm, agreeableness, pleasing quality; pleasantness/amiability; favors (pl.); jucundo|please, delight; feel delighted; take delight; jucundus|pleasant/agreeable/delightful/pleasing (experience/person/senses); congenial; Juda|Judah; Jude; Judas; a son of Jacob; tribe of Judah; Judaea|Jewess, Jewish woman; Judaea|Judea; Israel; Canaan; Palestine; Judaeus|of/relating to the Jews, Jewish; of/originating/stationed in Judea (troops); Judaeus|Jew, Jewish person; the Jews (pl.); Judaicus|of/relating to the Jews, Jewish; of/originating/stationed in Judea (troops); Judaismus|Judaism; Judaizo|live in the Jewish manner; keep the law, keep kosher?; Judas|Judas; Jude;exquisit exquisit Judes|Judah; Jude; Judas; a son of Jacob; tribe of Judah; judex|judge; juror; judicalis|judicial; forensic; of/relating to law courts/administration; of jury service; judicatio|judicial enquiry, act of deciding case; question/point at issue; opinion; judiciarius|of a court of justice, judicial; judicium|trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice; judicium|judgment/sentence/verdict; judging; jurisdiction/authority; opinion/belief; judico|judge, give judgment; sentence; conclude, decide; declare, appraise; juditium|trial, legal action/process; court/tribunal; courts; administration of justice; juditium|judgment/sentence/verdict; judging; jurisdiction/authority; opinion/belief; jugalis|yoked together; nuptial; juger|jugerum (area 5/8 acre/length 240 Roman feet); acres/fields/broad expanse (pl.); jugerum|jugerum (area 5/8 acre/length 240 Roman feet); acres/fields/broad expanse (pl.); jugis|continual; ever-flowing; jugiter|continually, unendingly; in unbroken succession; continuously; constantly (Bee); juglans|walnut tree; walnut (nut); jugo|marry; join (to); jugosus|mountainous; jugulans|walnut tree; walnut (nut); jugulo|kill by slitting the throat; butcher, kill, murder, slay; cut the throat; jugulum|throat, neck; collarbone; jugulus|throat, neck; collarbone; jugum|yoke; team, pair (of horses); ridge (mountain), summit, chain; Jul|July (month/mensis understood); abb. Jul.; renamed from Quintilis in 44 BC; Julianus|Julian; (Flavius Claudius Julianus emperor 361-363 AD); julis|rock-fish (Pliny); Julius|Julius; (Roman gens name); (C. ~ Caesar 102-44 BC); Julius|Julius; Roman gens/family; (C. ~ Caesar 102-44 BC); of a/the Julians; Julius|July (month/mensis understood); abb. Jul.; renamed from Quintilis in 44 BC; julus|plant-down; woolly part of plant (Pliny); jumentum|mule; beast of burden; Jun|June (month/mensis understood); abb. Jun.; junceus|made of rushes; junctim|both together; successively; junctura|joint; association; junctus|connected in space, adjoining, contiguous; closely related/associated; juncus|rush; jungo|join, unite; bring together, clasp (hands); connect, yoke, harness; junior|younger (COMP of juvenis); junior|younger man, junior; (in Rome a man younger than 45); juniperus|juniper; Junius|June (month/mensis understood); abb. Jun.; Juno|Juno; (Roman goddess, wife of Jupiter); Jupiter|Jupiter; (Roman chief/sky god); (supreme being); heavens/sky (poetic); Juppiter|Jupiter; (Roman chief/sky god); (supreme being); heavens/sky (poetic); juramentum|oath; jurandum|oath; juratus|being under oath, having given one's word, pledged; sworn loyalty; conspired; jure|by right, rightly, with justice; justly, deservedly; jureconsultus|lawyer, jurist; (also two words); jureiuro|swear an oath; jureperitus|skilled or experienced in the law; jurgator|quarrelsome person; jurgatorus|quarrelsome; jurgatrix|quarrelsome woman; jurgium|quarrel/dispute/strife; abuse/vituperation/invective; L:separation (man+wife); jurgo|quarrel, scold; juridicialis|relating to right or justice; juridicus|judiciary; juridicus|judge; administrator of justice; jurisconsultus|lawyer, jurist; (also two words); jurisdictio|jurisdiction, legal authority; administration of justice; jurisperitus|skilled or experienced in the law; juro|swear; call to witness; vow obedience to; [jus jurandum => oath]; conspire; jurulentus|juicy; not dried; jus|gravy; broth; soup; sauce; jus|law; legal system; code; right; duty; justice; court; binding decision; oath; juscellum|broth; soup; jusculum|broth; jusjurandum|oath; jussio|order, command; magistrate's order; requisition; jussum|order, command, decree, ordinance, law; physician's prescription; jussus|order, command, decree, ordinance; [only ABL S => by order/decree/command]; juste|justly, rightly, lawfully, legitimately, justifiably; properly, honorably; justico|justify; L:bring to justice; justificatio|justification; due formality; doing right (Def); cleansing of injustice; justificatus|justified; made just; vindicated; justifico|act justly towards, do justice to; justify/make just; forgive/pardon; vindicate; Justinianus|Justinian; (Emperor Justinian 527-565); justitia|justice; equality; righteousness (Plater); justitium|cessation of judicial and all public business, due to national calamity; justum|justice; what is fair/equitable/right/due/proper; funeral rites/offerings; justus|just, fair, equitable; right, lawful, justified; regular, proper; jusum|down, downwards; juvamen|help, aid; assistance; juvat|it pleases/delights; it is enjoyable; it is helpful; juvenalis|youthful, young; juvenaliter|youthfully, like a youth; juvenca|young cow, heifer; girl; juvencus|young bull; young man; juvenesco|grow up; grow young again, regain youth; juvenilis|youthful; juvenis|youth, young man/woman; juvenis|youthful, young; juvenor|act like a youth, be impetuous; juventa|youth; juventas|youth; juventus|youth; the age of youth (20-40), young persons; young men, knights; juvo|help, assist, aid, support, serve, further; please, delight, gratify; juxta|nearly; near, close to, near by, hard by, by the side of; just as, equally; juxta|near, (very) close to, next to; hard by, adjoining; on a par with; like; juxtapositio|juxtaposition; juxtim|nearby, in close proximity, close together, side-by-side; equally; juxtim|next to, beside; K|Kaeso/Caeso (Roman praenomen); (abb. K.); kadamitas|loss, damage, harm; misfortune/disaster; military defeat; blight, crop failure; Kaeso|Kaeso/Caeso (Roman praenomen); (abb. K.); Kal|Kalends (pl.), 1st of month; abb. Kal./Kl.; day of proclamation, interest due; kalator|personal attendant, servant, footman; servant of a priest; kalatorius|pertaining to a servant of a priest; Kalenda|Kalends (pl.), 1st of month; abb. Kal./Kl.; day of proclamation, interest due; kalendarium|calendar; ledger/account book (for monthly interest payments); kalo|announce, proclaim; summon, convoke, call forth/together; kalumnia|sophistry, sham; false accusation/claim/statement/pretenses/objection; quibble; kalumniator|false accuser; pettifogger, chicaner; perverter of the law; carping critic; kalumniatrix|false accuser/claimant (female); kapitularium|head/poll-tax or levy; kaput|head; person; life; leader; top; source/mouth (river); capital (punishment); kardo|hinge; pole, axis; chief point/circumstance; crisis; tenon/mortise; area; limit; Karthago|Carthage; karus|dear, beloved; costly, precious, valued; high-priced, expensive; katafractarius|wearing mail, armored; katafractarius|mail-clad/armored soldier; Kl|Kalends (pl.), 1st of month; abb. Kal./Kl.; day of proclamation, interest due; koppa|archaic Greek letter koppa; kum|arise; (Aramaic); (Mark 5:41); Kyrie|Oh Lord (Greek vocative); L|Lucius (Roman praenomen); (abb. L.); labarum|Labarum; Roman military standard; Constantine's banner of cross w/monogram XP; labasco|fall to pieces, break up; waver; yield; labda|lambda (Greek letter); (used as a symbol for fellatio); labdacismus|speaking fault (esp. with letter L); labecula|stain, blemish; slight stain; minor disgrace; labefacio|make unsteady/totter; loosen, shake; subvert (power/authority); weaken resolve; labefacto|shake; cause to waver; make unsteady, loosen; undermine; labefio|be made unsteady; be loosened/shaken; be subverted; (labefacio PASS); labellum|bowl; basin; sink; labellum|lip; Labeo|Labeo; (Roman cognomen); one who has large/blubber lips (L+S); labes|landslip/subsidence; disaster/debacle; fault/defect/blot/stain/blemish/dishonor; labia|lip; (alt. form of labium); labiosus|with/having large lips; labium|lip; flange; labo|totter, be ready to fall; begin to sink; give way; waver, decline, sink; err; labor|slip, slip and fall; slide, glide, drop; perish, go wrong; labor|labor/toil/exertion/effort/work; task/undertaking; production; childbirth; labor|preoccupation/concern; struggle/suffering/distress/hardship/stress; wear+tear; laborator|laborer; workman; laboratorium|laboratory; laborifer|bearing labor; laboriose|laboriously; laboriosus|laborious, painstaking; laboro|work, labor; produce, take pains; be troubled/sick/oppressed, be in distress; labos|labor/toil/exertion/effort/work; task/undertaking; production; childbirth; labos|preoccupation/concern; struggle/suffering/distress/hardship/stress; wear+tear; labrum|bowl; large basin/vat; tub/bathing place; teasel (prickly plant/genus Dipsacus); labrum|lip (of person/vessel/ditch/river), rim, edge; labrusca|wild vine; labruscum|fruit if the wild vine, wild grape; labyrintheus|of a labyrinth; labyrinthus|labyrinth, maze; lac|milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn (of oyster); lacer|mangled, torn, rent, mutilated; maimed, dismembered; laceratio|mangling; tearing; laceratrix|female lacerator/mangler/mutilator; cruel critic; draining life blood (Souter); lacerna|open mantle/cloak; (fastened at the shoulder); lacero|mangle; slander, torment, harass; waste; destroy; cut; lacerta|lizard; Spanish mackerel; lacertosus|muscular, brawny; lacertus|upper arm, arm, shoulder; (pl.) strength, muscles, vigor, force; lizard; lacesso|provoke, excite, harass, challenge, harass; attack, assail; lachrima|tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; lachrimula|little tear; lachruma|tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; lachryma|tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; lacinia|edge/fringe/hem of garment; strip/rag of cloth; fringe/protuberance/border/flap; lacinia|small group; garments (pl.), dress; laciniatim|in small groups; laciniosus|fringed, having jagged edges; well-clothed, wrapped up; lacrima|tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; lacrimabilis|mournful; tearful; lacrimabundus|breaking into tears, weeping; lacrimalis|of tears, lachrymal; lacrimifer|tear-making; lachrymatory; lacrimo|shed tears, weep; lacrimor|shed tears, weep; lacrimosus|tearful, weeping; causing tears; lacrimula|little tear; lacruma|tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; lacryma|tear; exuded gum/sap; bit of lead; quicksilver from ore; weeping (pl.); dirge; lact|milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn (of oyster); lactans|giving milk, lactating; Lactantius|Lactantius; (Christian apologist, ~250-~325, "Divinarum Institutionum"); lactarium|milk food; (Erasmus); lactatio|enticement, inducement; allure; lacte|milk; milky juice of plants; spat/spawn (of oyster); lactens|suckling, unweaned; full of milk/sap, juicy; prepared with milk; milky white; lactens|suckling, unweaned animal suitable for sacrifice; lactesco|become milky; lacteus|milky; milk-white; [~ orbis or circulus => Milky Way]; lacticinium|milk-food, food prepared w/milk; dish prepared w/milk and eggs (pl.); lacticus|lactic; of/pertaining to milk; lacto|entice, lead on, induce; wheedle, cajole, dupe; lactuca|lettuce; laculatus|girded; moated?; lacuna|pit/hollow/cavity/depression; pool; gap/deficiency; [~ legis => gap in the law]; lacunar|paneled ceiling; lacuno|panel, work in panels, do paneling; lacunosus|full of hollows or gaps; lacus|basin/tank/tub; lake/pond; reservoir/cistern/basin, trough; lime-hole; bin; pit; lacus|basin/tank/tub; lake/pond; reservoir/cistern/basin, trough; lime-hole; bin; pit; ladanum|resinous juice (from shrub lada); ladanum; laedo|strike; hurt, injure, wound; offend, annoy; laena|woolen double cloak; laesio|injury, harm, hurt; part of speech to injure opponent's case (rhetoric), attack; laetabilis|gladdening, welcome; that may be rejoiced at; joyful; laetabundus|greatly-rejoicing; laetans|rejoicing; laetatio|rejoicing; joy; laete|joyfully, gladly; luxuriantly/lushly/abundantly; in rich/florid style; laeter|left; laetifico|fertilize, enrich, make fruitful (land); delight, cheer, gladden, rejoice; laetificus|gladdening, joyful, joyous; luxuriant, fruitful (plants); laetitia|joy/happiness; source of joy/delight; fertility; fruitfulness; floridity; laeto|gladden, cheer; be glad/joyful, rejoice (medieval); laetor|be glad/joyful/delighted; rejoice; be fond (of), delight in; flourish (on/in); laetrosum|on the left; laetus|happy/cheerful/joyful/glad; favorable/propitious; prosperous/successful; laetus|luxuriant/lush/rich/sleek; fertile (land); teeming/abounding; pleasing/welcome; laeva|left hand; laevorsum|on the left hand; laevorsus|on the left hand; laevus|left, on the left hand; from the left; unpropitious, unfavorable, harmful; laganum|cake; lagena|flask/flagon; bottle w/narrow neck; big earthen jar w/handles; pitcher (Douay); lageos|Greek kind of vine; lagoena|flask/flagon; bottle w/narrow neck; big earthen jar w/handles; pitcher (Douay); lagois|bird, perhaps heathcock/grouse; lagona|flask, flagon, bottle with narrow neck; (esp. wine); pitcher (Douay); laguena|flask, flagon, bottle with narrow neck; (esp. wine); pitcher (Douay); laguenos|flask, flagon, bottle with narrow neck; (esp. wine); pitcher (Douay); laguncula|small/little flask/bottle; (for wine); laicalis|layman, one not belonging to the priesthood/in orders; laicalis|lay, common; of the laity/people; not priestly/in orders/consecrated; laicatus|lay state; religious condition of things not consecrated/priestly/in orders; laiciso|laicize; make lay, reduce to lay state; secularize, make (office) lay tenable; laicus|lay, common; of the laity/people; not priestly/in orders/consecrated; laicus|layman, one not belonging to the priesthood/in orders; lama|bog, slough; lama|llama; lambo|lick; lap/lick/suck up, absorb; wash/bathe; surround; fondle/caress (L+S); fawn; lambo|lick; lap/lick/suck up, absorb; wash/bathe; surround; fondle/caress (L+S); fawn; lamed|lamed/lameth; (12th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as L); lamella|small metal piece (eg. coin, plate); lamenta|wailing, weeping, groans, laments; lamentabilis|doleful; lamentable; lamentarius|mournful; sorrowful; lamentatio|lamentation, wailing; lamento|lament; utter cries of grief; bewail; lament for; complain that; lamentor|lament; utter cries of grief; bewail; lament for; complain that; lamentum|wailing (pl.), weeping, groans, laments; lameth|lamed/lameth; (12th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as L); lamia|witch; bogey/demon; female monster (eats children/child's blood); vampire (Cas); lamia|kind of shark; sort of flatfish (L+S); species of owl; jackal (Souter); lamina|plate; veneer; thin sheet of metal/other material; (blade); money/cash; lamma|why; (Aramaic); lammina|plate; veneer; thin sheet of metal/other material; (blade); money/cash; lamna|plate; veneer; thin sheet of metal/other material; (blade); money/cash; lampada|lamp/lantern; light/torch/flame/flambeau/link; firebrand; meteor (like torch); lampadarium|chandelier; lamp-stand, support for lamps; lampadarius|lamp/torch bearer; link-boy; chandelier; lamp-stand, support for lamps (Ecc); lampas|lamp/lantern; light/torch/flame/flambeau/link; firebrand; meteor (like torch); lampas|lamp/lantern; light/torch/flame/flambeau/link; firebrand; meteor (like torch); lana|wool; fleece; soft hair; down; trifles; lanarius|wool-worker; lanatus|woolly; covered in wool; woolen; made of wool; wool-like; downy (plants); lancea|lance; long light spear; lancinatio|tearing in/to pieces, rending, mangling; lancino|tear in/to pieces, rend (apart), mangle; lanciola|small lance; landica|clitoris; (rude); laneus|woolen, made of wool; resembling wool (appearance/texture);; languefacio|make languid/inactive/weak/faint; langueo|be tired; be listless/sluggish/unwell/ill; wilt, lack vigor; languesco|become faint or languid or weak, wilt; languide|faintly, feebly; slowly, spiritlessly; languidulus|somewhat faint, limp; languidus|faint, weak; dull, sluggish, languid; spiritless, listless, inactive; powerless; languor|faintness, feebleness; languor apathy; laniena|butcher's shop; lanificus|woodworking, spinning, weaving; laniger|wool-bearing, fleecy; woolly; laniger|ram; lanio|tear, mangle, mutilate, pull to pieces; lanista|manager of a troop of gladiators, trainer; lanitium|wool; lanius|butcher; lanna|ear-lobe; lanosus|woolly; lanterna|lantern; lamp (L+S); torch; lanternarius|lantern-bearer; lantgravius|landgrave (German); a superior Count; lanugo|down, youth; lanx|plate, metal dish, tray, platter, charger; pan of a pair of scales; laophoron|bus; lapathium|sorrel; (archaic form of lapthum); lapathum|sorrel; lapathus|sorrel; lapicida|stone-cutter; quarryman; lapidaris|of stone; lapidarius|of/concerning stone-cutting/quarrying; [litterae ~ => block capital letters]; lapidarius|stone-cutter; lapidesco|become stone; petrify; lapideus|of stone; stony; lapidicina|stone quarries (pl.); lapido|throw stones at; stone; [lapidat => it rains stones]; lapidosus|stony, full of stones; gritty; lapillus|little stone, pebble; precious stone, gem, jewel; lapis|stone; milestone; jewel; lapis|stone; milestone; jewel; lappa|bur; plants bearing burs; lapsana|charlock plant (Pliny); lapsio|tendency; inclination; lapso|slip, Nose one's footing; lapsus|gliding, sliding; slipping and falling; laquear|paneled/fretted ceiling (usu. pl.); rafter, ceiling, panel; laqueare|paneled/fretted ceiling (usu. pl.); rafter, ceiling, panel; laqueatus|paneled; laqueum|noose, halter; snare, trap; lasso; bond, tie; laqueus|noose; snare, trap; Lar|Lares; (usu. pl.); tutelary god/gods of home/hearth/crossroads; home/dwelling; lardum|lard, fat; bacon; large|exceedingly; largificus|bountiful, liberal; largifluus|flowing freely; largiloquus|talkative; largio|give bountifully; lavish; largior|grant; give bribes/presents corruptly; give generously/bountifully; largitas|abundance (of) (w/GEN); bounty; liberality, munificence; largiter|in abundance, plentifully, liberally, much; greatly; has great influence; largitio|generosity, lavish giving, largess; bribery; distribution of dole/land; largitionalis|treasury officer; official of imperial treasury; largitionalis|of/belonging to imperial treasury; largitor|liberal giver; briber; largo|enlarge; largus|lavish; plentiful; bountiful; laridum|bacon; larix|larch, larch tree; laros|gull; ravenous sea bird (Vulgate); mew; common gull (Larus canus); larua|evil spirit/demon/devil; horrific mask; model skeleton; ghost/specter/hobgoblin; larualis|specter-like; deathly; resembling demon/evil spirit; ghostly (L+S); larus|gull; ravenous sea bird (Vulgate); mew; common gull (Larus canus); larva|evil spirit/demon/devil; horrific mask; model skeleton; ghost/specter/hobgoblin; larvalis|specter-like; deathly; resembling demon/evil spirit; ghostly (L+S); larvo|bewitch; enchant; lasania|lasagna; lasanum|cooking-pot; lasarpicifer|asafoetida-producing; lascivia|playfulness; wantonness, lasciviousness; lascivio|frisk; sport; run riot; lascivus|playful; lustful, wanton; impudent, mischievous; free from restraint; laser|plant-juice; (of plant laserpitium); laserpicium|plant from which asafoetida was obtained; lassesco|become tired, grow weary; lassitudo|weariness, exhaustion, faintness; lassitude; lasso|tire, weary, exhaust, wear out; lassulus|rather tired; lassus|tired, weary; languid; late|widely, far and wide; latebra|hiding place, retreat, lair; subterfuge; latebricola|lurker; brothel-frequenter; latebros|secret, offering concealment, abounding in hiding places; hidden, lurking; latebrosus|full of lurking places; lurking in concealment; latens|hidden, concealed; secret, not revealed; [in latenti => in secret]; latenter|secretly, privately; in concealment, without being seen/perceived; lateo|lie hidden, lurk; live a retired life, escape notice; later|brick; brickwork/bricks; block; bar/ingot; tile (L+S); [~ lictro => mercury]; lateralis|lateral, of/on side of body; lateramen|pottery; laterculus|small brick, tile; (brick-shaped) block; hard cake/biscuit; parcel of land; latericium|brickwork; latericius|made of bricks; latericulus|small brick, tile; (brick-shaped) block; hard cake/biscuit; parcel of land; laterna|lantern; lamp (L+S); torch; laterus|having X sides (only with numerical prefix); latesco|become broad (long-a); latesco|hide oneself (short-a); latex|water; (any) liquid/fluid; running/stream/spring water; juice; latibulum|hiding-place, den; laticlavius|having broad crimson stripe; laticlavius|senator; patrician; one who wears purple; latifolius|broad-leaved (Pliny); latifundium|large estate, farm; Latina|Latin (lingua/language); Latin Way (via); (road between Rome and Beneventum); Latine|in Latin; correctly, in good Latin; in plain Latin without circumlocution; latinista|Latinist; Latinitas|good Latin; L:Latin rights; latinitas|Latinity; pure Latin style; L:Latin Law; latinizo|translate into Latin; latino|translate into Latin; Latinus|Latin; of Latium; of/in (good/correct/plain) Latin (language); Roman/Italian; latio|right; proposal (of law); entering (payment); [suffragii ~ => right to vote]]; latio|rendering (assistance/accounts); latito|keep hiding oneself, remain in hiding, be hidden; lie low; lurk; latitudo|width, breadth, extent; latitudo|latitude; Latius|Latin; of Latium (central Italy including Rome/Italy); Roman; Italian; latomus|quarryman; stonemason; hewer of stone (Douay); lator|mover or proposer (of a law); latrator|barker, one who barks; latratus|barking/baying (of dogs); shouting, bawling; roaring (of the sea); latraus|barking; latreuticus|pertaining to the worship of God; latrina|latrine, privy; washing-place, bathroom; latrinum|latrine, privy; washing-place, bathroom; latro|bark, bark at; latro|robber, brigand, bandit; plunderer; latrocinium|brigandage, robbery, highway robbery; piracy, freebooting; villainy; latrocinor|engage in brigandage or piracy; latrunculus|robber, brigand; latus|wide, broad; spacious, extensive; latus|side; flank; latusculum|little side; laudabilis|praiseworthy; laudabilitas|excellency (a title of Comes Metallorum); laudatio|commendation, praising; eulogy; laudator|praiser, one who praises; eulogist; laudo|recommend; praise, approve, extol; call upon, name; deliver eulogy on; laura|monastery; settlement of anchorites in Egypt; laurea|laurel/bay tree; laurel crown/wreath/branch; triumph, victory; honor (poets); laureata|laurel wreathed dispatch announcing victory (pl.); laureatio|crowning w/laurel; laureator|giver of crowns; (of laurel); laureatus|wearing/adorned w/laurel; laureate; [w/litterae => dispatch w/news of victory]; laurentius|crowned w/laurel; laureola|small laurel branch, sprig of bay; (announces victory); little laurel/victory; lauretum|laurel grove; (esp. as proper name) place on Aventine Hill at Rome; laureus|laurel-, of the laurel/bay tree; made of laurel (garlands); resembling laurel; lauricomus|covered with laurel foliage; laurel-haired (L+S); covered w/laurels (hill); laurifer|bearing/producing laurels; decked/crowned w/laurels; laurel-wreathed/crowned; lauriger|bearing/producing laurels; decked/crowned w/laurels; laurel-wreathed/crowned; laurinus|laurel-, of laurel; (oil); laurus|laurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch (medicine/magic); triumph/victory; honor; laurus|laurel/bay tree/foliage/sprig/branch (medicine/magic); triumph/victory; honor; laus|praise, approval, merit; glory; renown; laute|elegantly, sumptuously, fashionably, finely; liberally; lautitia|elegance, splendor, sumptuousness, luxury; lautium|entertainment provided for foreign guests of the state of Rome; state banquet; lautumia|stone-quarry (pl.), especially used as a prison; lautus|elegant, fashionable; sumptuous/luxurious; fine, well turned out; washed/clean; lava|lava; lavabilis|washable; Lavabo|Lavabo, ceremonial hand washing in liturgy; lavabrum|bath-tub; lavacrum|bath; lavandula|lavender; lavatio|washing, bathing; bathing apparatus; bathing place; lavatorium|washer; lavatrina|latrine, privy; washing-place, bathroom; lavendulus|lavender-colored; lavo|wash, bathe; soak; lavo|wash, bathe; soak; lavo|wash, bathe; soak; laxamentum|respite, relaxation, mitigation, alleviation; opportunity; free space/time; laxativum|laxative; laxatus|wide, large in extent, spacious; loose, slack, lax; laxe|loosely, amply; without restraint; over a wide area, widely; on a large scale; laxitas|roominess, largeness; laxo|loosen, slaken, relax, weaken; expand, open up, extend; laxus|wide, spacious, ample, roomy; loose, not close packed; slack, not tight; lax; laxus|unstrung; relaxed, at ease; unrestricted; breached/wide open; distant (time); lazulinus|blue; lea|lioness; leaena|lioness; lebes|copper cauldron, kettle; basin (washing); (prize in the Grecian games); Lebnitica|family of Libini; (son of Gerson, grandson of Levi); lectica|litter; lecticarius|litter-bearer; lecticula|small litter; lectio|reading (aloud); perusal; choosing; lecture (Bee); narrative; Lectionarium|book of lessons for the Divine Office; lectisterniator|couch-arranger; lectisternium|special feast of supplication to the gods, couches for them to recline upon; lectito|read repeatedly; be in the habit of reading; lectiuncula|short/light reading; E:short lesson; lector|reader; lectrix|female reader; lectulus|bed or couch; lectus|chosen, picked, selected; choice, excellent; (pl. as subst = picked men); lectus|bed, couch, lounge, sofa; bridal bed; lectus|chosen/picked/selected men (pl.); lecythos|oil flask/bottle/vessel; lecythus|oil flask/bottle/vessel; lecythus|oil flask/bottle/vessel; leg|legion (abb.); legalis|legal, of/concerned with law; legalitas|legal status; law-worthiness; legatarius|legatee; legatio|embassy; member of an embassy; mission; legator|will-writer; testator; legatum|bequest, legacy; legatus|envoy, ambassador, legate; commander of a legion; officer; deputy; legifer|law-giving; legio|legion; army; legionarius|legionary, of a legion; legirupa|law-breaker; legirupio|law-breaker; legisdoctor|doctor/teacher of the law; legislatio|giving of the law; legislativus|legislative; legislator|legislator; law-giver; proposer of a law; legisperitus|lawyer; one learned/expert in the law; legitimatio|recognition; legitimitas|legitimacy; legitimo|legitimize; legitimus|lawful, right; legitimate; real, genuine; just; proper; legiuncula|small legion; lego|bequeath, will; entrust, send as an envoy, choose as a deputy; lego|read; gather, collect (cremated bones); furl (sail), weigh (anchor); pick out; leguleius|pettifogging lawyer; legumen|pulse, leguminous plant; pod-vegetable; legumlator|legislator; law-giver; proposer of a law; lema|why; (Aramaic); lema|Eli Eli lama sabacthani/My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me Matthew 27:46; Lemannus|Lake Geneva - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; lembus|small fast-sailing boat; lemma|My God; [Heli Heli ~ sabacthani => My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me]; lemma|theme, title; epigram; lemniscatus|ribboned; lemniscus|heraldic label; ribbon (Nelson); lemniscus|ribbon; lemur|malevolent ghosts of the dead, specters, shades; lena|procuress; brothel-keeper; lenimen|alleviation, solace; lenimentum|alleviation, improvement, mitigation (Nelson); sop (Collins); lenio|mitigate, moderate; alleviate, allay, assuage, ease, calm, placate, appease; lenio|mollify; explain away, gloss over; beguile, pass pleasantly; abate; (Kludge); lenio|mitigate, moderate; alleviate, allay, assuage, ease, calm, placate, appease; lenio|mollify; explain away, gloss over; beguile, pass pleasantly; abate; lenis|gentle, kind, light; smooth, mild, easy, calm; lenitas|smoothness; gentleness, mildness; lenience; leniter|gently/mildly/lightly/slightly; w/gentle movement/incline; smoothly; moderately; lenitudo|softness; mildness; calmness; leno|brothel keeper; bawd; procurer, pimp; panderer; lenocinium|pandering; allurement, enticement; flattery; lenocinor|work as a procurer; make up to, flatter; lens|lentil; lentil-plant; S:lens (Cal); lente|slowly; lentesco|become sticky; relax; lenticula|lentil (plant/seed); lentil shape (convexo-convex)/lens-shaped vessel; freckle; lentigo|lentil-shaped spot; B:freckle; lentiscifer|mastic-tree bearing; lentiscum|mastic-tree; lentiscus|mastic-tree; lentitudo|slowness in action; apathy; lento|bend under strain; lentor|pliancy, flexibility; toughness; viscosity; lentulus|somewhat slow; lentus|clinging, tough; slow, sluggish, lazy, procrastinating; easy, pliant; lenunculus|skiff; Leo|Leo (name of several Popes); priests (pl.) of Persian god Mithras; leo|lion; Leodium|Liege; leoninus|of a lion, leonine; leopardalis|leopard; (believed to be hybrid from lion and panther); leopardus|leopard; (believed to be hybrid from lion and panther); lepas|limpet; lepide|charmingly delightfully; wittily; fine, excellent (formula approbation); lepidus|agreeable, charming, delightful, nice; amusing, witty (remarks/books); lepor|charm, pleasantness; leporarium|warren; place where hares kept; leporarius|hare-; of a hare; leporinus|hare-; of a hare; lepos|charm, grace; wit; humor; lepra|leprosy; various inflammatory skin diseases; psoriasis; (usu. pl.); leprosus|leprous; inflicted with various inflammatory skin diseases/psoriasis; leprosus|leper; one inflicted with leprosy; lepus|hare; lepusculus|young hare; lesbianismus|lesbianism, tribadism; Lesbias|Lesbian woman, woman from the island of Lesbos; precious stone from Lesbos; Lesbis|Lesbian woman, woman from the island of Lesbos; Lesbium|Lesbian wine, wine from the island of Lesbos; vessel in embossed style; Lesbius|Lesbian, of Lesbos (Aegean island); type of sculptured decoration; lesbius|lesbian, tribade; (woman who engages in sexual activity with other women); Lesbos|Lesbos; (island in North Aegean, famous for lyric poetry of Sappho and wine); Lesbous|Lesbian, of Lesbos (Aegean island); Lesbus|Lesbos; (island in North Aegean, famous for lyric poetry of Sappho and wine); lessus|wailing; lamentation; letalis|deadly, fatal; lethal, mortal; letania|litany; Lethaeus|of Lethe; causing forgetfulness, of the underworld; lethargicus|drowsy, lethargic person; lethargus|drowsiness, lethargy, coma; lethum|death; (usu. violent); Death (personified); manner of dying; P:destruction; letifer|deadly; fatal; leto|kill; letum|death; (usu. violent); Death (personified); manner of dying; P:destruction; leucacantha|white thorn (Pliny); leucacanthos|white thorn (Pliny); leucaemia|leukemia; leucaspis|having white shields; leunculus|small/little lion; (as statue/carving); levamen|alleviation, solace; levamentum|alleviation, mitigation, consolation; levatio|relief, mitigation, alleviation, lessening, diminishing; lifting (action); leviathan|leviathan, huge aquatic monster (Hebrew); serpent; crocodile; enormous thing; leviculus|rather vain, light-headed; levidensis|thin, slight, poor; levifico|smooth, make smooth; [w/linguam => deal decietfully w/tongue = lie/smooth talk]; levigatus|smooth; slippery; levigo|lighten; relieve; levigo|smooth, make smooth, smooth out, remove roughness; pulverize; make small (L+S); levis|light, thin, trivial, trifling, slight; gentle; fickle, capricious; nimble; levis|smooth; slippery, polished, plain; free from coarse hair/harsh sounds; levisomnus|lightly sleeping; Levita|deacon; Levite; levitas|levity; lightness, mildness; fickleness; shallowness; leviter|lightly/gently/softly/quietly/mildly/slightly; groundlessly/thoughtlessly; Leviticus|Levitical, of/belonging to Levi/Levites; levo|lift/raise/hold up; support; erect, set up; lift off, remove (load); comfort; levo|undo, take off; release, rid; free from (worry/expense); refresh/restore; levo|lighten, lessen, relieve; reduce in force/potency; bring down (cost/prices); levo|alleviate (condition); make smooth, polish; free from hair, depilate; levor|smoothness; lex|law; motion, bill, statute; principle; condition; lex|word; (Greek); lexicalis|lexical; lexicographia|lexicography; lexicographicus|lexicographical; lexicographus|lexicographer; lexicon|lexicon; liana|liana; thick twining vine; libamen|drink-offering; first fruits; libamentum|libation, offering to the gods; libamenum|drink-offering; first fruits; libanotis|rosemary (Pliny); libatio|libation, sacrificial offering (esp. of drink); libella|small silver coin, plumbline; level; libellus|little/small book; memorial; petition; pamphlet, defamatory publication; libens|willing, cheerful; glad, pleased; libenter|willingly; gladly, with pleasure; liber|free (man); unimpeded; void of; independent, outspoken/frank; free from tribute; liber|unconstrained, unrestrained, unencumbered; licentious; idle; w/abandon; liber|children (pl.); (sg. VOC) child; liber|book, volume; inner bark of a tree; liberalis|honorable; courteous, well bred, gentlemanly; liberal; generous; liberalismus|liberalism; liberalitas|courtesy, kindness, nobleness; generosity; frankness; gift; liberaliter|graciously, courteously; liberally; liberatio|liberation/setting free, release/deliverance (from) (debt); acquittal/discharge; liberator|liberator, deliverer; savior; libere|freely; frankly; shamelessly; libero|free; acquit, absolve; manumit; liberate, release; liberta|freedwoman; ex-slave; libertas|freedom, liberty; frankness of speech, outspokenness; libertina|freedman; libertinus|of a freedman; libertinus|freedman; liberto|liberate; E:exempt; libertus|freedman; ex-slave; libet|it pleases, is pleasing/agreeable; (w/qui whatever, whichever, no matter); libidinor|gratify/indulge lust/passion; libidinosus|lustful, wanton; capricious; libido|desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts (pl.); Libitina|Libitina, goddess of funerals; libitinarius|undertaker; libo|nibble, sip; pour in offering/a libation; impair; graze, touch, skim (over); Libo|Libo; (Roman cognomen); libra|scales, balance; level; Roman pound, 12 unciae/ounces; (3/4 pound avoirdupois); libramen|poise, balance; libramentum|weight, counterpoise; libraria|bookstore; librariolus|copyist; scribe; librarium|bookcase; library; librarium|library (piece of furniture); librarius|copyist, secretary; bookseller; librarius|of books; librarius|bookseller; libratio|level-making; horizontal position; hurling off; libricola|bibliophile; librilis|weighing a (Roman) pound; libripens|one who holds the balance (in ceremony of mancipium), man in charge of scales; libritor|artilleryman; libro|balance,swing; hurl; libum|cake/pancake; consecrated cake (to gods on 50 birthday); liquid/drink offering; liburna|light, fast-sailing warship; (Liburian/Illyrian/Croatian galley/brigantine); liburnica|light, fast-sailing warship; (Liburian/Illyrian/Croatian galley/brigantine); Liburnicus|of/belonging to the Liburian/Illyrian/Croatian people; Liburnus|Liburian/Illyrian/Croatian (pl.) peoples; Libya|Libya (general term for North Africa); peoples (pl.) of Libya; Libycus|Libyan; African; Libye|Libya (general term for North Africa); peoples (pl.) of Libya; licens|bold, free, forward, presumptuous; uncurbed, unrestrained in conduct; licenter|boldly/impudently; licentiously/loosely; freely; w/out restraint; extravagantly; licentia|freedom, liberty; license, disorderliness; outspokenness; licentio|authorize, permit; dismiss; licentiosus|unrestrained, unbridled; wanton, licentious; free; liceo|fetch (price); (with ABL or GEN); liceor|bid on/for, bid, bid at auction; make a bid; licet|although, granted that; (with subjunctive); licet|it is permitted, one may; it is all right, lawful, allowed, permitted; lichanos|second highest tetrachord note; (lychanos/lichanos); lichen|lichen; liverwort?; skin disease, tetter, eczema, ringworm; gum/resin as cure; liciatorium|weaver's beam; Licinius|Licinian; of Licenius gens; licitatio|bidding, offering of a price; licitus|lawful, permitted; licium|thread; leash or heddle (in weaving); lictor|lictor, an attendant upon a magistrate; lien|spleen; diseased/enlarged condition of the spleen; lienis|spleen; diseased/enlarged condition of the spleen; lienosus|affected by a disorder of the spleen; lienosus|one suffering from a disorder of the spleen; liga|league; confederacy; ligamen|bandage; string, fastening, tie; nerve or ligament; ligamentum|bandage; ligator|bookbinder; ligatura|bookbinding; Liger|Liger; the Loire, river in western Gaul; ligia|confederacy; league; lignarius|carpenter; timber merchant; lignatio|getting/collecting firewood; lignator|one who collects firewood; ligneolus|wooden; ligneus|wooden, wood-; woody, like wood, tough/stringy; [soleae ~ => worn by parricide]; lignor|collect firewood; lignosus|wood-like; having kernel (Pliny); lignum|wood; firewood; trunk/stump/tree; timber; beam/post; wood (material); stave; lignum|wood thing/part, writing-tablet, spear shaft; stone (of fruit), shell (nut); lignum|the Cross; staff, cudgel, club; gallows/stocks; [~ pedaneum => altar step]; ligo|bind, tie, fasten; unite; ligo|mattock; hoe; ligula|shoe strap/tie; small spoon (Cal); [ligulas dimittere => leave untied]; ligurio|lick, lick up; ligurius|ligure, precious gem; hard transparent gem, tourmaline? (L+S); ligurrio|lick, lick up; ligustrum|privet, white-flowered shrub; ligyrius|ligure, precious gem; hard transparent gem, tourmaline? (L+S); lilacinus|lilac-colored; lilium|lily; "lily" trap; lima|file (carpenter's); polishing/revision (of a literary work); limatulus|rather polished, refined; limatura|filing; limatus|besmirch; limax|slug; snail; limbus|border, edge; ornamental border of a robe; limen|threshold, entrance; lintel; house; limes|path, track; limit; strip of uncultivated ground marking boundary; limino|illuminate, light up; limitaneus|border-situated; limitaris|bordering; limitatio|fixing; determination; limito|bound; limit (Nelson); limitotrophus|neighboring, bordering; [~ agri => lands to support/supply frontier troops]; limitrophis|neighboring, bordering; [~ agri => lands to support/supply frontier troops]; limitrophus|neighboring, bordering; [~ agri => lands to support/supply frontier troops]; limma|semi-tone; limo|file; polish; file down; detract gradually from; limonata|lemonade; limosus|miry, muddy; marshy, swampy; limpidus|clear; limus|oblique, transverse; sidelong, sideways; askew, aslant; askance; limus|apron crossed with purple, worn by attendants at sacrifice/by magistrates; limus|mud/mire; slime; filth/pollution; silt; crusted dirt; sediment of wine; limusina|limousine; linamentum|line (drawn/traced/geometric); outline of a figure; features, outlines of face; linea|string, line (plumb/fishing); [alba ~ => white line at end of race course]; lineamentum|line (drawn/traced/marked/geometric); outlines (pl.) (figure/face), features; lineatus|lined; lineo|smear, plaster (with); seal (wine jar); erase/rub over; befoul; cover/overlay; lineus|made of flax or linen; lingo|lick; lick up (L+S); Lingon|Lingones (pl.), a people of W Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; lingua|tongue; speech, language; dialect; linguista|linguist; linguistica|linguistics; linguisticus|linguistic; lingula|tongue of land; lingulaca|chatterbox; linguosus|talkative; liniamentum|line (drawn/traced/marked/geometric); outlines (pl.) (figure/face), features; liniger|wearing linen; linio|smear, plaster (with); seal (wine jar); erase/rub over; befoul; cover/overlay; lino|smear, plaster (with); seal (wine jar); erase/rub over; befoul; cover/overlay; linostimus|linen-, of linen; linquo|leave, quit, forsake; abandon, desist from; allow to remain in place; bequeath; linteamen|linen cloth; linteatus|clothed in linen; linteo|linen-weaver; linteolum|piece/strip of linen; (esp. as used in medicine); bandage; linter|boat, skiff, small light boat; trough, vat; linteum|linen cloth; linen; sail; napkin; awning; bedsheet (Cal); linteus|linen-, of linen; lintriculus|small boat; linum|flax, linen cloth/thread; rope; fishing line; (hunter's/fisher's) net; lipara|emollient plaster; (also proper name); lippio|have sore eyes, be bleary-eyed; lippus|having watery or inflamed eyes; lipsanotheca|storehouse for relics; liquamen|fluid, liquid; (esp. fish sauce/garum); liquid mixture (L+S); lye (late); liquamentum|mixture; concoction; liquatio|melting; liquefacio|melt, dissolve; liquefy; make (melody) clear and sweet (liquid); liquefactio|liquefaction; liquefio|be/become melted/dissolved/liquefied; (liquefacio PASS); liqueo|be in molten/liquid state; be clear to a person; be evident; liqueo|be in molten/liquid state; be clear to a person; be evident; liquesco|become liquid/fluid, melt, liquefy; decompose, putrefy; grow soft/effeminate; liquet|it is proven, guilt is established; [non ~ => not proven as a verdict/N.L.]; liquidus|clear, limpid, pure, unmixed; liquid; flowing, without interruption; smooth; liquo|melt; strain; liquor|become liquid, melt away; dissolve (into tears); waste away; flow; liquor|fluid, liquid; lis|lawsuit; quarrel; litania|litany; litatio|favorable sacrifice; Litaviccus|Litaviccus; (Aedui Gaul, led forces against Caesar); litera|letter (alphabet); (pl.) letter, epistle; literature, books, records, account; literula|letter of the alphabet; character, letter as written; education, one's ABC's; literula|little letter; elements of education (pl.), one's ABC's; note/brief letter; literula|literary compositions/activities (pl.); erudition, knowledge of books; literum|litter; bedding; lithocolla|concrete; lithographia|lithograph; lithostrotum|mosaic; lithostrotus|inlaid with stones; litigator|litigant, one engaged in a lawsuit; litigiosus|quarrelsome, contentions; litigo|quarrel; go to law; lito|obtain/give favorable omens from sacrifice; make (acceptable) offering (to); litoralis|of the seashore; litoreus|of the seashore; litra|liter; litrum|liter; littera|letter (alphabet); (pl.) letter, epistle; literature, books, records, account; litteralis|belonging/pertaining to writing/letters/books; epistolary; of reading/writing; litterarius|literary; pertaining to writing; [ludus litterarius => an elementary school]; litterate|literally, to the letter; in plain language; in a clear hand, w/plain letters; litterate|in cultivated/erudite manner; learnedly/scientifically/elegantly/cleverly; litteratio|instruction in reading and writing; study of reading/writing/languages (Ecc); litterator|elementary schoolmaster, one who teaches the elements; (often disparagingly); litteratorius|grammatical; litteratura|alphabet, system of letters; writing, use of letters; grammar/instruction in; litteratura|writing, literature; scholarship, what is learned from books, book-learning; litteratus|learned, cultured, erudite, well versed in literature; inscribed w/letters; litteratus|marked/branded/tattooed w/letters (of slaves, as sign of disgrace); litterosus|learned, cultured, erudite, well versed in literature; litterula|letter of the alphabet; character, letter as written; education, one's ABC's; litterula|little letter; elements of education (pl.), one's ABC's; note/brief letter; litterula|literary compositions/activities (pl.); erudition, knowledge of books; littus|shore, seashore, coast, strand; river bank; beach, landing place; litura|correction; erasure; blot, smear; liturarium|rough draft; liturgia|liturgy; liturgicus|of the liturgy; liturgic (Vatican); litus|shore, seashore, coast, strand; river bank; beach, landing place; lituus|curved staff carried by augurs; a kind of war-trumpet curved at one end; livens|bluish; lead-colored; envious; liveo|be livid or discolored; be envious; livesco|become livid; become black and blue; become envious; lividulus|rather envious; lividus|livid, slate-colored; discolored by bruises; envious, spiteful; livor|bluish discoloration (produced by bruising, etc); envy, spite; lixa|camp-follower; lixivus|made into lye; pressed grape must; lo|Lo!; (magic word to cure bite of mad dog); loba|straw of Indian millet; nightshade, strychnos; lobia|kidney bean; lobia|lobby; lobus|hull, husk, pod; lobe (Latham); localis|local; of/relating to place; localiter|locally; locarium|rent; locatio|renting, hiring out or letting (of property); locator|lessor, who lets out property; one who gives a contract; jobmaster (Erasmus); locatorius|concerned with leases; locellus|casket, small box; loco|for, in the place of, instead of; loco|place, put, station; arrange; contract (for); farm out (taxes) on contract; loco|place, put, station; arrange; contract (for); farm out (taxes) on contract; loculamentum|compartment; case; receptacle for holding things; loculatus|compartmented, divided into compartments/cells; loculosus|compartmented, divided into compartments/cells; loculus|spot, little/small place; compartment/pigeon-hole; coffin, bier (Vulgate); loculus|compartmented box (pl.), money-box; school satchel, case for writing material; locum|place, territory/locality/neighborhood/region; position/point; aim point; site; locum|seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic; locum|region, places (pl.); places connected with each other; locumtenens|lieutenant; locuples|substantial, opulent, wealthy; rich in lands; rich, richly provided; trusty; locupleto|enrich; locus|place, territory/locality/neighborhood/region; position/point; aim point; site; locus|seat, rank, position; soldier's post; quarters; category; book passage, topic; locus|part of the body; female genitals (pl.); grounds of proof; locusta|locust; crustacean, lobster (w/marina/maris); locutio|speech, act of speaking; style of speaking; phrase/expression; pronunciation; lodix|blanket, rug; logarithmus|logarithm; logicaliter|logically; logicum|logic (pl.); logicus|logical; loginquitas|distance, remoteness, isolation (Nelson); time-length (Redmond); logion|breastplate (oracular); priestly breastplate/pectoral; (of Jewish high priest); logium|breastplate (oracular); priestly breastplate/pectoral; (of Jewish high priest); logos|word; mere words (pl.), joke, jest, bon mot; logus|word; mere words (pl.), joke, jest, bon mot; loliarius|of darnel; lolium|darnel/lolium; (grass found as weed in grain); (mistakenly) cockle, tares; lolligo|cuttle-fish; lomentum|face-cream (of bean-meal); face power, blue pigment; loment, bean-meal; lomentum|soap; (Cal); Londinium|London; Londinum|London; Londonium|London; longaevitas|long life; (Erasmus); longaevus|aged; of great age, ancient; longaminus|patient; long-suffering; longanimis|patient, long-suffering; longanimitas|patience, forebearance, long-suffering; longanimiter|patiently, with forebearance/long-suffering; longe|far (off), distant, a long way; by far; for a long while, far (in future/past); longinque|far/long way (off), distant, at a distance; for a long while; longwindedly; longinquitas|distance, length, duration; remoteness; longinquo|far/long way (off), distant, at a distance; for/after a long while/interval; longinquo|put far off, remove to a distance; put far away from (Souter); longinquom|far/long way (off), distant, at a distance; for/after a long while/interval; longinquus|remote, distant, far off; lasting, of long duration; longitudo|length; longitudo|longitude; longiturnitas|duration; length of days (Vulgate); longiturnus|long, of long duration; many (days) (Vulgate); longule|rather far, at a little distance; longulus|rather long; longurium|long pole; longurius|long pole; longus|long; tall; tedious, taking long time; boundless; far; of specific length/time; lophos|crest; comb (chicken/cock); loquacitas|talkativeness; loquaculus|rather talkative; loquax|talkative, loquacious; loquela|speech, utterance; loquella|speech, utterance; loquor|speak, tell; talk; mention; say, utter; phrase; loramentum|strap; lorarius|flogger; harness-maker; loratus|bound with thongs; lorea|laurel/bay tree; laurel crown/wreath/branch; triumph, victory; honor (poets); loreola|small laurel branch, sprig of bay; (announces victory); little laurel/victory; loretum|laurel grove; (esp. as proper name) place on Aventine Hill at Rome; loreus|of thongs; lorica|coat of mail; breastwork, parapet, fortification; loricatus|wearing a cuirass; loripes|bandy-legged; lorum|leather strap, thong; shoe strap; rawhide whip; dog leash; reins (usu. pl.); lorus|leather strap, thong; shoe strap; rawhide whip; dog leash; reins (usu. pl.); lotium|urine; (liquid for washing - urine used for bleaching); (rude/veterinary); lotor|laundryman; lotos|lotus, flower of forgetfulness; water lily; trefoil; nettle-tree, pipe from it; lotus|elegant, fashionable; sumptuous/luxurious; fine, well turned out; washed/clean; lotus|lotus, flower of forgetfulness; water lily; trefoil; nettle-tree, pipe from it; lous|lotus plant; nettle plant; LS|place for seal or signature; (locus sigilli); lubens|willing, cheerful; glad, pleased; lubenter|willingly; gladly, with pleasure; lubet|it pleases/is pleasing/agreeable; please/want/feel like; [w/qui => no matter]; lubidinor|gratify/indulge lust/passion; lubido|desire/longing/wish/fancy; lust, wantonness; will/pleasure; passion/lusts (pl.); lubrico|make slippery; slip (especially morally) (Souter); render uncertain; lubricor|slip (morally); lubricosus|sticky; clayey; lubricus|slippery; sinuous; inconstant; hazardous, ticklish; deceitful; lucar|money set for public entertainment; sacred grove; forest tax (for actors L+S); Lucas|Luke; lucellum|small or petty gain; luceo|shine, emit light (heavenly body); dawn; cause to shine; be clear/evident; luceo|sparkle/glitter/shine w/reflected light; be conspicuous in merit, excel; luceo|be bright/resplendent; be visible, show up; [lucet => it is (becoming) light]; lucerna|oil lamp; midnight oil; lucesco|begin to shine; grow light (of the day), dawn; (usu. IMPERS); lucesct|it grows light, it is getting light, dawn is coming/breaking, day is breaking; lucido|elucidate; lucidus|bright, shining; clear; lucifer|light bringing; Lucifer|Lucifer, Satan; lucifer|morning star, day star, planet Venus; bringer of light; lucifluus|light-streaming; glorious; lucifugus|avoiding the light of day; Lucina|Lucina, goddess of childbirth; childbirth; lucinaria|lamp; lucisco|begin to shine; grow light (of the day), dawn; (usu. IMPERS); lucisct|it grows light, it is getting light, dawn is coming/breaking, day is breaking; Lucius|Lucius (Roman praenomen); (abb. L.); lucius|pike; lucrativus|gainful; L:bequeathed; lucrifacio|gain, receive as profit; lucrifio|gain; receive as profit; (passive form of lucrifacio); lucrifuga|non-profiteer; one who shuns gains; lucror|gain, win; make a profit (out of ); lucrosus|gainful, lucrative; lucrum|gain, profit; avarice; luctamen|struggling, exertion; luctator|wrestler; luctificus|dire, calamitous; luctisonus|sad-sounding; luctor|wrestle; struggle; fight (against); luctuosus|mournful; grievous; luctus|grief, sorrow, lamentation, mourning; cause of grief; lucubra|lamp; lucubratio|night work; work-by-nightlamp; nocturnal study; "burning the midnight oil"; lucubro|work by lamp-light, "burn the midnight oil"; make or produce at night; luculentus|shining, bright, brilliant, splendid; luculenus|excellent; fine; beautiful; lucumo|one possessed; an Etrurian; lucus|grove; sacred grove; lucusta|locust; crustacean, lobster(?) (w/marina/maris); ludia|actress; female gladiator; ludibriosus|scornful; full of mockery; ludibrium|mockery; laughingstock; ludibundus|having fun; cares free; ludicer|connected with sport or the stage; ludicrum|stage play; show; source of fun, plaything; ludicrus|connected with sport or the stage; ludificatio|mockery; ludificator|mocker; one who mocks; ludifico|make fun/sport of, treat as a plaything; trifle with; ludificor|make fun/sport of, treat as a plaything; trifle with; ludimagister|teacher; school-master; ludio|dancer; stage performer; ludius|dancer; stage performer; ludo|play, mock, tease, trick; ludus|game, play, sport, pastime, entertainment, fun; school, elementary school; luella|expiation; lues|plague, pestilence; scourge, affliction; Lugdunum|Lyons in France; Leyden (-Batava) in Belgium; lugeo|mourn, grieve (over); bewail, lament; be in mourning; lugubre|mourning dress (as pl.); lugubris|mourning; mournful; grievous; lumbare|apron/girdle for the loins; loin-cloth (Souter); lumbarium|loin-cloth; lumbus|loins; loins as the seat of sexual excitement; lumen|light; lamp, torch; eye (of a person); life; day, daylight; luminare|car-light; projector lamp; luminare|window-shutter, window; lumino|illuminate, give light to; light up; reveal/throw light on; brighten (w/color); luminosus|bright; luna|moon; month; lunaris|lunar; pertaining to the moon; lunatus|crescent-shaped; luno|make crescent-shaped, curve; lunter|boat, skiff; (archaic form of linter); luo|wash, lave; cleanse, purge (L+S); luo|pay; pay fine, compensate/atone; [poenam ~ => suffer punishment as expiation]; luo|atone, make amends for, expiate; compensate; liberate/set free; redeem (debt); luo|fulfill (promise), make good; discharge (debt); avert (trouble) by expiation; lupa|she-wolf; prostitute; lupanar|brothel; lupatria|term of abuse for a woman; lupatum|jagged toothed bit (pl.); club armed with sharp teeth; lupatus|furnished with jagged/wolf's teeth/sharp points; Lupercal|grotto on Palatine hill sacred to Lycean Pan; fertility festival of Lycean Pan; Lupercus|protector against wolves (Pan); priest in Lycean fertility festival (15 Feb); lupinum|lupin; fake money; lupinus|of or belonging to a wolf; made of wolf-skin; lupinus|lupin; fake money; lupio|cry, utter the natural cry of the kite; lupulus|hops; lupus|wolf; grappling iron; lurchinabundus|eating greedily; guzzling, gorging; devouring; lurcho|eat greedily; guzzle, gorge; devour (Ecc); eat voraciously (L+S); lurcho|glutton; gourmand; (also general form of abuse); lurchor|eat greedily; guzzle, gorge; devour (Ecc); eat voraciously (L+S); lurcinabundus|eating greedily; guzzling, gorging; devouring; lurco|eat greedily; guzzle, gorge; devour (Ecc); eat voraciously (L+S); lurco|glutton; gourmand; (also general form of abuse); lurcor|eat greedily; guzzle, gorge; devour (Ecc); eat voraciously (L+S); luridus|sallow, wan, ghastly; luror|ghastliness, paleness; luscinia|nightingale; lusciosus|purblind, dim-sighted; luscitiosus|purblind, dim-sighted; luscus|one-eyed; lusio|play; act of playing; lusito|amuse oneself; play (often); play sport (Erasmus); lusor|player; tease; one who treats (of a subject) lightly; lusorius|of playing; lustralis|relating to purification; serving to avert evil; [fons ~ => holy water font]; lustro|purify cermonially (w/procession), cleanse by sacrifice, expiate; lustro|review/inspect, look around, seek; illuminate; traverse/roam/move over/through; lustro|frequenter of brothels and similar haunts; lustror|haunt/frequent brothels; lustrum|bog/morass/slough, muddy place; forest/wilderness/wilds, haunt of wild beasts; lustrum|den (usu. pl.) of vice/iniquity, place of debauchery; brothel; lustrum|purifying/cleansing ceremony; (by censors every 5 years); period of 5/4 years; luteolus|yellow; luter|hand basin; washing/bath tub; laver/brazen vessel for ablutions of priests; lutesco|become muddy; Lutetia|Paris; (city in Gaul/France); luteus|yellow; saffron; of mud or clay; good for nothing; Lutheranismus|Lutheranism; Lutheranus|Lutheran; luticipulum|mudguard; lutito|bedaub; bring into contempt; lutosus|muddy; lutulentus|muddy; turbid; dirty; morally polluted; lutum|mud, dirt, clay; (for modelling/building); [pro ~ => common as dirt]; lutum|weld/plant giving yellow dye (Reseda Luteola); the dye; yellow color; (long u); lutus|mud, dirt, clay; (for modelling/building); [pro ~ => common as dirt]; lux|light, daylight, light of day; life; world; day; [prima luce => at daybreak]; luxatio|dislocation; luxatura|dislocation; luxo|sprain (limb), dislocate; displace, force out of position; put out of joint; luxuria|luxury; extravagance; thriving condition; luxuries|luxury, extravagance, thriving condition; luxurio|grow luxuriantly/rank; luxuriate; frisk/gambol; revel/run riot; indulge oneself; luxurior|grow luxuriantly/rank; luxuriate; frisk/gambol; revel/run riot; indulge oneself; luxuriosus|luxuriant, exuberant; immoderate; wanton, luxurious, self-indulgent; luxus|luxury, soft living; sumptuousness; Lycaonia|Lycaonia (district in southern Asia Minor between Galatia and Cilicia); lycaonice|in the dialect of Lycaonia (district in southern Asia Minor), in Lycaonian; Lycaonius|Lycaonian, inhabitant of Lycaonia (district in southern Asia Minor); lyceum|gymnasium of Aristotle; Cicero's Tusculan gymnasium; high school (Ecc); college; lychanos|second highest tetrachord note; (lychanos/lichanos); lychnuchus|lamp-holder; lamp stand; lychnus|lamp (esp. one hung from the ceiling); lycopersicum|tomato; lympha|water; water-nymph; lymphans|frenzied, frantic; distracted; deranged, crazy; lymphaticus|frenzied; lymphatus|frenzied, frantic; distracted; deranged, crazy; lymphatus|frenzy, madness; lympho|derange, drive crazy; (PASS) be in state of frenzy; lyncurion|ligure/precious gem; hard transparent gem, tourmaline? (L+S); amber (OLD); lyncurium|ligure/precious gem; hard transparent gem, tourmaline? (L+S); amber (OLD); lyncurius|ligure/precious gem; hard transparent gem, tourmaline? (L+S); amber (OLD); lynx|lynx; lynx skin/pelt; fictitious tree (invented to explain lyncurium/ligure); lyra|lyre; lyric poetry/inspiration/genius; Lyra/the Lyre (constellation); lute/harp; lyricus|lyric; lytrum|ransom (pl.); M|Manius (Roman praenomen); (abb. M'.); M|Marcus (Roman praenomen); (abb. M.); (also) maximus, mille, milia, municipium; macaronicus|of macaroni; maccarono|macaroni; maccis|mace/macis; nutmeg spice; imaginary spice (OLD); maccus|fool; clown in the Atellan farces; macea|mace; club; Macedo|Macedonian, one from Macedonia; Macedonia, the territory; men Macedonian armed; Macedonia|Macedonia; Macedonicus|Macedonian, of/from/belonging to Macedonia; Macedonienis|Macedonian, of/from/belonging to Macedonia; Macedonius|Macedonian, of/from/belonging to Macedonia; macellum|provision-market; macer|thin (men, animals, plants), scraggy, lean, small, meager; thin (soil), poor; maceria|wall (of brick/stone); (esp. one enclosing a garden); maceries|wall (of brick/stone); (esp. one enclosing a garden); macero|make wet/soft, soak/steep/bathe; soften; wear down, exhaust; worry, annoy/vex; macesco|become thin, grow lean, become meager/poor; wither/shrivel (of fruit); machaera|single-edged sword; Persian or Arab sword (late); weapon; machina|machine; siege engine; scheme; machinalis|machine-like; machinamentum|siege-engine; machinarius|driver; machinatio|machine; engine (of war), mechanism, contrivance, artifice; trick, device; machinator|engineer, one who devises/constructs machines; contriver of plots/events; machinor|devise; plot; macia|mace; club; macies|leanness, meagerness; poverty; macilentus|thin, lean; meager (L+S); macium|mace; club; macresco|become thin, waste away; macrobioticus|macrobiotic; macrocollum|paper of the largest size; macrocosmicus|macrocosmic; macrocosmus|macrocosm; external universe; macrologus|great speaker; macronosia|prolonged illness; macronozia|prolonged illness; macroscopium|gnarl; mactator|slaughterer, one who slaughters/kills; macte|well done! good! bravo! (VOC of mactus, N implied) (macte S, macti P); macti|well done! good! bravo! (VOC of mactus, N implied) (macte S, macti P); macto|magnify, honor; sacrifice; slaughter, destroy; mactus|of the Gods, worshiped, honored; macula|spot, stain, blemish; dishonor; mesh in a net; maculo|spot; pollute; dishonor, taint; maculosus|spotted; disreputable; madefacio|wet/moisten, make wet/moist/drunk; soak/drench/steep; intoxicate/soak (w/drink); madefactus|wet, soaked, stained; madefio|be moistened, be made wet; be soaked/drenched/steeped/drunk; (madefaci PASS); madeo|be wet (w/tears/perspiration), be dripping/sodden; madesco|become wet/moist; Madianitis|Madianite/Midianite, of/from Madian/Midian; Madianitish; Madianitis|Madianite/Midianite, person from Madian/Midian; madide|so as to be dripping/sodden/drenched/thoroughly wet; drunkenly; madidus|wet, moist; dripping, juicy; sodden, drenched; drunk, tipsy; steeped in; maeander|wavy line; river famous for winding path; roundabout ways/twists/turnings (pl.); maeleth|harp, lute (Hebrew); maena|small sea-fish; Maenas|Bacchante, female votary of Bacchus; inspired/frenzied woman; Maenas|Bacchante, female votary of Bacchus; inspired/frenzied woman; maenianum|balcony; maerens|sad, melancholy; mournful, gloomy woeful, doleful; mourning, lamenting (L+S); maereo|grieve, be sad, mourn; bewail/mourn for/lament; utter mournfully; maeror|grief, sorrow, sadness; mourning; lamentation (L+S); maeste|sadly; mournfully; sorrowfully (Latham); with sadness (L+S); maestifico|grieve, make sad/sorrowful, sadden; maestificus|saddening; maestiter|sadly; mournfully; sorrowfully (Latham); in a way to indicate sorrow (L+S); maestitia|sadness, sorrow, grief; source of grief; dullness, gloom; maestitudo|sadness, sorrow, grief; source of grief; dullness, gloom; maesto|grieve, make sad; afflict (L+S); maestus|sad/unhappy; mournful/gloomy; mourning; stern/grim; ill-omened/inauspicious; maevia|anywoman (legal); Maevia, Roman proper name; maevius|anyman (legal); Maevius, Roman proper name; (wretched poet Virgil contemporary); Magdalena|Magdalen; magia|magic; sorcery; magicus|magic, magical; magis|to greater extent, more nearly; rather, instead; more; (forms COMP w/DJ); magister|teacher, tutor, master, expert, chief; pilot of a ship; rabbi; magisterium|office of superintendent/president/master/chief; instruction/control/governance; magisterium|master (academic title); magisterius|magisterial; official; magistra|instructress; magistratus|magistracy, civil office; office; magistrate, functionary; magma|unguent dregs (Pliny); magnale|great things (pl.); mighty works/deeds/words; magnanemitas|magnanimity; generosity; highmindedness, loftiness of spirit; magnanimitas|magnanimity; generosity; highmindedness, loftiness of spirit; magnanimus|brave, bold, noble in spirit (esp. kings/heroes); generous; magnas|great man; important person; magnate; vassal (Z); tenant-in-chief; baron; magnatus|great man; important person; magnate; vassal (Z); tenant-in-chief; baron; magnes|magnetic; of a magnet/lodestone; of Magnesia; [~ lapis => magnet, lodestone]; magnes|magnet, lodestone; inhabitants of Magnesia (pl.); magnesium|magnesium; magneticus|magnetic; magnetismus|magnetism; magnetizabilis|magnetizable; magnetizo|magnetize; magnetophonum|tape recorder; magnetoscopium|video recorder; magnificabiliter|splendidly, greatly, terrifically; magnifice|splendidly, in fine/lordly manner/language; superbly; proudly/boastfully; magnificenter|splendidly, in fine/lordly manner/language; superbly; proudly/boastfully; magnificentia|greatness; loftiness, nobleness; generosity; grandeur, splendor, luxury; pride; magnifico|prize, esteem greatly; praise, extol; magnificus|splendid/excellent/sumptuous/magnificent/stately; noble/eminent; proud/boastful; magniloquentia|exalted diction; braggadocio; magniloquus|boastful; magnitudo|size, magnitude, bulk; greatness. importance, intensity; magnopere|greatly, exceedingly; with great effort; very much; particularly, especially; magnufice|splendidly, in fine/lordly manner/language; superbly; proudly/boastfully; magnuficenter|splendidly, in fine/lordly manner/language; superbly; proudly/boastfully; magnuficentia|greatness; loftiness, nobleness; generosity; grandeur, splendor, luxury; pride; magnufico|prize, esteem greatly; praise, extol; magnuficus|splendid/excellent/sumptuous/magnificent/stately; noble/eminent; proud/boastful; magnus|large/great/big/vast/huge; much; powerful; tall/long/broad; extensive/spacious; magnus|great (achievement); mighty; distinguished; skilled; bold/confident; proud; magnus|full/complete/utter/pure; intense; loud; at high price; notable/famous; old; magonicum|mayonnaise; magus|magic, magical; magus|wise/learned man; magician (Persian); astrologer; maharaia|maharaja; maheleth|harp, lute (Hebrew); mahemium|mayhem; Mahometanus|Moslem; Mai|May (month/mensis understood); abb. Mai.; Maius|May (month/mensis understood); abb. Mai.; maizium|maize; majalis|gelded/castrated hog/boar; barrow pig/hog; swine; (term of abuse); majestas|majesty, dignity (of god/rank/position); majesty of people/state; sovereignty; majestas|grandeur, greatness; dignity/majesty (of language); [crimen ~ => high treason]; majestativus|majestic; majestuosus|majestic; major|ancestors (pl.); major|mayor; majoritas|majority (the biggest number); greater size/rank; Majuma|Majuma festival; mock sea fight on Tiber in May; majuscula|capital letter; majuscule|capitalized; with capital letter; majusculus|somewhat greater; little older; mala|cheeks, jaws; malachita|malachite; malachiteus|malachite-colored; malacia|calm; dead calm; malacus|soft, pliable; effeminate, delicate; malagma|emollient; poultice; mixture (of unguents) (Souter); malagma|emollient; poultice; mixture (of unguents) (Souter); malagranata|pomegranate; (Vulgate spelling 2 Chron 3:16/4:13); malagranatum|pomegranate; (Vulgate spelling 2 Chron 3:16/4:13); malaria|malaria; male|badly, ill, wrongly, wickedly, unfortunately; extremely; maledicax|slanderous; abusive; scurrilous; maledice|slanderously; abusively; scurrilously; maledicens|slanderous; abusive; scurrilous; maledico|speak ill/evil of, revile, slander; abuse, curse; maledictio|slander/abuse; evil speaking, reviling; curse/punishment/condemnation (Souter); maledictum|insult, reproach, taunt; maledicus|slanderous; abusive; scurrilous; evil-speaking; (of persons/remarks); malefacio|do evil/wrong/harm/injury/mischief; act wickedly; malefactor|malefactor; wrongdoer, evildoer; malefica|witch; sorceress; malefice|wickedly; viciously; mischievously (L+S); maliciously (Ecc); maleficentia|wickedness; viciousness; evil/evil-doing (L+S); ill conduct; injury, harm; maleficio|practice sorcery/black magic; maleficium|crime/misdeed/offense; injury/hurt/wrong; fraud/deception (L+S); sorcery; pest; maleficus|wicked, criminal, nefarious, evil; harmful, noxious, injurious; of black magic; maleficus|criminal, wrongdoer; magician, enchanter, sorcerer (L+S); malefidus|faithless; malefio|be injured; (malefacio PASS); maleloquentia|slander; malesuadus|ill-advising; malevola|female enemy/foe/ill-wisher; malevole|malevolently; malevolens|spiteful, malevolent; ill-disposed; disaffected (L+S); envious; malicious (Ecc); malevolentia|ill-will/spite/malice; malevolence; dislike/hatred/envy (L+S); evil disposition; malevolus|spiteful, malevolent; ill-disposed; disaffected (L+S); envious; malevolus|enemy/foe/ill-wisher; ill-disposed person; malicorium|pomegranate rind; (used in medicine); malifer|apple-bearing; malificus|wicked, criminal, nefarious, evil; harmful, noxious, injurious; of black magic; malignans|wicked; malicious; malignans|wicked/bad/malicious person; the wicked (pl.); malignitas|ill-will, spite, malice; niggardliness; maligno|malign; act/do/contrive maliciously; act badly/wickedly (Ecc); malignor|malign; act/do/contrive maliciously; act badly/wickedly (Ecc); malignus|spiteful; niggardly; narrow; maliloquium|evil-speaking; slander; malitia|ill will, malice; wickedness; vice, fault; malitiose|wickedly, craftily, roguishly, knavishly; malitiosus|wicked; crafty, roguish, knavish; malivola|female enemy/foe/ill-wisher; malivole|malevolently; malivolens|spiteful, malevolent; ill-disposed; disaffected (L+S); envious; malivolentia|ill-will/spite/malice; malevolence; dislike/hatred/envy (L+S); evil disposition; malivolus|spiteful, malevolent; ill-disposed; disaffected (L+S); envious; malivolus|enemy/foe/ill-wisher; ill-disposed person; malleator|hammerer, beater, he who pounds/hammers/beats; malleatus|hammered, beaten; malleolus|fire-dart; brush for burning (Vulgate Prayer of Azariah 1:23); malleus|hammer; mallet, maul; (also medical for the inner ear bone); malluvia|water in which the hands have been washed (pl.); water for washing hands (L+S); malluvium|dish for washing (hands); wash-basin; malo|prefer; incline toward, wish rather; malobathrum|plant, from which ointment was prepared; malogranata|pomegranate; malogranatum|pomegranate; maltum|malt; malum|apple; fruit; lemon; quince; malum|evil, mischief; disaster, misfortune, calamity, plague; punishment; harm/hurt; malus|bad, evil, wicked; ugly; unlucky; malus|apple tree; malus|mast; beam; tall pole, upright pole; standard, prop, staff; malva|mallow-plant; malvaceus|mauve-colored; Mam|Mamereus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Mam.); Mamereus|Mamereus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Mam.); mamilla|breast, teat; mamma|breast, udder; mammale|mammal; mammon|riches, wealth; (gain of wickedness, quasi-personification of covetousness OED); mammona|riches, wealth; (gain of wickedness, quasi-personification of covetousness OED); mammonas|riches, wealth; (gain of wickedness, quasi-personification of covetousness OED); mamona|riches, wealth; (gain of wickedness, quasi-personification of covetousness OED); mamonas|riches, wealth; (gain of wickedness, quasi-personification of covetousness OED); mamzer|bastard, illegitimate; mamzer|bastard, one of illegitimate birth; whoreson (Souter); (Hebrew); man|manna; (food from God in Siani); [man/man hu => (Hebrew) what/what is this]; Manasses|Manasses; (son of Joseph in Vulgate Genesis); manceps|contractor, agent; mancipium|possession; formal purchase; slaves; mancipo|transfer, sell; surrender; mancupium|formal acceptance; possession; formal purchase; (mancipium); mancus|maimed, crippled; powerless; mancussus|engraved, struck; [solidus mancusus => type of gold coin]; mancusus|engraved, struck; [solidus mancusus => type of gold coin]; mandarinum|tangerine; mandatum|order, command, commission; mandate; commandment; mandibula|jaw; (not exactly jawbone = maxilla); mandibulum|jaw; (not exactly jawbone = maxilla); mando|entrust, commit to one's charge, deliver over; commission; order, command; mando|chew, champ, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour; lay waste; mandorla|nimbus framing figure; (recent) lenticular/almond-shaped panel (art); mandra|stall, cattle pen; a herd of cattle; a draughtboard; mandragoras|mandrake; (plant used in medicine as soporific/sleep inducing); manduco|chew, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour; manduco|glutton; gourmand; big eater; manducor|chew, masticate, gnaw; eat, devour; mane|in the morning; early in the morning; mane|morning, morn; [multo mane => very early in the morning]; MANE|MENE; (MENE TEKEL PHARES writing on the wall - Vulgate Daniel 5:25); manentia|permanence; permanency; maneo|remain, stay, abide; wait for; continue, endure, last; spend the night (sexual); manerium|manor; manor-house; [~ dominium => demesne manor]; manga|mango; manganum|manganese; W: mangonel/mangonneau (stone-casting machine of war); mangifera|mango tree; mango|dealer (Collins); manhu|manna; (food from God for wandering Hebrews); [man hu => (Hebrew) what is this]; mania|mania; craze; maniacus|maniac; manibia|general's share of the booty; prize-money; profits; (archaic form of manubia); manica|sleeves (pl.), long sleeves; gloves, gauntlets; armlets; handcuffs, manacles; manicatus|having long sleeves; manico|come in the morning; rise/set out in the morning (Souter); manicula|little hand; manicura|manicurist; manifestarius|flagrant (errors); caught in the act, caught redhanded (criminals); manifestarius|plain; clear; evident; manifestatio|manifestation; manifesting; demonstration, revelation, display; manifestative|demonstratively, revealingly; manifestativus|manifestative; manifesting; demonstrative, reveling; manifesto|undeniably, red-handed, in the act; evidently, plainly, manifestly; manifesto|make visible/clearer/evident/plain; reveal, make known; disclose; clarify; manifestus|detected, plainly guilty; flagrant, plain; caught in act/redhanded; undoubted; manifestus|clear, evident, plain, obvious; conspicuous, noticeable; unmistakable; manioca|cassava; maniplus|maniple, company of soldiers, one third of a cohort; handful, bundle; manipretium|wages, hire, reward; manipularis|soldier of a maniple; common soldier, private; marine; comrades (pl.); manipularis|of/belonging to maniple; belonging to the ranks; private; manipulatim|in handfuls; in companies; manipulus|maniple, company of soldiers, one third of a cohort; handful, bundle; manis|shades/ghosts of dead (pl.); gods of Lower World; corpse/remains; underworld; Manius|Manius (Roman praenomen); (abb. M'.); one who has fallen on hard times; Manlius|Manlian; of Manlius gens; manna|manna; (food from God for Exodus Jews); food for the soul, divine support; manna|manna, vegetable juice hardened to grains (Pliny); manna|manna; (food from God for wandering Hebrews); [man hu => (Hebrew) what is this]; mannulus|pony; mannus|pony; mano|flow, pour; be shed; be wet; spring; manometrum|manometer; mansio|lodging, stop; day's journey, stage; staying away; abode/quarters/home/dwelling; mansionariatus|office of resident priest; mansionarius|sexton/sacristan/custodian; holder of small benefice; lodging manager; resident; mansito|spend the night, stay; mansiuncula|little/small home/dwelling; mansuefacio|tame; civilize; make peaceful/quiet/docile; mansuefio|become/be tamed/civilized/peaceful/docile; (mansuefacio PASS); mansues|tame; mild, gentle; soft (L+S); tamed; mansues|tame; mild, gentle; soft (L+S); tamed; mansuesco|tame; become/grow tame; render/become mild/gentle/less harsh/severe; mansueto|tame; make tame; subdue, soften (Souter); become subdued; restrain (Vulgate); mansuetudo|tameness, gentleness, mildness; clemency; mansuetus|tame; mild, gentle; less harsh/severe; mantele|handtowel; napkin; towel, cloth; tablecloth (L+S); mantelium|handtowel; napkin; towel, cloth; tablecloth (L+S); mantelletum|mantel covering the surplice of prelate; cape, cope; mantellum|cloak, mantel; handtowel (L+S); napkin; towel, cloth; mantelum|handtowel; napkin; towel, cloth; cloak, mantel (L+S); mantica|traveling-bag, knapsack; mantile|handtowel; napkin; towel, cloth; tablecloth; mantilium|handtowel; napkin; towel, cloth; tablecloth; mantum|Spanish cloak; manualis|fitted to the hand; manubia|general's share of the booty (pl.); prize-money; profits; manubrium|haft, handle; handle-bar (Cal); manucapio|go bail(for); undertake; manufactus|hand-made; made by hand; made with hands; manufestarius|flagrant (errors); caught in the act, caught redhanded (criminals); manufesto|undeniably, red-handed, in the act; evidently, plainly, manifestly; manufesto|make visible/clearer/evident/plain; reveal, make known; disclose; clarify; manufestus|detected, plainly guilty; flagrant, plain; caught in act/redhanded; undoubted; manufestus|clear, evident, plain, obvious; conspicuous, noticeable; unmistakable; manufollium|hand-ball; manulearius|maker of sleeved garments; manuleatus|w/(long) sleeves; (persons) wearing long-sleeved tunics (sign of effeminacy); manuleus|long sleeve; manumissio|manumission, release from authority of manus; freeing of slave; manumitto|release, free, set free/at liberty, emancipate; manuplus|maniple, company of soldiers, one third of a cohort; handful, bundle; manupretium|wages, hire, reward; manus|hand, fist; team; gang, band of soldiers; handwriting; (elephant's) trunk; manuscriptum|manuscript; manuscriptus|hand-written; manutergium|towel; manzer|bastard, illegitimate; (Hebrew); manzer|bastard, one of illegitimate birth; mongrel (Latham); (Hebrew); manzerinus|bastard, one of illegitimate birth; mongrel (Latham); (Hebrew); mapale|huts (pl.) of African nomads; house of ill repute; follies, useless things; mappa|white cloth; napkin; handkerchief; cloth dropped as start signal; tablecloth; mappula|table-napkin; maranatha|our Lord cometh; (Aramaic through Greek); marca|mark; (German gold/silver weight, coin); (11th century = ~8 ounces, later ~1); marcens|withered/dropping; exhausted/weak/feeble; heavy (eyes); apathetic/languid/jaded; marceo|be enfeebled, weak or faint; marcesco|wither, shrivel up; fade/pine away; become weak/enfeebled/languid/apathetic; marchio|marquis; marchionatus|marquisate; office of marquis; marchionissa|marchioness; marcidus|withered/dropping/rotten; lacking rigidity; exhausted/weak; apathetic/languid; marco|be withered/flabby, droop/shrivel; flag/faint; be weak/enfeebled/idle/apathetic; marcor|decay; faintness; marculus|small hammer; Marcus|Marcus (Roman praenomen); (abb. M.); mare|male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine; mare|sea; sea water; margarinum|margarine; margarita|pearl; marginalis|marginal; margino|provide with borders; margo|margin, edge, flange, rim, border; threshold; bank, retaining wall; gunwale; Maria|Mary; marinus|marine; of the sea; sea born; marisca|kind of large/inferior fig; hemorrhoids (pl.), piles; mariscus|kind of large/inferior fig; mariscus|kind of rush; marita|wife; maritagium|marriage; maritimus|maritime; of/near/by the sea; coastal; relating/used to sea; seafaring/naval; marito|marry, give in marriage; maritumus|maritime; of/near/by the sea; coastal; relating/used to sea; seafaring/naval; maritus|nuptial; of marriage; married, wedded, united; maritus|husband, married man; lover; mate; Marius|Marius; (Roman gens name); (C. Marius, consul around 100 BC); Marius|Marius, Roman gens; (C. Marius, consul around 100 BC); marlo|apply clay; add marl to the soil; marmelata|marmalade; marmor|marble, block of marble, marble monument/statue; surface of the sea; marmoratus|marbled; overlaid with marble; marmoreus|marble; of marble; marble-like; marmus|marine; belonging to the sea; Maro|Maro; (Virgil's cognomen); mythical character; for outstanding poets (pl.); marra|hoe; Mars|Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms; marsupium|purse; marsuppium|purse, pouch; Mart|March (month/mensis understood); abb. Mart.; Martialis|of or belonging to Mars; martipanis|marzipan; Martius|March (month/mensis understood); abb. Mart.; of/belonging to Mars; martyr|martyr; witness; one who by his death bears witness to the truth of Christ; martyrium|martyrdom; testimony w/one's blood of faith in Christ; martyr's grave/church; martyrologium|martyology; list of martyrs/saints (about 600 AD bearing name of St. Jerome); Marxianus|Marxist; Marxismus|Marxism; Marxista|Marxist; mas|male; masculine, of the male sex; manly, virile, brave, noble; G:masculine; mas|male (human/animal/plant); man; masculinus|masculine, of the male sex; of masculine gender (grammar); masculus|male/masculine, proper to males; manly/virile; (large/coarse plants); (plugs); masochismus|masochism; masochista|masochistic; massa|mace; club; massa|mass, bulk; heavy weight, load, burden; lump; kneaded dough; massarius|mace-bearer; Massieum|Massic wine; masso|freemason; massuelius|mace; club; massuerius|mace-bearer; masterbator|masturbator; one who defiles himself (L+S); masterbio|masturbation; masterbor|masturbate; defile oneself (L+S); mastex|mastic, gum/resin of Pistacia lentiscus/other trees; mastice|mastic, gum/resin of Pistacia lentiscus/other trees; masticha|mastic, gum/resin of Pistacia lentiscus/other trees; mastiche|mastic, gum/resin of Pistacia lentiscus/other trees; mastichum|mastic, gum/resin of Pistacia lentiscus/other trees; mastigatus|whipping; punishment; mastigia|one who deserves a whipping, rascal; mastigo|whip; scourge; mastix|mastic, gum/resin of Pistacia lentiscus/other trees; mastix|lash; punishment; anguish (Vulgate); mastruca|sheepskin; masturbatio|masturbation; masturbator|masturbator; masturbor|masturbate; matara|javelin, spear; matellio|small pot, vessel; mater|mother, foster mother; lady, matron; origin, source, motherland, mother city; matercula|affectionate term for mother; materia|wood (building material), lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree; materia|material, matter, substance; food/fuel; breeding stock; topic, subject matter; materia|means, occasion, condition effecting action; latent ability/potential; materialis|material; of/related to subject matter; of/belonging to matter; materialismus|materialism; materialista|materialist; materialisticus|materialistic; materialiter|materially; according to the occasion; materiarius|timber merchant; materiarius|timber-, of/concerned with timber; materiatio|woodwork, carpentry; wooden structure; timbering; framework (Cal); materiatura|woodwork, carpentry; materies|wood (building material), lumber, timber; woody branch/growth/part of tree; materies|material, matter, substance; food/fuel; breeding stock; topic, subject matter; materies|means, occasion, condition effecting action; latent ability/potential; materior|get timber; maternus|maternal, motherly, of a mother; matertera|maternal aunt; mathematica|mathematics; astrology; mathematicus|mathematical; astrological; mathematicus|mathematician; astrologer; mathesis|maths; science; astrology; matricalis|of a matrix; matricida|matricide; matricidium|slaying of a mother, matricide; matricula|public register; list, roll; matriculus|fish (unidentified); matrimonialis|matrimonial, of/belonging to marriage; [~ tabulae => wedding certificate]; matrimonialiter|matrimonially; matrimonium|marriage; matrimony; matrimus|having mother living; matrix|dam, female animal kept for breeding; parent tree; register, list; matrona|wife; matron; matronalis|of or befitting a married woman; matta|mat of rushes; mattea|dainty dish; mattya|dainty dish; matula|jar, vessel for liquids; chamber pot; blockhead; maturatio|maturation; mature|quickly; at the right time; in time; early, prematurely; maturesco|become ripe, ripen mature; maturitas|ripeness; maturo|ripen, hurry, make haste to, hasten; maturrimus|early, speedy; ripe; mature, mellow; timely, seasonable; maturus|early, speedy; ripe; mature, mellow; timely, seasonable; matutinus|early; of the (early) morning; maumo|meow; Mauricius|Moorish; Mauretanian; Maurus|Moor; (inhabitant of North Africa); Mauretanian; Mausoleum|Mausoleum (magnificent tomb of Mausolus); large/ornate tomb (esp. of Emperors); mavis|prefer; Mavors|Mars, Roman god of war; warlike spirit, fighting, battle, army, force of arms; mavult|prefer; mavultis|prefer; maxilla|jaw (viewed externally), lower part of the face; jaws/jaw-bones (usu. pl.); maxillaris|of/belonging to the jaw; molar (teeth); maximalista|maximalist; maxime|especially, chiefly; certainly; most, very much; (forms SUPER w/ADJ/ADV); maximitas|greatness, size; maximopere|greatly, exceedingly, with great endeavor; very much; particularly, especially; maximus|greatest/biggest/largest; longest; oldest; highest, utmost; leading, chief; maxume|especially, chiefly; certainly; most, very much; (forms SUPER w/ADJ/ADV); maxumus|greatest/biggest/largest; longest; oldest; highest, utmost; leading, chief; mazer|bastard, one of illegitimate birth; mongrel (Latham); (Hebrew); mazonomon|charger, large dish; mazonomus|charger, large dish; mazza|mace; club; mazzerius|mace-bearer; measurabilis|measurable; meator|traveler; passer-by; (of Mercury as messenger of gods L+S); (not meteor?); meatus|movement along line, course/path; progress; line followed; channel; passage-way; mecastor|by Castor!; (oath used by women); mechanicus|mechanical; of/concerned with machines/engineering; mechanicus|engineer; mechanic; acrobat performing w/gymnastic apparatus; mechanismus|mechanism; meddix|Oscan magistrate; medela|cure, remedial treatment; healing, healing power (Sax); health; medella|cure, remedial treatment; healing, healing power (Sax); health; medens|physician, doctor; medeor|heal, cure; remedy, assuage, comfort, amend; mediaevalis|medieval; medians|halved, divided in the middle; mediante|by means of; medianum|(the) middle; medianum|lounge, living room; medianus|in-the-middle; middle; mediastinus|drudge; mediate|by means of; mediator|mediator; intermediary, go between; middle man; mediatrix|mediator (female); intermediary, go between; medica|doctor (female), physician, healer; medica|kind of clover; lucerne (Medicago sativa, resembles clover); (elecampane?); medicabilis|curable; medicamen|drug, remedy, medicine; cosmetic; substance to treat seeds/plants; dye; medicamentum|drug, remedy, medicine; medice|doctor (female), physician, healer; medicina|art/practice of medicine, medicine; clinic; treatment, dosing; remedy, cure; medicinus|of the art/practice of medicine/healing, medical; [w/ars or res => medicine]; medico|heal, cure; medicate; dye; medicor|heal, cure; medicus|healing, curative, medical; [digitus ~ => fourth finger of the hand]; medicus|doctor, physician; fourth finger of the hand; medidies|noon; midday; south; (meridies); medie|moderately; in a manner avoiding both extremely, moderate; ambiguous; medietas|center/mid point/part; half; intermediate course/state; fact of being in middle; medimnum|dry measure, Greek bushel (6 modii); measure of land in Cyrenaica; medimnus|dry measure, Greek bushel (6 modii); measure of land in Cyrenaica; medio|halve, divide in the middle; be in the middle; mediocris|medium/average/intermediate; middling/fair/ordinary/moderate/tolerable; trivial; mediocris|commonplace; undistinguished; of humble station; mediocre; fairly small; minor; mediocritas|moderateness (size/amount/degree); avoidance of extremes; intermediate way; mediocritas|mediocrity; limited powers/ability; smallness; humbleness (of station); mediocriter|to moderate/subdued extent/degree, ordinarily/moderately/tolerably; not very; medioximus|middlemost; meditabundus|earnestly mediating/considering/reflecting; designing; meditamentum|preparation, practice; meditamenum|training exercise; meditatio|contemplation, meditation; practicing; mediterraneus|inland, remote from the coast; medito|consider/contemplate/ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise/plan; medito|have in mind, intend; think out, prepare a speech; practice public speaking; medito|rehearse; go over, say to oneself; declaim, work over (song) in performance; meditor|consider/contemplate/ponder; meditate, think about; reflect on; devise/plan; meditor|have in mind, intend; think out, prepare a speech; practice public speaking; meditor|rehearse; go over, say to oneself; declaim, work over (song) in performance; meditullium|middle, center, mid-point; interior, part of country remote from sea; medium|middle, center; medium, mean; midst, community, public; publicity; medius|middle, middle of, mid; common, neutral, ordinary, moderate; ambiguous; medius|mediator; one who stands in the middle, one who comes between; medulla|marrow, kernel; innermost part; quintessence; medullitus|inwardly, from depths of heart/mind; from the marrow; megalophonum|loudspeaker; megestanis|nobles (pl.), grandees, magnates, leaders; nobles of Parthia/eastern countries; megestanus|nobles (pl.), grandees, magnates, leaders; nobles of Parthia/eastern countries; megistanis|nobles (pl.), grandees, magnates, leaders; nobles of Parthia/eastern countries; megistanus|nobles (pl.), grandees, magnates, leaders; nobles of Parthia/eastern countries; mehercle|By Hercules! assuredly, indeed; mehercule|by Hercules! assuredly, indeed; mehercules|by Hercules! assuredly, indeed; mei|myself; meile|thousand (men); thousands; (archaic plural of mille); [milia (passuum) => mile]; meio|urinate, make water; ejaculate; (somewhat rude); mel|honey; sweetness; pleasant thing; darling/honey; [luna mellis => honeymoon]; melancholicus|having black bile, melancholy; melanurus|small edible sea-fish; melicus|musical, lyrical; melicus|lyric poet; melilotos|clover (species of, Melilotus or Trifolium); melilotus; serta Campanica; melilotum|clover (species of, Melilotus or Trifolium); melilotus; serta Campanica; melimelum|honey apples (pl.); melioratio|improvement; melioro|improve; make better; melisma|modulation in chant; melismaticus|melodious; melisphyllum|balm; melissa|balm; melissophyllon|balm; Melita|Malta (island); Mljet/Meleda (Adriatic island); some cities (L+S); sea-nymph; Melite|Malta (island); Mljet/Meleda (Adriatic island); some cities (L+S); sea-nymph; meliuscule|somewhat better, pretty well; meliusculus|somewhat better; melleus|honey-; of honey; mellifer|honey-producing; mellificus|honey-making; mellitus|sweetened with honey; honey-sweet; mello|make honey; collect honey; melo|melon (esp. apple-shaped); [Melo => old name for river Nile]; melodes|pleasant/charming singer; melodia|melody; pleasant song; melodrama|opera; melodramaticus|melodramatic; (theatrum melodramaticum = opera); melodramatium|operetta; melodum|poetry, songs (pl.); melodus|poets (pl.); melongena|eggplant; melopepo|watermelon; melos|song, tune, air, strain, lay, melody; hymn; melota|sheepskin; melote|sheepskin; melotes|sheepskin; melotis|sheepskin; melum|song, tune, air, strain, lay, melody; hymn; melus|song, tune, air, strain, lay, melody; hymn; mem|mem; (13th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as M); membrana|membrane; skin; parchment; membratim|limb by limb; membrum|member, limb, organ; (esp.) male genital member; apartment, room; section; memento|remember; be mindful of; mementote|remember; be mindful of; memiens|remembering; keeping in mind, paying heed to; being sure; recalling; memini|remember (PERF form, PRES force); keep in mind, pay heed to; be sure; recall; memor|remembering; mindful (of w/GEN), grateful; unforgetting, commemorative; memorabilis|memorable; remarkable; memorandum|memorandum; memoria|memory, recollection; history; time within memory [~ tenere => to remember]; memorial|memorial; records/memoranda (pl.); sign of remembrance, monument (Souter); memoriale|memorandum; memory; memorialis|historiographer royal, man employed in the emperor's secretarial bureau; memorialis|serving as a memorial; memorial; [w/liber => book of records/memoranda]; memoriola|memory; memoriter|from memory; memoro|remember; be mindful of (w/GEN/ACC); mention/recount/relate, remind/speak of; mena|small sea-fish; Menapius|Menapii; Belgic (north Gallic) tribe; menda|bodily defect, blemish; fault, error (usu. in writing); mendaciter|falsely,deceptively, mendaciously; mendacium|lie, lying, falsehood, untruth; counterfeit, fraud; mendaciunculum|white lie, fib, little untruth; mendax|lying, false; deceitful; counterfeit; mendicatio|begging; mendicitas|beggary; mendico|beg for; be a beggar, go begging; mendicor|beg for; be a beggar, go begging; mendicus|poor as a beggar, beggarly; paltry, pitiful; mendosus|full of faults, faulty; erroneous; prone to error; mendum|bodily defect, blemish; fault, error (usu. in writing); mens|mind; reason, intellect, judgment; plan, intention, frame of mind; courage; mensa|table; course, meal; banker's counter; mensalis|table-; of a table; mensarius|money-changer, banker; treasury official; mensis|month; mensor|land-surveyor; surveyor of building-works; menstrualis|liable to menstruate (monthly); in process of menstruation; lasting a month; menstruatio|menstruation; menstruo|menstruate, have period; have monthly term; menstruo|pollute; defile; menstruum|monthly payment/term; menstrual discharge (usu. pl.); monthly sacrifices (L+S); menstruus|monthly; happens/done/paid every month; of/lasting for/consisting of a month; mensula|(small) table; banker's/money-changer's counter; mensularius|banker, money-changer; mensura|measure; length, area, capacity; mensuro|measure; estimate; mensuum|month; menta|mint; any cultivated mint; mentastrum|wild mint (Pliny); mentha|mint; any cultivated mint; mentio|mention, making mention; calling to mind; naming; mentior|lie, deceive, invent; imitate; feign; pretend; speak falsely about; mento|long-chin; one who has a long chin; mentula|male sexual organ; (rude); (used as a term of abuse); mentum|chin; projecting edge (architecture); meo|go along, pass, travel; mephitis|noxious exhalation; malaria; meracus|undiluted, neat; mercantia|trade; mercator|trader, merchant; mercatura|trade, commerce; mercatus|gathering for the purposes of commerce, market; fair; mercedula|low wages or rent; mercenarius|laborer, working man; mercenarius|hired for wages; paid, hired; mercennarius|hired, mercenary; mercennarius|hired worker; mercenary; merces|pay, recompense, hire, salary, reward; rent, price; bribe; mercimonium|goods, merchandise; mercor|trade; buy; Mercuria|Mercury, Roman god of commerce, luck; Mercurius|Mercury (god); merda|dung, excrement; (rude); merenda|taste, collation; merens|merit-worthy; well-deserving; mereo|earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve; mereor|earn; deserve/merit/have right; win/gain/incur; earn soldier/whore pay, serve; meretricium|art of courtesan; trade of harlot; association with courtesans; meretricius|of/belonging to/typical of a courtesan/prostitute/harlot; meretricula|courtesan; (often derogatory); harlot; meretrix|courtesan, kept woman; public prostitute; harlot; merga|two-pronged fork (pl.); merges|sheaf of wheat; mergo|dip, plunge, immerse; sink, drown, bury; overwhelm; mergulus|diver, kind of sea bird; (small gull); wick of a lamp; mergus|sea-bird; (probably gull); meridianus|of midday, noon; southern; meridianus|meridian; meridianus|meridian (geography); meridiatio|midday nap, siesta; meridies|noon; midday; south; meridio|take a siesta; meridionalis|southern; merito|deservedly; rightly; meritorium|lodging (pl.); meritorius|hired; meritum|merit, service; value, due reward; meritus|deserved, due; merops|bird, the bee-eater; merso|dip (in), immerse; overwhelm, drown; merula|blackbird; a dark-colored fish, the wrasse; merum|wine (unmixed with water); merus|unmixed (wine), pure, only; bare, mere, sheer; merx|commodity; merchandise (pl.), goods; meschita|mosque; mese|highest tetrachord note; middle-note (L+S); A-note; notes (pl.) above lowest; meses|north-east wind; meson|middle-note; mespila|medlar-tree (Pliny); mespilum|medlar tree (Pliny); Messala|Messala/Messalla; (Roman cognomen); [M. Valerius ~ Corvinus => orator]; Messalla|Messala/Messalla; (Roman cognomen); [M. Valerius ~ Corvinus => orator]; messis|harvest, crop; harvest time; messor|reaper, harvester; mestitius|of mixed race; mixed-blood; half-breed; mestizo; mongrel; mesuagium|messuage, building with land and out-buildings; meta|cone, pyramid; conical column, turning point at circus, goal; end, boundary; metabolicus|metabolic; metabolismus|metabolism; metallum|metal; mine; quarry; metamorphosis|metamorphosis, transformation; (pl.) a poem by Ovid; metaphora|metaphor; metaphoricus|metaphoric, metaphorical; metaphrastes|translator of a book; metaphysica|metaphysics; metaphysicus|metaphysical; metaphysicus|metaphysician; metaplasmus|metaplasm; grammatical change; irregularity; transposition of words/letters; metastasis|metastasis; metempsychis|soul-migration; transmigration of soul; metempsychosis|soul transmigration (from one body to another); meteoricus|meteoric; meteorologia|meteorology; meteorologicus|meteorological; meteorologus|meteorologist; meteorum|meteor; methados|method; mode of proceeding; way of teaching (L+S); methanolum|methanol (wood alcohol); methodice|methodically; methodicus|methodical; methodium|trick, artifice; jest, joke (L+S); methodologia|methodology; methodos|method; mode of proceeding; way of teaching (L+S); methodus|method; mode of proceeding; way of teaching (L+S); road (Latham); methylicus|methyl; metior|measure, estimate; distribute, mete; traverse, sail/walk through; meto|reap; mow, cut off; metonymia|metonymy; change of name; substitution of attribute for name; metor|measure off, mark out; metreta|Greek liquid measure; metricus|metrical (music); of meter; rhythmic (pulse); of measure/measuring (L+S); metricus|prosodist/prosodian, expert on prosody/meter; metropolis|chief/capital city; city from which other cities have been colonized (L+S); metropolita|metropolitan, bishop in metropolis/chief city; bishop of a metropolitan church; metropolitanus|metropolitan, belonging to a metropolis/chief city; Metropolitanus|metropolitan, bishop in metropolis/chief city; bishop of a metropolitan church; metrum|measure; meter; metuculosus|timid; frightful; metuens|fearing; afraid; metuo|fear; be afraid; stand in fear of; be apprehensive, dread; metus|fear, anxiety; dread, awe; object of awe/dread; meus|my (personal possession); mine, of me, belonging to me; my own; to me; mi|my, mine; mica|particle, grain, crumb; micans|flashing, gleaming, sparkling, twinkling, glittering; michina|nostril; mico|vibrate, quiver, twinkle; tremble, throb; beat (pulse); dart, flash, glitter; microbiologia|microbiology; microbium|microbe; microchartula|microfiche; micrometrum|micrometer; micron; micropellicula|microfilm; microphonum|microphone; microscopicus|microscopic; microscopium|microscope; migale|migale, shrew (Douay); ferret (King James); shrew-mouse/field-mouse (OED); migma|mixture; mixed/mingled provender; meslin/mixed grain; migratio|change of abode; move; migro|transport; move; change residence/condition; go away; depart; remove; migrus|small, puny; mil|military/soldier's; (abb. mil. for militum/militares); [tr. mil. => colonels]; miles|soldier; foot soldier; soldiery; knight (Latham); knight's fee/service; miliardarius|multimillionaire; miliardum|billion; (ten to the ninth); miliare|thousands (pl.); Roman mile (1000 paces); miliarium|milestone, column resembling a milestone, the one at the Forum; a Roman mile; miliarius|thousands, comprising a thousand, 1000 paces long, weighing 1000 pounds; milies|thousand times; innumerable times; milifolia|milfoil; (plant w/divided leaves genus); common yarrow; water milfoil; milifolium|milfoil; (plant w/divided leaves genus); common yarrow; water milfoil; milio|million; milionesimus|millionth; milipeda|millipede; woodlouse; (any similar insect); militans|militant; militans|military man; soldier, warrior; militarie|in a military or soldier-like manner; knightly (Latham); militaris|military man; soldier, warrior; militaris|military; of/used by the army/war/soldiers; martial; soldierly; warlike; militarismus|militarism; militaristicus|militaristic; militariter|according to military practice/discipline; in manner of a soldier, soldierly; militarium|knighthood (pl.); militarius|military; soldier-like; martial; soldierly; warlike; militia|military service/organization; campaign; war; soldiers (collectively), army; militia|military spirit; courage, bravery; the soldiery/military; any difficult work; militiola|short/insignificant term of military service; milito|serve as soldier, perform military service, serve in the army; wage/make war; militus|ground, milled (of grain); milium|thousands (pl.); milium|millet; mill|thousand; a thousand; [mille passuum => thousand paces = a mile]; mille|thousand; thousands (men/things); miles; [~ passuum => thousand paces = 1 mile]; mille|thousand; a thousand; [mille passuum => thousand paces = a mile]; mille|thousand; thousands (men/things); miles; [~ passuum => thousand paces = 1 mile]; millefolium|milfoil plant (Pliny); millennium|millennium; millensim|thousandth; millensum|thousandth; millenus|thousandth; millepeda|thousand-feet; millipede; hairy caterpillar; milliare|mile; milestone; millennium; a thousand (of something); milliarium|milestone, column resembling a milestone, one at the Forum; Roman mile; milliarius|thousands, comprising a thousand, 1000 paces long, weighing 1000 pounds; milligrammum|milligram; millimetrum|millimeter; Milo|Milo; (tribune Milo 57 BC, killed Clodius, defended by Cicero); miluus|kite/glede, bird of prey; fish (prob. gurnard); constellation (erroneous); milvus|kite/glede, bird of prey; fish (prob. gurnard); constellation (erroneous); mima|actress performing in mimes; mimographus|mimer; mime-composer; mimula|little actress; mimus|mime; farce; actor in mimes; mina|Greek weight unit (100 drachma/one pound); its weight of silver (1/60 talent); mina|mine (exploding); (Cal); mina|threats (pl.), menaces; warning signs, evil omens/prognostications; pinnacles; minaciter|menacingly; in a threatening manner; minagium|grain duty; duty on the sale of grain; minaretum|minaret; minax|threatening; boding ill; mineo|project, overhang; minera|mine (layer); minerale|mineral; ore; mineralis|mineral-, having the nature of mineral; obtained from the bowels of the earth; mineralogia|mineralogy; Minerva|Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom; mingo|make water, urinate; mingo|make water, urinate; miniator|miniaturist; miniatulus|vermilion; scarlet; colored red with cinnabar (HgS); painted vermilion; miniatura|miniature; midget; miniatus|vermilion; scarlet; colored red with cinnabar (HgS); painted vermilion; minimalista|minimalist; minister|attendant, servant, waiter; agent, aide; accomplice; minister|minister; ministerialis|ministerial; ministerium|office, attendance, service, employment, body of helpers; occupation, work; ministerium|ministry (of state); ministra|female attendant; ministral|official; E:obedientary; ministro|attend (to), serve, furnish; supply; minitabundus|threatening; minito|threaten (to), use threats; constitute a danger/threat; hold out as a threat; minitor|threaten (to), use threats; constitute a danger/threat; hold out as a threat; minium|native cinnabar; red lead, vermilion; minius|cinnabar-red; a river in Lusitania; mino|drive (animals); impel, push, force; threaten?; minor|threaten, speak/act menacingly; make threatening movement; give indication of; minor|those inferior in rank/grade/age, subordinate; descendants (pl.); minoritas|minority (age); minoro|reduce, make less; minuo|lessen, reduce, diminish, impair, abate; minurrio|chirp, twitter; (of birds); minurritio|chirping/twittering; (of birds); minus|less; not so well; not quite; minuscula|minuscule; minusculus|somewhat smaller, rather small (size/extent); less important, minor; minuta|minute (measure of time); minutal|stew; dish of minced meat/food; ground meat (Cal); hamburger(?); minutalis|of minutes; minutatim|one bit at a time, bit by bit, little by little; singly, one by one; gradually; minute|in small pieces; in miniature scale; meanly, petty; nicely, w/discrimination; minutia|smallness, fineness; minuteness; pettiness; minutim|bit by bit; into small pieces; gradually; minutus|small, insignificant, petty; mio|make water, urinate; mirabile|miracle; wondrous deed; wonders (pl. Ecc); wonderful things; marvelous works; mirabiliarius|wonder-worker; miracle-worker; mirabilis|wonderful, marvelous, astonishing, extraordinary; remarkable; admirable; mirabilis|strange; singular; E:glorious; E:miraculous; [~ dictu => wonderful to say]; mirabilitas|admirable quality; wonderfulness, marvelousness; admirableness; mirabiliter|marvelously, amazingly/remarkably/extraordinarily; to an extraordinary degree; mirabundus|wondering; astonished (at); full of wonder/astonishment (L+S); miracula|marvelously ugly woman; miraculo|wonderfully; miraculose|miraculously; miraculum|wonder, marvel; miracle, amazing act/event/object/sight; amazement; freak; miraculus|freakish, deformed (persons); mirator|admirer; mire|uncommonly, marvelously; in an amazing manner; to a remarkable extent; mirificatio|wonderful creative power; mirificentia|wonder, admiration; mirifico|exalt, magnify, make wonderful; mirificus|wonderful; amazing; miro|be amazed/surprised/bewildered (at); look in wonder/awe/admiration at; miro|admire/revere; wonder; marvel at; miror|be amazed/surprised/bewildered (at); look in wonder/awe/admiration at; miror|admire/revere; wonder; marvel at; mirus|wonderful, strange, remarkable, amazing, surprising, extraordinary; misanthropia|misanthropy; miscellaneum|hash (pl.), hotchpotch; miscellus|hybrid, of mixed type/breed; assorted, miscellaneous; an inferior grape/wine; miscellus|mixed; [aes ~ => tablet with names of original holder of land and successors]; misceo|mix, mingle; embroil; confound; stir up; misellus|poor, wretched; miser|poor, miserable, wretched, unfortunate, unhappy, distressing; miser|wretched people (pl.); miserabilis|wretched, miserable, pitiable; miserandus|pitiable, unfortunate; miseratio|pity, compassion; miserator|one who pities/has compassion; merciful person; commiserator; misere|wretchedly, desperately; misereo|pity, feel pity; show/have mercy/compassion/pity for (w/GEN); misereo|pity, feel pity; show/have mercy/compassion/pity for (w/GEN); misereor|pity, feel pity; show/have mercy/compassion/pity for (w/GEN); misereor|pity, feel pity; show/have mercy/compassion/pity for (w/GEN); miseresco|have compassion (on/for) (w/GEN); miseret|it distresses/grieves me; I am moved to pity, I feel sorry for (w/me + GEN); miseria|misery, distress, woe, wretchedness, suffering; misericordaliter|mercifully; misericordia|pity, sympathy; compassion, mercy; pathos; misericors|merciful, tenderhearted; misero|pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion; (vocal sorrow/compassion); miseror|pity, feel sorry for; view with compassion; (vocal sorrow/compassion); misfacio|do wrong to; harm, injure, hurt; misinga|titmouse; missa|Mass (eccl.); missibilis|throwable; missile; missicius|discharged from military service; missile|missile; missilis|that may be thrown, missile; missio|mission, sending (away); dismissal, discharge (of soldiers); reprieve; missionalis|mission-derived; missionarius|missionary; missionarius|missionary; missito|send repeatedly; missus|messenger; legate; missus|sending (away); dispatch; shooting, discharge of missiles; misterium|mystery, secret service/rite/worship (usu. pl.); secret, things not divulged; mistes|initiate, one initiated in secret rites; misticius|of mixed race; mixed-blood; half-breed; mestizo; mongrel; mistitius|of mixed race; mixed-blood; half-breed; mestizo; mongrel; mistus|mixed; (alternative VPAR of misceo); misy|misy; copper ore/pyrite; sweet truffle or mushroom; mitesco|become/be/grow mild/soft/gentle/mellow/tame/civilized; soften; Mithridates|Mithridates; (various kings of Pontus, esp. the Great beaten by Sulla/Pompey); mitificatio|alleviation; mitigo|soften; lighten, alleviate; soothe; civilize; mitis|mild, meek, gentle, placid, soothing; clement; ripe, sweet and juicy; mitra|mitre (bishop/abbot); oriental headband/coif/turban/head-dress; rope/cable; mitratus|wearing the mitre; Mitridates|Mithridates; (various kings of Pontus, esp. the Great beaten by Sulla/Pompey); mitto|send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard; mitto|send, throw, hurl, cast; let out, release, dismiss; disregard; mitulus|edible mussel; shellfish mold (Cal); mixticius|of mixed race; mixed-blood; half-breed; mestizo; mongrel; mixtim|mixedly, in a mixed manner; mixtio|mixture, admixture; compound; process of mixing/mingling; mixtitius|of mixed race; mixed-blood; half-breed; mestizo; mongrel; mixtorius|mixing; mna|Greek weight unit (100 drachma/one pound); its weight of silver (1/60 talent); mnemosynum|souvenir, memorial; Moabites|Moabite, inhabitant of Moab (land north of the Dead Sea); Moabitis|Moabite, of Moab (land north of the Dead Sea); Moabitis|Moabite woman, inhabitant of Moab (land north of the Dead Sea); mobilis|movable; mobile; quick, active; changeable, shifting; fickle, easily swayed; mobilitas|mobility, agility; speed; quickness of mind; inconstancy; mobiliter|quickly, rapidly, actively; changeably, inconstantly, in a fickle manner; mobilito|set in motion; modalitas|mode; moderabilis|controllable; moderamen|rudder; management, government; moderatio|moderation; self control; guidance; government, regulation; moderator|governor, master; user, one who restrains; moderatrix|mistress, controller, manager (female); she who restrains/regulates/determines; moderatus|controlled, restrained, moderate, temperate, sober; modernista|modernist; modernitas|modernity; modernum|present things/institutions (pl.); modernus|modern; modero|check, slow down, control; moderor|guide; control; regulate; govern; modestia|restraint, temperateness; discipline; modesty; modestus|restrained, mild; modest; reserved; disciplined; modiatio|corn-measuring; measuring by modii; modicum|short/small time; short distance, little way; little, small amount; modicus|moderate; temperate, restrained; small (Bee); modicus|short/small time; short distance, little way; little, small amount; modificatio|measuring; measure; modificatus|measured; modifico|limit; control; observe due measure; modius|peck; Roman dry measure; (about 2 gallons/8000 cc); modo|only, merely; just now/recently, lately; presently; modo|but, if only; but only; modulamen|melody; modulate|melodiously, in a musical manner; modulatio|modulation, inflection of tone; calculation of measurements from a standard; modulatio|singing, playing; melody, song; rhythmic/regular measure; marching in time; modulator|composer, one who makes up tunes; musician, director of music (L+S); measurer; modulor|sing; play; set to music; modulus|little measure; modus|manner, mode, way, method; rule, rhythm, beat, measure, size; bound, limit; moecha|adulteress; slut; tart; moechor|commit adultery; moechus|adulterer; moene|defensive/town walls (pl.), bulwarks; fortifications; fortified town; castle; moenus|service; duty/office/function; gift, tribute, offering; bribe; (archaic munus); moerens|sad, melancholy; mournful, gloomy woeful, doleful; mourning, lamenting (L+S); moereo|grieve, be sad, mourn; bewail/mourn for/lament; utter mournfully; moeror|grief, sorrow, sadness; mourning; lamentation (L+S); moeste|sadly; mournfully; sorrowfully (Latham); with sadness (L+S); moestifico|grieve, make sad/sorrowful, sadden; moestificus|saddening; moestiter|sadly; mournfully; sorrowfully (Latham); in a way to indicate sorrow (L+S); moestitia|sadness, sorrow, grief; source of grief; dullness, gloom; moestitudo|sadness, sorrow, grief; source of grief; dullness, gloom; moesto|grieve, make sad; afflict (L+S); moestus|sad/unhappy; mournful/gloomy; mourning; stern/grim; ill-omened/inauspicious; mola|millstone; ground meal; mill (pl.) [salsa ~ => salted meal, for sacrifices]; molaris|rock as large as a millstone used as a missile; molar tooth; molctaticus|fined, extracted as fine/penalty; molecula|molecule; molecularis|molecular; molendinum|mill-house; moles|large mass; rock/boulder; heap/lump/pile, bulk; monster; mole/jetty/dam/dike; moles|large structure/building; military structure, wall, ramp; causeway/embankment; moles|crowd, throng; heavy responsibility/burden; difficulty/danger; might/force; moleste|annoyingly; in a vexing/annoying/distressing/tiresome manner; molestia|trouble, annoyance; molesto|disturb, vex, annoy, worry, trouble; molestus|annoying; troublesome; tiresome; [molestus esse => to be a worry/nuisance]; molimen|effort, vehemence; bulk; weight; molimentum|exertion, labor; molinarius|miller; molinula|grinder; (molinula cafearia = coffee-grinder); molior|struggle, labor, labor at; construct, build; undertake, set in motion, plan; molitio|grinding; mollesco|become soft; become gentle or effeminate; molliculus|soft, tender; effeminate; mollificatio|mollification; mollio|soften, mitigate, make easier; civilize, tame, enfeeble; mollipes|soft-footed; mollis|soft (cushion/grass); flexible/supple/loose/pliant; mild/tolerable; easy; calm; mollis|weak; cowardly; unmanly; effeminate; womanish; pathic; tender (women/youths); mollis|conciliatory/peaceful; complaisant; kindly; impressionable/sensitive; feeble; mollis|tender, gentle; smooth, relaxing; languid (movement); amorous (writings); molliter|calmly/quietly/softly/gently/smoothly/easily; w/out pain/anger/harshness; weakly mollitia|softness, tenderness; weakness, effeminacy; mollities|softness, tenderness; weakness, effeminacy; mollitudo|softness, yielding quality; flexibility (voice); mildness/leniency; weakness; molluscum|mollusk; molo|grind; molossus|hunting dog/Molessian hound; (Molessia in Epirus); metrical foot of three long; molta|fine; penalty; penalty involving property (livestock, later money); moltaticus|fined, extracted as fine/penalty; of/concerning a fine (Cas); molto|punish, fine; extract as forfeit; sentence to pay; moly|plant (white flower and black root) (mythical used by Odysseus against Circe); momen|movement; impulse; a trend; momentaliter|in a moment; momentana|delicate scales for weighing gold/silver/coins; momentaneus|momentary, of brief duration; quick; momentarius|momentary/of brief duration/quick; temporary/short-lived; quick-acting (poison); momentosus|momentary, of brief duration; quick, rapid; momentum|moment, importance, influence; motion, movement; impulse, effort; monacha|nun; monachismus|monasticism; monastic life; monarchism Cal); monachus|monk; monarcha|monarch; absolute ruler; monarchia|monarchy; absolute rule; monarchicus|monarchical; monasterialis|monastic; monasterium|monastery; monasticus|monastic; monaules|flutist, player of single flute (monaulos); (also rude sexual reference); monaulos|single flute, flute w/single pipe; (also rude sexual reference); monaulus|single flute, flute w/single pipe; (also rude sexual reference); moneaeum|plum; damson; monedula|jackdaw, daw; (Arbe turned into daw for betraying country for gold); moneo|remind, advise, warn; teach; admonish; foretell, presage; moneta|money/coinage; die on which coin is struck, stamp; mint, temple striking coins; monetabilis|coinable?; monetalis|of the mint; monetarius|of/belonging to mint; monetary; monetarius|master of mint; minter/coiner; money-dealer; moneto|coin; mint; monialis|nun; monile|necklace, collar; collar (for horses and other animals); monimentum|monument; monitio|admonition, warning; advice; monitor|counselor, preceptor; prompter; monitorius|serves-to-remind; monitus|warning, command; advice, counsel; monoceros|unicorn; (fabulous animal); monocerotos|unicorn; (fabulous animal); monochordon|monochord, instrument (1-string+soundboard); (by Guido in teaching); tonometer; monochordum|monochord, instrument (1-string+soundboard); (by Guido in teaching); tonometer; monochromatum|one-color painting (Pliny); monodicus|unique; monogama|monogyny; monogamy; practice of having only one wife (at a time/ever); monogamia|monogyny; monogamy; practice of having only one wife (at a time/ever); monogenesis|monogenesis; origin from one pair; monogenesis|monogenesis; origin from one pair; monogerminalis|monogerminal; monovular; of identical twins (from same egg); monogrammos|sketched in outline; insubstantial, shadowy; jasper marked w/single line; monogrammus|sketched in outline; insubstantial, shadowy; jasper marked w/single line; monographia|monograph; monomachia|duel; monometer|monometric; of one meter; monopodium|table with one foot; monopolium|monopoly, right of exclusive sale in a community; monosolis|single-soled; monosyllaba|monosyllable; monosyllabon|monosyllable; monosyllabus|monosyllabic; monotheismus|monotheism; monotheista|monotheist; monotheisticus|monotheist; mons|mountain; huge rock; towering heap; monstratio|exhibition (of art, of objects); monstrator|guide, demonstrator; monstrifer|producing monsters/portents; monster-bearing (L+S); monstrous/horrid, misshapen; monstrificus|monstrous; strange; monstrigenus|monster-bearing; producing monsters; monstriger|producing monsters/portents; monster-bearing (L+S); monstrous/horrid, misshapen; monstro|show; point out, reveal; advise, teach; monstrum|monster; portent, unnatural thing/event regarded as omen/sign/portent; monstruosus|strange, monstrous, ill-omened; montanus|mountainous; Montepessulanus|Montpellier (in southern France); monticola|mountain dweller; highlander; mountaineer; monticolus|mountain dwelling; montivagus|wandering over the mountains; montosus|mountainous; (also montuosus); montuosus|mountainous; monumentum|reminder; memorial, monument, tomb; record, literary work, history, book; mora|delay, hindrance, obstacle; pause; moralis|moral; of philosophy, concerned w/ethics; concerned w/moral philosophy; moralitas|morality, morals; moraliter|morally; morator|delayer; loiterer; moratus|endowed with character or manners of a specified kind; gentle, civilized; morbidus|diseased; unhealthy; morbillus|measles; Morbonia|Plagueville; [~ abeas => go to hell!]; morbosus|sickly/unhealthy/diseased/prone to illness; morbidly lustful; keen on/mad about; morbus|sickness, illness, weakness; disease; distemper; distress; vice; morchella|morel; mordacitas|stinging, property of stinging; biting sarcasm (Erasmus); mordaciter|sharply, bitingly, stingingly, caustically; mordax|biting, snappish; tart; cutting, sharp; caustic; mordeo|bite; sting; hurt, pain; vex; criticize, carp at; eat, consume; bite/cut into; mordicatio|gripping; mordicus|by biting, with the teeth; tenaciously; moribundus|dying; morigero|be compliant/indulgent to; gratify; humor; morigeror|be compliant/indulgent to; gratify; humor; morigerus|compliant, indulgent; obliging; morio|fool, idiot kept as a laughing-stock; jester (Erasmus); morior|die, expire, pass/die/wither away/out; fail, come to an end; decay; morior|perish; become obsolete (word), fall into disuse; be forgotten; morior|become obsolete (word), fall into disuse; be forgotten; faint, languish; morior|become void/moot (lawsuit); be extinguished (fire/light), go out; morior|die; expire, pass/die/wither away/out; decay; (FUT ACT PPL only, moriturus); morologus|talking like a fool; moror|delay; stay, stay behind; devote attention to; morositas|peevishness, moroseness; G:pedantry; morosus|hard to please, persnickety; morphologia|morphology; morphologicus|morphological; mors|death; corpse; annihilation; morsus|bite, sting; anguish, pain; jaws; teeth; mortalis|mortal, transient; human, of human origin; mortalitas|mortality; death; mortariolum|small mortar; mortarium|mortar; bowl/trough in which materials are pounded/ground morticinus|not slaughtered, of animal that died natural death/its flesh; of dead tissue; mortifer|deadly, fatal, death bringing; destructive; mortificatio|killing; death; (eccles.); mortifico|kill; destroy; mortify, subdue, reduce to weakness; mortual|funeral song, dirge; mortuus|dead, deceased; limp; mortuus|corpse, the dead one; the dead; morua|cod; morula|brief delay; morulus|black; dark colored; morum|mulberry; fruit of the black mulberry; morus|black mulberry tree; moruta|cod; mos|custom, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals; Mosa|river Maas/Meuse, in Holland/France/Belgium; Moses|Moses; motetum|anthem (music); motio|motion, movement; shivering, ague; removal; motivum|motive?; emotion? (effect of being moved); motivus|stirred; moved; moto|set in motion, shake, stir, etc; motorius|motorized (adj.); motrum|motor; motus|movement, motion; riot, commotion, disturbance; gesture; emotion; moveo|move, stir, agitate, affect, provoke, disturb; [movere se => dance]; mox|soon, next (time/position); Moyses|Moses; mozetta|short cape; mozzetta|short cape; mucidus|sniveling; moldy, musty; mucinnium|handkerchief; mucor|bread-mold; wine-must; mucro|sword, sword point, sharp point; mucus|mucus, snot; recess, innermost part of a house; mugil|sea fish; gray mullet; (used in punishing adulterers Juv. 10.317 L+S); mugilis|sea fish; gray mullet; (used in punishing adulterers Juv. 10.317 L+S); muginor|loiter, dally; mugio|low, bellow; make a loud deep noise; mugitus|lowing, bellowing; roaring, rumble; mula|she-mule; mule; mulceo|stroke, touch lightly, fondle, soothe, appease, charm, flatter, delight; Mulciber|surname of Vulcan; P:fire; Mulciber|surname of Vulcan; P:fire; mulco|beat up, thrash, cudgel; worst, treat roughly; mulcta|fine; penalty; penalty involving property (livestock, later money); mulctaticius|fined, extracted as fine/penalty; mulctaticus|fined, extracted as fine/penalty; mulctatio|imposition of fine; mulcto|punish, fine; extract as forfeit; sentence to pay; mulctra|milk pail, milking pail; milk in a milk pail (L+S); mulctrale|milk pail, milking pail; mulctrarium|milk pail, milking pail; mulctrum|milk pail, milking pail; mulgarium|milk pail, milking pail; mulgeo|milk (an animal); extract (milk); mulgeo|milk (an animal); extract (milk); muliebris|feminine, womanly, female; woman's; womanish, effeminate; mulier|woman; wife; mistress; mulierarius|womanish; muliercula|little/weak/foolish woman; little hussy; mulierositas|love of women; mulierosus|fond of women; mulinus|of a mule, mulish; mulio|muleteer, mule driver, mule-skinner; mullus|red mullet (fish); mulomedicus|mule-doctor; mulsum|honeyed wine; (common Roman drink of honey mixed into wine); multa|fine; penalty; penalty involving property (livestock, later money); multae|many women (pl.); multangulus|many-cornered; multaticius|fined, extracted as fine/penalty; of/concerning a fine (Cas); multaticus|fined, extracted as fine/penalty; of/concerning a fine (Cas); multatio|imposition of fine; multesimus|very small; multi|many men/people (pl.); the common/ordinary people; the many; common herd; multicanus|harmonious; multicavus|porous; multicellularis|multicellular; multicium|splendid garment; transparent garment; multicius|soft; splendid; transparent; multicolor|many-colored; multifariam|in many places; multifarius|many-fold; multifidus|splintered; multifluus|flowing copiously; multiformis|having many shapes; multigener|various/varied, of many different kinds/sorts/types; multigenus|of many different sorts; multijugis|yoked many together; manifold, of many sorts; multijugus|yoked many together; manifold, of many sorts; multiloquax|talkative; multiloquium|loquaciousness, excessive talking; multiloquus|garrulous, talkative, that talks too much; multimodis|in many ways, variously; multimodus|various, manifold; multiplex|having many twists/turns; having many layers/thicknesses, many deep; complex; multiplex|multitudinous, many at once/together; numerous; changeable/shifting; versatile; multiplicabilis|multiple, manifold; multiplicatio|multiplication; act of increasing in number/quantity; multiple; multiplicator|multiplier (math.); multiplicitas|multiplicity; manifoldness; multipliciter|in many different ways; multiplico|multiply; repeat; increase (number/quantity/extent); have/use on many occasions; multiplicus|compound, complex, composed of many elements; multiscius|much-knowing; multitudo|multitude, great number; crowd; rabble, mob; multivorancia|gluttony; multizonium|block of flats; multo|much, by much, a great deal, very; most; by far; long (before/after); multo|punish, fine; extract as forfeit; sentence to pay; multot|many times; multum|many things (pl.); much; many; multum|much, greatly, plenty, very; more; most; multus|much, many, great, many a; large, intense, assiduous; tedious; mulus|mule; mumia|mummy; mundanus|worldly; of/belonging to the world/universe; mundane; of this world (Bee); mundanus|inhabitant of the world; worldly person, cosmopolitan; mundialis|worldly, belonging to the world; mundane; of sacred vault of Ceres (OLD); mundialiter|in the manner of the world; mundializatio|internationalization; munditia|cleanness, elegance of appearance, manners or taste; mundities|cleanness, elegance of appearance, manners or taste; mundo|clean, cleanse, make clean/tidy; (eccl. - ceremonially/spiritually); mundus|clean, cleanly, nice, neat, elegant, delicate; refined, pure; mundus|universe, heavens; world, mankind; toilet/dress (woman), ornament, decoration; munero|give, present; muneror|give, present; municeps|citizen/native (of a municipium/municipality); municipalis|of/belonging to/typical of/inhabiting/from a municipium; provincial (insult); municipatim|by municipalities/municipia, by free towns; as a municipality; municipatio|citizenship; municipatus|citizenship; fact of belonging to the same municipality (OLD); municipiolum|little municipality/municipium; municipium|municipality, town; town subject to Rome but under its own laws; free town; municipium|township (administrative division); munifes|one who performs duties; soldier who does not have exemption from fatigues; munificator|gift-bestower; munifice|liberally, generously, munificently; unstintingly; bountifully (L+S); munificens|bountiful, generous, liberal, munificent; munificentia|bountifulness, munificence; munificus|bountiful, liberal, generous, munificent; unstinted; munificus|subject to tax/duty; dutiful, performing one's obligations; munimen|fortification; defense; munimentum|fortification, bulwark; defense, protection; munio|fortify; strengthen; protect, defend, safeguard; build (road); munitio|fortifying; fortification; munitiuncula|small/little fortification/stronghold; munitor|one who builds fortifications; munitus|defended, fortified; protected, secured, safe; munium|duties (pl.), functions; munus|service; duty, office, function; gift; tribute, offering; bribes (pl.); munusculum|small present or favor; muraena|kind of eel, the moray or lamprey; muralis|of walls; of a (city) wall; turreted; mural; muratus|walled, surrounded by walls; murdrum|murder; murelegus|cat; (mouser); murena|kind of eel, the moray or lamprey; murex|purple fish, shellfish which gave Tyrian dye; purple dye; purple cloth; muria|brine, salt liquor, pickling; muries|brine, salt liquor, pickling; murilega|cat; (mouser); murilegius|cat; (mouser); murilegus|cat; (mouser); murinus|gray-mouse-colored murmillo|gladiator who wore Gallic armor and fish-topped helmet; (usu. fought retiarius); murmur|murmur/mutter; whisper/rustle, hum/buzz; low noise; roar/growl/grunt/rumble; murmur|murmur/mutter; whisper/rustle, hum/buzz; low noise; roar/growl/grunt/rumble; murmuratio|grumbling, discontented muttering; uttering of low continuous cries; murmuro|hum, murmur, mutter; roar; murra|fluorspar; agate?; highly prized mineral used for making vases; murra|myrrh (aromatic gum/ointment); tree source of myrrh (Commiphora schimperi); murreus|having color of myrrh, reddish-brown; murus|wall, city wall; mus|mouse; musa|muse (one of the goddesses of poetry, music, etc.); sciences/poetry (pl.); musaeus|of the Muses; poetical; musca|fly (insect); gadfly, bothersome person; muscarium|fly trap; muscatum|nutmeg; muscidus|mossy; muscipula|mouse trap; muscipulum|mouse trap; muscosus|mossy; musculosus|muscular; musculus|little mouse, small rodent; common mouse; various (sea) creatures; mussel; musculus|B:muscle; W:military shed, mantelet, "mousie"; small boat (mydion); muscus|moss; musica|music; musicographus|composer; musicus|of/belonging to poetry or music, musical; musinor|deliberate about; musivum|mosaic; musivus|muse-like; artistic; Muslimus|Moslem; mussito|mutter/whisper, talk in subdued tones; keep quiet/say nothing (about); musso|mutter/whisper (discontently); hum (bee); keep quiet (about); hem/haw; hesitate; mustaceum|must-cake, a sort of wedding cake; mustaceus|must-cake, a sort of wedding cake; mustela|weasel; mustella|weasel; mustes|initiate, one initiated in secret rites; musteus|must-like; of new wine; fresh/young; mustum|unfermented/partially fermented grape juice/wine, must; mustus|fresh, young; unfermented/partially fermented (wine); Musulmanus|Muslim; mutabilis|changeable; inconstant; mutabilitas|changeability, liability to change; fickleness; inconstancy; mutabiliter|with changeability of purpose; inconstantly; mutatio|change, alteration; interchange, exchange; mutatrum|switch; mutilo|maim, mutilate; lop/cut/chop off, crop; cut short; mutilus|maimed, broken, mutilated; hornless, having lost/stunted horns; mutinium|penis; (rude); muto|move, change, shift, alter, exchange, substitute (for); modify; muto|penis; (rude); muttio|mutter, murmur; mutto|penis; (rude); muttonium|penis; (rude); mutuatio|borrowing; mutuens|borrowing; mutulus|projecting shelf/bracket; slab under corona of cornice, mutule, modillion; mutunium|penis; (rude); mutuo|lend; exchange; mutuor|borrow, obtain on loan; mutus|dumb, silent, mute; speechless; mutuus|borrowed, lent; mutual, in return; myalgia|myalgia/myalgy; (morbid condition of a muscle); muscular rheumatism; mydion|small boat; myocardium|myocardium, muscular substance of the heart; myoparo|small piratical galley; myoparon|light naval vessel; myopia|myopia; myops|myopic; myosotis|forget-me-not; myrepsicus|aromatic; of/for unguents; myriadalis|ten-thousand-fold; myrias|myriad, ten-thousand (the number); myrica|tamarisk; (evergreen bush/shrub/tree); myrice|tamarisk; (evergreen bush/shrub/tree); myriophllon|milfoil; (plant w/divided leaves genus); common yarrow; water milfoil; myriophllum|milfoil; (plant w/divided leaves genus); common yarrow; water milfoil; myristica|nutmeger; (nutmeg grater?); (person from Connecticut is called nutmeger); myrmillo|gladiator who wore Gallic armor and fish-topped helmet; (usu. fought retiarius); myrobalanum|behen-nut; balsam (Pliny); myropoeus|perfumer; myrra|myrrh (aromatic gum/ointment); tree source of myrrh (Commiphora schimperi); myrrha|myrrh (aromatic gum/ointment); tree source of myrrh (Commiphora schimperi); myrtetum|myrtle-grove; myrteus|of myrtle; myrtillus|blueberry; myrtum|myrtle-berry; myrtus|myrtle, myrtle-tree; mysta|initiate, one initiated in secret rites; priest at the mysteries (Cas); mystagogus|priest who showed sacred places to strangers; mystax|moustache; mysterion|mystery, secret service/rite/worship (usu. pl.); secret, things not divulged; mysterium|mystery, secret service/rite/worship (usu. pl.); secret, things not divulged; mysterius|mysterious; of a mystery/secret rite; mystes|initiate, one initiated in secret rites; priest at the mysteries (Cas); mystetum|myrtle-grove; mystice|mystically; mysticum|things (pl.) pertaining to/used in sacred mysteries/rites; mysticus|of/belonging to/used in sacred mysteries/rites; secret, mysterious; mystical; mythicos|mythic; of myth or fable; fabulous (L+S); mythical; mythistoria|fabulous narrative; tall tale; mythistoricus|fabulous; mixed with fable; mythologia|mythological; of/belonging to mythology; mythologicum|mythological matters (pl.); mythologicus|mythological, mythologic, of mythology; mythos|myth; fable; mythus|myth; fable; mytulus|edible mussel; myxa|tree (genus Cordia); sebesten/it's plum-like fruit; lamp nozzle (L+S); myxum|sebesten, plum-like fruit (of tree, genus Cordia, formerly Sebestena); myxus|wick (of a lamp); N|Numerius (Roman praenomen); (abb. N./Num.); nable|psaltery; (pl. 10/12 stringed instrument w/sounding board behind strings OED); nablium|psaltery; (10/12 stringed instrument w/sounding board behind strings OED); nablum|psaltery; (10/12 stringed instrument w/sounding board behind strings OED); nadir|nadir; nae|truly, indeed, verily, assuredly; (particle of assurance); (w/personal PRON); naevus|mole (on the body); birthmark; Naias|Naiad; water nymph; nymph; Nais|Naiad; water nymph; nymph; nam|for, on the other hand; for instance; namque|for and in fact, on the other hand; insomuch as (strengthened nam); nanciscor|obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on; nanciscor|obtain, get; find, meet with, receive, stumble on, light on; nanus|dwarf; naphtha|naphtha; flammable/volitile petro-liquid; naptha|naphtha; (Vulgate Prayer of Azariah 1:23); flammable/volitile petro-liquid; narcissinus|of the narcissus (flower); narcissismus|narcissism; narcissus|narcissus (flower); son of Cephisus and Liriope; rich freedman of Claudius; narcomania|addiction; narcoticus|narcotic; nardifer|producing/bearing nard (an aromatic plant); nardinum|wine flavored with nard (an aromatic plant); nardinus|of/pertaining to nard (an aromatic plant); resembling/smelling like nard; nard-; nardum|unguent/balsam/oil of nard (an aromatic plant); the plant nard; nardus|unguent/balsam/oil of nard (an aromatic plant); the plant nard; naris|nostril; nose (pl.); narrabilis|that can be narrated; narratio|narrative, story; narratiuncula|short narrative; narratus|narrative, story; narro|tell, tell about, relate, narrate, recount, describe; narta|ski (instrument); nartatio|skiing (sport); nartator|skier; nartatorius|skiing; narthecium|box for perfumes and medicines; narto|ski; nasalizatio|nasalization; nasciturus|about to be born/come into being; should be born/rise; (FUT ACTIVE PPL nascor); nascor|be produced spontaneously, come into existence/being; spring forth, grow; live; nascor|be born/begotten/formed/destined; rise (stars), dawn; start, originate; arise; nassa|basket for catching fish; a trap, snare; nassiterna|watering-can; nasturcium|kind of cress; nasus|nose; sense of smelling; nasutus|having long nose; nata|daughter; child; natalicium|birthday party (pl.); natalicius|relating to birth; natalis|birthday/anniversary; date of birth/founding/manufacture/origin; birthplace; natalis|time of birth; horoscope; circumstances of birth; parentage (pl.), origins; natalis|natal, of birth; natatilis|swimming creature; natatilis|that can swim; swimmable; natator|swimmer; natatus|swimming; natio|nation, people; birth; race, class, set; gentiles; heathens; nationalis|national; nationalismus|nationalism; nationalitas|nationality; natis|buttocks (usu. pl.), rump; nativitas|birth; nativity; (of Christ); nativus|original; innate; natural; born; nato|swim; float; natrix|water-snake; whip; a plant; natura|nature; birth; character; naturalis|physical/natural scientist; physicist; natural philosopher; naturalis|natural, normal, typical, characteristic; innate, inherent; physical (science); naturalis|natural; (not adoptive, parents); (parts of body/genitals, excretory outlets); naturaliter|naturally, normally; inherently, by nature; spontaneously; by human nature; naturalizatio|naturalization; naturans|creative nature; naturo|produce naturally; natus|born, arisen; made; destined; designed, intended, produced by nature; aged, old; natus|son; child; children (pl.); natus|birth; age, years [minor natu => younger; major natu => older]; nauarchia|command of a ship/vessel; nauarchus|master/captain of a ship; skipper; naucleria|command of a ship/vessel; nauclericus|captain's, of/belonging to a ship's captain; nauclerius|captain's, of/belonging to a ship's captain; nauclerius|master of a ship/vessel; nauclerus|captain of a ship; master/owner/skipper (L+S); naucum|trifle; [non nauci habere => think nothing of]; naufragium|shipwreck; naufrago|be shipwrecked; naufragus|shipwrecked; ruined; causing shipwreck; naulum|fare, passage money; naupegus|shipwright; ship builder; nausea|nausea; seasickness; nauseo|be sea-sick; feel sick; nauseola|squeamishness; nausia|nausea; seasickness; nausio|be sea-sick; feel sick; nauta|sailor, seaman, mariner; nauticus|nautical, naval; nauticus|seamen (pl.), sailors; navale|dock, shipway; navalis|naval, of ships; navanter|with zeal; navicula|small ship; navicularia|business of a ship-owner; navicularius|of (small) ships; navifragus|shipwrecking; navigabilis|navigable, suitable for shipping; navigatio|sailing; navigation; voyage; naviger|ship-bearing, navigable; navigium|vessel, ship; navigo|sail; navigate; navis|ship; [navis longa => galley, battleship; ~ oneraria => transport/cargo ship]; navita|sailor, seaman, mariner; (early, late, and poetic); naviter|diligently; wholly; navmachia|mock sea battle staged as spectacle/game/exercise; navmachiarius|one who takes part in a mock sea battle staged as spectacle/game/exercise; navmachiarius|of a lake constructed for mock sea battles staged as spectacle/game/exercise; navo|do with zeal; [operam navare => do one's best]; navus|active, industrious; Nazara|Nazareth; city in Palestine; (home of the parents of Jesus); nazaraeus|Nazarene; Nazaraeus|Nazarite; man set apart to the service of God; Nazarenus|Nazarene, of/from/belonging to Nazareth; "Christian"; Nazarenus|Christ, the Nazarene; Nazareth|Nazareth; city in Palestine; (home of the parents of Jesus); Nazareus|Nazarene, of/from/belonging to Nazareth; "Christian"; Nazarus|Nazarene, of/from/belonging to Nazareth; "Christian"; nazismus|Nazism; nazista|Nazi; nazoreus|Nazarite; man set apart to the service of God; (1 Maccabees 3:49); ne|not; (intro clause of purpose with subj verb); [ne....quidem => not even]; ne|truly, indeed, verily, assuredly; (particle of assurance); (w/personal PRON); ne|that not, lest; (for negative of IMP); nebrida|Ceres priest; nebula|mist, fog; cloud (dust/smoke/confusion/error); thin film, veneer; obscurity; nebulo|rascal, scoundrel; worthless person; nebulosus|misty, foggy; characterized by/subject to/resembling mist, vaporous; obscure; nec|nor; and not, not, neither, not even; nec|nor, and..not; not..either, not even; necdum|and/but not yet; necessaria|connection (female), she closely connected by friendship/family/obligation; necessarie|necessarily; indispensably; as a necessary consequence; necessario|unavoidably, without option; necessarily, of necessity; inevitably/unavoidably; necessarium|necessities (pl.), what is needed; necessities of life; necessarius|relative; connection, one closely connected by friendship/family/obligation; necessarius|necessary/needed/essential/indispensable; vital/private (body part); close tied; necessarius|inevitable, fateful; urgent/critical; unavoidable/compulsory; natural (death); necesse|necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; necessest|it is necessary/essential/unavoidable/true; it is inevitable/by natural law; necessis|necessary, essential; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; necessitas|need/necessity; inevitability; difficult straits; poverty; obligation; bond; necessitudo|obligation; bond, connection, affinity; compulsion; needs; poverty; relative; necesso|render/make necessary; necessum|necessary; imperative; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; necessus|necessary, imperative; unavoidable, compulsory, inevitable; a natural law; true; neclectus|disregarded, not cared for, neglected, ignored; carelessly made/done; neclectus|neglect; fact of taking no notice; neclegens|heedless, neglectful, careless; unconcerned, indifferent; slovenly; unruly; neclegenter|heedlessly, neglectfully, carelessly; unconcernedly, indifferently; slovenly; neclegentia|heedlessness, neglect; carelessness, negligence; coldness; disrespect; neclego|disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise; necne|or not; necnon|nor; and not, not, neither, not even; and also, and indeed; neco|kill/murder; put to death; suppress, destroy; kill (plant); quench/drown (fire); neco|kill/murder; put to death; suppress, destroy; kill (plant); quench/drown (fire); necopinans|not expecting; unawares; necopinatus|unexpected, unforeseen; necopinus|unexpected; not expecting; necopmus|unexpected, unforeseen; necrocomium|morgue; necrologia|death; necrosis|necrosis; nectar|nectar, the drink of the gods; anything sweet, pleasant or delicious; nectareus|sweet as nectar; necto|tie, bind; necubi|lest anywhere/at any place; lest on any occasion; that nowhere; necunde|lest from anywhere; nedum|still less; not to speak of; much more; nefandus|impious, wicked; abominable; nefarie|wickedly, impiously; nefariously, abominably; heinously; nefarium|crime; wicked/impious/nefarious/heinous act; nefarius|wicked, evil, offending moral law; criminal, abominable; horrible/vile/foul; nefarius|impious; nefarious; execrable; heinous; abandoned (Cas); nefas|sin, violation of divine law, impious act; [fas et nefas => right and wrong]; nefastus|contrary to divine law; [dies nefasti => days unfit for public business]; negatio|denial, refusal; negation (action); negative (Souter); betrayal; negative|negatively; in the negative (Souter); negativus|restraining, inhibiting (legal actions); denied/refused; negative (of words); negator|denier, one who denies; apostate; negidius|Negidius; fictional name in Law; negito|deny or refuse repeatedly; neglectim|negligently; neglectus|disregarded, not cared for, neglected, ignored; carelessly made/done; neglectus|neglect; fact of taking no notice; neglegens|heedless, neglectful, careless; unconcerned, indifferent; slovenly; unruly; neglegenter|heedlessly, neglectfully, carelessly; unconcernedly, indifferently; slovenly; neglegentia|heedlessness, neglect; carelessness, negligence; coldness; disrespect; neglego|disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise; negligenter|heedlessly, neglectfully, carelessly; unconcernedly, indifferently; slovenly; negligentia|heedlessness, neglect; carelessness, negligence; coldness; disrespect; negligo|disregard, neglect, ignore, regard of no consequence; do nothing about; despise; nego|deny, refuse; say ... not; nego|deny, refuse; say ... not; negotiatio|business; negotiator|wholesale trader or dealer; negotio|carry on business; trade; negotiolum|little business; negotior|do business, trade; negotiosus|active, occupied; negotium|pain, trouble, annoyance, distress; work, business, activity, job; Nehalannia|German goddess, worshiped by traders who sailed across the North Sea; nemo|no one, nobody; nemoralis|of/belonging to wood/forest, sylvan; nemorensis|of woods or groves; sylvan; nemorivagus|forest-roving; nemorosus|well-wooded; nempe|truly, certainly, of course; nemus|wood, forest; nenia|funeral dirge sung; incantation, jingle; neo|spin; weave; produce by spinning; neofitus|newly planted; (of newly converted Christians); neolithicus|Neolithic; neologismus|neologism; neomenia|new moon; neonatus|new-born; neophytus|newly planted; (of newly converted Christians); neophytus|neophyte; (newly converted Christians); neoplasia|neoplasm; tumor; nepa|scorpion; a crab; nepiagogium|children's garden; nepos|grandson/daughter; descendant; spendthrift, prodigal, playboy; secondary shoot; neptis|granddaughter; female descendant; Neptunus|Neptune; sea; nequam|wicked/licentious/depraved; bad/vile; naughty/roguish; worthless/useless; nequando|lest, lest ever; never, not ever; nequaquam|by no means; neque|nor; and not, not, neither; neque|nor [neque..neque=>neither..nor; neque solum..sed etiam=>not only..but also]; nequedum|and/but not yet; nequeo|be unable, cannot; nequicquam|in vain; nequior|more wicked/licentious/depraved/vile; worse; more useless/worthless; (nequam); nequiquam|in vain; nequis|lest any one; nequissimus|most wicked/vile/licentious/worthless, good for nothing; (nequam SUPER); nequiter|badly; wickedly; nequitia|wickedness; idleness; negligence; worthlessness; evil ways; nequities|wickedness; idleness; worthlessness; (equivalent to nequitia); Nero|Nero; (cognomen of Claudian gens); (Nero Claudius Caesar -> Emperor, 54-69); Nerva|Nerva; (Roman cognomen); [M. Cocceius Nerva => Emperor, 96-98 AD]; Nervius|Nervii (pl.); Belgic (north Gallic) tribe; nervosus|sinewy; vigorous; nervulus|nerve, strength; nervus|sinew/muscle/nerve; hamstring; tendon (as material); stringed instrument (pl.); nervus|strength; vigor, nerve, force, power; sexual power, virility; penis (rude); nervus|string/cord; bowstring; bow; (leather) thong; fetter (for prisoner); prison; nescio|not know (how); be ignorant/unfamiliar/unaware/unacquainted/unable/unwilling; nescius|unaware, not knowing, ignorant; nete|highest note in tetrachord; last/undermost string; neu|or not, and not; (for negative of IMP); [neve ... neve => neither ... nor ]; neuma|spirit; [pneuma sacrum/sanctum => Holy Spirit/Ghost]; neuma|prolonged/breathing notes in plainsong; plainsong notation signs; neuma|neume/neum; prolonged group of notes sung to single syllable (in plainsong); neuronum|neuron, nerve cell; neuter|neither; neutiquam|by no means, not at all; (ne utiquam); neutralitas|neutrality; neutralizatio|neutralization; neutralizo|neutralize; neutro|to neither side; neutronium|neutron; neutrubi|in neither place; neither way; neve|or not, and not; (for negative of IMP); [neve ... neve => neither ... nor ]; nex|death; murder; nexilis|woven together, intertwined; nexo|tie together; bind together; (see also nectere); nexum|obligation between creditor/debtor; (pre-300 BC debtor bondman for non-payment); nexus|one reduced to quasi-slavery for debt, bondsman; nexus|obligation between creditor and debtor; ni|if ... not; unless; [quid ni? => why not?]; ni|if ... not; unless; niceterium|reward of victory, prize; nichelium|nickel; nichil|nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; nichilum|nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect; Nicomedia|Nicomedia (city), capital of Bithynia; (now Izmid/Izmit Turkey); nicotinum|nicotine; nicto|blink; nidificium|nesting place; nidifico|build a nest; nidificus|nest-, concerned with the building of nests; nidor|rich, strong smell, fumes; nidulus|little nest; nidus|nest; nigellus|somewhat black; (pre-classical and medieval); Nigellus (proper name); niger|black, dark; unlucky; nigrans|black, dark colored; shadowy; murky; nigredo|blackness; nigreo|grow dark; darken; nigresco|become black, grow dark; nigrita|negro; nigritia|blackness; black color; nigrities|blackness; black color; nigro|be black; make black; nihil|nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; nihildum|nothing; nothing as yet; not a shred; less than nothing; nihilismus|nihilism; nihilitas|nothingness; nihilominus|never/none the less, notwithstanding, just the same; likewise, as well; nihilum|nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect; nil|nothing; no; trifle/thing not worth mentioning; nonentity; nonsense; no concern; nilum|nothing; nothingness, which does not exist; something valueless; no respect; nimbifer|stormy; nimbosus|full of/surrounded by rain clouds; nimbus|rainstorm, cloud; nimietas|excess; superabundance; too great a number/quantity. redundancy (L+S); nimio|by a very great degree, far; nimirum|without doubt, evidently, forsooth; nimis|very much; too much; exceedingly; nimium|too, too much; very, very much, beyond measure, excessive, too great; nimius|excessive, too great; Nineve|Nineveh; (ancient capital of Assyria); Ninevita|Ninivite, inhabitant of Nineveh (ancient capital of Assyria); Nineviticus|Ninivite, of/from Nineveh; (ancient capital of Assyria); Ninevitus|Ninivite, of/from Nineveh; (ancient capital of Assyria); ningo|snow; ningt|it snows; ninguis|snow; drifts of snow (pl.); ninguo|snow; Ninive|Nineveh; (ancient capital of Assyria); Ninivita|Ninivite, inhabitant of Nineveh (ancient capital of Assyria); Niniviticus|Ninivite, of/from Nineveh; (ancient capital of Assyria); Ninivitus|Ninivite, of/from Nineveh; (ancient capital of Assyria); nisan|Nisan, Jewish month; (1st in ecclesiastic year); (late January-early February); nisi|if not; except, unless; nisus|pressing upon/down; pressure, push; endeavor; exertion; strong muscular effort; nitedula|dormouse; nitella|small mouse; dormouse; niteo|shine, glitter, look bright; be sleek/in good condition; bloom, thrive; nitesco|begin to shine; nitidus|shining, bright; nitor|press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor; nitor|press/lean upon; struggle; advance; depend on (with abl.); strive, labor; nitor|brightness, splendor; brilliance; gloss, sheen; elegance, style, polish; flash; nitrosus|full of nitron; nitrum|name of various alkalis (esp. soda and potash but probably not nitre); nivalis|snowy, snow-covered; snow-like; niveus|snowy, covered with snow; white; Nivomagus|city of the Treveri, now Nijmegen, city in Holland; nivosus|full of snow, snowy; nix|snow; nixor|support oneself, rest/lean (on) (w/ABL); struggle/strive, exert oneself (W/INF); nixus|straining; the efforts of childbirth (pl.), travail; no|swim, float; nobilis|noble, well born; aristocratic; outstanding (in rank/deed); important/prominent; nobilis|famous, celebrated; well/generally known; remarkable, noteworthy (facts); nobilis|nobles (pl.); nobilitas|nobility/noble class; (noble) birth/descent; fame/excellence; the nobles; rank; nobilito|make known/noted/renown; render famous/notorious; ennoble; make more majestic; nocens|harmful; guilty; criminal; noceo|harm, hurt; injure (with DAT); nocivus|harmful, injurious; noxious; noctesco|grow dark; noctiluca|moon; noctivagus|night-wandering; noctu|by night, at night; noctua|little owl; noctuabundus|traveling by night; nocturnalis|nocturnal; nocturnus|nocturnal, of night, at night, by night; nocumentum|nuisance; nocuus|hurtful, injurious; nodo|tie in a knot/knots; nodosus|tied into many knots, full of knots, knotty; nodus|knot; node; nola|Nola (town in Campania); woman of Nola; (pun on nolo); bell (Erasmus); nolo|be unwilling; wish not to; refuse to; nomas|nomad, esp. a Numidian; nomads (pl.), certain wandering pastoral tribes; nomen|name, family name; noun; account, entry in debt ledger; sake; title, heading; nomenclator|one who address person by name; slave who announced guests/dishes; an official; nomenclatura|assigning of names to things, nomenclature; mentioning things by name; nomenculator|one who address person by name; slave who announced guests/dishes; an official; nominatim|by name; nominatio|naming; nomination (to an office); nominativus|nominative; nominatus|naming; G:noun; nomine|in name only, nominally (ABL S of nomen); nominetenus|nominal; so-called; nominito|name, term; nomino|name, call; nomisma|coin/piece of money; coinage; token/voucher; medal (L+S); stamp; image on coin; non|not, by no means, no; [non modo ... sed etiam => not only ... but also]; Non|Nones (pl.), abb. Non.; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhen; Nona|Nones (pl.), abb. Non.; 7th of month, March, May, July, Oct., 5th elsewhen; nonagensim|ninetieth; nonagensum|ninetieth; nonaginta|ninety; nonanus|of/belonging to ninth legion; nondum|not yet; nongentensim|nine hundredth; nongentensum|nine hundredth; nongenti|nine hundred; nonne|not? (interog, expects the answer "Yes"); nonnemo|some persons, a few; nonnihil|in some measure; nonnihil|certain amount; nonnisi|not unless; not except; only (on specific terms); nonnullus|number of (pl.), some; several; nonnullus|some, several, a few; one and another; considerable; nonnullus|some (pl.), several, a few; nonnumquam|sometimes; nonnunquam|sometimes; norma|carpenter's square; standard, pattern; normativus|normal; nos|we (pl.), us; noscito|recognize; be acquainted with; nosco|get to know; learn, find out; become cognizant of/acquainted/familiar with; nosco|examine, study, inspect; try (case); recognize, accept as valid/true; recall; nosocomium|hospital; nosocomus|male nurse; nostalgia|nostalgia; noster|our; noster|our men (pl.); nota|mark, sign, letter, word, writing, spot brand, tattoo-mark; notabilis|remarkable, notable; notaculum|registration; notariatus|notary's office; notarius|writer of shorthand, stenographer; notarius|notary; notatio|marking; noteo|notify; notesco|become known; become famous; nothus|illegitimate (known father); cross-bred, mixed, mongrel; false, spurious; notificatio|notification; notio|judicial examination or enquiry; notionalis|conceptual; notionaliter|conceptually; notitia|notice; acquaintance; noto|observe; record; brand; write, inscribe; notula|little mark; notum|notorious facts (pl.); scandal; notus|well known, familiar, notable, famous, esteemed; notorious, of ill repute; notus|friends (pl.), acquaintances; Nov|November (month/mensis understood); abb. Nov.; novacula|razor; novale|fallow/unplowed land; enclosed land; field; land/field cultivated first time; novalis|fallow/unplowedland; enclosed land; field; land/field cultivated first time; novamen|innovation; novatio|substitution by stipulatio of new for existing obligation; renewing; renovation; nove|newly, in new/unusual manner; recently/short time ago; finally/lastly; at last; novella|news (literary kind); novello|plant nurseries; novellus|young, tender; novem|nine; November|November; (9th month before Caesar, 11th after); abb. Nov.; November|November (month/mensis understood); abb. Nov.; of/pertaining to November; novenarius|ninefold, consisting of nine; having crosssection of 9 square feet, 3 by 3 feet; novendecim|nineteen; novendialis|lasting nine days; held on the ninth day after a person's death; noverca|stepmother; novi|know, know of; know how, be able (to); experience; (PERF form, PRES force); novi|know; be familiar/acquainted/conversant with/aware of; accept, recognize; noviciatus|novitiate; apprenticeship; novicius|new, fresh; esp. of persons new to slavery; novicius|beginner; novilunium|new moon; Noviomagus|city of the Treveri, now Nijmegen, city in Holland; novissime|lately, very recently; last, after all else; for last time; lastly; in the end; novissimum|rear (pl.), those at the rear (the freshest troops); novissimus|last, rear; most recent; utmost; novitas|newness; strangeness/novelty/unusualness/rarity; unfamiliarity; freshness; novitas|restored state (as new); being new appointed/promoted; surprise; modern times; noviter|recently, newly; novitiatus|novitiate; novitius|one newly come; novice (eccl.); novitius|novice-; of a novice; novo|make new, renovate; renew, refresh, change; Novomagus|city of the Treveri, now Nijmegen, city in Holland; novus|new, fresh, young; unusual, extraordinary; (novae res, f. pl. = revolution); nox|night [prima nocte => early in the night; multa nocte => late at night]; noxa|hurt, injury; crime; punishment, harm; noxalis|of injury done by person/other's animal; harm/damage/injury; power to harm; noxia|crime, fault; noxiosus|very harmful, noxious; full of guilt, vicious; noxius|harmful, noxious; guilty, criminal; nubecula|little cloud; a troubled expression; nubeculatus|comic; (fabula nubeculata = comic strip); nubes|cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation (hair); swarm/multitude; nubes|frown, gloomy expression; gloom/anxiety; mourning veil; cloud/threat (of war); nubifer|cloud capped; cloud bearing, that brings clouds; nubigena|cloud-born; (of the Centaurs); nubilis|marriageable; nubilosus|cloudy, foggy; murky; nubilum|clouds (pl.), rain clouds; nubilus|cloudy; lowering; nubis|cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation (hair); swarm/multitude; nubis|frown, gloomy expression; gloom/anxiety; mourning veil; cloud/threat (of war); nubo|marry, be married to; nubs|cloud/mist/haze/dust/smoke; sky/air; billowy formation (hair); swarm/multitude; nubs|frown, gloomy expression; gloom/anxiety; mourning veil; cloud/threat (of war); nucatum|nougat; nucifrangibulum|nutcracker; nuclearis|nuclear; nucleus|nucleus, inside of a nut, kernel; nut; central part; hard round mass/nodule; nuditas|nakedness, bareness, nudity, exposure; bareness, want; nudius|it is now the...day since; (always with ordinal numerals); nudiustertius|day before yesterday; nudo|lay bare, strip; leave unprotected; nudus|nude; bare, stripped; nuga|trifles (pl.), nonsense; trash; frivolities; bagatelle(s); nugacitas|drollery, trifling playfulness; nugator|one who plays the fool; teller of tall stories; nugatorius|trifling, worthless, futile, paltry; nugigerulus|clothes-dealer (in female finery); nugivendus|clothes-dealer (in female finery); nugor|play the fool, talk nonsense; trifle; nullatenus|not at all; in nowise, by no means; nullibi|nowhere; nullitas|non-existence; nulliter|not at all; nullus|no; none, not any; (PRONominal ADJ) nullus|no one; num|if, whether; now, surely not, really, then (asking question expecting neg); Num|Numerius (Roman praenomen); (abb. N./Num.); numen|divine will, divinity; god; numerabilis|possible/easy to count; numerarius|accountant, keeper of accounts; arithmetician; numeratio|calculation, reckoning, counting; paying out (money); payment; enumeration; numerator|numerator (math.); Numerius|Numerius (Roman praenomen); (abb. N./Num.); numero|quickly, rapidly; prematurely, too soon; too much(?); numero|count, add up, reckon/compute; consider; relate; number/enumerate, catalog; pay; numerose|plentifully, in/with large numbers; into many parts; in many ways; rhythmically; numerositas|multitude, great number; rhythm, harmony; numerosus|numerous/many, of many units/parts/people; multiple; manifold/varied; prolific; numerosus|plentiful/abundant/populous; harmonious/melodious/rhythmic/proportioned; numerus|number/sum/total/rank; (superior) numerical strength/plurality; category; tally; numerus|rhythm/cadence/frequency; meter/metrical foot/line; melody; exercise movements; numisma|coin/piece of money; coinage; token/voucher; medal (L+S); stamp; image on coin; nummarius|of/belonging to money; bribed with money, venal; nummatus|moneyed; nummischedula|banknote; nummisma|coin/piece of money; coinage; token/voucher; medal (L+S); stamp; image on coin; nummularius|kind of small-change state banker; (to change foreign currency and test coins); nummularius|of/related to the changing of foreign currency; nummulus|little piece or sum of money; nummus|coin; cash; money; sesterce; numquam|never; numquid|is it possible, surely ... not; can it be that; (question expecting negative); nun|nun; (14th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as N); nunc|now, today, at present; nuncia|female messenger; she who brings tidings (L+S); nunciam|here and now; now at last; nunciatio|announcement of augur signs observed; notice/notification/laying of information; nunciator|announcer, he who lays information/stays neighbor's action; reporter; informer; nunciatrix|announcer (female), she who lays information/stays neighbor's action; informer; nuncio|announce/report/bring word/give warning; convey/deliver/relate message/greeting; nuncium|message, announcement; news; notice of divorce/annulment of betrothal; nuncius|messenger/herald/envoy; message (oral), warning; report; messenger's speech; nuncius|announcing, bringing word (of occurrence); giving warning; prognosticatory; nuncupatio|solemn pronouncement (vow); naming/declaring; ramification; nomination; name; nuncupatorius|dedicatory; nuncupatura|dedication; nuncupo|call, name; express; nundina|market day (pl.); traffic; [novem+dies => held every ninth day]; nundinor|buy or sell in the market; practice trade of a discreditable kind; nundinum|period from one market-day to the next; nunnullus|some (pl.), several, a few; nunquam|at no time, never; not in any circumstances; nunquid|is it possible, surely ... not; can it be that; (question expecting negative); nuntia|female messenger; she who brings tidings (L+S); nuntiatio|announcement of augur signs observed; notice/notification/laying of information; nuntiator|announcer, he who lays information/stays neighbor's action; reporter; informer; nuntiatrix|announcer (female), she who lays information/stays neighbor's action; informer; nuntiatura|nunciature, representation of Pope by nuncio; office/term of nuncio; nuntio|announce/report/bring word/give warning; convey/deliver/relate message/greeting; nuntium|message, announcement; news; notice of divorce/annulment of betrothal; nuntius|messenger/herald/envoy; message (oral), warning; report; messenger's speech; nuntius|announcing, bringing word (of occurrence); giving warning; prognosticatory; nuo|nod; nuo|nod; nuper|recently, not long ago; in recent years/our own time; (SUPER) latest in series; nupta|bride; nuptia|marriage (pl.), nuptials, wedding; nuptialis|of a wedding or marriage, nuptial; nurus|daughter-in-law; prospective daughter-in-law; wife of grandson, etc. (leg.); nusquam|nowhere; on no occasion; nutabilis|tottering; insecure; nutabundus|tottering; staggering; nutamen|bobbing; movement upwards and downwards; nuto|waver, give way; nutriamentus|nourishment; nutricius|tutor; foster-father; nutricius|nourishing; suckling; nutrico|nurse/suckle; raise/rear/bring up; nourish/promote growth/well being; cherish; nutricor|nurse/suckle; raise/rear/bring up; nourish/promote growth/well being; cherish; nutricula|nurse; nutrimen|nourishment, sustenance; nutrimens|food, nourishment; nutrimentum|nourishment, sustenance; nutrio|suckle. breast feed; nourish/feed/fuel, supply, build up; preserve, look after; nutrio|rear/raise; foster/encourage; tend/treat (wound/sick person); deal gently with; nutrior|suckle. breast feed; nourish/feed/fuel, supply, build up; preserve, look after; nutrior|rear/raise; foster/encourage; tend/treat (wound/sick person); deal gently with; nutrix|nurse; nutus|nod; command, will; [ad nutum => instantly; with the agreement of]; nux|nut; nyctegreton|thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night); nyctegretos|thorny oriental plant (reputed to become luminous at night); nycticorax|night raven; nylonium|nylon; nylonius|of nylon; nympha|nymph; (semi-divine female nature/water spirit); water; bride; young maiden; nymphe|nymph; (semi-divine female nature/water spirit); water; bride; young maiden; o|Oh!; ob|on account of, for the sake of, for; instead of; right before; obaeratus|in debt; obaeratus|debtor; obambulo|walk up to, so as to meet; traverse; obarmo|arm; obaro|plow up; obaudio|obey, listen to; obba|beaker; decanter; city in Africa near Carthage; obdo|put before/against; shut, close, fasten; obdormio|fall asleep; obdormisco|fall asleep; go to sleep; (w/reference to death); obduco|lead or draw before; cover/lay over; overspread; wrinkle; screen; obductico|veiling; covering; obductio|act of covering/veiling/enveloping; affliction/distress (Souter); obducto|lead in rivalry; obduresco|be persistent, endure; obduro|be hard, persist, endure; obedens|obedient, compliant, submissive to authority/commands/word (of); under orders; obedienter|obediently, compliantly, without demur; willingly, readily (L+S); obedientia|obedience, compliance, submission to authority; obedientiarius|official; E:obedientiary; holder of office in monastery; (OED); obedientio|obedience, compliance, submission to authority; obedio|obey; listen/harken/submit (to); be subject/obedient/responsible/a slave (to); obeliscus|obelisk; critical mark (placed opposite suspected passages L+S); rose bud; obelus|obelus, critical mark (spit-shaped put by suspected passages); obelisk; pivot; obeo|go to meet; attend to; fall; die; obequito|ride up to; obesus|fat, stout, plump; obex|bolt, bar; barrier; obstacle; obfendo|offend, give offense (to); displease/annoy/vex; trouble/upset, hurt (feelings); obfendo|strike/knock against; bump into; stumble upon; check, stop short; spoil/harm; obfendo|come upon, meet, find, encounter, be faced with; run aground; violate/wrong; obfirmo|secure; bolt, lock, fasten, bar; be determined/inflexible; persevere in; obfringo|break up (ground) by cross-plowing; obfusco|darken; obscure; E:vilify; obhaeresco|stick fast; adhere; obicio|throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present; obiter|on the way, by the way, in passing; obitus|approaching; approach, visit; setting (of the sun, etc), death; objaceo|lie near by/at hand/opposite; lie in/block the way; lie exposed/at the mercy o; objectatio|taunting; casting aspersions; reproach (L+S); objectivitas|objectivity; objectivum|objective (photo); objectivus|objective; objecto|expose/throw (to); throw/put in the way; lay to one's charge, put before; objectum|accusation, charge; S:object, something presented to the senses; objectus|opposite; objectus|interposing; obstructing; objicio|throw before/to, cast; object, oppose; upbraid; throw in one's teeth; present; objrascor|be angry (with/at); grow angry at (Cas); objurgator|rebuker; objurgatorius|reproachful, scolding; objurgo|scold, chide, reproach; oblanguesco|become feeble; oblaqueatio|tree-root digging; oblaqueo|dig around tree-roots; E:surround, encircle; oblatio|offer/offering (of something), tender, presentation; right to offer something; oblatrix|nagging woman; oblatro|bark at (+DAT or +ACC); oblectamen|delight, pleasure, source of pleasure; oblectamentum|delight, pleasure, source of pleasure; oblectatio|delighting; oblecto|delight, please, amuse; oblido|crush; obligamentum|band (for head); E:obligation? (as used in Tertullian); obligatio|obligation (legal/money); bond; being liable; mortgaging/pledging/guaranteeing; obligo|bind, oblige; oblimo|cover/fill with mud; silt up; clog; oblino|smear over; obliquus|slanting; oblique; oblitero|cause to be forgotten/fall into disuse/to disappear; assign to oblivion; obliterus|forgotten; erased from memory; oblitesco|conceal oneself; oblittero|cause to be forgotten/fall into disuse/to disappear; assign to oblivion; oblitterus|forgotten; erased from memory; oblitus|forgetful (with gen.); obliurgatio|reprimand, rebuke; action of reproving; oblivio|oblivion; forgetfulness; obliviosus|oblivious, forgetful; causing forgetfulness; obliviscor|forget; (with GEN); oblivium|forgetfulness, oblivion; oblocutor|contradictor; oblongus|oblong; obloquor|interpose remarks, interrupt; obluctor|struggle against; obmolior|put in the way as an obstruction; block up; obmurmuro|murmur in protest (at); obmutesco|lose one's speech, become silent; obnatus|growing on; obnitor|thrust/press against; struggle against, offer resistance; make a stand; obnixe|resolutely; strenuously; obnixie|submissively, in a servile manner; in restricted manner, subject to hindrance; obnixus|resolute, determined; obstinate; obnoxietas|liability; dependence, interrelation, interrelationship (Red); obnoxiosus|submissive; obnoxius|liable; guilty; obnubilatio|darkening; obnubilo|obscure, render dark/obscure; darken/cloud/fog (the mind); render unconscious; obnubo|veil, cover (the head); obnuntiatio|announced bad omen; announcement of poor omen; obnuntio|announce adverse omens; oboedens|obedient, compliant, submissive to authority/commands/word (of); under orders; oboediens|obedient, submissive; oboedienter|obediently, compliantly, without demur; willingly, readily (L+S); oboedientia|obedience, compliance, submission to authority; oboedientio|obedience, compliance, submission to authority; oboedio|obey; listen/harken/submit (to); be subject/obedient/responsible/a slave (to); oboleo|stink, smell of; present an odor, give forth a smell, betray oneself w/smell; obolus|obol/obole/obolus, Greek coin or Greek weight (of 1/6 drachma); (a nickel?); oborior|arise, occur (thoughts); appear, spring/rise up before; well up (tears); obortus|rising, flowing; obprobrium|reproach, taunt; disgrace, shame, scandal; source of reproach/shame; obrepo|creep up on/approach unawares/unobserved; sneak/drop in; pay surprise visit on; obreptio|creeping/sneaking up unseen; surprise; fraudulent/improper means of obtaining; obrepto|creep up on, approach stealthily; obretio|catch in a net; obrigesco|stiffen; obrizum|pure gold (Vulgate); (also written obrizum aurum); fine gold (Ecc); obrizus|fine (gold); refined; assayed, tested (OLD); obrogo|abrogate; oppose passage of law; partly repeal law; obruo|cover up, hide, bury; overwhelm, ruin; crush; obrussa|assay; test; assaying/testing of gold; [aurum ad ~ => tested/fine gold]; obrussus|fine (gold); refined; assayed, tested (OLD); obruza|assay; test; assaying/testing of gold; [aurum ad ~ => tested/fine gold]; obruzus|fine (gold); refined; assayed, tested (OLD); obrysum|fine gold; obrysus|fine (gold); refined; assayed, tested (OLD); obryza|standard gold; fine/pure gold (OLD); obryzatus|made of standard gold); obryzum|pure gold; (also written obryzum aurum); obsaepio|enclose, seal up; block, obstruct; obsaturo|sate, glut; obscaene|obscenely, so as to involve obscenity (of language), indecently, lewdly; obscaenitas|indecency, obscenity (language); indecent/obscene behavior/figures; ill omen; obscaenum|private parts (pl.), external sexual/excretory organs; excrement (L+S); urine; obscaenum|foul/indecent/obscene/lewd language/utterances/behavior (pl.); obscaenus|repulsive, detestable; foul; indecent, obscene, lewd; (sexual/excretory things); obscaenus|inauspicious/unpropitious; ill-omened/boding ill; filthy, polluted, disgusting; obscaenus|sexual pervert; foul-mouthed person; obscene|obscenely, so as to involve obscenity (of language), indecently, lewdly; obscenitas|indecency, obscenity (language); indecent/obscene behavior/figures; ill omen; obscenum|private parts (pl.), external sexual/excretory organs; excrements (L+S); urine; obscenum|foul/indecent/obscene/lewd language/utterances/behavior (pl.); obscenus|repulsive, detestable; foul; indecent, obscene, lewd; (sexual/excretory things); obscenus|inauspicious/unpropitious; ill-omened/boding ill; filthy, polluted, disgusting; obscenus|sexual pervert; foul-mouthed person; obscuratio|darkening; obscuring; obscuritas|darkness, obscurity unintelligibility; obscuro|darken, obscure; conceal; make indistinct; cause to be forgotten; obscurus|dim, dark, obscure; dusky, shadowy, only faintly/dimly seen; dingy; gloomy; obscurus|not/barely visible, hidden from sight; imperceptible; muted/muffled, inaudible; obscurus|little known, undistinguished/insignificant/humble/obscure (person); secret; obscurus|not open; vague/uncertain/dim/faint, poorly known; unclear; incomprehensible; obsecratio|supplication, entreaty; public act of prayer; obsecro|entreat/beseech/implore/pray; (w/deity as object); [fidem ~ => beg support]; obsecundanter|according to; in compliance with; obsecundo|obey, show obedience; comply with, be compliant, humor; fall in with, follow; obsequella|compliance; obsequens|yielding; compliant; obsequenter|compliantly; obediently; with deference; obsequentia|obsequiousness; complaisance; obsequiosus|obsequent; compliant, yielding, obedient; complaisant; obsequium|compliance (act/form/sex/orders); consideration/deference/solicitude; services; obsequium|obedience/allegiance/discipline (military); tractability/docility (animals); obsequium|servility/subservience/obsequiousness; ceremony (Bee); attendance; retinue; obsequor|yield to; humor; obsero|bolt, fasten, place a bar across; bar, prohibit access to; shot off, enclose; obsero|sow, plant; cover; observatio|observation, attention, action of watching/taking notice; surveillance; usage; observatorium|observatory; observito|observe; watch carefully; observo|watch, observe; heed; obses|hostage; pledge, security; obsessio|blockade, siege; obsession (Cal); obsessor|besieger, frequenter; obsetricium|midwifery/obstetric care (pl.); obsetricius|of/pertaining to a midwife/midwifery/obstetric care; obsetrico|assist in childbirth, perform the office of a midwife, provide obstetric care; obsetrix|midwife; obsideo|blockade, besiege, invest, beset; take possession of; obsidialis|of/connected with siege/blockade; [corona ~ => grass crown for raising siege]; obsidio|siege; blockade; obsidionalis|of/connected with siege/blockade; [corona ~ => grass crown for raising siege]; obsidium|siege, blockade; obsido|besiege; occupy; obsignator|sealer, witness; obsigno|sign, seal; obsisto|oppose, resist; stand in the way; make a stand against, withstand; obsitus|overgrown, covered (with); obsolefacio|degrade/abase; lower worth/dignity of; make common; wear out (L+S); spoil/sully; obsolefio|be degraded/sullied/abased; become worn out; (obsolefacio PASS); obsolesco|fall into disuse, be forgotten about; obsoletus|worn-out, dilapidated; hackneyed; obsonator|buyer of victuals; caterer; obsonatus|catering; marketing; obsonium|food; provisions, shopping; food w/bread; victuals (esp. fish); obsono|buy food, get/purchase provisions/(things for meal); go shopping; feast/banquet; obsonor|buy food, get/purchase provisions/(things for meal); go shopping; feast/banquet; obsorbeo|swallow; gulp down; obstaculum|obstacle, obstruction; that which stands in the way; obstantia|obstruction; resistance; hindrance; obstetricium|midwifery/obstetric care (pl.); obstetricius|of/pertaining to a midwife/midwifery/obstetric care; obstetrico|assist in childbirth, perform the office of a midwife, provide obstetric care; obstetritius|of/pertaining to a midwife/midwifery/obstetric care; obstetrix|midwife; obstinate|resolutely, obstinately; obstinatio|determination, stubbornness; obstinatus|firm, resolved, resolute; obstinate; obstino|be determined on; obstipesco|be amazed; obstipus|awry, crooked, bent sideways or at an angle; obstitrix|midwife; obsto|oppose, hinder; (w/DAT); obstrepo|roar against; make a loud noise; obstringo|confine; involve; oblige, put under an obligation, bind, bind by oath; obstructio|barrier; obstruction; obstruo|block up, barricade; obstupefacio|strike dumb (w/powerful emotion)/stun/daze/paralyze; befuddle/stupefy (w/drink); obstupefio|be astonished/dazed/paralyzed/stunned (w/emotion); (obstupefacio PASS); obstupesco|be stupefied; be struck dumb; be astounded; obstupidus|stupefied; confounded; obsum|hurt; be a nuisance to, tell against; obsum|hurt; be a nuisance to, tell against; obsuo|sew up; obsurdesco|become deaf; turn a deaf ear; obtego|cover over; conceal; protect; obtemperatio|obedience; obtempero|obey; comply with the demands of; be submissive to; (w/DAT); obtendo|stretch/spread before/over; hide, envelop, conceal; plead as an excuse; obtenebresco|grow dark; obtenebricatus|darkened, made dark; obtenebro|darken, make dark; obscure, conceal (Saxo); obtentus|spreading before; cloaking, disguising, pretext; obtero|crush; destroy; trample on, speak of or treat with the utmost contempt; obtestatio|earnest entreaty, supplication; obtestor|call to witness; implore; obtexo|veil, cover, overspread; weave over; obticeo|be silent; obticesco|meet a situation with silence; obtineo|get hold of; maintain; obtain; hold fast, occupy; prevail; obtingo|befall, occur (to advantage/disadvantage); fall to as one's lot; obtorpesco|become numb; lose feeling; obtorqueo|bend back; twist or turn; obtrectatio|disparagement; detraction; verbal attack inspired by malice or spite; obtrectator|critic, disparager; obtrecto|detract from; disparage, belittle; obtrunco|kill; cut down; obtueeor|gaze at; perceive; obtundo|strike, beat, batter; make blunt; deafen; obtundo|strike, beat, batter; make blunt; deafen; obturgesco|swell up; obturo|stop up; obtusus|blunt; dull; obtuse; obtutus|gaze; contemplation; obumbro|overshadow, darken; conceal; defend; obuncus|bent, hooked; obustus|having extremity burnt to form a point; scorched by burning; obvallatus|fortified (Collins = VPAR obvallo); obvenio|meet; obversor|appear before one; go to and fro publicly; obversus|opposite, facing; turned towards; on the opposite side of the world; obversus|enemy (pl.); (Collins); obverto|turn or direct towards; direct against; obviam|in the way; against; obvio|meet (with dat.); obvius|in the way, easy; hostile; exposed (to); obvolvo|wrap/muffle/cover up; cover (head/face) completely; wrap/wind (bandage) over; occaeco|blind; blot out the light of day, darken; obscure, bury, conceal; seal/stop up; occallesco|become callous; acquire a thick skin; occano|sound; occasio|opportunity; chance; pretext, occasion; occasiuncula|opportunity; occasus|setting; [solis occasus => sunset; west]; occatio|harrowing; occator|harrower; one who harrows; occecatio|blindness; occedo|go towards, meet; occento|sing a serenade to; sing a lampoon against; occidens|connected with sunset/evening; western, westerly; occidens|west; region of the setting sun; western part of the world/its inhabitants; occidentalis|of/pertaining to/connected with/coming from the west; westerly; occidio|massacre; wholesale slaughter; occido|fall, fall down; perish, die, be slain; be ruined/done for, decline, end; occido|kill, murder, slaughter, slay; cut/knock down; weary, be the death/ruin of; occiduus|setting; westerly; occino|break in with a song or call; interpose a call; sing inauspiciously, croak; occipio|begin; occipitium|back of the head, occiput; occiput|back of the head, occiput; occisio|murder, killing; slaughter; occisor|slayer; occlamito|cry aloud; bawl out; occludo|shut up, close up; occo|harrow (ground); occubo|lie (against/on top of); lie dead; occulco|trample down; occulo|cover; cover up, hide, cover over, conceal; occultatio|concealment; occulte|secretly; occultismus|occultism; occulto|hide; conceal; occultum|secrecy; hiding; occultus|hidden, secret; [in occulto => secretly]; occumbo|meet with (death); meet one's death; occupatio|occupation, employment; occupatus|occupied; busy; occupo|seize; gain; overtake; capture, occupy; attack; occuro|occur, come about; happen; occurro|run to meet; oppose, resist; come to mind, occur (with DAT); occurro|run to meet; oppose, resist; come to mind, occur (with DAT); occurso|run repeatedly or in large numbers; mob; obstruct; occursus|meeting; Oceanus|Ocean; ocellum|buttonhole; ocellus|(little) eye; darling; Ocelum|Ocelum, city in Cisalpine Gaul (N. Italy); ochraceus|ocher-colored; ocimum|herb, basil (Ocimim basilicum); ocimus|herb, basil (Ocimim basilicum); ocinum|fodder herb; clover-like plant; ocior|swifter, more speedy/rapid; sooner, prompter; appearing/occurring earlier; ocis|swift/rapid, at speed; (COMP) arriving/appearing/occurring earlier/sooner; ocissimus|swiftest, most speedy/rapid; soonest, most prompt; appearing/occurring earliest; ocrea|greave, armor for leg below the knee; leg-covering; ocreatus|wearing greaves (armor for leg below the knee); Oct|October (month/mensis understood); abb. Oct.; octachordos|octachord; 8-stringed; octaedros|octahedron; Octavius|Octavius; name of Roman gens; octavodecem|eighteen; octingentensim|eight hundredth; octingentensum|eight hundredth; octingenti|eight hundred; octipes|having eight feet; octo|eight; October|October; (8th month before Caesar, 10 th after); abb. Oct.; October|October (month/mensis understood); abb. Oct.; of/pertaining to October; octodecim|eighteen; octogenarius|consisting of eighty; octogensim|eightieth; octogensum|eightieth; octoginta|eighty; octoiugis|yoked eight together; octonarius|consisting of eight together; octophoron|litter carried octophoros|borne by eight; octuplicatus|increased eightfold; octuplum|eightfold penalty; octuplus|eightfold; octussis|eight asses (money); oculatus|having eyes; catching the eye, conspicuous; oculus|eye; odeo|hate; dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to; (usu. PREFDEF); odi|hate (PERF form, PRES force), dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to; odibilis|odious, hateful; that deserves to be hated; odio|hate; dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to; (usu. PREFDEF); odiose|distastefully, repugnantly; so as to be tiresome/a nuisance; odiosus|distasteful. disagreeable, offensive; tiresome, boring, troublesome, annoying; odium|hate/hatred/dislike/antipathy; odium, unpopularity; boredom/impatience; odium|hatred (manifested by/towards group), hostility; object of hate/odium; Odollames|Adullamite; person from Adullam (in Judea, famous for refuge caves); odontalgia|toothache; odontologia|dentistry; odor|scent, odor, aroma, smell; hint, inkling, suggestion; odoramen|perfume, spice, balsam; odoramentum|aromatic spice; perfume, spice, balsam, odoriferous substance (L+S); odoratio|smelling; smell; sense of smell; odoratus|smelling, having smell/odor/scent; fragrant/perfumed/sweet smelling; odoratus|smelling (action); sense of smell; smell (L+S); odorifer|fragrant, sweet smelling; producing/containing spices/perfumes (places/people); odoro|perfume, make fragrant; odoror|smell out, scent; get a smattering (of ); odorus|odorous, fragrant; keen-scented; oecologia|ecology; oecologicus|ecological; oecologista|environmentalist; oeconomia|arrangement, division; economy (Cal); oeconomicus|relating to domestic economy; orderly, methodical; economic; oeconomus|steward (Erasmus); arranger/manager; oecosystema|ecosystem; oecumenicus|ecumenical; oecumenismus|ecumenism; oenanthe|wild grape; thorny plant; mother of Ptolemy Epiphanes; oenococtus|stewed-in-wine; oenophorum|basket for wine; oephi|ephi/ephah, Jewish dry measure; (ten gomor, over twenty bushels); oestrus|gad-fly; oesypum|cosmetic; grease from unwashed wool (used in medicine/cosmetics); (lanolin?); ofella|bit, morsel; offa|lump of food, cake; offendiculum|obstacle, stumbling block, hindrance; cause of offense (L+S); offendo|offend, give offense (to); displease/annoy/vex; trouble/upset, hurt (feelings); offendo|strike/knock against; bump into; stumble upon; check, stop short; spoil/harm; offendo|come upon, meet, find, encounter, be faced with; run aground; violate/wrong; offensa|offense, displeasure; offense to a person's feelings, resentment; offensio|displeasure; accident; offensiuncula|slight displeasure or check; offenso|knock/strike against, bump into; offensum|offense; offensus|offensive, odious; offensus|collision, knock; offero|offer; present; cause; bestow; (medieval form of offerre); offero|offer; present; cause; bestow; offertio|sacrifice of Mass; offertoria|offering; offertorium|offertory; place where offerings were brought; linen cloth for holding paten; offerumenta|present; gift; officialis|official/servant attending a magistrate; an official; civil servant (Cal); officialis|official (post-classical); connected with duty/office/service/obligation; officiarius|officer (military rank); officina|workshop; office; officio|block the path (of ), check, impede; officiosus|dutiful, attentive; officious; officium|duty, obligation; kindness; service, office; offigo|fasten; drive in; offirmatus|resolute; firm; offirmo|secure; bolt, lock, fasten, bar; be determined/inflexible; persevere in; offlecto|turn about; offoco|choke, throttle; offrenatus|curbed; tamed; offringo|break up (ground) by cross-plowing; offucia|paint, rouge; deceit; offuco|choke, throttle; offulgeo|shine forth in the path of, appear; shine on; offundo|pour/spread over; offuscatio|darkening, obscuring; vilifying, degrading (eccl.); surliness (Vulgate); ogdoas|eight; one of eight Aeons of Valentinus; ogganio|growl at; oggannio|yelp; snarl, growl; oggero|give; proffer; oh|oh! ah!; ohe|hey! hey there!; oi|oh! ah!; oiei|oh dear; (lamentation); olea|olive; olive-tree; oleaginosus|oily; oleaginous; greasy; oleaginus|of the olive tree; olearius|of or for oil; olearius|oil-seller; oleaster|wild olive-tree; olefacio|smell/detect odor of; get wind of/hear about; smell/sniff at; cause to smell of; olefacto|smell, sniff, perceive, detect; smell/sniff at; oleiductus|pipeline; olens|odorous; fragrant; stinking; oleo|smell of, smell like; oleosus|oily (Pliny); oleum|oil; olfacio|smell/detect odor of; get wind of/hear about; smell/sniff at; cause to smell of; olfacto|smell, sniff, perceive, detect; smell/sniff at; olfactoriolum|little smelling/scent bottle; sweet ball (Douay); olfactorium|smelling/scent bottle; nose-gay (L+S); olfactorius|used to sniff at; (smelling/scent bottle); (nose-gay L+S); olidus|stinking; oligarcha|oligarch; oligarchia|oligarchy; oligarchicus|oligarchic; olim|formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future; olitor|vegetable-grower; olitorius|pertaining to vegetables; oliva|olive; olive tree; olivaceus|olive-colored; olivetum|olive-yard; olivifer|olive-bearing; olivitas|olive-gathering; olive harvest; olivum|olive-oil; wrestling; olla|pot, jar; olle|that; that person/thing; the well known; the former; those (pl.); (ille); ollus|that; those; that person; that thing; (archaic form of ille/a/ud); olor|swan; constellation Cygnus; olorinus|of/belonging to swan/swans; olus|vegetables; cabbage, turnips, greens; kitchen/pot herbs; Olympia|Olympia; Olympus|Olympus; Mt Olympus in Greece; the gods; heaven; olyra|spelt-like grain (Pliny); omasum|bullock's tripe; omega|omega; last letter of Greek alphabet; (transliterate as O); last; the end; omen|omen, sign; token; omentum|fat; entrails, bowels; ominor|forebode, presage; ominosus|foreboding, ominous; omissus|remiss; negligent; omitto|lay aside; omit; let go; disregard; omne|all things (pl.); everything; a/the whole, entity, unit; omnia|in all respects; omnifariam|in every way; on every side; in all cases; omnifer|bearing everything; omnigenus|of every kind; omnimodis|in every (possible) way; omnimodo|always, in all circumstances; omnimodus|of every sort; of all sorts/kinds (L+S); omnino|entirely, altogether; [after negatives/with numerals => at all/in all]; omniparens|parent or creator of all things; omnipotens|all-powerful, omnipotent; omnipotentia|almighty power; omnipotence; omnipraesens|omnipresent; omnis|all men (pl.), all persons; omnis|each, every, every one (of a number); all (pl.); all/the whole of; omniscientia|omniscience; omnituens|all-seeing; omnivagus|wandering everywhere; omnivolus|willing everything; omphacius|juice of unripe fruit (olives or grapes); onager|wild ass; onerarius|of burden; [navis oneraria => transport/cargo ship]; onero|load, burden; oppress; onerosus|oppressive; burdensome; onerous; onocentaurus|ass-centaur; (fabulous creature); impure person; monster (Douay); onocrotalus|pelican; ontologia|ontology, study of being; metaphysics related to being/essence; (Scanlon); onus|load, burden; cargo; onustus|laden; onycha|kind of mollusk; onyche|kind of mollusk; onychinus|onyx-, made of onyx marble; resembling/colored like onyx marble; onyx|good yellowish marble; (prob. stalagmite limestone); (unguent) box/jar of this; onyx|multicolored gem; variety of quartz; kind of razor-shell clam; female scallop; opaco|shade, overshadow; opacus|dark, shaded; opaque; opella|little effort; trifling duties; opera|work, care; aid; service, effort/trouble; [dare operam => pay attention to]; operaria|worker (female), working woman, she who hires out her services; operarius|laborer, worker, mechanic, one who works for hire; operarius|laboring, working for hire; used in farm work (animals); used by laborers; operatio|operation; working (of nature); activity; devotion to task; offering sacrifice; operatio|grace, work of Holy Spirit; divine service; effect/result; almsgiving/charity; operatio|surgical operation; (Cal); operatorius|operating; working; operculum|lid, cover; operimentum|cover, lid, covering; operio|cover (over); bury; overspread; shut/close; conceal; clothe, cover/hide the head operistitium|strike; opero|work; operate (math.); operor|labor, toil, work; perform (religious service), attend, serve; devote oneself; operosus|painstaking; laborious; elaborate; opertorium|blanket. covering for a bed; opertum|secret; secret place; opertus|hidden; obscure, secret; ophiomachus|kind of locust; beetle; cricket; (interpretations of different Bibles); ophites|spotted marble (like a snake); (Pliny); ophthalmia|ophthalmia/ophthalmy/ophthalmitis; inflammation of (conjunctiva of) the eye; ophthalmologia|ophthalmology, study of the eye; ophthalmologus|ophthalmologist, eye doctor; opicus|coarse; boorish; opifer|bringing help; opifex|workman; opilio|shepherd, herdsman (for sheep/goats); kind of bird; opimus|rich, fertile; abundant; fat, plump; [opima spolia => spoils from a general]; opinatus|supposed; imagined; opinatus|supposition; opinio|belief, idea, opinion; rumor (Plater); opiniosus|set in opinion; opinitas|abundance; opinor|suppose, imagine; opipare|splendidly, richly, sumptuously; opiparus|splendid, rich, sumptuous; opisthotonos|opisthotonos, body-curving disease; (spasms arch body backward); ~ tetanus; opisthotonos|curved-backwards; opitulatrix|female-helper(JFW); opitulor|bring aid to; help; bring relief to; opium|opium; opopanax|Opopanax plant, supposed to heal all diseases; panacea, heal-all; oporotheca|room for storing fruit; oporothece|room for storing fruit; oporteo|require (to be done), order; oportet|it is right/proper/necessary; it is becoming; it behooves; ought; oportune|suitably; advantageously; conveniently, opportunely, favorably; oportunitas|convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportuneness; opportunity, chance; oportunus|suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed; oppando|spread/stretch out/in the way; oppando|spread/stretch out/in the way; oppansum|covering; envelop; oppassum|covering; envelop; oppedo|break wind; insult; opperior|wait (for); await; oppeto|meet, encounter; perish; oppidaneus|of a town; oppidanus|provincial; of a small town; oppidanus|townspeople (pl.); oppido|exceedingly, utterly, altogether; oppidulum|small town; oppidum|town; oppilo|stop up, block; oppleo|fill (completely); overspread; oppono|oppose; place opposite; opportune|suitably; advantageously; conveniently, opportunely, favorably; opportunismus|opportunism; opportunitas|convenience, advantageousness; right time; opportuneness; opportunity, chance; opportunus|suitable; advantageous; useful, fit, favorable/opportune, ready; liable/exposed; oppositus|opposite; against; oppositus|opposing; intervention; oppressio|force; oppression; seizure; B:catalepsy; oppressus|pressure; opprimo|press down; suppress; overthrow; crush, overwhelm, fall upon, oppress; opprobrium|reproach, taunt; disgrace, shame, scandal; source of reproach/shame; opprobro|taunt, reproach; oppugnatio|assault, siege, attack; storming; oppugnator|attacker; oppugno|attack, assault, storm, besiege; oprepo|creep up on/approach unawares/unobserved; sneak/drop in; pay surprise visit on; opreptio|creeping/sneaking up unseen; surprise; fraudulent/improper means of obtaining; oprepto|creep up on, approach stealthily; ops|power, might; help; influence; resources/wealth (pl.); opscaene|obscenely, so as to involve obscenity (of language), indecently, lewdly; opscaenitas|indecency, obscenity (language); indecent/obscene behavior/figures; ill omen; opscaenum|private parts (pl.), external sexual/excretory organs; excrement (L+S); urine; opscaenum|foul/indecent/obscene/lewd language/utterances/behavior (pl.); opscaenus|repulsive, detestable; foul; indecent, obscene, lewd; (sexual/excretory things); opscaenus|inauspicious/unpropitious; ill-omened/boding ill; filthy, polluted, disgusting; opscaenus|sexual pervert; foul-mouthed person; opscene|obscenely, so as to involve obscenity (of language), indecently, lewdly; opscenitas|indecency, obscenity (language); indecent/obscene behavior/figures; ill omen; opscenum|private parts (pl.), external sexual/excretory organs; excrements (L+S); urine; opscenum|foul/indecent/obscene/lewd language/utterances/behavior (pl.); opscenus|repulsive, detestable; foul; indecent, obscene, lewd; (sexual/excretory things); opscenus|inauspicious/unpropitious; ill-omened/boding ill; filthy, polluted, disgusting; opscenus|sexual pervert; foul-mouthed person; opsecro|entreat/beseech/implore/pray; (w/deity as object); [fidem ~ => beg support]; opsecundanter|according to; in compliance with; opsecundo|obey, show obedience; comply with, be compliant, humor; fall in with, follow; opsequium|compliance (act/form/sex/orders); consideration/deference/solicitude; services; opsequium|obedience/allegiance/discipline (military); tractability/docility (animals); opsequium|servility/subservience/obsequiousness; ceremony (Bee); attendance; retinue; opservatio|observation, attention, action of watching/taking notice; surveillance; usage; opsono|buy food, get/purchase provisions/(things for meal); go shopping; feast/banquet; opsonor|buy food, get/purchase provisions/(things for meal); go shopping; feast/banquet; opstetricium|midwifery/obstetric care (pl.); opstetricius|of/pertaining to a midwife/midwifery/obstetric care; opstetrico|assist in childbirth, perform the office of a midwife, provide obstetric care; opstetritius|of/pertaining to a midwife/midwifery/obstetric care; opstetrix|midwife; opstitrix|midwife; optabilis|desirable, to be wished for; desired, longed for; optatio|wish; expression of a wish; act of wishing; optatum|wish, desire; optatus|desired, wished for, welcome; chosen; optempero|obey; comply with the demands of; be submissive to; (w/DAT); opticus|optic; opticus|optician; optimas|aristocratic; optimas|aristocrat, patrician; wellborn; nobles/patricians/"Good men" adherent/partisan; optimismus|optimism; optimista|optimist; optimisticus|optimistic; optineo|get hold of; maintain; obtain; hold fast, occupy; prevail; optingo|befall, occur (to advantage/disadvantage); fall to as one's lot; optio|option, (free) choice; power/act of choosing; right of hero to pick reward; optio|adjutant, assistant, helper; junior officer chosen by centurion to assist; optivus|chosen; opto|choose, select; wish, wish for, desire; optume|best; (SUPER of bene); most satisfactorily/aptly/wisely/favorably; certainly!; optumus|best; (bonus SUPER); most apt/wise/noble/kind/loyal; ideal; highest; strongest; opulens|wealthy; rich in wealth/resources; well supplied; sumptuous, opulent, rich; opulente|richly, sumptuously, opulently; opulentia|riches, wealth; sumptuousness; opulentus|wealthy; rich in wealth/resources; well supplied; sumptuous, opulent, rich; opupa|hoopoe (bird of family Upupidae); pickax/crowbar; (birdlike); mattock/hoe (L+S); opus|need; work; fortifications (pl.), works; [opus est => is useful, beneficial]; opusculum|little work, trifle; ora|shore, coast; oraclum|oracle (place/agency/mouthpiece); prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim; oraculum|oracle (place/agency/mouthpiece); prophecy; oracular saying/precept/maxim; oralis|oral; orarium|napkin; handkerchief; orarius|coasting, used along the coast; oratio|speech, oration; eloquence; prayer; oratiuncula|little speech, short oration; orator|speaker, orator; oratorie|oratorically; in the manner of an orator; oratorius|of an orator; oratorical; oratrix|female supplicant; oratus|request; entreaty; orbator|bereaver; depriver of parents or children; orbicularis|circular (of a planet); orbiculatus|round, having circular shape; (as name of varieties of apple/pear); orbiculus|disk, small circular object/wheel/roller/figure/form; revolving drum; ring; orbis|circle; territory/region; sphere; [orbis terrarum => world/(circle of lands)]; orbita|wheel-track, rut; orbit; orbitas|bereavement; loss of a child; orphanhood; childlessness; orbitosus|rutted; full of cart-ruts; orbo|bereave (of parents, children, etc), deprive (of); orbus|bereft, deprived,childless; orca|pot or jar with a large belly and narrow neck; large sea mammal (grampus?); orchas|species of olive; orchestra|area in front of stage; (Greek, held chorus; Roman, seats for senators/VIPs); orchit|oblong olive; orcivus|appointed (to position/office) under terms of a will; (of freedmen); Orcus|god of the underworld, Dis; death; the underworld; orcus|Lower World; A:whale; (see also Orcus); ordeaceus|barley-, of/connected to barley; ordeacius|barley-, of/connected to barley; ordearius|barley-, of/connected to barley; [~ pira => pears ripening w/barley]; ordeum|barley (the plant or the grain from it); barley-corn; ordiaceus|barley-, of/connected to barley; (used as term of contempt); ordiacius|barley-, of/connected to barley; (used as term of contempt); ordiarius|barley-, of/connected to barley; [~ pira => pears ripening w/barley]; ordinabiliter|in good order; in orderly manner; ordinamentum|arrangement; ordinarius|regular, ordinary; ordinate|in order/regular formation; in an orderly manner, methodically; ordinatim|in order/succession/sequence/good order; regularly, properly; symmetrically; ordinator|producer; ordinatralis|of computer; ordinatraliter|by computer; ordinatrum|computer; ordinatus|well-ordered; appointed; ordinatus|ordinatus, one (clergy) who has a church (versus cardinatus); ordino|order/arrange, set in order; adjust, regulate; compose; ordain/appoint (Bee); ordior|begin; orditus|set up, laid down (warp of a web); undertaken, embarked upon, begun; ordo|row, order/rank; succession; series; class; bank (oars); order (of monks) (Bee); orestes|Orestes; son of Agamennon and Clytaemnestra; play by Euripides; book by Varro; Orestes|Orestes; son of Agamennon and Clytaemnestra; play by Euripides; book by Varro; orexis|craving, longing; appetite; orfanus|orphan; organalis|organ-; of/pertaining to organ/instrument; organarius|organist; organicos|instrumental; concerned with or employing mechanical device or instrument; organicus|instrumental; concerned with or employing mechanical device or instrument; organicus|organic; organicus|musician, who plays musical instrument; organismus|organism; organista|organist; organizatio|organization; organizo|organize; organum|organ; organ pipe; mechanical device; instrument; [~ hydraulicum=>water organ]; Orgetorix|Orgetorix, chief of Helvetii, hostile to Caesar - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; orgium|secret rites (of Bacchus) (pl.), mysteries; orgies; oricalcinus|made of brass, brass-; of a gold-colored metal; oricalcum|brass, golden metal; yellow copper ore, "mountain copper"; brass objects (pl.); orichalcinus|brass-, made of brass; in brass; of gold-colored metal; orichalcum|brass; golden metal; yellow copper ore, "mountain copper"; brass objects (pl.); oricilla|earlobe; oricula|ear (part of body/organ of hearing); sense of hearing; oricularius|of/for the ear/ears; [medicus auricularius => ear specialist]; oricularius|ear doctor/specialist, aurist; counselor; oriens|rising (sun/star); eastern; beginning, in its early stage (period/activity); oriens|daybreak/dawn/sunrise; east, sunrise quarter of the sky; the East/Orient; Orientalis|Easterner, one from the East; Oriental; (F) wild beasts hunting/exhibition; orientalis|eastern, of/belonging to the east; easterly; oriental; orificium|opening; orifice; origa|charioteer, driver; groom, ostler; helmsman; the Waggoner (constellation); origanum|oregano; originalis|original; existing at/marking beginning; from which thing derives existence; origo|origin, source; birth, family; race; ancestry; orior|rise (sun/river); arise/emerge, crop up; get up (wake); begin; originate from; orior|be born/created; be born of, descend/spring from; proceed/be derived (from); orior|rise (sun/river); arise/emerge, crop up; get up (wake); begin; originate from; orior|be born/created; be born of, descend/spring from; proceed/be derived (from); oriundus|descended; originating from; ornamentum|equipment; decoration; jewel; ornament, trappings; ornate|richly, ornately; elaborately, with lavish appointments/literary embellishment; ornatrix|female adorner; hairdressing slave; ornatus|well equipped/endowed, richly adorned, ornate; distinguished, honored; ornithoboscion|enclosure for poultry or similar; ornithon|enclosure for poultry or similar; ornithotrophion|enclosure for poultry or similar; orno|equip; dress; decorate, honor; furnish, adorn, garnish, trim; ornus|ash-tree; oro|beg, ask for, pray; beseech, plead, entreat; worship, adore; oro|burn; orphana|orphan girl; orphanotrophium|orphanage; orphanus|orphan; orsum|words (pl.), utterance; undertakings, enterprises; orsus|web (weaving); beginning, start; attempt (ACC P), undertaking, initiative; orthodoxe|in an orthodox manner; orthodoxus|orthodox; believer; orthodoxus|orthodox believer; orthogonaliter|orthogonally; orthographia|orthography, art of writing words correctly; elevation of a building; orthopaeda|orthopedist, one who treats (skeletal) deformities (in children); orthopaedia|orthopedics, science/treatment of (skeletal) deformities (in children); orthopaedicus|orthopedic, relating to bodily deformities;; orthopnoea|breathing difficulty; asthma (Pliny); orthopnoicus|asthmatic, of asthma; orto|procreate; give birth/rise to; beget; engender/produce/generate (offspring); ortor|procreate; give birth/rise to; beget; engender/produce/generate (offspring); ortus|descended/born/sprung (from w/ex/ab/ABL); [a se ~ => w/out famous ancestors]; ortus|rising (sun/star); sunrise, daybreak, dawn, east; the East; beginning/dawning; ortus|birth; ancestry; coming into being; source; springing up (wind); ortygometra|bird (migrates with quail); corncrake/landrail; quail (L+S); quail-leader; ortygometras|bird (migrates with quail); corncrake/landrail; quail (L+S); quail-leader; ortyx|plant w/flowers in spikes; (also ortyx); (perh. haresfoot plantain); ortyx|quail; (Souter); oryx|North African antelope/gazelle; wild goat (L+S); wild bull/ox (Vulgate); oryza|rice; os|mouth, speech, expression; face; pronunciation; os|bone; (implement, gnawed, dead); kernel (nut); heartwood (tree); stone (fruit); os|bones (pl.); (dead people); Osanna|Hosanna, "God save", a cry of praise (Hebrew); oscen|bird which gives omens by its cry; song-bird; oscillatorius|oscillating; oscillatrum|oscillator; oscillum|small face; (mask hung on trees); small mouth (in a seed); oscillum|swing; (Cal); oscitans|listless; sluggish; sleepy; oscitatio|gaping, yawning; oscito|gape; yawn; osculatio|kissing; action of kissing; osculor|kiss; exchange kisses; osculum|kiss; mouth; lips; orifice; mouthpiece (of a pipe); Oscus|Oscan; of the ancients of Campania; ossarium|charnel-house; place for the bones of the dead; osseus|bone-, made/consisting of bone; bone-like; bone rather than flesh, emaciated; ossiculatim|bone-by-bone; ossiculum|small bone; ossifraga|bird of prey; (prob. lammergyer/bearded vulture); sea eagle, osprey (Cas); ossifraga|bone-breaker; (mutilator of children); ossuarium|charnel-house; place for the bones of the dead; ossuarius|used for the bones of the dead; ossuculum|small bone; ossum|bone; (implement, gnawed, dead); kernel (nut); heartwood (tree); stone (fruit); ostendeo|show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit; ostendo|show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit; ostendo|show; reveal; make clear, point out, display, exhibit; ostensio|presenting; exposing, exhibiting, action of exposing to view; ostentatio|exhibition, display; showing off; ostentator|displayer; boaster; ostento|show, display; point out, declare; disclose, hold out (prospect); ostentui|for a show; merely for show; as sign/indication or proof; ostentum|prodigy, marvel; occurrence foreshadowing future events, portent; ostentus|display, demonstration, advertisement; (DAT merely for show; as a sign); ostiarium|door tax; ostiarius|doorkeeper; ostiarius|of/belonging to door; ostiarius|porter, doorkeeper; cleric of minor orders (lowest/fourth level from deacon); ostiolum|door (small); ticket window (Cal); ostium|doorway; front door; starting gate; entrance (underworld); (river) mouth; ostracismus|ostracism; ostrea|oyster, sea-snail; ostreosus|rich in oysters; ostreum|oyster; ostria|oyster; sea-snail; ostrifer|bearing oysters; ostrinus|purple; ostrum|purple dye; purple color; material/garment/anything that has been dyed purple; Otho|Otho; (Roman cognomen); [Silvius ~ => Emperor, 69 AD, year of the 4 Emperors]; otiolum|little leisure; otior|be at leisure, enjoy a holiday; otiosus|idle; unemployed, unoccupied, at leisure; peaceful, disengaged, free of office; otiosus|private citizen; otis|bustard; (Otis tarda, great bustard, largest European bird); otitis|otitis, inflammation of the ear; otium|leisure; spare time; holiday; ease/rest/peace/quiet; tranquility/calm; lull; otus|horned/eared owl; ovanter|exultantly; ovarium|ovary; ovatio|ovation; minor triumph for an easy victory; ovicula|little sheep; E:Christ's sheep; sheep of Christ's flock; ovile|sheepfold; ovillus|of sheep; ovis|sheep; ovo|rejoice; ovulatio|ovulation; ovulum|ovum; ovum|egg; oval; Oxonia|Oxford; oxydatio|oxidization; oxydo|oxidize; oxygarum|vinegar-garum sauce; oxygenium|oxygen; oxyporus|quickly-passing; easily digested; ozonium|ozone; p|people, nation; abb. p.; [p. R. => populus Romani]; P|Publius (Roman praenomen); (abb. P.); pabillus|barrow; pabulatio|foraging; pabulator|forager; pabulor|forage; pabulum|fodder, forage, food for cattle; food/sustenance; fuel (for fire); pacalis|associated with peace; pacatum|friendly country; pacatus|peaceful, calm; paccator|sinner; paccatum|sin; paciencia|endurance/hardiness; patience/persistence; apathy; sufferance; hardship; paciencia|tolerance/forbearance; complaisance/submissiveness; submission by prostitute; paciens|patient/long-suffering; tolerant/easy-going; submissive/liable/susceptible to; paciens|hardy; able/willing to endure; capable of bearing/standing up to hard use; pacienter|patiently; with patience/toleration; pacifer|that brings peace; (esp. of various gods); of olive/laurel peace symbols/tokens; pacificator|peace-maker; pacificatorius|peace-making; pacific; pacifico|make peace, conclude peace; grant peace; pacify, appease; pacificus|making or tending to make peace; pacifier|bringing peace, peaceful; pacisco|make a bargain or agreement; agree, enter into a marriage contract; negotiate; paciscor|make a bargain or agreement; agree, enter into a marriage contract; negotiate; paco|pacify, subdue; pactio|bargain, agreement; pactor|negotiator; pactum|bargain, agreement; manner; pactus|agreed upon, appointed; Padus|Po river; paean|hymn (usually of victory, to Apollo/other gods); Paean (Greek Apollo as healer); paean|hymn (usually of victory, to Apollo/other gods); Paean (Greek Apollo as healer); paedagogia|pedagogy; paedagogicus|educational; paedagogus|slave, who accompanied children to school; pedagogue; paederastes|pederasty; paederos|precious stone; A:bear's foot plant (Pliny); paediater|paediatrician, children's doctor; paediatria|paediatrics, medical science dealing with childhood diseases; paedicator|sodomite, pedicstor; paedico|commit sodomy/pederasty with, practice unnatural vice upon; paedico|perform anal intercourse; commit sodomy with; paedophilia|child molestation; paedophilus|child molester; paedor|filth, dirt; paelex|mistress (installed as rival/in addition to wife), concubine; male prostitute; paene|nearly, almost; mostly; paeninsula|peninsula; paenitentia|regret (for act); change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition (Def); penance; paeniteo|displease; (cause to) regret; repent, be sorry; [me paenitet => I am sorry]; paenitet|it displeases, makes angry, offends, dissatisfies, makes sorry; paenitudo|regret; repentance (L+S); paenula|hooded weatherproof cloak; paenularius|mantle-maker; paenulatus|wearing a paenula; paeon|metrical foot, consisting of three short syllables and one long; paeonius|healing; of the god of medicine; paetulus|with a slight cast in the eyes, squinting; paetus|having cast in the eye, squinting slightly; paga|district; county (equiv. to pagus); paganicus|rustic; belonging to village/country people; [pila ~ => feather stuffed ball]; paganismus|Pagan World; paganitas|paganism; paganum|civilian affairs (pl.); paganus|pagan; of a pagus (country district); rural/rustic; civilian (not military); paganus|pagan; countryman, peasant; civilian (not soldier); civilians/locals (pl.); pagatim|in every village; in a village manner Nelson); pagella|little page; pagencis|inhabitants of a district; country-folk, peasants; pagensis|inhabitants of a district; country-folk, peasants; pagina|page, sheet; paginula|little page; pagus|country district/community, canton; pala|spade; shovel (Cal); palaeographia|paleography, study of ancient writing/inscriptions; palaeographicus|paleographic, of the study/deciphering of ancient writing/inscriptions; palaeontologia|paleontology, study of fossils/ancient life; palaeopola|antiquarian; palaeopolium|antiques store; palaestra|palaestra, wrestling school; gymnasium; palaestrice|gymnastically; palaestricus|of the palaestra, gymnastic; palaestrita|superintendent of a palaestra; palam|openly, publicly; plainly; palam|in presence of; Palatinus|Palatine; imperial; name of one of the hills of Rome, the Palatine; Palatium|Palatine Hill; palatum|palate; sense of taste; palea|chaff, husk; palear|dewlap (usu.pl.), fold of skin hanging from throat of cattle; paleatus|chaff-mixed; palifico|make evident; Palile|Feast (pl.) of Pales (tutelary deity of sheep and herds) on 21 April; palimpsestus|palimpsest; palinodia|recantation; paliurus|shrub, Christ's thorn; palla|palla, a lady's outer garment; pallaca|concubine; pallas|olive tree; E:goddess Minerva/Athene; pallens|pale; greenish; palleo|be/look pale; fade; become pale at; pallesco|grow pale; blanch; fade; palliatus|clad in a pallium; (i.e. as a Greek, not togatus);. pallidulus|somewhat pale; pallidus|pale, yellow-green; pallio|disguise; cloak; palliate; palliolum|little Greek cloak; a hood; pallium|cover, coverlet; Greek cloak; pallolum|small/little cloak; small Greek mantle; pallor|wanness; paleness of complexion; pallidness; palma|palm/width of the hand; hand; palm tree/branch; date; palm award/first place; palmaris|palm-wide; palm-, of palms; prize-worthy; palmarium|masterpiece; palmatus|embroidered with palm branches; palmes|young vine branch/shoot/sprig/sprout; vine, bough, branch; palmetum|palm-grove; palmeus|hands-width; palm-, of palm; palmifer|palm-bearing; palmosus|full of palms; palmula|oar; palmus|palm of the hand; width of palm as unit of measure (4 inches); span (L+S); Palmyra|Palmyra, city in Syria; palor|wander abroad stray; scatter; wander aimlessly; palpator|flatterer; stroker; palpebra|eyelid; palpito|throb, beat, pulsate; palpo|stroke; coax, flatter, wheedle; palpor|stroke; coax, flatter, wheedle; palpus|soft hand; coaxing; paludamentum|general's cloak, of scarlet color; paludatus|wearing a military cloak; paludester|swampy; marshy; paludismus|malaria; paludosus|fenny, boggy, swampy, marshy; palum|stake/pile/pole/unsplit wood; peg/pin; execution stake; wood sword; fence (pl.); palumbes|wood-pigeon, ringdove; dupe, pigeon, mark, gull, one deceived/fooled/cheated; palumbus|wood-pigeon, ringdove; dupe, pigeon, mark, gull, one deceived/fooled/cheated; palus|stake/pile/pole/unsplit wood; peg/pin; execution stake; wood sword; fence (pl.); palus|swamp, marsh; paluster|marshy; of marshes; palux|gold-dust, gold-sand; (?); pampinarium|tendril-branch; pampinarius|of tendrils; pampinatio|trimming (of vines); pampineus|of/covered with vine shoots/foliage/tendrils; pampino|trim (vines); pampinus|vine shoot, vine foliage; Pan|Pan; Greek god of shepherds; panacea|plant (medicinal); panacea, heal-all; kind of savory; daughter of Aesculapius; panaces|plant, supposed to cure all diseases; panacea, heal-all; (species of Opoponax); panaces|plant, supposed to cure all diseases; panacea, heal-all; (species of Opoponax); panarium|breadbasket; panax|plant, supposed to cure all diseases; panacea, heal-all; (species of Opoponax); panchrestus|good for everything; panchristus|good for everything; pancratiastes|wrestler (in Pancratium); pancration|gymnastic contest; pancratium|gymnastic contest; pancreas|pancreas; pancreatitis|pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas; pandectes|encyclopedia, book of universal knowledge; pandiculor|stretch oneself; pando|spread out [passis manibus => with hands outstretched]; pandus|spreading round in a wide curve arched; pane|bread; panegyris|fair; pango|compose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, agree upon, stipulate; pango|compose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, agree upon, stipulate; pango|compose; insert, drive in, fasten; plant; fix, settle, agree upon, stipulate; panicium|baked dough; anything baked; bread or cakes; panicula|plant tuft; piece of thatch; B:swelling; panicum|Italian millet; panicus|panicky; panifex|baker, bread maker; panifica|baker (female), she who makes bread; panificium|making/baking of bread; baked bread/loves/cakes (pl.); panis|bread; loaf; panniculus|little garment; pannosus|dressed in rags, tattered; pannuceus|ragged; wrinkled, shriveled; pannucius|ragged; wrinkled, shriveled; pannus|cloth, garment; charioteer's colored shirt; rags; panoplia|equipment; (Erasmus); pansa|splay-footed; pantex|belly (usu. pl.), paunch, guts; bowels; of sausages; pantheismus|pantheism; pantheisticus|pantheistic; Pantheon|Pantheon, temple to all gods; (esp. rotunda temple by Agrippa in Rome); panthera|leopard; the whole of a single catch made by a fowler; Pantheum|Pantheon, temple to all gods; (esp. rotunda temple by Agrippa in Rome); Panthus|Panthus, a priest of Apollo at Troy; used as a pseudonym; pantomima|female mime performer in a pantomime; pantomimus|mime performer in a pantomime; panton|everything; pantopolium|department store; Papa|pope; papaia|papaya/pawpaw (Carica papaya); papainum|papain enzyme; (ferment from papaya, aids digestion, meat tenderizer); papalis|papal; papas|governor; tutor; papas|governor; tutor; papatus|papacy; papaver|poppy; poppy-seed; papavereus|of poppy, poppy-; papilio|butterfly, moth; papilla|nipple, teat, dug (of mammals); papissa|popess, supposed female pope; (Joan); papista|papist; pappo|eat; pappus|woolly seed of certain plants; papula|pimple, pustule; papyraceus|of paper; papyrifer|papyrus-bearing; papyrio|papyrus marsh, place where papyrus grows abundantly; papyrum|papyrus, the plant (reed); a garment or "paper" made from the papyrus plant; papyrus|papyrus, the plant (reed); a garment or "paper" made from the papyrus plant; par|mate, spouse, partner; match, peer; person of same kind/rank/station/prestige; par|equal, counterpart; companion/partner at dinner; adversary, opponent; par|pair, set of two; conjugal pair; pair of associates/adversaries/contestants; par|equal (to); a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper; par|equal in power/prestige/importance/rank/status/office/authority; comparable; par|corresponding in degree, proportionate, commensurate (unlike qualities); par|measuring up, adequate, matching; well-matched; fair, equitable, reasonable; par|balanced/level; S:even, divisible by two; [~ facere => settle accounts]; parabilis|procurable, easily obtainable; parabola|comparison; explanatory illustration; parable (L+S), allegory; proverb; speech; parabola|parabola (math.); parabole|comparison; explanatory illustration; parable (L+S), allegory; proverb; speech; parabolicus|parabolic; parabolois|paraboloid; parabula|comparison; explanatory illustration; parable (L+S), allegory; proverb; speech; paracharactes|counterfeiter; paracharagma|forged currency; paracletus|advocate, defender, protector, helper, comforter; (appellation for Holy Ghost); paraclitus|advocate, defender, protector, helper, comforter; (appellation for Holy Ghost); paradisus|Paradise, Garden of Eden; abode of the blessed; park, orchard; a town/river; paradoxum|paradox; philosophical paradoxes (pl.); paragauda|lace-border; laced garment; paragoge|word-lengthening; paragoge, addition of letter/syllable to word (for emphasis); paragraphum|paragraph; paragraph-mark; paragraphus|paragraph; paragraph-mark; paralios|seaside-growing (Pliny); paralios|seaside-growing (Pliny); parallaxis|parallax; parallelismus|parallelism; parallelus|parallel (lines); parallelus|parallel (geography); paralysis|paralysis; any of several forms of paralysis; apoplexy; palsy (L+S); paralysis|paralysis; any of several forms of paralysis; apoplexy; palsy (L+S); paralyticus|paralytic, paralyzed; palsied, struck with palsy (L+S); paralyticus|paralytic, paralyzed person; palsied person (L+S); paramentum|apparel; adornment; ship's rigging; paramese|lowest note of tetrachord; next-to-middle-note; B-flat treble; ring finger; parametrum|parameter; paranete|next-to-highest-note on certain tetrachords; lowest-string-but-one; paraphrasis|paraphrase; parapsis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parapsis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parasceve|day of preparation, day before the Sabbath; parasceves|day of preparation, day before the Sabbath; parasis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parasis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parasita|female parasite; parasitaster|sorry parasite; parasiticus|parasitic; parasitus|guest; parasite; parastatica|square column; B:horse knee bone; parastaticus|square-columnar; of square columns; paraster|step-father; paratragoedo|talk theoretically; paratus|prepared; ready; equipped, provided; paraveredus|extra post-horse; horse for special occasions; Parca|Fate; one of the goddesses of fate; parce|sparingly, moderately; economically, frugally, thriftily, stingily; parco|forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with; parco|forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with; parco|forbear, refrain from; spare; show consideration; be economical/thrifty with; parcometrum|parameter; parcus|sparing, frugal; scanty, slight; pardus|panther or leopard; parens|obedient; parens|parent, father, mother; parentale|Parentalia; festival for dead ancestors; parentalis|of or belonging to parents; parenthesis|bracket; parentheticus|inserted; parento|perform rites at tombs; make appeasement offering (to the dead); pareo|obey, be subject/obedient to; submit/yield/comply; pay attention; attend to; pareo|appear, be visible, be seen; be clear/evident (legal); parhypate|next-to-lowest tetrachord note; second-top string/note, next to highest (L+S); paries|wall, house wall; parietarius|mural; of a wall; parietina|old walls (pl.), ruins; parilis|like, equal; parilitas|equality; level to make fit; pario|bear; give birth to; beget, bring forth; produce, lay (eggs); create; acquire; pario|acquire (accounts); settle a debt; settle up; pario|bear; give birth to; beget, bring forth; produce, lay (eggs); create; acquire; parissumus|equal (to); a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper; parisumus|equal (to); a match for; of equal size/rank/age; fit/suitable/right/proper; paritarius|equal; paritas|equality; parity; pariter|equally; together; parito|make ready; parlamentaris|parliamentary; parlamentarius|parliamentary; parlamentum|discussion; conference/parley; parliament (Cal); parliamentum|discussion; conference/parley; parlor; parliament (Cal); parma|small round shield; parmatus|armed with the parma (small round shield); parmula|little shield; paro|prepare; furnish/supply/provide; produce; obtain/get; buy; raise; put up; plan; parocha|supplying of necessaries (to traveling public officials); purveyance; parochia|parish; ecclesiastical district; parochialis|parochial, of or belonging/pertaining to a parish; parochianus|parishioner; inhabitant of a parish; parochus|commissary; (person responsible to supply traveling officials w/shelter/food); paroecia|parish; ecclesiastical district; paroecialis|parochial; paroecianus|parishioner; paropsis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); paropsis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parosis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parosis|dish for serving vegetables/fruit; desert dish (Cas); parotis|tumor near ear; bracket of hyperthyrum; paroxysmus|paroxysm; parricida|murderer of near relative (father?/parent); assassin of head of state, traitor; parricidalis|parricidal, of/connected with parricide/murder of near relative; treasonous; parricidium|parricide; murder of near relative; assassination (of head of state); treason; pars|part, region; share; direction; portion, piece; party, faction, side; pars|role (of actor); office/function/duty (usu. pl.); [centesima ~ => 1% monthly]; parsimonia|frugality, thrift, parsimony, temperance; parthenice|plant (unknown); parthenium|plant (several types); Parthicus|Parthian; Parthus|Parthian; inhabitant of Parthia (country south of Caspian Sea); partibilis|divisible; particeps|sharing in, taking part in; particeps|sharer, partaker; participatio|participation, sharing (in); participle (grammar); participialis|participle-like; participialiter|participle-wise; participio|participation, sharing (in); participle (grammar); participium|participle; participo|share; impart; partake of; participate in; particula|small part, little bit, particle, atom; particularis|particular; partial, of/concerning a (small) part; particularismus|particularity; specific; particularista|particularist; one who is particular; particularisticus|particular; particulariter|particularly; partim|partly, for the most part; mostly; [partim ... partim => some ... others]; partio|share, divide up, distribute; partior|share, divide up, distribute; partisanus|partisan; partite|with proper division of subject into its parts; partitio|distribution, share; classification, logical distinction; div. into sections; partitura|partition (music); partum|gains, acquisitions; savings; what one has acquired/saved; parturio|be in labor; bring forth; produce; be pregnant with/ready to give birth; partus|birth; offspring; parum|too/very little, not enough/so good, insufficient; less; (SUPER) not at all; parumper|for a short/little while; for a moment; in a short time; quickly, hurriedly; parvipendo|slight (Douay); pay little attention to, give little weight to; parvissimus|small; parvitas|smallness, minuteness; insignificance, unimportance; parvolus|tiny, little, young; parvulus|very small, very young; unimportant; slight, petty; parvulus|infancy, childhood; small child, infant; parvus|small, little, cheap; unimportant; (SUPER) smallest, least; pasca|vinegar mixed in water; (field drink of Roman soldiers); (also for slaves); Pascha|Passover; Easter; paschalis|of Easter; Paschal; of Passover; pasco|feed, feed on; graze; pascua|pasture, pasture-land; piece of grazing land; pascuum|pasture, pasture-land; piece of grazing land; pascuus|used/suitable for pasture/grazing/pasture-land; passer|sparrow; passerculus|little sparrow; passibilis|passible, capable of feeling/suffering/emotion; susceptible to sensations; passibilitas|passiblity, capablity of feeling/suffering; susceptiblity to sensation/emotion; passim|here and there; everywhere; passio|suffering; passion; (esp. of Christ); disease (Bee); passive|freely, indiscriminately; randomly; passively, in passive sense (Latham); passivus|random, indiscriminate; passive, being acted on (Latham); passum|raisin-wine; passus|spread out; outstretched; dried; passus|step, pace; [mille passus -> mile; duo milia passuum => two miles]; pastillus|lozenge; pastinaca|parsnip; carrot; fish-of-prey (sting-ray?); pastinatum|plants (pl.) cultivated by preparing (ground) by digging and leveling; pastino|prepare (ground) by digging and leveling; pastoforium|place in temple where image of deity was preserved and his servants abode; pastoforius|priest (of Isis) who carried image of deity in little shrine to collect alms; pastophorium|place in temple where image of deity was preserved and his servants abode; pastophorius|priest (of Isis) who carried image of deity in little shrine to collect alms; pastor|shepherd, herdsman; pastoralis|pastoral; pastoricius|of/connected with herdsmen; pastorius|shepherd's; pastus|pasture, feeding ground; pasturage; patefacio|reveal/uncover/disclose/expose; bring to light; make known/visible; dissect; patefacio|open (up); (gates); clear, make available; deploy (troops); expose (to attack); patefio|be made known/opened/revealed/uncovered/disclosed/exposed; (patefacio PASS); patella|small dish or plate; patens|open, accessible; pateo|stand open, be open; extend; be well known; lie open, be accessible; pater|father; [pater familias, patris familias => head of family/household]; patera|bowl; saucer; paternitas|fatherly feeling/care; paternity; descendants of one father; paternus|father's, paternal; ancestral; patesco|be opened/open/revealed; become clear/known; open; extend, spread; pathicus|submitting to (anal) sex; lascivious (L+S); (of catamites/prostitutes/books); pathicus|sodomite, one who submits to anal sex; pathologia|pathology; pathologicus|pathological; patibilis|endurable; sensitive; patibulatus|yoked; pilloried; patibulum|fork-shaped yoke; gibbet; patiens|patient/long-suffering; tolerant/easy-going; submissive/liable/susceptible to; patiens|hardy; able/willing to endure; capable of bearing/standing up to hard use; patienter|patiently; with patience/toleration; patientia|endurance/hardiness; patience/persistence; apathy; sufferance; hardship; patientia|tolerance/forbearance; complaisance/submissiveness; submission by prostitute; patina|dish; patinatio|skating; patinator|skater; patino|skate; patinus|skate; patior|suffer; allow; undergo, endure; permit; pator|opening; patrator|accomplisher; patria|native land; home, native city; one's country; patriarcha|patriarch; father/chief of a tribe; chief bishop, Patriarch; patriarchatus|patriarchy; patriarches|patriarch; father/chief of a tribe; chief bishop, Patriarch; patriciatus|patrician status/dignity; patriciate; dignity of imperial court; patricida|patricide, one who kills his father; murderer of his own father; patricius|patrician, noble; patricius|patrician; aristocrat; patrimonium|inheritance; patrimus|having father still living; patrioticus|of one's native land; in mother tongue; patriotismus|patriotism; patritus|inherited from one's father; patrius|father's, paternal; ancestral; patrizo|take after one's father; patro|accomplish, bring to completion; patrocinium|protection, defense patronage, legal defense; patrocinor|defend, protect; patrona|protectress, patroness; patronatus|status/position/rights of patron; patronage (L+S); [jus ~ => patronage rights]; patronus|patron; advocate; defender, protector; patronymicus|of father's name; G:patronymic, derived from name of father/ancestor w/fix; patruelis|cousin; patruelis|of a cousin; patruus|father's brother; paternal uncle; [~ magnus/major/maximus => gr/gr-gr/gr-gr-gr]; patruus|severe reprover; type of harshness/censoriousness/finding fault; "Dutch uncle"; patulus|wide open, gaping; wide-spreading; paucitas|scarcity; paucity; pauculus|not very much, a little; (only) a small number (pl.), few, a few; paucum|only a small/an indefinite number of/few things (pl.), a few words/points; paucus|little, small in quantity/extent; few (usu. pl.); just a few; small number of; paucus|only a small/an indefinite number of people (pl.), few; a few; a select few; paulatim|little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit; paulisper|for (only) a short time/brief while; paullatim|little by little, by degrees, gradually; a small amount at a time, bit by bit; paullisper|for (only) a short time/brief while; paullo|by a little; by only a small amount; a little; somewhat; paullulatim|little by little, by degrees, bit by bit, gradually; in small amounts; paullulo|little/bit; to a small extent, somewhat; paullulum|little; to small extent, somewhat; only a small amount/short while/distance; paullulum|little bit, trifle; a little; (only a) small/little amount/quantity; paullulus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; paullum|little/bit; to a small extent, somewhat; only a small amount/short while; paullum|little/small; (only a) small amount/quantity/extent; little bit/while; trifle; paullumper|for a short while/little bit; paullus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; paulo|by a little; by only a small amount; a little; somewhat; paululatim|little by little, by degrees, bit by bit, gradually; in small amounts; paululo|little/bit; to a small extent, somewhat; paululum|little; to small extent, somewhat; only a small amount/short while/distance; paululum|little bit, trifle; a little; (only a) small/little amount/quantity;; paululus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; paulum|little/bit; to a small extent, somewhat; only a small amount/short while; paulum|little/small; (only a) small amount/quantity/extent; little bit/while; trifle; paulumper|for a short while/little bit; paulus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; Paulus|Paul; pauper|poor man; pauper|poor/meager/unproductive; scantily endowed; cheap, of little worth; of poor man; pauperculus|poor; pauperies|poverty; paupero|make poor, deprive; paupertas|poverty, need; humble circumstances; paupertinus|poor; sorry; pausa|cessation, end; pausea|olive species; olive with excellent oil; pausia|species of olive; pauso|pause; halt; cease; pauxillulus|very small, very little; pauxillum|little; pauxillus|small, little; pava|peacock; pavefacio|terrify; alarm; scare/frighten pavefio|be terrified/alarmed/scared/frightened; (pavefacio PASS); paveo|be frightened or terrified at; pavesco|become alarmed; pavicula|rammer; pavidus|fearful, terrified, panicstruck; pavimentatus|paved (Collins); (VPAR of pavimentare); pavimentum|pavement; pavio|beat, strike; push down; pavito|be in a state of fear or trepidation (at); pavo|peacock; pavor|fear, panic; pavus|peacock; pax|peace; harmony; paxillus|wooden pin/peg; small stake (L+S); peccabilis|sinful; peccabilitas|sinfulness; peccabundus|sinful; peccadillum|peccadillo, minor indiscretion; peccamen|fault; E:sin; peccatio|wrongdoing, transgression, sin, wrong; peccatissimus|overloaded with sin; deeply mired in sin; peccator|sinner; transgressor; peccatorius|sinful; peccatrix|sinful; sinning; peccatrix|sinner/transgressor (female); peccatulum|peccadillo, minor indiscretion; peccatum|sin; moral offense; error, mistake; lapse, misdemeanor; transgression; wrong; peccatus|sin; moral offense; error, mistake; lapse, misdemeanor; transgression; wrong; pecco|sin; do wrong, commit moral offense; blunder, stumble; be wrong; pecco|make mistake; make slip in speaking; act incorrectly; go wrong, be faulty; pecorosus|rich in cattle; pecten|comb; rake; quill (playing lyre); comb-like thing, pubic bone/region; scallop; pecto|comb; card (wool, etc); pecto|comb; card (wool, etc); pectunculus|small scallop; pectus|breast, heart; feeling, soul, mind; pectusculum|breast; (breast of sacrificial animal as offering); little breast; pecu|herd, flock; cattle, sheep; farm animals (pl.); pastures (L+S); money; pecuarium|herds of sheep or cattle (pl.); pecuarius|cattle-breeder, grazier; farmers of the public pastures (pl.); pecuarius|of sheep or cattle; pecuinus|beast-like; of cattle; peculator|embezzler of public money; peculatus|embezzlement of public money or property; peculiaris|personal/private/special/peculiar/specific, one's own; singular/exceptional; peculiatus|furnished with money; provided with property; peculiosus|wealthy; with private property; peculium|small savings; private property; pecunia|money; property; pecuniarius|of money, pecuniary; pecuniosus|rich, wealthy; profitable; pecus|cattle, herd, flock; pecus|sheep; animal; pedale|pedal; pedalis|measuring a foot; pedamen|prop, stake; (for vines); pedamentum|prop, stake; (for vines); pedarius|of a foot; [senatores pedarii => senators of inferior rank]; pedatura|space/extent of a foot; prop of a vine; pedatus|attack; charge; pedeplanum|ground floor; pedes|on foot; pedes|foot soldier, infantryman; pedestrian, who goes on foot; infantry (pl.); pedester|infantry-, of foot-soldiers; walking; on foot/land; pedestrian; pedester|pedestrian; prosaic, commonplace; prose-; pedetemptim|step-by-step; feeling one's way; gradually, cautiously; pedetemtim|step-by-step; feeling one's way; gradually, cautiously; pedica|shackle, fetter; snare; pedicator|sodomite; pedico|perform anal intercourse; commit sodomy with; pediculosus|lousy; pediculus|little foot; A:foot-stalk; pedicura|podiatrist; pedifollis|football; pedifollis|football-/soccer-, footballing; pedifollium|soccer; pediseca|female attendant; waiting woman, waitress; handmaiden; pedisecus|that follows on foot; (like an attendant); follow on the heels of/immediately; pedisecus|male attendant, manservant; follower on foot; footman, page; lackey; pedisequa|female attendant; waiting woman, waitress; handmaiden; pedisequus|that follows on foot; (like an attendant); follow on the heels of/immediately; pedisequus|male attendant, manservant; follower on foot; footman, page; lackey; pedissequa|female attendant; waiting woman, waitress; handmaiden; pedissequus|that follows on foot; (like an attendant); follow on the heels of/immediately; pedissequus|male attendant, manservant; follower on foot; footman, page; lackey; peditatus|infantry; Pedius|Pedius; (gens name); any/fictitious name (law); [Q Pedius => Caesar's nephew]; Pedius|Pedius, Roman gens; [Q ~ =>Caesar's nephew, lex ~ =>law trying Caesar's killer]; pedum|shepherd's crook; pegma|bookcase; bookshelf; scaffold, movable platform, stage fixture; scaffolding; peiorativus|pejorative; peioresceo|get worse; peioro|aggravate; peiuro|swear falsely; perjure oneself; (see also peiero); pejeratus|hurt/offended by false oath; (jus pejeratum => false oath); pejero|swear falsely; swear false oath; lie; pejerosus|perjured; pejuratus|hurt/offended by false oath; (jus pejuratum => false oath); pejuro|swear falsely; swear false oath; lie; pejurosus|perjured; pelagius|marine, of the sea; pelagus|sea; the open sea, the main; (-us neuter, only sing.); pelamis|young/small tunny; (less than one year old L+S); pelamys|young/small tunny; (less than one year old L+S); Pelasgus|ancient Greek; pelex|mistress (installed as rival/in addition to wife), concubine; male prostitute; pelicatus|concubinage, living together; pellacia|enticement; seduction; attraction; pellax|seductive, glib; pellectio|reading through; pellego|read over/through (silent/aloud); scan, survey, run one's eyes over; recount; pellex|mistress (installed as rival/in addition to wife), concubine; male prostitute; pelliceus|skin-, made of skins; pellicio|attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over; pellicio|attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over; pellicius|skin-, made of skins/furs; pellico|attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over; pellicula|skin, hide; pellis|skin, hide; pelt; pellitus|covered with skins; pello|beat; drive out; push; banish, strike, defeat, drive away, rout; pelluceeo|transmit/admit/emit light; be transparent; shine through/out; be apparent; peloris|mussel; giant mussel (L+S); large edible shellfish; clam (Cal); pelta|crescent-shaped shield; peltasta|soldier armed with the pelta (small light shield); peltastes|soldier armed with the pelta (small light shield); peltatus|armed with the pelta (crescent-shaped shield); pelusia|blouse; pelvis|shallow bowl or basin; pena|penalty, punishment; revenge/retribution; [poena dare => to pay the penalty]; penarius|of or for provisions; Penas|Penates; (usu. pl.); gods of home/larder/family; home/dwelling; family/line; penatiger|carrying the Penates; pendeo|hang, hang down; depend; [~ ab ore => hang upon the lips, listen attentively]; pendo|weigh out; pay, pay out; pendulus|hanging, hanging down, uncertain; pendulus|pendulum; penecostas|fifty; the number fifty; (7 Sundays after Easter); (Jewish 50th day of omer); penecoste|Pentecost/Whitsunday; (7th Sunday after Easter); 50 days; Jewish harvest feast; penes|in the power of, in the hands of (person); belonging to; penetentiarius|confessor; penitentiary; penetrabilis|that can be pierced; penetrable; piercing; penetrale|inner part of a place; inner shrine; sanctuary of the household gods; penetrale|innermost parts/chambers/self (pl.); spirit, life of soul; gimlet (Latham); penetralis|inner, innermost; penetranter|deeply, penetratingly, searchingly; penetratio|piercing; penetration; penetro|enter, penetrate; penicillinum|penicillin; penicillus|painter's brush or pencil; style; peniculus|brush (of ox/horse tail); painter's brush; sponge; diminutive of penis (L+S); penis|male sexual organ, penis; (sometimes rude); a tail; penitentialis|penitent; penitentiarius|confessor; penitentiary; peniteo|displease; (cause to) regret; repent, be sorry; [me paenitet => I am sorry]; peniteo|do penance; penitet|it displeases, makes angry, offends, dissatisfies, makes sorry; penitrale|innermost parts/chambers/self (pl.); spirit, life of soul; gimlet (Latham); penitus|inside; deep within; thoroughly; penitus|inner, inward; penna|feather, wing; pennatus|winged; penniger|feathered, winged; pennipes|wing-footed; pennipotens|able to fly, winged; pennipotens|birds (pl.); pennula|little wing; pensilis|hanging, pendant (Collins); pensio|payment, installment, pension; paying out; rent; measured weight; recompense; pensitatio|payment/compensation; expense (L+S); valuable/precious thing; pension (Douay); pensito|weigh/ponder/consider; compare (with); pay/be subject to tax; bring in income; penso|weigh (out); pay/punish for; counterbalance, compensate; ponder, examine; pensum|allotment for weaving, wool given to be spun/woven; task/stint; homework; pentachordum|5-stringed instrument; pentachordus|5-stringed (instrument); pentacontarchus|pentacontarch, commander of fifty men; (platoon commander); pentameter|pentameter; five metric feet; pente|musical fifth; pentecontarcus|pentacontarch, commander of fifty men; (platoon commander); (1 Maccabbes 3:55); Pentecostalis|Pentecostal, belonging to Pentecost/Whitsuntide; Pentecoste|Pentecost, Whit-Sunday, fiftieth day after Easter; penteris|quinquereme, large galley with five rowers to each room or five banks of oars; pentral|gimlet; innermost parts/chambers/self (pl.) (Ecc); spirit, life of soul; pentrale|gimlet; innermost parts/chambers/self (pl.) (Ecc); spirit, life of soul; penuarius|used for food storage; penum|provisions, food; stock of household; storeroom in temple of Vesta; penuria|want, need, scarcity; penuriosus|needy; penurious, poor, poverty-stricken; penus|provisions, food; stock of a household; storeroom in temple of Vesta; penus|provisions, food; stock of household; storeroom in temple of Vesta; peplum|robe of state; peplus|robe of state; pepo|watermelon; (other such/guard); species of large melon (L+S); pumpkin; pepon|watermelon; (other such/guard); pepsinum|pepsin; per|through (space); during (time); by, by means of; pera|satchel; bag slung over shoulder (for day's provisions); (affected by Cynics); perabsurdus|highly ridiculous; peraccedo|succeed in reaching; peraccommodatus|very convenient; peracer|very sharp; peracerbus|very sour, very harsh; peracesco|become very bitter/sour; become vexed/upset; get teed off; peractio|completion; D:last act (of drama); peracutus|very penetrating; very sharp; peradulescens|very young; peraeque|equally; peraequo|equalize; make quite equal; peragito|harass with repeated attacks; perago|disturb; finish; kill; carry through to the end, complete; peragratio|traveling; peragro|travel over every part of, scour; peramans|very fond; very loving; perambulo|walk about in, tour; make the round of; peramo|persevere in love; peramoenus|very pleasant; peramplus|very large; perangustus|very narrow; perantiquus|very ancient; perappositus|very suitable; perarduus|very difficult; perargutus|very wittily; peraridus|very dry; very arid; peraro|furrow; inscribe (scratch on a waxen tablet); perattente|very attentively; perattentus|very attentive; perbacchor|get through; waste (time) in revelry; carouse/revel throughout (L+S); perbeatus|very fortunate; perbene|very well; perbenevolus|very well-disposed; perbibo|drink deeply, drink in; perbito|perish; go over; perblandus|very charming; perbonus|very good, excellent; finished, complete; perca|fish, the perch; percalefactus|thoroughly heated; percalesco|become very warm; percallesco|become callous; percarus|very dear; much loved; very costly; percautus|very cautious; percelebro|make thoroughly known; perceler|very quick; percello|strike down; strike; overpower; dismay, demoralize, upset; percenseo|enumerate, recite from start to finish; inspect/examine/go over thoroughly; percenseo|run one's mind over, review; survey, make complete/methodical assessment of; perceptibilis|perceptible; participating (in anything); percido|hit/punch very hard; commit sodomy on; cut down/to pieces (troops); percieo|excite; set in motion; percio|excite, stir up, move (emotions); set in motion, propel; percipio|secure, gain; perceive, learn, feel; percitus|roused; excited; stirred up; propelled; percomis|very friendly/kind/courteous/gracious;; percommodus|very convenient; percontatio|questioning, inquiry; percontator|inquirer; percontor|inquire; percontumax|very obstinate; percoquo|cook thoroughly; bake, heat; percrebesco|become very frequent, become very widespread; percrebresco|become very frequent, become very widespread; percrepo|resound; make resound; percupidus|very fond; percupio|be very eager for, long for; desire greatly, wish wholeheartedly; percuriosus|very inquisitive; percuro|heal completely; percurro|quickly move/run/travel/hasten/pass through/over; form continuous line; stroke; percurro|review, run over (in thought/words), run through in sequence; skim over; percurro|touch upon different points in quick succession; fill offices in succession; percurro|travel quickly from end to end; make rapid tour, visit in quick succession; percurro|quickly move/run/travel/hasten/pass through/over; form continuous line; stroke; percurro|review, run over (in thought/words), run through in sequence; skim over; percurro|touch upon different points in quick succession; fill offices in succession; percurro|travel quickly from end to end; make rapid tour, visit in quick succession; percursatio|traveling through; percursio|running over; hasty thinking; percurso|rove about; percusio|rapid review, running over in the mind; rapid treatment of subject (rhetoric); percussio|beat (music); percussion, action of beating/striking/smiting; percussor|murderer, assassin; percussus|buffeting; beating; percutio|beat, strike; pierce; percuto|affect deeply; perdecorus|very comely; perdelirus|senseless; perdepso|dishonor; have improper sex; (rude); perdignus|very worthy; perdiligens|very diligent; perdisco|learn thoroughly; perdite|desperately, in desperate/unrestrained way; recklessly; violently; perditim|desperately, to desperation; perditio|destruction, ruin, perdition; perditor|destroyer; one who ruins/destroys; perditrix|destroyer (female); she who ruins/destroys; perditus|ruined; broken/debilitated; bankrupt, financially ruined; lost, done for; perditus|degenerate, morally depraved, wild, abandoned; reckless; desperate/hopeless; perditus|ruination, ruin; perdiu|for a long while; perdiuturnus|lasting a very long time; perdives|very rich; perdix|partridge; perdo|ruin, destroy; lose; waste; perdoceo|instruct thoroughly; perdoco|teach (thoroughly); perdoleo|vex, bother, cause grief/annoyance; grieve, be annoyed; perdolesco|feel great pain; perdolo|hack, hew into shape, fashion by hewing/hacking; perdomo|tame/subdue thoroughly, break in (animals); conquer/subjugate completely; perdomo|crush (grain)/knead (dough) thoroughly; work/break up (soil) thoroughly; perdormisco|sleep on; perduco|lead, guide; prolong; induce, conduct, bring through; perducto|guide; perductor|guide; pimp; perdudum|for a very long time past; long time ago; perduellio|treason; hostile action against one's country; perduellis|national enemy; enemy; adherent of country with which one's own is at war; perduro|last long, endure; peredo|eat up, consume, waste; peredo|eat up, consume, waste; peregre|to/from abroad; peregri|abroad; away from home; peregrinabundus|traveling about; peregrinans|pilgrim; (foreign) traveler; wanderer; peregrinatio|traveling/staying/living abroad, sojourn abroad; travel; pilgrimage; peregrinator|traveler; peregrinitas|alienage; foreign habit; foreign tone; peregrinor|travel about, be an alien, sojourn in strange country, go abroad, wander, roam; peregrinus|foreign, strange, alien; exotic; peregrinus|foreigner, stranger, alien; foreign woman (F); foreign residents (pl.); peregrinus|pilgrim; perelegans|very elegant; very polished; pereloquens|very eloquent; peremnium|auspices taken on crossing any running water; perendie|day after tomorrow; perendinus|after tomorrow; [perendino die => the day after tomorrow]; perennis|continual; everlasting, perpetual, perennial; eternal; perenno|last many years; pereo|die, pass away; be ruined, be destroyed; go to waste; perequito|ride through; ride around; pererro|wander through, roam or ramble over; pereruditus|very learned; perexcelsus|very high; perexiguus|very small; perfacete|very cleverly, very wisely, brilliantly; perfacetus|very witty, brilliant; perfacile|very easily; readily; perfacilis|very easy, very courteous; perfamiliaris|close friend; perfamiliaris|very intimate; perfectio|perfection, completion; bringing to completion/perfection; ideal/completed form; perfectissimatus|emperor's office; office of perfectissimus; perfectissimus|most-perfect man; perfectus|perfect, complete; excellent; perfero|carry through; bear, endure to the end, suffer; announce; perficio|complete, finish; execute; bring about, accomplish; do thoroughly; perfidia|faithlessness, treachery, perfidy; perfidiosus|treacherous; perfidus|faithless, treacherous, false, deceitful; perfigo|pierce; transfix; pierce through (L+S); penetrate; impale; run/thrust through; perfinio|complete; perflabilis|airy; susceptible; can be blown over; perflagitiosus|very shameful; perflo|blow through or over; perfluctuo|flow through; perfluo|flow/run through; flow on/along; stream (with moisture); flow (drapery); perfodio|bore/dig/make hole/passage/channel/break in/through; dig/pierce/stab/perforate; perfodio|bore/dig/make hole/passage/channel/break in/through; dig/pierce/stab/perforate; perforaculum|drilling machine; perforo|bore/pierce/make a hole/passage/break in/through; bore/pierce/stab/perforate; perfossor|digger through; one who breaks in; perfremo|fill place with roaring/snorting sounds; snort/roar along; perfrequens|very crowded/full; much frequented; perfrico|rub all over; rub smooth; [~ os/frontem/facium => wipe off blush/abandon shame]; perfrico|rub all over; rub smooth; [~ os/frontem/facium => wipe off blush/abandon shame]; perfrictio|chill, thorough chilling; bad cold (L+S); abrasion, rubbing; perfrictiuncula|slight chill/cold; perfrigefacio|make cold; cause to shudder; perfrigesco|catch cold; perfrigidus|very cold; perfringo|break through; perfruor|have full enjoyment of, enjoy; perfuga|deserter; perfugio|flee, desert; take refuge; perfugium|refuge; asylum; excuse; perfunctorie|carelessly; perfunctorily; perfundo|pour over/through, wet, flood, bathe; overspread, coat, overlay; imbue; perfungor|perform, discharge, have done with (w/ABL); perfuro|rage, storm (throughout); pergamenicus|of parchment; pergamenum|parchment; document; pergaudeo|rejoice greatly; pergo|go on, proceed; pergraecor|enjoy oneself; behave like the Greeks; pergrandis|very large, huge; of very advanced age; pergraphicus|very skillful; most exquisite; pergratus|very agreeable or pleasant; pergravis|very grave; of great import; very heavy; pergula|attachment to front of building for trading, booth/stall/shop; painting studio; pergula|framework supporting a vine/plant; hut, hovel; school; lecture room; brothel; perhibeo|present, give, bestow; regard, hold; name; perhilum|very little; perhonorifice|very honorably, very respectfully; perhonorificus|very honorable, very respectful; perhorreo|tremble at; perhorresco|tremble or shudder greatly; recoil in terror from; perhorridus|very dreadful; perhumaniter|very civilly; perhumanus|very friendly, very civil; peribolus|circuit; enclosure; precinct (Souter); outer wall (Vulgate Ezechiel 42:7); periclitatio|test; experiment; periclitor|try, prove, test, make a trial of, put to the test/in peril; risk, endanger; periclum|danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability; periculosus|dangerous, hazardous, perilous; threatening; periculum|danger, peril; trial, attempt; risk; responsibility for damage, liability; peridoneus|very suitable, very well-fitted; periegesis|tourism; periegetes|tourist; periegeticus|touristy; perimbecillus|very weak; perimetros|perimeter; circumference; perimo|kill, destroy; perincommode|very inconveniently; perincommodus|very inconvenient; perinde|in the same way/just as, equally; likewise [~ ac => just as if]; perindulgens|very kind; very tender; perinfirmus|very weak; peringeniosus|very clever; periniquus|very unfair; very discontented or unwilling; perinvitus|very unwilling; periodicum|periodical, magazine; periodus|sentence, period; Peripateticus|of/belonging to the Peripatetic (Aristotelian) school of philosophy; Peripateticus|philosopher of the Peripatetic (Aristotelian) school; peripetasma|curtain, hanging; peripheria|circumference; periphery; periphrasis|circumlocution; periphrase; periphrasticus|periphrastic; peripneumonicus|consumptive; peripneumonicus|consumptive; peripsema|refuse; filth; offscouring (that which comes off in cleaning); peripsima|refuse; filth; offscouring (that which comes off in cleaning); peripteros|having single row of columns all around; periratus|very angry; periscelis|garter, anklet, leg-band; peristasis|subject; theme; peristereos|plant doves are fond of, a verbena(?); peristeron|enclosure for pigeons, pigeon coop; peristerotrophion|enclosure for pigeons, pigeon coop; peristroma|curtain, coverlet, carpet, hanging; peristylium|inner courtyard lined with rows of columns, peristyle; peristylon|inner courtyard lined with rows of columns, peristyle; peristylum|inner courtyard lined with rows of columns, peristyle; peritia|practical knowledge, skill, expertise; experience; peritonitis|peritonitis; peritus|skilled, skillful; experienced, expert; with gen; periurium|false oath, perjury; perizoma|girdle; perjucundus|very welcome, agreeable; perjuro|swear falsely; perjurus|perjured; false, lying; perlabor|glide along, over or through, skim; perlaetus|very joyful; perlateo|lie well hidden; perlego|read over/through (silent/aloud); scan, survey, run one's eyes over; recount; perlevis|very slight; very light; perlibens|very willing; with pleasure; perliberalis|very well-bred; very honorable/gentlemanly; perlibet|it is very pleasing/agreeable; please very much; perlibro|make level; perlicio|attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over; perlicio|attract/draw away; allure/seduce/entice/captivate; coax/induce/wheedle/win over; perligo|read over/through (silent/aloud); scan, survey, run one's eyes over; recount; perlito|make auspicious sacrifice; perlonge|very far; tediously; perlongus|very long, tedious; perluceo|transmit/admit/emit light; be transparent; shine through/out; be apparent; perlucidulus|transparent; perlucidus|transparent, pellucid; perluctuosus|very mournful; perluo|wash off or thoroughly, bathe; perlustro|go or wander all through; view all over, scan, scrutinize; permadesco|become very/quite wet/sodden; be soaked through; be soft/effeminate; permagnus|very great; permanasco|penetrate; permaneo|last, continue; remain; endure; permano|flow through; leak through; permeate; permarinus|going over the sea; permaturesco|mature, ripen thoroughly; permaturo|become quite ripe; permediocris|very moderate; permeo|go or pass through, cross, traverse; pervade; permetior|measure (exactly); traverse/travel over; pass through; complete (time/process); permirus|very wonderful; permisceo|mix or mingle together; confound; embroil; disturb thoroughly; permissio|yielding (to another); permission; permissivus|permissive; permissus|permission, authorization; permistus|confused; disordered; (=permixtus, = alt. vpar of permisceo); permitialis|destructive, annihilating; permities|destruction, annihilation; permitto|let through; let go through; relinquish; permit, allow; entrust; hurl; permixtio|mixture/blending; thorough mixing together; permixtus|promiscuous; confused; permodestus|very modest, very moderate; permoleste|with much difficulty; permolestus|very troublesome; permoveo|stir up; move deeply; influence; agitate; permulceo|rub gently, stroke, touch gently; charm, please, beguile; soothe, alleviate; permultus|very much; very many (pl.); permunio|fortify thoroughly, make very secure; finish constructing fortifications; permutatio|change, exchange; permuto|exchange (for); swap; perna|ham; pernecessarius|very necessary; very intimate; pernego|deny completely; refuse completely; perniciabilis|ruinous; pernicies|ruin; disaster; pest, bane; curse; destruction, calamity; mischief; perniciosus|destructive, dangerous, pernicious; pernicitas|speed, agility; pernimius|much too much; pernio|chilblain; pernix|persistent, preserving; nimble, brisk, active, agile, quick, swift, fleet; pernobilis|very famous; pernocto|spend the night; occupy the night (w/person or in place); guard all night; pernosco|get to know well; become well acquainted/conversant with; get full knowledge of; pernot|very well known; very familiar;; pernotesco|become generally/well/everywhere known; pernotesct|it has become well known; it has been thoroughly investigated; pernox|lasting all night; continuing throughout the night; pernumero|count up; reckon; pero|thick boot of raw hide; perobscurus|very obscure, very vague; perodi|hate greatly (PERF form, PRES force), loathe, detest; perodiosus|very troublesome; peroleo|emit strong odor; peronatus|wearing leather boots; peropportunus|very favorably situated, very convenient; peroptato|just as one would wish; peropus|very necessary; peroratio|finish of speech; perornatus|very ornate; perorno|adorn highly/greatly; peroro|deliver the final part of a speech, conclude; perosus|detesting; perpaco|subdue completely; perparum|very little; perparvulus|very little; perparvus|very little, very trifling; perpastus|well-fed; perpauculus|very few (pl.); perpaucum|very few (pl.), very little; perpaucus|very few (pl.); select; perpaullum|very little; perpaulum|very little; perpauper|very poor; very hard up; perpauxillum|very little (amount); perpello|compel, constrain, prevail upon; enforce; perpendiculariter|perpendicularly; perpendiculum|plummet; plumbline; [ad perpendiculum => perpendicularly]; perpendo|weigh carefully; assess carefully; perpensius|more deliberately; perperam|wrongly, incorrectly; perpes|continuous, lasting, unbroken in time, perpetual, neverending; whole period; perpetim|perpetually; constantly, without intermission/interruption/pause/let up; perpetim|continually/unceasingly (Ecc); forever (Z); perpetior|endure to the full; perpetro|carry through, accomplish; perpetualis|perpetual; perpetualiter|perpetually; perpetue|constantly, uninterruptedly, continually, without interruption/pause/let up; perpetuitas|continuity; permanence; perpetuo|without interruption; constantly; forever; continually; perpetual; perpetuus|continuous, uninterpreted; whole; perpetual, lasting; everlasting; perplexor|perplex; perplexus|entangled, muddled; intricate, cryptic; confused; perplicatus|entangled, involved; perpluo|rain through; allow rain through; perpolio|polish thoroughly; put the finishing touches to; perpopulor|ravage, devastate completely; perpotatio|drinking bout; perpotior|enjoy completely; perpoto|drink heavily; drink up; perprimo|press hard; perpropinquus|very near; perpropinquus|relative; perpugnax|very pugnacious; perpurgo|purge well; clear up; explain fully; perpusillus|very small; perquam|extremely; perquiro|search everywhere for; perrarus|very rare, exceptional; perreconditus|very abstruse; perrepo|crawl over; crawl along; perrepto|crawl through, crawl about; perridicule|very laughably; perridiculus|very laughable; perrogatio|poll, successive asking persons for opinion; L:passage of law (L+S); decree; perrogo|ask/question/solicit in turn; L:propose/pass a law; carry (bill); perrumpo|break through; Persa|Persian, native of Persia; (sometimes for Parthian; Persian breed of dog); persaepe|very often; persalse|very witty; persalsus|very witty; persalutatio|general greeting; persaluto|salute/greet in turn; persano|cure completely; persapiens|very wise; perscienter|very discreetly; perscindo|tear apart; perscitus|very clever; perscribo|report; describe; write out in full; finish writing, write a detailed record; perscriptio|entry; assignment; perscriptor|scribe; writer; perscrutor|search/look though; search high and low; study/investigate carefully; perseco|dissect; cut up; persector|pursue/follow closely/eagerly; follow up; investigate (question); persecutio|chase/pursuit; carrying through, completion; action/right of suing, suit; persecutio|persecution (esp. of Christians); suffering (Bee); persecutor|persecutor; (of Christians); prosecutor, plaintiff; persedeo|remain sitting; stay seated; persegnis|very slow; persentisco|begin to perceive distinctly or feel deeply; persequor|follow up, pursue; overtake; attack; take vengeance on; accomplish; Perses|Persian, native of Persia; (sometimes for Parthian; Persian breed of dog); perseverans|steadfast, persistent, untiring; continually maintained, persistent (activity); perseveranter|steadfastly, persistently; with continued action; perseverantia|steadfastness; persistence (affliction); continued existence; persevero|persist, persevere; continue; perseverus|very strict; persicinus|peach-colored; persicum|peach; Persicus|Persian; persido|settle down; sink into; persigno|note down; record; persimilis|very like; very similar; persimplex|very simple; very plain; Persis|Persian; persolata|brown mullen plant (Pliny); persolus|quite alone; persolvo|pay; persona|mask; character; personality; personalis|personal; of/relating to an individual; personatus|masked; personificatio|personification; personifico|personify; persono|make loud/continuous/pervasive noise/loud music; ring/resound; chant/shout out; persono|make loud/continuous/pervasive noise/loud music; ring/resound; chant/shout out; perspectiva|perspective (geometry); perspecto|look through to end; examine closely; perspectus|evident; well-known; perspeculor|reconnoiter; examine well; perspergo|sprinkle, moisten; perspicace|watchfully; observantly; perspicax|observant, attentive to what is going on; having keen/penetrating sight/vision; perspicibilis|clearly visible; perspicientia|full knowledge; perspicillum|spectacles; glasses; perspicio|see through; examine; observe; perspicue|clearly, evidently; perspicuus|transparent, clear; evident; persterno|pave all over; perstimulo|stimulate violently; persto|stand firm; last, endure; persevere, persist in; perstringo|graze, graze against; make tight all over; offend, make unfavorable mention; perstudiose|very eagerly; perstudiosus|very eager; persuadeo|persuade, convince (with dat.); persuasibilis|persuasive, convincing; persuasibiliter|persuasively, convincingly; persubtilis|very subtle; very delicate; persulto|leap or skip or prance about, range (over), scour; pertaedet|it wearies; it disgusts; it bores; pertego|cover over; pertempto|test, try out; explore thoroughly; agitate thoroughly; pertendo|persevere, persist; press on; pertento|test, try out; explore thoroughly; agitate thoroughly; pertenuis|very thin; very slender; perterebro|bore through; pertergo|wipe over; touch lightly; perterrefacio|make extremely frightened; terrify thoroughly; perterrefactus|terribly/extremely frightened, thoroughly terrified; perterreo|frighten greatly, terrify; perterricrepus|making/characterized by terrifying crashing/clattering sound; rattling terribly; perterrito|frighten thoroughly/greatly, terrify; perterritus|very frightened, thoroughly frightened; completely terrified; pertexo|accomplish; interweave; pertica|pole, long staff; measuring rod; perch; pertimefactus|very frightened; pertimesco|become very scared (of ); pertinacia|determination/perseverance; persistence; obstinacy, stubbornness, defiance; pertinaciter|tenaciously; obstinately, stubbornly, determinedly; through thick and thin; pertinax|persevering, obstinate; pertinacious; Pertinax|Pertinax; (Emperor Publius Helvius Pertinax 193); pertineo|reach; extend; relate to; concerns, pertain to; pertingo|reach, get as far as; extend (in a direction); concern, affect; pertito|in X divisions (only with numerical prefix), in X parts/categories; pertitus|divided in X parts (only with numerical prefix), divisible by X, X-fold; pertolero|endure; pertorqueo|distort; pertractatio|thorough handling, detailed treatment; pertraho|draw or drag through or to, bring or conduct forcibly to; draw on, lure; pertranseo|pass right through; go/pass by (L+S); pass away; cross (Bee); pertricosus|very confused; very strange; completely taken up with trifles; pertristis|very sad; very morose; pertundiculum|piercing; pertundo|bore through, perforate; perturbatio|disturbance; commotion; perturbatrix|disturberess; she who disturbs; perturbatus|troubled; perturbo|confuse, throw into confusion; disturb, perturb, trouble; alarm; perturpis|scandalous; pertusus|perforated; leaky; perula|purse; perurbanus|very polite or witty; oversophisticated; perurgueo|press hard on; oppress; take pains; (=perurgeo); peruro|burn up/through, consume w/fire; fire (w/passion); burn/scorch; chafe/irritate; pervado|go or come through; spread through; penetrate; pervade; pervagor|wander or range through, rove about; pervade, spread widely; extend; pervagus|wandering everywhere; pervasto|devastate completely; perveho|bear, carry or convey through; [pervehi, pass => to sail to, ride to]; pervenio|come to; reach; arrive; pervenor|chase through; perversus|askew, awry; perverse, evil, bad; perverto|overthrow; subvert; destroy, ruin, corrupt; pervesperi|very late in the evening; pervestigatio|investigation; pervestigo|make a thorough search of; explore fully; pervetus|very old, that lasted very long; most/extremely ancient, of far distant past; pervicacia|stubbornness, obstinacy, firmness, steadiness; pervicax|stubborn, obstinate; firm, steadfast; pervideo|take in with the eyes or mind; pervigeo|continue to bloom; pervigil|keeping watch or sleepless all night long; always watchful; pervigilatio|vigil; pervigilo|remain awake all night; keep watch all night; keep a religious vigil; pervilis|very cheap; pervinco|conquer completely; carry (proposal), gain an objective, persuade; pervius|passable, traversable; penetrable; pervolgo|proclaim; spread abroad; (pervulo); pervolito|flit across; fly repeatedly over/through; move rapidly through space/heavens; pervolo|fly or flit through; wing one's way; move rapidly through the air; pervolo|fly through; fly; pervoluto|roll about; be busied with; pervorsus|askew, awry; perverse, evil, bad; (perversus); pervulgo|make publicly known, spread abroad; pes|foot; [pedem referre => to retreat]; pessimismus|pessimism; pessimista|pessimist; pessimo|ruin, debase; spoil completely, make utterly bad; harm, injure, bring calamity; pessimus|worst, most incapable; wickedest; most disloyal/unkind; lowest in quality/rank; pessona|pig-food; pessulus|bolt; pessulus|bolt; pessum|to the lowest part, to the bottom, [~ dare => destroy, ruin]; pessumdo|destroy, ruin; sink, send to the bottom; put an end to; do away with, remove; pessumum|pessary/medicated wool plug (for womb/vagina/other); suppository; contraceptive; pessumus|worst, most incapable; wickedest; most disloyal/unkind; lowest in quality/rank; pessundo|destroy, ruin; sink, send to the bottom; put an end to; do away with, remove; pestifer|pestilential; destructive; pestilens|pestilential, unhealthy, unwholesome; destructive; pestilentia|plague; pestilence; fever; pestilentiosus|pestilential; unhealthy; pestilitas|plague; pestis|plague, pestilence, curse, destruction; petasatus|wearing the petasus/hat; (hence equipped for a journey); petasio|forequarter/shoulder of pork; petaso|forequarter/shoulder of pork; petasunculus|small pork leg; traveling cap; petasus|hat; broadbrimmed hat (worn by travelers); conical superstructure; petaurista|acrobat; petaurum|springboard; petesso|long for, strive after; petilus|thin; slender (archaic); petisso|long for, strive after; petitio|candidacy; petition; petitor|seeker striver after, applicant, candidate, claimant, plaintiff; petiturio|desire to stand for election; peto|attack; aim at; desire; beg, entreat, ask (for); reach towards, make for; petoritum|open four-wheeled carriage; petorritum|open four-wheeled carriage; petra|rock, boulder; shaped stone as used in building; petro|young/breeding ram; a rustic, dolt, rube, bumpkin; petrochemicus|petrochemical; petroleifus|oil-bearing; petroleum|oil; petroselinum|rock-parsley; parsley (Cal); petrosum|rocky place; petrosus|rocky; Petrus|Peter; petulans|insolent, unruly, smart-alecky; forward, aggressive; impudent; reprobate/wanton; petulanter|rudely, insolently; petulantly; waywardly; with impudently aggressiveness; petulantia|impudent or boisterous aggressiveness; wantonness, immodesty; petulcus|butting; peucedanum|sulfur-wort; pexatus|wearing a garment with the nap on; Phaedo|Phaedo (disciple of Socrates, friend of Plato, founder of school at Elis); Phaedon|Phaedo (disciple of Socrates, friend of Plato, founder of school at Elis); Phaedrus|Phaedo (pupil of Socrates); Phaedrus (Latin fabulist); (Cicero's teacher); phala|wooden tower or pillar; phalaecius|Phalaecian; kind of Greek verse; phalanga|roller to move ships/military engines; carrying pole; cut length of wood/rod; phalangion|venomous spider; spider-root plant; phalangita|soldiers (pl.) belonging to a phalanx; phalangius|venomous spider; spider-root plant; phalanx|phalanx, compact body of heavy infantry; battalion; men in battle formation; phalarica|heavy missile (orig. by siege tower catapult w/tow+pitch+fire); like hand spear; phalera|ornaments (pl.) worn by men of arms and horses; phaleratus|wearing phalerae/ornaments; phantasia|fancy, imagined situation; mental image (Latham); imagination; phenomenon (Def); phantasia|phase; (of the moon); phantasio|imagine, fancy; phantasior|imagine, fancy; phantasma|ghost; phantom; spirit; phantasmaticus|imaginary; phantasticus|imaginary; visionary; Pharao|Pharaoh, title of King of Egypt; pharetra|quiver; pharetratus|wearing a quiver; pharetraus|wearing a quiver; pharmaceuticus|pharmaceutical; pharmaceutria|sorceress; pharmacopola|medicine/drug seller (usu. derogatory), quack; pharmacist (Cal); pharmacopoles|medicine/drug seller (usu. derogatory), quack; pharmacist (Cal); pharmacopolium|pharmacy; pharmacus|poisoner; sorcerer; Phase|Passover; Jewish feast; paschal lamb/sacrifice at the Passover; phaselus|kidney-bean; light ship; phaselus|snap bean; phasma|ghost, specter; pherecratus|Pherecratian; kind of Greek verse; phiala|drinking vessel; a bowl, saucer; phiditium|Spartan public meal; philargyria|love of money; (Erasmus); philargyros|fond of money; philatelia|philately; philatelista|philatelist; philautia|self-love; philema|kiss; Philippus|Philip (name of several Macedonian kings); (Philip II, father of Alexander); Philippus|Philippi (pl.); (town in eastern Macedonia where Octavius defeated Brutus); philitium|Spartan public meal; philologia|love of learning, study of literature; philologus|learned, literary; philologus|scholar; philomela|nightingale; philomusicus|music-lover; philosophia|philosophy, love of wisdom; philosophice|philosophically; philosophicus|philosophical, philosophic; of/concerning philosophy; philosophor|philosophize; philosophus|philosophical; philosophus|philosopher; philtrum|love-potion; philyra|linden-tree, lime-tree; phimus|dice box; phito|divination-spirit; phitonissa|witch; sorceress; phlebotomo|let blood; bleed; phlegma|phlegm; phloginos|flame-colored gem (otherwise unknown); phoca|seal; (marine mammal); Phoebe|Diana; moon goddess; Phoenica|Phoenicia; (coastal region of Syria); Phoenice|Phoenicia; (coast region of Syria); wild grass; rye grass/Lolium perenne?; phoenicopterus|flamingo; phoenix|phoenix, a fabulous bird of Arabia; phonascus|teacher of singing/music or elocution; phonetica|phonetics; phoneticus|phonetics; phonodiscus|music disk; photochartula|illustrated post card; photocopia|photocopy; photocopiatrum|photocopier; photocopio|photocopy; photoelectricus|photoelectric; photographema|photograph (picture); photographia|photograph (art); photographicus|photographic; photographo|photograph; photographus|photographer; photomachina|camera; phraseologia|phraseology; phrenesis|madness, frenzy; phreneticus|mad, frantic; phrenocomium|mad asylum; Phrigia|Phrygia, country comprising center and west of Asia Minor; Troy (poetical); Phrigius|Phrygian, of Phyrigia (center and west of Asia Minor); Trojan; Phrygia|Phrygia, country comprising center and west of Asia Minor; Troy (poetical); Phrygius|Phrygian, of Phyrigia (center and west of Asia Minor); Trojan; phthiriasis|pthiriasis; louse-disease (Pliny); phthisis|consumption; phthongus|sound; tone; phy|pish! tush!; (expression of disgust); phycis|seaweed-dwelling fish (lamprey?); (Pliny); phycitis|precious stone (Pliny); phylaca|prison; phylacterium|amulet; phylactery, scripture text in box on forehead of Jews; gladiator medal; phylarches|head of a tribe/phyle (Greek), magistrate; emir; army/cavalry commander; phylarchia|emirate; phylarchus|head of a tribe/phyle (Greek), magistrate; emir; army/cavalry commander; phyle|race; phyleticus|racial; physica|physics; physice|from the scientific/natural science point of view; physice|physics; physicos|pertaining/relating to physics/natural science/physical nature; natural, inborn; physiculo|prophesy, foresee, divine; physicum|physics (pl.), natural science; physicus|pertaining/relating to physics/natural science/physical nature; natural, inborn; physicus|physicist, natural philosopher; natural scientist; physiognomon|physiognomist, one who reads character/foretells destiny from the face; physiologia|natural science; physiology (Cal); physiologus|chemist; natural science (Nelson); physiotherapia|physiotherapy; piacularis|atoning, expiatory; piaculum|expiatory offering or rite; sin; crime; piamen|atonement; piamentum|atoning sacrifice; pica|magpie; jay; picaria|place where pitch is made; picea|spruce; piceus|pitch black; pico|smear with pitch; pictor|painter; pictura|painting, picture; picturatus|decorated with color; pictus|painted; colored; decorated, embroidered in color (fabrics); picus|woodpecker; piens|dutiful; conscientious; affectionate, tender; pious, patriotic; holy, godly; pietas|responsibility, sense of duty; loyalty; tenderness, goodness; pity; piety (Bee); piger|lazy, slow, dull; piget|it disgusts, irks, pains, chagrins, afflicts, grieves; pigmentarius|seller of paints and unguents; pigmentum|coloring/dye/pigment/tint/paint; ingredient; drug; sauce (Bee); (wine w/)spices; pigneraticius|of/concerned with pledge/mortgage; pledged/mortgaged (property); pignero|pledge, pawn, give a pledge; bind/engage; guarantee/assure; pigneror|appropriate; assert one's claim to; make certain, assure; guarantee, pledge; pignoro|pledge, pawn, give a pledge; bind/engage; guarantee/assure; pignoror|appropriate; assert one's claim to; make certain, assure; guarantee, pledge; pignus|pledge (security for debt), hostage, mortgage; bet, stake; symbol; relict; pigo|be weakened (Douay); pigredo|slothfulness, indolence; pigresco|become slow; pigritia|sloth, sluggishness, laziness, indolence; pigrities|sloth, sluggishness, laziness, indolence; pigro|hesitate; hang back; pigror|hesitate; hang back; pigror|sluggishness; hesitation; piisimus|conscientious; affectionate/tender; most pious/holy/godly; patriotic/dutiful; pila|ball (play/decorative); sphere; mortar, vessel in which things are pounded; pila|squared pillar; pier, pile; low pillar monument; funerary monument w/cavity; pilamalleator|golfer; pilamalleus|golf; pilanus|soldier of the third rank; pilatus|javelin-armed; Pilatus|Pilatus; (Roman cognomen); [Pontius ~ (Pilate) => prefect Judea, 26-36 AD]; pilentum|luxurious carriage used by women; pileum|felt cap (worn at Saturnalia/by manumited slaves); freedom/liberty; beret; pileus|felt cap (worn at Saturnalia/by manumited slaves); freedom/liberty; beret; pilleolum|skull-cap; pilleolus|skull-cap; pilleum|felt cap (worn at Saturnalia/by manumited slaves); freedom/liberty; beret; pilleus|felt cap (worn at Saturnalia/by manumited slaves); freedom/liberty; beret; pilo|grow hairy; depilate; plunder; pilosus|hairy, shaggy, covered with hair; uncouth; pilum|javelin, heavy iron-tipped throwing spear; pike; pilum|pestle, pounding tool; [~ graecum => mechanical pounder]; pilus|"chief"; [primipilus/primi pili centurio => first/primary centurion of legion]; pilus|hair; bit/whit (thing of minimal size/value); hair shirt/garment (pl.) (L+S); pimenta|pimento; pimpinella|burnet; pimpernel; pinacotheca|picture gallery; pinacothece|picture gallery; pinaster|wild pine (Pliny); pincerna|cupbearer, butler, one who mixes drinks/serves wine; bartender; sommelier; pindaricus|Pindaric; kind of Greek verse; pinetum|pine-wood; pineus|of the pine, covered in pines; pingo|paint, tint, color; adorn/decorate w/colored designs; paint/draw/depict/portray; pingo|decorate/embellish; depict in embroidery; [acu ~ => embroidery, needle-work]; pingue|grease; pinguedo|fat/fatness; oiliness; richness/abundance (L+S); fullness; exuberance (Def); pinguesco|grow fat; become strong or fertile; pinguido|fat/fatness; oiliness; richness/abundance (L+S); fullness; exuberance (Def); pinguis|fat; rich, fertile; thick; dull, stupid; pinguitudo|fatness; richness; G:broadness; pinifer|covered with/bearing/carrying/producing pine/fir trees; piniger|covered with/bearing pine/fir trees/foliage; pinna|feather; wing; fin; battlement/parapet, spire/steeple; flap; water wheel paddle; pinna|lobe (of the liver/lung); pinnaculum|pinnacle, peak (of building); gable; pinnaculum|small/little/puny wing; (Vulgate 4 Ezra 11); little fin; pinnatus|feathered, winged; pinniculum|quill pen (small); pinniger|winged; finny; pinnipes|wing-footed (Collins); pinnirapus|crestsnatcher, a kind of gladiator; pinnula|small/little wing/feather; little fin; skirt (of garment) (Souter); pinoteres|hermit crab; pinso|stamp, pound, crush pinso|stamp, pound, crush pinso|stamp, pound, crush pinus|pine/fir tree/wood/foliage; ship/mast/oar; pinewood torch; pinus|pine/fir tree/wood/foliage; ship/mast/oar; pinewood torch; pio|appease, propitiate; cleanse, expiate; pipa|pipe; piper|pepper; piper|pepper; piperatorium|pepper pot; piperatum|pepper sauce; piperatus|peppered; peppery; sharp; piperitus|peppered; pipetta|pipette; pipilo|twitter, chirp; pipio|chirp, pipe; pipulum|outcry; pipulus|outcry; pirata|pirate; piratica|piracy; piraticus|piratical; pirum|pear; pirus|pear-tree; piscarius|fishmonger; piscarius|fish-; fishing-; piscator|fisherman; piscatorius|of or for fishing; piscatus|fishing; fish; catch of fish; piscicultura|pisciculture, raising/breeding of fish artificially, fish farming; pisciculus|little fish; piscina|pool; fishpond; swiming pool, spa; tank, vat, basin; piscinarius|one fond of fish ponds; piscis|fish; piscor|fish; piscosus|teeming with fish; pisculentum|fish remedy; remedy made from fish; pisculentus|full-of-fish; Piso|Piso; (Roman cognomen); [L. Calpurnius ~/M. Pupius ~ => consul 58/61 BC]; pisselaeon|cedar-resin oil (Pliny); pissoceros|pitch-wax (Pliny); pistaceus|pistachio-colored; pistacium|pistachio; pisticus|pure; genuine; pistillum|pestle; pistolium|gun; pistor|pounder of far (emmer wheat); miller/baker; pistrilla|little mortar; pistrina|mill/bakery; pistrinarius|owner of a pistrium (mill/bakery); pistrinensis|of/belonging to/kept in a pistrinum (mill/bakery); pistrinum|mill/bakery; (as a place of punishment of slaves or of drudgery); pistris|sea monster; whale; sawfish; light oared vessel; pistrix|pounder (female) of far (emmer wheat); miller/baker; pistrix|sea monster; whale; sawfish; light oared vessel; pisum|pea; pithecium|little ape; antirrhinon plant, antirrhinum, calf's-snout/mouth, snapdragon; pitta|pizza; pittacium|small piece of cloth; label, ticket; pittaria|pizzeria; pituinus|pine-; from pines; pituita|mucus, catarrh, phlegm; pip, disease of poultry; morbid/viscous discharge; pituitosus|suffering from catarrh, rheumy; full of phlegm; pituitosus|person suffering from catarrh/rheumy/full of phlegm; pityocampa|pine-grub (Pliny); pityocampe|pine-grub (Pliny); pius|conscientious; upright; faithful; patriotic/dutiful, respectful; righteous/good; pius|affectionate, tender, devoted, loyal (to family); pious, devout; holy, godly; pius|blessed dead; pix|pitch, tar; pixis|small box/casket (originally boxwood) for medicine; iron heel on pestle (L+S); pl|of the common people/plebeians; abb. pl. for plebei/plebis; (tr. pl.); placabilis|easily appeased, placable, appeasing, pacifying; placabilitas|readiness to condone (Collins); placamen|means of appeasing; placamentum|means of appeasing; placatus|kindly disposed; peaceful, calm; placenta|cake; kind of flat cake; placeo|please, satisfy, give pleasure to (with dat.); placet|it is pleasing/satisfying, gives pleasure; is believed/settled/agreed/decided; placide|gently, calmly, gradually, peacefully, quietly; in a conciliatory manner; placidus|gentle, calm, mild, peaceful, placid; placito|plead; placitum|plea; placitus|pleasing; agreed upon; placius|plaice (fish); placo|appease; placate; reconcile; placza|central plain; plain in mid-community; (defined in medieval text); plaga|stroke/blow/stripe/cut/thrust; wound/gash/scar, injury; misfortune; E:plague; plaga|tract/region/quarter/zone/area; open expanse of country/sea/sky; plaga|hunting net, web, trap/snare; curtain; coverlet/counterpane; L:fine (L+S); plagalis|penal; plagatus|wounded; plagiarius|kidnapper; a plagiarist; plagigerulus|much flogged; plago|strike; wound; plagosus|fond of flogging; plagula|bed-curtain; planctus|wailing, lamentation, lament, beating of the breast; mourning; plancus|eagle (Pliny); Plancus|Plancus (proper name); plane|clearly, plainly, distinctly; completely; planes|planet; planeta|planet; plango|strike, beat; bewail; lament for, mourn; plangor|outcry, shriek; planipes|actor who wore no shoes; planitas|distinctness; planitia|plain, plateau, a flat/plane/level surface; a plane (geometry); flatness; planities|plain, plateau, a flat/plane/level surface; a plane (geometry); flatness; planta|cutting, heel, young shoot detached for propagation; seedling, young plant; planta|sole (of foot); (esp. as placed on ground in standing/treading); foot; plantago|plantain; plantar|sandals (pl.); winged shoes/sandals (of Mercury L+S); plantaris|of/connected with the soles of the feet; (of Mercury L+S); plantarium|slip, cutting (of plant); (usu. pl.); (hair); sets, young trees (L+S); plantarium|place for planting out cuttings/seedlings; plantatio|propagation from cuttings; planting, transplanting (L+S); plant transplanted; planto|propagate from cuttings; set out, transplant (L+S); fix in place; form, make; planum|plan (drawing); planus|level, flat; plas|more; plascisco|compose; settle; plasma|modulation of the voice (affected); image, figure, creature (L+S); fiction; plasmatio|forming, fashioning, creating; creation; plasmator|creator, fashioner, former; plasmo|form, mold, fashion; plastes|modeler, molder, potter; creator, maker (eccl.); statuary; plasticus|plastic (matter); platalea|water bird, the spoonbill; platanus|plane-tree; platea|broad way, street; platinum|turntable; Plato|Plato; Greek philosopher; Plato|Plato; (Greek philosopher 429-347 BC, disciple of Socrates); Platonicus|Platonic; plaudeo|clap, strike (w/flat hand), pat; beat (wings); applaud; express (dis)approval; plaudo|clap, strike (w/flat hand), pat; beat (wings); applaud; express (dis)approval; plausibilis|worthy of applause; plausor|applauder; plaustrum|wagon, cart, wain; constellation of Great Bear/Big Dipper; plausus|clapping/applause; approval; striking w/palm/flat surface; beating of wings; plebecula|mob, common people; plebeius|plebeian; plebes|common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass; plebes|common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass; plebesco|become notorious; associate with common people; plebicola|one who courts the favor of the people; plebiscitum|resolution of the people; plebs|common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass; plecto|buffet, beat; punish; plecto|plait, twine; plectrologium|keyboard; plectrum|quill/ plectrum/pick (to strike strings of musical instrument); keyboard key; plegio|pledge; plegius|pledge; plenarie|plenarily; fully; plenarius|plenary; full (in all respects/requisites); entire; absolute; having full power; plene|abundantly/fully/clearly; richly/lavishly/generously; entirely/completely/widely pleniter|abundantly/fully/clearly; richly/lavishly/generously; entirely/completely/widely plenitudo|fullness, abundance of content; thickness, fullness of shape; whole/full amount; plennus|driveling, slavering, dribbling; silly, childish, idiotic; plenus|full, plump; satisfied; pleps|common people, general citizens, commons/plebeians; lower class/ranks; mob/mass; plerumque|generally, commonly; mostly, for the most part; often, frequently; plerus|(w/que) the majority, most, very great part; about all; very many, a good many; pleuriticus|pleuritic; afflicted with pleurisy; pleuriticus|pleuritic patient, one suffering from pleurisy; plevina|bail; plex|fold (times) (multiplicative numeral); of X-parts; tuple; w/num prefix; plexus|interwoven; intricate; plicato|in an X-fold manner (only with numerical prefix), X times the price; plicatrix|clothes-folder; she who folds clothes; plicatus|multiplied by; tupled; usually with numerical prefix; pliciter|in X ways (only with numerical prefix), in X parts/categories; plico|fold (up), bend, flex; roll up; twine/coil; wind/fold together (L+S); double up; plico|multiply by X (only with numerical prefix), X-tuple; add together (L+S); plico|fold (up), bend, flex; roll up; twine/coil; wind/fold together (L+S); double up; Plinius|Pliny; (Roman gens name); (C. Plinius Secundus, author of Natural History); Plinius|Plinius; (Roman gens); (C. Plinius Secundus/Pliny, author of Natural History); plio|X times the amount (only with numerical prefix), X times as much; plipio|screech; (emit the cry of the hawk); plo|multiply by X (only with numerical prefix), X-tuple, increase X fold; plodo|clap, strike (w/flat hand), pat; beat (wings); applaud; express (dis)approval; plorabundus|lamentable, causing/worthy of/accompanied by tears; doleful; ploratus|wailing, crying; ploro|cry over, cry aloud; lament, weep; deplore; plostellum|little wagon; plostrum|wagon, cart, wain; constellation of Great Bear/Big Dipper; ploxenum|bodywork; pluma|feather; plume; plumarius|embroidered; brocaded with a feather pattern; of embroidery; of soft feathers; plumarius|embroiderer; maker of embroidery/brocade; plumatus|covered with feathers; plumbarius|plumber; plumbata|lead ball; plumbeus|leaden; blunt, dull; heavy; stupid; lead-colored (Cal); plumbo|solder, lead; make of lead; plumbum|lead; [plumbum album => tin]; plumesco|grow feathers; begin to get feathers; become feathered/fledged; plumeus|feathery, composed of or filled with feathers; plumipes|feather-footed; plumosus|feathered; pluo|rain; fall like rain; rain down; drip with rain; pluo|rain; fall like rain; rain down; drip with rain; plur|often, frequently; sometimes; several/many times (Bee); pluralis|plural; pluralismus|pluralism; pluralisticus|pluralistic; pluralitas|plurality; multitude; the plural number; pluraliter|in the bulk; in the plural (Latham); in several places; at several times; plurativum|plural (of number); plurativus|plural; plurifariam|in many places, extensively; in many ways; plurilaterus|several-sided; plurimum|most/great number of things; greatest amount; very much; the most possible; plurimus|most, greatest number/amount; very many; most frequent; highest price/value; plurimus|very many, many a one; the most people, very many/great number of people; plurumus|most, greatest number/amount; very many; most frequent; highest price/value; plus|more; several. many; (COMP of multus) plus|X times as great/many (only w/numerical prefix) (proportion), -fold, tuple; plus|more, too much, more than enough; more than (w/NUM); higher price/value (GEN); plusculus|somewhat more, rather more; plut|it rains; pluteus|movable screen; breastwork, shed; Pluto|Pluto; king of underworld; pluvia|rain, shower; pluvialis|rain bringing, rainy; pluviosus|rainy; pluvius|rainy, causing or bringing rain; pneuma|breath; spirit; [pneuma sacrum/sanctum => Holy Spirit/Ghost]; pneumaticus|pneumatic; wind-; concerned w/air pressure; operated by air/wind pressure; pneumococcus|pneumococcus; pneumonia|pneumonia; pocillator|cupbearer; pocillum|little cup; small cupful; cup (Cal); poclum|cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking (pl.); drink; poculentus|potable, suitable for drinking; poculum|cup, bowl, drinking vessel; drink/draught; social drinking (pl.); drink; podagra|gout; podagrosus|gouty; podex|fundament, buttocks; anus; podium|balcony, esp. in the amphitheater; poema|poem, composition in verse; poetic piece (even nonmetrical); (pl.) poetry; poena|penalty, punishment; revenge/retribution; [poena dare => to pay the penalty]; poenicans|inclining to bright red; red/reddish/ruddy (L+S); blushing; Punic, Carthaginian; poeniceus|Phoenician; poenio|punish (person/offense), inflict punishment; avenge, extract retribution; poenior|punish (person/offense), inflict punishment; avenge, extract retribution; poenitentia|regret (for act); change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition (Def); penance; poeniteo|displease; (cause to) regret; repent, be sorry; [me paenitet => I am sorry]; poenitet|it displeases, makes angry, offends, dissatisfies, makes sorry; poenitor|punisher, one who punishes; one who extracts retribution; avenger; poenitudo|regret; repentance (L+S); Poenus|Carthaginian, Punic; of/associated w/Carthage; Phoenician; scarlet, bright red; Poenus|Carthaginian; Phoenician; (specifically Hannibal); poesis|poetry; poem; poeta|poet; poetica|poetry; poetic art; poeticus|poetic; poetria|poetess; Pol|by Pollux; truly; really; polaris|polar; polemonia|unidentified plant; polenta|barley-meal/groats; hulled and crushed grain; parched grain (Douay); polimen|brightness; B:testicle; polio|smooth, polish; refine, give finish to; polion|strong smelling plant (poley-germander, Teucrium polium?); politicus|of the state, political; politus|refined, polished; polium|strong smelling plant (poley-germander, Teucrium polium?); pollen|finely ground flour; powder (of anything produced by grinding); pollenis|finely ground flour; powder (of anything produced by grinding); pollens|strong; having strength, potent (things); exerting power (people); important; pollentia|power; polleo|exert power or influence; be strong; pollex|thumb; pollicaris|of a thumb; polliceor|promise; pollicitatio|promise; pollicitor|promise (assiduously); pollicitum|promise; pollinctor|undertaker; pollingo|wash corpse; polluceo|offer, serve up; polluctum|offering; polluctus|offered-up (Collins); (=VPAR); pollueo|pollute; pollulum|little bit, trifle; a little; (only a) small/little amount/quantity; pollulus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; pollum|little bit, trifle; a little; (only a) small/little amount/quantity; polluo|soil/foul/dirty/stain/pollute; infect (w/disease); make impure; break (fast); polluo|violate; dishonor/defile/degrade (w/illicit sexual conduct/immoral actions); pollus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; pollutio|pollution; Pollux|Pollux; (son of Tyndarus and Leda, twin of Castor); polulum|little bit, trifle; a little; (only a) small/little amount/quantity; polulus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; polum|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity; a little bit; trifle; polus|little; small; (only a) small amount/quantity of/little bit of; polus|pole (e.g., north pole), end of an axis; heaven, sky, celestial vault; polybolum|machine gun; polyclinica|polyclinic, general clinic; polymitarium|damask (usu.pl.); (fine fabric); polymitarius|of damask; highly wrought/finished; polymitarius|weaver; one doing damask/fine weaving; polymitum|damask (usu.pl.); (fine fabric) polymitus|damasked, woven w/different colored threads; with many threads (L+S); weaving; polyphagia|gluttony; polyphonia|polyphony; polyphonicus|polyphonic; polypus|octopus, cuttle-fish; nasal tumor; (modern) growth in the colon/uterus; polysemus|with many significances; polysyllabicus|polysyllabic; polytheismus|polytheism; polytheus|polytheist; pomarium|orchard; pomarius|fruit-seller; pomeridianus|post-meridian; in the afternoon; pomerium|boundary of town; bare strip around town wall; limits (of topic/subject); pomerium|space left free from buildings round walls of Roman/Etruscan town (esp. Rome); pomifer|fruit-bearing; pomoerium|boundary of town; bare strip around town wall; limits (of topic/subject); pomoerium|space left free from buildings round walls of Roman/Etruscan town (esp. Rome); pomosus|rich in fruit; pompa|procession; retinue; pomp, ostentation; pompatice|showily; pompaticus|with pomp; splendid; pompatus|with pomp; splendid; Pompeianus|Pompeian; of/belonging to member of Pompian gens; (esp. of triumvir Pompey); Pompeius|Pompeius; (Roman gens name); (Cn. Pompeius Magnus (Pompey), triumvir); Pompeius|Pompeius; Roman gens; (Cn. Pompeius Magnus (Pompey), triumvir); pompelmus|grapefruit; pompholyx|smoke-deposit (from furnace); (Pliny); pompilus|pilot fish; pompo|perform with pomp; pomposus|pompous; dignified; pomum|fruit, apple; fruit-tree; pomus|fruit, fruit-tree; ponderatio|weight; pondero|weigh; weigh up; ponderosus|heavy, weighty; significant; pondo|in or by weight; pondus|weight, burden, impediment; pone|behind (in local relations) (rare); pono|put, place, set; station; (archaic form of perf. of pono); pono|put/place/set; station/post (troops); pitch (camp); situate; set up; erect; pono|specify, put down; cite/quote; locate; depict; classify; assume/suppose; bury; pono|lay (foundation/keel); found (town), build; plant (trees); provide/serve; pono|put/lay down (load/arms), take off (clothes); shed (leaves); cut (nails); pono|esteem/value/count; impose; ordain; lend, put out, offer, wager; rid/drop; pons|bridge; ponticulus|little bridge; pontifex|high priest/pontiff; (of Roman supreme college of priests); bishop (Bee); pope; pontificalis|pontifical, of or pertaining to a pontifex; pontificatus|pontificate, the office of pontifex; pontificius|pontifical, of or pertaining to a pontifex; pontificus|pontifical; Pontius|Pontius; (Roman gens name); (Pontius Pilatus, prefect of Judea 26-36 AD); Pontius|Pontius; Roman gens; a Sammite leader; (P~ Pilatus, prefect of Judea 26-36 AD); ponto|large flat boat, barge; punt; pontoon; ferry boat; pontufex|high priest/pontiff; (of Roman supreme college of priests); bishop (Bee); pope; Pontus|Pontus (province in Asia Minor); Black Sea; pontus|sea; pop|people (abb. for populus), nation; popa|she who sells animals for sacrifice; popa|lower priest; priest's assistant; (fells sacrifice with ax); popanum|sacrificial cake; popellus|common people, rabble; popina|cook-shop, bistro, low-class eating house; popino|glutton; poples|knee; poplus|people, nation, State; public, populace; (= populus); poppysma|tongue-clicking; poppysmus|tongue-clicking; populabilis|that may be ravaged or laid waste; populabundus|laying waste, devastating; popularis|compatriot, fellow citizen/from same community; partner/associate; inhabitant; popularis|member of "Popular" party, promoter of "Popular" policies, "Men of the People"; popularis|of the people; popular; popularitas|courting of popular favor; populariter|in everyday language; in a manner designed to win popular support; populatio|plundering, ravaging, spoiling; laying waste, devastation; plunder, booty; populator|devastator, ravager, plunderer; populatus|devastation; laying-waste; populeus|of a poplar; populifer|producing poplars; populista|populist; populo|ravage, devastate, lay waste; plunder; despoil, strip; populor|ravage, devastate, lay waste; plunder; despoil, strip; populus|poplar tree; (long o); populus|people, nation, State; public/populace/multitude/crowd; a following; populus|members of a society/sex; region/district (L+S); army (Bee); porca|sow, female swine; porcella|female piglet; porcellana|porcelain; china; porcellanum|porcelain; china; porcellanus|of porcelain, china; porcellio|woodlouse; porcellus|piglet; suckling pig; porceo|keep off; (archaic); porcetra|once-littered sow; porcillaca|purslain plant (Pliny); porcillus|piglet; suckling pig; porcinarius|pork-seller; porcinus|of a swine or hog; porculus|young pig; porpoise; hook in wine press; porcus|pig, hog; tame swine; glutton; (boar = verres); porisma|deduction; porna|harlot; (Greek borrowed word); whore; streetwalker; pornographia|pornography; pornographicus|pornographic; porosus|porous; porphirio|kind of waterfowl, purple gallinule; purple coot, sultana, water-hen (OED); porphyrio|kind of waterfowl, purple gallinule; purple coot, sultana, water-hen (OED); porrectio|extension; straight line; porrectus|stretched-out; protracted; dead; porricio|offer as a sacrifice, make sacrifice/oblation of; lay before (L+S); produce; porrigo|stretch out, extend; porro|at distance, further on, far off, onward; of old, formerly, hereafter; again; porrum|leek; porrus|leek; porta|gate, entrance; city gates; door; avenue; goal (soccer); portale|portal; portarius|goal-keeper; portatio|conveyance; portendo|predict, foretell; point out; portentificus|marvelous, miraculous; portentum|omen, portent; portentuosus|monstrous; unnatural; full of monsters; (portentosus); porthmeus|ferryman; (Charon); porticula|little gallery or portico; porticus|colonnade, covered walk; portico; covered gallery atop amphitheater/siege works; portio|part, portion, share; proportion; [pro portione => proportionally]; portisculus|timing-hammer (to keep beat); guidance; portitor|ferry man; portiuncula|portion; small part; porto|carry, bring; portorium|port duty; customs duty; tax; portula|little gate, postern; portulaca|purslain plant; portuosus|well provided with harbors; portus|port, harbor; refuge, haven, place of refuge; posco|ask, demand; posculentus|POSCULENT (similar to esculent/eatable); posea|olive species; olive with excellent oil; positio|position, place; framing (law); method of presenting (theme); downbeat; positio|arrangement/layout; placing (in quotes); planting (crops); lie (of land); positio|attitude, mental position, condition/state; [prima ~ => word base form]; positivus|positive; positor|builder, founder; positus|situation, position; arrangement; possessio|possession, property; possessiuncula|small property; possessor|owner, occupier; possibilis|possible; possideo|seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit; possido|seize, hold, be master of; possess, take/hold possession of, occupy; inherit; possum|be able, can; [multum posse => have much/more/most influence/power]; post|behind, afterwards, after; post|behind (space), after (time); subordinate to (rank); postalis|postal; postatus|door-guarding; posted at door; postea|afterwards; posteaquam|after; posterga|behind; behind one's back; postergum|behind; behind one's back; posterioritas|inferior/later position; posteritas|future time; posterity; posterius|later, at a later day; by and by; posterus|coming after, following, next; COMP next in order, latter; SUPER last/hindmost; posterus|descendants (pl.); posterity, future generations/ages; the future; successors; postestas|power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity; (also potestas); postfactus|done afterwards; postfero|consider of less account; postgenitus|posterity (pl.), descendants; posthabeo|esteem less, subordinate (to); postpone; posthac|after this, in the future, hereafter, from now on; thereafter, from then on; posthaec|after this, in the future, hereafter, from now on; thereafter, from then on; posthanc|after this, in the future, hereafter, from now on; thereafter, from then on; posthinc|after this, in the future, hereafter, from now on; thereafter, from then on; posthoc|after this, in the future, hereafter, from now on; thereafter, from then on; posthumus|late/last born (child), born late in life/after will; posthumous; last/final; postibi|hereupon; afterwards; posticulum|small outhouse; posticum|back door; posticus|back, rear; postidea|afterwards; postilena|crupper?, strap from back of saddle under horse's tail to prevent slipping; postilla|afterwards, after that time; postis|doorpost; postliminium|right to return home; postmeridianus|of the afternoon; postmodo|afterwards, presently, later; postmodum|after a while, later, a little later; afterwards; presently; postnatus|younger; postnatus|eldest son; postpartor|heir; postpono|neglect; disregard; put after, consider secondary; set aside, postpone; postputo|consider less important; disregard; postquam|after; postremitas|inferior/later position; postremo|at last, finally; postremum|for the last time, last of all; finally; postremus|last/final/latest/most recent; nearest end/farthest back/hindmost; worst/lowest; postridie|on the following day; postscaenium|theater behind scenes; postscribo|write after; postulatio|petition, request; postulatum|demand, request; postulo|demand, claim; require; ask/pray for; postumus|late/last born (child), born late in life/after will; posthumous; last/final; postuum|the end; that which is last/final; extremity; postuus|posthumous child; potator|drinker, one who drinks; tippler, drinker of intoxicants; pote|able, capable; possible (early Latin); potens|powerful, strong; capable; mighty; potentatus|rule; political power; potenter|effectively/cogently; in overbearing manner; powerfully, w/force; competently; potentia|force, power, political power; poterium|goblet; potestas|power, rule, force; strength, ability; chance, opportunity; potio|drinking, drink; potionatus|dosed; that has had a potion given him to drink (L+S); potiono|give to drink; potior|obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach (goal); come by (experiences); potior|seize, capture; control; have/possess; reign over; win sexually; potior|be/become master of (w/GEN/ABL), get possession/submission/hold of; potior|better/preferable/superior; more useful/effective; more important; potior|more important/desirable/precious; stronger, having greater control; potior|having better claim, more entitled/qualified, carrying greater weight; potior|obtain, acquire; grasp; attain, reach (goal); come by (experiences); potior|seize, capture; control; have/possess; reign over; win sexually; potior|be/become master of (w/GEN/ABL), get possession/submission/hold of; potis|able, capable; possible; (early Latin potis sum becomes possum); potissime|chiefly, principally, especially; eminently; above/before all; in best way; potissimum|chiefly, principally, especially; eminently; above/before all; in best way; potissimus|chief, principal, most prominent/powerful; strongest; foremost; potissume|chiefly, principally, especially; eminently; above/before all; in best way; potissumum|chiefly, principally, especially; eminently; above/before all; in best way; potito|drink; potius|rather, more, preferably; poto|drink; drink heavily/convivially, tipple; swallow; absorb, soak up; poto|drink; drink heavily/convivially, tipple; swallow; absorb, soak up; potor|drinker (of); tippler; one (habitually) using intoxicating drink; hard drinker; potor|hard drinker; potorium|drinking vessel; (usu. pl.) drinking vessels/bowls/cups/flagons; potorius|used for drinking; (vessel); potrix|drinker/tippler (female); she habitually with intoxicating drink; potulentum|drink; potulentus|tipsy, rather drunk; potable, suitable for drinking, drinkable; potus|drunk; drunk up, drained; having drunk; being drunk, drunken, intoxicated; potus|drink/draught; something to drink; (action of) drinking (intoxicating drink); pr|day before (pridie), abb. pr; used in calendar expressions; pr|praetor (official elected by the Romans who served as a judge); abb. pr.; practicus|practical; pradatorius|plundering, predatory; prae|before, in front of; forward [prae sequor => go on before]; prae|before, in front; in view of, because of; praeacutus|sharpened, pointed; praealtus|very high; very deep; praeambula|forerunner; praeambulo|walk before; precede; praeambulum|preamble; preface; praeambulus|walking before; preceding (Def); preparatory; preliminary (Latham); previous; praeambulus|forerunner; praebalteatus|girded; praebeo|present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow; praebeo|make available, supply, provide; be the cause, occasion, produce; render; praebibo|toast; drink a toast; praebitor|purveyor; supplier; praecalidus|very hot; praecantrix|witch; praecanus|prematurely gray; praecaveo|guard (against), beware; praecedentia|priority; praecedo|go before, precede; surpass, excel; praecelero|hasten before; praecellens|surpassing, excellent, distinguished; preeminent; praecellentia|preeminence; excellence; praecello|surpass; excel; praecello|excel; surpass; praecelsus|exceptionally high or tall; praecentio|prelude; praecento|sing consolation for; praeceps|headlong; into danger; praeceps|head first, headlong; steep, precipitous; praeceps|edge of abyss; great danger; praeceptio|instruction; practical rule; preconception; preception, receiving legacy early; praeceptor|teacher, instructor; praeceptum|teaching, lesson, precept; order, command; praecerpo|pluck before time; pluck or cut off; gather before it's time; praecidentius|cautiously; praecido|cut off in front; cut back, cut short; praecingo|gird, surround, encircle; praecino|predict; praecipio|take or receive in advance; anticipate; warn; order; teach, instruct; praecipito|throw headlong, cast down; praecipue|especially; chiefly; praecipuus|particular, especial; praecisus|abrupt, precipitous; clipped, staccato; praeclarus|very clear; splendid; famous; bright, illustrious; noble, distinguished; praecludo|close, block; praecluis|very famous; praeco|herald, crier; praecognosco|have foreknowledge of, get to know/become aware of/learn beforehand; praecompositus|composed beforehand, studied; praeconium|praise, celebrating; proclamation, publication; office of public crier; praeconium|advertisement; praeconius|of/concerned with the public crier/his office; of/belonging to an auctioneer; praeconius|advertising; praeconor|herald; proclaim; praeconsumo|use up prematurely; praecontrecto|pre-consider; feel in advance; praecoquis|ripe too soon; premature; praecoquis|ripened too soon; premature; unseasonable; precocious; first-ripe; praecordia|midriff; diaphragm; P:breast; praecordium|vitals (pl.), diaphragm; breast; chest as the seat of feelings; praecorrumpo|pre-bribe; bribe in advance; praecox|ripened too soon; premature; unseasonable; precocious; praecumbrans|darkening; obscuring; praecurrentium|antecedent; praecurro|run before, hasten on before; precede; anticipate; praecurro|run before, hasten on before; precede; anticipate; praecursor|forerunner; member of advance-guard; praecutio|shake before, brandish before; praeda|booty, loot, spoils, plunder, prey; praedabundus|pillaging; praedator|plunderer, pillager; hunter; praedatorius|plundering, rapacious; piratical; praedecessor|predecessor; praedelasso|weary beforehand; praedesignatus|predesignated, designated beforehand; praedestinatio|predestination, determining beforehand; praedestino|predestine, predetermine, determine beforehand; provide beforehand; praedetermino|fix beforehand; praediator|buyer of landed estates; praediatorius|relating to the sale of land; praedicamentum|predicated event; praedicatio|announcement/statement; public proclaiming; praise/commendation/special mention; praedicatio|publication, public proclamation; prediction/prophecy/soothsaying; preaching; praedico|proclaim/declare/make known/publish/announce formally; praise/recommend; preach; praedico|say beforehand, mention in advance; warn/predict/foretell; recommend/prescribe; praedictum|prediction; forewarning; command; praedictus|preceding, previously named, afore mentioned; predicted, foretold, warned; praediolum|small estate, little farm; praedisco|learn in advance; praedisponeo|plan; praedispositio|plan (project); praedispositus|arranged at intervals beforehand; praeditus|gifted; provided with; praedium|farm, estate; praedives|very rich; richly supplied; praedivino|pre-divine; divine in advance; praedo|pillage, despoil, plunder; rob/ravish/take; acquire loot (robbery/war); catch; praedo|robber, thief; pirate (if at sea); praedominium|pre-eminence; praedor|acquire loot (by robbery/war/depredation); obtain food by hunting/preying; praedor|pillage, despoil; plunder, loot; take as prey/catch; praeduco|extend; construct; praedulcis|very sweet; praeduro|harden; make very hard; praedurus|very hard; very strong; praeeo|go before, precede; dictate; praefabricatus|prefabricated; praefatio|preliminary form of words, formula of announcement; preface; praefectianus|praetorian-perfectly; of the praetorian prefect; praefectianus|praetorian prefect; praefectura|command; office of praefectus; praefectus|commander; prefect; praefecus|director, president, chief, governor; praefero|carry in front; prefer; display; offer; give preference to; praeferox|very high-spirited; praeferratus|tipped with iron; praefervidus|burning hot, very hot; praefestino|be too hasty; hurry past; praeficio|put in charge, place in command (with ACC and DAT); praefigo|set in front; praefiguratio|prototype, prefiguration; prophecy; anticipation; praefinio|fix the range of; determine; praefiscine|meaning no evil; without offense; praefiscini|meaning no evil; without offense; praefloro|deprive of blossoms; diminish, lessen; praefluo|flow past; praefoco|choke, suffocate; praefodio|dig a trench in front of; bury beforehand; praefor|say/utter/mention beforehand/in advance; recite (preliminary formula); praefractus|broken off before end; praefractus|broken; abrupt; stern (of character); praefrigidus|very cold; praefringo|break off at the end, break off short; praefulcio|prop up; support; use as prop; praefulgeo|shine with outstanding brightness, bean/shine forth; be outstanding, outshine; praefulgidus|very bright; praefurnium|furnace-opening; heating room; praegelidus|outstandingly cold; praegestio|be very eager; praegnans|with child, pregnant; praegnas|with child, pregnant; praegnatio|making pregnant; being pregnant; cause of fertility; praegracilis|very slender; praegravis|very heavy; burdensome; praegravo|weigh down, burden; praegredior|go ahead; go before, precede; surpass; praegusto|taste in advance; praegustus|foretaste; praehendo|catch/capture; take hold of/possession of/in hand, arrest; occupy; seize/grasp; praehendo|catch up with; reach shore/harbor; understand, comprehend; get a grip on; praehistoria|prehistory; praehistoricus|prehistoric; praeicio|throw/cast before/in front of; reject (L+S); utter reproachfully; oppose (Sax); praeintelligo|have foreknowledge; praejaceo|lie before; praejacio|throw/cast before/in front of; reject (L+S); utter reproachfully; oppose (Sax); praejicio|throw/cast before/in front of; reject (L+S); utter reproachfully; oppose (Sax); praejudicatum|pre-judgment; praejudicialis|prejudged; of predecision; prejudicial; praejudicium|precedent, example; prejudgment; praejudico|prejudge; decide beforehand; praejuvo|aid before; give aid previously; praelabor|flow/glide ahead/forward/past; praelambo|lick first; P:wash lightly; praelargus|very abundant; praelego|pre-bequeath; bequeath before inheritance is divided; praelego|sail along; praeligo|pre-bind; tie around; tether; praelior|do battle; (variant of proelior); praelium|battle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strength; praelongus|very long; praelonguus|exceptionally long; praeloquor|speak/say first; forestall in speaking/saying; make preface/preliminary remarks; praeluceo|shine forth, outshine; light the way (for); praelusio|prelude; praelustris|very fine; praemandatatum|arrest warrant; praemando|pre-order; praematurus|too early, premature; praemedicatus|protected by medicine or charms; praemeditor|consider in advance; praememoro|mention first; praemetuo|fear beforehand; praemico|glitter forth; praemineo|excel; be prominent; (prae-emineo); praeminister|servant; praeministra|female servant; praeministro|attend to; minister to; praemitto|send ahead or forward; praemium|prize, reward; gift; recompense; praemolestia|trouble beforehand; praemolior|soften beforehand; prepare/make preparations beforehand (L+S); praemoneo|forewarn; praemonitus|forewarning; praemonstrator|guide; praemordeo|bite off; pilfer; praemorior|die beforehand (esp. body parts/facilities which cease before person's death); praemoveo|pre-move; move beforehand; stir greatly; praemunio|fortify, defend in advance; safeguard; praemunitio|preparation; pre-strengthening; praenarro|tell beforehand; praenatalis|prenatal; praenato|swim by; flow by; praenavigatio|sailing by; praenavigo|sail along; sail past; praendo|catch/capture; take hold of/possession of/in hand, arrest; occupy; seize/grasp; praendo|catch up with; reach shore/harbor; understand, comprehend; get a grip on; Praenestinus|Proenestian; of Proeneste (Latium city, famous for roses); praeniteo|shine forth; praenomen|first name, personal name; noun which precedes another noun (gram.); praenosco|foreknow; praenotio|preconception, innate idea; praenoto|mark before; note down; predict; L:entitle; praenubilus|very cloudy or dark; praenuntio|announce in advance; praenuntius|acting as harbinger; heralding; praeoccupo|seize upon beforehand; anticipate; praeolit|pre-perceive; perceive before; praeopto|prefer; praepando|open wide in front, extend before; praeparatio|preparation; praeparo|prepare; praepedio|shackle, fetter, tie by an extremity; hinder/obstruct/impede; entangle the feet; praependeo|hang down in front; praepes|flying straight ahead; nimble, fleet; winged; praepes|bird; bird of omen; praepilatus|having button in front (of foils, etc.); praepinguis|outstandingly/exceptionally rich/fat, "filthy rich"; very thick (voice); praepolleo|be very powerful; be very strong; praepondero|outweigh; be of more weight; praepono|place in command, in front of or before; put X (ACC) in front of Y (DAT); praeporto|carry before; praepositio|prefixing (word); preposition, prefix; placing in front/in charge; preference; praepositus|overseer; commander; praepossum|be very powerful; gain upper hand; praeposterus|in the wrong order; wrong-headed; topsy-turvy; praepotens|very powerful; praeproperanter|very hastily; praeproperus|very hurried, precipitate; too hasty; praeputiatio|having/retaining foreskin/prepuce (state of), being uncircumcised; praeputiatus|uncircumcised, having/retaining foreskin/prepuce, uncut; praeputio|drawing out the foreskin/prepuce; praeputium|foreskin, prepuce; (usu.pl.); state of not being circumcised, having prepuce; praequeror|complain beforehand; praeradio|outshine; praerapidus|very rapid; praerigesco|become very stiff; praeripio|snatch away (before the proper time); seize first; forestall; praerodo|bite off end; nibble off; praerogatio|pre-distribution; praerogativa|tribe/centuria which voted first; its verdict; omen; prior right/prerogative; praerogativus|asked before others (for vote, opinion, etc.); praerogatus|pre-asked; asked before; praerogo|ask first; pay in advance; praerumpo|break off; praeruptus|steep; praes|surety, bondsman; praesaepe|crib; manger; stall (cattle/horses feed); brothel; haunt; lodging; home turf; praesaepes|crib, manger, stall (cattle/horses feed); brothel; haunt, lodging, home turf; praesaepio|block up/fence in front; praesaepium|crib, manger, stall (cattle/horses feed); brothel; haunt, lodging, home turf; praesaeptus|blocked; praesagio|have presentiment (of); portend; praesagitio|foreboding, presentiment; praesagium|sense of foreboding; prognostication; praesagus|having foreboding; ominous; praescienter|with foreknowledge, presciently; praescientia|foreknowledge, prescience; praescio|get to know/find out/learn beforehand; praescio|foreknow; know in advance; praescisco|get to know/find out/learn beforehand; praescitio|foreknowledge; prognostic; pre-knowledge; prescience; praescitum|foreknowledge; something known beforehand; a prognostication; praescius|having foreknowledge, prescient; praescribo|order, direct; praescriptio|preface/preamble/title/heading; preliminary; precept/rule; pretext/excuse/cover; praescriptum|precept, rule; route; praeseco|cut in front, cut; praesegmen|paring; praeselectorius|prefixed; pre-selected; praesens|present; at hand; existing; prompt, in person; propitious; praesentarie|in a moment; promptly/quickly; instantly; praesentarius|present; that is at hand; existing; prompt/quick/ready; that operates instantly; praesentatio|presentation, placing before; exhibition, showing, representation; praesente|present circumstance; praesenter|face to face; in the presence; praesentia|present time; presence; praesentialis|present; that is at hand; existing; prompt/quick/ready; praesentialiter|face to face; in the presence; praesentio|feel or perceive beforehand; have a presentiment of; praesento|present (to mind/senses), exhibit (to view), show (oneself); hold out; hand to; praesepe|crib; manger; stall (cattle/horses feed); brothel; haunt; lodging; home turf; praesepes|crib, manger, stall (cattle/horses feed); brothel; haunt, lodging, home turf; praesepio|block up/fence in front; praesepium|crib, manger, stall (cattle/horses feed); brothel; haunt, lodging, home turf; praesertim|especially; particularly; praeservativum|preservative; condom; praeservio|serve as slave; praeses|protector; guard; guardian; defender; chief; president, governor, procurator; praesidalis|gubernatorial; of/belonging to the governor of a province; praesidentia|presidency; praesidentialis|presidential; praesideo|keep/watch/stand//guard (over); preside (over); supervise/govern/control; praesidialis|gubernatorial; of/belonging to the governor of a province; praesidiarius|on guard; praesidium|protection; help; guard; garrison, detachment; praesignis|pre-eminent, outstanding; praespargo|scatter before; praestabilis|pre-eminent, superior; distinguished, excellent; praestans|excellent, outstanding (in quality/worth/degree/importance), surpassing all; praestantia|excellence, outstanding excellence, pre-eminence, superiority; praestat|it is better; praestatio|payment (money/goods/services obligated); warranty/immunity/guarantee (against); praesterno|pre-spread; prepare; praestigia|deception (pl.), illusion, tricks; action to deceive/hoodwink; juggling (L+S); praestigiator|trickster, one who practices deceit; juggler; impostor, cheat, deceiver (L+S); praestigiatrix|trickster; conjurer; praestigiosus|deceitful; praestigium|delusion, illusion, tricks; magic (Sax); praestino|buy; purchase; praestituo|determine in advance; praesto|ready, available, at hand, waiting, on the spot, at one's service; praesto|excel, surpass, be outstanding/superior/best/greater/preferable (to); prevail; praesto|furnish/supply, make available, hand over; tender/offer/present; play part; praesto|apply, bring to bear; fulfill, make good; keep word; be responsible for; praesto|excel, surpass, be outstanding/superior/best/greater/preferable (to); prevail; praesto|furnish/supply, make available, hand over; tender/offer/present; play part; praesto|apply, bring to bear; fulfill, make good; keep word; be responsible for; praestolatio|expectation, waiting for; praestolor|stand ready for, expect, wait for (w/DAT or ACC); praestrigia|deception (pl.), illusion, tricks; action to deceive/hoodwink; juggling (L+S); praestringo|bind or tie up; graze, weaken, blunt; praestruo|block up, contrive beforehand; praesul|patron/protector; prelate/bishop/Church dignitary; dancer leading procession; praesulatus|superintendent's office; praesulsus|very salty, very salt, salted very heavily;; praesultator|public dancer; praesulto|dance/leap before/in front of; praesum|be in charge/control/head (of) (w/DAT); take the lead (in); be present (at); praesumo|consume/perform/employ beforehand; anticipate; presuppose/presume/assume; dare; praesumo|consume/perform/employ beforehand; anticipate; presuppose/presume/assume; dare; praesumptio|presumption; anticipation of objection; stubbornness; enjoying anticipation; praesumptive|presumptuously; praesumptivus|presumptuous; presumptive; praesumptor|possession-taker; reckless or presumptuous fellow; praesupponeo|presuppose; praesuppositio|assumption; presupposition; praesutus|sewn over in front; praetempto|pre-test, try out in advance; feel/search/grope out beforehand; praetendo|stretch out; spread before; extend in front; allege in excuse; praetento|allege; hold out as a reason; praetenuis|very thin; very slender; very shrill; praetepeo|glow before; praeter|besides, except, contrary to; beyond (rank), in front of, before; more than; praeterago|drive past/by; praeterbito|pass by; drive past/by; praeterduco|lead past; praeterea|besides, thereafter; in addition; praetereo|pass/go by; disregard/neglect/omit/miss; surpass/excel; go overdue; pass over; praeterequitans|riding past; praeterfluo|flow past; praetergredior|march or go past; praeteritum|past (pl.); past times; bygone events; praeteritus|past; praeterlabor|glide or slip past; praeterlatus|driving past; flying past; praetermissio|omission; passing over; neglect; praetermitto|let pass; pass over; omit; overlook; praeternavigo|sail by; praeterquam|except, besides; praeterquam|except, besides, beyond, contrary to; praetervectio|passing by; praetervehor|sail by, pass by, ride by; be born by; praetervolo|fly past; slip by; praetexo|weave in front, fringe; cloak (with); pretend; praetexo|border; adorn; D:tragedy; praetexta|toga bordered with purple worn by children over 16 and magistrates; praetextatus|underage; juvenile; wearing a toga praetexta; praetextum|pretense; pretext; praetextus|bordered; wearing a toga ~; [toga ~ => high magistrate's purple bordered toga]; praetimeo|fear in advance; praetinctus|moistened beforehand; praetor|praetor (official elected by the Romans who served as a judge); abb. pr.; praetorianus|praetorian; of/belonging to the praetorian cohorts/Imperial bodyguard; praetorianus|praetorian; soldier belonging to the praetorian cohorts/Imperial bodyguard; praetorium|general's tent; headquarters; governor's residence, government house; palace; praetorius|praetorian; [porta praetoria => the praetorian gate, front gate of the camp]; praetorius|ex-praetor; praetorqueo|twist round; praetrepido|be hasty or impatient; praetrepidus|much-trembling; praetrunco|cut off; clip; praetumidus|very swollen; praetura|praetorship; praeuro|scorch at the extremity or on the surface; praeustus|burnt at the end; hardened by burning; praevaleo|prevail; have superior power/force/weight/influence/worth/efficacy (medicine); praevalidus|very strong; strong in growth; praevaricatio|collusion; transgression (Plater); praevaricator|advocate guilty of collusion; transgressor (Plater); praevaricatrix|female sinner; praevarico|transgress, sin against; violate; be in collusion; be/walk crooked/not upright; praevaricor|transgress, sin against; violate; be in collusion; be/walk crooked/not upright; praevaricor|straddle; have secret understanding w/enemy; praevehor|travel past or along; praevenio|arrive/occur/come first/before/too soon; precede; surpass; anticipate/forestall; praeverbium|prefix (gram.); praeverro|presweep; sweep before; praeverto|anticipate; preoccupy, attend to first; outstrip, outrun; praevideo|foresee, see in advance; praevitio|precorrupt; corrupt in advance; praevius|going before, leading the way; praevolo|fly before; praevorto|anticipate; preoccupy, attend to first; outstrip, outrun; pragmaticus|skilled in business; pragmaticus|pragmatic; pragmatismus|pragmatism; prandeo|eat one's morning or midday meal; prandiolum|meal; prandium|lunch; prandium|lunch; pransor|lunch guest; prasinus|leek-green; prasius|prase, green coloured gem (Pliny); leek-green crystal translucent quartz (OED); pratensis|of a meadow; pratulum|little meadow; pratum|meadow, meadowland; meadow grass/crop; broad expanse/field/plain (land/sea); pratus|meadow, meadowland; meadow grass/crop; broad expanse/field/plain (land/sea); pravicordius|evil-minded; mean-spirited; that has a depraved heart; pravicors|evil-minded; mean-spirited; that has a depraved heart; pravitas|bad condition; viciousness, perverseness, depravity; pravo|misrule; be crooked/bad/vicious/evil/corrupt; bend; pravus|crooked; misshapen, deformed; perverse, vicious, corrupt; faulty; bad; preambula|forerunner; preambulum|preamble; preface; preambulus|walking before; preceding (Def); preparatory; preliminary (Latham); previous; preambulus|forerunner; prebeo|present/show/put forward; offer; expose physically oneself; expose/submit/allow; prebeo|make available, supply, provide; be the cause, occasion, produce; render; precabundus|entreating; beseeching; precarius|obtained by prayer; doubtful, precarious; precatio|prayer, supplication; precatus|prayer; request; precia|kind of vine (pl.); precium|price; reward; worth; pay; [~ natalis/nativitatis => weregeld]; preconcipio|preconceive; foreordain; precor|beg/implore/entreat; wish/pray for/to; pray, supplicate, beseech; precordialis|heartfelt; B:cardiac; predictus|preceding, previously named, afore mentioned; predicted, foretold, warned; predignus|right-worthy; preexisto|pre-exist; be previously; prehendo|catch/capture; take hold of/possession of/in hand, arrest; occupy; seize/grasp; prehendo|catch up with; reach shore/harbor; understand, comprehend; get a grip on; prehendo|catch/capture; take hold of/possession of/in hand, arrest; occupy; seize/grasp; prehendo|catch up with; reach shore/harbor; understand, comprehend; get a grip on; prehenso|grasp/clutch at/constantly; lay hold of; accost/buttonhole; canvass, solicit; preludium|prelude; preliminary; prelum|wine or oil-press; premagnus|very great/large/powerful/important/exalted; very great number/amount/price; premo|press, press hard, pursue; oppress; overwhelm; premotio|previous motion; prenda|booty, loot; stolen goods; prendo|catch/capture; take hold of/possession of/in hand, arrest; occupy; seize/grasp; prendo|catch up with; reach shore/harbor; understand, comprehend; get a grip on; prendo|catch, take hold of; arrest, capture; reach; understand; seize, grasp; occupy; prensatio|soliciting; canvassing; prensio|seizing; taking hold (of); prenso|grasp/clutch at/constantly; lay hold of; accost/buttonhole; canvass, solicit; presbyta|long-sighted; presbyter|elder/presbyter (in Christian Church); priest; presbyteralis|priestly; presbyterissa|presbyter (female), widow/matron devoted to church service (order); (Du Cange); presbyterium|assembly of elders/presbyters; priest's house?; presbyterus|office of elder/presbyter (in Christian Church); or of priest, priesthood; presbytia|farsightedness, longsightedness; presignio|ennoble; make famous; pressio|pressing-down; T:lever-fulcrum; presso|press, squeeze; pressule|while pressing against; pressulus|rather compressed; pressus|firmly planted, deliberate; pressus|pressing; pressure; exertion of pressure; prester|fiery whirlwind or a waterspout; pretiositas|preciousness; costliness; pretiosus|expensive, costly, of great value, precious; rich in; pretium|price/value/worth; reward/pay; money; prayer/request; [~ natalis => weregeld]; prex|prayer, request; priapeus|Priapan; of Priapus (the city or the god of procreation); pridem|some time ago, previously; pridianum|annual register of the total strength of a unit; (taken on 31 December); prim pridianus|of the day before; pridie|day before; pridile|day before; primaevus|youthful; primanus|soldiers (pl.) of the first legion; primarius|in the first rank, distinguished; primas|noble; of the highest rank; principle; primatus|supremacy; first place; primicauponius|headwaiter; primicerius|chief, head, superintendent; chief clerk; (first-named on wax tablet); primigenius|first born; original, primitive; serving as root for derivatives (gram.); primigenus|original, primitive; primipilaris|of first maniple/centurion; of/belonging to a commissary; primipilus|first centurion; [~/primi pili centurio => primary/chief centurion of a legion]; primiscrinius|departmental chief; primitia|first-fruits (pl.), first offerings; beginnings; [a ~ => from the beginning]; primitivus|early; first formed; primitus|at first; to begin with; for the first time; originally; in the beginning; primo|at first; in the first place; at the beginning; primogenitalis|original, first of all (in origin); primogenitum|birth-right, right of the first-born/oldest (child); primogenitus|first-born; oldest (child); primogenius|first born; original, primitive; serving as root for derivatives (gram.); primopilaris|of first maniple/centurion; of/belonging to a commissary; primopilus|senior centurion of a legion; primordium|first beginning, origin, commencement, beginnings; primoris|nobles (pl.), men of the first rank; primoris|first; foremost, extreme; primula|primrose; primulus|very first; primum|at first; in the first place; primus|first, foremost/best, chief, principal; nearest/next; [in primis => especially]; primus|chiefs (pl.), nobles; princeps|first, foremost, leading, chief, front; earliest, original; most necessary; princeps|leader/chief, first/leading member/citizen/man; master/expert; founder/proposer; princeps|Princeps (non-military title of Roman Emperor); senior Senator; leader of pack; principalis|chief, principal; principalitas|superiority, pre-eminence, excellence; first place; principaliter|primarily/principally/in first place; directly/without intermediary; imperially; principatus|first place; rule; leadership; supremacy; chief command; principialis|original; from the beginning; principio|begin to speak; begin to peak (medieval); principissa|princess; principium|beginning; principor|rule; rule over (w/GEN/DAT) (Souter); prinus|holm-oak, great scarlet oak; evergreen oak (Vulgate Susanna 1:58); prior|ahead, in front, leading; previous, earlier, preceding, prior; former; basic; prior|ancestors (pl.), forefathers, predecessors, people of an earlier time; prior|superior/elder monk; (later) second in dignity to abbot/head of priory, prior; prioratus|priory; priorissa|prioress; prioritas|priority; priscus|ancient, early, former; prisona|prison; pristinus|former, oldtime, original; pristine; pristis|sea monster; whale; sawfish; light oared vessel; prius|earlier, before, previously, first; prius|earlier times/events/actions; a logically prior proposition priusquam|before; until; sooner than; privatim|in private; as a private citizen; privatus|private; personal; ordinary; privatus|private citizen; privigna|stepdaughter; privignus|stepson; privilegiatus|privileged; privilegium|law in favor of/against specific individual; (claim of) special right/privilege; privo|deprive, rob, free; privus|one's own, private; separate, single; pro|on behalf of; before; in front/instead of; for; about; according to; as, like; proagorus|chief magistrate; chief magistrate in Sicilian town; proavia|great-grandmother; proavitus|ancestral; proavus|great-grandfather; remote ancestor; proba|proof; evidence; probabilis|commendable/admirable; justifiable; plausible/credible/demonstrable; probable; probabilitas|probability; appearance of truth; approvability (Latham); soundness (Red); probabiliter|commendably, worthy of approval; plausibly/credibly; probably; probalis|demonstrable; conclusive; probatio|approval; testing/inspection/passing; criterion, test; proof; evidence; probatio|test; probator|one who approves; probe|properly, rightly; probitas|uprightness, honesty, probity; problema|problems, questions for debate/academic discussion (pl.); enigma/riddle/puzzle; problematicum|problems, cases set forth as problems (pl.); problematicus|problematic; problematum|problems, questions for debate/academic discussion (pl.); enigma/riddle/puzzle; probo|approve (of), esteem/commend/recommend/certify; give assent/approval/sanction; probo|let; show to be real/true; examine/test/try/prove/demonstrate; get accepted; proboscis|trunk; proboscis; snout; probrosus|shameful; disreputable; probrum|disgrace; abuse, insult; disgrace, shame; probus|good, honest; Probus|Probus; (Emperor Marcus Aurelius Equitius Probus 276-282); procacitas|effrontery, forwardness; wantonness, license; procax|pushing, impudent; undisciplined; frivolous; procedo|proceed; advance; appear; proceleumaticus|metric foot (with four short syllables); procella|storm, gale; tumult, commotion; procellosus|stormy, boisterous; procer|great man, nobleman; procer|nobles (pl.), chiefs, princes; leading men of the country/society/profession; procere|far, to a great distance; extensively (COMP); proceritas|height/tallness; altitude, distance up; great length (some up); metrical feet; procerus|tall; long; high, lofty, upraised; grown/extended to great height/length; processus|advance, progress; processus|process; procido|fall prostrate, collapse; prociedo|go forward, proceed; advance; procinctualis|army-deploying; of the setting out of an army; procinctus|readiness for battle; procingo|gird-up; prepare; proclamator|bawler; proclamo|call/cry out, raise an outcry; appeal noisily; take claim to court; proclaim; proclino|tilt forward; cause to totter; proclivis|sloping down; downward; prone (to); easy; proclivitas|propensity to evil; proclivus|inclined forward, sloping downwards; inclined, ready; proco|urge/press (w/commands/suits); woo, importune for one's hand; ask/demand (L+S); procoeton|antechamber; proconsul|proconsul, governor of a province; proconsularis|proconsular; proconsulatus|proconsulship; office/position of proconsul; procor|urge/press (w/commands/suits); woo, importune for one's hand; ask/demand (L+S); procrastinatio|procrastination; procrastino|put off till the next day, postpone; delay; procreo|bring into existence, beget, procreate; produce, create; procresco|grow on to maturity, grow larger; procubo|lie outstretched; procudo|forge, hammer out, beat out; procul|away; at distance, far off; proculco|trample on; procumbo|sink down, lie down, lean forward; procuratio|management; administration; charge, responsibility; procurator|manager, overseer; agent, deputy; procuratorius|procuratory; of/concerning a procurator; of an agent or manager (L+S); procuro|manage; administer; attend to; procurro|run out ahead, run forward, advance; jut out; procurro|run out ahead; jut out; procursatio|sudden charge, sally; procursator|skirmisher; fore-runner; procurso|run frequently forward, dash out; procursus|forward movement; outbreak; procurvus|curved outwards or forwards; procus|wooer, gigolo. suitor; canvasser; noble; prodeambulo|take a walk; prodecessor|predecessor; prodeo|go/come forth/out, advance; appear; sprout/spring up; issue/extend/project; prodico|give notice of or fix a day; prodictator|vice-dictator; prodigentia|profusion; extravagance; prodigialiter|amazingly, wonderfully; prodigialus|prodigal; lavish; prodigilitas|prodigality; prodigiosus|freakish; prodigious; prodigium|portent; prodigy, wonder; prodigo|drive forth/out; get rid of; use up, consume; waste/dissipate/squander; lavish; prodigus|wasteful, lavish, prodigal; prodio|go/come forth/forward/out; appear, spring up; advance/proceed; extend, project; prodio|go/come forth/out, advance; appear; sprout/spring up; issue/extend/project; proditio|treason, betrayal; proditiose|treacherously; proditor|traitor; proditrix|betrayer (female), treacherous woman, traitress/traitoress; prodo|project, thrust forward; bring forth, produce, give birth to; create; nominate; prodo|institute; extend, prolong; hand down (lore); publish/record, reveal, uncover; prodo|put out; assert; betray; give up, abandon, forsake; prodoceo|preach (Collins); teach, inculcate; indoctrinate (Nelson); prodromus|forerunner; produco|lead forward, bring out; reveal; induce; promote; stretch out; prolong; bury; productio|extension, lengthening (of time); G:lengthening of syllable/word by suffix; productio|production; bringing-forth; producto|prolong; throw before, interpose; productum|product; proegmenon|preferable thing; proeliator|fighter; combatant; proelior|fight; proelium|battle/fight/bout/conflict/dispute; armed/hostile encounter; bout of strength; profano|desecrate, profane; profanus|secular, profane; not initiated; impious; profecticius|derived in ordinary course of law from bride's family (dowry); deriving from; profectio|departure; profectitius|derived in ordinary course of law from bride's family (dowry); deriving from; profecto|surely, certainly; profectus|progress, success; profero|bring forward; advance; defer; discover; mention; professio|declaration/avowal/profession; formal declaration/return; profession/occupation; professio|profession; professionalis|professional; professorius|authoritative; profestus|not kept as a holiday, common, ordinary; proficio|make, accomplish, effect; proficiscor|depart, set out; proceed; proficuus|beneficial, advantageous; conducive; profisceo|set out; depart; profiteor|declare; profess; profligatus|profligate, depraved; profligo|overthrow, rout; proflo|blow out, exhale; profluentia|fluency; profluo|flow forth or along; emanate (from); profluus|flowing forth; flowing, streaming; profluvium|flowing forth; profor|speak out; profugio|escape, escape from; run away from; profugus|fugitive/fleeing/escaping; exiled; shrinking (from task); P:eluding one's grasp; profugus|fugitive; runaway; refugee; exile; profunditas|depth; intensity; vastness, immensity; darkness; profundo|pour, pour out; utter; squander; profundum|depths, abyss, chasm; boundless expanse; profundus|deep, profound; boundless; insatiable; profusio|extravagance, lavish spending; (morbid) discharge of body fluid; libation; profusus|excessive; lavish; extravagant; progagus|offspring; progener|grandson-in-law (Collins); grand-daughter's husband; progenero|engender, produce; progenies|race, family, progeny; progenitor|ancestor; progero|carry forth; clear out; carry before; progigno|beget; produce; prognariter|very skillfully; prognatus|sprung from; descended; programma|proclamation; edict; program (Cal); programmatio|programming; programmator|programmer; programmo|program (data processing); progredior|go, come forth, go forward, march forward; advance. proceed. make progress; progressio|progress/development; advance/forward movement; rising figure of speech; climax; progressus|advance, progress; progymnasma|essay; exercise (Erasmus); prohemium|preface, introduction, preamble; beginning, prelude; overture (music); prohibeo|hinder, restrain; forbid, prevent; prohibesseo|hinder, restrain; forbid, prevent; (archaic form of prohibeo); prohibitio|prohibition; prevention, making impossible/unlawful; stopping (a legal action); prohibitorius|restraining; prohibitory; that restrains/prohibits; prohoemium|preface, introduction, preamble; beginning, prelude; overture (music); proicio|throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away; proiectorium|spotlight; proin|hence, so then; according to/in the same manner/degree/proportion (as/in which); proinde|hence, so then; according to/in the same manner/degree/proportion (as/in which); projecticius|cast out; rejected; projectilis|projectile; projectio|throwing forward; extension; projection; projectitius|cast out; rejected; projectus|jutting out, projecting; precipitate; abject, groveling; projicio|throw down, throw out; abandon; throw away; prolabor|glide or slip forwards, fall into decay, go to ruin; collapse; prolapsio|falling; error; prolatio|postponement; enlargement; prolato|lengthen, enlarge; prolong; put off, defer; prolecto|lure, entice; proles|offspring, descendant; that springs by birth/descent; generation; race, breed; proletariatus|proletariat; proletarius|proletarian, of lowest class; common, vulgar; proletarius|lowest class citizen (serving the state only by fathering); proletarian (Cal); prolicio|lure forward, lead on; prolixe|so as to extend a long way in space; at length, in detail; in large quantity; prolixe|amply; lavishly, generously, wholeheartedly, without let/skimping/reserve; prolixitas|extent; extension in space, elongation; extension in time, long duration; prolixo|extend in space; elongate; prolixus|luxuriant, extensive (growth); big/tall (man); generous; running smoothly; prolixus|lengthy/copious (writings); extended, wide; long, drawn-out; ample/abundant; prologus|prologue; prolongo|prolong, extend, lengthen; proloquium|introduction; G:assertion; L:judicial sentence; utterance (Nelson); proloquor|speak out; proludo|carry out preliminary exercises before a fight; rehearse for; proluo|wash out; wash away; wash up; purify; proluvier|inundation; scouring; discharge; proluvies|overflow, flood; bodily discharge; promachus|champion; promagister|deputy magistrate; one who presides in place of another; vice-president; promatertera|great-grand-aunt; great grandmother's sister; promercalis|sold in the open market; promercium|putting out (of goods) for sale; promereo|deserve, merit; deserve well of; earn; gain; promereor|deserve, merit; deserve well of; earn; gain; prominens|projection; prominens|projecting; prominent; prominentia|projection; the fact of jutting out/standing out/projecting; promineo|jut out, stick up; promiscus|mixed, indiscriminate, promiscuous; commonplace, usual; promiscuus|common, shared general, indiscriminate; promissio|promise; act/instance of promising; guarantee that proof will come (rhetoric); promissor|promiser; one who promises/guarantees (usu. legal); promissum|promise; promissus|flowing, hanging down; promitto|promise; promo|take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage; promo|take/bring out/forth; bring into view; bring out/display on the stage; promono|emanate; promontorium|promontory, headland, cape; promonturium|promontory, headland, spur, projecting part of a mountain (into the sea); promotio|advance; preferment; furtherance; advantage; promotum|preferred thing (as pl.); promoveo|move forward; promptarium|storeroom; cupboard; place where things are stored for ready use; repository; promptarius|that serves for storing things ready for use; prompte|so as to be ready at hand; readily, willingly, unhesitatingly, fluently; prompto|distribute widely; promptuarium|cupboard; store room; place where things are stored ready for use; promptuarium|storeroom; cupboard; place where things are stored for ready use; repository; promptuarius|of/belonging to distribution, distributing; (like storehouse/repository/prison); promptuarius|that serves for storing things ready for use; promptus|set forth, brought forward, manifest, disclosed; willing, ready, eager, quick; promptus|readiness; ease; exposing to view; promtuarium|storeroom; cupboard; place where things are stored for ready use; repository; promtuarius|of/belonging to distribution, distributing; (like storehouse/repository/prison); promulgatio|proclaiming; promulgation; promulgo|make known by public proclamation; publish; promulsis|hors d'oeuvres, dish to stimulate appetite, first dish, entree; promunctorium|promontory; headland; ridge; promunturium|promontory, headland, spur, projecting part of a mountain (into the sea); promus|butler; steward; promutuus|advanced, lent in advance; paid beforehand; pronepos|great grandson; proneptis|great-granddaughter; pronitas|inclination, propensity, proneness; (dubious); pronoea|providence; pronuba|married woman who conducted the bride to the bridal chamber; pronuntiatio|proclamation; delivery; verdict; pronuntiator|narrator; one who delivers; pronuntio|announce; proclaim; relate; divulge; recite; utter; pronus|leaning forward; prone; prooemior|make a prooemium/preface/introduction to a speech; prooemium|preface, introduction, preamble; beginning, prelude; overture (music); propaganda|propaganda; propagatio|propagation; reproduction (human); prolongation; the action of extending; propago|propagate; extend, enlarge, increase; propago|layer or set by which a plant is propagated; offspring, children, race, breed; propalam|openly; propalo|stake out (like a plant); make visible/manifest; proparte|concerning; propatruus|great-grand-uncle; great grandfather's brother; propatulum|open place, unroofed space; propatulus|open, uncovered; prope|near; prope|near, nearly; close by; almost; propediem|before long, shortly; propello|drive forward/forth; drive away/out/off; defeat; propemodo|just about, pretty well; propemodum|just about, pretty well; propendeo|hand down; weigh more; be inclined; propensio|inclination, propensity; consideration (Latham); propensus|ready, eager, willing; favorably disposed; properanter|hurriedly, hastily; in a hurried manner; speedily; properantia|haste, hurry; precipitancy; properantim|hurriedly, hastily; properatio|haste; properipes|fleet-footed; propero|hurry, speed up; be quick; properus|quick, speedy; propexus|combed so as to hang down; propheta|prophet; spokesman/interpreter of a god; foreteller, soothsayer (L+S); prophetes|prophet; spokesman/interpreter of a god; foreteller, soothsayer (L+S); prophetia|prophecy; prediction; body of prophets/singers; prophetizo|prophesy, foretell, predict; propheto|prophesy, foretell, predict; prophylacticus|prophylactic; propie|individually; according to species; propinatio|toasting, a drinking to a person's health; proposal of a toast; propino|drink to anyone (his health), pledge; give to drink; hand over, yield up; make; propinquitas|nearness, vicinity; propinquity; relationship; propinquo|bring near; draw near; propinquus|near, neighboring; propinquus|relative; propior|nearer, closer; more recent; propitabilis|able to be propitiated/appeased; propitiatio|atonement, propitiation, appeasement; propitiator|atoner, propitiator; (often Christ in eccl.); propitiatorium|atonement; means of reconciliation; place of atonement; propitiatorius|propitiating, reconciling; atoning; propitio|propitiate, render favorable, win over; sooth (feelings); propitius|favorably inclined, well-disposed, propitious; propola|retailer, huckster; propoma|aperitif; propono|display; propose; relate; put or place forward; proporro|further, moreover, or altogether; proportio|proportion, proper spatial relation between parts; symmetry; analogy (grammar); proportionalis|proportional; proportionalitas|proportion; proportionality; propositio|proposition, premise/case for discussion; statement of facts/case; notion/image; propositio|shew; [w/pane => shew-bread, 12 loaves placed on altar before Lord on Sabbath]; propositum|intention/purpose/objective; resolution/design/plan; propositum|mode/manner/way of life/conduct, practice; proposition; decree; issued summons; propraetor|ex-praetor; one sent to govern a province as praetor; proprie|particularly, specifically, especially; properly, appropriately, rightly; proprietas|quality; special character; ownership; propritim|peculiarly, specially; proprius|own, very own; individual; special, particular, characteristic; propter|near; on account of; by means of; because of; propterea|therefore, for this reason; [propterea quod => because]; propudium|shameful action; a wretch, villain; propugnaculum|bulwark, rampart; defense; propugnatio|defense; propugnator|defender; champion; propugno|fight (on the defensive); propulluo|defile; pollute; propulsatio|repulse; driving back; propulso|repulse, drive back/off; ward off, repel, avert; pound, batter; propulsorius|propelling; proquaestor|ex-quaestor or junior official appointed to fill vacancy of departed quaestor; proquam|in proportion as, according as; prora|prow; prorepo|crawl or creep forth; proreta|look-out man; proreus|look-out man; prorex|viceroy; proripio|drag or snatch away; rush or burst forth; prorito|prove, cause; incite; tempt; prorogatio|extension of a term of office; postponement; prorogo|prolong, keep going; put off, defer; prorsum|forwards, right onward; absolutely, entirely, utterly, by all means; in short; prorsus|forwards, right onward; absolutely, entirely, utterly, by all means; in short; prorsus|straight forwards; prorumpo|rush forth, break out; proruo|rush forward; tumble down; overthrow; hurl forward; prosa|prose; prosaicus|in prose; prosaic (Red); prosapia|family, lineage; proscaenium|stage, portion of theater lying between orchestra and back wall; proscindo|cut (surface), slit, gash; plow (unbroken land); flay with words, castigate; proscribo|announce, make public, post, advertise; proscribe, deprive of property; proscriptio|advertisement; notice of confiscation; proscription, pub of names of outlaws; proscripturio|desire a proscription; proscriptus|proscribed person, outlaw; prosectum|entrails, that which is cut-off for sacrifice; severed portion/organ of victim; proseda|prostitute; proselyta|proselyte (female), convert; she who converted (to Judism); sojourner/stranger; proselytismus|proselytism; proselytus|foreign, strange, come from abroad; proselytus|proselyte (male), convert; converted heathen (to Judism); sojourner/stranger; prosentio|see beforehand; prosequor|pursue; escort; describe in detail; prosero|beget; bring forth, beget; produce by sowing; proserpo|creep forward; proseucha|house of prayer (Jewish); a conventicle; prosilio|jump/leap up/forward; rush/leap/spring forth/to; gush/break/jut out; prosilio|jump/leap up/forward; rush/leap/spring forth/to; gush/break/jut out; proslambanomenos|added note at bottom of system of tetrachord; A-note (L+S); prosocer|wife's grandfather; prosodia|syllable-accent; prosopopoeia|personification; dramatization; prospecto|gaze out (at); look out on; prospectus|view, sight; prospeculor|look out, survey the situation; look out/watch for; prosper|fortunate, favorable, lucky, prosperous; prosperitas|success; good fortune; prospero|cause to succeed, further; prosperus|prosperous, successful/triumphal; lucky/favorable/propitious (omens/prospects); prospicientia|foresight; appearance; prospicio|foresee; see far off; watch for, provide for, look out for; prosterno|knock over, lay low; strike down, overthrow; exhaust; debase/demean; prostrate; prosthaphaeresis|equation of center of movement (of planetary body/moon); prosthapheresis|equation of center of movement (of planetary body/moon); prostibilis|available as a prostitute; prostibulum|prostitute, whore; inmate of a brothel; prostituo|prostitute; put to improper sexual/unworthy use; dishonor, expose to shame; prostituta|prostitute; whore; prostitutio|prostitution; dishonoring, profaning; prostitutus|male prostitute; prosto|offer goods for sale to public; be on sale, expose for sale/prostitute oneself; prosubigo|dig up in front of one; dig up, cast up; hammer out into an extended shape; prosum|be useful, be advantageous, benefit, profit (with DAT); prosus|forwards, right on; absolutely, entirely, utterly, by all means; in short; prosus|straightforward (of style) (i.e. prose); (Erasmus); protectio|protection; shelter; protector|protector, guardian, defender; member of corps of guards (Souter); protego|cover, protect; proteinum|protein; protelo|drive/cause to retreat before one; drive forth, hound out, rout; beat back/off; protelum|team/tandem of oxen/draught animals; series, succession; protendo|stretch out/forth, extend, distend; hold out; prolong, lengthen; protendo|stretch out/forth, extend, distend; hold out; prolong; lengthen; protero|crush, tread under foot; oppress; proterreo|frighten; proteruitas|impudence; boldness; protervus|violent, reckless; impudent, shameless; protestans|Protestant; protestantismus|Protestantism; protestatio|declaration; protestation; protesto|testify, testify publicly, bear witness to; protest (L+S); assert (Bee); protestor|testify, testify publicly, bear witness to; protest (L+S); assert (Bee); prothesis|prosthesis; prothonotarius|protonotary, chief court notary/clerk/recorder; E:secretary/record keeper; prothoplastus|first created man; (the very first man); prothyrum|foyer; screen across door of Roman house; (Greek) diathyra; prothyrum|space-before-door; door wicket; protinam|immediately, at once; protinus|straight on, forward; immediately; without pause; at once; protogenes|first-of-kind; protollo|stretch out; put off; raise up; protomartyr|first martyr; (St Stephen or St Alban); protos|first, foremost; best, top; initial; elementary; prime; (Greek); protraho|drag forward, produce; bring to light, reveal; prolong, protract; protritus|common, trite, commonplace; protropum|first wine; new wine from grapes before pressing; protrudo|thrust forwards or out; put off; protubero|swell/bulge out; grow forth; stand out (Sax); proturbero|bulge/swell out; grow forth; stand out (Sax); be prominent, project; proturbo|drive/push away/out of the way; drive out in confusion; repulse; pitch forward; protus|first; original; prout|as, just as; exactly as; provectio|promotion, progress; provectus|advanced, late; elderly; proveho|carry; pass, be carried, ride, sail; provenio|come forth; come into being; prosper; proventus|outcome, result; success; proverbialis|proverbial; proverbialiter|proverbially; proverbium|proverb, saying; providentia|foresight, foreknowledge; providence; provideo|foresee; provide for, make provision; with DAT; providus|prophetic; provident, characterized by forethought; provincia|province; office; duty; command; provincialis|provincial (person); provincialis|provincial; provinco|conquer before; provisor|one who foresees; one who takes care (of); headmaster (Cal); provivo|live on; sustain oneself with; provocatio|challenge; provoco|call forth; challenge; provoke; provolo|fly forward; dash forth; provolvo|roll forward or along, bowl over; provolvor|prostrate oneself; provomo|vomit forth; provulgo|publish; make known; proxeneta|negotiator; agent; proxeneticum|brokerage; proximior|nearer, closer; more recent; proximitas|near relationship; resemblance; similarity; proximo|very lately; proximo|come/draw near, approach; be near; proximus|nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like; proximus|neighbor; nearest one; proxior|nearer, closer; more recent; proxumus|nearest/closest/next; most recent, immediately preceding, last; most/very like; prudens|aware, skilled; sensible, prudent; farseeing; experienced; prudenter|wisely, discreetly; sensibly, prudently; prudentia|discretion; good sense, wisdom; prudence; foresight; pruina|hoar-frost, rime; pruinosus|frosty; pruna|glowing charcoal, a live coal; prunitius|of plum tree wood; prunum|plum; prunus|plum tree; prurigo|itch; prurio|itch, tingle (in anticipation); be sexually excited, have sexual craving; pruritus|itching; prytaneum|town hall in a Greek city; prytanis|chief magistrate in a Greek state; psallo|play on the cithara (by plucking with fingers); sing the Psalms (eccl.) (L+S); psalmista|psalmist; psalmodia|psalmody; art/practice of singing psalms; arranging/composing psalms; psalms; psalmus|psalm; Psalm of David; psalterium|stringed instrument; psaltes|musician, minstrel; player on a plucked instrument/cithara; psaltria|female player on the cithara; psecas|anointer of hair; psephisma|plebiscite; People's decree/order, order of the People (Pliny); pseudapostulus|false apostle; pseudochristus|false-Christ; pseudodictamnum|bastard-dittany (Pliny); pseudonymum|pseudonym; pseudopropheta|false prophet; pseudoprophetia|false prophecy; pseudothyrum|secret door; psithia|phythian, a variety of grape; psithium|phythian, a kind of raisin wine; psithius|phythian, name of a kind of vine; psittacus|parrot; psora|itch, mange; psychiater|psychiatrist; psychiatria|psychiatry; psychicus|animal; carnal; psychic (Cal); psychoanalysis|psychoanalysis; psychoanalysta|psychoanalyst; psychoanalyticus|psychoanalytical; psychologia|psychology; psychologicus|psychological; psychologus|psychologist; psychomanteum|place of necromancy; psychomantium|place of necromancy; psychomotorius|psychomotor; psychopathicus|psychopath; psychopathologia|psychopathology; psychosis|psychosis; psychosomaticus|psychosomatic; psychotherapeuta|psychotherapist; psychotherapia|psychotherapy; psychotropicum|drug; psychotropicus|psychotropic; psylleum|plant; (prob. Plantago psyllium); psyllion|plant; (prob. Plantago psyllium); psyllium|plant; (prob. Plantago psyllium); psythia|phythian, a variety of grape; psythium|phythian, a kind of raisin wine; psythius|phythian, name of a kind of vine; pterygium|cloudy spot; B:film over eye; skin over nail; ptisana|barley with the outer covering removed, pearl barley; barley water (drink); ptisanarium|drink made in the manner of barley water; decoction of crushed barley; ptochium|poor-house; (also ptocheum); ptongus|sound; tone; pubens|full of sap, vigorous; pubertas|puberty; virility; pubes|adult, grown-up; full of sap; pubes|manpower, adult population; private/pubic parts/hair; age/condition of puberty; pubesco|reach physical maturity, grow body hair/to manhood; ripen (fruit), mature; publicanus|of public revenue; publicanus|contractor for public works, farmer of the Roman taxes; publicatio|confiscation; appropriation by the state; publicatio|publication, proclamation; disclosure; manifestation (Def); preaching (Latham); publice|publicly; at public expense; Publicianus|of/connected with a Publius (gens); publicitus|at public expense; publicly, in public (presence/knowledge); as a state concern; publico|public, publicly (in publico); publico|confiscate; make public property; publish; publicus|public; common, of the people/state; official; [res publica => the state]; publicus|public officer; Publius|Publius (Roman praenomen); (abb. P.); pudendus|causing shame, shameful, scandalous, disgraceful, abominable; pudens|shameful; bashful, modest, shy, chaste, honorable; pudenter|bashfully, modestly, shyly, chastely, honorably; pudeo|be ashamed; make ashamed; [me pudet => I am ashamed]; pudet|it shames, make ashamed; [me tui pudet => I am ashamed of you]; pudibundus|shamefaced, blushing; pudicitia|chastity; modesty; purity; pudicus|chaste, modest; virtuous; pure; pudor|decency, shame; sense of honor; modesty; bashfulness; puella|girl, (female) child/daughter; maiden; young woman/wife; sweetheart; slavegirl; puellaris|girlish; youthful; maidenly; of a young girl; puellula|girl (young/little), lass, (female) child; maiden; puellus|boy (young/little); catamite (when in erotic context); puer|boy, lad, young man; servant; (male) child; [a puere => from boyhood]; puera|girl; lass; puerilis|boyish; youthful, childish; pueriliter|childishly, foolishly; pueritia|childhood, boyhood; callowness, childish nature; state/fact of being boy; puerpera|woman in labor, woman who has been/is in process of being delivered of child; puerperium|childbirth, delivery; offspring born at a single delivery; puerperus|of childbirth; puertia|childhood, boyhood; callowness, childish nature; state/fact of being boy; puerulus|little boy; puga|rump, buttocks; (usu. pl.); (pure Latin nates); pugil|boxer, pugilist; pugilatio|fighting with the caestus; boxing; pugilator|boxer; pugilatus|boxing; pugillare|writing-tablets (pl.); (those small enough to be held in the hand); pugillaris|writing-tablets (pl.); (those small enough to be held in the hand); pugillaris|hand-holdable; that can be held in hand; pugillatorius|fistable; can be struck with the fist; pugillus|handful, what can be held in a fist; pugilo|box; pugilus|handful, a amount that can be held in the hand/fist; pugio|dagger; pugiunculus|little dagger; pugna|battle, fight; pugnacitas|bellicosity, aggressiveness; desire to fight; pugnacity; aggression; pugnaculum|fortress; pugnator|fighter, combatant; pugnax|pugnacious; pugneus|of the fist; pugno|fight; dispute; [pugnatum est => the battle raged]; pugnus|fist; pulcer|pretty; beautiful; handsome; noble, illustrious; pulchellus|pretty; pulcher|pretty; beautiful; handsome; noble, illustrious; pulchre|fine, beautifully; pulchresco|grow beautiful; pulchritudo|beauty, excellence; pulcre|aptly; finely; nicely; (often used at beginning of sentence); pulcritudo|beauty, attractiveness; pulegium|fleabane, penny-royal; puleium|fleabane, penny-royal; pulenta|barley-meal/groats; hulled and crushed grain; parched grain (Douay); pulex|flea; insect that attacks plants; pulicaris|flea-; flea-bearing; pulicarius|flea-; flea-bearing; pullarius|keeper of the sacred chickens; pullatus|clad in dirty or black garments; pullulo|sprout, send forth new growth; spring forth; pullum|dark-gray cloth(es) (as pl.); pullus|blackish, dark colored, of undyed wool as worn in morning; pullus|chicken, young hen; pulmentarium|relish; pulmentum|appetizer, small meat/fish starter portion; savory; relish/condiment/food (L+S); pulmo|lungs (sg. or pl.); [~ marinus => lung-like marine creature, kind of jellyfish]; pulmoneus|of the lungs; spongy; pulpa|flesh; pulpamentum|flesh, esp. tit-bits; pulpitum|stage, wooden platform (for performance); lectern/pulpit/bookstand; desk (Cal); puls|meal, porridge, mush (used in sacrifice and given to sacred chickens); pulsabulum|buffer; pulsatilis|produced by beating; (Erasmus); pulsatio|striking; beating; D:playing; pulso|beat; pulsate; pulsus|stroke; beat; pulse; impulse; pultiphagus|porridge-eater; pulto|knock, strike; pulvereus|dusty; pulverizo|pulverize; pulverulentus|dusty; pulvillus|little pillow; pulvinar|cushioned couch (on which images of the gods were placed); couch for deity; pulvinatus|cushion-shaped; B:swelling; pulvinus|cushion/pillow; raised bed of earth; raised border; bath back; platform/socket; pulvis|dust, powder; sand; pulvisculus|fine dust; dust-and-all; pumex|pumice stone, similar volcanic rock; (esp. used to polish books/depilatory); pumiceus|made of pumice stone or similar volcanic rock; pumico|polish/rub smooth with pumice stone; (esp. book); pumicosus|resembling pumice stone; pumilio|dwarf; pumilus|dwarf; punctatus|punctuated; pointed; punctim|with the point; punctio|puncture; pricking pain; punctum|point; dot/spot; small hole/puncture; pin prick; sting; vote/tick; tiny amount; punctum|point; full-stop; period (sign of punctuation); pungo|prick, puncture; sting (insect); jab/poke; mark with points/pricks; vex/trouble; pungo|prick, puncture; sting (insect); jab/poke; mark with points/pricks; vex/trouble; punicans|inclining to bright red; red/reddish/ruddy (L+S); blushing; Punic, Carthaginian; Punicanus|made in the Punic style/manner; Punic, Carthaginian; Puniceus|Carthaginian, Punic; [Puniceum pomum/Punicum malum => pomegranate]; puniceus|scarlet, crimson; Punicus|Carthaginian, Punic; of/associated with Carthage; scarlet, bright red; punio|punish (person/offense), inflict punishment; avenge, extract retribution; punior|punish (person/offense), inflict punishment; avenge, extract retribution; punitor|punisher, one who punishes; one who extracts retribution; avenger; punnulis|small/little wing/feather; little fin; skirt (of garment) (Souter); Punus|Carthaginian, Punic; Phoenician; Punus|Carthaginian; Phoenician; (specifically Hannibal); pupa|little girl; a doll; pupilla|orphan girl, ward, minor; pupilla|pupil of the eye; pupillaris|of a ward/orphan; of/involving/suitable to minor under care of a guardian; pupillus|orphan, ward; puplicus|public; (publicus); puppis|stern/aft (of ship); poop; ship; back (L+S); [a ~ => abaft]; pupula|pupil of the eye; pupulus|little boy; puppet; purgamen|impurity, that which is cleaned away; means of purification, which cleans; purgamentum|sweepings, rubbish, filth; purgatio|purification; purgatorium|purgatory; purgo|make clean, cleanse; excuse; purificatio|purification, purifying; making (something) ritually clean; purifico|purify/make ceremonially/ritually pure; clean/clear; free of dirt/encumbrances; purismus|purism; purista|purist; puritanismus|Puritanism; puritanus|Puritan; purpura|purple color, purple; purple dye; purple-dyed cloth; purpuratus|dressed in purple; purpuratus|courtier; purple-clad attendant; purpureus|purple, dark red; purulente|purulently; festeringly; purulentus|festering; purulent; purum|clear/bright/unclouded sky; purus|pure, clean, unsoiled; free from defilement/taboo/stain; blameless, innocent; purus|chaste, unpolluted by sex; plain/unadulterated; genuine; absolute; refined; purus|clear, limpid, free of mist/cloud; ringing (voice); open (land); net; simple; pus|pus; foul/corrupt matter (from a sore); bitterness, gall, venom (Cas); pusa|girl; little girl; pusillanimis|fainthearted, timid, pusillanimous; discouraged/worried (Souter); meanspirited; pusillanimitas|faintheartedness, timidity, cowardness, lack of courage; despondency; pusillanimus|fainthearted, timid, pusillanimous; discouraged/worried (Souter); meanspirited; pusillianimis|fainthearted, timid, pusillanimous; discouraged/worried (Souter); meanspirited; pusillitas|tininess/insignificance; pettiness (Souter); trifling thing; faintheartedness; pusillulus|very little/small; pusillum|small/tiny/little amount; trifle (L+S); little while; very little; pusillus|tiny, wee, very small (amount/degree/extent); miniature, on a tiny scale; pusillus|petty, trifling, insignificant; petty/mean/ungenerous (person/character); pusio|boy; little boy (L+S); youth, lad; pussula|inflamed sore/blister/pustule; small prominence of a surface, bubble; pustula|inflamed sore/blister/pustule; small prominence of a surface, bubble; pusula|inflamed sore/blister/pustule; small prominence of a surface, bubble; pusus|boy; little boy (L+S); putamen|cutting, paring, shell; putatio|pruning (Collins); putator|pruner; puteal|structure surrounding the mouth of a well (in the Comitium at Rome); putealis|derived from a well; puteo|stink, be rotten/putrid; smell bad; rot/decompose (in such a way as to stink); puter|rotten, decaying; stinking, putrid, crumbling; putesco|begin to rot, go off; puteulanus|blue; puteus|well; putidiusculus|somewhat sickening; putidus|rotten/decaying; foul/stinking; unpleasant/offensive/tiresome/affected/pedantic; puto|think, believe, suppose, hold; reckon, estimate, value; clear up, settle; putorius|skunk; putredo|putrefaction, rottenness; [w/vulnerum => festering wound]; putrefacio|cause to rot/decay/crumble/disintegrate; putrefy; make friable; soften; putrefactio|rotting; putrefio|make rotten; (passive form of putrefacio); putrefio|be/become rotten/decayed/putrefied/crumbled/softened/soft; (putrefacio PASS); putresco|rot, putrefy, be in a state of decay; putridus|rotten, decayed; putris|rotten, decaying; stinking, putrid, crumbling; putro|decay, rot, putrefy; fester; become stale (water)/loose (soil); crumble, molder; putus|pure, unmixed, unadulterated; puxis|small box/casket (originally boxwood) for medicine; iron heel on pestle (L+S); pycnostylos|close-columned; pycta|boxer; pyctes|boxer; pyelus|tub; pyga|rump, buttocks; (usu. pl.); (pure Latin nates); pygargos|creature with white rump, pygarg; kind of antelope (addax?); kind of eagle/hawk; pygargus|creature with white rump, pygarg; kind of antelope (addax?); kind of eagle/hawk; pylorus|pylorus, lower orifice of stomach, opening from stomach to duodenum; pyra|funeral pile, pyre; pyramis|pyramid; pyrauloplanum|jet, jet plane; Pyrenaeus|Pyrenees (w/montes); pyrethrum|Spanish camomile (Collins); pyrites|flint; millstone; iron sulfide; pyrius|fiery; pyrogenic; [pulvis pyrius => gunpowder]; pyrobolum|bomb; pyrobolus|bomb; pyromis|pyramid; pyropus|alloy of gold and bronze; red precious stone; pyrrhica|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrrhice|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrrhicha|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrrhiche|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrrhichius|pyrrhic, poetical foot of two short syllables; pyrrica|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrrice|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrricha|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrriche|kind of war-dance or reel; dance in armor (L+S); Pyrrhic dance; pyrricius|pyrrhic, poetical foot of two short syllables; Pythagoricus|Pythagorean; of follower of Pythagoras or his philosophy; Pythagoricus|Pythagorean, follower of Pythagoras or his philosophy; Python|familiar spirit/demon possessing soothsayer; soothsayer; snake slain at Delphi; pythonicus|prophetic; magical; pythonissa|witch; sorceress; pytisma|wine spit; that which is spat out when wine-tasting; pytisso|spit out wine; to spit out wine after tasting; pyxis|small box/casket (originally boxwood) for medicine; iron heel on pestle (L+S); pyxis|small box/casket (originally boxwood) for medicine; iron heel on pestle (L+S); Q|Quintus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Q.); qua|where; by which route; quaad|how long?, to what point in time?; for as great a distance as, for as long as; quacumque|wherever; in whatever part/manner, however; by whatever route/way; quacunque|wherever; in whatever part/manner, however; by whatever route/way; quadamtenus|to a certain point/extent; in some measure; only so far (L+S); to a limit; quadantenus|to a certain point/extent; in some measure; only so far (L+S); to a limit; quadra|square table; quadragenarius|of forty; quadragensim|fortieth; quadragensum|fortieth; quadragesima|Lent; Christian fast of forty days; quadraginta|forty; quadrangulatus|quadrangular, having four sides; quadrangulum|quadrangle, plane figure having four sides; quadrangulus|quadrangular, having four sides; quadrans|fourth part, a quarter; 1/4 as, small coin, "farthing"; quadrantal|unit of liquid measure having volume a cubic Roman foot, amphora; cube/di; quadrantalis|quarter-foot, measuring quarter of Roman foot; quadrantarius|quarter-, of/relating to a quarter; costing quarter as (fee for baths); quadratum|square; S:quadrature (astronomy); quadratus|squared, squareset; quadriangulus|quadrangular, having four sides; quadrichordum|quadrichord/tetrachord, 4-stringed musical instrument; quadriduum|period of four days; [~o => in the four days from now, within four day of]; quadriennium|period of four years; quadrifariam|in four parts; quadrifarius|four-fold; quadrifidus|four-divided; split into four; quadriga|four horse chariot (sg. or pl.); chariot team of four horses; any team; quadrigarius|of a racing charioteer; quadrigarius|chariot racer; chariot driver in circus; quadrigatus|stamped with the figure of a four-horse chariot; quadrigula|little team of four horse (pl.)s; quadrijugis|of team of four (poetical); quadrijugus|yoked four abreast; of team of four (poetical); quadrijugus|four-horse team (pl.); (Plautus); quadrilateralus|four-sided; quadrilateral; quadrilibris|weighing four pounds(Plautus); quadrimulus|four-years-old (Plautus; of quadrimus); quadrimus|four years old; quadrin|four each/apiece/times/fold (how many each); quadringenarius|of four hundred each; quadringentensim|four hundredth; quadringentensum|four hundredth; quadringenti|four hundred; quadripertitus|divided into four parts, quadripartite, fourfold; quadriplex|fourfold; having four parts/aspects; four times as much; multiplied by four; quadriporticus|cloister; quadriremis|quadrireme, vessel having four oars to each bench/banks of oars; quadriremis|having four oars to each bench/banks of oars; quadrivium|place where four roads meet; crossroads; quadrivium|quadrivium, 2nd group of 7 liberal arts (arithmetic/geometry/astronomy/music); quadro|square up, make square/suitable; square/fit; quadruple; form rectangular shape; quadrum|square; square section; regular shape or form; car-frame (Cal); quadrupedans|galloping; quadrupertitus|divided into four parts, quadripartite, fourfold; quadrupes|four-footed; quadrupes|quadruped; quadruplator|multiplier by four; an exaggerator; an informer; quadruplex|fourfold; having four parts/aspects; four times as much; multiplied by four; quadruplico|quadruple; multiply by four; quadruplor|be informer; quadruplum|four times the amount; quadruplus|fourfold; quadrus|square; quadruvium|place where four roads meet; crossroads; quaerito|seek, search for; quaero|search for, seek, strive for; obtain; ask, inquire, demand; quaesitio|inquisition; quaesitum|question, inquiry; gain, acquisition, earnings; quaesitus|special, sought out, looked for; select; artificial, studied, affected; quaeso|beg, ask, ask for, seek; quaesticulus|small profit; quaestio|questioning, inquiry; investigation; quaestiuncula|little question; quaestor|quaestor; state treasurer; quartermaster general; quaestorium|quaestor's residence; quaestorius|ex-quaestor; quaestorius|of a quaestor; quaestuosus|profitable; quaestura|quaestorship; public money; quaestus|gain, profit; qualibet|where you will, anywhere, by any road you like; anyway, as you please; qualifico|qualify, invest with a quality/qualities; qualis|what kind/sort/condition (of); what is (he/it) like; what/how excellent a ...; qualislibet|of what sort you will; qualitas|character/nature, essential/distinguishing quality/characteristic; G:mood; qualiter|as, just as; in what/which way/state/manner (INTERJ), how; qualitercumque|no matter how; in whatever manner; howsoever (L+S); be it as it may; qualitercunque|no matter how; in whatever manner; howsoever (L+S); be it as it may; qualubet|where you will, anywhere, by any road you like; anyway, as you please; qualum|wicker basket; qualus|wicker basket; quam|how, how much; as, than; [quam + superlative => as ... as possible]; quam|how, than; quamde|how, how much; as; (archaic form of quam); quamdiu|for how long?; how long (ago)?; how long!, what a long time!; until; as long as; quamdiu|for the preceding period until; up to the time that; inasmuch as; (quam diu); quamlibet|however, however much; quamobrem|why, for what reason, on what account; on account of which, where/there-fore; quamprimum|to the highest degree possible; quamquam|though, although; yet; nevertheless; quamtocius|as soon as possible; completely (?), all (Nelson); quamtotius|as soon as possible; completely (?), all (Nelson); quamvis|however much; although; quamvis|however much; although; quandiu|for how long?; how long (ago)?; how long!, what a long time!; until; as long as; quandiu|for the preceding period until; up to the time that; inasmuch as; (quam diu); quandiucumque|for as long as; (rel adv); quandius|for as long as; up to the time that; quando|when (interog), at what time; at any time (indef adv); quando|when, since, because; [si quando => if ever]; quandocumque|whenever, at whatever time; at some time or other/any time; as often/soon as; quandocunque|whenever, at whatever time; at some time or other/any time; as often/soon as; quandoque|whenever, at whatever time; at some time or other/any time/ever; whereas; quandoquidem|since, seeing that; quanquam|though, although; yet; nevertheless; quantillus|how little?; quantitas|magnitude/multitude, quantity, degree, size; (specified) amount/quantity/sum; quantitativus|quantitative; quanto|(by) how much; quantocius|the_sooner/quicker the_better; quantopere|how greatly; in what degree; quantulum|how small/trifling an amount/matter; what a small/trifling thing/amount/matter; quantulus|how small/little/trifling a ...; how small!; of what (small) size; quantum|so much as; how much; how far; quantumcumque|however much/little; as much as; whatever; quantumcumque|however much/little; as much as; whatever; quantumcumque|as far as; to whatever degree; quantumvis|to as great a degree as you like, as much/long as you like; however; although; quantus|how great; how much/many; of what size/amount/degree/number/worth/price; quantusvis|to as great a degree as you like, as much/long as you like; however; although; quantuvis|as great as you please, however great; quapropter|wherefore, why, for what?; quaqua|wherever; in every place/point at/through which; [~ versus => on all sides]; quare|in what way? how? by which means, whereby; why; wherefore, therefore, hence; quartadecem|fourteen; quartadecimamus|man of fourteenth legion; heretic celebrating Easter 14th day of 1st moon; quartadecimanus|14th legion soldier; (see also quartadecuman-) quartadecumamus|man of fourteenth legion; heretic celebrating Easter 14th day of 1st moon; quartadecumanus|soldiers (pl.) of the fourteenth legion; quartanus|4th legion soldier; men (pl.) of the 14th legion; quartarius|fourth part of a sextarius; quartusdecimus|fourteenth; quarzeus|in quartz; quarzicus|quartz-adjusted; quasi|as if, just as if, as though; as it were; about; quasi|as if, just as if, as though; as it were; about; quasillum|little basket; quasillus|little basket; quassatio|violent shaking; quasso|shake repeatedly; wave, flourish; batter; weaken; quassus|shaking, battered, bruised; quatefacio|shake, weaken; quatenus|how far/long?, to what point; to what extent; where; while, so far as; since; quater|four times (number/degree); on four occasions; (how often); time and again; quaternarius|containing/consisting of four; of 4 each (L+S); quaternary; [numerus ~ => 4]; quaternio|number four; 4 on a di; group of 4 (men/things); quaterion/body of 4 soldiers; quatinus|how far/long?, to what point; to what extent; where; while, so far as; since; quatio|shake; quatriduum|period of four days; [~o => in the four days from now, within four day of]; quattor|four; quattuor|four; quattuordecim|fourteen; (the 14 front theater rows reserved for equestrian order); quattuorvir|body of four men/officials (pl.); board of chief magistrates; quattuorviratus|quattuorvir's office; quatuor|four; quatuordecim|fourteen; que|and; (while properly attached as enclitic sometimes copyists make mistakes); quemadmodum|in what way, how; as, just as; to the extent that; quemquem|whomever; every one who; whomever it be; everyone; each; queo|be able; quercetum|oak forest; querceus|oaken, of oak; quercus|oak, oak-tree; oak wood/timber/object; oak leaf garland (honor); sea-oak; querela|complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame (Plater); querella|complaint, grievance; illness; difference of opinion; lament; blame (Plater); queribundus|complaining, plaintive; querimonia|complaint, "difference of opinion"; queritor|complain; make a public outcry, cry out in protest; complain excessively; querneus|oaken; quernus|of oak, made of oak wood; queror|complain; protest, grumble, gripe; make formal complaint in court of law; querquerus|shivering; querquetulanus|of an oak forest; querulus|complaining, querulous; giving forth a mournful sound; questus|complaint; qui|how?; how so; in what way; by what/which means; whereby; at whatever price; qui|any; some; someone (preceded by si, nisi, numquid, ne), something, anyone; qui|which?, what?; what kind of?; qui|who, which; (relative pronoun); quia|because; quianam|why ever?; quicquam|any; anything; anything whatsoever; quicquam|any; anything; anything whatsoever; quicquid|whatever, whatsoever; everything which; each one; each; everything; anything; quicquid|whatever, whatsoever; everything which; each one; each; everything; anything; quicum|(w/-cum) only ABL with whom?, with which?; quicumque|(w/-cumque) who/whatever, no matter who/what, in any time/way, however small; quicunque|(w/-cunque) who/whatever, no matter who/what, in any time/way, however small; quidam|(w/-dam) certain; as INDEF a certain thing; somebody, one, something; quiddam|something; quidditas|quiddity, what a thing is, essence of a thing; (answers question quid est res); quidem|indeed (postpositive), certainly, even, at least; ne...quidem -- not...even; quidnam|what? how?; quidni|why not?; quidquid|whatever, whatsoever; everything which; each one; each; everything; anything; quidquid|whatever, whatsoever; everything which; each one; each; everything; anything; quies|quiet, calm, rest, peace; sleep; quiesco|rest, keep quiet/calm, be at peace/rest; be inactive/neutral; permit; sleep; quiete|quietly, peacefully, calmly, serenely; quietus|at rest; quiet, tranquil, calm, peaceful; orderly; neutral; still; idle; quilibet|(w/-libet) whatever, whichever, no matter, what you please; any whatever; quilibet|(w/-libet) whoever/whatever you please; anyone/anything whatever; quilubet|(w/-lubet) whatever, whichever, no matter, what you please; any whatever; quilubet|(w/-lubet) whoever/whatever you please; anyone/anything whatever; quin|why not, in fact; quin|so that not, without; that not; but that; that; [quin etiam => moreover]; quinam|(w/-nam) who then; who in the world; which, I insist; quinaria|five quarter-digit bore of pipe used as measure of capacity; quinarius|containing five each; grouped-by-fives; made of sheet five digits wide (pipe); quinarius|quinarius (Roman coin worth five asses, half a denarius); quinct|five; Quinctilis|July (month/mensis); abb. Quin.?; renamed Julius in 44 BC; in 5th place; Quinctius|Quinctian; of Quinctius gens; quincunx|quincunx, the five on dice; 5/12, esp. of an as = 5 unciae; quindecim|fifteen; quindecimprimus|fifteen senators (pl.) of a municipium; quindecimvir|one of board of fifteen magistrates; quindecimviralis|of the quindecimviri (board of fifteen magistrates); quingentensim|five hundredth; quingentensum|five hundredth; quingenti|five hundred; quinimmo|indeed, in fact; but truly; but/and more/furthermore; quinquagenarius|containing/consisting of 50; from 50 digit sheet; 50 digit square; 50 years old; quinquagenarius|captain of 50 men (Israelite), officer commanding 50 men; quinquagensim|fiftieth; quinquagensum|fiftieth; quinquaginta|fifty; quinquangulus|five-cornered; Quinquatrus|Minerva festival; quinque|five; Quinquegentianus|Five_Nations; (league of desert people against Romans - 3rd century Mauretania); quinquennalis|occurring every five years; lasting for five years; (officials/offices); quinquennis|five years old; lasting five years; occurring once every five years; quinquennium|period of five years; (sometimes applied by old inclusive rule to four years); quinquepartitus|in five portions; fivefold; quinquepertitus|in five portions, fivefold; quinqueprimus|five chief senators (pl.) in a municipium; quinqueremis|quinquereme, large galley with five rowers to each room or five banks of oars; quinqueremis|quinquereme (w/navis), large galley with 5 rowers to each room/banks of oars; quinquevir|one of board of five; quinqueviratus|office of quinquevir; quinquiplico|multiply by five; Quint|July (month/mensis understood); abb. Quint.??; renamed to Julius in 44 BC; quintadecem|fifteen; quintadecimanus|soldiers (pl.) of the fifteenth legion; quintadecumanus|soldiers of the fifteenth legion; quintana|road (w/via) in a Roman camp between fifth and sixth maniples (used as market); quintanus|of/belonging to the 5th; falling on 5th of month; occurring at intervals of 5; quintanus|soldiers of the fifth legion; quintarius|of/connected to the 5th; occurring at intervals of 5 centuriae (surveying); quinticeps|five-peaked; Quintilis|July (month/mensis); abb. Quin.??; renamed Julius in 44 BC; in 5th place; Quintilius|Quintilius; (Roman gens name); (P. ~ Varus general annihilated in 9 AD); Quintilius|Quintilius; (Roman gens name); (P. ~ Varus general annihilated in 9 AD); quintum|for the fifth time; Quintus|Quintus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Q.); quinymo|indeed, in fact; but truly; rather (Nelson); (= quinimmo); quippe|of course; as you see; obviously; naturally; by all means; quippiam|some/any one/thing; unspecified thing/person; certain quanity, a bit; at all; quippiam|some/any one/thing; unspecified thing/person; certain quanity, a bit; at all; quippini|why not; Quirinale|festival (pl.) in honor of Quirinus/Romulus, celebrated 17th of February; quiris|spear (Sabine word); Quiris|citizens (pl.) of Rome collectively in their peacetime functions; Quiris|inhabitants (pl.) of the Sabine town Cures; Romans in their civil capacity; quiritatio|shriek, scream; quiritatus|plaintive cry; wail; Quirites|citizens (pl.) of Rome collectively in their peacetime functions; quiritor|complain; make a public outcry, cry out in protest; complain excessively; quis|anyone, anybody, anything; someone, something; one or another; quis|who?, which one?, what man?, what thing? (type/nature); what kind of; what?; quisnam|(w/-nam) who?; what?; who then?; who in the world?; quispiam|(w/-piam) any/somebody, any, some, any/something; quisquam|(w/-quam) any; anyone/anybody (no pl.) (INDEF) anything; any man, any person; quisque|(w/-que) any; each; quisque|(w/-que) each, each one; every, everybody, everything (more than 2); whatever; quisquilia|rubbish (pl.), sweepings, refuse; quisquis|whoever; every one who; whoever it be; everyone; each; quivis|(w/-vis) whoever it be, whom you please; any whatever; quivis|(w/-vis) any whatever; anyone/anything you wish; qum|with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached; qum|under command/at the head of; having/containing/including; using/by means of; quo|where, to what place; to what purpose; for which reason, therefore; quo|whither, in what place, where; quoad|as long as, until; quoadusque|until that; quocirca|on account of which; wherefore; quocumque|wherever, to/in any place/quarter to which/whatever, whithersoever; anywhere; quocunque|wherever, to/in any place/quarter to which/whatever, whithersoever; anywhere; quod|with respect to which; quod|because, as far as, insofar as; [quod si => but if]; quodammodo|in a certain way, in a certain measure; quodnisi|but if not; and if not; (introduces conditional); (quodnisi = quod nisi); quodquod|whatever, whatsoever; everything which; each one; each; everything; anything; quodquod|whatever, whatsoever; everything which; each one; each; everything; anything; quodsi|but if; and if; (introduces conditional); (quodsi = quod si) quoiquoimodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; quojas|of what country/town/locality?; whence? (L+S); quojatis|of what country/town/locality?; whence? (L+S); quojus|of whom?, whose?; (interrogative); of/pertaining to whom, whose (relative); quojuscemodi|of what kind/sort/nature soever; quojusquemodi|of whatever kind/sort/nature; quolibet|whithersoever you please; quom|when, at the time/on each occasion/in the situation that; after; since/although; quom|as soon; while, as (well as); whereas, in that, seeing that; on/during which; quom|with, together/jointly/along/simultaneous with, amid; supporting; attached; quom|under command/at the head of; having/containing/including; using/by means of; quominus|that not, from (quo minus); quomodo|how, in what way; just as; quomodocumque|however, no matter what way; in whatever way; somehow; in some degree or other; quomodocunque|however, no matter what way; in whatever way; somehow; in some degree or other; quomodonam|how then?; quonam|to whatever place; quondam|formerly, once, at one time; some day, hereafter; quoniam|because, since, seeing that; quopiam|somewhere; quoquam|to any place, anywhere; quoque|likewise/besides/also/too; not only; even/actually; (after word emphasized); quoquo|whoever; whatever, whatsoever; every one who; everything which; each one; each; quoquo|wherever, in whatever place/direction; whatever; anywhere; in each direction; quoquomodo|in whatever way; however (quoquo modo); quoquomque|wherever, to/in any place/quarter to which/whatever, whithersoever; anywhere; quoquoversum|in every direction; in every way; quoquoversus|in every direction; in every way; quor|why, wherefore, for what reason? (impatience); on account of which? because; quorsom|whither, in what direction; to what place/action/point/end; with what view? quorsum|whither, in what direction; to what place/action/point/end; with what view? quorsus|whither, in what direction; to what place/action/point/end; with what view? quosum|whither, in what direction; to what place/action/point/end; with what view? quot|how many; of what number; as many; quotannis|every year, yearly; quotcumque|whatever number of; as many as; however many; quotcunque|whatever number of; as many as; however many; quotenus|how many (pl.); quotidianus|daily, everyday; usual/habitual, normal/regular; ordinary/common/unremarkable; quotidie|daily, every day; day by day; usually, ordinarily, commonly; quotiens|how often; as often as; quotienscumque|whenever, every time that; however often, as often as; quotienscunque|whenever, every time that; however often, as often as; quotiensquonque|whenever, every time that; however often, as often as; quoties|how often; as often as; quotiescumque|whenever, every time that; however often, as often as; quotiescunque|whenever, every time that; however often, as often as; quotiesquonque|whenever, every time that; however often, as often as; quotlibet|as many as please; as many as one will; quotomus|of what number (Plautus); quotquot|however many; quotum|quotient (math.); quotus|what number of?; how many?; what ever number of, as many as; the number that; quotus|having what position in a numerical series?, bearing what proportion to; quotusquisque|how few; quousque|until what time? till when? how long?; qur|why, wherefore, for what reason? (impatience); on account of which?; because; quum|when, while, as, since, although; as soon; quum|with, together with, at the same time with; under; at; along with, amid; quur|why, wherefore, for what reason? (impatience); on account of which?; because; R|Roman (abb.); (E.Q.R. = Eques Romanus); Rufus; rabbi|rabbi; teacher, master; (Hebrew); rabbinus|rabbi; rabboni|rabbi; teacher, master; (Hebrew); rabidus|mad, raging, frenzied, wild; rabies|madness; rabio|rave; be mad; rabiola|ravioli; rabiose|madly; in a frenzied manner; rabiosulus|rather furious; rabiosus|rabid (dogs), mad; lunatic, raving mad, frenzied; rabula|bawling advocate; raca|foolish, empty; Hebrew word of contempt (Linddell+Scott); racana|garment; wrap; racemifer|bearing clusters; racemus|bunch/cluster (of grapes or other fruit); racha|foolish, empty; Hebrew word of contempt (Linddell+Scott); rachana|garment; wrap; racialis|racial; radaricus|of radar; radiatilis|radio-transmitted; radiatrum|radiator; radicalis|radical; radicalismus|radicalism; radicatus|rooted; having roots, having found a home; radicitus|by the roots, utterly, completely; at the root; with the roots (L+S), radically; radico|take root; grow roots; radicula|little root; radio|beam, shine; radiate light; radioactivitas|radioactivity; radioactivus|radioactive; radioelectricus|radioelectric; radiographema|X-ray; radiographia|X-ray; radiologia|radiology; radiologicus|radiological; radiologus|radiologist; radiophonia|radiotelephony; radiophonicus|radiophonic; radiophonum|radio (device); radior|beam, shine; radiate light; radiosus|beam-emitting; radiotherapia|radiotherapy; radius|ray; rod; radix|root; base; square-root (math); rado|shave; scratch, scrape; coast by; raeda|four wheeled wagon; raedarius|coachman; raffinatio|refinement; ramale|brushwood (usu. pl.), twigs, sticks, shoots; ramentum|shavings (usu. pl.), splinters, chips; rameus|of a bough/boughs/sticks; ramex|rupture; lungs (pl.); ramnum|bramble; (buckthorn?); ramosus|having many branches, branching; ramulus|twig, little branch/bough; ramus|branch, bough; ramusculus|twig; rana|frog; rancens|stinking, putrid; rancidulus|rather putrid; rancidus|rotten, putrid, nauseating; ranunculus|little frog, tadpole; rapa|turnip; rapacida|thief's son; rapacitas|rapacity; rapax|grasping, rapacious; raphaninus|of/made from radishes; raphanitis|variety of the plant Iris Illyrica; raphanus|radish; [~ agria => wild plant supposed to be kind of spurge/charlock]; raphanus|radish; horseradish; rapiditas|swiftness, rapidity (of movement); rapidus|rapid, swift; rapina|robbery, plunder, booty; rape; rapio|drag off; snatch; destroy; seize, carry off; pillage; hurry; raptim|hurriedly, suddenly; rapto|drag violently off; ravage; raptor|robber; plunderer; raptum|plunder; prey; raptus|violent snatching or dragging away; robbery, carrying off, abduction; rapulum|little turnip; rapum|turnip; rare|sparsely, thinly; at wide intervals, loosely; rarely, seldomly; rarefacio|make less solid; rarefactio|rarefaction, diminution of density; rarenter|uncommonly; seldom, rare; (poetic); raresco|thin out, open out; become sparse; raro|seldom, rare; rarus|thin, scattered; few, infrequent; rare; in small groups; loose knit; rasilis|worn smooth, polished; rasito|shave (off) habitually; rasorium|razor; rassismus|racism; rassista|racist; rassisticus|racist; rastellus|rake; rastrum|drag-hoe; rastrus|drag-hoe (pl.); (usu. sg. N, pl. M); ratificatio|ratification; ratifico|ratify; ratihabeo|ratify; ratihabitio|approval; ratification; ratio|account, reckoning, invoice; plan; prudence; method; reasoning; rule; regard; ratiocinatio|reasoning; esp. a form of argument, syllogism; ratiocinativus|argumentative; syllogistic; ratiocinator|calculator, accountant; ratiocinium|accounting; reckoning; reasoning; obligation to render account; ratiocinor|compute, calculate; argue, infer, conclude; rationabilis|rational, possessing powers of reasoning; reasonable, agreeable to reason; rationabilitas|rationality, quality of possessing reason; rationabiliter|reasonably, in accordance with reason; according to correct computation (L+S); rationalabilis|rational, reasonable, logical; rationalabiliter|rationally, reasonably, logically; probably, with probability; rationalis|theoretician; accountant; rationalis|rational, of/possessing reason; theoretical, dialectical; of accounts; rationalis|measurable; that has a ratio; knowing rationally, rational (Def); conceivable; rationalismus|rationalism; rationalista|rationalistic; rationalisticus|rationalistic; rationalizo|rationalize; rationarium|statistical account; ratis|raft; ship, boat; ratiuncula|little reckoning, account; a poor reason; a petty syllogism; ratus|established, authoritative; fixed, certain; ratus|rat; raucisonus|hoarse-sounding, raucous; raucus|hoarse; husky; raucous; raudus|lump, rough piece; piece of bronze, (sometimes a bronze coin); raudusculum|small sum of money; ravacaulis|kohlrabi; Ravenna|Ravenna; (port/naval base in NE Italy); (late capital of Western Empire); ravus|grayish, tawny; rea|party in law suit; plaintiff/defendant; culprit/guilty party, debtor; sinner; reactrum|reactor; reageo|react; realis|real; realismus|realism; realista|realist; realisticus|realistic; realitas|reality; realiter|really; reapse|in truth, really; reatitudo|guilt; reatus|accusation, charge; state/condition of being accused; dress of accused (L+S); reatus|guilt; rebellatio|revolt; rebellion; rebellatrix|rebel, she who renews the war; rebellio|rebellion; rebellis|insurgent, rebel; rebellis|insurgent, rebellious; rebello|rebel, revolt; rebito|turn back; return; reboo|resound, re-echo; bellow back; call/cry in answer; recalcitro|be disobedient; P:deny access; recaleo|grow warm (again); recalesceo|grow warm (again); recalfacio|make warm again, warm up; recalvaster|bald in front; that has a bald forehead; recandesco|glow again with heat; become/grow white (again), whiten; recanto|charm away/back; withdraw, recall, revoke, recant; recapitulatio|recapitulation, restatement of/going over again the main points; summing up; recapitulo|recapitulate, go over the main points again; reccido|fall/sink back, lapse/relapse/revert; fall to earth; come to naught; rebound on; recedo|recede, go back, withdraw, ebb; retreat; retire; move/keep/pass/slip away; recello|spring back, fly back; recens|fresh, recent; rested; recenseo|review/examine/survey/muster; enumerate/count, make census/roll; pass in review; recenseo|review/examine/survey/muster; enumerate/count, make census/roll; pass in review; recenter|lately, newly, recently; freshly; receptaculum|receptacle; place of refuge, shelter; receptio|recovery; receiving/reception; retention; recording (sounds/pictures Cal); recepto|recover; receive, admit (frequently); receptor|receiver, shelterer; concealer/harborer/hider; reconquerer; receptrix|receiver, she who receives/admits/shelters; concealer, she who harbors/conceals; receptum|obligation; receptus|retreat; recessus|retreat; recess; recidivus|recurring; recido|fall/sink back, lapse/relapse/revert; fall to earth; come to naught; rebound on; recido|cut back/off (to base/tree), prune; cut back/away; get by cutting; curtail; recingo|ungird, unfasten, undo; recino|chant back, echo; call out; recipeo|record (sounds, pictures); reciperatio|recovery; regaining; judgment by board of reciperatores/assessors; reciperativus|relating to/involving recovery; (of disputes over property); reciperator|assessor dealing w/disputes between aliens and Romans; recoverer/regainer; reciperatorius|of assessor dealing w/disputes between aliens and Romans; recoverer/regainer; recipero|restore, restore to health; refresh, recuperate; recipio|keep back; recover; undertake; guarantee; accept, take in; take back; reciprocatio|returning; reciprocation; G:reciprocal action; reciproco|move backwards and forwards; (w/animam) to breathe; reciprocus|going backwards and forwards; ebbing (w/mare); recitator|reciter; recito|read aloud, recite; name in writing; reclamatio|complaint; reclamito|reproclaim; proclaim against; reclamo|cry out in protest at; reclinatorium|back (of a couch); chariot seat; reclinis|leaning back, reclining; reclino|bend back; [se reclinare => lean back, recline]; recludo|open; open up, lay open, disclose, reveal; recogito|consider, reflect, think over; examine, inspect; recognitio|inspection, examination; review; revision (Red); survey; reconnaissance; recognitor|juror; editor (White); recognosco|recognize, recollect; recolligo|recover, gather again, collect; recolo|cultivate afresh; go over in one's mind; recomminiscor|recollect; recompenso|repay/recompense; compensate for misdeed/wrong; make up for injury/loss; reward; reconciliatio|renewal, re-establishment, reconciliation; restoration; reuniting; reconciliator|restorer; reconcilio|restore; reconcile; reconcinno|repair; set right; reconditus|hidden, concealed; abstruse; recondo|hide, conceal; put away; reconflo|rekindle; recoquo|renew by cooking, boil again, rehash; reheat, melt down; forge anew; recordatio|recollection; recordor|think over; call to mind, remember; recreatio|restoration; recovery/convalescence (L+S); refreshment, diversion/entertainment; recreo|restore, revive; recrepo|sound in answer, resound; recresco|grow again; recrudesco|become raw again; break out/open again/afresh; recta|directly, straight; recte|vertically; rightly, correctly, properly, well; rectificatio|rectification; rectifico|rectify, regulate, control, govern/direct by rule/regulation; rectilineus|rectilinear; in a straight line; rectio|government; rectitudo|straightness; uprightness; erect posture; correctness (spelling); rectitude; rector|guide, director, helmsman; horseman; driver; leader, ruler, governor; rectum|virtue; the_right rectus|right, proper; straight; honest; recubitus|seat; dining/reclining couch; recubo|lie down/back, recline, lie on the back; recudeo|reprint; recumbo|recline, lie at ease, sink/lie/settle back/down; recline at table; recuperatio|recovery; regaining; judgment by board of reciperatores/assessors; recuperativus|relating to/involving recovery; (of disputes over property); recuperator|assessor dealing w/disputes between aliens and Romans; recoverer/regainer; recuperatorius|of assessor dealing w/disputes between aliens and Romans; recoverer/regainer; recupero|regain, restore, restore to health; refresh, recuperate; recuro|cure, restore, refresh; recurro|run or hasten back; return; have recourse (to); recurro|run or hasten back; return; have recourse (to); recurso|keep rebounding/recoiling; keep recurring to the mind; recursus|running back, retreat, return; recurvo|bend back; recurvus|bent back on itself, bent round; recusatio|refusal; recuso|reject, refuse, refuse to; object; decline; recussus|reverberating (Collins); recutio|strike so as to cause to vibrate; redactor|editor; redambulo|come back; redamo|love back; love in return; redardesco|blaze up again; redarguo|refute; prove untrue; redauspico|retake auspices; reddo|return; restore; deliver; hand over, pay back, render, give back; translate; redemptio|redemption, buying back, ransoming; deliverance; redemptor|contractor, undertaker, purveyor, farmer; redeemer; one who buys back; redeo|return, go back, give back; fall back on, revert to; respond, pay back; redhalo|exhale; redhibeo|take back; redicor|take root; grow roots; redigo|drive back; reduce; render; redimiculum|female headband; redimio|encircle with a garland, wreathe around; surround, encircle; redimo|buy back, recover, replace by purchase; buy up; make good, fulfill (promise); redimo|redeem; atone for; ransom; rescue/save; contract for; buy/purchase; buy off; redimo|buy back, recover, replace by purchase; buy up; make good, fulfill (promise); redimo|redeem; atone for; ransom; rescue/save; contract for; buy/purchase; buy off; redintegro|renew; revive; redipiscor|get back; reditio|returning; going back; redituarius|man of means; reditus|return, returning; revenue, income, proceeds; produce (Plater); redivia|hangnail; whitlow; redivivus|re-used, secondhand; redoleo|emit a scent, be odorous; redomitus|tamed again; redono|give back again; forgive; redormio|go back to sleep, fall asleep again; redormisco|go back to sleep, fall asleep again; (Erasmus); reduco|lead back, bring back; restore; reduce; reductivus|reducing; reductor|restorer; reductus|receding deeply, set back; reduncus|bent back, curved; redundantia|overflow, overflowing, excessive flow; redundancy; reversal of flow; redundo|overflow; be too numerous; reduntantia|superfluity; overflowing; reduvia|hangnail; whitlow; redux|coming back, returning; refactor|remaker; refectio|dining room; guest chamber (Plater); refectio|restoration/repair; remaking; recouping; refreshment; recovery/convalescence; refector|restorer, repairer, renewer; (spiritual of persons); refectorium|refectory; dining room; refectorius|refreshing; refello|refute, rebut; refercio|fill up, stuff/cram full; pack close, condense, mass together; referendarius|letter-reporter; one who reports all letters to ruler (JFW); referio|strike back; P:reflect; refero|bring/carry back/again/home; move/draw/force back, withdraw; go back, return; refero|report (on), bring back news; record/enter; propose/open debate; assign/count; refero|give/pay back, render, tender; restore; redirect; revive, repeat; recall; refero|bring/carry back/again/home; move/draw/force back, withdraw; go back, return; refero|report (on), bring back news; record/enter; propose/open debate; assign/count; refero|give/pay back, render, tender; restore; redirect; revive, repeat; recall; refert|it matters/makes a difference/is of importance; matter/be of importance (PERS); refertus|stuffed, crammed, filled full to bursting with, replete; crowded; loaded; referveo|boil over; reficio|rebuild, repair, restore; refigo|unfix, unfasten, detach; pull out, take off, tear down; refingo|remake; make anew; feign; reflagito|redemand; reflatus|contrary wind; reflecto|bend back; turn back; turn round; reflo|blow back again; refluo|flow back, recede; refluus|flowing back; refocillatio|refreshment; reinvigoration; refocillatrix|reviver, she who revives/revivifies(/refreshes/reinvorgates?); refocillo|revive, revivify; warm to life again; relieve (Ecc); refocilo|revive, revivify; warm to life again; relieve (Ecc); reformatio|transformation; E:reformation; reformido|dread; shun; shrink from; recoil at the sight of; reformo|transform, remold; form (new shape); restore; refoveo|warm again; refresh, revive; refractariolus|somewhat stubborn; refractio|refraction; refragatio|resistance; opposition; refragor|oppose (candidate/interests); act to disadvantage of; act counter to, mitigate; refrangibilitas|refractable; refreno|curb, check; restrain; refrico|gall; excite again; refrigeratio|coolness; refrigerium|rest; relief; cool period; cooling; consolation, mitigation (L+S); refrigero|make cool; refrigesco|grow cold, cool down; refringo|break open; refugio|flee back; run away, escape; refugium|refuge; refugus|fleeing, receding; refulgeo|flash back, reflect light; shine brightly; gleam, glitter, glisten; refulgo|flash back, glitter; refundo|pour back; refutatio|refutation; refutatus|refutation; refuto|check; refute; regalis|royal, regal; regeneratio|regeneration; being born again; [lavacrum ~ => baptism]; regero|carry back; throw back; throw back by way of retort; regia|palace, court; residence; regificus|fit for a king; regigno|beget again; regimen|control, steering; direction; regina|queen; regio|area, region; neighborhood; district, country; direction; regionalismus|regionalism; regius|royal, of a king, regal; reglutino|unstick; rejoin; regnator|king, lord; regnatrix|imperial; regno|reign, rule; be king; play the lord, be master; regnum|royal power; power; control; kingdom; rego|rule, guide; manage, direct; regredior|go back, return, retreat; regressivus|regressive; regressus|going back, return; regula|ruler, straight edge (drawing); basic principle, rule, standard; rod/bar/rail; regularis|bar-, of/in a bar; formable into bars, ductile (L+S); [aes ~ => bar-copper]; regularis|canonical; regular, usual; containing a regimen; (royal); regulariter|by way of general rule; according to rule (L+S); regularly (Souter); regulatim|by way of general rule; according to rule (L+S); regularly (Souter); regulus|petty king, prince; Regulus (Roman consul captured by Carthaginians); Regulus|Regulus; (Roman consul captured by Carthaginians); regusto|retaste; taste again; rehendo|hold back, seize, catch; blame, reprove; reicio|throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn; reiculus|worthless; useless; wasted; reimpressio|reprint; reimprimeo|reprint; reincarnatio|reincarnation; rejectaneus|rejectable; rejectio|throwing-back; rejection; rejecto|throw back; rejicio|throw back; drive back; repulse, repel; refuse, reject, scorn; relabor|fall back, vanish; relanguesco|become faint, become weak; sink down; relapsus|relapse; relatio|laying of matter before Senate, such motion; referring back case to magistrate; relatio|narration, relating of events, recital; act of carrying back; figure of speech; relatio|reference to standard; retorting on accuser; giving oath in reply; repayment; relationalis|relational; relative|relatively; relativismus|relativism; relativisticus|relativistic; relativitas|relativity; relativus|relative; referring; having reference/relation; relator|reporter, journalist; relatus|narration, telling of events; utterance (of sounds) in reply; relaxo|loosen, widen; relax; relegatio|banishment; relego|banish, remove; relegate; relego|read again, reread; relentesco|slacken off; relevium|relief; E:alms; remnant of meal; relevo|relieve/alleviate/diminish/lighten; ease/refresh; exonerate; raise; lift (eyes); relictio|abandoning; relictum|that which is left/forsaken/abandoned/left untouched; the residue/remaining; relictus|forsaken, abandoned, derelict; left untouched; relicum|that left after subtraction/elimination, remainder, residue, rest; balance owed; relicum|mortal remains (pl.); future, things yet to be, subsequent events; relicus|rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed; relicuum|that left after subtraction/elimination, remainder, residue, rest; balance owed; relicuum|mortal remains (pl.); future, things yet to be, subsequent events; relicuus|rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed; relido|strike (back); refuse, reject; tear to pieces (Saxo), remove, rub out; destroy; religatio|binding; religio|supernatural constraint/taboo; obligation; sanction; worship; rite; sanctity; religio|reverence/respect/awe/conscience/scruples; religion; order of monks/nuns (Bee); religiose|carefully; reverently; conscientiously; religiositas|regard for the divine law; religiosus|pious/devout/religious/scrupulous; superstitious; taboo/sacred; reverent/devout; religiosus|religious devotee; member of a religious order (Bee); religo|tie out of the way; bind fast; moor; relino|unseal; relinquo|leave behind, abandon; (pass.) be left, remain; bequeath; reliquator|defaulter; one in arrears; reliquia|remains/relics (pl.) (esp. post cremation); remnants/traces/vestiges; survivors; reliquum|that left after subtraction/elimination, remainder, residue, rest; balance owed; reliquum|mortal remains (pl.); future, things yet to be, subsequent events; reliquus|rest of/remaining/available/left; surviving; future/further; yet to be/owed; reluceo|shine out; relucesco|grow bright again; reluctor|resist, struggle against, make opposition; remaneo|stay behind; continue, remain; remano|flow back; remansio|remaining behind; remedium|remedy, cure; medicine; rememoratio|remembrance; remeo|go or come back, return; remetior|go back over; remex|oarsman, rower; remigatio|rowing; oar (Cal); remigium|rowing, oarage; remigo|row, use oars; remigro|move back; return; reminiscor|call to mind, recollect; remisceo|mix/mingle in; remix/remingle (L+S); mix up/again; intermingle; remisceo|mix/mingle in; remix/remingle (L+S); mix up/again; intermingle; remisse|loosely; without vehemence/passion; placidly; unconstrainedly; light-heartedly; remisse|half-heartedly/feebly; inattentively; w/laxity of discipline; mildly/leniently; remissio|sending back/away, returning, releasing; abating; forgiveness; remiss; remissus|relaxed/slack/sagging; loosely spaced; remiss; mild/gentle/free-and-easy/casual; remissus|lenient, forbearing; moderate, not intense/potent; low (valuation); fever-free; remitto|send back, remit; throw back, relax, diminish; remolior|push/press/heave back/away; remollesco|become soft again; grow soft; remollio|resoften; make soft again; weaken; remora|hindrance; delay; remoramen|delay; remordeo|bite back; gnaw, nag; remoror|delay; remote|far off; at a distance; remotely; distantly; remotus|remote; distant, far off; removed, withdrawn; removed/freed from; removeo|move back; put away; withdraw; remove; remugio|bellow back, moo in reply; resound; remulceo|stroke/fold back; remulcum|tow-rope; remuneratio|repaying, making payment in return; recompense/reward (L+S); remuneration; remunero|reward, recompense, remunerate; remunero|reward; repay, recompense, remunerate; requite; pay back, retaliate; remuneror|reward, repay, recompense, remunerate; requite; pay back, retaliate; remurmuro|remurmur; murmur back; remus|oar; ren|kidney(s) (usu. pl.); name of precious stone; (sg. ren not used L+S); renarro|tell over again; renascentia|rebirth (time); renascor|be born again, be renewed, be revived; renavigo|sail back; reneo|unspin; undo; renidens|shining, gleaming; renideo|shine (back), gleam; smile back (at); renidesco|grow bright; renitor|struggle, offer physical resistance; be resistant (substance), not to yield; rennuo|refuse; disapprove; decline; give a refusal; throw back head/eye/brows as sign; reno|reindeer-skin; deerskin garment; fur cloak; renodo|bind back; tie back; renovamen|renewal; renovatio|renewal, renewing (w/interest added to principle), refinancing; renovation; renovo|renew, restore; revive; renumero|repay, pay back; pay out (that owed); report count of; renuncio|report, announce; reject; (also renuntio); renunculus|little kidney (usu. pl.); renuntiatio|report (official); official election return; notice (Cal); renuntiatio|resignation; withdrawal; renunciation; renuntio|report, announce; reject; renuo|refuse; disapprove; decline; give a refusal; throw back head/eye/brows as sign; renuto|refuse; decline; reor|think, regard; deem; suppose, believe, reckon; repagulum|door-bars (pl.); repandus|spread out, flattened back; reparabilis|capable of being recovered or restored; reparatio|restoration; renewal; reparco|spare; be sparing; restrain; reparo|prepare again; renew, revive; repastinatio|digging up again; repatrio|return to one's country; go home again; repecto|comb back; repedo|return, go back; retire; repello|drive/push/thrust back/away; repel/rebuff/spurn; fend off; exclude/bar; refute; repello|drive/push/thrust back/away; repel/rebuff/spurn; fend off; exclude/bar; refute; rependo|weigh/balance (against); weigh out/pat in return; purchase, compensate; repens|sudden, unexpected; repente|suddenly, unexpectedly; repentinus|sudden, hasty; unexpected; reperco|spare, be sparing, abstain; reperco|spare, be sparing, abstain; repercussio|rebounding; repercussion; repercussus|reverberation; reflection; echo; repercutio|cause to rebound, reflect, strike against; reperio|discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent; repertor|discoverer, inventor, author; repertum|discovery; invention; finding again (L+S); repetitio|repetition; repetitor|reclaimer; one who reclaims; repetitus|repeated; repeto|return to; get back; demand back/again; repeat; recall; claim; repetunda|recovery (pl.) of extorted money; replebilis|refillable; replegio|bail (person); recover security taken for court appearance; repleo|fill again; complete, fill; repletus|full (of); replico|turn/fold/bend back (on); unroll (scroll); unwind (cable); go over and over; replico|repeat; turn/fold/bend back (on); unroll, unwind; go over and over; replum|frame; repo|creep, crawl; repono|put back; restore; store; repeat; reporto|carry back; report; reposco|demand back; claim as one's due; repositorium|tray; repositorium|servicing, small table of service; repositus|remote, out of the way; repostor|restorer; repostus|remote, out of the way; repotium|drinking (pl.), raveling; repperio|discover, learn; light on; find/obtain/get; find out/to be, get to know; invent; reppertum|discovery; invention; finding again (L+S); repraesentativus|representative; repraesento|represent, depict; show, exhibit, display; manifest; pay down, pay in cash; reprehendo|hold back, seize, catch; blame; reprehensibilis|reprehensible, blameworthy, open to censure; (people/conduct); reprehensio|blame/reprimand/criticism; censuring/finding fault; refutation; self-correction; reprehenso|blamer; critic; reprensio|blame/reprimand/criticism; censuring/finding fault; refutation; self-correction; repressor|restrainer; one who restrains; reprimo|press back, repress; check, prevent, restrain; reprobatio|rejection; reprobation; reprobo|condemn; reject; reprobus|base, rejected; rejected/condemned as below standard; reproductio|reproduction (of the living beings); repromissio|formal promise/guarantee/undertaking; repromissum|formal promise/guarantee/undertaking; repromitto|guarantee, give one's word; promise (do/give, that); give formal undertaking; reptatus|crawled/crept through; reptatus|act of crawling; reptile|reptile; reptilis|creeping; reptile; repto|crawl/creep (over); move slowly/lazily/furtively, stroll/saunter, slink, grope; republicae|of the state/republic; (res publica => the state); republicanus|republican; repudiatio|rejection; refusal; repudio|reject; repudiate; scorn; repudium|repudiation/rejection of prospective spouse, notification of; divorce; repuerasco|become a boy again; frolic; repugnantia|resistance, opposition; contradiction; repugnance; repugno|fight back, oppose; be incompatible with; disagree with; repulsa|electoral defeat; rebuff; repulsivus|repulsive; repulso|drive back; reject; repulsus|reverberation; reflection; echo; repungo|reprod; prod again; repuo|reject; repurgo|recleanse; clear again; purge away; reputatio|pondering over (Collins); reputo|think over, reflect; requies|rest (from labor), respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby; requies|rest (from labor), respite; intermission, pause, break; amusement, hobby; requiesco|quiet down; rest; end; requietio|rest; repose; requietus|rested; improved by lying fallow; requirito|inquire repeatedly; keep asking after; requiro|require, seek, ask for; need; miss, pine for; res|thing; event/affair/business; fact; cause; property; [~ familiaris => property]; res|res; (20th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as R); resacro|implore again and again; free from a curse; resaevio|rage again; resaluto|greet back; greet in return; resanesco|be healed; resarcio|restore, make good (loss); mend, repair (something damaged); resarcio|restore, make good (loss); mend, repair (something damaged); rescindo|cut out; cut down, destroy; annul; rescind; rescisco|learn, find out, ascertain; bring to light; rescribo|write back in reply; reseantia|residence; reseantisa|residence; reseco|cut back, trim; reap, cut short; resecro|implore again and again; free from a curse; resemino|reproduce; resequor|reply to; resero|open up, unseal, unbar (gate/door), unfasten; make accessible; uncover, expose; reservo|reserve; spare; hold on to; reses|motionless, inactive, idle, sluggish; residentia|residence; residentialis|residential; resideo|sit down/on/in; settle; be perched; remain seated/idle/fixed/in place; squat; resideo|abate/subside; be left over/retained, persist/stay; fall back; W:be encamped; resido|sit down; settle; abate; subside, quieten down; residuus|remaining (to be done); lingering, persisting, surviving; left over; surplus; resignatio|resignation; resigno|unseal; open; resign; resilio|leap or spring back; recoil; rebound; shrink (back again); resimus|turned up, snub; resina|resin (solid/liquid); (product secreted by various trees); resinaceus|resinous, having the qualities of resin; resinaria|woman who sells/prepares resin; resinosus|resinous; resipicentia|change of mind; reformation; repentance; resipio|have flavor of anything; resipisco|become reasonable again; recover/come to the senses, come to, revive, recover; resipisco|become reasonable again; recover/come to the senses, come to, revive, recover; resisto|pause; continue; resist, oppose; reply; withstand, stand (DAT); make a stand; resolutio|paralysis, limp/relaxed state (of part of the body); looseness (of the bowels); resolutio|untying/unfastening; unraveling/solution/resolution/solving (of a puzzle); resolvo|loosen, release, disperse, melt; relax; pay; enervate, pay back; break up; resonabilis|resounding; resono|resound; resonus|echoing; resorbeo|swallow down; respecto|keep on looking round or back; await; have regard for; respectus|looking back (at); refuge, regard, consideration (for); respergo|sprinkle, spatter; respersio|sprinkling; respicio|look back at; gaze at; consider; respect; care for, provide for; respiramen|means or channel of breathing; respiratio|taking of breath; respiratus|inhaling; inspiration; respiro|breathe out; take breath; enjoy a respite; resplendeo|shine brightly (w/reflected light); radiate light/shine brightly (luminary); respondeo|answer; responsabilis|responsible; responsabilitas|responsibility; responsalis|responsible; responsalitas|responsibility; responsito|give advice; responso|answer, reply (to); reecho; responsor|responder; one who answers; responsoria|responsory; (OED); response, repetitions; responsorium|response; responsory; repetitive reply; repetitions (pl.) in vocal worship; responsum|answer, response; respuo|reject, spit, spew out; turn away, repel; reject, destain, spurn, refuse; restagno|overflow; be covered with flood-water; restat|it remains to; it remains standing; restauro|restore (condition); rebuild; bring back, re-establish, take up again; renew; resticula|thin rope; restinctio|quenching; restinguo|extinguish, quench, put out; exterminate, destroy; assuage, allay, mitigate; restio|rope-maker; restipulatio|counterobligation; restipulor|demand (from the stipulator) a counter-guarantee; (w/ACC of thing guaranteed); restis|rope, cord; restito|stay behind; hesitate; restituo|restore; revive; bring back; make good; restitutio|rebuilding; reinstatement; restitutor|restorer, rebuilder, one who restores to health/revives/reinstates (an exile); restitutorius|restoratory; restitutory; concerned with restoring status quo/initial position; resto|stand firm; stay behind; be left, be left over; remain; restrictivus|restraining; restrictus|tight; short; niggardly; severe (Collins); restringo|draw tight; fasten behind one, tie up; resulto|reverberate, resound; re-echo; rebound, spring back; resummonitio|re-summons; resumo|pick up again; resume; recover; resupinus|lying on one's back; resurgo|rise/appear again; rare up again, lift oneself, be restored/rebuilt, revive; resurrectio|resurrection, rising again; resuscito|rouse again, reawaken; retardatio|hindering; retardo|delay, hold up; rete|net, snare; retego|uncover, lay bare, reveal, disclose; retempto|reattempt; try again; (=retento); retendo|slacken; relax; unbend (bow); free from tension; hold back (?); retendo|slacken; relax; unbend (bow); free from tension; hold back (?); retentio|restraining/holding back; retention/holding against loss; withholding (payment); retento|hold fast/back, keep hold of; restrain/detain, keep in check/place; retain; retexo|undo/reverse/cancel; retrace/go back over; retract; unravel/unweave; break down; retiaculum|small (fish) net; small mesh bag; hair net; some sort of undergarment; network; retiarius|net-fighter in the arena; reticeo|keep silent; give no reply; refrain from speaking/mentioning; leave unsaid; reticulatus|net-like; reticulum|small (fish) net; small mesh bag; hair net; type of undergarment; network; reticulum|tennis-racket; reticulus|small (fish) net; small mesh bag; hair net; type of undergarment; network; retina|retina; retinaculum|rope; hawser; rein; towing-rope; retinens|tenacious; observant; retinentia|memory retention; recollection; retineo|hold back, restrain; uphold; delay; hold fast; retain,preserve; retono|thunder back; retorqueo|twist back; cast back; fling back; turn aside; retorridus|dried-up; retorta|retort (chemistry); retracto|undertake anew; draw back, be reluctant; reconsider; withdraw; retractus|remote; retraho|draw back, withdraw; make known again, divert; bring back; retrecto|undertake anew; draw back, be reluctant; reconsider; withdraw; (= retracto); retribuo|hand back duly (money owed); recompense (Vulgate); render; reward; retributio|retribution, recompense/repayment; punishment (Souter); reward (from judgment); retro|backwards, back, to the rear; behind, on the back side; back (time), formerly; retroago|drive back, reverse; retrogradatio|going-back; retrorsum|back, backwards; in reverse order; retrorsus|back, backwards; in reverse order; retroscopicus|back-viewing; retrospective|retrospectively; retrospectivus|retrospective; retrotraho|refer back; retroversus|back, backwards; in reverse order; retundo|blunt; weaken; repress, quell; retundo|blunt; weaken; repress, quell; retunsus|blunt, dull; retusus|blunt, dull; reubarbarum|rhubarb; reus|liable to (penalty of); guilty; [mens rea => guilty mind (modern legal term)]; reus|party in law suit; plaintiff/defendant; culprit/guilty party, debtor; sinner; revalesco|grow well again; reveho|carry/bring back; ride/sail back (PASS); revelatio|revelation; uncovering, laying bare; Revelation of St. John; revello|tear/pull away/loose/out/from/down/up; wrench off; remove (person); revello|raise/pull up (skin); pluck away/loose (L+S); open (vein); violate/disturb; revello|tear away/loose/out/from/down/up; wrench off; remove; raise/pull up/back (skin); revello|raise/pull up (skin); pluck away/loose (L+S); open (vein); violate/disturb; revelo|show; reveal; revenio|come back, return; revera|in fact; in reality, actually; [re vera => true thing]; reverberatio|reverberation; reflecting/reflection of light/heat; reverberatus|beaten back; struck; reverbero|beat back; repel (violently from a surface); reverendus|awe-inspiring; venerable; reverens|reverent; feeling /showing restraint before superiors; shy/apprehensive/uneasy; reverenter|reverently, with religious awe; respectfully, with deference/consideration; reverentia|respect, deference, restraint; awe, reverence; shyness, felling of misgiving; revereor|respect, stand in awe of, honor, fear; reverence, revere, venerate; reversio|return, reversing/turning back; coming around again; reversal of natural order; reverto|turn back, go back, return; recur (usually DEP); revertor|turn back, go back, return; recur; revincio|bind fast, fasten; revinco|conquer, crush, disprove; reviresco|grow green again; grow strong or young again; reviso|revisit, go back and see; revivisco|come to life again, revive (in spirit); revivo|live again; revocabilis|capable of being revoked or retracted; revocamen|summons to return; revoco|call back, recall; revive; regain; revolo|fly back; revolubilis|that may be rolled back to the beginning; rolling backward; revolutio|revolution, rotation, revolving, turning, turn; revolvo|throw back, roll back; revomo|vomit up again, spew out; rex|king; rhagadis|body-sore (Pliny); rhagadium|body-sore (Pliny); rheno|fur (= reno); Rhenus|Rhine; (river dividing Gaul and Germany - in Caesar's Gallic War); rhetor|teacher of public speaking, rhetorician; rhetoria|trick of rhetoric; (Erasmus); rhetorice|rhetoric; art of oratory; systematized art of public speaking; rhetoricus|of rhetoric, rhetorical; rheumatismus|catarrh; rheum; rhinoceros|rhinoceros (African or Indian); rhinoceros horn oil-flask; rho|Greek name of the letter R; Rhodanus|Rhone; (river in SW Gaul - in Caesar's Gallic War); rhododendron|rose-bay; oleander (Pliny); rhombus|turbot (fish), flatfish; magician's circle; rhomium|rum; rhomphaea|long spear/javelin; (Thracian origin); rhypodes|dirty; smeared; (name of a plaster); rhythmicus|rhythmic; of/concerned with rhythm; rhythmicus|expert on (prose) rhythm; one who teaches rhythm; rhythmos|rhythm; rhythmus|rhythm; rhytium|drinking horn; ribes|currant-bush; ribesium|currant; rica|veil; ricinium|small head-veil; ricinum|small veil; rictum|jaws; open mouth; rictus|jaws; open mouth; rideo|laugh at (with dat.), laugh; ridicule; ridibundus|laughing; ridica|wooden stake for supporting vines; ridicula|small wooden stake for supporting vines; small vine prop; ridiculare|jest, joke (as pl.); ridicularius|laughable, droll; ridicule|amusingly, w/humor; absurdly, laughably, ridiculously, in ridiculous manner; ridiculum|the idea/question is absurd/ridiculous!; ridiculum|joke, piece of humor; [per ridiculum => jockingly, for fun]; ridiculus|laughable, funny, comic, amusing; absurd, silly, ridiculous; ridiculus|jester; buffoon; rienes|kidney(s) (usu. pl.); name of precious stone; (sg. rien not used L+S); rigatio|watering; rigens|stiff; rigid; frozen; rigeo|be stiff or numb; stand on end; be solidified; rigesco|grow stiff or numb; stiffen harden; rigidus|stiff, hard; stern; rough; rigo|moisten, wet, water, irrigate; rigor|stiffness, rigidity, coldness, numbness, hardness; inflexibility; severity; riguus|watering, irrigating; abounding in water, well watered; rima|crack, narrow cleft; (sometimes rude); chink, fissure; [ignea ~ => lightening]; rimor|probe, search; rummage about for, examine, explore; rimosus|full of cracks or fissures; ringa|sword-belt; ring; hoop; ringor|snarl, show the teeth; be angry; rinoceros|rhinoceros (African or Indian); rhinoceros horn oil-flask; ripa|bank; ripensis|on river-bank; ripula|little bank; riscus|chest, trunk; box; suitcase (Cas); risibilis|that can laugh; risible; risor|one who laughs; risus|laughter; rite|duly, according to religious usage, with due observance; solemnly; well; ritual|ceremonial rite; ritualis|ritual; of ceremonies; ritualiter|ritually; by religious means; ritus|rite; ceremony; rivalis|rival; (esp. in love); one who shares use of a stream/mistress; neighbor (L+S); rivalitas|rivalry in love; rivulus|rivulet, rill, small brook; rivus|stream; rixa|violent or noisy quarrel, brawl, dispute; rixor|quarrel violently, brawl, dispute; rixosus|quarrelsome; robbo|rob; roberia|robbery; robeus|red (esp. of oxen/domestic animals); red (type of wheat, other contexts); robiginosus|rusty; robigo|rust; mildew, blight; a foul deposit in the mouth; robius|red (esp. of oxen/domestic animals); red (type of wheat, other contexts); robor|oak (tree/timber); tough core; strength; vigor; resolve; roboreus|oak-, oaken, made/consisting of oak; roboro|give physical/moral strength to; reinforce; strengthen, make more effective; robotum|robot; robur|oak (tree/timber/trunk/club/post/cell); tough core; resolve/purpose; B:tetanus; robur|strength/firmness/solidity; vigor, robustness; potency, force, effectiveness; robur|military strength/might/power; heart, main strength, strongest element; robur|mainstay/bulwark, source of strength; stronghold, position of strength; robureus|oak-, oaken, made/consisting of oak; robus|red (esp. of oxen/domestic animals); red (type of wheat, other contexts); robus|oak (tree/timber/trunk/club/post/cell); tough core; resolve/purpose; B:tetanus; robus|strength/firmness/solidity; vigor, robustness; potency, force, effectiveness; robus|military strength/might/power; heart, main strength, strongest element; robus|mainstay/bulwark, source of strength; stronghold, position of strength; robustus|of oak; hard/firm/solid; hardy/robust/durable, able to resist change; valiant; robustus|physically mature/grown up; mature in taste/judgment; strong/powerful in arms; rodo|gnaw, peck; rodus|lump, rough piece; piece of bronze, (sometimes a bronze coin); rogalis|of a funeral pyre; rogamen|request; rogatio|proposed measure; rogatiuncula|minor question or bill; rogator|proposer; L:law-proposer; polling clerk; beggar; rogatorialis|rogatory, commision authorizing judge of other jurisdiction to examine witness;; rogito|ask, inquire; rogo|ask, ask for; invite; introduce; rogus|funeral pyre; Rolvo|Rolf; Roma|Rome; romanciator|novelist; Romanicus|Roman (architectural style); romanticus|romantic; romanus|Roman; romanus|Roman; the Romans (pl.); romphea|long spear/javelin; (Thracian origin); Romulus|of/pertaining to Romulus (legendary founder of Rome); Roman; Romulus|Romulus (legendary founder of Rome); rorarius|light-armed troops (pl.), skirmishers; roridus|bedewed; rorifer|bringing dew; roro|cause dew, drip; be moist; rorulentus|dewy; full of dew; ros|dew; light rain; spray/splash water; [ros marinus/maris => rosemary]; rosa|rose; (also as term of endearment); rose bush; rose oil; rosaceus|rose-, made of/from roses; made with rose oil; [oleum ~ => oil of roses]; rosacius|rose-, made of/from roses; made with rose oil; [oleum ~ => oil of roses]; rosarium|rose-garden; rose-bed; rosarium|rosary; rosarius|rose-seller, seller of roses or rose garlands; rosarius|rose-, involving/of/derived from roses; roscidum|wet/dewy places (pl.); roscidus|dewy, wet w/dew; consisting of dew; wet, dripping w/moisture; resembling dew; rosetum|garden of roses; roseus|rose-colored, red; (of sky/sun); made of roses; rosmarinus|rosemary; rostratus|having beaked prow; rostrum|beak, curved bow (of a ship); speaker's platform (in Rome's Forum) (pl.); rota|wheel (rotate); rotarium|toll (freeway); rotatio|rotation; pirouette; rotensus|extensive; roto|whirl round; revolve, rotate; rotundatio|rounding; circumference; rotunditas|roundness of form; rotundity (L+S); rotundo|make round, give circular/spherical shape to; round off (sum); rotundus|round, circular; wheel-like; spherical, globular; smooth, finished; facile; rubecula|robin; rubefacio|redden; rubellus|reddish; rubens|colored or tinged with red; rubeo|be red, become red; ruber|red, ruddy, painted red; [Rubrum Mare => Red Sea, Arabian/Persian Gulf]; rubesco|turn red, redden, become red; rubeta|toad; rubetum|bramble thicket (pl.); rubeus|bramble-, of or produced from bramble; rubeus|red (esp. of oxen/domestic animals); red (type of wheat, other contexts); rubia|red dye; rubicundulus|somewhat red; rubicundus|suffused with red, ruddy; rubigo|rust; mildew, blight; a foul deposit in the mouth; rubinus|ruby; rubius|red (esp. of oxen/domestic animals); red (type of wheat, other contexts); rubor|redness, blush; modesty, capacity to blush; shame, disgrace, what causes blush; rubramentum|red ink; rubrica|red earth; red ocher; a law with its title written in red; rubricatus|red, painted red with ocher; (books) with chapter headings on red (i.e., legal); rubus|bramble, briar; prickly shrub; fruit of bramble, blackberry; rucheta|rocket; ructo|belch; ructor|belch; ructus|belching; rudectus|full-of-rubbish; poor (of soil); rudens|rope; rudiarius|retired gladiator; (one who has received his rudis/wooden sword on retiring); rudicula|wooden spoon; spatula; rudimentum|first lesson(s); early training; rudis|stick/rod; stirring/mixing stick, spatula; W:wooden/blunt training sword; rudis|staff; foil; instructor's baton; symbol of gladiator/military discharge; rudis|undeveloped, rough, wild; coarse; rudo|bellow, roar, bray, creak loudly; rudus|lump, rough piece; piece of bronze, (sometimes a bronze coin); Rufinus|Rufinus; (St./Bishop of Assisi); (other Saints); (friend/enemy of Jerome); rufulus|red-headed; rufus|red (of various shades); (esp. hair); red-haired; tawny; ruddy; Rufus|Rufus; (Roman cognomen); ruga|wrinkle; crease, small fold; rugio|bellow, roar; rugo|wrinkle, crease; corrugate; become wrinkled/rumpled/creased; rugosus|full of wrinkles, folds or creases; ruina|fall; catastrophe; collapse, destruction; ruinosus|ruinous, fallen, ruined; rumex|sorrel; rumifico|report; ruminalis|ruminating (Pliny); rumino|chew over again; chew the cud; ruminor|chew over again; chew the cud; rumor|hearsay, rumor, gossip; reputation; shouting; rumpia|long spear/javelin; (Thracian origin); rumpo|break; destroy; rumusculus|trifling rumor, idle talk, gossip; runa|dart; runcina|carpenter's plane; runcino|plane (as a carpenter); runco|weed, thin out; ruo|destroy, ruin, overthrow; rush on, run; fall; charge (in + ACC); be ruined; rupes|cliff; rock; ruptor|one who breaks or violates; ruricola|one who tills the land, country-dweller; rurigena|born in the country; ruro|live in the country; ruror|live in the country; rursum|turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again; rursus|turned back, backward; on the contrary/other hand, in return, in turn, again; rus|country, farm; rusceus|bright red, colored like berries of butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus); ruscum|butcher's broom; (Ruscus aculeatus, shrub w/stems flat/oval w/sharp spine); ruscus|butcher's broom; (Ruscus aculeatus, shrub w/stems flat/oval w/sharp spine); rusi|country; ( = in the country); (ancient form carried on); russula|russule mushroom; russus|red; (warm/brownish shade); red-haired (person); rustica|countrywoman, bumpkin; rusticanus|living in the country; rusticatio|living in the country; rustice|in the manner of a rustic/countrified style; clumsily, uncouthly, boorishly; rusticitas|lack of sophistication; rusticor|live in the country; rusticulus|countrified; rusticulus|rustic; rusticus|country, rural; plain, homely, rustic; rusticus|peasant, farmer; rustum|butcher's broom; (Ruscus aculeatus, shrub w/stems flat/oval w/sharp spine); ruta|rue, a bitter herb; rutabulum|rod with flat end; (for shifting coal in oven); (stirring thick liquid); penis; Rutilius|Rutilius; (Roman gens name); (P. ~ Rufus -> exiled historian); Rutilius|Rutilius; (Roman gens name); (P. ~ Rufus -> exiled historian); rutilo|redden, make reddish; have a reddish glow; rutilus|red, golden red, reddish yellow; rutrum|shovel; rutula|little bit of rue; rutunditas|roundness of form; rotundity (L+S); rutundo|make round, give circular/spherical shape to; round off (sum); rutundus|round, circular; wheel-like; spherical, globular; smooth, finished; facile; rutus|dug-up; (ruta et caesa = everything dug up and cut down on an estate); rythmicus|rhythmic; of/concerned with rhythm; sabacthani|forsaken; [Heli Heli lemma ~ => My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me]; Sabaoth|hosts (pl.); armies; (Hebrew); [Deus Sabaoth => God of Hosts]; sabath|Shebat, Jewish month; (eleventh in ecclesiastic year); Sabbaoth|hosts (pl.); armies; (Hebrew); [Deus Sabaoth => God of Hosts]; sabbataria|woman who keeps the sabbath; Jewish woman; sabbatismus|observing/keeping of the sabbath; sabbatizo|observe/keep the sabbath; sabbatum|Sabbath (usu. pl.); Saturday (Jewish); Sunday (Christian); festival/feast day; Sabine|Sabine, in Sabine language; Sabinus|Sabine, of the Sabines/their country/that area; the shrub savin/its oil; Sabinus|Sabines (pl.), people living NE of Rome; their territory; an estate there; sabucus|sambuca-player; (triangular stringed instrument w/very sharp shrill tone OED); sabulum|gravel, sand; saburra|gravel/sand (used for ballast); saccatum|urine; saccharatus|sweetened; saccharinum|saccharin; saccharum|sugar; sacciperium|bag; sacco|filter; strain; sacculus|little bag (as a filter for wine); purse; sachet (Cal); saccus|sack, bag; wallet; sacellum|shrine; sacer|sacred, holy, consecrated; accursed, horrible, detestable; sacerdos|priest, priestess; sacerdotalis|priests (pl.), men of priestly rank; sacerdotalis|priestly, connected with priests or priesthood; sacerdotialis|priestly, connected with priests or priesthood; sacerdotium|priesthood; benefice/living (Erasmus); sacoma|counterweight; sacopenium|plant gum-juice (Pliny); sacramentarium|sacramentary, book of prayers; early office-book w/rites/prayers of sacraments; sacramentum|sum deposited in a civil process, guaranty; oath of allegiance; sacrament; sacrarium|shrine, sanctuary; sacratus|hallowed, holy, sacred; sacricola|sacrificing priest or priestess; sacrifer|carrying sacred objects; sacrificium|sacrifice, offering to a deity; sacrifico|sacrifice; celebrate the Mass (Erasmus); sacrificulus|sacrificing priest; sacrificum|sacrifice, offering to a deity; sacrificus|sacrificial, associated with the performance of sacrifice/priestly duties; sacrificus|sacrificing priest; sacrilegium|sacrilege; robbery of sacred property; sacrilegus|sacrilegious, impious; sacrilegus|temple defiler; temple robber; sacrista|sacristan (one charged with books/treasury of church/monastery); vestryman; sacristanus|sacristan (one charged with books/treasury of church/monastery); vestryman; sacristia|vestry; sacro|consecrate, make sacred, dedicate; sacrosanctus|consecrated by religious ceremony, sacred, inviolable, most holy; venerable; sacrum|sacrifice; sacred vessel; religious rites (pl.); sade|sade; (18th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as TS); saeclaris|of/belonging to saeculum/century/generation; of Roman century games/hymns; saeclum|age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century; saecularis|of/belonging to saeculum/century/generation; of Roman century games/hymns; saecularis|secular, of world not church; ecclesiastics not member of order (Bee); gentile; saeculum|age; generation, people born at a time; breed, race; present time/age; century; saeculum|worldliness; the_world; heathenism; saeculum|time; past/present/future (Plater); [in ~ => forever]; saepe|often, oft, oftimes, many times, frequently; saepenumero|repeatedly; on many occasions; saepes|hedge; fence; anything planted/erected to form surrounding barrier; saepicule|pretty often; saepimentum|fence, enclosure; saepio|surround/envelop/enfold/encircle; clothe/cover/protect; close/seal off; shut in; saepio|hedge/fence in, surround (w/hedge/wall/fence/barrier/troops); enclose; confine; saeps|hedge; fence; anything planted/erected to form surrounding barrier; saeptum|fold, paddock; enclosure; voting enclosure in the Campus Martius; saeta|hair; (coarse/stiff); bristle; brush; morbid internal growth; fishing-leader; saetiger|bristly; saetosus|bristly, shaggy; saevidicus|angrily spoken; saevio|rage; rave, bluster; be/act angry/violent/ferocious; vent rage on (DAT); saevitia|rage, fierceness, ferocity; cruelty, barbarity, violence; saevus|savage; fierce/ferocious; violent/wild/raging; cruel, harsh, severe; vehement; saffranum|saffron; saga|witch, sorceress, wise woman; sagacitas|keenness (of scent/senses); acuteness/instinct/flair; sagacity/shrewdness (L+S); sagapenon|plant gum-juice (Pliny); sagatus|clothed in a sagum (cloak); sagax|keen-scented; acute, sharp, perceptive; sagena|seine, drag-net; sagino|fatten (animals) for eating; feed lavishly, stuff; sagitta|arrow; sagittarius|archer, bowman; fletcher, maker of arrows; Archer (constellation/zodiac sign); sagittarius|armed with bow/arrows; used in/concerned with making/manufacturing arrows; sagittatio|archery; sagittatus|barbed; formed like arrows; sagittifer|carrying arrows; sagitto|shoot arrows; sagma|saddle; sagmen|bunch of sacred herbs; sagulum|cloak, traveling cloak; sagum|cloak; sagus|prophetic; saisimentum|attachment; seizure; requisition; transfer; sal|salt; wit; salacaccabium|salting; salaco|swaggerer, braggart; salaputium|little man, manikin; salariarius|salaried employee; salarium|regular official payment to the holder of a civil or military post; salarius|of salt, salt; salax|lecherous/lustful; highly sexed, eager for sex, lascivious; aphrodisiac; hot; salebra|rut, irregularity; roughness (of style or speech); salebrosus|rugged, rough; salgamum|salted pickle; pickles in brine; saliaris|sumptuous, splendid, like feast of Mars (put on by Salii/priests of Mars); salictum|collection of willows, willow grove; saliens|fountain, jet d'eau; outflow (of water); flow in water-clock; gushing/spouting; saligneus|made of willow-wood/withes; willow-; salignus|made of willow-wood/withes; willow-; salillum|little salt-cellar; saltcellar (Cal); salina|salt-pans (pl.); salinum|salt-cellar; salio|salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice; salio|leap, jump; move suddenly/spasmodically (part of body under stress), twitch; salio|spurt, discharge, be ejected under force (water/fluid); mount/cover (by stud); salio|leap, jump; move suddenly/spasmodically (part of body under stress), twitch; salio|spurt, discharge, be ejected under force (water/fluid); mount/cover (by stud); saliunca|wild nard; plant yielding aromatic ointment; saliva|spittle; distinctive flavor; salix|willow-tree, willow; sallio|salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice; sallo|salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice; salmoneus|salmon-colored; salo|salt, salt down, preserve with salt; sprinkle before sacrifice; Salomon|David; salpa|kind of stock-fish; salsamentum|fish-pickle, brine; salted or pickled fish; salsedo|saltiness (Pliny); salsugo|brine, water full of salt; salinity, salt quality; salsum|salted things (pl.); salted food; salsura|salting, pickling; salsus|salted, salty, preserved in salt; briny; witty, funny, salted wit humor; saltatio|dancing; dance (Collins); saltatiuncula|little dance; saltator|dancer; saltatorius|dancing-; of dancing; saltatricula|little dancing girl; saltatrix|dancing girl; saltatus|dancing, a dance; saltem|at least, anyhow, in all events; (on to more practical idea); even, so much as; saltim|at least, anyhow, in all events; (on to more practical idea); even, so much as; saltito|dance a lot; dance vigorously; salto|dance, jump; portray or represent in a dance; saltuosus|characterized by wooded valleys; saltus|leap, spring, jump; stage, step; saltus|narrow passage (forest/mountain); defile, pass; woodland with glades (pl.); saluber|healthy, salubrious; salutary, beneficial; in good condition (body); wholesome; salubritas|good health; wholesomeness; salubriter|wholesomely, w/advantage to health; beneficially, profitably; cheaply; salum|open sea, high sea, main, deep, ocean; sea in motion, billow, waves; salus|health; prosperity; good wish; greeting; salvation, safety; salutare|salvation; salutaris|healthful, health-giving, wholesome, beneficial; saving; of salvation; salutaris|healthful; useful; helpful; advantageous; salutatio|greeting, salutation; formal morning call paid by client on patron/Emperor; salutator|greeter, one who greets; one who pays formal morning call as a client; salutatrix|female courtier; she who greets; salutifer|healing, salubrious; saving; salutary; salutificator|savior; one who brings to safety; salutigerulus|greetings-bearing; saluto|greet; wish well; visit; hail, salute; salvatio|salvation; deliverance; salvator|savior; salve|hail!/welcome!; farewell!; [salvere jubere => to greet/bid good day]; salveo|be well/in good health; [salve => hello/hail/greetings; farewell/goodbye]; salvia|sage; salvifico|save, deliver; salvificus|saving; salvo|save; salvus|well, unharmed, sound; alive; safe, saved; Samaria|Samaria; (middle district of Palestine); Samaritanus|Samaritan, of/pertaining to Samaria; (middle district of Palestine); Samarites|Samaritan, inhabitant of Samaria; (middle district of Palestine); Samariticus|Samaritan, of/pertaining to Samaria; (middle district of Palestine); Samaritis|Samaritan woman, inhabitant of Samaria; (middle district of Palestine); sambuca|species of harp; sambucistria|player (female) an the small harp/sambuca; sambucus|sambuca-player; Itriangular stringed-instrument w/very sharp shrill tone OED); samech|samekh; (15th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as S); samera|elm-seed (Pliny); Samius|of/belonging to Samos; (cheap/brittle pottery); [testa ~ => shard for cutting]; sampsuchum|marjoram plant; sampsucum|marjoram plant; sanabilis|curable; sanatorium|sanatorium; sancio|confirm, ratify; sanction; fulfill (prophesy); enact (law); ordain; dedicate; sanctificatio|holiness; holy mystery; sanctuary (Plater); sanctifico|sanctify, treat as holy; sanctimonia|sanctity, sacredness; purity, chastity, virtue; sanctimonialis|nub; religious person; sanctimonialis|holy; pious, religious; monastic; of sanctity/purity; [~ mulier => nun]; sanctio|law/ordinance/sanction/degree; binding clause; penal sanction against violation; sanctitas|inviolability, sanctity, moral purity, virtue, piety, purity, holiness; sanctitudo|sanctity, holiness; moral purity, probity; sanctor|establisher; one who enacts; sanctuarium|sanctuary, shrine; place keeping holy things or private/confidential records; sanctus|consecrated, sacred, inviolable; venerable, august, divine, holy, pious, just; sanctus|saint; sandaliarius|relating to sandals; (statue of Apollo on street of sandal makers); sandaligerula|female slaves (pl.) who carried their mistresses sandals; sandalium|slipper, sandal; sandapila|bier used for poor people; sandyx|red dye (from oxides of lead and iron); scarlet cloth; sane|reasonably, sensibly; certainly, truly; however; yes, of course; sanesco|recover, get well (patient); heal (wound); sanguinans|bloodthirsty; sanguinarius|of blood; bloodthirsty, savage; sanguineus|bloody, bloodstained; blood-red; sanguinolentus|bloody; blood-red; blood-stained; sanguinulentus|bloody; blood-red; blood-stained; (alt. form of sanguinolentus); sanguis|blood; family; sanguisuga|leech; horseleech (Douay); sanies|ichorous/bloody matter/pus discharged from wound/ulcer; other such fluids; sanitarius|sanitary; sanitas|sanity, reason; health; sanna|mocking grimace; sannio|buffoon; sano|cure, heal; correct; quiet; sanqualis|sacred-to-Sanctus; sea-osprey (when describing bird); sanus|sound; healthy; sensible; sober; sane; sapa|new wine; sapidus|prudent; sapiencia|wisdom (goal of philosopher, Stoic virtue); judgment/understanding; reason; sapiencia|prudence, discretion, discernment (L+S); good sense; good taste; intelligence; sapiens|wise (virtuous) man, sage, philosopher; teacher of wisdom; sapiens|rational; sane, of sound mind; wise, judicious, understanding; discreet; sapienter|wisely, sensibly; sapientia|wisdom (goal of philosopher, Stoic virtue); judgment/understanding; reason; sapientia|prudence, discretion, discernment (L+S); good sense; good taste; intelligence; sapineus|of the fir tree; of the pine tree; sapinus|fir tree; pine tree; its lower part; sapio|taste of; understand; have sense; sapo|soap; saponatum|shampoo; sapor|taste, flavor; sense of taste; sapphir|blue gem; (probably lapis lazuli); sapphire (L+S); sapphirus|blue gem; (probably lapis lazuli); sapphire (L+S); sapphyrus|blue gem; (probably lapis lazuli); sapphire (L+S); sappir|blue gem; (probably lapis lazuli); sapphire (L+S); sappirus|blue gem; (probably lapis lazuli); sapphire (L+S); sarabala|loose/wide trousers (pl.); (worn in the East); saraballa|loose/wide trousers (pl.); (worn in the East); saraballum|loose/wide trousers (pl.); (worn in the East); sarabalum|loose/wide trousers (pl.); (worn in the East); sarabara|loose/wide trousers (pl.); (worn in the East); sarabarum|loose/wide trousers (pl.); (worn in the East); sarcasmos|taunt; sarcasm; sarcina|pack, bundle, soldier's kit; baggage (pl.), belongings, chattels; load, burden; sarcinarius|employed in carrying packs; sarcinator|cobbler; sarcinula|(small) pack/bundle; baggage (pl.), belongings/chattels, effects, paraphernalia; sarcio|make good; redeem; restore; sarcophagus|coffin, grave; sarculum|hoe; sardina|sardine; pilchard; small fish; Sardinia|Sardinia; (large island west of Italy); sardinus|carnelian/sardian; (deep red of a precious stone); sardius|carnelian/sardian; (deep red of a precious stone); sardius|carnelian/sardian; (deep red precious stone); sardonichus|of/pertaining to sardonyx (precious stone); [~ lapis => sardonyx]; sardonicus|sardonyx, precious stone; Sardonius|Sardinian; [~ herba => kind of acrid buttercup/poisonous plant, crowfoot (L+S)]; sardonyx|sardonyx, precious stone; Sardus|Sardinian; Sardus|Sardinian (person); sargus|salt-water fish, the sargue; sario|hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); sarisa|Macedonian lance; sarisophorus|Macedonian pikeman; Sarmata|Sarmatian; people from south Russia/Iran; Sarmaticus|Sarmatian; of the Sarmatian people; sarmentum|shoot; twigs (pl.), cut twigs, brushwood; sarracum|kind of wagon/cart/wain; S:Charles's Wain constellation (Big Dipper); sarrio|hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); rake (L+S); sarrio|hoe; weed (crops); dig over (land); sarritor|hoer; weeder; sartago|frying pan; mixture/medley/jumble/farrago; stove (Cal); sartio|hoeing; digging-over; (in Columella; JFW guess, Old form of satio?); sartor|patcher; mender; A:hoer; weeder; sat|enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty; sat|enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory; satago|bustle about, fuss, busy one's self; be hard pressed, have one's hands full; Satan|Satan, the Devil; adversary (Def); Satanas|Satan, the Devil; adversary (Def); satanicus|satanic; satanismus|wickedness; satelles|attendant; courtier; follower; life guard; companion; accomplice, abettor; satelles|S:satellite; satellitium|escort; E:guard, protection; satias|sufficiency, abundance; distaste caused by excess; satietas|satiety; the state of being sated; satio|satisfy, sate; nourish; satio|sowing, planting; field (Collins); satis|enough, adequately; sufficiently; well enough, quite; fairly, pretty; satis|enough, adequate, sufficient; satisfactory; satisdatio|giving bail or security; satisfacio|satisfy; make amends; apologize, excuse; satisfy a claim; compensate; suffice; satisfacio|give satisfactory assurance (to/that); give all (attention) that is required; satisfactio|penalty; satisfaction for an offense; satisfio|be satisfied; be compensated; be given enough/sufficient; (satisfacio PASS); satius|rather; preferably; satius|better, more serviceable/satisfactory; fitter, preferable; (COMP of satis); sativus|sown; that is sown; sator|sower, planter; founder, progenitor (usu. divine); originator; satrapa|governor; (provincial); viceroy; satrap; satrapes|governor; (provincial); viceroy; satrap; satraps|governor; (provincial); viceroy; satrap; satur|well-fed, replete; rich; saturated; satura|satire; satureia|herb (savory); satureium|herb (savory)i (pl.) saturitas|fullness/satiety (food/drink); surplus of digested food; abundance, plenitude; saturitas|condition of being imbued with a color to saturation; Saturnali|Saturnalia; festival of Saturnalia (December); Saturnalium|Saturnalia; festival of Saturnalia (December); Saturninus|Saturninus; (revolutionary tribune); saturo|fill to repletion, sate, satisfy; drench, saturate; satus|sprung (from); native; satyrion|satyrion plant; drink made from it (Pliny); satyriscus|little satyr; satyrus|satyr; satyric play; sauciatio|wounding; saucio|wound, hurt; gash, stab; saucius|wounded; ill, sick; Saul|Saul; King of Israel); (original name of St Paul); Saul|Saul; King of Israel); (original name of St Paul); Saulus|Saul; King of Israel); (original name of St Paul); sauna|sauna; saviatio|kissing; saviolum|tender kiss; savior|kiss; savium|kiss; sweetheart; saxetum|rocky place; saxeus|rocky, stony, made of stones; saxificus|petrifying, turning to stone; saxophonum|saxophone; saxosus|rocky, stony; saxulum|little rock; saxum|stone; scabellum|footstool; a musical instrument played with the foot; scaber|rough/scabrous from disease, scabby (esp. sheep); rough/corroded (surface); scabies|itch, mange; scabillum|footstool; a musical instrument played with the foot; scabinus|alderman; scabiosus|scabby, mangy; scabo|scratch, scrape; scabritia|roughness; B:itch; scab; scabrities|roughness; B:itch; scab; scabrosus|scabrous, rough; scaccarium|chessboard, game of chess; scaciludium|chess (game); scacus|chess (game); scaena|theater stage, "boards"; scene; theater; public stage/view, publicity; scaenalis|theatrical; scaenarium|scenario; script; scaenicus|theatrical; scaenicus|actor; scaevus|left, on the left; awkward; scala|ladder (pl.); scalmus|thole-pin, rowlock; scalpellum|scalpel, lancet; small surgical knife; similar tool used in grafting; scalpellus|scalpel, lancet; small surgical knife; similar tool used in grafting; scalper|tool for scraping/paring/cutting away/removing parts of bone/sharpening pens; scalpo|scratch, draw nails across (itch/affection); dig out (w/nails); carve/engrave; scalpratus|fitted with a scraper; having a sharp or cutting edge; scalprum|tool for scraping/paring/cutting away/removing parts of bone/sharpening pens; scamillus|stool; little bench; T:pedestal step; scammonea|plant (scammony); scammonia|plant (scammony); scamnum|stool, step; scamonia|plant (scammony); (alt. form of scammonia); scandalizo|tempt to evil; cause to stumble; offend, scandalize (Bee); scandalose|scandalously; scandalosus|scandalous; slanderous; scandalum|temptation/inducement to sin; cause of offense; stumbling block; scandal (Bee); scandix|chervil herb (Pliny); scando|climb; mount, ascend, get up, clamber; scandula|roof-shingle; scapha|skiff; light boat; scaphium|pot, bowl, drinking vessel; scapula|shoulder-blades (pl.); shoulder, back; wings (Ecc); scapulare|scapular, short cloak, covering for shoulders; one Mary gave to St. Simon Stock; scapulare|sword-belt; shoulder-strap; scapularium|sword-belt; shoulder-strap; scapus|stem/stalk of a plant; shaft/upright of column/post/door frame/scroll; scarabeus|beetle; scarab(Pliny); scariphatio|scarification; a scratched opening; (L+S gives scarifatio); scaripho|scratch open; scarify; (L+S gives scarifo, JFW's texts have -ph-); scarpus|abstract; scatebra|gush of water from the ground, bubbling spring; scateo|gush out, bubble, spring forth; swarm (with), be alive (with); scato|gush out, bubble, spring forth; swarm (with), be alive (with); scaturigo|bubbling spring; scaturrio|gush, bubble over; scaurus|with swollen ankles; scazon|iambic trimeter with a spondee or trochee in the last foot; sceleratus|criminal, wicked; accursed; lying under a ban; sinful, atrocious, heinous; sceleratus|criminal; scelero|defile; scelerosus|steeped in wickedness; scelestus|infamous, wicked; accursed; scellinus|schilling (money); scelus|crime; calamity; wickedness, sin, evil deed; scena|theater stage, "boards"; scene; a theater; public stage/view, publicity; scenofactorius|of/pertaining to the making of tents; [ars ~ => business of tent-making]; scenopegia|Jewish Feast of Tabernacles; scenophegia|Jewish Feast of Tabernacles; scepticismus|skepticism; scepticus|skeptic; sceptrifer|bearing a scepter; sceptrum|scepter; sceptuchus|wand-bearer, a court official; scheda|strip of papyrus bark; a leaf of paper; schedinummus|banknote; schedula|small paper-leaf; L:schedule; document; proclamation; schema|shape, figure, form; schema|shape, figure, form; schematismos|florid/figurative mode of speech; schematismus|florid/figurative mode of speech; schisma|schism/split/deep divide; separation/breaking away; (refusal to submit to Pope); schismaticus|schismatic; pertaining to schism; schismaticus|schismatic, separatist, seceder; schoenicula|scented prostitute; prostitute anointed with schoenum; schoenobates|rope-walker; schoenus|aromatic rush; Persian distance; schola|school; followers of a system/teacher/subject; thesis/subject; area w/benches; scholaris|scholar, student (Bee); imperial guard (pl.) (L+S); scholaris|of/belonging to a school; used in school; scholarus|of/connected with the schola in which a collegium met; scholastica|debate on imaginary case in school of rhetoric (controversia scholastica); scholasticus|of/appropriate to a school of rhetoric/any school; scholasticus|student/teacher, one who attends school; one who studies, scholar; scholicus|of/belonging to a school (of rhetoric/grammar); theoretical (not actual); scholium|note; (Erasmus); scibilis|knowable; discernible; scida|strip of papyrus bark; a leaf of paper; sciens|conscious of (one's acts); aware/cognizant; knowledgeable/skilled, expert; scienter|skillfully, expertly; consciously, knowingly; scientia|knowledge, science; skill; scientificus|scientific; learned; scilicet|one may know, certainly; of course; scilla|squill, sea-onion (bulbous seaside plane); squill bulb/root/preparation; scindo|tear, rend, cut to pieces; tear (clothes/hair) in rage/grief/despair; scindo|tear, split, divide; rend, cut to pieces; tear in rage/grief/despair; scinifes|kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; other small creatures (OLD); sciniphes|kind of stinging insects; very small flies, gnats; other small creatures (OLD); scintilla|spark; scintillo|send out sparks; scintillula|little spark; scinus|mastic tree; (Vulgate Susanna 1:54); scio|know, understand; scio|know, understand; sciolus|smatterer; one with a little knowledge; sciphus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; scipio|ceremonial rod, baton; Scipio|Scipio; (P. Cornelia ~ beat Hannibal, his grandson destroyed Carthage); scipus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; scirpea|large basket made of bulrushes; basket-work (Cas); scirpia|large basket made of bulrushes; basket-work (Cas); scirpiculus|used for dealing with bulrushes (of a billhook); of/made of rushes (L+S); scirpiculus|basket made of bulrushes, rush basket; scirpo|plait/make (baskets, etc.) from bulrushes; scirpus|woven/made of bulrushes; basket-work (Cas); scirpus|marsh plant, bulrush; (Scripus lacustris); riddle (like intricate basket-work); scirros|hard tumor; scirto|dance; (4 Ezra 6:21); sciscitor|ask; question; consult; scisco|investigate, inquire; (political) vote; ordain; scisma|schism/split/deep divide; separation/breaking away; (refusal to submit to Pope); scissilis|torn, tattered (clothes); easily split, fissile (minerals); scissor|carver; scissura|cleft, fissure; scitamentum|food dainty; G:nicety; scitor|inquire, ask; scitulus|neat; elegant; scitum|ordinance, statute; scitus|having practical knowledge of, neat, ingenious; nice, excellent; scitus|decree; sciurus|squirrel; scius|cognizant, possessing knowledge; skilled/expert (in w/ABL); sclodia|sledge, sleigh; sclopeto|fire rifle; sclopetum|rifle; scobis|filings, chips, shavings, sawdust; scobo|probe; look into; search; scope out; sweep (Douay) (prob. confused with V 1 1); scola|school; followers of a system/teacher/subject; thesis/subject; area w/benches; scolastica|debate on imaginary case in school of rhetoric (controversia scholastica); scolasticus|of/appropriate to a school of rhetoric/any school; scolasticus|student/teacher, one who attends school; one who studies, scholar; scolymos|edible thistle (Pliny); scomber|mackerel; scopa|butcher's broom (shrub); branches/sprigs tied together (pl.); broom (sweeping); scopo|brush/sweep away; scopo|probe; look into; search; scope out; sweep (Douay) (prob. confused with V 1 1); scopulosus|rocky; full of rocks; scopulus|rock, boulder; scorbutus|scurvy; scoria|slag, dross; (of metals); scorpio|scorpion; (animal/constellation/zodiacal sign); small catapult; plant; scorpion|plant w/poisonous root like scorpion; (leopard's-bane, Doronicum caucasicum?); scorpios|scorpion; (animal/constellation/zodiacal sign); small catapult; plant; scorpius|scorpion; (animal/constellation/zodiacal sign); small catapult; plant; scortator|fornicator; scorteum|thing made of hide/hides/leather; scorteus|of hide/hides, leather; scortillum|young prostitute; wench; scortor|consort with harlots/prostitutes; act like a harlot/promiscuously; scortum|harlot, prostitute; male prostitute; skin, hide; Scotia|Scotland; Scotus|Scot, Scotsman, person from Scotland; Scots (pl.); screator|hawker; throat-clearer; screatus|hawking; throat-clearing; screo|clear the throat, hawk, hem; scriba|scribe, clerk; scriblita|kind of pastry; scribo|write; compose; scribtus|written; composed; (archaic vpar of scribo); scrinium|box, case; scriptito|write often; compose; scripto|write; compose; scriptor|writer, author; scribe; scriptorius|writing; scriptulum|unit of weight (1/24 unica, 1/288 libra); 1/288 of any unit (esp. iugerum); scriptum|something written; written communication; literary work; scriptura|writing; composition; scripture; scriptus|scribe's office; being a clerk; scripula|kind of vine/grape (used for raisins); scripulatim|by amounts of a scripulum (1/288 libra/pound); (2 grams); (pharmacy dose); scripulum|weight unit (1/24 unica, 1/288 libra, 2 grams); 1/288 of a unit (esp. iugerum); scrobis|ditch, trench; dike; scrofa|sow; (esp. one used for breeding); scrofinus|of/derived from a sow; scrofipascus|that feeds sows; scrofipascus|pig breeder; scrotum|scrotum; scrupeda|hobbling; shambling (walk); scrupeus|composed of sharp rocks; scruposus|of sharp stones, rugged, rough; scrupula|anxiety, doubt, scruple; scrupulositas|rough spot, jagged edge; hesitation; scrupulosus|careful, accurate, scrupulous; scrupulum|unit of weight (1/24 unica, 1/288 libra); 1/288 of any unit (esp. iugerum); scrupulus|small stone; fraction of an ounce (Erasmus); scruple; scrupus|worry, anxiety; scrupus|sharp stone; scruta|pot; scrutabilis|searchable; scrutamen|scrutiny; scrutaria|second-hand good; flea-market; scrutarius|junk merchant; second hand dealer; broker (Cal); scrutatio|investigating, vetting, scrutinizing; scrutillus|kind of sausage; scrutinium|search (record), examination (for hidden); inquiry/investigation/scrutiny (L+S); scrutino|investigate; examine closely/strictly; scrutinize; scrutinor|investigate; examine closely/strictly; scrutinize; scruto|search/probe/examine carefully/thoroughly; explore/scan/scrutinize/investigate; scrutor|search/probe/examine carefully/thoroughly; explore/scan/scrutinize/investigate; scrutor|searcher/investigator/inquirer; scrutinizer/watcher/examiner; who looks closely; scrutum|trash (pl.), old/broken stuff; job lot; trumpery; sculpo|carve, engrave (inscription/face); fashion/work into form by carving/engraving; sculponea|cheap wooden shoe; sculptilis|engraved; sculptor|sculptor; scurra|fashionable idler, man about town, rake; professional buffoon, comedian/clown; scurrilitas|buffoonery; quality of a scurra, untimely/offensive humor; scurriliter|in the manner of a scurra, with untimely/offensive humor/buffoonery; scurror|play the "man about town"; dine off one's jokes; scutale|device for controlling missile in type of sling; thong of a sling (L+S); scutarior|shield-bearer; scutarius|of/on/belonging to shield; scutarius|shield maker; guard equipped with shield/scutum (Late empire) (L+S); scutatus|armed with a long wooden shield; scutella|saucer, small shallow/flat dish/pan; dish used as stand for other vessels; scutellum|escutcheon; scutica|strap; instrument of punishment; lash, whip; scutra|shallow/flat dish/pan/tray/platter; (square); shovel (Vulgate); scutula|small shallow dish/pan; figure of lozenge/rhombus/diamond shape; scutula|wooden cylinder; roller; secret writing/letter (L+S); cylindrical snake; scutulata|checked garment; scutulatum|checked cloths (pl.), checks; scutulatus|cross-ruled; scutulum|little shield; [~operta => shoulder blades]; scutum|shield; (heavy shield of Roman legion infantry); scymnus|cub, whelp; scyphus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; two-handled drinking vessel; scytala|wooden cylinder; roller; secret writing/letter (L+S); cylindrical snake; scytale|wooden cylinder; roller; secret writing/letter (L+S); cylindrical snake; sebboleth|scibboleth (grain ear) which mispronounciation Gileadites uncovered Ephraimite; sebum|suet, tallow, hard animal fat; secamentum|piece of carpentry; secedo|withdraw; rebel; secede; secerno|separate; secespita|type of sacrificial knife; secessio|revolt, secession; secessus|withdrawal; secluded place; secius|otherwise, none the less; secludo|shut off; seclusus|remote; seco|cut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach; seco|cut, sever; decide; divide in two/halve/split; slice/chop/cut up/carve; detach; secor|follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek; secor|support/back/side with; obey, observe; pursue/chase; range/spread over; attain; secretarium|secret/remote/solitary/hiding place/retreat; seat apart; judge's chamber; secretarium|council chamber; conclave, consistory; private chapel; retirement place; secretarius|secretary; secretio|separation; secreto|separately; secretly, in private; secretum|secret, mystic rite, haunt; secretus|separate, apart (from); private, secret; remote; hidden; sectarius|castrated; gelded; sectilis|capable of being cut into thin layers; sectio|cutting/severing; mowing; surgery; castration; disposal/buying up booty; sectivus|severed; sectioned; sector|follow continually; pursue; pursue with punishment; hunt out; run after; sectura|quarry (pl.); secubitus|sleeping apart from one's spouse or lover; secubo|sleep apart from one's spouse or lover; sleep alone; live alone; secularitas|worldliness; worldly life; seculariter|worldly, in a worldly fashion; secularus|secular/temporal/worldly (as opposed to ecclesiastical); lay, laic; secularus|layman (as opposed to ecclesiastical); seculis|secular/temporal/earthly/worldly; transitory; pagan; seculizo|live a worldly life; seculum|world/universe; secular/temporal/earthly/worldly affairs/cares/temptation; secum|suet; tallow; hard animal fat; (sebum); secunda|after-birth (pl.); second/inferior parts; secunda|second (measure of time); secundanus|soldiers (pl.) of the second legion; secundarius|second-rate; of the second rank; secundo|make conditions favorable (winds/deities), favor; adjust, adapt; prosper; secundogenitus|second-born; secundum|after; according to; along/next to, following/immediately after, close behind; secundum|good luck/fortune (pl.), success; favorable circumstances; secundus|next, following; second; substituted; secondary/inferior; subordinate; secundus|favorable, fair (wind/current); fortunate, propitious; smooth, w/the grain; securicula|hatchet; hatchet-shaped mortise; securifer|armed with axe; securiger|armed with axe; securis|ax (battle/headsman's), hatchet, chopper; (death) blow; vine-dresser's blade; securis|ax (bundled in fasces); sovereignty (usu. pl.), authority, domain, supremacy; securitas|freedom from care; carelessness; safety, security; securus|secure, safe, untroubled, free from care; secus|otherwise; differently, in another way; contrary to what is right/expected; secus|by, beside, alongside; in accordance with; secus|sex; secutor|pursuer; attendant; secuutus|follower, pursuer; sed|but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but; sedatio|calming; sedatus|calm, untroubled; quiet; sedda|seat (usu. no back/arms), stool, chair; chair of magistrate/office/teacher; sedda|sedan/carrying chair; toilet seat, stool; work-stool; coach/wagon seat; saddle; sedecim|sixteen; sedecula|low seat, stool; sedentarius|sitting; sedentary; sedeo|sit, remain; settle; encamp; sedes|seat; home, residence; settlement, habitation; chair; sedile|seat, chair, bench, stool; that which may be sat on; armchair; seditio|sedition, riot, strife,rebellion; seditiosus|mutinous; troubled; quarrelsome; sedo|settle, allay; restrain; calm down; seduco|lead away, lead apart; lead astray, seduce; seductio|leading aside; separation; E:leading astray; seduction; seductor|seducer (eccl.); seductus|distant; retired, secluded; sedulitas|assiduity, painstaking attention (to); sedulo|carefully; sedulus|attentive, painstaking, sedulous; seges|grain field; crop; segestra|bad-weather-covering; segestre|bad-weather-covering; segmentatus|adorned with borders or patches; segmentum|cutting, shred; borders/patches (pl.) of purple or gold; segnipes|slow-footed; segnis|slow, sluggish, torpid, inactive; slothful, unenergetic; slow moving, slow; segnitas|sloth, sluggishness; segniter|half-heartedly; without spirit/energy, feebly; [nihlo ~ius => no less actively]; segnitia|sloth, sluggishness, inertia; weakness, feebleness; disinclination for action; segnities|sloth, sluggishness, inertia; weakness, feebleness; disinclination for action; segrego|remove, separate; Seia|Seia; (tutelary goddess of grain at time of sowing); seichus|sheik; seipse|he himself, she herself, it itself; they themselves (pl.); seisina|seisin; possession as freehold; seisitus|seized; taken in seisin; seiugatus|separated; seiugis|chariot drawn by six horses; seiunctim|separately; seiunctio|separation; Seius|Seius; (Roman gens name); fictitious name in law; [M. Seius => ally of Caesar]; Seius|Seius; (Roman gens); fictitious name in law; [M. Seius => supporter of Caesar]; sejungo|separate; exclude; SELAH|selah, musical pause (Psalms); sing loud; change pitch; (full meaning unknown); selectio|choosing out, selection; selectivus|selective; selego|select, choose, pick out; weed out; selibra|half-pound; seligo|select, choose, pick out; weed out; seliquastrum|seat, kind of seat/stool; sella|seat (usu. no back/arms), stool, chair; chair of magistrate/office/teacher; sella|sedan/carrying chair; toilet seat, stool; work-stool; coach/wagon seat; saddle; sellaria|sitting/drawing-room. place w/seats; debauchery; prostitute, public courtesan; sellariolus|of/for sitting, equipped w/stools (not couches); (like common diningroom); sellaris|saddle; sellaris|chair-; of a chair/seat; furnished w/saddles; sellarium|privy, toilet; outhouse; sellarius|male prostitute (on a couch); member of chariot team (w/unknown function); sellisternium|religious banquet w/seats for goddesses; religious banquets (pl.) for goddesses; sellula|little chair/seat; stool (L+S); sedan chair; sellularius|sedentary worker; (who sits on a stool); mechanic; sellularius|sedentary; engaged in a sedentary occupation/trade; of a chair/stool; semanticus|semantics; semaphorum|traffic signal; Semeitica|family of Semei/Shimi; (son of Gerson, grandson of Levi); semen|seed; semenstris|half-yearly; of six month duration; sementerium|cemetery; sementifer|seed-bearing, fruitful; sementis|sowing, planting; sementivum|crops (pl.) sown in normal sowing time (for Romans late autumn); sementivus|of sowing/seed-time; [feriae ~ => festival after sowing; pirum ~ => late pear]; semermis|half-armed; badly equipped; semermus|half-armed; badly equipped; semestris|half-yearly; of six months' duration; semesus|half-eaten; semetipse|he himself, she herself, it itself; they themselves (pl.); (intensive); semiadapertus|half-open; semianimis|half-alive; semianimus|half-alive; semiapertus|half-open; semibos|half-bull/ox; (the Minotaur); semibos|half-bull/ox; (the Minotaur); semicaper|half-goat (Pan, Satyrs); of a Faun (L+S); semicaper|half-goat (Pan, Satyrs); a Faun (L+S); semicinctium|narrow girdle; semi-girdle (L+S); narrow apron; semicintium|narrow girdle; semi-girdle (L+S); narrow apron; semicircumferentia|semi-circumference; semicoctus|half-cooked; semicolon|semicolon; semicorda|semicord; semi-chord of circle (mathematics); semicrematus|half-burned; semicremus|half-burned; semicubitalis|half cubit long; semideus|half-divine; semideus|demigod; semidiameter|semi-diameter; semiditonus|minor third; semidoctus|half-taught; semiermis|half-armed; badly equipped; semiermus|half-armed; badly equipped; semiesus|half-eaten; (semesus); semifactus|half-done, half-finished; semifer|half-wild; half-monster; semigermanus|half-German; semigravis|half-overcome; semigro|go away; semihians|half-open; semihomo|half-man, half-human (half monster); semihora|half hour; semilacer|half-mangled; semilautus|half-washed; semiliber|half-free; semilixa|half sutler, "little more than a camp follower"; semimarinus|half belonging to the_sea; semimas|emasculated; semimas|half-male; hermaphrodite; unmanned/emasculated person; seminarista|seminarist; one who goes to seminars; seminarium|seminary; seminarium|seminary; seminator|originator; producer; seminex|half-dead; seminiverbius|babbler; word-sower (Rhiems); semino|plant, sow; seminudus|half-naked; semiologia|semiology; semiophorum|traffic signal; semipaganus|half-rustic; semipes|half-foot/pes; half foot of ground; half metrical foot; half lame (L+S); semiplenus|half-full; half-manned (ships), half-strength (military units); semiputatus|half-pruned; semirasus|half-shaven; semireductus|half bent back; semirefectus|half-repaired; semirefetcus|half-repaired; semirutus|half-ruined or demolished; semis|half as; half; half of any unit; 6 percent per annum (1/2% per month); semisepultus|half-buried; semisomnus|half-asleep, drowsy; semisos|half as; half; half of any unit; 6 percent per annum (1/2% per month); semisupinus|half-lying on one's back; semita|path; semitalis|of the footpaths; semitarius|of the footpaths; semitonium|semi-tone; half-tone; semitonus|semitone; (musical); semiustulatus|half-burnt; semiustus|half-burnt, singed; semivir|effeminate; semivir|half man; semivivus|half-alive, almost dead; semivocalis|half-sounding; semi-vocal; G:vowel (Collins); semodius|Roman dry measure; (1/2 modus, 2 gallons); vessel of this capacity; semotus|distant, remote; semoveo|separate, set aside (Collins); remove, set apart, isolate (Nelson); semper|always; sempiternalis|everlasting; sempiternaliter|everlastingly; perpetually; sempiterne|eternally, perpetually, everlastingly, permanently; sempiternitas|eternity; endless existence; perpetuity; sempiterno|eternally, perpetually, everlastingly, permanently; sempiternus|perpetual/everlasting/permanent/eternal; lasting forever/for relevant period; Sempronianus|Sempronian; of gens Sempronia; (in title of laws by Ti./C. Gracchus); Sempronius|Sempronian; of gens Sempronia; (in title of laws by Ti./C. Gracchus); semuncia|twenty-fourth part (of a pound, etc); a minimal amount; semunciarius|of the fraction 1/24; semustulatus|half-burnt; semustus|half-burnt, singed; sen|sin, shin; (21st letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as S and SH); senaculum|open space in the Forum, used by the Senate; senariolus|little trimeter; small verse of six feet; senarius|composed of six in a group; senator|senator; senatorius|of a senator,senatorial; senatus|Sienna-earth-colored; senatus|senate; Senatusconsultum|decree of the Senate; senatusconsultum|recommendation of Roman Senate to magistrate; Senate's decision; Senatusconsultus|decree of the Senate; Seneca|Seneca; playwright; philosopher; senecta|old age; extreme old age; senility; old men collectively; shed snake skin; senectus|very old, aged; senectus|old age; extreme age; senility; old men; gray hairs; shed snake skin; seneo|be old; senesco|grow old; grow weak, be in a decline; become exhausted; senex|old man; senex|aged, old; [senior => Roman over 45]; senilis|senile, aged; senio|six on a die; senior|older/elderly man, senior; (in Rome a man over 45); senipes|steed; (six-foot); senium|condition of old age; melancholy, gloom; Senones|Senones; tribe of central Gaul (Seine valley); sensatus|intelligent; sensibilis|perceptible, sensible; detectable/knowable by senses; capable of sensation; sensibilitas|sensitivity; sensiculus|little sentence; sensifer|producing sensation; sensifico|sensitize; sensilis|perceptible; having sensation (Collins); sensitive (Nelson); sensim|slowly, gradually, cautiously; sensitivus|sensitive, detectable/knowing through the senses, perceiving; sensorius|sensory; sensualis|sensual; desiring sensually; belonging to sensual desire; sensualitas|sensuality; sensum|thought; sensus|feeling, sense; sententia|opinion, feeling, way of thinking; thought, meaning, sentence/period; purpose; sententio|decree; L:pronounce sentence; sententiola|short sentence, maxim, aphorism; sententiose|pithily; sententiosus|pithy, sententious; senticetum|thorn-brake; sentimentalis|sentimental; sentimentum|feeling, opinion; sentina|bilgewater; scum or dregs of society; sentio|perceive, feel, experience; think, realize, see, understand; sentis|thorn, briar; sentisco|begin to perceive; sentus|rough, rugged, uneven; senus|six each (pl.); seorsum|separately, apart from the rest; seorsus|separately, apart from the rest; separ|separate, distinct; separatim|apart, separately; separatio|separation; division; severing; separatista|separatist; separo|divide, distinguish; separate; sepeleo|bury/inter; (Romans cremate + inter ashes); submerge, overcome; suppress; ruin; sepelio|bury/inter; (Romans cremate + inter ashes); submerge, overcome; suppress; ruin; sepelo|bury/inter; (Romans cremate + inter ashes); submerge, overcome; suppress; ruin; sepes|six-footed; sepes|hedge; fence; anything planted/erected to form surrounding barrier; sepia|cuttlefish; the secretion of a cuttlefish used as ink, ink; sepiaceus|sepia-colored; sepio|surround/envelop/enfold/encircle; clothe/cover/protect; close/seal off; shut in; sepio|hedge/fence in, surround (w/hedge/wall/fence/barrier/troops); enclose; confine; sepio|surround/envelop/enfold/encircle; clothe/cover/protect; close/seal off; shut in; sepio|hedge/fence in, surround (w/hedge/wall/fence/barrier/troops); enclose; confine; seplasium|perfume; Seplasian unguent; sepono|put away from one; disregard; isolate; reserve; sepositus|remote; distinct; Sept|September (month/mensis understood); abb. Sept.; septem|seven; September|September; (7th month before Caesar, 9th after); abb. Sept.; September|September (month/mensis understood); abb. Sept.; of/pertaining to September; septemdecim|seventeen; septemfluus|that flows in seven streams ("seven-flowing mouth of the Nile"); septemgeminus|sevenfold; septemplex|sevenfold; of/having seven (layers/mouths, shield w/7 layers, river w/7 mouths); septempliciter|sevenfold; seven times; in a sevenfold manner; septemtrio|Big/Little Dipper (s./pl.); north, north regions/wind; brooch w/7 stones; septemtrional|northern part of a country/region, the North; septemtrionalis|northern; in northern hemisphere (constellations); North (Sea); septemtrionarius|northern; northerly; septemviralis|septemviral; of the septemviri/board of seven magistrates; septemviratus|septemvir's office; office of the septemviri/board of seven magistrates; septenarius|containing seven; septendecim|seventeen; septentrio|Big/Little Dipper (s./pl.); north, north regions/wind; brooch w/7 stones; septentrional|northern part of a country/region, the North; northern regions (pl.); septentrionalis|northern, north-; in northern hemisphere (constellations); North (Sea); septentrionarius|northern; northerly; septicaemia|septicaemia, septic poisoning; septicollis|seven hilled; septicus|septic; putrefying; septies|seven times; septifarius|having seven parts; septiforis|with seven holes; septiformis|sevenfold; septiformus|sevenfold; septim|seven; septimanus|of the seventh; septimanus|soldiers (pl.) of the seventh l septimplex|sevenfold; of/having seven (layers/mouths, shield w/7 layers, river w/7 mouths); septimpliciter|sevenfold; seven times; in a sevenfold manner; septingentensim|seven hundredth; septingentensum|seven hundredth; septingenti|seven hundred; septuagenarius|of seventy (70); septuagenarian; septuagensim|seventieth; septuagensum|seventieth; septuaginta|seventy; septuennis|of seven years; septum|seven; (primarily used in compound words); septunx|seven-twelfths; septuplum|in a sevenfold way; septuplum|septuple; seven times as much (Souter); septuplus|sevenfold; sepulchrum|grave, tomb; sepulcralis|sepulchral, of the tomb; sepulcretum|graveyard; sepulcrum|grave, tomb; sepultura|burial; grave; sepultus|buried; sunk, immersed; (VPAR of sepelio); sepultus|grave; burial; Sequana|Seine, river in N Cen. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; Sequanus|of the Sequani, tribe in E. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; Sequanus|Sequani, tribe in E. Gaul - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; sequax|that follows closely/eagerly; addicted; pliant/tractable, responsive to control; sequela|sequela, whatever follows body of villein (eg. progeny, chattels, tenements); sequela|sequela, morbid secondary affliction (medical); sequens|following; next; sequentia|sequence; sequester|depositary, third party to hold disputed property; go-between/intermediary; sequestra|female go-between/intermediary/depositary; sequestrarius|sequestering; of sequestration; [actio ~ => suit recovering entrusted property]; sequestratim|in sequestration; separately; sequestratio|sequestration, deposition with third party; separation; sequestre|depository, escrow; [~ dare/ponere => place disputed property in trust]; sequestro|sequestrate, place/surrender into hands of trustee; separate, remove (L+S); sequius|otherwise; contrary to what is expected/desired; amiss, unfavorably; sequor|follow; escort/attend/accompany; aim at/reach after/strive for/make for/seek; sequor|support/back/side with; obey, observe; pursue/chase; range/spread over; attain; Ser|Chinese (people); inhabitants of region beyond Scythia and India; Ser|Servius (Roman praenomen); (abb. Ser.); sera|bar (for fastening doors); rail of post and rail fence; lock (Cal); Seraph|Seraphim, angels (pl.) of higher order among the Jews; seraphicus|Seraphic, of/like a Seraphim/angel; epithet of St. Francis/Bonaventura/Teresa; seraphicus|one angel/seraph-like; zealot; Franciscan friar (Seraphic Father=St. Francis); Seraphim|Seraphim, angels (pl.) of higher order among the Jews; Seraphin|Seraphim, angel (sg.) of higher order among the Jews; seraphinus|Seraphic, of/like a Seraphim/angel; epithet of St. Francis/Bonaventura/Teresa; seren|type of drone/solitary bee/wasp); serenitas|fine weather; favorable conditions; sereno|clear up, brighten; lighten; serenum|fair weather; serenus|clear, fair, bright; serene, tranquil; cheerful, glad; seresco|grow dry; seria|large earthenware jar; sericaria|silk dealer; woman who deals in silk; sericarius|that deals in silk; sericarius|silk dealer; one who deals in silk; sericatus|clothed in silks; sericum|silk; silk garments/fabric; Chinese goods; Sericus|Chinese, of/from the Seres; silk-, made of silk; silken; sericus|silken; series|row, series, secession, chain, train, sequence, order (gen lacking, no pl.); serio|seriously, in earnest; seriola|small jar; seriose|seriously; effectually; seriosius|in fuller detail; seriosus|serious; serius|later, too late; serius|serious, grave; serjantia|serjeanty; office of official who enforces laws; feudal tenure for service; sermo|conversation, discussion; rumor; diction; speech; talk; the word; sermocinalis|locational; vocal; speech-; discursive (Red); linguistic; sermocinor|converse, talk, discuss; sermonizo|preach; sermunculus|rumor, tittle-tattle; sero|wreath; join, entwine, interweave, bind together; compose; contrive; sero|sow, plant; strew, scatter, spread; cultivate; beget, bring forth; sero|late, at a late hour, tardily; of a late period; too late (COMP); serotinus|late in coming/happening, belated; deferred/later; late to blossom/fruit (tree); serpens|serpent, snake; serpentigena|sprung from a serpent; serpentipes|snake-footed; serperastrum|bandages (pl.) or knee-splints; serpo|crawl; move slowly on, glide; creep on; serpyllum|wild thyme; serra|saw; serracum|kind of wagon/cart/wain; S:Charles's Wain constellation (Big Dipper); serratus|serrated, toothed like a saw; serratus|coin with notched edges (milled); serro|saw; saw up, saw into pieces; serrula|little saw; serta|clover (species of, Melilotus or Trifolium); melilotus; serta Campanica; serta|garland, wreath, festoon; sertula|clover (species of, Melilotus or Trifolium); melilotus; serta Campanica; sertum|wreath; chains of flowers (pl.), garlands, festoons; sertus|linked, connected; serum|late hour; serum|whey, the watery part of curdled milk; any similar fluid; serus|late; too late; slow, tardy; after the expected/proper time; at a late hour; serva|slave; servabilis|capable of being saved; servans|ready to maintain (law/principle); servator|watcher, observer; preserver, savior; servatrix|female preserver, protecotress; servianus|Servian; of Servius Sulpitus (jurist); servilis|servile, of slaves; servio|serve; be a slave to; with DAT; servitium|slavery, servitude; slaves; the slave class; servitudo|slavery, servitude; servitus|slavery; slaves; servitude; Servius|Servius (Roman praenomen); (abb. Ser.); servo|watch over; protect, store, keep, guard, preserve, save; servo|watch over; protect, store, keep, guard, preserve, save; servolus|young (worthless) slave; servula|young servant girl; servulus|young slave; servus|slave; servant; sescenaris|year and a half old; sescenarius|consisting of six hundred; (cohort is six centuries); sescentensim|six hundredth; sescentensum|six hundredth; sescenti|six hundred; sescuncia|one-eighth of whole; one-and-half unciae; seselis|plant, hartwort; sesqualter|one-and-a-half times as much; in ratio of 3 to 2; sesquaquartnarius|one-and-a-fourth; ratio of 5 to 4; sesque|one and a half times/more; more by half; sesquealter|one-and-a-half times as much; in ratio of 3 to 2; sesqui|one and a half times/more; more by half; sesquialter|one-and-a-half times as much; in ratio of 3 to 2; sesquidecimus|with 11/10; with eleven-tenths; sesquihora|hour and a half; sesquimellesimus|1500th; fifteen-hundredth; sesquimodius|modius and a half; (dry measure, about 3 gallons/12000 cc); sesquinonus|with 10/9; with ten-ninths; sesquioctavus|containing 9/8 of a thing; sesquiopus|one and half day's work; sesquipedalis|of a foot and a half; (of words) foot and half long; sesquiplaga|blow and a half; sesquiplex|one and a half times; sesquiquartnarius|one-and-a-fourth; ratio of 5 to 4; sesquiquartus|one-and-a-fourth; ratio of 5 to 4; sesquiquintus|with 6/5; with six-fifths; sesquiseptimus|containing 8/7 of anything; sesquisextus|with 7/6; with seven-sixths; sesquitertius|containing 4/3 of anything; sesquivicesimus|with 21/20; with twentyone-twentieths; sessibulum|seat; stool, chair; armchair (Cal); sessilis|fit for sitting upon; sessio|sitting; session; sessito|sit for long; sessiuncula|little company or assembly; sessorium|chair; residence, dwelling, habitation; sesterti|two and a half (2 1/2); sestertium|1000 sestertii; two and a half feet; (measure of depth/width); sestertius|sesterce; [semis-tertius => 2 1/2 assses, small silver coin]; set|but, but also; yet; however, but in fact/truth; not to mention; yes but; seta|hair; (coarse/stiff); bristle; brush; morbid internal growth; fishing-leader; setius|less, worse; [nihilo setius => none the less, nevertheless]; setthim|shittim/setim wood, wood of shittah tree/acacia wood; (not the tree); (Hebrew); seu|or if; or; [sive ... sive => whether ... or, either ... or]; Seubus|of the Seubi, German tribes east of the Elbe - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; Seubus|Seubi, German tribes centered east of the Elbe - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; severitas|strictness, severity; severitudo|severity; austerity; severus|stern, strict, severe; grave, austere; weighty, serious; unadorned, plain; Severus|Severus; (Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus 193-211); seviratus|sexvirate; the position of a sevir; a member of a board of six men; sevoco|call aside; remove; separate; sex|six; Sex|Sextus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Sex.); sexagenarius|containing sixty; sixty years old; sexagensim|sixtieth; sexagensum|sixtieth; sexagesimalis|sexagesimal (math.), proceeding by 60's; based on 60 (parts as seconds/minutes); sexaginta|sixty; sexangulus|six-cornered, hexagonal; sexcenarius|consisting of six hundred; (cohort is six centuries); sexennis|six years old; sexprimus|town magistrate; member of council of six provincial officials; sexqualter|one-and-a-half times as much; in ratio of 3 to 2; sexquaquartnarius|one-and-a-fourth; ratio of 5 to 4; sexquartano|increase by a quarter; sexquetertius|containing 4/3 of anything; sexquialter|one-and-a-half times as much; in ratio of 3 to 2; sexquintano|increase by a fifth; sexquinterno|increase by a fifth; sexquiquartnarius|one-and-a-fourth; ratio of 5 to 4; sexquiquartus|one-and-a-fourth; ratio of 5 to 4; sexquitertius|containing 4/3 of anything; Sext|August (month/mensis understood); abb. Sext.??; renamed to Julius in 44 BC; sextadecimanus|soldiers (pl.) of the 16th legion; sextans|one-sixth of any unit; (1/6); sextarium|sextarius measure (pint); 1/6 congius (liquid); 1/16 modius (dry); sextarius|pint (about); 1/6 congius (liquid); 1/16 modius (dry); cup of that size; sexticeps|six-peaked; Sextilis|August (month/mensis understood); abb. Sext.??; renamed to Julius in 44 BC; Sextius|Sextius; (Roman gens name); [Quintus ~ => Augustian philosopher]; Sextius|Sextius; (Roman gens name); [Quintus ~ => Augustian philosopher]; sextula|one seventy-second; (1/72); Sextus|Sextus (Roman praenomen); (abb. Sex.); sextusdecimus|sixteenth; (1/16); sexualis|sexual; sexualitas|sexuality; sexus|sex; (male or female); (also for plants); sexual organs; sexus|sex; (male or female); si|if, if only; whether; [quod si/si quis or quid => but if/if anyone or anything]; siban|Sivan/Siban; third month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; sibilo|hiss; hiss at; sibilum|hissing, whistling; hiss of contempt or disfavor; sibilus|hissing; sibilus|hissing, whistling; hiss of contempt or disfavor; Sibylla|prophetess, sibyl; Sibyllinus|of or connected with a sibyl, sibylline; sic|thus, so; as follows; in another way; in such a way; sica|dagger; Sicanus|Sican; ancient occupant of Italy; sicarius|murderer, assassin; siccaneum|dry place; siccaneus|dry (of soil); siccatorium|drier; siccitas|dryness; drought; dried up condition; sicco|dry, drain; exhaust; siccoculus|dry-eyed; siccum|dry land; siccus|dry; sicera|cider; kind of spirituous intoxicating drink; fermented liquor, strong drink; sicera|cider; kind of spirituous intoxicating drink; fermented liquor, strong drink; siceras|cider; kind of spirituous intoxicating drink; fermented liquor, strong drink; Sicilia|Sicily; (large island southwest of Italy); sicilicula|little sickle; sicilicus|Sicilian; sicine|so? thus?; siclus|shekel; (Jewish coin); sicubi|if anywhere, if at any place; sicula|small dagger; penis; Siculus|Sicilian, of/pertaining to Sicily (island southwest of Italy); cruel; luxurious; Siculus|Sicilian; sicumquam|if ever; [si cumquam => if ever]; sicunde|if from any place or source; sicut|as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were; sicut|as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were; sicuti|as, just as; like; in same way; as if; as it certainly is; as it were; SIDa|AIDS, SIDA; sidereus|starry; relating to stars; heavenly; star-like; sido|settle; sink down; sit down; run aground; sidus|star; constellation; tempest (Vulgate 4 Ezra 15:39); sifo|siphon; tube for sucking/blowing liquid, straw; fire-engine device; liquid jet; sifonarius|fireman in charge of a siphon (fire-engine device); sifra|number; sifunculus|small tube/pipe (through which water is forced); jet (of a fountain); sifus|pipe/tube (for distributing water); sigarellum|cigarette; sigarillum|cigarillo; sigarum|cigar; sigillatim|one by one, singly, separately; sigillatus|adorned with small figures; sigillo|seal; seal-up; confirm; (DEP form also known); sigillum|seal; statuette; embossed figure, relief; figure in tapestry/from signet ring; siglum|abbreviation; sigma|Greek letter sigma; a semicircular dining-couch; signaculum|seal; signale|signal; signanter|expressly; clearly, distinctly; signator|witness (to a will, etc); signifer|standard bearer; significans|significant, meaningful; conveying meaning; expressive; significanter|significantly, meaningfully; so as to convey a clear meaning; distinctively; significantia|significance; indication; the act of conveying meaning/information; significatio|signal, outward sign; indication, applause; meaning; suggestion, hint; significo|signify, indicate, show; signo|mark, stamp, designate, sign; seal; signum|battle standard; indication; seal; sign, proof; signal; image, statue; silaba|syllable; letter, epistle (Latham); geometric section; silanus|fountain; silens|silent, still; silentiose|silently; silentiosus|perfectly still; silent; silentium|silence; sileo|be silent, not to speak (about); be quiet; not to function; siler|brook-willow; silesco|grow quiet; silex|pebble/stone, flint; boulder, stone; silicernium|funeral feast; siliceus|siliceous, of/consisting of hard rock/stone; of flint; of limestone (L+S); silicia|fenugreek plant (Pliny); siligineus|wheaten; of wheat; siligo|wheat; wheaten flour; siliqua|pod; siliquastrum|seat, kind of seat/stool; sillaba|syllable; letter, epistle (Latham); geometric section; silphion|silphion, fennel-like plant cultivated for its gum; (also called laserpicium); silphium|silphion, fennel-like plant cultivated for its gum; (also called laserpicium); silpium|silphion, fennel-like plant cultivated for its gum; (also called laserpicium); silus|snub-nosed, pug-nosed; silva|wood, forest (sylvan); silvanus|gods (pl.)associated with forest and uncultivated land; silvesco|run wild (of a vine), run to wood; silvester|wooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild, untamed; silvestre|woodlands (pl.), woods; silvestris|wooded, covered with woods; found/situated/living in woodlands; wild, untamed; silvicola|inhabitants of woodlands, sylvan creatures; silvicolus|inhabiting woodlands, sylvan; silvicultrix|inhabiting woods; silvifragus|shattering the woods; silvosus|well wooded; sima|top molding of a pediment placed above its cornice; ogee (L+S); simenterium|cemetery; simia|monkey; ape; (applied to men as term of abuse); simila|normal flour produced from triticum; finest wheat flour (L+S); similaginarius|that makes/deals in similago (flour from triticum; finest wheat flour L+S); similagineus|that makes/deals in similago (flour from triticum; finest wheat flour L+S); similago|normal flour produced from triticum; finest wheat flour (L+S); similax|bindweed; kind of tree (Pliny gives two tree types); simile|comparison; parallel; similis|like, similar, resembling; similiter|similarly; similitudo|likeness, imitation; similarity, resemblance; by-word (Plater); parable; similo|imitate, copy; pretend (to have/be); look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint; siminterium|cemetery; simintorium|cemetery; simiolus|little ape; simitu|together; simius|ape; simonia|simony; buying/selling of a benefice/ecclesiastical position; simphonia|harmony of sounds; singers/musicians; symphony (L+S); instrument; war signal; simplex|single; simple, unaffected; plain; simplicitas|simplicity, candor; simpliciter|simply/just; w/out complexity; candidly/openly/frankly; innocently; as one item; simplificatio|simplification; simplifico|simplify; simplum|simple sum or number; simpulum|small ladle (religious ceremony); eyepiece; [fluctus ~o => tempest in teapot]; simpuvium|sacrificial bowl; simul|at same time; likewise; also; simultaneously; at once; simula|normal flour produced from triticum; finest wheat flour (L+S); simulac|as soon as, the moment that; simulacrum|likeness, image, statue; simulamen|imitation, simulation; simulans|imitating; simulatio|pretense, deceit; simulator|one who copies or imitates; feigner; simulatque|as soon as, the moment that; simulatrum|simulator; simulo|imitate, copy; pretend (to have/be); look like; simulate; counterfeit; feint; simultas|enmity, rivalry; hatred; simulus|flatnosed, snub-nosed; simus|flatnosed, snub-nosed; having flattened nose; flatten/splayed (nose/other); sin|but if; if on the contrary; sinapis|mustard; sinceris|pure, w/no admixture of foreign material; clear/unclouded; free from fever; sinceritas|integrity, honesty, straightforwardness; soundness, physical wholeness; purity; sincerus|clean, pure, uninjured, whole; sound, genuine, truthful, candid, sincere; sincipitamentum|half-head; half/side of a head (as article of food); smoked cheek of a pig; sinciput|half/side of a head (as article of food); smoked cheek of a pig; head; brain; sindon|muslin; woven material of fine texture; fine linen (Vulgate); sine|without; (sometimes after object); lack; [Johannis sine Terra => John Lackland]; singillatim|one by one, singly, separately; singularis|alone, unique; single, one by one; singular, remarkable, unusual; singularitas|singularity; singulariter|separately/singly, one by one; singular (grammar); exceptionally, extremely; singulariter|particularly; exceedingly; singularly; unusually, remarkably; singulatim|one by one, singly, separately; singultim|one by one, singly, separately; singultim|sobbingly, with sobs; stammeringly; singultio|hiccup; sob; cluck; (see also singulto); singulto|catch the breath, gasp; hiccup; sob, utter with sobs; gasp out (one's life); singultus|sobbing; convulsive catching of breath; singulus|apiece (pl.); every; one each/at a time; individual/separate/single; several; sinisbrorsus|to the left; sinisbrosus|to the left; sinister|left, improper,adverse; inauspicious; sinister|left, improper,adverse; inauspicious; sinistra|left hand; sinistrorsum|to the left; sinistrorsus|to the left; sinistrosum|to the left; sino|allow, permit; Sinope|Sinope; (Greek colony midway along south shore of Euxine/Black Sea); Sinopis|kind of red ocher (pigment, found on Sinope on Black Sea); name for Sinuessa; sinum|bowl for serving wine, etc; sinuo|bend into a curve; bend; billow out; sinuosus|characterized by bending, winding; sinuous; full of folds/recesses; sinus|bowl for serving wine, etc; sinus|curved or bent surface; bending, curve, fold; bosom, lap; bay; sipar|almost equal; siparium|curtain; a drop-scene at a theater; siparum|linen garment (for women); topsail; sipho|siphon; tube for sucking/blowing liquid, straw; fire-engine device; liquid jet; siphonarius|fireman in charge of a siphon (fire-engine device); siphonarius|fireman; siphunculus|small tube/pipe (through which water is forced); jet (of a fountain); siphus|bowl, goblet, cup; communion cup; siphus|pipe/tube (for distributing water); sipo|throw; pour; strew, scatter; (usu. only in compounds); sipo|siphon; tube for sucking/blowing liquid, straw; fire-engine device; liquid jet; siponarius|fireman in charge of a siphon (fire-engine device); sipunculus|small tube/pipe (through which water is forced); jet (of a fountain); sipus|pipe/tube (for distributing water); siquando|if when; at what time; if/when some day; if at any time (assumed probable); siquidem|accordingly; if indeed/in fact/it is possible, even supposing; since/in that; siremps|like, the same; sirempse|like, the same; Siren|Siren; (lured sailors with song); type of drone/solitary bee/wasp); Sireneus|Siren-, of/belonging to the Sirens; [~cantus => Siren song]; Sirenius|Siren-, of/belonging to the Sirens; [~cantus => Siren song]; Sirius|Sirius, greater dog-star; Sirius|of the dog-star/Sirius; sirpea|basket-work; sirpeus|of rushes; sirpia|large basket made of bulrushes; basket-work (Cas); sirpiculus|used for dealing with bulrushes (of a billhook); of/made of rushes (L+S); sirpiculus|basket made of bulrushes, rush basket; sirpius|of rushes; sirpo|plait/make (baskets, etc.) from bulrushes; sirpus|rush, bulrush; sirupus|syrup; sirus|corn pit; underground granary; sisamum|sesame; (sesamum); sisinbrium|aromatic herb, perhaps mint; (= sisymbrium); sisto|stop, check; cause to stand; set up; sistrum|brazen/metal rattle used in the worship of Isis; sisymbrium|aromatic herb, perhaps mint; sitarchia|provisions for a journey; bag/receptacle for such provisions, scrip; sitarcia|provisions for a journey; bag/receptacle for such provisions, scrip; sitella|urn for drawing lots; siticulosus|very dry, parched; sitiens|thirsting, producing thirst, arid, dry, parched, thirsty (for); sitio|be thirsty; sitis|thirst; sitthim|shittim/setim wood, wood of shittah tree/acacia wood; (not the tree); (Hebrew); sittybus|strip of parchment showing the title of a book; situalis|local, localized; situla|basin/urn/jar; bucket, vessel for drawing/holding water; urn/basin on monument; situs|laid up, stored; positioned, situated; centered (on); situs|situation, position, site; structure; neglect, disuse, stagnation; mold; sive|or if; or; [sive ... sive => whether ... or]; smalto|enamel; smaltum|enamel; smaragdachates|precious stone (described as a variety of agate); smaragdinus|emerald-green; smaragdites|emerald-like, having the nature of emeralds; smaragdos|green precious stone, emerald; beryl, jasper; smaragdus|green precious stone; emerald; beryl, jasper; smegma|ointment; cleansing preparation; fine slag from copper melting; smyrna|myrrh; Smyrna (city on the coast of Ionia); soboles|shoot, sucker; race; offspring; progeny; sobrie|soberly, temperately; in full possession of faculties, sensibly, calmly; sobriefactus|sobered (up); brought to a state of moderation; sobrietas|sobriety, freedom from intoxication; sobriety of habits, staidness; sobrina|cousin on the mother's side; sobrinus|cousin on the mother's side; sobrius|sober; soca|soke; court-suit; right of local jurisdiction; socagium|socage; tenure of land by specified services; socculus|little soccus/low-heeled Greek slipper/shoe; soccus|slipper, low-heeled loose-fitting shoe (worn by Greeks/comic actors); comedy; socer|father in law; socia|associate/partner (female); companion/partner (in marriage); socialis|allied, confederate, of allies; social, in partnership/fellowship; conjugal; socialismus|Socialism; socialista|socialist; socialisticus|socialist; socializatio|socialization; sociennus|friend; societas|society; alliance/partnership; trading company; fellowship, communion; societas|joint pursuit/enjoyment/possession; connection, affinity; conjugal union; socio|unite, join, ally; share in; sociofraudus|friend-deceiver; deceiver of friends; sociologia|sociology; sociologicus|sociological; sociologus|sociologist; socius|associate, companion; ally; socius|sharing; associated; allied; socolata|chocolate; socolateus|chocolate-; of chocolate; socordia|sluggishness, torpor, inaction; socorditer|negligently; socors|sluggish, inactive; Socrates|Socrates (Athenian philosopher 469-399 B.C.); Socraticus|Socratic; of Socrates; Socratus|Socrates (Athenian philosopher 469-399 B.C.); his disciples/followers (pl.); socrus|mother-in-law; spouse's grandmother/great grandmother; socrus|father-in-law; spouse's grandfather/great grandfather; sodalicium|close association/partnership; club/society (religious/social/political); sodalicius|of fellowship; sodalis|companion, associate, mate, intimate, comrade, crony; accomplice, conspirator; sodalitas|association (social/politics); religious fraternity; electioneering gang; guild; sodalitius|of fellowship; sodes|if you do not mind, please; (si audes); sofista|sophist; rhetorician; sofistes|sophist; rhetorician; sofistice|sophistically; fallaciously (later); with deceptive subtlety; sofisticus|sophist, of the sophists, sophistical; skilled in words; soissus|split; harsh (of voice); sokemannus|sokeman, tenant holding land by socage/tenure by services other than knight; sol|sun; solaciolum|small consolation; solacium|comfort, solace; relief in sorrow/misfortune; source of comfort/consolation; solacium|consolation for disappointment/deprivation; compensation/indemnification; solamen|source of comfort, solace; solarium|sundial, other timers; sunny part of house, terrace; top of house (Vulgate); solarium|terrace; solarius|sun-, of/relating to the sun; [horogium solarium => sun-dial]; solatium|comfort, solace; relief in sorrow/misfortune; source of comfort/consolation; solatium|consolation for disappointment/deprivation; compensation/indemnification; solator|consoler; soldurius|vassals (pl.), liegemen; retainers; soldus|solid; dense; unbroken; (solidus); solea|sandal, sole fastened w/thong; sole (Cal); solearius|sandal-maker; solemnis|solemn, ceremonial, sacred, in accordance w/religion/law; traditional/customary; solemnitas|solemnity; ritual/solemn observance; proper/necessary/proper formality (legal); solemniter|solemnly; with due ritual/ceremony; with proper/necessary formalities (legal); solemnitus|solemnly; with due ritual/ceremony; with proper/necessary formalities (legal); solempniter|solemnly; soleo|be in the habit of; become accustomed to; solidarietas|solidarity; solidesco|become firm; become solid; soliditas|solidity; lack of cavities; density/firmness of texture; entirety (legal); solido|make solid/whole/dense/firm/crack free; strengthen, consolidate; solder; knit; solidum|solid figure; firm/hard material; firm/solid/unyielding ground; a whole; solidus|solid; same material throughout, unalloyed; not hollow; dense; unbroken/whole; solidus|three dimensional; retaining form/rigidity, firm; real, lasting; perfect; full; solidus|gold coin; (aurus introduced by Constantine); soliferreum|javelin entirely of iron; solifuga|poisonous ant/spider; Solinus|Solinus; (C. Julius Solinus third century Roman writer); solipuga|poisonous ant/spider; solistimus|most perfect; solitaria|hermit/anchorite (female); individual drink?; (as opposed to common/loving cup); solitarius|solitary, living/acting on one's own; single (combat); without companion; sole; solitarius|hermit; anchorite; person living alone; solito|to make it one's constant habit to (w/INF); make a practice of; be accustomed; solitudo|solitude, loneliness; deprivation; wilderness; solitum|custom; habit; solitus|usual, customary; solium|throne, seat; solivagus|wandering alone; solitary, lonely; sollemne|solemn observance, religious ceremony; customary practice/usage; sollemne|ritual offerings (pl.); legal formalities; sollemnis|solemn, ceremonial, sacred, in accordance w/religion/law; traditional/customary; sollemnitas|solemnity; ritual/solemn observance; proper/necessary/proper formality (legal); sollemniter|solemnly; with due ritual/ceremony; with proper/necessary formalities (legal); sollemnitus|solemnly; with due ritual/ceremony; with proper/necessary formalities (legal); sollemnizo|celebrate; solemnize; sollempnis|solemn, ceremonial, sacred, in accordance w/religion/law; traditional/customary; sollers|clever, dexterous, adroit, expert, skilled, ingenious, accomplished; sollerter|cleverly; skillfully; resourcefully; sollertia|skill, cleverness; resourcefulness; sollicitatio|incitement to disloyalty or crime; sollicite|anxiously; with a troubled mind; with anxious care; sollicito|disturb, worry; stir up, arouse, agitate, incite; sollicitudo|anxiety, concern, solicitude; sollicitus|concerned, worried; upset, troubled, disturbed, anxious, apprehensive; solliferreum|all-iron javelin; sollistimus|most perfect; soloecismus|mistake in grammar, solecism; soloecus|faulty; uncouth; (Erasmus); solor|solace, console, comfort; soothe, ease, lighten, relieve, assuage, mitigate; solox|coarse; bristly; solox|coarse woolen dress; solstitialis|of or belonging to the summer solstice; solstitium|solstice; summer-time, heat of the summer-solstice; solum|only/just/merely/barely/alone; solum|bottom, ground, floor; soil, land; solummodo|only/just/merely/barely/alone; [nonsolum ...sed etiam => not only ...but also]; solus|only, single; lonely; alone, having no companion/friend/protector; unique; solutilis|easily broken up; (of structures); solutio|loosing, relaxation, weakening; payment; solutus|unbound, released; free, at large; unrestrained, profligate; lax, careless; solvo|loosen, release, unbind, untie, free; open; set sail; scatter; pay off/back; somniculose|sleepily, drowsily; somniculosus|sleepy, drowsy; somnifer|inducing sleep; somnificus|inducing sleep; somnio|dream; dream of or see in a dream; somnium|dream, vision; fantasy, day-dream; somnolentus|full of sleep; drowsy; (somnulentus); somnus|sleep; sonabilis|noisy, resonant; sonipes|horse, steed; sonitus|noise, loud sound; sonivius|sounding; sono|make a noise/sound; speak/utter, emit sound; be spoken of (as); express/denote; sono|echo/resound; be heard, sound; be spoken of (as); celebrate in speech; sono|make a noise/sound; speak/utter, emit sound; be spoken of (as); express/denote; sono|echo/resound; be heard, sound; be spoken of (as); celebrate in speech; sonor|sound, noise, din; sonoritas|melodiousness; fullness of sound; sonorus|noisy, loud, resounding, sonorous; sons|guilty, criminal; sons|criminal; sonticus|important, serious; sonus|noise, sound; sophia|wisdom; sophisma|wisdom; trickery; G:sophism; fallacy; sophisma|false conclusion, sophism (Redmond); logical fallacy; sophismatius|sophistical; sophista|sophist; rhetorician; sophistes|sophist; rhetorician; sophistice|sophistically; fallaciously (later); with deceptive subtlety; sophisticus|sophist, of the sophists, sophistical; skilled in words; Sophocles|Sophocles (Greek poet); sophos|bravo! well done!; sophus|wise; sophus|wise man; sopio|penis; (perhaps rude); sopio|cause to sleep, render insensible by a blow or sudden shock; sopor|deep sleep; soporifer|bringing sleep or unconsciousness; soporo|rend to sleep, render unconscious, stupefy; soporus|that induces sleep; sorbeo|drink, absorb; sorbilis|suck-upable; can be sucked-up; sorbillo|sip; sorbilo|by sipping, drop by drop; sorbitio|broth, food prepared in liquid/semi-liquid form; drink/draught/potion (L+S); sorbitium|draught, drink; sorbitiuncula|small draught/dose; posset; portion of food; mess (Douay); little cake (KJames); sorbum|sorb, service-berry/apple; fruit of service tree (Pyrus domestica); sorbus|sorb/service tree (Pyrus domestica); sorb, service-berry/apple (L+S); sordeo|be dirty/soiled; seem mean/unworthy/not good enough/common/coarse/vile/ignoble; sordes|filth, dirt, uncleanness, squalor; meanness, stinginess; humiliation, baseness; sordesceo|become dirty; grow wild; be mean; sordidatus|shabby, in dirty clothes; meanly dressed; sordide|meanly, basely; vulgarly, unbecomingly, poorly; stingily; sordidly, squalidly; sordidulus|somewhat dirty or mean; sordidus|dirty, unclean, foul, filthy; vulgar, sordid; low, base, mean, paltry; vile; sorex|shrew-mouse; soricinus|of the shrewmouse; sorites|sophism; an accumulation of arguments; soror|sister; (applied also to half sister, sister-in-law, and mistress!); sororicida|one who murders a sister; sororius|sister's husband, brother-in-law; sororius|of or concerning a sister; sors|lot, fate; oracular response; sortilegus|prophetic, oracular; sortilegus|soothsayer, fortune-teller; sortior|cast or draw lots; obtain by lot; appoint by lot; choose; sortitus|assigned; sortitus|process of lottery; sospes|safe and sound; auspicious; sospita|female preserver (cult title of Juno at Lanuvium); sospitas|safety; health; welfare; sospito|preserve, defend; soter|savior; soterium|presents (pl.) given on recovery from sickness; sotularis|shoe; (gender is guess); Sp|Spurius (Roman praenomen); (abb. Sp.); spacellus|spaghetti; spacium|space; area/expanse, room (for); intervening space, gap/interval; length/width; spacium|race course, lap, circuit; closed way/walk, turn; track (planet); act of play; spacium|interval, time, extent, period, term; duration; distance; area; size; bulk; spadix|chestnut-colored; spado|eunuch; spaera|globe, sphere, orb, ball; orrery/working model of universe (spheres of planets); spargo|scatter, strew, sprinkle; spot; Sparta|Sparta (Greek city); Spartanus|Spartan; sparteus|of broom; made of broom; spartum|Spanish broom; sparulus|fish, sea-bream; sparus|hunting-spear, javelin; a small kind of sea bream; spasmus|cramp; spasticus|afflicted with cramps; spastic; spata|broad-sword; flat stirrer; batten for beating woof; splint; palm spathe; spatha|flat stirrer; broad-bladed sword; batten for beating woof; splint; palm spathe; spathula|flat piece (wood); (for splint); little palm branch (L+S); leg, broad piece; spatialis|spatial; spatior|walk; take a walk, promenade; spread; spatiosus|spacious, wide, long; spatium|space; area/expanse, room (for); intervening space, gap/interval; length/width; spatium|race course, lap, circuit; closed way/walk, turn; track (planet); act of play; spatium|interval, time, extent, period, term; duration; distance; area; size; bulk; spatula|flat piece (wood); (for splint); little palm branch (L+S); leg, broad piece; spatula|wantonness, sensual indulgence; lewdness (L+S); voluptuousness; spatule|wantonness, sensual indulgence; lewdness (L+S); voluptuousness; specialis|specific, particular, individual, not general, special; derivative, as species; specialista|specialist; specialitas|special quality; peculiarity; specialiter|specifically; individually; in particular; according to species; specializatio|specialization; species|sight, appearance, show; splendor, beauty; kind, type; specillum|surgeon's probe; specimen|mark, proof; idea; model; specio|look at, see; speciose|attractively, gracefully; strikingly, impressively; speciously, plausibly; speciosus|beautiful/handsome/good-looking; attractive/appealing; presentable/respectable; speciosus|spectacular/brilliant/impressive/splendid; showy/public; plausible, specious; Spectabilis|Respectable, title of high officers of late empire; (below Illustres); spectabilis|noteworthy, outstanding; worth consideration/looking at; able to be seen; spectabilitas|office/dignity of spectabilis (title of high imperial officers); spectaclum|show, spectacle; spectators' seat; (spectaculum); spectaculum|show, spectacle; spectators' seats (pl.); spectamen|mark; sign; sight, scene; spectatio|looking; testing; spectator|spectator; spectatrix|female observer or watcher; spectio|right of auspices; right to observe auspices; specto|observe, watch, look at, see; test; consider; spectrum|specter, apparition; specula|lookout; watch tower, raised structure/high place for it; observing, spying on; specula|slight hope, glimmer/ray of hope; (long e); speculabundus|watching, on the watch; speculamen|looking-at; observing; speculatio|watching (shows/entertainment); inspection/scrutiny; consideration; speculation; speculator|spy, scout; speculatoria|spy-boat; reconnaissance boat; speculatorius|spying, scouting; speculor|watch, observe; spy out; examine, explore; speculum|mirror, looking glass, reflector; copy, imitation; specus|cave, abyss, chasm; hole, pit; hollow (of any kind); grotto; spelaeologus|speleologist; spelunker, cave explorer; spelaeum|cave, den; spelta|spelt grains; spelunca|cave; spensa|storehouse; sperabilis|hoped for; sperma|seed, semen, sperm; spermatozoidum|spermatozoid; sperm; sperno|scorn, despise, spurn; spero|hope for; trust; look forward to; hope; spes|hope/anticipation/expectation; prospect/hope/promise; (inheriting/succeeding); spes|object/embodiment of hope; [optio ad ~ => junior hoping to make centurion]; Spes|Spes, goddess of hope; hope personified; sphacos|fragment moss; sage (Pliny); sphaera|globe, sphere, orb, ball; orrery/working model of universe (spheres of planets); sphaeratus|small sphered; ball-point; sphaericitas|sphericity; roundness; sphaerion|pill; small ball; sphaeristerium|place for playing ball; sphaerois|spheroid; sphaerula|small ball/sphere; sphera|globe, sphere, orb, ball; orrery/working model of universe (spheres of planets); spherula|small ball/sphere; sphincter|sphincter, muscle of the anus; sphinx|ape; chimpanzee; Sphinx|Sphinx; sphondylus|mussel; muscle; oyster meat; (= spondylus); sphragis|seal-stone (stone used for seal); B:ball of plaster; spica|head/ear of grain/cereal; spiceus|consisting of heads/ears of grain/cereal; spicifer|carrying heads/ears of corn/cereal; spicio|look at, see; spico|furnish with spikes; provide ears; spiculo|stab; spiculum|sting; javelin; arrow; sharp point of a weapon; spina|thorn/spine/prickle (plant/animal); spike (asparagus); thorn-bush; blackthorn; spina|spine/backbone/back; Circus center wall; fish-bone; difficulties (pl.); cares; spinacium|spinach; spinetum|thicket (of thorn-bushes); spineus|thorny, covered with thorns; spinifer|prickly; spino|crown with thorns; prick; spinosus|thorny, prickly; crabbed, difficult; spintria|type of male prostitute; spinus|thorn-bush; black-thorn, sloe-tree; spinus|thorn-bush; black-thorn, sloe-tree; spira|coil; spirabilis|breathable; spiraculum|air-hole, vent; B:breathing passage (in lung); opening/outlet; window (Cal); spiralis|spiraling; spiramen|air-hole/passage; aspiration, act of breathing; exhalation; breath, puff; spiramentum|air/breathing-passage; vent; pause, breathing space; draught, breath of air; spiratio|breathing; breath; spiritalis|spiritual, of the spirit; of breathing; to wind/air; kind of wind instrument; spiritalitas|spirituality; spiritaliter|spiritually; spiritualis|spiritual, of the spirit; of breathing; to wind/air; kind of wind instrument; spiritualitas|spirituality; spiritualiter|spiritually; spirituosus|spiritual; spiritus|breath, breathing, air, soul, life; spiro|breathe; blow; live; breathe out; exhale; breathe the spirit of; spissesco|become more compact, thicken; spissitudo|thickness, density; spisso|thicken, condense; spissus|thick, dense, crowded; splendeo|shine/gleam/glitter, be bright/radiant/resplendent (white/color)/distinguished; splendesco|become bright, begin to shine; derive luster; splendidus|splendid, glittering; splendor|brilliance, luster, sheen; magnificence, sumptuousness, grandeur, splendor; splenium|adhesive plaster; spodium|metal slag; vegetable ash (Pliny); spoliatio|robbing, plundering, spoilation; spoliator|one who plunders or despoils; spoliatrix|female robber; spolio|rob, strip; despoil, plunder; deprive (with abl.); spolium|spoils, booty; skin, hide; sponda|bedstead; frame of bed/couch; bed/couch/sofa; spondalium|sacrificial hymn; spondeo|promise, give pledge/undertaking/surety; contract to give/take in marriage; spondeo|promise, give pledge/undertaking/surety; contract to give/take in marriage; spondeus|spondee (metrical foot of 2 long syllables); spondulus|mussel; muscle; oyster meat; (= spondylus); spondylus|kind of mussel; spongea|sponge; spongia|sponge; (marine animal/domestic use); puffball; mass of fused iron-ore; pumice; spongiformis|spongiform, sponge-like; light and porous; spons|free will; sponsa|bride; betrothed woman; sponsal|betrothal (pl.), espousal; wedding; wedding feast; sponsalis|of/pertaining to a betrothal/engagement; sponsalius|betrothal (act/ceremony) (pl.); betrothal/engagement party/banquet; sponsio|solemn promise; wager at law; sponso|become betrothed/engaged to marry (woman); espouse, affiance (L+S); sponsor|one who guarantees the good faith of another; surety; sponsum|agreement; consent; sponsus|bridegroom; betrothed man; sponsus|contract; surety; bail; betrothal; spontalis|voluntary; self-chosen; spontaliter|voluntarily; spontanee|willingly, of one's own will; voluntarily; for one's own sake; spontaneus|of one's own will; voluntary; spontaneous; sponte|of one's own will; voluntarily; for one's own sake; sporta|basket, hamper; sportella|little basket; sportula|food or money given by patrons to clients; SPQR|Senate and People of Rome; (Senatus PopulusQue Romanus,logo of Rome, like USA); spretio|contempt; spretor|one who despises or scorns; spuma|foam, froth; slime, scum, spume; hair pomade/dye; spumesco|become foamy; spumeus|foamy, frothy; covered with foam; spumifer|foaming; spumiger|foaming; spumo|foam, froth; be covered in foam; cover with foam; spumosus|foaming, frothy; spuo|spit, spit out; spurcalium|pollution; filth; spurcamen|filth; dirt; spurcidicus|obscene; spurcificus|obscene; spurcitia|filthiness, dirt; spurcities|filthiness, dirt; spurco|soil, infect; deprave; spurcus|dirty, foul; morally polluted; spurium|female external genitalia; marine animal of similar shape; Spurius|Spurius (Roman praenomen); (abb. Sp.); spurius|spurious, false; of illegitimate/irregular/out of wedlock birth; spurius|bastard, son of an unknown father; illegitimate child, spurious child; sputamen|spit; sputatilicus|despicable; sputo|spit out; sputum|spittle; squaleo|be covered with a rough or scaly layer; be dirty; squalidus|squalid, filthy; squalor|squalor, filth; squalus|kind of fish; squama|scale; metal-plate used in the making of scale-armor; squameus|scaly; squamiger|scaly; squamosus|scaly; squatina|shark; skate (Pliny); squilla|shrimp; prawn; crayfish; term covering number of crustaceans; SS|suprascriptus; entitled; inscribed; (sometimes abb. SS.); SS|sacred scripture (early Church writings except Bible), Sacrae Scripturae (pl.); st|hush! hist!; stabilimentum|stay, support; stabilio|make firm, establish; stabilis|stable; steadfast; stabilitas|stability, steadiness; stabulo|stable/house (domestic animals, poultry, etc); be housed, have stall/lair/den; stabulum|stall/stable/enclosure/fold; lair/den; herd; garage (Cal); stabulum|inn/tavern; brothel; dwelling/hut; stacta|oil of myrrh; stacte|styrax/storax; (fragrant gum/tree Styrax officinalis); (used medically); stacte|oil of myrrh; stadium|stade, Greek measure of distance, (~607 feet, nearly furlong); race course; stagneus|made of stagnum (alloy of sliver and lead); [lapis ~ => tin (Douay)]; stagno|form/lie in pools; be under water; stagnosus|stagnant; full of standing water; stagnum|alloy of sliver and lead; tin (late); stagnum|pool, lake, lagoon, expanse of water; bath, swimming pool; stamen|warp (in the loom); thread (on distaff); thread of life spun by the Fates; stamineus|of or consisting of threads; stannum|alloy of silver and lead; tin (late); stantia|contract; stapeda|stirrup; stirrup-leather; stapes|stirrup; stirrup-leather; (also medical for an inner ear bone, the stirrup); staphis|stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria); staphylinus|parsnip (Pliny); stapis|stirrup; stirrup-leather; statalis|of state (politics); stataria|quiet-acted comedy; statarius|stationary; statarius|comedy actor; actor in stataria; stater|small silver Jewish coin. (value of four drachma); statera|scales, balance; grade, standard of quality; chariot pole; statica|static; staticus|static; statim|at once, immediately; statio|outpost, picket; station; watch; statistica|statistic; statisticus|statistical; stativa|resting place; quarters; stativum|standing camp (as pl.); stativus|stationary, permanent; stator|one who establishes or upholds (cult-title of Jupiter); statua|statue; image; statuaria|art of sculpture; statuarius|of statues; statuarius|statute; statuliber|slave (male) to which freedom has been promised subject to stated conditions; statulibera|slave (female) to which freedom has been promised subject to stated conditions; statulibertas|condition of being statuliber (slave w/freedom promised subject to condition); statumen|support; statuo|set up, establish, set, place, build; decide, think; statura|height, stature; status|appointed; status|position, situation, condition; rank; standing, status; stega|ship-deck; (Plautus); stela|pillar; column; stelephur|plant w/flowers in spikes; (also stelephuros); (perh. haresfoot plantain); stelio|lizard, gecko; treacherous/deceitful person, "snake"; stella|star; planet, heavenly body; point of light in jewel; constellation; star shape; stellans|starry; having the appearance of stars; set/adorned with stars; stellatus|starry; set with stars; sparkling, glittering; shaped like a star or "X"; stellifer|star-bearing, starry; stelliger|star-bearing, starry; stellio|lizard, gecko; treacherous/deceitful person, "snake"; stellionatus|trickery; cheating; deceitful/underhand dealing; stello|set/furnish/cover with stars/points of light; stemma|garland, chaplet; a genealogical tree; stentaculum|prop, support; stercilinium|dung heap/hill/pit, manure pile; midden; stercilinum|dung heap/hill/pit, manure pile; midden; stercolum|dung; stercoralis|of/pertaining to excrement, excremental; stercorarium|privy; stercoreus|filthy; stercorinis|of/pertaining to excrement, excremental; stercoro|void excrement, defecate; stercorosus|well-manured; sterculinium|dung heap/hill/pit, manure pile; midden; sterculinum|dung heap/hill/pit, manure pile; midden; stercus|filth, manure; stereophonia|stereo; stereophonicus|stereophonic; stereotypus|stereotype; sterilis|barren, sterile; fruitless; unprofitable, futile; sterilitas|barrenness, sterility, inability (female) to reproduce/(land) to produce crops; sterilizatio|sterilization; sterilizo|sterilize; sternax|liable to throw its rider (of a horse); sterno|spread, strew, scatter; lay out; sternumentum|sneeze; sneezing powder; sternuo|sneeze; sternutamentum|attack of sneezing; sternutatio|sneezing; action of violent or repeated sneezing; sternuto|sneeze (repeatedly or violently); sterquilinium|dung heap/hill/pit, manure pile; midden; sterquilinum|dung heap/hill/pit, manure pile; midden; sterteia|snorer, sniveler; sterto|snore; stibadium|semicircular seat; stibi|antimony; (used in eye-salve and makeup); stibium/sulphuret of antimony (L+S); stibinus|antimonial, of antimony; (used in eye-salve and makeup); stibis|antimony; (used in eye-salve and makeup); stibium/sulphuret of antimony (L+S); stibium|antimony; (used in eye-salve and makeup); stibium/sulphuret of antimony (L+S); Stichus|common slave name; representative name in legal forms, Anyslave; stigma|mark hot tattooed on runaway slaves/criminals; reproduction of Christ's wounds; stigma|mark hot tattooed on runaway slaves/criminals; reproduction of Christ's wounds; stigmatias|branded slave; stilio|lizard, gecko; treacherous/deceitful person, "snake"; stilisticus|stylistic; stilla|drop of liquid; viscous drop; drip; stillicidium|fall (of a liquid) in successive drops; stillo|fall in drops; drip; cause to drip; pour in drops; stilus|stylus, pencil, iron pen; column, pillar; stimmi|antimony; (used in eye-salve and makeup); stibium/sulphuret of antimony (L+S); stimulatio|incentive; stimulatrix|provocative woman; stimuleus|made-of-prickles; stimulo|urge forward with a goad, torment,"sting"; incite, rouse to frenzy; stimulus|spur/goad; trap/spike in earth; prick/sting/cause of torment/torture instrument; stinguo|extinguish, put out; annihilate; stipatio|crowd; retinue; stipator|one of train surrounding a king; bodyguard, close attendant; stipendiarius|mercenary; paying tribute in the form of cash; stipendium|tribute, stipend; pay, wages; military service; stipes|post, stake; stipo|crowd, press together, compress, surround closely; stips|small offering; stipula|stalk; stubble; straw; reed played on as a pipe; stipulatio|demanding of guarantee from debtor by formal question; contract created thereby; stipulatio|promise; bargain; (demanding spondesne from debtor/contract w/answer spondeo); stipulatiuncula|small promise; small stipulation; stipulor|extract solemn promise/guarantee (oral contract); promise in a stipulatio; stiria|icicle; stirps|race; stirps|stock, plant; race, lineage; character; [damnata ~ => condemned human race]; stiva|plow handle; stlatarius|brought by the sea; imported; costly; stlattarius|of a ship; sea-borne; sto|stand, stand still, stand firm; remain, rest; stoechas|French lavender (Pliny); Stoicus|Stoic; stola|stola, Roman matron's outer garment; dress; clothing; stolatus|stola-wearing; befitting a matron; stolide|stupidly, obtusely; brutishly; solidly (physical growth), thickly; stoliditas|stupidity, cloddishness, brutish insensibility; dullness, obtuseness (L+S); stolidus|dull, stupid, insensible; brutish; inert (things); stomachor|be angry, boil with rage; stomachosus|irritable, short tempered; stomachus|gullet; stomach; annoyance; ill-temper; stomatice|mouth medicine; storax|styrax/storax; (fragrant gum/tree Styrax officinalis); (used medically); storea|matting of rushes; storia|matting of rushes; strabo|squinter; strages|overthrow; massacre, slaughter, cutting down; havoc; confused heap; stragulum|covering; rug, carpet; bedspread, bed-cover; stragulus|covering; stramen|straw for bedding, etc, litter; stramentum|thatch; litter/trash (Cal); stramineus|straw-, made of straw; straw-colored (Cal); strangulo|strangle/throttle; suffocate/stifle/smother; choke; constrict way; keep close; stranguria|strangury, painful discharge of urine; disease of urinary organs; strategema|stratagem; piece of generalship; strategica|generalship, general's deed; stratagem; strategus|commander; president; (Col); stratioticus|soldierly, military, proper to soldier; w/status/bearing of soldier; eye-salve; stratorium|bedding (pl.); stratum|coverlet; bed, couch; horse-blanket; stratus|prostrate; stratus|spreading; cover; strena|favorable omen; a new year's gift; strenuitas|strenuous behavior, activity; strenuus|active, vigorous, strenuous; strepa|stirrup; stirrup-leather; strepes|stirrup; stirrup-leather; strepito|make a loud or harsh noise; strepitus|noise, racket; sound; din, crash, uproar; strepo|make a loud noise; shout confusedly; resound; stria|furrow, channel; T:flute of column; strictim|so as to graze; superficially, slightly, summarily; strictura|hardened mass of iron; strictus|tight, close, strait, drawn together; strideo|creak, squeak, grate, shriek, whistle; (make shrill sound); hiss; gnash; strido|creak, squeak, grate, shriek, whistle; (make shrill sound); hiss; gnash; stridor|hissing, buzzing, rattling, whistling; high-pitched sound; stridulus|whizzing, hissing; striga|evil spirit (supposed to howl at night); vampire; hag/witch (harms children); striga|row/strip/swath; (of cut grain/hay); lengthwise furrow; striga|side-avenue (in military camp); space between squadrons; strigilis|strigil, an instrument used to scrape the skin after the bath; strigio|actor in mime; strigo|halt, stop; strigosus|lean, scraggy; stringo|draw tight; draw; graze; strip off; stringor|touch; shock; slight pain; strinuus|active, vigorous, strenuous; (also strenuus); strio|provide with channels; groove; wrinkle; strix|furrow, channel, grove, flute; strix|screech owl (bird of ill omen); vampire/evil spirit; (sucks children's blood); strix|small nugget; stropha|trick, artifice; strophiarius|breast-bands dealer; strophium|twisted breast-band; head-band; bra (Cal); stroppus|garter; structilis|used in building; structor|builder, carver; structura|building, construction; structure, masonry, concrete; structuralis|structural; structuralismus|structuralism; strues|heap, pile; row of sacrificial cakes; struix|heap, pile; struma|scrofulous tumor; strumosus|scrofulous; struo|build, construct; strutheus|sparrow-; of sparrows; struthiocamelinus|of/belonging/pertaining to an ostrich; struthiocamelus|ostrich; struthion|soapwort plant (Pliny); struthocamelinus|of/belonging/pertaining to an ostrich; struthocamelus|ostrich; strutio|ostrich; studeo|desire, be eager for; busy oneself with; strive; studiose|eagerly, zealously, studiously, ardently, earnestly, attentively, assiduously; studiosus|eager, keen, full of zeal; studious; devoted to, fond of; studiosus|student; studium|eagerness, enthusiasm, zeal, spirit; devotion, pursuit, study; stulte|foolishly; stultiloquentia|silly/foolish/stupid talk; babbling; stultiloquium|silly/foolish/stupid talk; babbling; stultitia|folly, stupidity; stultividus|simple-sighted; simple-minded; stultus|foolish, stupid; stultus|fool; stupa|stirrup; stirrup-leather; stupefacio|strike dumb/stun with amazement, stupefy; strike senseless; stupefactivus|stupefying (drug); stupefio|be stunned (w/amazement), be stupefied/struck senseless; (stupefacio PASS); stupeo|be astounded; stupesco|become amazed; stupeus|coarse-flaxen; (see also stuppeus); stupiditas|dullness, senselessness; stupidus|senseless, stunned; stupid, dull; stupor|numbness, torpor; stupefaction; stupidity; stuppa|tow, coarse flax; stuppeus|of tow; stupro|have (illicit) sexual intercourse with; stuprum|dishonor, shame; (illicit) sexual intercourse; sturax|styrax/storax; (fragrant gum/tree Styrax officinalis); (used medically); sturgio|sturgeon; sturnus|starling; stygius|Stygian, of river Styx; of fountain Styx; Stygius|Stygian; of the river Styx; of the underworld; stylobata|stylobate, continuous (stepped) base supporting a row/circle of columns; stylobates|stylobate, continuous (stepped) base supporting a row/circle of columns; stylus|stylus, pencil, iron pen; column, pillar; styraca|styrax/storax; (fragrant gum/tree Styrax officinalis); (used medically); styracinus|made from styrax/storax; (fragrant gum/tree Styrax officinalis); (medicine); styrax|styrax/storax; (fragrant gum/tree Styrax officinalis); (used medically); Styx|Styx river; river of the underworld; suada|persuasion; suadela|persuasion; suadeo|urge, recommend; suggest; induce; propose, persuade, advise; suadus|persuasive; suasor|adviser, counselor; suasoria|hortatory/persuasive speech; rhetorical exercise giving history based advice; suasorius|persuasive, seductive; concerned with advice/counseling; suasus|advice; advising; suaveolens|sweet-smelling; suaviatio|kissing; suavidicus|speaking pleasantly; suaviloquens|speaking agreeably; suaviloquentia|sweetness of speech; suaviolum|tender kiss; suavis|agreeable, pleasant, gratifying, sweet; charming, attractive; suavitas|charm, attractiveness; sweetness; suaviter|pleasantly, sweetly; suavium|kiss; sweetheart; sub|under, beneath, behind, at the foot of (rest); within; during, about (time); sub|under; up to, up under, close to (of motion); until, before, up to, about; subabsurde|somewhat absurdly; subabsurdus|somewhat absurd; subaccuso|blame somewhat; subacidus|slightly acid; subactio|soil-working; preparation; subadjuva|assistant; subadroganter|somewhat arrogantly; subagitatio|erotic fondling/feeling/touching; titillation/foreplay; illicit intercourse; subagrestis|somewhat rustic; subalare|under-girdle; subalaris|little wing; (4 Ezra 12:29); subalaris|arm-carrying; carrying/stuck under the arm; subalbidus|rather whitish; subamarus|somewhat bitter; subaqueanus|underwater; [navis subaqueana => submarine]; subaquilus|brownish; subarmalis|passing underarm; subarrho|pledge, pay earnest money; espouse, undertake; subasso|roast a little; subaudio|understand, supply a word; hear a little; subausculto|listen secretly; eavesdrop; subausterus|rather harsh; less austere; subbasilicanus|lounger; subblandio|flirt; caress a little; subcaesius|grayish; (Erasmus); subcavus|hollow below; subcido|sink/collapse (support gave way); give way (knees); fall (under), be included; subcinericius|prepared/baked under the ashes; subconscientia|subconscious; subconscius|subconscious; subcrudus|somewhat raw; subcumbo|sink/fall/lie/break down; succumb/collapse (w/weight); suffer/concede defeat; subcumbo|surrender; yield; lay under; lie under/submit (female to male); cohabit (L+S); subcumbo|give in/way; lower itself (animal to take load); be rival to (DAT of a woman); subdiaconus|subdeacon; cleric of minor orders (second level from top/deacon); subdialis|open-aired; that is in open air; subdifficilis|somewhat difficult; subdiffido|be somewhat distrustful; subdio|in the open air; (sub dio); subdisjunctivus|weakened disjunctive; non-exclusive; subdistinctio|minor punctuation; exact difference; subdistinguo|reduce distinction; make smaller interpunctuation; subditicius|substituted, counterfeit; spurious; subditivus|substituted, counterfeit; spurious; subditus|subordinate; submissive; subdo|place under, apply; supply; subdolus|sly, deceitful, treacherous; subduco|lead up, carry off; transfer; haul; subductio|hauling up of a ship onto the beach; subductio|subtraction (math.); subedo|eat away below; subedo|eat away below; subeo|go/move/pass/sink/extend underneath/into; climb/come/go up, ascend; steal in on; subeo|place/be placed under/in support; come up w/aid; assume a form; undergo, endure suber|cork-tree; cork; subex|supports (pl.), underlying parts; underlayer (L+S); subfervefacio|simmer, bring/keep almost to a boil; warm from below (L+S); subfocatio|suffocation; choking/stifling/suffocating; [~ mulierum => hysterical passion]; subfodio|undermine, dig under; pierce or prod below; subfuro|steal unobtrusively; steal away; subgestio|supplying an answer to one's own question; suggestion, hint (L+S); addition; subhorridus|somewhat rough; subicio|throw under, place under; make subject; expose; subigitatio|erotic fondling/feeling/touching; titillation/foreplay; illicit intercourse; subigito|behave improperly to; work upon, incite; subigo|conquer, subjugate; compel; subimpudens|somewhat impudent/shameless; subinanis|somewhat vain; subinde|immediately after, thereupon; constantly, repeatedly; subinsulsus|somewhat insipid; subintellego|understand a little; subintro|go into secretly, enter by stealth; subintroductio|smuggling; subintroductor|smuggler; subintroeo|go into, enter; subinvideo|envy a little; be somewhat envious; subinvisus|somewhat odious; subinvito|invite vaguely; subirascor|be rather/somewhat annoyed/angry (at/with); subiratus|somewhat/rather angry/annoyed/irate; subitaneus|sudden; happening/arising without warning; subitarius|got together to meet an emergency, hastily enrolled; subitatio|suddenness; subito|suddenly, unexpectedly; at once, at short notice, quickly; in no time at all; subitus|sudden; rash, unexpected; subium|moustache; subjaceo|lie underneath/below/at the foot/edge of/exposed (to); come under heading of; subjectio|placing below; something placed below; base-plate; fraudulent insertion/forging; subjectio|appending; appended explanation/suggestion; introduction as a substitute; subjectio|subjugation, subjection; submission; inferiority; foundation; subjectivismus|subjectivism; subjecto|throw up from below; apply below; subjector|forger; substitutor; subjectus|lying near, adjacent; subjicio|throw under, place under; make subject; expose; subjugalis|beast of burden. (yoke-accustomed); (Vulgate); subjugalis|yoke-accustomed; subjugalium|lower part of a phrase (music); subjugatio|subjugation; subjugo|subjugate, make subject; bring under the yoke (L+S); subjugum|subjugation; unknown animal (L+S); subjunctivus|connecting; G:subjunctive; subjungo|join with, unite; subdue, subject; sublabor|collapse, fall to the ground; sink, ebb away; creep up, advance stealthily; sublatus|elated; sublecto|coax; sublego|pick up from the ground, steal away; sublestus|slight; sublevatio|alleviation; sublevo|lift up, raise; support; assist; lighten; sublica|wooden stake or pile; (normally used as support for bridge/heavy structure); sublicis|wooden stake or pile; (normally used as support for bridge/heavy structure); sublicius|resting on/supported by piles; (Pons Sublicius/Pile Bridge, across the Tiber); subligaculum|loincloth, kilt; subligar|underpants, briefs; subligo|fasten (to); sublimatio|sublimation (chemical); sublime|high into the air, on high, up aloft; in a lofty position; sublimis|high, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position; sublimitas|height (altitude/extent); high/elevated place; sense of exaltation; sublimity; sublimitas|magnanimity; loftiness of character/style; elevated state of mind; grandeur; sublimitas|superior being; your highness (w/tua in titles); sublimo|raise, place in elevated position; soar; send up (spirits) from underworld; sublimus|high, lofty; eminent, exalted, elevated; raised on high; in high position; sublingio|under-scullion; sublino|smear over surface/on underside; back (with); plaster; apply undercoat; trick; sublividus|somewhat blue; subllabor|collapse, sink/slip/ebb away; creep up; glide under; subluceo|shine faintly, glimmer; sublucidus|somewhat light; subluo|wash, flow at the base of; sublustris|faintly lit, dim; subluvies|filth; dirt; A:sheep's foot foul; submedius|middle; mean; submergo|plunge under, submerge; subministratio|giving, furnishing, supplying; subministro|supply, furnish, afford; submissus|stooping; quiet; submitto|allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit; submoleste|with some difficulty/trouble; submolestus|somewhat troublesome; submoneo|remind secretly; submorosus|somewhat peevish; submoveo|remove; drive off, dislodge; expel; ward off; keep at a distance; bar/debar; submultiplex|present many times; contained many times in another number; submurmuro|murmur softly; submuto|exchange; subnascor|arise, spring, grow up (under/out of/after); (esp. under or in place of); subnecto|bind under, add, subjoin, fasten up; subnego|refuse somewhat; deny somewhat; subnervio|hamstring; (cut sinew in leg); invalidate (L+S); refute; subnervo|hamstring; (cut sinew in leg); invalidate (L+S); refute; subniger|blackish; somewhat dark; having a rather swarthy complexion; subnisus|relying on (w/ABL); elated by; (subnixus); subnixus|relying on (w/ABL); elated by; subnotatio|subscription; subnotator|subscriber; subnoto|subscribe; subnuba|rival; subnubilus|somewhat cloudy, overcast; subo|be in heat; subobscaenus|somewhat obscene; subobscenus|somewhat indecent/obscene/foul-mouthed; subobscurus|somewhat obscure; subodiosus|rather unpleasant; subodoro|suspect; suboffendo|give some offense; suboles|shoot, sucker; race; offspring; progeny; subolesco|grow up; subolet|make a weak scent; [mihi subolet => I detect/smell/sniff out]; suborior|come into being, be provided; suborno|equip, adorn; subortus|springing up (of a fresh supply); subpositivus|hypothetical; subpuratio|suppuration/festering; suppurating/festering sore, abscess; subpuratorius|of/concerned with festering/suppurating sores/abscesses; subpuratus|that has suppurated/festered; that has come to a head; (of a tumor); subpuro|suppurate, fester under the surface; subrancidus|somewhat putrid; subraucus|somewhat hoarse; subregulus|petty prince; feudatory vassal; subremigo|make rowing movements underneath; subrepo|creep (under/up to); move stealthily; ooze/seep (liquid); insinuate self; subrepo|come on gradually/imperceptibly/by degrees (conditions); steal along/on; subreptio|stealing/taking secretly or by deception; filching; purloining, theft (L+S); subreptum|stealthily; subrideo|smile; subrigo|rise, lift (Collins); subringor|make a wry face; subripio|snatch away, steal; subrogo|elect/propose/nominate/cause to be elected as successor/substitute; substitute; subrostranus|loungers (pl.) about the rostra, city loafers; idlers; subrubeo|be tinged with red or purple; subrufus|somewhat red; ginger-colored; subruo|undermine; subrusticus|clownish; subsannatio|mockery by gestures; derision in pantomime; subsannator|mocker, one who insults/mocks by gestures; subsanno|mock, deride; insult by derisive gestures; sneer; subscribendarius|under-secretary; (legal); subscribo|write below, subscribe; subscus|dovetail connection; tongue of dovetail; subsecivus|left over; extra, superfluous, spare; subseco|cut away below; pare (the nails); subsellium|bench/low seat (in auditorium.theater/court); tribunes seat; courts (pl.); subsentio|smell/sniff out; perceive secretly; subsequenter|subsequently; in succession; one after another; subsequor|follow close after; pursue; support; subsericus|half-silken; subsero|sow; plant; plant secretly; subsero|plant under; subsicivus|left over; extra, superfluous, spare; subsidialis|reserve-, of the reserve; in reserve; acting support to front line; subsidiary; subsidiarietas|subsidiarity, principle that central authority should do only what locals can't; subsidiarius|reserves (pl.); body of reserves; in form of subsidy (Latham); subsidiarius|of suit for ward's compensation of magistrate appointing bad guardian (w/actio); subsidiarius|reserve-, of the reserve; in reserve; acting support to front line; subsidiary; subsidium|help, relief; reinforcement; subsido|settle, sink, subside; neglect (Latham); subsignanus|serving beneath the standard; subsignanus|reserve legionaire (w/milites); subsilio|jump/leap/spring up; plunge beneath; subsilio|jump/leap/spring up; plunge beneath; subsisto|halt, stand; cause to stop; subsortior|appoint/choose/pick by lot as a substitute; (to replace challenged jurors); subsortitio|choice of a substitute by lot; substantia|nature; substance, resources, wealth; [omnem ~ => every living thing (Plater)]; substantialis|essential; substantial; substantive; of/belonging to essence/substance; substantialiter|substantially; essentially; substantivus|self-existent; substantive; substerno|spread out (as an underlay); substituo|place in rear/reserve; make subject/answerable to; substitute; make alternative; substitutio|putting in place of something/one else, substitution; making alternative heir; substitutus|alternative heir; substo|hold firm; stand under; substramen|support; what is strewn under; substrictus|narrow; tight; substringo|draw in close, gather up; draw tight; [aurem ~ => to strain your ears]; substructio|foundation (of a building), substructure; substruo|build up from the base, support by means of substructures; subsultim|with frequent jumps/leaps into the air; subsulto|keep jumping up; spring up, leap up; (also jerky rhythm); subsum|be underneath/a basis for discussion/close at hand as a reserve, be near; subsumentum|lining (of garment); subsuperparticularis|contained within greater; contained in number one bigger (eg. 3 out of 4); subsuperpartiens|contained within greater; contained in number one bigger (eg. 3 out of 4); subsutus|stitched at the bottom; subtalaris|shoe; (gender is guess); subtegmen|weft/woof, transverse threads woven between warp threads; threads of the Fates; subtemen|weft/woof, transverse threads woven between warp threads; threads of the Fates; subtendo|extend beneath, subtend; subter|beneath (surface/covering); underneath, below; at lower level/in lower position; subter|beneath, under (cover/shelter); towards/at base (of wall/cliff); (usu. ACC); subter|beneath, under (cover/shelter); towards/at base (of wall/cliff); subterduco|carry off secretly; subterfugio|evade, avoid by a stratagem; subterlabor|glide or flow beneath, slip away; subtero|rub under; rub off; pound; subterraneus|subterranean, underground; subtexo|weave beneath; veil; subjoin, attach as a sequel (to); subtilis|fine-spun, fine; slender, delicate, exact; minutely thorough; strict, literal; subtilitas|fineness of texture/logic/detail; slenderness/exactness/acuteness; sharpness; subtiliter|finely; delicately; acutely, exactly; minutely; strictly, literally; logically; subtimeo|be somewhat afraid; subtractio|subtraction (math.); subtraho|carry off; take away; subtract; subtristis|somewhat sad/gloomy; subtularis|shoe; (gender is guess); subtum|below, underneath, in a lower position; in a position lower than; beneath (L+S); subturpiculus|rather on the disgraceful side; subturpis|somewhat mean/repulsive; subtus|below, underneath, in a lower position; in a position lower than; beneath (L+S); subtusus|somewhat bruised; subucula|under-tunic (both sexes), undergarment; sacrificial cake(?); small jacket (Cal); subula|shoemaker's awl; subulcus|swineherd; Subura|valley between Esquiline and Viminal hills of Rome (center of night life); suburbanitas|nearness to Rome; suburbanus|situated close to the city; growing or cultivated near the city; suburbanus|people (pl.) dwelling near the city; suburbium|suburb; suburgeo|drive up close; subvectio|transporting (of supplies) to a center; subvecto|convey (often or laboriously) upwards; subvectus|transport; subveho|convey upwards; convey up; sail upstream (PASS); subvenio|come to help, assist; rescue; subvento|bring aid; come quickly to assistance; subvereor|be somewhat afraid/fearful/apprehensive; be rather anxious (Cas); subversio|overthrow, overturn; ruin, destruction; pouring out (of wine) (Souter); subverto|overturn, cause to topple; overthrow, destroy, subvert; subvexus|sloping up; subviridis|somewhat green; subvolo|fly upwards; subvolvo|roll uphill; succavus|hollow underneath; succedo|climb; advance; follow; succeed in; succendo|set on fire; succenturio|substitute; place in reserve; succenturio|under-centurion; succeptor|one who takes hand in an enterprise; one admitting gamblers to his house; successio|succession (to position/ownership w/GEN); successors collectively; successor|successor; successus|approach, advance uphill, outcome, success; succidia|leg/side of meat; (esp. salt) pork/bacon; cutting in joints; slaughtering (L+S); succido|sink/collapse (support gave way); give way (knees); fall (under), be included; succido|cut down; cut from below, undercut; carve out underside; kill as 2nd offering; succiduus|giving way under one; succinericius|prepared/baked under the ashes; succingo|gather up with a belt or girdle; prepare for action; surround; succingulum|girdle; succino|sing to, accompany; (in speech) chime in; succinum|amber; succlamatio|answering shout; succlamo|shout in response (to); succollo|lift/carry on one's shoulders; succontumeliose|somewhat insolently; succresco|come up; grow up; overflow; succrispus|somewhat curled; succumbo|sink/fall/lie/break down; succumb/collapse (w/weight); suffer/concede defeat; succumbo|surrender; yield; lay under; lie under/submit (female to male); cohabit (L+S); succumbo|give in/way; lower itself (animal to take load); be rival to (DAT of a woman); succurator|sub-curator; succurro|run to the aid of, help; succurro|run to the aid of, help; succus|juice, sap; moisture; drink/draught, potion, medicinal liquor; vitality/spirit; succussus|shaking; succustos|under-keeper; succutio|shake from below; sucidus|juicy, full of sap; sucinum|amber; sucinus|of amber; suculentus|juicy; sappy; succulent; sucus|juice, sap; moisture; drink/draught, potion, medicinal liquor; vitality/spirit; sudarium|handkerchief, napkin; sudatorium|sweating-room; sudatorius|of sweating; sudis|stake, log; sudo|sweat, perspire; sudor|sweat; hard labor; sudum|fine weather; sudus|clear and bright; Suebus|Swabian; (Gallic tribe - in Caesar's "Gallic War"); sueo|to accustom; to be accustomed; suesco|become accustomed (to); suetus|wont, accustomed; usual, familiar; sufes|chief magistrate of Carthage; suffamen|clog, brake, drag chain; hindrance; suffarcino|stuff, cram; suffero|bear, endure, suffer; suffervefacio|simmer, bring/keep almost to a boil; warm from below (L+S); suffes|chief magistrate of Carthage; sufficiens|sufficient, adequate (in number/amount); sufficienter|sufficiently, adequately; sufficio|be sufficient, suffice; stand up to; be capable/qualified; provide, appoint; suffigo|fix/fasten/attach/affix (to top); (as punishment); crucify; fix/insert below; suffimen|fumigation; incense; a substance used to fumigate; suffimentum|fumigation; incense; a substance used to fumigate; suffio|fumigate; perfume, scent; sufflamen|brake, drag, hindrance; sufflatum|souffle (kitchen); sufflavus|yellowish; (Erasmus); sufflo|blow/puff up, inflate; blow; get into a temper with; suffocatio|suffocation; choking/stifling/suffocating; [~ mulierum => hysterical passion]; suffoco|strangle, choke, suffocate; suffodio|undermine, dig under; pierce or prod below; suffraganeus|supporter; suffragatio|public expression of support (for); suffragator|supporter; one who gives support to a candidate (voter, canvasser); suffragatorius|candidate-supporting; suffragium|vote; judgment; applause; suffrago|express public support (for), canvass/vote for; lend support (to), favor; suffrago|hock; joint in hind leg between knee and ankle; sucker shoot (of vine); suffragor|express public support (for), canvass/vote for; lend support (to), favor; suffrico|rub-down; rub-off; suffringo|break beneath; suffugio|flee away; flee from; suffugium|shelter; place of refuge; suffulcio|underprop, keep from falling; suffumigo|fumigate from below; suffundo|pour in/on; cause to well up to surface; cover/fill with liquid that wells up; suffuro|steal unobtrusively; steal away; suffuscus|brownish, dark; suffusus|blushing; bashful; suggero|suggest, furnish; suggestio|supplying an answer to one's own question; suggestion, hint (L+S); addition; suggestus|raised surface; platform, dais; suggillo|insult, humiliate; suggrandis|somewhat large; suggredior|go up to, approach, attack; sugillatio|affronting; bruise; sugillo|insult, humiliate; sugitorium|lollipop; sugo|suck; imbibe; take in; sugrunda|roof-eaves; sugrundarium|baby-grave; sui|him/her/it/ones-self; him/her/it; them (selves) (pl.); each other, one another; suicida|kamikaze; suicidalis|suicidal; suicidarius|suicidal; suicidium|suicide; suillus|of pigs/swine; sulco|furrow, plow; cleave; sulcus|furrow; rut; trail of a meteor, track, wake; female external genitalia (rude); sulfur|brimstone, sulfur; lightning/thunder (associated with brimstone); sulfuratus|containing sulfur; Sulla|Sulla (Roman cognomen); [L. Cornelius ~ Felix => Roman dictator 138-78 BC]; sullaturio|be like Sulla; imitate Sulla; sulphur|brimstone, sulfur; lightning/thunder (associated with brimstone); sulphureus|sulfurous; Sulpicia|Sulpicia; Sulpicius|Sulpician; of Sulpicius gens; Sulpicius|Sulpicius; sulpur|brimstone, sulfur; lightning/thunder (associated with brimstone); sulpureus|sulfurous; sultanus|sultan; sulum|each thing, every single thing; each and every thing; everything; sumbolum|token/symbol; matching objects proving identity; signet ring; warrant, permit; sumbolus|token/symbol; matching objects proving identity; signet ring; warrant, permit; sumen|breeding sow; summa|sum; summary; chief point, essence, principal matter, substance; total; summas|high-born; eminent (Collins); summatim|summarily, briefly; summatus|sovereignty (Collins); summe|in the highest degree; intensely; superlatively well, consummately; summergo|plunge under, submerge; sumministratio|giving, furnishing, supplying; sumministro|supply, furnish, afford; summissio|lowering; B:depression; summissus|stooping; quiet; summitas|culminating state (philosophy); surface (geometry); summit/top/highest part; summitto|allow to grow long; emit, put forth, raise; lower, moderate, relieve; submit; summoleste|with some difficulty/trouble; summolestus|somewhat troublesome; summoneo|remind secretly; summonio|summon; summonitio|summons; summonitor|summoner; one who summons; summopere|very much, exceedingly; (summo opere); summorosus|somewhat peevish; summotor|space-clearer; one who clears spaces; summoveo|remove; drive off, dislodge; expel; ward off; keep at a distance; bar/debar; summum|top; summit, end, last; highest place; top surface; (voice) highest, loudest; summurmuro|murmur softly; summus|highest, the top of; greatest; last; the end of; summuto|exchange; sumo|take up; begin; suppose, assume; select; purchase; exact (punishment); obtain; sumo|accept; begin; suppose; select; purchase; obtain; (sumpsi, sumptum); sumptuarius|relating to expense; sumptuosus|expensive, costly; sumptuous; sumptus|cost, charge, expense; suo|sew together/up, stitch; suouitaurilis|animal sacrifice (pl.) (of pig, sheep and bull); suovetaurile|purificatory sacrifice (pl.) consisting of a boar, a ram, and a bull; supellex|furniture, house furnishings; paraphernalia, articles necessary for business; super|above, on top, over; upwards; moreover, in addition, besides; super|over (space), above, upon, in addition to; during (time); concerning; beyond; super|upon/on; over, above, about; besides (space); during (time); beyond (degree); superabilis|that may be got over or surmounted; that may be conquered; superabundanter|very abundantly; superabundantia|superabundance; superabundo|be very abundant; superaddo|add or affix on the surface; superadicio|add besides; superaedificium|upper building; superaedifico|build upon/over; superans|predominant; superappono|place above; superator|conqueror; superbe|arrogantly, proudly, haughtily; superciliously; superbia|arrogance, pride, haughtiness; superbiloquentia|haughty/arrogant/overbearing speaking/speech; superbio|show pride or disdain on account (of); be proud/haughty; be splendid; superbio|show/have (too much) pride/disdain (to); be proud/gorgeous/superb/magnificent; superbiparticular|super-biparticular; of integer plus two thirds; (N + 2/3); superbipartiens|super-biparticular; of integer plus two thirds; (N + 2/3); superbus|arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud; superciliosus|supercilious; disdainful; supercilium|eyebrow; frown; arrogance; supercilius|haughty; supercilious; superdico|say in addition; superdo|lay over; put over; apply on the surface; superduco|bring home as successor to former wife; superductio|drawing of a line over words in a document; superemineo|overtop, stand out above the level of; superexactio|excessive demand; superexalto|exalt above others; superexcedo|surpass; superexcellens|very excellent; superexcrescens|excess; incremental; [superexcrescens anno => leap year]; superficies|top, surface, upper layer; building (vs. land on which it stands); superficietenus|superficially; superfio|be left over; be left/remain (as residue); become superfluous/redundant; superfixus|fixed on the top; superfluo|overflow, flow over brim/sides/surface; be superfluous/superabundant/surplus; superfluum|balance. (that) remaining (after something taken), surplus; superfluus|superfluous, in excess of need; remaining after something taken; surplus; superfundo|pour over, cover (surface); spill over, pour over brim; pour in (invaders); supergredior|pass over or beyond; exceed, surpass; superimmineo|stand above in a threatening position; superimpendens|overhanging; superimpendo|spend, exhaust; (upon any thing); superimpono|place on top or over; superincidens|falling on top; superincubans|lying on top; superincumbo|lean over; superingo|bring upon; pour down (eg sun-rays); superinicio|throw/scatter on/upon/over the surface; superinjicio|throw/scatter on/upon/over the surface; superinpendo|spend, exhaust; (upon any thing); superinsterno|spread/lay on over the surface; superinungo|besmear; smear over; E:anoint; superinvaleo|excel in strength; superinvalesco|excel in strength; superioritas|superiority; superjaceo|lie over; lie upon; superjacio|throw or scatter on top o; over the surface; shoot over the top of; superlatus|exaggerated, hyperbolic; superlectile|bedding (gender unclear); superliminare|lintel; superliminium|lintel; superlinen|lintel; (over door); superlininare|lintel; (over door); superlino|smear over; besmear; supermitto|throw over; supernato|swim on top; float; supernaturalis|supernatural; superne|at or to a higher level, above; in the upper part; on top; supernus|heavenly; celestial; of the gods; lofty, above; on the surface/upper side; supero|overcome, conquer; survive; outdo; surpass, be above, have the upper hand; superobruo|overwhelm (Col); overrun; overthrow; superoccupo|take by surprise from above; superonero|overload with fetters; superparticularis|super-particular; of/containing integer plus aliquot fraction; (N + 1/M); superpartiens|super-particular; of/containing integer plus aliquot fraction; (N + 1/M); superpendens|overhanging; superpono|place over or on top; put in charge; superrealismus|surrealism; superruo|fall upon; rush upon; superscando|climb over; supersedeo|refrain (from), desist (from); supersido|dispense with; supersilium|saddle-cover; haughtiness (Nelson); supersterno|spread or lay on top; superstes|outliving, surviving; standing over/near; present, witnessing; superstitio|superstition; irrational religious awe; superstitiosus|superstitious, full of unreasoning religious awe; supersto|stand on top (of) (w/DAT/ABL); stand over (someone prostrate or recumbent); superstruo|build over; build on top; supersubstantialis|life-sustaining; supersum|be left over; survive; be in excess/superfluous (to); remain to be performed; supertego|cover over; supertriparticular|super-triparticular; of integer plus three fourths; (N + 3/4); supertripartiens|super-triparticular; of integer plus three fourths; (N + 3/4); superum|heaven (pl.); heavenly bodies; heavenly things; higher places; superumerale|ephod (armless vestment of Jewish priests); (sarape-like); superurgens|pressing from above; superus|above, high; higher, upper, of this world; greatest, last, highest; superus|gods (pl.) on high, celestial deities; those above; supervacaneus|redundant; unnecessary; supervacuaneus|superfluous; unnecessary; (a different read of supervacaneus in Cicero); supervacuus|superfluous, redundant, more than needed; unnecessary, pointless, purposeless; supervado|surmount; supervehor|ride/sail/pass over/by/past; turn; supervenio|come up, arrive; superventus|arrival, coming up; W:attack; supervivo|survive, outlive; supervolito|fly to and fro over; supervolo|fly over; supino|lay on the back; turn up; tilt back; supinus|lying face upwards, flat on one's back; turned palm upwards; flat; passive; supo|throw; pour; strew, scatter; (usu. only in compounds); suppalidus|somewhat pale; suppalpor|caress; coax gently; suppar|almost equal; supparasitor|flatter somewhat; supparum|linen garment (for women); topsail; supparus|top-sail; linen garment; (see also supparum); suppeditatio|abundance; suppedito|be/make available when/as required, supply with/needs (of); suppedo|break wind gently, fart quietly; suppernatus|lamed in the hip; suppetia|help (pl.), aid; suppetior|help, assist; suppeto|be at hand; be equal to; be sufficient for; suppilo|steal; pilfer; suppingo|fasten underneath; paint over; supplanto|trip up; supplementum|reinforcements; supplies; that which fills out; suppleo|supply; supplex|suppliant, kneeling, begging; supplex|suppliant; supplicatio|thanksgiving; supplication; suppliciter|suppliantly, in an attitude of humble entreaty; supplicium|punishment, suffering; supplication; torture; supplico|pray, supplicate; humbly beseech; supplodo|stamp; supplosio|stamping; suppono|place under; substitute; suppose; supporto|carry up, transport; suppositicius|substituted; spurious; put in the place of another; not genuine; suppositio|fraudulent introduction (of child) into family; placing under (eggs-hen); supposititius|substituted; spurious; put in the place of another; not genuine; suppressio|pressing-down; nightmare; sense of oppression; embezzlement/keeping back money supprimo|press down or under; suppress; keep back, contain; stop, check; suppromus|under-butler; suppudet|be somewhat ashamed; suppullulo|spring up secretly; suppuratio|suppuration/festering; suppurating/festering sore, abscess; suppuratorius|of/concerned with festering/suppurating sores/abscesses; suppuratus|that has suppurated/festered; that has come to a head; (of a tumor); suppuro|suppurate, fester under the surface; suppus|head-downwards; supputatio|computation; supputo|count up, compute; supra|on top; more; above; before, formerly; supra|above, beyond; over; more than; in charge of, in authority over; supradico|say in addition to; say above, say before; supranistria|soprano; suprascando|climb on top of; suprascribo|title/entitle; inscribe; suprascriptio|title; inscription (Douay); suprascriptus|entitled; inscribed; (sometimes abb. SS.); supremum|funeral rites (pl.) or offerings; supter|beneath (surface/covering); underneath, below; at lower level/in lower position; supter|beneath, under (cover/shelter); towards/at base (of wall/cliff); (usu. ACC); supter|beneath, under (cover/shelter); towards/at base (of wall/cliff); suptilis|fine-spun, fine; slender, delicate, exact; minutely thorough; strict, literal; suptilitas|fineness of texture/logic/detail; slenderness/exactness/acuteness; sharpness; suptiliter|finely; delicately; acutely, exactly; minutely; strictly, literally; logically; sura|calf of the leg; surculosus|woody; ligneous (Pliny); surculus|shoot, sprout; surdaster|somewhat deaf; surditas|deafness; surdus|deaf, unresponsive to what is said; falling on deaf ears; muffled, muted; surena|grand vizier/chief minister (of Parthians); kind of fish; surgo|rise, lift; grow; Suria|Syria; (area between Asia Minor and Egypt including Phoenicia and Palestine); Surius|Syrian, of Syria; (name of a variety of dark-skinned pear); surpiculus|used for dealing with bulrushes (of a billhook); of/made of rushes (L+S); surpiculus|basket made of bulrushes, rush basket; surpo|take away secretly; steal, filch; (archaic form of surripere); surregulus|petty prince; feudatory vassal; surrepo|creep (under/up to); move stealthily; ooze/seep (liquid); insinuate self; surrepo|come on gradually/imperceptibly/by degrees (conditions); steal along/on; surrepticius|surreptitious; surreptio|stealing/taking secretly or by deception; filching; purloining, theft (L+S); surreptitius|stolen; surreptitious; concealed; (surrepticius); surreptum|stealthily; surrido|smile; surripio|take away secretly; steal, filch; surrogo|replace; depute; surrubicundus|somewhat red; surruncivus|grubbed-up; that is grubbed up; surrutilus|somewhat reddish; sursisa|fine-for-default; "sursise"; sursum|up, on high; Surus|Syrian, of Syria; Surus|Syrian, native of Syria; (esp. as a slave); (name of a slave); sus|swine; hog, pig, sow; suscenseo|be angry; be indignant with; susceptibilis|acceptable; can be received; susceptio|undertaking; taking upon oneself; susceptor|contractor/who undertakes (enterprise); one who harbors (gamblers/thieves); susceptor|one who takes hand in enterprise; one admitting gamblers to his house; susceptor|supporter, helper, guardian; host/entertainer; receiver/collector of taxes; suscipio|undertake; support; accept, receive, take up; suscitabulum|clock; suscito|encourage, stir up; awaken, rouse, kindle; suscriptor|document-signer; susicivus|left over, spare; extra, superfluous; suspecto|in suspicious circumstances; suspiciously; suspecto|suspect; mistrust, be suspicious of; suspect the presence of evil; gaze up at; suspectus|suspected/mistrusted; of doubtful character; believed without proof; suspicious; suspectus|esteem; admiration, looking up to; suspendium|act of hanging oneself; suspendo|hang up, suspend; suspensus|in a state of anxious uncertainty or suspense, light; suspicax|mistrustful; suspicio|look up to; admire; suspicio|suspicion; mistrust; suspiciosus|feeling suspicion, suspecting; exciting suspicion, suspicious; suspicor|mistrust, suspect; suppose; suspiratus|sigh; deep breath; suspiriosus|deep breathing; B:asthmatic; suspiritus|sigh; suspirium|deep breath, sigh; suspiro|sigh; utter with a sigh; susque|up and; [susque deque => up and down]; sussulto|keep jumping up; spring up, leap up; (also jerky rhythm); sustentaculum|nourishment; prop; rack (for books/luggage Cal); sustentatus|support, sustaining, bearing/carrying; keeping erect/upright; hangings/drapes; sustento|endure, hold out; sustineo|support; check; put off; put up with; sustain; hold back; sustollo|raise on high; susum|up, on high; Susum|Susum; Susa (ancient Persian capital, modern Soos); susurratim|in a low voice/whisper, softly; susurratio|whisper, whispering; susurrator|whisperer; one who whispers; susurratrix|whisperer (female) whispers; susurrium|whisper; susurro|mutter, whisper, hum, buzz, murmur; susurro|whisperer; mutterer; tale-bearer; susurrus|whispering; susurrus|whisper, whispered report; soft rustling sound; sutela|trick; sewing together; sutilis|made by sewing, consisting of things stitched together; sutor|shoemaker; cobbler; sutorius|cobbler's; of a shoemaker; sewing (Cas); sutorius|ex-cobbler; sutrinus|of a shoemaker; sutura|seam, stitch, piece of sewing; suum|his property (pl.); [se suaque => themselves and their possessions]; suus|his/one's (own), her (own), hers, its (own); (pl.) their (own), theirs; suus|his men (pl.), his friends; sycaminon|mulberry tree; sycaminos|mulberry-leaved/Egyptian fig; Greek name for the mulberry tree; sycaminus|mulberry-leaved/Egyptian fig; Greek name for the mulberry tree; sycomoros|mulberry-leaved/Egyptian fig; mulberry tree (L+S); sycomorus|mulberry-leaved/Egyptian fig; mulberry tree (L+S); sycophanta|informer, trickster; sycophantia|cunning, craft; deceit; sycophantor|cheat; syllaba|syllable; letter, epistle (Latham); geometric section; syllepsis|word cross-reference, syllepsis; grammatical figure; syllogismos|syllogism; syllogismus|syllogism; syllogizo|reason syllogistically; symbiosis|symbiosis; symbola|contribution for common meal/feast; contributing of that sum; symbolicus|symbolic, symbolical; symbolizo|symbolize; accord, correspond; symbolum|token/symbol; matching objects proving identity; signet ring; warrant, permit; symbolus|token/symbol; matching objects proving identity; signet ring; warrant, permit; symmetria|symmetry; due proportion between parts; relative measure of parts/proportion; sympathia|feeling in common; sympathy; symphonia|harmony of sounds; singers/musicians; symphony (L+S); instrument; war signal; symphoniacus|of or for a concert; symphoniacus|orchestra; symposiacus|of a banquet; convivial; symptoma|symptom; symptomatologia|symptomatology, pathological study of symptoms; synagoga|synagogue; congregation (of Jews); synagrapha|promissory note, bond; written contract/IOU signed by both parties to pay money; synagraphus|written contract/agreement; written pass, safe conduct; synaliphe|elision; contraction of two syllables into one; synaloephe|elision; contraction of two syllables into one; synaphe|synaphe note, conjunction of two tetrachords; note equal to hypate-meson; synchronismus|synchronism; synchronizatio|synchronization; synchronizo|synchronize; syncopa|contraction, syncope; fainting fit; heart failure; syncopatus|suffering from a fainting fit; syncopatus|fainter, one suffering from a fainting fit; syncopes|contraction, syncope; fainting fit; heart failure; syncopis|fainting fit; (Erasmus); syncopo|faint, suffer a syncope/fainting fit; syncretismus|syncretism, attempted union/reconciliation of diverse/opposite ideas/practices; synderesis|synderesis/synteresis, keeping/understanding principles of moral law; remorse; syndicalis|united; organized in unions, syndical; syndicalismus|unionism; syndicatus|union; syndicate; syndroma|syndrome; synedrus|Macedonian councillor; synemmenon|musical note series; name of several series of musical notes; syngrafa|written contract/IOU (signed by both) to pay the other a specific sum of money; syngrafus|written contract/agreement; written pass, safe conduct; passport; syngrapha|written contract/IOU (signed by both) to pay the other a specific sum of money; syngraphus|written contract/agreement; written pass, safe conduct; passport; synodita|fellow-traveller; companion; synodus|synod, general council; college of priests; synodus|synod, general council; book of synodal acts/constituions; synodus|fish of sea-bream family; synonymum|synonym; synthesis|dinner-service; set of matching articles; synthesis|set of dining clothes; dressing-gown; costume (Cal); syntheticus|synthetic; synzygia|conjunction, syzygy; syphilis|syphilis; syphiliticus|syphilitic; Syracuses|Syracuse (pl.); (chief city of Sicily); Syria|Syria; (area between Asia Minor and Egypt including Phoenicia and Palestine); Syriacus|Syrian, of/connected with Syria, produced/found in Syria; syringa|lilac; Syrius|Syrian, of Syria; (name of a variety of dark-skinned pear); syrma|robe with train; D:tragedy; syrma|long trailing robe, worn by tragic actors; syrtis|sandbank, quicksand; (esp. one on the coast of North Africa); Syrus|Syrian, of Syria; Syrus|Syrian, native of Syria; (esp. as a slave); (name of a slave); systema|system; complex whole; whole consisting of several parts; harmony (Latham) systylos|systyle; columns close spaced at twice their widths; T|Titus, Roman praenomen; (abb. T.); tabacarius|of tobacco; tabacinus|of tobacco; tabacismus|tobacco addiction; tabacum|tobacco; tabanus|horse-fly; tabefacio|melt; dissolve; subdue; tabefactus|melted; dissolved; tabefio|be melted/dissolved/subdued; (tabefacio PASS); tabella|small board; writing tablet; picture; ballot; deed (pl.), document, letter; tabellanio|notary; scrivener; document-drafter; tabellarius|letter-carrier, courier; tabellarius|factor; tabellio|legal clerk, one who draws up legal documents; messenger (Erasmus); tabeo|rot away, decay; waste away; taberna|tavern, inn; wood hut/cottage, shed/hovel; stall/booth; small shop (Nelson); tabernaculum|tent; Jewish Tabernacle; [~ capere => (augur) set up tent to make observations]; tabernaculum|tabernacle; canopy, covered shrine, niche; reliquary; receptacle for Host; tabernarius|keeper of a taberna, shopkeeper, tradesman; tabernarius|retailing; tabes|wasting away; decay; putrefaction; fluid resulting from corruption or decay; tabesco|melt, dissolve; dry up, evaporate; waste away, dwindle away; (mental aspect); tabidulus|consuming; tabidus|wasting away, emaciated, putrefying, rotten; accompanied by wasting; tabificus|causing decay or wasting; tabitudo|wasting away; tablinum|terrace; archive; gallery; tabula|writing tablet (wax covered board); records (pl.); document, deed, will; list; tabula|plank/board, flat piece of wood; door panel; counting/playing/notice board; tabula|picture, painting; wood panel for painting; metal/stone tablet/panel w/text; tabularium|collection of (inscribed) tablets; record-office, registry; tabulatio|structure of boards, boarding; tabulatum|floor, story; layer, row; tier formed by the horizontal branches of a tree; tabulatus|floored, boarded; tabulinum|terrace; archive; gallery; tabum|viscous fluid consisting of putrid matter; taceo|be silent; pass over in silence; leave unmentioned, be silent about something; tachometrum|tachometer; taciturnitas|maintaining silence; taciturnus|silent, quiet; tacitus|silent, secret; Tacitus|Tacitus; (Emperor Marcus Claudius Tacitus 275-276); tactilis|able to be touched; tactio|touching (Plautus); sense of touch; tactus|touch, sense of touch; taeda|pine torch; taedeo|be tired/weary/sick (of) (w/GEN or INF+ACC of person); be disgusted/offended; taedeor|be sad; be tired/weary/sick (of); taedet|be tired/weary/sick (of) (w/GEN or INF+ACC of person); be disgusted/offended; taedifer|torch-bearing; taedio|be sad; be tired/weary/sick (of); taedior|be sad; be tired/weary/sick (of); taedium|weariness/tedium/boredom/ennui; disgust/aversion/repugnance/loathing; nuisance; taedium|disagreeable/offensive quality; object of loathing/disgust/hate/offense; taedium|sadness, grief; sickness/illness; rancid taste/smell (L+S); irksomeness; taenia|ribbon, tape, band; film, movie (Red); taeniola|small ribbon, tape, band; film, movie (Red); taeter|foul, offensive;, ugly; disgraceful; black, blackish (Souter); taetricus|harsh; gloomy; severe; (tetricus); tagax|light-fingered; thievish, given to pilfering; talare|winged sandals (pl.) of Mercury; skirts/robes reaching to ankles; talaris|of the ankle/heel; reaching/stretching to the ankles; talarius|of dice; with dice; talea|block; bar; talentum|talent; sum of money; talio|retaliation; talis|such; so great; so excellent; of such kind; taliter|in such a manner/way (as described), so; talitha|girl; damsel (Douay); (Aramaic); (Mark 5:41); talla|layer of an onion; peel or coat of an onion (L+S); tallus|young/green branch/bough/stalk; olive or myrtle (L+S) branch (2 Maccabee 14:4); talpa|mole (animal); talus|ankle; ankle/pastern bone; sheep knucklebone (marked for dice); dice game (pl.); tam|so, so much (as); to such an extent/degree; nevertheless, all the same; tamarix|tamarisk; (evergreen bush/shrub/tree genus Tamarix); (also myrica); tamdiu|so long, for so long a time; so very long; all this time; tamen|yet, nevertheless, still; tametsi|even if, although, though; taminius|taminian. species of wild grape; tamisium|sieve, sifter; tamquam|as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as; tandem|finally; at last, in the end; after some time, eventually; at length; tangens|tangent (math); tangibilis|touchable; tangible; tango|touch, strike; border on, influence; mention; tanquam|as, just as, just as if; as it were, so to speak; as much as; so as; tantillus|so small, so small a quantity; tantisper|for such time (as); for so long (as); for the present/meantime; all the time; tantopere|so much, so hard; tantulus|so very small, so trifling; tantum|so much, so far; hardly, only; tantummodo|only, merely; tantundem|just as much; tantus|of such size; so great, so much; [tantus ... quantus => as much ... as]; tapes|woolen cloth or rug used as a covering, hanging, carpet, tapestry; tapetarius|decorator; tapete|woolen cloth or rug used as a covering, hanging, carpet, tapestry; tapetes|woolen cloth or rug used as a covering, hanging, carpet, tapestry; tapetum|woolen cloth or rug used as a covering, hanging, carpet, tapestry; tappete|woolen cloth or rug used as a covering, hanging, carpet, tapestry; tarandrus|reindeer; taraxacum|dandelion; tardesco|become slow; tardipes|slow-footed, lame; tarditas|slowness of movement, action, etc; tardiusculus|somewhat slow (Plautus); tardo|check, retard; hinder; tardus|slow, limping; deliberate; late; tarmes|woodworm (Plautus); tarpezita|money-changer; banker; (also tarpessita or trapezita in Plautus); Tarquinius|Etruscan name; (T~ Priscus, 5th Roman king; T~ Superbus, last king 534-510 BC); Tartareus|of or belonging to the underworld; Tartarean; Tartarum|infernal regions (pl.), the underworld; Tartarus|infernal regions (pl.), the underworld; tat|what! (Plautus); taurea|leather whip; taureus|derived from a bull; tauriformis|having form of a bull; taurinus|of or derived from a bull; made of ox-hide; tauromachia|bullfighting, bullfight; taurus|bull; taxeus|yew-, of yew trees; taxillus|small die; taxiraeda|taxicab; taxiraedarius|taxi driver; taxo|value, assess the worth of; access a crime; reckon the size/extent; fix sum of; taxus|yew-tree; teanus|of tea; tebboleth|mispronunciation of scibboleth (grain ear) whereby Gileadites found Ephraimite; tebeth|Tebet/Tebeth; tenth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; TECEL|TEKEL; (MENE TEKEL PHARES writing on the wall - Vulgate Daniel 5:25); techina|wile; trick; (archaic); techna|cunning trick, artifice; technica|technique; technicus|technical; technocrata|technocrat; technocratia|technocracy; technocraticus|technocratic; technologia|technology; technologicus|technological; tector|plasterer; tectoriolum|plaster/stucco work; tectorium|plaster; tectorius|used for covering, or for plastering; tectum|roof; ceiling; house; tectus|covered, roofed; hidden, secret; concealed/disguised; guarded/secretive; tegimen|covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit); tegimentum|covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit); tegmen|covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit); tegmentum|covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit); tego|cover, protect; defend; hide; tegula|roof-tile; tegumen|covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit); tegumentum|covering/cover/protection; clothing; body armor; skin/shell/husk (animal/fruit); tegumentum|book-cover; (Cal); tela|web; warp (threads that run lengthwise in the loom); telecopia|fax; telecopialis|faxed; telecopiatrum|fax machine, fax; telecustodia|telemonitoring; teleferica|lift; elevator; telegraphema|telegram; telegraphia|telegraphy; telegraphicus|telegraphic; telegraphista|telegraphist; telegrapho|telegraph; telegraphum|telegraph; telehorasis|television; telepathia|telepathy; telephonema|telephone conversation; telephonicus|telephonic; telephonista|telephone operator; telephono|phone; telephonum|telephone; telescopium|telescope; telespectator|viewer; televisificus|of television; televisio|television; televisor|viewer; televisorium|television; telinum|fragrant ointment made from fenugreek; telis|fenugreek (herb); tellus|earth, ground; the earth; land, country; telo|customs officer; (Erasmus); telonarius|collector of customs; telonarius|customs-officer; teloneum|customs post; customs house (L+S); toll booth; telonialis|customs-related; teloniarius|collector of customs; telonicus|of/belonging to customs officer; (Erasmus); telonium|customs post; customs house (L+S); toll booth; customs (Cal); telum|dart, spear; weapon, javelin; bullet (gun); temerarius|casual, rash, accidental; reckless; temere|rashly, blindly; temeritas|rashness; temerity; temero|violate; defile, pollute; violate sexually; temetum|strong wine; intoxicating liquor; temno|scorn, despise; temo|pole, beam; tongue of a wagon or chariot; temperamentum|right proportion, middle way, mean, moderation; temperans|restrained, self-controlled; temperanter|temperately; with moderation/restraint; temperantia|self control; moderation; temperatio|regulation; temperator|arranger; organizer; temperatus|temperate, mild; temperi|at right/better/best time, seasonably; temperies|proper mixture, temper; tempero|combine, blend, temper; make mild; refrain from; control oneself; tempestas|season, time, weather; storm; tempestivus|seasonable; opportune, timely; physically in one's prime, ripe (for marriage); tempestuosus|stormy; templum|temple, church; shrine; holy place; temporalis|of time; temporary; w/time limit; due to lapse of time; of this/temporal world; temporaneus|opportune/timely, happening/coming at the right time; early (rains); temporarius|suited to/built for the occasion; temporary, transitory; w/time limit (leg.); tempori|at right/better/best time, seasonably; temporivus|early; early in the season; temptabundus|trying, attempting; temptamen|trial, attempt, essay; temptamentum|trial, attempt, essay; temptatio|trial, temptation; temptator|assailant (Collins); tempto|test, try; urge; worry; bribe; tempus|weather; tempus|time, condition, right time; season, occasion; necessity; temulentia|drunkenness; temulentus|drunken; tenacitas|grasp, quality of holding on to a thing; tenaculum|instrument for gripping; (fingers); tenax|holding fast, clinging; tenacious; retentive; close-fisted/tight/niggardly; tenax|restraining; (fetters/embrace); steadfast, persistent; obstinate, stubborn; tendicula|snare, trap; tendo|stretch/spread/extend; distend; aim/direct weapon/glance/steps/course; strive; tendo|pitch tent, encamp; pull tight; draw (bow); press on, insist; exert oneself; tendo|stretch/spread/extend; distend; aim/direct weapon/glance/steps/course; strive; tendo|pitch tent, encamp; pull tight; draw (bow); press on, insist; exert oneself; tenebra|darkness (pl.), obscurity; night; dark corner; ignorance; concealment; gloom; tenebrasco|grow dark; become dark; tenebresco|grow dark; become dark; tenebricosus|dark; tenebro|darken, make dark; tenebrosus|dark, gloomy; tenellulus|tender, delicate; tenellus|tender; tenementum|tenement; land held by tenant; teneo|hold, keep; comprehend; possess; master; preserve; [tenere memoria => remember]; teneo|represent; support; tener|tender (age/food); soft/delicate/gentle; young/immature; weak/fragile/frail; tenerasco|grow tender; teneritas|tenderness; softness (Pliny); teneritudo|tenderness (of age/disposition), youth; friableness, easy workability of soil; tenesmos|constipation; a straining (from the Greek); tenetura|holding, tenure, feudal holding; teniludium|tennis; teniludius|tennis player; tenisia|tennis; tenor|course, tenor; sustained and even course of movement; tenorista|tenor; tensa|wagon on which the images of the gods were carried to public spectacles; tentabundus|testing every stop or move; tentamen|attempt, effort; tentamentum|trial, attempt, experiment; tentatio|temptation; trial; tentigo|lecherousness; tento|handle, feel; attempt, try; prove; test; attack; brave; make an attempt; tentorium|tent; tenuiculus|very mean, slight; tenuis|thin, fine; delicate; slight, slender; little, unimportant; weak, feeble; tenuitas|thinness/fineness/leanness; poverty; frugality; simpleness (style); subtlety; tenuiter|thinly/finely; delicately; subtly; meagerly/scantily/poorly; weakly/feebly; tenuo|make thin; reduce, lessen; wear down; tenura|holding, tenure, feudal holding; tenus|as far as, to the extent of, up to, down to; tepefacio|make warm, warm up; tepefio|be warmed; be made warm, be warmed up; (tepefacio PASS); tepeo|be warm/tepid/lukewarm; have body warmth; feel love warmth/glow; fall flat; tepesco|grow warm/acquire some heat; become tepid/lukewarm; grow warm/cool (passion); tepidarium|warm bathing room; tepidarium; tepidus|warm, tepid; tepor|warmth, mild heat; ter|three times; on three occasions; terci|three; terebenthinus|of the turpentine/terebinth (Pistacia ~) tree/wood; [(resina) ~ => terpentine]; terebenthos|turpentine/terebinth tree (Pistacia ~); its wood (valued for furniture/inlay); terebenthus|turpentine/terebinth tree (Pistacia ~); its wood (valued for furniture/inlay); terebinthina|turpentine; terebinthinus|of the turpentine/terebinth (Pistacia ~) tree/wood; [(resina) ~ => turpentine]; terebinthos|terpentine/terebinth tree (Pistacia ~); its wood (valued for furniture/inlay); terebinthus|terpentine/terebinth tree (Pistacia ~); its wood (valued for furniture/inlay); terebinthus|terebinth tree or its wood; terebro|bore through, drill a hole in; teredo|worm that gnaws wood; teres|smooth; tapering; terg|back (animal, meat); ridge, raised surface; far side; covering (animal/organ); tergeminus|threefold, triple; tergeo|rub, wipe; wipe off, wipe dry; clean, cleanse; terginum|rawhide (Plautus); tergiversor|turn one's back on a task or challenge; hang back; tergo|rub, wipe; wipe off, wipe dry; clean, cleanse (sometimes tergeo); tergum|back, rear; reverse/far side; outer covering/surface; [terga vertere => flee]; tergus|back; skin, hide, leather; terma|warm bath; (medieval Latin, modern Italian); termen|boundary, limit, end; terminus; termes|bough (of tree), branch; (esp. of olive); name of specific tree (wild olive?); termes|woodworm; Terminal|festival (pl.) of the god of boundaries (Terminus) on 23 February; terminalis|terminal; marking a boundary; of a boundary; final, making a conclusion; terminatio|inflection; terminatio|marking the boundaries of a territory; termino|mark the boundaries of, form the boundaries of; restrict; conclude; terminologia|terminology; terminus|boundary, limit, end; terminus; ternarius|ternary; containing/consisting of three of anything; of 3 feet; name of tunic; ternarius|third of an as; ternus|three each (pl.), three at a time; tero|rub, wear away, wear out; tread; terra|earth, land, ground; country, region; terracuberum|country produce; unknown type of country produce; terraemotus|earthquake; (Vulgate); terratenus|on the ground; terrenus|of earth, earthly; earthy; terrestrial; terreo|frighten, scare, terrify, deter; terrester|terrestrial/earthly; living/operating on land (not sea); on/in/of ground/earth; terrestris|terrestrial/earthly; living/operating on land (not sea); on/in/of ground/earth; terreus|one born of the earth; terribilis|frightful, terrible; terriculum|terror-cause; means to create terror; scarecrow; terrifico|terrify; terrificus|terrifying, awe inspiring; terrigena|one born of the earth; (Giant/monster, from dragon's teeth, first men, snail); terrigenus|born of earth; (Giants/monsters, from dragon's teeth, first men, snail); terrigina|one born of the earth; (Giant/monster, from dragon's teeth, first men, snail); terriginus|born of earth; (Giants/monsters, from dragon's teeth, first men, snail); terriloquus|uttering frightening words; territo|intimidate; keep on frightening; territorium|territory; terror|terror, panic, alarm, fear; terrorismus|terrorism; terrorista|terrorist; terroristicus|terrorist; tersus|neat, spruce; tertiadecimanus|soldiers (pl.) of the thirteenth legion; tertiana|tertian fever; (recurring every third day); tertianus|of the third day; tertianus|soldier of 3rd legion; tertiarius|containing one-third; (alloy) 1 part of one metal 2 parts of another; tertiatus|greater by a third; tertio|thirdly; tertio|repeat three times; tertium|for the third time; Tertullianus|Tertullian; (c. 200, first Latin Christian writer); tescum|wastes (pl.), deserts; tesella|small cube of stone; tesquum|wastes (pl.), deserts; tessella|small cube, die; tile, shingle (Latham); pane (Erasmus); tessellatim|in checkered form; tessellatus|mosaic; tessera|die; square tablet marked with watchword, countersign; token, ticket; tesserarius|officer who received the watchword; testa|object made from burnt clay; earthenware jar; fragment of earthenware, shard; testaceus|made of brick/tile; resembling brick (esp. color); having hard covering/shell; testacius|made of brick/tile; resembling brick (esp. color); having hard covering/shell; testamentarius|relating to a will; testamentarius|forger of wills; testamentum|will, testament; covenant; testatio|action of testifying to a fact; testator|testator; one who makes a will; witness, one who testifies (L+S); testatrix|testatrix, she who makes a will; witness, she who testifies (L+S); testatus|known on good evidence; testeus|earthenware, made of earthenware; testiculus|testicle; testificor|assert solemnly, testify (to a fact); demonstrate; invoke as a witness; testimonium|testimony; deposition; evidence; witness; (used of ark and tabernacle) (Plater); testis|witness; testis|testicle (usu. pl.); testor|give as evidence; bear witness; make a will; swear; testify; testu|earthenware pot/vessel (esp. placed as lid over food and heaped with coals); testudinatus|having 4 converging sides/no hole (roof); of space w/that roof; arched/vaulted; testudineatus|having 4 converging sides/no hole (roof); of space w/that roof; arched/vaulted; testudineus|made of tortoise-shell; testudo|tortoise; testudo; armored movable shed; troops locking shields overhead; testula|potsherd, fragment of broken earthenware pot; testum|earthenware pot/vessel (esp. placed as lid over food and heaped with coals); tetanicus|one with neck-cramp (Pliny); tetanus|neck-cramp (Pliny); teter|foul, offensive; ugly; disgraceful; (taeter); teth|tet; (9th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as T); tetrachmum|Greek coin of four drachmae; tetrachordos|tetrachord; set of 4 strings (in instrument); scale of 4 notes; tetrachordos|four-stringed; having a scale of four notes; tetracordos|tetrachord; set of 4 strings (in instrument); scale of 4 notes; tetracordos|four-stringed; having a scale of four notes; tetradrachmum|four drachmae; Greek coin of four drachmae; tetragonum|quadrangle; tetragon; tetragonus|square; four-sided; quadrature (Latham); tetragrammaton|tetragram, word of four letters; Tetragrammaton, YHWA, symbol/name/title of God; tetrameter|tetrameter; four metric feet; tetrans|quarter; quadrant; place where two lines meet; tetrao|wood/black grouse/capercailye/capercailzie; other game bird/heathcock/moorfowl; tetrarches|tetrarch (minor king under Roman protection); tetrarchia|tetrarchy; tetrardos|interval of four notes; fourth note in plain-song; tetrardus|interval of four notes; fourth note in plain-song; Tetrardus|Tetrardus; fourth-voice antiphon; fourth note(?); tetrastylon|tetrastyle; building with four columns; tetrastylos|four-columned; tetricus|harsh, gloomy, severe; Teucer|Trojan; originally brother of Ajax; Teucria|Troy; ancient city taken by the Greeks; Teutonus|Teutoni, German tribe from Baltic, migrated w/Cimbri, smashed by Marius 102 BC; texo|weave; plait (together); construct with elaborate care; textilis|woven; textor|weaver; textrinus|related to weaving; textrix|female weaver; the Fates; textum|woven fabric, cloth; framework, web; atomic structure; ratio atoms/void; textura|weaving, texture; framework, structure; texture of atoms to void; textus|woven fabric, cloth; framework, structure; web; method of plaiting/joining; thalamus|bedroom; marriage; thalassicus|sea-green; (Plautus}; (thalassinus); thalassinus|sea-green; thallus|young/green branch/bough/stalk; laurel or olive or myrtle (L+S) branch; thapsia|poisonous shrub (Pliny); thaspi|cress (Pliny); thau|tav; (22nd letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as T); (mark of Cain); thea|tea; theatralis|theatrical, of the_stage; theatricus|theatrical, theatric; of/belonging to theater; theatrum|theater; theca|case, box; that which encloses, envelope/cover/hull/sheath (L+S); vagina; theca|suitcase; Thecuites|of/from Thecua; (2 Samuel 14); thema|theme; thematicus|thematic; thensaurius|concerned with treasure; thensaurus|treasure chamber/vault/repository; treasure; hoard; collected precious objects; theocentricus|theocentric; (theory; God is at centre of all); theocratia|theocracy; theocraticus|theocratic; Theodosius|Theodosius; (Emperor Theodosius 379-395; II 408-450); theologia|theology, science/system of teaching/writing about God/gods/divine things; theologicus|theological; of/concerning theology; theologus|theologian, one who writes/discourses/teaches on God/gods; theolonium|toll; levy; theoria|theory, philosophic speculation; theorices|theory, philosophic speculation; theoricus|theoretical; observing, considering, relating to observation/consideration; theosophia|theosophy, wisdom concerning God; (doctrine of Boehme rejected by the Church); therafin|teraphim/theraphim (pl. form); theraph (sg. form); idols/images; household gods; therapeuta|therapist; therapia|therapy; theristrum|garment, covering; summer garment; therma|warm/hot baths (pl.); baths; thermocepicus|warm-heating; thermolagoena|thermos; thermometrum|thermometer; thermopolium|cafe; thermopoto|drink warm; refresh with warm drinks; thermostatum|thermostat; therotrophium|zoological garden; thesaurius|concerned with treasure; thesaurizo|gather up treasure; lay up treasure; hoard; thesaurus|treasure chamber/vault/repository; treasure; hoard; collected precious objects; thesis|proposition, thesis; Thessalonica|Thessalonica (Macedonian city); (now Saloniki); theurgus|magician; summoner; thiasus|orgiastic Bacchic dance; tholicus|at dome; tholus|circular building with a domed roof, rotunda; Thomas|Thomas; thorax|breastplate, upper body armor/protection, cuirass; vest/waistcoat; chest/trunk; thorax|breastplate, upper body armor/protection, cuirass; vest/waistcoat; chest/trunk; Thracia|Thrace; (vaguely defined country east of Macedon/north-east of Greece); Thracius|Thracian, of/belonging to Thrace; gem; [lapis ~ => combustible stone/lignite]; Thraecia|Thrace; (vaguely defined country east of Macedon/north-east of Greece); Thraecius|Thracian, of/belonging to Thrace; gem; [lapis ~ => combustible stone/lignite]; Thraex|Thracian, native of Thrace; gladiator armed with saber and short shield; Thrax|Thracian; gladiator with saber and short shield, gladiator; Threcia|Thrace; (vaguely defined country east of Macedon/north-east of Greece); Threcius|Thracian, of/belonging to Thrace; gem; [lapis ~ => combustible stone/lignite]; Threnus|throne; Threx|Thracian, native of Thrace; gladiator armed with saber and short shield; thrombosis|thrombosis; thronus|Lamentations (pl. of Jeremiah); (book of OT); dirge, song of mourning; elegy; thunnus|tunny, tunny fish; thus|frankincense; thya|citrus tree (Greek name for); thyia|citrus tree (Greek name for); thyinus|made from the citrus tree; thyisca|censer; vessel for burning incense; thymaterium|censer; vessel for burning incense; thymbra|aromatic plant, perhaps Cretan thyme; thymelaea|shrub; (Daphne gnidium?); thymelicus|theatrical, of the theater; thymelicus|stage musician; thymiama|incense; composition for fumigating (L+S); thymiamaterium|vessel for incense; censer; thymion|wart (Pliny); thymum|thyme; thymus|kind of wart; thynnarius|of/pertaining to tunny fish; (as a commodity); thynnus|tunny, tunny fish; thyrsus|Bacchic wand tipped with a fir-cone/tuft of ivy/vine leaves; plant's main stem; Ti|Tiberius, Roman praenomen; (abb. Ti./Tib.); tiara|ornamented conical felt Asian head-dress; Phrygian bonnet w/cheek lappets; tiaras|ornamented conical felt Asian head-dress; Phrygian bonnet w/cheek lappets; Tib|Tiberius, Roman praenomen; (abb. Ti./Tib.); Tiberinus|Tiber-; of the river Tiber (Collins); Tiberinus|Tiber (river); (Collins); Tiberis|Tiber; (the river at Rome); Tiberius|Tiberius (praenomen); abb. Ti./Tib.; (Tiberius Julius Caesar Emperor, 14-37 AD); tibia|flute, pipe; reed-pipe; (tube with holes for stops); B:tibia, shin-bone; tibiale|stocking; tibicen|piper, performer on tibia; flute player; prop/strut for shoring up building; tibicina|female performer on the tibia; tigillum|small beam; small bar of wood; tignarius|of beams; tignum|tree trunk, log, stick, post, beam; piece of timber; building materials; tigris|tiger; tigris|tiger; tigris|tiger; tigris|tiger; Tigurinus|Tiguri, one of the four divisions of the Helvetii - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; tilia|lime-tree; Tim|Timothy (abb.); (Book of the Bible); timefactus|frightened, alarmed; timeo|fear, dread, be afraid (ne + SUB = lest; ut or ne non + SUB = that ... not); timide|timidly, fearfully, apprehensively, nervously; cautiously, with hesitation; timidus|timid; cowardly; fearful, apprehensive; without courage; afraid to; timor|fear; dread; timoratus|God-fearing, devout, reverent; tina|cask; tub; tinctilis|obtained by dipping; tinctus|dyeing; dipping; tinea|moth; tineo|be infested with moths; (or maggots/larvae of moths which do the eating/damage); tingo|wet/moisten/dip/soak; color/dye/tinge/tint, stain (w/blood); imbue; impregnate; tinguo|wet/moisten/dip/soak; color/dye/tinge/tint, stain (w/blood); imbue; impregnate; tinnimentum|tingling sound (Plautus); tinnio|ring/clang/jangle (metal); ring (ears); utter a shrill/metallic sound; tinnitus|ringing, clanging, jangling; tinnulus|emitting a ringing or jangling sound; tintinabulum|bell; door bell, signal bell (L+S); cow bell; tintinnabulum|bell; door bell, signal bell (L+S); cow bell; small bell; tintinno|make a ringing or jangling sound; tintino|make a ringing or jangling sound; tinus|laurustinus; (bay/laurel); evergreen winter-flowering shrub (Viburnum ~ OED); tippula|water-spider; tiro|recruit; beginner, novice; tirocinium|military inexperience; recruits, raw forces; first campaign; youth, pupilage; tirunculus|young beginner; tisana|barley with the outer covering removed, pearl barley; barley water (drink); Titan|Titan; (one of race of gods/giants preceding Olympians); Titanus|Titan; (one of race of gods/giants preceding Olympians); titillatio|tickling; titillo|tickle, titillate, provoke; stimulate sensually; titio|tweet; (song of the sparrow); titio|firebrand, piece of burning wood; titio|firebrand, piece of burning wood; Titius|Titius; (Roman gens name); fictitious name in legal examples; Titius|Titius; (Roman gens); fictitious name in legal examples; titubatio|staggering; titubo|stagger, totter; falter; titulus|title (person/book); label; heading; placard/tablet; pretext, ostensible motive; titulus|distinction, claim to fame; honor; reputation; inscription; monument (Plater); Titus|Titus; Roman praenomen, abb. T.; (~ Flavius Vespasianus, Emperor, 79-81 AD); toc|so often, so many times; toculio|usurer; tofus|tufa, porous stone; volcanic tuff/tufa; toga|toga; (outer garment of Roman citizen); togata|Roman drama; drama on Roman theme; togatarius|actor in fabulae togatae (native Roman comedy); togatarius|actor in fabulae togatae (native Roman comedy); togatulus|little client; togatus|wearing a toga; civilian; of Roman status; [fabulae ~ => native Roman comedy]; togula|little toga; tolenno|water pump; tolerabilis|bearable, tolerable, patient; able to be withstood; passable; tolerant, hardy; tolerabiter|bearably, tolerably, patiently; passably, acceptably; tolerabundus|tolerant, patient; tolerans|tolerant; able to endure; toleranter|tolerantly, patiently, with fortitude; so as to withstand harm; tolerantia|patience, fortitude,tolerance; ability to bear/endure pain/adversity; toleratio|enduring; tolero|bear, endure, tolerate; tolleno|machine for raising weights, a crane; tollo|lift, raise; destroy; remove, steal; take/lift up/away; tolutilis|trotting; tomaclum|kind of sausage; tomaculum|kind of sausage; tomata|tomato; tomentum|stuffing of a pillow, mattress, etc.; tomix|cord, string; line, thread; (also thomix); tomographia|tomography; tonale|Tonal; book of musical rules; tonat|it thunders; tondeo|cut, shear, clip; tonella|cask, tun; (for wine); tonellum|cask, tun; (for wine); tonellus|cask, tun; (for wine); the Tun (London prison); bird-trap; tonitrualis|thunderous (used of Jupiter); tonitrus|thunder; tonitruum|thunder; tonium|tone; tonna|ton; tono|thunder; speak thunderous tones/thunderously; make/resound like thunder; tonos|tone, pitch (sound), note; interval; musical scale; astronomical measure; tonos|tone/degree of light/shade; strain, tension; peal of thunder (from tono?); tonsa|oar; tonsilis|shearable; cuttable; that may be shorn/cut/clipped; shorn/clipped/cut/lopped; tonsilla|tonsils (pl.); tonsor|barber; tonsorius|of or pertaining to a barber, barber's; tonstricula|little female barber; tonstrina|barber's shop; tonstrix|female barber; tonstrlna|barber shop; tonsura|clipping, shearing; pruning; tonsure; haircut; tonsus|shorn, clipped, cut, lopped; tonsus|coiffure; way of dressing hair (Plautus); tonus|tone, pitch (sound), note; interval; musical scale; astronomical measure; tonus|tone/degree of light/shade; strain, tension; peal of thunder (from tono?); toparchia|district, territory, unit of local government in Hellenistic world; toparcia|district, territory, unit of local government in Hellenistic world; topazion|kind of chrysolite; (Pliny chrysolite=our topaz and v.v.); green jasper (L+S); topazion|kind of chrysolite; (Pliny chrysolite=our topaz and v.v.); green jasper (L+S); topazius|kind of chrysolite; (Pliny chrysolite=our topaz and v.v.); green jasper (L+S); topazos|kind of chrysolite; (Pliny chrysolite=our topaz and v.v.); green jasper (L+S); topazus|kind of chrysolite; (Pliny chrysolite=our topaz and v.v.); green jasper (L+S); tophus|tufa, pourous rock; volcanic tuff/tufa; topiaria|landscape gardener; topiarius|of ornamental gardening; topice|art of finding topics; toral|valance of a couch; torcular|wine/oil press; pressing room, room housing a wine/oil press; oil cellar (L+S); torcularium|wine/oil press; pressing room, room housing a wine/oil press; oil cellar (L+S); torcularius|of/connected with/belonging to a wine/oil press; torcularius|worker in a (wine/oil) pressing room; torculum|wine/oil press; torculus|of/connected with/belonging to a wine/oil press; toreuma|carved or embossed work; toreutice|art of carving (Pliny); tormen|torture; tormento|torture; torment; inflict acute physical/mental pain; tormentum|windlass; instrument for twisting/winding; engine for hurling stones; missile; tormentum|rack; any torture device; tension, pressure; torture, torment; tormin|colic (Collins); torminosus|suffering from colic; torminum|colic, gripes; tornatilis|rounded; turned on a lathe; finished, beautifully wrought; tornator|turner; lathe operator; one who fashions in wood; tornatura|turning; work of a turner/lathe operator/one who fashions in wood; tornatus|rounded; turned on a lathe; torneamentum|tournament; torno|turn, make round by turning on a lathe; round off (L+S); turn, fashion, smooth; tornus|lathe; turner's lathe; torosus|muscular, brawny; torpedo|lethargy, inertness, sluggishness; fish (stinging/numbing); electric ray; torpeo|be numb or lethargic; be struck motionless from fear; torpesco|grow numb, become slothful; torpidus|numbed, paralyzed; torpor|numbness, torpor, paralysis; torquatus|wearing a collar or necklace; torqueo|turn, twist; hurl; torture; torment; bend, distort; spin, whirl; wind (round); torques|collar/necklace of twisted metal (often military); wreath (L+S); ring; chaplet; torquis|collar/necklace of twisted metal (often military); wreath (L+S); ring; chaplet; torrens|burning hot; rushing; torrential; torrens|torrent, rushing stream; torreo|parch, roast, scorch, bake, burn; dry up; begin to burn; harden by charring; torresco|be scorched; be roasted; torridus|parched, dried up; shriveled, desiccated; torris|firebrand; torrus|fire-brand; torsio|wringing; twisting; torta|pie; tortilis|twisted, coiled; tortitudo|crookedness; injustice; wickedness, insincerity; torto|torture; torment; tortor|torturer; tortula|small twist; tortuosus|twisting, tortuous; tortura|torture; torus|swelling, protuberance; mussel, brawn; bed, couch, stuffed bolster, cushion; torvitas|wildness; savageness; severity; torvus|pitiless/grim; fierce/stern/harsh/savage/dreadful; staring/piercing/wild (eye); tostrum|toaster; tot|as/so often, so many times, such a great number of times; that number of times; tot|so many, such a number of; as many, so many; such a great number of; totalis|total; entire; totalitarismus|totalitarianism; totalitaristicus|totalitarian; totalitas|totality, wholeness; totaliter|altogether, totally, wholly, completely, entirely; totidem|as many; just so/as many; the equivalent number of, same (as specified before); totus|whole, all, entire, total, complete; every part; all together/at once; toxicologia|toxicology; toxicologicus|toxicological; toxicologus|toxicologist; toxicomania|addiction; toxicomaniacus|drug addict; toxicum|poison; toxicus|toxic; poisonous; tr|tribune; abb. tr.; [tr. pl./tr. mil. => of the people/of the soldiers]; traba|wood-beam, timber; tree-trunk; ship; table; trabalis|of or used for wooden beams; trabea|white state mantle/horiz scarlet stripes; short purple dress equites uniform; trabeatus|clad in the trabea; (white robe with scarlet stripes and purple seam for king); trabes|tree-trunk, beam, timber; ship; trabs|tree trunk; log, club, spear; beam, timber, rafter; ship, vessel; roof, house; trabucus|trébuchet (machine of war); tractabilis|manageable; tractable; easy to deal with; tractalis|pullable; draggable; tractatio|management; treatment; discussion; tractatus|dealing w/problem/subject/treatment; treatment method; handling/management; tractatus|treaty; convention; tractim|in a long-drawn-out manner; tracto|draw, haul, pull, drag about; handle, manage, treat, discuss; tractogalatus|made of/cooked with pastry and milk; tractus|dragging or pulling along; drawing out; extent; tract, region; lengthening; traditio|giving up, delivering up, surrender; record, account; tradition; traditionalis|traditional; traditionalismus|traditionalism; traditionalista|traditionalist; trado|hand over, surrender; deliver; bequeath; relate; traduco|bring across/over, move/transfer; convert; cause to cross/to extend across area; traduco|lead across; exhibit/display/carry past in parade/procession; pass/get through; traductio|conducting/leading around (triumph), transfer; public exposure/disgrace/reproof; traductor|transferor; conveyer; tradux|vine-layer; Traex|Thracian, native of Thrace; gladiator armed with saber and short shield; trafero|transport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplant; trafero|copy out (writing); translate (language); postpone, transfer date; transform; tragelaphos|kind of wild goat or antelope; stag with beard like goat (horse-stag) (L+S); tragelaphus|kind of wild goat or antelope; stag with beard like goat (horse-stag) (L+S); tragicocomoedia|tragi-comedy (Plautus); tragicomicus|tragi-comic; tragicus|tragic; suitable to tragedy, a, i, m tragic poet, tragic actor; tragoedia|tragedy; tragoedus|tragic actor; tragula|dart, javelin; tragum|porridge; traha|sleigh; trahea|drag used as a threshing implement; traho|draw, drag, haul; derive, get; traicio|transfer; transport; pierce, transfix; traiectoria|trajectory (geometry); Trajanus|Trajan; (Roman cognomen); [M. Ulpius Traianus => Emperor, 98-117 AD]; trajecticius|lent for transportation of goods (money); transported/carried over sea (L+S); trajectio|crossing; passage; transferring; exaggeration; G:transposition; trajectitius|lent for transportation of goods (money); transported/carried over sea (L+S); Trajectum|Utrecht, city in Holland; (river crossing/ferry); trajectus|crossing, passage; trajicio|transfer; transport; pierce, transfix; tralaticius|traditional, handed down; customary; ordinary/common/usual; transferred (word); tralatio|transportation/transference; transfer to another; change of venue; translation; trama|warp (weaving); woof, weft, web filling; thin/lank figure; trifles; bagatelles; tramen|train; trames|footpath, track; (stream) bed; course; (family) branch; narrow strip (land); trano|swim across; tranquillitas|stillness; tranquility; tranquillo|calm, quiet; tranquillum|calm weather; calm state of affairs; tranquillus|quiet, calm; trans|across, over; beyond; on the other side; (only local relations); transabeo|go away beyond; transactio|transaction; deal, business arrangement, negotiated settlement; transactor|manager; transadigo|pierce through, thrust through; Transalpinus|of/belonging to/situated in the region beyond the Alps (from Rome); Transalpinus|people (pl.) from the region beyond the Alps (from Rome); transcendens|transcendent; transcendentalis|transcendental; transcendo|climb/step/go across/over; board; transgress; exceed; pass on, make transition; transcido|cut through; flog hard; transcribo|copy (from book/tablet to another); transcribe; transfer (enrollment); forge; transcurro|run across; run or hasten through; transcurro|run across; run or hasten through; transcursus|rapid movement across a space; transdo|hand over, surrender; deliver; L:bequeath; G:relate; (=traho); transduco|bring across/over, move/transfer; convert; cause to cross/to extend across area; transduco|lead across; exhibit/display/carry past in parade/procession; pass/get through; transenna|lattice-work, grating; transeo|go over, cross; transeunter|in passing; cursorily; transfero|transport/convey/transfer/shift; transpose; carry/bring across/over; transplant; transfero|copy out (writing); translate (language); postpone, transfer date; transform; transfigo|transfix, pierce through; transfiguro|transform, change form/appearance; transfluo|flow through; transfodio|transfix, pierce, impale; transformatio|transformation; change of shape; transformis|that undergoes transformation; transformo|change in shape, transform; transforo|pierce through; transfretanus|transmarine, that is beyond the sea; transfreto|cross a strait; pass over the sea; put/ferry across; pass through; transfuga|deserter; transfugio|go over to the enemy, desert; transfugium|desertion; transfundo|decant; pour from one vessel to another; transfusio|pouring out, pouring off; transfusio|transfusion; transgradior|cross, go/move/travel over/across; go to other side; change allegiance/policy; transgredior|cross, go/move/travel over/across; go to other side; change allegiance/policy; transgressio|transposition (words/phrases), inversion; transition (subjects); going across; transgressio|transgression; violation; transgressor|transgressor; transgressus|crossing to the other side; transicio|transfer; transport; pierce, transfix; transigo|stab, pierce; finish, settle, complete, accomplish; perform; bargain, transact; transilio|jump across, leap over; transitio|passing over, passage; desertion; infection, contagion; transitorie|cursorily; in passing; by the way; transitorium|passage-way; transitorius|affording passage; having a passage-way; transitory, passing (L+S); cursory; transitus|passage; crossing; transjicio|transfer; transport; pierce, transfix; translaticius|traditional, handed down; customary; ordinary/common/usual; transferred (word); translatio|transportation/transference; transfer to another; change of venue; translation; translativus|transferable; translato|offer; transfer; translator|transferor; translator (late Latin); translucentia|transparency; transluceo|shine through or across; be transparent; translucidus|transparent; transmarinus|across the sea, overseas; beyond the sea; transmaritanus|beyond the seas; overseas; transmeo|go across, cross, travel across; pass over; transmigratio|removal to another country; emigration; removal/carrying away; captive (Plater); transmigro|change one's residence from one place to another; transport; spread (disease); transmissio|sending-across; passage; L:tax payment (sent or returned); transmissus|crossing, passage; transmitto|send across; go across; transmit; transmodulatrum|modem; transmontanus|dwellers (pl.) beyond the mountains; transmoveo|remove; transfer; transmutabilis|cross-changeable; transmutable; transmutabilitas|cross-changeability; transmutability; transmuto|change about; transnato|swim across; transnavigo|sail over; transno|swim across, sail across; swim to the other side; transnomino|rename; transoceanicus|transatlantic; transpadanus|beyond (i.e. north of) the Po, transpadane; transparentia|transparency; transpectus|looking through, seeing through; transpicio|look through, see through; transpiratio|perspiration; transpito|pass through; transplanto|transplant; remove; transplantus|deified human being; transporto|carry across, transport; transrhenanus|beyond the Rhine; transscendo|climb/step/go across/over; board; transgress; exceed; pass on, make transition; transscribo|copy (from book/tablet to another); transcribe; transfer (enrollment); forge; transspicio|look through, see through; transtiberinus|beyond the Tiber; transtineo|go through (Plautus); transtrum|crossbeam; rower's seat; transubstantiatio|trans-substantiation; transulto|spring across; transuo|pierce through; transvectio|crossing; transveho|transport, lead across; elapse; carry; transvenio|come; come from another place or person; transverbero|transfix; transversalis|transverse; transversarium|cross beam, cross piece (of timber); transversarius|transverse; lying across/from side to side; transverse|crosswise; transversely; sideways; askance; transverso|pass across one from side to side; transversus|lying across/from side to side; flanking/oblique; moving across/at right angle; transverto|divert from one place/purpose to another; extend across; transvolito|fly over or through; transvolo|fly across; transvoro|gulp down; transvorsus|lying across/from side to side; flanking/oblique; moving across/at right angle; tranveho|transport, lead across; elapse; carry; trapetum|oil-press; olive-mill; trapetus|oil-press; olive-mill; trapetus|oil-press (pl.); olive-mill; traumaticus|traumatic; travectio|crossing; traversarium|cross beam, cross piece (of timber); traversarius|transverse; lying across/from side to side; traversus|transverse, oblique, athwart; Trax|Thracian; gladiator with saber and short shield, gladiator; trebuchettum|trebuchet; siege engine; trecentensim|three hundredth; trecentensum|three hundredth; trecenti|three hundred; (used to denote a large number); trechedipnum|light garment worn at table; tredecim|thirteen; tremebundus|trembling; tremefacio|cause to tremble; tremendus|terrible, awe inspiring; tremesco|tremble, quiver, vibrate; tremble at; tremis|coin; third part of gold aureus; tremisco|tremble, quiver, vibrate; tremble at; (tremescere); tremo|tremble, shake, shudder at; tremor|trembling, shuddering; quivering, quaking; tremulus|trembling; trepidans|trembling, anxious; panicking; trepidanter|tremblingly, anxiously; in a frightened/alarmed manner; trepidatio|fear/alarm; nervousness/trepidation; physical trembling/twitching; oscillation; trepide|with trepidation/anxiety, in confusion/alarm/panic/fright; busily, in a bustle; trepiditas|nervousness; trepido|tremble, be afraid, waver; trepidus|nervous, jumpy, agitated; perilous, alarming, frightened; boiling, foaming; tres|three; trestorno|put to flight; tresvir|board of three (pl.); treutino|balance, weigh; Treverus|Treveri, German tribe around Trier (Treves); Trex|Thracian, native of Thrace; gladiator armed with saber and short shield; triangularis|triangular; triangulum|triangle; triangulus|three-cornered, triangular; triarius|third line (pl.) of the early Roman army; the reserves; trias|number three; a triad; tribas|lesbian, tribade; (woman engaged in sexual activity w/women); masculine lesbian; tribolus|spiny plant; caltrop (Tribulus terrestris); (Fagonia cretica, Trapa nayans); tribrachus|tribrach; metric foot of three short syllables (UUU); tribrachysos|tribrach; metric foot of three short syllables (UUU); tribrevis|tribrach; metric foot of three short syllables (UUU); tribualis|tribal; tribuarius|relating to a tribe; tribulatio|tribulation; distress, trouble; tribulis|fellow tribesman; tribulo|press, squeeze; exact (dues/payment); trouble; tribulus|spiny plant; caltrop (Tribulus terrestris); (Fagonia cretica, Trapa nayans); tribunal|raised platform; tribunal; judgement seat; tribunatus|tribuneship, office of tribune; tribunicius|ex-tribune; tribunicius|of/belonging to tribune; tribunitius|ex-tribune; tribunitius|of/belonging to tribune; tribunus|tribune; [~ plebis => tribune of the people; ~ mllitum => soldier's tribune]; tribuo|divide, assign; present; grant, allot, bestow, attribute; tribus|third part of the people; tribe, hereditary division (Ramnes, Tities, Luceres); tributarius|relating to tribute; tributim|by tribes; tributio|distribution; L:paying of tribute (late Latin); tributor|giver; imparter; tributoria|suit (actio) to extend liability of slave/son to owner/father; tributorium|tax office; tributorius|of suit to extend liability of son/slave to owner/father; of payment (L+S); tributum|tax, tribute; tributus|organized by tribes; trica|trifles (pl.), nonsense; vexation, troubles; tricenarius|of thirty (30); contains thirty; tricennium|30-year space; time of 30 years; tricensim|thirtieth; tricensum|thirtieth; trichila|arbor, bower; triclinarium|dining room; table covering; tricliniaris|of an eating couch; triclinium|dining couch; dining room; trico|behave in evasive manner; trifle/delay/dally; cause trouble; pull/play tricks; trico|mischief-maker (Plautus); tricor|behave in evasive manner; trifle/delay/dally; cause trouble; pull/play tricks; tricorpor|having three bodies; tricuspis|having three prongs; tridens|with three teeth; tridens|trident; tridentifer|one carrying a trident; tridentiger|one carrying a trident; triduana|three days' fast; triduanus|three days' duration, lasting three days; triduum|three days; trienne|triennial festival (pl.); triennis|three year old; triennium|three years; triens|third part, third; third part of an as; [usurae t~ => 4% interest]; trientabulum|equivalent in land for the third part of a sum of money trientius|sold-for-a-third; trierarchus|captain of a trireme; trietericum|triennial (alternate year) rites (pl.) of Bacchus held at Thebes; trietericus|of 3 years (biennial!, count both extremes), of alternate years; triennial; trieteris|space of three years or a triennial festival; trifariam|in three ways, into three parts; trifarie|in three parts; trifarius|three-fold; trifaucis|having three throats; trifaux|triple-throated; trifidus|divided to form three prongs; triformis|of three forms, triple, threefold; trifur|triple-thief; persistent thief (Plautus); trifurcifer|persistent thief (Plautus); triga|three-horse team; G:set of three; trigeminus|triplet; trigeminus|triplets (pl.); trigen|thirtieth; trigensim|thirtieth; trigesim|thirty; triginta|thirty; triglyphus|triglyph; block w/3 vertical groves repeated at intervals in Doric frieze; trigon|ball game with three players in triangle (in baths); ball for playing trigon; trigonium|triangle; three sided figure; triangular pill/tablet; 3 player ball game; trigonometria|trigonometry; trigonum|triangle; three sided figure; triangular pill/tablet; 3 player ball game; trigonus|triangular; having three angles/corners; trigonus|soothing pill; (triangular); trilibris|of three pounds weight; trilinguis|that has three tongues; trilix|having triple thread; trilustralis|fifteen-year-lasting; lasting for fifteen years; trimenstre|crops ripening in 3 months; spring-sown crops; trimenstris|three months old; lasting/acting for 3 months; ripening in 3 months (crops); trimestre|crops ripening in 3 months; spring-sown crops; trimestris|three months old; lasting/acting for 3 months; ripening in 3 months (crops); trimeter|trimeter; three metric feet; trimetr|trimeter; trimetrus|containing three double feet; trimodia|three-peck measure; vessel of three modii capacity; trimodus|triple; trimodal (Nelson); trimus|three, three years old; trin|three each/apiece/times/fold; triple; three in any case; three at a time; trinarius|ternary; trinepos|great-great-great grandson; trineptis|great-great-great granddaughter; trinitarius|ternary; threefold, triple; consisting of three; arranged in threes; in 3 parts; Trinitas|number three; triad, trinity; the Holy/Blessed Trinity; trinoctium|three-night interval; trinodis|having three knots or bosses; trinus|triple; Trio|oxen (pl.) used for plowing; constellations Great/Little Bear (7 stars/oxen); triobolus|half-drachma; a trifle; tripartitus|three-fold; divisible into three; tripectorus|having three breasts; tripedalis|three-foot-; of three feet length; tripedaneus|three-foot-; of three feet length; tripertito|in three parts; tripes|three-legged; tripl|threefold, triple; three; triplaris|triple; threefold; triplex|threefold, triple; three; triplicitas|three-foldness; tripliciter|triply, in three ways; triplico|triplicate/do three copies; L:surrejoin/plaintiff reply to defendant rejoinder; tripodo|dance; perform ritual dance (in triple time in honor of Mars); tripudio|dance; perform ritual dance (in triple time in honor of Mars); tripudium|solemn ritual dance (to Mars); favorable omen when sacred chickens ate greedily; tripus|three-legged stand, tripod; the oracle at Delphi; oracles in general; tripus|three-legged stand, tripod; the oracle at Delphi; oracles in general; triquetrus|three cornered, triangular; triremis|trireme, vessel having three oars to each bench/banks of oars; triremis|having three oars to each bench/banks of oars; trirota|tricycle; triscurrium|gross clowning; triste|sadly, sorrowfully; harshly, severely; tristegum|third story/floor (pl.); tristiculus|somewhat sorrowful; tristifico|make sad, cause sadness, sadden; tristificus|sad-making; ominous; tristimonia|sadness; tristis|sad, sorrowful; gloomy; tristitia|sadness; tristities|sadness; sorrow; tristitudo|sadness; sorrow; grief; tristor|be sad/grieved/downcast/dejected; trisulcus|divided into three forks or prongs; tritavia|remote ancestor's mother; mother of atavus or atavia; trite|3rd string; 3rd tone-in-scale; third string of tetrachord from the nete/highest; triticeus|of wheat; triticius|of wheat; triticum|wheat; tritura|rubbing, friction; threshing; trituro|thresh; tritus|well-trodden, well-worn, worn; common; familiar; triumfator|one who triumphs; triumphal|insignia (pl.) of a triumph; triumphalis|of celebration of a triumph; having triumphal status; triumphant; triumphe|triumphant!; triumpho|triumph over; celebrate a triumph; conquer completely, triumph; triumphus|triumph, victory parade; triumvir|board of three, triumvirate; triumvir|triumvir, commissioner; (pl.) triumviri, a three-man board; triumviralis|trimviral; of the triumvirs; triumviratus|triumvirate; trivenefica|treble-dyed witch; old witch (L+S; poison-mixer (Plautus); trivium|place where three roads meet; "the gutter", breeding place of course manners; trivium|trivium, first group of seven liberal arts (grammar/rhetoric/logic); trivius|of/belonging to crossroads temple, esp. sacred to Diana/Hecate; trochaeus|trochee/choree, metrical foot consisting of a long and a short syllable (_U); trochilea|pulley, block and tackle; set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights; trochlea|pulley, block and tackle; set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights; trochlia|pulley, block and tackle; set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights; trochus|metal hoop (used for games or exercise); trocilea|pulley, block and tackle; set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights; troclea|pulley, block and tackle; set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights; troclia|pulley, block and tackle; set of blocks and pulleys for raising weights; Troiugena|born of Trojan stock, descendent of Trojans; Trojan; the Romans (pl.); Trojanus|Trojan; tromocrates|terrorist; tromocratia|terrorism; tropaeum|trophy; monument (set up to mark victory/rout) (often captured armor); victory; trophaeum|trophy; monument (set up to mark victory/rout) (often captured armor); victory; tropologia|allegorical exposition; tropologice|allegorically; tropologicus|allegorical; tropos|trope, figure of speech, figurative use of word; song, manner of singing (L+S); tropus|trope, figure of speech, figurative use of word; song, manner of singing (L+S); trucidatio|slaughtering, massacre; trucido|slaughter, butcher, massacre; trucilo|trill; (song of the thrush); truculenter|wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly, roughly; truculently (?); truculentus|ferocious, aggressive; trudis|metal-tipped pole, barge-pole; trudo|thrust, push, shove; drive, force; drive on; trulla|ladle, pan or basin; (instrument) eyepiece (Cal); trulleum|wash-basin; trunco|maim, mutilate; strip of branches, foliage; cut off; truncus|trunk (of a tree); trusito|push often; keep pushing; truso|push often; push strongly; trutina|balance, pair of scales; trutino|balance, weigh; trux|wild, savage, fierce; trychnos|nightshade plant (Pliny); trygonus|stingray; tu|you, thee; tuba|trumpet (straight tube); (military signals/religious rites); hydraulic ram pipe; tuber|kind of apple-tree; tuber|exotic fruit; (azarole or oriental medlar); the bush (Crataegus azarolus); tuber|apple (L+S); fruit from a kind of apple-tree; tuber|tumor, protuberance, bump, excrescence; truffle; plant with tuberous root; tuberculum|small swelling/bump/protuberance/excrescence/tumor; boil (L+S); pimple; Tubero|Tuber (surname of gens Aelia); tubicen|trumpeter; tuba (straight tube trumpet) player (esp. in army); Tubilustrium|feast of trumpets (on the 23rd of March and 23rd of May); tubineus|cone shaped; tubur|exotic fruit; (azarole or oriental medlar); the bush (Crataegus azarolus); tuburcinor|eat greedily (Plautus); tubus|pipe; lute; trumpet; tuccetum|sausage; tudito|strike often; tueor|see, look at; protect, watch; uphold; tueor|see, look at; protect, watch; uphold; tugurium|cottage; tugurium|hangar; discount; tui|yourself, thyself; tuissatio|familiarity; tuisso|be familiar with; tuitio|protection, support (esp. in matters of law); upkeep/maintenance (structure); Tulingus|Tulingi, German tribe north of the Helvetii - in Caesar's "Gallic War"; tulipa|tulip; tullianum|underground execution chamber in prison of Rome; (built by Servus Tullius?); Tullianus|of/belonging to a Tullius; of/written by M Tullius Cicero or in his style; Tullius|Tullius; (Roman gens name); M. Tullius Cicero, orator; Tullius|Tullius, Roman gens; M. Tullius Cicero, orator; tum|then, next; besides; at that time; [cum...tum => not only...but also]; tum|moreover; (frequent in Cicero and before; rare after); tumba|tomb; tumbarius|tomb-keeper; tumbus|tomb; tumefacio|cause to swell; puff up; tumeo|swell, become inflated; be puffed up; be bombastic; be swollen with conceit; tumesco|(begin to) swell; become inflamed with pride, passion, etc; tumidus|swollen, swelling, distended; puffed up with pride or self; confidence; tumor|swollen or distended condition, swelling; swell (sea, waves); excitement; tumulo|cover with a burial mound; tumulosus|full of hillocks; tumultuarius|raised to deal with a sudden emergency; improvised; unplanned, haphazard; tumultuatio|confused uproar; tumultuo|make commotion/disturbance/uproar/armed rising; scrap/scrimmage; be confused; tumultuo|misbehave; (Cal); tumultuor|make a commotion/disturbance/armed rising; scrap, scrimmage; be in confusion; tumultuosus|turbulent, full of commotion or uproar; tumultus|commotion, confusion, uproar; rebellion, uprising, disturbance; tumulus|mound, hillock; mound, tomb; tunc|then, thereupon, at that time; tundo|beat; bruise, pulp, crush; tundo|beat; bruise, pulp, crush; tunella|cask, tun; (for wine); tunellus|cask, tun; (for wine); the Tun (London prison); bird-trap; tunica|undergarment, shirt,tunic; tunicatus|clothed in a tunic; tuor|see, look at; protect, watch; uphold; (form of tueor); tuor|sight, vision; turannis|tyranny; position of a tyrant; cruel regime; (also tyrannis); turba|commotion, uproar, turmoil, tumult, disturbance; crowd, mob, multitude; turbamentum|means of disturbing; turbatio|disturbance; turbator|one who disturbs; turbedo|storm; cloudiness (of beer); turbela|bustle; small crowd; (turbella); turben|that which whirls; whirlwind, tornado; spinning top; spiral, round, circle; turbido|disturb/trouble/agitate; make turbulent/turbid; obscure, make turmoil/confusion; turbido|storm; cloudiness (of beer); turbidus|wild/stormy; muddy/turbid; murky/foggy/clouded/opaque; gloomy, frowning; turbidus|confused, disordered; impatient, troubled, dazed, frantic; unruly, mutinous; turbineus|gyrating like a spinning-top; turbo|disturb, agitate, throw into confusion; turbo|that which whirls; whirlwind, tornado; spinning top; spiral, round, circle; turbo|that which whirls; whirlwind, tornado; spinning top; spiral, round, circle; turbulentus|violently disturbed, stormy, turbulent; unruly, riotous; w/violent unrest; turdus|thrush; tureus|of or connected with incense; turgeo|swell out, become swollen or tumid; turgesco|begin to swell; turgidulus|(poor little) swollen/inflated/inflamed/grandiose; turgidus|swollen, inflated, distended; swollen (body of water); inflamed with passion; turgor|swelling; turibulum|censer, vessel in which incense is burnt; thurible;; turicremus|burning incense; turifer|yielding or producing incense; turilegus|incense-gathering; turista|tourist; turma|troop (of 30 horsemen), squadron; turmalinus|tourmaline; turmalis|of/belonging to squadron of cavalry; turmatim|by squadrons, by troops; by turma (squadron of 30 horsemen); turpe|disgrace; shame, reproach; base/shameful thing; turpe|repulsively, disgracefully, shamelessly; in an ugly/unsightly manner; turpiculus|somewhat ugly; turpificatus|corrupted; turpiloquium|immodest speech; (Erasmus); turpilucricupidus|basely greedy/covetous of dishonest gain; turpilucris|making dishonest gain/profit; basely greedy/covetous of gain (Souter); turpilucrus|making dishonest gain/profit; basely covetous of gain (Souter); turpis|ugly; nasty; disgraceful; indecent; base, shameful, disgusting, repulsive; turpissime|basely; shamefully; uglily; (found in Patrologiae Graecae, 19th Cent); turpiter|repulsively, disgracefully, shamelessly; in an ugly/unsightly manner; turpitudo|ugliness/deformity; shame/indecency; nakedness/genitals; disgrace; turpitude; turpo|make ugly; pollute, disfigure; turricula|turret; little tower; dice-box (shaped like turret); turriger|bearing a tower; wearing a turreted crown; turrile|church arrow; turris|tower; high building, palace, citadel; dove tower, dove cot; turritus|crowned with towers, tower-shaped; turtur|turtle-dove; turunda|TURUND; some kind of food stuffing; tus|frankincense; tusculum|little frankincense (Plautus); Tusculum|Tusculum; town in Latium/Italy; tussicula|slight cough; tussilago|colt's foot herb (Pliny); tussio|cough; suffer from a cough; have coughing fit; tussis|cough; tutamen|means of protection; tutamentum|means of protection; tute|without risk/danger, safely, securely; tutela|tutelage, guardianship; tuto|guard, protect, defend; guard against, avert; tuto|without risk/danger, safely, securely; tutor|guard, protect, defend; guard against, avert; tutor|protector, defender; guardian, watcher; tutor; tutus|safe, prudent; secure; protected; tuus|your (sing.); tympanistes|tympanum (small drum) player; tympanistria|female tympanum (small drum) player; tympanotriba|timbrel player (Plautus); effeminate person; tympanum|small drum or like (used in worship of Cybele/Bacchus); revolving cylinder; typanum|small drum; revolving cylinder; typhon|violent whirlwind/tornado; (typhoon/cyclone); name given to a comet by Pharaoh; typhonicus|typhonic, whirling, violent; [~ ventus => whirlwind/tornado]; typicus|figurative; typical; periodic, recurring at intervals; typographeum|printing (shop); typographia|printing; typographicus|typographic; typographus|printer; (Erasmus); typologia|typology; typotheta|typographer; typus|figure, bas-relief; ground plan; pattern, type, prototype, model, symbol; typus|form/type/character (of a fever); tyrannice|tyrannically; tyrannicida|tyrannicide, killer/slayer a tyrant/despot; (e.g., killers of Caesar); tyrannicidium|tyrannicide, killing of a tyrant/despot; tyrannicus|tyrannical; tyrannis|tyranny; position/rule/territory of a tyrant; any cruel/oppressive regime; tyrannoctonus|tyrannicide, killer/slayer a tyrant/despot; (e.g., killers of Caesar); tyrannus|tyrant; despot; monarch, absolute ruler; king, prince; Tyros|Tyre; (city on the Phoenician coast); (famous for crimson dye Tyrian purple); tyrotarichos|dish of cheese and salt-fish; tyrsus|wreathed wand; (2 Maccabee 10:7); Tyrus|Tyre; (city on the Phoenician coast); (famous for crimson dye Tyrian purple); uber|breast/teat (woman); udder (animal), dugs/teats; rich soil; plenty/abundance; uber|fertile, rich, abundant, abounding, fruitful, plentiful, copious, productive; uberius|in/with greater/est abundance/exuberance; more prolifically/fully/copiously; ubertas|fruitfulness, fertility; abundance, plenty; uberte|abundantly; copiously; ubertim|abundantly; copiously (weeping); ubi|where; in what place; (time) when, whenever; as soon as; in which; with whom; ubi|where, whereby; ubicumque|wherever, in whatever place; in any place, wherever that may be, somewhere; ubinam|where in the world?; ubiquaque|everywhere; ubique|anywhere, everywhere (ubiquitous); ubiquomque|wherever, in whatever place; in any place, somewhere; (archaic of ubicumque); Ubius|Ubii, German tribe, west of Rhine near Coblenz; ubivis|anywhere you like, no matter where; udus|wet; ulcero|cause to fester; ulcerosus|full of sores; ulciscor|avenge; punish; ulcus|ulcer, sore; uliginosum|swamp; uliginosus|marshy; full of moisture; uligo|waterlogged ground, marsh; Ulixes|Ulysses/Odysseus; (crafty hero of Trojan war and the Odyssey; King of Ithaca); Ulixes|Ulysses/Odysseus; (crafty hero of Trojan war and the Odyssey; King of Ithaca); ullatenus|in any respect whatever; ullus|any; ulmeus|of elm; ulmus|elm tree; ulna|forearm; the span of the outstretched arms; uls|beyond, on the other side, on that side; more than, besides; ulterior|far; farther; farthest, latest; last; highest, greatest; ultimate|extremely, to the last degree, utterly; finally, at last; ultimatim|extremely, to the last degree, utterly; finally, at last; ultime|extremely, to the last degree, utterly; finally, at last; ultimum|extremely, to the last degree, utterly; finally, at last; ultio|revenge, vengeance, retribution; ultor|avenger, revenger; ultra|beyond, on the other side, on that side; more than, besides; ultra|beyond, further; on the other side; more, more than, in addition, besides; ultramarinus|from overseas; ultramarinus|overseas person; ultramontanus|beyond-the-mountains; beyond the Alps; ultramontanus|beyond-mountains-dweller; one who lives beyond the mountains; ultrix|avenging, vengeful; ultro|besides, beyond; to/on the further/other side; voluntarily, unaided; wantonly; ultroneus|voluntary; deliberate; acting on one's own initiative; ultumus|far; farther; farthest, latest; last; highest, greatest; (alsoultimus); ulula|tawny owl; ululatus|yell, shout; ululatus|howling (dogs/wolves), wailing; shrieking (defiance); yelling (grief/distress); ululo|howl, yell, shriek; celebrate or proclaim with howling; ulva|sedge; (collective term) various grass/rush-like aquatic plants; umbella|parasol; umbilicus|navel, middle, center; center of country/region; ornamented end of scroll; umbo|boss (of a shield); umbra|shade; ghost; shadow; umbraclum|shelter/shade; protection from sun; parasol/umbrella; shady retreat/bower/arbor; umbraculum|shelter/shade; protection from sun; parasol/umbrella; shady retreat/bower/arbor; umbraliter|figuratively; metaphorically; umbraticola|lounger; shade-lover, one fond of the shade; effeminate person; umbraticus|of/living in shade, devoted to sheltered/unpractical pursuit/retirement/leisure; umbraticus|retired; contemplative; private (tutor); [~ litterae => composed in the study]; umbrella|umbrella; umbrifer|providing shade, shady; umbro|cast a shadow on, shade; umbrosus|shady, shadowy; umecto|moisten, make wet; umectus|moist; umens|moist, wet; umeo|be wet; be moist; umerale|cape, protective covering for shoulders; outer robe; ecclesiastical humeral; umerus|upper arm, shoulder; umesco|become moist or wet; umidulus|somewhat moist; umidum|swamp; umidus|damp, moist, dank, wet, humid; umor|moisture, liquid; umquam|ever, at any time; una|together, together with; at the same time; along with; unanimans|of one mind; in full agreement; unanimis|acting in accord; sharing a single purpose; harmonious (L+S); unanimous; unanimitas|unity/unanimity of purpose, concord; unanimiter|unanimously; harmoniously; cordially; unanimus|acting in accord; sharing a single purpose; harmonious (L+S); unanimous; uncia|twelfth part, twelfth; ounce; inch; unciarius|concerned with a twelfth part; unciatim|little by little; by twelfths; uncinatrum|stapler; uncinatus|hooked; uncinulus|staple; uncinus|hook; (as door fastening); unciola|little ounce; a small twelfth; unctio|anointing/unction; (w/sign of cross); besmearing; (w/ointment/oil); ointment; unctito|anoint often; unctiusculus|somewhat unctuous; sort of oily; unctor|anointer; one who anoints; unctus|oily, greasy; anointed, oiled; uncus|hooked, curved, bent in, crooked, round; barbed; uncus|hook, barb, clamp; hook in neck used to drag condemned/executed criminals; unda|wave; unde|from where, whence, from what or which place; from which; from whom; undecim|eleven; undecum|eleven; undecumque|from/in whatever/every direction; from any point/source/side; in every respect; undenonaginta|eighty-nine; undeoctoginta|seventy-nine; undequadraginta|thirty-nine; undequinquaginta|forty-nine; undesexaginta|fifty-nine; undetricensim|twenty ninth; undetricensum|twenty ninth; undetriginta|twenty nine; undevicensim|nineteenth; undevicensum|nineteenth; undevicesimanus|19th legion soldier; undevigensim|nineteenth; undevigensum|nineteenth; undeviginti|nineteen; undique|from every side/direction/place/part/source; on all/both sides/surfaces; undique|everywhere; completely; allover; from every point of view, in all respects; undiquesecus|from every side/direction/place/part/source; on all/both sides/surfaces; undiquesecus|everywhere; completely; allover; from every point of view, in all respects; undisonus|resounding with waves; undo|surge/flood/rise in waves; gush/well up; run, stream; billow; undulate; waver; undosus|abounding in waves, flowing water, etc; undulatio|curling; unetvicesimanus|soldiers (pl.) of the twenty-first legion; unetvicesimus|twenty-first; ungella|small claw/talon; ungo|anoint/rub (w/oil/unguent); smear with oil/grease; dress (food w/oil); add oil; unguedo|ointment, unguent; unguen|fat, grease; unguentarius|dealer in ointments, maker of ointments; unguentatus|anointed or greased with ointments; unguentum|oil, ointment; ungueo|anoint/rub (w/oil/unguent); smear with oil/grease; dress (food w/oil); add oil; unguiculus|finger or toe-nail; unguis|nail, claw, talon; ungula|hoof; bird claw/talon; (torture); toe nail; pig's foot/trotter (food/medicine); unguo|anoint/rub (w/oil/unguent); smear with oil/grease; dress (food w/oil); add oil; unianimis|acting in accord; sharing a single purpose; harmonious (L+S); unanimous; unianimiter|unanimously; cordially; harmoniously; unianimus|acting in accord; sharing a single purpose; harmonious (L+S); unanimous; unicaulis|single-stalked (Pliny); unice|to a singular degree; especially; unicellularis|unicellular; unicitas|uniqueness; unicolor|of one color; unicornis|unicorn, one-horned horse-like creature; unicornis|one-horned, having a single horn; unicornuus|unicorn, one-horned horse-like creature; unicuique|each one; unicus|only, sole, single, singular, unique; uncommon, unparalleled; one of a kind; unifico|unify; unificus|unifying; uniformis|uniform; having only one shape; uniformiter|uniformly; in one and the same manner; unigena|one sharing a single parentage, i.e. brother or sister; unigenitus|only begotten; only; unimanus|one-handed; unio|large single pearl; unio|unite, combine into one; unitas|unity; oneness; uniter|so as to form a singular entity; uniuscuiusque|each one; universalis|universal. having general application; of all (Souter); universaliter|universally/generally/collectively, all together/as to cover/comprise all cases; universalus|universal, having general application; of/belonging to all/the whole, entire; universe|in general terms, generally; in respect to the whole; universim|generally, with universal application; universitarius|academic; universitas|universe, sum of all things; whole; over-all aspect; corporate body, community; universitas|university; universus|whole, entire; all together; all; universal; universus|whole world; all men (pl.), everybody, the mass; [in universum => in general]; univira|one-husband woman; woman married only once; univiratus|married but once; univirius|that has had only one husband (F ADJ); univirus|once-married (of woman); that has had only one husband (F ADJ); univocus|univocal, single-meaning, that has but one meaning/significance; unmistakable; unoculus|one-eyed, having one eye; (of Cyclops); unovirus|that has had only one husband (F ADJ); unquam|at any time, ever; at some time; unumquodque|each one; unus|one; unus|alone, a single/sole; some, some one; only (pl.); one set of (denoting entity); unusquisque|each one; upilio|shepherd, herdsman (for sheep/goats); kind of bird; upupa|hoopoe (bird of family Upupidae); pickax/crowbar; (birdlike); mattock/hoe (L+S); uranicus|heavenly; urbanicianus|city-garrisoned; urbanitas|city living, city life/manners, life in Rome; sophistication, polish, wit; urbanus|of the city; courteous; witty, urbane; urbanus|city wit, urbane man; urbicapus|city-taker; one who takes cities; urbicarius|of/belonging to the city; urbs|city; City of Rome; urceolaris|pitcher-; of pitchers; urceolus|small jug or pitcher; urceus|jug, pitcher; urceus|mug; urco|urk; (verbal expression of the cry of the lynx); uredo|blight/scorching on plants from frost; burning sensation; ureter|ureter; urinary duct; urgeo|press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust; urgeo|spur on, urge; press hard in attack/pursuit, beset, follow hard on heels of; urgeo|hem in; threaten by proximity; press verbally/argument/point; follow up; urgueo|press/squeeze/bear hard/down; tread/traverse continually; push/shove/thrust; urgueo|spur on, urge; press hard in attack/pursuit, beset, follow hard on heels of; urgueo|hem in; threaten by proximity; press verbally/argument/point; follow up; urina|urine; urinatio|diving; urinator|diver; urino|dive, plunge into water; urinor|dive, plunge into water; urna|pot; cinerary urn; urn used for drawing lots; voting urn; water jar, ~13 liters; uro|burn; ursa|she-bear; Great Bear; ursinus|bear-; of a bear; ursus|bear; urtica|stinging-nettle; urticaria|hives; urus|wild ox; usarius|that may be used by one other than owner but not for profit; (object/slave); usitatus|usual, customary, ordinary, common, familiar, everyday; commonly used/practiced; usitor|make usual/common/habitual use of; use everyday; uspiam|anywhere, somewhere; usquam|anywhere, in any place; to any place; usque|all the way, right on; all the time, continuously, at every point, always; usque|up to (name of town or locality); usquequaque|in every conceivable situation; wholly, altogether; usquequo|how long? (Douay); to what point/time/extent?; until (Rufine); ustilo|scorch, char, burn partially; frost nip; cause to smart/tingle; ustio|burning; searing; ustor|corpse-burner; cremator; ustrina|burning; place of burning; ustulo|scorch, char, burn partially; usualis|usual, common, ordinary; fit for use, that is for use; usuarius|that may be used by one other than owner but not for profit; (object/slave); usuarius|usable; made use of; usucapio|acquire ownership of (thing) by virtue of uninterrupted possession; usura|interest (usu. fraction/times of 12% per annum); use, enjoyment; usurarius|of interest/usury; interest-derived; subject to interest; provided on loan; usurpatio|assumption (unjustified) of title; illegally taking possession; dropping name; usurpatio|assertion of right/privilege by use; usage; constant carrying out (practices); usurpo|seize upon, usurp; use; usus|use, enjoyment; experience, skill, advantage; custom; ut|to (+ subjunctive), in order that/to; how, as, when, while; even if; utcumque|whatever, as far as; in whatever manner/degree. no matter how/to what extent; utcunque|whatever, as far as; in whatever manner/degree. no matter how/to what extent; utens|having money to spend; utensilis|useful, utile, that can be made use of; uter|which (of two), whichever, no matter which; one, either, one or other; uter|(w/que) each/either (of two); both (separately); each side (pl.), each set; uter|skin; wine/water skin; bag/bottle made of skin/hide; (inflated for flotation); uter|skin; wine/water skin; bag/bottle made of skin/hide; (inflated for flotation); uterum|womb; belly, abdomen; uterus|womb; belly, abdomen; uti|in order that; that, so that; as, when; [ut primum => as soon as]; utibilis|useful; serviceable; Utica|Utica; (town in Africa west of Carthage); utilis|useful, profitable, practical, helpful, advantageous; utilitas|usefulness, advantage; utiliter|usefully/profitably/to advantage; interestedly; validly/effectively/practically; utillimus|useful; utinam|if only, would that; utique|certainly, by all means; at any rate; utlagaria|outlawry; utlagatio|outlawry; utlagatus|outlaw; utlago|outlaw; utor|use, make use of, enjoy; enjoy the friendship of (with ABL); utpote|as, in as much as; namely; inasmuch as; utputa|as for example; namely; utquomque|whatever, as far as; in whatever manner/degree. no matter how/to what extent; utralibet|on either side; utrarius|water-carrier; utricularius|bagpiper; raft-master; one who uses animal bladders; utriculus|wineskin, leather bottle; utrimque|on/from both sides/parts; at both ends; on one side and on the other; utrimquesecus|on both sides; utrinde|from either side; utrinque|on/from both sides/parts; at both ends; on one side and on the other; utro|to which side (of two)?; in which direction?; utrobique|in both places; on both parts/sides/cases/instances; on one side and the other; utrolibet|to whichever side you please; utroque|to both places; in both directions; to both sides (in conflict); utrubique|in both places; on both parts/sides/cases/instances; on one side and the other; utrum|whether; (introducing an indirect question); [utrum...an => whether...or]; utrumlibet|on either side; whichever/wherever (side) you please; utrumnam|whether; (Vulgate 1 Samuel 10:22); utut|however; in whatever way; uva|grape; uvesco|become wet; uvidulus|wet, damp; uvidus|wet, soaked, dripping; moistened with drinking; uvor|moisture; moistness (L+S); humidity; wetness (Ecc); dampness; uxor|wife; [uxorem ducere => marry, bring home as wife]; uxorcula|little wife; (literally and endearing); uxorculo|play the part of a wife; uxorium|old-bachelor tax; potions (pl.) to cause fondness for a wife; (Viagra?); uxorius|of or belonging to a wife; of marriage; excessively fond of one's wife; va|Ha!/oh!/ah!; (exclamation of pain/dismay, of contempt/anger, of surprise/joy); vacatio|freedom, exemption; privilege; vacca|cow; vaccinatio|vaccination; vaccinium|blueberry, whortleberry; vaccinium|huckleberry; vaccinum|vaccine; (from a cow/vacca); vaccinus|cow-; of/derived from a cow; vaccula|young cow; heifer; small cow (L+S); vacefio|become/be made empty; be vacated; vacerra|wooden post/stake; fence post; rail fence; log, block; blockhead; dumb as post; vacerrosus|crack brained (term of abuse used by Augustus), demented, mad, crazy; vacillo|stagger, totter; be in a weak condition; vacive|leisurely; vacivus|empty; void; vaco|be empty; be vacant; be idle; be free from, be unoccupied; vacuefacio|empty/free/clear place); make room; make vacant; disencumber; abolish (L+S); vacuitas|vacancy, empty space; absence of, freedom/exemption from; leisure, indolence; vacuo|empty; vacuus|empty, vacant, unoccupied; devoid of, free of; vadimonium|bail, security, surety; vadio|fight (a duel); vadio|pledge (to meet debt); vado|ford; vado|go, advance, rush, hurry; walk; vador|accept sureties from (the other party) for his appearance in court; vadosus|full of shallows; vadum|shallow place, stream; ford, shoal; channel; vae|alas, woe, ah; oh dear; (Vae, puto deus fio. - Vespasian); Bah!, Curses!; vaenum|sale, purchase; (only sg. ACC/DAT w/dare); [venum dare => put up for sale]; vafer|sly, cunning, crafty; vaflum|waffle; vaframentum|trick, crafty/clever device/stratagem; quirk; artifice; vagabundus|strolling about; vagabond; roving/wandering; vage|so as to move in different directions over a wide area; vagina|sheath, scabbard; vagio|utter cries of distress, wail, squall; vagitus|crying; vagor|wander, roam; vagus|roving, wandering; vah|Ha!/oh!/ah!; (exclamation of pain/dismay, of contempt/anger, of surprise/joy); vaha|Ha!/oh!/ah!; (exclamation of pain/dismay, of contempt/anger, of surprise/joy); valde|greatly/very/intensely; vigorously/strongly/powerfully/energetically; loudly; valedico|say goodbye; valefacio|say goodbye; Valens|Valens; (Emperor Flavius Julius Valens 364-378 lost at Adrianople); valens|strong; vigorous/healthy/robust; powerful/potent/effective; severe; influential; valenter|strongly/forcefully/powerfully/vigorously/sturdily; w/vigor of action/language; Valentinianus|Valentinian; (Emperor Flavius Valentinian I 364-375; II 375-392); valentulus|strong, stout; valeo|be strong/powerful/influential/healthy; prevail; [vale => goodbye/farewell]; valeriana|valerian, herbaceous plant of genus Valeriana; sedative drug from its root; valerianella|chew; Valerianus|Valerian; (Emperor Publius Licinius Valerian 253-260); Valerius|Valerius; (Roman gens name); P. Valerius Publicola, very early consul (509 BC); Valerius|of Valerius, Roman gens; P. V. Publicola, one of the first consuls (509 BC); valesco|become sound in health; become powerful; valet|farewell, goodbye, adieu (the Roman equivalent of "Live long and prosper"); valetudinarium|hospital, infirmary, sickroom; valetudinarium|hospital; valetudo|good health, soundness; condition of body/health; illness, indisposition; valgus|knock-kneed, having legs converging at the knee and diverging below; validus|strong, powerful; valid; valitudo|good health, soundness; condition of body/health; illness, indisposition; vallaris|crown/garland awarded to first soldier to scale an enemy rampart (vallum); vallaris|of a rampart/corona; of the first soldier to scale an enemy rampart (vallum); valles|valley, vale, hollow; vallis|valley, vale, hollow; vallo|surround/fortify/furnish (camp, etc) with a palisaded rampart; vallum|wall, rampart; entrenchment, line of palisades, stakes; vallus|stake, palisade, point, post, pole; valor|economic value; moral value; valor|valor; valorosus|brave; valorous; valva|double or folding door (usu. pl.), one leaf of the doors; vanesco|vanish, fade, disappear; vanidicus|vain-speaking; vanidicus|liar; vanilla|vanilla; vanilleus|vanilla-flavored; vaniloquentia|idle talk, chatter; boastful speech; vaniloquor|talk idly; vaniloquus|lying; boastful; vanitas|emptiness, untruthfulness; futility, foolishness, empty pride; vannus|winnowing basket; vanus|empty, vain; false, untrustworthy; vapide|in a flat/vapid manner; [vapide se habere => be poorly - Augustus]; vapidus|flat, vapid; that has lost its freshness (of wine); vapor|steam/vapor; exhalation; heat/warmth (of sun); fever, body heat; excited state; vapor|sound; cry; vaporarium|room for circulating steam heating bath suite; steam-pipe (for baths L+S); vaporarius|steam-powered; vaporo|cover or fill with vapor; heat, warm; be hot; vappa|flat wine, wine that has gone flat; vappa|worthless person; good-for-nothing; vapulatio|flogging; threshing; vapulator|flogger; thresher; vapulo|be beaten; vapulus|flogged, beaten; knocked about; variabilis|variable, changeable; variantia|diversity, variety; varianus|diverse-colored; variegated (Pliny); of Varus; variatio|divergence of behavior; varico|straddle (with legs apart); varicosus|varicose; full of dilated veins; varicus|straddling; varietas|variety, difference; mottled appearance; vario|mark with contrasting colors, variegate; vary, waver; fluctuate, change; varius|different; various, diverse; changing; colored; party colored, variegated; varix|varicose vein; varus|bent-outwards; bandy; bow-legged; contrasting; vas|one who guarantees court appearance of defendant; surety; bail (L+S); vas|vessel/dish; vase; pack/kit; utensil/instrument/tool; equipment/apparatus (pl.); vasarium|outfit allowance; vascularius|maker of vessels, esp. in metal; vasculum|small vessel/container/vase; (seed) capsule, calyx; instrument, tool; penis; vassallus|vassal; servant; vastatio|laying waste, ravaging; vastator|destroyer, ravager; vastificus|devastating; vastitas|desolation; devastation; vastities|ruin; destruction; vasto|lay waste, ravage, devastate; vastus|huge, vast; monstrous; vasum|vessel/dish; vase; pack/kit; utensil/instrument/tool; equipment/apparatus (pl.); vasus|vessel/dish; vase; pack/kit; utensil/instrument/tool; equipment/apparatus (pl.); vates|prophet/seer, mouthpiece of deity; oracle, soothsayer; poet (divinely inspired); vaticinatio|prophecy, prediction; vaticinator|prophet; seer; vaticinium|prediction; prophecy; vaticinium|prediction; prophecy; vaticinius|prophetic, vatic; revealing future by divine inspiration; vaticinor|prophesy; utter inspired predictions/warnings; rave, talk wildly; vaticinus|prophetic, vatic; revealing future by divine inspiration; vatillum|shovel; fire/coal/dirt/dung shovel; chafing dish, fire/fumigating/incense pan; vatis|prophetess/ mouthpiece of deity; oracle/soothsayer; poetess (divinely inspired); vatius|kept-outwards; bow-legged; vattium|watt; vav|vav; (6th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as V); vavasor|vavasour; under-tenant; (feudal); feudal tenant ranking right below baron (OED); vecordia|frenzy; vecors|mad; frenzied; vectigal|tax, tribute, revenue; vectigalis|yielding taxes, subject to taxation; vectio|conveyance; transport; vectis|crowbar, lever; vecto|transport, carry; (of habitual agent/means); (PASS) ride, be conveyed, travel; vector|passenger; one that carries or transports; vectorius|for carrying; [vectorium navigium => transport/cargo ship]; vectura|transportation, carriage; vegeo|stir up, excite; vegetabilis|vegetative; capable of growth; vegetabiliter|vigorously; vegetale|plant; vegetalis|plant-like; vegetarianus|vegetarian; vegetatio|power of growth; vegetation (Cal); vegetativus|vegetative; capable of growth; vegeto|invigorate; impart energy to; vegetus|vigorous, active, energetic; invigorating; lively, bright, vivid, quick; vegrandis|far from large, puny; vehemens|violent, severe, vehement; emphatic, vigorous, lively; vehementer|vehemently, vigorously; exceedingly, very much; vehiculum|carriage, vehicle; veho|bear, carry, convey; pass, ride, sail; vel|even, actually; or even, in deed; or; vel|or; [vel ... vel => either ... or]; velamen|veil; for nun/Muslim); covering (esp. clothing for body/parts); velamentum|cover, olive-branch wrapped in wool carried by a suppliant; velarium|awning; covering (over theater); veles|light-armed foot-soldier; guerrilla forces (pl.), irregular bands; skirmishers; velifer|carrying a sail; velificatio|sailing; velificator|sailor; velifico|sail (ship); operate sails; set/direct course; direct effort towards, work for; velificor|sail (ship); operate sails; set/direct course; direct effort towards, work for; velitaris|of or belonging to the velites (guerrilla forces); velitatio|skirmishing; bickering, wrangling (Nelson); velitor|skirmish; fight like light troops (velites); velivolans|flying with sails; velivolum|glider; velivolus|speeding along under sail; characterized by speeding sails; vellaea|Vellaean Law, Roman law of 46 AD providing woman cannot be surety for another; vellea|Vellaean Law, Roman law of 46 AD providing woman cannot be surety for another; velleianus|Vellaean; of Vellaean Law; (on woemn's rights); vellicatim|piecemeal; (by pinches); vellico|pinch, nip; criticize carpingly; vello|pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish; vello|pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish; vello|pluck/pull/tear out; extract; pull hair/plants; uproot; depilate; demolish; vellus|fleece; velo|veil, cover, cover up; enfold, wrap, envelop; hide, conceal; clothe in; velocitas|speed, swiftness; velocity; velociter|swiftly/rapidly, with speed of movement; quickly, in a short time; velox|swift, quick, fleet, rapid, speedy; velum|sail, covering; curtain; [vela vento dare => sail away]; velut|just as, as if; veluti|just as, as if; vemens|violent; emphatic; vehement; vena|blood-vessel, vein; artery; pulse; fissure, pore, cavity; vein of ore/talent; venabulum|hunting-spear; venalicius|slave dealer; venalicius|for sale; venalis|for sale; (that is) on hire; open to the influence of bribes; venalitas|corruptibility; venality; capability of being bought (by bribes); venaticus|for hunting; venatio|hunting; the chase; venator|hunter; venatorius|hunter's; of a hunter; venatrix|huntress; venatus|hunting, hunt; vendibilis|that can (easily) be sold, marketable; vendico|claim, vindicate; punish, avenge; (alternative spelling of vindico); venditatio|showing-off; specious display; boasting; venditio|sale, action/process of selling; document recording a sale; vendito|offer for sale; cry up; pay court (to); venditor|seller/vendor; one who sells for bribes or corrupt payments; venditrix|female seller; vendo|sell; venefica|witch, sorceress, enchantress; hag; jade; poisoner (female); mixer of poisons; veneficium|magic/sorcery; poisoning; crime of poisoning; mixing of poison; poisoned drink; veneficus|of/connected with sorcery/charms, sorcerous, magic; poisoning, poisonous; veneficus|sorcerer, wizard, enchanter; poisoner; mixer of poisons; rogue; venenatus|poisonous, venomous, filled with poison; poisoned; bewitched, enchanted, magic; venenifer|venomous; containing poison; veneno|imbue or infect with poison; injure by slander; venenum|poison; drug; veneo|go for sale, be sold (as slave), be disposed of for (dishonorable/venal) gain; venerabilis|venerable, august; venerabundus|expressing religious awe (towards); veneranter|reverently; veneratio|veneration, reverence, worship; venerator|one who reveres; Veneri|of/sacred to/devoted to Venus, Roman goddess of love; of sexual love; erotic; venero|adore, revere, do homage to, honor, venerate; worship; beg, pray, entreat; veneror|adore, revere, do homage to, honor, venerate; worship; beg, pray, entreat; Venetia|Venice; the region in northern Italy around Venice; venetum|blue; (racing faction/team of Roman circus); venetus|blue; sea blue; blue-green (Cal); venetus|blue; (racing faction/team of Roman circus); Venetus|Veneti; tribe of W. Britiany; people inhabiting Veneti (Venice to Po) region; venia|favor, kindness; pardon; permission; indulgence; venio|come; vennucula|kind of grape; venor|hunt; venosus|full of veins; dry; ventagium|winnowing; venter|stomach, womb; belly; ventilabrum|winnowing-shovel; ventilagium|window, louver; ventilatrum|ventilator; fan; ventilo|expose to a draught; fan; brandish; ventimolina|windmill; ventito|keep coming; come regularly, come often; resort (to); ventosus|windy; swift (as the wind); fickle, changeable; vain, puffed up; ventriculus|belly; a ventricle; ventriosus|large-bellied; ventulus|slight wind; ventus|wind; venucula|kind of grape; venum|sale, purchase; (only sg. ACC/DAT w/dare); [venum dare => put up for sale]; venumdo|sell; offer for sale; venundo|sell; offer for sale; Venus|Venus, Roman goddess of sexual love and generation; planet Venus; charm/grace; Venus|sexual activity/appetite/intercourse; [~ tali => best dice throw]; venus|sale, purchase; (only sg. ACC/DAT w/dare); [venui dare => put up for sale]; venustas|attractiveness, charm, grace; luck in love; delightful conditions (pl.); venuste|charmingly, attractively, gracefully; in a charming/attractive manner; venusto|make lovely/attractive; beautify; adorn; venustulus|charming; delightful; venustus|attractive, charming, graceful, pretty, neat; vepallidus|deathly pale; veprecula|thorn-bush; vepris|thorn-bush; ver|spring; spring-time of life, youth; [ver sacrum => sacrifice of spring-born]; veraciter|truly; in truth, truthfully; really; veratrum|hellebore; (poisonous winter plant); verax|speaking the truth, truthful (people); conveying the truth (things); verbatim|literally, word to word; verbena|leafy branch/twig from aromatic trees/shrubs (religious/medicinal purposes); verbeneca|vervain (plant); verber|lash, whip; blows (pl.), a beating, flogging; verberabilis|flogging-worthy; worthy of being beaten; verberatus|beating; chastisement (Vulgate); verbero|beat, strike, lash; verbero|scoundrel; verbosus|verbose; copious; verbum|word; proverb; [verba dare alicui => cheat/deceive someone]; Vercingetorix|Vercingetorix; a Gaul (Avernian). led revolt against Caesar in 52 BC; vere|really, truly, actually, indeed; rightly, correctly, exactly; truthfully; verecundia|shame; respect; modesty; verecundor|show modesty/restraint; be shy/diffident (of doing w/inf); feel bashful/ashamed; verecundus|modest; veredictum|true-speaking; truth; veredus|swift horse, hunter; verendum|external sexual organs, private parts (pl.); [partes ~ae => private parts]; verendus|awesome, awe inspiring, that is to be regarded with awe or reverence; vereor|revere, respect; fear; dread; veretilla|fish (unidentified); (so called from resemblance to male sex organ); veretrum|external (usu. male) sex organ; penis; verfico|verify, confirm the truth/authenticity of; show to be true by evidence; Vergilia|Pleiades (pl.), constellation, seven sisters; (rises early May, sets late Oct.); Vergilius|Virgil; (Roman gens name); [P. Vergilius Maro => poet Virgil 70-19 BC]; Vergilius|Vergilius; (Roman gens); [L. Verginius => killed daughter led to revolt 449 BC]; vergo|incline, lie, slope; vergobretus|minister of justice, executive (of the Aedui); vericulum|skewer (instrument); veridicus|truthful; verifico|verify, confirm the truth/authenticity of; show to be true by evidence; veriloquium|etymology; verisimilis|having appearance of truth; verisimilitudo|true likeness; verisimilitude; veritas|truth, fact, accuracy; honesty, truthfulness, frankness; sincerity, uprightness; veritas|reality, that which is real; real life, actuality; true nature; correctness; veritate|in point of fact; actually; vermiculus|grub, larva; verminatio|worms; itching pain; vermino|have worms; have itching; vermis|worm, maggot; verna|slave born in the master's household; house servant, family slave; vernaculus|domestic, homegrown; indigenous, native; country; low-bred, proletarian; vernilis|servile, obsequious; verniliter|obsequiously, fawningly; vernix|varnish; verno|carry on or undergo the process proper to spring; vernula|young home-grown slave, native; (Collins); vernus|of spring, vernal; vero|yes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however; verpa|penis; penis (as protruded from foreskin); erect penis; (rude); verpus|circumcised; verres|boar, uncastrated male hog/swine; wild boar; Verres|Verres; (Roman gentile name); [C. ~ => of Sicily, prosecuted by Cicero]; verrinus|of a boar; verris|boar; uncastrated male hog/swine; wild boar; verro|sweep clean; sweep together; sweep (to the ground); skim, sweep; sweep along; verruca|wart; excrescence on skin/other things; projection on earth's surface/hill; verrucosus|warty; rugged; verrunco|turn out; (w/bene, turn out well, have a fortunate outcome); verrutum|pike; versabundus|revolving; versara|loan; [versaram facere => get a loan]; versatilis|revolving; versatile; versatio|turning around; changing; versicolor|having colors that change; versiculus|verse; versificatio|making of verses; versificator|poet, versifier, one who composes verses, verse-maker; versifico|write verse; versilis|turnable; may be turned; versio|turning; change; conversion; version; translation; versipellis|shape-changer, who can metamorphose to different shape; double-dealer (Vulgate); verso|keep turning/going round, spin, whirl; turn over and over; stir; maneuver; versor|move about; live, dwell; be; versum|toward, in the direction of; in specified direction; towards quarter named; versum|toward, in the direction of; (placed after ACC); -ward (after name of town); versus|toward, in the direction of; in specified direction; towards quarter named; versus|toward, in the direction of; (placed after ACC); -ward (after name of town); versus|line, verse; furrow, ground traversed before turn; row/string, bench (rowers); versutia|cunning, craft; versutiloquus|crafty-speaking; sly; versutus|full of stratagems or shifts wily cunning, adroit; vertebra|joint; vertex|whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole; vertibilis|changeability; vertibilitas|change; ability to change, changeableness; vicissitude; inconstancy (Def); verticitas|vertical direction; verticosus|full of whirlpools or eddies; vertigo|gyration/rotation, whirling/spinning movement; giddiness, dizziness; changing; verto|turn, turn around; change, alter; overthrow, destroy; veru|spit (for roasting meat); point of javelin/weapon; spiked railing (pl.); verum|yes; in truth; certainly; truly, to be sure; however; (rare form, usu. vero); verum|truth, reality, fact; verumtamen|but yet, nevertheless, but even so, still (resuming after digression); verus|true, real, genuine, actual; properly named; well founded; right, fair, proper; Verus|Verus; (Emperor Lucius Verus 161-169); verutum|dart; verutus|armed with a javelin; vervex|wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person; vervex|wether (castrated male sheep); stupid/sluggish person; vesania|madness, frenzy; vesaniens|raging, frenzied; vesanus|mad, frenzied; wild; vescor|feed on, eat, enjoy (with ABL); vescus|thin, attenuated; vesica|bladder; balloon; vesicuia|small bladder-like formation; vesicula|little bladder; vespa|wasp; Vespasianus|Vespasian; (Tiberius Flavius Vespasianus, Emperor, 69-79 AD); vesper|evening; evening star; west; [sub vesperum => towards evening]; vesper|evening; evening star; west; vespera|evening, even-tide; vesperasco|grow towards evening; grow dark; vesperasct|to become evening, grow towards evening; it is growing late; vesperi|in the evening; vespertilio|bat; (night flying mammal); vespertinus|evening; vespillo|undertaker who buries paupers; (disreputable trade); night thief/robber (Nel); Vesta|Vesta; (goddess of flocks/herds and of hearth/household); (child of Saturn+Ops); Vestalis|Vestal, Vestal virgin, priestess of Vesta; Vestalis|Vestal, of Vesta; (festival 9 June); vester|your (pl.), of/belonging to/associated with you; vestiarium|wardrobe, cupboard for storing clothes; money/kind fro a clothing allowance; vestiarium|cloakroom; vestiarius|clothes dealer; vestiarius|clothes-, concerned with/relating to clothes; vestibulum|entrance, court; vestigium|step, track; trace; footstep; vestigo|track down, search for; search out; try to find out by searching; investigate; vestimentum|garment, robe; clothes; vestio|clothe; vestiplica|clothes-folder; she who folds clothes; vestis|garment, clothing, blanket; clothes; robe; vestispica|wardrobe mistress/maid/woman, she who has care of clothing; vestitus|clothing; veter|old; long established; veteran, bygone; chronic; veteranus|old, veteran; veterasco|become long-established; grow old (Cas); veterator|old hand (often derogatory); experienced practitioner; experienced slave; veteratorie|adroitly; in a practiced manner; cunningly, craftily (Cas); veteratorius|adroit, wily, cunning, crafty; (acquired); bearing mark of practice/experience; veteresco|age; veterinarius|veterinary; veterinus|of draft, draft; [w/bestia => beast of burden]; veternosus|lethargic; veternus|morbid state of torpor; vetero|make old; age; veto|forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent; veto|forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent; vetulus|elderly, aging; vetus|ancients (pl.), men of old, forefathers; vetus|old/ancient times (pl.), antiquity; earlier events; old traditions/ways; vetus|old, aged, ancient; former; veteran, experienced; long standing, chronic; vetust|old, aged, ancient; former; veteran, experienced; long standing, chronic; vetustas|old age; antiquity; long duration; vetuste|in accordance with primitive practice/long standing/ancient practice; vetustus|ancient, old established; long-established; vexamen|shaking, jolting; shock; disturbance, upheaval; vexatio|shaking, jolting; shock; disturbance, upheaval; vexillarius|standard-bearer; ensign; oldest class of veterans (under Empire); vexillarius|troops (pl.) serving for the time being in a special detachment; vexillatio|body of troops; division of cavalry; vexilliatio|military detachment; vexillium|cavalry standard; small banner; vexillum|flag, banner; vexo|shake, jolt, toss violently; annoy, trouble, harass, plague, disturb, vex; via|way, road, street; journey; viaeductus|viaduct; viaticum|provision for a journey, traveling allowance; money saved by soldiers; viaticus|relating to a journey; viator|traveler; viatorius|traveling; of journey; vibramen|quivering; vibro|brandish, wave, crimp, corrugate; rock; propel suddenly; flash; dart; glitter; viburnum|guelder rose; wayfaring-tree; vicanus|dwelling in a village; vicanus|villagers (pl.); vicaria|vicarage, office of vicar; its income, payment due vicar; parish; vicariatus|curacy, office/position od curate; vicarius|substitute, deputy, one acting for another; successor; slave to do one's work; vicarius|substitute; substituted; vicarious; supplying the place of someone/something; vicarius|vicar; sheriff; city governor (Italian); subprior (Carthusian); rural dean; vicarius|vicarage, office of vicar; its income, payment due vicar; house of vicar; vicatim|by (urban) districts, street by street; in or by villages; vicecomes|sheriff; vicedominus|deputy, vidame; vicennal|20-year festival (pl.); celebration of 20 years of rule; vicensim|twentieth; vicensum|twentieth; vicenus|twenty each (pl.); vicepraepositus|vice-provost; (Erasmus); vicesima|five-percent tax; vicesimanus|soldiers (pl.) of the twentieth legion; vicesimarius|relating to the vicesimanus (soldier of 20th Legion); vicia|vetch; vicies|twenty times; vicinalis|of or for the use of local inhabitants; vicinia|neighborhood, nearness; vicinitas|neighborhood, proximity; vicinum|neighborhood, neighboring place, vicinity (of ); vicinus|nearby, neighboring; vicinus|neighbor; vicis|turn, change, succession; exchange, interchange, repayment; plight, lot; vicissatim|in turn, again; (pre-classical form of vicissim); vicissim|in turn, again; vicissitudo|change, vicissitude; victima|victim; animal for sacrifice; victimarius|attendant at a sacrifice; victimo|offer (victim/animal) for sacrifice; victor|triumphant; victor|conqueror; victor; [in apposition => victorious, conquering]; victoria|victory; victoriatus|silver coin stamped with a figure of Victory; victoriola|small statue of Victory; victoriosus|victorious; victrix|conquering; victrix|conqueror; victuale|provisions (pl.), victuals, sustenance; victualis|nutritional; of/associated with bodily sustenance; victuma|victim; animal for sacrifice; (also victima); victus|living, way of life; that which sustains life; nourishment; provisions; diet; viculus|small village, hamlet; vicus|village; hamlet; street, row of houses; videlicet|one may see; clearly, evidently; viden|do you not see; or consider; (vides-ne); video|see, look at; consider; (PASS) seem, seem good, appear, be seen; viduatus|devoid (of); viduitas|widowhood; bereavement; vidulus|travel-trunk, portmanteau, wallet; bag for carrying belongings; box/trunk (Cas); viduo|widow; bereave of a husband; viduus|widowed, deprived of (with gen.); bereft; unmarried; vieo|plait, weave; bend/twist into basketwork; vietus|shriveled, wrinkled; vigens|vigorous, active; vigensim|twenty; vigensum|twenty; vigenter|vigorously, actively; vigentia|vigor; authority; vigeo|be strong/vigorous; thrive, flourish, bloom/blossom; be active, be effective; vigerius|vicarage; verger, provost (Nelson); vigesco|acquire strength; vigies|twenty times; (mis-reading of vicies); vigil|awake, wakeful; watchful; alert, vigilant, paying attention; vigil|sentry, guard; fireman, member of Roman fire/police brigade; watchman; vigilabilis|awake, wakeful; watchful; alert, vigilant, paying attention; vigilans|watchful, vigilant, alert; wakeful, wide awake (of watchkeeper); vigilanter|vigilantly, alertly; vigilantia|vigilance, alertness; wakefulness, condition of not sleeping; vigilax|watchful; vigilia|watch (fourth part of the night), vigil, wakefulness; vigilo|remain awake, be awake; watch; provide for, care for by watching, be vigilant; viginti|twenty; vigintisexvir|member of board of twenty six at Rome to fill boards of minor magistrates; vigintivir|member of commission of twenty (by Caesar 59 BC)/(municipal administration); vigintiviratus|rank/office of a member of commission of twenty (municipal administrators); vigor|vigor, liveliness; vigoratio|invigoration; vigoratus|stout, hale, hearty; vigoro|animate; invigorate; gain strength; vigorosus|vigorous, strong; vilesco|become worthless/bad/vile; vilica|wife of a farm overseer; vilicatio|function of a farm overseer (slave/free) or estate manager; vilico|perform duties of farm overseer; act as overseer of estate/public property; vilicus|farm overseer (slave/free), estate manager; grade of imperial/public servant; vilipendo|despise, slight; vilipensio|disparagement; contempt; vilis|cheap, common, mean, worthless; vilitas|cheapness; worthlessness; villa|farm/country home/estate; large country residence/seat, villa; village (L+S); villana|female villein, female feudal tenant; villanus|villein; feudal tenant; villata|vill, feudal unit of contiguous houses/buildings; township, parish, tithing; villaticus|villa-; villenagium|villeinage; tenure of a villein/serf/peasant; villica|wife of a farm overseer; villicatio|function of a farm overseer (slave/free) or estate manager; villico|perform duties of farm overseer; act as overseer of estate/public property; villicus|farm overseer (slave/free), estate manager; grade of imperial/public servant; villosus|shaggy; villula|small farmstead or country house; villus|shaggy hair, tuft of hair; vimen|twig, shoot; vimineus|of wickerwork; vinaceus|of/belonging to wine or a grape; Vinal|wine-festivals (pl.) (on 22 April and 19-20 of August); vinarium|wine flask/jar; vinarius|vintner, wine merchant; Vincentius|Vincent; (Bishop of Cartenna, friend of St. Augustine of Hippo); vincio|bind, fetter; restrain; vinclum|chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment (pl.); vinco|conquer, defeat, excel; outlast; succeed; vinculum|chain, bond, fetter; imprisonment (pl.); vindemia|grape-gathering; produce of a vineyard in any given year; vindemiator|grape-picker; vindemiatorius|used by a grape-picker (vindemiator); vindemio|gather/harvest grapes (for wine); gather grapes with which to make (wine); vindemiola|little vintage; a perquisite; vindex|defender, protector; vindicatio|suing for possession; championing (cause); avenging (wrong); punishment; vindicia|interim possession (pl.) (of disputed property); vindico|claim, vindicate; punish, avenge; vindicta|ceremonial act claiming as free one contending wrongly enslaved; vengeance; vinea|vines in a vineyard/arranged in rows; vine; (movable) bower-like shelter; vinetum|vineyard; vineus|made of/belonging to wine, wine-; vinia|vines in a vineyard/arranged in rows; vine; (movable) bower-like shelter; vinitor|vineyard worker; vinolentia|wine-drinking, intoxication; vinolentus|mixed with wine; drunk, intoxicated; vinosus|drunk w/over fond of wine; tasting/smelling of wine; vinous; dreg-colored; vinulentus|full of wine; drunk; (vinolentus); vinum|wine; viocurus|one who has charge of roads; viola|violet; several spring flowers, pansy; violet color; viola|viola (Cal); violabilis|that may be violated or suffer outrage; violaceus|violet-colored; violacium|violet wine; violarium|bed of violets; violatio|profanation, violation; violator|profaner, violator; violens|violent; violenter|violently, w/unreasonable/destructive force; w/violent (expression of) feelings; violentia|violence, aggressiveness; violentus|violent, vehement, impetuous, boisterous; violina|violin; violinista|violinist; violo|violate, dishonor; outrage; violoncellum|cello; vipera|viper, snake; vipereus|of a viper/snake; of vipers; viperinus|of a viper/snake; of vipers; vir|man; husband; hero; person of courage, honor, and nobility; virago|warlike/heroic woman; virdiarium|tree-plantation; tree garden; virectum|area of greenery; virens|green; (in reference to plants); (Dell); virens|plants (pl.); herbage; vireo|be green or verdant; be lively or vigorous; be full of youthful vigor; viresco|turn green; virga|twig, sprout, stalk; switch, rod; staff, wand; stripe/streak; scepter (Plater); virgatus|made of twigs striped; virgetum|osier-bed, thicket of rods/willows; virgeus|consisting of twigs or shoots; virginal|external female genitals; unknown sea creature resembling female genitals; virginalis|maidenly; of/appropriate for girls of marriageable age; virginal; virginarius|maidenly; of/concerned with girls of marriageable age; virginea|virgin bride/wife; one married when still single girl; virginea|husband of virgin bride; first husband of girl/virgin; virgineus|virgin; of/appropriate for/haunted by marriageable age girls; unworked (land); virgineus|married (couple) when wife still girl; of constellation Virgo; of aqua Virgo; virginia|virgin bride/wife; one married when still single girl; virginia|husband of virgin bride; first husband of girl/virgin; virginitas|maidenhood; virginity; being girl of marriageable age; being sworn to celibacy; virginius|virgin; of/appropriate for/haunted by marriageable age girls; unworked (land); virginius|married (couple) when wife still girl; of constellation Virgo; of aqua Virgo; virgo|maiden, young woman, girl of marriageable age; virgin, woman sexually intact; virgula|small rod/stick/staff; shoot, small twig; streak, mark; comma; line in diagram; virgultum|brushwood; virguncula|little girl; viridarium|tree-plantation; tree garden; viridiarium|tree-plantation; tree garden; viridis|fresh, green; blooming,youthful; viriditas|greenness; fresh green color of plants; green vegetation; youthful vigor; virido|make green; be green; viridor|become green; virilis|manly, virile; mature; viriliter|with masculine/manly vigor; manfully/in a manly/virile way; powerfully (Souter); viripotens|mighty, powerful; viritim|man by man; individually; viritualis|pertaining to/coming from the power/potentiality of a thing; virtuous; viror|verdure, fresh green quality (of vegetation); virosus|having unpleasantly strong taste or smell, rank; virtualis|manliness, virtues; virtualis|virtual; virtualitas|virtuality; virtualiter|virtually; virtualosus|virtual; virtuose|virtuously, manfully; virtus|strength/power; courage/bravery; worth/manliness/virtue/character/excellence; virtus|army; host; mighty works (pl.); class of Angels; [Dominus ~ => Lord of hosts]; virulentus|full-of-poison; virulent; virum|virus; virus|venom (sg.), poisonous secretion of snakes/creatures/plants; acrid element; vis|be willing; wish; vis|strength (bodily) (pl.), force, power, might, violence; resources; large body; vis|strength (sg. only), force, power, might, violence; visa|visa; viscatus|smeared with birdlime; viscer|entrails; innermost part of the body; heart; vitals; visceratio|communal sacrificial feast at which the flesh of the victim was shared among; vischium|whisky; visco|smear; glue; make sticky; viscum|mistletoe; bird-lime (made from mistletoe berries); viscus|soft fleshy body parts (usu. pl.), internal organs; entrails, flesh; offspring; viscus|mistletoe; bird-lime (made from mistletoe berries); visibilis|visible, capable of being seen; capable of seeing; visibiliter|visibly; visificus|video; visual; visio|vision; visitatio|action of visiting/seeing frequently; sight/appearance (L+S); punishment; visitatio|visit/visitation; (to sick/prisoners); visit of inspection/supervision; visitator|visitor; frequent visitor; visitatorius|of visiting; visito|visit, call upon; see frequently/habitually; visnetum|locality(?); [in proximo visneto => in vicinity]; viso|visit, go to see; look at; visocaseta|video-cassette; vison|bison; wild ox; visorius|showing; indicating; vispellio|undertaker who buries paupers; (disreputable trade); night thief/robber (Nel); vispilio|undertaker who buries paupers; (disreputable trade); night thief/robber (Nel); vispillo|undertaker who buries paupers; (disreputable trade); night thief/robber (Nel); visum|vision; that which is seen, appearance, sight; visual/mental image; visus|look, sight, appearance; vision; vita|life, career, livelihood; mode of life; vitabilis|to be avoided; vitabundus|taking evasive action; vital|vital parts, indispensable body parts (pl.); grave clothes; [lectus ~ => bier]; vitalis|vital; of life (and death); living/alive, able to survive; lively; life-giving; vitaliter|so as to endow with life; vitaminum|vitamin; vitatio|avoidance; shunning; Vitellius|Vitellius (Emperor, 69 AD, year of the 4 Emperors); vitellum|little-calf; egg-yoke; (see also vitellus); vitellus|little calf; (term of endearment); vitellus|yolk, yolk of egg; viteus|of/belonging to vine; vitex|chaste-tree (Pliny); viticula|little vine; vitifer|vine-bearing; vitigenus|produced from the vine; vitil|wicker-work (pl.); vitilena|procuress; vitilis|plaited; interwoven; vitilitigo|brawl; guard; vitilla|little darling; (term of endearment); vitio|make faulty, spoil, damage; vitiate; vitiosus|full of vice, vicious; vitis|vine; grape vine; vitisator|vine-planter; vitium|fault, vice, crime, sin; defect; vito|avoid, shun; evade; vitreo|glaze; vitreus|of glass; resembling glass in its color (greenish), translucency, or glitter; vitricus|stepfather; vitriolum|vitriol; vitriterstrum|windshield wiper; vitrum|woad, a blue dye used by the Britons; vitta|band, ribbon; fillet; vittatus|wearing or carrying a ritual vitta; vitula|calf, young cow; vitulamen|shoot, sucker, sprig; vitulina|veal; vitulinus|of a calf; [w/assum => roast veal]; vitulus|calf; vituperabilis|blamable; can be censured; vituperabiliter|blamably; vituperatio|blame; censure; unfavorable criticism; vitupero|find fault with, blame, reproach, disparage, scold, censure; vitus|rim; vivarium|game enclosure or preserve; vivatus|animated; vivax|long-lived, tenacious of life; lively, vigorous, energetic; high-spirited; viverra|ferret/similar animal; vivesco|come to life; begin to live; become lively; vividus|lively, vigorous spirited lifelike; vivifico|bring back to life; make live; vivificus|live-giving, life-restoring; viviradix|cutting with a root, a layer; vivisco|come to life; begin to live; become lively; (vivescere); vivo|be alive, live; survive; reside; vivus|alive, fresh; living; vix|hardly, scarcely, barely, only just; with difficulty, not easily; reluctantly; vixdum|scarcely yet, only just; vocabularium|vocabulary; vocabulum|noun, common/concrete noun; word used to designate thing/idea, term, name; vocalis|able to speak; having a notable voice; tuneful; vocamen|designation, name; vocatio|calling; vocation; vocativus|vocative (case); vocativus|vocative case; vocatus|peremptory or urgent call; vociferatio|loud cry, yell; vociferor|utter a loud cry, shout, yell, cry out, announce loudly; vocito|call; vocivus|empty; void; (form of vacivus found in Plautus); voco|call, summon; name; call upon; vocula|low, weak voice; a low tone; a petty speech; volaemum|large kind of pear; volans|flying, soaring; movable, hinged; volans|mercury (element); flying/soaring things, birds (pl.); volaticus|winged, flying; flighty, inconstant; volatilis|equipped to fly, flying fleeing, fleeting transient; volatilitas|volatility; volatio|flying about; hovering; volatus|flight; Volcanus|Vulcan, god of fire; fire; volens|willing, welcome; volgo|generally, universally, everywhere; publicly, in/to the crowd/multitude/world; volgo|spread around/among the multitude; publish, divulge, circulate; prostitute; volgus|common people/general public/multitude/common herd/rabble/crowd/mob; flock; volitio|volition; (Spinoza); act of willing; resolution; (w/reference to will of God); volito|fly about, hover over; volitus|desired; (this is the otherwise-unknown medieval VPAR of volo, velle, volui); volnero|wound/injure/harm, pain/distress; inflict wound on; damage (things/interest of); volnificus|causing wounds; volnus|wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love; volo|wish, want, prefer; be willing, will; volo|fly; volo|volunteers (pl.); (in the Second Punic War); volpes|fox; volsella|pair of tweezers; voltium|volt; voltur|vulture; volturius|vulture; voltus|face, expression; looks; volubilis|winding, twisting; volubilitas|rapid turning, whirling; circular motion; fickleness (fate); fluency (speech); volucer|winged; able to fly; flying; in rapid motion, fleet/swift; transient, fleeting; volucer|winged; able to fly; flying; in rapid motion, fleet/swift; transient, fleeting; volucris|bird, flying insect/creature; constellation Cycnus/Cygnus; volumen|book, chapter, fold; voluntarie|willingly; voluntarius|volunteer; voluntarius|willing, voluntary; voluntas|will, desire; purpose; good will; wish, favor, consent; volup|with pleasure; pleasurably; [~ esse => be pleasurable/a source of pleasure]; volupe|with pleasure; pleasurably; [~ esse => be a source of pleasure (early)]; voluptabilis|pleasurable; voluptuous; voluptarius|pleasant; concerned with or devoted to pleasure; voluptas|pleasure, delight, enjoyment; voluptuosus|delightful; volutabrum|place where pigs wallow, wallowing hole; volutabundus|rolling, wallowing; voluto|roll, wallow, turn over in one's mind, think or talk over; volva|womb/uterus/matrix; (esp. sow's); female sexual organ; (seed) covering (L+S); volvo|roll, cause to roll; travel in circle/circuit; bring around/about; revolve; volvo|envelop, wrap up; unroll (scroll); recite, reel off; turn over (in mind); volvo|roll along/forward; (PASS) move sinuously (snake); grovel, roll on ground; vomer|plowshare; stylus (for writing with (L+S); (metaphor for penis); vomica|abscess, boil, gathering of pus; gathering of fluid found in minerals; vomitio|vomit; vomited matter; act of vomiting; vomito|vomit frequently or continually; vomitor|one who vomits, vomiter; vomitorius|emetic, that is used to provoke vomiting; vomitus|vomit; vomited matter; act of vomiting; vomo|be sick, vomit; discharge, spew out; belch out; voracitas|voracity; voraginosus|pit-filled; full of pits; full of chasms; vorago|deep hole, chasm, watery hollow; vorax|ravenous; insatiable; devouring; voro|swallow, devour; vorsipellis|shape-changer, who can metamorphose to different shape; double-dealer (Vulgate); vorsum|toward, in the direction of; in specified direction; towards quarter named; vorsum|toward, in the direction of; (placed after ACC); -ward (after name of town); vorsus|toward, in the direction of; in specified direction; towards quarter named; vorsus|toward, in the direction of; (placed after ACC); -ward (after name of town); vortex|whirlpool, eddy, vortex; crown of the head; peak, top, summit; the pole; vos|you (pl.), ye; vos|you (pl.), ye; voster|your (pl.), of/belonging to/associated with you; votivus|offered in fulfillment of a vow; voto|forbid, prohibit; reject, veto; be an obstacle to; prevent; votum|vow, pledge, religious undertaking/promise; prayer/wish; votive offering; vote; voveo|vow, dedicate, consecrate; vox|voice, tone, expression; vulcanus|volcano; Vulcanus|Vulcan, god of fire; fire; vulgaris|usual, common, commonplace, everyday; of the common people; shared by all; vulgator|divulger; vulgatus|common, ordinary; conventional, well-known; vulgivagus|widely ranging; promiscuous; vulgo|generally, usually; universally; publicly, in/to the crowd/multitude/world; vulgo|spread around/among the multitude; publish, divulge, circulate; prostitute; vulgus|common people/general public/multitude/common herd/rabble/crowd/mob; flock; vulnero|wound/injure/harm, pain/distress; inflict wound on; damage (things/interest of); vulnificus|causing wounds; vulnus|wound; mental/emotional hurt; injury to one's interests; wound of love; vulo|wish, want, prefer; be willing, will; vulpecula|fox (little); vulpes|fox; vult|be willing; wish; vulticulus|look, aspect; vultis|be willing; wish; vultuosus|grimacing, affected; vultur|vulture; vulturius|vulture; vulturnus|south-east; south-easterly; vultus|face, expression; looks; vulva|womb/uterus/matrix; (esp. sow's); female sexual organ; (seed) covering (L+S); wadiarius|executor of will; security; wadiator|executor of will; warantia|warranty; warantizatio|warranty; warantizo|warrant; warantus|warrantor; warra|war; retaliation, feud; werra|war; retaliation, feud; Wormacia|Worms; xandicus|Xanthicus (Greek), Abib/Nisen/first month of Jewish ecclesiastical calendar; xeniolum|small present/gift; xenium|present/gift from host to guest; gift (other); picture depicting such gift; xenodochium|guest-house; inn, caravansary; hospital/home for strangers/travelers; hospice; xenodochus|one who receives strangers; superintendent of stranger's hospital/housing; xenon|guest-house; inn, caravansary; hospital/home for strangers/travelers; hospice; xenoparochus|one who attends or provides for strangers; xenophobia|xenophobia; hatred/antipathy towards foreigners; xerampelina|dark red garments (pl.); Xeres|Xerxes; (son of Darius, King of Persia 485-465 BC); (invaded Greece 480 BC); xerophagia|eating dry food; dry fast (Ecc); Xerxes|Xerxes; (son of Darius, King of Persia 485-465 BC); (invaded Greece 480 BC); xiphias|swordfish; xprimus|one of 10 seniors of the senate/priesthood in municipium/colonia; abb. xprimus; xvir|decemvir, one of ten men; (commission of ten, board with consular powers); xviralis|of/belonging to a decemvirate (office of decemvir/board of ten); abb. xviralis; xviratus|office of decemvir; abb. xviratus; xylon|cotton (plant); xylophonum|xylophone; xysticus|athlete; xystus|shaded/colonnaded walk; covered way used for winter athletic exercise; yatus|gaped; zabulus|devil; The Devil, Satan, Prince of Evil/Darkness; evil one; zaeta|room (house); cabin (ship); compartment (train); out building, annex; out house; zaeta|diet, regimen; course of treatment, way/mode of living prescribed by physician; zagon|diagonal line, line from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); zagonus|diagonal line, line from one angle to an opposite; (geometry); zai|zayin; (7th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as Z); zain|zayin; (7th letter of Hebrew alphabet); (transliterate as Z); zamia|injury; damage;; hurt (L+S); loss; zea|grain; emmer wheat (Triticum diciccum); spelt (T. spelta L+S); rosemary (kind); zebra|zebra; zelo|love ardently; be jealous of (L+S); be serious about; zelotes|one who is jealous; who loves with jealously (God); who loves with zeal (Ecc); zelotypia|jealousy; zelotypus|jealous; zelus|jealousy; spirit of rivalry/emulation, partisanship; zeal (L+S); fervor; zenith|zenith; Zeno|Zeno (Greek philosopher); L:Zeno (Emperor 474-491); zenodochium|guest-house; inn, caravansary; hospital/home for strangers/travelers; hospice; Zenon|Zenon; (Greek philosopher); Zephyrus|Zephyr, the west wind; zeroticus|zero (adj.); zerum|zero; zeta|room (house); cabin (ship); compartment (train); out building, annex; out house; zeta|diet, regimen; course of treatment, way/mode of living prescribed by physician; zetarius|valet; chamberlain; zimmarra|cassock w/small cape; zingiber|ginger; zinzio|zinzie; (expressing the sound made by a blackbird); zio|ziv, Hebrew name of ancient second month; (meaning splendor/flowering); zizania|cockle, darnel, tares, wild vetch; (noxious weed in the grain); zizanium|cockle, darnel, tares, wild vetch; (noxious weed in the grain); ziziphum|jujube plant (Pliny); zizyfum|jujube plant (Pliny); zmaragdachates|precious stone (described as a variety of agate); zmaragdinus|emerald-green; zmaragdites|emerald-like, having the nature of emeralds; zmaragdos|green precious stone, emerald; beryl, jasper; zmaragdus|green precious stone; emerald; beryl, jasper; zmegma|ointment; cleansing preparation; fine slag from copper melting; zmyrna|myrrh; Smyrna (city on the coast of Ionia); zodiacus|zodiac; zona|zone; woman's girdle; (tunic) belt; money belt; climatic region; zona|celestial zone; encircling band/marking; B:shingles (Herpes zoster); zonarius|girdle-, of a girdle; zonarius|girdle-maker; zonula|little belt; little girdle; zoologia|zoology; zoologicus|zoological; zoologus|zoologist; zoophorus|column-frieze; zotheca|private room; zothecula|small closet; cubicle; zythum|malt-liquor (Pliny);